World MAP DIGEST Fall 2013

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Faith to Faith

by Frank and Wendy Parrish

All Things New God is the Great Economist. He will fully use every word He speaks and every single thing He does or calls us to do. None of it is ever wasted. Each word or deed is filled with precious and powerful lessons, if we will but recognize them and open to His transforming work. When God prompts us by His Spirit to do something, our responses can sometimes be born out of principles that we know or have lived in for some time. For instance, if He prompts us to pray for someone’s healing, we know that is a right thing to do and will quickly lay hands on them in faith. At other times, God’s work reveals startling and profound new insights and depths about things we thought we fully understood, but in reality, were things for which we needed a deepened understanding. That kind of work can be both refreshing and stretching at the same time! This concept of “familiar yet completely new” aptly describes the lessons we experienced during World MAP’s move to a new location. Though the physical move is behind us (hallelujah!), the new insights and revelations we received in the crucible of transition continue to unfold before us. Destined For Growth The Bible reveals that God desires to mature us from one level to the next in many areas of life. We can go from one level of strength to another (Ps 84:7), from glory to glory (2Cor 3:18), from faith to faith (Rom 1:17), and so on. We experienced this firsthand over the past year during our genuine journey of faith, in which our faith was stretched and grown to another level. It all began when the Lord prompted me to read about the life of Abraham – and a look back over this last season makes it crystal clear why God chose that portion of Scripture for me! 2 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Fall 2013

Editor’s Note In the prior issue of DIGEST, we shared with you about our journey to a new “home” for World MAP. In this “Part Two” of the journey, we want to share with you what was highlighted during our move – principles of the walk of faith. We trust they will encourage you and grow your faith in God.

Growing in faith sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Who doesn’t want to have more faith in God, or be known as a “person of faith”? But as we read about Abraham’s life, we see that living life by faith is not always as thrilling as it might seem. In reality, walking daily by faith can be scary, frustrating, challenging – and even try one’s patience. The Scriptures reveal that God takes us from faith to faith. Well that sounds easy enough. It should be like climbing stairs; with each step we take, our faith just rises higher and higher, right? But there is a slight problem with that logic. And it is found in the little word “to.” How can such a small word represent such a big challenge? A Closer Look Let’s look at it this way. There are times when we feel we are on the mountaintop of faith. We are believing in God, declaring the truth, and seeing victorious answers to prayer with fruit abounding. Like Peter, we decide it would be best to just dwell there on the mountain of glory and never go down (Matt 17:1-13). But with God, life is always about moving forward. So out in the distance, we glimpse the next even higher mountaintop of faith. Surely it will be a cinch to just be transported right to that next mountaintop and to a greater level of glorious faith. Then we pause to look around. We realize there is only one way to the next mountaintop. It is by way of a long and arduous trek down the first mountain, through the valley ahead, and up the steep climb to the next mountaintop level of faith.

Faith is not just for the mountaintops. Yes, our faith is made strong in the mountaintop experiences. But that is because our faith needs to be strong in order to endure even through the inevitable valleys.

So the reality is not that we simply go from faith to faith; we actually go from faith toooooooooooo faith. And oh, what a journey that little “to” can be! It’s Good News Yet this “to” journey is not necessarily all bad news. For it is along this journey that we realize an important truth: Faith is not just for the mountaintops. Yes, our faith is made strong in the mountaintop experiences. But that is because our faith needs to be strong in order to endure even through the inevitable valleys. Clearly we desperately need faith in God if we are to successfully navigate the “valleys of the shadow” that this life brings. Keeping our heart and eyes fixed on Jesus, and our faith firmly in Him, is what sees us through such times. But consider this: We can do more than just endure the valleys. Our faith can actually grow stronger there! In dire challenge, when it seems “all around my soul gives way,” it is then we can reach in faith to Him Who is our “hope and stay” – and find that He is with us, takes our hand and leads us through. We learn that He truly is faithful, and can then entrust our lives in faith to Him even more. And there is more good news. We serve such a loving and faithful God that He can cause even our most difficult challenges to become testimonies of His goodness. As we navigate the valleys with Him at our side, our faith in Jesus can grow to become a beacon of light and hope that streams to others who are trapped in the dark valleys of this world.

God is the God of the mountaintops; and He is also the God of the valleys! A Two-Fold Dynamic The theme of faith in God is found consistently throughout the Scriptures. In fact, the Bible reveals that “without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb 11:6). Most assuredly, part of the very foundation of our salvation is our response by faith to God’s unmerited favor (grace) offered to us in Jesus Christ (Rom 3:21-26; Eph 2:8,9). But our life of faith goes beyond our salvation. Rather, it is the beginning of a new way of living! For faith is a two-fold dynamic: Through faith in Christ’s work on the Cross, we are justified; and, through Christ, we have access by faith to His grace in which we stand (Rom 5:1,2). This is a wonderful eternal hope – but His salvation and grace also make possible victorious life on this planet! Paul also taught us that “we walk by faith, not by sight” (2Cor 5:7). Our human inclination is to reverse that, or at least turn our faith into sight before we will take action. But in God’s Kingdom, faith precedes our understanding. As you study the life of Abraham, or any of the other “Hall of Faith-ers” (Hebrews 11), it is clear that they were fully persuaded in their lives, even unto death. They lived by faith, and passed through life’s final door by faith.

