Hate Crime Force Policy Document
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
Policy Title: Hate Crime
Policy Reference No: 13/06
Police Ownership: Dyfed Powys Police Portfolio / Business-area Owner: CM & RD Department Responsible: Communities and Partnerships Person Responsible: Chief Inspector Links or overlaps with other policies:
Policy Implementation Date: 1st December, 2006 Required Frequency of Review: Annually Date Policy Last reviewed: New Guidance Document Policy Review Date: October, 2009
Dyfed Powys Police
Date of Review 07.10.08
Hate Crime Force Policy
Reviewed By Rachel Clayton – Communities & Partnerships Rachel Clayton – Communities & Partnerships
Amendments made Updated to section 9.1, 9.2, 10.1 and 13.3. A.238 form no longer in use. Appendix “B” included.
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This policy has been drafted in accordance with the Human Rights Act and has been reviewed on the basis of its contents and the supporting evidence and it is deemed compliant with that Act and the principles underpinning it.
Name: Samantha Gainard Department: Legal Services Department Signed: ………S. Gainard ………………….. (Force Legal Advisor)
REVIEW This policy is due for review on: Next review October, 2009
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
i ii iii iv v vi vii
General Principles Aims Lawful Authority The Legitimate Aims of the Policy are to Safeguard Human Rights Data Protection Act/Freedom of Information/Disclosure Risk Assessments and Health and Safety Considerations
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Introduction Distinctions between a Hate Incident and a Hate Crime Hate Incidents: Underpinning Rationale Definitions-Specific to Hate Incidents and Hate Crimes Strategic Ownership and Performance Intelligence Reporting and Recording of Hate Crime Incidents Dispatching Officers to the Scene Recording of Hate Incidents / Crimes Recording Principles Standards of Investigation Ownership of Investigations Supervisory Responsibilities Role of Community Safety Officers Repeat Victimisation Prosecutions Partnership Working Third Party Reporting Use of Independent Advisory Group Community Impact Assessments Monitoring Internal Hate Crime Professional Standards Department Further Reading
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Appendix ‘A’ – Glossary of Terms Appendix ‘B’ – Hate Crime Reduction Strategy
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Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
Policy Document Statement This policy has been drafted in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998
(i) General Principles It is the policy of Dyfed Powys Police:
To deliver guidance in respect of supervision and to adopt a fair and consistent approach to the recording and investigation of hate crime and hate incidents.
To clearly define administrative duties in support of key policing objectives
To provide key information to front line officers.
All staff, in the exercise of their daily duties, must ensure that: (a) They follow a clearly defined decision making process by detailing their objective(s), assessing all available and relevant information and feasible options, documenting decisions, and reviewing outcomes; (b) They give due regard to the welfare, safety, general well being and human rights of all individuals; (c) They do not unjustifiably discriminate against any individual or groups of individuals; (d) Actions taken is justified, strictly proportional to, and the least intrusive and damaging option to the achievement of their legitimate aims; (ii) Aims The aims of this policy are to:
provide clear guidance and to establish and maintain a corporate and professional approach when dealing with hate incidents and hate crimes.
publicise that such behaviour will not be tolerated and that offenders will be held accountable
regard a hate incident as unacceptable, and to treat it as seriously as any other incident;
support all victims of hate crimes/incidents in accordance with the Diversity Strategy,
reduce the fear these incidents cause and increase the trust and confidence of the groups whose members are victims of hate crime/incidents
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Hate Crime Force Policy
prioritise hate crime/incidents, not by the outward physical signs, but by the true impact on victims, in terms of quality of life and its corrosive effect on society, and to work with all our partners to ensure safer neighbourhoods
increase confidence in communities across Dyfed Powys through a professional and thorough investigative process.
(iii) Lawful Authority
Race-Race Relations Act 1976 Race Relations ( Amendment) Act 2000 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Domestic law (such as Serious & Organsies Crime Act 2005, and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994); Common Law (such as the protection of life and property and preventing breaches of the peace); The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) which has been given legal effect by virtue of the Human Rights Act 1998; The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Police (Health and Safety) Act 1997 and legislation enabled by these Acts; The Crime & Disorder Act 1998.
