Gavin Ho
Tutor:Sonya Parton
CONTENTS PART A A.0 Introduction A.1 Design Futuring A.2 Design Computation A.3 Composition & Generation A.4 Conclusion A.5 Learning Outcomes A.6 Algorithmic Exploration Part A References
4 7 9 14 18 19 20 22
PART B B.1 Research Field B.2 Case Study 1.0 B.3 Case Study 2.0 B.4 Technique: Development B.5 Technique: Prototypes B.6 Technique: Proposal B.7 Learning Objectives & Outcomes B.8 Appendix-Algorithmic Sketches Part B References
27 32 38 46 52 56 64 66 68
PART C C.1 Design Concept C.2 Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C.3 Final Detail Model Part C References
71 82 90 100
About me I
am currently a 3rd year student in Bachelor of Environments at the University of Melbourne,who intends to major in Architecture. I have previously studied architecture for 3 years back in Singapore, while undertaking my Diploma in Architecture and have since continued to develop my love for architecture. My introduction to the use of architectural computer modelling programs began when i undertook my diploma back home. Throughout the course of 3 years for my diploma, we were taught the basic skills in Autocadd, 3Ds max and Autodesk Revit. I have also been developing my skills in other programs to aid in my architecture journey, such as Photoshop and Google Sketchup. During the 2nd year of my diploma, i had the privilege of doing my internship at SAA Architects for a short stint of 6 weeks. i was given the chance to work on several projects that the firm was handling, which helped got me a better grasp of what the architectural industry is all about.
I am excited at the prospect of learning Rhino and Grasshopper, and the possibilities it will present me with. i look forward to picking up the skills for these 2 softwares, and understand the freedom and flexibility that it will give me in my future works. Architecture came to me as a surprise course of study. i took the plunge into taking architecture as my choice of diploma, and haven’t regretted it since. Being an architecture student has drastically changed my perspective on many things, I’ve learn to appreciate even the most minors of details in the everyday life. Even with all that i have studied so far, i know that i still have much to learn and explore as to me, architecture is a never ending life long journey of learning.
Past Works Throughout my years in the course of
architecture, i have used multi computational programs in my aid to further develop and showcase my designs. During the 2nd year of my polytechnic, we were tasked to design a SOHO ( Small Office Home Office) apartment. My idea for the project was to create an environment such that these SOHO entrepreneurs have their personal spaces to concentrate on their work, and yet have the opportunity to mingle with their fellow residents to share and convey their ideas. 3DS Max was my main choice of rendering program as i had already familiarized myself with it. We were encouraged to use as much daylighting within the building, along with sustainable systems such as solar panels and rainwater recyling systems. In the last year of my diploma programme, we were asked to design a dance school for a local dance company in Singapore, T.H.E Dance Company. The main rendering tool that was used for this project was Autodesk Revitt. Being a BIM software, Revitt gave me flexibility and saved me abundance of time throughout the project. The site that was given to us was located on a busy junction in the city, hence the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic around the site was very heavy. Using this to my advantage, i strategically placed the most important space of the building, the dance studio, at the fore front of the compound to give the entire building a sense of identity
Part A.1 Design Futuring
Rolex Learning Centre By SANAA
The rolex learning centre, a university center
by japanese architects SANAA, is located on the campus of science and technology university EPFL.The rolex learning centre was the first of its kind to have caught my eye in its strucutral and design elements. Both the floor and roof slab are parallel to one another, and spreads over the site in a single structure. This gives the entire buildiang a magnificent smooth contour on both the exterior and interior spaces. On top of that, there are almost no vertical supports or interior walls to support the roof above. This was one of the few projects that clearly demonstrated the architects intention of a free flow circulation and endless possibilities of different views. What was new and innovative was how the building plan is rectangular in plan, but appears to be more organic in shape due to how the roof and floor contours. Along with the undulating form of the slabs,
gentle slopes and terraces are used instead of staircase. These slopes allowed the architect to brilliantly demarcate the spaces within the building, along with the play of different height levels, separates the acoustically quiet zones from the public ones. This challenges architects to think of the norm of using steps to differentiate levels and spaces within a building, and also to create a barrier free definition of spaces. On top of that, the gaps below the building created by the strategical contours of slab draws users into the central entrance for all directions. A sense of a free flowing circulation is invoked by the design. Overall, the design of the building sparks curiosity and questions me to rethink outside of the box when it comes to the design of spaces. Up till this date, the Rolex Learning Centre is still being used widely by the students and has became an attraction within the compound that visitors want to visit.
Fig 1.1-1.3 7
Part A.1 Design Futuring
Serpentine Pavilion By Toyo Ito
nother of which design that caught my eye was Toyo Ito’s Serpentine Pavilion. Ito only had 6 months to design and construct the pavilion. The first noticeable feature of the building was its intricate trapezium and triangular shapes. The idea for the seemingly chaotic pattern of lines was derived from a simple algorithm. Like in his past works, the architect experimented with light aluminium materials and a vast play of transparency. The numerous triangles and trapeziums were cladded to be either transparent or translucent, which gave the facade a sense of infinite repeated motion. The play of transparency around the facade gives users inside a unique spacial experience when connecting with the surrounding greenery outside The creation of the pavilion sparked several encouraging and positive thoughts when it opened, comparisons were made to other new buildings and the gallery came out on top. The pavilion also sparked peoples interest in parametric designing when it came out in 2002, it was one of the buildings that clearly demonstrated the use of algorithm for architecture. It was an eye opener for other architects to learn what parametric design is all about. It was a bold move by the architect that was well received to the public. Even though the building was only up for 3 months, it has been regarded as one of the most successful temporary pavilions till date. 8
Fig 2.1-2.3
Part A.2 Design Computation
Design Computation Computation
technologies has been around for many years, and technology is rapidly advancing at a pace we cannot imagine. Just as architecture is continuously modernizing, the importance of design computation used within our field is as well. Computer-aided design is widely used in many fields of the working world. With the continuous improvement made to computer design programs, the use of these CAD tools are being used extensively by people in the architecture field. From just being a mere tool used to aid in graphic representation, it has now grown into an important aspect in achieving impossible building geometries and calculations as well. In this day and age of the 21st century, design computation is heavily depended on by the newer generation of architects. Companies are vying for fresh graduates with the essential computational skills that architecture schools all around the world have cultivated them with. That being said, many pioneers of the architecture world would still prefer the conventional methods of design. Free hand sketches are quicker to jot down, and physical models are able showcase better spacial experiences.
