39 minute read


Exclusive recipe cards from Chef Aoife Noonan



Avonmore Professional 35.1% Whipping Cream


Raspberry Glaze - 100g raspberries - 5g caster sugar - 50g icing sugar

Vanilla Cream - 500ml Whipping Cream (35.1% Fat) - 65g sugar - 2 leaves gelatine - 2 vanilla pods

White Chocolate Décor - 200g white chocolate, roughly chopped - 2g cocoa butter Streusel - 65g butter - 1g salt - 55g sugar - 90g flour

Choux Buns - 60ml milk (3.5% Fat) - 60ml water - 2.5g salt - 2g sugar - 55g Unsalted butter, cubed - 65g flour - 2-3 eggs

Assembly - 5-6 fresh raspberries



01 Streusel Topping 02 Raspberry Glaze 03 Vanilla Cream 04 White Chocolate Décor 05 Choux Buns


Streusel Topping

1. Attach the beater attachment to the stand mixer and place all the ingredients in the bowl. Mix until the dough comes together. Roll out between two sheets of parchment; as thin as possible (2mm). 2. Freeze (min 2 hours). Cut out small circles using a round cutter (3cm) when frozen and place back in the freezer until the choux is ready to be baked.


Raspberry Glaze

1. Put the raspberries and caster sugar into a small saucepan, and bring to a boil, crushing with a fork to break up. Continue to cook on a simmer for 5 mins to reduce.

Remove from the heat and pass through a sieve into a bowl. Set aside to cool. 2. Weigh 40g of the passed puree and sieve in the icing sugar, mixing well to combine.

Chill for at least 1 hour to thicken.


Vanilla Cream

1. Put 100ml of the cream into a small saucepan with the sugar. Put on a medium heat and bring to the boil to dissolve the sugar. Meanwhile, place the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water to soften. 2. Put the remaining cream in a bowl for the stand mixer. Scrape the vanilla seeds from the vanilla pod and add to the bowl. 3. Attach the whisk to the mixer and whisk the cream until soft peaks form. Set aside. 4. Once the cream in the saucepan is boiling, remove from the heat, squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add to the cream, mixing well to dissolve. 5. Cool the warm cream and fold into the whipped cream and place in the fridge for 1 hour (minimum).


White Chocolate Décor

1. Put the chocolate into a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Once melted to 45°C, remove from the heat and set aside to cool. When the chocolate has cooled to 35°C, add the cocoa butter and mix well to melt. Cool the chocolate again to 29°C, and use to make chocolate squares; spread the chocolate out on acetate sheets and cool for a few minutes until set, before cutting into squares (4.5cm x 4.5cm). 2. Place the acetate sheets between two sheets of baking paper, then between two baking trays to press and keep flat. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.


Choux Buns

1. Put the water and milk in a saucepan with the salt, sugar and butter over a medium heat. Bring to a boil. 2. Add the flour gradually, reduce the heat to low and mix over the heat for 1-2 minutes to cook out the starch. 3. Remove from the heat and put the dough in a stand mixer and attach the beater attachment. Whisk on a medium speed for 2 minutes to cool. 4. Add the eggs one by one until a dropping consistency is reached. Put the choux paste into a piping bag fitted with a small round nozzle. Pipe the choux (3cm in diameter) onto a baking tray lined with a silpat. Press a cut out disc of frozen streusel on top of each choux. 5. Bake the choux in the oven at 180°C for 7 minutes. 6. Reduce the heat and cook at 160°C for 13 minutes. 7. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.

Assembly and Presentation:

Divide the vanilla cream in two and place in piping bags; one half into a piping bag fitted with a small round nozzle, and the other half into a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle. Pierce a small hole in the bottom of the choux bun. Fill choux with cream using the piping bag with the small round nozzle. Dip the choux in raspberry glaze. Place a square of white chocolate square décor on top. Pipe the cream on top of the chocolate square using the piping bag fitted with the star nozzle. Slice a raspberry in half and place on top of the cream. Repeat with remaining choux. Transfer to a serving plate and serve.



Avonmore Professional 38% Whipping Cream


Almond Jaconde Sponge - 112g egg whites - 112g sugar - 45g whole egg - 90g egg yolk - 38g flour - 38g ground almond - 20g butter

Dark Chocolate Mousse - 30ml milk (3.5% Fat) - 235g sugar - 40g egg yolk - 35g whole egg - 30ml Whipping Cream (38% Fat) (1) - 4g gelatine (2 leaves) - 150g dark chocolate (70%), roughly chopped - 265ml Whipping Cream (38% Fat) (2) Chocolate Coating - 250g dark chocolate (70%), roughly chopped - 60g cocoa butter

Vanilla Cream - 500ml Whipping Cream (38% Fat) - 65g sugar - 2 leaves gelatine - 2 vanilla pods

Tempered Chocolate - 500g dark chocolate (70%) - 5g cocoa butter

Assembly - Mango (Mango Rose) - Sprig of mint



01 Almond Jaconde Sponge 02 70% Dark Chocolate Mousse 03 Chocolate Coating 04 Vanilla Cream 05 Tempered Chocolate 06 Mango Rose


Almond Jaconde Sponge

1. Put the egg whites and sugar into the bowl for the stand mixer and attach the whisk attachment. Whisk to form a stiff meringue. 2. Put the egg and egg yolks in a seperate bowl. 3. Spread out on a silicone mat and bake 190°C for 10mins. Cool and cut out discs 6cm in diameter. Set aside.


