Totally Gaming
the official show catalogue & buyers guide 2014 media pack ExCeL, London 4 - 6 Feb 2014
Have your pre-show press release printed in the new editorial news section of the guide.
Sensational ICE The theme for ICE 2014, which takes place at London ExCeL across the 4th, 5th and 6th of February is SENSATIONAL – and there couldn’t be a more appropriate billing for a brand which has grown to be the biggest, most international and most influential business-to-business gaming event anywhere in the world. Featuring the very best innovators drawn from across the gaming spectrum, ICE 2013 attracted a total of 22,247 unique attendees from 118 nations to its new home at ExCeL London. Despite the fact that manufacturers, games creators and technology suppliers save their product launches specifically for ICE – this world leading event is not just about product. Visitors also come to ICE to explore the hottest growth areas in land-based, online, lottery and mobile gaming courtesy of the eight strong ICE Conferences programme. This powerful convergence of product and knowledge delivers a unique audience of influencers, operators, thought leaders and specifiers all of whom come together in one place and under one roof for just three days of the year. There’s only one way to guarantee reaching this audience and that’s through the The Official Show Catalogue & Buyers Guide.
Totally Gaming
Maintain your profile throughout the year The Official Show Catalogue & Buyers Guide is a comprehensive, high quality publication which is used by attendees whilst they are at the show and when they return to their offices. With magazine style production values, the Guide serves as an indispensable window on gaming in all of its guises and as a result is used by attendees (and their colleagues) throughout the year. What’s more, the Guide is also sent digitally to the entire list of pre-registered visitors, in the process reaching those ICE stakeholders who, for whatever reason, were unable to attend the show. The Catalogue & Buyers Guide contains detailed profiles, giving important facts and information on each and every company taking part in the show, as well as a breakdown of exhibitors by product sector. It’s full colour, magazine style format has been specifically chosen for easy reading, and enables advertisers to deliver powerful and visually strong promotional messages. It is readily available (free of charge) at every one of the show’s entry points, meaning that all visitors have easy access to a copy on arrival. It is also distributed on dedicated stands across the show floor, to ensure that every person in attendance will be holding a copy throughout ICE. If there’s a better opportunity to keep your name in front of buyers long after the show has closed – please let us know.
Totally Gaming
Totally Gaming
Why not make some editorial noise as well? You can also have your pre-show product release printed in the editorial news section of the Official Show Catalogue & Buyers Guide 2014. For more information on how to take advantage of this valuable opportunity, please contact the GB Media team tel: +44 (0) 1204 396 397 or
Totally Gaming
Keep connected with a growing global audience ICE Totally Gaming 2013 had a unique attendance of 22,247, a figure that was confirmed and audited by the independent body the BBPA. This figure represented a 4.3% increase on 2012, 8.6% up on 2011 and a massive 24.1% uplift on 2010 – so the trends for ICE Totally Gaming are positive despite the broader economic backdrop. Furthermore, ICE visitors are staying longer and seeing more. In 2013 the number of visitor days increased from 1.51 (2012) to 1.81 raising the total number of visitor days to 40,267 - clear confirmation that ICE is a serious event supported by a huge audience of serious international business people. Confirmed as a truly global exhibition, 54% of ICE Totally Gaming attendees traveled to ExCeL London from outside the UK. All of gaming is covered with the number of sovereign states represented at ICE totaling a massive 118. In terms of the regional distribution, as well as North America and Europe, Asia, the Middle East & Africa, and Central & South America all boast healthy attendance figures.
Double page spread Full page Half page horizontal Half page vertical Quarter page Loose inserts Special positions 10% extra Inside Front Cover
£3,200 £1,980 £1,140 £1,140 £680 Price on application
Inside Back Cover Outside Back Cover Opposite exhibitor listing
Neil Judson John Sullivan Tel: Fax: +44 (0) 1204 396 397 +44 (0) 1204 392 748
Advertising Booking Deadline: Friday 3 January 2014 Advertising Copy Deadline: Friday 17 January 2014 Editorial Copy Deadline: Friday 10 January 2014 Agency commission 10% • All prices exclude VAT
Totally Gaming
An easy to read format Advertising Specifications Advertisement
Size (mm)
Double page spread
Full page
Trim 352 x 250 Type 300 x 225 Bleed 364 x 256 Trim 176 x 250 Type 150 x 225 Bleed 182 x 256
Half page (Horizontal)
150 x 110
Half page (Vertical)
73 x 220
Quarter page (Standard)
73 x 110
Artwork to be supplied in PDF format (CMYK print-ready) or flattened (.tif/.jpg/.eps CMYK bitmap image) at 300dpi. Artwork to be sent to: