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PRODUCTS AND SOFTWARE for industry 4.0
Bernstein NEW SMART Safety Sensor SRF for Smart Factories & Industry 4.0 ready
The SRF (Safety RFID) is a non-contact safety sensor, that monitors moveable safety guards, such as doors, flaps and hoods with a high tolerance to shock & vibration
With its innovative diagnostic system, the SRF makes safety circuits suitable for Industry 4.0.
The system provides a multitude of diagnostic data of each sensor, even in a series connection, to support smart production. Diagnostic data will deliver cost-effective predictive maintenance in a simple way, through its advanced fault recognition capability, costly machine shutdowns can be prevented.
This way, your machinery and plant will work even more efficiently!
We will be exhibiting at The Industry 4.0 Summit & Expo from the 10-11th April 2019. We will be showcasing products including the flexible and economical IN65, the slimline I49 and the new MRK6 magnetic safety switch. These products among many others in our well-established range of switches, sensors, and enclosures, as well as examples of our custom services.
BERNSTEIN ranks among the world’s leading providers of industrial safety technology. With our comprehensive range of switches, sensors, enclosures and operator terminals, we offer our customers effective and versatile solutions. By conforming to international safety guidelines, our products perfectly integrate in individual system solutions.
For more details visit Bernstein UK’s website - bernstein-ltd.co.uk

Digital goods flowing from the RFID gate directly into the cloud
GateToGo, including a robust CE-compliant control cabinet plus RFID reader and MICA ®
The GateToGo is a mobile data entry portal (gate) that can be set up quickly. It can be used to run proof of concepts for logistics applications without programming effort. HARTING shows how easy it can be to start a project – the ideal introduction for system integrators in new projects. Using HARTING’s MICA® together with the HARTING GS1 ALE 1.1 based middleware system, the collected pallet and object data can be filtered and compressed directly at the gate. From there, the data is transmitted on network cables, WiFi, or even directly via LTE to the enterprise resource planning system. When using LTE, there is no need for a complex integration into the local IT infrastructure.
Thanks to its worldwide partner network, HARTING can provide direct solutions that extend all the way into the cloud. HARTING supplies everything to make the start simple: GateToGo, including a robust CE-compliant control cabinet, an RFID reader, the MICA®, and starter software.
At this year’s LogiMAT trade fair (February 19 to 21, 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany), the HARTING Technology Group will be at the AIM joint stand (Hall 4, Stand D05) demonstrating how effective it is to automate the flow of goods with state-of-theart UHF RFID technology.
At this year’s LogiMAT trade fair (February 19 to 21, 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany), the HARTING Technology Group will be at the AIM joint stand (Hall 4, Stand D05) demonstrating how effective it is to automate the flow of goods with state-ofthe-art UHF RFID technology.
High flexibility and dynamic operating concept, due to the “virtual switch”, which can be individually defined
For further information visit: harting.com/DE/en-gb/news/product/digital-goods-flowing-rfid-gate-directly-cloud

industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019PRODUCTS AND SOFTWARE
AMBER PI Design Kit
The AMBER PI provides two I2C and two SPI sockets to connect other I2C- and SPI-slaves to it. As delivered, the AMBER PI Kit includes the following sensor boards that contain three different sensors. The fourth board can be used as base PCB for the prototypic integration of custom sensors. The PROTO SPI is a mini breadboard including the 4-wire SPI signals plus the power signals +3.3V and GND. This board serves a 2.54mm grid for hand soldering prototypes of custom sensors. The HTS221 is an ultra-compact sensor for relative humidity and temperature. The LPS22HB is an ultracompact piezo resistive absolute pressure sensor, which functions as a digital output barometer. The LIS2DW12 is an ultra-low-power high-performance three-axis linear accelerometer. The Tarvos-II Plug is an USB-radio-dongle that operates as remote station to the AMBER-PI using compatible radio profiles. With this dongle, a bidirectional wireless bridge can be established, transmitting the current sensor values for example. It is also a dipole antenna with SMA-connector, enabling wireless data transmission with extended range, in the AMBER-PI Design Kit included.
• Gateway: Sub-1-GHz to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or Ethernet
• Data collector for Sub-1-GHz radio devices
• Wireless remote control station (Model airplane)
• Rapid prototyping for wireless data transmission applications
• Mobile wireless sensor board for home and industrial environment (Weather station, Motion tracking)
For more details visit: katalog.we-online.de/en/wco/AMBER_PI
Purpose built design. Ergonomic and Modular. Safety Certified. Ultra Low-Latency Rendering to Display Complex Workloads. Wide Field of View Optics. Powerful Mobile Processor. Indoor and Outdoor Use.
For more details visit: daqri.com/products/smart-glasses

PRODUCTS AND SOFTWAREIssue no 9 - February 2019 industry 4.0
edinn ® MES
Sedinn ® MES is a complete and advanced MES (Manufacturing Execution System) solution, which can be integrated in a standard way with any ERP (SAP, Navision, etc.), which will allow you to manage and control your processes globally using ‘Industry 4.0’ functionalities. The edinn ® MES solution includes edinn® OEE.
edinn ® OEEPersonnel management
Quality Control SPC (Statistical Process Control)
Integrated document management and link with other applications: Zero Papers.
Spotfire X with the All-new A(X) Experience
Analytics, Accelerated
The all-new TIBCO Spotfire ® A(X) Experience makes it fast and easy for everyone to get value out of data —whether you’re just getting started with analytics or an expert trying to uncover deeper insights.
Built-in Predictive AnalyticsUnparalleled Location AnalyticsReal-time Streaming Analytics
For further information visit: edinn.com/?lang=en
For further information visit: tibco.com/products/tibco-spotfire

industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019PRODUCTS AND SOFTWARE
MES (Manufacturing Execution System):
Sophisticated computer software that provides in-depth information
Enabling improved productivity in manufacturing companies.
Make your manufacturing processes more efficient,
Save money and be in total control of every element of your production.
Among its many advantages, data analysis from your MES system provides great opportunities for measuring and improving KPIs such as OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), allowing you to monitor vital components of your manufacturing unit, such as quality and availability. The data you collect from your improvement activities means that you can focus on changes that will bring your production line up to optimal performance levels.
MES Order Execution System
Rapid Production configuration
All Variants 100% checked by link to vision and ID systems
Removes risk of production mistakesProof of conformity
Integrates to our Paperless Process system
Bytronic designs and implements turnkey MES Solutions. The systems start with a high grade industrial Ethernet network with layer3 backbone and hyper ring technology. The data being collated into a central MES database.
For further information visit: cimlogic.co.uk
For further information visit: bytronic.com/ factory-solutions/mes-order-execution-system
To feature in the products and software section please contact: digital@gbmediaevents.com
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