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General Funds

$30.8 Billion (55 Percent of Georgia’s Budget)

Georgia’s General Fund derives largely from income taxes on personal and corporate earnings and sales taxes on consumer transactions. The state also taxes motor fuel and assesses provider fees on hospitals and nursing homes, along with a variety of other taxes and fees. More than 97 cents of every dollar appropriated by the state pays for eight core priorities:

• Pre-K-12 Education (38 cents of every dollar spent)

• Health Care (21 cents)

• Higher Education (15 cents)

• Transportation (7 cents)

• Corrections, Juvenile Justice and Re-entry (9 cents)

• Debt Service (4 cents)

• Department of Human Services (3 cents)

The remaining General Fund spending is for state agencies, boards and commissions dedicated to activities such as economic development, agriculture and forestry and grant programs. The General Fund also covers the costs of operating the legislative, judicial and executive branches of state government. Not included in Georgia’s General Fund are dedicated taxes and fees that are collected into several other funds. Lottery proceeds are also not included in the General Fund and account for about 5 percent of total state funds or $1.5 billion.

Motor Fuel Funds

$2 Billion (4 Percent of Georgia’s Budget)

Georgia’s Constitution restricts spending revenue from state motor fuel taxes to roads and bridges. The money is dedicated to a mix of new construction, maintenance of existing infrastructure and debt service on past investments. Georgia’s 2024 motor fuel rates are 31.2 cents per gallon of gas and 35 cents per gallon of diesel, a slight uptick from last year. While the state taxes aviation gasoline at one cent per gallon, the state’s Department of Revenue has recognized a permanent tax exemption on the sale of jet fuel, which will cost the state an estimated $61 million in FY 2023. The state’s budget includes a total of $2 billion in motor fuel revenue.

Education and Health Care Equal 74 Percent of $32.4 Billion Budget for Fiscal Year 2024

Other Public Safety and State Courts, $0.7 B

Human Services, $1.0 B

Debt Service, $1.3 B

General Government, $1.2 B

Criminal Legal System, $2.0 B

Transportation, $2.3 B

Health Care, $6.7 B

Higher Education, $4.9 B

PreK-12 Education, $12.4 B

Source: Governor’s Budget Report Amended FY 2023 and FY 2024.

Agency Funds

$5.5 Billion (10 Percent of Georgia’s Budget)

Agency funds include $2.5 billion in tuition and fees collected by the University System of Georgia and the Technical College System of Georgia. The University System of Georgia alone accounts for $4.2 billion in Agency and Research funds. The individual schools retain the money.

Source: Conference Committee Substitute to HB 19 as signed by the governor.

Federal Funds

$17.9 Billion (32 Percent of Georgia’s Budget)

Money from the federal government flows to a range of state programs and services. Georgia spends the vast majority of federal money on the following:

• $10.2 billion for Medicaid, PeachCare and other health care programs

• $2.6 billion for Pre-K-12 education, which includes school nutrition programs, services for students from families with low incomes and support for students with disabilities

• $1.9 billion to support Georgia’s Universities and Technical Colleges

• $1.5 billion for the Georgia Department of Transportation

• $1.1 billion for human services, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF or cash assistance) and child welfare programs

Federal rules require the state to match federal funding for Medicaid and many other investments that benefit Georgians. As a result, changes in corresponding state funding levels typically track changes in federal funding.

$17.7 Billion in Federal Funds Mostly Pays for Health Care, Education, Transportation and Human Services



Department of Human Services


Department of Transportation


Higher Education


PreK-12 Education


Health Care


Source: Georgia’s 2023 Fiscal Year Budget (HB 911), signed by the governor.

Intrastate Transfers

$5.5 Billion (Included for Reference)

Intrastate transfers are primarily payments from the State Health Benefit Plan, which insures about 665,000 state employees, school system employees, retirees and their families. This year, the employer cost of providing health coverage through the State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP)— which is paid by the state and public schools—spiked by 67 percent. Effective immediately for most state employees, with a two-year phase-in for K-12 schools, the required employer contribution will increase by $7,200 per year for each employee, or by $635 per member, per month from $945 to $1,580. This massive increase was driven by several factors, including an aging member population, the COVID-19 pandemic, stagnant subscriber levels and decisions made by state policymakers, such as a 2019 employer contribution holiday and a 2020 decrease in the employer contribution rate for state employees.

2023 Tobacco Settlement Fund Budget

$149 Million (0.3 Percent of Georgia’s Budget)

Georgia receives annual payments from a large settlement signed in 1998 with four of the country’s largest tobacco companies, known as the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. Georgia is not required to dedicate these payments for specific purposes. As a result, the use of tobacco settlement money can vary from year to year, though most of the money in the current year’s budget is allocated to health care.

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