Iowa State Holstein Sale 2018

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Iowa State Holstein Sale

West Union, IA

Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle Saturday, March 17, 2018 | Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union, IA Drawing will be held prior to the start of the Iowa Spring Sale.

GRAND PRIZE ~ Choice of Heifer (Lots 1-4) or $2,500 Cash

Lot 1 - Hawkeye-JK Mc Arctic Snow-ET | Lot 2 - Morningview Spd Kia-Red-ET Lot 3 - Regan-Danhof P Cayla-ET | Lot 4 - Farnear 31523 Dymo-38054-ET The winner or a representative of the winner must be present to make the choice or the cash prize will be awarded. 7KH UHPDLQLQJ KHLIHUV ZLOO EH WKH ¿UVW WKUHH ORWV VROG LQ WKH VDOH

2nd Prize ~ $1500 Cash UG 3UL]H a 7UDQV 2YD &HUWLÀFDWH &DVK 4th Prize ~ $1000 Cash WK 3UL]H a XQLWV RI .LQJER\ 6HPHQ &DVK 6th Prize ~ $800 Cash WK 3UL]H a 7UDQVIHUV &DVK WK 3UL]H a =RHWLV %DVNHW &DVK WK 3UL]H a &HUWLÀFDWH IURP 67 *HQHWLFV IRU 6HPHQ RI &KRLFH WK 3UL]H a &HUWLÀFDWH IURP (QYLVLRQ WK 3UL]H a =RHWLV %DVNHW &DVK WK 3UL]H a 6WHHO &RZ &DQYDV &DVK For tickets, please contact Shellie Volker 319.269.0318 or Carl Mensen 563.329.0876 Only 200 tickets will be sold ~ $100 each. Proceeds to the Iowa Junior Holstein Association & Iowa Holstein Association

Thank You to these Donors! Your support is greatly appreciated!

Select Sires (Mark Knudtson) Envision DCS (Pete Knipper) Dr. Justin Helgerson Farmers Union Coop Vita Plus (Duane Gibbs) ST Genetics Trans Ova Steel Cow Zoetis

Iowa State Holstein Sale

Saturday, March 17, 2018 11:30 am Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union, IA Sales Force:

Sales Clerk:

Scott Courtney ................. 563-380-1318

Shelly Volker .... 319-269-0318

Scott Culbertson .............. 507-923-1881

Hotel Accommodations

Kyle Demmer .................... 563-451-5376

Best Rest Inn & Suites

Jim Vierhout ..................... 712-470-1202

108 Highway 150 S

Jason Danhof ................... 715-305-0522

West Union

Bill Rauen ……….....….….. 569-607-0694


Pre-Registration & Pre-Approval Required Contact: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

Sale Manager: Iowa Holstein Association All announcements said Sale Day take precedence over printed material in catalog. Iowa Holstein Association & Fayette Fairgrounds are not responsible for accidents. 1

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

3rd Dam: KHW Regiment Apple 2-Red-ETN (2E-93 EEEEE DOM) 5-09 2 365 30050 4.5 1361 3.4 1016 1st 5Y Mideast Fall Nat’l R&W ‘13 Grand Mideast Fall Nat’l R&W ‘13 1st Winter Yrlg. Midwest Spring Nat’l ‘09 All-American R&W Winter Calf 2008 3x All-American R&W Nominee Apple 2 is a clone of: KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET (3E-96 EEEEE DOM) 4-01 2 365 35750 4.7 1682 3.5 1247 Miss Arizona-ET (2E-93 EEEEE) Life: 1972 158680 4.8 7683 3.6 5735 2nd Dam of Lot 1 All-American R&W 125,000 lbs. 2013 Res. Grand WDE R&W ‘13 hawkeye-JK Mc Artic Snow-eT All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 1st Aged, Sr. & Grand WDE R&W ‘11 3143705890 Nom. All-American B&W 5Y 2009 99%RHA-I Born: March 4, 2017 #751 Jonathan Krogman and Res. All-Canadian R&W Cow 2009 Spring Yearling HHM All-American B&W Jr. 3Y 2007 Jenna Champman * RAFFLE CALF * Unanimous All-American Jr. 2 2006 Aston, IA All-American R&W Jr. 2Y 2006 712/330-4030 4th Dam: Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I (2E-95 EEEEE DOM) de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 7-00 2 365 39690 4.7 1849 3.5 1385 tr tv tl ty td VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2341g 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td Life: 1844 144460 4.4 6295 3.7 5288 pta +1269m +30f +48p 99%R 4/2017 EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2376g 5th Dam: Clover-Mist Alisha-ET pta +1.50t +1.10udc +1.08flc 99%R 4/2017 (3E-93 DOM) pta +882M +52f +33P 99%R 12/2017 8-07 2 365 36920 4.2 1553 3.4 1258 pta +462nm +.07%F +33P 99%R 12/2017 sully Shottle May-Tw 138218285 Life: 2999 226470 4.7 10659 3.6 8149 pta +2.6pl 2.81scs -.2dpr 3.5%dce VG-87 VVEVV DOM 5-09 50K GTPI +2176g 6th Dam: Clover-Mist Augy Star pta +3.19T +2.37udc +2.05flc 99%R 12/2017 2-02 3 365 34110 3.2 1095 3.1 1066 (4E-94 DOM) 7-10 3 365 43140 5.0 2136 3.3 1421 scientific B Defiant-ET 141123484 Life: 2486 206250 4.7 9793 3.5 7187 rc tp tc tv tl ty td 7th Dam: D-R-A August VG-87 EVV+ 4-08 50K gtpi +1687g (4E-96 EX-MS DOM) miss defiant Artic Rush 3133393685 pta +3.55T +2.44udc +1.72flc 98%R 8/2017 8-05 3 365 27460 4.3 1187 3.2 871 tr tl td Life: 3443 190200 4.4 8281 3.3 4457 miss Arizona-ET 69561873 RC TV Tl td 12K GTPI +1810g Nom. All-American Aged Cow ‘86 EX-93 EEEEE 2E 7-05 All-Wisconsin Aged Cow ‘87 Fresh 12/21/2017 2-03 2 326 17580 4.7 819 3.5 623 8th: D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader 4-05 2 201 15860 4.9 772 3.5 552 3-03 2 365 21580 4.7 1021 3.6 775 (2E-90 EX-MS) Will score prior to the Sale and promises to be VG! 4-05 2 285 22100 5.2 1152 3.5 770 7-06 2 358 20090 3.9 787 3.2 637 5-04 2 300 26170 5.1 1336 3.3 865 Life: 2456 133250 4.0 5308 6-05 2 365 33290 4.5 1493 3.4 1134 9th Dam: D-R-A Princess Lad Leader (3E-90) All-Iowa Aged Cow 2017 9-05 2 305 19160 4.2 809

Lot 1


Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Early-Autumn Golden Rae (EX-92 EEEEE) 5th Dam of Lot 2

Lot 2

Morningview SPD Kia-Red-ET 3134475762 PO

Tom Schmitt Durango, IA 563/552-2172

100%RHA Born: September 25, 2017 #1117 gtpi +2398g pta +1435M +43f +15P 75%R pta +592NM -.03%F +.01%P pta +5.7PL 2.79scs -.02dpr 6.1%dce pta +2.65t +2.76udc +.87flc 73%R 2/2018 pta +108FE -0.3FI 6.7%SCe

* RAFFLE CALF * Pine-Tree Splendid-P-ET 74024998 rc pc tc ty tv tl td 140K GTPI +2559g pta +1027M +72f +43P 79%R 12/2017 pta +732NM +.12%F +.05%P 100%us pta +6.8PL 2.82scs +.2dpr 5.2Tdce pta +2.85T +2.89udc +.57flc 79%R 12/2017

Zahbulls Alta1stclass-eT 71441918 tr tp tc ty tv tl td 77K GTPI +2329g pta +2.50t +3.48udc +.90flc 96%R 12/2017 Pine-Tree 5100 SS 5933-ET 71859511 rc pc tl td VG-86 VV++V 2-06 1-10 3 329 27990 4.2 1170 3.1 868

Stantons Entitle-ET 11696748c Morningview Repunzel-Red-ET 3130642010 rc tp ty tv tl td GP-83 +VG+V 2-06 13K gtpi +2420G 77K GTPI +2317g pta +974M +48f +37P 78%R 12/2017 pta +1078M +22f +30P 90%R 12/2017 pta +607NM +.04%f +.03%P Morningview MGL Renea-ET 71505242 rc pta +5.9pl 2.72scs +1.8dpr 4.8%dce VG-88 VEV+E DOM 5-02 9K GTPI +2436g pta +1.92t +2.38udc +1.15flc 79%r 12/2017 2-03 2 138 12029 3.8 456 3.1 375 (RIP)

Maternal Sister to Dam of Lot 11

2-04 2 365 33140 4.5 1498 3.2 1076 4-02 2 365 40540 4.2 1685 3.1 1267


3rd Dam: Morningview Super Roxy (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 4-02 2 365 40540 4.2 1685 3.1 1267 4th Dam: Morningview Pronto C-Rae-ET (EX-90 EX-MS 4-07 2 360 37180 4.1 1529 3.0 1115 5th Dam: Early-Autumn Golden Rae-ET (EX-92 EEEEE) 4-01 2 365 42790 4.7 2026 3.3 1413 1st IA Fat 6th Dam: Scientific Beauty Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 4-03 2 365 33710 4.7 1595 3.5 1179 7th Dam: Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 5-11 3 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.4 1329 Life: 1394 117590 4.0 4707 3.4 4018 8th Dam: C Hanoverhill Tony Rae (3E-96 GMD DOM 5*) 6-11 3 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 HM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old ‘88 Nom. All-American 5-Year-Old ‘91 9 EX Daughters Nom. All-American ‘88 & ‘91 9th Dam: Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET (2E-94 GMD DOM) 10-00 3 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129 10th Dam: Mil-R-Mor Roxette (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-01 2 365 24530 4.7 1153 21 EX Progeny Canada’s 1st 30* 11th Dam: C Glenridge Citation Roxy (4E-97 EX-MS GMD) 5-06 2 365 21308 5.1 1086 2X Queen of the Breed! 16 EX dtrs. All-Time All-American Aged Cow 12th: C Norton Court Model Vee (EX-90 GMD 6*) Life: 218636 3.9 8583 3X All-American Produce of Dam 13th Dam: C Norton Court Reflection Vale (VG-85 5* 249,580LT )3X AllAmerican Produce of Dam 14th: C Norton Court Reflection Vale (VG-85 5* 249,580LT )

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

OCD Jacey 2421-ET (eX-91 EX-MS) 2nd Dam of Lot 3

Lot 3

Regan-Danhof P Cayla-ET 3141453327 tr tp tc tl td

Regancrest Farm and Jason & Sheri Danhof Waukon, IA 563/568-2055

99%RHA-I Born: December 4, 2017 #9456 gtpi +2744g pta +2664M +69f +74P 73%R 2/2018 pta +870NM -.11%F -.02%P pta +8.3PL 2.86scs +3.2dpr 3.0%dce pta +1.77t +1.54udc +1.95flc 2/2018 pta +170fe +2.9fi 5.4%sce

3rd Dam: Larcrest Cologne-ET (VG-88 EX-MS) backon-Hill Pety Modesty-ET 3013654627 4-01 3 365 37080 4.2 1564 3.5 1297 tr tp tc ty tv tl td 4th Dam: Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) VG-86 VV++ 3-00 77K gtpi +2827G 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.7 1351 pta +1744M +87f +59P 79%R 12/2017 5th Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) S-S-I Mont 8679 10721-ET 3123886006 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 99%rha-I Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 9K gtpi +2789g 6th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW S-S-I Montross Jedi-et 3123886035 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 99%RHA-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 EX-91 EEEE 77K gtpi +2810g 7th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel pta +2582M +70f +87P 80%r 12/2017 (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 ocd Jacey 2421-ET 3013464043 99%rha-I Over 250,000 Lifetime EX-91 EEVEE 3-08 13K gtpi +2620G 8th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra (VG-85) pta +1032M +57f +50P 81%R 12/2017 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 pta +666NM +.07%F +.07%P 9th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly pta +6.1PL 2.59scs +2.5dpr 7.3%dce pta +2.68t +2.22udc +2.49flc 82%R 12/2017 (VG-87 EEVVV) 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802 2-02 3 365 33530 4.0 1325 3.2 1065


S-S-I modesty Pinnacle-ET 3135087428 99%rha-I tr tp ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2888g pta +2227M +79f +70P 76%R 12/2017 pta +1007NM -.02%F +.01%P 100%us pta +10.0PL 2.95scs +3.2dpr 3.5%dce pta +2.40t +2.47udc +2.50flc 74%R 12/2017

regan-Danhof Jedi Cashmere 3134518637 99%rha-I Tr tp tl td 12K gtpi +2898g pta +2236m +86f +74P 75%R 12/2017 pta +893NM +.01%F +.02%P pta +7.5PL 2.74scs +2.6dpr 4.8%dce pta +3.22T +2.44udc +2.39flc 75%R 12/2017 5 Progeny over +2900G

Maternal Brother to Lot 3: Regan-Danhof Mdsty 12406-ET (+3041G +1117NM) The #2 GTPI bull in the world


Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Vision-Gen Sh Frd A12276-ET (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 3rd Dam of Lot 4

Lot 4

Farnear 31523 Dymo-38054-ET 3146202617

Rick & Tom Simon Farley, IA 563/599-9183

99%RHA-I Born: August 12, 2017 #38054 gtpi +2760G pta +1770M +79F +57P 75%R pta +953NM +.05%F +.01%P pta +9.7PL 2.63scs +2.6dpr 4.0Tdce pta +1.30t +2.20udc +1.00flc 75%R 2/2018 pta +186FE +2.9FI 6.4%sce

mr rubicon dynamo-et 3132198333 tc ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2819g pta +2056M +87f +65f 80%R 12/2017 pta +961NM +.03%f +.01%P 100%us pta 8.4pl 2.79scs +2.4dpr 3.3%dce pta +1.66t +2.15udc +1.49flc 80%R12/2017

farnear abby delt 31523-ET 3126775528 99%rha-I tp GP-81 ++GG+ 2-10 12K gtpi +2666g pta +799M +60f +41P 81%R 12/2017 pta +814NM +.11%F +.06%P pta +8.5PL 2.81scs +4.8dpr 4.0%dce pta +1.45T +2.47udc +1.02flc 81%R 12/2017

* RAFFLE72128125 CALF * tc ty tv tl td edg Rubicon-ET gm 77K gtpi +2799g pta +1317M +106F +49P 98%R 12/2017 pta +1.95t +1.84udc +2.58flc 97%R 12/2017 miss ocd robst delicious-ET 6989479 VG-87 +EVEV GMD DOM 3-05 2-05 2 365 33780 3.3 1121 3.1 1047

mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 TC tv tl ty td GM 77K GTpi +2839G PTA +1777M +90F +55P 99%R 12/2017 PTA +1.95T +2.62UDC +1.41FLC 99%R 12/2017 ocd shan Abby 8729-ET 3010975526 99%rha-I NC 9K GTPI +2275g 2-01 2 307 23340 4.0 938 3.5 828 3-01 2 364 28580 3.9 1122 3.5 1014

Due back with 3rd calf in September Looks to be very easy VG Cow 5

3rd Dam: Vision-Gen SH Frd A12276-ET (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 3 365 28700 3.7 1061 3.3 943 4th Dam: Applouis Jet Stream Alda-ET (VG-85 DOM 2Y) 5-05 2 305 24980 3.7 925 3.1 777 5th Dam: Morningview Otsd April-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 3 365 36010 4.3 1560 3.6 1291 6th Dam: Morningview Gibbon Judy-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 305 25010 3.9 964 3.2 795 7th Dam: Morningview Converse Judy (EX-93 GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 38100 4.1 1565 3.3 1269 8th Dam: Morningview Aerostar Jix-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) 5-06 2 340 32040 3.9 1249 3.4 1089 9th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll Judy-ET (VG-87 GMD DOM) 4-08 2 357 37210 4.0 1480 3.2 1187 10th Dam: Walnutt-Knoll RORAE Jenny (2E-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 7-04 2 365 29830 4.1 1210 3.0 885 11th Dam: Lynnberry Gem (VG-89) 6-02 2 365 27770 4.1 1143

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Da-So-Burn Burberry (VG-87) Maternal Sister to Dam of Lot 5

Da-So-Burn Dorcy Becka-ET (VG-86 DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 5

Lot 5 Reuben Nolt Alta Vista, IA 641/393-2337

n-Foursquare Jedi Jade-eT 3145729831 99%rha-I 99%RHA-I Born: October 2, 2017 GTPI +2768 PTA +1885M +74F +63P 75%R 2/2018 PTA 900NM +.01%F +.02%P PTA +9.3PL 3.04SCS +5.1DPR 4.7%DCE PTA +1.57T +1.64UDC +1.34FLC 74%R 2/2018 PTA +184FE +5.3FI 6.5%SCE

S-S-I Montross Jedi-et 3123886035 99%RHA-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-91 EEEE 77K gtpi +2810g pta +2582M +70f +87P 80%r 12/2017 pta +901NM -.09%F +.03%P 100%us pta +8.6pl 2.97scs +3.3dpr 4.8%dce pta +1.95T +1.69udc +1.31flc 79%R 12/2017 N-FOURSQUARE DLTA DENISE-ET 3126483118 TR TL TD 12K GTPI +2710G PTA +697M +75F +42P 78%R 12/2017 PTA +893NM +.18%F +.07%P PTA +9.3PL 2.84SCS +4.7DPR 5.1%DCE PTA +1.39T +2.04UDC +1.34FLC 78%R 12/2017 Maternal Sister: Da-So-Burn Burberry (VG-87) 2-03 2 330 25688 4.5 1158 3.3 851

bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K Gtpi +2772g PTA +3024M +83f +89P 99%R 12/2017 s-s-i suprsire miri 8679-ET 3011538078 99%rha-I tr tp tl td VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2630g 3-04 3 365 44540 3.5 1551 3.1 1360

mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 TC tv tl ty td GM 77K GTpi +2839G PTA +1777M +90F +55P 99%R 12/2017 PTA +1.95T +2.62UDC +1.41FLC 99%R 12/2017 DA-SO-BURN DORCY BECKA-ET 68972295 TY TV TL TD VG-86 VV+VV DOM 5-09 2-04 2 365 29380 4.9 1428 3.2 946 4-01 2 305 28270 4.6 1287 3.4 953 LIFE 1373 107690 4.5 4886 3.4 3689


3rd Dam: Da-So Burn Oman Brandy-ET (GP-83 GMD DOM) 4-06 2 365 39370 4.8 1908 3.2 1248 Life: 1271 108910 5.0 5431 3.5 3802 4th Dam: Da-So-Burn Mtoto Britany (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-06 2 365 44030 4.4 1924 2.8 1253 Life: 1165 119730 4.4 5264 2.9 3482 5th Dam: B-V Da-So Rudolph Brooke (VG-86 GMD DOM) 4-11 2 365 39780 4.6 1849 3.3 1320 Life: 1625 142440 4.5 6442 3.4 4774 6th Dam: Regancrest Aerostar Bea-ET (2E-91 GMD DOM) 8-03 2 365 42570 4.0 1699 3.1 1325 Life: 2422 192730 4.0 7800 3.3 6327 7th Dam: Regancrest Mark Chariman Bea (2E-91 GMD) 6-00 2 365 33430 3.9 1316 3.1 1032 Life: 2036 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616 8th Dam: Regancrest Board Chairman Bea (EX-90 EX-MS) 5-09 2 365 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884 9th Dam: Regancrest Apache Standout Bea (VG-86 EX-MS) 4-10 2 320 19070 4.0 766 Life: 2432 131940 3.6 4744 10th: Regancrest Standout Bertrand (VG-85) 4-01 2 355 17460 3.3 571