Computational programs allow users to view objects and designs in three dimensional ways, it helps us to better visualize and rectify design features that we want to acquire. This advancement of design computation allows architects to quicken our design thinking through immediate exploration through this programs. With such computational approach to design, it allows architects to have an improved communicational relationships between clients and people from the construction industry. Ideas and proposals can be conveyed to one another in an immediate instant. This quickens the process of completion of buildings as it hastens the realization of a design at a much faster pace. Due to the various factors mentioned, designers are enticed to have preference over the ease of use of computational design to the traditional way. Even though computational programs are able to help us in achieving our design, it will never be able to replicate the mind of a human brain. It will merely just be a tool for us to develop and convey our ideas.
Soumaya Museum By Fernando Romero
Fig 3.1-3.2
ue to the large number of constraints that architects encounter in a design problem, some projects tend you rely more on computation than others. The Soumaya Museum is an example of such a case where computation is hugely depended on. The organic curvature surface of the building is covered with 16,000 hexagons tiles, and this is where the use of CAD programs comes in. In addition to the complicated sculptural geometry of the building, parametric tools had to used to articulate and angle the hexagonal pieces to perfectly fit one another that were used on the facade. This contributed in the process in speeding up the calculations of the hexagonal joints, and also allowed the realization of the design that the architect had in mind. The structural engineers in turn also had a better understanding of the facade skin, through the communication with the architect by parametric means. There are many other similar buildings that consists of the same issues when it comes to the design of organic forms, thus computation aids in the assurance of structural stability through mathematical calculation with the use of parametric tools. In the case of the Soumaya Museum, the 28 steel curved columns that holds the building are unique in its own geometry and shape. Calculation was made far easier by the use of computation in design again.
Part A.2 Design Computation
Fig 3.3 11
Swallow’s Nest By Vincent Cellebaut
The Swallow’s Nest is a relatively new design for the cultural center in
Taichung,Taiwan. Designed by Vincent Callebaut, it has on of the most amazing curvature structure which showcases the architects originality. The eight story complex requires highly complex engineering. The steel structure of the building is twisted into a shape of a three-dimensional Mobius ring that the architect had gotten his inspiration from. This clearly demonstrates the use of computation in design in order to achieve its parametric form. The curvature of the structure had to be done through the use of computation. Without it, the architect might have not been able to realize his design as the mathematical calculation for the structural force that the material could withstand would be a huge problem. The steel structure for the building is highly parametric. The typical section in the shape of an isosceles triangle is made with three tubular beams to form an arch. The 80 arches are connected by huge columns which spread its load to the ground. The twist of the 3 faces of the triangle is designed under the shape of three ruled surfaces which could be easily adjusted into flat panels for a better control. On top of that, if is clearly shown in the representations of the building that the architect had the aid of digital design software to better communicate his design intentions, generating the highly complex geometry of the building to convey his ideas to clients and builders.
Part A.2 Design Computation
Fig 4.1-4.2
Fig 4.3 13
Part A.3 Composition/Generation
Composition/Generation S
ince the emerging period of computation in design, many schools and firms around the world has adapted to the shift in technology for design. This has greatly. It has played an important role in the way architects these days tackle and solve design issues that arise, and how buildings are being build.
This was also a chance where professionals also started focusing and specializing in specific of digital programs. Which is now evident is architecture firms nowadays whereby some employees excel in different computation such as BIM softwares, rendering programs and Photoshop.
Even though generation in architecture has gradually taken its place in the architectural world, the method of composition is still being used by many. Some architects still prefer the usage of a physical model for exploration of their design.
This process done by the industry has brought up the importance of computational design to architecture. In turn, many have instead adapted the idea of design through generation.
It has become a requirement in architectural schools to cultivate students with the essential computational skills upon graduation. And these students are honed by architecture firms all around the world. Each of these firms started to invest time and money to research and develop further into these computation programs when it first came out.
The latest of which being parametric modelling with the use of algorithms. The progressive use of parametricism in design is fine example of how far generation has progressed. The ability that an algorithm has in design by the setting of rules and codes , surpasses the intellectual capability of what the human brain can do. One can simulate many different varieties of a simple geometry by simply inputting and tweaking codes that satisfies their design intent, thus leading to architects discovering different forms through the multiple possibilities of algorithm
Part A.3 Composition/Generation
Guangzhou Opera House By Zaha Hadid
Fig 5.1-5.2
The Guangzhou Opera House by Zaha Hadid, is an excellent showcase of the capabilities
that parametric design can result in. Conceived as ‘pebbles in a steam smoothed by erosion’, the curvature facade of the building was a complex form to produce. Computational design tools were adopted in the aid of the process, mainly Rhino and Maya. Given the irregular boulder like form that the architect had in mind, the team had to explore the possibilities of both the exterior and interior through parametric tools. Once the concept and ideas started developing, tools such as logarithms, splines, blobs and NURBs are needed to achieve such advanced techniques. On the exterior, the buildings are defined by the triangular tiles which acts as a structural skin for the entire building. The facade’s triangular tiles are made of granite and are supported by steel frames within. Rhino was used to help meticulously analyze and construct the building, allowing the architect to keep track and practice detail observations throughout the process. Created through lines connected at every point, the building made use of the mesh of geometry method in the computer software, which became the design of the facade. The real use of parametricsm in the project lies within the internal performance area, where the acoustical properties within the walls are measured through parameters from tests. The acoustic system had to be meticulously planned within the interior walls to ensure the best quality of sound system for the auditorium.
