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Muntaha Aamir is a candidate running for one of the Faculty of Arts representative positions. As a former Student-at-Large representative on the Board of Governors, Aamir aims to use this experience to continue advocating for students at a granular level within the Faculty of Arts.
Aamir’s priorities revolve around affordability, student safety and well-being and strengthening Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) advocacy across the faculty.
Affordability is a common concern that Aamir aims to tackle by providing easier access to resources that would help alleviate the financial burden on students. She plans to continue collaborating with the SU on their tuition advocacy and consultations with the university.
Student safety and well-being is another one of Aamir’s priorities. One of her specific points is to provide greater support for students experiencing sexual violence or needing to escape difficult situations by submitting Quality Money proposals to generate funding for resources. She hopes to explore the options that would make it easier for people to leave abusive situations. Overall, Aamir hopes to increase transparency on the support and resources that the university offers when confronted with such situations.
Lastly, Aamir wants to strengthen EDI advocacy across the faculty by introducing indepth and extensive EDI training for student clubs and eventually across classrooms to be accessed through D2L. She also plans to work towards creating more EDI events across the faculty to further promote important conversations. Her choice of prioritizing EDI is based on student feedback that calls for more inclusion and student connection after a long hiatus away from the campus community.
By running as a Faculty of Arts representative this election, Aamir wants to bring her goals to fruition on a smaller scale that she hopes could eventually translate across the campus community.
All undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts can vote YES or NO on their ballot for up to two candidates for FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.
Siraaj Shah is another candidate, who is running for re-election for the Faculty of Arts representative position.

From his experience in the previous term, he learned that long-term goals are best realized by focusing on specific initiatives. Hence, his platform is mainly focused on three action items: club and student engagement, Quality Money initiatives and affordability. Based on his progress from the previous term, Shah wants to continue to strengthen club and student engagement amongst Arts students by advocating for clubs funding to ensure they can operate adequately. Specifically, he wants to provide training for executives from major department clubs across the faculty so they can be better equipped for