70% Dark Chocolate Mousse

1. Put the milk and sugar in a small pan and put over a medium heat. Bring to a boil. Put the egg yolks and egg in a bowl.

Whisk. Once the milk is boiling, slowly pour onto the egg yolks and egg, whisking to combine. Heat the mix until it reaches 72°C on a thermometer. Pour the mix through a sieve into the bowl for the stand mixer. Attach the whisk to the stand mixer and whisk the mix until cool, and doubled in volume. 2. Put the gelatine in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Put the cream (1) in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and add the squeezed out gelatine. Whisk to dissolve, ensuring the gelatine is fully melted. 3. At 40°C, add whipped cream (2) and cooled bombe (egg) mix. Divide the mousse mixture between 10 rings, 6cm in diameter (lined with jaconde sponge discs at the bottom) & freeze 5 hours minimum or overnight.


Chocolate Coating

1. When the chocolate mousses are frozen make the chocolate coating. 2. Put the chocolate and cocoa butter into a bowl set over a pan of simmering water and melt. Keep at 33°C. Blow torch the chocolate mousses to demould the mousses from the ring moulds. Insert a toothpick into the mousses and dip to the chocolate, until the chocolate comes half way up the mousse. Place on a wire rack with a baking tray underneath and leave for a few minutes to set. Repeat with remaining mousses. Transfer to a tray and store in the fridge until ready to serve.


Vanilla Cream

1. Put 100ml of the cream into a small saucepan with the sugar. Put on a medium heat and bring to the boil to dissolve the sugar. Meanwhile, place the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water to soften. 2. Put the remaining cream in a bowl for the stand mixer. Scrape the vanilla seeds from the vanilla pod and add to the bowl. 3. Attach the whisk to the mixer and whisk the cream until soft peaks form. Set aside. 4. Once the cream in the saucepan is boiling, remove from the heat, squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add to the cream, mixing well to dissolve. 5. Cool the the warm cream slightly and fold into the whipped cream. Place in the fridge for 1 hour (minimum).


Tempered Chocolate

1. Put the chocolate into a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Once melted to 45°C, remove from the heat and set aside to cool. When the chocolate has cooled to 35°C, add the cocoa butter and mix well to melt. 2. Cool the chocolate again to 31°C, and use to make chocolate discs; spread the chocolate out on acetate sheets and cool for a few minutes until set, before cutting out rounds the same size as the mousses.

Place the acetate sheets between two sheets of baking paper, then between two baking trays to press and keep flat. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.


Mango Rose

1. Peel the mango and slice the cheeks off the mango. Slice the mango into thin slivers and using 3-4 slices, roll the mango up to form a rose. Repeat as necessary.

Set aside.

Assembly and Presentation:

Remove the chocolate mousses from the fridge. Place a disc of chocolate décor on top. Place the vanilla cream in a piping bag fitted with a ruffle/petal nozzle. Pipe the cream around of the disc. Place the mango rose in the space. Place the mousse on a plate and garnish with a sprig of mint.



Avonmore Professional 35.1% Whipping Cream


Honey Cream - 500ml Whipping Cream (35.1% Fat) - 50g honey - 2 leaves of gelatine Arlette Pastry - 2 sheets puff pastry - 50g icing sugar

Assembly - 250g fresh raspberries - 250g fresh blackberries - icing sugar



01 Honey Cream

02 Arlette Pastry


Honey Cream

1. Put 100ml of the cream into a small saucepan with the honey. Put on a medium heat and bring to boil until completely dissolved. Meanwhile, place the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water to soften. 2. Put the remaining cream in a bowl for the stand mixer. 3. Attach the whisk to the mixer and whisk the cream until soft peaks form. Set aside. 4. Once the cream in the saucepan is boiling, remove from heat, squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add to the cream, mixing well to dissolve. 5. Cool the warm cream slightly before folding into the whipped cream and placing in the fridge for 1 hour (minimum) to set.


Arlette Pastry

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Prepare four baking trays and four pieces of baking paper, cut to fit the baking trays. 2. Dust the work surface with icing sugar.

Starting with the first sheet, roll the puff pastry out into a large rectangle sheet, dusting liberally with icing sugar. 3. Continue to roll and dust with icing sugar until very thin (as thin as possible). 4. Place this sheet onto a piece of baking paper, and place another piece of baking paper on top. Place this sheet between two baking trays. Repeat with the remaining sheet of puff pastry. 5. Bake the puff pastry sheets in the oven for 10 minutes. Check if caramelised, placing back in the oven for a further 3-4 minutes if needed. 6. Remove the trays from the oven and cut the pastry into rectangles (2cm x 9cm), using 4 rectangles per portion. 7. Set aside until ready to assemble.

Assembly and Presentation:

Arrange 4 rectangles of pastry per portion. Beat the honey cream until smooth and place in a piping bag fitted with a medium sized round nozzle. Dust one of the rectangles with icing sugar. Pipe the cream into blobs 1cm apart onto the 3 other pastry rectangles, alternating a raspberry and a blackberry between each space. Assemble the pastry rectangles on top of each other, finishing with the icing sugar dusted pastry on top. Serve.



Avonmore Professional 35.1% Whipping Cream


Raspberry Mousse Centre - 500ml Whipping Cream (35.1% Fat) - 65g sugar - 2 leaves of gelatine - 100ml raspberry puree

Almond Jaconde Sponge - 75g almond powder - 75g icing sugar - 20g flour - 2 eggs - 15g sugar - 60g whites - 15g butter

Cream Cheese Mousse - 70ml milk (3.5% Fat) - 50g sugar - 80g egg yolks - 4L gelatine - 250g cream cheese - 350ml Whipping Cream (35.1%

Fat) Raspberry Jelly Centres - 2.5 leaves gelatine - 100g raspberry puree - 50ml water - 30g sugar

White Chocolate Yoghurt Glaze - 200g natural yoghurt - 150g Whipping Cream (35.1%

Fat) - 75g glucose - 2 gelatine leaves - 100g white chocolate, roughly chopped

Tempered White Chocolate Discs - 200g white chocolate, roughly chopped - 2g cocoa butter

Assembly - Freeze dried raspberries - Dried rosebuds or petals



01 Raspberry Mousse Centre 02 Almond Jaconde Sponge 03 Tempered White Chocolate Discs 04 Raspberry Jelly Centre 05 White Chocolate Yoghurt Glaze 06 Cream Cheese Mousse


Raspberry Mousse Centre

1. Put 100ml of the cream into a small saucepan with the sugar and the raspberry puree. Put on a medium heat and bring to the boil to dissolve the sugar. Meanwhile, place the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water for a few minutes to soften. 2. Put the remaining cream in a bowl for the stand mixer. Attach the whisk to the mixer and whisk the cream until soft peaks form.

Set aside. 3. Once the raspberry cream in the saucepan is boiling, remove from the heat, squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add to the raspberry cream, mixing well to dissolve. 4. Cool the warm cream slightly and fold into the whipped cream. Pour into a ring mould (16cm) in diameter lined with clingfilm, 2cm thick. Freeze for at least 3 hours.


Almond Jaconde Sponge

1. Put the egg whites and sugar into the bowl for the stand mixer and attach the whisk attachment. Whisk to form a stiff meringue. Put the egg and egg yolks in a separate bowl. 2. Combine the egg yolks with the meringue and fold in the flour, ground almonds and melted butter. 3. Spread out onto a baking tray lined with a silpat and bake at 190°C for 10mins. Cool and cut out discs (16cm). Set aside.


Tempered White Chocolate Discs

1. Put the chocolate into a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Once melted to 45°C, remove from the heat and set aside to cool. When the chocolate has cooled to 35°C, add the cocoa butter and mix well to melt. Cool the chocolate again to 29°C, and use to make chocolate discs; spread the chocolate out on acetate or chocolate transfer sheets and cool for a few minutes until set, before cutting into small circles of various sizes (1cm, 2cm and 3cm). 2. Place the acetate sheets between two sheets of baking paper, then between two baking trays to press and keep flat. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.


Raspberry Jelly Centre

1. Place the gelatine in a bowl of cold water to soften. Put the raspberry puree, water and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Once boiling, remove from the heat, squeeze out the excess water from the gelatine leaves and add the gelatine to the puree, whisking well to dissolve. 2. Cool the jelly to room temperature and once the raspberry mousse is frozen, spread the jelly over the raspberry mousse using a small palette knife, no more than 1cm thick. Freeze (minimum 1 hour).


White Chocolate Yoghurt Glaze

1. Put the gelatine leaves into a bowl of cold water to soak. 2. Put the cream and glucose into a medium sized saucepan and bring to a boil. 3. Once boiling, squeeze out the soaked gelatine leaves and add to the pan, whisking to dissolve. Pour the hot cream over the chopped white chocolate and whisk well to ensure it is fully melted. 4. Add the mix to the yoghurt. Whisk well until fully combined. Set aside and cool until ready to use.


Cream Cheese Mousse

1. Place the gelatine into bowl of cold water to soak. 2. Put the milk in a small saucepan and place over a medium heat. Bring milk to a boil. 3. Place the egg yolks and sugar into a bowl and whisk to combine. When the milk is boiling, pour it over the egg and sugar, whisking all the time. Pour this mix back into the pan and continue to cook over a low heat until the mix reaches 75°C.

Remove from the heat and squeeze out the soaked gelatine leaves. Add to the pan and mix well to dissolve. 4. Pour this mix over the cream cheese and whisk well to combine.

Cool this mix to 30°C. 5. Meanwhile, place the cream in a bowl and gently whisk to soft peak. Fold the cream into the cream cheese mix & combine well. 6. Assemble the entremets.

Assembly and Presentation:

Prepare an entremet or ring mould 20cm in diameter. Place a jaconde sponge disc in the bottom of the mould. Pour the cream cheese mousse into the base of the mould. Smooth out using a small palette knife. Remove the raspberry mousse and jelly centre from the freezer. Place in the centre of the cream cheese mousse, pressing down slightly. Pour over the remaining mousse and use the palette knife to smooth out the mousse. Plastic wrap the mould and freeze until completely frozen. (overnight) Once frozen, place the white chocolate glaze in a medium saucepan and heat to 45°C. Demould the entremet from the mould and place on a wire rack with a baking tray underneath. Pour the glaze into a jug and pour over the entremet, ensuring it is fully covered with the glaze. Leave to set for 1 minute before removing from the rack and placing in the fridge to fully set the glaze (10 mins). To finish: Remove the entremet and white chocolate discs from the fridge. Garnish the entremets with dried rose petals, chocolate discs and freeze dried raspberries.





Genoise Sponge - 25g Butter - 2 Eggs, at room temperature - 65g Caster Sugar - 65g Plain Flour

Vanilla Mousse - 200g Cream - 200g Cream Cheese - 130g Caster Sugar - 6 Leaves Gelatine - 50ml Cream (for gelatine) - 250g Cream (to whip) - 1 Vanilla Pod Strawberry Gel - 125ml Strawberry Puree - 10g Caster Sugar - 1g Agar

Presentation and Assembly - 200g Strawberries, sliced in half - 20g Pistachios



01 Genoise Sponge 02 Vanilla Mouse 03 Strawberry Gel


Genoise Sponge

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and set aside.

2. In a small saucepan, melt the butter and set aside to cool.

3. Make a sabayon by placing the eggs and sugar in a medium bowl over a saucepan filled with boiling water, taking care to ensure the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Place over a medium heat and whisk until the eggs and sugar have reached 55°C.

4. Remove the bowl from the heat and continue to whisk the sabayon until cold, using a stand mixer or by hand. Once cold, fold in the cooled butter, and sift in the flour in batches, taking care not to overmix.

5. Spread the genoise sponge in the prepared baking tray, and bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes, until golden and firm to the touch. Remove from the oven and cut out 2 x discs, 16cm in diameter. Set aside.


Vanilla Mousse

1. Place the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water to soak.

2. Whisk together the 200ml cream, cream cheese, vanilla and caster sugar in a large bowl until smooth.

3. Place the 50ml cream in a small saucepan and warm over a low heat until hot.

4. Meanwhile lightly whip the 250g cream to soft peak.

5. Dissolve the gelatine in the hot cream and pour into the cream cheese mix, beating well until smooth. Fold in whipped cream and allow to set in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.

6. Once set, whip the cream in a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment until smooth, using a little milk or cream to loosen if necessary.

Place in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle and set aside in the fridge until ready to assemble.


Strawberry Gel

1. Put all of the ingredients into a small saucepan and bring to the boil, whisking well. 2. Once boiling, continue to boil for one minute, then remove from the heat. 3. Place the gel in the fridge to set for at least 2 hours or overnight.

Once set, blend the gel in a small food processor until smooth and place in a small cornet or bottle.

Assembly and Presentation:

1. Place one of the sponge discs at the base of an 18cm cake ring. Arrange halved strawberries around the outside, cut side facing outwards, reserving a few for garnish. 2. Pipe the vanilla mousse half-way up the ring mould and place the other sponge disc on top. Pipe more of the vanilla mousse up to the rim of the ring and smooth the top. Freeze completely. 3. Remove the ring using a blowtorch, and leave to defrost in the fridge. Pipe the remaining vanilla on top, garnish with the remaining strawberry slices, strawberry gel, and pistachios to serve.



Avonmore Professional 35.1% Whipping Cream



Swiss Roll Sponge - 6 Eggs, separated - 150g Caster Sugar - 50g Plain Flour - 15g Icing Sugar

White Chocolate Macarpone Cream - 45g Icing Sugar - 2 Egg Yolks - 250g Mascarpone - 50ml Cream - 4 Leaves Gelatine - 175g White Chocolate, finely chopped and melted - 200ml Cream, lightly whipped Raspberry Confit - 200ml Raspberry Puree - 80g Raspberries - 25ml Caster Sugar - 1.5g Agar - 2 Leaves Gelatine

Candied Lemon - 50g Caster Sugar - 100ml Water - 1 Lemon

White Chocolate Spray - 250g White Chocolate - 125g Cocoa Butter - 5-7 drops Red Liquid

Food Colour



01 Swiss Roll Sponge 02 White Chocolate Macarpone Cream 03 Raspberry Confit 04 Candied Lemon 05 White Chocolate Spray

Swiss Roll Sponge

1. Preheat the oven 160°C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.

2. Whisk the egg yolks with 100g of the sugar in a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. Whisk to ribbon stage, until pale and voluminous, then remove and scrape into a clean bowl. Clean the mixer bowl thoroughly and add the egg whites.

3. Begin to whisk the egg whites, slowly adding the remaining 50g sugar.

Once the whites have reached soft peak, gently fold the whites into the egg yolk mix, a third at a time.

4. Fold in the flour gently, ensuring not to overmix. Spread onto lined tray and bake for 20 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, dust a large rectangle of parchment paper with the icing sugar.

6. Remove the sponge from the oven and turn out onto the icing sugar dusted parchment. Roll up the sponge form the short end and leave to cool.


White Chocolate Macarpone Cream

1. Soak the gelatine in cold water.

Whisk together the icing sugar, egg yolks and mascarpone in a large bowl until smooth and creamy.

2. Heat the 50ml of cream in a small saucepan until hot. Dissolve the gelatine leaves in the hot cream. Add this mix to the whisked mascarpone, followed by the melted white chocolate.

Fold in the whisked cream. 3. Leave the white chocolate mascarpone cream to set in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight.

4. Once set, whisk until smooth and set aside in the fridge until ready to assemble.


Raspberry Confit

1. Place the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water to soften.

2. Meanwhile, place the puree, sugar and agar into a small saucepan over a medium heat. Bring to the boil, and once boiling, boil for one minute.

Remove from the heat and dissolve the gelatine leaves in the hot puree.

3. Leave to set in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight. Once set, blend in a small food processor until smooth.

4. Once smooth, finely chop the fresh raspberries, and fold into the gel.

Chill until ready to assemble.


Candied Lemon

1. Make a sugar syrup by placing the sugar and water in a small saucepan over a medium heat. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low.

2. Peel the skin from the lemon, and finely slice into julienne strips. Put the lemon strips in the syrup, and continue to cook gently in the syrup for ten minutes until soft and the syrup has reduced and thickened slightly.

3. Leave the lemon to cool in the syrup, then place in the fridge until ready to assemble.


White Chocolate Spray

1. Place the white chocolate and cocoa butter in a medium bowl over a pan of simmering water to melt. Once melted, add the food colour, and hold at 45°C to use.

Assembly and Presentation:

1. Unroll the swiss roll sponge and lay flat. Spread two thirds of the white chocolate mascarpone cream over the sponge, leaving a 1cm gap around the edges. Place the remaining cream in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle.

2. Spread the raspberry confit on top, and starting from the short edge, begin to roll up the swiss roll, as tightly as possible.

3. Wrap the roll in clingfilm and roll up to make a tight cylinder.

Freeze for 30 minutes.

4. Unwrap the roll from clingfilm, and pipe the remaining white chocolate mascarpone cream all over the roll. Place in the freezer again for another 30 minutes.

5. Once completely frozen, spray the roll using the white chocolate spray. Return to the freezer before serving to ensure completely set.

6. When ready to serve, decorate the roll with halved strawberries, mint, and candied lemon.



Avonmore Professional 35.1% Whipping Cream



Chocolate Pate Sucre - 25g Cocoa Powder - 250g Flour - 125g Unsalted Butter, cubed - 125g Icing Sugar - 2.5g Salt - 2 Eggs

Mascarpone Mousse - 250ml Mascarpone - 250ml Cream - 85g Caster Sugar - 2 Leaves Gelatine

Chocolate Cremeux - 250ml Cream - 50ml Milk - 3 Egg Yolks - 35g Caster Sugar - 125g Dark Chocolate, roughly chopped - 1 Leaf of Gelatine Coffee Jelly Cubes - 290ml Espresso - 35ml Coffee Liqueur - 2g Agar - 2 Leaves Gelatine

Chocolate Biscuit Clusters - 55g Unsalted Butter - 55g Caster Sugar - 100g Plain Flour - 10g Cocoa - 1g Salt

Vanilla Orange Cream - 200ml cream - 10g caster sugar 1/2 vanilla pod, seeds scraped - Zest 1/2 Orange

Dark Chocolate Décor Discs - 100g Dark Chocolate 70%

Coffee Soaked Sponge - 3 Leaves Gelatine - 100ml Strong Coffee - 15g Caster Sugar - 10 Sponge Fingers


01 Chocolate Pate Sucre 02 Mascarpone Mousse 03 Chocolate Cremeux 04 Coffee Jelly Cubes 05 Chocolate Biscuit Clusters 06 Vanilla Orange Cream 07 Dark Chocolate Décor Discs 08 Coffee Soaked Sponge

Chocolate Pate Sucre

1. Put the cocoa powder, flour and butter together in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix with the beater attachment until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.

2. Add the icing sugar and salt and mix well to combine. Add the eggs one by one, and mix until the dough just comes together. Wrap the dough in clingfilm and chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

3. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the pastry into a large circle, and line a 20cm round cake or tart tin, leaving a little pastry hanging over the edges.

Bake the tart blind by lining with a large square of parchment paper filled with baking beans or rice and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the paper and baking beans or rice and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes until the base of the pastry is completely cooked.

4. Remove from the oven and trim the edges of the pastry case. Set aside.


Mascarpone Mousse

1. Put 100ml of the cream into a small saucepan with the sugar. Put on a medium heat and bring to the boil to dissolve the sugar. Meanwhile, place the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water to soften.

2. Put the remaining cream in the bowl of a stand mixer. Whisk the cream using the whisk attachment until soft peaks form. Set aside.

3. Once the cream in the saucepan is boiling, remove from the heat, squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add to the hot cream, mixing well to dissolve. Pour this mix over the mascarpone, mixing well until smooth.

4. Fold the whipped cream into the mascarpone mix place in the fridge for at least 1 hour to set. Once set, whisk until smooth. Place the mousse in a piping bag fitted with a large round nozzle. Place in the fridge until ready to assemble.


Chocolate Cremeux

1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water.

Meanwhile, soak the gelatine leaf in a bowl of cold water.

2. Make a crème anglaise by heating the cream and milk in a small saucepan to boiling point. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a small bowl, and when the cream has reached a boil, slowly pour over the egg yolk and sugar mix, whisking all the time. Pour the mix back into a clean pan and cook until the crème anglaise has reached 77°C.

3. Squeeze out the gelatine leaf and add to the crème anglaise and whisk well to dissolve. Pass the anglaise through a sieve onto the chocolate.

Stir the mixture until fully emulsified. 2. Meanwhile, place the espresso, coffee liqueur and agar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Once boiling, boil for a further minute, then remove from the heat.

3. Squeeze out the gelatine leaves and add to the coffee, whisking well to combine.

4. Pour the jelly into a rectangle mould or rectangle tin 20cm x 10cm. Leave to set in the fridge for 2-3 hours until completely set.

5. Once set, cut into 8mm cubes and keep chilled until ready to serve.


Chocolate Biscuit Clusters

1. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Line a baking tray with a silicone mat or parchment paper.

2. Place the butter and sugar in a stand mixer with a beater attachment and mix until soft and creamy.

3. Add the flour, cocoa powder and salt and mix until the dough resembles breadcrumbs. Crumble the mixture onto a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Cool the clusters completely and store in an airtight container until ready to serve.


Vanilla Orange Cream

1. Whisk all of the ingredients together until soft peaks form. Place in a piping bag in the fridge until ready to serve.


Dark Chocolate Décor Discs

1. Put the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Once melted to 45°C, remove from the heat and set aside to cool. When the chocolate has cooled to 35°C, temper to 30-31°C.

Use to make chocolate garnish; spread the chocolate out on an acetate sheet and cool for a few seconds until slightly set, then cut out various sized circles using circle cutters. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.


Coffee Soaked Sponge

1. Warm the coffee with the sugar in a small saucepan until the sugar has dissolved.

2. Meanwhile, soak the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water. When the coffee is hot, remove from the heat and add the squeezed-out gelatine. Whisk well to dissolve. Set the sponge fingers beside the hot coffee until ready to assemble the tart.

Assembly and Presentation:

1. Soak half of the sponge fingers in the coffee and place in a layer in the bottom of the cooked tart. 2. Pipe half of the mascarpone mousse on top and smooth.

Arrange the remaining soaked sponge fingers on top, followed by the remaining mascarpone mousse. Spread out and smooth completely using a palette knife and place in the freezer for 10 minutes. 3. Remove from the freezer and pipe alternate dots of chocolate cremeux and vanilla orange cream on top of the top. 4. Garnish with the coffee jelly cubes, chocolate biscuit clusters and the tempered chocolate discs to serve.



Avonmore Professional 35.1% Whipping Cream



Peanut Financier Sponge - 90g Butter - 45g Ground Peanuts - 90g Icing Sugar - 35g Plain Flour - 70g Egg Whites

Banana Insert - 100g Banana Puree - Juice 1 Lime - 1.5g Pectin NH - 10g Caster Sugar

Milk Chocolate Mousse Crème Anglaise - 60ml Milk - 60ml Cream - 1 Egg Yolk - 10g Caster Sugar

Mousse - Crème Anglaise as above - 2 Leaves Gelatine - 260g Milk Chocolate, chopped - 200ml Cream Candied Peanut - 50g Peanuts - 50g Caster Sugar

Caramel Glaze - 2 Leaves Gelatine - 60ml Water - 75g Glucose - 75g Caster Sugar - 50g Condensed Milk - 75g White Chocolate, chopped - Caramel Colour Gel, to Colour as desired

Dark Chocolate Décor - 100g Dark Chocolate 70%

Caramel Sauce - 125g Caster Sugar - 35ml Water - 30g Unsalted Butter - 100ml Cream 1/2 tsp Vanilla

Extract 1/2 tsp Sea Salt

Fresh Cream - 150ml Cream - 10g Caster Sugar



01 Peanut Financier Sponge 02 Banana Insert 03 Milk Chocolate Mousse 04 Candied Peanut 05 Caramel Glaze 06 Dark Chocolate Décor 07 Caramel Sauce 08 Fresh Cream

Peanut Financier Sponge

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a square baking tin (20 x 20cm) with parchment paper.

2. Make a beurre noisette by putting the butter in a small saucepan over a medium heat. When the butter has browned and is fragrant, remove from the heat and pass through a sieve into a clean bowl or saucepan. Set aside.

3. Make the sponge mix by mixing the peanuts, icing sugar and flour together in a small bowl. Add the egg whites and mix well to form a paste.

4. Mix in the cooled beurre noisette and mix well to combine. Spread the mix in the prepared tray and bake for 10 minutes until golden and firm to touch.

5. Cut out discs, 5cm in diameter and set aside until ready to assemble.


Banana Insert

1. Mix the sugar and pectin together and add to a small saucepan with the juice of 1/2 the lime. Bring to a boil.

2. Mix the remaining juice with the banana puree and pour the pectin mix over the puree. Pipe into the silicone demi spheres & place in the freezer for at least 2 hours or overnight.


Milk Chocolate Mousse

1. Make the crème anglaise by heating the cream and milk together in a saucepan until it reaches a simmer.

2. In a bowl, whisk the egg yolk and sugar together. When the milk and cream have reached a simmer, slowly pour into the egg mix, whisking all the time. Pour the mix back into the pan and place on a low heat, whisking constantly until the crème anglaise reaches 77°C. Cool the crème anglaise completely before making the mousse.

3. To make the mousse, melt the chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Whisk 150ml of the cream to soft peak.

4. Soak the gelatine in cold water. Heat the remaining 50ml heavy cream in a saucepan and when hot, add the gelatine. Pour into the crème anglaise, mix well, and pour into the melted chocolate. Fold in the whipped cream, and pipe into stone or dome shaped moulds 6cm in diameter. Press a banana demi sphere insert into each, followed by a peanut financier sponge before freezing completely.


Candied Peanut

1. Put the caster sugar in a small saucepan and place over a medium heat. When the sugar turns to a deep golden caramel, add the peanuts and stir until all of the peanuts are coated in the caramel.

2. Pour out onto a tray lined with a silicone mat, and separate each peanut using a fork. Leave to cool completely before cutting into small pieces.


Caramel Glaze

1. Put the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water to soften. Put the water, sugar and glucose in a small pan and bring to simmering point.

2. Squeeze out the excess water from the gelatine and and stir into the hot syrup mixture to dissolve. Add the condensed milk and mix well to combine.

3. Pour the hot mix over the white chocolate, stirring to melt.

Add the caramel gel colour to desired colour and set aside until ready to glaze. Use at 45°C.


Dark Chocolate Décor

1. Put the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Once melted to 45°C, remove from the heat and set aside to cool. When the chocolate has cooled to 35°C, temper to 3031°C. Use to make chocolate feather shapes, then place the acetate over a rolling pin to make curls. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.


Caramel Sauce

1. Make a caramel by putting the sugar and water together in a small saucepan over a medium heat, shaking the pan regularly. Once the caramel has turned a deep golden brown, add the butter and whisk to combine.

2. Add the cream, vanilla and salt and bring back to a boil. Boil for one minute, then pass through a sieve and leave to cool completely.


Fresh Cream

1. Whisk the cream to soft peak.

Place in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle and store in the fridge until ready to assemble.

Assembly and Presentation:

1. Unmould the frozen chocolate petit gateaux from the moulds and place on a wire rack over a baking tray. Pour the warm caramel glaze over each chocolate petit gateau, ensuring each is completely covered. Place on a tray until ready to assemble. 2. When ready to serve, press the chopped candied peanut pieces onto the glazed petit gateaux, and pipe the fresh cream on top. Make a dip in the cream and fill with caramel sauce. 3. Garnish with chocolate décor.



Avonmore Professional 38% Whipping Cream


Shortbread Base - 20g Icing Sugar - 1 Egg Yolk - 55g Plain Flour - 100g Unsalted Butter, cubed - Pinch of Salt

Coconut Cheesecake Mousse - 150g Coconut Puree - 100g Cream Cheese - 65g Caster Sugar - 3 Leaves Gelatine - 25ml Cream - 125g Whipped Cream

Mango Insert - 100g Mango Puree - Juice 1 Lime - 1.5g Pectin NH - 10g Caster Sugar Coconut Dacquoise Sponge - 50g Almond Powder - 15g Plain Flour - 60g Icing Sugar - 75g Egg Whites - 32g Caster Sugar - 75g Desiccated Coconut

Mango Gel - 150ml Mango Puree - 15ml Stock Syrup - 1.5g Agar

White Chocolate Cocoa Butter Glaze - 225g White Chocolate, chopped - 100g Cocoa Butter

Fresh Cream - 200g Cream - 20g Sugar

Presentation & Assembly - 100g Desiccated Coconut - Zest 1/2 Lime, cut into small diamonds - Mint, to garnish



01 Shortbread Base 02 Coconut Cheesecake Mousse 03 Milk Chocolate Mousse 04 Candied Peanut 05 Caramel Glaze 06 Dark Chocolate Décor 07 Caramel Sauce 08 Fresh Cream

Shortbread Base

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the icing sugar, butter and salt until a paste forms. Add the egg yolk and beat together until fully combined. Add the flour and gently mix until fully incorporated.

2. Wrap the dough in clingfilm, and chill for at least an hour or overnight. Roll the dough ball between two sheets of parchment paper until 3mm thick. Place back in the fridge for 10 minutes.

3. Preheat the oven to 165°C. Cut the dough into rectangles or oval shapes, the same size as the coconut mousse finger mould; 13cm x 2.5cm. Place onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

4. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 mins or until lightly golden.

Remove from the oven, trim the shortbread if necessary, and allow to cool completely. Once cool, place in the freezer.


Coconut Cheesecake Mousse

1. Put the gelatine leaves in a small bowl of cold water to soften.

2. Whisk together the coconut puree, cream cheese and caster sugar until smooth.

3. Bring the 25ml to a simmer, and dissolve the squeezed out gelatine in the hot cream, whisking well to combine. Pour the hot cream into the coconut cream cheese and whisk well. Fold in whipped cream and allow to set.

4. Once set, whisk until smooth and place in a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle. Store in the fridge until ready to assemble.


Mango Insert

1. Mix the sugar and pectin together and add to a small saucepan with the juice of 1/2 the lime. Bring to a boil.

2. Mix the remaining juice with the mango puree and pour the pectin mix over the puree. Pour into a rectangle mould, 10 x 10cm & place in the freezer for at least 2 hours or overnight.

3. Once set, cut the mango insert into 8 even strips. Store in the freezer.


Coconut Dacquoise Sponge

1. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Line a baking tray with a silicone mat or parchment paper.

2. Mix the almond powder, flour and icing sugar together in a small bowl.

3. Whisk the egg whites in a stand mixer until soft peaks form, gradually adding the caster sugar.

4. Once the whites have reached soft peaks, fold through the dry ingredients, along with the desiccated coconut.

5. Spread onto a silicone or baking paperlined trays and bake for 10 minutes, or until cooked and firm to the touch.

6. Remove from the oven and cut the dacquoise into rectangles to fit mould. Cool.


Mango Gel

1. Put all of the ingredients into a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Boil for one minute, then remove from the heat.

Chill the gel for 1 hour or overnight.

2. Once set, blend the gel in a small food processor until smooth.

Place in small cornet piping bags or bottles ready to serve.


White Chocolate Cocoa Butter Glaze

1. Melt the chocolate and cocoa butter together keep warm at 45°C.


Fresh Cream

Assembly and Presentation:

1. Pipe the coconut mousse halfway up the finger moulds, 13cm x 2.5cm. Place a mango insert in each one, then pipe the remaining coconut mousse into each. Press a coconut dacquoise onto the base of each mousse.

Freeze until completely frozen, at least four hours or overnight. 2. Once frozen, unmould and dip in the white chocolate glaze, immediately followed by rolling in the desiccated coconut. 3. Place the coconut cheesecakes on the shortbread and pipe the fresh cream on top. 4. Garnish with the mango gel, lime zest diamonds, and the fresh mint to serve.

Naturally Pure Perfection

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