Part A.3 Composition/Generation
Fig 6.1-6.2 16
Part A.3 Composition/Generation
Smithsonian Institute Building By Brady Peters , Foster & Partners
Fig 6.3-6.4
Other that using parametricsm and algorithms in design, the exploration in construction through such means are also possible. These methods can also aid in cutting down construction time and cost. The enclosure in the Smithsonian Institution’s grand courtyard made use of algorithmic scripting to achieve its unique geometrical structure.
Due to the architects intent of a complex roof form, it was inevitable that difficulties would arise in regards to the construction. Structurally, the component is supported with only 8 light columns and varies in height throughout. The organic geometry of the roof, and the wide span between the columns, suggests that the structure must be able to support itself. Peters came up with a scheme that could be easily used to control and manipulate the form into what he desired it to be. He exploited the use of scripting as a tool to greatly speed up the process of achieving the structure within the constraints. Peters spoked positively of the use of algorithmic scripting in the project, allowing him to generate 120,000 elements in merely 15 seconds. He was able to generate a huge variety of different options by using scripting. In this instance, computation allowed the architect to solve structural difficulties and aided in the construction overall. It gave him the flexibility to deal with each individual components separately, and gave him precise control over the values and connections within the roof system.
Part A.4 Conclusion
rchitecture has always been an expression of an individual’s perspective of space and form. Human beings spend more than 90% of their time in a building, architecture means so much more than just a building. How a space is crafted directly affects every users spacial experience and mood, how the building is designed affects the surround context within the compound. It reflects the rich cultural diversity of places all around the world. In this day and age of the digital world, technology is continuously moving forward and aiding in the field of the building environment. Computational programs have been around long enough, from simply as a mean of documentation and recording, to aiding in design processes. And now with parametric design and algorithms, it has changed the way of thinking for architects to produce ground breaking designs that were impossible in the past. Computational design has positively impacted the industry for architecture, speeding up design processes and construction over the years. It is inevitable that computation will be here to stay for good, and advancements made in architectural computation will definitely continue to improve.
Part A.5 Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
fter spending a substantial amount of time researching and learning about parametric design, this new knowledge has opened up to many new possibilities of design for me. Through the learning experience that i had of Rhino and Grasshopper, i have discovered the amazing potential that algorithms can aid me with in my design. It given me a brand new architectural approach of designing to me,a shift forward to my design thinking. Comparing my knowledge of design computation from the beginning of this course, it has greatly improved since then. I was unaware of the issues related to digital design and the advantages it could offer me. The concept of parametric design, mainly Rhino and Grasshopper, were extremely foreign to me. i found it hard to fathom the difference it had to offer from other digital design programs like 3D max and sketchup. Over the course of the learning about parametric and algorithm designs, i have come to re-evaluate about my thinking my approach towards architectural issues and design. Reflecting back on my past ways of design thinking and processing, adopting generative parametric design would be greatly beneficial to me in my approach to form and design ideas. Design computation is a process that is highly innovative and continuously moving forward, and i am immensely keen on mastering and moving along with it to broaden and push my creative thinking. 19
Algorithmic Sketches
exploraton with the use of parametric design has been very limited. However, with the progressive tutorials every week, my skills for Rhino and Grasshopper are slowly developing. Being entirely new to these 2 programs has been a challenge for me, but being able to get hands on experience with the world of parametric is a valuable opportunity. The weekly tutorial videos has been a great help in allowing me to further understand the benefits of these software. The photos shown are some of the examples that i have done since taking on the programs. The first of which was a task of lofting of sea sponges..What i did was to create multiple circles in the vertical axis on top one another. These circles vary in sizes throughout, and through the use of grasshopper i was able to manipulate the circumference and height of the volume created by the combination of circles at ease. A simple tweak in number gave me great flexibility in achieving my desired form. Next of which was an assignment of creating a tree branch. This was one of the more challenging tasks as the functions were entirely new to me. I made use of curves in my first attempt, but was unable to achieve the shape in 3d. i decided to use points instead and adjusted the height with each point, after that the function of mesh and contours were used to achieve my desired form.
Part A.6 Algorithmic Sketches
[1]David Basulto, ‘Rolex Learning Center / SANAA ‘ (Feb 18,2010), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [2]Ridhika Naidoo, ‘SANAA: rolex learning cente’ (Feb 17, 2010), , in <http://> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [3]IAAC, ‘Digital Fabrication’, Digital Fabrication Class (October 21,2010), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [4]Sebastian Jordana, ‘Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2002 / Toyo Ito + Cecil Balmond + Arup ‘(March 18,2013), , in < serpentine-gallery-pavilion-2002-toyo-ito-cecil-balmond-arup/> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [5]Marcus Fairs, ‘Rolex Learning Center by SANAA’ (Feb 17, 2010), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [6]Archdaily, ‘Museo Soumaya / FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise’ (Nov 28, 2013), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [7]Andy Butler, ‘Museo Soumaya / FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise’ (Oct 08, 2010), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015].
Part A.6 References
[8]Vincent Callebaut Architect, ‘SWALLOW’S NEST, TAICHUNG CITY CULTURAL CENTER ‘ (2013), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [9]Dennis Franklin, ‘Swallows Nest: Cultural Center for Taiwan by Vincent Callebaut’ (Jun 14, 2013), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [10]Christopher Shuler, ‘Guangzhou Opera House Chooses L-ACOUSTICS Systems’, , , (Aug 18, 2010), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [11]Designbuild-Network, ‘Guangzhou Opera House, China’, , , (2011), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [12]Brady Peters, ‘Smithsonian Institution ‘ (2007), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [12]Foster + Partners, ‘Smithsonian Institution ‘ (2007), , in <http://www.> [accessed 20 March 2015].
List of Illustration
[1.1-1.2] Divisare, ‘Rolex Learning Centre, EPFL Lausanne’, , , (March 19,2010), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [1.3] Vitra, ‘EPFL, Rolex Learning Center Lausanne’, , , (2010), , in <http://> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [2.1-2.2] Sebastian Jordana, ‘Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2002 / Toyo Ito + Cecil Balmond + Arup ‘(March 18,2013), , in <http://www.archdaily. com/344319/serpentine-gallery-pavilion-2002-toyo-ito-cecil-balmond-arup/> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [2.3] AJ Welch, ‘Serpentine Gallery Toyo Ito Design’, , , (March 20, 2013), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015] [3.1]Andy Butler, ‘Museo Soumaya / FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise’ (Oct 08, 2010), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [3.2-3.3] Archdaily, ‘Museo Soumaya / FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise’ (Nov 28, 2013), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [4.1-4.2] Vincent Callebaut Architect, ‘SWALLOW’S NEST, TAICHUNG CITY CULTURAL CENTER ‘ (2013), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [4.3] Dennis Franklin, ‘Swallows Nest: Cultural Center for Taiwan by Vincent Callebaut’ (Jun 14, 2013), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015].
Part A.6 References
[5.1] Nicolai Ourousoff, Chinese Gem That Elevates Its Setting () <http://www.> [accessed 13 March 2015]. [5.2] Designbuild-Network, ‘Guangzhou Opera House, China’ (2011), , in <> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [6.1-6.2] Foster + Partners, ‘Smithsonian Institution ‘ (2007), , in <http://> [accessed 20 March 2015]. [6.3-6.4] Brady Peters, ‘Smithsonian Institution ‘ (2007), , in <http://www.> [accessed 20 March 2015].
Part B.1 Research Field
Geometry As we make the transition from conceptu-
alization to design in part B, i have decided to narrow down my field of research and the one area which sparked my interest to further develop my design possibilities is Geometry. Geometry has always been an important component when it comes to designing in architecture. Architecture begins with geometry. Since the earliest of times, architects have relied on mathematical principles to solve issues in design. It was shown in part A how computation can be used to achieve complex geometries and at the same time, create geometries that an architect desires. That being said, we must first understand how each component essentially inter-relates to one another in order for it to be successful. Geometry opens up abundant of possibilities for architecture, while architecture also poses new challenges to geometry. Modern constructive geometry provides a variety of tools for design efficiency and analysis, thus resulting in an entirely new research area of architectural geometry. The use of geometry is evidently demonstrated by architects all around the world, geometric symbols as forms for buildings, proportions between parts of a building and geometric constructions. Algorithm is largely beneficial in this field, due to its mathematical dependency. i also believe that geometrical architecture, along with computation, would allow us to design a sustainable structure which will minimize the use of materials in an innovative way.
Endesa Pavilion By MARGEN-LAB
The Endesa Pavilion is a self-sufficient solar
prototype located at the Marina Dock, it is used as a control room for monitoring and testing several projects related to intelligent power management. It is a highly technological geometrical structure that strongly relates to my field of research in regards to geometric construction and sustainability. Many architects aspire to design buildings that are self-sufficient like the pavilion. Parametric design is largely evident in the way the building functions. The facade geometry is highly adaptable to the specific environmental requirements for each point of the facade. The building consists of a single system that is capable of solving sustainable issues with a simple idea of adapting geometries. This project demonstrates how parametric design can be used to create form through the function of the architect. Simple algorithms allow the system to be able to respond accordingly at different positions, resulting in a whole range of permeability and energy collection.
Part B.1 Research Field
Fig 7.1-7.3
Taichung Metropolitan Opera House By Toyo Ito
lso known as the National Taichung Theater, it is an opera house in the 7th Metropolitan area or Taichung, Taiwan. The building had a partial opening on 23 November 2014 and will officially open in the year 2016. The complexity of the geometry of the building was largely beneficial with the use the architects parametric approach. The main structure of the building consists of several combination of curves which envelopes continuously around the building. The construction of the main form is the first of its kind, resulting in many complications in the building reinforcements. The opera house is a sustainable building on its own, with minimal use of materials in a innovative approach. The internal walls are constructed with a mesh of steel beams and a steel mesh is used to mould their shape. Concrete is then sprayed onto the mesh to form the structure and it is later refined again. Parametric modelling allowed the architect to explore the use of materials and its structure in the most efficient way. The approach assisted in quickening the construction phase and minimal material wastage.
Part B.1 Research Field
Fig 8.1-8.2 31
SG2012 Gridshell
By Gridshell Digital Tectonics
Fig 9.1-9.2
The creation of the installation was done in the year 2012, during a 4-day workshop at SmartGeometry 2012. The workshop focuxed on the design and construction of a wooden gridshell using only wooden members bent along geodesic lines on a relaxed surface.
Instructed by Mark Cabrinha, Andrew Kudless and David Shook, participants were to explore how properties of material can be incorporated into parametric design. With the aid of parametric tools, the design was further developed and analyzed to minimize material waste while maximizing its architectural presence in space. The design team was meticulous in their research, studying every compoment such as the direction of the wood grain and its density and the materials ability to perform against stresss when bending. They then went on to further develop techniques which in turn produced different joinery methods. On top of that, a feedback loop was designed between the paramteric geometric model and a structural model allowing for a smooth workflow that intergrated geometry,structures, and material performance.
Part B.2 Case Study 1.0
Fig 9.3
Matrix of Iteration No. of Divisions
3 Corners
4 Corners
5 Corners
Part B.2 Case Study 1.0
Part B.2 Case Study 1.0
Selection Criteria
n the midst of exploration for possible iterations from the case study, iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve narrowed down to the best 4 options based on a series of criteria that indicates that they are suitable and has the potential to be developed further. These selections are chosen while keeping in mind of the possibilities they hold for my design intentions in the following Part C. 1. Structural Stability -The iterations that i will choose should first and foremost, be able to be built as a structure. They should be structurally sound and possibly easy to construct. 2. Interesting Form and Visually Appealing -An interesting form and a well-designed structure would draw the attention of users around it, with the possibility of it being an icon of the surrounding. 3. Ability to be self sustainable - With the iterations intended for the upcoming project, they should be able to be a self sustainable structure with the ability to provide for the surrounding.
Part B.2 Case Study 1.0
Selected Iterations
4 Corners 40 Divisions
5 Corners 50 Divisions
3 Corners 30 Divisions
Irregular 60 Divisions
Bird’s Nest
By Herzog & De Meuron
Officially known as the Beijing National Stadium,
the Bird’s Nest was given its name due to the striking resemblance it has with a bird’s nest upon completion. The national stadium host the 29th Olympic and holds a crowd capacity of 91,000 seats. The stadium is located in the Olympic green,the focal point for the Beijing Games. Although the structural form of the building is widely described as a bird’s nest, the pattern was initially inspired by a Chinese style pottery. Along with the location, the stadium was acknowledged by many to be a new icon for China. The stadium consists of two separate structural system, a red inner concrete seating space and an outer steel structural frame which wraps around it. The design ensures that all the spectators are as close to the action as possible. Not only is the Bird’s Nest an iconic structure, it is also innovatively sustainable on its own. It became the first of its kind to be equipped with a rainwater-recycling system. The water is used for its landscaping,fire fighting and cleaning. The design and construction of the stadium was widely dependant on computational design throughout its process. A series of complex algorithm was used to create the wrapping lattices of the facade, caclulations were made to optimize the structure against earthquakes and studies were made beforehand on maximizing the air flow into the stadium.
Part B.3 Case Study 2.0
Fig 10
Reverse Engineer
Overall Grasshopper Definition Step 2 Step 1
Step 3
Part B.3 Case Study 2.0
Step 5
Step 6 & 7
Step 8
Reverse Engineer Step by Step
1. In order to begin with the process of the reverse engineering, the very first step is to create a point through grasshopper. This allows me flexibility to control the coordinates of the point. 2.From then, i created a parameteric curve around the centre point by creating a series of 8 points around it. The curve is then connected to a slider which would allow me to change its distance and height.v 3.With the base curve set, another two curves of a similar profile is created within the same center point. This is done by copying the curve and moving it along the Z axis. 4. The loft compoment is used, to create a surface which combines the three curbes together. 5. Using the geodesic compoment, the surface is then divided equally all around from the start to the end point. 6. The next step was to thicken each of the lines of the curve. Using the perpendicular frame compoment, a frame is created at the bottom of each geodesic line. 7. After creating 4 points on the plane, a section of pipes is created. Sweep component is used to create the pipe of the geodesic curves 8. Lastly, steps 4 to 7 are repeated with the shift function to direct the lines in a different angle with a number slider to complete the model
Part B.3 Case Study 2.0
Reverse Engineer Final Outcome
Part B.3 Case Study 2.0
The final outcome of the reverse-
engineering process of the Birdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nest turned out to be quite a success. The final model resembles that of the stadium. Apart from the exact mesurements and curvature of the real building, the final model is almost identical.
Matrix of Iteration No. of Divisions Triangle
Part B.4 Technique: Developement
Matrix of Iteration No. of Divisions
Tubular Diagonal
Circle Diagonal
Part B.4 Technique: Developement
Part B.4 Technique: Developement
Selection Criteria
Throughout the course of exploration for itera-
tions, the concept and idea that i have in mind for the upcoming project is continuously developing as well. i evaluated and decided that the following selection criterias would best suit my design intentions 1. Structural Stability The iterations that i will choose should first and foremost, be able to be built as a structure. They should be structurally sound and possibly easy to construct. 2. Interesting Form and Visually Appealing An interesting form and a well-designed structure would draw the attention of users around it, with the possibility of it being an icon of the surrounding. 3. Ability to be self sustainable With the iterations intended for the upcoming project, they should be able to be a self sustainable structure with the ability to provide for the surrounding. 4.Porosity The design intention would require porosity for the structure. To maximize views and encourage natural ventilation and sun lighting into the structure.
Part B.4 Technique: Developement
Successful Iterations
Tubular 30 Divisions
1. A tubular design as such could be used for a bridge or pavilion. The number of lattices are high in this chosen iterations as it requires structural strength if it were to be expand over a distance as a bridge would.
2. This design made use of an oval overall shape structure. The form of the structure suggests that views can be directed all around. The open area in the middle allows an opportunity for a large internal space for people to utilize
Tubular Diagonal 45 Divisions
Oval 25 Divisions
3. The form of differs widely from the rest. It reaches out diagonally, possibly allowing the structuce to have a sense of direction towards a certain aspect of the site that i could utalized to aid my design. The lattices chosen has to be fairly high to be able to support the cantilever of the sturcture.
4. The last iteration chosen is also a diagonal structure. This structure is slightly different from the tubular form, as this allows a much larger internal core space where people could utilize. The divisions in this form are fairly low as the structure would be rather stable with minimal materal.
Circular Diagonal 15 Division 51
Physical Prototype 1
Part B.5 Technique: Prototype
The images on the left are the results of the first
prototype model that i have fabricated. Building a model with the intend of crossing lattices was a challenge as the materials used had to have the flexibility to be able to curve and bend to a certain extend. I explored with many materials such as balsa wood, cardboard and finally chose foam to construct the model. The main aim of the first model was to test and evaluate if the lattices of the chosen form would be sufficient for my design intention. The result of the model was fairly accurate in terms of how the lattices would turn out in reality. It also turned out that there would be a fair amount of lighting that would envelope into the internal space. The only issue was that it couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be concluded if the structure would be stable on its own if it were to be manipulated in directions.
Part B.5 Technique: Prototype
Physical Prototype 2
This was a quick physical prototype
that i fabricated with the use of metal wires. The main goal was to test out the structural component of the form that i had in mind. With only the the vertical elements used as the supporting structure or â&#x20AC;&#x153;columnsâ&#x20AC;?, it was able to withstand the load and stand on its own. The fabricated model turned out to be very light, but yet able to be structurally sound, This model however, did not take into consideration of the load in in between the core. It was also not accurate enough as the metal wires used were of different material properties, and the wires were difficult to bend into a straight directional line.
