Matthiae Dairy Farm, Inc Complete Herd Dispersal

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Matthiae Dairy Farm, INC. Complete Herd Dispersal

Friday, April 17, 2015 - 9:30 A.M. Marathon, WI

Welcome to central Wisconsin and the home of Matt-Dari registered Holsteins. We are truly excited and honored to have you attend what represents our life in the registered Holsteins business. In 1969 Maynard and David took over the farm from their parents. In 1972 they purchased their first registered Holsteins and the farm name of Matt-Dari was started. At Matt-Dari our breeding program was simple, to breed functional cows that look good every day, that are sound reproductively and yet milk well with ease. Our sons Mike and Jason joined the farm after graduation from high school. The farm has hosted numerous activities; breed improvement meetings through WI Holstein Association, June Dairy Breakfast and Marathon Co. Holstein Breeders daylight meeting. Over the years countless accomplishments have been achieved here at the home of Matt-Dari. Numerous bulls have been bred and sent to AI Studs from around the world. Live animals have been exported to Japan and Germany. Embryos have been exported to multiple foreign countries. We have been selling breeding bulls to dairymen for 33 years. From Land O’ Lakes Milk Products, we have received quality awards for 17 years. The Holstein Association has awarded us the Progressive Breeders Award six years and the Progressive Genetics Award 14 years. The farm was a host to may foreign tour groups from World Dairy Expo over the years. As far as the future, the cropping part of Matt-Dari Inc. will continue after the dairy herd is dispersed. We feel that the herd has never looked better and the time has never been more correct for us to offer our herd to the public in its entirety. We want to thank all the friends that we have made over the years in this great business. Most of all we wish the buyers the best of luck with their purchase that they make. Thanks to everyone for coming to our sale and the support you have given us over the years.

Maynard, David, Mike and Jason Matthiae

Matthiae Dairy Farm, INC. Complete Herd Dispersal Friday, April 17, 2015 9:30 A.M. Marathon, WI Sales Force:

Hotel Accommodations:

Scott Courtney ….........…….. 563-380-1318

Hampton Inn ………. 715-848-9700

Tim Schindler ……........…… 715-316-2085

Days Inn …………… 715-355-5501

Lloyd Simon …….........……. 715-803-5696 Tim Abbott ………........…… 802-238-1142


Kevin Jorgensen …..........….. 920-210-3992

10 miles west of Wausau, WI on WI-29, then south 1/4 mile on Martin Lane. Watch for auction signs.

Jeremy Schafer …..........…… 651-380-2968

Sale Clerk:

Steve Berland …........……… 507-254-5281 Ron Roskopf …...….......…… 414-587-4402

Jim Vierhout ……..........…… 712-470-1202

Amy Courtney ……..563-380-4571

Kyle Demmer ……..........….. 563-451-5376


Chad Ryan ………...........….. 920-960-1449

Glen Longhorn ......... 712-548-2851


Sale Management:

Matthiae Dairy Farms, INC. Maynard & Jason • David & Michael

4839 Martin Lane • Marathon, WI 54448

2564 Pole Line Road Ridgeway, IA 52165 563-387-0035 (Home) 563/380-1318 (Cell)

715-443-2347 office •

715-581-1929 Maynard • 715-370-8556 Jason 715-551-1480 David • 715-571-2313 Mike

All announcements said Sale Day take precedence over printed material in catalog. 1



Matt-Dari Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Pillar-ET (VG-88)

Sells as Lot 1 & Dam of Lots 2, 4 & 5 - 2nd Dam of Lot 3

Lot 1

Matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411

100%RHA Born: June 20, 2010 Pillar VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 50K GTPI +2133G pta +295M +31F +28P 82%R 12/2014 PTA +341NM +.08%F +.08%P pta +1.7PL 2.76scs +.9dpr 6.6%dce pta +1.04T +.96udc +1.59flc 81%R 12/2014 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139 3-09 2 343 32090 4.6 1468 3.6 1154 (Inc) Milking 57lbs. 4.6%F 3.8%P Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 O-bee Manfred Justice-ET 122358313 tv tl ty td tr tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 7-07 GM GTPI +2034G VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g PTA +815M +64F +47P 99%R 4/2012 pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 WINNING-WAY MARCI-ET 130677626 CV pta +408NM +.10%F +.12%P 27%us VG-89 EEEVV 7-04 pta +1.2pl 2.98scs +1.9dpr 6.1%dce 1-11 2 365 32010 4.8 1544 3.6 1158 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 S&E Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Gunners-Will Patron Patti 128344477 EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 9-01

2-00 2 305 27310 3-04 2 365 37070 6-03 2 305 33080 LIFE 1497 126200


3.7 1024 4.7 1728 4.4 1461 4.2 5303

3.3 895 3.6 1333 3.1 1011 3.3 4153

Bred 7/31/2014 to Polbutte MC Beemer-ET 752863 7H12353

3rd Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 4th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 5th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 6th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 7th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 2

Matt-Dari Ecoyne is promise 71667887 tl td 100%RHA Born: January 7, 2013 #351 77K GTPI +2012G PTA +597M +33F +28P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +301NM +.04%F +.04%P PTA +1.7PL 2.93SCS +.2DPR 7.1%DCE PTA +.80T +.74UDC +.52FLC 75%R 12/2014

Sells Fresh 3/19/2015

ECOYNE ISY 5008238457FRA TY 50K GTPI +2093G PTA +581M +24F +28P 95%R 12/2014 PTA +441NM +.01%F +.04% 100%US PTA +5.7PL 2.77SCS +1.4DPR 6.5%DCE PTA +.33T +.53UDC -.89FLC 86%R 12/2014

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 COYNE-FARMS YELENA CRI-ET 61376428 TV VG-85 +VV+V GMD DOM 2-08

Lot 3

Female (Pending) 100%RHA Born: March 19, 2015

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1939g pta -342M +5f +2P 99%R 12/2014 pta +135NM +.07%F +.05%P pta +.7pl 2.88scs +.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +2.53t +2.16udc +1.46flc 99%R Matt-Dari Ecoyne is Promise 71667887 tl td 77K GTPI +2012G

Sells as Lot 2

1-11 3 365 36930 3.6 1336 3.1 1129

Lot 4

Matt-Dari Altaoak Pepsi-ET 72596527 tl td 99%RHA Born: January 5, 2014 #458 77K GTPI +2308g pta +827M +44f +40P 74%R 12/2014 pta +531NM +.05%F +.06%P pta +4.3PL 2.73SCS +1.6dpr 5.7%DCE pta +1.12T +1.07udc +.95flc 73%R 12/2014

Lot 5

matt-dari altoak pumpkin-ET 72596528 Tl td 99%RHA Born: January 7, 2014 #459 77K GTPI +2153G PTA +585M +32F +26P 74%R 12/2014 PTA +374NM +.04%F +.03%P PTA +2.4PL 2.73SCS +1.90DPR 5.9%DCE PTA +1.09T +.92UDC +1.07FLC 74%R 12/2014

PINE-TREE ALTAOAK-ET 69169951 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +2324GPTA +1344M +49F +45P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +538NM +.00%F +.02%P 100%US PTA +4.2PL 2.68SCS +1.2DPR 6.5%DCE PTA +1.45T +1.30UDC +.53FLC 77%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 GTPI +2133G PTA +295M +31F +28P 82%R 12/2014 PTA +341NM +.08%F +.08%P PTA +1.7PL 2.76SCS +.9DPR 6.6%DCE PTA +1.04T +.96UDC +1.59FLC 81%R 12/2014 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139

RI-VALE-RE 2338 NIAGRA-ET 62067753 TR TV TL TD GM GTPI +1959G PTA +1470M +31F +47P 99%R 12/2014 PTA +1.09T +1.25UDC -.5FLC 98%R12/2014 PINE-TREE LEIF SUZY-ET 66882395 98%RHA-I VG-89 V++EE DOM 5-03 4-02 3 319 33340 4.0 1332 3.1 1036

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 S&E Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270


3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Cameron Peach-ET (GP-83 2Y) Sells as Lot 6

Lot 6 Bred 11/13/2014 to Woodcrest Mogul Yoder-ET 72254526 7H12266

matt-Dari Cameron Peach-ET 68958561 100%RHA Born: April 9, 2012 Peach GP-83 +++V 2-08 50K gtpi +2144G pta +507M +10F +17P 79%R 12/2014 pta +319NM -.04%F +.01%P pta +3.4PL 2.71scs +2.4dpr 7.2%dce pta +1.22t +1.22udc +1.86flc 76%R 12/2014 2-03 2 249 20879 3.8 792 3.2 677 (Inc) Milking 89lbs. 3.4%F 3.4%P

Shema Jeeves Cameron-ET 66747411 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2079G pta +120M +9f -4P 97%R 12/2014 pta +290NM +.02%F -.03%P 95%us pta +4.6PL 2.67scs +2.80dpr 7.8%DCE pta +1.38T +1.47udc +1.80flc 93%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 GTPI +2133G PTA +295M +31F +28P 82%R 12/2014 PTA +341NM +.08%F +.08%P PTA +1.7PL 2.76SCS +.9DPR 6.6%DCE PTA +1.04T +.96UDC +1.59FLC 81%R 12/2014 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139

ked outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1967G Coutlane-UR Chassity 64045606 EX-92 EEVVE DOM 4-09 4-02 2 347 39580 2.9 1155 2.4 932 LIFE 1644 139240 3.0 4108 2.5 3493

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g S&E Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270


3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 7

Matt-Dari Jabir Pineaple 73727230 TL TD 99%RHA-I Born: July 14, 2014 #519 13K GTPI +2290G pta +1592M +49f +37P 73%R 12/2014 pta +652NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%us pta +4.4PL 2.70scs +4.6dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.29t +.59udc +1.49flc 76%R 12/2014

Coyne-Farms Jabir-eT 70801850 99%RHA-I TY 77K gtpi +2526g pta +1037M +71f +39P 77%R 12/2014 pta +652NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%us pta +4.4PL 2.70scs +4.6dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.29T +.59udc +1.49flc 76%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Cameron Peach-ET 68958561 GP-83 +++V 2-08 50K gtpi +2144G pta +507M +10F +17P 79%R 12/2014 pta +319NM -.04%F +.01%P pta +3.4PL 2.71scs +2.4dpr 7.2%dce pta +1.22t +1.22udc +1.86flc 76%R 12/2014

marbri Facebook-ET 10847042 tr tv tl ty td can VG-86 2Y 50K gtpi +2366G pta +1281m +80f +47p 97%R pta +1.51t +.92udc +.52flc 96%r 12/2014 Coyne-Farms Freddie Jill-ET 68677598 99%RHA-I TV TL VG-85 ++GVV 2-04 2-00 3 365 33860 3.3 1125 2.9 984

Shema Jeeves Cameron-ET 66747411 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2079G pta +120M +9f -4P 97%R 12/2014 pta +1.38T +1.47udc +1.80flc 93%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 GTPI +2133G PTA +295M +31F +28P 82%R 12/2014 PTA +341NM +.08%F +.08%P PTA +1.7PL 2.76SCS +.9DPR 6.6%DCE PTA +1.04T +.96UDC +1.59FLC 81%R 12/2014 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139

3rd Dam: S&E Shottle Panda-ET (2E-92 EEEEE) 6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1225 2.8 893 Life: 2280 176270 3.8 6624 2.9 5184 100%RHA Born: November 3, 2014 #549 4th Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti 13K GTPI +2307 (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +1193M +43f +31P 73%R 1/2015 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 pta +446NM +.00%F -.02%P Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 5th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy pta +2.5PL 2.73scs +.7dpr 7.7%dce (EX-90) pta +2.34T +2.10udc +1.98flc 72%R 1/2015 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Lotta-Hill Shottle 41-ET 62942427 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 mr Welcome Hill Tango-ET 70750485 tr tv tl ty td 6th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy tv tl ty td (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) PTA +1353M +42f +22P 99%R 12/2014 50K gtpi +2416G pta +1.34t +1.99udc +1.00flc 98%R 12/2014 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 pta +1856M +53f +46P 78%R 12/2014 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 pta +566NM -.06%F -.04%P 100%us ms welcome colby taya-ET 3002918882 ty 7th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) pta +3.0PL 2.82scs +1.1DPR 6.2%dce VG-88 EEEVV 5-01 DOM 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 pta +2.01t +2.07udc +1.37flc 78%R 12/2014 1-10 3 365 41240 3.3 1357 3.0 1255 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 8th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony Shema Jeeves Cameron-ET 66747411 (VG-85) Matt-Dari Cameron Peach-ET 68958561 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2079G 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 GP-83 +++V 2-08 50K gtpi +2144G pta +120M +9f -4P 97%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King pta +507M +10F +17P 79%R 12/2014 pta +1.38T +1.47udc +1.80flc 93%R 12/2014 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) pta +319NM -.04%F +.01%P 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 pta +3.4PL 2.71scs +2.4dpr 7.2%dce Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 pta +1.22t +1.22udc +1.86flc 76%R 12/2014 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 GTPI +2133G 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit PTA +295M +31F +28P 82%R 12/2014 (VG-88) PTA +341NM +.08%F +.08%P 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 PTA +1.7PL 2.76SCS +.9DPR 6.6%DCE 11th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader PTA +1.04T +.96UDC +1.59FLC 81%R 12/2014 (VG-88) 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139

Lot 8



Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 10

Female (Pending) 100%RHA

Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET

Sells as Lot 9 and Dam of Lots 10-20

Lot 9 Bred 8/21/2014 to Rockymountain Lottomax-ET 11445882 200H10049

Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td 100%RHA Born: November 21, 2012 #332 77K gtpi +77K GTPI +2383G pta +896M +55f +52P 77%R 12/2014 pta +535NM +.09%F +.10%P pta +2.6PL 2.71scs +.9dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.55t +1.08udc +1.85flc 76%R 12/2014 Embryos Exported to Japan, Germany & Italy

Mountfield SSI DCY Mixer-ET 3004672662 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2332G pta +897M +60f +42P 95%R 12/2014 pta +543NM +.11%F +.06%P 100%us pta +3.6PL 2.81scs +.4dpr 6.5%dce pta +1.75T +1.31udc +2.11flc 89%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 50K gtpi +2133G pta +295M +31f +28P 82%R 12/2014 pta +341NM +.08%F +.08%P pta +1.7PL 2.76scs +.9dpr 6.6%dce pta +1.04T +.96udc +1.59flc 81%R 12/2014 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139

Rockymountain Lottomax-eT 11445882 tr tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2474G pta +863M +58F +26P 77%R 12/2014 pta +615NM +.11%F +.00%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.68scs +2.3dpr 7.2%dce pta +2.57T +1.95udc +1.33flc 76%R Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +77K GTPI +2383G pta +896M +55f +52P 77%R 12/2014 pta +535NM +.09%F +.10%P pta +2.6PL 2.71scs +.9dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.55t +1.08udc +1.85flc 76%R

Sells as Lot 9

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy VG-87 VVV+ 4-09 (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +1387M +33f +38P 99%R 12/2014 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 pta +2.21t +2.52udc +2.31flc 98%R 12/2014 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie mountfield Marsh Maxine-eT 62784081 (VG-88 DOM) VG-88 VV+VE DOM 2-07 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 2-03 2 159 14320 4.3 611 3.2 454 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 S&E Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit 1-10 2 305 22650 3.6 814 3.1 699 (VG-88) 3-02 2 365 32490 3.4 1115 2.8 917 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 4-07 2 365 31680 3.8 1198 2.8 895 10th Dam: 6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1225 2.8 893 Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader 7-07 2 365 28390 3.7 1063 3.0 853 (VG-88) LIFE 2280 176270 3.8 6624 2.9 5184


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Shakespe Paige-ET

Matt-Dari Shakes Perplex-ET

Sells as Lot 13

Sells as Lot 16

6 Shakespeare Daughters of PLUM Sell!

Sire of Lots 11-16 Ladys-Manor Shakespeare-eT 71592934 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2381g pta +597M +50f +24P 79%R 12/2014 pta +551NM +.11%F +.03%P 100%us pta +5.8PL 2.62scs +.8dpr 7.2%dce pta +2.13t +2.11udc +2.03flc 78%R 12/2014

Lot 11

Matt-Dari Shakespe Peak-eT 73727232 tl td 100%RHA Born: July 28, 2014 #521

Genervations Epic-ET 11104016c tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2296g pta +998M +23f +30P 98%R 12/2014 pta +1.82t +1.51udc +2.08flc 96%R 12/2014

ladys-manor ruby D shawn-et 62360741 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 5-04 4-04 2 365 37920 4.8 1808 3.2 1208

Lot 12

Matt-Dari Shakesp Pirate-ET 73727234 tl td 100%RHA Born: July 29, 2014 #523

Lot 13

Matt-Dari Shakespe Paige-eT 73727236 TL TD 100%RHA Born: August 1, 2014 #525

13K GTPI +2334G pta +547M +39f +31P 72%R 12/2014 pta +476NM +.07%F +.06%P pta +4.0PL 2.60scs +.8dpr 7.6%dce pta +2.09T +1.88udc +2.64flc 72%R Dam: Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td