(iv) The legitimate aims of the policy are to safeguard: (v)
the interests of public safety, the prevention of crime and disorder, the protection of the rights and freedoms of others the protection of public order
Human Rights The Human Rights Act 1998 will be considered at all stages of the process, taking into account the need to protect the rights and freedoms of members of the community at large as well as those involved in incidents which give rise to potential community tension. In the application of this Policy Document, Dyfed Powys Police will not discriminate against any persons regardless of sex, race, colour, language, religion, political, or other opinion, national or social origin, association with national minority, property, birth, or other status as defined under Article 14, European Convention Human Rights (ECHR)”
(vi) Data Protection Act / Freedom of Information / Disclosure Personal data and information gathered in connection with this policy will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. All disclosures made in connection with this policy will be considered and sanctioned by the Detective Superintendent Community & Partnerships
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
(vii) Risk Assessments and Health and Safety Considerations Risk assessment/patrol strategy will be implemented by Sectional Inspector. A risk assessment will need to be carried out every time the procedure is followed. Any Hate incident has the potential of serious harm to the victims, perpetrator and officers attending. Officers should ensure they are equipped with all of their personal safety equipment - Incapacitate spray, ASP etc. Officers should carry out a dynamic risk assessment and any action taken or decisions made should be recorded on the Force Command & Control system via a STORM Log.
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
Dyfed Powys Police is committed to dealing with hate incidents in a positive, sensitive and professional manner. Hate incidents can have a devastating effect on the quality of life of victims and those who fear becoming victims. That is why we must give these incidents priority.
We police a rural area and hate incidents can take a different dimension in this setting compared to hate incidents committed in an urban area. Hate motivated attacks in rural areas affect a disproportional higher ratio of the community compared with that of urban areas. The impact of rural hate crime on victims is therefore in fact more severe as their relative location in the population leaves them particularly isolated and vulnerable, without the reassuring strength of their own recognisable community.
Victims of hate crime/incidents feel the added trauma of knowing that the perpetrator’s motivation is an impersonal, group hatred, relating to some feature that they share with others. This factor may be greatest where the hatred is directed against a visible feature such as skin colour, or non-visible features relating to core personal values such as religion or by nature of their sexuality, disability, gender description, age and / or status. An incident that might normally have a minor impact becomes, with the hate element, a very intimate and hurtful attack that can undermine the victim's quality of life.
For Dyfed Powys Police to be truly effective in providing the highest quality of service to victims of hate crime, there must firstly be an understanding of what constitutes hate incidents, hate crime and other related prejudices. These are explained below.
Distinction between a Hate Incident and a Hate Crime
A Hate Incident is defined as: Any incident, which may or may not constitute a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate.
A Hate Crime is defined as: Any hate incident, which constitute a criminal offence, perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate.
It is vitally important to note that all hate crimes are hate incidents. However some hate incidents may not constitute a criminal offence and therefore will not be recorded as a hate crime. For example, making inappropriate reference to the colour of someone’s skin, in a non-confrontational social setting, may well be perceived as a racist incident. However there may be insufficient evidence that it would constitute a racist crime. It is important to understand this distinction.
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
Hate Incidents: Underpinning Rationale
The perception of the victim or any other person is the defining factor in determining a hate incident. The apparent lack of motivation as the cause of an incident is not relevant as it is the perception of the victim or any other person that counts. The prejudice or hate perceived can be based on any identifying factor including disability, age, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity and race.
A victim of a hate incident does not have to be a member of a minority group or someone who is generally considered to be vulnerable. For example, a heterosexual man who is verbally abused leaving a gay bar may well perceive that it is motivated by homophobia although he himself is not gay. Therefore effectively anyone can be the victim of a hate incident.
Definitions – Specific to Hate Incidents and Hate Crimes
The following definitions are those which have been agreed by ACPO nationally under the broad definition of hate incidents:
Racist Incident – ‘Any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person’.
Homophobic Incident – ‘Any incident which is perceived to be homophobic by the victim or any other person’.
Transphobic Incident - ‘Any incident which is perceived to be transphobic by the victim or any other person’.
Transsexual (sometimes transexual) person establishes a permanent identity with the opposite gender to their assigned (usually at birth)sex. Transsexual men and women make or desire to make a transition from their birth sex to that of the opposite sex, with some type of medical alteration (gender reassignment therapy) to their body.
Transvestite: Someone who dresses in clothes of the opposite gender.
Transgender refers to someone who considers that they do not identify strictly to one gender or the other, identifying themselves as neither fully male, nor female. The term 'transgender' includes a number of subcategories, which, among others, include transsexual, cross-dresser, transvestite, consciously androgynous people and the term gender dysphoria is often used to explain these tendencies
Faith Related Incident – ‘Any incident which is perceived to be based upon prejudice towards or hatred of the faith of the victim or so perceived by the victim or any other person’.