How Did They Do It? Compared to these great giants of faith, I feel like such a “grasshopper” (Num 13:33). Living a life of faith is hard. It shakes us out of our comfort zone, strips us of our futile attempts at security, and makes wreckage of our well-laid plans for how we think our lives should work. The life of faith strikes at the very core of human pride and fear. It calls us to profoundly depend upon and utterly surrender to Someone Else’s wisdom, leadership, timing and provision. It is not a comfortable way for our flesh to live, especially if we are new to the life of faith. The Foundational Key It was while Paul was imprisoned and facing the headsman’s axe that he wrote these words: “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day” (2Tim 1:12). Paul had learned (and lived) the profound truth that God takes full responsibility for that which is fully committed to Him. But the foundational key to faith in this passage goes beyond even that. Some speak about faith as if we should have faith in our faith. Others want us to believe we need a proper intellectual understanding of faith for it to be real in our lives. Still others think faith is some kind of vague notion about “the man upstairs” or acknowledging that there is a “higher power.” We know these things to

Continued on page 10

World MAP exists to train and empower church leaders to make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11,12; Colossians 1:24-29; 2 Timothy 2:2; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 20:17-28

OUR PURPOSE World MAP trains church leaders in developing nations for ministry. Why is that important? In recent decades, the number of new Christians in these nations has multiplied exponentially. The greatest need is for pastors who know how to shepherd and disciple them. But poverty, persecution or lack of proximity prevent most church leaders from getting the ministry training they need. World MAP exists to meet this need, and our proven strategies have helped train more than one million church leaders for ministry in 140+ developing nations. OUR STRATEGY World MAP helps church leaders to be effective through: • printed Bible-based pastoral training that is clear, comprehensive and practical; • seminars within their nations that provide training, promote unity, and minister spiritual refreshing; • promoting Spirit-filled life and ministry; • enlisting the North American Church to pray fervently and give generously to help indigenous* church leaders become effective ministers. *World MAP is able to train church leaders because of the generosity of people who recognize the value of equipping indigenous leaders – those native-born citizens who already understand the culture and needs of their communities and who are best positioned to reach the unreached and disciple them.

Volume 53 / No. 4 • Fall 2013

Table of Contents 2 From Faith to Faith by Frank and Wendy Parrish 4 LIVING STONES: A Missionary’s Story of The Shepherd’s Staff in Haiti by Dan Carl 8 PRAISE REPORT

9 UNREACHEd PEOPLE GROUP: Punjabi of Pakistan 9 PRAY FOR THE NATIONS: Tajikistan

9 How YOU Can Join the World MAP Prayer Corps WORLD MAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jon Cook, Jim Oswald, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres. WMAP CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tim Grauman, Lyle Horrill, Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish. DIGEST STAFF: Frank and Wendy Parrish ...... Directors / Editors Gayla Dease .......... Design / Publications Coord. Jorge Lara ......................................Cover Design PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is our priority. We do not sell, lease, rent or share personal information obtained from anyone via postal or online services.

World MAP Digest (USPS 692-240) is published quarterly by World Missionary Assistance Plan, 3025 N. Tarra Ave., Prescott, AZ 86301. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Burbank, CA 91505 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to World MAP Digest, 3025 N. Tarra Ave., Prescott, AZ 86301. HOW TO CONTACT US: Visit us at our website on the Internet at Email subscription inquiries and address changes to Phone 928.515.2404 / fax 928.515.2405 Fall 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 3

A Missionary’s Story of The Shepherd’s Staff in Haiti by Dan Carl EDITOR’S NOTE: World MAP’s God-given purpose is to advance His Kingdom by equipping and encouraging pastors and church leaders in the nations of the world who have the least available resource. The task is large in both scope and need. Yet we know our God is able, and that He delights in doing “God-sized” wonders! Part of World MAP’s strategy is to serve and partner with like-focused ministries, thus multiplying ministry effort and effectiveness. There is no competition in God’s Kingdom – we are all working toward the same goal, and are only concerned with God receiving the glory! One such World MAP partner is Pastor John Morrow of Living Word Christian Ministries International. Brother John has not only helped distribute thousands of Shepherd’s Staffs to pastors, but his ministry has also helped pay the cost of producing the books he distributes. Frank Parrish Pastor John introduced us to Dan Carl, a missionary to Haiti. Dan was instrumental in raising up Haitian leadership that now conduct pastors’ conferences throughout the island, and have distributed more than 10,000 Shepherd’s Staffs to pastors, even into the most remote areas. We trust you will enjoy Dan’s brief view of the great things God is doing in Haiti, and of the impact your gifts to World MAP are having.


