Seattle Model Yacht Club Class IOM Fleet
The Seattle IOM Update
March - May 2013
________________________________________________________________ • A FREE DIGITAL NEWSLETTER COVERING IOM RADIO SAILING IN THE SEATTLE AREA & PACIFIC NORTHWEST •
Rob Walsh tuning his LINTEL on the frothy West Kirby Marine Lake, which in addition to being a wonderful IOM radio sailing venue is a windsurfer’s mecca too. Dave Creed is the LINTEL’s designer and manufacturer, and we have a nice long interview with Dave towards the end of this newsletter. Photo by Terry King.
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
IOM eye candy: This is another Graham Herbert custom ZOOM design with his signature artwork that is unique on each boat. I especially like the topsides, and it looks even better in person. Like all ZOOMs it is a fast and forgiving allrounder. In the background is a colorful Herbert sailbox. This 2010 photo is from our first SMYC IOM regatta, so it is not new. Too bad Graham doesn’t sell his creations. Photo Julian Lee.
Washington State IOM Radio Sailing:
Washington state radio sailing at Seattle Model Yacht Club is as vibrant as ever, and it has a great vane and radio sailing history. 2010 marked the beginning of our active International One Metre (IOM) fleet, in addition to the wellestablished Victoria fleet on Greenlake. Locally we’re having fun sailing these thoroughbred IOMs cleanly and competitively in three special radio sailing venues. We sail IOMs at Coulon Park and Surprise Lake every month March – October. On Whidbey Island the Deception Pass MYC sails year-round on Sundays, as they don’t know when to stop. Actually they don’t stop because their venue is located in the Olympic Mountains rain shadow, which is amazingly effective at driving away rain, but not wind. We habitually comingle our IOMs like one big club at these three venues: Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park: 1201 Lake Washington Blvd., Renton, WA: This exceptional Lake Washington park is our SMYC home for IOMs. We sail on big deep open freshwater. Often we are more of a large “speed” course, but the occasional wind shifts, chop, and powerboat waves keep it all interesting enough. Surprise Lake – accessed via Surprise Lake Village, 2800 Queens Way, Milton, WA: Gig Harbor Model Yacht Club’s long-time home is a large pond with frequent “surprising” wind shifts. Twist the sails off a little and play those shifts. Joe Damico loves it here. Cranberry Lake – N. Whidbey Is. - 1 Mi. South of Deception Pass Bridge on SR 20: The DPMYC (Deception Pass MYC) home is a Cranberry Lake off the Straits of Juan de Fuca in timeless Deception Pass State Park. Great sailing, great views, and great CCC built infrastructure to boot. The views just driving here justify the trip. Go here for directions: After every race we’re together laughing at ourselves in a pub or restaurant, feeding our faces, and somehow helping each other sail better. It is an essential part of all our programs. Find more SMYC information as well as copies of our previous newsletters at:
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
2013 Schedules: 2013 SMYC IOM & PacNW Regional Schedule: Go to the last pages of this newsletter for our comprehensive schedule with many local and regional regattas. Many of us work together to coordinate all the weekend IOM sailing in Washington State, including Gig Harbor MYC and the Deception Pass Model Yacht club (formerly ARCS). We try to include the major events in Oregon, British Columbia, Idaho, and Alberta too. We publish our schedule at the beginning of the year and generally have a few changes through the year. If you sail with us, rest assured you won’t be stuck at the same old pond every time. Regattas that are more than 1-day are highlighted. For Seattle MYC see: For Oregon MYC see: For British Columbia see: For British Columbia also see: (You must join Yahoo.) 2013 COW CanAm Series Regional Schedule: Four great regattas are planned, including Hornby Island for the first time as a CanAm Series event. Go to the last pages of this newsletter for our comprehensive schedule or here: 2013 USA Schedule: For ranking regattas and other multi-day regattas around the USA and Canada go here: and click on 2013 Calendar. Thank you to our web master; George Georgiadis in Portland, OR; for his work on creating our new “interactive” calendar that will include the ability on many regattas to provide your entry and fees online. It is slick.
Introducing: Deception Pass Model Yacht Club Bob Wells Reporting: Julian Lee recently announced that the ARCS have changed their name to Deception Pass Model Yacht Club, and they are now officially AMYA sanctioned club 326. The fancy new web site thanks to Collie Martin is here: This name change resolves the confusion of having two clubs in the same area using the name ARCS, and maybe more importantly this better reflects the growing sense of community with our park where we sail. Julian Lee thinks this better serves the club going forward, and the club agrees. Happily the ARCS live on sailing the Soling1M at Cap Santé Marina, and we wish organizer Chuck Mallory and all well. Many Soling1M skippers will sail with both the ARCS and DPMYC, and the more the merrier at both venues. I’m also pleased to share that the most active IOM fleet in Washington State, DPMYC, continues to make significant strides in other areas. Sailing improved greatly this winter when the venue moved to the the northwest finger of the 160 acre Cranberry Lake. The majestic old-growth fir trees of the old venue don’t affect the prevailing winter SE winds here, and the winter sailing has been superb. This location is also at the east edge of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and here only the low beach blocks the west winds that are common in summer. Sailing looks very promising at this new venue and the Juan de Fuca vista is a favorite. This didn’t happen by accident. First the club had to acknowledge that for all the beauty, convenience, and investment; the old east venue had chronic fluky wind. Late 2012 began the earnest search for a better sailing venue in the park. Then there are approvals from the Park Ranger if you want to move to another venue. It is key that Julian has cultivated and maintains a friendly working relationship with the Park Ranger over the years, to
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
the benefit of both the park and the sailing club. DPMYC has invested sweat equity and skin in this game. When the docks were falling apart at the old venue, the club got involved after seeing three removed for safety. The club saved the rest in partnership with the cash strapped park. Julian came up with a design solution to lower the piling collar below the rotten tops and had them fabricated locally. The cost of this fix was shared among the club radio sailors. The Parks marine crew did the installation. I don’t hear stories of working together like this often enough. After trial sailing on the north side of the NW finger at Cranberry Lake this winter, the club recognized this provided far superior sailing. But there was no obvious location to establish control and launch areas for our larger summer group. The answer appeared to be the west side of this finger, and fortunately the Park Ranger gave permission to clean out some path areas to allow enough safe access for sailing. So Julian organized a few work parties and the club is continuing to trial sail here with smiles all around. The trial sailing will continue through summer to confirm if this is a good radio sailing site without weed and fluky wind. If the sailing proves to be as good as I think it will be, Julian will be tasked to convince the Park Ranger that he needs a “World Class” here. Normally one would think there was no chance for a mere radio sailing club to work with a big bureaucracy on this and succeed, but there is a good possibility due to the unique relationship the club has with the Park Rangers. We will monitor with interest and advise! Deception Pass Model Yacht Club invites everybody to trial the new western Cranberry Lake venue every Wednesday (mostly Soling 1Ms) and Sunday (mostly IOMs) from Noon – 4:00PM. Do yourself a favor and come out and sail in some consistent Cranberry wind for a change. It is getting warmer, but bring waders for the wet launch if you have them. DCMYC is requesting a $50 initial joining donation for participation; which is not necessarily an annual fee. Don’t let that slow you from sailing with DCMYC as a guest though, as you will feel very welcome. If like me, you deem this a worthy radio sailing investment; send your check or PayPal option to: Collie Martin, DCMYC Treasurer 4407 Orchard Ave. Anacortes, WA 98221 (Checks made out to Deception Pass Model Yacht Club or DPMYC; and include on the check your AMYA number, email address, and phone number for record keeping. You have a PayPal option at
Regatta Reports: Deception Pass MYC (formerly the ARCS) sail IOMs on Sundays every week year-round (yes, including winter) – and they provide the only regular winter IOM sailing in Washington State. Gather at the new West Cranberry Lake venue for a Noon – 4:00PM scored regatta. The goal is to start sailing at Noon when the wind seems to build, so show up early and waders are required to wet launch. Julian Lee and DPMYC do a great job running these regattas and his phone number is on the schedule in the back of this newsletter. Note we haven’t reported many DPMYC regattas here because of limited space, but we are making up for that this winter. Clearly not enough PacNW skippers have taken advantage of this great winter sailing venue with a prevailing SE wind - Editor.
Deception Pass MYC’s Winter Regatta (12/9/12) West Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park; Whidbey Island, WA Larry Stiles Reporting: Below are the results of DPMYC’s IOM Regatta held at the NW end of Cranberry Lake, our usual winter sailing venue beginning this year. We had solid wind out of the ESE that started at near the top of the Number 1 rig and slacked off as the day progressed. Great fun and bang on racing with Kelly showing
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
us the way. Welcome back Bill Langjahr!
1 2
Skipper Kelly Martin Joe Damico
Hull Topiko V6
Score 12.0 33.0
3 4 5
Larry Stiles Steve Young Bill Langjahr
Pikanto Arrival Cheinz
35.0 38.0 48.0
6 7 8
Bob Critchlow Julian Lee Ray Fiedler
Cockatoo Ikon SC4
74.0 75.0 99.0
1 2.0 3.0 4.0
2 1.0 5.0 2.0
3 1.0 3.0 4.0
4 1.0 4.0 2.0
5 1.0 8.0 2.0
6 1.0 5.0 4.0
7 1.0 3.0 5.0
8 1.0 2.0 4.0
9 1.0 2.0 3.0
10 1.0 3.0 2.0
11 1.0 2.0 4.0
12 1.0 3.0 2.0
13 1.0 2.0 4.0
14 3.0 1.0 2.0
1.0 8.0 6.0
3.0 4.0 7.0
2.0 5.0 8.0
5.0 3.0 7.0
4.0 3.0 6.0
3.0 2.0 6.0
2.0 4.0 6.0
3.0 5.0 6.0
4.0 5.0 7.0
5.0 4.0 7.0
3.0 6.0 5.0
4.0 5.0 6.0
5.0 3.0 6.0
4.0 5.0 6.0
5.0 7.0
6.0 8.0
6.0 7.0
6.0 8.0
5.0 7.0
7.0 8.0
7.0 9.0
7.0 9.0
6.0 9.0
6.0 9.0
7.0 9.0
7.0 9.0
7.0 9.0
9.0 9.0
Deception Pass MYC Winter sailing usually brings wind and waves at West Cranberry Lake. Julian Lee #95 and Larry Stiles #131, who both rarely miss a regatta, claw to weather showing their foils while under C-rig. Bob Wells photo.
Deception Pass MYC’s Winter Regatta (12/16/12) West Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park; Whidbey Island, WA Larry Stiles Reporting: We sailed again at the NW side of Cranberry Lake. Sundays wind predictions were for 12 mph building to 35 mph toward mid afternoon. We started out just fine in number 2 rig and the wind was building as advertised. After half a dozen races we were sizing down to the number 3 and expecting big wins to come. But the powers to be had a different plan. The wind started to lighten ever so gradually and like an investor hanging on to a stock that is way past it’s prime some of us stuck with our number 3’s well into number 2 range. The guys that either stuck with the number 2 or switched back to it made out well.
1 2
Skipper Steve Young Bill Langjahr
Sail # 87 88
Hull Lintel Chienz
Score 30.0 35.0
3 4 5
Kelly Martin Joe D'Amico Peter Sternberg
21 86 43
Topiko V6 Arrival
37.0 50.0 53.0
6 7 8
Larry Stiles Julian Lee Kurt Wells
31 95 25
Pikanto Ikon Topiko
59.0 59.0 97.0
Seattle Model Yacht Club
1 3.0 2.0 1.0
2 6.0 1.0 5.0
3 4.0 1.0 2.0
4 5.0 2.0 3.0
5 2.0 1.0 3.0
6 2.0 6.0 1.0
7 1.0 4.0 2.0
8 1.0 4.0 3.0
9 2.0 8.0 1.0
10 3.0 1.0 4.0
11 3.0 4.0 2.0
12 3.0 5.0 6.0
13 2.0 5.0 6.0
14 9.0 2.0 4.0
15 2.0 5.0 9.0
16 2.0 3.0 9.0
4.0 9.0 5.0
3.0 9.0 2.0
3.0 9.0 5.0
4.0 9.0 1.0
5.0 9.0 4.0
4.0 9.0 5.0
3.0 9.0 9.0
6.0 2.0 5.0
7.0 3.0 5.0
8.0 2.0 6.0
9.0 1.0 6.0
7.0 2.0 4.0
3.0 1.0 7.0
3.0 1.0 5.0
1.0 4.0 6.0
4.0 1.0 7.0
6.0 9.0
4.0 9.0
6.0 9.0
6.0 9.0
6.0 9.0
3.0 9.0
5.0 9.0
7.0 8.0
4.0 6.0
5.0 7.0
7.0 5.0
1.0 8.0
4.0 8.0
6.0 7.0
3.0 7.0
6.0 5.0
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Deception Pass MYC’s Winter Regatta (12/30/12) West Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park; Whidbey Island, WA Larry Stiles Reporting: The weather for our regularly scheduled IOM Sunday slugfest was pretty much as advertised. Cold but not too cold. Light wind, but not too light, and getting lighter as the day progressed until it went stone cold dead at around 3:30 PM. Right on time. Great racing, very competitive.
1 2
Skipper Sternberg D'Amico
Hull Arrival V6
Score 32.0 36.0
3 4 5
Larry Stiles Julian Lee S. Young
Pikanto Ikon Lintel
50.0 51.0 57.0
6 7 8
D. Austin Kurt Wells Ray Fiedler
V6 Topiko SC4
62.0 87.0 92.0
9 10
C. Rantala Critchlow
Azetone Cockatoo
97.0 108.0
1 4.0 6.0 5.0
2 7.0 1.0 4.0
3 7.0 2.0 3.0
4 1.0 2.0 3.0
5 3.0 8.0 4.0
6 1.0 5.0 7.0
7 1.0 5.0 4.0
8 1.0 6.0 3.0
9 2.0 1.0 6.0
10 3.0 1.0 6.0
11 2.0 3.0 4.0
12 2.0 6.0 1.0
13 6.0 1.0 3.0
14 3.0 2.0 6.0
15 3.0 1.0 4.0
1.0 2.0 7.0
2.0 8.0 3.0
4.0 6.0 1.0
6.0 5.0 7.0
5.0 6.0 1.0
6.0 3.0 2.0
6.0 7.0 2.0
2.0 4.0 11.0
5.0 4.0 3.0
4.0 2.0 11.0
1.0 5.0 10.0
3.0 7.0 11.0
7.0 4.0 2.0
7.0 4.0 11.0
6.0 5.0 2.0
11.0 3.0 11.0
5.0 9.0 11.0
5.0 9.0 11.0
4.0 8.0 11.0
2.0 11.0 11.0
8.0 11.0 4.0
3.0 9.0 8.0
5.0 11.0 8.0
7.0 9.0 8.0
8.0 5.0 7.0
7.0 9.0 6.0
11.0 4.0 5.0
11.0 8.0 5.0
11.0 1.0 5.0
11.0 7.0 8.0
Deception Pass MYC’s Winter Regatta (1/6/13) West Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park; Whidbey Island, WA Larry Stiles Reporting: Weather predictions were pretty much right on today with 42 degrees and 14 - 16 mph winds out of the SSE. This translated into a very acceptable CCW four-point course that had us near the top of the No.1 rig. Great fun for all, except Bill Langjahr, who went out with a broken mast in the third race. Still way more invigorating than vegging in front of the TV watching a dull football game. (Seattle Seahawks won their 1st play-off game 24 to 14 – Editor.)
1 2
Skipper Steve Young Joe D'Amico
Sail # 87 86
Hull Lintel V6
Score 19.0 26.0
3 4 5
Larry Stiles Bob Critchlow Julian Lee
31 85 95
Pikanto Cockatoo Ikon
31.0 50.0 51.0
Bill Langjahr
1 4.0 2.0 5.0
2 2.0 1.0 4.0
3 1.0 3.0 2.0
4 2.0 7.0 1.0
5 1.0 2.0 4.0
6 2.0 1.0 3.0
7 2.0 4.0 1.0
8 1.0 4.0 2.0
9 2.0 1.0 4.0
10 5.0 4.0 1.0
11 4.0 2.0 1.0
12 1.0 2.0 4.0
13 2.0 1.0 4.0
14 1.0 2.0 3.0
15 1.0 3.0 2.0
16 1.0 2.0 3.0
6.0 3.0 1.0
6.0 5.0 3.0
4.0 5.0 7.0
3.0 4.0 7.0
3.0 5.0 7.0
5.0 4.0 7.0
3.0 7.0 7.0
7.0 3.0 7.0
3.0 7.0 7.0
2.0 3.0 7.0
5.0 3.0 7.0
3.0 5.0 7.0
5.0 3.0 7.0
4.0 5.0 7.0
5.0 4.0 7.0
5.0 4.0 7.0
Deception Pass MYC’s Winter Regatta (1/20/13) West Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park; Whidbey Island, WA Larry Stiles Reporting: And now, for something a little different: Our usual winter site along the NW shore was iced-in (2nd time this year – Ed.) so we went looking for an alternate to our alternate. We decided to sail off the swim beach, which was sort of ice-free and had a breath of wind coming out of the SW. This picked up a bit and clocked around to the NW as the day progressed. We had to set the course with waders on because there was no way to launch the dinghy inside the swim area. Then we had to wait for the ice that had broken away from the shore to drift out past our marks. Eventually we were able to field 5 boats and get 10 races in the book. Weeds were a bother but not as bad as some places we’ve seen. This Regatta marked the début of Julian’s new PIKANTO, “Pondscum”. A DeJoop kit that arrived with a hell of a lot of assembly required. A beautiful first class job and it goes like mad and with a color that
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
will not be confused with any other boat. Position 1 2
Skipper Bill Langjahr Joe D'Amico
Sail # 88 86
3 4 5
Larry Stiles Julian Lee Marc
31 03 95
Club/City ARCS Sequim
Hull Cheinz V6
Score 13.0 15.0
Pikanto Pikanto Ikon
20.0 23.0 36.0
1 1.0 4.0 2.0
2 3.0 1.0 5.0
3 3.0 1.0 2.0
4 4.0 1.0 2.0
5 3.0 1.0 2.0
6 1.0 2.0 3.0
7 1.0 3.0 2.0
8 1.0 3.0 4.0
9 2.0 3.0 4.0
10 1.0 4.0 3.0
3.0 5.0
4.0 2.0
4.0 5.0
3.0 5.0
4.0 5.0
5.0 4.0
4.0 5.0
2.0 5.0
1.0 5.0
2.0 6.0
Deception Pass MYC’s Winter Regatta (2/24/13) West Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park; Whidbey Island, WA Larry Stiles Reporting: The weather predictions were for wind in the 20’s out of the prevailing SE and that’s what we got, big time. We started out with No.2 rigs and by race #3 we were all using No.3s and we finished the day that way. The Cheinz and the Lintel were in their element and it was fun fun fun for everyone. Position 1 2
Skipper Bill Langjarh Joe D'Amico
Sail # 88 86
Club/City Anacortes, WA DPMYC
Hull Cheinz V6
Score 14.0 16.0
3 4 5
Steve Young Larry Stiles Julian/Guest
87 31 95
Lintel Pikanto Ikon
18.0 21.0 41.0
Bob Critchlow
1 4.0 2.0 1.0
2 2.0 4.0 1.0
3 3.0 1.0 4.0
4 2.0 1.0 4.0
5 4.0 3.0 2.0
6 2.0 3.0 1.0
7 2.0 4.0 1.0
8 1.0 2.0 4.0
9 1.0 2.0 4.0
10 1.0 2.0 5.0
3.0 5.0 7.0
3.0 5.0 7.0
2.0 5.0 7.0
3.0 6.0 5.0
1.0 6.0 5.0
4.0 6.0 5.0
3.0 5.0 6.0
3.0 7.0 5.0
3.0 5.0 7.0
3.0 4.0 7.0
“Keep it UP!” Another start in the big winds at Deception Pass MYC. Steve Young photo. (Steve was not driving when his #87 did not keep clear to windward of #85 – Editor.)
Deception Pass MYC’s Winter Regatta (3/3/13) West Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park; Whidbey Island, WA
1 2
Skipper Joe D'Amico Steve Young
Sail 86 87
Hull V6 Lintel
Score 9.0 24.0
Bill Langjahr
Anacortes, WA
Seattle Model Yacht Club
1 1.0 4.0 5.0
2 1.0 9.0 7.0
3 1.0 4.0 7.0
4 4.0 3.0 6.0
5 2.0 7.0 6.0
6 1.0 2.0 3.0
7 1.0 3.0 4.0
8 1.0 4.0 2.0
9 1.0 2.0 3.0
10 12.0 2.0 1.0
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
4 5
Julian Lee Bob Wells
95 07
Ikon Britpop!
41.0 48.0
6 7 8
Drew Austin Larry Stiles Bob Critchlow
180 31 85
V6 Pikanto Cockatoo
50.0 58.0 66.0
9 10 11
Craig Rantala Vic Childs Dennis Pittis
65 03 25
Azetone Pikanto/JL Slim
73.0 88.0 88.0
12.0 2.0 3.0
12.0 4.0 2.0
8.0 2.0 6.0
9.0 1.0 2.0
8.0 3.0 1.0
4.0 12.0 12.0
2.0 12.0 12.0
3.0 12.0 12.0
4.0 12.0 12.0
3.0 12.0 12.0
7.0 8.0 9.0
3.0 5.0 6.0
3.0 5.0 9.0
5.0 7.0 8.0
4.0 5.0 12.0
12.0 12.0 5.0
12.0 12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0 12.0
6.0 12.0
10.0 8.0
12.0 10.0
12.0 10.0
12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0
12.0 12.0
Welcome to my office! After measuring a few sails/rigs before the end of the regatta, Larry Stiles (in red) is reviewing sail templates by DIYer Dennis Pittis “before” he makes his sails. A good idea because a few corrections were required. Larry serves as the measurer, scorekeeper, and sometime mark-setter for DPMYC - always with a happy demeanor. The background is the Strait of Juan de Fuca terminating at Deception Pass State Park, and a sweeping view of this strait greets you as you access West Cranberry Lake. Juan de Fuca separates WA from BC, and extends 95 miles to the west where it joins the Pacific. When I arrived it was roiling but it soon calmed - as did our wind. Bob Wells photo.
Gig Harbor MYC #1 (3/9/13) Surprise Lake, Milton, WA Bob Wells Reporting: A break in the weather provided a mellow warm day for a pleasant light-air kick-off to the season. Once again Joe Damico excelled in the shifty conditions here, and left the rest of us scratching our collective heads at the number of “flyers” that worked out so well for him? New boats included Craig
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Rantala’s home build SKA and Ron Blackledges FRACTAL that he assembled from a SAILSetc kit over the winter. New/old skipper is Mikey Pearson, back radio sailing at his home club after being lost in the wildernss of big-boat campaigning for more than a decade. Welcome back Mikey (who has a V8 on order). Position 1 2
Skipper Joe D'Amico Pete Sternberg
Hull V6 Arrival
Score 23.0 37.0
3 4 5
Larry Stiles Mike Pearson Ron Blackledge
Pikanto Arrival Fractal
44.0 55.0 56.0
6 7 8
Kurt Wells Steve Young J. W. Brower
Topiko Lintel Widget
65.0 69.0 74.0
9 10 11
Byron Pimms Scott Thomas Ron Hornung
Isis V6 Why-Not
96.0 104.0 107.0
Crag Rantala
1 2.0 8.0 1.0
2 4.0 3.0 2.0
3 1.0 8.0 3.0
4 1.0 4.0 2.0
5 5.0 2.0 3.0
6 1.0 3.0 6.0
7 2.0 3.0 4.0
8 3.0 2.0 10.0
9 1.0 3.0 5.0
10 5.0 1.0 7.0
11 1.0 2.0 5.0
12 6.0 1.0 9.0
13 1.0 5.0 4.0
14 1.0 9.0 2.0
5.0 6.0 9.0
7.0 6.0 5.0
2.0 5.0 6.0
10.0 5.0 3.0
6.0 4.0 7.0
2.0 4.0 11.0
1.0 5.0 12.0
1.0 4.0 5.0
11.0 9.0 6.0
4.0 8.0 2.0
9.0 7.0 3.0
2.0 5.0 3.0
6.0 2.0 9.0
12.0 3.0 7.0
3.0 13.0 4.0
1.0 13.0 8.0
12.0 11.0 4.0
8.0 7.0 6.0
8.0 1.0 9.0
5.0 13.0 8.0
6.0 11.0 9.0
8.0 6.0 11.0
4.0 2.0 10.0
6.0 3.0 12.0
6.0 4.0 11.0
7.0 4.0 12.0
7.0 8.0 10.0
11.0 4.0 6.0
10.0 7.0 11.0
10.0 11.0 9.0
7.0 10.0 9.0
11.0 13.0 9.0
10.0 11.0 12.0
7.0 10.0 9.0
8.0 10.0 7.0
9.0 7.0 12.0
8.0 13.0 7.0
9.0 11.0 10.0
10.0 12.0 8.0
8.0 10.0 11.0
13.0 3.0 13.0
8.0 5.0 10.0
Gig Harbor MYC opened their 2013 season with another pleasant, well attended regatta. New boats are Craig Rantela’s home built SKA and Ron Hornung’s FRACTAL, assembled from a kit. New skipper is Mikey Pearson, who is back radio sailing at his home club after being lost in the wilderness of big-boat racing for more than a decade. Bob Wells photo.
Seattle MYC #1 (3/30/13) Gene Coulon Park on Lake Washington, Renton, WA Larry Stiles Reporting: Sunshine and a good breeze made for a great day of racing for the 2013 opening day for Seattle MYC. Our day started with winds from the NNW at about 5 MPH which backed around to the NW at about 7-10 MPH, the perfect conditions for the infamous Coulon Chop all day. With a very respectable starting field of 15 boats we were able to get in 12 races over long two-lap courses. Big Fun. Big sun for a change too! It was our first look at Ron “Hydro” Hornung’s thoughtful new custom design, but his rudder servo and linkage wasn’t ready for this day. Actually the boat is still unfinished and incomplete, but it is great to see a custom boat coming out of Seattle.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
1 2
Skipper Peter Sternberg Bob Wells
Hull Arrival Britpop!
Score 23.0 27.0
3 4 5
Chris Brundege Steve Young Bill Langjahr
Widget Lintel Cheinz
29.0 30.0 34.0
6 7 8
Joe D'Amico Larry Stiles Kurt Wells
V6 Pikanto Topiko
57.0 71.0 73.0
9 10 11
Scott Thomas Mike Pearson Byron Pimms
V6 Arrival Isis II
90.0 91.0 93.0
12 13 14
Drew Austin Ron Blackledge Craig Rantala
V6 Fractal Azetone
94.0 104.0 140.0
Ron Hornung
21 Grams
1 3.0 16.0 10.0
2 2.0 1.0 4.0
3 5.0 1.0 4.0
4 3.0 4.0 2.0
5 4.0 2.0 1.0
6 1.0 7.0 3.0
7 1.0 2.0 3.0
8 9.0 1.0 3.0
9 1.0 4.0 6.0
10 3.0 7.0 2.0
11 4.0 1.0 2.0
12 1.0 4.0 5.0
2.0 1.0 5.0
16.0 3.0 5.0
3.0 2.0 9.0
1.0 7.0 10.0
8.0 3.0 7.0
6.0 2.0 4.0
7.0 4.0 5.0
2.0 5.0 6.0
2.0 5.0 3.0
1.0 11.0 5.0
3.0 7.0 8.0
3.0 2.0 9.0
6.0 8.0 11.0
9.0 6.0 7.0
11.0 7.0 12.0
5.0 6.0 16.0
9.0 6.0 5.0
10.0 11.0 12.0
8.0 9.0 10.0
4.0 8.0 7.0
10.0 7.0 12.0
6.0 10.0 9.0
6.0 9.0 11.0
8.0 7.0 6.0
9.0 12.0 4.0
12.0 10.0 8.0
8.0 6.0 10.0
16.0 9.0 12.0
11.0 10.0 16.0
5.0 9.0 13.0
13.0 6.0 11.0
12.0 10.0 13.0
9.0 11.0 8.0
8.0 12.0 4.0
5.0 10.0 16.0
12.0 13.0 11.0
7.0 13.0 14.0
11.0 13.0 16.0
13.0 16.0 16.0
8.0 11.0 16.0
12.0 16.0 13.0
8.0 14.0 16.0
12.0 14.0 16.0
11.0 15.0 14.0
13.0 14.0 16.0
13.0 14.0 16.0
12.0 16.0 16.0
10.0 16.0 16.0
Other Regatta Reports: MidWinters (2/16-17/13 – Ranking Regatta) Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond; San Diego, CA Brig North Reporting: The 2013 edition of the IOM season opening Midwinter regatta took place in beautiful conditions at the historic San Diego Model Yacht Pond. A total of 26 boats were entered with sailors from New York, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and Texas joining the California crew. A new format was used this year to reduce travel costs. All measurement was performed Saturday morning to allow people to avoid using a vacation day traveling to the regatta site for Friday measurement. It seemed to work okay, and it is one of many aspects the class is exploring to make regattas less time consuming and expensive, while leaving adequate time for what we all want to do – sail! Thank you to Mike Eldred, who again headed the measuring team, and he did his usual, professional job. This regatta also featured a tighter, more streamlined observer system to cut down on protests. Roy Langboard provided excellent instructions on how the system worked. Not only did the system cut down on protests, in this instance, it eliminated protest meetings! While it will not always be this successful, the observer system goes a long way to helping sailors work out issues on the water. San Diego is a tough place to sail. Wind bands come down seemingly in random order, but there is a method to playing the odds at that pond. Some people have it, and most don’t! The “haves” don’t have to necessarily be the fastest on the water – brains make up for a lot of speed issues in San Diego. The heats were seeded using our rolling ranking system, which is maintained by Stephan Cohen, and then we all waited for the wind to settle in. The wind started off in lower to mid-A, but it seemed to get less stable as the day wore on. But the leader board at the end of the day with six races completed reflected the brain trust of the San Diego Model Pond; Tony Gonsalves, Zach Alyea and George Pedrick, were playing the odds well and were staying out of trouble. Also up there was Ian Vickers, designer of the V8, who on his first trip to San Diego showed why he is a perennial IOM champion as he aced the last two races of the day. The fleet adjourned and met at Fiddler’s Green for great camaraderie and food. Fiddler’s Green is a must visit place when in San Diego for any sailor because the entire walls are covered in half hull models. When I say covered with models, I mean covered with models, floor to ceiling. There are even tank test models hanging from the ceiling, including a gorgeous 12 meter of the Courageous vintage. Further, the owner is a great friend to model sailing, and he was very kind to accommodate us on a busy Saturday night.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Sunday racing commenced with more typical San Diego conditions. And as usual, the cream rose to the top. Racing was so close, in fact, that going into the 11th and deciding race, four people were essentially tied for first, and any of the next four competitors could be in the top five. Zack Alyea clinched the regatta in grand style by winning the last race. That was Zack’s only win of the regatta, but he never finished lower than 8th in any race. His remarkable consistency won the day and the regatta. Awards were presented to the top five finishers and the Corinthian Sailor trophy was presented to Ms. Gene Harris. Well done to all! Thank you to the San Diego Argonauts, the competitors for wonderful sportsmanship, and especially to our Class Secretary, Fred Rocha. This regatta was a great example of Fred’s leadership improving the quality of IOM sailing in the US. Full results may be found at the class’ website, Summary of the 2013 IOM Midwinters: Class: IOM Date: February 16th-17th, 2013 Location: Mission Bay Model Yacht Pond, San Diego, CA Host Clubs: San Diego Argonauts Model Yacht Club Entries: 28 Winds: 3-8 knots Races Completed: 11 Scoring System: 2007 HMS, scoring version 2.0 Regatta Committee & Valuable Assistants: Fred Rocha – Organizer and PRO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27
Skipper Zach Alyea Tony Gonsalves Ian Vickers George Pedrick John Ebey Dennis Rogers Gary Boell Brig North Craig Mackey Jon Elmaleh Jess Atkinson Bob Dunlap Bill Wright Kim Robbins Larry Grant Roy Langbord Dick Carver Stephan Cohen Al Finley Glen Murray Gene Harris Greg Dawe Al Charnin Bob Smith John Ball Lon Wahler Eric Arndt Mike Eldred
Sail # 46 51 40 99 93 43 31 11 29 2 56 37 82 21 81 70 22 28 174 109 50 68 7 107 79 80 13 39
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Club/City Las Vegas-NV Bridgetown-BAR San Francisco-CA Pt.Richmond-CA San Raphael-CA San Diego-CA Pt.Richmond-CA Dallas-TX Oceanside-CA Brooklyn-NY Alameda-CA San Jose-CA Alameda-CA La Mesa-CA Los Angeles-CA New York-NY La Habra-CA Los Angeles-CA Brentwood-CA Danville-CA Pt.Richmond-CA Encinitas-CA Cotati-CA Simi Valley-CA Parksville-BC-CAN El Cajon-CA Fairfax-CA Alpine-CA
Hull Topiko Cheinz V8 Pikanto britPOP! britPOP! britPOP! britPOP! V7 IE3 Pikanto Topiko Pikanto Stealth Pikanto britPOP! MadMax britPOP! Cockatoo robot Vapour Ericca Swift Widget SKA Ericca V8 V8
Score 27 30 34 38 49 53 54 55 70 79 80 93 98 101 106.2 110 119 131 135 138 154 176 187 191 193 202 246 246
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
2013 Blowout/Region 5 (Mar. 13-15) Trinity River Yacht Club on White Rock Lake; Dallas, Texas Brig North Reporting:
For the fourth consecutive year, the Blowout regatta lived up to its name. Winds from 5 mph to 34 mph called for great technique and steel nerves to keep the boat going where one wanted it to go given the short, steep chop. This event also drew many, many new boats as the chine revolution sweeps the US. The BritPop! was the most popular design with eight examples, followed by the Lintel with five examples, and the Chienz with three examples. We also had the introduction of the V8 as well as the Lintel MMX, so it made for a fun time just looking at the new designs. This event was the first for an all-electronic registration process. Due to space limitations we have at the club, the decision was made to limit the field to 36 boats. The new process was a roaring success as the regatta was fully subscribed in only 18 hours! We did have some folks not attend, so the final field was a bit smaller than planned. The new process has been so well received, however, that other NCAs around the world are looking to use this set up. The Blowout is a bit of an anachronism, comparable to Monaco on the Formula 1 circuit – neat, but a bit like taking a step back in time. This regatta was one of the first regattas in the country as the IOM began its growth phase. Its legend began when folks didn’t bring their C rigs to a regatta where winds routinely exceed 40 mph. Time marches on and now people are prepared with C rigs and often with boats that can handle much more wind than those of years past. It still has its charm of big wind, a great vantage point from the second floor of the clubhouse, and the very intimate setting of a 30’ by 30’ clubhouse, sheltered from the elements. It has its limitations of short courses, particularly to the weather mark, and space inside the clubhouse. Still, it’s a great little venue. The regatta got going with what has become a Blowout staple of Chuck LeMahieu working the grill. He made his world famous guacamole, pork chops, bratwurst, veggies and all the rest. Adult refreshments were in copious quantities. Saturday was a full day of big wind and chop to match. Winds were constantly in the low 20s with much bigger puffs. The chine boats for the most part were able to hold their B rigs for the whole day, while the others rigged to C. It was a hairy ride on the chop, but there was a lot of hooting and hollering, so it was a ton of fun. The day ended with Californians Craig Mackey and Dennis Rogers heading the board. The group then went to Bone Daddy’s for some St. Patrick’s Day eating and viewing. Score
Skipper Craig Mackey
Club CA
Hull BritPOP!
Brig North
T. Gonsalves
John Ebey
Jeffery Weiss
Dennis Rogers
7.0 6.0
E. Rosenbaum
Gary Boell
Stephan Cohen
Stan Wallace
Chris Macaluso
B. Andersen
Jerry Bower
Morgan Dewees
13 14
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Mark Cooper
Al Ross
John Oliveira Chuck LeMahieu
Larry Grant
George Pedrick
Bob Wells
Bill Langjahr
Chuck Williams
Joe D'Amico
David Cook
25 26 27 28
Gene Harris Chris Cafiero
Vapour Tempest
Steve Landeau
Rich Hoffman
Topiko Yankee Clipper
Mike Eldred
Fred Sheldon
Summary: Date: March 15-17, 2013 Location: Corinthian Sailing Club on White Rock Lake, Dallas, TX Host Club: Trinity River Yacht Club Entries: 32 Wind: 5 mph to 34 mph Races completed: 16 Scoring: HMS 2007 Race Committee: Bob Piper, RD; Fred Rocha, Assistant RD; Jared Piper and Sheryl Oliviera, Scoring; Ken Lee, Mauricio Dantas, Bill and Chandler Hill, rescue/observers. Valuable Assistants: Jim Anchenbacher and CJ LeMahieu
2013 Blowout/R5: Craig Mackey’s #29 Britpop leads the way around the weather mark reroute to his winning performance at the 13th annual Blowout during Saturday’s windy and lumpy action in B-rig. Morgan Dewees photo.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Beaver Fever Regatta (Mar. 23-24) Beaver Lake in Victoria, BC Barry Fox Reporting: First to all the sailors. I will have to admit everyone was really quite good about taking their penalties in stride and many times doing the penalty without any coaxing at all. That is a huge improvement over many previous regattas and shows it can be done. Since I started Radio Sailing (seems like a long time ago but really isn't that long) I don't think I have heard so much discussion about the rules and how they have changed. There was a lot of talk about what has changed and how that fits with what we do and it was all coming from groups of skippers hanging out together. I think the only other times I have heard as much talk about rules has been on the heels of some big blow up on the water - and then it has been louder and (usually) not very educational. Well done. And that kind of attitude is what leads to a better on the water performance. Measuring was kept to a dull roar this time but the boats were presented and some things checked. A comment I heard from many was that it was a shame we couldn't get the rest of the world to go along with the dry measuring gauge as it speeds up the process immensely. And in the end most every boat would be just as it is or very close. Saturday morning we arrived to a flat lake and no wind. But by the time I got the course set there was a little breeze and enough for racing to happen by the time we started. It was quite shifty but there was wind and good course management paid off. We ran a pretty conventional course and with the wind not moving around too much we were able to keep to the same course most of time both days - one little part on Saturday when it decided to try coming from the other end. A couple of times we might have thought about changing the start line but in the end the wind usually shifted again before the start so there was a good chance that we would have had it wrong anyway. 18 boats entered and all sailed until just a few races from the end so I decided we would use 2 heats for this regatta. I think that with the diverse skill levels we had it was a good decision and we really had pretty good starts without too many conflicts. With no real equipment problems we were able to keep cracking the heats off all the time both days. Once we got a few races in I think everyone got into the rhythm of how promotion/relegation works so there weren't very many stragglers to wait for. Well done for all the sailors. 22 heats in the books on Saturday and then off to a nice dinner out for about half of us. If you weren't there, you missed out on a chance to visit and get to know your fellow sailors better. Sunday was cooler with no sun to kind of help heat you up. Unfortunately it was a little calmer at the start and that gave a chance for the weeds to float on the surface for the first few races. But we got through that and once the winds came up they got blown down the lake better and not as many getting snagged. Well, a few exceptions because we had a few folks in particular seem to be weed magnets. However, Sunday gave us another 14 heats of racing and some close scoring. Julian and Graham were within a few points of each other all weekend and stayed that way to the very end. At the end of 18 full races they were only 4 points apart. At one point Sunday morning it was down to one point. Julian took the lead on Saturday from the beginning and never gave it up. His dropped scores were ones that many others would have like to have for keepers. He sailed well and his boat was just flying. I have to tell Graham that I thought he looked to be enjoying his sailing maybe the most I have ever seen since he started Radio Sailing. Hard fought battles all weekend and a very close finish. Fred held the honours for the Victoria group. Only a couple of trips to the B fleet and only one time where he had to stay there. The rest of the time he was comfortably in the A fleet and taking those single digit scores. Very consistent and one of the best sails I have seen him have. At the other end of the scale there was also some very good racing going on. A few new or relatively new skippers having their first experience in racing with points on the line and I think they all learned a bit more about how that all happens and their sailing also improved over the weekend. It is often said but is proven out time and again, sailing in a full weekend (or even longer) regatta helps you improve more and quicker than months and months of staying home and just sailing at your own club. I think there are two or three sailors that can back that up now. We ended right around 2:00 on Sunday. I was able to keep the scoring up to date all weekend so there was no delay in having the final results ready right away. We held our victory celebrations and awards giving quickly to get folks on the road. We had a few "special" awards to give as well. Julian won
Seattle Model Yacht Club
14 Â
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
an unused bottle of wine for being the leader at the end of day one, Matt Law won one for the award for the long distance entry (Calgary) and Al Breen won another bottle for being judged the most improved. Al went from being a consistent finish in place guy on Saturday to a guy who was sailing 4 or 5 places from the end in nearly every race by Sunday. Then the main prizes were given and we were done. A few names to say thanks to: I was able to get a small crew together to help do a lot of the back end work. Adrian Harrison, Mike Pednault, Dave Seager and Fred Herfst all answered the bell when I asked for some more to be involved. They did all the groundwork to organize the snacks and munchies Friday night, finding a location for Saturday Night's dinner, creating the original artwork that is on our T shirts and organizing all the awards. That takes a big load off what I have to do and makes the regatta a simple thing to pull off. I also need to thank VMSS members Bill Andrews, Bob Rainsford and Mike Claxton for coming out at noon time on Saturday and Sunday to cook up our lunch time hotdogs and some welcome hot chocolate (particularly Sunday for the hot chocolate). This seems to be the right time of the year for this event. The water is high, the weeds are low and the winds are generally better. I think this event has found a title and time to happen in future years. For me it is really gratifying to see how much the quality of boats has improved and equally the quality of competition is a lot better. To some degree those two things go together. If we can get another half dozen boat out next year I think we will have a compete hit on our hands but this year was about as good as it gets. Thanks again to all the participants, you make it all worthwhile. A Brief local news cast link:,AAAA4mHNTzE~,ejlzBnGUUKY1gXVPwEwEepl35Y795rND&bc lid=975107450001&bctid=2250846260001
Beaver Fever Results after 18 races: 1 2
Skipper Julian Laffin Graham Herbert
Club/City Hornby Island, BC Hornby Island, BC
Hull Zoom Calypso
Score 23.0 27.0
3 4 5
Fred Herfst Martin Herbert Adrian Harrison
Sidney, BC Saltspring Island, BC Victoria, BC
Ska Aero 3 Ska
68.0 77.0 82.0
6 7 8
Andy Slow David Cook Matt Law
Hornby Island, BC Victoria, BC Calgary, AB
Coyote Ska Zoom
90.0 92.0 105.0
9 10 11
David Taylor Peter Stevens David Seager
Saanichton, BC North Saanich, BC Victoria, BC
Trinity Ska Kite
112.0 131.0 137.0
12 13 14
David Cloud Robert Seline Bob Copley
Hornby Island, BC Bowser, BC Port Alberni, BC
Cobra Emo Ska
143.0 144.0 175.0
15 16 17
Dale Chase Colin Bussanich Larry Johnson
Hornby Island, BC Brentwood Bay, BC Victoria, BC
Leo FH2 Arrival
182.0 206.0 214.0
Al Breen
Victoria, BC
2012 EURO Championships (Nov. 17-24) Camp Kovacine in Cres, Croatia Major international IOM events bring out photographers, and since our last newsletter I’ve discovered more pictures and video at these links. Enjoy: •
Video by Icarus Sailing Media: This is the official full highlights video that is excellent professional work with commentary. Well worth a visit when you have the time – 25 minutes long:
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update •
March – May 2013
Dean Miculinic Photos:\Gallery\ 17-CRES\ Miculinic: If you search the above you will find six days of excellent photos by Dean Miculinic covering the event. Excellent and some of them are on the official site (, but this has many more. Well worth a visit. ALESSIA LONGHI's Albums: Excellent photos of people, scenery, and IOM action. Click on “Albums” to select all eight Albums. 12440801/5816357861889522434
After this regatta Brad Gibson, the 2012 Euro Champion, felt compelled to offer his opinions, constructive criticisms, and even a complement to the PRO on this regatta and international regatta management in general. This was posted on his website BG Sails and Design under BG News (December), and his Euro comment portion is attached below: The IOM Europeans were held in Cres, Croatia, which was not the easiest logistically to attend. A bus was organized at cost for the 7 of us to be picked up from Zagreb for the 2-hour drive, then ferry trip to the island. A nice setting. Deciding not to stay at the official hotel meant that we were denied opening and closing ceremony tickets, which I felt, was not in the spirit shown in most previous events. I feel when you enter for an event; some things should be inclusive with the opening and prize giving being foremost. Lunches are dependent on logistics, but usually at least should be offered as an additional extra option should there be nothing else on site. For some reason we decided to go back to an outdated umpiring system with observers being used as little more than secretaries for the early part of the event with a large amount of incidents being missed and a feeling of "have we learned nothing". Thankfully common sense prevailed "as it did in Marseille 07" where observers were allowed to call contacts, putting the onus on skippers to correct themselves. Whilst no system is perfect, I felt that the IOM Euro '10 in Pierrelatte and IOM Worlds '11 were by far the best umpired where habitual offenders at the weather mark were penalized. We ended up close to this system at the end. Please, can we adopt the system for good and settle down to some clean racing :) Maybe even a list of radio sailing experienced umpires could be formulated? Measurement was "relaxed" with some basic rules not being complied with and seemingly overlooked. Unfortunately the PRO and his team had one of the most difficult weeks in dying unstable winds with tidal influence. What was most important is that they held their nerve consistently and gave us the best possible race in such conditions. Too often we see the race officer get nervous half way through an event and start to let go races that were canned earlier in the week under pressure to get enough races in. The number of races is irrelevant so long as the races we do score are quality races. Whilst this was a low races sailed event, the races were of quality so well done to the race management team. Racing was split between 2 course areas with one utilizing a platform and the other offering a long walking control area, allowing fantastic longer courses. Non-platform was the hands down winner again for cleaner proper racing. In the end we enjoyed our time away in our apartment. The town and people of Cres fed us well though it would now be interesting to see where our 310 EUR goes for an entry fee. If the hotel is a race sponsor, nightly prize draws are sponsored, food is not provided on any day or night as we are not hotel guests, then this can only leave logistical expenses of providing Umpires, Race management, Trophies and items such as PA systems, RIB hire, marker buoy's etc. Were we funding the 3-man video production team? Were we subsidizing competitor entries or accommodation in any way? As competitors I feel we have a right to see a breakdown on past event costs to better determine where our sport is heading. This will enable better-formulated event guidelines as to what can be reasonably expected for your entry fee at future events. A good racing event that could have been better.. Final thought..... • For 1 GBP we get 10 races every Saturday afternoon at Birkenhead against some of the worlds best. • For 22.50 GBP we get 3 days of racing at a UK national championship. • For 265 GBP(310EUR) we get 6 days of racing at an International event with widely varying degrees of what is included in a package Editor – Sorry for the decidedly one-sided reporting here, but I haven’t seen any response from Croatia.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
IOM USA NCS - Fred’s Section:
Our NCA, Freddie Rocha (L), is a regatta organizers best friend when he expertly manages the racing; which he did at all the ranking regattas in the US last year. A huge effort with many miles traveled by Freddie. Here he is with the ARCS (new name: Decepton Pass MYC) organizer Julian Lee at the Cranberry Caper near Anacortes, WA. Wayne Martin photo.
Class News By Fred Rocha, National Class Secretary (This article will be in the Spring issue of Model Yachting) This winter we have been coordinating our ranking regatta schedule for 2013 and you will find it similar to our recent schedules, and dispersed nicely through the year. Also listed are a few multi-day nonranking regattas well worth travelling to. Go to our class website as follows:, and find it under Racing \ Calendar, although as I write this (in December) it is not up yet while we sort a few last things. Of course thank you to all the regatta coordinators who put on these great events. Our second 2013 ranking regatta is the long-running Blow-Out outside of Dallas, Texas. This is the one where you can hook-on and ride a wave from the windward mark to leeward gates before pounding back upwind – surprisingly often at or near the top of C-rig. Tony Gonsalvez, out 2012 National Champion and traveling IOM ambassador, says if you travel to only one race; he recommends the Blow-Out. What is different this year is that it sold-out to the max 36 participants (a practical and safety venue limit) in an unprecedented matter of hours instead of the months of prior years where entries were accepted until the regatta started. Co-organizer Chuck Lamahieu instituted Abobe Online Forms for the first time, and this allowed the smoothest sign-up process ever for the race committee and skippers as they quickly and cleanly transferred the detailed information and fees online. Unfortunately a few missed the cut-off and currently eight skippers are on the waiting list hoping for a spot to open. Follow the Blow-Out, the BlowOut sign-up discussion, and other regatta discussions at our class website:, and find it under Resources \ New Forum. To be sure our NCA prefers no restrictions on the number of participants whenever possible. Our
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
goal remains to encourage participation. However the Dallas Blow-Out in March can have anything from horizontal blowing snow and sleet to light air with shorts and flip-flops. Participants are limited so everybody can go inside the smallish club house to safely work on their boats when it is honking. Frankly at 36 skippers it can get very crowded inside so we’ll have to work together. Other venues may also have to limit participants, and as long as it is for practical or safety reasons the NCA approves. Thank you for your understanding. See you on the water and play safely.
RRS – John Ball’s Section: New RRS for 2013 - 2016: By John Ball (Posted 1/9/13 in Yahoo Group\WCMYA forum, and added here with John’s permission.) Now that we are into 2013, the new Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2013 – 2016 have come into effect. You can download a copy and save it to your computer from:‐%5B13376%5D.\pdf‐%5B13376%5D\.pdf The following are some comments on changes that will affect us in RC sailing: (Update 2/22/13) For you rules junkies: The ISAF Rules Q&A for 2013 - 2016 RRS is now available: ... 443%5D.pdf
IN THE BODY OF THE RRS: Some changes to the wording of R 18 (Mark Room) and R 20 (Hailing at an Obstruction) but they are mainly for clarification and have little change on how those rules apply. 21 Exoneration When a boat is sailing within the room or mark-room to which she is entitled under a rule of Section C, she shall be exonerated if, in an incident with a boat required to give her that room or mark-room, (a) She breaks a rule of Section A, rule 15 or rule16, or (b) She is compelled to break rule 31. (Rule 21 is new and replaces the old R 18.5, but adds back on course exoneration for breaking R 31 Hitting a mark if caused by a `keep clear' boat.)
IN APPENDIX E: Various updates that used to be written in Sailing Instructions now become the default unless changed in the event SI (if change is allowed). Plus there are several significant changes. Add new definition: Disabled A boat is disabled while she is unable to continue in the heat. (The old phrase `entangled' has gone and is replaced with disabled. The meaning and scope is larger.) E2.1 Hailing Requirements (a) A hail shall be made so that the competitors to whom the hail is directed might reasonably be expected to hear it. (b) The individual digits of a boat's sail number shall be hailed; for example `one five', not `fifteen'.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
(Major addition is how to hail a sail number.) E2.3 Boat Out of Radio Control A competitor who loses radio control of his boat shall promptly hail and repeat `(The boat's sail number) out of control' and the boat shall retire. (Now it is clear that you must retire – you cannot `regain' control and continue.) E3.4 Starting and Finishing (b) The starting and finishing lines shall be between the course sides of the starting and finishing marks. (Clarification of the exact location of the start and finish. Always look for a change in the SI, based on the style of mark in use for the event.) E4.2 Outside Help Rule 41 is changed to: A boat or the competitor controlling her shall not receive help from any outside source, except: (b) when her hull, rig or appendages are entangled with another boat, help from the other competitor; (This is a big change for what it does not say. Under this rule, the rescue boat cannot free you up to continue in the race. So be prepared to retire and even to request redress if the other boat was at fault.) E4.3 Taking a Penalty Rule 44.1 is changed to: (b) if the boat gained a significant advantage in the heat or race by her breach despite taking a penalty, her penalty shall be an additional One-Turn Penalty; (This is a big change. The penalty for significant advantage used to be to RETIRE. This change allows you to take an additional penalty turn and be allowed to continue to race. This is a good change as it removes the need for a difficult and lengthy protest hearing when they have to determine both fault and significant advantage. So if you foul someone and take a penalty turn but suspect that you may have made a gain (eg they have collided with someone else or the mark and slowed other boats too), then take one additional turn and the matter ends. But note that if damage is caused, then you still must retire.) E6.6 Redress Add to rule 62.1: (e) External radio interference acknowledged by the race committee, or (f) Becoming disabled and as a result retiring because of the action of a boat that was breaking a rule of Part 2 or of a vessel not racing that was required to keep clear (This is a big change to redress. If you become disabled (and hung up for a number of boats to pass you), caused by another boat, then to be able to request REDRESS, you must retire. You cannot decide to race on and then request redress as well.)
RRS Question - Has this boat completed her penalty turn? By John Ball Here is a diagram of a boat misjudging the lay line and hitting the weather mark on the wrong side. The mark is to be rounded to port. The boat approaches the mark, close hauled on stbd, but misjudging the lay line, hits the mark on her stbd side. The boat then bares off, gybes to port, hardens up onto port and sails for two to three boat lengths close hauled on port, to get above the lay line and then tacks to stbd and clears the mark and continues on in the race. The conditions were ideal, with wind about 6 kts and flat water and no current. A following boat (out of picture) calls protest when Yellow hits the mark, and files a protest after the heat, claiming that Yellow had not done a penalty turn as specified in R 44.2. The question is “Has this
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
boat exonerated herself by completing a penalty turn as described in R 44.2 for breaking R 31 – Hitting the mark?
