Tirlan Farming for Water Newsletter

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March 2025


It is almost a year since we launched our River Slaney Project to protect and enhance water quality across our catchment area.

Over the year since the launch of the landmark project we have seen concerted action with farmer suppliers and cooperatives working together to deliver the best possible case for Ireland’s retention of the Nitrates Derogation. We believe the retention of the derogation is crucial for our farm families and for rural Ireland. We have been unequivocal in our work to advocate with policymakers and key stakeholders on behalf of our Members and emphasise its importance.

You will have seen our Chairperson John Murphy travel to Brussels to meet with officials from the EU Agriculture Department - DG Agri. We also hosted European Commission officials on the Poole farm in Wexford to show them at first-hand our actions and determination to stabilise and enhance water quality. Together our Co-op has highlighted the importance of the Nitrates Derogation to our policymakers and we look forward to working with them to continue to drive change In the year ahead. We have seen significant engagement and uptake amongst Tirlán suppliers across the entire catchment for the €60 million Farming for Water EIP scheme to provide practical supports to protect water quality on farms. Suppliers have already made EIP applications and are receiving payments for farmer training, rain water management plans, actions to reduce nitrogen loss and more.

Similarly, other Co-ops across the country and Teagasc are prioritising water quality action and we have worked in tandem with our neighbouring co-ops to support their events.

Attendance at our River Slaney: Farming for Water events to highlight practical actions on farm has been high. Throughout 2025, we’ll have a series of events to continue to drive momentum. We firmly believe that good water quality is crucial for our communities in which we live and work. We have seen significant achievements in work to enhance water quality, with the recent EPA report noting that nitrogen concentrations in waters nationally have reduced in the first half of 2024 relative to other years, and that they are at the lowest they have been since 2016.

This is a crucial year for Ireland to maintain momentum and continue to put the best case forward to retain the Nitrates Derogation.

Our ask is that all farm families continue your good work and work with us and our partners, with our new Farm Support Service team and ASSAP advisors. Funding is readily available under the Farming for Water EIP for focused, results-driven actions to protect water and we want to help suppliers avail of these.



Tirlán will continue to advocate on the importance of retaining the Nitrates Derogation for our farm families and the future of rural Ireland.

Tirlán Farm Support Service in Co. Wexford


There was concerted action across 2024


River Slaney Project Launch with Minister for Agriculture.

Joint Oireachtas Agri Committee Invitation.

Water Quality Farm Walk in Co. WIcklow with c.300 farmers.


Bann Slaney Sub-Catchment Discussion Group.

“We are committed to long-term programmes to support our farmers to continue their work to enhance and protect their lands and waters for the future,” John Murphy, Tirlán Chairperson tells visiting EU Commission delegation.

Tirlán joined organisations from across the Irish agrifood sector in September 2024 to highlight Ireland’s collaborative approach to enhancing water quality and supporting the retention of the Nitrates Derogation during the EU Commission’s visit to Ireland. Commission delegates visited the Poole family farm where their practical focus on maintaining and enhancing water quality was highlighted as part of Tirlán’s Farming for Water: River Slaney Project.

Tirlán Chairperson, John Murphy, emphasised that the good work seen on the Poole’s family farm in County Wexford was reflective of work underway on farms right across the country.

“Tirlán and its farmers remain committed to improving water quality in river catchments as it is the right thing to do for our land and rivers, our families and our communities. Tirlán has invested significant resources to deliver our water quality programmes based on best practice.

“We have always found our farmers to be highly adaptable and have shown they want to do their best for their lands and their communities. However, it will take time for the best practice measures to be fully reflected in water quality data captured. We are committed to long-term programmes to support our farmers to continue their work to enhance and protect their lands and waters for the future.”

Tirlán welcomed Ireland’s MEPs to a meeting in our Ballyragget, Co. Kilkenny site.

Among the issues discussed at the meeting was the importance of retaining the Nitrates Derogation beyond 2025 and Tirlán’s Farming for Water: River Slaney Project was highlighted as a potential blueprint for adaptation in other EU Member states.

Pictured L-R Billy Kelleher (FF/Renew Europe), Nina Carberry (FG/EPP), Tirlán CEO Seán Molloy, Cynthia Ní Mhurchú (FF/Renew Europe), Tirlán Chairperson John Murphy, Barry Cowen (FF/Renew Europe), Kathleen Funchion (SF/The Left) and Michael McNamara (Ind/Renew Europe).


MEP visit to Our Ballyragget Site.

EU Commission Nitrate Team Visit Ireland.


EU Commission Visit to Brussels. Ireland makes Formal Nitrates Derogation Retention Application to European Commission.

Tirlán and our partners are extending the work underway in the Farming for Water: River Slaney Project to reach all of our farm family suppliers across our entire catchment.

Our Farm Support Service team has already experienced very strong engagement across counties Wicklow, Carlow and Wexford.

The Tirlán Agri-Sustainability Team have worked closely with over 170 farm family suppliers to apply for funding under the Farming for Water European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in 2024 to help drive water quality improvements on farm.

All Tirlán suppliers are being encouraged to review water quality measures on their farm as part of an overall focus to improve water quality and put the best case forward for retaining Ireland’s Nitrates Derogation.

Plans for 2025

Initially, the Farm Support teams piloted their work in the Slaney Bann sub-catchment, with on-farm meetings in multiple locations and our team of advisors directly visited farms to put in place plans.

In addition, there was significant support provided to lodge Farmer for Water EIP applications to support action in the region.

The team is now progressing their work in the upper Slaney, Douglas, Derreen and the Boro catchments during 2025.

Co-operative Nature

Ireland’s co-operative structure provides it with a natural framework for collaboration. Throughout 2024, Tirlán worked with our neighbouring co-operatives to host events for suppliers.

Our work in the Slaney Bann sub-catchment in 2024 provided learnings and ensured we built a strong framework for assisting to deliver action.

We are now progressing this good work in upper Slaney, Douglas, Derreen and Boro catchments during 2025.



Protecting water quality and retaining Ireland’s Nitrates Derogation

Good water quality is essential for all parts of our economy: for homes and businesses, for industry, tourism and hospitality.

Tirlán Co-op supports 19,200 jobs across rural Ireland with economic activity of €5.5 billion. Enhancing water quality and the retention of the Nitrates Derogation are stand-out policy issues for our farm family suppliers.

Two thirds of our suppliers farm above the nonderogation stocking rate limit of 170 kg N/ha. In addition, over half of Tirlán milk suppliers have an average herd size of 60 cows.

We have a short window within which Ireland can show how intensive, science-led collaboration can


As part of this project, Tirlán has developed a Farm Support Service to focus on impactful actions to address on-farm water quality and wider sustainability challenges.

A team of advisors visit farms and work hand-inhand with suppliers to identify and address any issues.

This Farm Support Service includes a farm visit and a discussion about any water quality threats or issues and remediation actions which can be supported under the Farming for Water EIP.

The AGNAV tool is also used to highlight what measures can be taken to improve farm performance.

Working together with our suppliers, we believe that we can make a difference.

Tirlán’s Farming for Water support team as well as the ASSAP advisors working in the area are here to help and advise farm families become more economically and environmentally sustainable.

Slaney catchment - Initial target area

contribute to addressing water quality challenges in critical areas, to help make the best case for retention of the Derogation post 2026.

Farming for Water: River Slaney Project

To deliver on this intensive, ground-up collaboration, Tirlán’s Farming for Water: River Slaney Project was established in early 2024, bringing together expertise from Tirlán, Teagasc, the Local Authorities Water Programme (LAWPRO) and accounting and advisory specialists, ifac, to help enhance water quality in the River Slaney which flows through the heart of the Tirlán catchment area.

This programme is targeted at delivering real practical change on the ground, as it requires everyone working together to maintain and enhance water quality.

The Slaney Catchment was selected as the starting point as it was identified by Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency as a ‘Catchment of Concern’, with further scientific analysis by LAWPRO identifying the most challenged sub-catchments. The overall ambition for the River Slaney Project is that it will be considered as an exemplar of best practice, which can be scaled and replicated nation-wide.



The Local Authority Waters Programme, LAWPRO is working with farmers and the community to deliver enhanced and sustained water quality improvement measures for the benefit of the environment, water life and broader society.

Core activities in 2024

By the end of 2024, 8,658 measures designed to protect and maintain water quality in rivers, lakes and watercourses nationwide had been approved in the Priority Areas for Action (PAA). A total of 1,048 farmers signed up over the year and €11.5 million in funding has been committed so far towards on-farm mitigation measures. The average payment is more than €10,000, while the largest single payment was €54,000. 1,048 mandatory Rainwater Management Plans have been created, giving farmers a far better understanding of the movement and impact of water on their individual farms. Among the most popular measures being implemented from the 43 selected for the EIP suite, are catch crops, nutrient management plans, solar powered electric fences and water troughs, multi-species swards, riparian margins, hedgerow and tree planting, fencing, and the provision of the farmyard bucket and brush.

Key activities to date

• LAWPRO’s project headquarters have been established in Tipperary Town. The team is headed up by Project Lead, Mairead Whitty.

• Staff has been recruited to facilitate the ambitions of the project. Recruitment continues into 2025 also.

• A Farming for Water EIP Research Hub has been established involving researchers from several institutions including University College Cork, University College Dublin, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Atlantic Technical University, and the James Hutten Institute UK.

• The Farming for Water project is included in the Programme for Government as an important element in the challenge to improve and maintain water quality.


Uisce Éireann, as Ireland’s national public water services provider, supplies 1.7 billion litres of drinking water to their customers every day and collects and treats more than 1.3 billion litres of wastewater before we safely return it to the environment.

Providing safe, secure and sustainable water services is vital for society, supporting public health, supporting the delivery of housing and jobs and protecting the environment and precious water resources.

River Slaney Project

Strong partnerships and initiatives such as the Farming for Water River Slaney Project underpin Uisce Éireann’s

Plans for 2025

• Target up to 15,000 farmers in the priority areas by the conclusion of the project term at the end of 2027.

• Carry out training with several National Federation of Group Water Scheme personnel, including some Group Water Scheme managers and their Source Protection Officer.

• Explore potential opportunities of working with the Office of Public Works and Resiriver Interreg IV on Natural Water Retention Measures in Tipperary.

• Intensify work with Meat Industry Ireland and several meat processors to recruit farmers into the EIP.

• Work with non ASSAP-affiliated Co-ops to train personnel to make EIP applications on behalf of their suppliers.

approach to planning for the future, with the aim of delivering mutual benefits and value to protect Ireland’s precious water sources.

Uisce Éireann’s catchment management team work closely with organisations to protect water source catchments and raise awareness of the potential impact that activities in water catchments can have on our drinking water.

The Future

Uisce Éireann look forward to working collaboratively on the River Slaney Project in 2025 and beyond.

The LAWPRO Farming for Water EIP team pictured at the launch of Tirlán’s Farming for Water: River Slaney Project in Wexford.

Teagasc is a Farming for Water EIP partner and it supports farmers to implement actions on their farms to help improve water quality through the free and confidential Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme or ASSAP.

Teagasc is focused on addressing agricultural pressures in priority areas for action and its scientists assess streams. Farmers are offered of a free farm visit from an ASSAP advisor and from there, they work closely and take any appropriate action to address water quality.

Support from the farming organisations and the wider agricultural sector for the Farming for Water EIP and the River Slaney Project is very strong and a number of very successful information meetings and pilots have run over in the Slaney over the past year.


A very successful cover crops pilot EIP was carried out last year by Teagasc in the Slaney Catchment, with a particular focus on the Castledockerrell area.

Cover Crops or Catch Crops as they are also known, are short term green cover crops that are grown as soon as possible after harvest and stay in the ground until the following January. During this time they perform many vaulable functions, including reducing nutrient losses, soil compaction and erosion while also improving soil structure and providing nutrients to the following crop.

Recent research work carried out in the Castledockerrell catchment has shown that cover crops had nearly 6 times more N (nitrogen) recovery compared to the controls. The turnip and kale mix showed a >60% reduction in nitrate leaching.

These figures clearly show that cover crops are the “right measure in the right place” which is a key objective of the farming for water EIP.

Over 50 farms in these areas signed up to the new farming for water EIP and will grow more than 2,500 extra acres of cover crops over the next few years. These cover crops attract a yearly payment of €92/ acre and are potentially worth over €1,000,000 to these farmers.

Another pilot is in the pipeline for 2025 to help farmers in these nitrate vulnerable areas to grow more cover crops and support the efforts of all the stakeholders in reducing the nitrogen loading in our local rivers and streams and subsequently, the estuaries in Waterford and Wexford Harbours.


As part of the Slaney Project, Teagasc is working with the fertiliser supply trade in the south east to up-skill staff. Last spring, in Enniscorthy, Teagasc ran two Fertiliser Use and Water Protection Training Workshops for tillage industry professionals. The workshops focussed on the scale of the water quality challenge in the Slaney and how to grow good crops, while reducing nutrient losses to the river.

The workshops were delivered by Teagasc advisors, specialists and researchers working in the tillage, fertiliser, soils and water quality areas. Both workshops

were well attended by people from across businesses in the region and there was lively discussion between the trainees and the trainers.


“This initiative showed that there is a real willingness in the trade to up-skill in this area and help their customers grow profitable crops while reducing risk to water. It’s also proof that collaboration across the tillage sector can deliver better outcomes for farming and the environment,” according to Ger Shortle, Manager, Teagasc Wicklow/Carlow/Wexford Advisory Region.

Cover Crops sowing demonstration/event in the Castledockerell Catchment, 1 August 2024.


As the date for permitting organic fertiliser spreading recently commenced (mid-January) in the South East of the Country, it is important to plan carefully how best to apply nutrients to grassland in the coming weeks and months from an economic, productivity and environmental viewpoint.

As chemical fertiliser prices have increased significantly in recent years and remain high, the value of organic fertilisers, have never been as important.

These tips will help to maximise the returns from slurry applications and reduce losses of nutrient to water:

• Ensure the capacity of organic manure stores, at a minimum, is sufficient to meet the storage requirements for your county.

• Prepare and implement a nutrient management plan to ensure the nutrients in slurry are targeted to where they are most needed, (consult your advisor).

• Apply slurry in spring where ground conditions are suitable and soil temperature is consistently greater than 6 degrees. Avoid spreading slurry in critical source areas – these are areas of the farm that have high connectivity to water e.g. low lying areas of the farm prone to flooding.

• Do not apply slurry where heavy rainfall is forecast within 48 hours. Heavy rainfall on soils that are saturated or close to saturation will result in nutrient losses through overland flow and leaching where fertiliser is applied to these fields.

• Organic manure application rates must match grass growth rates to maximise nutrient uptake. Low growth rates means that crops will be slower to uptake nutrients and excess nutrients can be lost to water.

• Apply a 10m buffer zone for 2 weeks after the opening period begins and again for 2 weeks before it closes, with a 5m buffer zone applying in between these dates, from drains and watercourses when spreading organic fertilisers.

• Ensure the tractor driver is aware of the location of drains, watercourses, wells, karst features, etc. when spreading organic fertilisers and observes the relevant buffer zones.

Applying slurry when heavy rainfall is forecast on soils that are saturated or close to saturation can result in runoff of slurry into the drainage network.


Over 300 farmers attended a Tirlán and Teagasc ‘Farming for the Future’ water quality event on the farm of Donal Kavanagh, near Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow. The event offered farmers action-focused advice and showed the significant efforts that farmers are undertaking to stabilise and improve water quality in their region.

Speakers at the event included representatives from Tirlán, Teagasc, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, Irish Farmers’ Association, the ICMSA and Local Authority Waters Programme.

The event heard that a focus on nutrient use efficiency on farm can deliver or maintain higher output at a lower cost. Teagasc Director Dr Frank O’Mara highlighted that it is possible to farm at the current 220kg of organic nitrogen per hectare and deliver good water quality.

Dr Lisa Koep, Chief ESG Officer, said the turnout for the event on Donal Kavanagh’s farm showcases how focused the farmer-owned co-operative’s suppliers are on improving water quality.

“Farmers are truly committed to making the changes on the ground to fix water quality. Events like this are taking place all over the country and are hugely important. It showcases to all of the stakeholders that we are committed as an industry to improving our water quality.”


Tirlán supplier Martin Davin, a fourth generation family farmer near Rathdowney in county Laois is doing everything possible to improve on-farm economic and environmental performance. He’s already invested in a locally manufactured yard brush under the Farming for Water EIP.