A Powerful Resource t was in an airport in After our return to Haiti in January of 2010, I 2009 that my wife, Liz, showed a copy of The Shepherd’s Staff to our Haitian and I met two new national coordinator, Evangelist Clement Jean Benoit. friends and had our first Pastor Clement exclaimed, “do you have any idea introduction to The what this is? We used to have one of these at the Shepherd’s Staff. We were waiting to catch a Bible school I attended. We had to take turns reading r o it because there was only one copy. It is a very powerplane back home to t s Pa w Omaha when we met ful resource! The Shepherd’s Staff coming to Haiti will o r or M be a great answer to the prayers of many leaders Pastor John Morrow n Jo h because no one knows where to find more and his wife Vernetta, copies.” longtime World MAP partners. However, before They were returning from minak e 7. 1 earthqu we could even istry in Central America begin to make and we ended up standing arrangements for in line together. What the Shepherd’s Staffs ensued was inspiring conor conferences, life versation about how they in Haiti turned were conducting leaderupside down. That ship conferences in Central week, the terrible America, centered around 7.1 earthquake World MAP’s training tool, struck the island, killing many thouThe Shepherd’s Staff. sands of people and devastating their Liz and I had been praycities. For the next several months, ing for ministry tools to help . ol.. Centr al to life in Haiti for all of us was conequip Haitian leaders, so sumed with relief work. were very excited as Pastor But by November John described what we soon of that year, began referring to as “a Bible things finalschool in a book.” At the time, we had lived in Haiti ly settled for eight years providing leadership training for those down who ministered to children and youth. We had seen enough for firsthand the lack of practical leadership training us to receive tools available for pastors. our first small When Pastor John mentioned that The shipment of Shepherd’s Staff was translated in French (a priShepherd’s Staffs mary Haitian language), we knew the Lord was and Pastor John at work. Soon we began discussing the possiarrived to conbility of Pastor Morrow coming to Haiti the duct three leaderfollowing year to conduct training conferences ship conferences. and put the book into the hands of Haitian .. . i n to t pastors. he

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Psychological ownership is Expanding Vision xx when someone sees a task As the conferences approached, as their own and is not lookHaiti was firmly in the sight of ing for someone else to help Hurricane Tomas. We decided to them – as opposed to funcconduct the conferences anyway. tional ownership, when a perAs Pastor Morrow began teaching, son takes responsibility only we quickly began to feel his because they are being compen“Father’s heart” for pastoring An o sated for their efforts. For examand receive his anointed and in t e dm ple, you could say that a business insightful messages. As the winds e ssa owner would have psychological and rains from Hurricane Tomas drew ges ownership, while employees of closer to Haiti, Pastor John asked participants in that business would have funceach conference to stand and verbally comtional ownership. mand Hurricane Tomas to stay In cross-cultural missions, away from Haiti. And how did the attaining psychological ownerLord answer our prayers? Tomas ship among national leaders is didn’t make landfall in Haiti. a priceless and precious thing Praise the Lord! that must be recognized and After these first conferences, acted upon by the missionary. the Haitian national leadership Once psychological ownerteam quickly began to get a vision ship is demonstrated, the for conducting their own confermissionary should remove ences. They had contact networks himself from the ministry. in place and could do all the work. Otherwise, there is great Additionally, the Holy Spirit was givdanger that the nationals ing Clement (and his wife Mona and will forever remain dependtheir team) a vision to see every pasr o st a p ent on the missionary’s tor in Haiti receive a copy of The every Vision fo r leadership and financial proShepherd’s Staff. Thanks to generous vision. supporters like you, the Haitian vision The Lord gave us faithful was off to a good start, as and reliable Haitian leaders World MAP provided a full to whom we could entrust shipping container of 10,000 the work (2Tim 2:2). books for distribution to Therefore, we set a date and Haitian pastors! began making plans to leave Haiti in June 2012. Ready to Stand It was our privilege Imparting the Word to be part of this Several months prior to our beginning work of Off departure from Haiti, the Lord God in Haiti. But we t goo o d st a opened a wonderful door of opporwere sensing that a ar t tunity for Liz and me to share two day was soon coming when we important teachings at several of the would no longer be needed there. Shepherd’s Staff conferences that would It might seem strange to leave help reinforce the spiritual foundation a place when such vital minof many pastors. istry was being launched. But Liz’s message, “don’t Be Afraid, it is not without biblical preceBut Fear the dence. At the height of John Lord,” dealt the Baptist’s ministry, he pointwith the impored his followers to Jesus. Even tance of fosterJesus Himself, at the height of ing genuine His earthly ministry, pointed His reverence for followers to the Holy Spirit Who the Lord, would soon reside in them. causing us to A mistake too easily made by own r draw very Western missionaries is not recei th Life-g iving tr on uth Standing close to Him ognizing when the national leadand refrain from ers are ready to stand on their sinning (Ex 20:20). My teachown. It’s a necessary and logical step of maturity for them to begin to take “psycholog- ing, “How to Become a Leader Worthy of Being Followed,” ical ownership” of the local work, demonstrating evilikened the character of a dence of trusting directly in the Holy Spirit. Fall 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 5

