1 minute read
Throught the lens of insects 10
Where do the human end and the river begin?
According to readings and pure site observations, edges can take many different forms and shapes. Edges might be in culture, ecotones, and horizons, where nature tells the same tale but from a different perspective, edges could be in movement, activities, and functions, according to the readings. Understanding the many boundaries allowed us to better comprehend the interaction between nature and animals, animals and humans, and humans and nature. How people engage with one another, exchanging various items that power or contribute to the natural cycle.
A few unique but typical river margins were located and investigated. These edges were chosen as the beginning point for the following design process and analysis as part of the study subject. Only 24 recurring edges were chosen for the alteration out of 87 possible egde points throughout the selection procedure. Several factors were considered throughout the selecting process, including vegetation, built environment, pavement features, ecosystems, and so on.