13K gtpi +2386g pta +556M +69f +35P 73%R 12/2014 pta +562NM +.19%F +.07%P pta +3.9PL 2.61scs +.3dpr 7.0%dce pta +1.68t +1.37udc +2.06flc 72%R Dam: Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td

13K gtpi +2473G pta +770M +76F +44P 73%R 12/2014 pta +624NM +.19%F +.08%P pta +4.0PL 2.66scs +.4dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.86t +1.33udc +2.37flc 72%R Dam: Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td

Lot 14

Lot 15

Lot 16

Sells as Lot 9

Matt-Dari Shakes Peebles-ET 73727243 tl td 100%RHA Born: September 8, 2014 #532

13K gtpi +2244G pta +1061M +40f +39P 72%R 12/2014 pta +442NM +.00%F +.03%P pta +3.2PL 2.81scs +.6dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.69t +1.08udc +1.69flc 72%R Dam: Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td

Sells as Lot 9

Sells as Lot 9

Matt-Dari Shakespea Pink-ET 73727245 tl td 100%RHA Born: September 12, 2014 #534

13K gtpi +2404g pta +720M +48f +38P 73%R 12/2014 pta +543NM +.08%F +.06%P pta +4.4PL 2.75scs +1.9dpr 7.0%dce pta +1.84t +1.54udc +1.87flc 72%R Dam: Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td

Sells as Lot 9


Sells as Lot 9

Matt-Dari Shakes Perplex-ET 73727246 tl td 100%RHA Born: September 12, 2014 #535

13K gtpi +2382g pta +798M +50f +40P 72%R 12/2014 pta +550NM +.08%F +.06%P pta +4.4PL 2.62scs +2.4dpr 6.8%dce pta +1.34t +1.01udc +1.20flc 72%R Dam: Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 tv tl ty td

Sells as Lot 9

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET Sells as Lot 9 Dam of Lots 10-20

Lot 17

matt-Dari Racer Pansy-ET 73727258 tl td 99%RHA-I Born: November 1, 2014 #547 13K gtpi +2290g pta +1179M +37f +51P 72%R 1/2015 pta +463NM -.03%F +.06%P pta +2.0PL 2.79scs +1.9dpr 7.3%dce pta +1.23T +1.00udc +1.01flc 70%R 1/2015

3rd Dam: S&E Shottle Panda-ET (2E-92 EEEEE) 6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1225 2.8 893 Life: 2280 176270 3.8 6624 2.9 5184 4th Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti Matt-Dari Racer Premium-ET (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 73727288 Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 99%RHA-I Born: February 5, 2015 5th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy Genervations Lexor-ET 11098658c tv tl (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Clear-Echo Lexor Racer-ET 71974211 CAN VG-85 1Y 77K GTPI +2122g Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 99%RHA-I Tv tl ty td pta +504M +48f +37P 88%R 12/2014 6th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy GP-82 ++++ 1-09 50K gtpi +2390g pta +1.13t +.62udc +.94flc 78%R 12/2014 (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +890M +32f +38P 76%R 12/2014 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 clear-Echo Observer 2280-ET 68669880 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 pta +551NM +.00%F +.05%P 100%us 99%RHA-I tl pta +4.5pl 2.70scs +2.6dpr 5.3Tdce 7th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie GP-84 VV+++ 2-11 (VG-88 DOM) pta +1.66t +1.87udc +.95flc 74%R 12/2014 2-01 3 365 27890 3.6 1015 3.1 865 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 Mountfield SSI DCY Mixer-ET 3004672662 8th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2332G (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 pta +897M +60f +42P 95%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 pta +1.75T +1.31udc +2.11flc 89%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King tv tl ty td (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 77K gtpi +77K GTPI +2383G 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 pta +896M +55f +52P 77%R 12/2014 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 50K gtpi +2133G pta +535NM +.09%F +.10%P 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit pta +295M +31f +28P 82%R 12/2014 pta +2.6PL 2.71scs +.9dpr 6.9%dce (VG-88) pta +1.55t +1.08udc +1.85flc 76%R 12/2014 pta +341NM +.08%F +.08%P 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 pta +1.7PL 2.76scs +.9dpr 6.6%dce 11th Dam: pta +1.04T +.96udc +1.59flc 81%R 12/2014 Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139 (VG-88)

Lot 18


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Pillar-ET (VG-88)

2nd Dam of Lots 10-20

Lot 19

matt-Dari Ohio Style Pie-ET 73727247 tp tl td

100%RHA Born: September 18, 2014 #536 13K gtpi +2348g pta +1707M +60f +59P 72%R 12/2014 pta +565NM -.01%f +.03%P +2.6PL 2.85scs +1.0dpr 6.7%dce 3rd Dam: S&E Shottle Panda-ET (2E-92 EEEEE) pta +.90t +.17udc +1.15flc 71%R 12/2014

6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1225 2.8 893 Life: 2280 176270 3.8 6624 2.9 5184 4th Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 100%RHA Born: September 2, 2014 #531 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 13K gtpi +2167g Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 pta +1102M +46f +47P 72%R 12/2014 5th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy pta +418NM +.02%F +.05%P +1.0PL 2.79scs -.1dpr 7.2%dce (EX-90) pta +.90t +.36udc +1.19flc 72%R 12/2014 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 Co-OP O-Style Oman Just-ET 137611441 6th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy Pine-Tree Ohio Style P-et 71178738 tr tv tl ty GM 50K gtpi +2204g (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) TR pc tv tl ty td pta +1588M +22f +37P 99%r 12/2014 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 50K gtpi +2185G pta +.55t +.28udc +1.37flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 pta +1448M +43f +38P 77%R 12/2014 7th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie pta +469NM -.04%F -.02%P 100%us Hickorymea Signif Ohio-P-ET 140759222 PP (VG-88 DOM) pta +3.0PL 2.92scs +1.9dpr 5.5%DCE EX-90 VE+EE 4-05 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 2-01 2 305 29910 3.8 1148 3.1 916 pta +.28T +.37udc +.64flc 77%R 12/2014 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 Mountfield SSI DCY Mixer-ET 3004672662 8th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2332G (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 pta +897M +60f +42P 95%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 71667868 pta +1.75T +1.31udc +2.11flc 89%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King tv tl ty td (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 77K gtpi +77K GTPI +2383G 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 pta +896M +55f +52P 77%R 12/2014 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 50K gtpi +2133G pta +535NM +.09%F +.10%P 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit pta +295M +31f +28P 82%R 12/2014 pta +2.6PL 2.71scs +.9dpr 6.9%dce (VG-88) pta +1.55t +1.08udc +1.85flc 76%R 12/2014 pta +341NM +.08%F +.08%P 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 pta +1.7PL 2.76scs +.9dpr 6.6%dce 11th Dam: pta +1.04T +.96udc +1.59flc 81%R 12/2014 Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader 2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139 (VG-88)

Lot 20

matt-dari sty p Palmyra-ET 73727242 po tl td


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 21

Lot 21

Matt-Dari Patian-ET 68958412 100%RHA Born: June 21, 2010 Patian VG-86 VVV+V 3-11 2-02 2 339 31770 3.8 1223 3.3 1063 3-02 2 365 39610 3.7 1464 3.4 1335 4-06 2 79 10529 4.1 428 2.9 306 (Inc) Milking 150lbs. 3.6%F 2.8%P

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +408NM +.10%F +.12%P 27%us pta +1.2pl 2.98scs +1.9dpr 6.1%dce pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014

S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

O-bee Manfred Justice-ET 122358313 tr tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 7-07 GM GTPI +2034G PTA +815M +64F +47P 99%R 4/2012 WINNING-WAY MARCI-ET 130677626 CV VG-89 EEEVV 7-04 1-11 2 365 32010 4.8 1544 3.6 1158 PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Gunners-Will Patron Patti 128344477 EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM

2-00 2 305 27310 3-04 2 365 37070 6-03 2 305 33080 LIFE 1297 126200


3.7 1024 4.7 1728 4.4 1461 4.2 5303

3.3 895 3.6 1333 3.1 1011 3.3 4153

Sells Fresh 12/31/2014

3rd Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 4th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 5th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 6th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 7th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 22

Matt-Dari Cameron Playful 71667842 tl td 100%RHA Born: August 29, 2012 #306 77K gtpi +2033G pta +825M +27f +24P 77%R 12/2014 pta +261NM -.01%F +.00%P pta +1.2PL 2.86scs +.3dpr 7.9%dce pta +1.46t +1.05udc +.73flc 76%R 12/2014

shema jeeves cameron-eT 66747411 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +50K gtpi +2079G pta +120M +9f -4P 97%R 12/2014 pta +290NM +.02%F -.03%P 95%us pta +4.6PL 2.67scs +2.8dpr 7.8%dce pta +1.38t +1.47udc +1.80flc 93%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Patian-ET 68958412 VG-86 VVV+V 3-11

2-02 2 339 31770 3.8 1223 3.3 1063 3-02 2 365 39610 3.7 1464 3.4 1335

ked outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1967G pta +.20t -.08udc +.82flc 99%R 12/2014 COURTLANE-UR CHASSITY 64045606 EX-92 EEVVE DOM 4-09 4-02 2 347 39580 2.9 155 2.4 932

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

Lot 23

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

Bred 7/10/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 7H10920 3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 98th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

matt-Dari Dempsey Pam 73727274 100%RHA Born: December 31, 2014 #563

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Patian-ET 68958412 VG-86 VVV+V 3-11

2-02 2 339 31770 3.8 1223 3.3 1063 3-02 2 365 39610 3.7 1464 3.4 1335

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624


3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 98th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 24

Lot 24

Matt-Dari Derwind Panda 72596489 100%RHA Born: August 17, 2013 #420

Matt-Dari Observer Derwind 68958467 TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +2167G pta +91M +38f +2P 77%R 12/2014 pta +425NM +.14%F +.00%P 100%us pta +5.1PL 2.78scs +2.0dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.66t +2.00udc -.16f;c 77%R 12/2014

S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

Bred 12/16/2014 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 7H9420

3rd Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 4th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 matt-Dari Goldwn Desitree-eT 66614750 5th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie VG-88 VEEGE 4-01 (VG-88 DOM) 3-01 2 365 36580 3.7 1348 3.0 1089 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 6th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 GM 50K GTPI +1916g 7th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 Gunners-Will Patron Patti 128344477 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit EX-93 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM (VG-88) 2-00 2 305 27310 3.7 1024 3.3 895 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 9th Dam: 6-03 2 305 33080 4.4 1461 3.1 1011 Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader LIFE 1297 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 (VG-88)


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 26

Matt-Dari Bombero Perfect 73727286 Tl TD 100%RHA Born: February 3, 2015 #575

Matt-Dari Mogul Pretzel-ET

Sells as Lot 25 and Dam of Lot 26

Lot 25 Sells Fresh 2/2/2015

Matt-Dari Mogul Pretzel-eT 71667858 tl td 100%RHA Born: November 2, 2012 #322 77K GTPI +2385G PTA +1068M +57F +40P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +560NM +.07%F +.03%P PTA +3.3PL 2.86SCS +2.1DPR 4.8%DCE PTA +1.65T +1.35UDC +1.60FLC 76%R 12/2014 2-03 2 46 3969 4.7 187 3.1 123 (Inc) Milking 98lbs. 4.3%F 2.8%P

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 pta +728NM +.11%F +.01%P 93%us pta +5.1pl 2.86scs +.1dpr 5.5%dce pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Man-O-Man Peni-ET 68958416 VG-85 V++VV 2-07 3K GTPI +2013g pta -59M +24f +22P 77%R 12/2014 pta +247NM +.11%F +.10%P pta +.4PL 2.86scs +1.4dpr 7.0%dce pta +.86t +.90udc +.72flc 78%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 31770 4.1 1292 3.5 1127

Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl 50K gtpi +2339g MOUNTFIELD MARSH MAXINE-ET 62784081 VG-88 VV+VE 2-07 2-03 2 159 14320 4.3 611 3.2 454

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270


3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

13K GTPI +2362G PTA +1686M +35F +78P 72%R 3/2015 PTA +532NM -.06%F -.06%P PTA +4.0PL 2.79SCS +1.6DPR 4.9%DCE PTA +2.02T +1.67UDC +1.18FLC 71%R Richmond-FD El Bombero-ET 71637328 TR TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +2442g pta +1131M +60f +31P 76%R 12/2014 pta +603NM +.07%F -.01%P 100%us pta +5.9PL 2.61scs +1.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +2.32T +1.74udc +1.36flc 76%R Matt-Dari Mogul Pretzel-eT 71667858 tl td 77K gtpi +2385G

Sells as Lot 25

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 98th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET

Full Brother to Dam of Lots 27-32

Lot 27

Matt-Dari Deyja Pearl-ET 73727256 tl td 99%RHA-I Born: October 28, 2014 #545 13K gtpi +2307g pta +1673M +47f +50P 71%R 1/2015 pta +506NM +.06%F +.00%P pta +2.6PL 3.04scs +.09dpr 5.6%DCE pta +1.69t +1.85udc +.43flc 70%R 1/2015

sandy-Valley SS Deyja-ET 71181769 99%RHA-I Tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2453g pta +1596M +44f +53P 74%R 12/2014 pta +613NM -.06%F +.02%P 100%us pta +5.3PL 3.03scs +.8dpr 6.3%dce pta +2.25t +2.39udc +1.10flc 73%R 12/2014 MATT-DARI MOGUL PRETZEL-ET 71667858 TL TD 77K GTPI +2385G PTA +1068M +57F +40P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +560NM +.07%F +.03%P PTA +3.3PL 2.86SCS +2.1DPR 4.8%DCE PTA +1.65T +1.35UDC +1.60FLC 76%R 12/2014 Full Brother: Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 50K gtpi +2556G pta +1075M +55f +47P 77%R 12/2014 pta +658NM +.06%F 100%US pta +4.4PL 2.78scs +2.7dpr 5.3%dce pta +1.78T +1.99udc +2.01flc 76%R 12/2014 At Accelerated Genetics, Top 100 Genomic Young Bulls

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2558G PTA +1936M +89F +62P 79%R 12/2014 PTA +1.60T +.93UDC +.55FLC 77%R 12/2014 Sandy-Valley Metr Damsel-eT 69998512 99%RHA-I VG-85 +++VV 2-07 Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Man-O-Man Peni-ET 68958416 VG-85 V++VV 2-07 3K GTPI +2013g pta -59M +24f +22P 77%R 12/2014 pta +247NM +.11%F +.10%P pta +.4PL 2.86scs +1.4dpr 7.0%dce pta +.86t +.90udc +.72flc 78%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 31770 4.1 1292 3.5 1127


3rd Dam: S&E Shottle Panda-ET (2E-92 EEEEE) 6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1225 2.8 893 Life: 2280 176270 3.8 6624 2.9 5184 4th Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 5th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 6th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 7th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 8th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 11th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 28

Matt-Dari Syracuse Polly-ET 73727273

Lot 29


Lot 30


Lot 31

Matt-Dari Syracu Passion-ET 73727281

Lot 32

100%RHA-I Born: December 30, 2014 #562 13K GTPI +2371G PTA +710M +61F +41P 72%R 3/2015 PTA +607NM +.13%F +.08%P PTA 4.9PL 2.74SCS +1.5DPR 6.8%DCE PTA +1.14T +1.00UDC +1.41FLC 71%R 3/2015 99%RHA-I Born: December 31, 2014 #564 13K GTPI +2217G PTA +1018M +36F +29P 72%R 3/2015 PTA +466NM -.01%F +.00%P PTA +4.4PL 2.87SCS +.8DPR 7.2%DCE PTA +1.54T +1.54UDC +.66FLC 75%R 3/2015

99%RHA-I Born: January 7, 2015 #569 13K gtpi +2345 pta +1254M 44F 40%P 72%R 3/2015 pta +519NM -.01%F +.01%P pta +4.4PL 287scs +1.7dpr 7.7%DCE pta +1.86t +1.26udc +1.18flc 71%R 3/2015 99%RHA-I Born: January 7, 2015 #570 13K GTPI +2471G PTA +1821M +46F +52P 72%R 3/2015 PTA +628NM -.08%F -.01%P PTA +5.5PL 2.78SCS +.03DPR 6.5%DCE PTA +1.51T +.77UDC +1.40FLC 71%R 3/205

3rd Dam: S&E Shottle Panda-ET (2E-92 EEEEE) 6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1225 2.8 893 Life: 2280 176270 3.8 6624 2.9 5184 99%RHA Born: January 29, 2015 #572 4th Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti 13K GTPI +2458G (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +760M +59f +32P 72%R 3/2015 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 pta +653NM +.12%F +.03%P Life: 1497 126200 4.2 5303 3.3 4153 pta +6.1PL 2.68scs +2.9dpr 5.7%dce 5th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy pta +1.54t +1.49udc +.92flc 70%R 3/2015 (EX-90) Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143ITA 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Wilra Uno Syracuse-eT 72078968 TV TL TY TD Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 99%RHA-I Tv tl ty td p9 50K gtpi +2357g 6th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy 77K gtpi +2406g pta +2.09t +2.05udc +1.28flc 90%R 12/2014 (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +1159M +56f +43P 77%R 12/2014 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 pta +634NM +.06%f +.03%P 100%us Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 Wilra Planet 946-ET 68516972 7th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie pta +6.5PL 2.83scs +1.7dpr 8.4%dce 99%rha-I TY (VG-88 DOM) pta +1.46T +1.06udc +.66flc 75%R 12/2014 VG-85 +V++V 2-05 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 4-00 3 305 36190 2.7 960 2.9 1051 MATT-DARI MOGUL PRETZEL-ET 71667858 TL TD Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 77K GTPI +2385G Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 8th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony PTA +1068M +57F +40P 77%R 12/2014 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g (VG-85) PTA +560NM +.07%F +.03%P pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 PTA +3.3PL 2.86SCS +2.1DPR 4.8%DCE pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King PTA +1.65T +1.35UDC +1.60FLC 76%R 12/2014 (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) Full Brother: Matt-Dari Man-O-Man Peni-ET 68958416 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET VG-85 V++VV 2-07 3K GTPI +2013g 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit 50K gtpi +2556G pta -59M +24f +22P 77%R 12/2014 (VG-88) pta +1075M +55f +47P 77%R 12/2014 pta +247NM +.11%F +.10%P 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 pta +658NM +.06%F 100%US pta +.4PL 2.86scs +1.4dpr 7.0%dce 11th Dam: pta +4.4PL 2.78scs +2.7dpr 5.3%dce pta +.86t +.90udc +.72flc 78%R 12/2014 Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader pta +1.78T +1.99udc +2.01flc 76%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 31770 4.1 1292 3.5 1127 (VG-88) At Accelerated Genetics, Top 100 Genomic Young Bulls

Matt-Dari Syracuse Petra-ET 73727283


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 33

Matt-Dari Cameron Panic-ET

Shema Jeeves Cameron-ET 66747411 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2079G pta +120M +9f -4P 97%R 12/2014 pta +290NM +.02%F -.03%P 95%us pta +4.6PL 2.67scs +2.80dpr 7.8%DCE pta +1.38T +1.47udc +1.80flc 93%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari man-O-Man Peni-ET 68958416 VG-85 V++VV 2-07 GTPI +2013G pta -59M +24f +22P 77%R 12/2014 pta +247NM +.11%F +.10%P pta +.4PL 2.86scs +1.4dpr 7.0%dce pta +.86T +.90udc +.72flc 78%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 31770 4.1 1292 3.5 1127

Lot 35

ked outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1967G Coutlane-UR Chassity 64045606 EX-92 EEVVE DOM 4-09 4-02 2 347 39580 2.9 1155 2.4 932 LIFE 1644 139240 3.0 4108 2.5 3493

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

Lot 34

Female (Pending) 100%RHA Born: March 1, 2015 #585

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R Mat-Dari Cameron Panic-ET 68958582 9K GTPI +2046G

Sells as Lot 33

Matt-Dari Jabir Patti 72596572 tl td

99%RHA-I Born: May 28, 2014 #503 GTPI +2305G pta +344M +53f +34P 73%R 12/2014 pta +474NM +.16%F +.09%P pta +2.2PL 2.71scs +2.8dpr 7.2%dce pta +1.13t +.75udc +1.13flc 73%R 12/2014 marbri Facebook-ET 10847042 tr tv tl ty td can VG-86 2Y 50K gtpi +2366G pta +1281m +80f +47p 97%R pta +1.51t +.92udc +.52flc 96%r 12/2014

Coyne-Farms Jabir-eT 70801850 99%RHA-I TY 77K gtpi +2526g pta +1037M +71f +39P 77%R 12/2014 pta +652NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%us pta +4.4PL 2.70scs +4.6dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.29T +.59udc +1.49flc 76%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari man-O-Man Peni-ET 68958416 VG-85 V++VV 2-07 GTPI +2013G pta -59M +24f +22P 77%R 12/2014 pta +247NM +.11%F +.10%P pta +.4PL 2.86scs +1.4dpr 7.0%dce pta +.86T +.90udc +.72flc 78%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 31770 4.1 1292 3.5 1127

Sells Fresh 3/1/2015

100%RHA Born: June 26, 2012 #3171 9K GTpI +2046g pta +70M +9f +8P 75%R 12/2014 pta +269NM +.03%F +.02%P pta +3.3PL 2.73scs +3.6dpr 6.7%dce pta +.63t +.48udc +1.09flc 75%R 12/2014 2-08 2 19 1246 4.8 60 3.4 42 (Inc) Milking 83lbs. 4.4%F 3.0%P

Coyne-Farms Freddie Jill-ET 68677598 99%RHA-I TV TL VG-85 ++GVV 2-04 2-00 3 365 33860 3.3 1125 2.9 984

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624


3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 98th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 36

Matt-Dari Pred Passel-ET 72596541 tl td 100%RHA Born: March 7, 2014 #472 9K GTPI +2074g pta +159M +36f +23P 72%R 12/2014 pta +332NM +.12%F +.07%P pta +2.2PL 2.90scs +1.5dpr 7.2%dce pta +.87t +.57udc +.94flc 72%R 12/2014

rickland Predestine 669-ET 69177592 50k gtpi +2390g pta +232m +61f +21P 78%R 12/2014 pta +624nm +.21%r +.06%P 100%us pta +6.7pl 2.85scs +2.9dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.22T +1.13udc +1.26flc 78%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari man-O-Man Peni-ET 68958416 VG-85 V++VV 2-07 GTPI +2013G pta -59M +24f +22P 77%R 12/2014 pta +247NM +.11%F +.10%P pta +.4PL 2.86scs +1.4dpr 7.0%dce pta +.86T +.90udc +.72flc 78%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 31770 4.1 1292 3.5 1127

Lot 37

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 V+VV 2-06 P9 50K gtpi +2304g pta +1109m +48f +18P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.13T +1.17udc +.06flc 99%R 12/2014 rabur gold pluck 62715236 EX-91 EEVEE 2E GMD DOM 8-11

4-05 3 365 41090 4.4 1798 3.3 1336 LIFE 1507 138530 4.5 6192 3.3 4599

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624

3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

Matt-Dari Predes Pandora-eT 72596546 tl td 100%RHA Born: March 14, 2014 #477 9K GTPI +2213G PTA +3M +53F +22P 72%R 12/2014 PTA +470NM +.22%F +.09%P PTA +3.9PL 2.76SCS +2.2DPR 7.4%DCE PTA +.85T +.68UDC +1.00FLC 72%R 12/2014

rickland Predestine 669-ET 69177592 50k gtpi +2390g pta +232m +61f +21P 78%R 12/2014 pta +624nm +.21%r +.06%P 100%us pta +6.7pl 2.85scs +2.9dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.22T +1.13udc +1.26flc 78%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari man-O-Man Peni-ET 68958416 VG-85 V++VV 2-07 GTPI +2013G pta -59M +24f +22P 77%R 12/2014 pta +247NM +.11%F +.10%P pta +.4PL 2.86scs +1.4dpr 7.0%dce pta +.86T +.90udc +.72flc 78%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 31770 4.1 1292 3.5 1127

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 98th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 V+VV 2-06 P9 50K gtpi +2304g pta +1109m +48f +18P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.13T +1.17udc +.06flc 99%R 12/2014 rabur gold pluck 62715236 EX-91 EEVEE 2E GMD DOM 8-11

4-05 3 365 41090 4.4 1798 3.3 1336 LIFE 1507 138530 4.5 Oman-ET 6192 3.3 4599 Long-Langs Oman 135746776

tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 S&e Shottle Panda-ET 62579037 EX-92 EEEEE 2E 6-01 1-10 2 305 22650 3-02 2 365 32490 4-07 2 365 31680 6-00 2 365 31630 7-07 2 365 28390 LIFE 2280 176270

3.6 814 3.4 1115 3.8 1198 3.9 1225 3.7 1063 3.8 6624


3.1 699 2.8 917 2.8 895 2.8 893 3.0 853 2.9 5184

3rd Dam: Gunners-Will Patron Patti (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-04 2 365 37070 4.7 1728 3.6 1333 4th Dam: Straussdale G-W Phantasy (EX-90) 5-10 2 365 42920 4.0 1696 2.9 1251 Life: 1784 173500 4.0 6950 2.9 5114 5th Dam: Straussdale Blackstar Pansy (EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 34510 4.1 1408 3.1 1062 Life: 1459 120580 3.6 4334 3.1 3739 6th Dam: Straussdale Starbuck Pattie (VG-88 DOM) 6-10 3 276 31160 3.8 1198 3.1 959 Life: 1795 137760 3.9 5368 3.2 4412 7th Dam: Straussdale Princess Tony (VG-85) 3-00 2 365 27690 3.9 1079 3.4 934 8th Dam: Coopers-Pride Orbit King (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 6-01 2 365 25280 3.4 847 Life: 2762 178210 3.4 6080 98th Dam: Coopers-Pride Holly Orbit (VG-88) 4-00 2 295 16520 3.9 642 10th Dam: Coopers-Pride Bloom Crusader (VG-88)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Golden-Oaks Clark Leila-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) Sells as Lot 38

Muranda Laudan Litty-ET (3E-93 EEEEE) Dam of Lot 38 and 2nd Dam of Lot 39

Lot 38

Golden-Oaks Clark Leila-ET 70560446 99%RHA-I Born: September 17. 2011 Leila EX-90 EE+VE 3-03 2-01 3 327 25540 4.3 1091 3.2 827 3-01 2 151 16094 4.0 640 3.1 502 (Inc) Milking 96lbs. 3.8%F 3.2%P

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014 Muranda Laudun Litty-ET 62480018 99%RHA TV TL EX-93 EEEEE 3E 9-01

1-11 3 365 35210 3.6 1275 5-05 3 365 44730 3.9 1753 7-03 3 365 40660 4.0 1617 8-08 3 365 41430 4.0 1645 LIFE 1852 193650 4.0 7680 Region 3 Elite Performer

3.0 1044 3.0 1349 3.4 1389 3.1 1300 3.2 6249

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Dool-Leigh Outside Piper 61018424 TD EX-92 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-01 4-07 2 365 39860 4.9 1968 3.1 1252 LIFE 2022 168200 5.0 8352 3.2 5371

laudann-ET 578448776 98%RHA-I tv tl GM GTPI +1811G pta +407M +6f +19P 99%R 12/2014 Muranda BWM Larel-ET 130977182 BL TV EX-95 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 7-02

2-01 2 365 30730 4-04 2 365 33900 6-06 2 365 42200 LIFE 1542 131990


3.7 1134 4.1 1392 3.9 1651 4.0 5244

3.0 924 3.1 1064 3.1 1312 3.2 4214

Bred 2/26/2015 to Seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 29HO17573

3rd Dam: Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly-ET (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 5-06 2 365 42710 3.8 1632 2.9 1250 Life: 1666 125330 3.9 4930 3.2 4070 4th Dam: Beachlawn Bellwood Tammy-ET (VG-86 VG-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 37720 3.6 1369 3.1 1164 Life: 1260 100430 3.7 3709 3.3 3331 5th Dam: Beachlawn Bell Pro Tammy-ET (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 365 25970 4.1 1060 3.4 888 6 VG daughters 6th Dam: Beachlawn Bell Cleitus Pro (3E-93 GMD DOM) Life: 2627 155400 4.6 7158 3.8 5911 4 EX & 10 VG daughter 7th Dam: Beachlawn Dutchoe Bell (2E-92 GMD DOM) Life: 2311 132240 4.0 5324 3.5 4686 3 EX & 21 VG daughter 8th Dam: Beachlawn Dutchoe Elly (VG-87) 5-07 3 305 25300 3.3 829 3.2 798

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Ms Goldenoaks M Doorma Love Sells as Lot 39

Muranda BMW Larel-ET (2E-95 EEEEE GMD DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 38 and 3rd Dam of Lot 39

Lot 39

ms goldenoaks M Doorma Love 73727251 3rd Dam: Muranda BWM Larel-ET 99%RHA-I Born: October 20, 2014 #540 PTPI +2019

Val-Bisson Doorman-ET 107281711c tv tl ty td 99%Rha-I CAN VG-87 3Y 50K gtpi +2390g pta +739m +47f +42P 78%R 12/2014 pta +522NM +.08%F +.08%P 100%us pta +2.8pl 2.58scs -.5dpr 5.1%dce pta +2.92t +2.28udc +1.57flc 77%R 12/2014

De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VV+V 3-08 GTPI +2405g pta +1505M +35f +55P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.67T +1.28udc +1.08flc 99%R 12/2014 Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda-eT 106173432c CAN VG-85 2Y

1-11 2 365 25531 4.2 1076 3.7 957

Golden-Oaks Clark Leila-ET 70560446 99%RHA-I EX-90 EE+VE 3-03 2-01 2 327 25540 4.3 1091 3.2 827

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014 Muranda Laudun Litty-ET 62480018 99%RHA TV TL EX-93 EEEEE 3E 9-01

1-11 3 365 35210 3.6 1275 5-05 3 365 44730 3.9 1753 7-03 3 365 40660 4.0 1617 8-08 3 365 41430 4.0 1645 LIFE 1852 193650 4.0 7680 Region 3 Elite Performer


3.0 1044 3.0 1349 3.4 1389 3.1 1300 3.2 6249

(2E-95 EEEEE GMD DOM) 6-06 2 365 42200 3.9 1651 3.1 1312 Life: 1542 131990 4.0 5244 3.2 4214 4th Dam: Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly-ET (2E-93 EEEEE GMD DOM) 5-06 2 365 42710 3.8 1632 2.9 1250 Life: 1666 125330 3.9 4930 3.2 4070 5th Dam: Beachlawn Bellwood Tammy-ET (VG-86 VG-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 37720 3.6 1369 3.1 1164 Life: 1260 100430 3.7 3709 3.3 3331 6th Dam: Beachlawn Bell Pro Tammy-ET (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 365 25970 4.1 1060 3.4 888 6 VG daughters 7th Dam: Beachlawn Bell Cleitus Pro (3E-93 GMD DOM) Life: 2627 155400 4.6 7158 3.8 5911 4 EX & 10 VG daughter 8th Dam: Beachlawn Dutchoe Bell (2E-92 GMD DOM) Life: 2311 132240 4.0 5324 3.5 4686 3 EX & 21 VG daughter 9th Dam: Beachlawn Dutchoe Elly (VG-87) 5-07 3 305 25300 3.3 829 3.2 798

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Carso Mallory-Red (VG-85)

3rd Dam: Kisst Rubens Beauty-Red-ET (VG-88) 4-04 2 339 33480 4.9 1656 3.1 1052 matt-Dari Carso Mallory-Red Life: 2185 188400 4.0 7567 3.2 5959 4th Dam: 68958485 Clover-Mist Burgandy-Red-ET 100%RHA Born: March 31, 2011 Mallory Bred 1/29/2015 to (2E-92 EX-MS) VG-85 VEGE+ 3-09 Coyne-Farms Sympati Pat-Red 5-11 3 365 47510 5.6 2643 3.0 1440 2-01 2 365 34780 3.4 1185 2.8 968 Life: 2330 205070 4.8 9879 3.1 6400 3012178104 7HO12436 3-06 2 144 18925 3.3 627 2.5 473 (Inc) 5th Dam: Clover-Mist Brandywine-ET Milking 130lbs. 3.2%F 2.7%P (VG-89 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-11 3 365 33070 4.5 1478 2.9 943 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red 133080890 6th Dam: Clover-Matt-West Bridget-ET po tv tl ty td mmd-Valleyvue Carson-Red-ET 66463056 (EX-90 GMD DOM) EX-93 EEEE 7-07 GM HD Gtpi +1760G tv tl td 4-07 3 365 39240 3.8 1478 3.0 1162 pta +.14T +.56udc +.09flc 99%R 12/2014 EX-94 EEE 5-10 50K gtpi +1953G 7th Dam: Maple-Notch Bold Beauty pta +967M +2f +15P 97%R 12/2014 MD-Valleyvue GW Christen-ET 138113843 (VG-86 GMD DOM) 6-06 2 365 28670 4.6 1316 pta +159NM -.13%F -.06%P 100%us RC Life: 119710 4.3 5196 pta +1.5PL 2.95scs +1.4dpr 8.0%DCE VG-87 VV+V 3-10 8th Dam: pta +1.57T +1.36udc +1.28flc 94%R 12/2014 4-00 3 305 26920 4.4 1176 3.0 816 Maple-Notch Bold Elevation (2E-94 GMD DOM) 3-06 2 331 23781 4.1 965 b-Hiddenhills Mar Marmax-ET 9th Dam: Maple-Notch Lane Bold Elk-Creek-Acres Mantisa-Red 136512495 126853007 tc tv tl (VG-86) EX-91 EEEVE 2E 6-00 GM HD Gtpi +1481g 3-04 2 305 16610 4.2 698 2-03 2 365 31030 3.7 1157 2.9 915 pta +1127M -1f +25P 99%R 12/2014 10th Dam: Maple-Notch Lane Lassie 3-05 2 340 35200 3.6 1270 3.0 1041 (VG-85) 4-06 2 365 43880 3.6 1580 2.9 1275 Elk-Creek-Acres Gem-Red-ET 132744896 9-04 2 305 18450 3.8 710 5-09 2 365 44410 3.7 1660 2.8 1261 VG-85 +VV+V 4-07 11th Dam: LIFE 1767 175690 3.7 6517 3.0 522 1-11 2 364 20080 4.0 802 3.2 636 Maple-Notch Clyde Hill Lassie 3-00 2 305 22580 3.9 880 3.1 710 (VG-85) 4-03 2 341 26020 4.0 1028 3.2 828 7-07 2 305 17570 3.7 645