because he believed in their natural virtue or intellectual sufficiency... But, he believed in the Holy Ghost in them. He believed that Christ was able and willing to keep that which he had committed to Him.” Although Liz and I were aware that there could be bumps in the road ahead in Haiti, we felt a great sense of peace as God gave us fresh faith to believe in the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit among His Haitian leaders.

pa sto rs ips Haitian u q e h is rr Frank Pa pastor to a shepherd that loves his sheep. It was based on lessons found in The Shepherd’s Staff. Just one month before our departure, dr. Frank Parrish of World MAP and Pastor John Morrow of Living Word Christian Minstries International came to Haiti to conduct several powerful conferences. dr. Frank taught on “The Signs of the Times,” “A Time of Clarity” and “The Anointing.” His and Pastor John’s teachings were well received and greatly appreciated by the attending pastors. In fact, more than just teaching, the Holy Spirit utilized these two men to impart the living Word of God to many leaders. We thank the Lord for sending them! Faith for the Future In June of 2012, while boarding the plane to return to the U.S. after 10 years of fulltime missionary service in Haiti, I began to reflect on a quote from Missiologist Melvin Hodges: “The true measure of success is not that which the missionary accomplishes while on the field, but the work that still stands after he has gone.” I asked the Lord, “Will the ministry continue to influence the building of Your kingdom in Haiti after we leave?” I took great comfort from Ephesians 3:20 as well as these comments from Roland Allen about the Apostle Paul’s missionary methods: “He (Paul) believed in the Holy Ghost, not merely vaguely as a spiritual Power, but as a Person, indwelling his converts. He believed therefore in his converts. He could trust them. He I mp a rt i n g did not trust them

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Cherished Tool How is the ministry flourishing since we left Haiti a year and a half ago? Today, the Haitian leaders are operating under the name Ministére de la Pierre Vivante (Living Stone Ministries). They have a board made up of Haitian men and Dan Carl women who believe with leadership God has called them to help prepare leaders for the work of ministry throughout Haiti. It is a joy to report that World MAP’s training book, The Shepherd’s Staff, has become one of the most cherished ministry tools of the Haitian work. Interestingly, at the time of our departure, our U.S. ministry was paying 100 percent of Haitian ministry costs and giving much direction behind the scenes. Today, thanks to the Lord, the Haitian team is finding 50 percent of their funding through local Haitian churches and individuals, and making almost all their ministry decisions without our input. I spoke recently to Brother Clement and he informed me that they were making plans to conduct a conference this November where they will distribute the final 500 Shepherd’s Staff books from the initial 10,000-book shipment. He also asked my wife and me to pray that the Lord would soon provide a large, faith-filled request – a shipment of 20,000 more Shepherd’s Staffs to continue their conference ministry in Haiti. Heartfelt Thanks In a recent report, Clement gave thanks and praise to World MAP for all they have done to help with the Lord’s work in Haiti. “Greetings Pastors Frank and Wendy Parrish, Gayla Dease and all the ministry supporters of World MAP. On behalf of myself and the leadership team of Living Stone Ministries, I am very happy to greet you and take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution to the training of Christian leaders throughout Haiti. Thanks to the Lord and World MAP, Ministére de la

Pierre Vivante has visited all of Haiti over the last two years and has given all 10 departments [provinces] a taste of The Shepherd’s Staff. We are now praying that God will soon provide double the number of books (20,000) we received from World MAP last year. Once again, many thanks to you and all the World MAP supporters for believing in us and entrusting us with this very powerful Bible training manual!” — Clement Jean Benoit, President, Ministére de la Pierre Vivante (Living Stone Ministries), Port-au-Prince, Haiti Pastor Clement also shared the following testimonies from just a few of the thousands of grateful pastors who have received a Shepherd’s Staff:

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training manual through Living “For me, The Shepherd’s Staff is an Stone Ministries, Haiti. Thank you very much! May important ministry God richly bless you at World MAP and bless tool. It is a guide, to the leaders of the ministry in teach leaders. I only Haiti.” wish I could have — Sincerely, Juliot found it sooner! Alissage, Pastor of the When I read it I feel Christian Church of greatly encouraged Samaria and I use it often in Bible study. Thanks to the Lord! And People always ask thanks to you, World MAP, me to continue ...imp and to your faithful supportteaching with it ar t ed to the ers, as well as Pastor John because it is very m Morrow and his Living Word interesting and helpful to Ministry supporters. Your provithem. The Shepherd’s Staff sion of the first shipping conis an excellent ministry tainer of 10,000 Shepherd’s Staffs resource for leaders! I ask God to to Haiti has inspired the Haitian bless those who prepared and paid for this national leaders with a vision to book. Also, I ask God to bless Pastor Clement who place The Shepherd’s Staff into the hands of every brought us this book. With this book, many souls Haitian pastor! are being affected by the Gospel. Thank you so very much!” — Sincerely, Pastor Richard Thomas “I am what I am by the grace of God and the ministry resources of World MAP. In the past, I have received a r lot of interesting Bible study o Past d n materials from World MAP. They a Clement na are special to me. They help me wife, Mo to teach my co-workers and prepare my sermons and many different Bible studies. World MAP has helped better equip my life of faith. Therefore, I am better able to fulfill my ministry of the perfecting of the saints. Now that I have received The Shepherd’s Staff, I consider it a very precious gift to me and all the pastors of Haiti. It has changed my way of working and it has changed my life. Blessed be the Lord for that! I received this important Bible

ith vision Inspired w Would you please join Clement and the Haitian national team from Ministére de la Pierre Vivante as they pray, asking the Lord Jesus to provide a next shipment of 20,000 French Shepherd’s Staff books, in order to fulfill the vision God has placed within their hearts? Once again, many thanks! Fall 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 7

What other church leaders are saying....

Praise Report

SPECIAL DELIVERY In the last issue of DIGEST, you read of a Colombian pastor from a remote area who had seen a copy of The Shepherd’s Staff 19 years ago – and had wanted one ever since. Pastor Guillermo Escobar was without the means to contact World MAP directly and, even if he had, postal delivery is not available to his remote village. A dear Colombian sister named Ana Rodriguez heard word of Pastor Guillermo’s desire. She searched for World MAP online and called us directly to see what could be done. Ana explained that Pastor Guillermo did have several opportunities over the years to photocopy a borrowed Shepherd’s Staff, but he did not feel that was right to do. “He may not have much, but he is a man of

Miraculous Testimony!

In the prior issue of DIGEST was a Prayer Focus for the Pygmies, one of the largest unreached people groups in Central integrity,” Ana Africa. This revealed. elicited a Now, after waiting almost response from two decades for his own one of our readers, who informed us of Shepherd’s Staff, we are thrilled and blessed to report a ministry having a fruitful and powerthat Pastor Guillermo finally has this vital ministry resource ful Gospel impact on the book! Pastor Escobar joins the Pygmy people. It is our joy to more than 1 million underbring you this update: served pastors worldwide now In recent years, more using World MAP’s “handheld than 53,000 Pygmies Bible school” – The have been presented with the Shepherd’s Staff. Thank you Gospel of Jesus Christ – and for your generous giving that the majority have received has made this possible – and Him as Savior! One particular for your continued help to ministry and its courageous resource the many more who personnel report ongoing signs and wonders that conare still waiting for this minfirm the Word with each trip. istry tool!

They often experience divine protection, including a rescue after being held captive by Congolese rebel forces, and bullets falling at their feet when being shot at by automatic weapons! This ministry has tremendous favor among the Pygmy people, affirming again God’s promises for those who are willing to “go into all the world” in His name. Continue to pray for the Pygmies, for the ministries who are reaching them, and for all of the courageous saints around the world who are giving their lives to reach the unreached for Jesus Christ!

ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff bless thirsty pastors “I would like to thank you that I have received The Shepherd’s Staff. This is an indispensable book that has helped me understand and interpret the Bible… I was overjoyed; there is no way I can explain it in writing.” – Rev. Gideon Enoko, Burundi “ACTS magazines are of great help to me spiritually. For that reason I am desperate without them.” – Pastor Carey Okongo Olito, Kenya

further establish the church that God has entrusted to us in this part of the world.” – G.G., Middle East “I am writing this letter to request from you a copy of the French Shepherd’s Staff and any other materials you can send for the salvation of souls which I am in charge of. I do all this so that the flock of God that He has entrusted to me can eat and their faith be edified.” – Evangelist Maurice Oke, Benin

“Brothers, thanks be to God for your powerful mission through literature that has helped many leaders in the Church. The pastors who have received their copies of the Spanish Shepherd’s Staff are very grateful to you. Most who received a copy of the book do not have any formal training, so the book was like ‘water from heaven.’” – Pastor Jorge Diaz Paredes, Peru

“I handle now my French Shepherd’s Staff. I look forward, a thirsty man like me, to help God’s people. I don’t have the strong and right words to thank you but I pray that God will give you big rewards and always keep you for the fulfillment of this big job done by World MAP in the world. From here I am sure that good teaching will be brought through my ministry, and Haiti will be blessed also.” – Rouchel Duverus, Haiti

