1 minute read


Our Truly Grass Fed ingredients range supports brands with a natural ethos in the following sectors:

Consumer options also available.


*Source: “Effect of pasture versus indoor feeding systems on raw milk composition and quality over an entire lactation” and “Quality characteristics, chemical composition, and sensory properties of butter from cows on pasture versus indoor feeding systems”: O’Callaghan et Al 2016; Journal of Dairy Science.

Helping farmers to achieve their regenerative goals

Soil Management

For Truly Grass Fed farmers a healthy soil is the bedrock for all that we do. It is the physical home base to our animals and provides the nutrient dense grass that they graze year round.


Grassland Management

We choose grasses that complement the land and give our cows the natural nutrition they need grazing outdoors for 250 days per year.

Third Party Verified

To enable our customers to choose with ease the naturally produced foods they want to consume, we work with recognised organisations such as Origin Green, Ireland’s national sustainability initiative, Animal Welfare Approved (from A Greener World) and Non GMO Project Verified.

From the economics to the environment, the benefits of regenerative farming run deep at every Truly Grass Fed family farm. Many of our farms uphold the same ecologically responsible and regenerative processes that they have practiced for decades—some for up to four generations. Truly Grass Fed farms undergo a rigorous independent audit that measures 175 quality and sustainability metrics every 18 months to ensure they meet the standards required of a Truly Grass Fed farm.

Natural Fertilizer

Our farmers make efficient use of farmyard manure as a regenerative natural fertilizer, and they know how to spread it at only the most beneficial times for the grass and soil’s health.

Maintaining And Restoring

Truly Grass Fed is committed to restoring the lush Irish landscapes that we call home. Through afforestation, re-wilding and preservation of our natural hedgerows Irish farmers play a key role in supporting biodiversity.


We nurture our cows in small herds and on open pastures which contributes to longevity and quality of life.

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