This is an important situation to understand as it can happen quite frequently in RC sailing due to depth perception problems, especially if the mark is some distance from the control area. R 44 describes a procedure to be followed as an alternative penalty (alternative to retiring). There are two separate parts to the procedure. First is to get clear of other boats as soon as possible to begin the penalty. Second is executing the penalty (a tack and a gybe) promptly. To get an official answer to this situation, I created a hypothetical Protest that DSQ’ed Yellow with a finding that the delay in tacking did not meet the requirement of ‘promptly’ in R 44.2. Then I created an appeal by Yellow, citing a section of Case 108 that allows a penalty turn to be done around the mark. When taking a penalty after touching a mark, a boat need not complete a full 360° turn, and she may take her penalty while simultaneously rounding the mark. Her turn to round the mark will serve as her penalty if it includes a tack and a gybe, if it is carried out promptly after clearing and remaining clear of the mark and other boats, and when no question of advantage arises. I sent this Protest and Appeal to the Appeals Committee of Sail Canada (Canada’s official sailing authority under the ISAF). What follows is from the official reply to this hypothetical case. (I made a small error about the hail in preparing the case that was referred to in the finding, but it is has no bearing on the overall case and so is removed from the text for clarity) Sail Canada Appeal 2012-15 Questions from the Canadian Radio Yachting Association Rule 31 Touching a Mark Rule 44.2 One-turn and Two-Turns Penalties Rule 70.4Appeals and Requests to a National Authority When a boat separates the execution of a tack and a gybe she may fail to satisfy the requirement of promptness in Rule 44.2, and thus fail to take a penalty as intended.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Summary of the Facts: The Canadian Radio Yachting Association used Rule 70.4 to ask the Sail Canada Appeal Committee a question relating to a variant of ISAF Case 108, and supported its question with a hypothetical protest. In the submission, a boat sailing in six knots of wind and flat seas approached a port-hand windward mark on starboard tack, but hit the mark and left it to starboard. The boat then bore off, gybed, luffed to a close-hauled course which it held for two to three boat lengths, and tacked after reaching the starboard tack layline. The boat then left the windward mark to port. The protest also included an official diagram. The protest committee concluded that the boat delayed her tack in order to clear the mark. They found that the boat’s delay had not been “prompt” as required by rule 44.2 and decided the boat had failed to take an alternative penalty for her breach of Rule 31. The submission to the Appeals committee included the following quotation from ISAF Case 108: • “When taking a penalty after touching a mark, a boat need not complete a full 360° turn, and she may take her penalty while simultaneously rounding the mark. Her turn to round the mark will serve as her penalty if it includes a tack and a gybe, if it is carried out promptly after clearing and remaining clear of the mark and other boats, and when no question of advantage arises.” • And asked whether the penalty turn executed by the boat in the present case met the standard of promptness in Rule 44.2. Decision: The written facts and the official diagram in the present case are not in agreement with respect to the distance sailed in a straight line by the boat between completing her gybe and initiating her tack. The disagreement is moot, since the diagram, which shows the lesser distance, is consistent with the tack being delayed until after reaching the layline. In practice, one-turn or two-turn penalties are rarely executed as perfect circles, and some degree of ‘stretch’ between tacks and gybes would be accepted as part of the manoeuvre by most observers, whether competitors or judges. This is not the case where the stretch is either abnormally large, or is made for tactical reasons. When the boat maintained a straight course between her gybe and her tack in order to reach the layline for the windward mark she failed the promptness requirements of Rule 44.2, and so failed to execute a one-turn penalty as defined by Rule 44.2. The boat did not take a penalty for her breach of Rule 31.
IOMs for Sale: Note there is no fee for listing your boat here – it is free like the wind and this newsletter. You just have to have an IOM for sale that I’d like to see sailing in the Pacific NW – Editor.
Other Boats for Sale from British Columbia: The WCMYA Internet site has added a “for sale” section with many interesting offerings such as Zooms (2) by Martin Herbert, a SKA build by John Ball(Sold), etc. The listings are here:
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
BTL from OZ: Asking $3,000US $2,200US for complete turnkey package. Great shape, dry boat and with a winning history (2012 COW Cup Regatta Champ at SMYC for example – Editor). BG Sails - all three suits, rigged on skinny French mast with a Jackline, excellent condition. Vector Sails - all three suits, sails only, brand new never used (same sails that Tony G. used at the US Nats to win) jackline pocket. RMG Winch. Even includes the LiPo Batteries - for the Transmitter and the Boat. Includes Futaba 7C 2.4 Radio. Custom Sailbox, which is used but in excellent shape. Has all Canadian Certification. Or as seller Jan “Boat Trader” Schmidt said, “All you need is a skipper and this boat is ready to race and win”. Location is Victoria, BC. Contact: (Reason for sale is that Jan has a new/used Pikanto from CRO. Also Jan never holds on to any boat too long, and for the record the recipients at SMYC are all very glad to support his habit! – Editor.)
WIDGET by Elliot Yachts: $1,200US with no rigs. Hull & deck white gelcoat. Carbon covered bulb (a beautiful clear coat – Editor), Creed fin and rudder, Hitec HS7950TH arm winch, Hitec HS7940TH rudder servo (OK with 7.2v batts.), and Jeff says the boat is very dry and in very good condition. (It looks in great condition in person. Note that three Widget’s in top 5 in our 2012 COW CanAm Series overall – Editor.) USA Certified. Located in California. Contact - Jeff Weiss: jweiss2229-at-aol-dot-com. (Reason for sale is Jeff has a new Britpop! – Editor.)
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Other Stuff: Seattle MYC IOM Fleet – Annual Business Meeting Report: In keeping with our goals of radio sailing with an absolute minimum of non-sailing fuss, we held our third annual business meeting and no one was invited, except Guido again. The following was voted on and decided unanimously: 1. It was moved that all responsible people be retained in their present positions in 2013. You know who you are! 2. It was moved that no changes in our constitution or racing format is required. It works or you wouldn’t keep coming to race! If you don’t like something, speak up and we’ll let you change it. 3. It was moved that we still have expenses and in 2013 we will continue annual dues of either $20US or $20CAN each, due at your first Coulon race in 2013. Our expenses include: a. Insurance at Coulon Park for 2013. ($50) b. web hosting expenses shared with Oregon MYC. ($75) c. Regatta operation expenses. ($20 Buoy Boat Launch fee + $10 gas money per regatta X 8 regattas = $240/year.) d. Regatta gear reimbursement – in good conscience we need to repay Joe Damico for the first class buoys he provided on his own initiative. We have to at least compensate good behavior. 4. Joe Damico has agreed to be responsible for 2013 collections, and Guido again agreed to provide the muscle if needed… 5. We are looking for somebody to manage our website, which is not much work for somebody inclined for this sort of thing, and we have an IT guy to answer your questions if needed! If you want to take it beyond just updating our existing minimal material then we’ll be supportive. (Thanks again George Georgiadis of OMYC.) Meeting Comments: • Guido said that dues are a bargain – pay up or… • With no further comments, the meeting was adjourned. • Life is good… In our fourth year we will sponsor nine (9) regattas at Coulon Park this year. In addition we have opportunity to attend one or more scored IOM regattas every 2013 weekend at nearby Deception Pass MYC or Gig Harbor MYC. There is plenty of competitive and friendly IOM sailing in Washington State borders, and of course other states/provinces have events too!
Letters to the Editor: (11/28/12) Hi Bob, Thank you for the newsletter. It was nice to finely see the results of the last regattas. Thank you again for all your help in getting me started into the IOM group. I enjoyed this last season and look forward to the next season. I reached one goal of finishing in the top ten in the club standings, but did not get a bullet. Next year. :) Take care, and Happy Holidays to you and yours. Byron (Pimms, USA) (11/28/12) Bob - As always.... "You rock". Thanks for the time, effort, and un-ending education provided by this newsletter. My very best, Gary (Boell, USA) (11/28/12) Awesome, Bob! That is one great newsletter! Your info on the BP is very timely for me!! Thanks again. And know that my 86-year-old Dad LOVES your newsletter, too!! Brig (North, USA)
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
(12/1/12) Hey Boys, Cookie is a proud papa today. I gave birth to a 281 grams hull / decks / transom / bow / hatch) baby girl. See attached photo. Cheers, Cookie (David Cook, CAN)
Proud Papa, David Cook, admires his latest, Porky Pig 4. She was completed and fared well at the Dallas Blowout too, well except for some shipping damage on the return! Rumor has it she’ll be fine for the COW Regatta in Renton… (12/18/12) Hi Bob, Thank you for your latest Newsletter. The guys here in Western Australia enjoy reading it very much. I have made several contributions to the Australian Radio Sailing Newsletter (Radio Waves), which your members may or may not have seen. I have attached some of them for you, and am happy for you to use them in your Newsletter as they are, or you may edit them to suit your purposes. In particular, you might wish to amend the item regarding "Building a Radio Sailing Community" to remove references to our local members etc - but that is up to you. If they are of no use - that's fine too. There are articles on Rules - especially the ones that concern Radio Sailing frequently. There is also an item on eyesight (I am an Optometrist by profession) for Radio Sailing. Kind regards, Glenn Dawson (AUS) (Editor – Thanks Glenn. Links to current and past issues of Radio Waves are at the Aussie National website here: ) (12/6/12) Hi Bob and Jackie, Here are a couple of pictures of my new boat "BULLET". She is a modified version of COBRA. I sailed and raced her today for the first time. The winds were light as you can see and she is pretty much the same speed as COYOTE and COBRA. It seems almost impossible to make any
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
design improvement, however I was using an old fin and bulb that I am not crazy about so there still might be some small gain to be had. Hope all is well with both of you. See you in the spring. Cheers, Graham (Herbert, CAN)
The prolific Graham Herbert’s latest design is called BULLET. Functional art to me… Graham Herbert photo.
(3/3/13) Bob, as requested, the images show the components used in painting my PIKANTO as follows: • Three primer coats: Primer is 2-part in the rattle can with an adjustable flow rate and fan orientation. Once mixed you have 48 hours pot life extended to 2 weeks in the frig. • Three color coats: Color coat is satin finish 3 parts available in any color including metallics. My gun is inexpensive and as the final coats are from a rattle can you should plan to wet sand the clear finish starting at 2500 grit and up. Total cost of the paint approx $100 from your auto parts store. This system is very smelly; so the mask with organic vapor cartridges is essential. • Three clear coats. Clear coat is 2-parts also in a rattle can. • Primer is two-part epoxy in the rattle can with an adjustable flow rate and fan orientation. Julian (Lee)
Julian’s PIKANTO kit during the painting process. The color matches his yacht’s name - “Pondscum”. Julian Lee photo.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
The painting products with the nozzle. Julian Lee photo.
Rig Assembly at Precision Park West: Bob Wells Reporting: I’ve assembled plenty of rigs over the years and feel competent enough with my hand tools, but I known there are better methods and better tools to do this. Maybe if I had attended shop instead of art classes in school this would be easier for me? So it was a special treat for me recently on a family visit to sneak out a few evenings and assemble much of my BRITPOP rigs in Bruce Andersen’s incredible home shop in Boise, ID. Besides just being fun with two guys playing in a shop at the end of the day, it went much faster than my plodding methods and the tools were much better. I thought I’d share some of the experience for those of you that also spent too much time in art class too. Hopefully somebody will learn something on tools and techniques plus some BRITPOP specific rig assembly tips. Apologies to any machinists reading this, as this is so basic for you. Maybe you’ll get a few laughs though. Bruce may be a neurosurgeon by day, but in the evenings he’s a guy in his shop that likes working on his toy boats in particular. There is a story about how this big shop came about: Growing up in Chicago Bruce’s father was part of a shop collective where the price of entry was to add a tool for the group. Clearly these included a lot of big commercial tools. They took great pride in their work, and hence the name “Precision Park”. I understand it was not uncommon for these guys to gather in the evening and work together well into the night with great camaraderie. Bruce was the young addition to the group, and he eventually inherited all the tools as they retired. Now Bruce calls his shop “Precision Park West”, and he takes great pride in the quality of his work. And the neat thing is I think that he spends a lot of evenings playing in his shop. For the record, as soon as I returned home armed with a little tool knowledge, I purchased some better ones for my little shop. They are more effective and for me more enjoyable to use. Sourcing the rig bits: Once my BRITPOP hull was officially on Pepe’s (Vinaixa Yachts, ESP) build list I placed my order for the rig and sails at BG Sails and Design. I simply ordered what Brad Gibson recommended and augmented from SAILSetc with the few items BG did not provide. This was simple although many of the specific parts I didn’t see until they arrived. I’ll note a few things that did not fit perfectly (or at all) the first time:
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update •
March – May 2013
Masthead Fitting: I augmented with SAILSetc’s part 23-110 for the PG mast purchased from BG with prebend. The SAILSetc part that I’ve used many times fits their aluminum masts perfectly, but are a little small inside the PG mast. It will work but it is loose, canted slightly, and not ideal. Sleeve it with some tape and it can fit fine though. My new preferred alternative: Mike Clifton at CM Yachts in the UK provides part no. 023-110w that fits the PG mast nicely, and it is a nice touch that it comes in white. I imagine that other suppliers will have a masthead fitting for the PG mast too – if you ask. Mainboom Fitting for Ball Raced Gooseneck on 11.1mm boom: I purchased the BG boom kits, which use the PG mast tubes for the round booms. To connect this boom to the gooseneck you want CM Yachts’ plastic part no. 103-110, which is just like the pictures on the BRITPOP protos. But do you think I would ask anybody what that part was? That would be way too easy, although ultimately I did source it from CM Yachts and have purchased some. Instead I substituted SAILSetc mainboom fitting 103-120 to work for this, but these stainless pair of flanges are intended for carbon booms and take a little fiddling with shims and bolts to get the fit and function right. Although this eventually worked fine, next time I would simplify and use CM’s part no. 103-110. Jib booms: Pepe’s BRITPOPs have a different jib boom deck attachment than the Tony Edwards (Robot Yachts, UK) or Denis Astbury (Nautae Racing Model Yachts, BRA) produced BRITPOPs. Tony and Denis match BG’s prototypes using a simple string swivel with a loop connection for all rigs. Pepe connects his headsail swivels same as his V7 - with a deck groove designed to receive metal hooks on the #2 and #3 rigs (headsail SAILSetc #120-100 or 120-110 pending boom diameter). On the #1 rig use SAILSetc #46-100 or 46-110, again pending boom diameter. The 11.0mm boom is what I received from BG with my rig kits. The 10.0mm booms come from a variety of sources: SAILSetc, CM also offers T9 tent poles (in black), or there are other hi-tensile options available in colors at the usual specialty venders that we frequent. Either jib boom deck attachment system is fine in my opinion, and frankly I’d like to someday try that simple string with loop system, as it is the lightest and simplest.
Your ‘surprised’ editor with his BRITPOP at Bruce’s carpenter’s table that is Precision Park West’s mast-building central. It couldn’t be more convenient for the purpose. The chipboard box behind me is the paint booth with target practice sheets pinned on it. You can’t smell the cigar residue or hear the blues or classical music, but that is part of the atmosphere here. The bench drill press behind me was conveniently set up for drilling booms. Bruce Andersen photo.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
The rig assembly: I’ll spare you the step-by-step discussion, and mostly just hit the highlights of the basic tools and means/methods that we used along the way: Prebending the Mast: First determine if you are prebending or not, which is beyond the scope of this article. If you are prebending determine how much and where, which is definitely beyond the scope of this. In any case, straight masts come with a slight subtle curve, so the first thing is to align that curve forward whether prebending or not. Otherwise you could end up being out-of-column laterally. For my BRITPOP I purchased prebent PG masts ( from my sailmaker, BG Sails and Design, to resolve the “how much and where” variable. This is the near foolproof way to match the rig to the sails, and I’m definitely not trying to reinvent how to make this boat go. I traced the prebend for future reference when I’ll prebend myself because shipping costs are prohibitive from the UK. Prebending the high-tensile PG masts is best done with a tool or jig, and Bruce Andersen built a three-wheel tube bender in steel that works very well (See it on page 21 of Sept. 2011 issue of Seattle IOM Update here: ). I know because we did it together on some other masts. In fact I learned that Bruce also built the one that BG uses – small world! Note that Bill Langjahr in Anacortes has a three-wheel version in wood that mimics the Italian one in the photo below. Get on good terms with Bill and just maybe he will loan it too you or let you prebend one in his shop? The alternate to the three-wheel tube bender is a plywood jig that many in our class use successfully, as shown in the picture below. I’ve not used one yet. I remain very impressed with the threewheel type bender because it is so easy to control the camber and the camber remains constant. I pretty sure you want a constant camber. Both Bruce and I prefer to cut and drill the mast prior to prebending for drilling convenience, but either way works fine. On my Pepe BRITPOP the mast well size requires all the corrector weight be inside the mast. Also note that on my C-rig this internal corrector lead overlaps the gooseneck housing, so you’ll have to back off the gooseneck screws and drill into lead.
Julian Lee’s pre-bend plywood jig shown here, which is certainly easy to build and store. Steve Young photo. For the record the softer aluminum silver anodized masts from SAILSetc prebend nicely by hand, where you just follow their instructions (see FAQ on their website). I find it important to draw the desired prebend pattern on the tabletop (in my small shop I substitute a portable hollow core door) as a template and to bend incrementally while checking with the template “often”. If you over-bend or get off laterally just bend it back where it should be. A prebend jig is more convenient to obtain the constant camber that is recommended, but certainly not worth it for just a few masts. It is personal, but over time I found I prefer approximately 20mm prebend, which is much less than the 40-60mm prebend that SAILSetc recommended. Here I am using SAILSetc masts, sails, and rig configuration. Maybe this is because of the lighter air we often have, where too much prebend doesn’t allow me to soften the forestay rig tension
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
enough with the mast matching the main’s luff? However, at the top of A-rig I do tighten my stays to max so the jib luff wouldn’t fold over.
An example of a prebend tool that looks fairly easy to build. The advantage of the three-wheel type is you can try different prebend shapes. I sourced this photo from the Italian blog, Mainboom (, and apologize that I can’t give credit to the photographer. I visit the Mainboom blog often. Cutting the Mast: First you need to know where to cut, and for this we used BG’s Rig Tuning Guide for the top, and for the bottom cut we field-tested in my boat with the vang held in place. (Note, for my V6 Pepe of Vinaixa Yacht’s shared his rigging guide. For my TOPIKO I purchased SAILSetc’s rig guide, and many use this for guidance on non-SAILSetc boats in a pinch.) The strip of measuring tape adhered to the table sped up the work (and the one I later purchased was by Starrett). Cutting was straightforward on Bruce’s band saw. The little Precision Park West “extra” was to sand the cut lightly, which is quick and convenient at Bruce’s. Oops! Somehow a mistake was made in measuring my B and C bottom masts, and it is a little too short. Actually the mistake was made on the B-rig, because we copied that over to the C-rig. So the lesson is to be careful. Because of this mistake I’ve learned that the lower mastband should be at least partially above the mast ram. My simple solution is to splice in a little longer mast section on the bottom using an aluminum sleeve inside the mast in the gooseneck area. Gooseneck screws will fix it in place with the added bonus of more aluminum for screw thread. I just need to keep the sleeve above the corrector lead inside my mast. The corrector lead that Bruce gave me among other things for the record. In my small shop at home I use a Proxxon Mini Chop Saw, a very nice tool for cutting masts and booms. A cheaper non-electric alternative is just a small tube cutter, and then file the cut flush. The last option in a pinch is the trusty hacksaw with a sharp blade. Drilling the Mast: We followed the Rig Guide to mark the spreader holes first, and then ran a short tube through them to use as a visual reference for fore and aft hole vertical alignment. We added “blue” masking taped prior to marking and “punched” the holes with Bruce’s machinist punch (Starrett #18C – a wonderful tool that worked well on these “hard” masts). The measuring tape adhered on the tabletop made this quicker and more convenient than uncoiling a tape measure continually. Holes were drilled quickly with a hand drill while the mast was conveniently locked in place with V-blocks.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Besides the better tools, Bruce brought a more production-like approach to the process because he has done this so many times. When I’m home alone I seem to measure, re-measure, check this and read that, and finally drill. It was much faster with Bruce involved. Getting the spreaders aligned correctly horizontally and vertically is the key first step, and I’m aware of a few folks who have struggled with this. Bruce just drills the first “punched” hole from the outside and continues by “feel” to get the second one aligned from the inside. I have to admit they were aligned nicely each time, but I’ll need to practice that for a while before I try it on a precious PG mast. I’ll continue my plodding way of drilling both holes from the outside on a scribed horizontal line (use a small tube cutter) and measure carefully with a piece of paper wrapped around the mast to measure equal-distant holes from forward centerline. Some more sophisticated folks use a milling machine with a center drill to more precisely pre-drill the mast holes. My guess is that Bruce prefers to drill by hand because it is faster and accuracy is good enough for our purposes.
Here I’m attaching the gooseneck to my C-rig using 2-56 stainless screws after adding threads with a tap. The mast is conveniently supported by V-blocks. The inexpensive ‘white’ measuring tape adhered to the table made measuring quicker and much more convenient. Bruce Andersen photo. Adding the Gooseneck: My A-rig gooseneck is a ballraced model. My B and C-rigs are both nonballraced model, because BG advises ballraced is not needed on the small rigs. You shouldn’t have to shorten the gooseneck body according to BG although many do. Next time I’ll position the lower mastband so no trimming of the gooseneck body is required.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
To attach the gooseneck to the masts Bruce had me tap threads for 2-56 screws and just screwed them in for a great fit. I wouldn’t want to try this with self-taping screws provided in the gooseneck package with the “hard” PG masts. The thin-walled masts took most of the screws without stripping, and the few that did strip we replaced with 4-40 size screws. That is fast, but a little agrarian. Next time I think I’d consider adding an aluminum sleeve inside the mast to ensure enough thread so no screws are stripped. Shroud Length Tip: I have struggled at times to get the shroud lengths where I want them on the limited thread length on the turnbuckles. I’m just not consistent at getting my wire loops where I want them. The simple solution for me is to put the turnbuckle on first, because that wider loop is where I’m inconsistent. The final connection to the tight loop for the hook attaching to the mast was not the problem. I like simple solutions like this – do the same thing, but change the sequence. Too bad I have been so slow on figuring this one out. By the way I much prefer solid stainless rod rigging to stranded wire. It just looks better and the connections are so much cleaner. It has to be more aerodynamic, but I have no idea if it is measurable? The Dubro Kwik Twist tool makes wire loop eyes all so much easier too compared to doing by hand. If you need some instruction on how to use them, look at “how-to” video readily online. If I can make great loops you can do it with a little trial an error. It is worth the effort. I look forward to more adventures in Bruce’s shop, and I’m sure he’ll have some hints worth writing about.
Miscellaneous Video: •
M’s: An interesting excerpt uploaded in 2010 from the Marvelous Marblehead DVD Published in the UK, which I have not seen. I can only tell you that is not Graham Bantock speaking: (To buy this DVD as well as a range of RC magazines, books and plans and parts, go to M’s: Video of the 2011 Marblehead State Championship in Mesa, Arizona. Notable because at 7:30 into it Gig Harbor’s Jerry Murridge (with the hat on) makes a few comments on the last race. He has his radio in his lap yet is obviously not sailing, so he must have sailed the weird mono-sail boat dismasted at the start. Jerry finished 4th, and I assume that he resurrected somebody’s derelict and then sailed it competitively. That is his way. I’ll look forward to seeing Jerry in the summer:
Tuning Tips: (Trevor Bamforth’s fundamentals as read on Mainboom’s blog) I think the best advice I can give to set up an IOM is be very precise with the fine detail of rig tuning: 1. Check to see that the mast is in line with the fin when viewed from astern. 2. Sail setting can be difficult for beginners, usually they have far too much tension on the sails both luff & leech, this can be hard for some people to understand when they are learning but it is very important. 3. Sail twist is also very important; the sails need to luff at the same time when the boat is brought up into the wind very slowly. 4. I think the thing to do is get skippers to look at the winning boats set up & try to copy them, this way it will soon become fairly easy to get a good trim. 5. Above all practice, practice, practice!!!I
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
Playmate (s) of the Month…
March – May 2013 Dave Creed’s LINTEL & LINTEL MMX
Dave Creed in his shop showing presenting his LINTEL MMX development hull to Rob Walsh. Dave is a prolific full-time builder of radio sailing yachts in various classes. His shop is a few miles from Birkenhead, UK. Rob Walsh photo. As I begin this interview Dave Creed is a bit of a mystery man to me. There are likely more Creed molded IOMs sailing in Oregon and Washington State than any other builder, and yet I know little of him or his business. And it turns out the little I did hear about him is often misinformation. Now I know this is because Dave chooses to keep his sole proprieter radio sailboat buisiness low profile. He eschews an Internet presence and/or catalogue as he has always had plenty of backlog with phone communication (Dave’s phone number is listed here just a a few pages below.) He plans to keep it that way. This is the polar opposite to the business practices of most builders/suppliers of radio sailing products where a web presense is de rigour. I first noticed his LINTEL design when it took 2nd (Tushingham) & 3rd (Priestly) at the 2010 UK Nats, and this was in my first year sailing IOMs. Later in the windy 2010 USA Nationals LINTELs took an impressive 2nd – 5th. Dave is a prolific radio sailing boat builder and his boats sail very competively at the highest level in the UK and Europe. Dave’s boats, foils, and bulbs are very competively priced too, especially when you consider the excellent results that they have obtained in World Championship events: 2007 IOM World Championship: 1st - WIDGET sailed by Brad Gibson, UK 2009 IOM World Championship: 2nd - WIDGET sailed by Brad Gibson, UK 4th - LINTEL sailed by Rob Walsh, UK 6th - WIDGET sailed by Martin Roberts, UK 2011 IOM World Championship: 4th - LINTEL sailed by Martin Roberts, UK 5th - LINTEL MMX sailed by Rob Walsh, UK (1st, 2nd, 3rd - Foils and bulbs (only) on BRITPOPs, UK With the “Playmate” theme of this article I usually carry on for a whole tongue-in-cheek sentence or two alluding to the beauty of the subject yacht. Dave’s pragmatic approach to his “Playmate’s” takes some
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
time to appreciate. Aesthetics to him is measured by sailing performance and not classic beauty or elegance or artistic refinement. For example his playmates are more natural - they get no gelcoat or paint on the deck, where reducing weight is the over-riding concern? They do receive a two-pack paint finish on the hull, which needs a low drag finish. The shape of his deck seems totally derived from function and aerodynamics with no hint of fashion refinement, and they are almost similar enough to provide a brand identity. Especially so when in Dave’s preferred unfinished clear resin livery. For the record I’m not knocking the resin finished deck aesthetic after having seen some sweet examples at the Dallas Blowout recently. Because Dave doesn’t manage a web page I’ve included some of his digital documents (in blue italic) that he provides to his customers along with my typical interview. I haven’t seen these commonly available and they are informative, although they lead to some redundancy with our Q and A. :
Rob Walsh’s LINTEL in the conditions it performs so well in at the 2010 UK Nats. Hanneke Gillissen photo.
CREED MISSION STATEMEMT: TO PROVIDE BOATS AND PRODUCTS TO ENABLE ANYONE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HOBBY OF MODELYACHT RACING AT THE TOP LEVEL WITHOUT GETTING RIPPED OFF How do I set about achieving this aim? By selling products direct so no retailers are involved. By only selling products made by myself from the raw materials (resin, cloth etc.) By (usually) selling only boats and products designed by myself or by designers who take no royalty payments. If designers do require royalty payment to be made they will be paid directly to those designers by the customer, not through me. By devising new production systems to simplify manufacture. We are building racing machines. Development is a continuous process. An improvement must fulfill these criterions: It must improve performance or cost less or be easier to use or be lighter. There will be: No gimmicks. No pet ideas. No unnecessary add-ons. No gorgeous bits. EMISSION STATEMENT: I AM TRYING TO SAVE THE PLANET To achieve this: All packaging is made by recycling packaging that I have received where possible. I do not charge for these packing materials. I don’t buy any marketing paperwork, CD sleeves, catalogues, etc. Where possible email is used to save the postman’s feet. To sum this up: I will sell you a boat or the bits you need without anyone living on our backs. These boats and products are designed to sail two or three time a week. They are not made to sit untouched in the living room as a status symbol.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update March – May 2013 IOMs available from DAVE CREED (Phone: 0151 342 7693; or from the USA: 011 44 151 342 7693): Available as a “Premium” build (Typical kit price GBP800): THE VIPER: Designed by Mark Dicks and developed by Martin Roberts. LINTEL MMX: Designed by Dave Creed, sailed and developed by Dave Potter and Martin Roberts. IOM “kits” currently available for you to assemble (Typical kit price GBP275): WIDGET: Designed by Chris Dicks, sailed and developed by Martin Roberts. Later Brad Gibson took his kit to a high level of refinement in winning the 2007 Worlds. ERRICA: A Martin Firebrace design. LINTEL: Designed by Dave Creed, sailed and developed by Dave Potter, John Tushingham, and Robert Walsh. LINTEL MMX: (Not yet available.) All kits consist of the parts required to build the boat to deck level as listed below: Hull shell moulded in glass/epoxy with a colour gel finish of your choice. Deck moulded in epoxy/glass with a white gel finish. Carbon fin fitted and finished in black. Ballast weight fitted to fin and finished in black. Carbon rudder with stainless 4mm stock finished in black. Moulded silicone bumper. All internal moulded braces and winch mount if required. Fin/mast box fitted to deck. All deck fittings, loops eyebolts pulleys, etc.; which need to be fitted before the boat is assembled. Instructions and pictures to aid assembly. The kits do not include epoxy resin because of postal restrictions. All kits are designed to be as simple to assemble as possible and all feature a vertical deck flange joint and pre fitted mast/fin box to ensure good alignment of hull and deck. The fin and ballast are completely finished and ready to use. No painting is required to complete the boats before sailing, but if you require a top class gloss finish the boats can be painted on completion. We also provide assembly of the above IOM kits as follows: “Standard” Build Level (Typical price GBP550): Includes the above kit boats built to deck level in a “Standard” build quality. This includes the kit parts as described above fully assembled, but in this case the deck is a white gel finish and the hull is moulded in clear glass/epoxy then painted with two pack polyurethane in a colour of your choice. This does not include the mainsheet post but if you wish to supply one I will fit it for you. “Premium” Build Level: This build is designed to produce a boat optimized for top performance and is similar in construction to the boat that Brad Gibson built up from a special WIDGET kit, which I supplied to win the 2007 World IOM championship. Hull and deck mouldings are vacuum bagged to give the lightest, stiffest shell and the fin is moulded with UHM carbon for extra stiffness. The bumper is made from low-density foam fitted to the boat and sanded to shape as the boat is painted to ensure a perfect fit. The deck is left as clear glass and the hull is finished in two-pack polyurethane in a colour of your choice. The deck can be covered with coloured film if required after completion. The aim of Premium build level is to reduce the hull weight as much as possible so the ballast required to bring the boat up to weight will be as low and as central in the hull as possible. This lowers the vertical centre of gravity of the completed boat and keeps the polar moment of inertia of the boat to a minimum, all factors that are important to performance. Typical weight for a hull with all non-removable fittings is around 500gm depending on the winch fitted up to 400gms of internal ballast will be required to bring the boat up to weight. Note that the deck surface is complete, the only cutouts are for access to winch, servo, etc, and there are no large patches.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
THE WIDGET STORY By Dave Creed (July 2009): Chris Dicks designed the WIDGET in 1994. It was campaigned by Martin Roberts and moulded by his father Ken until the GADGET was designed (also by Chris) in 1999. The GADGET proved to be a superior boat in most conditions except perhaps light weather so the WIDGET mould was retired to the loft. After Ken Roberts passed away I moulded a couple of WIDGETS for dedicated WIDGET supporters still with the flat deck but with a revised fin/mast relationship. These seemed to go quite well and were not so tricky to sail as the original boats. During this period I had been evolving a "skiffed-out" deck system for my SLIM CHANCE design so we thought it might be worth trying this on a WIDGET to see what effect lowering the rig might have on the performance in heavy weather. The first prototype using this style of deck was built for Gordon Wright and again went well. This encouraged me to produce a dedicated deck mould for the widget with a winch mounting forward of the mast able to accept any winch including the then fashionable arm winch. With the dedicated deck I introduced a new way of assembling the hull to the deck using a vertical flange off the deck into the top of the hull shell, which meant the boats no longer needed to be assembled with the aid of the mould to ensure alignment. A byproduct of this system was that I could now sell the mouldings as a kit for customers to build up themselves without fear of alignment problems. This fitted well with the dicks ethos of making designs and boats available easily to all at sensible prices. Martin Roberts eventually decided to return to the WIDGET after finding the GADGET a little slow downwind in current racing venues where a long, sorting beat seems impossible to set at most venues. Thus a greater emphasis is placed on running performance. Brad Gibson was also working on development at this time so the WIDGET was evolving to be the most highly tuned boat on the circuit. This work was rewarded with a win for Martin in the British Nationals and victory for Brad in the 2007 worlds.
2007 World Champion WIDGET “Mr. Brightside” from components molded by Dave Creed and assembled/sailed to a very high level by Brad Gibson. The WIDGET today is highly refined with well over a decade of development from a number of individuals, including Dave Creed. Hanneke Gillissen photo. VIPER Description by Dave Creed (Aug 2010): The Viper is a new Mark Dicks design, a simple vice free boat with no extreme features like flare or chines. John Milne in Scotland built the plug in exchange for a set of hull mouldings. The first prototype was made to our standard built quality, around 200 gms of internal ballast was fitted to bring it up to weight and Mark Dicks sailed it to start with. Martin Roberts wished to try it and decided to sail it in the 2009 nationals when he placed 3rd. This encouraged us to make another boat, this time to our premium build standard, finished in grey to keep the paint weight down to a min. The first prototype was sold and I also built a premium build boat for Mark Dicks in the standard Dicks colours of red with black foils. Martin came second in both of the 2010 Castle Semple ranking races and placed 8th in the 2010 Nats with the grey boat which was then sold to a customer if France. In racing conditions particularly at West Kirby Martin found the grey colour was not as visible as he would have liked so I have built another boat for him in a dark orange colour to use in the forthcoming Euros, this is another premium build boat with around 400 gms of internal ballast. Mark Dick has granted me exclusive production rights on the Viper, we are happy that no changes need to made to the layout of the boat and it is available from me in premium build quality only at the moment. The Viper uses the same foil set and ballast as the Lintel and Widget, all the radio equipment and the sheeting loop are accommodated in the after deck which is the same layout as the Lintel deck, we find this allows maximum access to the equipment and any drum winch can be fitted and changed with ease. The Viper project continues the precedent we have set with the Lintel and Widget of supplying simple, affordable boats devoid of expensive, complex gadgetry that are focused on best performance for serious racing skippers who aim to win.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Martin Robert’s VIPER #3, designed by Mark Dicks and built by Dave Creed – giveaways to who built this are the distinctive “universal” deck configuration that is in in clear resin finish to save weight. This boat finished 5th in the 2010 Euros establishng that in the right hands she certainly can perform. Dave Creed photo. PERFORMANCE FACTORS IN BUILDING IOM YACHTS By Dave Creed (Jan 2012) In a racing machine every part has a purpose, hopefully several and there should be no redundant mass. Contoured decks are carefully designed to have the smallest surface area, therefore the lightest moulding weight for the shape I want, with no weight adding features like pockets for pulleys or styling curves. Assembly uses the minimum amount of adhesive, although a generous fillet is used around the mast bottom and finbox to hull joint where a lot of force is concentrated particularly if the bumper is "tested" against a concrete lake wall! Ballast will need to be added in this area, in any case, to bring the boat up to weight. All joints using adhesive are designed in shear, or reinforced by metal fastenings, i.e., the shroud eye bolts pass through the top of the shroud braces and the jib hook-downs pass through the upper jib brace holding it to the underside of the deck. No joint is subjected to peel forces. The bottom of the jib brace is carefully designed to be a pure tension bond over a large area. Deck fittings are the minimum required, all fitted before the boat is assembled so that they can be sealed and locked in place with epoxy. Wire loops are lighter and stronger than eyebolts and are used where possible. Sheeting layouts are simple and accessible with the straightest possible sheet runs. Every time a sheet goes round a corner, even if that corner is a pulley, it can be a source of trouble. The features above apply to standard and premium build boats. Now lets look at the special features of premium build boats: Fins are built with UHM carbon for maximum stiffness and let in to the lead by the smallest possible depth to keep the specific density of the bulb assembly as high as possible. Fins weigh between 85 and 95 gm. The fin and ballast assembly is always at maximum weight of 2.5 kg. The hull and deck mouldings are clear laminations without gel coat, which is structurally redundant, and are vacuum bagged for the optimum resin/fibre ratio. This doubles the lamination time, but produces light, strong, well-consolidated
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
mouldings. The hull glass content is never less than 400 gm per sq metre (unless S glass is used), and the deck not less than 260 per sq. m. I don’t reduce weight by leaving glass out. These boats have a hard life!