“My desire is to train the leaders of the church in biblical leadership, Bible-informed prayers and evangelism. I write to you appealing for The Shepherd’s Staff because I have come across it in a friend’s library and I am sure it will help me a great deal.” – Pastor Godpromise Nsicho, Cameroon

“Someone lent me a book called The Shepherd’s Staff. I was amazed by so much wealth there revealed. I would love to have that book too… and to bring to other pastors in my region… as a theology course is still very expensive.” – Pastor Olivaldo Moura Novaes, Brazil

“Praise to our God Almighty and thank you for sending the book! Just received it and also the ACTS Magazine. It’s really a miracle having this received as we don’t usually get religious mails here except if it’s Islamic. This will be a lot of help for us here to

“A brother in Christ has shown me your magazine ACTS and explained how this is helping him in his life. I would be grateful if same could be forwarded to me in French version.” – Vitit Chu Cheung Kum, Mauritius

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Praying for the Nations


WESTERN PUNJABI OF PAKISTAN Population: 59 million Religion: Muslim Huddled against evil: Western Punjabi villages consist of houses packed closely together with outer walls joined to shield them from outsiders. Though nominally Hanafite Muslim (a relatively liberal sect), they actually practice “folk Islam,” a blend of local superstitions, spirit worship and astrology. They employ charms and magic potions in their desperate efforts to ward off evil, including sickness, poverty, drought and the “evil eye” – the occult power they believe some men possess to inflict harm on others by simply glaring at them.

PRAY FOR: • • • •

Laborers to bring the hope of the Gospel to Western Punjabis. Western Punjabis to believe in Jesus Christ and forego their empty superstitions that are powerless against evil. Deliverance from fear and the oppression of folk Islam. Protection and safety from extremist Muslim hostility.

To further partner in prayer....

Joining World MAP’s Prayer Corps gives you access not only to urgent prayer requests, but also to encouraging praise reports that your fervent prayers are being effectively answered by the Lord – whether to heal the sick, protect the persecuted or expedite a precious cargo of Shepherd’s Staffs to pastors who rejoice to receive it, such as these: “I really am blessed with ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff. Awesome and powerful teachings documented in these materials enable me to be more equipped to minister God’s Word.” – Pastor Joe Nades, South Africa “With The Shepherd’s Staff now in my hand, the work of teaching and preaching is going to be more effective as I study it with my Bible to dig deep into God’s Word to know what to present to God’s people.” – Pastor Gabriel Ikyav, Nigeria

Join World MAP Prayer Corps and receive monthly prayer bulletins from Frank and Wendy Parrish. Email to sign up!

TAJIKISTAN Population: 7,768,385 95% Muslim • 5% Christian President of the Republic of Tajikistan: Emomali Rahmon Prime Minister: Oqil Oqilov First Deputy Prime Minister: Matlubkhon Davlatov Geography: 90% mountainous. Most Tajikistanis live in 200- to 700-house rural riverside settlements called qishlaqs. Capital: Dushanbe (“Monday” in Persian), population 600,000. Profitable presidency: Soviet Army veteran Emomali Rahmon has ruled Tajikistan for 23 years, first as head of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic in 1990, then later as independent Tajikistan’s head of state upon the Soviet Union’s collapse. A ruinous 1992-1997 civil war costing 50,000100,000 lives marred his presidency, as have charges of widespread human rights abuses and corruption. President Rahmon controls (and greatly profits from) the country’s industrial giant TALCO, manufacturer of a highly corrosion-resistant aluminum. There is much resistance to Christianity by the Muslim-dominated culture. Widespread corruption results in the suffering of general populace through poverty and lack of even basic necessities. Apart from Rahmon and other officials, Tajikistan if the poorest country in Central Asia.

PRAY FOR: • • • •

An open door to preach the Gospel and establish churches. An end to human rights abuses, and bold voices who will speak for the downtrodden. A reformed government and economy free of graft, bribery and illicit profiteering. Tajikistani Christians to be salt and light in the midst of corruption (Matt 5:13-16; Phil 2:15) Fall 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 9