Sells as Lot 40

Lot 40


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Clover-Mist Burgandy-Red-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 4th Dam of Lots 40 & 41

Lot 41

Matt-Dari Mi-Lady-Red 68958364

100%RHA Born: December 11, 2009 Mi Lady VG-87 VVEVV 4-05 2-01 2 365 30110 3.6 1071 3.0 900 3-03 2 365 36150 3.6 1312 3.0 1072 5-00 2 86 10739 4.2 450 2.7 290 (Inc) Milking 140lbs. 3.2%F 2.7%P

Sells Fresh 12/24/2014

Fradon Redliner-Red-ET 7528698C TV TL CAN EX-91 50K GTPI +1307g pta -237M -37f -8P 99%r 12/2014 pta -298NM -.12%F +.00%P 67%us pta -1.6PL 3.19scs -2.2dpr 8.9%dce pta +.82T +.60udc -.49flc 99%R 12/2014

Elk-Creek-Acres Mantisa-Red 136512495 EX-91 EEEVE 2E 6-00

2-03 2 365 31030 3-05 2 340 35200 4-06 2 365 43880 5-09 2 365 44410 LIFE 1767 175690

3.7 1157 3.6 1270 3.6 1580 3.7 1660 3.7 6517

2.9 915 3.0 1041 2.9 1275 2.8 1261 3.0 522

LADINO PARK TALENT-IMP-ET 930377AUS RC TV TL EX-90 6Y AUS 50K GTPI +1374g pta +1.12t +1.28udc +.29flc 99%R 12/2014 FRADON RUDOLPH JODIE-ET 6979772C RC CAN EX 2E 1* 4-03 2 365 33237 4.5 1479 3.2 1069 LIFE 1734 13250 3.9 5247 3.0 4051

b-Hiddenhills Mar Marmax-ET 126853007 tc tv tl GM HD Gtpi +1481g pta +1127M -1f +25P 99%R 12/2014 Elk-Creek-Acres Gem-Red-ET 132744896 VG-85 +VV+V 4-07 1-11 2 364 20080 4.0 802 3.2 636 3-00 2 305 22580 3.9 880 3.1 710 4-03 2 341 26020 4.0 1028 3.2 828


3rd Dam: Kisst Rubens Beauty-Red-ET (VG-88) 4-04 2 339 33480 4.9 1656 3.1 1052 Life: 2185 188400 4.0 7567 3.2 5959 4th Dam: Clover-Mist Burgandy-Red-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 5-11 3 365 47510 5.6 2643 3.0 1440 Life: 2330 205070 4.8 9879 3.1 6400 5th Dam: Clover-Mist Brandywine-ET (VG-89 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-11 3 365 33070 4.5 1478 2.9 943 6th Dam: Clover-Matt-West Bridget-ET (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-07 3 365 39240 3.8 1478 3.0 1162 7th Dam: Maple-Notch Bold Beauty (VG-86 GMD DOM) 6-06 2 365 28670 4.6 1316 Life: 119710 4.3 5196 8th Dam: Maple-Notch Bold Elevation (2E-94 GMD DOM) 3-06 2 331 23781 4.1 965 9th Dam: Maple-Notch Lane Bold (VG-86) 3-04 2 305 16610 4.2 698 10th Dam: Maple-Notch Lane Lassie (VG-85) 9-04 2 305 18450 3.8 710 11th Dam: Maple-Notch Clyde Hill Lassie (VG-85) 7-07 2 305 17570 3.7 645

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM)

Dam of Lot 42 and 2nd Dam of Lot 43

Lot 43

Matt-Dari McCutchen Dasha 73727293

99%RHA Born: February 16, 2015 #582

Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET (VG-88 GMD) Sells as Lot 42 and Dam of Lot 43

Lot 42

Matt-DAri Shottle Doreen-ET 66614761

Sells Fresh 2/16/2015

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +192NM +.04%F -.02%P 12%dce pta +.6pl 2.76scs -.2dpr 8.1%dce pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014

Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

100%RHA Born: March 13, 2009 Doreen VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 4.5 1282 3.2 928 3-07 2 343 33560 4.7 1574 3.4 1151 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 5-11 2 32 3030 6.9 210 3.2 98 (Inc) Milking 123lbs. 5.1%F 2.7%P LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061


VG-1Y (ITA) GM 50K GTPI +1697g pta +282M +8f -2P 99%R 12/2014

CONDON AERO SHARON 5373153C GBR EX-91 6Y 5-07 2 305 36230 4.3 1561 3.3 1179 COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET 17372456 EX-90 VEEVE GMD DOM 4-04 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 3-11 2 253 28950 3.2 937 2.8 804


de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I TV Tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 3-08 50K gtpi +2409G pta +1083M +47f +41P 86%R 12/2014 pta +513nm +.03%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.1PL 2.88scs +.5dpr 4.3%Dce pta +2.56t +2.40udc +1.96flc 79%R Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET 66614761 VG-88 GMD 5-02 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061

Sells as Lot 42

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 4th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 5th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 6th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 7th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 8th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Goldchi Desert-ET (VG-85 2Y)

Sells as Lot 44 and Maternal Sister to Lot 43

Lot 44

Matt-Dari Goldchi Desert-ET 68958570 100%RHA Born: May 10, 2012 Dessert VG-85 +V+GV 2-07 2-02 2 231 18759 4.2 788 3.0 571 (Inc) Milking 89lbs. 4.6%F 3.3%P

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 3-07 2 343 33560 4-08 2 365 44300 LIFE 1320 123750

4.5 1282 4.7 1574 4.3 1895 4.5 5605

3.2 928 3.4 1151 3.1 1366 3.3 4061

Bred 3/2/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959 (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla GM 50K GTPI +1916g (EX-90 GMD DOM) pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 9th Dam: 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 3 Armitage Sisters out of Doreen Sell!

Lot 45

Matt-Dari Armi Delish-ET 68958552 100%RHA Born: March 10, 2012 Delish GP-82 ++G++ 2-02 GTPI +1996G 2-01 2 342 27051 4.6 1252 3.5 960 (Inc) Milking 64lbs. 5.4%F 4.2%P

Lot 46

Matt-Dari Armitage Dove-ET 68958554 100%RHA Born: March 12, 2012 Dove GP-82 +G+++ 2-02 GTPI +1996G 2-01 2 339 29763 4.2 1261 3.1 915 (Inc) Milking 77lbs. 4.4%F 3.5%P

Lot 47

Matt-Dari Armitage De-eT 68958556 100%RHA Born: March 17, 2012 DC GP-80 G+++G 2-09 2-03 2 257 21436 4.4 950 3.1 673 (Inc) Milking 81lbs. 4.5%F 3.3%P

rmw armitage 69056729 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2141G pta +656M +42f +25P 99%R 12/2014 pta +395NM +.07%F +.02%P 97%us pta +1.5PL 2.81scs +3.8dpr 4.5%DCE pta +.48t +.27udc -.37flc 97%R 12/2014

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 RC-LC Goldwyn ATM 62898841 tv tl EX-92 EEVEE DOM 4-03 3-10 2 365 37630 4.9 1848 3.3 1223

Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 3-07 2 343 33560 4-08 2 365 44300 LIFE 1320 123750

4.5 1282 4.7 1574 4.3 1895 4.5 5605

3.2 928 3.4 1151 3.1 1366 3.3 4061

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


Bred 8/11/2014 to Pol Butte MC Beemer-ET 7525863 7H12353

Bred 7/31/2014 to Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 7H10506

Bred 11/2/2014 to Bacon-Hill Milson-ET 71703349 7H12186

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4thDam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Alta-K Destini-ET

Sells as Lot 48 and Full Sister to Lot 49

Lot 48 Sells Fresh 12/29/2014

Lot 49

Matt-Dari Alta-K Destini-ET 68958586 100%RHA Born: July 1, 2012 #3167 9K gtpi +2084G pta +142M +35f +15P 76%R 12/2014 pta +308NM +.12%F +.04%P pta +3.1PL 2.80scs +1.4dpr 7.6%DCE pta +1.36T +1.10udc +.07FLC 76%R 12/2014 2-05 2 81 6519 3.8 249 3.0 194 (Inc) Milking 87lbs. 3.6%F 3.0%P

matt-Dari Alta Ko DeeCee-eT 68958596 tl td

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 100%RHA Born: August 27, 2012 #304 Bred 7/24/2014 to 4thDam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer 77K GTPI +2117G Eildon-Tweed SSR Belair-ET (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) PTA -23M +36F +14P 78%R 12/2014 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 72350071 14H7418 PTA +308NM +.15%F +.06%P 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET PTA +2.2PL 2.75SCS +2.2DPR 7.9%DCE (2E-92 GMD DOM) PTA +1.34T +1.46UDC +.40FLC 77%R 12/2014 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) HAMMER-CREEK ALTAKOOL-ET 66760497 TV Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 TL TY TD tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 50K GTPI +2101G 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla PTA +360M +4F +22P 97%R 12/2014 HAMMER-CREEK G KRISTINA-ET 62738958 (EX-90 GMD DOM) PTA +243NM -.04%F +.05%P 100%US VG-86 +VVVE DOM 4-00 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 PTA +2.1PL 2.61SCS +2.3DPR 8.5%DCE 3-02 2 365 30410 3.7 1112 3.2 977 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 PTA +1.30T +1.62UDC +1.24FLC 93%R 12/2014 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY (EX-90) GM 50K GTPI +1916g Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 1-11 2 365 28580 4.5 1282 3.2 928 9th Dam: EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 3-07 2 343 33560 4.7 1574 3.4 1151 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 (VG-88 DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 3 Deligent Daughters out of Doreen Sell!

Lot 50

Matt-Dari Delig Delicate-ET 71667867 tl td

Sells Fresh 2/26/2015

Matt-Dari Deligen Dapple-eT 71667910 tl td

Bred 8/3/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 7H10920 Sexed semen

matt-Dari deligen denyse-et 71667909 tl td

Bred 10/16/2014 to Bacon-Hill Milson-ET 71703349 7H12186

100%RHA Born: November 19, 2012 #Delicat 77K GTPI +2279G PTA +879M +33F +28P 75%R 12/2014 PTA +458NM +.00%F +.00%P PTA +4.9PL 2.90SCS +.9DPR 7.8%DCE PTA +2.28T +2.45UDC +1.11FLC 75%R 12/2014 2-03 2 22 1533 4.4 68 3.3 50 Milking 86 lbs. 4.0%F 2.9%P

Lot 51

100%RHA Born: February 20, 2013 #3374 GTPI +2243G PTA +655M +31F +30P 75%R 12/2014 PTA +408NM +.03%F +.04%P PTA +3.9PL 2.94SCS +1.1DPR 8.3%DCE PTA +2.30T +1.99UDC +1.14FLC 74%R 12/2014

Lot 52

100%RHA Born: February 18, 2013 #373 77K gtpi +2069g pta +932M +39f +28P 75%R 12/2014 pta +322NM +.02%F +.00%P pta +2.0PL 2.97scs -1.1dpr 8.5%dce pta +1.93T +1.68udc +.92flc 75%R 12/2014

Ronelee Dorcy Deligent-eT 140969423 by tv tl td 50K gtpi +2295g pta +898M +18F +35P 77%R 12/2014 pta +499nm -.06%F +.03%P 100%us pta +5.6PL 2.82scs +.7dpr 7.5%dce pta +2.08t +2.37udc +1.96flc 77%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 3-07 2 343 33560 4-08 2 365 44300 LIFE 1320 123750

4.5 1282 4.7 1574 4.3 1895 4.5 5605

3.2 928 3.4 1151 3.1 1366 3.3 4061

Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl VG-87 VVV+ 4-09 pta +1387M +33f +38P 99%R 12/2014 pta +2.21t +2.52udc +2.31flc 98%R 12/2014 Ronelee Boliver Dreary-eT VG-86 VVV+V DOM 3-08

2-04 2 365 27970 3.9 1102 3.3 936

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 54

Female (Pending)

Matt-Dari Observer Disco-ET (VG-88 EX-MS) Dam of Lot 53 and 2nd Dam of Lot 54

Lot 53

Matt-Dari Highwa Deloria-ET 71667883 tl td

Bred 6/26/2014 to Sonnek GC Corvette-ET 71391400 7HO12042

Matt-Dari Observer Disco-ET 68958458 VG-88 +VG+E 3-11 2-02 2 305 24510 4.3 1045 3.0 743

Sells as Lot 53

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 Bosside Altaross-ET 62085114 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET tv tl ty (2E-92 GMD DOM) gm HD Gtpi +1812G 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 pta +.14t +.27udc +.98flc 98%R 12/2014 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET Tramilda-N Baxter Emily-ET 139232811c (VG-87 DOM) CAN VG-85 2Y 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 2-05 2 282 30946 4.2 1287 3.2 1001 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 10th Dam: 1-11 2 365 28580 4.5 1282 3.2 928 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 3-07 2 343 33560 4.7 1574 3.4 1151 (VG-88 DOM) 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061

100%RHA Born: December 25, 2012 #347 77K GTPI +2216G PTA -352M +49F +1P 75%R 12/2014 PTA +475NM +.26%F +.05%P PTA +6.1PL 2.72SCS +2.5DPR 6.8%DCE PTA +1.50T +1.46UDC +.58FLC 74%R 12/2014

JOLICAP HAIGHWAY-ET 106347766C TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +2190G PTA +14M +32F +7P 84%R 12/2014 pta +443NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%US pta +6.8PL 2.79scs +3.0dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.00t +.52udc +1.48flc 77%R 12/2014

Sonnek GC Corvette-ET 71391400 507Ho12042 VG-87 VVVVV 2-02 77K GTPI +1992G PTA +48M +12F +6P 78%R 12/2014 PTA +139NM +.04%F +.02%P 100%US PTA -.9PL 2.73SCS -.6DPR 4.1TDCE PTA +2.82T +2.05UDC +2.98FLC 78%R Matt-Dari Highwa Deloria-ET 71667883 tl td 77K GTPI +2216G


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 3 Highway Daughters out of Disco Sell!

Lot 55 Bred 6/22/2014 to Richmond-FD El Bombero-ET 71637328 200H3950

Lot 57 Bred 11/21/2014 to Woodcrest Mogul Yoder-ET 72254526 7H12266

Lot 58 Bred 1/11/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

Matt-Dari Highwa Dimetri-eT 71667882 tl td 100%RHA Born: December 23, 2012 #346 77K GTPI +2313G PTA +412M +34F +13P 75%R 12/2014 PTA +532NM +.07%F +.00%P PTA +7.5PL 2.61SCS +1.9DPR 6.2%DCE PTA +1.81T +1.86UDC +.71FLC 74%R 12/2014


Richmond-FD El Bombero-ET 71637328 TR TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +2442g pta +1131M +60f +31P 76%R 12/2014 pta +603NM +.07%F -.01%P 100%us pta +5.9PL 2.61scs +1.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +2.32T +1.74udc +1.36flc 76%R Matt-Dari Highwa Dimetri-ET 71667882 tl td 77K GTPI +2313G

Sells as Lot 55

MATT-DARI HIGHWAY DIORE-ET 72596482 TL TD 100%RHA Born: July 16, 2013 #413 9K GTPI +2299G PTA +543M +74F +24P 73%R 12/2014 PTA +518NM +.21%F +.03%P PTA +3.7PL 2.86SCS +.9DPR 5.7%DCE PTA +2.01T +1.26UDC +.82FLC 72%R 12/2014

MATT-DARI HGHWA DELORIA-ET 72596483 TL TD 100%RHA Born: July 19, 2013 #414 9K gtpi +2056gpta -207M +35f -4P 73%R 12/2014 pta +364NM +.18%F +.01%P pta +5.9PL 2.77scs +.7dpr 7.1%dce pta +1.55t +1.57udc +.65flc 72%R 12/2014

JOLICAP HAIGHWAY-ET 106347766C TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +2190G PTA +14M +32F +7P 84%R 12/2014 pta +443NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%US pta +6.8PL 2.79scs +3.0dpr 5.4%dce pta +1.00t +.52udc +1.48flc 77%R 12/2014

Bosside Altaross-ET 62085114 tv tl ty gm HD Gtpi +1812G pta +.14t +.27udc +.98flc 98%R 12/2014 Tramilda-N Baxter Emily-ET 139232811c CAN VG-85 2Y 2-05 2 282 30946 4.2 1287 3.2 1001

de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g Matt-Dari Observer Disco-ET 68958458 pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 VG-88 +VG+E 3-11 pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 2-02 2 305 24510 4.3 1045 3.0 743

Lot 56

Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 3-07 2 343 33560 4-08 2 365 44300 LIFE 1320 123750

4.5 1282 4.7 1574 4.3 1895 4.5 5605


3.2 928 3.4 1151 3.1 1366 3.3 4061

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 10th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 1 Boxer Punch & 2 Halogen Daughters out of Disco Sell!

Lot 59

matt-dari Punch Dalonna-eT 72596508 tl td 100%RHA Born: October 17, 2013 #439 9K GTPI +2056G pta +252M +57f +21P 75%R 12/2014 pta +329NM +.19%F +.05%P pta +.9pl 3.05scs +.9dpr 7.3%dce pta +1.24t +.93udc +.24flc 74%R 12/2014

Lot 60

Bred 2/19/2015 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 507H9420

matt-Dari Halogen Dachia-ET 72596548 tl td 100%RHA Born: March 22, 2014 #479 9K gtpi +2446G pta +990M +51f +29P 72%R 12/2014 pta +543NM +.06%f +.00%P pta +4.3PL 2.85scs +3.00dpr 5.9%dce pta +2.45t +2.27udc +.89flc 72%r 12/2014

Roylane Boxer Punch 4311-ET 69128229 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 4-00 50K gtpi +2275g pta +599M +50f +37P 92%R 12/2014 pta +446NM +.11%F +.08%P 100%us pta +2.2PL 2.96scs +2.9dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.28t +.70udc +1.59flc 83%R 12/2014

Lot 61

Dream-Prairie Shadow Boxer 139086241 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 3-05 50K gtpi +1883G pta +1.03t +.63udc +.91flc 99%R 12/2014 Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET 62115945 VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-09 3-00 2 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.4 1235

matt-Dari Halogen Diedra-ET 73727272

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 100%RHA Born: December 29, 2014 #561 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 13K GTPI +2382G Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 PTA +405M +38F +14P 73%R 3/2015 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET PTA +514NM +.09%F +.00%P EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) PTA +5.7PL 2.66SCS +3.5DPR 6.6%DCE 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer PTA +2.05T +2.2UDC +.59FLC 72%R 3/2015 (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 welcome Super Petrone-ET 69207641 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET Cookiecutter petron halogen tr tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2361g (2E-92 GMD DOM) 3008710387 tv tl ty td pta +624m +32f +13p 92%R 12/2014 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 50k gtpi +2607g pta +1.39t +1.50udc +1.37flc 85%R 12/2014 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 pta +588m +36f +24P 77%R 12/2014 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET pta +669NM +.06%f +.02%P 100%us Cookiecutter mom Halo-ET 3007069733 (VG-87 DOM) pta +7.6pl 2.50scs +5.6dpr +5.6%DCE VG-88 VV+VE DOM 2-09 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 pta +2.13t +2.44udc +.98flc 76%R 12/2014 2-00 3 365 35410 5.2 1832 3.5 1241� Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td (EX-90 GMD DOM) EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora Matt-Dari Observer Disco-ET 68958458 pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90) VG-88 +VG+E 3-11 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET 2-02 2 305 24510 4.3 1045 3.0 743 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 10th Dam: 1-11 2 365 28580 4.5 1282 3.2 928 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 3-07 2 343 33560 4.7 1574 3.4 1151 (VG-88 DOM) 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 63

Matt-Dari Bombero Delight 73727270 100%RHA Born: December 22, 2014 #559

Matt-Dari Observer Danti-ET (GP-83) Sells as Lot 62 and Dam of Lot 63

Lot 62

matt-Dari Observer Danti-ET 68958465 100%RHA Born: February 1, 2011 Danti VG-83 V+VGV 3-10 50K gtpi +2208G pta +527M +49F +23P 80%R 12/2014 pta +456NM +.12%F +.03%P pta +4.6PL 2.96scs +.9dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.71t +1.66udc +.04FLC 81%R 12/2014 2-10 2 340 30460 4.9 1480 3.4 1040 3-10 2 88 9694 4.5 434 3.0 294 (inc) Milking 118lbs. 4.0%F 3.1%P

de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 pta +465NM -.06%F -.01%P 92%us pta +4.9pl 2.91scs +1.0dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014

ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET 60597003 TR TV TL TD EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2215G PTA +2323M +75F +69P 99%R 4/2012 PTA +2.12T +1.77UDC -.46FLC 99%R 4/2012 De-Su Oman 6121-et 61681442 tl VG-86 VV+VV GMD DOM 2-08 GTPI +2052G 2-01 3 365 34770 4.3 1505 3.4 1174

Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 3-07 2 343 33560 4-08 2 365 44300 LIFE 1320 123750

4.5 1282 4.7 1574 4.3 1895 4.5 5605

3.2 928 3.4 1151 3.1 1366 3.3 4061

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


13K GTPI +2279G PTA +767M +65F +25P 73%R PTA +515NM +.13%F +.00%P PTA +4.9PL 2.83SCS +.5DPR 7.1%DCE PTA +1.88T +1.40UDC +.63FLC 73%R Richmond-FD El Bombero-ET 71637328 TR TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +2442g pta +1131M +60f +31P 76%R 12/2014 pta +603NM +.07%F -.01%P 100%us pta +5.9PL 2.61scs +1.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +2.32T +1.74udc +1.36flc 76%R Matt-Dari Observer Danti-ET 68958465 VG-83 V+VGV 3-10 50K gtpi +2208G 2-10 2 340 30460 4.9 1480 3.4 1040

Sells as Lot 62

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Mogul Dear-ET

Sells as Lot 64 Maternal Sister to Lot 65

Lot 64

Matt-Dari Mogul Dear-ET 71667880 tl td 100%RHA Born: December 15, 2012 #344 Sells Fresh 3/3/2015

77K GTPI +2446G PTA +1404M +66F +43P 77%R 12/2014 PTA 600NM +.05%F +.00%P PTA +4.2PL 3.03SCS +1.4DPR 6.8%DCE +2.16T +1.74UDC +2.20FLC 76%R 6.8%DCE 2-02 2 17 1246 6.2 77 3.0 38 Milking 94lbs. 5.7%F 2.7%P Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 pta +728NM +.11%F +.01%P 93%us pta +5.1pl 2.86scs +.1dpr 5.5%dce pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R Matt-Dari Observer Danti-eT 68958465 VG-83 V+VGV 3-10 2-10 2 340 30460 4.9 1480 3.4 1040

Sells as Lot 62

matt-Dari Observer Danti-ET 68958465 GP-83 V+VGV 3-10 2-10 2 340 30460 4.9 1480 3.4 1040

Lot 65

Matt-Dari Predestined Dewie 72596524 tl td 100%RHA Reg # Born: December 14, 2012 #455

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 Sells as Lot 62 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td (EX-90 GMD DOM) EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 10th Dam: 1-11 2 365 28580 4.5 1282 3.2 928 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 3-07 2 343 33560 4.7 1574 3.4 1151 (VG-88 DOM) 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061 9K gtpi +2350G pta +636M +58f +26P 72%R 12/2014 pta +554NM +.14%F +.03%P pta +5.5PL 3.06scs +2.0dpr 5.9%dce pta +2.10T +1.75udc +.83flc 72%R Rickland Predestine 669-ET 69177592 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2390g pta +232M +61f +21P 78%R 12/2014 pta +624NM +.21%F +.06%P 100%us pta +6.7PL 2.85scs +2.90dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.22T +1.13udc +1.26flc 98%R Matt-Dari Observer Danti-eT 68958465 VG-83 V+VGV 3-10 2-10 2 340 30460 4.9 1480 3.4 1040


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 67

Matt-Dari Payton Dame 73727252 tl td 100%RHA Born: October 22, 2014 #541

Matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET (VG-88 EX-MS) Sells as Lot 66 and Dam of Lot 67

Lot 66

Matt-Dari Observer Dance-eT 68958461

Bred 1/29/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7HO11314

100%RHA Born: January 28, 2011 Dance VG-88 ++VVE 3-11 GTPI +2236G PTA +549M +51F +29P 80%R 12/2014 PTA +481NM +.12%F +.05%P PTA +3.6PL 2.85SCS +1.0DPR 6.5%DCE PTA +1.51T +1.68UDC -.60FLC 81%R 12/2014 2-03 2 365 30380 4.8 1447 3.5 1056 3-08 2 149 18855 4.0 753 3.2 596 (Inc) Milking 121lbs. 4.2%F 3.4%P Embryos exported to ALH

de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 pta +465NM -.06%F -.01%P 92%us pta +4.9pl 2.91scs +1.0dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 3-07 2 343 33560 4-08 2 365 44300 LIFE 1320 123750

4.5 1282 4.7 1574 4.3 1895 4.5 5605

3.2 928 3.4 1151 3.1 1366 3.3 4061

ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET 60597003 TR TV TL TD EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2215G De-Su Oman 6121-et 61681442 tl VG-86 VV+VV GMD DOM 2-08 GTPI +2052G 2-01 3 365 34770 4.3 1505 3.4 1174

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


13K gtpi +2400 pta +636M +61f +32P 72%r 1/2015 pta +569NM +.13%F +.05%P pta +3.8PL 2.72scs +1.6dpr 6.4%DCE pta +1.77t +1.94udc +1.02flc 72%R Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2556G

At Accelerated Genetics Top 100 Genomic Young Bulls

matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET 68958461 VG-88 ++VVE 3-11 50K gtpi +2236G 2-03 2 365 30380 4.8 1447 3.5 1056

Sells as Lot 66

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 68


3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 Co-Op Bosside Massey-ET 63026939 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET tv tl ty (2E-92 GMD DOM) gm 50K gtpi +2262g 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 pta +741M +48f +40P 99%R 12/2014 Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET 61376428 tv Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 pta +506NM +.08%f +.07%P 55%us VG-85 +VV+V GMD DOM 2-08 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET pta +2.8PL 2.66scs +.7dpr 7.2Tdce 1-11 3 365 36930 3.6 1336 3.1 1129 (VG-87 DOM) pta +.88T +1.22udc +.56flc 98%R 12/2014 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET 68958461 EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 VG-88 ++VVE 3-11 GTPI +2236G pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora PTA +549M +51F +29P 80%R 12/2014 pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90) PTA +481NM +.12%F +.05%P 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET PTA +3.6PL 2.85SCS +1.0DPR 6.5%DCE Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 10th Dam: PTA +1.51T +1.68UDC -.60FLC 81%R 12/2014 VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 1-11 2 365 28580 4.5 1282 3.2 928 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 2-03 2 365 30380 4.8 1447 3.5 1056 3-07 2 343 33560 4.7 1574 3.4 1151 (VG-88 DOM) 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061

Bred 9/3/2014 to Mr Welcome SSI Uno Tatum-ET 71129534 7H13022

Lot 69

100%RHA Born: February 13, 2013 #369 77k gtpi +2304G pta +775m +50F +46P 77%R 12/2014 pta +497NM +.08%f +.09%P pta +2.5PL 2.78scs +1.1dpr 6.0%dce pta +1.32t +1.29udc -.27flc 76%R 12/2014 mascol-ET 578891748deu tv tl GM HD Gtpi +1910G pta +91M +32f +24P 99%R 12/2014 pta -.36T -.37udc -.13flc 98%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari MAurice Dynamae 71667934 tl td

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) Co-Op Bosside Massey-ET 63026939 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 tv tl ty gm 50K gtpi +2262g MOUNTFIELD MSY MAURICE-ET 69398748 TR 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET pta +741M +48f +40P 99%R 12/2014 (2E-92 GMD DOM) TV TL TY TD pta +.88T +1.22udc +.56flc 98%R 12/2014 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 50K GTPI +2216G Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 PTA +566M +55F +31P 89%R 12/2014 MOUNTFIELD EB MAJESTY 63999519 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET PTA +534NM +.14%F +.06%P 100%US VG-85 +V+GV 3-09 (VG-87 DOM) PTA +4.1PL 2.69SCS +.1DPR 5.7%DCE 3-04 2 365 32690 4.0 1298 3.3 1089 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 PTA +.60T +.89UDC +.44FLC 77%R 12/2014 LIFE 1545 126010 3.9 4904 3.2 4085 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td (EX-90 GMD DOM) EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET 68958461 pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 VG-88 ++VVE 3-11 GTPI +2236G 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 PTA +549M +51F +29P 80%R 12/2014 (EX-90) PTA +481NM +.12%F +.05%P Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 PTA +3.6PL 2.85SCS +1.0DPR 6.5%DCE Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 PTA +1.51T +1.68UDC -.60FLC 81%R 12/2014 1-11 2 365 28580 4.5 1282 3.2 928 10th Dam: 2-03 2 365 30380 4.8 1447 3.5 1056 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 3-07 2 343 33560 4.7 1574 3.4 1151 (VG-88 DOM) 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061

Bred 11/28/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

100%RHA Born: May 1, 2013 #398 77K GTPI +2128G PTA +390M +39F +27P 75%R 12/2014 PTA +425NM +.10%F +.06%P PTA +3.1PL 2.74SCS +.2DPR 6.0%DCE PTA +1.01T +1.33UDC +.07FLC 73%R 12/2014


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Tango Dianne-ET

Sells as Lot 72 Full Sister to Lots 70, 71, 73 & 74

Lot 70

Lot 71

Lot 72

100%RHA Born: June 17, 2014 #511

100%RHA Born: July 6, 2014 #517

100%RHA Born: July 8, 2014 #518

Matt-Dari Tango Data-ET 73727222 TL TD

Matt-Dari Tango Davida-ET 73727228 tl td

13K GTPI +2407G PTA +1380M +65F +40P 73%R 12/2014 PTA +609NM +.05%F -.01%P PTA 4-0PL 2.82SCS +1.5DPR 5.6%DCE PTA +1.69T +1.62UDC +.22FLC 73%R Tango x Dance

13K GTPI +2405g pta +1059M +42f +33P 73%R 12/2014 pta +570NM+.01%F +.00%P pta +4.7PL 2.68scs +1.8dpr 5.9%dce pta +2.00T +2.29udc +.52flc 73%R Tango x Dance

Lot 73

Lot 74

Matt-Dari Tango Darla-eT 73727226 tl td

100%RHA Born: July 3, 2014 #515

13K gtpi +2367g pta +1310M +49F +40P 73%R 12/2014 pta +518NM +.00%F +.00%P pta +3.0PL 2.82scs +.3dpr 6.3%dce pta +2.61T +2.50udc +.70flc 73%R Tango x Dance

mr Welcome Hill Tango-ET 70750485 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2416G pta +1856M +53f +46P 78%R 12/2014 pta +566NM -.06%F -.04%P 100%us pta +3.0PL 2.82scs +1.1DPR 6.2%dce pta +2.01t +2.07udc +1.37flc 78%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET 68958461 VG-88 ++VVE 3-11 GTPI +2236G PTA +549M +51F +29P 80%R 12/2014 PTA +481NM +.12%F +.05%P PTA +3.6PL 2.85SCS +1.0DPR 6.5%DCE PTA +1.51T +1.68UDC -.60FLC 81%R 12/2014

2-03 2 365 30380 4.8 1447 3.5 1056 Sells as Lot 66


13K gtpi +2404G pta +1152M +63f +41P 73%R 12/2014 pta +576NM +.08%F +.02%P pta +3.2PL 2.76scs +.8dpr 6.6%dce pta +1.95t +2.10UDC +.64flc 72%R Tango x Dance

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) Matt-Dari Tango 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Dalacie-eT Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET 73727227 tl td 100%RHA Born: July 4, 2014 #516 EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 13K gtpi +2277g 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 pta +1100M +65f +40P 73%R 12/2014 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer pta +490NM +.09%F +.03%P (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +1.5PL 2.81scs -1.2dpr 7.0%dce 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 pta +2.25t +2.19udc +.63flc 72%R 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET Tango x Dance (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Lotta-Hill Shottle 41-ET 62942427 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 tr tv tl ty td 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET PTA +1353M +42f +22P 99%R 12/2014 (VG-87 DOM) pta +1.34t +1.99udc +1.00flc 98%R 12/2014 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 ms welcome colby taya-ET 3002918882 ty 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla VG-88 EEEVV 5-01 DOM (EX-90 GMD DOM) 1-10 3 365 41240 3.3 1357 3.0 1255 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET 10th Dam: VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 (VG-88 DOM) LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 75

Lot 76

Matt-Dari Defender Dayna-ET 72596565 tl td 100%RHA Born: April 15, 2014 #496 9K gtpi +2408g pta +617 +43f +36P 72%R 12/2014 pta +519NM +.08%F +.07%P pta +3.8PL 2.90scs +1.6dpr pta +2.27T +2.17udc +1.92flc 72%R 12/2014

Matt-DAri Defender Duggy-ET 72596566 TL Td 100%RHA Born: April 19, 2014 #497 9K gtpi +2358gpta +901M +49f +31P 72%R 12/2014 pta +512NM +.06%F +.01%P pta +3.3PL 2.84scs +.9dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.34t +2.61udc +1.33flc 72%R 12/2014

s-s-i mogul defender-et 9554569 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2512g pta +950M +52f +37P 77%R 12/2014 pta +611NM +.07%F +.03%P 100%us pta +4.5PL 2.74scs +.5dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.70T +2.94udc +3.26flc 77%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET 68958461 VG-88 ++VVE 3-11 GTPI +2236G PTA +549M +51F +29P 80%R 12/2014 PTA +481NM +.12%F +.05%P PTA +3.6PL 2.85SCS +1.0DPR 6.5%DCE PTA +1.51T +1.68UDC -.60FLC 81%R 12/2014

2-03 2 365 30380 4.8 1447 3.5 1056 Sells as Lot 66

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R 12/2014 Regan-BH-ALH M Dannah-ET 66625308 EX-90 EVVVE 4-01 2-00 3 365 31970 3.7 1178 3.1 984

de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02

4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Matt-Dari Jetset Diamond-ET Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET 73727237 tl td EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 99%RHA-I Born: August 3, 2014 #526 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 13K gtpi +2306g 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer pta +893M +55f +31P 73%R 12/2014 (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +512NM +.09%F +.01%P 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 pta +3.3PL 2.77scs +2.00dpr 5.9%dce 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET pta +1.49T +1.21udc +.34flc 72%R 12/2014 (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 marbri Facebook-ET 10847042 Coyne-Farms Jetset-ET 70801849 tr tv tl ty td can VG-86 2Y 50K gtpi +2366G 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET 99%RHA-I TY (VG-87 DOM) pta +1281m +80f +47p 97%R 77K gtpi +2421gpta +982M +59f +34P 77%R 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 pta +1.51t +.92udc +.52flc 96%r 12/2014 12/2014 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla pta +581NM +.09%F +.02%P 100%us Coyne-Farms Freddie Jill-ET 68677598 (EX-90 GMD DOM) pta +4.1PL 2.75scs +3.8dpr 3.9%dce tv tl VG-85 ++GVV 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1.10t +.76udc +.99flc 76%R 12/2014 2-00 2 365 33860 3.3 1125 2.9 984 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 Matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET 68958461 de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora VG-88 ++VVE 3-11 GTPI +2236G (EX-90) EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g PTA +549M +51F +29P 80%R 12/2014 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 PTA +481NM +.12%F +.05%P Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET 10th Dam: PTA +3.6PL 2.85SCS +1.0DPR 6.5%DCE VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice PTA +1.51T +1.68UDC -.60FLC 81%R 12/2014 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 (VG-88 DOM) 2-03 2 365 30380 4.8 1447 3.5 1056 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 Sells as Lot 66

Lot 77


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4th Dam of Lot 78

Lot 78 Bred 9/1/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen

Matt-Dari Maurice Destry 71667913 tl td

mountfield msy maurice-et 69398748 tr tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2216g pta +566M +55f +31P 89%R 12/2014 pta +534NM +.14%F +.06%P 100%us pta +4.1PL 2.69scs +.1dpr 5.7%DCE pta +.60t +.89udc +.44flc 77%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Observer Daria-ET 68958457 GP-80 ++VF+ 2-06 50K gtpi +2028g pta +129M +35f +14P 81%R 12/2014 pta +298NM +.12%F +.04%P pta +2.8pl 2.98scs +1.6dpr 7.0%dce pta +.60T +.89udc +.44flc 77%R 12/2014 2-01 2 365 29560 4.8 1409 3.5 1035

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer co-Op Bosside Massey-eT 63026939 (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) tv tl ty gm 50K gtpi +2262G 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 pta +741M +48F +40P 99%R 12/2014 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET pta +.88t +1.22Udc +.56flc 98%R 12/2014 (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 mountfield eb majesty 63999519 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 VG-85 +V+GV 3-09 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET 4-08 2 365 34500 3.8 1304 3.1 1067 (VG-87 DOM) LIFE 1545 126010 3.9 4904 3.2 4085 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 10th Dam: LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

100%RHA Born: March 14, 2013 #377 77K gtpi +2160gpta +160M +54f +17P 76%R 12/2014 pta +475NM +.19%f +.05%P pta +4.4PL 2.86scs +1.7dpr 5.8%dce pta +.68T +.85udc -.02flc 73%R 12/2014


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Bosside Dolly

Sells as Lot 79

Matt-Dari Elegant Dolly-ET (2E-91 EX-MS) Dam of Lot 79

Lot 79

Bosside Dolly 73114363 99%rha-I

99%RHA-I Born: September 9, 2013 #1044 9K gtpi +2140g pta +1012M +38f +25P 75%R 12/2014 pta +356NM +.00%F -.02%P pta +2.7PL 3.03scs -.2dpr 6.8%dce pta +1.87t +1.72udc +1.38flc 74%R 12/2014

de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I TV Tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 3-08 50K gtpi +2409G pta +1083M +47f +41P 86%R 12/2014 pta +513nm +.03%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.1PL 2.88scs +.5dpr 4.3%Dce pta +2.56t +2.40udc +1.96flc 79%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Elegant Dolly-ET 137914535 EX-91 EEEVE 2E 7-07 2-00 2 365 31700 4-03 2 365 34690 5-08 2 365 31080 6-10 2 365 30170 LIFE 1837 148960

4.2 1331 4.2 1473 3.7 1154 4.2 1260 4.2 6206

3.0 965 2.8 986 3.0 923 3.2 970 3.0 4524

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VV+V 3-08 GTPI +2405g 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 pta +1505M +35f +55P 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 pta +1.67T +1.28udc +1.08flc 99%R 12/2014 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) sully Shottle May-Tw 138218285 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 VG-87 VVEVV DOM 5-09 50K GTPI +2176g Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 2-02 3 365 34110 3.2 1095 3.1 1066 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) Honeycrest elegant-ET 130629351 tv 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 gm 50k gtpi +1788G Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 pta +488M +4f +6P 99%R 12/2014 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora pta +.47t +1.45udc +.18flc 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 9th Dam: 2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 (VG-88 DOM) LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3rd Dam of Lot 80

Lot 80

Matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 100%RHA Born: May 25, 2007 Darling EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07 2-00 2 365 30870 4.1 1266 3.0 918 3-03 2 319 31820 4.1 1313 3.0 954 4-03 2 365 34990 4.1 1434 3.1 1077 5-09 2 365 37010 4.2 1570 3.0 1113 6-11 2 320 30804 4.0 1226 3.2 977 (Inc) Milking 89lbs. 4.4%F 3.5%P LIFE 1614 146660 4.2 6151 3.1 4533

Jenny-Lou Marshall P149-ET 122274798 tv tl VG-88 VEE+ 4-05 50K gtpi +1488G pta +542M +3f +9P 99%R 12/2014 pta -126NM -.07%F -.03%P 62%us pta -5.4pl 3.04scs -2.6dpr 7.7%dce pta +.74t +.68udc -.01flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

Bred 12/9/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 4th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET 2290977 TV TL (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 VG-86 VEV+ 5-04 GM 50K gtpi +1491g Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 pta +779M +2f +11P 99%R 12/2014 5th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET pta +.52T +.40udc +1.15flc 99%R 12/2014 (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Jenny-Lou Patron Toyane 17313307 tr tl td Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 VG-89 VEEEV GMD DOM 6-06 6th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla 4-05 3 365 45826 3.8 1749 3.1 1419 (EX-90 GMD DOM) LIFE 1704 160053 4.0 6329 3.2 5073 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 TV TL 7th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 8th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET 17372456 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice EX-90 VEEVE GMD DOM 4-04 (VG-88 DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 3-11 2 253 28950 3.2 937 2.8 804


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 82

Matt-Dari Numero Uno Damzel 72596558 tl td 100%RHA Born: April 5, 2014 #489

Matt-Dari Super Dazzler (VG-88 EX-MS) Sells as Lot 81 Dam of Lot 82

Lot 81

Matt-Dari Super Dazzler 68958433 100%RHA Born: September 9, 2010 Dazzler VG-88 EVV+E 4-03 3K gtpi +2071g pta -68M +11f +13P 77%R 12/2014 pta +292NM +.06%f +.06%P pta +3.7pl 2.86scs +2.9dpr 7.1%dce pta +1.17T +1.14udc +.68flc 78%R 12/2014 2-04 2 365 27520 4.9 1356 3.6 980 3-06 2 349 25174 4.9 1245 3.5 891 (Inc) Milking 44lbs. 6.1%F 4.1P

Bred 7/31/2014 to Pol Butte MC Beemer-ET 7525863 7H12353

END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET 123586443 Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 TR TV TL TY EX-96 EEEE 11-11 GM TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g Charlesdale Sweet Star 133701030 pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 VG-85 +V+VV DOM 2-08 IM GTPI +1878G 1-10 3 365 33740 3.3 1106 3.3 1122 LIFE 1391 105450 3.3 3519 3.4 3589

matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07

2-00 2 365 30870 3-03 2 319 31820 4-03 2 365 34990 5-09 2 365 37010 LIFE 1614 146660

4.1 1266 4.1 1313 4.1 1434 4.2 1570 4.2 6151

3.0 918 3.0 954 3.1 1077 3.0 1113 3.1 4533

Jenny-Lou Marshall P149-ET 122274798 tv tl VG-88 VEE+ 4-05 50K gtpi +1488G pta +542M +3f +9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.74t +.68udc -.01flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


13K GTPI +2169G PTA -479M +20F +6P 76%R 12/2014 PTA +344NM +.16%F +.09%P PTA +4.2PL 2.71SCS +3.00DPR 6.2%DCE PTA +1.74T +1.85UDC +.57FLCL 75%R Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143ITA TV TL TY TD p9 50K gtpi +2357g pta -201M +42f +7P 93%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.20%f +.05%P 77%us pta +5.1pl 2.60scs +3.8dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.09t +2.05udc +1.28flc 90%R MATT-DARI SUPER DAZZLER 68958433 VG-88 EVV+E 3K GTPI +2071G 2-04 2 365 27520 4.9 1356 3.6 980

Sells as Lot 81

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 83


3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) roylane socra Robust-ET 64966739 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET PTA +1143M +81F +49P 99%R 12/2014 (2E-92 GMD DOM) PTA +.99T +.93UDC +1.21FLC 98%R 12/2014 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 Ammon-Peachey Shauna-eT 66228178 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET VG-87 VEV+V DOM 2-04 (VG-87 DOM) 2-01 3 365 35120 4.1 1427 3.1 1079 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 2-00 2 365 30870 4.1 1266 3.0 918 10th Dam: 3-03 2 319 31820 4.1 1313 3.0 954 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 4-03 2 365 34990 4.1 1434 3.1 1077 (VG-88 DOM) 5-09 2 365 37010 4.2 1570 3.0 1113 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1614 146660 4.2 6151 3.1 4533

100%RHA Born: February 4, 2013 #365 77K gtpi +2240g pta +1115M +34f +42P 74%R 12/2014 pta +453NM -.03%F +.03%P pta +4.1PL 3.000scs 1.2dpr 7.5%dce pta +1.62t +1.29udc +.61flc 73%R 12/2014

Bred 7/11/2014 to Richmond-FD El Bombero-ET 71637328 200H3950

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2558G PTA +1936M +89F +62P 79%R 12/2014 PTA +789NM +.07%F +.02%P 100%US PTA +5.8PL 2.98SCS +.6DPR 5.5%DCE PTA +1.60T +.93UDC +.55FLC 77%R 12/2014 MATT-DARI SUPER DAZZLER 68958433 VG-88 EVV+E 3K GTPI +2071G PTA -68M +11F +13P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +292NM +.06%F +.06%P PTA +3.7PL 2.86SCS +2.9DPR 7.1%DCE PTA +1.17T +1.14UDC +.68FLC 78%R 12/2014 2-04 2 365 27520 4.9 1356 3.6 980

Sells as Lot 81

Lot 84

Matt-Dari Hunter Dice-ET 68958587

Bred 1/29/2015 to Richmond-FD El Bombero-ET 71637328 200HO03950

100%RHA Born: July 2, 2012 #3168 9K gtpi +2028G pta +239M -2f +14P 77%R 12/2014 pta +232NM -.04%F +.03%P pta +3.0PL 2.77scs +2.2dpr 7.7%DCE pta +1.53t +1.58udc +.30flc 74%R 12/2014 2-02 2 189 16701 3.7 625 3.2 534 (Inc) Milking 95lbs. 3.4%F 3.3%P

cookiecutter MOM Hunter-ET 3000540481 tv tl 50k gtpi +2101g pta +518M +29f +29P 93%R 12/2014 pta +297NM +.04%F +.05%P 48%us pta +.8PL 2.79scs +1.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.31t +90udc +.64flc 88%R 12/2014 MATT-DARI SUPER DAZZLER 68958433 VG-88 EVV+E 3K GTPI +2071G PTA -68M +11F +13P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +292NM +.06%F +.06%P PTA +3.7PL 2.86SCS +2.9DPR 7.1%DCE PTA +1.17T +1.14UDC +.68FLC 78%R 12/2014 2-04 2 365 27520 4.9 1356 3.6 980

Sells as Lot 81

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 Cookiecutter Shthollerwood 65597532 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) EX-92 EEEEE 2E Dom 6-03 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 4-00 3 365 30340 5.1 1562 3.3 988 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 2-00 2 365 30870 4.1 1266 3.0 918 10th Dam: 3-03 2 319 31820 4.1 1313 3.0 954 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 4-03 2 365 34990 4.1 1434 3.1 1077 (VG-88 DOM) 5-09 2 365 37010 4.2 1570 3.0 1113 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1614 146660 4.2 6151 3.1 4533


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 85

Matt-Dari Airnet Design-ET 71667869 tl td 100%RHA Born: November 22, 2012 #333 77K gtpi +2048g pta -380M +4f -2P 77%R 12/2014 pta +321NM +.08%F +.04%P pta +5.6PL 2.64scs +3.6dpr 5.4%DCE pta +.55t +.59udc +.63flc 76%R 12/2014 2-03 18 867 4.5 39 3.7 32 (Inc) Milking 61lbs. 4.1%F 3.3%P

Sells Fresh 3/2/2015

Lot 87

Matt-Dari Airnet Darissa-ET 71667866 tl td 100%RHA Born: November 19, 2012 #330 77K gtpi +2085G pta +522M +13F +28P 77%R 12/2014 pta +373NM -.03%F +.05%P pta +4.6PL 2.76scs +2.0dpr 6.2%dce pta +.65t +.65udc -.27flc 76%R 12/2014 2-04 2 365 33033 3.1 1018 3.0 1006

Bred 7/30/2014 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 7H9420

Lot 88

Lot 89 Bred 11/23/2014 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 507H11477 Sexed semen

100%RHA Born: March 2, 2015

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R Matt-Dari Airnet Design-eT 7167869 tl td 77K GTPI +2048g

Sells as Lot 85

100%RHA Born: February 18, 2013 #372 77K GTPI +2072G PTA +176M +7F +13P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +313NM +.00%F +.03%P PTA +4.1PL 2.78SCS +2.3DPR 5.2%DCE PTA +1.11T +1.24UDC +.23FLC 76%R 12/2014

matt-dari Airnet Dart-ET 72596475 tl td

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 tr tv tl ty td 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g (2E-92 GMD DOM) pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET Ms Air-Osa PS Cali 10064-ET 62511268 (VG-87 DOM) VG-87 +V++V GMD 3-01 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 2-00 3 306 34260 3.4 1178 3.1 1048 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 2-00 2 365 30870 4.1 1266 3.0 918 10th Dam: 3-03 2 319 31820 4.1 1313 3.0 954 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 4-03 2 365 34990 4.1 1434 3.1 1077 (VG-88 DOM) 5-09 2 365 37010 4.2 1570 3.0 1113 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1614 146660 4.2 6151 3.1 4533

100%RHA Born: June 7, 2013 #406 9K gtpi +2029g pta +756M +8f +27P 75%R 12/2014 pta +297NM -.08%F +.02%P pta +2.9pl 2.88scs +1.2dpr 5.9%dce pta +.87T +.98udc -.30flc 75%R 12/2014

air-osa-exel Altaairnet-ET 68769438 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2169G pta +770M +9f +31P 98%R 12/2014 pta +413NM -.08%F +.03%P 97%us pta +5.1PL 2.76scs +1.7dpr 7.8%dce pta +.87t +1.03udc +.20flc 94%R 12/2014 MATT-DARI SUPER DAZZLER 68958433 VG-88 EVV+E 3K GTPI +2071G PTA -68M +11F +13P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +292NM +.06%F +.06%P PTA +3.7PL 2.86SCS +2.9DPR 7.1%DCE PTA +1.17T +1.14UDC +.68FLC 78%R 12/2014 Sells as Lot 81

Female (Pending)

Matt-Dari Airnet Danetta-ET 71667908 tl td

Bred 7/17/2014 to Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 7H12165

2-04 2 365 27520 4.9 1356 3.6 980

Lot 86


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 90

MATT-DARI CASHCOIN DORIS-ET 72596537 TL TD 100%RHA Born: February 24, 2014 #468 9K GTPI +2220G PTA +227M +44F +17P 72%R 12/2014 PTA +460NM +.14%F +.04%P PTA +4.2PL 2.69SCS +1.3DPR 6.3%DCE PTA +1.72T +2.02UDC +.01FLC 72%R 12/2014

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 MATT-DARI CASHCOIN DAME-ET 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 72596535 TL TD 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 100%RHA Born: February 24, 2014 #466 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET 9K gtpi +2212G (2E-92 GMD DOM) pta +122M +26f +17P 72%R 12/2014 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 pta +421NM +.09%f +.05%P Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 pta +4.5PL 2.74scs +2.7dpr 6.5%dce 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET pta +1.65t +1.62udc +.35flc 72%R 12/2014 (VG-87 DOM) Farnear-TBR-BH CashCoin-ET 70354884 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 50k gtpi +2311g 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla pta +739M +39f +27P 77%R 12/2014 (EX-90 GMD DOM) mr chassity Goldwyn Cash-ET 140175910 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +545NM +.05%F +.02%P 100%us CAN VG-87 2Y pta +5.3pl 2.72scs +2.1dpr 5.8%dce Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 2-04 2 365 39375 4.3 1700 3.3 1296 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora pta +1.61t +1.95udc -.23flc 76%R 12/2014 Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g MATT-DARI SUPER DAZZLER 68958433 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 10th Dam: VG-88 EVV+E 3K GTPI +2071G matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 2-04 2 365 27520 4.9 1356 3.6 980 EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07 (VG-88 DOM) Sells as Lot 81 5-09 2 365 37010 4.2 1570 3.0 1113 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1614 146660 4.2 6151 3.1 4533

Lot 91

Lot 92

MATT-DARI NUMERO DANICKA-ET 71667856 TL TD 3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET

100%RHA Born: October 26, 2012 #320 77K gtpi +2216g pta +667M +7f +22P 76%R 12/2014 pta +352NM -.07%F +.01%P pta +4.3PL 2.94scs +4.3dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.61t +1.52udc +.88flc 76%R 12/2014 Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143ITA tv tl ty td TV TL TY TD VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g p9 50K gtpi +2357g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta -201M +42f +7P 93%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.20%f +.05%P 77%us Bred 7/2/2014 to Eildon-Tweed SSR Belair-ET 72350071 14H7418

pta +5.1pl 2.60scs +3.8dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.09t +2.05udc +1.28flc 90%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Super Dalton-eT 68958426 VG-85 VV+VV 2-11 2-02 2 290 25350 3.7 935 3.2 804

(EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Amighetti Shottle Eve-eT 17990346074ita Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET EX-90 ITA (VG-87 DOM) 2-00 2 338 30851 4.1 1274 3.5 1089 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 2-00 2 365 30870 4.1 1266 3.0 918 10th Dam: 3-03 2 319 31820 4.1 1313 3.0 954 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 4-03 2 365 34990 4.1 1434 3.1 1077 (VG-88 DOM) 5-09 2 365 37010 4.2 1570 3.0 1113 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1614 146660 4.2 6151 3.1 4533


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 93

matt-Dari Airnet Diagram 71667919 tl td 100%RHA Born: March 22, 2013 #383 9K GTPI +2005g pta +554M +19f +17P 76%R 12/2014 pta +283NM -.01%F +.00%P pta +3.1PL 2.89scs +.5dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.14t +.99udc +.58flc 76%R 12/2014

Bred 7/23/2014 to Sandy-Valley SS Deyja-ET 71181769 7H12219

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014

air-osa-exel Altaairnet-ET 68769438 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2169G pta +770M +9f +31P 98%R 12/2014 pta +413NM -.08%F +.03%P 97%us pta +5.1PL 2.76scs +1.7dpr 7.8%dce pta +.87t +1.03udc +.20flc 94%R 12/2014

Lot 94

Ms Air-Osa PS Cali 10064-ET 62511268 VG-87 +V++V GMD 3-01 2-00 3 306 34260 3.4 1178 3.1 1048

matt-DaRI Brokaw Dazzle 72596568 100%RHA Born: May 4, 2014 #499

mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-07 50K gtpi +1846g pta -180M +6f +6P 88%R 12/2014 pta -74NM +.05%F +.05%P 80%us pta -3.9pl 3.16scs -.4dpr 2.8%dce pta +3.27t +2.93udc +2.29flc 85%R 12/2014

Lot 95

regancrest Mac Bikasa-ET 63606799 VG-87 VVVVV GMD 2-10 2-02 2 365 29240 3.9 1144 3.1 912

matt-Dari Boxer Darlin 68958518

Bred 8/4/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Flynn-ET 71667900 14H7360

matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET 138517302 EX-90 EEE+E 2E GMD 7-07 4.1 1266 4.1 1313 4.1 1434 4.2 1570 4.2 6151

3.0 918 3.0 954 3.1 1077 3.0 1113 3.1 4533

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 GM 50K GTPI +1916g Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 regancrest gold bretta-ET 62496942 tl td Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 7-05 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla 2-01 2 365 34610 4.8 1676 3.6 1249 (EX-90 GMD DOM) Jenny-Lou Marshall P149-ET 122274798 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 tv tl VG-88 VEE+ 4-05 50K gtpi +1488G Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora pta +542M +3f +9P 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90) pta +.74t +.68udc -.01flc 99%R 12/2014 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 9th Dam: EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 (VG-88 DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

100%RHA Born: September 6, 2011 Darlin 50K gtpi +1731G GP-80 +VGVF 2-08 2-04 2 365 34708 4.1 1427 3.2 1119 (Inc) Milking 86lbs. 4.6%F 3.8%P

dream-Prairie Shadow Boxer 139086241 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 3-05 50K gtpi +1883gpta -397M +31f +9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +176NM +.19%F +.09%P 85%us pta +.4PL 2.86scs +.2dpr 8.7%dce pta +1.03T +.63udc +.91flc 99%R 12/2014

2-00 2 365 30870 3-03 2 319 31820 4-03 2 365 34990 5-09 2 365 37010 LIFE 1614 146660

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 97

matt-Dari Numero Uno Dexi 72596567 tl td 100%RHA Born: April 27, 2014 #498

Matt-Dari Trigger Darlene (EX-90 EX-MS) Sells as Lot 96 and Dam of Lot 97

Lot 96

matt-Dari Trigger Darlene 68958444

Bred 9/11/2014 to Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143 200H7450

100%RHA Born: November 21, 2010 Darlene EX-90 EEVEE 4-01 3K gtpi +2018G pta +399M +22f +18P 77%R 12/2014 pta +253NM +.03%F +.02%P pta +1.7PL 2.83scs +.4dpr 8.3%dce pta +1.64t +1.36udc +.82flc 78%R 12/2014 2-04 2 345 29730 3.8 1129 3.3 968 3-05 2 329 40868 3.9 1601 3.1 1280 (Inc) Milking 81lbs. 4.3%F 3.7%P

Lars-Acres Shot Trigger-ET 62253367 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM 50K gtpi +2100g pta +342M +10F +16P 99%R 12/2014 pta +372NM -.01%F +.02%P 90%us pta +4.9PL 2.71scs +1.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.00t +1.02udc +1.42flc 98%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Lou Diamond-ET 138787411 EX-92 VEEEE 5-07

2-04 2 326 31120 3-04 2 365 41380 5-04 2 352 38670 LIFE 1254 124110

3.6 1107 3.6 1472 3.9 1494 3.7 4606

3.0 945 3.1 1265 3.0 1149 3.1 3805

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 lars-Acres Tenise-ET 62164816 VG-88 EEEV+ 5-07 3-03 3 330 27620 3.9 1074 3.0 838 LIFE 1631 130340 3.9 5052 3.0 3929

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1709g pta +524M +14f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.98t +.95udc +.52flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


13K GTPI +2192G pta +104M +29f +16P 75%R 12/2014 pta +376NM +.10%F +.05%P pta +3.5PL 2.76scs +3.1dpr 8.1%dce pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143ITA TV TL TY TD p9 50K gtpi +2357g matt-Dari Trigger Darlene 68958444 EX-90 EEVEE 4-01 GTPI +2018G 2-04 2 345 29730 3.8 1129 3.3 968

Sells as Lot 96

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 98

Bred 7/8/2014 to Sonnek GC Corvette-ET 71391400 7HO12042

MATT-DARI PETRONE DALLY-ET 71667851 tl td 100%RHA Born: October 22, 2012 #3186 77K gtpi +2265G pta +658M +56f +26P 76%R 12/2014 pta +481NM +.13%F +.02%P pta +3.6PL 2.86scs +1.9dpr 6.5%dce pta +1.62T +.98udc +.55flc 75%R 12/2014

welcome Super Petrone-ET 69207641 tr tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2361g pta +624m +32f +13p 92%R 12/2014 pta +549NM +.04%F -.02%P 100%us pta +7.5pl 2.68scs +3.7dpr 5.9%dce pta +1.39t +1.50udc +1.37flc 85%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Trigger Darlene 68958444 EX-90 EEVEE 4-01 3K gtpi +2018gpta +399M +22f +18P 77%R 12/2014 pta +253NM +.03%F +.02%P pta +5.0PL 2.75scs +1.8dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.82t +1.96udc +1.10flc 77%R 12/2014 2-04 2 345 29730 3.8 1129 3.3 968

Sells as Lot 96

Lot 100 Bred 8/29/2014 to Sonneck GC Corvette-ET 71391400 507HO12042 Sexed semen

2-04 2 345 29730 3.8 1129 3.3 968

Sells as Lot 96

Welcome Baxter Petunia 3004008006 VG-88 EEVVV


Sells as Lot 98

2-00 3 365 25870 4.3 1122 3.3 851

Lars-Acres Shot Trigger-ET 62253367 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM 50K gtpi +2100g pta +342M +10F +16P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.00t +1.02udc +1.42flc 98%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Lou Diamond-ET 138787411 EX-92 VEEEE 5-07 2-04 2 326 31120 3-04 2 365 41380 5-04 2 352 38670 LIFE 1254 124110

3.6 1107 3.6 1472 3.9 1494 3.7 4606

3.0 945 3.1 1265 3.0 1149 3.1 3805

100%RHA Born: April 3, 2013 #386 GTPI +2191G PTA +175M +17F +19P 76%R 12/2014 PTA +368NM +.04%F +.06%P PTA +3.9PL 2.92SCS +3.00UDPR 7.7%DCE PTA +1.52T +1.86UDC +1.09FLC 73%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Trigger Darlene 68958444 EX-90 EEVEE 4-01 3K gtpi +2018gpta +399M +22f +18P 77%R 12/2014 pta +253NM +.03%F +.02%P pta +5.0PL 2.75scs +1.8dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.82t +1.96udc +1.10flc 77%R 12/2014

Female (Pending)

Sonnek GC Corvette-ET 71391400 507Ho12042 VG-87 VVVVV 2-02 77K GTPI +1992G PTA +48M +12F +6P 78%R 12/2014 PTA +139NM +.04%F +.02%P 100%US Charlesdale Superstition-ET PTA -.9PL 2.73SCS -.6DPR 4.1TDCE 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g PTA +2.82T +2.05UDC +2.98FLC 78%R Matt-Dari Petrone Dally-ET pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 71667851 tl td 77K gtpi +2265g

matt-Dari Day Dorcy 71667922 tl td

MINNIGAN-HILLS DAY-ET 69774730 TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +2314G PTA +915M +30F +29P 88%R 12/2014 PTA +484NM -.01%F +.01%P 100%US PTA +5.0PL 2.75SCS +1.8DPR 6.7%DCE PTA +1.82T +1.96UDC +1.10FLC 77%R 12/2014

Lot 99

Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R HENDEL BOLTON FLORIDA-ET 64855726 TY EX-90 EEVVE 2E 6-02

5-06 2 365 46590 3.0 1398 2.9 1369 LIFE 1276 132850 3.1 4074 2.9 3894

Lars-Acres Shot Trigger-ET 62253367 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM 50K gtpi +2100g pta +342M +10F +16P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.00t +1.02udc +1.42flc 98%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Lou Diamond-ET 138787411 EX-92 VEEEE 5-07 2-04 2 326 31120 3-04 2 365 41380 5-04 2 352 38670 LIFE 1254 124110


3.6 1107 3.6 1472 3.9 1494 3.7 4606

3.0 945 3.1 1265 3.0 1149 3.1 3805

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 10th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 102

Female (Pending) 100%RHA Born: March 9, 2015

Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92) 5th Dam of Lot 101

Lot 101

Matt-Dari Erskine Divinity 71667871 100%RHA Born: December 1, 2012 Divinty 2-03 2 11 619 6.8 42 3.2 20 (Inc) Milking 75lbs. 6.5%F 3.0%P

Sells Fresh 3/9/2015

ryan-Crest S Erskine CRI-ET 68767098 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2134G pta -185M +24f +0P 91%R 12/2014 pta +308NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.0PL 2.84scs +2.8dpr 6.3%dce pta +1.79T +1.62Udc +2.20flc 78%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Lou Diamond-ET 138787411 EX-92 VEEEE 5-07

2-04 2 326 31120 3-04 2 365 41380 5-04 2 352 38670 LIFE 1254 124110

3.6 1107 3.6 1472 3.9 1494 3.7 4606

3.0 945 3.1 1265 3.0 1149 3.1 3805

Wa-Del Sebastian-ET 138738583 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2043g pta +.84t +.69udc +1.99flc 98%R 12/2014 nova-TMJ Golden Erin-eT 137728145 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 6-10 2-03 2 365 36830 4.9 1815 3.5 1277

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1709g pta +524M +14f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.98t +.95udc +.52flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


de-su Bkm mccutchen 1174-et 69990138 99%rha-I TV Tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 3-08 50K gtpi +2409G pta +1083M +47f +41P 86%R 12/2014 pta +513nm +.03%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.1PL 2.88scs +.5dpr 4.3%Dce pta +2.56t +2.40udc +1.96flc 79%R Matt-Dari Erskine Divinity 71667871 Sells as Lot 101

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 103

matt-Dari Predestin damone 72596533 100%RHA Born: February 7, 2014 #464 PTPI +2071

rickland Predestine 669-ET 69177592 50k gtpi +2390g pta +232m +61f +21P 78%R 12/2014 pta +624nm +.21%r +.06%P 100%us pta +6.7pl 2.85scs +2.9dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.22T +1.13udc +1.26flc 78%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Lou Diamond-ET 138787411 EX-92 VEEEE 5-07 2-04 2 326 31120 3-04 2 365 41380 5-04 2 352 38670 LIFE 1254 124110

3.6 1107 3.6 1472 3.9 1494 3.7 4606

3.0 945 3.1 1265 3.0 1149 3.1 3805

Lot 104

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 V+VV 2-06 P9 50K gtpi +2304g pta +1109m +48f +18P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.13T +1.17udc +.06flc 99%R 12/2014 rabur gold pluck 62715236 EX-91 EEVEE 2E GMD DOM 8-11

4-05 3 365 41090 4.4 1798 3.3 1336 LIFE 1507 138530 4.5 6192 3.3 4599

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1709g pta +524M +14f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.98t +.95udc +.52flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

Matt-Dari Aftershock Desni 72596532

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer GM 50K GTPI +1916g (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET 2nd NY FAT (VG-87 DOM) All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 All-Riehl Plateau-ET 137479377 tv tl ty td 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 50K gtpi +1903g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta +632M +27f +13P 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 pta +.34T +.14udc +.18Flc 97%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) Matt-Dari Lou Diamond-ET 138787411 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 EX-92 VEEEE 5-07 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 2-04 2 326 31120 3.6 1107 3.0 945 10th Dam: 3-04 2 365 41380 3.6 1472 3.1 1265 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 5-04 2 352 38670 3.9 1494 3.0 1149 (VG-88 DOM) LIFE 1254 124110 3.7 4606 3.1 3805 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

100%RHA Born: February 2, 2014 #463

Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-eT 65249839 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-02 P9 50K GTPI +1728g pta +2M +5f -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +0NM +.02%F -.05%P 54%us pta +1.2PL 2.80scs -1.3dpr 10.7%dce pta +2.25T +1.82udc +1.46flc 99%r 12/2014

matt-Dari Plate Donita 68958363 VG-87 VEVVV 3-03 50K GTPI +1933G 2-01 2 3-01 2 4-02 2 LIFE