Prototype LINTEL MMX with the new for MMX radio fit configuration, which Dave calls a “chunk”. The Creed deck is in clear resin again, but a modest aesthetic effort is made with the partial addition of “yellow” model aircraft covering, which is a very light and easy to apply a coating. Notice the “whirlwind” winch that is not often seen anymore. Dave Creed photo. Now to the "finish": We now have a built boat in raw glassfibre, which needs to be brought to a high gloss finish where the water flows past it. There has been some debate about whether a top class gloss is required for boats that travel so slowly. Indeed, some manufacturers sell the boats with no finishing system applied at all, but I believe it is worth producing a good, very smooth surface. The deck is not supposed to be travelling through the water so this is left as moulded, clear, but can be skinned in model aircraft covering material, by far the lightest coating available. If this is used then I suggest that the name and number be cut out to reduce weight even further. The hull is finished in two-pack polyurethane (gray adds the least weight) and flatted and polished, always rubbing in the direction of the water flow. Whilst the hull is being painted the bumper is made out of low density foam, shaped and blended into the hull shape at the same time the hull is rubbed down to keep the bumper/hull interface as smooth as possible. The bumper is waxed for the smoothest finish. So now we have a finished boat: Lets take another look at the physics of fast boats. To get the maximum drive out of the rig we need to get the vertical centre of gravity of the complete, ready-to-sail boat as low as possible. This will give us the maximum righting moment for the hull form we have chosen. We need to reduce the polar moment of inertia of the whole boat as much as we can. This is achieved by keeping weight out of the ends of the boat, which we have done with the lightweight build and by centralizing the weight of the winch, servo and batteries as close to the cg of the boat as we can. I won’t do this by compromising the serviceability of the boat.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
It must be possible to change batteries, winch or servo in the shortest time. So rather than mount them in "odd" places, I am happy to take a slight PMI penalty for the sake of accessibility. Premium build hulls, including the non-removeable deck fittings, usually weigh around 500 gm. Note: These hulls have complete decks for maximum structural integrity and waterproofing. Patches are only used over access holes. In the case of the Lintel and Viper, the deck forward of the mast has no cutouts at all. NOTE: THE LINTEL MMX IS MOULDED IN A DIFFERENT WAY. THESE NOTES APPLY TO ALL OTHER LISTED IOMS. SMYC: Tell us something about yourself, your sailing background and where you have lived. Dave Creed: I got involved with model sailing completely by accident in the 1970s when my then neighbour of the time, Peter Roberts, got an old model schooner from a junk shop. This eventually led to a trip to Birkenhead Model Yacht Club Lake at Gautby Road where we saw the real model racing boats in action. Before this my modeling interest had been model planes, usually simple rubber powered devices (to my own design of course) which could be flown in the local fields. At that time radio control sailing had not even been thought of at Birkenhead so three vane classes were sailed, Ms 10Rs and A-boats. To get started in building we both made MM class yachts (the half Marblehead equivalent of the modern RG65).These were made in wood, bread and butter construction and fitted with non tacking vane gears .Whilst being too small to be really interesting to sail at least they proved we could make something that floated. The next step was a second hand Marblehead (a Stan Whitty design) followed by another one (a Foxtrot), which was good enough to race! This had a fin keel as was typical of the time along with a fin and bulb which could be bolted on instead if we felt adventurous. We had a lot of fun with this boat particularly in the lighter weather which I very much enjoy, that is the time the aerodynamics come into play rather than pure survivability as so often the case in heavy weather. After this we built our first “proper” boat, a John Lewis 10R diagonal planked in three layers of veneer, which looked very nice, but the 10R rule had recently been modified to favour longer, lighter boats that exploited the bulb keel, which was becoming a feature around this time.
2012 UK Nats where tumblehome is now a very popular hull form on the new boats. The unidentified gray boat on the left has it as does the leading yellow boat, which is Josh King’s LINTEL. Tumblehome is a little less pronounced here on this view of BG’s red Britpop. The gold one on the right is a LINTEL MMX sailed by Chris Harris, which has tumblehome plus noticeable flare at the foredeck edge. The blue one is a Fractal with vertical topsides, and while it is only one without tumblehome here, this new design is not the rounded flared topsides that were so common until recently. Hanneke Gillissen photo. Next was a 60lb John Lewis A-class design called Phaedra 2. Birkenhead was very fortunate at this time to have Ken and Walter Jones as very active members of the club, those who know their history will remember that Walter and Ronnie Jurd went over to Boston to sail against an American yacht for the
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
International cup in the 50s. Ken was building beautiful wooden yachts, mainly A Class at the time on a semi-commercial basis and spent a lot of time encouraging and helping us to get to grips with planking boats. I still use the techniques he taught us today if I make a wooden plug. No fuss, all planks tapered as they should be and get it all planked up in four hours! After this we built a Foxtrot M with a built in bulb keel and a Cracker 10R and we had a fleet. Strangely, it is only in recent time I have come to realize just how valuable the experience of vane sailing was, for one thing we were forced to handle the boats a lot and when you hold a 50 or 60 pound A boat with a central handle you very quickly learn about moments of inertia if you try to “twiddle” it in yaw. It doesn’t do twiddling, it takes its time to respond to any input and of course the rudder has to fight this inertia every time it tries to alter the boats course. Another thing quickly learnt is that when you walk it along the bank using the pole it decides not to go any faster once it reaches its max hull speed no matter how hard you try to pull the resistance increase is dramatic. We also had the chance to observe the way the boats sailed through the water and just how much work the vane does continually adjusting the course to match the apparent wind. SMYC: I have heard a rumor that you have a manufacturing background that influences your radio sailing business. Also tell us something about your radio sailing business and how long you have been doing this. Dave Creed: No, I spent most of my time working for a local Ford main dealer mostly in their parts operation before becoming a full time builder in 2000. The work I did with them gave me valuable experience both in customer handling and how to generate money from a business by careful management. I keep the inventory right now even though it doesn’t matter much in this business. Unlike most of the “professionals” I have been in and out of the model work with a long break in the 1980s when radio sailing took over the sport. I returned to building in 1989 when a move to a job requiring me to work 35hrs per week left me time to build again. I starting with a Graham Bantock A-boat design that I moulded for Dave Potter and Bernie McNulty. I was still committed to weekend work so didn’t return to sailing and I have remained out of competitive sailing even now. My main interest is design and building and keeping away from the sailing allows me to keep the whole thing in perspective, something that I feel others who are “at it” seven days a week can lose. I have always done it for fun, it is a leisure pastime and folk should come away from the races feeling happier, not screwed up with anguish about losing or having had a big row. I even hear tales of finger wagging! I’ve always concentrated on moulding work. When we started off I built rigs also but to develop sails and rigs means lots of sailing and experimentation so I leave that to others who specialize in it. SMYC: OK, manufacturing background rumor dispelled. You are a designer as well as a manufacturer of IOMs (and other classes like Marbleheads). Who or what has influenced your thinking on designing radio sailing yacht. Dave Creed: My introduction to the process of yacht design came from reading “Model Racing Yachts” by Dick Priest and John Lewis, both of whom I had the pleasure of working with later. From the start I wanted to originate designs rather than rehash others themes. I can’t see any point in designing something that doesn’t have something new to say. When I started designing the CAD systems didn’t exist for normal folk so all the drafting done by hand. I always enjoyed drawing three dimensional objects even to the extent of plotting the heeled, foreshortened shape of the boats as seen at the press of a button on Maxsurf etc. I think the first successful boat I did was a double-ended vane Marblehead with a very flat rocker and the ends deep in the water (we didn’t need to worry too much about turning in vane days), which was quite different from anything else around at the time but went on to win the Nats. I should point out that even today when I use CAD for the speed of drawing it allows and also the quick hydrostatic analysis possible I don’t use a resistance program to optimize the designs. I’m not too sure how good they are at “our” size, and I can’t justify buying one for the small amount of work I do so the designs are entirely my own work. I hear others saying they can call on the expertise and software used by full-size designers. Everything I do with CAD I could do by hand and many sums!
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Creed Widget kit components. The special feature is the deck flange that aligns the hull and deck, including the critical fin/mast tube. This makes it all doable for an amateur homebuilder. Dave Creed photo. SMYC: Before we get to the LINTEL and LINTEL MMX, how about expanding on the long WIDGET evolution. I believe you and Phil Playle (Now in partnership with CM Yachts) both currently manufacture WIDGETs? I know of three of your WIDGET kits that sail very well out of nearby Portland, OR. Dave Creed: I was first involved with the WIDGET as a foil supplier when Ken Roberts (Martin’s Dad) was moulding the MK1 flat deck version with which Martin and others enjoyed a lot of success. I also made them an epoxy mould to produce the boat out of after polyester moulds proved a bit short lived. The Roberts family then moved onto the GADGET and the WIDGET project lapsed for a few years. Meanwhile I had been making my own series of IOMs always experimenting with better, easier ways of producing them which culminated in my SLIM CHANCE design which was the first boat I made to have the vertical deck joining flange, under foredeck winch mount, glass jib braces etc. Martin’s dad had sadly passed away by now and there was still some interest from customers in WIDGET hulls to replace old, damaged boats so I moulded one or two flat deck versions before suggesting we updated it with the SLIM CHANCE type deck system. The flat deck WIDGET had two issues, which needed to be addressed. Firstly the rather high freeboard at the midsection, which forced the rig to be higher than most boats and then the fixed mast socket, which didn’t allow the mast rake to be adjusted. Using the central spine of the deck from the SLIM CHANCE mould sorted these problems out and at the same time a slight rake was put on the fin LE. With the winch mount beneath the foredeck the then popular arm winch could also be accommodated. When all this had been achieved (nothing is ever as simple as it sounds!) a few boats were built that went well at club level. Dave Potter and Graham Elliot also sailed them at national level with some success. Martin Roberts decided to return to the WIDGET from the GADGET, which he felt lost a little downwind and went on to win the British Nats at Castle Semple with a boat called Sticky Fingers, which I built as light as possible without using vacuum bagged mouldings. Meanwhile Vicky McNulty had been told it was time she got a decent boat to sail and it was decided that she should have a go at moulding and assembling one here in my workshop, which she did almost entirely herself to my instructions. Brad found he got on very well with the WIDGET whilst sailing Vicky’s boat so ordered a kit for himself. Brads boat was moulded to the highest standard in term of weight reduction with hull and deck vacuum bagged to optimize the resin/glass ratio, and he assembled it with his usual extreme TLC to produce the boat that won the 2007 Worlds.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
It gave us all great pleasure to see a boat designed by Chris Dicks again triumph at the top level, Chris made a great contribution to the sport both as a designer and skipper in the days when the sport was about individuals designing and building boats for fun. I built a similar spec WIDGET for Peter Chesters, which Rob Walsh also sailed very successfully for a period. After Martin Roberts won the Nats we invited Graham Elliot to assemble my kits and sell the boat as a ready to sail, finished boat, which he did for a while. Then he incorporated his own ideas and subsequently moved to a hull moulded by Phil Playle. I took no part in these developments; the WIDGET I sell today is basically the same boat that Martin and Brad campaigned with a slight squaring of the deck edge to make kit assembly easier. The hull mould I use is still the one I made many years ago for Ken Roberts. SMYC: Maybe five years ago I noticed on the MYA Forum that Brad Gibson recommended your WIDGET kit to class newcomers as a good all-rounder option for cost, quality, and performance (or words to that affect). That’s a strong, if not now slightly dated, endorsement. Dave Creed: It’s interesting after selling so many that I didn’t set out to sell moulded kits for assembly. I designed the vertical deck-joining flange assembly system only to make the build quicker for my production, as fitting all the deck fittings before hull and deck are joined saves a lot of time and trouble. It became obvious once the vertical deck-joining flange had been developed that as long as I fitted the keel box to the deck, the boat could be assembled without access to jigs or moulds very simply. The kits provided folks a chance to build a competitive boat for a reasonable cost because they do all the time consuming work that’s cost so much if we do it. I’m happy if it’s put together quickly just to get on the water, or perfectly like Brad’s “Mr. Brightside”. We need to grow the sport and keeping costs down is one way to do it. SMYC: How about a list of your more recent IOM builds and what you (or the designer) were trying to achieve with each. Please include that intriguing DOUBLE-ENDER. Dave Creed: With the advent of CAD systems we could all design ten boats a day all different but even with the systems we have developed to make prototypes easily and down to weight; the issue is getting them developed. Very few skippers have the ability to develop a boat and even fewer have the time when families are involved so I keep my range in development very small. My first IOM was designed in 1990, design name 901m (I like to keep things simple!) at Walter Jones’ request. It was a simple U-section shape with quite a wide transom, which sailed OK. In fact the LCD listed today, is a development of that boat. The next one was called 951m (you’ve guessed, designed in 1995) was altogether more radical, again quite a simple elliptical section but with a severe bow flare behind a T shaped bumper. Again this went well at club level with Colin Galvin enjoying a long run of success at Birkenhead Club in battle with Ken Roberts sailing the MK1 WIDGET. At this time IOMs were very much a sideline for me, I was mainly working on Ms, 10Rs, and A-class boats, which have always been my favourite classes to work on. The next significant IOM design was the SLIM CHANCE that I mentioned earlier. Again, this was something a bit out of the ordinary. A narrow boat with a deep elliptical section with the major axis vertical and a deep, and an elliptical rocker profile which all contributed to a high prismatic coefficient of around .6.
SLIM CHANCE was sailed in the 2003 Worlds by Dave Potter. “This was a bit out of the ordinary. A narrow boat with a deep elliptical section with the major axis vertical and a deep, and an elliptical rocker profile, which all contributed to a high prismatic coefficient of around .6. …it had good and bad points.” Dave Creed photo and caption.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Dave Potter sailed this for a time achieving 4th in the British Nats and winning an A fleet race at the 2003 Worlds in Canada. Lester Gilbert didn’t like it one bit! As with all boats that are “different” it had good and bad points. It loved steady, strong high power conditions where the high prismatic coefficient shows up allowing a very high hull speed potential - particularly downwind pre-planing. But like all boats with deep, long rockers and inactive in/out wedges, she was very unresponsive in light weather and very prone to stall unless sailed by very able skippers. I think it is a boat with potential if a skipper, who was able to manage the light weather handicap, put in the time to develop it. For example after some helming issues with the elliptical rudder used at the time, we found a trapezoidal rudder cured this problem.
Victoria McNulty’s WIDGET (from Creed molds) screaming into the leeward gate at the 2010 UK Nats. WIDGETs are an all-rounder at their best in heavier wind. Hanneke Gillissen photo. I’m a great believer in starting each new design with a clean sheet of paper taking on board the issues we have seen in earlier designs and those of others and thinking carefully how to improve in the future, The DOUBLE-ENDER was an idea I wanted to try having seen a number of double-enders in action over the years, including Walter Jones M4sis and my own vane M. They all have a low wetted area and no transom drag and are usually a circular type section, which rolls in a very predictable way that is good for light weather. We did three I think, one premium build boat which Dave Potter sailed in the Euros without much success, but in defense in the same race some others did much worse. Some venerated experts slag off the double-ended concept, but there are a lot of boats with very narrow transoms that the water sees as a double-ended. The STARKERS M for instance, which does very well indeed. If you have ever looked at the curve of areas of any modern design you would not be able to tell which were DE or with transoms, and as noted it is what the water “sees” that matters. If we had the skipper resource to develop more than one boat at a time, I would continue with the DOUBLE-ENDER development. I think people underestimate the time it takes to get a boat truly tuned and sorted. It took 13 years with the WIDGET and a similar time with the STARKERS to win the Worlds, and notably both were rejected along the way. Only if you can devote a lot of time and are prepared to do a lot of work initially for no compensation can the process be speeded up.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Perhaps I should say something about my design process. I never start by thinking about the shape of the boat. I start with the characteristics I want to see in the plots of the curve of displacement, the stability curve I want and where the centre of buoyancy should move to as the boat heels and pitches in the water. On models we don’t have the luxury of a “heavy mob” moving around the boat to balance effects of the sail force and nor do we have pumped water ballast so we can’t move the centre of gravity of the boat in any favourable way at all. The only option is to move the centre of buoyancy (CB) around instead. It would also be nice if the boat got bigger as the wind load increased to absorb the extra power available but since we can’t have overhangs outside 1m we can only cheat by persuading the prismatic coefficient to increase as the boat heels or gets the bow depressed on the run. We also need the boat to pivot easily in yaw to follow the apparent wind variations so severe in light weather. I know all skippers are sailing geniuses who use telltales to steer perfectly like the vane boats do, but hopefully whilst they are arguing the boat can do the business on it’s own much better! So, an elongated saucer will do us very well in light weather with its ability to swivel easily and it will provide us with a very mobile CB leading to a lively, bouncy, accelerative boat with a very predictable rolling characteristic and it doesn’t matter if the water sees it as a short boat because there isn’t enough power in the wind to go fast anyway. Oh dear, now the wind has got up and our poor saucer has stuck its edge up to provide lots of windage, the boat is far too short to exploit the power available and the mobile CB feels like a darn car and the prismatic has shrunk as the boat jacks up! Now what we need is a long plank, which won’t notice waves, will be rock steady with a whopping prismatic. Sounds like an Errica (or derivative) needs to morph into a SLIM CHANCE? Note I haven’t mentioned wetted area so far, I feel the effects of wetted area are not as severe as feared in “our” size although I feel some underestimate how the meniscus increases effective wetted area for us whereas in full size it’s effects are negligible. So, it sounds like we need something weird to resolve all these conflicting requirements and behold, the LINTEL was born!