Faith, continued from page 3

be, at best, an incomplete understanding. What then is to be the foundation of our faith? • Faith cannot be based upon circumstances (1 Samuel Chapter 30). • Faith must be built upon something greater than our abilities or our gifts (Heb 11:8-12). • Faith must be based on something more durable and consistent than the performance or good deeds of ourselves or others (Rom 3:9-20). • Faith must always have an object upon which it is fastened (Heb 12:1,2). The foundational key to faith is obvious, but so easily forgotten: First and foremost, faith’s object or focus is GOD! This faith-focus begins with saving faith in Jesus Christ that grows into a personal and daily relationship with Him. If our faith is focused on anything or anyone else, we are doomed to frustration, confusion and failure. How Much Faith Do I Need? While discussing faith with His disciples, Jesus said that the size of their faith was not what was important. Faith the size of a tiny mustard seed was enough (Matt 17:20). The mustard seed was a familiar object to the Jews in Jesus’ day, considered small and humble. Jesus was clearly illustrating that the seed itself (our faith) was not mighty or spectacular. But when that tiny, seed-sized faith is focused on the All-Powerful and Infinitely-Loving God, it is enough to move a mountain! From Strength To Strength Our faith can be small. But it can also be strong. How is our faith strengthened? The answer is simple: Faith is strengthened by that on which it feeds. “Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness” (Ps 37:3). Promises Given The first place our faith can be fed is in the promises of God. Take time to meditate on God’s Word, letting it sink deeply into your heart (Josh 1:8; Phil 4:8). Fill your mind with the Bible’s eternal surety (Isa 40:8). Receive the life, grace, power, wisdom, comfort, peace, assurance and more found within the Scriptures. 10 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Fall 2013

God’s Word is an extension of His grace, and a revelation of the One in Whom you place your faith! The Promise Giver This leads us to an even more profound and limitless “pasture” in which we can nourish our faith. When we read the promises of Scripture, we must inevitably ask, “Who gave these promises? Who is the Author? does He have the power, authority and will to fulfill them?” Of course, we know it is God by His Spirit Who gave us His Word. We are to come to The Word, into the holy of holies and to the foot of His eternal throne (Heb 4:16). Here we will see and hear from our omnipotent, unchanging, totally good, totally loving, totally wise God and Savior. God alone has all power, and all authority, and is willing and able to fulfill His promises to us! There is so much happening in the natural realm in these days that can quickly erode our faith in God. Thus, to live in faith, we must have our eyes firmly fixed upon the One Who rules over all, placing our faith in the One Who will never fail us. Promise With A Purpose Why were the promises of God given to us? This may come as a surprise, but God’s promises are given for His glory. God will never allow His glory to be stained, marred or given to another. Therefore, the promises He has given must and will stand, for God will never make a promise He cannot or will not fulfill (Heb 6:13-20). Yes, the Word of God is a priceless gift and benefit for us, and meditating on God’s promises will build our faith. But in regard to God’s promises and faith, we must keep two things firmly in mind. First, our growth in faith is not solely for our personal benefit. We need faith in order to become all that God intends us to be for Him. When our faith is strong, we can take our proper place in fulfilling God’s divine purposes and will – which is to bring blessing, salvation and righteousness (right relationship with God and man) to all the people of the earth. Our faith is less about us, and more about Him! Second, because God is both the Giver and Fulfiller of His promises, He is the One Who has the sovereign right to interpret, establish the timing

of their fulfillment and make the application of those promises to our lives. His all-knowing wisdom sees the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10). He certainly sees more clearly than we ever will what we need and when we need it! Therefore, we do not need to strive with our heavenly Father for what we want or think we need. Rather, we can place our total faith and trust in Him, knowing that He will give to us what will bring Him the greatest glory and bring us to ultimate purpose and fulfillment in Him (Matt 6:19-34). It is here we must stop and marvel with our hearts filled with praise and gratitude. For our God has created His moral, spiritual and physical universe in such a way that He receives great glory when the objects of His love (us!) are blessed and living in the fullness of His goodness and grace. In life in Christ, we receive the benefit, He receives all the glory. What a magnificent Savior we serve! God is good, and He is good all the time (Matt 7:7-11). Prophetic Promise Fulfilled We can feed our faith on God’s Word, and in His presence. We can also feed our faith on the evidence of His faithfulness that is eternally etched upon human history. From beginning to end, the Scriptures reveal God’s faithfulness to His people. Most profoundly, we see this in the work of Christ at the Cross through His atoning death and witnessed resurrection. These eternityaltering events fulfilled the promises God made millennia before at the fall of Adam and Eve (Gen 3:15); and He reaffirmed those promises over thousands of years through both the Law and the prophets (Luke 24:25-27). Our God is faithful! His Word will be fulfilled! We can strengthen our faith by recounting His faithfulness through the ages. Our Personal Record Finally, we can feed our faith by reviewing the grace-filled record of our own lives. We live in a time when the daily stresses and demands of life point our attention to temporal things. The world and media bombard us with their dogma of dissatisfaction and empty, selfish pursuits. Add to that legitimate worries and concerns for family, relationships, finances, health – the list goes on.