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Ms Farnear Trudy Thyme-ET (VG-85 DOM 2Y) Same Family as Lot 6

Lot 6 James Vierhout Hull, IA 712/470-1202

Simple-Dreams 32664 B338-ET 3144578393 99%RHA-I Born: September 25, 2017 14K GTPI +2763G PTA +2343M +65F +69P 75%R 12/2017 PTA +864NM -.08%F -.01%P PTA +8.2PL 2.77SCS +3.3DPR 4.8%DCE PTA +2.21T +2.36UDC +1.05FLC 74%R 12/2017

WA-DEL ABS BOURBON-ET 3014558977 77K GTPI +2741G PTA +2253M +70F +71P 80%R 12/2017 PTA +816NM -.05TF +.01%P 100%US PTA +6.4PL 2.79SCS +3.1DPR 4.7TDCE PTA +2.12T +2.07UDC +1.30FLC 79%R 12/2017

MS EDG BORBA 32664-ET 3126776669 99%RHA-I 13K GTPI +2632G PTA +1430M +63F +51P 78%R 12/2017 PTA +832NM +.03%F +.03%P PTA +9.4PL 2.60SCS +2.7DPR 5.2%DCE PTA +1.69T +1.83UDC +.68FLC 77%R 12/2017

bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K Gtpi +2772g PTA +3024M +83f +89P 99%R 12/2017 WA-DEL MASSEY BELINDA-ET 142259036 TL TD VG-85 VVV+V 3-00 2-05 2 365 29560 4.0 1187 3.5 1038

mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 TC tv tl ty td GM 77K GTpi +2839G PTA +1777M +90F +55P 99%R 12/2017 PTA +1.95T +2.62UDC +1.41FLC 99%R 12/2017 MS EDG TRAC JACKMAN 2501-ET 3013473938 99%RHA-I GP-82 +++G+ 3-04 9K GTPI +2304G 7

3rd Dam: Tranquillity Ac Dreary Trac-ET (VG-85 EX-MS +2178G) Maternal Sister to Dreay Trac: Edg Trac Uno Trudy 2036-ET (VG-85 GTPI +2303G) Trudy is the Dam of: Ms Farnear Trudy Thyme-ET (VG-85 DOM 2Y +2744G) 4th Dam: Ronelee Boliver Dreary-ET (VG-86 DOM) 2-04 2 365 27970 3.9 1102 3.3 936 5th Dam: Ronelee Outside Dabble-ET (2E-91 EEEEE DOM) 5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 Life: 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614 6th Dam: Ronelee Rudolph Dimple (EX-93 EEEEE 2E DOM) 5-08 3 365 45920 3.7 1713 3.1 1428 Life: 1582 164010 3.6 5900 3.2 5284 7th Dam: Select Mark Dolly (4E-95 EEEEE GMD DOM) 6-07 3 365 45870 4.0 1846 3.1 1431 Life: 3295 276300 3.6 9992 3.2 8964 8th Dam: Select Southwind Dinah (2E-91 EEEEV) 5-11 3 365 30080 3.7 1124 3.3 981 Life: 1505 103810 3.9 4010 3.3 3456 9th Dam: Select Mars Tony Diana (VG-86 VG-MS) 3-04 2 365 26200 4.2 1112 3.5 916 10th Dam: Dinah Select Wayne Dixie (VG-85) 3-07 2 305 23460 4.0 935 3.4 789 11th Dam: Dew-Vale Cavalier Dinah-OC (GP-83) 12th Dam: Dew-Vale Bootmaker Jolynn (VG-86) 5-06 2 305 17920 3.3 589 13th Dam: Dew-Vale Ideal Jolene (VG-85) 2-01 2 305 19110 3.4 659

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Peak Dinah 80123-ET (GTPI +2650G) Dam of Lot 7

Lot 7 Peak Genetics Watertown, WI 507/923-1881 Scott Culbertson, Sale Manager

Peak Dinah Spctr 80770-ET 3145229933 99%rha-I

99%RHA-I Born: October 26, 2017 #80770 GTPI +2756G PTA +1055M +96F +55P 74%R 2/2018 PTA +911NM +.21%F +.08%P PTA +8.0PL 2.87SCS +3.1DPR 4.4%DCE PTA 1.51T +1.82UDC +1.10FLC 72%R 2/2018 PTA +213FE +3.3FI 7.6%SCE Sells in Absentia - Housed at Gen Start, Trempelua, WI

DE-SU 13050 SPECTRE-ET 3130010295 TR TC TY TV TL TD 140K GTPI +2771G PTA +1701M +118F +64P 79%R 12/2017 PTA +958NM +.20%F +.05%P 100%US PTA +7.2PL 2.95SCS +1.7DPR 3.3%DCE PTA +1.60T +1.30UDC +.49FLC 79%R 12/2017 peak Dinah 80123-ET 3134407031 99%rha-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2650g pta +1561M +68f +66P 76%R 12/2017 pta +799NM +.03%F +.06%P pta +7.9pl 2.85scs +3.5dpr 5.1%dce pta +1.35t +1.07udc +1.00flc 75%R 12/2017 Due 6/6/2018

WOODCREST MOGUL YODER-ET 72254526 TR TP TC TY TV TL TD EX-90 EVEV 4-05 GM 77K GTPI +2750G PTA +1193M +102F +49P 99%R 12/2017 DE-SU SUPERSIRE 3349-ET 72852291 99%RHA-I TP TL TD VG-84 VEFG+ DOM 4-01 2-01 3 365 35450 4.6 1623 3.1 1115

S-S-I Montross Jedi-et 3123886035 99%RHA-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-91 EEEE 77K gtpi +2810g pta +2582M +70f +87P 80%r 12/2017 minnigan-Hills Dijon-ET 72936677 tr ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2461g 8

3rd Dam: Four-Cal Day Darby-ET (GP-83) 2-01 2 365 27520 4.0 1098 3.4 946 4th Dam: De-Su 733-ET (VG-87) 3-08 2 365 38420 4.0 1537 3.3 1274 Life: 1051 108740 4.0 4351 3.3 3588 5th: Vision-Gen Oman Fantasa-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6th: Harvue-K MSVision Fancy-ET (VG-87 DOM) 2-04 3 365 35300 3.8 1345 3.6 1272 7th Dam: MS Harvue N V Fanny-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 1-11 2 365 33010 3.7 1207 3.0 1002 8th: Wa-Del Rc Formation Fran-ET (EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-02 2 365 37110 3.3 1221 3.4 1274 9th: Wa-Del Rice Oscar Marsha-ET (VG-87 VG-MS GMD DOM) 5-07 2 365 35840 3.7 1338 3.1 1128 Life: 2173 165380 4.0 6627 3.3 5483 10th: Wa-Del RC Blckstar Molly-ET (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 365 26160 3.6 953 3.1 816 11th Dam: Valhalla Mark Mitzy-ET (VG-86 3Y GM DDOM) 2-02 2 365 21748 3.6 787 3.2 692 12th Dam: Huberview Bell Kristeen (VG-86 5Y GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 36310 4.1 1479 3.5 1259 13th Dam: Huberview Elevation Kay (VG-85-4Y) 14th: Huberview Forty-Niner Kitty (3E-93) 15th: Huberview Famous Duke Kathy (EX-90 GMD) 16th: Brady Cornerstone Kathryn (2E-90)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

View-Home Mrdian Iowa-ET (VG-86 DOM) Dam of Lot 8

Lot 8

tramilda samri iowa W535-ET 3147224059

Eric Lang Brooklyn, IA 641/990-6977

OCD SPRING SAMURI-ET 3133106322 99%RHA-I TR TP TC TY TV TL TD 140K GTPI +2740G PTA +1159M +88F +56P 79%R 12/2017 PTA +865NM +.16%F +.07%P 100%US PTA +7.7PL 2.85SCS +3.5DPR 4.8%DCE PTA +1.59T +1.92UDC +.84FLC 78%R 12/2017

view-home mrdian iowa-et 72612876 VG-86 VVV+V DOM 2-10 50K gtpi +2568G pta +1949M +56f +52P 81%R 12/2017 pta +710NM -.06%F -.03%P pta +5.8pl 2.83scs +2.3dpr 4.1%dce pta +2.26T +2.44udc +.19flc 83%r 12/2017 2-02 3 365 35670 3.8 1342 3.1 1099

99%RHA-I Born: November 1, 2017 GTPI +2714G PTA +1477M +78F +57P 75%R 2/2018 PTA +901NM +.09%F +.04%P PTA +9.2PL 2.75SCS 3.6DPR 4.4%DCE PTA +1.16T +1.39UDC +.64FLC 75%R 2/2018 PTA +185FE +4.2FI 6.5%SCE

WESTERNRADE ALTASPRING 949033666NLD 99%RHA-I TR TP TC TY TV TL TD 77K GTPI +2562G PTA +1058M +67F +46P 98%R 12/2017 OCD SUPERSIRE 9882-ET 3011890130 VG-86 VV++V 2-10 2-01 3 365 31870 4.1 1310 3.2 1023

Sully Hart Meridian-ET 69951907 tr tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2354g pta +2213M +35f +52P 99%R 12/2017 pta +2.96t +2.65udc +.56fkc 99%R 12/2017 pine-tree 2149robst 4846-ET 69804610 VG-86 EEV+V 6-07 50K gtpi +2476G 2-04 3 365 32000 4.8 1520 3.2 1036


3rd Dam: Pine-Tree Zenith Sheen (VG-87) 1-11 3 305 24500 3.9 959 3.2 786 4th Dam: Pine-Tree Martha Sheen-ET (VG-86 DOM) 1-11 3 365 31210 4.2 1305 3.3 1027 5th Dam: Pine-Tree Missy Martha-ET (VG-86 DOM) 2-02 3 365 34730 3.6 1266 3.3 1135 Sons in AI 6th: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET (3E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-11 3 365 40880 4.1 1665 3.4 1385 3rd OH Protein Life: 1262 119610 4.1 4885 3.4 4031 7th Dam: Wesswood Elton Mimi (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 35380 3.3 1160 3.0 1054 8th Dam: Wesswood Mandingo Ivy (VG-87) 6-05 2 365 36330 3.6 1305 3.0 1087 Life: 144062 3.4 4934 3.1 4411 9th Dam: Weswood Astro Matt Ester (VG-87 GMD DOM) 10th Dam: Wesswood Bell Claudette (VG-87 GMD DOM)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

KHW Goldwyn Aiko-ET (EX-91 EX-MS DOM) 4th Dam of Lot 9

Lot 9 Nathan Johnson & James Vierhout Parker, SD 605/695-7144

SDG-PH 32731 BRBN 2860-ET 3146450449 tr tc tl td 100%RHA Born: December 10, 2017 #2860 GTPI +2757G PTA +2034M +67F +67P 75%R 2/2018 PTA +864NM -.03%F +.02%P PTA +8.2PL 2.78SCS +1.9DPR 4.8%DCE PTA +2.48T +2.44UDC +1.27FLC 72%R 2/2018 PTA +170FE +2.2FI 8.6%SCE

WA-DEL ABS BOURBON-ET 3014558977 TC TY TV TL TD 77K GTPI +2741G PTA +2253M +70F +71P 80%R 12/2017 PTA +816NM -.05%F +.01%US PTA+6.4PL 2.79SCS +3.1DPR 4.7%DCE PTA +2.12T +2.07UDC +1.30FLC 79%R 12/2017

MS TJR 55300 DEAR 32731-ET 3126776736 13K GTPI +2630G PTA +1073M +68F +41P 77%R 12/2017 PTA +836NM +.10%F +.03%P PTA +9.8PL 2.60SCS +.9DPR 6.0%DCE PTA +1.86T +2.45UDC +1.67FLC 74%R 12/2017

bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K Gtpi +2772g PTA +3024M +83f +89P 99%R 12/2017 wa-del Massey belinda-ET 142259036 tl td VG-85 VVV+V 3-00 77K GTPI +2653G PTA +1931M +58F +63P 93%R 12/2017 PTA +1.54T +1.98UDC +.42FLC 83%R 12/2017 MR DAY DEARING 1445-ET 72128234 TC TY TV TL TD 77K GTPI +2653G PTA +1931M +58F +63P 93%R 12/2017 TJR VAIL AHMYA 55300-ET 3010354047 9K GTPI +2477G 2-07 3 206 10890 3.8 411 3.1 335


3rd Dam: KHW Shamrock Ahmya-ET (NC) Maternal Sister: KHW Super Aderyn-ET (2E-90 DOM) 4-05 2 365 31900 4.5 1430 3.8 1202 4th Dam: KHW Goldwyn Aiko-ET (EX-91 EX-MS DOM *RC ) 5-07 2 365 29150 5.1 1500 4.0 1159 Maternal sister: KHW Regiment Apple-RED-ET *CV (3E -96 EEEEE DOM) 4-01 365 35750 4.7 1682 3.7 1314 *Multiple time All-American Maternal brother: ‘Advent-RED’ 5th Dam: Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET (2E-95 EEEEE DOM) 7-00 2 365 39690 4.7 1849 3.5 1385 Life: 1844 144460 4.4 6295 3.7 5288 6th Dam: Clover-Mist Alisha-ET (3E-93 DOM) 8-07 2 365 36920 4.2 1553 3.4 1258 Life: 2999 226470 4.7 10659 3.6 8149 7th Dam: Clover-Mist Augy Star (4E-94 DOM) 7-10 3 365 43140 5.0 2136 3.3 1421 Life: 2486 206250 4.7 9793 3.5 7187 8th Dam: D-R-A August (4E-96 EX-MS DOM) 8-05 3 365 27460 4.3 1187 3.2 871 Life: 3443 190200 4.4 8281 3.3 4457 Nom. All-American Aged Cow ‘86 All-Wisconsin Aged Cow ‘87 9th: D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader (2E-90 EX-MS) 7-06 2 358 20090 3.9 787 3.2 637 Life: 2456 133250 4.0 5308 10th Dam: D-R-A Princess Lad Leader (3E-90) 9-05 2 305 19160 4.2 809

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Simple-Dreams Rockstar-ET (gtpi +2808g) Dam of Lot 10

Lot 10 Peak Genetics Watertown, WI 507/923-1881 Scott Culbertson, Sale Manager

Peak Rkstr Imax 80817-ET 3147839869

99%RHA-I Born: November 14, 2017 #80817 GTPI +2781G PTA +1744M +83F +61P 75%R 2/2018 PTA +912NM +.06%F +.03%P PTA +8.3PL 2.94SCS +2.5DPR 3.8%DCE PTA +2.26T +2.43UDC +1.52FLC 73%R 2/2018 PTA +198FE +2.7FI 6.5%SCE Sells in Absentia - Housed at Gen Start, Trempelua, WI

SILVERRIDGE V IMAX-ET 12264620C TR TP TY TV TL TD 140K GTPI +2757G PTA +1704M +83F +54P 79%R 12/2017 PTA +858NM +.07%F +.01%P 100%US PTA +7.1PL 2.92SCS +2.3DPR 3.1%DCE PTA +2.41T +2.83UDC +1.75FLC 78%R 12/2017 SIMPLE-DREAMS ROCKSTAR-ET 3136725760 TR TP TY TV TL TD 140K GTPI +2808G PTA +1896M +94F +65P 79%R 12/2017 PTA +978NM +.08%F +.03%P PTA +9.6PL 2.67SCS +2.2DPR 3.7%DCE PTA +1.75T +1.64UDC +.87FLC 79%R 12/2017 Still being flushed, phenomenal flush family!

WESTERNRADE ALTASPRING 949033666NLD 99%RHA-I TR TP TC TY TV TL TD 77K GTPI +2562G PTA +1058M +67F +46P 98%R 12/2017 PTA +2.09T +3.11UDC +1.78FLC 96%R 12/2017 SILVERRIDGE V MOGUL EVON-ET 11638915C CAN VG-87 2Y 2-04 2 365 33199 4.4 1451 3.3 1107

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2607G PTA +2070M +101F +65F 99%R 12/2017 RI-VAL-RE MONEY MAKER-ET 73697399 99%RHA-I TR TP TL TD GP-82 ++GG+ GTPI +2629G PTA +1434M +60F +49P 82%R 12/2017 PTA +740NM +.02%F +.02%P PTA +7.2PL 2.87SCS +3.1DPR 4.2%DCE PTA +2.32T +2.45UDC +1.66FLC 81%R 2017 11

3rd Dam: Sonray-Acres Mcthn Vi-ET (GP-84 2Y 77K gTPI +2406G) 4th Dam: Sonray-Acres Soc Observr Vi (CAN EX-91 6Y 5*) 4-10 3 365 45344 4.2 1905 3.2 1444 Life: 104641 4.1 4257 3.2 3333 5th Dam: Sonray-Acres Shot Socrts Pi (VG-86) 4-01 2 337 25530 3.9 998 3.1 802 6th Dam: Sonray-Acres R Shott Star (VG-88 EX-MS) 4-01 2 330 25710 4.3 1111 3.2 830 Life: 1562 115700 4.3 5019 3.2 3698 7th Dam: Sonray-Acres Air Rudlf Stew (VG-85 VG-MS DOM) 3-05 2 305 26580 3.6 947 3.1 815 8th Dam: Sonray-Acres BS Airln Helen (VG-85) 3-01 2 308 240101 3.9 934 3.3 798 9th Dam: Sonray-Acres Bstar Halina (VG-87 EX-MS) 6-00 2 328 23980 4.1 987 3.2 765 Life: 1685 115900 4.5 5165 3.3 3822

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Morningview Super Roxy (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 3rd Dam of Lot 11

Lot 11

Morningview App EVE-red-et 3134475728

Tom Schmitt Durango, IA 563/552-2172

99%RHA-I Born: June 1, 2017 #1083 Summer Yearling

endco Apprentice-et 3129037908 99%rha-I tc cd tp ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2700G pta +1491M +65f +50P 79%R 12/2017 pta +842NM +.03%F +.02%P 100%us pta +90PL 2.67scs +3.0dpr 3.9%dce pta +2.29T +2.32udc +1.21flc 78%R 12/2018

Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-92 EEVE 4-08 77k GTPI +2552g pta +3.25T +2.65udc +1.26flc 99%R 12/2017 blondin tjr supersire aroma-et 108535196c VG-85 VVVV+ 2-06 2-01 2 305 24350 4.5 1099 2.9 710

morningview Mntry rare-et 313641810 99%rha-I GP-80 g+fg+ 2-06 13k gtpi +2517g

view-home monterey-eT 69087180 99%rha-I tc ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2549g pta +3.34T +2.82udc +1.68flc 97%R 12/2017

Maternal Sister to Dam of Lot 2 Due again and will go up in score Full Brother is headed to Semex

Morningview Mgl Renea-et 71505242 rc VG-88 VEV+E DOM 5-02 9K gtpi +2436g

1-10 2 290 22453 3.5 797 3.1 703 (RIP)

2-04 2 365 33140 4.5 1498 3.2 1076 4-02 2 365 40540 4.2 1685 3.1 1267


3rd Dam: Morningview Super Roxy (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 4-02 2 365 40540 4.2 1685 3.1 1267 4th Dam: Morningview Pronto C-Rae-ET (EX-90 EX-MS 4-07 2 360 37180 4.1 1529 3.0 1115 5th Dam: Early-Autumn Golden Rae-ET (EX-92 EEEEE) 4-01 2 365 42790 4.7 2026 3.3 1413 1st IA Fat 6th Dam: Scientific Beauty Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 4-03 2 365 33710 4.7 1595 3.5 1179 7th Dam: Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 5-11 3 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.4 1329 Life: 1394 117590 4.0 4707 3.4 4018 8th Dam: C Hanoverhill Tony Rae (3E-96 GMD DOM 5*) 6-11 3 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 HM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old ‘88 Nom. All-American 5-Year-Old ‘91 9 EX Daughters Nom. All-American ‘88 & ‘91 9th Dam: Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET (2E-94 GMD DOM) 10-00 3 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129 10th Dam: Mil-R-Mor Roxette (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-01 2 365 24530 4.7 1153 21 EX Progeny Canada’s 1st 30* 11th Dam: C Glenridge Citation Roxy (4E-97 EX-MS GMD) 5-06 2 365 21308 5.1 1086 2X Queen of the Breed! 16 EX dtrs. All-Time All-American Aged Cow 12th: C Norton Court Model Vee (EX-90 GMD 6*) Life: 218636 3.9 8583 3X All-American Produce of Dam 13th Dam: C Norton Court Reflection Vale (VG-85 5* 249,580LT )3X AllAmerican Produce of Dam 14th: C Norton Court Reflection Vale (VG-85 5* 249,580LT )

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

KWH Regiment Apple-Red-ET (4E-96 EEEEE DOM) Dam of Lot 12 & 13

Lot 12

Apple-PTS Ascari-ET 3147207033 rc tc tv tl td 99%RHA-I Born: September 21, 2017 #1339 PTA +3.26T 76%R +3.19udc +2.70flc Fall Calf

Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-92 EEVE 4-08 77k GTPI +2552g pta +3.25T +2.65udc +1.26flc 99%R 12/2017

Farnear Apples Imac-et 3126775147 rc ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2255g pta +827M +25f +26P 79%R 12/2017 pta +351NM -.02%F +.00%P 100%us pta +2.2PL 2.88scs +.6dpr 5.6%dce pta +3.15t +3.07udc +1.57flc 79%R 12/2017

Lot 13

farnear dacie danica 71290989 99%rha-I EX-90 EVVVE 4-02 3-08 2 365 33820 4.1 1392 3.3 1117

Apple-pts armilla-et 3144505810 rc tc tv tl td 99%RHA-I Born: September 1, 2017 #923 Pta +3.72t 78%r +2.90udc +.57flc

farnear-bh 1st Grade-et 3125993676 99%rha-I tc ty tv tl td 40K gtpi +2396g pta +894M +26f +20P 79%R 12/2017 pta +508NM -.03%f -.02%P 100%us pta +7.4PL 2.68scs +2.1dpr 5.4%dce pta +3.23t +3.54udc +1.60flc 78%R 12/207 KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET 135511521 CV TL TD EX-96 EEEEE 4E DOM 13-07

4-01 2 365 35750 4.7 1682 3.5 1247 LIFE 1972 158680 4.8 7683 3.6 5735

Apple Partners, LLC c/o John Erbsen Lanark, IL 815/275-4990

2013 HI Red Impact Cow of the Year Unanimous All-American R&W 125,000lb. Cow ‘13 All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011 Unanimous All-American Jr. 2-Yr-Old 2006

zahbulls alta1stclass-et 71441918 tr tp tc ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2329g pta +2.50t +3.48udc +.90flc 96%R 12/2017 farnear-TBR-BH gabrielle=et 71290946 99%rha-I TL TD 9K gtpi +2305G carrousel regiment-Red-et 128891296 50K gtpi +1306G pta -895m -15f -15P 99%R 12/2017 pta +.52t +.54udc -.30flc 98%R 12/2017 Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET 129136431 rc cv tl EX-95 EEEEE 2E DOM 7-09

2-00 2 365 28830 4-03 2 365 30430 7-00 2 365 39690 LIFE 1844 144460


3.8 1097 4.2 1267 4.7 1849 4.4 6295

3.5 1013 3.1 956 3.3 1310 3.5 5015

3rd Dam: Clover-Mist Alisha-ET (3E-93 DOM) 8-07 2 365 36920 4.2 1553 3.4 1258 Life: 2999 226470 4.7 10659 3.6 8149 4th Dam: Clover-Mist Augy Star (4E-94 DOM) 7-10 3 365 43140 5.0 2136 3.3 1421 Life: 2486 206250 4.7 9793 3.5 7187 5th Dam: D-R-A August (4E-96 EX-MS DOM) 8-05 3 365 27460 4.3 1187 3.2 871 Life: 3443 190200 4.4 8281 3.3 4457 Nom. All-American Aged Cow ‘86 All-Wisconsin Aged Cow ‘87 6th Dam: D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader (2E-90 EX-MS) 7-06 2 358 20090 3.9 787 3.2 637 Life: 2456 133250 4.0 5308 7th Dam: D-R-A Princess Lad Leader (3E-90) 9-05 2 305 19160 4.2 809

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Henkeseen Modest Sophie (2E-90 EX-MS) Maternal Sister to Dam of Lot 14

Lot 14

Henkeseen Cashcoin Skyler 73838177 100%RHA Born: May 6, 2014 Skyler GP-81 ++G++ 3-00

Trent Henkes Luana, IA 563/783-2479

2-07 2 333 19640 4.1 814 3.6 716 3-08 2 17 1220 4.6 56 4.3 53 (RIP) 1st Test 88Lbs. 4.2F 3.8P 13,000 SCC

farnear-tbr-bh cashcoin-et 703554884 tr cd tp ty tv tl td 50K gtpi +2207g pta +561M +29f +22P 99%R 12/2017 pta +534NM +.03%f +.02%P 51%us pta +6.4PL 2.81scs +1.4dpr 5.9%dce pta +.97T +2.40udc -.55flc 99%R 12/2017 Henkeseen Dundee Stoney 63445882 EX-90 VEEEE 2E 9-00 2-07 2 365 23340 3-09 2 338 23680 4-10 2 65 25200 6-03 2 295 19130 7-02 2 343 22740 8-04 2 271 19180 LIFE 2062 136980

Sells Fresh 1/13/2018

3.9 905 3.6 853 3.5 879 3.5 674 3.3 742 3.4 645 3.5 4841

3.3 779 3.3 779 3.2 813 3.4 641 3.3 747 3.4 643 3.3 4540

Maternal Sister: Henkeseen Modest Sophie (2E-93 EEEEE)

4-04 2 365 31900 3.8 1226 3.2 1036 LIFE 1556 123170 3.7 4570 3.3 4078

de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEV 6-10 GM 50K gtpi +2151g pta -930M +12f +26P 99%R 12/2017 3rd Dam: pta +1.41t +2.34udc -.21flc 99%R 12/2017

Henkeseen Mason Handi-ET ms chassity Goldwyn Cash-eT 140175910 (EX-92 DOM) 5-07 2 365 43561 4.0 1746 3.5 1512 CAN EX-91 6Y 2* 4th Dam: 2-04 2 365 39374 4.3 1700 3.3 1296 Henkeseen M Hillary-ET (3E-94 EX-MS GMD DOM) REGANCREST DUNDEE-ET 127640114 8-00 2 365 42390 4.1 1720 3.5 1466 TV TL TY 4-09 2 365 41550 4.3 1777 3.4 14 Life: 2786 202960 4.1 8255 3.6 7325 EX-95 EEEV 6-08 hd GTPI +1345g 5th Dam: pta +1.12t +1.63udc +.07flc 99%R 12/2017 Henkeseen Mark Marci (3E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) Henkeseen Hand Stoney-eT 60270118 5-00 2 365 33430 3.5 1168 3.1 1124 EX-90 VEVVE 6-08 Life: 2269 171670 3.4 5888 3.3 5655 2-06 2 365 28070 3.8 1077 3.3 922 6th Dam: 3-11 2 365 29320 3.7 1097 3.3 981 Henkeseen Chairman Mandy 5-01 2 365 31230 3.5 1091 3.3 1023 (VG-88 GMD DOM) 6-04 2 365 34090 3.7 1269 3.3 1125 4-06 2 365 33490 3.2 1066 3.1 1024 7-07 2 286 22350 3.8 851 3.2 722 Life: 1813 133690 3.3 4353 3.1 4145 LIFE 2012 162520 3.7 5948 3.3 5319


Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Henkeseen Jasper Jamaica-ET (EX-91 EX-MS) Full Sister to Dam of Lot 15

Henekeseen Sanchez Heartbreaker-ET (2E-93) Maternal Sister to Dam of Lot 15

Lot 15

Henkeseen Meridian Joani-TW 3137564099 100%RHA Born: June 6, 2017

Trent Henkes Luana, IA 563/783-2479 Sully Hart Meridian-ET 69951907 tr tp ty tv tl td gm 50K gtpi +2354g pta +2213M +35f +52P 99%R 12/2017 pta +485nm -.16%F -.05%P 24%us pta +3.4PL 2.92scs +.1dpr 4.0%dce pta +2.96t +2.65udc +.56fkc 99%R 12/2017 Henkeseen J Jenna-eT 65385494 EX-91 EEVVE 2E 7-03 2-10 3-10 4-10 6-08

2 2 2 2

324 340 365 365

16670 22630 24680 31230

4.0 663 4.1 917 3.9 967 3.9 1217

3.2 527 3.2 721 3.4 836 3.2 1008

Full Sisters: Henkeseen Jasper Jamaica-ET (EX-91 EX-MS)

6-05 2 365 33737 3.9 1303 3.3 1105 Henkeseen Jasper Jaclyn-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 6-05 2 365 32327 4.0 1322 3.1 1082

Henkeseen Jasper Jammer-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 6-01 2 365 33600 3.4 1146 2.8 931

Maternal Sister: Henekseen Sancchez Heartbreaker-ET (2E-93 EX-MS) 5-10 2 365 33769 2.9 968 3.1 1032

Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET 137974489 Ty tv tl td EX-90 EEVV 3-06 GM 50K GTPI +1854g pta +1.23t +1.00udc +.02flc 99%R 12/2017 Sully Planet Manitoba-ET 139853931 GP-83 +V+++ DOM 2-0650K gtpi +2292g 2-03 2 365 33290 3.9 1306 3.1 1041

wilcoxview Jasper-ET 128620869 tv tl td CAN VG-89 4Y 50K GTPI +1366g pta +1.88t +.88udc -.13flc 99%rha 12/2017

3rd Dam: Henkeseen M Hillary-ET (3E-94 EX-MS GMD DOM) 8-00 2 365 42390 4.1 1720 3.5 1466 4-09 2 365 41550 4.3 1777 3.4 14 Henkeseen Dur Harley-eT 60270087 tv Life: 2786 202960 4.1 8255 3.6 7325 EX-92 EEEVE 3E 9-03 4th Dam: 2-02 2 365 27790 3.9 1094 3.5 961 Henkeseen Mark Marci 3-08 2 365 34510 4.1 1419 3.2 1113 (3E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-11 2 365 37830 3.7 1416 3.2 1218 5-00 2 365 33430 3.5 1168 3.1 1124 7-04 2 365 37950 4.1 1563 3.1 1162 Life: 2269 171670 3.4 5888 3.3 5655 8-08 2 365 38260 3.8 1451 3.0 1159 5th Dam: Maternal Sisters: Henkeseen Chairman Mandy Henkeseen Mason Handi-ET (2E-92 EX-MS DOM) (VG-88 GMD DOM) 5-07 2 365 43560 4.0 1746 3.3 1430 4-06 2 365 33490 3.2 1066 3.1 1024 Gen-Mark BW Mar Winnie-ET (EX-90) Life: 1813 133690 3.3 4353 3.1 4145


Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Morsan Man D Missy-ET (VG-85 2Y) 2nd Dam of Lot 16

Lot 16 Shawn & Levi Banowetz Charlotte, IA 563/677-2767

Pine-Tree Sid-ET 62175895 Tr tp ty tl td CAN VG-86 2Y ST 50K GTPI +1593g pta -397M +4f -6P 99%R 12/2017 pta -79NM +.07%F +.02%P 16%us pta -2.4pl 2.92scs -3.7dpr 6.8%dce pta +2.2T +1.82udc -.20flc 99%R 12/2017

Butz-Hill A Missy Mile-et 71290832 tr VG-89 EEE+E 4-11 2-03 3 305 21350 3.7 787 3.2 679 3-02 3 305 27260 3.6 981 3.5 944 4-03 3 305 27330 3.6 982 3.4 917

Female (Pending) 3141445255

100%RHA Born: September 1, 2017 Fall Calf

regancrest-Mr Drham sam-et 207184639 TR tv tl GM HD 50K GTPI +1523gg pta +.50t +.58udc +1.18flc 99%R 8/2017 Pine-Tree Finley Minnie-eT 61733050 EX-90 VVEVE DOM 6-11 4-09 2 305 26120 3.5 911 3.0 786

Hunsberger alchemy-et 69080973 rc ty tv tl td 50K gtpi +2016g pta +256M +0f +19P 99%R 12/2017 pta +247NM -.04%f +.04%P 44%us Morsan Man D Missy-ET 11099278 VG-85 VV+V+ 2-06 2-04 2 305 20450 5.5 1124 3.5 722


3rd Dam: Valleyville Dolman Missy-ET (CAN VG-89 4Y) 3-11 2 365 44647 4.6 2074 3.3 1460 4th Dam: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy (CAN EX-95) 5-00 2 315 36479 4.2 1532 3.0 1095 Life: 1114 104328 4.4 4598 3.1 3191 Unanimous All-American 5Y 2011 1st 5Y, Grand & Supreme Champion WDE 2011 & RAWF ‘11 All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old 2009 1st Jr. 3-Year-Old WDE ‘09 Res. Int. Champion WDE‘09 Unanimous All-Canadian Jr. 2Y 2008 All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old 2008 All-Western Jr. 2-Year-Old 2008 1st Jr. 2-Year-Old WDE ‘08 1st Jr. 2-Year-Old Royal Winter Fair ‘08 1st Jr. 2-Year-Old Western Fall Nat’l ‘08 Int. & Res. Grand Western Fall Nat’l ‘08 1st Jr. 2-Yr-Old, Res. Intermediate & HM Grand Westerner Showcase ‘08 5th Dam: Stadacona Outside Abel (CAN VG-88 4Y 26*) 3-03 2 365 36599 4.6 1695 3.0 1093 Life: 107117 4.2 4447 3.0 3263 HM All-Atlantic Inter. Yearling 2001 1st Int. Calf Drummond Show 2000 6th Dam: Stadacona Progress Anibel (CAN VG-85-3Y 2*) 7-10 2 358 35097 3.5 1224 3.2 1118 Life: 8 Lact. 266137 3.4 9034 3.1 8311

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Arthurcreek Shottle Candy (EX-90) Dam of Lot 17

Arthurcreek Atwd Charlotte Full Sister to Lot 17

Lot 17

Arthurcreek Candy Crush-ET 3135299687 tr tc tl td 100%RHA Born: September 8, 2017 #1256

Nathan Arthur Sumner, IA 563/579-5342

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1882g pta -14M +29f +4P 99%R 12/2017 pta +45NM +.11%F +.02%P 49%us pta -.6PL 3.05scs -3.2dpr 9.7%dce pta +3.62T +2.47udc +2.66flc 99%R 12/2017

Arthurcreek Shottle Candy 140630640 EX-90 EEEVV 6-10 2-03 2 305 27040 3-03 2 305 31970 4-06 2 305 25180 6-00 2 305 29430 LIFE 1424 128490

3.5 952 3.4 1086 3.8 955 3.4 1001 3.6 4607

2.9 786 2.9 921 3.0 765 2.9 842 2.9 3788

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1852g pta +1.76T +1.47udc +1.39flc 99%r 12/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM hd gtpi +1888g pta +468M +25f +10P 99%r 12/2017 pta +1.19t +.69udc +.39flc 99%R 12/2017 ms Premier Buckeye Claudia 64518578 VG-85 +V++V 3-10

2-03 2 305 21320 3-06 2 305 29650 4-11 2 305 25900 6-02 2 305 30680 LIFE 1700 138600


3.4 722 3.5 1033 3.2 836 2.8 870 3.4 4666

3.0 632 3.0 904 3.1 790 3.1 953 3.1 4325

3rd Dam: Premier-Sean Dundee Cupid (VG-87 2Y) 2-01 3 305 17470 3.2 560 3.4 599 4th Dam: Frozenes Durham Cookie-ET (VG-88) 4-06 2 355 31930 3.8 1214 2.9 935 Life: 1366 118040 3.7 4398 3.0 3547 5th Dam: Frozenes B&R Claudette (2E-94 EEEEE) 4-11 2 365 31570 4.2 1312 3.3 1044 Life: 111930 4.5 5045 3.3 3741 Nom. All-American 5 Year Old ‘03 Nom. All-American 4 Year Old ‘02 Res. Grand Champion MN State Fair ‘02 Grand Champion District 5 ‘02 & ‘04 11 Excellent or Very Good offspring 6th Dam: Frozenes Keep A Rockin (VG-87) 6-02 2 356 32410 4.3 1403 3.4 1102 Life: 161270 4.2 6822 3.4 5433 7th Dam: Frozenes Sexy Shelly (VG-89) 9-08 2 305 27020 3.9 1048 2.9 796 Life: 208020 3.6 7581 3.1 6469

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

EDG Magnus Prock 57309-ET (GP-82 DOM) Dam of Lot 18

Lot 18 Scott Courtney Ridgeway, IA 563/387-0035

EDG Jedi Prock 7302-ET 3136807302

99%RHA-I Born: August 4, 2016 gtpi +2597g pta +2326m +66f +72P 75%R 12/2017 pta +826NM -.07%F +.00%P pta +8.2PL 2.85scs +2.0dpr 5.7%dce pta +.93t +1.08udc +.29flc 75%R 12/2017 pta +191FE +2.3FI 7.9Tsce

Bred 9/1/2017 to TTM Modesty Victory-ET 3135762983 7H13716 Ultrasound Female S-S-I Montross Jedi-et 3123886035 99%RHA-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-91 EEEE 77K gtpi +2810g pta +2582M +70f +87P 80%r 12/2017 pta +901NM -.09%F +.03%P 100%us pta +8.6pl 2.97scs +3.3dpr 4.8%dce pta +1.95T +1.69udc +1.31flc 79%R 12/2017

EDG Magnus Prock 57309-ET 3010356053 GP-82 GVGFV DOM 3-04 2-05 3 305 24880 3.1 775 3.4 835

bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K Gtpi +2772g PTA +3024M +83f +89P 99%R 12/2017 s-s-i suprsire miri 8679-ET 3011538078 99%rha-I tr tp tl td VG-89 EEVVE DOM 4-05 140K gtpi +2630g 3-04 3 365 44540 3.5 1551 3.1 1360

regel altatoprock 69529159 tr tp tc ty tv tl td 50K GTPI +2420g pta +1206M +38f +36P 98%R 12/2017 pta +1.36T +1.71udc +.80flc 96%R 12/2017 SRP Magnus Zo13699-ET 70609573 EX-90 EE+EV DOM 5-02 3-08 3 305 37570 3.8 1411 3.3 1251


3rd Dam: SRP Dorcy Zo12297-ET (GP-83 DOM) 4th: Windsor-Manor Z Orchid-ET (VG-86 DOM) 3-00 2 365 29190 3.9 1132 3.3 966 Sons in A.I. and embryos exported 5th: Windsor-Manor Rud Zip (4E-95 EEEEE 4E GMD DOM) 6-10 2 365 36650 4.2 1540 3.3 1214 Life: 2468 203770 4.2 8620 3.5 7225 13 Excellent Offspring by 10 sires: 2@ EX-93; 2 @ EX-92 & 2 @ EX-91 6th Dam: Windsor-Manor Jolt Zippy (3E-90 EX-MS DOM) 7-07 2 361 34090 3.7 1255 2.9 987 Life: 2559 194060 3.8 7368 3.2 6234 7th: Windsor-Manor Che Zipper-ET (GP-83 VG-MS-3Y) 5-03 2 365 36410 3.1 1127 2.8 1029 Life: 1846 167380 3.2 5368 2.9 4907 8th Dam: Windsor-Manor Star Zara (2E-91 EX-MS GMD) 6-01 2 365 41590 3.5 1453 3.2 1315 Life: 2421 204030 3.7 7450 3.3 6657 9th: Windsor-Manor Melvin Zebra (VG-85 VG-MS) 3-08 2 365 27820 3.8 1050 3.3 907 10th Dam: Del-Myr Tony Zadie (VG-87) 2-03 2 365 23600 3.5 835 3.4 797 11th: Big-Sinks Jerry Zinna Addie (VG-85) 3-01 2 365 22650 3.0 673 3.1 710 12th Dam: Big-Sinks Elevation Maym Zinna (2E-90 GMD) Life: 3508 241760 3.3 7868 13th Dam: Big-Sinks Bootmaker Ariel Maym (VG-85 GMD) 4-00 2 365 23510 3.5 812 14th Dam: Emperor Alice Ariel (VG-85 GMD) Life 2754 169080 3.6 6155

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET (EX-90) 3rd Dam of Lot 19

Lot 19 James Martin Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651

Simple-Dreams 54983R320 3133737652

99%RHA-I Born: March 21, 2017 #320 GTPI +2695G PTA +1141M +76F +54P 78%R 2/2018 PTA +857NM +.13%F +.07%P PTA +9.3PL 2.95SCS +2.4DPR 4.2%DCE PTA +2.10T +1.56UDC +1.26FLC 76%R 2/2018 PTA +176FE +3.2FI 6.2TSCE

S-S-I STERLING DAMaRIS-ET 3011538150 99%RHA TR TP TY TV TL TD 77KGTPI +2487G PTA +1255M+43F +45P 99%R 12/2017 PTA +708NM -.01%F +.03%P 100%US PTA +9.6PL 2.90SCS +2.3DPR 6.3%DCE PTA +1.59T +1.45UDC +1.77FLC 94%R 12/2017

EDG 2259 King 54983-ET 3010353730 99%rha-I tr tp tl td 12K gtpi +2544g

SANDY-VALLEY STERLING-ET 69701759 TR TP TY TV TL TD EX-90 EEVV 6-04 50k gtpi +2445g pta +2.04t +1.25udc +1.58flc 98%R 12/2017 s-s-i bookem damaris7288-ET 3008328686 99%rha-I VG-87 VV+VV DOM 5-08

3-11 3 365 39660 4.0 1576 3.1 1241 LIFE 1522 146160 3.7 5463 3.3 4808

Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-92 EEVE 4-08 77k GTPI +2552g pta +3.25T +2.65udc +1.26flc 99%R 12/2017 edg ruby earn 2259-ET 72437806 77K gtpi +2399g 19

3rd Dam: Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 305 29450 3.2 950 3.1 916 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire (VG-87 GMD) 2-00 2 365 39130 3.3 1301 2.8 1101 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 2-02 2 365 44790 3.6 1607 2.7 1209 Life: 1183 136150 3.6 4922 2.8 3834 6th Dam: Sandy-Valley Forbid Sully (VG-87 VG-MS GMD) 2-*03 2 365 35110 3.7 1310 3.1 1095 7th Dam: Orthoapple Marshall Alia-ET (VG-89 VG-MS GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 36210 4.4 1605 3.2 1154 8th Dam; Regancrest-JB Tatum-ET (VG-87 VG-MS DOM 2Y) 2-04 3 365 32682 3.6 1163 3.2 1059 Dam of Sandy-Valley Talent-ET 9th Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della (EX-90 VEVEE GMD DOM) 5-11 2 365 35510 3.5 1234 3.2 1134 Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2006 10th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM 2*) 7-06 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 Life: 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 32 EX & 49 VG offspring 11th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-09 2 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Jimtown Champion Nominee-ET (2E-91 EX-MS) Same Family as Lot 20

Lot 20 Eric Lang Brooklyn IA 641/990-6977

jimtown Nyna W527-ET 3147224058

99%RHA-I Born: November 3, 2017 GTPI +2765G PTA +1820M +80F +67P 75%R 2/2018 PTA +807NM +.05%F +.04%P PTA +5.7PL 2.89SCS +1.4DPR 4.5%DCE PTA +2.87T +2.94UDC +1.35FLC 74%R 2/2018 PTA +192FE +2.0FI 7.8%SCE

plain-Knoll king royal-et 74564764 99%rha-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2723g pta +1103M +79f +54P 80%R 12/2017 pta +770NM +.14%f +.07%P 100%us pta +5.5PL 2.85scs +1.2dpr 4.8%dce pta +3.20t +2.81udc +1.91flc 79%R 12/2017

Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-92 EEVE 4-08 77k GTPI +2552g pta +3.25T +2.65udc +1.26flc 99%R 12/2017

JIMTOWN MONTROSS NYNA 3131981549 TR TC TY TV TK TD 140K GTPI +2686g pta +2649M +86F +81P 79%R 12/2017 pta +807NM -.04Tf +.00%P pta +5.2PL 3.05scs +.6dpr 4.9%dce pta +2.29T +1.91udc +1.02flc 79%R 12/2017

bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K Gtpi +2772g PTA +3024M +83f +89P 99%R 12/2017

plain-Knoll Mogul Mariah 72190592 VG-88 VEVVV DOM 3-11 2-01 3 305 31200 3.2 1007 3.2 1014

jimtown ss narcy 71837416 tl td GP-84 ++++V 2-06 9K GTPI +2316g 1-11 2 333 27070 4.0 1091 3.2 873


3rd Dam: Jimtown Alex Narcisa-ET (VG-86) 2-02 2 365 25030 4.3 1082 3.3 826 4th Dam: Jimtown Natasha Nessa-ET (2E-91 EX-MS) 4-02 2 359 32050 3.6 1153 2.9 943 Life: 2126 169410 3.8 6380 3.0 5043 Maternal Sister: Jimtown Champion Nominee-ET (2E-91 EX-MS) 7-08 2 334 35200 3.9 1364 3.2 1117 Life: 2456 222720 4.1 9078 3.2 7109 5th Dam: Ronland Nita Merv Natasha (3E-92 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-05 2 365 41610 4.0 1673 3.2 1342 Life: 2288 201720 3.9 7930 3.3 6664 6th Dam: Clay-Bern Commotion Nita (VG-87 VEEVV GMD DOM) 2-11 2 365 40 60 3.5 1465 3.4 1393 7th Dam: Clay-Bern Black Star Pet-ET (VG-89 VG-MS) 4-03 2 365 30060 3.9 1164 3.3 996 8th Dam: Clay-Bern Valiant Peponita (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 3-11 2 365 21340 4.4 949 3.5 742 9th Dam: Clay-Bern Bell Lula (2E-90 EEEV DOM) 4-06 2 365 28000 3.8 1053 3.1 856 Life: 1934 131900 3.7 4853 3.1 4062 10th Dam: Clay-Bern Pete Pet (EX-91 DOM)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Peak Oakley-ET (GP-84 2Y) Dam of Lot 21

Lot 21 Peak Genetics Watertown, WI 507/923-1881 Scott Culbertson, Sale Manager

Peak Oakley Smuri 20637-ET 3142181251

99%RHA-I Born: October 7, 2017 #20637 gtpi +2751G pta +1939M +93f +68P 75%R 2/2018 pta +926NM +.08%f +.04%P pta +8.1PL 2.86scs +1.2dpr 3.9%dce pta +1.85T +1.46udc +.78flc 75%R 2/2018 pta +214fe +2.2fi 6.8%sce Sells in Absentia - Housed at Gen Start, Trempelua, WI

OCD SPRING SAMURI-ET 3133106322 99%RHA-I TR TP TC TY TV TL TD 140K GTPI +2740G PTA +1159M +88F +56P 79%R 12/2017 PTA +865NM +.16%F +.07%P 100%US PTA +7.7PL 2.85SCS +3.5DPR 4.8%DCE PTA +1.59T +1.92UDC +.84FLC 78%R 12/2017

WESTERNRADE ALTASPRING 949033666NLD 99%RHA-I TR TP TC TY TV TL TD 77K GTPI +2562G PTA +1058M +67F +46P 98%R 12/2017

peak oakley-et 3129016438 99%RHA-I tc ty tv tl td GP-84 VE+++ 2-06 77K GTPI +2587g pta +1991m +79f +72P 81%R 12/2017 pta +817NM +.02%f +.04%P pta +7.3Pl 2.82scs +.4dpr 4.8%dce pta +1.25t +.69udc +.79flc 82%R 12/2017

cogent Supershot 755898903nld 77K GTPI +2552G pta +2246M +48f +68P 98%R 12/2017 pta +1.34t +.94udc +.73flc 97%R 12/2017

2-03 2 244 21890 3.9 850 3.3 725 February test milking 78lbs. 4.1F 3.8P

OCD SUPERSIRE 9882-ET 3011890130 VG-86 VV++V 2-10 2-01 3 365 31870 4.1 1310 3.2 1023

farnear-tbr-bh caite-et 71290985 99%rha-I ty tv tl td VG-85 VV++V 2-03 2-02 2 365 29350 4.2 1240 3.4 986


3rd Dam: Larcrest Case-ETS (VG-86 DOM) 2-06 2 365 37550 3.7 1398 3.6 1361 4th Dam: Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 36060 4.7 1710 3.7 1351 5th Dam: Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 2 365 30930 4.1 1261 3.6 1119 Bulls & Embryos sold Worldwide 6th: Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 29110 4.5 1322 3.7 1077 7th Dam: Larcrest Juror Chanel (3E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 9-00 2 365 48460 4.0 1943 3.4 1648 Over 250,000 Lifetime 8th Dam: Larcrest Lindy Chandra (VG-85) 2-05 2 365 20896 4.8 993 3.8 803 9th Dam: Larcrest Inspiration Carly (VG-87 EEVVV) 3-05 2 305 21800 4.5 973 3.3 802

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Aurora O Borealis-ET (GTPI +2734G) Dam of Lot 22

Lot 22 Peak Genetics Watertown, WI 507/923-1881 Scott Culbertson, Sale Manager

Peak Brls Imax 80843-ET 3147839895

99%RHA-I Born: November 23, 2017 #80843 GTPI +2771G PTA +1906M +104F +64P 75%R 2/2018 PTA +891NM +.12%F +.03%P PTA +6.4PL 2.97SCS +2.1DPR 3.8%DCE PTA +2.13T +2.17UDC +1.77FLC 73%R 2/2018 PTA +217FE +1.8FI 6.2%SCE Sells in Absentia - Housed at Gen Start, Trempelua, WI

SILVERRIDGE V IMAX-ET 12264620C TR TP TY TV TL TD 140K GTPI +2757G PTA +1704M +83F +54P 79%R 12/2017 PTA +858NM +.07%F +.01%P 100%US PTA +7.1PL 2.92SCS +2.3DPR 3.1%DCE PTA +2.41T +2.83UDC +1.75FLC 78%R 12/2017

aurora o borealis-et 3134762762 99%rha-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td 140K GTPI +2734g pta +2001M +77f +62P 79%R 12/2017 pta +853NM +.01%f +.00%P pta +7.8PL 2.66scs +2.1dpr 5.2%dce pta +2.27t +2.37udc +1.98flc 77%R 12/2017 Due 6/5/2018 and is very impressive!

WESTERNRADE ALTASPRING 949033666NLD 99%RHA-I TR TP TC TY TV TL TD 77K GTPI +2562G PTA +1058M +67F +46P 98%R 12/2017 PTA +2.09T +3.11UDC +1.78FLC 96%R 12/2017 SILVERRIDGE V MOGUL EVON-ET 11638915C CAN VG-87 2Y 2-04 2 365 33199 4.4 1451 3.3 1107

Ladys-Manor Octoberfest-et 3013129308 tr tp ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2503g pta +1841M +61f +53P 92%R 12/2017 aurora mogul 13580-ET 72207815 tl td EX-90 EEEVV 4-11 77K gtpi +2448g 2-00 3 365 36710 4.1 1491 3.0 1107 3-03 3 365 49380 4.4 2154 2.9 1446


3rd Dam: Aurora Garrett 11390-ET (GP-82 DOM) 2-00 3 365 33350 4.1 1367 3.0 996 4th Dam: Aurora Shottle 7407-ET (EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-06 3 365 38790 4.0 1555 2.9 1123 Life: 1331 134530 4.0 5323 2.9 3865 5th Dam: Aurora Marshall 4801 (VG-85 GMD DOM) 2-10 2 1152 47910 3.6 1736 2.9 1396 Life: 1152 121770 3.9 4698 3.1 3753 6th Dam: Aurora Winchester 3806 (VG-86) 2-00 3 365 40240 3.7 1495 2.9 1165 Life: 1954 194990 3.9 7511 3.1 5954

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Peak Exotic Dancer-ET (GTPI +2688g) Dam of Lot 23

Miller-FF SSire Exotic-ET (VG-86 2Y) 2nd Dam of Lot 23

Lot 23 Peak Genetics Watertown, WI 507/923-1881 Scott Culbertson, Sale Manager

Peak Dancer Eldrdo 61153-ET 3147840105

99%RHA-I Born: December 6, 2017 #61153-ET GTPI +2810G pta +1407M +74f +47P 75%R 2/2018 pta +872NM +.08%f +.01%P pta +9.2PL 2.69scs +3.8dpr 3.9%dce pta +2.80t +3.08udc +1.88flc 74%R 2/2018 pta +141FE +3.6fi 7.2%sce Sells in Absentia - Housed at Gen Start, Trempelua, WI

dg Albero Eldorado 736800220 ty tv tl 140k gtpi +2709g pta +2245m +88f +75P 78%R 12/2017 pta +847NM +.02%f +.02%P 100%us pta +6.3PL 3.01scs +1.9dpr 4.2%dce pta +1.87T +1.65udc +1.29flc 78%R 12/2017

peak exotic dancer-eT 3128365053 99%rha-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td 140K gtpi +2688G pta +572m +78f +29P 79%R 12/2017 pta +774NM +.21%f +.04%P pta +8.1PL 2.71scs +3.6dpr 4.2%dce pta +2.48T +2.77udc +1.64flc 79%R 12/2017 2-05 2 81

5539 4.8 256 3.2 184 (RIP)

bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-92 EEVE 4-08 GM 140K Gtpi +2772g PTA +3024M +83f +89P 99%R 12/2017 all nure supersire eleonor-et 33990320525NLd 6K gtpi +2382G westernrade altaspring 949033666 99%rha-I tr tp tc ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2562g pta +2.09t +3.11udc +1.78flc 96%R 12/2017 miller-ff ssire exotic-et 72186138 tc ty tv tl td VG-86 VVV+V DOM 2-04 77K gtpi +2524G 2-02 2 365 27100 4.5 1211 3.4 913


3rd Dam: Nova Shottle Evelyn-ET (VG-87 DOM) 2-00 2 365 34290 4.6 1566 3.7 1265 4th Dam: Nova-TMJ Golden Edie-ETS (VG-87 VVVVV DOM) 2-04 2 365 30230 4.8 1445 3.4 1037 5th Dam: UFM-Dubs Eroy (VG-87 GMD DOM) 4-06 2 365 40331 4.0 1789 3.0 1239 Life: 1589 129380 4.4 5738 3.3 4298 6th Dam: UFM-Dubs Sam Erin (EX-90 EEVVE 2E GMD DOM) 4-02 2 365 39450 4.1 1631 3.1 1219 LIFE 1282 106440 4.3 4526 3.2 3424 7th Dam: UFM-Dubs Patron Ellen (EX-90 EEEEV) 2-11 2 365 26330 4.2 1106 3.1 828 8th Dam: UFM Antci Bell (VG-87 VEVVV) 4-00 2 365 29120 3.6 1060 3.2 928 9th Dam: UFM Jax Antci (VG-85 GMD DOM) 4-01 2 305 27360 3.7 1012 3.0 832 Life: 1839 138700 3.8 5237 3.0 4164

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Ernest-Anthony Aphrodite-ET (2E-95 EEEEE) Dam of Lot 24

Lot 24 Caleb Norton Tipton, IA 563/732-2897

Cloverhill atwood astra-et 3135218555 100%RHA Born: September 13, 2015 #219

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1882g pta -14M +29f +4P 99%R 12/2017 pta +3.62T +2.47udc +2.66flc 99%R 12/2017 Ernest-Anthony Aphrodite-et 134318321 EX-95 EEEEE 2E 6-10

6-08 2 365 40370 4.0 1617 3.0 1207 LIFE 1591 154120 4.5 6972 3.2 4938

Sells Fresh Due 3/7/2018

Nominated All-American 125,000 lb Cow 2010 Member All-American Produce of Dam 2009 Member All-American Senior Best 3 Females 2009 Member Unanimous All-American Sr. Best 3 2007 Member Res. All-American Produce of Dam 2007 Full Sisters: EO Siemers Ashlyns Angel (2E-95) HM All-Canadian & HHM All-American Aged Cow 2010 Nom. All-American 4-Year-Old 2008 Res. AA Sr. 2-Year-Old 2006, AA Winter Yearling 2005 EK-Oseeana Ambrosia-ET (2E-95) Res. AA 4-Year-Old 2007, HM AA Jr. 3 Year-Old 2006 Res. All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old 2005 Kingsmill Ashlyns Audrey (2E-94) Nom. All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old 2010

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1852g pta +1.76T +1.47udc +1.39flc 99%r 12/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX HD GTPI +1439g Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET 17181481 EX-96 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 7-01

4-09 2 365 43090 4.8 2079 3.3 1422 LIFE 1374 14470 4.6 6665 3.4 4861

All Time All-American 4-Year-Old 2003 HHM All Time All-American Sr. 3-Yr.-Old 2003 All-American & All-Canadian 4-Year-Old 2001 Voted All-World by Holstein International 2001 WDE Supreme Champion 2001 Full Sister: Tri-Day Adeen-ET (2E-94) 4X All-American Winner Nom. All-Time AA Sr. 2Y & Sr. 3Y 24

Maternal Sisters to Lot 24: Ernest-Anthony Astoria-ET (EX-94) Sired by Goldwyn HM Sr. Champion NY Spring Int’l ‘14 Ernest-Anthony Acoustic-ET (EX-94) Sired by Goldwyn Ernest-Anthony Accolade-ET (EX-92) Sired by Goldwyn Ernest-Anthony Anastasia (EX-92) Sired by Morty Ernest-Anthony Aquarius (EX-92) Sired by Dundee Ernest-Anthony Astonish (EX-91) Sired by Goldwyn 3rd Dam: Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite (2E-92 EVEEE DOM) 6-01 2 337 22670 3.4 770 3.1 706 Res. All-American Produce 2000 4th Dam: Bendy-Brook Star Fonda (VG-86 VG-MS) 3-11 2 290 23390 3.5 826 3.1 724

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Welsh-Edge Gingerheart-ET (4E-92 EX-MS Dom) Same Family as Lot 25

Lot 25 J. Thomas Wiker Mineral Point, WI 608/319-1091

Misty-Manor B Harmony 3130963028 100%RHA Born: September 16, 2015 Sr. 2-Year-Old

Due 4/2018 to Val-Bisson Doorman-ET 107281711 200H6480

mye038 Buxton-ET 104875006c by tc tv tl CAN VG-85 5Y 50K gtpi +1852g pta +765M +25f +0P 99%R 12/2017 pta +92NM -.01%f -.09%P 75%us pta -1.4pl 2.76scs -1.9dpr 9.1Tdce pta +1.86T +2.44udc +1.44flc 97%R 12/2017

welsh-Edge Laurin Happy 69443872 VG-87 EE++V 5-02 2-05 2 305 21270 3.5 753 2.9 612 3-09 2 305 22700 3.5 802 2.9 654 4-11 2 305 30800 3.5 1073 2.9 881

SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET 131823833 TV TL EX-90 EE+V 5-11 GM gtpi +1898g pta +1264M +43f +31P 99%R 12/2017 pta +1.32t +1.49udc +.98flc 99%R 12/2017 regancrest brasilia-et 62496866 EX-92 EEEVE 2E DOM 6-05 2-03 3 365 33180 3.6 1186 2.8 926

Den-K Marshall LL Laurin 132480026 tr tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 5-07 50K GTPI +1499g pta +130M +17f +2P 99%r 12/2017 Welsh-Edge Norman hailey-eT 63635988 VG-85 +V++V 3-10

2-07 2 327 20380 3.2 652 2.9 596


Welsh-Edge Fever Huggable (EX-92) 3-03 2 365 42200 3.4 1419 3.3 1390 Life: 949 110630 3.3 3705 3.1 3480 All-American Winter Calf 2012 Res. All-Canadian Winter Calf 2012 All-American Winter Yearling 2013 Dam: Welsh-Edge Normanharmony-ET (EX-91 EX-MS) 4-06 2 305 27840 3.3 918 3.0 836 2nd Dam: Welsh-Edge Gingerheart-ET (4E-92 EX-MS DOM 12Y) 9-03 2 363 30630 3.4 1030 3.0 926 Life: 2942 199720 3.5 6975 3.2 6376 11 Excellent daughters 3rd Dam: Welsh-Edge Leadman Ginger (4E-90) 4-04 2 305 33495 3.7 1224 3.0 1019 Life: 4539 316408 3.7 11657 3.2 8996 Dam of: Welsh-Edge Regency Girl (3E-91) 10-6 2 305 29500 4.0 1192 2.9 866 Life: 3422 241960 4.0 9575 3.1 7501 Welsh-Edge Jolt Gingerbread (2E-91) 6-05 2 305 25780 3.5 901 2.8 732 3rd Dam: Welsh-Edge Gingerheart-ET (4E-92 EX-MS DOM 12Y) 9-03 2 363 30630 3.4 1030 3.0 926 Life: 2942 199720 3.5 6975 3.2 6376 11 Excellent daughters 4th Dam: Welsh-Edge Leadman Ginger (4E-90) 4-04 2 305 33495 3.7 1224 3.0 1019 Life: 4539 316408 3.7 11657 3.2 8996 Dam of: Welsh-Edge Regency Girl (3E-91) 10-6 2 305 29500 4.0 1192 2.9 866 Life: 3422 241960 4.0 9575 3.1 7501 Welsh-Edge Jolt Gingerbread (2E-91) 6-05 2 305 25780 3.5 901 2.8 732

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Gibbs Atwood Swayna (VG-88) Dam of Lots 26 & 27

Lot 26

100%RHA Born: September 2, 2014 Sr. 3-Year-Old Acme X Swayna

Clayton Gibbs, Madison Gibbs and Dana Sickles Epworth, IA 563/542-4946

Lot 27

Sells Fresh Due Early March 2018

Gibbs Acme Season-ET 3013223532 2-04 2 305 22940 3.8 870 3.2 738 Proj. khw elm-Park Acme-et 61720218 rc ty tv tl td ex-90 Veee 2-11 gm 50k gtpi +1823G pta -373M +2f +7P 99%R 12/2017 pta +143NM +.06%f +.07%P 20%us pta +2.4PL 3.23scs +.1dpr 7.2%dce pta +1.50t +1.56udc +.19flc 99%R 12/2017

Gibbs Brokaw Black Secret 143776642

Bred 6/18/2017 to Maverick Crush 12042760 94HO17998 Sexed semen

100%RHA Born: March 4, 2016 2nd Spring Calf District 8 B&W Show ‘16 8th Spring Calf IA State Fair & State Show ‘16 Jr. 2-Year-Old Brokaw x Swayna

gibbs atwood swayna 141920045 tl td VG-88 EVVVV 3-04 1-11 2 295 24418 3.5 847 2.8 679 2-11 2 305 31000 3.6 1106 2.8 876 4-03 2 279 29860 3.8 1132 3.0 894

1st Spring Yearling National Cattle Congress ‘13 Jr. Champion National Cattle Congress ‘13 1st Spring Yearling Iowa State Fair ‘13 2nd & HM Jr. Champion Grand National Jr. Show ‘13 2nd & HM Jr. Champion Mid-East Fall National ‘13 Member Jr. Best 3 Cattle Congrees, IA State Fair ‘13 Member Jr. Best 3 Mideast Fall National ‘13

mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-07 50K gtpi +1928g pta -110M +22f +14P 99%R 12/2017 pta -4NM +.10%f +.06%P 62%us pta -3.1pl 3.19scs -.4dpr 7.6%dce pta +3.41T +2.41udc +1.27flc 99%R 12/2017 maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1882g pta +3.62T +2.47udc +2.66flc 99%R 12/2017 Gibbs Spirte Swayze-ET 140453788 VG-87 VVVVV 4-03 2-04 3-04 4-08 6-00

2 2 2 2

332 365 365 318

25047 29026 28166 23986


3.4 799 3.7 1036 2.9 802 3.1 744

3.1 3.1 2.8 2.9

704 889 786 701

3rd Dam: Gibbs-JD Linjet Tanya-ET (VG-87) 3-06 2 364 21070 4.0 841 3.1 647 4th Dam: Ms Gibbs JC Tanya (EX-94 EX-MS) 3-11 2 305 35030 4.3 1492 3.0 1049 Nom. Jr. All-American Jr 3Y 2000 Nom. Jr. All-American 4-Year-Old 2001 Grand Champion Iowa State Fair ‘01 2x Grand Champion Iowa State Jr. Show 5th Dam: Teddear Lenny Twister (EX-92 EX-MS) 2-06 2 365 19200 3.7 708 3.2 610 6th Dam: Teddear Vintage Tornado-TW (EX-90) 4-08 2 365 29430 4.0 1189 3.0 888 1st 5-Year Old Iowa District 8 Show ‘96 7th Dam: Teddear Happy Jewel Trina (4E-91) 4-01 2 305 16810 4.5 758 8th Dam: Teddear Astronaut Trina (4E-91 DOM) 11-11 2 305 21280 3.7 786 3.1 654 Life: 2392 137410 4.0 5520

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Morningview Shtl Lucy-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 3rd Dam of Lots 28 & 29

Lot 28 Tom Schmitt Durango, IA 563/552-2172 Sells Open Fresh 12/29/2017

Lot 29 Sells Open Fresh 11/21/2017

Morningview RBCN Lark-eT 3013278866 100%RHA Born: November 13, 2015 #929 30K GTPI +2480G PTA +1119M +66F +38P 78%R 12/2017 PTA +591NM +.09%F +.01%P PTA +4.7PL 2.90SCS +.9DPR 5.3%DCE PTA +2.69T +2.62UDC +2.05FLC 78%R 12/2017 PTA +121FE +1.1FI 7.0%SCE

2-01 2 56 4083 4.1 166 2.9 118 (RIP) Last Test Milking 96lbs . 3.2F 2.6P 18,000SCC

edg Rubicon-ET 72128125 tc ty tv tl td gm 77K gtpi +2799g pta +1317M +106F +49P 98%R 12/2017 PTA +920nm +.20%F +.03%P 94%us pta +7.7PL 2.84scs +2.5dpr 3.7%dce pta +1.95t +1.84udc +2.58flc 97%R 12/2017

Morningview Spring Gab-ET 3013278875 99%RHA Born: December 24, 2015 #938 30K gtpi +2360g

1-11 2 87 5654 4.6 261 3.7 209 (RIP) Milking 85lbs. 4.1F 3.0P 13,000 SCC

WESTERNRADE ALTASPRING 949033666NLD 99%RHA-I TR TP TC TY TV TL TD 77K GTPI +2562G PTA +1058M +67F +46P 98%R 12/2017 pta +656nm +.10%F +.05%P 81%us pta +5.0PL 3.07scs +1.8dpr 4.7%dce pta +2.09t +3.11udc +1.78flc 96%R 12/2017

Morningview Galaxy Lady 71505124 VG-88 VEV+E 4-09 GTPI +2256g 2-05 2 365 28920 4.5 1290 3.3 957 4-05 2 186 20190 4.4 888 3.2 643 (RIP)

De-su freddie galaxy-ET 69990052 tp tc ty tv tl td 50K gtpi +2165g pta +1.51T +1.69udc +.47flc 99%R 12/2017 Morningview GD Lindsay-eT 69791806 EX-91 VEEVE 2E 6-06 3K GTPI +2114G

2-03 2 365 27960 3-06 2 365 32770 4-10 2 365 32430 6-02 2 305 26220 LIFE 1588 131550


3.8 1066 3.8 1248 4.2 1361 3.9 1033 4.0 5226

3.1 880 3.2 1049 3.1 998 3.0 790 3.1 4140

3rd Dam: Morningview Shtl Lucy-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 6-11 2 365 42650 3.3 1407 2.8 1200 Life: 2036 182230 3.6 6543 3.1 5700 6-11 2 365 42650 3.3 1407 2.8 1200 Life: 2036 182230 3.6 6543 3.1 5700 4th Dam: Morningview Oman Libby-ET (VG-86 DOM) 4-00 2 365 36980 4.4 1632 3.7 1365 Life: 2390 188800 4.5 8416 3.7 7009 5th Dam: Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae-ET (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 3 365 29760 4.3 1294 3.4 1026 Nom. Int’l Cow of the Year 2009 6th Dam: Wauregan Maebell-ET (2E-91 GMD DOM) 2-06 3 365 36440 4.1 1493 3.6 1306 7th Dam: Whittier-Farms Lead Mae-ET (EX-95 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM) 8-07 3 357 41270 4.8 1962 3.5 1440 Life: 1613 126960 4.3 5473 3.6 4597 8th Dam: Raymau Bstar Monica (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 146 12280 3.8 471 3.3 405 9th Dam: Juniper Jason Maria (VG-86-3Y) 2-03 2 365 20260 4.3 869 3.6 736 10th Dam: JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie (EX-91-7Y GMD DOM) 6-00 2 365 35540 4.1 1442 3.3 1186 Life: 4Lact 1119919 4.2 5002 3.6 4281 11th: La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie (VG-87-5Y GMD DOM) 7-03 2 322 23781 3.7 888 3.2 769 Life: 8 Lact 166090 3.5 5732 3.2 2853 12th: La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally (VG-85) 5-10 2 365 24449 4.1 1010 Life: 105371 3.8 3995 13th: La-Ko-Lnd Monitor Nancy (EX-90)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Milksource Gldndrm Asset All-American Fall Calf 2017 Same Sire as Lot 30

Lot 30

Jzm gold Dreams Sallie-TW 3133742890 98%RHA Born: November 24, 2015

James Martin Lime Springs, IA 563/547-3651

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K GTPI +1805g pta -1181M -6f -26P 98%R 12/2017 pta -7NM +.15%f +.04%P 14%us pta +.0PL 2.66scs +1.2dpr 6.7%dce pta +2.37t +2.64udc +1.36flc 98%R 12/2017

Jzm challenger sammy 383 69189874 96%rha EX-93 EEEEE 2E 6-03

1-11 2 281 17210 2-10 2 339 27090 4-10 3 278 30280 5-10 3 326 35790 LIFE 1224 110370

4.1 709 3.5 951 4.2 1279 3.9 1409 3.9 4348

3.2 557 3.1 842 3.1 933 3.0 1078 3.1 3410

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1852g pta +1.76T +1.47udc +1.39flc 99%r 12/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

jzm champion challenger-TW 62216719 GP-83 VVGG 5-11 50K gtpi +1357g pta +742M -12f +16P 95%R 12/2017 jzm warrior sarah 138283159 Ex-90 EEFVE 8-10

4-02 2 319 35190 5-03 2 301 34870 7-03 2 332 39750 8-04 2 305 37640 9-09 2 296 31210 LIFE 2003 225210


3.4 1189 3.9 1365 3.7 1488 2.9 1106 3.3 1035 3.5 7804

2.9 1023 2.8 991 2.8 1128 2.7 1016 2.8 864 2.8 6389

Sells Fresh

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Co-Vale Dempsy Dina 4270-ET (EX-95) Same Sire as Lot 31

Lot 31

Starmont Dempsey Lucille 72990504 100%RHA Born: December 28, 2013 Luc 1771 GP-84 V++++ 3-05

2-03 2 305 20360 4.3 876 3.1 628 3-09 2 120 9810 4.4 428 3.2 315 (RIP) Last Test Milking 90Lbs. 4.5F 3.2P 120K SCC

Starmont Holsteins Aurora, IA 319/634-3383

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 tr cd tp ty tv tl td VG-88 EE++ 9-09 50K gtpi +1903g pta -429M +13f +7P 99%R 12/2017 pta +98NM +.11%f +.08%P 24%us pta -1.1pl 2.63scs -1.2dpr 6.3%dce pta +2.35t +1.81udc +1.54flc 99%R 12/2017

Starmont Lyster Vivian 134647391 VG-87 VVVVV 5-04 1-11 2 346 26590 2-11 2 329 23920 4-01 2 303 24440 5-00 2 345 25120 6-04 2 305 26650 8-00 2 284 27960 8-11 2 364 36140 10-01 2 305 29950 LIFE 3007 251900

Co-Vale Dempsy Dina 4270-ET (EX-95) 1st & Best Udder 4-Year-Old, Grand Champion & Reserve Supreme Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show 2017 Unanimous All-Canadian 4-Year-Old 2017 1st & Best Udder 4-Year-Old, Res. Sr. Champion & Reserve Grand International Holstein Show 2017 Unanimous All-American 4Y 2017 Unanimous All-American Sr. 2Y 2015 Intermediate Champion, RAWF 2015 1st Sr. 2Y Int’l Holstein Show 2015 Unanimous All-Canadian Sr. 2Y 2015 1st Senior Two Year Old &

3.9 1045 3.8 918 3.5 848 3.4 855 3.2 848 3.6 1001 3.4 1225 3.9 1183 3.6 9092

2.8 737 2.9 684 2.8 679 2.8 713 2.7 708 2.7 749 2.7 990 2.8 838 2.8 7081

Bred 1/31/2018 to Horstyle Moscow Montney 139324600 7H10429

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1852g pta +1.76T +1.47udc +1.39flc 99%r 12/2017 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

tcet Lyster 6487689c tv tl HD GTPI +1172g starmont eland Sheena 132018805 VG-88 VEVVV 6-02 1-11 2 365 27050 4.4 1180 2.9 794 3-05 2 365 28130 4.2 1194 3.0 847 4-09 2 280 20610 3.9 814 2.9 590 5-09 2 327 26970 4.0 1069 2.8 759 6-10 2 277 22760 3.7 853 2.7 624 7-09 2 305 26740 4.2 1113 2.8 760 9-00 2 321 30540 4.4 1350 2.7 839 10-0 2 322 29610 4.0 1199 2.8 828 11-01 2 305 30250 3.7 1105 2.8 845 12-9 2 305 22370 4.4 986 2.9 652 14-4 2 305 27570 5.6 1537 2.8 772 1st Nat’l Fat & 1st IA Milk LIFE 4001 323600 4.3 13769 2.9 9275


3rd Dam: Starmont Leader Jeanna (VG-85) 5-10 2 365 33610 3.3 1123 2.9 991 Life: 1270 108330 3.8 4100 2.9 3132

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

3rd Dam: S-S-I Shamrock Mesa 7388-ET (VG-87) Sells as Lot 32 3-05 3 35000 3.5 1223 3.0 1054 4th Dam: Roylane Shot Mindy 2079-ET Triplecrown Delta 26-ET (VG-86 DOM) 3128165129 2-02 2 305 28730 4.4 1263 3.4 967 100%RHA Born: January 20, 2015 Progenesis LP 5th Dam: VG-85 +VVVVV 2-10 140K gtpi +2757g Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET Guelp, Ont. Canada pta +1800M +73f +53P 80%r 12/2017 (VG-86 DOM) 519/270-3324 pta +910nm +.02%f -.01%P 3-00 2 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 pta +10.2PL 2.73scs +3.8dpr 5.5%dce Bred 11/22/2017 to 6th Dam: pta +1.84T +2.31udc +1.49flc 79%R 12/2017 Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET Westcoast Guarantee-ET 2-01 2 348 12169 4.1 504 3.3 397 (Inc) (EX-90 VEVVE DOM) 12371147 200HO10836 Last Test Milking 74lbs. 4.3F 3.3P 87SCS 3-06 3 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 Ultrasound Female! Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 7th Dam: Lynmead Cleitus Minnow-ET tr TP tv tl ty td mr mogul delta 1427-ET 72128216 (2E-91 EEEVV GMD DOM) EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2503g TC tv tl ty td pta +2.20t +3.09udc +2.29flc 99%R 12/2017 4-10 3 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 GM 77K GTpi +2839G 7-00 3 365 47140 3.5 1637 3.1 1479 PTA +1777M +90F +55P 99%R 12/2017 miss ocd robst delicious-ET 3006989479 Life: 2626 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 PTA +1.95T +2.62UDC +1.41FLC 99%R 12/2017 VG-87 +EV+V DOM 3-05 8th Dam: 2-05 2 305 25780 3.5 908 3.1 793 CMV Belwood Mindy-ET Seagull-Bay Platinum-ETS 70640250 (VG-85 GMD DOM) 4-01 2 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 tr tp ty tv tl td VG-88 VEVV 4-02 50K gtpi +2316G 9th Dam: pta +1411M +52f +51P 99%R 12/2017 Briarpatch-R Misty-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) s-s-i shamrock mesa 7388-ET 3008328786 10th Dam: VG-87 VVE+V DOM 5-06 Rilara Mars Las Ravena s-s-i Platinm mason 9024-ET 3012130293 1-11 3 305 25280 4.0 1022 3.1 786 (EX-91 GMD DOM) VG-86 V++VE 3-00 GTPI +2346g 3-05 3 305 35000 3.5 1223 3.0 1054 4-03 2 305 29030 4.6 1329 2-04 3 305 27350 3.9 1076 3.2 884 4-09 3 322 37080 3.5 1286 3.0 1116 11th Dam: LIFE 1249 124030 3.7 4546 3.1 3812 Rag Apple Locust-Grove Charm Maternal Sister: (VG-86 GMD DOM) S-S-I Uno Mara 8395-ET (VG-86 DOM 2Y) 5-02 2 26321 3.6 948 3-04 3 304 27750 4.3 1204 3.4 952

Triplecrown Delta 26-ET (VG-85 2Y GTPI +2757G)

Lot 32


Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Ernest-Anthony Aquarius-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 3rd Dam of Lot 33

Lot 33 Caleb Norton Timton, IA 563/732-2897

Pine-Tree Sid-ET 62175895 Tr tp ty tl td CAN VG-86 2Y ST 50K GTPI +1593g pta -397M +4f -6P 99%R 12/2017 pta -79NM +.07%F +.02%P 16%us pta -2.4pl 2.92scs -3.7dpr 6.8%dce pta +2.2T +1.82udc -.20flc 99%R 12/2017

cloverhillfm snz aurelia-et 72514321 VG-88 EEVVV 4-02 2-06 2 305 22370 3.2 720 2.9 648 3-08 2 305 24540 3.3 804 3.0 727

Cloverhill Sid Arugula 3135218558 100%RHA Born: October 2, 2015

regancrest-Mr Drham sam-et 207184639 TR tv tl GM HD 50K GTPI +1513g pta +.50t +.59udc +1.17flc 99%R 12/2017 Pine-Tree Finley Minnie-eT 61733050 EX-90 VVEVE DOM 6-11 4-09 2 305 26120 3.5 911 3.0 786

Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR tp ty tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 6-07 HD GTPI +1540g pta +1.96t +.81udc +1.46flc 99%R 12/2017 CloverhillFM Atwd Aurora-eT 68859011 EX-93 EEEEE 2E 6-04 2-06 2 305 26940 3-07 2 305 31370 5-07 2 305 27480 LIFE 1262 109060


3.2 875 3.1 965 3.1 844 3.2 3520

3.0 815 3.1 972 2.8 777 3.0 3320

Sells Fresh 1/17/2018 3rd Dam: Ernest-Anthony Aquarius-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 3-10 2 305 28210 3.4 969 2.9 823 4th Dam:Ernest-Anthony Aphrodite-ET (2E-95 EEEEE) 6-08 2 365 40370 4.0 1617 3.0 1207 Life: 1591 154120 4.5 6972 3.2 4938 Nom. All-American 125,000 lb 2010 Member All-American Produce 2009 Member All-American Sr. Best 3 2009 Member Unanimous AA Sr. Best 3 2007 Member Res. All-American Produce 2007 5th Dam: Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET (2E-96 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 43090 4.8 2079 3.5 1503 Life: 1374 144770 4.6 6665 3.5 5135 All Time All-American 4-Year-Old ‘03 HHM All Time All-American Sr. 3Y ‘03 All-American & All-Canadian 4Y ‘01 Voted All-World by Holstein Int’l ‘01 WDE Supreme Champion ‘01 Full Sister: Tri-Day Adeen-ET (2E-94) 4X All-American Winner Nom. All-Time AA Sr. 2Y & Sr. 3Y 6th: Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite (2E-92 EVEEE DOM) 6-01 2 337 22670 3.4 770 3.1 706 Res. All-American Produce 2000 7th Dam: Bendy-Brook Star Fonda (VG-86 VG-MS) 3-11 2 290 23390 3.5 826 3.1 724

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Valleyville Lheros Mada-ET (EX-92 EX-MS) 3rd Dam of Lot 34

Lot 34 Alexis Costello c/o Tim Costello Cedar Rapids, IA 319/540-0084

mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-07 50K gtpi +1928g pta -110M +22f +14P 99%R 12/2017 pta -4NM +.10%f +.06%P 62%us pta -3.1pl 3.19scs -.4dpr 7.6%dce pta +3.41T +2.41udc +1.27flc 99%R 12/2017

cost goldchip munich-et 142888889 G-76 f+ff+g 2-07

Cost Brokaw Mindy 143998422 100%RHA Born: June 17, 2016

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1882g pta +3.62T +2.47udc +2.66flc 99%R 12/2017 regancrest Mac Bikasa-ET63606799 VG-87 VVVVV GMD 2-10 2-02 2 365 29240 3.9 1144 3.1 912

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-94 EEVE 6-00 50K gtpi +1832g pta +2.36T +2.19udc +1.88flc 99%R 12/2017 Duckett-SR Alex Melody-et 70292608 VG-88 VVVVE 3-09


Due 6/1/2018 to CarpJ Brokasa Delight 3129040531 507HO12922 Sexed semen

3rd Dam: Valleyville Lheros Mada-ET (EX-92 EX-MS) 4-04 2 365 26980 3.7 1005 3.0 814 Res. Inter. Champion Atlantic Summer ‘09 HM Grand Atlantic Summer Show ‘09 1st Jr. 3-Year-Old Atlantic Summer ‘09 3rd Jr. 2-Year-Old Atlantic Summer ‘08 4th Dam: Valleyville Integrity Brenna (CAN EX-90 2E 11*) 4-07 2 319 23068 5.0 1161 3.0 698 5th Dam: Valleyville Lisa Jet (CAN VG-88 6Y 17*) 4-06 2 305 25860 3.6 922 3.1 800 6th Dam: Valleyville Gaye (CAN GP) 7th Dam: Valleyville Betsy (CAN GP) 8th Dam: Valleyville Donness (CAN GP) 9th Dam: Valleyville Bonnie Pauline (CAN VG)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Morningview Fnly Mikki-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4th Dam of Lot 35

Morningview Shot Mason-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 3rd Dam of Lot 35

Lot 35

Morningview Bstfl Babs-ET 301278856

Tom Schmitt Durango, IA 563/552-2172

100%RHA Born: July 3, 2015 #919 13K GTPI +2321G

First Test Milking 87lbs. 3.7F 2.9P 54,000SCS

Sells Open, Fresh 1/20/2018 bryceholme SS Boastful-eT 11857447c tc ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2475g pta +337M +63f +36P 92%R 12/2017 pta +692NM +.18%F +.09%P 80%us pta +6.6PL 2.72Scs +2.7dpr 3.5%dce pta +1.35T +1.74udc +.32flc 86%R 12/2017

morningview Mogul Marta-eT 71505231 VG-87 VV++V 4-06 77K gtpi +2355g 2-02 2 365 28560 4.1 1162 3.1 896 3-07 2 305 30900 4.2 1284 3.0 940

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2607G PTA +2070M +101F +65F 99%R 12/2017 marbri Oman oman bea-et 10847038c CAN EX-90 6Y 2*

5-09 2 365 40013 4.1 1631 3.1 1250 LIFE 151663 4.0 6036 3.3 4989

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2503g pta +2.20t +3.09udc +2.29flc 99%R 12/2017 Morningveiw Obsvr Mars-eT 69791825 VG-87 VVV+V 5-02 2-05 2 343 23590 4.3 1007 3.3 779 3-06 2 339 21860 4.2 922 3.5 756 4-07 2 365 29390 3.9 1156 3.2 944


3rd Dam: Morningview Shot Mason-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) 5-02 2 342 33700 3.9 1308 3.1 1061 Life: 1199 101880 4.3 4396 3.4 3472 4th Dam: Morningview Fnly Mikki-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 38590 3.3 1277 3.1 1185 Life: 1331 127470 3.4 4383 3.1 3938 5th Dam: Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae-ET (VG-87 VVVVV GMD DOM) 2-04 3 365 29760 4.3 1294 3.4 1026 Nom. International Cow of the Year ‘09 6th Dam: Wauregan Maebell-ET (2E-91 GMD DOM) 2-06 3 365 36440 4.1 1493 3.6 1306 7th Dam: Whittier-Farms Lead Mae-ET (EX-95 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM) 8-07 3 357 41270 4.8 1962 3.5 1440 Life: 1613 126960 4.3 5473 3.6 4597 8th Dam: Raymau Bstar Monica (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 146 12280 3.8 471 3.3 405 9th Dam: Juniper Jason Maria (VG-86-3Y) 2-03 2 365 20260 4.3 869 3.6 736 10th: JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie (EX-91-7Y GMD DOM) 6-00 2 365 35540 4.1 1442 3.3 1186 Life: 4 Lact 111991 4.2 5002 3.6 4281 11th: La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie (VG-87-5Y GMD DOM) 7-03 2 322 23781 3.7 888 3.2 769 Life: 8 Lact 166090 3.5 5732 3.2 2853 12th: La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally (VG-85) 5-10 2 365 24449 4.1 1010 Life: 105371 3.8 3995 13th: La-Ko-Lnd Monitor Nancy (EX-90)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Moondale RM Patty (EX-91 EX-MS) 3rd Dam of Lot 36

Lot 36 Dan Moon Monona, IA 563/539-4562

Moondale Sid Paisley 143858144 100%RHA Born: July 15, 2015

Bred 8/12/2017 to Walnutlawn Solomon-ET 1775998 200H10146

Walnutlawn Solomon-et 1775998c 99%rha tr tv tl ty td 77K GTPI +2015g pta -67M +18f +6P 80%R 12/2017 pta +101NM +.08%f +.03%P 100%us pta -1.1PL 2.89scs +.3dpr 6.1%dce pta +3.76t +2.45udc +1.53flc 80%R 12/2017

Moondale S Pretzel 56649072 VG-87 VE+V+ 4-10

2-11 2 365 22100 3.6 806 3.0 670 4-06 2 240 19220 3.3 639 2.6 508

Val-Bisson Doorman-ET 107281711c 99%Rha-I tr tv tl ty td CAN EX-90 50K gtpi +77K gtpi +2335g pta +3.62t +2.45udc +1.79flc 99%R 12/2017 misty Springs Lavanguard Sue 9979603c CAN VG-89 4Y 4-03 2 365 30123 4.6 1380 3.0 910

Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR tp ty tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 6-07 HD GTPI +1540g pta +1.96t +.81udc +1.46flc 99%R 12/2017 moondale durham patzi-et 53578560 EX-90 EEEVE 4-03 2-04 2 365 20960 4.2 876 3.3 683 3-08 2 365 26020 4.1 1071 3.2 823


3rd Dam: Moondale RM Patty *RC (EX-91 EX-MS) 3-09 2 365 30170 3.9 1190 2.9 865 Nom. All-American Fall Yearling 2003 3rd Fall Yearling International Holstein Show ‘03 1st Fall Calf Midwest Spring National ‘02 4th Dam: Moondale Leader Pat (4E-94 EEEEE 12Y) 6-02 2 365 40690 5.3 2138 3.2 1310 5th Dam: Moondale Joleen (4E-92 EX-MS) 5-07 2 365 34890 4.5 1583 3.0 1051 Life: 3603 250100 4.2 10602 3.1 7779 6th Dam: Moondale Patsy (2E-91) 4-06 2 356 24250 3.7 895 3.0 723 7th Dam: Moondale Pepsi-Twin (4E-91 EX-MS) 9-07 2 365 33090 3.2 1043 2.7 897 Life: 3409 249890 3.1 7830 2.8 5926 8th Dam: Moondale Standout Poppy (3E-91 GMD) 8-00 2 318 23230 3.2 842 Life: 2356 133150 3.4 4517 9th Dam: Moondale Royal Terena (VG-88) 3-06 2 336 15410 3.6 552 10th Dam: Shomont Neptune Triune (VG-88) 7-10 2 322 16770 3.7 620

Lot 37

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Robin & Roger Baker Cedar Grove, WI 920/668-8928

md-Valleyvue Carson-red-et 66463056 tp ty tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 5-10 50K gtpi +1995g pta +1082M +4f +19P 99%R 12/2017 pta +233NM -.13%f -.05%P 100%us pta +2.5pl 2.93scs +2.2dpr 7.1%dce pta +1.47t +1.64udc +1.10flc 97%R 12/2017

r&R-Baker Crown Porsha 142865855 NC 2-02 2 305 16730 3.9 659 2.9 481

Lot 38 Robin & Roger Baker Cedar Grove, WI 920/668-8928

Minnigan-Hills Day-ET 69774730 tp tc ty tv tl td GM 50K gtpi +2371g pta +1451M +37f +41P 99%R 12/2017 pta 592NM -.06%F -.01%P 99%r 12/2017 pta +6.4PL 2.65scs +1.4dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.79T +1.96udc +.58flc 99%R 12/2017

R&R-Baker toystory Padme 140975024 VG-85 VVVGV 4-09 2-04 2 365 13600 3.4 463 3.0 411 3-10 2 365 17360 3.7 650 3.0 521

R&R-Baker carson Pozia 144150856 RC

Sells Open

100%RHA Born: March 1, 2017

Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red 133080890 po ty tv tl td EX-93 EEEE 7-07 gm hd gtpi +1761g

3rd Dam: R&R-Baker Blitz Bea Potter (VG-88) 3-00 2 365 19520 3.6 694 2.8 553 md-valleyvue gw christen-et 138113843 4th Dam: RC R&R-Baker Hi Metro Palencia VG-87 VVV+V 3-10 (VG-87) 4-00 3 305 26920 4.4 1176 3.0 816 3-06 2 365 18740 3.6 681 2.9 537 5th Dam: R&R-Baker Blackstar Paris (VG-88) Ralma Gold Crown-ET 52774524 4-05 2 365 24020 3.6 876 2.8 671 tr cd ty tv tl td Life: 2971 167910 3.7 6231 2.9 4854 EX-91 EEVE 5-07 GM 50K gtpi +1909g 6th Dam: pta +236M +24f +23P 99%R 12/2017 R&R-Baker Boutonniere Peri (4E-91 EX-MS) R&R Baker Sanchez Potosi 140974416 3-03 2 365 22150 3.7 829 3.0 668 VG-86 VVV+V 5-01 Life: 2691 155520 3.6 5631 2.9 4525 2-01 2 307 11940 3.0 359 2.9 348 7th Dam: 3-01 2 317 10690 3.2 338 2.8 303 Meyer-D-Acres Paul Patricia 4-02 2 301 13440 3.3 446 2.8 382 (VG-87) 2-00 2 324 16960 3.8 642 3.2 548

R&R Baker Day Pembook 143792624 100%RHA Born: January 7, 2016

Bred 6/11/2017 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart 3009533223 7HO12111

Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM HD Gtpi +2041g pta +.78t +.92udc +.23flc 99%R 12/2017 hendel bolton florida-et 64855726 ty EX-90 EEVVE 2E 6-02

5-06 2 365 46590 3.0 1398 2.9 1369 LIFE 1407 141100 3.1 4377 2.9 4148

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1654g pta +442M +11f +12P 99%R 12/2017 pta +.81t +.77udc +.45flc 99%R 12/2017 R&R Baker Eos Black Pearl 138236447 VG-86 VVVGV 5-06 2-05 3-07 4-07 5-08 6-11

2 2 2 2 2

355 339 304 365 329

15270 14870 15190 19800 17760


3.8 3.2 3.3 3.6 3.4

587 482 503 709 609

3.0 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.9

458 461 454 581 507

3rd Dam: R&R-Baker Durham Peristo (VG-87) 6-01 2 365 21130 3.1 663 2.7 581 Life: 2532 129750 3.3 4302 2.9 3712 4th Dam: R&R-Baker Boutonniere Peri (4E-91 EX-MS) 3-03 2 365 22150 3.7 829 3.0 668 Life: 2691 155520 3.6 5631 2.9 4525 5th Dam: Meyer-D-Acres Paul Patricia (VG-87) 2-00 2 324 16960 3.8 642 3.2 548

Lot 39

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Mark Steffens Decorah, IA 563/382-5648

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1882g pta -14M +29f +4P 99%R 12/2017 pta +45NM +.11%F +.02%P 49%us pta -.6PL 3.05scs -3.2dpr 9.7%dce pta +3.62T +2.47udc +2.66flc 99%R 12/2017

Steffens SM Slippy 140173084 EX-90 EEEVE 6-09

Steffens MGWA Slipper 143733379 100%RHA Born: January 7, 2016

Bred 6/10/2017 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart 3009533223 7HO12111

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1852g pta +1.76T +1.47udc +1.39flc 99%r 12/2017 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

Stouder Morty-ET 17349617 ty tv tl GM GH GTPI +1401G pta +.61t +.31udc +.08flc 99%R 12/2017 Steffens RD Slipper 138074212 VG-88 EVEVE 5-02 3-05 2 365 20960 3.0 632 3.2 666 4-07 2 274 14810 3.2 467 3.0 450

Lot 40 Red-E-J Holsteins Decorah, IA 563/380-5772

Canyon-Breeze at Airlift-ET 62897620 tr tp ty tv tl td VG-89 EEV+ 5-05 50K gtpi +1933G pta +890M +27f +5P 99%R 12/2017 pta +63NM -.02%f -.08%P 74%us pta +.4PL 2.90scs -1.8dpr 6.9Tdce pta +3.28T +1.54udc +3.35flc 99%R 12/2017

my-john Day Dottie-TW 142868214 99%rha-I NC

My-John Airlift Allison 143641768 99%RHA-I Born: November 16, 2015

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1882g pta +3.62T +2.47udc +2.66flc 99%R 12/2017 canyon-Breeze S Auburn-ET 63175334 EX-90 EEEEE DOM 4-01 3-04 3 365 35090 3.8 1347 2.9 1024

Minningan-Hills Day-et 69774730 tp tc ty tv tl td gm 50K gtpi +2371G pta +1451M +37f +41P 99%R 12/2017 My-John CM Cora 70725411 99%rha-I NC


Sells Fresh 2/4/2018 3rd Dam: My-John Ashlar Moss-ET (G-78 2Y) 4th Dam: My-John Lance Morgana-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 6-06 2 365 35940 4.1 1468 3.3 1177 Life: 1863 1475570 4.2 6138 3.4 4960 5th Dam: My-John BW Marshal Karol-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 31520 4.4 1375 3.1 992 6th Dam: MS Regancrest Patrn Dena-ET (VG-87 GMD DOM) 8-06 2 365 44800 3.8 1687 3.1 1382 7th Dam: Regancrest Melwood Della-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-02 2 365 29980 4.3 1284 3.3 1003 Maternal Sister to Durham & Dundee 7th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95 EX-MS GMD DOM) 7-08 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 Life: 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 Grand Champion WI Spring Nat’l ‘91 Res. Grand & BU WI Spring Nat’L ‘93 Queen of the Breed II Finalist 32 EX & 49 VG offspring 9th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-09 2 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038 Life: 1604 114010 3.6 4153 3.2 3649

Lot 41

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Levi Banowetz Charlotte, IA 563/677-2767

Fustead Tango Tommyboy-eT 73990028 77K gtpi +2404g pta +1180M +60f +42P 80%r 12/2017 pta +578NM +.06%F +.02%P 100%us pta +4.4PL 2.88scs +1.6dpr 8.3%DCE pta +1.77T +2.02udc +.92flc 80%R 12/2017

Female 3141445308 (Pending)

100%RHA Born: December 2, 2017

Mr welcome Hill Tango-ET 70750485 tp tc ty tv tl td 50k gtpi +2381g pta +1961M +62f +52P 99%R 12/2017 pta +1.49T +1.44udc +.78flc 99%r 12/2017 Farnear-Regan Talsa-et 69822285 EX-90 VEV+E GMD 5-09

5-04 3 365 54360 3.8 2089 3.1 1696 LIFE 1055 119850 4.2 5062 3.4 4024

Banverg Toystory Sueann 72301172 EX-90 EVEVE 3-07 2-01 3 305 28340 3.8 1069 3.0 839 3-03 3 305 32400 4.1 1344 3.0 699

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-94 EEVE 6-00 50K gtpi +1832g pta +2.36T +2.19udc +1.88flc 99%R 12/2017 Banberg Toystory Sueann 72301172 EX-90 EVEVE 3-07 2-01 3 305 28340 3.8 1069 3.0 839 3-03 3 305 32400 4.1 1344 3.0 966

Lot 42 Erbie Steffens Decorah, IA 563/382-5648

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-94 EEVE 6-00 50K gtpi +1832g pta -233M -1f -22p 99%r 12/2017 pta +99nm +.03%f -.06%P 48%us pta +2.1PL 2.66scs -.5dpr 3.5%dce pta +2.36T +2.19udc +1.88flc 99%R 12/2017

Steffens Al Monica 141104418 VG-85 VV++V 6-06 2-08 2 365 22060 3.5 779 3.2 706 4-00 2 365 28770 3.7 1071 3.2 929 5-04 2 365 29360 3.9 1136 3.0 882

Steffens Chip mugs 143901217 100%RHA Born: April 19, 2016

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1852g pta +1.76T +1.47udc +1.39flc 99%r 12/2017 Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05

3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959

regelcreek Shot al-eT 53557278 tr ty tv tl td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K gtpi +2035G pta +1.06t +1.19udc +.66flc 99%R 12/2017 Steffens Eland Milki 132837314 GP-80 VVVGF 5-03 2-08 2 297 20590 3-07 2 365 27740 5-00 2 365 31630 6-11 2 365 29970 LIFE 5076 150420

3.5 711 3.6 1001 3.4 1085 3.3 990 3.5 5332


3.0 617 3.2 901 3.0 937 2.9 865 3.1 4642

3rd Dam: Wiscit Dundee Sasha Ann (VG-88) 4-04 3 305 24170 4.0 964 2.9 697 4th Dam: Wiscit Durham Sadie Ann (EX-90) 3-03 2 294 28400 3.6 1016 2.9 821 Life: 1808 146260 3.4 5445 3.0 4344 5th Dam: Wiscit Encore Sera Ann-ET (VG-86) 2-03 2 365 29770 3.3 984 2.9 860 6th Dam: Wiscit Charles Raggedy Ann (2E-90 EX-MS) 6-03 2 365 34600 3.3 1144 2.9 1008 Life: 2820 206330 4.0 8212 3.0 6202 7th Dam: Wiscit Vanguard Andria (EX-90 EX-MS) 5-11 2 365 25730 4.0 1306 2.8 730 8th Dam: Wiscit Marla Anieka (2E-90 EX-MS) 5-08 2 365 30990 3.5 1100 2.8 881 9th Dam: Wiscit Standard Delight (3E-91 EX-MS) 7-11 2 324 27060 3.7 1000 3.1 831 Life: 2526 178280 3.6 6466 3.1 5581

Bred 7/18/2017 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart 3009533223 7HO12111

Lot 43

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018 Starmont Fastball Patience 74414731

Starmont Holsteins Aurora, IA 319/634-3383 opsal Ladd-P Fastball-P 71744422 rc pc ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2086g pta +270M +11f +32p 90%R 12/2017 pta +312NM +.00%f +.09%p 100%us pta +2.5PL 3.00scs +2.1dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.28T +1.48udc +.06flc 80%R 12/2017

100%RHA Born: September 1, 2015 #841

Bred 1/31/2018 to Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET 74228150 14H7835

1-11 2 168 12020 4.1 493 3.2 379 (RIP) Last Test Milking 75lbs. 4.5F 3.3P 152,000SCS

Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red-eT 69405976 pc cd ty tv tl td EX-91 EEVE 4-02 50k gtpi +1955g pta +2.08T +1.63udc +.98flc 99%R 12/2017 opsal o man Fantasy 63470272 EX-93 EEVEE 2E GMD DOM 6-09 6-07 2 365 49900 4.0 2015 2.9 1452 LIFE 2356 251770 4.0 10175 3.2 8119

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2071g pta +1535m +37f +44P 99%R 8/2017 starmont Planet Brandy 71985996 VG-85 VVV+V 3-10 2-01 2 299 22920 3.8 863 2.8 645 3-01 2 305 26850 3.6 975 2.8 762

Lot 44 Carl & Lisa Mensen Guttenberg, IA 563/853-2402

co-Op Bosside Massey-et 63026939 tp tc ty tv tl td GM 50K gtpi +2253g pta +663M +41f +38P 99%R 12/2017 pta 468NM +.06%F +.06%P 44%us pta +3.9PL 2.65scs +.5dpr 6.3%dce pta +.90t +1.37udc +.80flc 99%R 12/2017

Rahe-Crest Booster Sasha 69021658 VG-86 VVV+V 5-00 2-02 2 305 22430 3.8 855 2.9 655

starmont Aeroline Pandy 131462629 EX-90 VEEEE 3E 9-10 2-03 2 365 22140 3-07 2 302 23530 4-08 2 318 27060 5-08 2 358 30070 6-11 2 305 22620 8-07 2 306 24490 9-07 2 305 25340 10-01 2 305 23140 LIFE 3091 229820

3.8 848 3.9 917 4.1 1099 3.5 1044 3.7 829 3.8 934 3.8 952 3.5 814 3.8 8669

2.7 607 2.6 622 2.6 696 2.6 779 2.7 612 2.6 639 2.6 661 2.8 653 2.7 6165

Mensens Massey Shania 3128781023

3rd Dam: Manlett-MTM Blakstr Kandy-ET (VG-87) 8-03 2 365 28240 3.3 924 2.5 701 Life: 3482 215640 3.4 7352 2.6 5708 4th Dam: Starmont Kiss Bell (VG-87) 6-03 2 365 32820 3.7 1213 Life: 1900 148770 3.6 5321

Sells Fresh 12/2017

100%RHA Born: September 9, 2015 #412

mascol-et 578891748deu tv tl GM HD gtpi +1940g pta +22M +27f +21P 99%R 12/2017 coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET 61376428 tv VG-85 +VV+V GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 3 365 36930 3.6 1336 3.1 1129

quiet-Brook-D Booster-TW 61260679 ty tv tl 50K gtpi +1659g rahe-Crest Norman Natasha 137128486 GP-83 +v+v+ 3-09 2-01 2 299 19350 3.9 759 2.9 552


3rd Dam: Rahe-Crest Warrior Nina-TW (VG-85) 2-01 2 365 21440 3.9 831 2.9 619 4th Dam: Rahe-Crest Sherman Nell (GP-83) 5-09 2 365 27630 4.0 1098 2.9 809 5th Dam: Rahe-Crest Blackstar Neva (VG-88) 7-02 2 365 31890 3.9 1241 2.8 899 Life: 2092 154240 3.9 5963 2.9 4536

Lot 45

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018 Steffens FMS Gal 143733360

100%RHA Born: December 8, 2015

Mark Steffens Decorah, IA 563/382-5648

Bred 6/10/2017 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart 3009533223 7HO12111

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2503g pta +2.20t +3.09udc +2.29flc 99%R 12/2017

Furnace-Hill M Superior-ET 59014733 tr tp ty tv tl td VG-88 EVV+ 4-07 77K gtpi +2429g pta +1145M +58f +32P 96%R 12/2017 pta +653NM +.06%F -.01%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.98scs +1.3dpr 5.0%dce pta +1.85t +2.50udc +.81flc 91%R 12/2017

ladys-Manor PL Shandra-eT 66676321 EX-90 EE+VE DOM 7-02 4-11 3 305 41590 3.1 1291 2.9 1193 LIFE 1194 133470 3.0 4050 2.9 3908

SANDY-VALLEY COLT P-RED-TW 68731810 Pc TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +1790g pta +.16t +1.10udc +.00flc 99%R 12/2017

Steffens SC Golly 142349140 RC GP-80 +++F+ 3-03

Steffens Ed Goldi 140173093 EX-91 EEVVE 2E 6-01

2-11 2 297 23970 3.2 775 3.0 710

3-05 2 365 24330 3.4 824 3.1 759 4-11 2 365 27970 3.4 945 3.2 902 6-06 2 305 23600 3.6 860 3.1 730

Lot 46

Applerose Armani Porkie 143798590

Korey Schantz Strawberry Point, IA 563/933-2232

mr Apples Armani-ET 68571374 rc CD TP tv tl ty td EX-90 EEEV 4-10 140K gtpi +2101g pta -1535M +27f -5P 99%R 12/2017 pta +243NM +.33scs +2.6dpr 5.2%dce pta +1.77T +2.46udc +2.16flc 99%R 12/2017

applerose Massey Purple 7 142891740 rc NC

100%RHA Born: December 10, 2015

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1852g pta +1.76T +1.47udc +1.39flc 99%r 12/2017

Bred 7/14/2017 to De-Su D Mayfield 893-ET 69473980 7H11283

3rd Dam: R&R-Baker Rexford Pacific (GP-83) 5-04 2 365 22770 3.3 748 3.0 685 KHW REGIMENT APPLE-RED-ET 135511521 CV 3rd Dam: R&R Baker Dawston Paradise 3E-96 EEEEE DOM 9-06 (GP-82) 4-01 2 365 35750 4.7 1682 3.5 1247 3-10 2 304 17910 3.4 617 2.9 511 LIFE 1972 158680 4.8 7683 3.6 5735 4th Dam: 3 Time All-American R&W R&R Baker Blackstar Paris (VG-88) 4-05 2 365 24020 3.6 876 2.8 671 Co-Op Bosside Massey-eT 63026939 Life: 2971 167910 3.7 6231 2.9 4854 tp tc ty tv tl td 5th Dam: GM 50K gtpi +2253g R&R-Baker Boutonniere Peri pta +663M +41f +38P 99%R 12/2017 (4E-91 EX-MS) 3-03 2 365 22150 3.7 829 3.0 668 r&R-Baker Robo Purple-Red 139710342 Life: 2691 155520 3.6 5631 2.9 4525 6th Dam: G-78 G++F+ 4-04 Meyer-D-Acres Paul Patricia 2-02 2 305 11720 3.9 458 3.4 393 (VG-87) 2-00 2 324 16960 3.8 642 3.2 548


Lot 47

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018 Dayton-View Monterey Rio 3138956292 tr tl td 99%RHA-I Born: May 22, 2016 12K gtpi +2250g

Evan Schnadt Lodi, WI 608/295-1828

Due 5/10/2018 to Wa-Del ABS Bourbon-ET 3014558977 29H17944 Sexed semen

de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2376g pta +3.19T +2.37udc +2.05flc 99%R 12/2017

View-Home Monterey-eT 69087180 99%rha-I tc ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2549g pta +704M +49f +38P 99%R 12/2017 pta +641NM +.08%f +.06%P 81%us pta +6.1PL 3.01scs +1.6dpr 2.3%dce pta +3.34T +2.82udc +1.68flc 97%R 12/2017

Pine-tree 2149robst 4846-ET 69804610 VG-86 EEV+V DOM 6-07 2-04 3 365 32000 4.8 1520 3.2 1036

Kings-Ransom B Ruble 63210210 tc ty tv tl td gm 50K gtpi +1927g pta +1927M +49f +48P 99%R 12/2017 pta +.51t +1.18udc +.52flc 96%R 12/2017

Dayton-View Ruble Rica 72788817 tl td NC 2-00 3 365 26830 4.3 1156 3.3 874

dayton-View Jeeves Rocklynn 70683423 G-79 ++GGG 2-08 2-01 3 286 18910 2.5 474 3.0 565 3-01 2 305 24620 3.7 904 3.2 787

Lot 48 Myron & Joyce Rediske Decorah, IA 563/735-5543

My-John Platnium Pamela 143641759

Sells Fresh Due 2/23/2018

99%RHA-I Born: November 2, 2015 #R275

Myr-Matt Mogul Platinum 71909652 tp ty tv tL td gm 77K GTPI +2653g pta +1807M +83f +58P 98%R 12/2017 pta +810NM +.06%F +.01%P 100%us pta +6.8PL 2.78scs +2.0dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.93T +1.58udc +1.56flc 92%R

My-John Airlift Arla 72936648 99%RHA-I GP-80 +++F+ 2-05

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2503g pta +2.20t +3.09udc +2.29flc 99%R 12/2017 Myr-Matt Super Penny-ET 141163334 EX-90 EEEEV 2E 6-10 3-08 3 305 35400 2.9 1044 3.0 1066

Canyon-Breeze at airlift-ET 62897620 tr tp ty tv tl td VG-89 EEV+ 5-05 50K GTPI +1933g pta +3.28t +1.54udc +3.35flc 99%R 12/2017 My-John Fred Margann-eT 69774772 99%Rha-I tl td


3rd Dam: My-John Lance Morgana-ET (2E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 6-06 2 365 35940 4.1 1468 3.3 1177 Life: 1863 1475570 4.2 6138 3.4 4960 4th Dam: My-John BW Marshal Karol-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 31520 4.4 1375 3.1 992 5th Dam: MS Regancrest Patrn Dena-ET (VG-87 GMD DOM) 8-06 2 365 44800 3.8 1687 3.1 1382 6th Dam: Regancrest Melwood Della-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-02 2 365 29980 4.3 1284 3.3 1003 Maternal Sister to Durham & Dundee 7th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95 EX-MS GMD DOM) 7-08 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 Life: 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 Grand Champion WI Spring Nat’l ‘91 Res. Grand & BU WI Spring Nat’L ‘93 Queen of the Breed II Finalist 32 EX & 49 VG offspring 8th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-09 2 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038 Life: 1604 114010 3.6 4153 3.2 3649

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Lot 49

N-foursquare Balisto Bali 72576239 tr tl td

Reuben Nolt Alta Vista, IA 641/393-2337 de-su 11236 Balisto-ET 70625988 99%rha-I tc ty tv tl td 50K gtpi +2524g pta +893M +73f +66P 99%R 12/2017 pta +707NM +.14Tf +.14%P 35%us pta +5.0PL 2.70scs -1.1dpr 3.6%dce pta +1.62t +1.00udc +1.66flc 99%R 12/2017

N-foursquare Colby Kendra 71005500 87%rha VG-85 +V+VV 3-10 2-04 2 322 27120 3.3 890 2.6 715 3-05 2 339 30940 3.1 959 2.8 859

Sells Fresh

93%RHA-I Born: October 13, 2014 Bali

365 35799 2.4 876 2.7 970 1st lactation

De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2327g pta +1.48t +1.23udc +1.27flc 99%R 12/2017 de-su 199-ET 69490353 VG-85 V+V+V GMD 3-03

2-10 2 365 30940 4.5 1406 3.5 1091

solid-Gold Colby-ET 60697343 tr ty tv tl td EX-93 EEVE 9-05 GM HD GTPI +1727g pta +107M +4f -7P 99%R 12/2017 N-Foursquare Baxter 251 65723145 75%rha 1-11 2 305 26780 3.4 913 2.8 739 3-03 2 305 29380 3.3 959 2.8 817

Lot 50 Alexis Costello 708 73rd St. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 319/540-0084 scientific B Defiant-ET 141123484 rc tp tc tv tl ty td VG-87 EVV+ 4-08 50K gtpi +1634g pta +539M -30f +5P 99%R 12/2017 pta -166NM -.18%f -.04%P 77%us pta -1.1PL 3.14scs -2.4dpr 6.0%dce pta +3.35T +2.35Udc +1.49flc 98%R 12/2017

cost airlift sweetheart 143321646 NC Res. All-Iowa Winter Yearling 2016

Cost Defiant Stallone 144140000 100%RHA Born: March 10, 2017

regancrest S Braxton-ET 61898423 tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEV 5-09 77K gtpi +1375g pta +2.50t +.68udc +.86flc 99%R 12/2017 Scientific Gold Dior Rae-ET 138328405 rc cv EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-03 4-02 2 365 31910 4.7 1495 3.3 1039

Canyon-Breeze at airlift-ET 62897620 tr tp ty tv tl td VG-89 EEV+ 5-05 50K GTPI +1933g pta +3.28t +1.54udc +3.35flc 99%R 12/2017 roughway sweet Mint braxton 140661277 VG-85 VVV+V 2-10 41

3rd Dam: Val-A Bellvale Elaine (3E-90 EX-MS) 9-03 2 305 27820 3.4 933 3.0 835 Life: 2510 177200 3.5 6201 3.1 5418 4th Dam: Val-A Franco Ellie (2E-90 EX-MS) 9-00 2 263 15670 3.6 570 2.9 458 5th Dam: Val-A Ivan Elva (4E-91 EEEEE @ 16 Years Old) 8-02 2 305 221850 3.8 834 2.8 609 6th Dam: Val-A Chief Daiwy (NC) 7th Dam: Val-A Chief Evelyn (VG-85) 4-09 2 335 20270 3.5 704 8th Dam: Val-A Pride Eva (EX-90) 4-09 2 359 22600 3.8 867

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Welcome Yoder Callo-ET (GP-82 2Y GTPI +2653G) Sells as Lot 51

Lot 51 Progenesis LP Guelp, Ont. Canada 519/270-3324 Bred 2/24/2018 to Silverridge V Phone-ET 12464192 200HO10926

Welcome Yoder Callo-ET 3126283264

99%RHA-I Born: December 4, 2014 Callo GP-82 +VG++ 2-11 77K gtpi +2653g pta +2111M +77f +68P 79%R 12/2017 pta +791NM -.01%f +.01%P pta +5.5PL 2.91scs +1.4dpr 2.7%dce pta +1.92T +1.31udc +1.38flc 79%R 12/2017

2-07 2 227 14389 3.7 533 3.0 432 (Inc) Last Test Milking 103lbs. 3.5F 3.1P 23SCS

woodcrest mogul yoder-et 72254526 Tr tp tc ty tv tl td EX-90 EVEV 4-05 gm 77K gtpi +2750g pta +1193M +102f +49P 99%R 12/2017 pta +905NM +.21%f +.05%P 100%us pta +7.3PL 3.00scs +2.4dpr 3.8%dce pta +1.90t +2.32udc +1.49flc 97%R 12/2017

Welcom Mccutchen Chasy-ET 3010945924 99%rha-I EX-91 EEVVE DOM 4-08 77K gtpi +2308g

2-02 3 339 31830 3.7 1191 3.2 1016 3-03 3 338 40650 3.7 1497 3.0 1203

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2503g pta +2.20t +3.09udc +2.29flc 99%R 12/2017 Woodcrest Planet Yakara-et 3008363689 VG-85 VV+++ DOM 3-11

5-01 3 307 30740 3.7 1138 3.8 1004 LIFE 1255 118300 3.7 4351 3.3 3944

de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2376g pta +3.19T +2.37udc +2.05flc 99%R 12/2017 welcome Super Casey-ET 3007677665 VG-85 VV+++ 2-07 50K gtpi +1924g 42

3rd Dam: Ms Vision-Gen Burt Caily (EX-90 EX-MS) 4-09 3 365 31130 4.2 1298 3.4 1043 4th Dam: Springway Finley Clarisa-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-06 3 365 34060 3.5 1196 3.0 1026 5th Dam: Whittier-Farms Christina-ET (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 38810 4.7 1828 3.5 1343 3rd OH Fat 6th: Whittier-Farms Emery Cin-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4-06 2 340 36040 3.5 1273 3.3 1178 Life: 1480 134380 3.7 4921 3.3 4401 7th Dam: Felder Den Barb Cindy-ET (3E-91 EEEEV GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 41170 4.1 1706 3.5 1432 3rd MA Protein Life: 1926 173370 4.1 7025 3.3 5736 8th Dam: Miss Den-Barb Global Cora (EX-90 EEEEV GMD DOM) 2-05 2 365 44760 4.5 2028 3.6 1632 3rd NY Milk & 3rd NY Protein Life: 1106 119520 4.4 5317 3.7 4410 9th Dam: Ruann Royalty Cora-ET (EX-90 DOM) 4-07 2 365 57460 4.0 2318 3.3 1911 4th Nat’l Milk & 1st Nat’l Protein 10th Dam: Ruann Royalty Cora-ET (VG-86 EX-MS GMD) 5-09 3 365 33850 3.7 1234 2.9 967 11th: Carnation S Pete Coralline-ET (VG-86 GMD) 5-09 2 365 33349 3.7 11235 3.1 1030 12th Dam: Diamond-S Eve Corry (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-11 2 365 38589 3.5 1349 13th: Diamond-S Glamour Cass (EX-93 3E) 8-03 2 365 28719 3.9 1140 14th Dam: Diamond S Bvar Cassie (EX-90 GMD) 3-10 2 341 29781 4.2 864 15th Dam: Lavacres Polly Caroline (EX-91) 3-07 2 342 20249 3.5 712 16th: Lavacres Dusty Jo Carousel (3E-91) 12-01 2 365 22200 4.3 948 17th Dam: Lavacres Dusty Carla (EX-90) 6-11 2 365 23475 3.9 915 18th Dam: Korndyke Christine (VG-85)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Progenesis Supershot Kassidy-ET (CAN VG-87 2Y) Sells as Lot 52

Lot 52 Progenesis LP Guelp, Ont. Canada 519/270-3324 Sells Fresh 9/21/2017 Bred 2/20/2018 to Westcoast Guarantee-ET 12371147 200HO10836

Progenesis Supershot Kassidy-ET 11935907c Born: April 2, 2015 CAN VG-87 EEGGV 2-07 GTPI +2619g pta +2216M +69f +45P 78%R 2/2018 pta +764NM -.05%F +.03%P pta +5.4PL 2.88SCS +1.5dpr 3.7%DCE pta +1.92t +1.44udc +.67flc 77%r 2/2018 pta +182FE +1.4FI 7.2%SCE

2-05 2 154 12740 4.0 505 3.1 390 (RIP) Last Test Milking 85lbs. 3.8F 3.2P 17SCS

Cogent Supershot 755898903NLD ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2552g pta +2246M +48f +68P 98%R 12/2017 pta +756NM -.12%F +.00%P 63%us pta +8.7PL 2.77scs +2.9dpr 4.3%dce pta +1.34t +.94udc +.73flc 97%R 12/2017

Lookout Pesce Ponde Kreed 107931108c GTPI +2418 pta +1236M +66f +52P 80%R 12/2017 pta +548NM +.07%F +.05%P pta +1.7PL 3.00scs +0.6dpr 4.7%DCE pta +1.87T +2.41udc +1.01flc 79%R 12/2017

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tr tp TC tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 6-06 GM 50K gtpi +2607G PTA +2070M +101F +65F 99%R 12/2017 Rose superclass 536745399deu GTPI +2084g Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr TP tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE 5-03 GM 50K gtpi +2503g pta +2.20t +3.09udc +2.29flc 99%R 12/2017 MS C-Haven Oman Kool-eT 69554075 CAN VG-88 6Y 8*

2-10 2 365 34983 3.3 1171 3.5 1235 5-05 2 365 45212 3.2 1451 3.3 1506 LIFE 123839 3.4 4255 3.6 4444


3rd Dam: Art-Acres Kay721-ET (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 4-10 2 365 36820 3.3 1228 3.2 1163 Life: 1271 123910 3.6 4482 3.1 3881 4th Dam: Art-Acres Mar Kay 721-ET (VG-88 VVEVV GMD DOM) 2-07 2 365 36290 3.8 1373 3.2 1166 5th Dam: Art-Acres Kay Patron-ET (VG-87 VEEVV GMD DOM) 2-03 2 365 29040 4.8 1401 3.4 979 6th: Art-Acres Aerostar Kay K-ET (VG-87 EEVV+ GMD DOM) 2-06 2 365 35780 2.9 1038 3.2 1142 7th Dam: Art-Acres Ned Boy Kay K (VG-88) 5-08 2 365 26820 3.9 1034 3.3 879 8th Dam: Art-Acres Chairman Kay K (VG-88 EX-MS) 4-01 2 365 28670 3.8 1088 3.1 896 9th Dam: Art-Acres Kay K-ET (VG-85) 4-05 2 365 27950 3.5 977 2.7 744 10th Dam: Art-Acres Elevation Kay (EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-05 2 305 31280 3.3 1017 Life: 1522 125900 3.1 3896 11th Dam: Art-Acres K I Kyland (VG-86 VG-MS) 5-01 2 305 22470 3.5 793 Life: 1519 103110 3.4 3514

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

3rd Dam: Gloryland Lakota Rae (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 2-03 2 365 22850 3.8 857 3.3 751 4th Dam: Gloryland Lana Rae Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket-ET (2E-94 EEEEE) (2E-94 EEEEE) 5-06 2 365 29011 4.0 1159 3.4 993 2nd Dam of Lot 53 Life: 2113 129620 3.7 4768 3.5 4587 Dam of 12 VG & 7 EX daughters Golden-Oaks Solomon Lace-ET All 7 EX Daughters are by different sires 5th Dam: Scientific Liza Rae-ET 3143012651 tr tp tc tl td (EX-90) 99%RHA Born: September 6, 2017 #7937 Golden Oaks Farm 4-09 2 365 26710 2.9 787 3.3 8774 PTA +3.20T 75%R +2.45UDC +1.85FLC 6th Dam: C Hanoverhill T Tony Rae Wauconda, IL (3E-96 GMD DOM 5*) 847/526-6644 6-11 3 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 HM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old ‘88 Nom. All-American 5-Year-Old ‘91 Val-Bisson Doorman-ET 107281711c 7th Dam: Hanoverhill Roxette-ET Walnutlawn Solomon-et 1775998c 99%Rha-I tr tv tl ty td (2E-94 GMD DOM) 99%rha tr tv tl ty td 10-00 3 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129 CAN EX-90 50K gtpi +77K gtpi +2335g 77K GTPI +2015g 8th Dam: Mil-R-Mor Roxette pta +3.62t +2.45udc +1.79flc 99%R 12/2017 pta -67M +18f +6P 80%R 12/2017 (EX-90 GMD DOM) pta +101NM +.08%f +.03%P 100%us misty Springs Lavanguard Sue 9979603c 7-01 2 365 24530 4.7 1153 pta -1.1PL 2.89scs +.3dpr 6.1%dce 21 EX Progeny Canada’s 1st 30* CAN VG-89 4Y pta +3.76t +2.45udc +1.53flc 80%R 12/2017 Brood Cow 4-03 2 365 30123 4.6 1380 3.0 910 9th Dam: C Glenridge Citation Roxy de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 (4E-97 EX-MS GMD) 5-06 2 365 21308 5.1 1086 99%rha-I tr tp tc tv tl ty td 2X Queen of the Breed! EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2376g All-Time All-American Aged Cow pta +3.19T +2.37udc +2.05flc 99%R 12/2017 16 EX Daughters Over 100 EX decendents in this family! Golden-Oaks lady Mcctchn-ET Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket-eT 9988715 10th Dam: 3013874045 tl td EX-94 EEEEE 2E 7-00 C Norton Court Model Vee VG-88 VE++E 3-06 1-11 2 365 25011 4.9 1221 3.4 851 (EX-90 GMD 6*) 2-02 3 322 33020 4.0 1330 3.3 1094 3-07 3 365 36640 4.3 1581 3.4 1240 Life: 218636 3.9 8581 4-11 3 365 37310 5.0 1855 3.4 1264 11th Dam: 6-06 2 349 35800 4.4 1590 3.5 1242 C Norton Court Reflection Vale LIFE 1485 137901 4.6 6400 3.4 4719 (VG 5* Brood Cow) Nom. All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2011 Life: 249580 3.7 9295

Lot 53


Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Golden-Oaks Champ Rae-ET (3E-93 EX-MS) 2nd Dam of Lot 54

Golden-Oaks Atwd Charla-ET (EX-93 EEEEE GMD) Dam of Lot 54

Lot 54

Golden-Oaks Byway Chiera-eT 3143012674 tr tp tc tl td 100%RHA Born: September 20, 2017 #7960 PTA +3.72T 78%R +2.90UDC +0.57FLC

Golden Oaks Farm Wauconda, IL 847/526-6644

Oh-River-Syc Byway-ET 71310557 tr tp ty tv tl td 77K gtpi +2074g pta +875M +3f +18P 94%R 12/2017 pta +177NM -.10%f -.03%P 34%us pta +1.6PL 2.89scs -.5dpr 5.8%dce pta +3.70T +3.56udc +1.47flc 91%R 12/2017

Golden-Oaks Atwd Charla-eT 69823095 EX-93 EEEEE GMD 5-03 2-01 3 365 33000 3-06 3 344 39140 4-07 3 365 39980 LIFE 1184 120790

4.2 1392 4.2 1647 4.5 1802 4.4 5261

3.6 1177 3.5 1369 3.7 1490 3.6 4390

National Elite Performer Full Sister: Golden-Oaks Atwood Chloe-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 3-01 2 365 37330 4.2 1593 3.2 1202

Sully Hart Meridian-ET 69951907 tr tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2354g pta +2213M +35f +52P 99%R 12/2017 pta +2.96t +2.65udc +.56fkc 99%R 12/2017 sandy-Valley Atwd Barbiei-eT 69250651 EX-91 EEEVE 5-01 2-04 3 365 32120 3.5 1118 3.1 1010

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1882g pta +3.62T +2.47udc +2.66flc 99%R 12/2017 Golden-Oaks champ Rae-eT 61300247 tr EX-93 EEVEE 3E 9-04 2-03 3 365 27400 3-10 3 365 36130 6-04 3 365 41590 LIFE 1455 134060

4.4 1199 4.4 1589 4.1 1714 4.4 5884

3.4 935 3.1 1133 3.0 1240 3.2 4269

Maternal Sister: Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 1-11 3 365 31030 3.7 1161 3.4 1041

Early-Autumn Golden Rae-ET (2E-93 *RC) 4-01 2 365 42790 4.7 2026 3.1 1332


3rd Dam: Scientific Beauty Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 4-03 2 365 33710 4.7 1595 3.5 1179 Maternal Sister: Scientific Debutante Rae-ET (EX-92 GMD DOM *RC) 2-02 2 365 32930 4.4 1440 3.4 1132 All-American 4-Year-Old 2005 4th Dam: Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET (EX-90 DOM) 5-11 3 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.6 1403 Life: 1394 117590 4.0 4707 3.6 4242 8 EX daughters 5th Dam: C Hanoverhill Tony Rae (3E-96 EX-MS GMD DOM 5*) 6-11 3365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 Life: 166397 4.1 6903 3.4 5611 HM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old ‘88 Nom. All-American 5-Year-Old ‘91 6th Dam: Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET (2E-94 GMD) 10-00 3 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129 Life: 164789 4.1 6759 3.1 4367 7th Dam: Mil-R-Mor Roxette (EX-90 GMD DOM 30*) 7-01 2 365 24530 4.7 1153 21 EX Progeny * Canada’s 1st 30* Brood Cow 8th Dam: C Glenridge Citation Roxy (4E-97 GMD) 5-06 2 365 21308 5.1 1086 2X Queen of the Breed! 9th Dam: C Norton Court Model Vee (EX-90 GMD 6*) Life: 218636 3.9 8583 3X All-American Produce of Dam 10th: C Norton Court Reflection Vale (VG-85 5* 249,580LT)

Iowa State Sale Sale 2018

Val-Bisson Bookem Dona-ET (EX-92 EEEEE) Dam of Lot 55

Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda-ET (EX-94 EEEEE) 2nd Dam of Lot 55

Lot 55

Buyers choice of Embryos

Five RSV IVF Embryos Artist x Donna

Stone-Front Artist-eT 3136876946 99%rha-I tr ty tv tl td 140k gtpi +2328g pta +258M +27f +18P 76%R 12/2017 pta +369nm +.06Tf +.04%P 100%us pta +4.0PL 2.54scs +.9dpr 5.9%dce pta +4.20t +2.94udc +1.83flc 75%R 12/2017

Val-Bisson Bookem Dona-eT 107281662c 99%rha-I EX-92 EEEEE 5-09 GTPI +2013g 2-02 3 305 25920 4.0 1025 3.1 801

Full Sister to: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET (CAN EX-90 5Y)

Artist OR Humblenkind All Embryos are at Transova

Genosource 2188 78th Street Blairstown, IA 52209 Amanda Hauck 570/765-0536

3rd Dam: Val-Bisson Goldwyn Maya-ET (CAN VG-88 26*) Four #2 Ivf Embyros 5-07 2 365 39799 3.7 1472 3.3 1295 Hmblenkind x Donna Life: 102 404 4.2 4259 3.7 3785 Cookiecutter Humblenkind-ET 4th Dam: Val-Bisson Finley Dream-ET 3130915852 (CAN VG-87 6Y 12*) GTPI +2874G 5th Dam: pta +1251M +65f +48P 78%R 12/2017 Val-Bisson Rudolph Dakota pta +935nm +.06%f +.04%P 100%us (CAN VG-88-5Y 9*) pta +10.7pl 2.82scs +4.4dpr 3.7%dce 3-01 2 365 31768 3.8 1206 3.3 1058 pta +3.08t +3.24udc +2.66flc 77%R 12/2017 6th Dam: Val-Bisson Supersire Dactyle (CAN VG-86-5Y 2*) De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I 6-11 2 365 34255 3.6 1239 2.8 952 Life: 5 Lact. 139152 3.9 5445 3.1 4270 tr tp tv tl ty td 7th Dam: VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2327g Val-Bisson Prelude Dahlia Pta +1302M +29f +48P 99%R 12/2017 pta +1.48t +1.23udc +1.27flc 99%R 12/2017 (CAN VG-86-5Y 6*) 4-11 2 321 34218 3.8 1287 3.1 1071 8th Dam: Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda-ET 106173432c Loganway Blackstar Daily-ET EX-94 EEEEE 7-02 (CAN VG-86-5Y 6*) 1-11 2 365 25531 4.2 1076 3.6 908 8-01 2 305 36548 3.6 1323 3.0 1107 4-03 2 365 40505 3.8 1550 3.4 1378 Life: 5 Lact. 189122 3.7 6960 3.3 6164 6-08 2 305 30420 4.5 1379 3.7 1117 9th Dam: LIFE 1106 104156 4.2 4376 3.5 3675 Loganway Mark Delicious (VG-88 GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 28880 3.6 1047 2.9 833


HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PUBLIC SALES EFFECTIVE MARCH 2, 1996 - Amended October 1, 1997, June 28, 2000, June 23, 2002, and March 26, 2010

TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash unless arrangements are made prior to the sale or are printed in the sale catalog. Only when the above conditions are met will the buyer be entitled to the warranties listed below. In no case will animals be released unless settlement is made with the clerk of the sale.

by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller. The seller makes no guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen.

RESPONSIBILITY: The seller, buyer, and manager of this sale are obligated to comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions.

b. Females - All females are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of: 1. 2.

EXPORT SALES: Buyer assumes all responsibility for health tests required by the importing country. BIDS: The highest bidder is the buyer. Bidding parties or their agents are responsible for all bids placed. Every animal or lot presented for bidding is pledged to absolute sale. In case of dispute, the animal or lot will again be put up for advance bids, and if there is no advance bid, the animal or lot will be sold to the person the auctioneer accepted the last bid from. In case two or more claim the bid, the auctioneer will indicate the party whose bid he recognized. Other claimants will be given an opportunity to increase the bid and bidding will be restricted to the two or more claimants.

Report of a non-breeder must occur in writing within 3 months of the date of sale or before the animal reaches 21 months of age and must be submitted to the seller. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed, by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller.

BY-BIDDING: Bidding directly or indirectly by the sole owner of any animal or lot is prohibited unless the intention to bid is disclosed specific to each animal in the catalog and announced when the animal enters the ring. Bidding by any member of a partnership, syndicate, or other entity having an ownership interest in an animal or lot is permitted. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: For all Registered HolsteinsSM, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA and a certificate of registration showing that transfer of ownership will be provided to the buyer free of charge. For embryos, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA free of charge to the buyer. RISK: All animals located at sale site are at the purchaser’s risk as soon as struck off, but will be cared for free of charge for a maximum of 24 hours following the end of the sale. WARRANTIES: 1) Each consignor warrants clear title to the animal or lot, and the right to sell same. 2) To the best of the seller’s knowledge, each animal is sound and healthy in every respect and embryos have been recovered, processed, frozen, transferred and graded in keeping with IETS recommendations unless otherwise noted in the catalog or announced from the auction stand. Every precaution will be taken to represent the physical condition of each lot exactly as is known. Examination of all purchases should be made immediately after the purchase and before the close of the sale, and if found not to be as represented, complaint must be reported to the sale management before the close of the sale. In the event no complaint is filed, it is understood that the buyer assumes full ownership in the case of animals at sale site together with all risks, after which no representations of the seller can be challenged through the sale management. Heifers that never calved are in no way guaranteed as to the condition of their udders following calving. 3) Breeding Warranty The seller guarantees all animals to be breeders, but not beyond the purchase price, with the following understanding: a.

Males - Should any bull after reaching the age of fourteen months fail to prove a breeder after being used for two months on cows or heifers known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within three months of the sale date. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed,

Cows over 7 years of age when sold; Cows and/or heifers carrying a pregnancy that is the result of an embryo transfer.

Females bred when sold and pronounced in calf are presumed to be pregnant but pregnancy is not guaranteed unless so announced. The seller makes no warranty that pregnant cows will deliver calves or that they will carry calves full term. c.

If, after the sale, embryos or oocytes are recovered from a female or an attempt is made to superovulate her, this negates the breeding warranty unless there is a separate written agreement between buyer and seller.

SHIPPING: Assistance will be given in arranging shipping of the animals after the sale. All costs, risks and responsibility will be borne by the purchaser. PEDIGREE INFORMATION: All production, classification, type and production summaries are current. Only information recorded on Holstein Association USA pedigrees is used. Any production or classification records supplied by the seller or consignor will be properly identified as provided by owner. Records in progress are identified as such. GENOMIC INFORMATION: If genomic information on the animal or embryo is available, it must be dated and disclosed at or before the time of sale. EMBRYO TRANSFER: All registered animals that have resulted from embryo transfer are identified with one of the following suffixes in the name: ET, ETS (from split embryo), or ETN (from nuclear transfer). If unregistered, the appropriate technology will be identified. Donor dams are identified. HEALTH WARRANTY: The seller will provide an official health certificate to the buyer for each animal showing the results of all health tests made in preparation for this sale as required by the state where the cattle reside. Other health tests completed for this sale will be disclosed. ERRORS: The material in this catalog has been carefully edited. If any errors or omissions are discovered, they will be announced. Such announcements take precedence over that printed in this catalog. ACCIDENT: The sale management, the consignors, and the owner of the grounds will not be responsible in any case for the condition of the grounds or the behavior of the animals and disclaim any liability in the event of personal accident or property loss. LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES: Warranties contained herein, unless terminated earlier, will cease upon the resale of an animal.

*Pedigrees and other information in this book are compiled and printed with extreme care by Taylor Made Designs.

Holstein Association USA, Inc.Taylor • 1 Holstein Place • assumes Brattleboro, VT 05302-0808 toll-free: 800.952.5200 • Made Designs no liability for any•errors or omissions.


Iowa State Sale Sale 2018 Index

ALH Genetics, USA, Inc (Embryo Lot) ........................ 55 Apple Partners, LLC ........................................... 12 & 13 Arthur, Nathan ............................................................ 17 Baker, Robin & Roger ........................................ 37 & 38 Banowetz, Levi ........................................................... 41 Banowetz, Shawn & Levi ........................................... 16 Costello, Alexis ................................................... 34 & 50 Courtney, Scott .......................................................... 18 Gibbs, Clayton & Madison & Dana Sickles .... 26 & 27 Golden Oaks Farm ............................................ 53 & 54 Henkes, Trent ...................................................... 14 & 15 Johnson, Nathan & James Verhout ........................... 9 Krogman, Jonathan & Jenna Champman ................ 1 Lang, Eric .............................................................. 8 & 20 Martin, James .................................................... 19 & 30 Mensen, Carl & Lisa ................................................... 44 Moon, Dan .................................................................. 36 Nolt, Reuben ........................................................ 5 & 49 Norton, Caleb .................................................... 24 & 33 Peak Genetics ................................... 7, 10, 21, 22 & 23 Progenesis LP ............................................... 32, 51 & 52 Red-E-J Holsteins ........................................................ 40 Rediske, Myron & Joyce ............................................ 48 Regancrest Farm & Jason & Sheri Danhof ............... 3 Schantz, Korey ............................................................ 46 Schmitt, Tom ....................................... 2, 11, 28, 29 & 35 Schnadt, Evan ............................................................ 47 Starmont Holsteins ............................................. 31 & 43 Simon, Rick & Tom .......................................................... 4 Steffens, Erbie ............................................................. 42 Steffens, Mark .................................................... 39 & 45 Vierhout, James ........................................................... 6 Wiker, J. Thomas ......................................................... 25

Raffle Calf Lots

1 ................. Krogman, Jonathan & Jenna Champman 2 ................. Schmitt, Tom 3 ................. Regancrest Farm & Jason & Sheri Danhof 4 ................. Simon, Rick & Tom

Gretchen Taylor 24807 Neon Road West Union, IA 52175 563/379-1738

Catalog produced by:


Sale Manager: Iowa Holstein Association

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