Eric Rosenbaum’s LINTEL USA 41 shown in action at the recent 2013 Blowout in Dallas, TX. This is one of a number of LINTEL kits assembled by Al Ross in Louisiana from a large USA group order a few years back. Al did a fastidious assembly and the clear resin deck (tan in overall appearance) over the white gelcoat hull is quite tasteful and functional like a workboat in a high finish. It is no accident many of the kits ended up in Dallas where the LINTEL thrives in the big winds and waves common during spring. George Georgiadis photo. What have we got? A nice, elongated saucer shaped bottom with a very fair rocker to allow easy yawing, above the water a narrow decked long “sausage” shape with big ends and lots of tumblehome to allow the boat to sink when heeled thus keeping the heeled prismatic high at the same time reducing
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
windage to a minimum when heeled. The big ends also aid stability because of course the boat is no longer sailing in flat water but in a wave of it’s own making diminishing the effect of the midsection and emphasizing the boat ends. Gosh, all sounds perfect! Well, not quite because there is always a snag somewhere and at the moment most rig makers rely on the boat heeling to “unstall” the rig initially, otherwise their beautifully crafted creations hang perfectly down the middle and have no intention of working. But then would any proper yacht race be sailed in no wind? SMYC: How about a timeline on the LINTEL development until it was ready for commercial sale. Who was involved? Dave Creed: The very first all-chine wood version of the LINTEL was sailed by Geoff Farrar in Yorkshire and the good reports I got from him encouraged me to go ahead with a glass version, this was around 2004-5. Dave Potter did all the early work on the boat, sailing the first glass prototype built using Triple Crown decks locally and at some Northern district events. This boat went on to be sailed by lots of skippers and in fact is still sailing. Dave Potter took another LINTEL development iteration to sail in Australia at the 2005 Worlds, and that boat stayed in Australia. Slowly the boat was sorted out and I did a new mould of better quality after Dave won the 2006 UK Nats and the first prototype from this went to Rob Walsh. He had a lot of fun with it. John Tushingham had also joined the team now bringing his own rigs and tuning ability to the project. Later converts also include Chris Harris and Derek Priestly and eventually Martin Roberts saw the light the week before the 2011 Worlds and sailed Robs spare boat in the event. Sadly after placing 2nd and 3rd in the 2010 Nats at West Kirby John and Derek decided to opt for a quieter World Championship with a more politically acceptable boat. A great shame for these two very good skippers nearing the end of their career at the top level, who could be almost certain of a top ten finish sailing the LINTEL at the lake it loves. A DECADE of DECKS - by Dave Creed (Mar 2013): Once upon a time freeboard was low and decks were flat, simple, and lightweight with a lot of voids covered with patches. Far too easy! Because the IOM rule controls the distance between the deck surface and the lower luff band it soon became apparent that some boats would benefit from a lower deck level to bring the rig down as low as practical whilst still keeping the main boom outboard end reasonably clear of the water. The WIDGET because of it's high mid-freeboard is a good example. At the same time raising the foredeck underneath the jib had become fashionable for three reasons I think. Firstly to close the gap between the jib and deck and hopefully restrict the amount of air spilled under the jib. Secondly a deck with a central spine sheds water more easily if the boat should dive. Thirdly when the jib sheet lead-outs are almost level with the boom the jib and main sheeting ratios are more controllable. I decided my foredeck would have a central spine running back from the bow of the boat to roughly the jib hook-down area, which then widened into a flat area in front of the mast to close the gap between deck and jib as much as possible. During this period the arm winch was very popular, and in narrow boats it had to be mounted in front of the mast and drum winches. The RMG also needed to be accommodated so it was logical to make the aft deck flat to the transom so the sheet loop off a drum winch could be above the deck without complications. The "step" between foredeck and aft deck needs to be 60mm to match the minimum band height and the level of the aft deck was fixed by the need to get a full depth pot in with the sheet loop running above it. All this resulted in the deck used on the WIDGET, ERRICA, and also the decks I supply for the Triple Crown IOM. Terry Roberts, a keen Birkenhead Club member at the time, made the special mould pattern for the WIDGET type TC (Triple Crown) aft deck. I also did a TC aft deck with a saucer for the mast area, flat behind the saucer (for the mast well) with the potholder and a simple square tray for winch and servo. Roy Woodier, a very skilled wooden boat builder who made two nearly perfect Triple Crown hulls in cedar, made the pattern for that one. The next step with the LINTEL was to move to a flat aft deck whilst still using the same foredeck shape. This came about because the arm winch fell out of favour with most skippers and a winch in the aft deck is much more accessible than one buried underneath the foredeck. This deck was moulded with a saucer for the mast well and two trays, one for the winch, one for the servo. There was also a well at the back for the tiller. We don’t much like winch drums above deck here so to accommodate the RMG I used a vertical slide with a right-angled bracket bolted to the RMG which allowed the winch to be lifted in and out of the boat without the need to get under the deck. For anyone who wants the drum above the deck the bracket can be left at deck level and the gap around sealed with a patch.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
This LINTEL kit is owned/assembled by Steve Young, and is the only LINTEL currently sailing in our Seattle area. It was one of four kits sent about two years ago to the Washington-Oregon area. I wonder why the keel and bulb are different colors? Bob Wells photo. This was a very popular deck that was used on a number of boats and prototypes. Whilst developing the Lintel MMX I rethought deck design as outlined below and it became clear the same concept could be used to produce a new "universal” deck, which could fit almost any design and would be particularly valuable to those guys who churn out a wooden prototype every six months and wind up with a big fleet! Because it becomes is so easy to swap radio gear, they can choose any boat any day and go sail. One problem, which always arises with a deck fitting many different designs, is that whilst a flat after deck will fit almost anything (including the sloped aft end favoured by Chris Dicks) a shaped foredeck/deck wall is a major fitting constraint that causes much difficulty. After considering the options I decided on a completely flat deck bow to stern with a saucer moulded at the mast to allow the desired lowering of the rig. The foredeck can then be simply a very light cover which hopefully fulfils our dreams of shedding water when dived, end-plating the jib, and optimizing the sheet lead-out’s. As usual, I don't claim any originality for this idea, just a thick skin to cope with the ridicule anything different attracts! So, what have we got? A flat deck surface bow to stern, which is very easy to bond to the top of any hull by gluing "inwales" to the underside of the glass replicating the glass flanges used on production decks; plus a flexible, light foredeck without a "wall" so it can be bent easily to match any foredeck plan. Another benefit is that the jib hook-downs are placed on the flat deck and the jib boom can almost brush the foredeck which opens up the top of the jib luff wire a bit, an area where the jib is often a bit too close to the hounds with a raised foredeck and the rig set as low as possible. Much worry has been expressed about the area below the foredeck filling up with water and sinking the boat, but I am placing my faith in gravity to drain this area. In the event of a very serious and prolonged bow dive we are still no worse off than a flat deck even if water flows in through the jib hook-down holes. We have used the same idea on John Tushingham’s RG65 without trouble and they are much "wetter" boats than the IOMs. For those who like to run the winch against elastic rather than return the sheet to the drum there is now enough space for the elastic to run to the bow under the foredeck. One noted downside pointed is that we have the weight of two layers of deck at the front of the boat, but this is not as bad as it looks. The flat deck can be very light because it doesn't take any strain (the jib hook downs are braced to the bottom of the boat as usual) and the top surface can also be very light because it does no structural work and collision resistance isn’t an issue with a watertight main deck below. A word on radio gear: essentially this deck has a 150mm X 110mm rectangular aperture in it into which anything can be fitted including the rudder servo (if my aft-mounted direct shaft assembly is not acceptable). I hope it is only a matter of time before our radio manufacturing chums produce the unit the sport is crying out for; i.e. an integrated block incorporating the winch,
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
receiver, rechargeable batteries and the servo all in a sealed unit rechargeable in situ. From my experience with electronics, if you waterproof and human proof electronics they work forever without trouble. Unfortunately the Whirlwind fit used on Martin’s and Rob’s boat is a typical non-integrated botch-up of what could be so elegantly achieved with a bit of effort. (Gee Dave, I certainly hope you feel better after adding this last sentence – Editor .)
David Potter and his LINTEL MMX at the 2012 UK Nats – here showing her bottom hull form. Described by Dave Creed as, “a nice, elongated saucer shaped bottom with a very fair rocker to allow easy yawing. Above the water a narrow decked long “sausage” shape with big ends and lots of tumblehome to allow the boat to sink when heeled thus keeping the heeled prismatic high at the same time reducing heeled windage to a minimum. The big ends also aid stability because of course the boat is no longer sailing in flat water but in a wave of it’s own making diminishing the effect of the midsection and emphasizing the boat ends.” Hanneke Gillissen photo. SMYC: What led to the LINTEL MMX (aka 2010) and how does it differ from the LINTEL? Dave Creed: The main idea behind the MMX was to develop a new deck layout. We had used the SLIM CHANCE setup for about ten years on the WIDGET, ERRICA, etc. Then we moved to the LINTEL layout with everything typically accessed from the aft deck, after the need to accommodate the arm winch had diminished. I had two main things I wanted to improve: firstly rudder centering which proved to be very important on the LINTEL, which is such a responsive boat that an off centre rudder can cause havoc. Secondly I noticed people hated the struggle of sheeting up the boats when it required threading cords under deck, etc. To address the rudder issue we decided to try using a mini servo upside down driving the stock direct so as long as the servo is working correctly the rudder must centre. After much evolution the final design has the servo retained by a wire clip. This also means a reamed PTFE (aka Teflon) rudder tube can be used because we no longer have the need of a “tight” rudder tube holding the rudder slightly off centre in the direction last helmed due to linkage slack. For the electronics I decided to go the whole way and devise a system allowing everything to lift out of the boat. This is not a new idea, (I don’t claim any of my ideas are new as everything has been done before, but the big trick is to get it accepted.) but well worth the effort in several ways. Firstly there is no need to work inside the boat at all; everything can be put together on the bench. Secondly, a complete electronic “chunk” can be prepared as a spare to avoid changing each bit of kit whilst faultfinding. You
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
could also potentially use the same kit in several different hulls if required, as long as they have the same deck layout which could save a lot of money spent on a winch per boat as is the norm. The “chunk” doesn’t have to be made the way I supply them, any layout that fits in the space provided in the boat is OK. The winch drum could be fitted above deck, although I like the winches (particularly the RMG because of its weight) right down on the bottom behind the fin box. We still have a few Whirlwinds around here, which I simply mount by bolting from the bottom of the radio pot without the need for a bracket. Since the sheet loop comes out through the removable part of the deck along with the sheeting post, nothing is left inside the boat. Once the ideas for the MMX deck were sorted out I turned my attention to the hull. Although usually I don’t make small “tweaks” to a hull design, this time I added to a standard LINTEL hull shell a very shallow V along the middle of the hull, no more than 1.5mm high just to “organize” the water flow a bit better around the fin. The front ends of the chines were sanded out slightly, only by about .5 mm and the top of the bow pulled in to allow the bow to rise more easily when recovering from a dive. The foredeck width remained roughly the same resulting in the small flare now seen on the MMX. Also I increased the size of the mast box to allow the mast to stand 12mm further aft if required although after the first few boats all the skippers were sailing the mast in exactly the same relationship to the fin as the standard LINTEL, so the bigger box has now been discontinued. I expect any performance gain to be very small if any, as ever I am trying to move forward by lowering the VCG (vertical center of gravity) and reducing the PMI (polar moment of inertia) of the boats, invisible gains we have found so important in development over the years During the development of the MMX it has been moulded in several different ways, firstly as a complete hull inside a female mould split at deck level, then in a female mould split down the middle and finally as an outside wrap with a separate, lightweight foredeck fitted along with the centre section moulding. The aim is always to minimize join lines, it’s easy to mould the basic shell very light but the weight piles on as the boat is assembled and my aim now is to get around 400gms of internal ballast along with an RMG, etc. I don’t use a very light laminate, as I believe customers have a right to expect an expensive boat to last a long time. So my usual hull laminate is around 385 to 400 gms per square metre in total, 330 being the lightest I have used so far although that was in S glass. The following are recent images of Morgan Dewees’ innovative red Lintel MMX at the 2013 Blowout in Dallas Texas. Fortunately Morgan received it a few days before the regatta and he could use his Widget rigs. With a minimum of fuss to add the electronics and running rigging he was on his way. The MMX was still under development when ordered so Morgan had to wait a bit, but he is very pleased with his new boat after his first regatta. He still has a few items to sort, but a good first regatta with limited prep. Procyon photos below by Bob Wells.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
The jib sheet runs up through three PTFE (Teflon) rimmed holes in the cantilevered deck, which includes a concave vertical support just forward of the mast hole. The cantilevered deck is covered with a distinctive black vinyl. The nonpigmented resin deck is unforgiving in showing blemishes, and Dave acknowledged the vinyl is covering a few blems. Regardless the black vinyl adds a nice aesthetic in this case in Morgan’s and my opinions.
LINTEL MMX: Here showing Morgan’s electronics “chunk” that is easily removable so you can work on it separated from the boat – a convenient and thoughtful solution. Since the Blowout Morgan is going to a smaller conventional drum for
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
his RMG to resolve a lack of power from the full-out position. Note in the photo below the sheet turning block held in place by a slotted screw allowing easy removal along with the “chunk”. Bob Wells photo.
This is a close-up of the upside-down micro rudder servo sitting inside the provided the fiberglass housing with lightening holes. The wire clip holds it all in place without screws. It connects directly to the rudder shaft with a coupling thereby eliminating any potential rudder slop. This is unique as far as I know, and Dave provides the assembly for other boats too. Bob Wells photo.
A close-up image of what was described on the previous page with spring in place. This would be quick to change out a bad servo in the middle of a regatta. Bob Wells photo.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
Rob Walsh’s LINTEL MMX at the 2012 UK Nats – here showing her long chine, tumblehome, and flare at the foredeck edge. Hanneke Gillissen photo. SMYC: I’ve competed against a few LINTELs and they are fast boats – all of them. Our local LINTEL skipper, Steve Young, can keep his moving in light weather, which is not the consensus that I hear on how LINTELs are supposed to perform. If you were to advise a customer on which boat to purchase if considering LINTEL versus LINTEL MMX, what would you suggest? Pros and cons, including costs. Dave Creed: Martin Robert’s comment after 2011 Worlds was the MMX is a better boat. It points higher for some reason. We are working to where the LINTEL MMX kit replaces our standard LINTEL. FOILS - By Dave Creed (Feb 2013): Once upon a time keel fins were short, made of plywood, and quite thick so to manufacture was easy for anyone with woodworking skills to section and fair. Some were made of Tufnol (laminated resin composite), which wasn’t easy to fair but enabled longer, stiffer fins to be produced. As is the way with Model Yachting whilst the theoretical advantage of draft was obvious in the increased righting force available a lot of folk as now don’t believe increasing the stiffness leads to more speed. Gradually reason triumphed over voodoo and on the classes where permitted, draft crept down to 15 or 16 inches. Fins were getting a bit wobbly now with quite heavy ballast weights still in use on Ms and 10s, and it took a while for the designers to cut the displacement down to exploit the real advantage of a much lower displacement boat with similar or more righting force. Carbon arrived on the scene and allowed a step change in fin stiffness and section reduction. One thing often missed is the importance of reducing the fin displacement to a minimum whilst keeping a decent section for lift. Buoyancy and frontal area are the last things we want so the thinner the better whilst keeping to a section that will cope with the water flow conditions around the fin. We don’t want it stalling out too easily. We have tried various sections and thickness ratios but I have come to the conclusion that nothing is gained in drag terms by going thinner than 6 to 7% ratio although buoyancy of course would be reduced by going thinner. Let’s remember when the boat is heeled any buoyancy in the appendages is actually helping to heel the boat. How to make these fins? This was at a time when I was involved with the sport for fun so time wasn’t an issue, making things was a hobby so I went a bit over the top and carved the very first fin and rudder patterns out of clear Perspex (Acrylic in US) using trial sections produced very accurately on the lathe, The first fin and rudder were basically elliptical in profile with the thickness/chord ratio the same throughout as I’m told they should be by clever people. The rudder became know as the "Spitfire wing rudder” and was used on many IOMs, Ms and 10Rs along with a few A boats until superseded by the trapezoidal profile now in use. The fin was used mainly on the “SWAG” Marblehead, the first carbon M that I made. We now needed IOM fins. The very first ones had the fin moulding extended to be encased by the ballast weight, which was placed as half shells bonded together and resulting in a very neat, finished assembly. But because the casing around the lead reduces the effective specific density of the ballast this was a dead duck in performance terms so this idea was ditched. I decided to go with a parallel fin about 90mm chord and 7mm thickness long enough to suit Ms if required so about 24inch blade length. I didn’t fancy doing this in acrylic and the section was going to be the same top to bottom in any case. CNC wasn’t available at this time so I decided to mill out the master mould on the milling machine with me as the stepper motor on the Z-axis! The section was plotted out on graph paper scaled up by a factor of ten so each increment could be measured accurately and the whole job done in one go so that temp variations in the mill spindle and work piece wouldn’t lead to inaccuracies.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
This gave me a piece of steel with the section shape milled out 300 mm long so I could lay up patterns into it which could then be assembled onto a piece of plate glass into any length required to make the production moulds. This form is still the basis for most of the foils I do with "slices" of varying thickness and taper taken out of it. Creed Foils: As well as the "standard" IOM and M fin that I produce, we have done many experiments with different profiles and thicknesses and sections but up to now none has shown any significant improvement all round so we stick with the fin we know. In construction terms there have been a few evolutions over the years starting with end grain balsa vacuumed into both halves of the mould with the laminate and the two halves joined later. These fins required hard work, but produced a very stiff fin, as end grain balsa is an excellent core material. Nomex cores were next used in the same way and the final evolution is Corecell foam. The key to max stiffness is to make sure the best UHM carbon is used and that it is pressed hard against the surface of the mould so the distance between the laminates either side of the fin is maximized to give the best beam strength. Early fins were clear gelled and looked very nice but the gel thickness reduces the distance between laminates and also adds another process in the cure time required before layup so gel was abandoned and a standard black two pack polyurethane finish is now used. We prefer “black” because it is the thinnest coating, which will cover bare carbon although grey and white are also used at customers request at the expense of a thicker paint film. Lightness comes from the core material used. Even the rudders are cored solid with Corecell. They could be lighter if hollow but when made with a light carbon laminate can be prone to leak or kink if knocked so I place reliability before weight in this case.
