6 minute read

Welcome back

Welcome to the University of Calgary community. After constant shifts between in-person and online learning, and just an overall confusion about what each week would look like, it seems as though we’re finally returning to how things once were before the pandemic. I’m excited to see both new and familiar faces on campus this year, along with all the new changes.

This year you’ll be able to see the new Mathison Hall building near Scurfield Hall and the revamped Tim Hortons in MacEwan Hall. Many of you will try Bake Chef for the first time and grab a drink at The Den after hours of studying. You’ll discover which floor of the Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL) is your favourite and struggle memorizing all the campus shortcuts. And of course, you’ll find out which classes you hate and make friends along the way. Throughout all these new university experiences, you’ll learn more about yourself than you ever have before, and look back at your first year as a time of growth and acceptance.


For those like me who are returning, it’ll be nice to get back to how it used to be after getting the true university experience robbed from us because of the pandemic. While we won’t be returning to a university we aren’t already familiar with, that sense of a fresh start will accompany us as we roam campus this year — a sense of relief as we try to return to a more normal environment. So while our university experience was far from ordinary and very much overwhelming, I’m happy to be able to continue on, feeling safer and healthier. Whether you’re a first year student, a current undergraduate or a graduate student, we all share the excitement of new beginnings and the potential this year has to be bigger and better than ever. Make sure to involve yourself in the various activities and opportunities made available campus, because when it’s time to look back on your university experience in a few years time, the chances and risks you took and the people you meet are what sticks with you forever — make your time at the U of C worthwhile. Welcome, and I can’t wait to see everyone and how this year pans out!

Sophia Lopez, Gauntlet Editor-in-Chief

Welcome to our community and the constituency of Calgary Confederation. Congratulations on your acceptance to study at the University of Calgary!

The coming years will shape you in the most unimaginable ways and will serve as a foundation for the rest of your lives.

Yes, you need to study and you will need to do your work, but also take time for yourself. Discover new friends, new experiences and new places. Most importantly, get involved!

Become involved in something, anything! This will open your mind, your heart and your imagination. It will provide you with skills and experience; it will provide you with insight and inspiration.

Consider being involved in sports, campus clubs, service clubs, or any one of hundreds of volunteering opportunities. You could even get involved in politics!

When you walk across that stage at graduation, make sure you leave with more than just a piece of paper. It is up to you to determine what it is that you leave university with, but make sure it embraces a broader knowledge of the world around you and the people in it. Leave more than you take, and leave knowing you made a difference in lives other than your own.

Len Webber, MP for Calgary-Confederation

Welcome to the University of Calgary! My name is Nicole Schmidt and I am your Students’ Union President.

Firstly, congratulations on starting your studies here at UCalgary. The day that you become a university student here, you also become a member of your Students’ Union. The SU represents student interests on campus and offers programming, volunteer opportunities, and resources to all undergraduate students.

Whether that is supporting campus clubs, providing locker rentals, or advocating on student issues to all levels of government, the SU is here to support you throughout your time at university.

One of the most important things to make you aware of is that the SU offers a health and dental plan to all undergraduate students. The benefits provided by this plan will support your physical and mental health as you focus on your studies.

Starting university can be an intimidating experience and you may not know what to expect from your time here as a student. That is why the SU is here for you when you need it most. Our organization is made up of a dedicated staff team, volunteers and elected student leaders — including our executive team. We work to support you in a variety of areas including student life, academics, operations, and external affairs.

Our SU faculty representatives also ensure that your interests are heard by your faculty, no matter which program you’ve chosen to study. Contact information for our faculty representatives and executives are available at www.su.ucalgary.ca.

If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to get involved! University is far more than just classes and studying. Whether it’s a club, a sports team, or even running for an SU position, there are many opportunities to get involved. Make the most of your time here as the friendships and connections you make here can set you up for future success. Go ahead and find an opportunity to get involved that matches your hobbies, interests, and ambitions.

Get involved, ask questions, and connect with other students. You never know where small steps or decisions can lead you over the course of your degree.

In the meantime, myself and the other elected officials at the SU are here to represent you and support you throughout your university journey.

Welcome to the University of Calgary and welcome to your Students’ Union!

Welcome to both new and returning students to the University of Calgary. I am Jason Copping, your local MLA for Calgary-Varsity. As a former instructor at the Haskayne School of Business for more than ten years, I know the value of education, and I am honoured to now represent you and your interests in the Alberta Legislature. The University of Calgary is a hub of education and innovation. You have chosen to attend a university that continues to be ranked as a top research university in Canada and has a number of top ranking programs recognized internationally. This is in part thanks to the incredible faculty and staff that run the university, but also in large part to you, the students. Over the past few years, Alberta’s post-secondary students have demonstrated incredible resiliency and determination through unprecedented times. I know many are looking forward to a more traditional learning experience this fall as we return to campuses. Alberta’s post-secondary institutions are critical to our economy and ensuring Alberta is once again open for business. As part of the Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs strategy, our government has been taking steps to ensure that students have all the supports they need to succeed in the classroom, feel safe on campus, and have a successful life beyond their studies. This includes more grants for low-income learners; investing in more seats in high-demand programs; funding for more resources on campus for those impacted by sexual violence; and continuing to work to expand work-integrated learning opportunities. All of these steps have been put in place so you can feel confident both now and once you graduate. My constituency office is located at 1055-20 Ave NW, unit 201. If you have concerns of a provincial matter, please contact my office at 403-216-5436 or email at Calgary.varsity@assembly. ab.ca. I also look forward to being on campus and having the opportunity to meet with students and attend events. As you start your new year at the University of Calgary, I hope you take time to try new things, meet new people and take confident strides as you continue your journeys through education and beyond.

Nicole Schmidt, SU President

Jason Copping, MLA for Calgary-Varsity

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