communities while helping to encourage the continuing economic development of the neighborhood.
Tactics: UM should encourage and incentivize local businesses offering healthy food options through a recommended list of locations for catering and recognition in UM advertisements. Specifically, UM can designate and advertise specific locations for food trucks to be used only by approved, nutritious vendors. UM should also continue to support the City’s “Get Fresh Lexington” initiative to increase the number of healthy eating options available at Lexington Market. Students are area residents and should also be included in this collaboration.
Residential Development Housing and residential development in West Baltimore has been a concern for families and officials for years. While many families do make the Poppleton and Hollins Market neighborhoods their home, there are a large number of abandoned properties. These are an eyesore, a haven for criminal activity, a danger to public health, and a waste of space (M. DiPaula, N. Jackson, and E. Chandlee, personal communication with Jeffrey Clark, March 12, 2012). These abandoned properties need to be better boarded up in the immediate-term and then either refurbished into appropriate and affordable housing stock or demolished for green space (M. DiPaula, et al., personal communication with Jeffrey Clark, March 12, 2012). Many ideas have been put forth and projects initiated to manage these blighted properties, including Baltimore City’s Vacants-to-Value program or a proposal to sell properties for $1 to public servants, such as teachers, police officers, and firefighters (respectively, Parthemos, et al., Nov. 2, 2011; Bealefeld, Nov. 10, 2011).
Beyond these specific housing related concerns however, residential development depends upon the quality of life current and future residents expect in a place they call home. The proximity to and quality of a variety of social and economic supports--finance, grocery, education, recreation, cultural/identity, jobs, dependent day care, among others--are all important components of an inviting and habitable neighborhood. Notably, many of these components are lacking, of poor quality, too expensive, or inconveniently located. One particular concern of residents and 15