The Creed IOM bulbs before and after fitting the fin and finishing in the epoxy prime and two-pack finish coat. Dave has his reasons for preferring black, but some like me prefer a lighter color to better spot weed. Dave Creed photo. SMYC: I’ve seen some of your IOM bulbs in black with the carbon sleeve in epoxy resin. How do you do that and keep it so wrinkle free? Beautiful! Dave Creed: I just epoxy prime my bulbs and finish with 2-pack. No carbon. SMYC: I’ve heard a rumor that that your painted foils and bulbs are finished in grey primer. Dave Creed: Grey primer! Go and wash your mouth out, you must be thinking of lesser manufacturers. Our leads are epoxy primed in white then fin and ballast are finished in two-pack polyurethane - typically in black. The BRITPOP foils and bulbs receive Brad’s favourite grey no. 821. I always say black finish is faster because the paint film is thinner and the water can’t see it coming, but you can’t tell these Aussies anything! SMYC: OK, the grey primer rumor is officially dispelled. How are your IOM bulbs constructed? Do they have a stainless or brass rod in the ends or maybe a continuous rod? Is it pure lead or a lead alloy? Dave Creed: The ballast weights are made from plain lead reinforced both ends with 4 mm stainless rod for about 75mm at the front and 120mm at the back. I leave the middle clear so the leads can be drilled easily for the fin bottom stud which is also 4mm.This has enough strength to carry the weight of the lead when the boat is heeled so the slot for the fin only needs to be 3mm deep to locate the ballast on the fin.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
The ballasts when supplied finished are coated with epoxy primer followed by the same two pack polyurethane used for the fins, the epoxy primer is vital in this application to ensure the finish adheres properly to the lead SMYC: I’m curious how you evolve the fin - mast - bulb relationships fore and aft. I take it that this has to do with what conditions the boat is optimized for and the preferences of the skipper doing the sorting of these relationships. Dave Creed: The fins are probably the most important factor that controls performance underwater so I place them to work at their best. This means the ballast needs to be centrally place on the fin to avoid any twist being induced as the boat is laid over. All modern fins are stiff both in "beam” and torsion but some twist will be present if the lead CG is not on the natural axis of the fin. In fact I deliberately use this induced twist in most of my designs to "wash out” the lift from the bottom of the fin by placing the ballast CG near the fin LE. On the Starkers M the ballast CG is where the fin LE meets the ballast so if the boat is laid over the ballast droops a little twisting the fin at the same time. Some folk think this is completely wrong because we use the fin to control leeway and it would be a good idea to increase the angle of attack and reduce leeway but a little thought reveals that increasing the angle of incidence at the bottom of the fin will be very effective in heeling the boat, just what we don’t want, we want force resisting leeway as high as possible in an ideal world at LWL level. Not possible but this draws us into the very much discussed issue of "do hulls provide a force that resists leeway?” The answer is of course yes, it requires a force to push a boat sideways even when the boat is not moving and has no foils on so once it is in motion the asymmetric dynamic force from the passing water it will want to push it one way or the other, to lee or to windward. If we can persuade this force to resist leeway then that takes some of the work away from the fin thereby reducing the induced drag and the heeling force that the fin produces. Any "lift" from the hull acts very near the LWL so produces very little heeling force. The very worst way to use a fin in my opinion is with the nose of the ballast level with the fin LE as in the "old days” when prognathous ballasts weren’t allowed, this invariably gets the fin twisting when laid over so the lift off the bottom of the fin cancels out some of the bulb weight force. In an ideal world free of pesky rules we would have the ballast on a fine streamlined rod and use dagger boards for leeway control as on the big yachts. The above considerations lead us to put the fin LE somewhere between the CB of the boat and a point about 25mm forward, which then dictates the mast placement. The fin is by far the most significant factor in the CLR of the boat. The WIDGET is an exception because the CB is a long way aft, so we chickened out of putting the fin so far back and the lead CG is around 38mm aft of the LE so the fin is subjected to a slightly unfavorable twisting force. SMYC: Do you have a company name? What do you see in your model yacht business future. Dave Creed: Just “Dave”. SMYC: What do you see in your model yacht business future. Dave Creed: Actually I’m slowing down a little, but I plan to carry on indefinately. By the time you read this I will have reached my 60th birthday (or if Bob doesn't get a move on publishing it might be 70th) so I want to take life a bit easier and enjoy the job more. As you will all know the waiting time for anything I do is horrendous and it gives me no pleasure at all to be unable to look after loyal customers in the way I would wish. To get things under control again I’m taking no orders for boats or kits until at least October 2013 when I will review the situation, Meanwhile I will continue to supply bits and pieces and work through those who have already ordered a boat or expressed interest in one. The one exception is in the case of 10 Raters, a class that is under some threat of extinction over here so I will continue with orders for them to build the fleet again. I’m going to take this opportunity to have a moan about the “heroes” in our sport. The 10R class was carefully designed to stimulate innovation particularly above deck and in my opinion the lack of support for the class highlights just what a boring, commercially motivated bunch of "professionals” we now have working in the sport who have no interest in coming up with new ideas and in fact aren’t much interested in doing anything at all except building their egos and bank accounts. The 10s and the multihulls are the future of the sport, fast exciting machines which young folk will enjoy, not slow, heavy
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
little boats racing along at one to two knots. SMYC: Dave doesn’t sail competitively anymore and hasn’t for some time. He enjoys his always evolving design/build process, problem solving, and being his own boss. He has a wide variety of boat projects in various stages of development, including a 10R that looks like a stretched skinny Lintel with long sweet overhangs. We’ll keep our focus on IOMs, and on this front he has three designs at the prototype stage. A reminder on what Dave said about the development stage seems appropriate here, “I think people underestimate the time it takes to get a boat truly tuned and sorted. It took 13 years with the WIDGET and a similar time with the STARKERS to win the Worlds and both were rejected on the way! Only if you can devote a lot of time and are prepared to do a lot of work initially for nothing can the process be speeded up.” We’ll close this article with a few development hull pictures and then some words from Dave for you amateur builders:
“The DOUBLE-ENDER, of which three prototypes have now been made, is a minimum wetted surface boat with no transom designed for minimum resistance at low speeds. It is for use at venues where ‘scientific drifting’ is the norm rather than proper sailing. This is not the kind of boat that will win where top-level races are sailed, but it should do well at the inland lakes surrounded by trees where so much club racing now takes place.” Dave Creed photo and caption.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
“The SLIMTEL is a very narrow boat with a chine similar to the LINTEL and quite radical in appearance. It is focused on good downwind speed, which is gaining in importance because in so many top-level races it seems to be impossible to set a long starting beat. Its performance on the other points of sailing should be adequate given a first-class lightweight build to get plenty of internal ballast.” Dave Creed photo and caption.
“A very conventional boat variously called the KG1 or LDC of which several hulls have been built mostly in wood. The LDC has been designed from the outset as a mass production boat that won’t frighten anyone with its looks or performance, but will be easy to build and sail. A number of innovations are planned for this boat in terms of build, supply, and radio fit.” Dave Creed photo and caption. IOM AMATEUR DESIGNERS & BUILDERS – Some Comments from Dave Creed (Feb 2013): I hope the recent articles about design haven’t put anybody off designing and building their own IOM. A look at the Worlds and Euro winners shows that a wide range of boat designs have won in the past, from the TS2 to the WIDGET, to mention the extreme ends of the design spectrum. The thing that unites the winners is that they have all been sailed by the very best skippers after a period of careful development. Once a winning design with top skippers is out into the mainstream fleet it very quickly begins to look more "normal". I do hope that every new boat improves the skipper’s performance simply because everything is new and nearly perfect, and built to current standards in terms of weight, rig, etc. It is obvious when examining race results that the same designs often top and tail the fleet
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013
even when the hulls are identical, which gives a clue that the main factors controlling performance are the skippers ability to create drive from his rig, to start properly, and to get round the course in an optimal fashion. IOMs are so equal, and so equally slow if you sail 10 feet further you will be 10 feet behind at the finish. Design: One good thing about the availability of CAD programs is that anyone can draw a boat without drafting skill. I find that after 10 minutes tutoring most folk can draw an IOM on something like Maxsurf, which I find is the most intuitive of the commonly available free downloads (although unfortunately you can’t save it or print it). Don’t worry too much about the figures and tech stuff we rabbit on about. All we are doing is trying to gain a little advantage from some careful tweaks, but the fact of the matter is almost any shape that fits the rule will work and sail fine. Don’t bother searching for the mythical ”all-round boat”, the laws of physics must be wrong if it exists and they have been pretty well proven by now. Some important points to remember: • Anything visible above water when the boat is sailing is slowing you down unless it is made of sail material, only the sails power the boat. • Freeboard must be kept to the minimum required when heeled, if its an inch too high a lot of air has to be moved out of the way as the boat sails to windward and structural weight will be increased. • You need to get at least 300 gms of internal ballast to compete with the best boats. • The finish underwater needs to be very good. • Trailing edges need to be sharp. No point in dragging water along. • Unless sailing in very light winds the rig needs to be as low as possible. If you have begged, borrowed, or stolen an expensive program with resistance assessment, remember these are from full-sized sailing boats. Unless the program considers that your radio sailboat is "pushed" along about 1m above the water surface the results will be worthless. When you have made your mind up about which design you like best, draw it up on a CAD program you can print from and get building! Don’t agonize over the job, just get it built and sailing. Folks often worry about tiny inaccuracies side to side but sailing is an entirely asymmetric game. The moment a boat heels or the bow depresses downwind it starts to become an odd, distorted shape in the water so if you are one mm out side to side on the hull in places the water won’t notice it. When the boat is perfectly upright sailing down wind then the rig is also totally asymmetric. There also seems to be an opinion that all boats must come from CNC plugs - total rubbish! Nice and quick production if you have access to it, but its worth remembering that in the 2011 Worlds the first five boats were not from CNC plugs, but they were built to a very high racing standard in terms of weight and finish. Foils do need to be accurate but again, no need to panic. We have seen some pretty awful examples when everything was handmade, but the boats still sailed nearly as well as those with almost perfect foils. Above all experience the thrill of creating something from scratch from your own ideas and see what happens. Prototype building to a very high performance standard isn’t difficult, one day I might even make a video of the process. I'd like to finish by saying that I have always seen the IOM as a great introductory boat to bring folk into the sport and I have focused my work on helping these guys along whether they want an affordable kit or the "difficult" ingredients like fins, ballasts, etc to build their own boats. We should encourage one-off building and I have had the pleasure of supplying lots of stuff to those making the Triple Crown and other designs and giving advice along the way. Whilst at the top level the IOM has developed into a "wallet" class most of the fun is had at the other extreme, with new people finding there way into the sport, making new friends, and acquiring new skills. For those looking for "Grand Prix" racing the full development classes are the place to operate. This includes Ms, 10s, As, and Mini 40s (multihull), where much bigger design challenges both above and below the water exist for our “Heroes” to get to grips with. The IOM is a closely controlled class where whatever we do the speed differential between boats is so small that the best skippers always come out on top no matter what design they sail.
Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update
March – May 2013 Regional IOM Regatta Schedule
Deception Pass Model Yacht Club • Gig Harbor Model Yacht Club • Seattle Model Yacht Club (Other selected regattas listed for reference.)
Date 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2’17 2/24 3/3 3/9 3/10 3/17 3/24 3/23-24 3/30 3/31 4/6 4/7 **4/13-14 4/21 4/25-4/28 **4/27 5/4-5 5/11 5/12 5/18/19 5/19 5/25 5/26 6/2 6/7-9 6/15 6/23 6/29 6/30 7/7 7/13 7/14 7/21 7/19-21 7/27 7/28 8/4/12 8/10 8/11 8/17 8/18 8/25 9/1 9/7 9/8 9/15 8/18 9/21 9/22 9/23 9/27-29 10/6
Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM See NOR 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM See NOR 11PM – 4PM See NOR 10AM – 2PM See NOR 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM See NOR Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM See NOR 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM See NOR 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM 1PM – 4PM Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM See NOR Noon – 4PM
Club - Event Name
AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #1 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta VMSS – Beaver Fever SMYC – Saturday Regatta #1 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #2 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta Boise – Famous Potatoes Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta US Nats at San Francisco SMYC – Saturday Regatta #2 SMYC – COW Cup (CanAm Regatta #1) GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #3 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta GHMYC – Cowboy Up Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta SMYC – Saturday Regatta #3 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta SISC – CAN Nats (COW CanAm #2) GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #4 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta SMYC – Saturday Regatta #4 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #5 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta ARCS – Sunday Regatta OMYC – HR Carnage (COW CanAm #3) SMYC – Saturday Regatta #5 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #6 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta SMYC – Regatta #6 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #7 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta SMYC – Saturday Regatta #7 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta ARCS – Cranberry Caper AR/CS – Sunday Regatta
Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Beaver Lake Coulon Park Cranberry Lake Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Boise, ID Cranberry Lake SF Bay on Pier 80 Coulon Park Coulon Park Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Ellensburg, WA Cranberry Lake Coulon Park Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Salt Spring Is., BC Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Coulon Park Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Hood River Marina Coulon Park Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Coulon Park Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Coulon Park Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake
Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Steve Young Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Barry Fox Bob Wells Julian Lee Steve Young Julian Lee Bruce Anderson Julian Lee Freddy Rocha Bob Wells Bob Wells Steve Young Julian Lee Steve Young Julian Lee Bob Wells Julian Lee Julian Lee Lawrie Neish Steve Young Julian Lee Bob Wells Julian Lee Julian Lee Steve Young Julian Lee Julian Lee Morgan Dewees Bob Wells Julian Lee Julian Lee Steve Young Julian Lee Bob Wells Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Steve Young Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Bob Wells Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee
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Seattle Model Yacht Club
Seattle IOM Update 10/12 10/13 10/18-20 10/20 10/26 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 11/24 12/1 12/8 12/15 12/22 12/29
10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM See NOR Noon – 4PM 10AM – 2PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM Noon – 4PM
March – May 2013
GHMYC – Saturday Regatta #8 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta CAN Westerns (COW CanAm #4) AR/CS – Sunday Regatta SMYC – Saturday Regatta #8 AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta AR/CS – Sunday Regatta
Surprise Lake Cranberry Lake Hornby Is., BC Cranberry Lake Coulon Park Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake
Steve Young Julian Lee Lawrie Neish Julian Lee Bob Wells Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee Julian Lee
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** Canceled due to US Nationals schedule change. Please note: This schedule does change occasionally. Check every newsletter. Seattle MYC @ Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park: 1201 Lake Washington Blvd., Renton, WA From I-405 take Exit 5 and head west on Park Ave. N. Take the 1st right (at the bottom of a hill) to Lake Washington Blvd. Coulon Park is on the left. Gig Harbor MYC @ Surprise Lake – Surprise Lake Village, 2800 Queens Way, Milton, WA. From I-5 Exit 142B head west on SR 18 for 0.5 miles, and turn south on SR 161 for 3.3 miles, and turn right at Queens Way (at the Surprise Lake Village flags). Anacortes RC Sailors @ Cranberry Lake – N. Whidbey Is. - 1 Mi. South of Deception Pass Bridge on SR 20 Saltspring Island Sailing Club @ Ganges Harbor – See Notice of Race. Victoria Model Shipbuilders Society @ Beaver Lake - West side of Highway 17, about 10 km north of Victoria, B.C. (COW CanAm #?) denotes events in our COW CanAm Series. 3/8/13 – Multi-day events highlighted
This digital newsletter is published quarterly at the editor’s whim and amusement to promote IOM sailing at Seattle Model Yacht Club and in the Pacific NW in general. I’m also getting an education about IOMs as we share ideas. Come and watch us sail and see if somebody offers you a transmitter? This issue and others can be found at: (USA) (USA) (CAN) (USA) (UK) Editor: Bob Wells (WellsonIsland at Comcast dot net)
Seattle Model Yacht Club