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Select us as your church on the YouVersion Bible App. This will allow GBC Members to see the featured devotional plans for the month. This months plan will be geared towards men.

Option 1: If you already have The Bible App Installed. Scan the QR Code and Select "Set As My Church"

The Arms Reach Ministry will be doing food distribution every Wednesday on Jefferson Ave between24thand25thstreets.

Option 2: If you already have The Bible App Installed.

Open The Bible App and select "Discover."

Select "Churches"

Look for Gethsemane Baptist Church that shows that church logo

Select "Gethsemane Baptist Church"

Select "Set As My Church"

If you do not have The Bible App Installed. Go to the Apple App Store on your iPhone or the Google Play Store on you android phone.

Search for "The Bible App"

Download "The Bible App"

Once you have downloaded the app proceed to Option 1 or Option 2 to set GBC as your church.

Summer Soccer

Join us this summer for fun learning environment to learn about the game of soccer. Come out to meet new friends and ENJOY an active summer. For children ages 6-12.

Soccer Training camp is at 6 PM on the following dates: Soccer League Game Dates are July 22 - August 26th.

June 22, 26, 29

To sign up visit GethsemaneBaptist.org/soccer

For more information contact us at (757) 2448833.

VBS 2023 Registration is now open!

This year ' s theme is "Food Truck Party: On a Roll with God"! We're thrilled to begin the registration process for this unique and fun-filled Vacation Bible School program. Here are the details to get started:

Date: August 7-11

Time: 6 PM - 8 PM Location: 5405 Roanoke Ave, Newport News, VA 23605

Who: All ages from Pre-K through Adulthood.

To register visit GethsemaneBaptist.org/vbs2023 or locate the VBS table in person starting Sunday, June 25

To volunteer sign up online at https://gethsemanebaptistchurch.breezechms.com/form/f1e75a or in person at the VBS table.



Registrationisnowopenforthe2023F.L.A.M.E. Conference&ConvocationtobeheldOctober 5th-7thattheHamptonRoadsConvention center Earlybirdregistrationis$119until August31.Generalregistrationis$139.

ThisyearsthemeisMakeItCount:Ministrythat isfruitful,Productive&effective.



JoinourYoungAdultBibleStudyonMondays at7pmonZoom!

Engageinmeaningfuldiscussions,relevant teachings,andbuildconnectionswithlikemindedyoungadults.Allbackgroundsand levelsofbiblicalknowledgewelcome.


P.S.Sharewithfriendswhomightbe interested!

RSVP using the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/special-community-announcement-reception-tickets-666800808167?aff=oddtdtcreator

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