Part B.5 Technique: Prototype
Physical Prototype 3
The third prototype that i did was mainly to study the
structural component of the building. With regards to the previous two, i had not taken into consideration of the slabs that would be inside the structure. The proposed strucutral joinery of the slab to the vertical latices is as shown on the images. The slab would be fitted into the vertical supports/lattices and a structural bracing would be used to further enhance the structural ability to withstand the load.
Site Context
The project site for the design is situated in Melbourne,
Victoria. The Merri Creek is a water way in the southern parts of Victoria, which runs through the northern suburbs of Melbourne. The Merri Creek has a rich history which goes back millions of years. Along the banks of the river, a shared pathway has been established to allow the public to travel along. The site has an abundance of greenery and wild life that could be taken advantage of to aid in my design. Other important factors are the high human traffic along certain areas of the river. The site is also failry brightly litted up throughout the day, along with a great amount of natural ventilation passing through. There are several attractions and activities which draws the public to the area, such as the Collingwood Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farm and Merri Creek Primary School. Many wild life enthusiasts visit the site regularly, and this is an important factor in my design intent for the site.
Part B.6 Technique: Proposal
Design Proposal
Upon further researching of Merri Creek, an interesting
activity that goes on regularly around the site is bird watching. Merri Creek has on of the most interesting diversity of bird residing along it. Bird Surveys are held by the community on a regular basis so that the record of birds are continuously updated. Every year, new species can be found and more and more bird watchers have been returning more frequently. Therefore, my design proposal is to build a bird observatory tower on site. Most of the birds along Merri Creek can be found among the tree tops and the current flat conditions of the site does not truly allow the bird watchers to monitor the birds properly. Bird watching would be much more enjoyable and fulfilling when these watchers are positioned among these birds at the level of tree tops. The tower would ensure that these avid bird watchers get to have better views on these wild life creatures, at a higher level. Certain self sustaining systems would also be incorporated into the building, such as solar panel and wind conversion system so as to allow the structure to be able to function on its own. This is done so as to avoid greenhouse gas emissions and unnecessary pollution to the surrounding.
Part B.6 Technique: Proposal
Fig 11.1-4
Site Analysis
There are various spots across Merri Creek
where bird watchers tend to visit. The site with the greatest numbers of species are located in Craigieburn Grasslands, Coburg Lake Reserve, Blyth Street Road and at Edwardes Lake. All these spots are indicated in red as shown in Figure 22.1. The observatory towers would be intended for either of these places, where population and a great number of species of birds are most commonly found. Prefebly, a contemplative and quiet environment would best serve the structure as noise would scare these birds away. The sun path for Merri Creek is consistent throughout as the river runs along the North-South Axis. With prevailing winds in Melbourne mainly incoming from the north, it would be most advantageous that there would be no blockage on the north area of the intended site to maximize natural ventilation
Part B.6 Technique: Proposal
Legend Bird Hotspots Wind Path Sun Path
Part B.6 Technique: Proposal
The image shown on the left is a conceptual proposal of what the structure would
serve. In areas where birds frequently reside, and preferably at a more quiet area. The tower should also be high enough so as to allows the viewers inside it to be able to literally have a birds eye view of the surrounding site.
Part B.7 Learning Outcome
Design Reflection
In relation to the architectural design proposal
that i had and the interim presentation feedback, i will continue developing my current design concept and further strengthen it in the following Part C. The design proposal will be re-evaluated and refined after the constructive criticism and feedback i have gotten from the panel. A major criticism that has impacted my design proposal was that the ideas i had for my designs were too broad and incompatible with each other. Through further research and consideration, i have narrowed down my design intent to just two of which i had came up with. With less things on my hand, this process in turn allowed me to focus more specifically on the relationship between the gridshell and brief. It has also gradually abled my design to be more effective in showcasing its design intent. That being said, architecturally, the design form of the structure has not been fully explored yet. Steps shall be taken back to ensure that its aesthetics and the spatial experience within the building will be optimized to its potential to fulfill and better convey the design intent. Structurally, the building should be able to stand firmly on its own. It will be proposed that the vertical lattices shall be the structural elements that holds the building in its place, and the floor slabs within the tower shall be connected to the vertical structural lattices in a seamless manner.
Part B.7 Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes S
tudio air has by far been the most impactful module that i have undertaken. The learning process of computation and algorithm was not an east start for me. It has been a steep and beneficial learning curve thus far. Looking back at the progress that i have made, i could definitely notice a significant change in my views and approach towards my design thinking. This has been greatly influenced by the case studies that i have done and computation tasks that were required of me to do.My ability to generate computational design in accorandace to the design brief was limited in the beggining as my parametric and algorithmic skills were not up to scratch. The two case studies in Part B, which required me to explore various iterations and push their algorithms to a greater extend, has greatly aided and improved my grasshopper skills. With the iterations in case study 2 ( B.4), i could clearly notice that i was much more comfortable in developing and exploring iterations compared to case study 1 (B.2). The reverse engineering process was the one that truly enriched my understanding of computational tools and in a way, forced me to get a better understanding of navigating the various tools and techniques within grasshopper. Parametric designing tools greatly differs to other computational programs that i have learnt in the past. While i feel that i am at a level wehere i am comfortable with the use of algorithms, i know that it still has much to offer me and i am highly keen to continue this remarkably beneficial learning process. Part B has hugely contributed in enabling me to visualize and respond to design thinking by incoprotating the use of computational tools in a way that i didnt though was possible.
