GAZE 7 F15W16: Little Black Book: S.L.A.Y.E.D. Reinvention Issue

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This Issue Is Dedicated To The Designer. The craftsman who creates magic.

You never find yourself until you face the truth ~Pearl Bailey

The Truth Will Set You Free ~John 8:32

TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments p. 9 Editor's Letter pp. 10-13 Jack Adams USA: You Don't Know Jack pp. 14-43 The Winds of Change pp. 44-47 House of Infiniti: Bizarre/Bazaar 25th Anniversary Ball NYC pp. 48-49 Double Visage I & II: Best Face Forward Double Take pp. 50-69 Get It: Take Care of Myself Featuring Natalia Pabon pp. 70-79

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Models ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


Asia Ali Avery Willie Benjamin Drayton Dominic Albano Ella Thought Jahmere Rogers Lola Tyson Pierre Carrie

Jack Adams USA

Photographers ● ● ●

Christopher Avedon Elegance Bratton Rick Lopez

MUAH ● ●

Nicole Dill Rebecca Klewin

Agencies ●


City Model Agency

Public Relations

Stephen Butler @Brookhaven, NY


Editor in Chief: Jay Tavarez Creative Director: Natalia Pabon PAGE 9



Little Black Book: Secrets, Lies & Alibis, Yarns Entanglements, Deceptions Issue 7 F15W16 Editor's Letter

here comes a time in everyone's life when they must simply face the truth. For some their mere fate will rest upon their ability to distinguish between fact and fiction. Most people choose to follow the path of least resistance. They will endure all type of things until one day they will make a conscious decision, a choice. They will decide, I will not subjugate myself to this anymore and as that thought enters the universe, change occurs. This life altering moment can be scary. You are walking away from a reality you thought you knew and beginning a completely new chapter. When something no longer fits, you can squeeze into it best you can or you can move up a size. Some people describe this transitional phase as a growing pain. Others feel that change is inevitable, it is just a part of life. Change is difficult again because for the most part it demands that you pay attention to the present. Who you once were or the life you once had at one time is more than likely not who you are now or the life you currently live. Reinvention is a part of life. You will find that in this life you will be many different people. It is in that spirit that we tackle our next issue. We hope to bring you interesting story-lines, full of romance, intrigue, passion, betrayal and deceit. All the elements which encompass the mind and body of a fully realized human adult being. Our goal with this issue is to prove that no matter what comes your way you will be okay.

One thing we know for sure is that no one on this planet is perfect. Perfect is simply an ideal. Perfect is not something that is attainable in real life. Embark on whatever your journey may be knowing that you will make a ton of mistakes. You will fail many times before you succeed. And know that this is all part of what you need . to experience to become the person you will become. Whatever you choose to do with your life do it with every fiber of your being. Give with all of your soul. For it is our souls that hold the true sustenance of what make us human. Never be afraid to take risks or to speak your mind for fear of rejection. It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. Anyone who has ever experienced growth also has experienced pain. Pain is the catalyst of change. Pain warns us that something is wrong. And the longer we do not do something about the pain the worst it becomes. Sometimes the best way to deal with pain is to begin anew. When what you once knew does not exist anymore, every second you spend dwelling in that past, is a second more that will bring you pain and unhappiness. The human population was created to be resilient. To endure hardships, experience sorrow and also be elevated by inspiration and delight. We hope to run through the entire broad gamut that is emotion with the stories we will bring to you in this issue. We will hold nothing back and demand greatness of ourselves and all the people who work on this issue. This issue is a huge turning point for us. We hope to make everyone proud with the work we deliver. We have been through many changes and reinventions during the lifetime of this publication. Never before has change been so profound as to reach the core of what we hope to do. We will go foreword with this

issue, same way we go forward with everything in life. We will go forward with hope, faith, trust and inspiration. We know that along the way we will face let downs and disappointments. No one every promised us a rose garden and we are okay with that. We never were the green thumb kind of people anyhow (Although we do admire people who . are botanically inclined). This season is going to be a season of great soul searching for us. Change is not a thing that occurs overnight. For substantial change to happen you must again like that horticulturist tend to your environment Nurture it, encourage it, spend time with it. One thing we know for sure is that nothing worth doing is every going to happen on its own. Things worth doing require effort. It is important that people are aware of the things they can take on and the things they can't. Some people want to do everything and then realize they have spread themselves way too thin. Part of growing and becoming the person you want to be is about being able to spend moments of solace and reflection. Learning to prioritize and go after the things you want. There is nothing selfish about living a fulfilled life. What is selfish is living a life where you are unhappy because you chose to put the needs of others before your own. You can still care for others however you must be able to care for yourself first. Until then you will just be going through the motions and no matter how much you fake it, you will not be living a truly fulfilled life. It is not always easy to make yourself a priority when there are so many things that need our attention. You simply must be able to do that. You owe it to your self to be the best version of yourself you can be. Anything else is just sabotage, short changing yourself from reaching your full potential and happiness.

Who you have been in the past just informs who you will become in the future. So never feel shame, embarrassment or guilt about any thing or anyone you have been. We believe like so many others, that there is a master plan. That everything happens for a reason. We believe there is writing on the wall. There are signs all around us, that . guide us everyday. Stop every now and then and listen to the sound of life. That sound is the most brilliant sound ever created; the original sound. We wish everyone great joy and hope during the launch of this new issue. We hope to accomplish so many things. More importantly, we hope others experience change as well. The people who put their faith in us are the people who motivate us most to accomplish great things. Surround yourself with people who share your vision and encourage you to try new things. New things are not always the comfortable things and that is why they are worth doing. Feel uncomfortable for a little while believe me you will survive. You will see that you will be better for the time you spent tackling whatever mountain is before you when you come out on the other side. And when you do there will be more things to tackle. That is life. It is a cycle of things that are presented to you. How you deal with these things informs the person you will become. And again it is okay to get it wrong a few times. Just make sure you listen each time and do your best to figure out why it did not work out. You will find that if you just simply listen the answers you seek most will present themselves. When they do spring into action. The time is now.

Jay Tavarez Editor in Chief


Clothing Designer: Jack Adams Photographer: Rick Lopez and Christopher Avedon Wardrobe Stylist: Natalia Pabon PAGE 14


The Winds of Change

Photographer: Rick Lopez Wardrobe Stylist: Natalia Pabon PAGE 44

House of Infiniti: Bizarre/Bazaar th

25 Anniversary Ball NYC

Photographer: Elegance Bratton


Double Visage: Best Face Forward

Creative Director: Natalia Pabon Photographer: Rick Lopez






MUAH: Rebecca Klewin & Nicole Dill PAGE 60




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