Sectarian Incident – ‘Any incident which is perceived to be sectarian by the victim or so perceived by the victim or any other person’.
Disability Related Incident – ‘Any incident which is perceived to be based upon the prejudice towards or hatred of the victim because of their disability or so perceived by the victim or any other person’.
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
Strategic Ownership and Performance
The ACC (Ops) has strategic ownership of hate crime within the force in terms of direction and support, and the monitoring of corporate performance.
BCU Commanders should be held to account in respect of hate crime performance. This should not only be a narrow focus on the levels of measurable success but, importantly, should include issues such as the level of satisfaction of victims where an investigation has failed to result in a prosecution. In these circumstances, the manner in which an investigation is conducted is as important to victims and the wider community as securing a conviction.
Hate crime should be treated no differently to other areas of core business and effective analysis should be at the heart of any response within the NIM process. Every opportunity should be taken to exploit all available resources and opportunities to achieve the best possible outcome.
The nature of hate crime intelligence may not be as obvious as that concerning other areas of criminality such as burglary or robbery, and the danger comes when indicators are misconstrued or not interpreted properly.The fear of becoming a victim frequently outweighs the probability of being victimised. Listening to and acting upon all sources of information is vital to ensure proper interpretation of hate crime indicators.
These sources of information include:
Community Intelligence Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) Open Source Intelligence Crime Pattern Analysis Hate Material
Reporting and Recording of Hate Crime Incidents.
First Contact
It is likely that the Force Communication or Station Officer will be the victims first contact with the Police and as such their lasting impression of the police service will be influenced by this initial encounter.
It is essential for all police staff to be aware of the potential for hate crime to escalate into a critical incident. Failure to provide an appropriate and professional response to such reports could cause irreparable damage to future community confidence in the police service.
Police staff receiving notification of a potential hate crime should generate an incident on STORM using the initial call type (Crime Hate Incident) and provide
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
the following initial response.
Gather full information sensitively and reassuringly. account’ should be recorded.
Assess the level of response required based on any identifiable risks to the victim.
Instigate suitable interventions to remove or minimise any immediate risks.
Conduct immediate research of the force IT systems into the background of the victim, the suspect and location in order to better inform the officer attending the scene. This information should include any previous history that may identify repeat victimisation, any description/possible location of suspect(s), possible location of any witnesses and officer safety issues.
An accurate ‘first
Dispatching Officers to the Scene
It is mandatory that an officer should attend the scene in response to any hate crime incident to provide both reassurance and immediate support to the victim, as well as investigating the incident. The only exception to this is where the caller specifically requests that they do not want any attendance. In these cases, the report should be taken over the phone and the reasons for doing so fully documented.
Recording of Hate Incidents/Crimes
All Hate incidents as well as crimes should be reported to the Crime recording bureau as per 9.2 below.
Where the hate incident amounts to a crime the OIC should record a crime in accordance with the Force Crime Recording Policy. The crime recording system enables staff to record Hate Crime as Racist, Homophobic or Religion/Faith. The staff at the Crime Recording Bureau should ask the police officer if the crime is a ‘hate crime’. If affirmative the officer must state whether the crime is Racist, Homophobic or is against a persons Religion/Faith. Hate Incidents, which are not a crime, should also be notified to the Crime Bureau using the same criteria as when reporting a crime. Theses types of incidents are referred to as RINC and HINC (racist or homophobic incidents)
Recording Principles
Evidence of an offence is not a requirement for a hate incident to be recorded. Where the hate element is not immediately apparent, the person reporting should be asked the reason for their belief.
Police Officers and staff may well identify a hate incident as such even where the victim or others do not. Where this occurs the incident should be recorded in the appropriate manner as above.
Where any person reports a hate incident it must be recorded as such:
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
Regardless of whether they are the victim or not, or a crime has been committed or not,
Irrespective of whether there is any evidence to identify the hate element.
Standards of Investigation
It is important that hate crime is investigated to a high standard and in a professional manner by the OIC. Investigative requirements can be found within the ‘Hate Crime: Delivering a Quality Service - Good Practice and Tactical Guidance’(Chapters 8 and 9). (hyperlink) If the incident reported is a crime, officers attending the scene should provide victims with the Victim of Crime leaflet.
The HCSO has a clearly defined second tier support function and the OIC will retain ownership of the case throughout the investigation.
Ownership of Investigations
All incidents of hate crime will be owned by the designated OIC throughout the course of the investigation. This will usually be the officer who attends the scene and records the crime, however if that officer is to be absent from his/her place of work for a period of time that will hinder the expedient investigation of the case, i.e. about to go on annual leave or attend a course, then it will be the responsibility of the OIC to raise this with his/her supervisor so that a new OIC can be nominated to progress the investigation.
In addition to the above, depending on the seriousness of the investigation and also the likely requirement for specialist resources to be utilised or the likely protracted nature of the investigation, the BCU Crime Manager may allocate the investigation to another OIC who has the appropriate skills and availability to progress the investigation.
Supervisory Responsibilities
To ensure that all staff involved in the investigation of hate crime maintain the highest standard, supervisors must take an active interest in overseeing the investigation process. They must provide both support and assistance as well as taking steps to bridge any gaps in the investigation.
13.2. Duty Sergeants 13.3
In all cases:
Should consider attending the scene, to provide advice and assistance to officers, which also sends a clear message to the victim/witnesses/community that the matter is being taken seriously.
Identify potential critical incidents and inform the duty Inspector.
Ensure the initial investigation officer is taking positive action and is fully
Dyfed Powys Police
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supporting the victim.
13.4 13.5
13.6 13.7
14. 14.1
Identifying repeat victimisations and ensuring that the range of tactical options as outlined in the section on page 14 are considered.
Confirm that all forensic opportunities are being exploited together with the integrity and continuity of exhibits.
Provide advice to investigating officer on evidence preservation.
Ensure that an initial risk assessment has been conducted and recorded.
Ensure the officer has completed a detailed intelligence report where appropriate.
Duty Inspectors
Should consider attending scenes of incidents where practicable to provide advice, assistance and leadership to officers. This also sends a clear message of the victim/witnesses/community that the matter is being taken seriously.
If a critical incident has been identified, the duty inspector must attend the scene and follow the direction as outlined in the forces Critical Incident Policy.
Detective Inspectors (BCU Crime Managers)
Review all incidents to ensure that all valid lines of enquiry have been pursued to progress the investigation.
Identifying repeat victimisations and ensuring that the range of tactical options as outlined in the section on page 14 have been considered and that such interventions have been put in place to reduce or remove any real or anticipated risks to the victim. Where there are such gaps, written actions should be provided to the OIC via his/her sergeant identifying the remedial action that should be undertaken within designated time frames.
Ensure that hate incidents/crime are fully integrated within the NIM process in terms of identifying hot spots/problem profiles and that specialist resources are appropriately directed to assist with investigations where necessary.
Liaise with Community Safety Officers to consider any additional support that can be provided to the victim.
Role of Community Safety Officers
To provide a specialist source of advice and guidance to support front-line officers investigating hate crime.
To assist the Detective Inspector in identifying repeat incidents, trends, hot-spots and a potential escalation of incidents involving a particular victim or section of the community, and assist in providing an appropriate
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level of intervention to reduce or minimise the risk.
To identify and forge links with community leaders
To reassure the victim and the wider community
To liaise with Neighbourhood Policing Teams in order to identify any unrest or rise in community tension and where required to assist in carrying out Community Impact Assessments.
Repeat Victimisation
The vast majority of hate crime victims are, or are at a greater risk of becoming repeat victims. The first time an incident comes to notice of the police is not necessarily the first time an offence has been committed.
The definition of a hate crime repeat victimisation is: Where a person or immediate family member suffers more than one hate incident in a twelve month period following the date the first crime was reported.
This definition should be used as a common standard to inform performance management and trend identification across all BCUs. The NIM Strategic and tactical assessments should also address Repeat Victimisation and thereby specifically identify circumstances where victims of hate crime are being repeatedly targeted.
There is an obvious and strong correlation between Repeat Victimisation and vulnerability. It therefore stands that repeat victims of hate crime are likely to be some of the most vulnerable victims that police staff encounter.
It is important that investigating officers identify any repeat incidents when speaking to the victim or witnesses and identify any patterns or trends that should assist in any risk management plan and necessary intervention to reduce or eradicate such incidents and repeat any potential escalation.
Tactical interventions will depend on the circumstances and the particular environment in which the crime is occurring. They may include:
Target hardening,
Issue of personal attack alarms,
Utilisation of local CCTV,
Technical solutions,
Introducing or maximising upon local neighbourhood watch schemes,
Engage partners,
Media Strategy
Re-housing of victim,
Dyfed Powys Police
Obtaining ASBOs for the perpetrators.
NIM tasking
Hate Crime Force Policy
Important as the above measures, it must be remembered that the most effective tactical intervention is identifying and arresting the perpetrators and bringing them before the courts.
Remember that a positive arrest and prosecution policy is the primary response for the successful resolutions of hate crime. However, a wider range of options are also available to investigating officers e.g. Anti Social Behaviour Order’s, Restorative Justice Programmes or Civil Injunctions.
Officers must ensure that appropriate representations are made to the Custody Sergeant when the issues of bail, conditional bail, or remands in custody are discussed prior to disposal of persons in custody.
All cases which have a racist or homophobic element must be submitted to the CPS for pre-charge advice in accordance with the Statutory Scheme. Files of evidence will be flagged by writing ‘Hate Crime’ on the top of the MG1 form. This will enable the file to be identified by the Crown Prosecution Service as possibly requiring specialist lawyer advice and appropriate tracking through the court system. Police should inform the Crown Prosecution Service of particular victim/witness needs. Information flow between the police and the CPS must be maintained throughout the prosecution process.
Partnership Working
The medium to long term support of victims is often served by agencies other than the police. Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) can play an important role in bringing the key agencies together to identify and deliver the necessary services to support victims of crime. However they need to work closely with other agencies, such as housing, education, victim support and a range of nonstatutory bodies if services are to be effective.
Third Party Reporting
It is an accepted principle that many hate crime incidents go unreported to the police. Dyfed Powys Police are committed to taking positive steps to encourage those victims to report incidents and creating an environment to encourage them to do so.
The Force fully support the ‘True Vision’ project. Under ‘True Vision’, victims can report incidents in two ways; either by completing a self-reporting form and forwarding it to the police by post or by reporting it on-line. These reports can be made by providing as much personal information as desired or remaining anonymous. This both helps increase reporting of hate crime incidents and can
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also provide a useful source of community intelligence. 18.3
All officers and police staff need to promote the use of True Vision packs as a means of increasing the reporting of hate crime; raising awareness of what constitutes a hate crime: and increasing public confidence in the mechanisms for reporting such crimes and supporting victims
All ‘True Vision’ reports are made to HQ Communities and Partnerships who will forward the reports the Detective Inspector in the relevant BCU for actioning and analysis.
True Vision reporting packs should be made available in the public areas of all police stations so that they are easily accessible to members of the public.
Use of Independent Advisory Group
The force has access to the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) that sits under the Local Criminal Justice Board. Independent advisors are able to provide vital advice in a wide range of police operations, from strategic advice about policy decisions to tactical advice in critical incidents or other major investigations.
The force has a protocol with the IAG for their involvement in Major Crime or Critical Incidents (hyperlink) and this protocol be followed if their assistance is required. They can be accessed through the IAG co-ordinators who’s contact numbers are held within the Force Communications Centre.
Community Impact Assessments
Hate crimes committed within our communities can have a spiralling impact on community tension that could lead to critical incidents. All front-line staff therefore, have a responsibility to gather community intelligence in order to gauge any developing tension within the community.
Supervisors and managers should ensure that Community Impact Assessments are carried out as appropriate in accordance with the force Community Tension Policy. (hyperlink)
Hate Crime incidents should be fully integrated into NIM and subject of daily tasking with problem profiles, hotspots, trends, etc. subject of discussion and actioning as appropriate at TT&CG meetings
BCU Equality of Service Delivery Groups should as a part of their work monitor the number of hate crime incidents committed within their BCU and work with the community to increase trust and confidence, and breakdown potential barriers to reporting. The Force Equality of Service Delivery Group also has a vital role to play in strategically monitoring issues such as trends in reporting, detections, ethnicity and offence type etc.
Dyfed Powys Police
Hate Crime Force Policy
Hate Crime should also be monitored at the force Corporate Performance Board.
Internal Hate Crime
Hate incidents and hate crimes may be committed by police officers or police staff against colleagues / staff members and towards members of the public. This is contrary to the Code of Conduct for Police Officers and the Police Staff Disciplinary Rules and may lead to criminal or misconduct investigations. Officers and staff have the fundamental right to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. Incidence involving gender or age are dealt with under the Bullying and Harassment Policy or Grievance Procedures.
The following action will be taken when dealing with an internal hate crime.
A Divisional Inspector, or relevant line manager will be the initial single point of contact for all incidents. The Inspector/Line manager will notify their BCU Commander (in writing) where police officers or police staff, are accused of hate incidents. All evidence will be secured and preserved at the earliest opportunity. . All reports will be investigated in accordance with the following documents; i. ACPO Hate Crime Policy ii. Delivering a Quality Service and the Complaints Against Police iii. Complaints against police, Organisational Complaints and Misconduct Procedures iv. Disciplinary Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Police Staff. 22.3
The BCU Commander will inform the Head of Professional Standards Department (PSD) and agree an investigation process, in conjunction with the Human Resources department.
Police officers and police staff, as victims and suspects have a right to privacy and confidentiality. People accessing police systems for non-essential reasons will be investigated under the provisions of the data protection act.
The Force policies concerning the reporting of incidents to Professional Standards Department will be relevant when dealing with incidents of internal hate crime. Incidences of discriminatory behaviour by Police Officers and Police Staff will be referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, who will determine how the incident is investigated.
Professional Standards Department
The Head of Professional Standards will, in cases where behaviour is alleged
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which amounts to a breach of the codes of conduct for police officers or police staff, ensure that the allegations are recorded in accordance with the Police Reform Act 2002 and appoint an investigating Officer (IO) that all reports of internal hate crime are investigated in line with the victim’s needs, as advocated within the ACPO document, ‘Hate Crime; delivering a quality service.’ that a decision is made on whether or not to use an independent advisor during an investigation; where a decision is taken not to, the reason for that decision will be recorded on the file. that victims and witnesses of internal hate crime receive their choice of available support options. (e.g. police federation and BAPA ) consultation, relating to internal Hate Crime i.e. with staff associations, support groups, trade unions and police authority, will be delivered at the Force ESDMG
Further Reading
For additional guidance and tactical options when investigating hate crime, reference should be made to the document entitled ‘Hate Crime: Delivering a Quality Service. Good Practice and Tactical Guidance’. The HCSO will be responsible for ensuring that the police response meets a consistent and high quality standard and must either personally visit the victim or contact the victim by telephone within 48 hours of the initial report to the police. The HCSO will;
Provide support, assistance and advice to the investigating officer/team.
Discuss and action appropriate measures to reduce the likelihood of repeat victimisation.
Assist and support victims. Facilitate other agencies help and involvement.
Ensure that LCJB processes have relevant information to properly reflect the nature of the crime in bringing the offence to justice.
Ensure proper recording of the incident.
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Appendix “A” Glossary of Terms OIC – Officers in (the) case HCSO – Hate Crime Support Officer BCU – Basic Command Unit ACPO – Association of Chief Police Officers NIM – National Intelligence Module ASBOs – Anti-Social Behaviour Orders CPS – Crown Prosecution Service ESDMG – Equality of Service Delivery Management Group
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APPENDIX “B” DYFED POWYS POLICE Hate Crime Reduction Strategy
Dyfed-Powys Police will through effective partnership working proactively engage with agencies to strengthen its response to tackling Hate Crime. The Force will consistently apply such an approach with a view to increasing the trust and confidence in policing throughout all communities within the Counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys.
To ensure that the Force Hate Crime policy is adhered to by all members of staff.
To reassure members of minority groups within the Dyfed Powys Police area of our commitment to provide victims of crime with a high quality of service.
To pursue every available opportunity to network with minority group organisations within the Force area.
To encourage consultation with minority groups, at all levels within the Force in order to establish feedback on the quality of service that the Force provides.
Training of all staff members to deal thoroughly, sensitively and sympathetically with the diversity groups within the community.
To deliver specialist Hate Crime Training to a selective number of officers as part of the Hate Crime Support Officer Scheme to provide a higher level of second tier service to victims and a source of specialist advice to other members of staff.
To record data and information accurately and thoroughly in order to monitor trends and identify tension.
To ensure that Hate Crime incidents are fully integrated into NIM and subject of daily tasking with problem profiles, hotspots, trends, etc. subject of discussion and actioning as appropriate at TT&CG meetings and BCU Confidence and Equality forums.
To liaise closely with partner organisations to develop a more proactive multiagency response to hate crime reduction.
To ensure all initiatives are publicised both internal and externally by effective use of Media Strategy – ensuring that any best practice is highlighted and promoted to the community.
To further develop the Hate Crime web site on the Force Intranet .
To liaise with CPS on failed cases of Hate Crime, to identify trends
To supply advice leaflets on Hate Crime as part of the Criminal Justice System leaflet and to continue promoting third party reporting.
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Develop the use of a communication network, as a tool to assist in the initial officer contact with particular minority groups.