Linderidge Holsteins Milking Herd and Bred Heifer Dispersal

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Linderidge Holsteins Milking Herd and Bred Heifer Dispersal Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:00 AM

Linderidge Holsteins Milking Herd and Bred Heifer Dispersal Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:00 AM Sales Force: Scott Courtney ................. Larry Kleiner …………...….. Don Mayer ………….......… Ron Roskopf ………....…....

563-380-1318 217-827-3468 715-829-3417 414-587-4402

Sale Clerk: Amy Courtney ………………….. 563-380-4571 Trucking: Glen Longhorn ………………….. 712-548-2851

Directions to the Farm: Take Hwy 52 to Ossian, Iowa Turn south on Hall Street by the Catholic Church on the east edge of town. Continue 1 1/4 miles south on 185th Ave. Farm is on the right (west).

Sale will be broadcast live via with real-time bidding to pre-approved buyers.

Dennis & Eileen Linderbaum

1303 185th Ave. Ossian, IA 52161 563-532-9847 cell: 563-419-2847 All announcements said Sale Day take precedence over printed material in catalog. 1



L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Linderidge Blitz Revina (EX-90 EX-MS) 2nd Dam of Lot 1

Lot 1

Linderidge Moscow Rubel-ET 68542483 99%RHA Born: March 5, 2010 #980 GP-84 V+++V 2-09

2-01 3-00 5-01 6-02

robthom Moscow-ET 132582764 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 10-02 GM HD GTPI +1703g pta +888M -9f +9P 99%R 4/2017 pta +93NM -.15%F -.07%p 67%us pta +1.9PL 2.73scs +.2dpr 8.5%dce pta -.04T +.06udc -.07flc 99%r 4/2017

Linderidge bret regina 61710876 98%rha VG-88 EEE+V 5-04 2-03 2 303 20890 3-03 2 305 26040 4-09 2 300 27210 5-09 2 305 28360 6-11 2 291 32520 LIFE 1733 154190

3.7 780 2.6 686 3.1 832 3.2 917 3.3 1083 3.2 4965

3.1 644 3.2 834 3.0 816 3.1 879 3.0 964 3.1 4731

2 2 2 2

301 305 305 305

21420 28530 27560 31496

3.8 810 3.6 1032 3.8 1055 3.6 1126

3.2 3.0 3.2 3.0

Bred 9/2/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

680 869 881 939

MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET 2290977 TV TL VG-86 VEV+ 5-04 GM HD GTPI +1545g pta +.53t +.35udc +1.14flc 99%R 4/2017 robthom Georgia integrity 15044041 EX-92 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 10-02

5-07 2 365 53240 4.7 2521 3.0 1599 1st MO Fat & 3rd MO Milk LIFE 2235 227411 4.2 9586 3.2 7374

peckenstein Form Bret-ET 120745603 cv tm tl ty EX-94 EEEV 9-03 50K gtpi +1786G Linderidge Blitz Revina 60889773 96%RHA EX-90 EEVVE 3-08 2-05 2 305 24500 3.3 811 2.8 690 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863


3rd Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian (NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 4th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 2

linderidge diamond rue 1265 74339616 99%RHA Born: April 16, 2015 #1265

seagull-Bay Diamond-ETS 70640251 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVVV 4-02 50K gtpi +2329g pta +1344M +51f +49P 99%R 4/2017 pta +505NM +.01%F +.03%P 94%us pta 3.3PL 2.51scs -.3dpr 6.3%dce pta +1.45T +.61udc +1.43flc 97%R 4/2017

Linderidge Moscow Rubel-ET 68542483 GP-84 V+++V 2-09 2-01 2 301 21420 3.8 810 3.2 680 3-00 2 305 28530 3.6 1032 3.0 869 5-01 2 305 27560 3.8 1055 3.2 881

Sells as Lot 1

Lot 3

Bred 10/6/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

flevo Genetics snowman-ET 388965513nld gm Hd gtpi +2130g pta +1869M +45f +54P 99%R 4/2017 pta +1.19t +.53udc +1.63flc 99%R 4/2017 ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET 66228178 EX-91 EEEVE GMD DOM 6-10 6-03 3 365 40290 3.7 1479 3.1 1233

robthom Moscow-ET 132582764 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 10-02 GM HD GTPI +1703g pta +888M -9f +9P 99%R 4/2017 Linderidge bret regina 61710876 98%rha VG-88 EEE+V 5-04 2-03 2 303 20890 3-03 2 305 26040 4-09 2 300 27210 5-09 2 305 28360 6-11 2 291 32520 LIFE 1733 154190

3.7 780 2.6 686 3.1 832 3.2 917 3.3 1083 3.2 4965

3.1 644 3.2 834 3.0 816 3.1 879 3.0 964 3.1 4731

3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Revina (EX-90) 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863 4th Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian (NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 5th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

linderidge dmpsy rhona 1176 72799127

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 tr cd tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EE++ 9-09 50K gtpi +1950g pta -435M +15f +7P 99%R 4/2017 pta +120NM +.12%F +.08%P 26%us pta -.9PL 2.62scs -1.1dpr 6.2%dce pta +2.39T +1.92udc +1.83flc 99%R 4/2017

linderidge Moscow Rasha-ET 69437682 99%rha GP-82 VV++G 2-06 2-01 2 302 21180 3.1 661 2.9 624 3-01 2 285 16720 3.0 501 3.0 498 4-01 2 283 24980 3.0 757 2.9 728

99%RHA Born: July 15, 2013 #1176

1-11 2 301 21830 3.7 811 3.1 669 2-11 2 303 19901 4.3 853 3.4 675

Bred 9/2/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1871g pta +1.76T +1.49udc +1.43flc 99%R 4/2017 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

robthom Moscow-ET 132582764 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 10-02 GM HD GTPI +1703g pta +888M -9f +9P 99%R 4/2017 Linderidge bret regina 61710876 98%rha VG-88 EEE+V 5-04 2-03 2 303 20890 3-03 2 305 26040 4-09 2 300 27210 5-09 2 305 28360 6-11 2 291 32520 LIFE 1733 154190


3.7 780 2.6 686 3.1 832 3.2 917 3.3 1083 3.2 4965

3.1 644 3.2 834 3.0 816 3.1 879 3.0 964 3.1 4731

3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Revina (EX-90) 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863 4th Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian (NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 5th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 4

Linderidge mcnugt rosa 1239 73772511 99%RHA Born: August 5, 2014 #1239

2-03 2 198 17295 3.5 610 2.9 508 (RIP)

foxberry bax mcnuggets-ET 139058916 tr tp tv tl ty td GM 50K GTPI +2056

Emerald-acr-sa T-Baxter 132973942 b/r tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +50K gtpi +1906g ms heartbeat jm maggie mae 133912027 tv tl EX-92 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-08 2-11 2 365 37070 5.1 1887 3.1 1136 LIFE 1625 143570 4.6 6608 3.1 4496

Linderidge moscow Rosa-ETS 69437681 GP-81 ++G+G 2-07 2-02 3-02 4-02 5-02

2 2 2 2

305 292 286 305

20860 21420 25170 22780

3.8 3.1 3.0 3.5

785 668 766 790

Lot 5

3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2

672 687 799 721

robthom Moscow-ET 132582764 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 10-02 GM HD GTPI +1703g Linderidge bret regina 61710876 98%rha VG-88 EEE+V 5-04 6-11 2 291 32520 3.3 1083 3.0 964 LIFE 1733 154190 3.2 4965 3.1 4731

99%RHA Born: July 24, 2015 #1285

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2038G

Linderidge Moscow Rose-ETS 69437680 99%rha 3.5 797 3.3 825 3.0 752 3.1 871 3.2 3274

3.1 714 3.1 774 3.1 779 3.1 859 3.1 3154

Lot 6

Bred 12/29/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708 Sexed semen

de-su 7012-ET 62720570 EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM 7-04

6-06 3 365 49380 3.4 1695 2.8 1378 LIFE 992 112500 3.4 3839 2.9 3318

2-02 2 305 22920 3-03 2 289 25780 4-02 2 288 24970 5-02 2 305 27670 LIFE 1203 101600

3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Revina (EX-90) 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863 4th Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian (NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 5th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

linderidge spur rascal 1285 74339636

de-su 527 spur-ET 66636663 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-05 GM 50K GTPI +2055g

Bred 1/27/2017 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174ET 69990138 7H11477

robthom Moscow-ET 132582764 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 10-02 GM HD GTPI +1703g Linderidge bret regina 61710876 98%rha VG-88 EEE+V 5-04 6-11 2 291 32520 3.3 1083 3.0 964 LIFE 1733 154190 3.2 4965 3.1 4731

3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Revina (EX-90) 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863 4th Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian (NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 5th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

Linderidge al reeva 1241 73772513 99%RHA Born: September 1, 2014 #1241

2-06 2 69 7131 3.7 264 2.7 194 (RIP)

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K GTPI +2010g

linderidge gabor riddle 70505032 99%RHA NC 2-02 2 298 28200 3.3 919 3.0 849 3-02 2 305 30600 3.1 955 2.9 896

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM hd gtpi +1937g md-Maple-Dell Gold Ailey-ET 62208894 VG-85 +V+VV DOM 3-03 2-02 2 365 24370 4.2 1016 3.2 769

Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G linderidge moscow revida 65899383 99%rha NC 2-01 2 300 24730 3.1 763 2.8 688 3-00 2 305 30710 3.5 1072 2.9 877 4-02 2 305 30270 3.3 1014 2.9 891


3rd Dam: Linderidge Durham Reeva-ET (VG-85) 4-06 2 305 34440 3.0 1020 3.0 1047 Life: 1351 123050 3.1 3869 3.0 3753 4th Dam: Linderidge Blitz Revina (EX-90) 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863 5th Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian (NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 6th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 7

linderidge shot Rayanne-eT 71918849 99%RHA Born: January 7, 2013 #1146 G-75 ++GGF 2-05

2-02 2 305 26370 3.2 850 2.8 751 3-02 2 305 30390 3.1 939 2.8 856

Bred 9/2/2016 to Sandy-Valley Sterling-ET 69701759 7HO11585

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM hd gtpi +1937g

lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 50K gtpi +1924g

lincoln-Hill ito Nibbles 60542016 VG-88 VEVEV GMD DOM 3-02

3-00 2 305 34190 3.6 1225 2.9 1006 LIFE 986 102260 3.8 3885 2.9 3006

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 3rd Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM HD GTPI +1522g (NC)

Linderidge Durham Reeva-ET 62848473 98%rha VG-85 VV++V 3-08

2-01 2 305 24590 3-03 2 305 32070 4-06 2 305 34440 LIFE 1351 123050

2.9 725 3.1 987 3.0 1020 3.1 3869

Linderidge Blitz Revina 60889773 96%RHA EX-90 EEVVE 3-08

2.9 709 3.0 970 3.0 1047 3.0 3753

2-05 2 305 24500 3.3 811 2.8 690 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863

Lot 8

3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 4th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

Bred 9/8/2016 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

linderidge shot ruth1262-ET 74339613 99%RHA Born: March 18, 2015 #1262

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM hd gtpi +1937g

lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 50K gtpi +1924g

lincoln-Hill ito Nibbles 60542016 VG-88 VEVEV GMD DOM 3-02

3-00 2 305 34190 3.6 1225 2.9 1006 LIFE 986 102260 3.8 3885 2.9 3006

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM HD GTPI +1522g 3rd Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian

Linderidge Durham Reeva-ET 62848473 98%rha VG-85 VV++V 3-08

2-01 2 305 24590 3-03 2 305 32070 4-06 2 305 34440 LIFE 1351 123050

2.9 725 3.1 987 3.0 1020 3.1 3869

Linderidge Blitz Revina 60889773 96%RHA EX-90 EEVVE 3-08

2.9 709 3.0 970 3.0 1047 3.0 3753

Lot 9

2-05 2 305 24500 3.3 811 2.8 690 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863

Linderidge Shot Rachel 71918834 99%RHA Born: October 20, 2012 #1131

lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 50K gtpi +1924g

2-02 2 298 23840 4.4 1049 3.2 767 3-02 2 285 24310 4.1 1002 3.3 806 4-02 2 160 17559 4.0 708 3.3 586 (RIP)

linderidge time racey 69437688 99%rha NC

Bred 3/10/2017 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM hd gtpi +1937g lincoln-Hill ito Nibbles 60542016 VG-88 VEVEV GMD DOM 3-02

3-00 2 305 34190 3.6 1225 2.9 1006 LIFE 986 102260 3.8 3885 2.9 3006

2-02 2 305 21970 2.9 642 3.0 661 3-05 2 268 25460 3.0 769 2.9 740

(NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 4th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

klassic big time-et 61143535 tv tl ty td GM 50K GTPI +1850G Linderidge Durham Reeva-ET 62848473 98%rha VG-85 VV++V 3-08

4-06 2 305 34440 3.0 1020 3.0 1047 LIFE 1351 123050 3.1 3869 3.0 3753


3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Revina (EX-90) 3-07 2 305 29770 3.4 1000 2.9 863 4th Dam: Linderidge Jolt Ruffian (NC) 3-05 2 305 17700 4.3 757 3.3 580 5th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 10

Linderidge richman Raven 71918853 99%RHA February 12, 2013 #1150

2-03 2 303 26250 3.2 845 3.0 776 3-02 2 376 29927 3.1 930 3.0 901

Bred 9/30/2016 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

Keystone Potter 128367894 tm tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEG 13-01 GM 50K GTPI +1627g

kings0ransom P Richman-et 62030417 tr tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 4-08 50K GTPI +2025G

kings-Ransom Moe Raisin-ET 60718319 tv vg-86 +V+VE 2-10

4-11 3 365 37300 3.6 1357 2.7 1013 LIFE 1544 125080 3.6 4558 2.8 3510

Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 3rd Dam: Linderidge Jason Raven TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 HD GTPI +1616g (GP-82)

Linderidge Duce Rosella 62422228 Linderidge Sanchez Rita 69437689 98%rha 96%rha NC G-74 GGGGF 3-02

Lot 11

2-04 2 305 26300 2.9 774 3.1 817 3-07 2 305 26730 3.2 855 3.2 844 4-08 2 286 25680 3.3 855 3.1 789

Linderidge gabor Risky 71918851 99%RHA Born: January 28, 2013 #1148

2-05 2 298 26360 2.9 763 3.0 791 3-05 2 305 29674 2.9 862 3.0 905

johcar Convincer Gama-ET 50038790 tv VG-88 EVVVV GMD 4-02 2-02 2 365 36370 3.7 1359 2.9 1039

to-mar D-Fortune-ET 129922003 tr tv tl EX-91 EEVV 6-04 50K gtpi +1355G

linderidge fortune Roxanne 68542454 99%RHA NC

linderidge O Man Ruckus 62722239 98%rha p-66 ++GPP 3-00

2-01 2 305 24190 3.8 912 3.2 776 3-06 2 193 18050 3.7 664 3.1 562

2-06 2 305 24880 3.6 896 3.0 769

Linderidge Donatlo Rox 1282 74339633 99%RHA Born: July 19, 2015 #1282

mr ocd Robust Donatello-ET 3006989495 tr tp tv tl ty td GM 50K GTPI +2495g

linderidge gabor risky 71918851 99%RHA NC 2-05 2 298 26360 2.9 763 3.0 791

Sells as Lot 11

Bred 9/16/2016 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

opsal Finley-ET 120780521 tv tl ty GM 50K GTPI +1525g

willow-marsh-cc gabor-et 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G

Lot 12

5-10 2 305 31200 3.1 963 2.9 894 Life: 1925 177590 3.0 5389 2.9 5118 4th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

roylane socra Robust-ET 64966739 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 GM 50K gtpi +2450g

3rd Dam: Linderidge Brass Robin (GP-80) 2-04 2 301 21290 3.5 742 2.8 602 4th Dam: Linderidge Jason Raven (GP-82) 5-10 2 305 31200 3.1 963 2.9 894 Life: 1925 177590 3.0 5389 2.9 5118 5th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita (GP-80) 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348

Bred 10/6/2016 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174ET 69990138 7H11477

3rd Dam: Linderidge O Man Ruckus (P-66) 2-06 2 305 24880 3.6 896 3.0 769 Ocd Planet Danica-ET 3004202172 4th Dam: Linderidge Brass Robin EX-93 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 (GP-80) 3-01 3 365 39240 3.5 1384 3.0 1166 2-04 2 301 21290 3.5 742 2.8 602 5th Dam: Linderidge Jason Raven willow-marsh-cc gabor-et 60845420 (GP-82) tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G 5-10 2 305 31200 3.1 963 2.9 894 Life: 1925 177590 3.0 5389 2.9 5118 linderidge fortune Roxanne 68542454 6th Dam: Linderidge Skyhawk Rita 99%RHA NC (GP-80) 2-01 2 305 24190 3.8 912 3.2 776 6-02 2 272 21110 3.4 714 3.0 630 3-06 2 193 18050 3.7 664 3.1 562 Life: 1702 112890 3.4 3798 3.0 3348


L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 13

Linderidge Gthrie hush 1228 73772500

Bred 11/4/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

99%RHA Born: June 20, 2014 #1228

2-02 2 280 20282 4.3 881 3.4 695 (RIP)

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1963g

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1871g Regancrest-MWS Brit-eT 60870676 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 4-11 1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866

mr chassity Gold Calvin-ET 140175880 tr tv tl ty td VG-88 VVVE 50K GTPI +1922

linderidge calvin Happy 71410507 99%RHA Linderidge Jackson Hazel 64489323 99%rha 3rd Dam: Linderidge Equity Hildee NC NC (VG-85) 1-11 2 168 12920 4.3 550 3.3 420 2-01 2 295 21110 4.0 843 3.1 644 3-00 2 305 29970 3.7 1096 3.0 909

Lot 14

Linderidge monros hila1274 74339625 99%RHA Born: June 22, 2015 #1274

5-02 2 305 29240 3.3 971 3.1 907 Life: 1518 119370 3.6 4345 3.2 3764

Bred 9/21/2016 to OCD Mayfield Deceiver-ET 3009533335 7H12115

Mountfield SSI Dcy Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE GM GTPI +2494g

Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VV+E 2-11 GM 50K GTPI +2744G

unique-style bolton money 139121711 tm tv tl ty EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 7-08 3-01 3 365 38430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247

Linderidge Graybil Hadley 68542496 99%rha NC 2-11 2 296 24530 3.8 927 3.2 795 3-11 2 305 28570 3.5 989 3.2 921

Lot 15

chan-Lee Marshal Graybil-ET 50747059 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +1904G

2-01 2 295 21110 4.0 843 3.1 644 3-00 2 305 29970 3.7 1096 3.0 909

Linderidge diamond Jem 1266 74339617 100%RHA Born: May 6, 2015 #1266

seagull-Bay Diamon-ETS 70640251 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVVV 4-02 50K GTPI +2329G

linderidge plato Jolly 70965608 VG-85 VV+VV 3-08 2-01 2 305 26210 3.7 957 3.2 841 3-06 2 230 24990 3.6 902 2.9 731

3rd Dam: Linderidge Equity Hildee

Linderidge Jackson Hazel 64489323 99%rha (VG-85) NC 5-02 2 305 29240 3.3 971 3.1 907

flevo Genetics Snowman-ET 388965513 tv tl GM HD GTPI +2130G ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET 66228178 EX-91 EEEVE GMD DOM 6-10 6-03 3 365 40290 3.7 1479 3.1 1233

Bomaz potter plato-ET 62297905 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 VEEE 7-10 GM 50K GTPI +1711G linderidge Socrates Yola 68542455 NC 2-02 2 305 33100 3.2 1070 2.8 942 3-02 2 305 34410 3.3 1120 2.9 994


Life: 1518 119370 3.6 4345 3.2 3764

Bred 9/25/2017 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 7H11477 Sexed semen

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 16

Linderidge durble Hush 1224 72799175 100%RHA Born: May 19, 2014 #1224

Bred 12/9/2016 to S-S-I Mogul Defender-ET 3009554569 7HO11926

2-02 2 290 27576 4.0 1114 3.1 866 (RIP)

Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G pta +264M +33f -4P 99%R 4/2017 pta +178NM +.09%f -.04%P 75%us pta +.7PL 2.63scs -.8dpr 6.2%dce pta +.52T +.40udc +1.64flc 99%R 4/2017

linderidge gabor Hazel 70505024 NC 2-01 2 305 24260 3.0 739 3.1 754 3-00 2 305 30690 2.8 849 3.1 939

Lot 17

3rd Dam: Linderidge Marsh Helene-ET (NC) 2-03 2 152 11720 3.0 346 2.7 311 4th Dam: PURSUIT SEPTEMBER STORM-ET 6820564C Linderidge Durham Honey RC TV TL (VG-88) CAN EX ST GM 50K GTPI ++1527g 4-01 2 305 27120 3.3 898 3.2 868 pta +.99T +.55udc +2.05flc 99%R 4/2017 5th Dam: RONELEE OUTSIDE DABBLE-ET 134644585 TV TL Rob-Law Mandel Helen (GP-84) EX-91 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-08 7-06 2 305 31800 3.3 1035 2.9 927 5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 Life: 2586 197320 3.2 6318 3.1 6181 LIFE 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614 6th Dam: Ro-Law Leadman Hildy (GP-82) 4-01 2 365 26220 2.9 772 2.8 744 7th Dam: Rob-Law Cleitus Helga willow-marsh-cc gabor-et 60845420 (EX-90 EX-MS) tr tv tl ty td 6-00 2 365 22640 4.3 981 3.5 788 EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G 8th Dam: Rob-Law Bubbas Heart-Twin PTA +1757m +4F +26P 99%R 4/2017 (VG-87) linderidge socrates Hayden 65899367 5-05 2 365 27710 4.0 1110 3.2 877 9th Dam: NC Crouch Farm Wonder Holiday 2-01 2 305 25420 3.2 801 3.0 762 (VG-87 DOM) 3-04 2 324 22890 3.3 759 2.9 655 Life: 1736 112450 3.3 3717 2.9 3227

linderidge gldchp helen1288 74339639 100%RHA Born: August 2, 2015 #1288

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-94 EEVE 6-00 50K gtpi +1880g pta -227M +1f -22P 99%R 4/2017 pta +104NM +.04%F -.06%P 52%us pta +1.8PL 2.67scs -.4dpr 3.5%dce pta +2.39T +2.47udc +2.15Flc 99%R 4/2017

linderidge gabor Hazel 70505024 NC 2-01 2 305 24260 3.0 739 3.1 754 3-00 2 305 30690 2.8 849 3.1 939

Bred 12/2/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708 Sexed semen

3rd Dam: Linderidge Marsh Helene-ET (NC) 2-03 2 152 11720 3.0 346 2.7 311 4th Dam: Linderidge Durham Honey BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C (VG-88) TV TL ty 4-01 2 305 27120 3.3 898 3.2 868 CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1871g 5th Dam: pta +1.76T +1.49udc +1.43flc 99%R 4/2017 Rob-Law Mandel Helen Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty (GP-84) 7-06 2 305 31800 3.3 1035 2.9 927 EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05 Life: 2586 197320 3.2 6318 3.1 6181 3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 6th Dam: Ro-Law Leadman Hildy LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959 (GP-82) 4-01 2 365 26220 2.9 772 2.8 744 7th Dam: Rob-Law Cleitus Helga willow-marsh-cc gabor-et 60845420 (EX-90 EX-MS) tr tv tl ty td 6-00 2 365 22640 4.3 981 3.5 788 EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G 8th Dam: Rob-Law Bubbas Heart-Twin PTA +1757M +4F +26P 99%R 4/2017 (VG-87) linderidge socrates Hayden 65899367 5-05 2 365 27710 4.0 1110 3.2 877 9th Dam: NC Crouch Farm Wonder Holiday 2-01 2 305 25420 3.2 801 3.0 762 (VG-87 DOM) 3-04 2 324 22890 3.3 759 2.9 655 Life: 1736 112450 3.3 3717 2.9 3227


L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 18

Linderidge shot helena 1171 71918874 100%RHA Born: June 3, 2013 #1171

2-01 2 305 29340 3.5 1041 3.0 887 3-02 2 290 28342 3.5 1006 3.0 856 (RIP)

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM hd gtpi +1937g pta +478M +27f +11P 99%R 4/2017 pta +1.18t +.89udc +.69flc 99%R 4/2017

Lincoln-Hill Shot laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 50K GTPI +1924G pta +409M +42f +7P 99%r 4/2017 pta +171NM +.10%F -.02%P 68%dce pta -.6PL 3.19scs +.7dpr 6.1%dce pta +1.52t +1.16udc +.31flc 99%R 4/2017

lincoln-Hill Ito Nibbles 60542016 VG-88 VEVEV GMD DOM 3-02

3-00 2 305 34190 3.6 1225 2.9 1006 LIFE 986 102260 3.8 3885 2.9 3006

willow-marsh-cc gabor-et 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G PTA +1757M +4F +26P 99%R 4/2017

linderidge gabor Hazel 70505024 NC 2-01 2 305 24260 3.0 739 3.1 754 3-00 2 305 30690 2.8 849 3.1 939

linderidge socrates Hayden 65899367 NC 2-01 2 305 25420 3.2 801 3.0 762

Lot 19

Linderidge grafeeti Hi 1280 74339631 99%RHA Born: July 13, 2015 #1280

ladys-Manor rd Grafeeti-et 68988032 tr cd tp tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2197g pta +260M +54f +22P 99%R 4/2017 pta +487NM +.16%f +.05%P 84%us pta +2.7PL 2.81scs +.1dpr 6.4%dce pta +.99T +1.52udc +1.26flc 98%R 4/2017

linderidge shot Helena 1171 71918874 NC 2-01 2 305 29340 3.5 1041 3.0 887

Sells as Lot 18

badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie 60996956 tc tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2176g pta +754M +27f +25P 99%R 4/2017 pta +.33t +.53udc +1.46flc 99%R 4/2017 ladys-manor ruby d Grace-ET 62812291 EX-92 EEVEE GMD DOM 5-08 4-03 2 365 35360 5.1 1800 3.4 1193 LIFE 1455 116980 4.9 5788 3.5 4073

Lincoln-Hill Shot laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 50K GTPI +1924G pta +1.52t +1.16udc +.31flc 99%R 4/2017 linderidge gabor Hazel 70505024 NC 2-01 2 305 24260 3.0 739 3.1 754 3-00 2 305 30690 2.8 849 3.1 939


Bred 10/28/2016 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256 3rd Dam: Linderidge Marsh Helene-ET (NC) 2-03 2 152 11720 3.0 346 2.7 311 4th Dam: Linderidge Durham Honey (VG-88) 4-01 2 305 27120 3.3 898 3.2 868 5th Dam: Rob-Law Mandel Helen (GP-84) 7-06 2 305 31800 3.3 1035 2.9 927 Life: 2586 197320 3.2 6318 3.1 6181 6th Dam: Ro-Law Leadman Hildy (GP-82) 4-01 2 365 26220 2.9 772 2.8 744 7th Dam: Rob-Law Cleitus Helga (EX-90 EX-MS) 6-00 2 365 22640 4.3 981 3.5 788 8th Dam: Rob-Law Bubbas Heart-Twin (VG-87) 5-05 2 365 27710 4.0 1110 3.2 877 9th Dam: Crouch Farm Wonder Holiday (VG-87 DOM) 3-04 2 324 22890 3.3 759 2.9 655 Life: 1736 112450 3.3 3717 2.9 3227

Bred 1/7/2017 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

3rd Dam: Linderidge Socrates Hayden (NC) 2-01 2 305 25420 3.2 801 3.0 762 4th Dam: Linderidge Marsh Helene-ET (NC) 2-03 2 152 11720 3.0 346 2.7 311 5th Dam: Linderidge Durham Honey (VG-88) 4-01 2 305 27120 3.3 898 3.2 868 6th Dam: Rob-Law Mandel Helen (GP-84) 7-06 2 305 31800 3.3 1035 2.9 927 Life: 2586 197320 3.2 6318 3.1 6181 7th Dam: Ro-Law Leadman Hildy (GP-82) 4-01 2 365 26220 2.9 772 2.8 744 8th Dam: Rob-Law Cleitus Helga (EX-90 EX-MS) 6-00 2 365 22640 4.3 981 3.5 788 9th Dam: Rob-Law Bubbas Heart-Twin (VG-87) 5-05 2 365 27710 4.0 1110 3.2 877 10th Dam: Crouch Farm Wonder Holiday (VG-87 DOM) 3-04 2 324 22890 3.3 759 2.9 655 Life: 1736 112450 3.3 3717 2.9 3227

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 20

Linderidge Durbl Patti 1177 72799128 99%RHA Born: July 20, 2013 #1177

Bred 10/1/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

2-00 2 298 24200 3.3 797 2.8 685 3-00 2 317 30946 3.3 1033 2.9 891 (RIP)


Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G pta +264M +33f -4P 99%R 4/2017 pta +.52T +.40udc +1.64flc 99%R 4/2017


5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 LIFE 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614

robthom Moscow-ET 132582764 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 10-02 GM HD GTPI +1703g

Linderidge Moscow Paula 64489316 99%rha G-79 V+GFG 3-00 2-04 2 303 25340 3-04 2 305 24710 4-06 2 305 31770 LIFE 1179 103940

3.7 942 3.8 929 3.8 1217 3.8 3926

Lot 21

2.8 704 3.0 743 2.8 903 2.9 3016

3rd Dam: Lingeridge Brass Pindigo

linderidge Locust Pat 62422218 99%rha (VG-85) 5-03 2 305 25880 3.5 908 3.1 813 NC 2-03 2 305 24540 3.7 902 3.0 739 3-04 2 261 18750 3.5 655 3.0 554

4th Dam: Linderidge Winchester Priss (GP-83) 3-07 2 292 24670 4.4 1094 3.3 810

Linderidge Spur Pippa 1275 74339626 99%RHA Born: June 23, 2015 #1275

Bred 12/8/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2038G

de-su 527 spur-ET 66636663 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-05 GM 50K GTPI +2055g

de-su 7012-ET 62720570 EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM 7-04

6-06 3 365 49380 3.4 1695 2.8 1378 LIFE 992 112500 3.4 3839 2.9 3318

Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G

linderidge gabor Pebbles 68542501 GP-80 V+++F 2-08 2-02 2 305 30980 3-01 2 305 34570 4-02 2 305 34630 5-01 2 303 34720 LIFE 1253 137960

3.5 1074 3.1 1056 2.8 956 3.1 1060 3.1 4244

2.8 875 2.9 1002 2.9 1011 2.8 980 2.9 3963

Lot 22

Linderidge Moscow Paula 64489316 99%rha G-79 V+GFG 3-00 2-04 2 303 25340 3-04 2 305 24710 4-06 2 305 31770 LIFE 1179 103940

3.7 942 3.8 929 3.8 1217 3.8 3926

2.8 704 3.0 743 2.8 903 2.9 3016

linderidge Donatelo Pam 1294 74339645 99%RHA Born: September 21, 2015 #1294

mr ocd Robust Donatello-ET 3006989495 tr tp tv tl ty td GM 50K GTPI +2495g

2-03 2 302 23180 3.6 826 3.0 686

Bred 3/24/2017 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

roylane socra Robust-ET 64966739 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 GM 50K gtpi +2450g Ocd Planet Danica-ET 3004202172 EX-93 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 3-01 3 365 39240 3.5 1384 3.0 1166

lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08

Linderidge Shot Pepper 1173 71918876 99%Rha NC

3rd Dam: Linderidge Locust Pat (NC) 2-03 2 305 24540 3.7 902 3.0 739 4th Dam: Lingeridge Brass Pindigo (VG-85) 5-03 2 305 25880 3.5 908 3.1 813 5th Dam: Linderidge Winchester Priss (GP-83) 3-07 2 292 24670 4.4 1094 3.3 810

linderidge gabor Pebbles 68542501 GP-80 V+++F 2-08

2-02 2 305 30980 3-01 2 305 34570 4-02 2 305 34630 5-01 2 303 34720 LIFE 1253 137960

3.5 1074 3.1 1056 2.8 956 3.1 1060 3.1 4244


2.8 875 2.9 1002 2.9 1011 2.8 980 2.9 3963

3rd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Paula (G-79) 4-06 2 305 31770 3.8 1217 2.8 903 Life: 1179 103940 3.8 3926 2.9 3016 4th Dam: Linderidge Locust Pat (NC) 2-03 2 305 24540 3.7 902 3.0 739 5th Dam: Lingeridge Brass Pindigo (VG-85) 5-03 2 305 25880 3.5 908 3.1 813 6th Dam: Linderidge Winchester Priss (GP-83) 3-07 2 292 24670 4.4 1094 3.3 810

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 23

Linderidge McNugts 1236 73772507

99%RHA Born: July 9, 2014 #1235 Bred 1/13/2017 to 2-03 2 212 19323 3.4 685 3.0 581 (RIP) Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET Emerald-acr-sa T-Baxter 132973942 6972815 7H11314 b/r tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +50K gtpi +1906g foxberry bax mcnuggets-ET 139058916 ms heartbeat jm maggie mae 133912027 tr tp tv tl ty td tv tl EX-92 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-08 GM 50K GTPI +2056 2-11 2 365 37070 5.1 1887 3.1 1136 LIFE 1625 143570 4.6 6608 3.1 4496

linderidge gabor Pebbles 68542501 GP-80 V+++F 2-08

2-02 2 305 30980 3-01 2 305 34570 4-02 2 305 34630 5-01 2 303 34720 LIFE 1253 137960

3.5 1074 3.1 1056 2.8 956 3.1 1060 3.1 4244

2.8 875 2.9 1002 2.9 1011 2.8 980 2.9 3963

Lot 24

Linderidge Moscow Paula 64489316 99%rha G-79 V+GFG 3-00 2-04 2 303 25340 3-04 2 305 24710 4-06 2 305 31770 LIFE 1179 103940

3.7 942 3.8 929 3.8 1217 3.8 3926

2.8 704 3.0 743 2.8 903 2.9 3016

linderidge Dresser Pat 1290 74339641 99%RHA Born: August 16, 2015 #1290

Bred 11/28/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708 ocd McCutchen Dresser-ET 3010975109 99%rha-I rc tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VEVV 2-11 77K GTPI +2311G pta +1414M +43f +46P 88%R 4/2017

linderidge durbl Patti 1177 72799128 99%rha NC 2-00 2 298 24200 3.3 797 2.8 685

Sells as Lot 20

Lot 25

Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G

de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2464g curr-vale observer delta-et 66401837 rc tv tl Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G Linderidge Moscow Paula 64489316 99%rha G-79 V+GFG 3-00 2-04 2 303 25340 3-04 2 305 24710 4-06 2 305 31770 LIFE 1179 103940

3.7 942 3.8 929 3.8 1217 3.8 3926

2.8 704 3.0 743 2.8 903 2.9 3016

3rd Dam: Linderidge Locust Pat (NC) 2-03 2 305 24540 3.7 902 3.0 739 4th Dam: Lingeridge Brass Pindigo (VG-85) 5-03 2 305 25880 3.5 908 3.1 813 5th Dam: Linderidge Winchester Priss (GP-83) 3-07 2 292 24670 4.4 1094 3.3 810

linderidge gabor Peppa 1261 74339612 99%RHA Born: March 8, 2015 #1261

2-01 2 57 5495 3.3 179 2.6 144 (RIP)

willow-marsh-cc gabor-et 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G

opsal Finley-ET 120780521 tv tl ty GM 50K GTPI +1525g johcar Convincer Gama-ET 50038790 tv VG-88 EVVVV GMD 4-02 2-02 2 365 36370 3.7 1359 2.9 1039

linderidge Shot Princess 71918852 99%rha P-57 ++PFP 2-04 2-01 2 298 24570 3.2 793 3.2 774

lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 Linderidge laurin Pinnacle 65899359 99%rha NC 2-01 2 289 25110 3.7 932 3.2 811 3-00 2 305 31550 3.9 1226 3.4 1064


3rd Dam: Linderidge CF Crest Ping (NC) 4th Dam: Lingeridge Brass Pindigo (VG-85) 5-03 2 305 25880 3.5 908 3.1 813 5th Dam: Linderidge Winchester Priss (GP-83) 3-07 2 292 24670 4.4 1094 3.3 810

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 26

Linderidge Emphasis Pippa 70965607 99%RHA Born: October 16, 2011 #1076

2-06 2 305 25070 2.9 722 2.8 693 3-07 2 298 24640 3.2 794 2.8 700 4-07 2 347 23794 3.4 800 2.9 697

Henkeseen Emphasis-ET 61855137 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEEV 7-11 50K GTPI +1762G pta +1.22T +2.04udc +2.17flc 99%R 4/2017

hartline titanic-et 123066734 tv tl ty GM HD GTPI +1517g 3rd Dam: Linderidge Belltone Patty

kerndtway durham Emily-ET 128947045 tv (GP-83) EX-92 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 10-06 4-06 2 263 20860 3.0 618 2.7 567 LIFE 2678 202110 3.6 7355 3.0 6090

mar-Bil Teamster Gizmo-ET 61545918 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1714g

linderidge Gizmo Poppy 65899348 99%Rha NC linderidge eland Patience 61710848 2-01 2 300 26960 3.1 826 2.9 770 99%rha NC

3-01 2 305 32720 4-02 2 298 26880 5-02 2 298 35940 6-01 2 305 37310 LIFE 1678 169690

2.9 955 3.3 897 2.9 1033 3.1 1153 3.1 5233

Lot 27

2.9 952 2.8 752 2.8 994 2.7 1018 2.8 4833

Bred 9/23/2016 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

2-02 2 289 24290 3-02 2 305 30760 4-05 2 284 31490 6-04 2 291 24330 LIFE 1362 125890

3.1 764 2.9 890 3.1 964 3.0 741 3.0 3788

2.6 632 2.6 793 2.6 804 2.7 653 2.6 3292

4th Dam: Linderidge Goldfinger Poppy (NC) 2-11 2 280 16940 3.8 649 3.2 539 5th Dam: Linderidge Extreme Paula (GP-81) 5-11 2 305 24530 3.4 826 3.0 743 Life: 1788 122590 3.5 4302 3.0 3685 6th Dam: Linderidge Dex Prudence (GP-82) 7-01 2 284 20390 2.7 554 3.0 607

Linderidge Apprntc Pam1193 72799144 99%RHA Born: November 21, 2013 #1193 Apprentice x Poppy

Bred 3/17/2017 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

2-02 2 297 25050 3.5 869 3.0 749 3-01 2 151 17381 3.3 565 2.9 511 (RIP)

morningview apprentice-et 63927726 tr tv tl td EX-92 EEE+ 5-11 50K GTPI +1902g pta +1.19t +.85udc +1.30flc 96%R 4/2017

Lot 28

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1692g Morningview Oman Annette-eT 136212368 VG-87 VV+VV GMD DOM 3-00 2-02 2 365 34220 4.7 1610 3.3 1142

linderidge mcguins Pal 1247 73772519

Bred 5/5/2017 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 7H11477

ri-val-re Macguiness-et 139761263 tr tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-10 50K GTPI +2043g

99%RHA Born: November 4, 2014 #1247 MacGuiness x Poppy

2-03 2 102 7805 3.2 250 2.7 208 (RIP)

REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET 60540164 TV TL EX-92 EEEV 6-01 GM 50K GTPI +1853g ri-val-re shtle Wendi-eT 62067941 tv VG-88 VV+VE DOM 2-06 1-11 2 222 22030 3.8 827 2.9 644

mar-Bil Teamster Gizmo-ET 61545918 linderidge Gizmo Poppy 65899348 99%Rha tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1714g NC linderidge eland Patience 61710848 2-01 2 300 26960 3.1 826 2.9 770 99%rha NC 3-01 2 305 32720 2.9 955 2.9 952

4-02 2 298 26880 5-02 2 298 35940 6-01 2 305 37310 LIFE 1678 169690

3.3 897 2.9 1033 3.1 1153 3.1 5233

2.8 752 2.8 994 2.7 1018 2.8 4833

2-02 2 289 24290 3-02 2 305 30760 4-05 2 284 31490 6-04 2 291 24330 LIFE 1362 125890

3.1 764 2.9 890 3.1 964 3.0 741 3.0 3788


2.6 632 2.6 793 2.6 804 2.7 653 2.6 3292

3rd Dam: Linderidge Belltone Patty (GP-83) 4-06 2 263 20860 3.0 618 2.7 567 4th Dam: Linderidge Goldfinger Poppy (NC) 2-11 2 280 16940 3.8 649 3.2 539 5th Dam: Linderidge Extreme Paula (GP-81) 5-11 2 305 24530 3.4 826 3.0 743 Life: 1788 122590 3.5 4302 3.0 3685 6th Dam: Linderidge Dex Prudence (GP-82) 7-01 2 284 20390 2.7 554 3.0 607

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 29

linderidge shmrck pop 1269 74339620 99%RHA Born: June 14, 2015 #1269

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-88 EVE+ GM 4-10 50K GTPI +2283g pta +1147M +39f +21P 99%R 4/2017

3.1 826 2.9 955 3.3 897 2.9 1033 3.1 1153 3.1 5233

2.9 770 2.9 952 2.8 752 2.8 994 2.7 1018 2.8 4833

4-05 2 284 31490 3.1 964 2.6 804 Life: 1362 125890 3.0 3788 2.6 3292 4th Dam: Linderidge Belltone Patty (GP-83) 4-06 2 263 20860 3.0 618 2.7 567 5th Dam: Linderidge Goldfinger Poppy (NC) 2-11 2 280 16940 3.8 649 3.2 539 6th Dam: Linderidge Extreme Paula (GP-81) 5-11 2 305 24530 3.4 826 3.0 743 Life: 1788 122590 3.5 4302 3.0 3685

Linderidge watson Penny1258 74339609 99%RHA Born: February 1, 2015 #1258

De-su Watson 64700377 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-07 GM 50K gtpi +2096g pta +1.02T +.82udc +.49flc 98%R 4/2017

linderidge Conclusion Peg 64489346 99%rha NC

Lot 31

4-04 2 365 37920 4.8 1808 3.2 1208

2-01 2 300 26960 3-01 2 305 32720 4-02 2 298 26880 5-02 2 298 35940 6-01 2 305 37310 LIFE 1678 169690

Sells as Lot 26

2-02 2 305 22620 3-04 2 303 28120 4-03 2 305 31810 5-03 2 305 34040 6-06 2 305 33620 LIFE 1786 169260

ladys-manor ruby D shawn-et 62360741 3rd Dam: Linderidge Eland Patience (NC) EX-90 EEVVE DOM 5-04

linderidge Gizmo Poppy 65899348 99%Rha NC

2-06 2 305 25070 2.9 722 2.8 693 3-07 2 298 24640 3.2 794 2.8 700

Lot 30

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM

Henkeseen Emphasis-ET 61855137 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEEV 7-11

linderidge Emphasis Pippa 70965607 99%rha NC

3.6 807 3.7 1038 3.6 1138 3.2 1105 3.6 1199 3.5 5968

3.1 707 3.1 867 3.1 995 3.1 1063 3.0 995 3.1 5295

de-su 7045-ET 62720603 VG-87 EEVV+ 6-08 5-01 3 287 32170 4.4 1417 2.7 882 LIFE 1461 134280 4.0 5379 3.0 3966

Front-Row Conclusion-ET 137575082 tr tv tl td 50K GTPI +1684G linderidge Marshall Philly 60634099 98%RHA VG-87 VV++V 4-03 3.5 672 3.3 800 3.2 823 3.2 805 3.0 730 3.1 688 3.2 4696

2.8 540 3.0 722 3.0 771 2.8 712 3.0 712 2.9 647 2.9 4283

3rd Dam: Linderidge Leif Penny (GP-82) 4-07 2 305 36440 3.0 1090 2.7 970 Life: 1426 133910 2.9 3913 2.8 3768 4th Dam: Linderidge Extreme Paula (GP-81) 5-11 2 305 24530 3.4 826 3.0 743 Life: 1788 122590 3.5 4302 3.0 3685 5th Dam: Linderidge Dex Prudence (GP-82) 7-01 2 284 20390 2.7 554 3.0 607

Linderidge kingby Prim 1304 3134093063 99%RHA Born: December 31, 2015 #1304

Linderidge gabor Pickles 70505043 99%rha NC 2-03 2 305 29760 3.5 1047 3.2 962 3-04 2 297 33180 3.6 1193 3.0 986

Bred 9/23/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

end-Road PVF Boliver-ET 123586443 tv tl ty td EX-96 EEEE 11-11 GM

2-01 2 276 19390 3-00 2 301 24340 4-00 2 305 25580 5-04 2 305 25370 6-05 2 290 24060 7-05 2 272 22490 LIFE 1877 146710

Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-90 EEVE 2-11 77k GTPI +2567g pta +3.28t +2.61udc +1.92flc 94%R 4/2017

Bred 10/23/2016 to OCD Mayfield Deceiver-ET 3009533335 7H12115

de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I tr tp tv tl ty td EX-93 EEEE 4-10 GM 50K gtpi +2464g Morningview Super Megan-ET 68564508 VG-85 V+v+v dom 3-09 2-08 2 365 33980 3.9 1318 3.0 1027

Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G Linderidge Socrates Prue-TW 65899388 NC 2-02 2 305 19990 3.8 751 3.2 644


Bred 3/21/2017 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

3rd Dam: Linderidge Marshall Philly (VG-87) 4-00 2 305 25580 3.2 823 3.0 771 Life: 1877 146710 3.2 4696 2.9 4283 4th Dam: Linderidge Leif Penny (GP-82) 4-07 2 305 36440 3.0 1090 2.7 970 Life: 1426 133910 2.9 3913 2.8 3768 5th Dam: Linderidge Extreme Paula (GP-81) 5-11 2 305 24530 3.4 826 3.0 743 Life: 1788 122590 3.5 4302 3.0 3685 6th Dam: Linderidge Dex Prudence (GP-82) 7-01 2 284 20390 2.7 554 3.0 607

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 32

linderidge plato Peanut 70965609 99%RHA Born: October 24, 2011 #1078

2-08 2 300 26750 3.7 984 3.0 808 3-07 2 305 32170 3.3 1055 2.9 947 4-10 2 269 29794 3.3 974 2.9 869 (RIP) keystone Potter 128367894 tm tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEG 13-01 GM 50K GTPI +1627G

Bomoz Potter Plato-ET 62297905 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 VEEE 7-10 GM 50K GTPI +1711g pta +600M +29f-5p 99%R 4/2017

Bomaz Manat 2441-ET 60413710 VG-87 VVVVV GMD DOM 3-05 2-03 3 365 38360 4.1 1556 2.9 1114

Linderidge Le-O Penelope 62848448 99%rha VG-85 V+++V 3-07 2-02 2 301 21470 3-01 2 304 26550 4-01 2 305 27890 5-00 2 297 26970 6-00 2 298 27680 LIFE 1506 130610

3.4 740 3.6 962 3.9 1079 3.2 869 3.1 868 3.5 4519

Lot 33

le-o-la emerson Classic-TW 130679833 tr tv tl td EX-91 EEEE 6-03

3.1 674 3.1 821 3.1 863 3.2 857 3.0 840 3.1 4056

Linderidge dividend Pari 61710858 98%rha GP-80 G+GG+ 2-11 2-02 2 305 21260 4.0 858 3.1 668

3rd Dam: 42WJF6938 (NC) 4th Dam: Linderidge Extreme Paula (GP-81) 5-11 2 305 24530 3.4 826 3.0 743 Life: 1788 122590 3.5 4302 3.0 3685 5th Dam: Linderidge Dex Prudence (GP-82) 7-01 2 284 20390 2.7 554 3.0 607

linderidge million Pam 1186 72799137 99%RHA Born: October 7, 2013 #1186

3-01 2 190 16746 3.8 637 3.3 546 (RIP) England-Ammon Million-ET 61547476 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 6-07 GM 50K GTPI +1479g pta +.38t +.91udc +.34flc 99%R 4/2017 Linderidge Le-O Penelope 62848448 99%rha VG-85 V+++V 3-07 2-02 2 301 21470 3-01 2 304 26550 4-01 2 305 27890 5-00 2 297 26970 6-00 2 298 27680 LIFE 1506 130610

Bred 1/6/2017 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

3.4 740 3.6 962 3.9 1079 3.2 869 3.1 868 3.5 4519

3.1 674 3.1 821 3.1 863 3.2 857 3.0 840 3.1 4056

Lot 34 Bred 3/17/2017 to S-S-I Mogul Defender-ET 3009554569 7HO11926

REGANCREST-HHF MAYA-ET 605311869 VG-85 +VV+V 2-10 2-04 3 365 24240 4.0 971 3.3 789

le-o-la emerson Classic-TW 130679833 tr tv tl td EX-91 EEEE 6-03

2-02 2 305 21260 4.0 858 3.1 668

Linderidge bookem Pearl1253 74339604 99%RHA Born: December 18, 2014 #1253

linderidge guthrie Pearl 71918830 99%rha NC 2-02 2 291 26350 3.4 891 3.0 800 3-01 2 305 33290 3.3 1085 3.1 1019


Linderidge dividend Pari 61710858 98%rha GP-80 G+GG+ 2-11

De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tv tl ty td VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2341g pta +1269m +30f +48p 99%R 4/2017

Bred 5/12/2017 to Siemers Mogul Pety 3010660326

2-00 2 148 13960 3.6 500 3.1 437 (RIP)

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2081G Clear-Echo 822 Ramo-1199-ET 61765027 99%RHA-I VG-86 +VGEV DOM 2-06 2-00 3 365 32190 3.4 1103 3.1 1003

Pedigree name Pedigree info Linderidge Michael Prisha 69437692 99%rha NC 2-00 2 305 26230 3.5 907 3.4 879


3rd Dam: 42WJF6938 (NC) 4th Dam: Linderidge Extreme Paula (GP-81) 5-11 2 305 24530 3.4 826 3.0 743 Life: 1788 122590 3.5 4302 3.0 3685 5th Dam: Linderidge Dex Prudence (GP-82) 7-01 2 284 20390 2.7 554 3.0 607

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 35

linderidge sanchez Karrot 70505031 99%RHA Born: June 2, 2011 #1058 VG-86 V+VVV 4-00

2-03 3-05 4-05 5-08 Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 HD GTPI +1616g pta +1.94T +1.12udc +1.73flc 99%R 4/2017 Linderidge Socrates Kandee 65899372 2-02 2 299 19690 3.9 766 3.1 606 3-01 2 305 25950 3.6 936 3.1 815 4-04 2 185 17300 3.7 643 3.1 534

Lot 36

2 2 2 2

305 293 305 105

28460 28870 34830 15572

3.1 3.2 2.9 2.9

886 917 995 456

3.3 3.2 3.1 2.8

932 920 1094 437 (RIP)

Bred 4/28/2017 to Siemers Mogul Pety 3010660326



4-08 2 365 43690 3.6 1555 2.9 1255 LIFE 1463 132550 3.6 4737 3.1 4074

Velvet-View-KJ Socrates-ET 133126053 tr tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 5-07 GM Linderidge Le-O Krystalyn 62848469 G-76 G+FGF 3-02 2-00 2 297 20660 3.3 685 2.9 605 3-00 2 305 28120 3.4 961 2.8 790

Linderidge apprntc Kay 1163 71918866 99%RHA Born: April 14, 2013 #1163

2-02 2 298 22950 4.0 919 3.2 725 3-01 2 339 27102 4.0 1071 3.3 866 morningview apprentice-et 63927726 tr tv tl td EX-92 EEE+ 5-11 50K GTPI +1902g pta +1.19t +.85udc +1.30flc 96%R 4/2017

Bred 9/15/2016 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1692g Morningview Oman Annette-eT 136212368 VG-87 VV+VV GMD DOM 3-00 2-02 2 365 34220 4.7 1610 3.3 1142

Applouis Michael Attila-ET 139750443 tr tv tl ty td VG-88 EVVV 3-11

3rd Dam: Linderidge Equity Kaye (GP-84) linderidge Wizard Kit 62422217 98%rha 2-08 2 305 22720 4.3 971 3.2 717 GP-82 V+++G 4-08 4th Dam: Linderidge Deming 2-03 2 305 25410 3.6 920 3.1 784 Kristen 3-05 2 296 23260 3.6 829 3.0 700 (GP-83) 4-04 2 305 28880 3.6 1048 3.0 859 3-05 2 305 27490 4.2 1156 3.3 910 5-06 2 305 31800 3.9 1248 3.1 999 Life: 1639 127420 3.9 5000 3.3 4232 LIFE 1461 129090 3.7 4808 3.1 3942

Linderidge Attila Kricket 69437720 99%rha NC 2-00 2 305 25730 4.0 1030 3.3 845 3-00 2 305 26290 3.9 1031 3.4 902

Lot 37

Linderidge shamrck kia 1279 74339630 99%RHA Born: July 13, 2015 #1279

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-88 EVE+ GM 4-10 50K GTPI +2283g pta +1147M +39f +21P 99%R 4/2017

linderidge aprntc kara 1169 71918872 99%rha NC 2-01 2 260 17890 4.0 711 3.3 584

Bred 12/29/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM ladys-manor ruby D shawn-et 62360741 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 5-04 4-04 2 365 37920 4.8 1808 3.2 1208

morningview apprentice-et 63927726 tr tv tl td EX-92 EEE+ 5-11 linderidge sanchez Krumb 70505025 99%rha NC 17

3rd Dam: Linderidge Le-O Krystalyn (G-76) 3-00 2 305 28120 3.4 961 2.8 790

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 38

Linderidge Bradey Felice 68542471 98%RHA Born; October 24, 2009 #968

2-00 2 305 25980 3-01 2 301 32070 4-00 2 296 30670 5-00 2 305 32960 6-03 2 305 35450 LIFE 1630 163090 7-04 2 13897

LIFE 2194 170840 3.8 6529 3.1 5339

305 301 296 305 305

25980 32070 30670 32960 35450

Sells as Lot 38

linderidge eland freska 60889769 93%rha GP-81 VV+GG 3-09

linderidge richman fancy 71918843 99%RHA Born: December 1, 2012 #1140

2-01 2 305 21120 3.3 707 3.0 632 3-02 2 295 25810 3.2 383 2.8 732 4-01 2 130 15044 3.2 486 2.9 429 (RIP)

3.6 929 3.4 1075 3.4 1041 3.0 988 3.1 1093

3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.7

Keystone Potter 128367894 tm tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEG 13-01 GM 50K GTPI +1627g kings-Ransom Moe Raisin-ET 60718319 tv vg-86 +V+VE 2-10 cook-Farm Zenith Bradey-ET 63590984 tr tv tl td 50K GTPI +1774g

778 921 896 943 967

Lot 40

linderidge Bret Fritzie 61710874 96%rha NC 2-05 2 299 24800 3.4 855 2.8 693 3-04 2 305 27310 2.9 797 2.8 770 4-10 2 287 25650 3.0 781 2.7 702

3rd Dam: Linderidge Eland Freska (GP-81) 3-05 2 305 27340 3.1 840 2.7 751

Linderidge Planet Flora 70505042 99%RHA Born: September 3, 2011 #1069 GP-84 VV+++ 3-09

2-05 3-06 4-06 5-05

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2038G pta +1554M +38f +45P 99%R 4/2017 linderidge glen Francheska 68542458 99%rha NC 2-00 2 297 20960 3-00 2 305 26860 4-02 2 298 29500 5-01 2 299 29550 6-00 2 305 25820 LIFE 1576 137480

3.5 731 3.5 943 3.4 1006 3.5 1041 3.7 957 3.5 4848

3.3 686 3.4 911 3.1 921 3.1 907 3.1 811 3.2 4390

Bred 5/7/2017 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

4-11 3 365 37300 3.6 1357 2.7 1013 LIFE 1544 125080 3.6 4558 2.8 3510

linderidge Bradey Felice 68542471 98%rha NC 2 2 2 2 2

Peckenstein Form Bret-ET 120745603 cv tm tl ty EX-94 EEEV 9-03

2-05 2 305 18510 3.5 640 2.9 539 3-05 2 305 27340 3.1 840 2.7 751 4-06 2 293 26250 3.1 802 2.8 727

kings0ransom P Richman-et 62030417 tr tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 4-08 50K GTPI +2025G

2-00 3-01 4-00 5-00 6-03

778 921 896 943 967 4696 381 (RIP)

Hidden-view Brooke-et 134225184 EX-92 EEEEE GMD 5-02

linderidge Bret Fritzie 61710874 96%rha NC

Lot 39

3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.9 2.7

Ocean-View Zenith-Tw-ET 129800008 tr tv tl td gm 50K gtpi +1712g

cook-Farm Zenith Bradey-ET 63590984 tr tv tl td 50K GTPI +1774g pta +450M +18f +9P 93%r 4/2017

2-05 2 299 24800 3.4 855 2.8 693 3-04 2 305 27310 2.9 797 2.8 770 4-10 2 287 25650 3.0 781 2.7 702

3.6 929 3.4 1075 3.4 1041 3.0 988 3.1 1093 3.3 5342 3.5 491

Bred 5/12/2017 to Siemers Mogul Pety 3010660326

2 2 2 2

305 303 301 110

27350 28910 27940 13197

3.7 1024 3.6 1027 3.7 1037 3.7 493

3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2

899 944 928 416 (RIP)

Bred 4/28/2017 to Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339

ROSE-BAUM TABOO-ET 17121203 TV TL VG-87 EVV+ 7-01 GM

PLUSHANSKI AMEL PATTY-ET 130161039 TV EX-93 EEEEE 3E DOM 9-05 6-10 2 365 46120 3.2 1494 2.9 1326 LIFE 1968 185890 3.3 6171 3.1 5758

glen-Valley BW Captain-ET 132557357 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 linderidge lyle francie 62848484 98%rha G-74 +FFFG 2-11 2-02 2 297 18810 4.2 781 3.1 585 3-01 2 299 22980 3.8 874 3.1 703


3rd Dam: Linderidge Bret Fritzie (NC) 3-04 2 305 27310 2.9 797 2.8 770 4th Dam: Linderidge Eland Freska (GP-81) 3-05 2 305 27340 3.1 840 2.7 751

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 41

Linderidge Guthrie Fantasy 71918838 99%RHA GP-81 ++G++ 2-08 #1135

2-03 2 296 21120 3.7 772 3.3 697 3-03 2 305 26250 3.8 993 3.2 832

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1960g pta +2.54T +2.06udc +1.31flc 99%R 4/2017

3rd Dam: Linderidge Bret Fritzie (NC) 3-04 2 305 27310 2.9 797 2.8 770 4th Dam: Linderidge Eland Freska (GP-81) 3-05 2 305 27340 3.1 840 2.7 751

Linderidge watson fran 1244 73772516 99%RHA Born: October 6, 2014 #1244

2-02 2 154 13013 4.1 540 3.0 391 (RIP)

3.5 731 3.5 943 3.4 1006 3.5 1041 3.7 957 3.5 4848

3.3 686 3.4 911 3.1 921 3.1 907 3.1 811 3.2 4390

de-su 7045-ET 62720603 VG-87 EEVV+ 6-08 5-01 3 287 32170 4.4 1417 2.7 882 LIFE 1461 134280 4.0 5379 3.0 3966

glen-Valley BW Captain-ET 132557357 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 linderidge lyle francie 62848484 98%rha G-74 +FFFG 2-11 2-02 2 297 18810 4.2 781 3.1 585 3-01 2 299 22980 3.8 874 3.1 703

3rd Dam: Linderidge Bret Fritzie (NC) 3-04 2 305 27310 2.9 797 2.8 770 4th Dam: Linderidge Eland Freska (GP-81) 3-05 2 305 27340 3.1 840 2.7 751

linderidge locker gwen 1192 72799143 99%RHA Born: November 18, 2013 #1192

2-02 2 291 24490 3.7 911 3.1 747 3-01 2 154 15312 3.2 486 3.1 472 (RIP)

Morningview Locker-ET 69791524 99%rha-I 50K GTPI +2167g pta +1493M +66f +40P 94%R 4/2017 linderidge jackson gwen 64489340 98%rha NC 2-05 2 305 21230 3.4 726 3.0 635 3-05 2 294 23240 3.5 812 3.1 715 4-05 2 305 30180 3.2 968 2.9 890

Bred 4/8/2017 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

end-Road PVF Boliver-ET 123586443 tv tl ty td EX-96 EEEE 11-11 GM

linderidge glen Francheska 68542458 99%rha NC

Lot 43

1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866

2-02 2 297 18810 4.2 781 3.1 585 3-01 2 299 22980 3.8 874 3.1 703

De-su Watson 64700377 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-07 GM 50K gtpi +2096g pta +1.02T +.82udc +.49flc 98%R 4/2017

2-00 2 297 20960 3-00 2 305 26860 4-02 2 298 29500 5-01 2 299 29550 6-00 2 305 25820 LIFE 1576 137480

Regancrest-MWS Brit-eT 60870676 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 4-11

linderidge lyle francie 62848484 98%rha G-74 +FFFG 2-11

2-03 2 305 19960 3.8 756 3.2 629

Lot 42


England-Ammon Million-ET 61547476 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 6-07 GM

linderidge Million Freida 69437685 99%rha NC

Bred 9/2/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tv tl ty td VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM morningview million lib-et 65274363 G-78 VVGFG 5-07 2-08 2 365 26320 3.8 1007 3.0 787

lang-england M Jackson-ET 60745352 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-06 GM linderidge blitz gayle 61500993 96%rha GP-82 +++++ 2-06 2-01 2 305 23390 3.5 811 2.8 648 3-04 2 305 29270 2.8 805 2.6 774


Bred 5/21/2017 to Siemers Mogul Pety 3010660326

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 44

linderidge Bradey Donna-TW 68542464 99%RHA Born: September 1, 2009 #961

Bred 11/25/2016 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

2-01 2 295 23590 3-01 2 304 29040 4-01 2 294 26990 5-00 2 305 30070 6-01 2 295 26290 LIFE 1535 138670 7-00 2 260 27726

cook-Farm Zenith Bradey-ET 63590984 tr tv tl td 50K GTPI +1774g pta +450M +18f +9P 93%r 4/2017 pta +185NM +.01%F -.02%P 100%us pta +1.5PL 2.67scs -.6dpr 9.7%dce pta +.30T +.27udc -1.12flc 85%R 4/2017

3.2 759 3.4 877 3.2 1009 3.2 1151 3.3 1094 3.3 5582

717 858 819 890 790 4162 793 (RIP)

Ocean-View Zenith-Tw-ET 129800008 tr tv tl td gm 50K gtpi +1712g Hidden-view Brooke-et 134225184 EX-92 EEEEE GMD 5-02 LIFE 2194 170840 3.8 6529 3.1 5339

linderidge Goldfinger dolly 127565655 96%rha NC 2-07 2 125

7610 3.8 288 3.1 234

Linderidge drble dauba 1207 72799158 99%RHA Born: March 8, 2014 #1207

2-01 2 305 24278 4.1 1007 3.0 737 (INC)

Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G pta +264M +33f -4P 99%R 4/2017 pta +178NM +.09%f -.04%P 75%us pta +.7PL 2.63scs -.8dpr 6.2%dce pta +.52T +.40udc +1.64flc 99%R 4/2017

linderidge nathan dimples 65899353 99%rha NC

2-00 2 305 24840 3-01 2 305 31310 4-01 2 305 35860 LIFE 1202 122410

3.5 877 3.0 951 2.7 966 2.9 3495

3.0 752 2.9 908 2.8 1003 2.9 3508

Linderidge montoss deb1295

99%RHA Born: October 11, 2015 #1295 Bred 3/21/2017 to Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 7H12198 Sexed semen

Bacon-Hill Montoss-et 71703339 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VV+E 2-11 GM 50K GTPI +2744G pta +3063M +91F +91P 98%R 4/2017 pta +2.24t +1.60udc +1.87flc 96%r linderidge bradey donna-tw 68542464 99%rha NC 5-00 2 305 30070 3.3 1002 3.0 890 LIFE 1535 138670 3.4 4784 3.0 4162

moroville Ches Breton-ET 2252058 tv tl VG-88 EEV+ 5-03 50K GTPI +1425g

2.8 672 2.9 763 3.0 942 2.9 1024 2.9 971 2.9 5025

Lot 46

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.9

Sells as Lot 44

linderidge Breton Denise 60431815 98%rha NC

2-03 2 305 23810 3-06 2 305 25950 4-08 2 305 31380 5-08 2 305 35870 6-10 2 305 33500 LIFE 1826 171140

3.5 834 3.5 1027 3.6 971 3.3 1002 3.3 860 3.4 4784 3.4 952

Lot 45

PURSUIT SEPTEMBER STORM-ET 6820564C RC TV TL CAN EX ST GM 50K GTPI ++1527g pta +.99T +.55udc +2.05flc 99%R 4/2017 RONELEE OUTSIDE DABBLE-ET 134644585 TV TL EX-91 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-08

5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 LIFE 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614

springhill-OH Nathan-ET 60493022 tr tv tl td EX-91 EEEV 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1715g linderidge cadence dana 62422251 99%rh NC 2-06 2 305 25450 2.9 740 3.2 808


3rd Dam: Linderidge Dante Doris (GP-80) 4-03 2 305 22940 3.3 748 2.9 670

Bred 9/16/2017 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 47

linderidge watson dori 1210 72799161 99%RHA Born: March 22, 2014 #1210

Bred 5/26/2017 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

2-00 2 302 25350 4.2 1059 3.4 872 2-11 2 80 9268 3.9 366 3.4 314 (RIP)

Watson x Dedee end-Road PVF Boliver-ET 123586443 tv tl ty td EX-96 EEEE 11-11 GM

De-su Watson 64700377 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-07 GM 50K gtpi +2096g pta +1.02T +.82udc +.49flc 98%R 4/2017

Lot 48

Bred 10/1/2016 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 7H11477 Sexed semen

de-su 7045-ET 62720603 VG-87 EEVV+ 6-08 5-01 3 287 32170 4.4 1417 2.7 882 LIFE 1461 134280 4.0 5379 3.0 3966

Linderidge Gld Chp Dee 1272 74339623 99%RHA Born: June 16, 2015 #1272 Gold Chip x Dedee

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-94 EEVE 6-00 50K gtpi +1880g pta +2.39T +2.47udc +2.15Flc 99%R 4/2017 linderidge enroll dedee-TW 70965622 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 25510 4.0 1010 3.5 887 3-04 2 275 21620 3.9 833 3.4 726

Lot 49

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05

3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959

hartford jeeves enroll-ET 69177526 50K gtpi +2069G Linderidge Pontiac Doris 64489341 99%rha NC 2-05 2 305 23820 3.5 844 3.0 725 3-07 2 270 23320 3.6 848 3.1 712

3rd Dam: Linderidge Breton Denise (NC) 5-08 2 305 35870 3.2 1151 2.9 1024 Life: 1826 171140 3.3 5582 2.9 5025

Linderidge durbl Myra 1184 72799135 99%RHA Born: September 19, 2013 #1184

2-04 2 294 18420 3.9 721 3.1 572 3-03 2 141 12965 2.5 327 3.1 396 (RIP)

Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G pta +264M +33f -4P 99%R 4/2017 pta +178NM +.09%f -.04%P 75%us pta +.7PL 2.63scs -.8dpr 6.2%dce pta +.52T +.40udc +1.64flc 99%R 4/2017

linderidge coldsping mia 65899357 99%rha NC 2-04 2 305 23440 3.5 821 3.5 809 3-10 2 304 28700 3.5 1003 3.4 969 4-10 2 271 19900 4.0 804 3.4 670

PURSUIT SEPTEMBER STORM-ET 6820564C RC TV TL CAN EX ST GM 50K GTPI ++1527g pta +.99T +.55udc +2.05flc 99%R 4/2017 RONELEE OUTSIDE DABBLE-ET 134644585 TV TL EX-91 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-08

5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 LIFE 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614

coldsprings kenyon 9118-ET 60589256 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEV 9-09 HD GTPI +1769G pta +424M +28f +14P 99%r 4/2017 Linderidge forbidden 713 61710854 98%rha G-79 +V+FG 3-00 2-06 2 305 30380 3.6 1094 3.2 957 4-04 2 305 31300 3.4 1066 3.2 1015


Bred 5/12/2017 to Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 50

Linderidge montros vix 1286 74339637 99%RHA Born: July 24, 2015 #1286

Mountfield SSI Dcy Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tp tc tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVE GM GTPI +2494g

Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VV+E 2-11 GM 50K GTPI +2744G PTA +3063M +91f +91P 98%R 4/2017

unique-style bolton money 139121711 tm tv tl ty EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 7-08 3-01 3 365 38430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247

linderidge michael violeta 69437679 99%rha NC 2-00 2 305 29260 2-11 2 305 34590 3-11 2 305 40010 LIFE 1045 115160

Lot 51

3.1 899 2.7 918 2.2 877 2.6 3010

2.7 791 2.6 916 2.6 1054 2.7 3095

Lutz-brookview Michael-et 133389654 tr by tv tl td EX-90 EEVE 5-05 linderidge blitz veronica 62422245 99%RHA NC 1-11 2 305 30180 3-00 2 305 30720 4-02 2 305 32530 5-06 2 304 32480 6-05 2 305 33710 LIFE 1955 190020

2.5 746 2.7 830 2.8 896 2.8 897 3.0 1012 2.8 5290

2.6 797 2.7 816 2.6 851 2.7 877 2.6 887 2.7 5087

Linderidge Durbl Vexie 1175 71918878 99%RHA Born: July 2, 2013 #1175

2-00 2 305 25490 3.5 903 2.8 721 3-00 2 276 19643 3.0 599 2.9 565

Bred 9/30/2017 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256 Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G


5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 LIFE 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1692g

linderidge toystory viola 65899375 99%rha NC 2-01 2 300 29740 2.5 736 2.7 805 3-01 2 305 32930 3.2 1049 2.7 901 4-02 2 298 26960 2.6 704 2.7 738

Lot 53

Bred 12/2/2016 to OCD Mayfield Deceiver-ET 3009533335 7H12115

linderidge blitz veronica 62422245 99%RHA 1-11 2 305 30180 3-00 2 305 30720 4-02 2 305 32530 5-06 2 304 32480 6-05 2 305 33710 LIFE 1955 190020

2.5 746 2.7 830 2.8 896 2.8 897 3.0 1012 2.8 5290

2.6 797 2.7 816 2.6 851 2.7 877 2.6 887 2.7 5087

linderidge bookm velma 1225 72799196 99%RHA Born: June 11, 2014 #1225

Lot 52

linderidge kingby vexi 1283 74339634

99%RHA Born: July 20, 2015 #1283 Bred 10/4/2016 to Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 7H10506 Sexed semen

Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-90 EEVE 2-11 77k GTPI +2567g pta +1415M +48f +44P 98%R 4/2017 pta +3.28t +2.61udc +1.92flc 94%R Linderidge durbl vexie 1175 71918878 NC 2-00 2 305 25490 3.5 903 2.8 721

Sells as Lot 51

Bred 2/19/2017 to Siemers Mogul Pety 3010660326

1-11 2 305 28896 3.3 963 2.8 816 (INC)

De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tv tl ty td VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2341g pta +1269m +30f +48p 99%R 4/2017 pta +1.50t +1.10udc +1.08flc 99%R 4/2017 Linderidge shot victoria 71410503 99%RHA NC 2-00 2 305 27840 3.0 831 2.8 767 3-02 2 305 28770 2.9 832 2.8 817

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM HD GTPI +2081G Clear-Echo 822 Ramo-1199-ET 61765027 99%RHA-I VG-86 +VGEV DOM 2-06 2-00 3 365 32190 3.4 1103 3.1 1003

lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 linderidge toystory viola 65899375 99%rha NC 2-01 2 300 29740 2.5 736 2.7 805 3-01 2 305 32930 3.2 1049 2.7 901 4-02 2 298 26960 2.6 704 2.7 738


3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Veronica (NC) 6-05 2 305 33710 3.0 1012 2.6 887 Life: 1955 190020 2.8 5290 2.7 5087

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 54

Linderidge Spur Vicky 1289 74339640 99%RHA Born: August 9, 2015 #1289

Bred 1/13/2017 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752 de-su 527 spur-ET 66636663 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-05 GM 50K GTPI +2055g Linderidge shot victoria 71410503 99%RHA NC 2-00 2 305 27840 3.0 831 2.8 767 3-02 2 305 28770 2.9 832 2.8 817

Lot 55 Bred 4/28/2017 to Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339

Linderidge Al Valeria 1198 72799149 99%RHA Born: December 13, 2013 #1198

2-02 2 296 19500 4.2 827 3.3 636 3-02 2 109 11032 4.2 466 3.5 382 (RIP) mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K GTPI +2010g linderidge Gabor Venus 70505028 99%rha NC 2-06 2 109

Lot 56 Bred 10/14/2016 to OCD Mayfield Deceiver-ET 3009533335 7H12115

8390 2.9 245 3.0 254

99%RHA Born: May 6, 2014 #1220

2-00 2 305 24450 3.9 954 3.0 742 (INC)

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1897g pta +3.44T +.2.43udc +2.63flc 99%R 4/2017

2-00 2 305 29260 2-11 2 305 34590 3-11 2 305 40010 LIFE 1045 115160

Bred 9/30/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

2nd Dam: Linderidge Toystory Viola (NC) 2-01 2 300 29740 2.5 736 2.7 805 3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Veronica (NC) 6-05 2 305 33710 3.0 1012 2.6 887 Life: 1955 190020 2.8 5290 2.7 5087

Linderidge gw atwd val 1220 72799171

linderidge michael violeta 69437679 99%rha NC

Lot 57

2nd Dam: Linderidge Toystory Viola (NC) 2-01 2 300 29740 2.5 736 2.7 805 3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Veronica (NC) 6-05 2 305 33710 3.0 1012 2.6 887 Life: 1955 190020 2.8 5290 2.7 5087

3.1 899 2.7 918 2.2 877 2.6 3010

2.7 791 2.6 916 2.6 1054 2.7 3095

2nd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Veronica (NC) 6-05 2 305 33710 3.0 1012 2.6 887 Life: 1955 190020 2.8 5290 2.7 5087

linderidge grafeti viv 1278 74339629 99%RHA Born: July 10, 2015 #1278

ladys-Manor rd Grafeeti-et 68988032 tr cd tp tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2197g pta +260M +54f +22P 99%R 4/2017 linderidge aprnt vodka 1167 71918870 99%rha NC 2-01 2 301 22990 3.7 850 3.3 766


2nd Dam: Linderidge Michael Violeta (NC) 3-11 2 305 40010 2.2 877 2.6 1054 Life: 1045 115160 2.6 3010 2.7 3095 3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Veronica (NC) 6-05 2 305 33710 3.0 1012 2.6 887 Life: 1955 190020 2.8 5290 2.7 5087

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 58 Bred 5/19/2017 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

linderidge Shot Breesha 71918846 99%RHA Born: December 15, 2012 #1143

1-11 2 296 25180 3.9 982 3.4 849 2-11 2 305 31040 3.7 1138 3.3 1038 4-02 2 87 7662 3.5 270 3.0 230 (RIP) lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 62072898 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 8-08 50K gtpi +1924g Linderidge Laurin Brinna 68542470 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 23640 4.1 962 3.4 806 3-01 2 301 27880 4.0 1129 3.3 916

4-01 2 291 27210 4.0 1087 3.2 884

Lot 59 Bred 3/17/2017 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

2nd Dam: Linderidge Bret Brianna (G-76) 2-04 2 287 22810 3.6 815 3.3 757 3-04 2 280 25770 3.1 808 3.5 899 5-03 2 303 23640 3.6 857 3.3 776 6-03 2 282 22200 3.7 814 3.4 762 3rd Dam: Linderidge Sorry Breeze (GP-83) 4-05 2 281 24140 3.4 828 3.2 769

Linderidge Guthrie Breeze 71918832 99%RHA Born: October 2, 2012 #1129

2-02 2 305 22980 2.9 667 2.9 659 3-02 2 305 27590 2.8 786 2.8 782 4-03 2 153 16692 2.2 368 2.7 459 (RIP) Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td 2nd Dam: Linderidge Mich Bryanne EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1960g (GP-81) 2-06 2 303 24290 3.8 922 3.0 718 pta +2.54T +2.06udc +1.31flc 99%R 4/2017 Linderidge Pronto Brynlee 65899384 99%rha NC

2-04 2 291 19860 4.1 823 3.0 596

Lot 60 Bred 12/22/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

Linderidge Dempsey Becca 71410501 99%RHA Born: May 16, 2012 #1106

2-01 2 303 20330 4.1 825 3.1 638 3-00 2 305 28900 4.0 1151 3.2 917 4-02 2 317 27813 4.3 1198 3.4 941 (RIP) Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 tr cd tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EE++ 9-09 50K gtpi +1950g pta +2.39T +1.92udc +1.83flc 99%R 4/2017 linderidge Olympus Batya 65899378 99%rha NC

2-01 2 300 28030 3.4 965 2.9 813 3-01 2 305 32910 3.7 1208 3.0 983

Lot 61 Bred 12/23/2016 to Siemers Mogul Pety 3010660326

3-06 2 305 25890 3.7 976 2.9 742 4-06 2 305 29440 3.6 1060 2.9 858 5-06 2 300 23280 3.7 872 2.9 684 Life: 1282 107290 3.7 3957 2.9 115

2nd Dam: Linderidge Mich Barbara (GP-80) 2-01 2 305 22120 3.6 786 2.9 637 3-03 2 305 24690 3.0 749 2.9 714 4-08 2 300 28100 3.1 883 2.6 733

Linderidge Mixer Bling 1181 72799132 99%RHA Born: September 1, 2013 #1181

1-10 2 304 27110 4.0 1092 3.3 883 2-09 2 341 33422 3.8 1256 3.1 1025 (RIP) Mountifeld ssi dcy mixer-ET 3004672662 tv tl ty td EX-91 EEEE 4-01 GM 50K GTPI +2293G linderidge Olympus Batya 65899378 99%rha NC 2-01 2 300 28030 3.4 965 2.9 813 3-01 2 305 32910 3.7 1208 3.0 983


2nd Dam: Linderidge Mich Barbara (GP-80) 2-01 2 305 22120 3.6 786 2.9 637 3-03 2 305 24690 3.0 749 2.9 714 4-08 2 300 28100 3.1 883 2.6 733

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 62

linderidge gabor blink 1281 74339632 99%RHA Born: July 13, 2015 #1284

Bred 10/15/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708 Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G linderidge Mixer Bling 1181 72799132 99%rha NC 1-10 2 304 27110 4.0 1092 3.3 883

Lot 63

Linderidge Diamond Bet 1227 73772499 99%RHA Born: June 17, 2014 #1227

Bred 10/21/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

2-00 2 348 24355 4.2 1023 3.1 830 (RIP) seagull-Bay Diamond-ETS 70640251 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVVV 4-02 50K gtpi +2329g Linderidge Dempsey Becca 71410501 99%rha NC 2-01 2 303 20330 4.1 825 3.1 638 3-00 2 305 28900 4.0 1151 3.2 917

Lot 64

2nd Dam: Linderidge Olympus Batya (NC) 2-01 2 300 28030 3.4 965 2.9 813 3-01 2 305 32910 3.7 1208 3.0 983 3rd Dam: Linderidge Mich Barbara (GP-80) 2-01 2 305 22120 3.6 786 2.9 637 3-03 2 305 24690 3.0 749 2.9 714 4-08 2 300 28100 3.1 883 2.6 733

Linderidge Spur Becky 1284 74339635 99%RHA Born: July 20, 2015 #1284

Bred 11/27/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

de-su 527 spur-ET 66636663 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-05 GM 50K GTPI +2055g Linderidge Morpheous Bell 70505027 99%RHA NC 2-02 2 289 20210 3.9 785 3.3 660 3-02 2 304 23160 3.7 858 3.2 736 4-01 2 262 19620 3.8 741 3.2 634

Lot 65

2nd Dam: Linderidge Olympus Batya (NC) 2-01 2 300 28030 3.4 965 2.9 813 3-01 2 305 32910 3.7 1208 3.0 983 3rd Dam: Linderidge Mich Barbara (GP-80) 2-01 2 305 22120 3.6 786 2.9 637 3-03 2 305 24690 3.0 749 2.9 714 4-08 2 300 28100 3.1 883 2.6 733

2nd Dam: Linderidge Olympus Batya (NC) 2-01 2 300 28030 3.4 965 2.9 813 3-01 2 305 32910 3.7 1208 3.0 983 3rd Dam: Linderidge Mich Barbara (GP-80) 2-01 2 305 22120 3.6 786 2.9 637 3-03 2 305 24690 3.0 749 2.9 714 4-08 2 300 28100 3.1 883 2.6 733

Linderidge Diamond Mae 1240 73772512

Bred 2/11/2017 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

99%RHA Born: August 8, 2014 #1240

2-03 2 208 18887 4.8 906 3.8 719 (RIP)

seagull-Bay Diamond-ETS 70640251 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVVV 4-02 50K gtpi +2329g

linderidge al madelynn 70505036 99%rha NC 2-01 2 295 20840 4.7 974 3.5 739 3-00 2 305 24340 4.4 1061 3.7 902 4-01 2 305 25910 4.5 1171 3.7 951


2nd Dam: Linderidge Coldspring Mona (NC) 2-02 2 305 25210 4.3 1088 3.2 798 3-05 2 305 26830 4.1 1099 3.5 927

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 66

Linderidge Wtsn Brita 1245 73772517

99%RHA Born: September 30, 2014 #1245

Bred 4/14/2017 to De-Su MG Davinci 11288-ET 70626040 7HO12014

2-02 2 168 12592 4.4 555 3.5 444 (RIP)

2nd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Brita (G-76) 2-03 2 305 29980 3.5 1042 3.0 901 3-07 2 305 26870 3.6 968 3.3 882 4-07 2 298 27030 3.8 1017 3.2 878

Lot 67 Bred 5/26/2017 to Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 7H12198

De-su Watson 64700377 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-07 GM 50K gtpi +2096g pta +1.02T +.82udc +.49flc 98%R 4/2017 Linderidge richman Buffy 70505037 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 22840 3.7 851 3.4 767

Linderidge Watson Brit 1248 73772520 99%RHA Born: November 10, 2014 #1248

2-04 2 79 6739 3.7 247 3.1 207 (RIP) De-su Watson 64700377 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-07 GM 50K gtpi +2096g pta +1.02T +.82udc +.49flc 98%R 4/2017 linderidge cadet bernice 68542485 99%rha G-79 V+++G 2-09 2-03 2 305 26280 4.2 1095 3.2 854 3-05 2 305 26490 3.9 1046 3.5 933

Lot 68 Bred 5/26/2017 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

2nd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Brita (G-76) 2-03 2 305 29980 3.5 1042 3.0 901 3-07 2 305 26870 3.6 968 3.3 882 4-07 2 298 27030 3.8 1017 3.2 878

linderidge durbl blush 1187 72799138 99%RHA Born: October 7, 2013 #1187

2-04 2 305 18660 4.2 778 3.8 714 3-05 2 83 8348 4.3 363 3.3 274 (RIP) Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G linderidge morpheous Bryn 70505030 99%rha NC 2-04 2 294 24150 3.9 944 3.6 867

Lot 69 Bred 12/2/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

2nd Dam: Linderidge Glen Beauty (NC) 2-01 2 299 22390 4.1 916 3.6 815

Linderidge Predestn Bit 1231 73772503 99%RHA Born: June 25, 2014 #1231

2-02 2 255 19488 4.2 825 3.4 655 (RIP) Rickland Predestine 669-ET 69177592 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2135g linderidge Cadet Bailey 68542499 G-78 ++GGG 2-08 2-02 2 299 24370 3.7 904 3.2 781 3-02 2 305 27950 3.3 928 3.1 876 4-02 2 305 23720 3.7 867 3.3 785


2nd Dam: Linderidge Coldspring Pep (G-73) 2-01 2 298 21250 4.0 853 3.0 643 3-00 2 305 29820 3.4 1010 3.2 954

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 70

linderidge gabor olga 1243 73772515 99%RHA Born: September 19, 2014 #1243

Bred 3/24/2017 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 7H11477

2-03 2 144 13830 3.3 451 2.9 407 (RIP)

Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G linderidge Shot Ontime 71410519 99%rha NC 2-00 2 305 25130 3.9 972 3.1 779 3-05 2 257 24540 3.9 954 2.9 719

Lot 71 Bred 10/28/2016 to OCD Silver Silicon-ET 3127602415 7HO12860

linderidge al orabelle 1200 72799151 99%RHA Born: December 21, 2013 #1200

2-01 2 305 24680 4.1 1024 3.3 809 (INC)

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K GTPI +2010g Linderidge Million Oprah 70505039 99%rha NC 2-04 2 289 23400 3.1 734 2.9 680

Lot 72

2nd Dam: Linderidge Lou Oregano (NC) 2-02 2 290 19580 3.7 724 3.2 636 3rd Dam: Linderidge Bret Ophelia (GP-82) 3-05 2 305 30980 3.2 985 2.9 8885 Life: 1727 153510 3.2 4839 2.9 4404 4th Dam: Linderidge Eland Orange (GP-83) 4-08 2 305 28410 3.9 1097 3.1 893 Life: 1410 107140 4.1 4416 3.2 3382

2nd Dam: Linderidge Pitt Orabelle-TW (NC) 2-00 2 305 24060 3.9 927 3.2 780 3-01 2 305 31710 4.7 1489 3.0 964 4-03 2 292 28970 3.8 1114 3.1 909 3rd Linderidge Oman Oriole (NC) 4th Dam: Linderidge Eland Orange (GP-83) 4-08 2 305 28410 3.9 1097 3.1 893 Life: 1410 107140 4.1 4416 3.2 3382

Linderidge Montros ola 1273 99%RHA Born: June 22, 2015 #1273

Bred 9/23/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708 Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 VV+E 2-11 GM 50K GTPI +2744G linderidge guthrie olivia 70965620 99%rha NC 2-03 2 305 21890 4.1 904 3.2 711

Lot 73

3rd Dam: Linderidge Duce Oyster (GP-80) 2-02 2 305 27240 3.3 911 3.0 827 3-02 2 305 24200 3.5 852 3.1 761 4-04 2 305 29120 3.5 1012 3.0 881 5-06 2 219 24450 3.6 884 3.0 737 Life: 12241 110040 3.5 3832 3.1 3372

linderidge mojo nicole 1215 72799166 99%RHA-I Born: April 15, 2014 #1215

3-00 2 33 2994 4.1 122 3.3 100 s-s-i Maxum Mojo-ET 3008897653 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2178g linderidge glen natsha 68542475 99%rha-I NC 2-04 2 305 23310 4.0 930 3.4 783 3-03 2 305 23470 3.9 922 3.4 806


2nd Dam: Linderidge Duffy Nibble (G-78) 2-02 2 305 24490 4.1 1002 3.4 834 3-01 2 305 20480 3.9 794 3.3 674 4-02 2 305 30380 3.3 1006 3.2 985 5-04 2 305 29750 3.8 1137 3.4 1010 Life 1305 110550 3.7 4129 3.3 3695

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 74 Bred 6/2/2017 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

linderidge durable zasha 71410512 99%RHA Born: July 8, 2012 #1117

2-06 2 303 23630 4.2 1002 3.2 751 3-05 2 305 24350 3.9 940 3.2 790 4-07 2 114 12363 3.6 448 3.1 380 (RIP) Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G linderidge o man zazah 61710887 NC

Lot 75 Bred 12/16/2016 to S-S-I Mogul Defender-ET 3009554569 7HO11926

2-01 2 305 23570 4-00 2 300 22770 4-11 2 305 29500 6-00 2 305 32210 LIFE 1324 113260

3.9 923 4.1 923 3.8 1117 3.4 1111 3.8 4302

3.2 756 3.3 743 3.1 903 3.1 991 3.2 3574

2nd Dam: Linderidge Forbidden Zoie (GP-80) 2-05 2 305 21770 3.9 849 2.8 602 3-08 2 305 25760 3.7 948 3.1 793

linderidge gabor zigy 71410509 99%RHA Born: July 2, 2012 #1114

2-04 2 298 23740 3.1 746 3.0 706 3-03 2 302 31720 3.0 958 3.0 944 4-03 2 240 27988 2.9 809 2.8 786 (RIP) Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G linderidge moscow zapper 64489320 98%rha GP-80 G+G++ 2-04 2-02 2 305 18660 4.1 763 3.1 578 3-05 2 305 26360 3.6 946 3.1 826

2nd Dam: Linderidge Forbidden Zoie (GP-80) 2-05 2 305 21770 3.9 849 2.8 602 3-08 2 305 25760 3.7 948 3.1 793

Lot 76

linderidge Guthrie Zelda 71410506

Bred 3/17/2017 to Herford 7HP105

2-01 2 299 22940 3.6 821 3.3 748 3-01 2 305 23840 3.5 842 3.3 786 4-02 2 282 21973 3.5 763 3.2 712 (RIP)

99%RHA Born: June 2, 2012 #1111

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td 2nd Dam: Lingeridge Moscow Zapper EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1960g (GP-80) pta +2.54T +2.06udc +1.31flc 99%R 4/2017 linderidge grabil Zofia 68542493 99%rha NC

Lot 77 Bred 11/25/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

3-05 2 305 26360 3.6 946 3.1 826 3rd Dam: Linderidge Forbidden Zoie (GP-80) 2-05 2 305 21770 3.9 849 2.8 602 3-08 2 305 25760 3.7 948 3.1 793

Linderidge spur zelma 1277 74339628 99%RHA Born: July 9, 2015 #1277

de-su 527 spur-ET 66636663 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-05 GM 50K GTPI +2055g Linderidge Guthrie Zelda 71410506 99%rha NC 2-01 2 299 22940 3.6 821 3.3 748 3-01 2 305 23840 3.5 842 3.3 786

Sells as Lot 76


2nd Dam: Linderidge Graybil Zofia (NC) 3rd Dam: Lingeridge Moscow Zapper (GP-80) 3-05 2 305 26360 3.6 946 3.1 826 4th Dam: Linderidge Forbidden Zoie (GP-80) 2-05 2 305 21770 3.9 849 2.8 602 3-08 2 305 25760 3.7 948 3.1 793

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 78 Bred 5/13/2017 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart 3009533223 7HO12111

Linderidge eden eleshia 71410515 99%RHA Born: July 27, 2012 #1120

1-11 2 305 25350 3.8 965 3.3 834 3-05 2 296 30570 3.9 1192 3.1 937 4-05 2 158 19792 3.8 758 3.3 645 (RIP) mr C-Haven Eden-eT 68871611 50K GTPI +2020G pta +2.47t +1.56udc +1.84flc 87%R 4/2017 Linderidge coldspring Ella 64489307 99%rha GP-81 ++FG+ 2-07 2-01 2 305 25310 3.5 896 3.0 764 3-04 2 305 31000 3.6 1115 3.1 960

Lot 79 Fresh 6/2/2017

Linderidge Gthre Ellen 1168 71918871 99%RHA Born: May 19, 2017 #1168

2-00 2 298 27260 3.5 954 3.4 915

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1960g linderidge Bogart Ethel 69437715 99%rha NC

2-02 2 305 27820 3-02 2 305 32210 4-03 2 305 34450 LIFE 1062 103430

Lot 80 Bred 9/23/2016 to Woodcrest Mogul Yoder-ET 72254526 7HO11314

3.6 990 3.2 1029 2.9 1016 3.3 3364

3.0 848 3.2 1015 3.0 1048 3.1 3221

99%RHA Born: November 23, 2013 #1194

2-01 2 305 21250 4.2 888 3.5 735 (INC) mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K GTPI +2010g

2-02 2 305 23000 3-08 2 300 31460 4-08 2 305 31610 LIFE 1339 123960

Bred 6/2/2017 to Kingboy

2nd Dam: Linderidge Coldspring Ella (GP-81) 2-01 2 305 25310 3.5 896 3.0 764 3-04 2 305 31000 3.6 1115 3.1 960 3rd Dam: Linderidge Lou Elise (GP-81) 2-01 2 305 25310 3.5 896 3.0 764 3-04 2 305 31000 3.6 1115 3.1 960

Linderidge Al Luanne 1194 72799145

Linderidge Glen Lakisha 65899369 98%rha NC

Lot 81

2nd Dam: Linderidge Lou Elise (GP-81) 2-01 2 305 25310 3.5 896 3.0 764 3-04 2 305 31000 3.6 1115 3.1 960

3.8 869 4.0 1263 3.4 1064 3.8 4743

3.2 745 3.3 1023 3.4 1080 3.4 4172

Linderidge Mcguinss 1252 74339603 99%RHA Born: December 18, 2014 #1252

2-01 2 126 10774 3.6 384 3.2 345 (RIP) ri-val-re Macguiness-et 139761263 tr tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-10 50K GTPI +2043g linderidge Richman Layla 70505041 NC 2-03 2 305 25020 3.3 837 3.3 837 3-03 2 305 29060 3.5 1020 3.2 938 4-04 2 225 26670 3.7 977 3.2 842


2nd Dam: Linderidge Goldfinger Lisa (GP-83) 3-02 2 305 25510 3.6 911 3.4 874 4-04 2 305 28750 3.7 1061 3.3 937 5-04 2 305 28750 3.5 1006 3.3 950 6-04 2 289 28600 3.4 986 3.3 931 7-03 2 304 28920 3.6 1040 3.3 961 8-03 2 305 29780 3.5 1045 3.2 952 Life: 2187 198480 3.5 6908 3.3 6514 3rd Dam: Linderidge Majic Luanne (GP-84) 2-02 2 305 19930 3.8 749 3.1 619 2nd Dam: Linderidge Alonzo Lylah (NC) 2-07 2 305 16940 4.5 768 3.4 571 3-07 2 305 25320 3.7 948 3.2 817 3rd Dam: Linderidge Durango Lily (GP-81) 3-00 2 305 27520 4.0 1090 3.2 870 Life: 1363 115930 4.0 4682 3.0 3532 4th Dam: Linderidge Goldfinger Lisa (GP-83) 8-03 2 305 29780 3.5 1045 3.2 952 Life: 2187 198480 3.5 6908 3.3 6514 5th Dam: Linderidge Majic Luanne (GP-84) 2-02 2 305 19930 3.8 749 3.1 619

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 82

linderidge mediate cy 1237 73772509 99%RHA Born: August 1, 2014 #1237

Bred 5/12/2017 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 7H11477

2nd Dam: Linderidge Pilgrim Cerise (GP-82) 3-04 2 305 26760 3.8 1019 3.0 803 4-06 2 231 26310 3.8 997 2.9 750

Lot 83

2-07 2 95 7825 4.3 336 3.0 234 (RIP) butz-Hill Mediate 1681-ET 71088644 tr tp tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2283g linderidge Alexander Chris 69437704 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 27880 3-08 2 305 35500 4-11 2 305 34060 LIFE 1233 124990

3.5 962 3.5 1241 3.5 1181 3.5 4412

2.9 808 3.1 1084 3.0 1028 3.0 3796

Linderidge Al Cherokee 1180 72799131 99%RHA Born: August 23, 2013 #1180

2-01 2 305 24640 3.9 970 3.5 870 3-02 2 207 17363 4.2 732 3.8 657 (RIP)

Bred 3/3/2017 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K GTPI +2010g linderidge moscow comet 68542459 NC 2-01 2 291 22480 4.0 891 3.2 728 3-01 2 305 30420 3.5 1066 3.3 1006

Lot 84

2nd Dam: Linderidge Zenith Cashew (NC) 2-02 2 289 20660 4.0 826 3.3 675 3-02 2 305 21960 4.1 906 3.3 729

linderidge Dmpsy Carla 1232 73772504

Bred 12/30/2016 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

99%RHA Born: June 27, 2014 #1232

2-03 2 228 15370 3.9 601 3.2 489 (RIP) Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 tr cd tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EE++ 9-09 50K gtpi +1950g linderidge Socrates Carmen 68542474 99%rha NC 2-05 2 305 28840 3.7 1073 3.0 867 4-07 2 305 29250 3.0 877 3.2 940

Lot 85 Bred 1/20/2017 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

2nd Dam: Linderidge Grabl Carrie-TW (G-74) 2-07 2 305 26020 3.3 856 3.1 810 3-10 2 305 29740 3.4 999 3.0 890 4-10 2 304 29850 3.3 971 3.0 888

Linderidge diamnd cari 1242 73772514 99%RHA Born: September 1, 2014 #1242

2-02 2 208 15199 3.8 583 3.2 487 (RIP) seagull-Bay Diamon-ETS 70640251 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVVV 4-02 50K GTPI +2329G linderidge Gabor Cherry 71410497 99%rha NC 2-04 2 305 24370 3.2 776 3.2 769 3-06 2 302 26810 3.1 833 3.1 832


2nd Dam: Linderidge Socrates Carmen (NC) 2-05 2 305 28840 3.7 1073 3.0 867 4-07 2 305 29250 3.0 877 3.2 940 3rd Dam: Linderidge Grabl Carrie-TW (G-74) 3-10 2 305 29740 3.4 999 3.0 890

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 86

Linderidge shamrock elsa 71918836 99%RHA Born: October 27, 2012 #1133 G-75 ++PFG 2-08

Bred 4/7/2017 to De-Su MG Davinci 11288-ET 70626040 7HO12014

2-04 2 292 21680 4.2 906 3.0 658 3-03 2 293 26180 3.9 1015 3.0 798 4-03 2 126 13351 3.7 495 3.0 398 (RIP)

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-88 EVE+ GM 4-10 50K GTPI +2283g Linderidge Pontiac Earlene 65899382 99%rha NC 2-05 2 293 24580 3.4 841 3.0 726 3-05 2 305 30700 3.3 1008 3.0 917

Lot 87

2nd Dam: Linderidge Oside Erica-TW (G-77) 2-03 2 305 21710 3.7 802 3.2 686 3-03 2 305 23740 3.8 895 3.1 741 4-04 2 305 28640 3.5 1010 3.2 905 5-05 2 305 27090 3.3 899 3.1 833 5-05 2 305 27090 3.3 899 3.1 833 6-09 2 300 25180 3.6 915 3.1 789 Life: 1757 140680 3.6 5082 3.2 4452

Linderidge gthrie emma 1209 72799160 99%RHA Born: March 12, 2014 #1209

2-02 2 305 21271 4.0 856 3.2 672 (INC)

Bred 11/11/2016 to OCD Silver Silicon-ET 3127602415 7HO12860

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 2nd Dam: Linderidge Oside Erica-TW (G-77) tr tv tl ty td 2-03 2 305 21710 3.7 802 3.2 686 EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1960g Linderidge Pontiac Earlene 65899382 99%rha NC 2-05 2 293 24580 3.4 841 3.0 726 3-05 2 305 30700 3.3 1008 3.0 917

Lot 88

3-03 2 305 23740 3.8 895 3.1 741 4-04 2 305 28640 3.5 1010 3.2 905 5-05 2 305 27090 3.3 899 3.1 833 5-05 2 305 27090 3.3 899 3.1 833 6-09 2 300 25180 3.6 915 3.1 789 Life: 1757 140680 3.6 5082 3.2 4452

Linderidge Abram Nina 1246 73772518 99%RHA Born: October 6, 2014 #1246

Bred 5/19/2017 to Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 7H12198

2-03 2 140 11964 3.4 403 3.2 388 (RIP) berry-Val Bolton Abram 62265473 tr tp tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVE 4-07 GM 77K GTPI +2138g linderidge grabil noodle 69437690 98%rha NC

2-02 2 297 22660 3-01 2 291 24470 4-01 2 305 33590 5-02 2 268 30270 LIFE 1202 113510

Lot 89 Bred 5/12/2017 to S-S-I Mogul Defender-ET 3009554569 7HO11926

2.8 639 2.6 638 2.8 929 2.6 773 2.7 3073

3.2 727 3.1 756 3.0 1011 3.0 917 3.1 3495

2nd Dam: Linderidge Zach Nancy (G-73)

Linderidge Durable Nan 1189 72799140 99%RHA Born: October 21, 2013 #1189

2-03 2 305 23650 3.3 784 3.0 703 3-04 2 94 10443 3.1 322 2.8 294 (RIP)

Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G linderidge grabil noodle 69437690 98%rha NC

2-02 2 297 22660 3-01 2 291 24470 4-01 2 305 33590 5-02 2 268 30270 LIFE 1202 113510

2.8 639 2.6 638 2.8 929 2.6 773 2.7 3073


3.2 727 3.1 756 3.0 1011 3.0 917 3.1 3495

2nd Dam: Linderidge Zach Nancy (G-73)

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 90 Bred 12/23/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

Linderidge Diamond Sis 1233 73772505 99%RHA Born: June 30, 2014 #1233

2-00 2 315 23079 4.0 932 3.6 841 (RIP) seagull-Bay Diamond-ETS 70640251 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-88 EVVV 4-02 50K gtpi +2329g Linderidge Enroll sierra 70965623 99%rha NC 2-04 2 301 24050 3.9 939 3.4 818 3-04 2 268 20440 4.2 855 3.4 699

Lot 91 Bred 10/9/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

Linderidge Drbl Shari 1206 72799157 99%RHA Born: March 1, 2014 #1206

2-02 2 352 26618 3.7 983 3.0 806 (RIP)

Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G linderidge Socrates Sissy 69437700 99%rha NC 2-02 2 305 26750 3.8 1020 3.1 837

Lot 92 Bred 10/28/2016 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

99%RHA Born: June 14, 2015 #1271

ladys-Manor rd Grafeeti-et 68988032 tr cd tp tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2197g

2-04 2 301 24050 3.9 939 3.4 818 3-04 2 268 20440 4.2 855 3.4 699

Bred 10/21/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

2nd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Sassy (NC) 2-01 2 305 24910 3.8 945 3.1 772 3-04 2 305 28360 3.4 964 3.1 889 4-08 2 305 28220 3.4 946 3.1 870 3rd Dam: Linderidge Cadence Sissy (NC) 2-06 2 305 23650 3.3 775 3.2 745 4th Dam: Linderidge Oside Seven-TW (GP-84) 2-03 2 305 22290 4.0 881 3.2 716

linderidge Grfti Sal1271-TW 74339622

Linderidge Enroll sierra 70965623 99%rha NC

Lot 93

2nd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Sassy (NC) 2-01 2 305 24910 3.8 945 3.1 772 3-04 2 305 28360 3.4 964 3.1 889 4-08 2 305 28220 3.4 946 3.1 870 3rd Dam: Linderidge Cadence Sissy (NC) 2-06 2 305 23650 3.3 775 3.2 745 4th Dam: Linderidge Oside Seven-TW (GP-84) 2-03 2 305 22290 4.0 881 3.2 716

2nd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Sassy (NC) 2-01 2 305 24910 3.8 945 3.1 772 3-04 2 305 28360 3.4 964 3.1 889 4-08 2 305 28220 3.4 946 3.1 870 3rd Dam: Linderidge Cadence Sissy (NC) 2-06 2 305 23650 3.3 775 3.2 745 4th Dam: Linderidge Oside Seven-TW (GP-84) 2-03 2 305 22290 4.0 881 3.2 716

linderidge grfti sis1270-TW 74339621 99%RHA Born: June 14, 2015 #1270

ladys-Manor rd Grafeeti-et 68988032 tr cd tp tv tl ty td gm 50K gtpi +2197g Linderidge Enroll sierra 70965623 99%rha NC 2-04 2 301 24050 3.9 939 3.4 818 3-04 2 268 20440 4.2 855 3.4 699


2nd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Sassy (NC) 2-01 2 305 24910 3.8 945 3.1 772 3-04 2 305 28360 3.4 964 3.1 889 4-08 2 305 28220 3.4 946 3.1 870 3rd Dam: Linderidge Cadence Sissy (NC) 2-06 2 305 23650 3.3 775 3.2 745 4th Dam: Linderidge Oside Seven-TW (GP-84) 2-03 2 305 22290 4.0 881 3.2 716

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 94

Linderidge Durable Sissy 71918859 99%RHA Born: March 8, 2013 #1156 G-72 G+FGF 2-03

2-00 2 305 17950 4.3 775 3.3 584 3-00 2 305 23290 4.4 1025 3.2 745 4-01 2 37 3370 3.6 120 3.1 104 (RIP)

Ronelee SS Durable 136747211 rc tv tl ty td EX-90 EVVE 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +1847G Linderidge Zenith Stella 64489305 G-77 F+FGG 2-08 2-05 2 305 22790 3.7 840 3.0 674 3-06 2 287 27870 3.6 1017 2.9 810 4-05 2 305 33100 3.3 1094 2.9 961

Lot 95

2nd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Sheila (NC) 2-04 2 305 27150 3.2 882 2.8 768 3-03 2 295 34780 3.2 1104 2.7 950 4-03 2 305 29840 3.1 920 2.7 799 5-03 2 305 26020 3.2 845 2.7 704 Life: 1373 126900 3.2 4076 2.8 3494

Linderidge Al Shelley 1219 72799170 99%RHA Born: May 5, 2014 #1219

3-00 2 26 2605 3.5 90 2.8

73 (RIP)

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K GTPI +2010g linderidge Alexander Shy 70965627 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 24710 3.8 951 3.0 736 3-04 2 291 29010 3.9 1120 2.8 824

Lot 96 Bred 4/16/2017 to Roylane Bookem Bob 5170-ET 70192740 7H11752

Linderidge Headlnr 1250 73772522 99%RHA Born: December 12, 2014 #1250

2-01 2 125 13251 3.6 479 3.1 713 (RIP)

seagull-Bay headliner-ET 69981350 tr tp tv tl ty td VG-87 VV+V 4-08 50K gtpi +2472g linderidge Damascus Zella 70505047 99%rha NC 2-02 2 305 26290 3.6 949 3.4 883

Lot 97 Bred 5/12/2017 to De-Su MG Davinci 11288-ET 70626040 7HO12014

2nd Dam: Linderidge Zenith Stella (G-77) 2-05 2 305 22790 3.7 840 3.0 674 3-06 2 287 27870 3.6 1017 2.9 810 4-05 2 305 33100 3.3 1094 2.9 961

2nd Dam: Linderidge Fortune Zelda (NC) 2-01 2 294 22080 3.4 757 3.5 772 3-01 2 299 23300 3.9 920 3.8 884 3rd Dam: Linderidge Lyle Zasha (GP-80) 5-02 2 305 30760 3.8 1177 3.2 996 Life: 1605 138280 3.7 5089 3.2 4470 4th Dam: Linderidge Marshall Zeta (GP-81) 4-04 2 284 29340 3.2 942 3.1 897

Linderidge al zephyr 1191 72799142 99%RHA Born: November 17, 2013 #1191

2-02 2 305 17790 4.4 776 3.4 606 3-03 2 91 9327 3.8 358 3.3 305 (RIP)

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K GTPI +2010g

Linderidge Gabor Zapper 70505046 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 28360 3.0 840 2.7 765 3-03 2 304 28540 2.7 778 2.7 759 4-02 2 254 25500 3.1 785 2.5 646


2nd Dam: Linderidge Sanchez Zophia (NC)

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 98

linderidge gabor rita 1264 74339615 99%RHA Born: April 3, 2015 #1264

2-00 2 43 3215 3.6 116 3.2 102 (RIP)

Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G 2nd Dam: Linderidge Morpheous Rita (NC) 1-11 2 305 24970 3.6 903 3.3 825

Lot 99 Bred 10/14/2016 to Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P 73926711 7H12708

linderidge Al Rhonda 1164 71918867 99%RHA NC 1-11 2 305 21990 4.3 948 3.5 771

Linderidge watsn Faith 1212 72799163 99%RHA Born: March 30, 2014 #1212

1-11 2 305 24730 4.3 1053 3.6 884 (INC)

De-su Watson 64700377 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-07 GM 50K gtpi +2096g pta +1.02T +.82udc +.49flc 98%R 4/2017 linderidge Enroll Riley 70965624 99%rha NC 2-01 2 296 22090 4.0 888 3.6 787

Lot 100 Bred 10/24/2016 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314 Sexed semen

linderidge Kingby Quin 1287 74339638 99%RHA Born: July 28, 2015 #1287

Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET 72044077 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD EX-90 EEVE 2-11 77k GTPI +2567g linderidge Aprntc Quin 1174 71918877 98%rha NC 2-01 2 126

Lot 101 Bred 12/23/2016 to Seagull-Bay Headliner-ET 69981350

2nd Dam: Linderidge F3 Rocket (NC) 2-00 2 302 17350 4.1 706 3.3 577 2-11 2 267 18660 4.0 752 3.4 631

7280 3.7 269 3.1 229

2nd Dam: Linderidge Colossal Quick (G-77) 2-01 2 305 21350 4.1 880 3.0 650 3rd Dam: Linderidge Blitz Quincy (NC) 2-05 2 305 34910 3.1 1091 2.8 965 4th Dam: Linderidge Jason Queenie (VG-87) 5-03 2 305 30810 3.3 1015 3.3 1017 Life: 1328 111450 3.4 3832 3.3 3646

Linderidge Guthrie Pam 1223 72799174 99%RHA Born: May 16, 2014 #1223

2-03 2 278 23536 3.7 867 3.1 739 (RIP) Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1960g linderidge Conner Papaya 70965631 99%rha NC 2-01 2 305 26130 3.4 886 2.7 715 3-00 2 252 22940 3.6 835 2.7 627


2nd Dam: Linderidge Alexander Patty (NC) 2-04 2 305 27690 3.9 1082 2.9 799 3-04 2 296 26670 3.5 924 2.7 723

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 102

Linderidge Gabor Yowser 71918839 99%RHA Born: November 3, 2012 #1136

2-01 2 302 26960 3.4 907 3.0 803 3-01 2 298 25660 3.7 940 3.0 781 4-00 2 187 18131 3.5 639 2.9 518 (RIP)

Bred 2/10/2017 to S-S-I Mogul Defender-ET 3009554569 7HO11926

Willow-marsh-CC Gabor-ET 60845420 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 8-10 GM HD GTPI +1970G linderidge Million Yougurt 69437687 99%rha NC 2-03 2 305 27460 4.9 1332 3.3 894

Lot 103

2nd Dam: Linderidge Mr Sam Yoyo (G-78) 2-02 2 302 22530 3.7 843 2.9 645 3-02 2 305 26270 3.7 976 2.9 772 3rd Dam: Linderidge Mich Yasmine-TW (GP-84) 5-08 2 301 25010 4.7 1174 2.8 695 Life: 1719 127350 4.2 5311 3.0 3818

Linderidge Bookem Kat 1268 74339619 99%RHA Born: June 1, 2015 #1268

Bred 9/24/2016 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 7H11477 Sexed semen De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tv tl ty td VG-88 EV+V 6-07 GM GTPI +2341g linderidge Layne Kass 1172 71918875 99%Rha NC 1-11 2 305 26060 3.5 919 3.2 837

Lot 104 Bred 9/2/2016 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

linderidge Layne Kass 1172 100%RHA Born: June 7, 2013 #1172

1-11 2 305 26060 3.5 919 3.2 837 3-00 2 300 28778 3.4 988 3.3 939 Kellercrest Super Layne-eT 69725085 tr tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 2-10 50K gtpi +2148g Linderidge Lucas 829 62848464 99%rha VG-86 VV+GV 3-04 2-10 2 305 26240 3-11 2 305 28890 5-01 2 305 29700 LIFE 1511 126580

Lot 105

2nd Dam: Linderidge Lucas 829 (VG-86) 2-10 2 305 26240 3.7 960 3.2 835 3-11 2 305 28890 3.9 1137 3.3 956 5-01 2 305 29700 3.9 1169 3.4 1006

3.7 960 3.9 1137 3.9 1169 3.9 4967

3.2 835 3.3 956 3.4 1006 3.3 4192

2nd Dam: Linderidge Forbidden 713 (G-79) 2-06 2 305 30380 3.6 1094 3.2 957 4-04 2 305 31300 3.4 1066 3.2 1015

Linderidge Mcneal Allison 71918854 99%RHA Born: February 16, 2013 #1151

2-02 2 300 24420 4.0 976 3.1 749 4-02 2 31 3230 5.0 162 3.2 104 (RIP) Mountfield dorcy Mcneal-et 69398768 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2099G Linderidge laurin ashley 68542466 99%rha NC 2-02 2 305 24990 3.9 987 3.0 740 3-05 2 305 28020 3.9 1101 3.1 872


2nd Dam: 42WKM2327 (NC)

L i n d e r i d g e H o l s t e i n s M i l k i n g H e rd a n d B re d H e i f e r D i s p e r s a l 2 0 1 7

Lot 106 Bred 11/18/2016 to Coldsprings Kenyon 9118-ET 60589256

Linderidge Layne Abby 1178 72799129 99%RHA Born: July 25, 2013 #1178

2-01 2 295 22240 3.6 805 3.1 694 3-00 2 289 26555 3.3 877 3.2 840 (RIP) Kellercrest Super Layne-eT 69725085 tr tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 2-10 50K gtpi +2148g Linderidge Moscow Ailene 68542497 99%Rha G-77 G+F+G 2-08 2-02 2 305 25500 3.7 933 3.2 827

Lot 107

2nd Dam: Linderidge Racer Abigail (NC) 2-00 2 300 21290 3.9 833 3.2 687

Linderidge GW Atwd Ann 1201 72799152 99%RHA Born: December 29, 2013 #1201

2-00 2 305 20610 4.7 969 3.5 728 3-01 2 113 11961 3.2 382 3.2 381 (RIP) maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379c TR TP TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 50K GTPI +1897g linderidge Socrates Addie 69437694 99%rha NC 2-03 2 292 23420 3.4 804 3.1 736 3-03 2 305 25960 3.4 879 3.4 879 4-06 2 298 23560 3.8 898 3.3 786

Lot 108 Bred 11/11/2016 to S-S-I Mogul Defender-ET 3009554569 7HO11926

2nd Dam: Linderidge Moscow Anita (GP-80) 2-01 2 305 24050 3.6 877 3.2 762

Linderidge Mcnugts Ann 1235 73772508 99%RHA Born: July 29, 2014 #1236

2-01 2 278 20950 3.8 795 3.3 692 (RIP) foxberry bax mcnuggets-ET 139058916 tr tp tv tl ty td GM 50K GTPI +2056 linderidge Sanchez Angel 69437723 99%rha NC 2-04 2 299 22600 3.5 786 3.5 793 3-03 2 293 24850 3.1 780 3.6 883


2nd Dam: Linderidge Racer Abigail (NC) 2-00 2 300 21290 3.9 833 3.2 687

HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PUBLIC SALES EFFECTIVE MARCH 2, 1996 - Amended October 1, 1997, June 28, 2000, June 23, 2002, and March 26, 2010

TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash unless arrangements are made prior to the sale or are printed in the sale catalog. Only when the above conditions are met will the buyer be entitled to the warranties listed below. In no case will animals be released unless settlement is made with the clerk of the sale.

by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller. The seller makes no guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen.

RESPONSIBILITY: The seller, buyer, and manager of this sale are obligated to comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions.

b. Females - All females are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of: 1. 2.

EXPORT SALES: Buyer assumes all responsibility for health tests required by the importing country. BIDS: The highest bidder is the buyer. Bidding parties or their agents are responsible for all bids placed. Every animal or lot presented for bidding is pledged to absolute sale. In case of dispute, the animal or lot will again be put up for advance bids, and if there is no advance bid, the animal or lot will be sold to the person the auctioneer accepted the last bid from. In case two or more claim the bid, the auctioneer will indicate the party whose bid he recognized. Other claimants will be given an opportunity to increase the bid and bidding will be restricted to the two or more claimants.

Report of a non-breeder must occur in writing within 3 months of the date of sale or before the animal reaches 21 months of age and must be submitted to the seller. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed, by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller.

BY-BIDDING: Bidding directly or indirectly by the sole owner of any animal or lot is prohibited unless the intention to bid is disclosed specific to each animal in the catalog and announced when the animal enters the ring. Bidding by any member of a partnership, syndicate, or other entity having an ownership interest in an animal or lot is permitted. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: For all Registered HolsteinsSM, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA and a certificate of registration showing that transfer of ownership will be provided to the buyer free of charge. For embryos, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA free of charge to the buyer. RISK: All animals located at sale site are at the purchaser’s risk as soon as struck off, but will be cared for free of charge for a maximum of 24 hours following the end of the sale. WARRANTIES: 1) Each consignor warrants clear title to the animal or lot, and the right to sell same. 2) To the best of the seller’s knowledge, each animal is sound and healthy in every respect and embryos have been recovered, processed, frozen, transferred and graded in keeping with IETS recommendations unless otherwise noted in the catalog or announced from the auction stand. Every precaution will be taken to represent the physical condition of each lot exactly as is known. Examination of all purchases should be made immediately after the purchase and before the close of the sale, and if found not to be as represented, complaint must be reported to the sale management before the close of the sale. In the event no complaint is filed, it is understood that the buyer assumes full ownership in the case of animals at sale site together with all risks, after which no representations of the seller can be challenged through the sale management. Heifers that never calved are in no way guaranteed as to the condition of their udders following calving. 3) Breeding Warranty The seller guarantees all animals to be breeders, but not beyond the purchase price, with the following understanding: a.

Males - Should any bull after reaching the age of fourteen months fail to prove a breeder after being used for two months on cows or heifers known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within three months of the sale date. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed,

Cows over 7 years of age when sold; Cows and/or heifers carrying a pregnancy that is the result of an embryo transfer.

Females bred when sold and pronounced in calf are presumed to be pregnant but pregnancy is not guaranteed unless so announced. The seller makes no warranty that pregnant cows will deliver calves or that they will carry calves full term. c.

If, after the sale, embryos or oocytes are recovered from a female or an attempt is made to superovulate her, this negates the breeding warranty unless there is a separate written agreement between buyer and seller.

SHIPPING: Assistance will be given in arranging shipping of the animals after the sale. All costs, risks and responsibility will be borne by the purchaser. PEDIGREE INFORMATION: All production, classification, type and production summaries are current. Only information recorded on Holstein Association USA pedigrees is used. Any production or classification records supplied by the seller or consignor will be properly identified as provided by owner. Records in progress are identified as such. GENOMIC INFORMATION: If genomic information on the animal or embryo is available, it must be dated and disclosed at or before the time of sale. EMBRYO TRANSFER: All registered animals that have resulted from embryo transfer are identified with one of the following suffixes in the name: ET, ETS (from split embryo), or ETN (from nuclear transfer). If unregistered, the appropriate technology will be identified. Donor dams are identified. HEALTH WARRANTY: The seller will provide an official health certificate to the buyer for each animal showing the results of all health tests made in preparation for this sale as required by the state where the cattle reside. Other health tests completed for this sale will be disclosed. ERRORS: The material in this catalog has been carefully edited. If any errors or omissions are discovered, they will be announced. Such announcements take precedence over that printed in this catalog. ACCIDENT: The sale management, the consignors, and the owner of the grounds will not be responsible in any case for the condition of the grounds or the behavior of the animals and disclaim any liability in the event of personal accident or property loss. LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES: Warranties contained herein, unless terminated earlier, will cease upon the resale of an animal.

*Pedigrees and other information in this book are compiled and printed with extreme care by Taylor Made Designs. Holstein Association USA, Inc.Taylor • 1 Holstein Place • assumes Brattleboro, VT 05302-0808 toll-free: 800.952.5200 • Made Designs no liability for any•errors or omissions. 37

Index Linderidge Abram Nina 1246 .... 88 Linderidge Al Cherokee 1180 ... 83 Linderidge Al Orabelle 1200 ..... 71 Linderidge Al Reeva 1241 .......... 6 Linderidge Al Shelley 1219 ....... 95 Linderidge Al Valeria 1198 ....... 55 Linderidge Al Zephyr 1191 ....... 97 Linderidge All Luanne 1194 ...... 80 Linderidge Apprntc Kay 1163 ... 36 Linderidge Apprntc Pam1193 .... 27 Linderidge Bookem Kat 1268 . 103 Linderidge Bookem Pearl1253 .. 34 Linderidge Bookm Velma 1225 .. 53 Linderidge Bradey Donna-TW .. 44 Linderidge Bradey Felice .......... 38 Linderidge Dempsey Becca ....... 60 Linderidge Diamnd Cari 1242 ... 85 Linderidge Diamond Bet 1227 .. 63 Linderidge Diamond Jem 1266 ... 15 Linderidge Diamond Mae 1240 .. 65 Linderidge Diamond Rue 1265 ... 2 Linderidge Diamond Sis 1233 ... 90 Linderidge Dmpsy Carla 1232 .. 84 Linderidge Dmpsy Rhona 1176 ... 3 Linderidge Donatelo Pam 1294 .. 22 Linderidge Donatlo Rox ............ 12 Linderidge Drbl Shari 1206 ....... 91 Linderidge Drble Dauba 1207 ... 46 Linderidge Dresser Pat 1290 ..... 24 Linderidge Durable Nan 1189 ... 89 Linderidge Durable Sissy ......... 94 Linderidge Durable Zasha ........ 74 Linderidge Durbl Blush 1187 .... 68 Linderidge Durbl Myra 1184 ..... 49 Linderidge Durbl Patti 1177 ...... 20 Linderidge Durbl Vexie 1175 .... 51 Linderidge Durble Hush 1224 ... 16 Linderidge Eden Eleshia ........... 78 Linderidge Emphasis Pippa ....... 26 Linderidge Gabor Bllink 1281 .... 62

Linderidge Gabor Olga 1243 ..... 70 Linderidge Gabor Risky ........... 11 Linderidge Gabor Rita 1264 ...... 98 Linderidge Gabor Yowser ...... 102 Linderidge Gabor Zigy ............. 75 Linderidge Gavor Peppa 1261 .... 25 Linderidge Gld Chp Dee 1272 .... 48 Linderidge Gldchp Helen1288 .... 17 Linderidge Grafeeti Hi 1280 ..... 19 Linderidge Grafeti Viv 1287 .... 57 Linderidge Grfti Sal1271-TW .... 92 Linderidge Grfti Sis1270-TW .... 93 Linderidge Gthre Ellen 1168 .... 79 Linderidge Gthrie Emma 1209 .... 87 Linderidge Gthrie Hush 1228 .... 13 Linderidge Guthrie Breeze ........ 59 Linderidge Guthrie Fantasy ...... 41 Linderidge Guthrie Pam 1223 .... 101 Linderidge Guthrie Zelda .......... 76 Linderidge GW Atwd Ann 1201 .. 107 Linderidge GW Atwd Val 1220 ... 56 Linderidge Headlnr 1250 .......... 96 Linderidge Kingby 1283 ........... 52 Linderidge Kingby Prim 1304 ... 31 Linderidge Kingby Quin 1287 ... 100 Linderidge Layne Abby 1178 .... 106 Linderidge Layne Kass 1172 ..... 104 Linderidge Locker Gwen 1192 .... 43 Linderidge McGuins Pal 1247 ..... 28 Linderidge McGuinss 1252 ....... 81 Linderidge McNeal Allison ..... 105 Linderidge McNugt Rosa 1239 .... 4 Linderidge McNugts 1236 ........ 23 Linderidge McNugts Ann 1235 .... 108 Linderidge Mediate Cy 1237 .... 82 Linderidge Million Pam 1186 .... 33 Linderidge Mixer Bling 1181 .... 61 Linderidge Mojo Nicole 1215 .... 73 Linderidge Monros Hila1274 .... 14 Linderidge Montros Ola 1273 .... 72 38

Linderidge Montros Vix 1286 .... 50 Linderidge Montross Deb1295 .... 45 Linderidge Moscow Rubel-ET .... 1 Linderidge Planet Flora ............ 40 Linderidge Plato Peanut ........... 32 Linderidge Predestn Bit 1231 .... 69 Linderidge Richman Fancy ...... 39 Linderidge Richman Raven ...... 10 Linderidge Sanchez Karrot ....... 35 Linderidge Shamrck Kia 1279 .... 37 Linderidge Shamrock Elsa ....... 86 Linderidge Shmrck Pop 1269 .... 29 Linderidge Shot Breesha .......... 58 Linderidge Shot Helena 1171 .... 18 Linderidge Shot Rachel ............... 9 Linderidge Shot Rayanne-ET ..... 7 Linderidge Shot Ruth1262-ET .... 8 Linderidge Spur Becky 1284 ..... 64 Linderidge Spur Pippa 1275 ...... 21 Linderidge Spur Rascal 1285 ...... 5 Linderidge Spur Vicky 1289 ..... 54 Linderidge Spur Zelma 1277 ..... 77 Linderidge Watsn Faith 1212 .... 99 Linderidge Watson Brit 1248 .... 67 Linderidge Watson Dori 1210 ... 47 Linderidge Watson Fran 1244 ... 42 Linderidge Watson Penny1258 ... 30 Linderidge Wtsn Brita 1245 ..... 66

Catalog produced by:

Gretchen Taylor 24807 Neon Road West Union, IA 52175 563/379-1738

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