In no time, we find we’ve succumbed to the deception that what we have is not enough, who we are is inadequate, where we’ve come from and where we are going is insignificant, and that God is not able. The net result is diminished faith, spiritual immobility, a thankless heart, and a lack of remembrance about Who God is and all that He has done. It happens so subtly that we are stuck in the mire before we know it! Thankful Testimony In this season of Thanksgiving, I can think of no better way to build faith than to recount God’s faithfulness to me. When I pause to consider from where I came, I am humbled and amazed: a drug-hazed, broken and wretched soul from a small northwest town whom God saved, redeemed, delivered and now uses to lead a ministry that serves millions of pastors worldwide. With tears streaming, I can truly declare that our God is faithful! And to Him belongs ALL the glory! I know you also have a testimony of God’s faithfulness. I invite you to build your faith by taking time to recount the years of God’s faithful provision, deliverances, healings, protection, guidance, gentle corrections and great victories. Even in trials and sorrows, He sees us through with His faithful mercies. Tell the stories to your children, to friends and family, and to neighbors. declare what God has done for you, and in faith, raise a testimony of His faithfulness to all generations. In a day when the forces of hell are both subtly and forcefully attempting to silence and quench the people of God, strengthen your faith and arise to declare the Good News of His love and salvation! For His Spirit speaks to us and invites us to declare: “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Rom 8:31,32). Faith’s Perspective The eyes of faith view each moment, each step in life, through the magnifying lens of God’s character and promises. When we see life this way, our perspective is changed from

earthly and finite to heavenly and eternal! Brought into focus are all the reasons and proof we need to take God at His Word, to fully surrender and trust Him with our lives. We can move confidently in faith to fulfill what He asks us to do. Conversely, viewing life through our circumstances or emotions is like looking through a telescope backwards. Suddenly, God becomes small and far away. Our hope and confidence in Him shrinks, and gives way to unbelief, fear and confusion. So continue to feed your faith. Let your eyes of faith be lifted to clearly see the Kingdom of God and the part He has given you to fulfill in bringing glory to the King. Believe Him for big things, for He is a big God. Trust Him for the hard things, for He is faithful and trustworthy. A Great Adventure Faith’s journey takes us on a great adventure. At times, it is exalting and glorious as we revel in the mountaintops. Other times, it seems like the valley of the shadow of death will swallow us into its depths of despair. Life’s challenges are real, but the resistance we face can build our strength and faith. The victories are also real, and will revive us as we experience a grace and power beyond ourselves. As believers in Jesus, we have great surety and hope. When the world is going crazy, economies are faltering, leaders are failing, morals are collapsing, families are disintegrating – we still have a Great and Unchanging Rock on which to stand! We have truths that will still be true no matter what the liar says. We have an eternal hope that cannot be taken away, and a God Who is with us and for us until that day! In every moment of life, God is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb 13:5). And at every turn,

we can catch glimpses, glimmers, even a grand horizon of the awesome and mighty splendor of His Person and divine will. Yes, we may see through a mirror dimly in this life (1Cor 13:12). But with the eyes of faith and a heart-trust in God’s promises, we also see revealed the greatness, goodness and glory of the Promise Giver and Keeper. He is the One Who leads us to see in that same mirror the image of His glory and a greater glory yet to come (2Cor 3:18). Surely, we can boast, sing aloud, even shout, “Great is Thy faithfulness!” (Lam 3:23). One Step At A Time The faith of every believer begins in a small and embryonic form. Yet as we obey, take small steps forward, learn to listen and hear, trust in God, rely upon and cling to Him – our faith will grow. It grows because with each act of trust and obedience, we will learn of (and feed upon) God’s faithfulness, His unchanging goodness and mercy, and His absolute and utter reliability. Even if we falter or a severe blow strikes a devastating wound to our faith, it is not destroyed. God is faithful to redeem, restore and rebuild our faith in Him if we will simply keep trusting, obeying and following Him. A New Beginning The faith-journey that Wendy and I (and our staff) have been on over the last 12 months has brought us and World MAP to Prescott, Arizona. We certainly had our mountaintops, and our valleys, as God took us from faith tooooooooo faith! Of course, this is not the end of the journey. It is just the next great step in our faith-journey with World MAP, and in a life led by Christ. We are so glad that you are on the journey with us in this next season of God’s great adventure for us all. He has put us together, and called us to partner in fulfilling His best and highest in the days ahead. God’s forever Kingdom is advancing in the world today. Our faith-journey – and yours – will take us all to heights we could never have imagined, on through the valleys of life’s challenges, and ever onward as God sees us through into all that is ahead in the great adventure of following Him. He is faithful, and our faith is in Him! Fall 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 11

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“The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned” (Matt 4:16). The winter solstice heralds half a year of lengthening days to come. Christmas celebrates the coming of the “Dayspring from on high” (Luke 1:78), our Savior Jesus Christ. He alone is the Way to “length of days forever and ever” (Ps 21:4), eternal life in His presence. Yet many, though living where daylight is long and summer heat never ends, remain in the dark night of hopelessness – blind and imprisoned in unbelief (Isa 42:7). The World MAP resources you provide equip church leaders to point the lost to the “the true Light” (John 1:9). It is that simple… that profound… that urgent... that wonderful!

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