Addressing neighbouring farmers at a ‘Farming for the Future: Open Farm Walk & Talk ‘on his farm, Martin encouraged any supplier who has not yet engaged with the Farming for Water EIP or the ASSAP teams to do so and begin the on-farm investment and grant application process.

“I’d encourage every single farmer to engage with the team at Tirlán. If we can all do one small thing to improve water quality, it will be work very well done and support retaining the Nitrates Derogation All of the small little things matter – keeping out the slurry, fencing off watercourses, investing in machinery like I did. I’m farming under the requirements of the nitrates derogation. If we lose it, I’ll have to review my farm and this will impact my costs.”

At the event, Tirlán’s Sean Martin and Bryan Harte addressed Nitrogen Management and Milk Solids Tracking on the Davin farm, describing it as very efficient in both areas.

Pictured on the Davin family farm are Tirlán’s Bryan Harte with Tirlán supplier Martin Davin and Tirlán’s Farm Sustainability Advisors Róisin McManus, Aidan O’Donovan and Sean Martyn.


“If we know how to do things even better, we will do that,” milk supplier, Cheryl Poole, says.

Alan and Cheryl Poole’s actions to protect water quality and enhance the economic as well as environmental sustainability of their family farm were showcased to the EU’s Environment Directorate to Ireland delegation. The Poole family farm lies in the Bann catchment, just outside Gorey in Wexford. Alan and Cheryl have 72 milking dairy cows and farm full-time, under the terms of the Nitrates Derogation. Their Farm Support Service report highlights their focus on environmental sustainability and actions taken, including building additional storage, efficient use of nutrients and reducing their carbon footprint.

“We’ve always been very conscious of our responsibility when living right beside the river. Our children play in it in the summer and it’s a great place to go for solace after a hard day. Everyone has to take their own responsibility and for us, our section of the river and the land draining into it, is our responsibility, so we’re doing our very best to protect it. We’re very excited to be part of Farming for Water: River Slaney Project. It’s a very positive step. We are the experts on our farm.

Results from the Poole’s Farm

But Tirlán and the support group they have put together have the knowledge about the latest legislation, the newest scientific thoughts and solutions. We do the best we can. But if we know how to do things even better, we will do that.

“Sometimes you don’t see things that are right in front of your eyes, like maybe a broken drain. That extra set of eyes, that extra support is so vitally important. For us, enhancing water quality is about more than retaining the derogation. It’s about nature. It’s about biodiversity. It’s about our ecosystem. It’s about protecting our country as well as our countryside.”

As well as benefiting from the 0.5cpl additional payment under the Sustainability Action Payment programme, the Pooles have also made an application for support under the Farming for Water EIP.

Qualifying measures include a Rainwater Management Plan, Farmer Training Course, Nitrogen Surplus, Multi Species Swards, Farmyard Settlement Tank, Bovine exclusion from water bodies and Host Farmer Payment.

Pictured on the Poole family farm for the EU’s Environment Directorate to Ireland visit were Tirlán suppliers, Alan and Cheryl Poole, along with Dr Lisa Koep, Chief ESG Officer, Tirlán; Gorka Barrio Montoya, EU Commission; John Murphy, Tirlán Chairperson and Humberto Delgado Rosa, EU Commission.


Farm families working to enhance water quality and improve their economic and environmental sustainability can reap double rewards under Tirlán’s c. €16 million Sustainability Action Payment programme and the newly-launched €60 million Farming for Water European Innovation Partnership, EIP.

Participation in the Farming for Water EIP counts as one of seven actions to be declared out of a menu of 20 to receive the 0.5cpl additional payment from Tirlán. And measures such as incorporating multi species swards, investing in bovine/ovine fencing from watercourses, incorporating hedgerows and tree planting within buffer zones are among the qualifying actions listed under both programmes, resulting in double rewards for farm families.

Multi-species swards

Catch/Cover Crops (Other Cropping Systems)

Catch/Cover Crops (Winter Cropping Systems)

Low Drift Nozzles

Mobile Drip Tray

Bovine/Ovine fencing from watercourses

Submersible Pump








John and Mary are Tirlán farm family suppliers. They manage a 90-cow herd and produce 560,000 litres of milk each year. In addition to their Sustainability Action Payment, they have also applied for a series of supports under the Farming for Water EIP worth €12,900 in total. These include funding for a Farmyard Settlement Tank of €6,500. See below table.

John and Mary have a 560,000 litre, 90 cows herd

Rainwater Management Plan

Nitrogen Surplus (€250 x 4)

Multi Species Sward (2 Ha)

Farmer Training Course

Nutrient Management Plan

Farmyard Settlement Tank

Tree Planting within Buffer Zone (100 whips)

Hedgerow establishment (100m)

Exclusion of bovines from water bodies ( 100m)

*This is an example only.


“The ASSAP advisors are there to help, to support, not to inspect or pass comment. It was very beneficial and I learnt a lot,” Tom Murphy, Tirlán milk supplier.

Every decision made on Tom Murphy’s dairy farm is based on protecting the stream that cuts down through the centre of the family farm in scenic south Kilkenny and eventually flows into the Nore over three farms away. The 33 year-old, who is part of the Tirlán/Teagasc Future Farm programme, milks 192 cows.

Tom has declared his actions under Tirlán’s Sustainability Action Payment programme and receives the 0.5cpl payment for that. He’s also made an application under the recently-announced Farming for Water EIP and is bidding to receive over €6,000 for sustainability actions under that initiative.

“The whole process of applying for support under the EIP is very straight-forward, very simple. My ASSAP advisor came in as part of the support service from Tirlán and Teagasc, we walked the farm for about two hours and had a discussion all the way through.”

“We’ve applied for funding for a farmyard bucket and brush attachment for sweeping up the dirt on the roadways around the farm that can get mucky so rainwater isn’t contaminated.”

Tom is laser focused on sustainable farming and has taken a number of actions on farm to reduce his carbon footprint. He’s moved to applying protected urea for all his straight nitrogen fertiliser applications. He got the entire farm soil tested so he knows his P and K levels. “All of our slurry is spread by a contractor using umbilical and a dribble bar. We have a 1 million gallon slurry capacity so have well over the 16 weeks capacity required. 30% of our platform is high clover swards so this also reduces our nitrogen requirement.”

“We’ve also sowed 400 metres of hedgerows back in 2022. This is thriving and is already well established. There’s a stream flowing right down through the farm so everything we do on farm is designed to protect that. We brought our fences out a few years back to protect it even more and changed gates so everything is well away from the stream. Our next step now is to plant the willow in places where there is any possible threat that rainwater could enter the watercourse. The willow will soak it all up, preventing any potential problems ever arising in the future.”

“It all starts with a conversation between myself and the farmer. We are here to help,” Matthew Moylan, Tirlán Sustainability Advisor, explains.

“On the initial phone call, I typically explain what the Farming for Water: River Slaney Project is about and what our key aims are in terms of working with them to improve farm returns and enhance water quality. Our role is to offer support and advice. We’re simply having a walk and a talk.

“We might then look at soil samples and improving soil fertility, getting the pH up as well as improving milk solids. This really helps to boost the nutrient use and economic performance of a family enterprise.

“We look at how they might grow more grass, improve their nutrient use and lower their N surplus. The conversation often turns then to looking at certain pinch points in the year and what can be done to improve milk solids through support from our in-house animal nutrition team.

“If a farmer wants to make changes, make some improvements, we can also provide them with information on supports available through the new Farming for Water EIP as well as finance options available through our project partners, ifac

“Any actions proposed are on a voluntary basis. We are here to guide the right actions are taken on the farm, at the right time and in the right place, to improve on-farm returns and enhance the rural environment.”


Nutrient Management

Reduce purchased nitrogen (N) & phosphorus (P) surplus per hectare

Ensure soil fertility is optimal for lime, phosphorus and potassium

Ensure application of fertiliser and organic manure at appropriate times and conditions

Farmyard Management

Have sufficient slurry and soiled water storage capacity

Manage and minimise nutrient loss from farmyards and roadways

Land Management

Fence off watercourses to prevent bovine access

Promote targeted use of mitigation actions such as riparian margins, buffer strips & sediment traps to mitigate nutrient and sediment loss to water

Maintain over-winter green cover to reduce nutrient leaching from tillage soils

Tirlán, Abbey Quarter, Kilkenny, R95 DXR1.

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