Part B.8 Appendix
Algorithmic Sketches
Cull Pattern/ Seroussi Pavillion / Tetrahedron
Part B.8 Appendix
Algorithmic Sketches Gridshells
[1]Archdaily, Endesa Pavilion / MARGEN - LAB (Sept 24,2012) <http://www.> [accessed 1 May 2015] [2]Institute For Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Endesa Pavilion () <> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [3]Philip Stevens, (Aug 22, 2014) <http://> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [4]Anita Hackethal, toyo ito: taichung metropolitan opera (Mar 30, 2010) <> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [5] MATSYS, SG2012 Gridshell (Apr 13, 2012) <http://matsysdesign. com/2012/04/13/sg2012-gridshell/> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [6]Designbuild, Beijing National Stadium, ‘The Bird’s Nest’, China () <http://> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [7] David Mcmanus, Bird’s Nest, Olympic Games (Jan 27, 2015) <http://> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [8] David Basulto, Inside Herzog & de Meuron Bird’s Nest (Sept 01, 2008) <> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [9] Ann McGregor, Birds along the Merri in true spring () <> [accessed 1 May 2015].
List of Illustration
[Fig 7.1-2]Archdaily, Endesa Pavilion / MARGEN - LAB (Sept 24,2012) <> [accessed 1 May 2015] [Fig 7.3]Institute For Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Endesa Pavilion () <> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [Fig 8.1]Philip Stevens, (Aug 22, 2014) <> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [Fig 8.2]Anita Hackethal, toyo ito: taichung metropolitan opera (Mar 30, 2010) <> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [Fig 9.1-3] MATSYS, SG2012 Gridshell (Apr 13, 2012) <http://matsysdesign. com/2012/04/13/sg2012-gridshell/> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [Fig 10]Designbuild, Beijing National Stadium, ‘The Bird’s Nest’, China () <> [accessed 1 May 2015]. [Fig 11.1-4] Ann McGregor, Birds along the Merri in true spring () <http://> [accessed 1 May 2015].
Part c.1 Design Concept
ased on the feedback given to me by the tutors, i have narrowed down my design ideas and continue to develop the design with the idea of an observertary structure. Since the form of the structure that i had proposed in Part B was unjustified, it would be further develop and thoroughly researched in Part C. It has always been my interest to create an expiriential space for the user, one which also enhances Merri Creek. Thus, as mentioned in my concluding statements in Part B, the idea of a bird observatory structure would be retained and further improved. More analytical research will be done in relation to the site in order for me to determine the final proposal for the design, which would also aid in completing the final form
Site Analysis The chosen site is marked in red in the site plan shown below. This was decided
after making another trip down to Merri Creek, with a clearer design intent that i had in mind. After doing a research online about the birds in Merri Creek, this was one of the few areas that were found to have more birds habitating in the area. These birds were more commonly found along the river banks when i arrived at the site. Hence, the structure of the bird observertaory need not to be that high in level. Instead, it would be more beneficial for the bird watchers if it were to be built at lower levels where they would have a better point of observation. Fortunately for me, the chosen site is fairly well shaded by the towering trees all around. The red dots on the zoomed in site plan shown on the right indicates where the birds are most commonly found in that area. Therefore, the structure would serve to have the best observation spot at where the river meanders at the corner, where it would be facing towards the birds.
Part c.1 Design Concept
Fig 12.1-4 73
Site Design
In response to the site analysis that has been
done, the proposed design would be best situated at where the river meanders, which is directly opposite where the birds can be found as shown in the image on the right. ( Indicated in blue )The proposed location would also be of convenience to visitors of Merri Creek as it is situated directly beside the footpath where it would be visible to the people passing by. The structure would also be easily accessible by pedestrians and it could be taken as an alternative route instead of the main footpath. Hence the design should be enticing to the passer-bys and also be inviting, so that they would opt to walk through the structure and enjoy the intended space instead. The form of the proposed design should also be wider towards the river as it would allow a broader view of the birds.
Part c.1 Design Concept
Envisaged Construction Process
1. Materials
1. Choosing the materials for constructing the building. Materials used would be of wood & timber as these materials reflec the nature of the site and is light weight.
2. Fabrication
2. Then the materials will be fabricated in the factory, and be of the right dimension.
3. Transportation
3. The materials that have been fabricated will then be transported to site by a truck
Part c.1 Design Concept
4. Assembly
4. The components will then be assembled on site wit the use of flexibile connections, such as bolts and nuts.
5. Construction
5. The elements of the structure will then be joined together and be constructed on site with sufficient structural bearing to the ground
6. Finished
6. Construction is completed and the space will be utalized by visitors and bird watchers
Cell Study
study was made in relation to each cell within the structure that i have decided to base my design on, which is the gridshell. Porosity of the structure is a major design consideration when designing a bird observatory structure. It can determine the amount of sound,sunlight and views that a user would experience within the structure. Therefore it was important that an in depth study was done of the structure, it would allow me to determine the requirements that are needed for each different component of the design. Sound is a huge factor that enhances the spatial experience of a user in the intended space if a bird observatory structure is designed properly. Fortunately, as seen on the site plan before, the chosen site is located quite far off the main footpath. The main design technique for the cells would be to keep the porosity at the least as that would aid in keeping noise out from the space, ensuring that the bird oberservers would get the most beneficial atmosphere to watch the birds. Views towards the outside is also a crucial aspect to be taken into consideration as well, especially towards the birds. Hence, the porosity would defer accordingly to the intended view
Part c.1 Design Concept
Most Porous
Less Porous
Least Porous
Cell Study
mentioned earlier, the porosity of the facade would differ throughout the structure in accordance to the design intention for each space. In relation to a gridshell structure, there would only be two directions in which the facade would have. Hence i have opted to adopt a system whereby there would be two layers of a gridshell facade on top of one another as shown on the diagrams on the right. In order to vary the porosity of the sturcture,each member of the facade would shift accordingly. Referencing to the diagrams on the right, the most porous facade would have all members in line with each other. Less Porous would result in one member within the layer to shift, hence resulting in in a less porous facade. And lastly when the least porosity is needed, more members would shift in order to obtain the result that is desired.
Part c.1 Design Concept
Most Porous
Less Porous
Least Porous
Tectonic System
facade of the structure would consist of two layers of a gridshell, in order for it to differ in porosity.The section above displays a clearer understanding of the shifting of facade as explained earlier. Now that each cell of the structure has been determined, the next step is to nail down a system that could support the grid shells. A variety of different methods will be explored to figure out and further understand how the structure will be supported and constructed. The system that would eventually be used would have to be of a simple construction method that could easily be configured on site. A lightweight system would also be preferable as it would better suit the design inention of the structure. It also has to
Part c.2 Techtonic Elements & Prototypes
Tectonic System Prototype 4
A research was made and the first protype
that was tested out was a framing system that secures each layer of the gridshell along each member. The framing system would consists of metal plates on the top, between the layer of the two grid shell, and lastly at the bottom. Nails or screws would then be used to secured the four corners of the plate, which will then tighten the grid shell members accordingly. This system offerered the strongest structural stability between each element, however it appears heavy and bulky which doesnt complement the design intent that i had in mind. Flexibility is also another issue in this joinery as it restricts the members from bending into the intended shape of the design
Part c.2 Techtonic Elements & Prototypes
Tectonic System Prototype 5
Part c.2 Techtonic Elements & Prototypes
The second prototype that was tested consists
of a simple wood joinery that combines two members together. This would require the facade to have an increased number of separate components in order for it to work. This would mean that the form of the facade would not appear as though that it is curved, instead it would look rigid and stiff. With this connection system, the layers would also not be able to shift as it requires each member to interlock with one another. Hence, only 1 layer of the grid shell system would only work in a system like that.
Tectonic System Prototype 6
last prototype tectonic system was a joinery made of a simple bolt and nut system. A screw will be used to secure the two members that crosses each other on each layer. This connection will be chosen as the joinery system use in the design of the observatory structure. The use of this connection would give the design the light weighted illusion that i had intended as the bolt and nut connection is small and would blend well with the natural material of timber. Flexibility would also also be easily obtained as there would not be obstruction when the materials bend. Most importantly, views would not be blocked as there would not be any obstruction from the connection points of the structure.
Part c.2 Techtonic Elements & Prototypes
Final Detail Model 3D Process
The form of the structure was created with the aid of paramteric design tools.
1) A series of curves was created in Rhino to the desired shape that i had intended. The height of each curves differ from one another in order to elevate the structure to the height that was suitable 2) Grasshopper was used next to determine the curves in Rhino. A loft tool was used to created the tubalar surface for the form, and surface to work on 3) A number of geodesic line function was used to create the grid shell facade that the project is based on. This function was repeated and shifted so that the lines would go in different directions 4) The Pframe function was used next to, to create a perpendicular surface along these lines. This allowed me to create a thickness that i could adjust accordingly to on the geodesic lines.
Part c.3 Final Detail Model
Final Detail Model 3D Process
The images on the right shows the final form
of the design proposal of the bird observatory. The middle portion towards the view of the birds is raised over the river bank to provide a subtle interaction between the users and the water flowing below. The Porosity of the stucture differs throughout the journey as well in accordance to the atmoshpere that is suitable for an environment for the bird watchers.
Part c.3 Final Detail Model
Rear View
Side View
Front View
Final Detail Model Exterior Render
Part c.3 Final Detail Model
Final Detail Model Interior Renders
Part c.3 Final Detail Model
Part B.7 Learning Outcome
Design Reflection The final presentation for the design proposal
of the bird observatory tower was no a conclusion to the design process, instead it was an evaluation of where the project was at and what direction it should be headed towards. The form of the structure had a dramatic change from the interim presentation in Part B, it had been designed to be more suited to the site context after a thorough analysis of the site. The experienced panel of critiques were helpful and encouraged me to push my design further. They liked the idea of the bird observatory tower and were pleased with the parametric form that i ad created. The main issue was with the porosity of the structure as they felt that it hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t truly been realized in relation to the site to its full potential. They also mentioned that sound was a common issue in bird observatories and suggested me to rethink about how the spacial experiences for the bird watchers can be further enhanced. Another point that they had raised was about the structure of the building. As the building cantilevers our slightly above the water, the structural support to the foundation on site must be strong enough to keep it from toppling over. Each of the issue is a characteristic on its own, sound, structure and design, and they should be tackled individually. Overall, the panel of critics were pleased with the presentation and overall relation with the design towards the site as an architectural response that engages visitors in an interesting experiential space.
Part B.7 Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes Throughout the development of my computational design
skills in studio air, there have been times that i have taken a step back and re-evaluated about my decisions when it comes to designing. With the given design brief and the interesting weekly algorithm sketching tasks, i was able to interlink the unique connection between the concept of algorithms and form generation through computation on a consistent bases, which at first seemed highly technical and tedious when i started out initially. Through the fascinating precedents and case studies that had to be researched throughout the semester, and also the helpful tips and advise that my tutor has contributed with, i was able to further develop my understanding of parametric design and computational tools. I am now able to understand the huge potential parametric holds, not only within its capacity in the present, but also with regards to the impact it could possibly have in the future in the architectural industry. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve kept the subjectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s learning objectives throughout the length of the course, and now as it comes to an end, i now view parametric design as a tool which would greatly aid any architectural design with its ability to construct complex geometries. Although it has come to the end of Studio Air, it certainly would not be the last of parametric design for me. My interest for parametric design has exceeded what was taught in the module, and i am determined to continue improving my computational techniques. On top of that, the subject has developed my ability to respond to a design brief with a much more open mind and forced me into thinking of ways that i would not have previously. All in all,i found Studio Air to be one of the most interesting and mentally stimulating subject i have undertaken in my years of studies of architecture. While i feel that i am at a level where i am comfortable with the use of algorithms, i know that it still has much to offer me and i am highly keen to continue this remarkably beneficial learning process It has presented me with the opportunity to enhance my digital knowledge as an architect of the future.
[1] Ann McGregor, Birds along the Merri in true spring () <> [accessed 1 May 2015].
List of Illustration
[Fig 12.1-4] Ann McGregor, Birds along the Merri in true spring () <http://> [accessed 1 May 2015].