334 30450 346 40600 227 32140 907 103190

3.6 1087 3.6 1476 3.7 1189 3.6 3752

2.8 860 2.9 1176 2.8 905 2.9 2941

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Shottle Delisa (EX-91 EX-MS)

Sells as Lot 105 and Dam of Lots 106 & 107

Lot 105

matt-Dari Shottle Delisa 68958415 100%RHA Born: July 23, 2010 Delisa EX-91 EVVEE 4-05 2-02 2 346 32980 3.7 1233 3.2 1053 3-02 2 344 32970 3.8 1256 3.3 1086 4-03 2 134 18139 3.8 683 2.9 526 (Inc) Milking 134lbs. 3.6%F 3.0%P

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +192NM +.04%F -.02%P 12%dce pta +.6pl 2.76scs -.2dpr 8.1%dce pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Durham Delicia-eT 138787402 cv VG-88 VVVVE 4-06 1-11 2 335 22870 3-00 2 365 29370 4-03 2 325 29680 5-03 2 365 34520 6-06 2 305 30340 LIFE 1783 149970

3.8 865 4.0 1167 3.5 1035 3.8 1329 3.7 1115 3.8 5647

3.1 716 3.3 959 3.1 917 3.3 1134 3.0 920 3.2 4769


VG-1Y (ITA) GM 50K GTPI +1697g pta +282M +8f -2P 99%R 12/2014

CONDON AERO SHARON 5373153C GBR EX-91 6Y 5-07 2 305 36230 4.3 1561 3.3 1179 REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


Bred 2/6/2015 to Mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 7H11118

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 106

Matt-Dari Goldchip Damita 72596509

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959 (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 GM 50K GTPI +1916g 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 (EX-90 GMD DOM) pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 Matt-Dari Durham Delicia-eT 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora 138787402 cv (EX-90) VG-88 VVVVE 4-06 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 1-11 2 335 22870 3.8 865 3.1 716 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 3-00 2 365 29370 4.0 1167 3.3 959 10th Dam: 4-03 2 325 29680 3.5 1035 3.1 917 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 5-03 2 365 34520 3.8 1329 3.3 1134 (VG-88 DOM) 6-06 2 305 30340 3.7 1115 3.0 920 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981 LIFE 1783 149970 3.8 5647 3.2 4769

100%RHA Born: October 17, 2013 #440

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dair Shottle Delisa 68958415 EX-91 EVVEE 4-05

2-02 2 346 32980 3.7 1233 3.2 1053 3-02 2 344 32970 3.8 1256 3.3 1086

Sells as Lot 105

Lot 107

matt-Dari Golden DR Dutches 73727263 3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET 100%RHA Born: November 6, 2014 #552

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K gtpi +1906G pta -807M +7f -18P 91%R 12/2014 pta +73NM +.15%F +.03%P 0%us pta +.2PL 2.68scs +.0dpr 7.0%dce pta +2.64t +3.20udc +2.37flc 87%R 12/2014

matt-Dair Shottle Delisa 68958415 EX-91 EVVEE 4-05

2-02 2 346 32980 3.7 1233 3.2 1053 3-02 2 344 32970 3.8 1256 3.3 1086

Sells as Lot 105

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Durham Delicia-eT 138787402 cv VG-88 VVVVE 4-06 1-11 2 335 22870 3-00 2 365 29370 4-03 2 325 29680 5-03 2 365 34520 6-06 2 305 30340 LIFE 1783 149970


3.8 865 4.0 1167 3.5 1035 3.8 1329 3.7 1115 3.8 5647

3.1 716 3.3 959 3.1 917 3.3 1134 3.0 920 3.2 4769

(EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 10th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 109

Matt-Dari Numero Uno Dello 73727248 TL TD 100%RHA Born: October 9, 2014 #537

Matt-Dari Clark Daphne (EX-90 EX-MS) Sells as Lot 108 and Dam of Lot 109

Lot 108 Bred 3/2/2015 to Seagull-Bay Silver-ET 72156794 29HO17573

matt-Dari Clark Daphne 68958506 100%RHA Born: June 30, 2011 Daphne EX-90 EVVEE 3-06 2-02 2 356 26350 4.2 1115 3.3 882 3-03 2 162 17405 4.1 709 3.0 521 (Inc) Milking 84lbs. 4.9%F 3.3%P

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

matt-Dari Shottle Dakota 66614783 GP-83 VV+G+ 2-06

1-11 2 343 25970 2-11 2 308 26870 3-10 2 354 40970 LIFE 1053 100520

4.4 1143 4.4 1171 4.3 1758 4.4 4381

3.2 829 3.7 999 3.5 1422 3.4 3438

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g Dool-Leigh Outside Piper 61018424 TD EX-92 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-01

4-07 2 365 39860 4.9 1968 3.1 1252 LIFE 2022 168200 5.0 8352 3.2 5371

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Durham Delicia-eT 138787402 cv VG-88 VVVVE 4-06 1-11 2 335 22870 3-00 2 365 29370 4-03 2 325 29680 5-03 2 365 34520 6-06 2 305 30340 LIFE 1783 149970


3.8 865 4.0 1167 3.5 1035 3.8 1329 3.7 1115 3.8 5647

3.1 716 3.3 959 3.1 917 3.3 1134 3.0 920 3.2 4769

Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143ITA TV TL TY TD p9 50K gtpi +2357g pta -201M +42f +7P 93%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.20%f +.05%P 77%us pta +5.1pl 2.60scs +3.8dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.09t +2.05udc +1.28flc 90%R matt-Dari Clark Daphne 68958506 EX-90 EVEE 3-06 2-02 2 356 26380 4.2 1115 3.3 882

Sells as Lot 108

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 10th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 110

Matt-Dari Guthrie Deluxe 73727235 100%RHA Born: July 31, 2014 #524

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1939g pta -342M +5f +2P 99%R 12/2014 pta +135NM +.07%F +.05%P pta +.7pl 2.88scs +.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +2.53t +2.16udc +1.46flc 99%R 12/2014

4.4 1143 4.4 1171 4.3 1758 4.4 4381

1-11 2 335 22870 3-00 2 365 29370 4-03 2 325 29680 5-03 2 365 34520 6-06 2 305 30340 LIFE 1783 149970

3.8 865 4.0 1167 3.5 1035 3.8 1329 3.7 1115 3.8 5647

3.1 716 3.3 959 3.1 917 3.3 1134 3.0 920 3.2 4769

Matt-Dari Goldchip Dalita 72596503

Bred 1/30/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Sebastion Dina 68958489

1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866

Matt-Dari Durham Delicia-eT 138787402 cv VG-88 VVVVE 4-06

3.2 829 3.7 999 3.5 1422 3.4 3438

Lot 111

Regancrest-MWS Brit-eT 60870676 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 4-11

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Shottle Dakota 66614783 GP-83 VV+G+ 2-06

1-11 2 343 25970 2-11 2 308 26870 3-10 2 354 40970 LIFE 1053 100520

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 10th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Life: 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL 5th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 6th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 (2E-92 GMD DOM) Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05 7th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET 3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 (VG-87 DOM) LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 8th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla Wa-Del Sebastian-ET 138738583 (EX-90 GMD DOM) tv tl ty 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 50K gtpi +2043g Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 pta +.84t +.69udc +1.99flc 98%R 12/2014 9th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) matt-Dari Durham Dessa 66614778 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 VG-85 V+VVV 2-01 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 1-10 2 323 27050 3.3 880 3.1 838 10th Dam: 2-10 2 365 36390 3.0 1109 3.2 1169 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice 4-03 2 198 21050 3.2 666 3.0 363 (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

100%RHA Born: October 11, 2013 #434


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 113

Matt-dari Redburst diza 72596560 RC 100%RHA Reg # Born: April 8, 2014 #491

Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) Dam of Lot 112 and 2nd Dam of Lot 113

Lot 112

Matt-Dari Durham Davina-eT 66614802

Bred 10/28/2014 to Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 7H12165

100%RHA Born: October 1, 2009 Davina EX-90 EEEVE 5-02 2-00 2 365 27566 3.7 1030 3.1 877 3-04 2 365 31723 3.5 1135 3.1 987 4-06 2 346 33738 3.3 1120 3.0 1013 (Inc) Milking 71lbs. 3.2%F 3.1%P

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g pta -718M -51f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta -196nm -.10%F +.05%P 82%us pta -1.2pl 2.98scs +.0dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

Emprise Bell Elton 1912270 CV BL TD EX-95 EEEE 11-00 SNOW-N DENISES DELLIA 12895802 TV TL EX-95 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 2* 7-08 7-06 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 LIFE 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET 17372456 EX-90 VEEVE GMD DOM 4-04 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 3-11 2 253 28950 3.2 937 2.8 804


lookout p redburst-red-et 106030980 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1925g pta -196M -11f +10P 91%R 12/2014 pta 95NM -.02%F +.06%P 100%us pta +.3PL 2.89scs +1.1dpr 6.3%dce pta +2.09T +2.05udc +1.05flc 86%R Matt-Dari Durham Davina-eT 66614802 EX-90 EEEVE 5-02 2-00 2 365 27566 3.7 1030 3.1 877 3-04 2 365 31723 3.5 1135 3.1 987

Sells as Lot 112

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 4th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 5th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 6th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 7th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 8th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Clark Dida

Sells as Lot 114 Maternal Sister to Lot 115

Lot 114

MATT-DARI CLARK DIDA 73727217 100%RHA Born: June 1, 2014 #506

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

Lot 115

Dool-Leigh Outside Piper 61018424 TD EX-92 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-01

4-07 2 365 39860 4.9 1968 3.1 1252 LIFE 2022 168200 5.0 8352 3.2 5371

Matt-Dari Deligent Dillian

Bred 10/16/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 7H10920 Ronelee Dorcy Deligent-eT 140969423 by tv tl td 50K gtpi +2295g pta +898M +18f +35P 77%R 12/2014 pta +499NM -.06%F +.03%P 100%us pta +5.6PL 2.82scs +.7dpr 7.5%dce pta +2.08T +2.37udc +1.96flc 77%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Shottle Denver-eT 66614765 VG-86 VVV+V 2-03 GTPI +1964g

2-00 2 329 25430 3.9 983 3.1 799 3-01 2 339 33790 3.9 1318 3.2 1067 4-01 2 334 35970 3.9 1386 3.2 1136

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g

100%RHA Born: April 25, 2013 #396 PTPI +2129

Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl VG-87 VVV+ 4-09 pta +1387M +33f +38P 99%R 12/2014 pta +2.21t +2.52udc +2.31flc 98%R 12/2014 Ronelee Boliver Dreary-ET 139531796 VG-86 VVV+V DOM 3-08 2-04 2 365 27970 3.9 1102 3.3 936

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Mixer Dilly

Sells as Lot 116 Maternal Sister to Lot 117

Lot 116

Matt-Dari Mixer Dilly 71667850 tl td

100%RHA Born: October 5, 2012 #3184 77K gtpi +2049G pta +686M +47f +27P 77%R 12/2014 pta +355nm +.09%F +.02%P pta +2.4PL 2.94scs -.7dpr 9.0%dce pta +1.33t +1.05udc +.89flc 76%R 12/2014 2-02 2 79 6785 4.7 319 3.3 224 (Inc) Milking 95lbs. 4.2%F 3.1%P

Sells Fresh 12/31/2014

Mountfield SSI DCY Mixer-ET 3004672662 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2332G pta +897M +60f +42P 95%R 12/2014 pta +1.75T +1.31udc +2.11flc 89%R 12/2014

Lot 117

Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl VG-87 VVV+ 4-09 mountfield Marsh Maxine-eT 62784081 VG-88 VV+VE DOM 2-07 2-03 2 159 14320 4.3 611 3.2 454

Matt-Dari Goldchip Dawna 72596501

Bred 1/20/2015 to 100%RHA Born: October 7, 2013 #432 Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340 BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1863G tr tv tl ty td Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05 pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R 12/2014 LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959

Matt-Dari MAlicieux Dore-ET 66614788 VG-85 VVVFV 2-10 2-00 2 365 32160 3.5 1139 2.9 942 3-02 2 335 39900 3.5 1390 3.0 1181

Vieuxsaule Malicieux-ET 101098586c tv tl ty CAN GP-83 4Y 50K gtpi +1769g Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 118

Matt-Dari Hunter Dill 71667847 TL TD

Fresh 1/7/2015

100%RHA Born September 15, 2012 #3177 2-03 2 72 6858 4.4 300 2.9 200 (Inc) Milking 108lbs. 4.1%F 3.0%P

cookiecutter MOM Hunter-ET 3000540481 tv tl 50k gtpi +2101g pta +518M +29f +29P 93%R 12/2014 pta +297NM +.04%F +.05%P 48%us pta +.8PL 2.79scs +1.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.31t +90udc +.64flc 88%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Malicieux Dix-eT 66614789 EX-91 EEVVE 4-10 2-01 2 324 29090 3-01 2 345 35670 4-02 2 365 40190 LIFE 1036 105080

4.0 1151 4.0 1409 3.9 1587 4.0 4153

3.2 938 3.4 1196 3.2 1291 3.3 3430

Lot 119

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 Cookiecutter Shthollerwood 65597532 EX-92 EEEEE 2E Dom 6-03 4-00 3 365 30340 5.1 1562 3.3 988

Vieuxsaule Malicieux-ET 101098586c tv tl ty CAN GP-83 4Y 50K gtpi +1769g pta +862M -2f +31P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.25T +1.05udc +1.60flc 98%r 12/ Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

Matt-dari predestine Dapper 72596502 100%RHA Born: October 8, 2013 #433 PTPI +2148

rickland Predestine 669-ET 69177592 50k gtpi +2390g pta +232m +61f +21P 78%R 12/2014 pta +624nm +.21%r +.06%P 100%us pta +6.7pl 2.85scs +2.9dpr 4.9%dce pta +1.22T +1.13udc +1.26flc 78%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Malicieux Dix-eT 66614789 EX-91 EEVVE 4-10 2-01 2 324 29090 3-01 2 345 35670 4-02 2 365 40190 LIFE 1036 105080

4.0 1151 4.0 1409 3.9 1587 4.0 4153

3.2 938 3.4 1196 3.2 1291 3.3 3430

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 V+VV 2-06 P9 50K gtpi +2304g pta +1109m +48f +18P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.13T +1.17udc +.06flc 99%R 12/2014 rabur gold pluck 62715236 EX-91 EEVEE 2E GMD DOM 8-11

4-05 3 365 41090 4.4 1798 3.3 1336 LIFE 1507 138530 4.5 6192 3.3 4599

Vieuxsaule Malicieux-ET 101098586c tv tl ty CAN GP-83 4Y 50K gtpi +1769g pta +862M -2f +31P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.25T +1.05udc +1.60flc 98%r 12/ Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056


3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Bred 3/7/2015 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen 3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 120

Lot 120

Matt-Dari Goldwyn Dawn-eT 66614751 100%RHA Born: January 23, 2009 Dawn ET GP-83 VVGV+ 5-11 2-00 2 365 31490 3.9 1215 3.1 961 3-02 2 318 32600 3.4 1106 2.9 951 4-02 2 365 43790 3.6 1569 3.0 1307 5-04 2 275 38289 3.5 1350 2.9 1101 (Inc) Milking 124lbs. 4.2%F 3.0%P LIFE 1118 113510 3.6 4139 3.0 3414

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +113NM +.12%F +.05%P 9%us pta -1.1pl 2.75scs +.0dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

SHOREMAR JAMES 5902195C TV TL CAN GP-81-2Y 8-03 GM 50K GTPI +1217g BRAEDALE BALER TWINE-ETs 6860888C tl CAN VG-86-2Y 29* 2-01 2 365 30906 4.9 1521 3.4 1052

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET 17372456 EX-90 VEEVE GMD DOM 4-04 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 3-11 2 253 28950 3.2 937 2.8 804


Bred 10/9/2014 to Bacon-Hill Milson-ET 71703349 7H12186

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 4th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 5th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 6th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 7th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 8th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 121

matt-Dari A-P Dulcie 68958559 100%RHA Born: March 29, 2012 Dulcie GP-80 +GPFV 2-09 2-03 2 255 21895 3.5 762 3.1 683 (Inc) Milking 87lbs. 3.5%F 3.4%P

Langs-Twin-B A-P Admiral-eT 66879809 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2139g pta +737M +26f +29P 98%R 12/2014 pta +367NM -.01%F +.03%P 98%us pta +3.6PL 2.83scs +1.90dpr 7.2%dce pta +1.40t +.91udc -.08flc 91%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Goldwyn Dawn-eT 66614751 GP-83 VVGV+ 5-11

2-00 2 365 31490 3-02 2 318 32600 4-02 2 365 43790 LIFE 1118 113510

3.9 1215 3.4 1106 3.6 1569 3.6 4139

3.1 961 2.9 951 3.0 1307 3.0 3414

Lot 122

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Langs-Twin-B C-S Ashlyn-ET 62816831 EX-90 EEVVE GMD DOM8-01 7-06 2 365 31910 3.7 1189 3.2 1030

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

Bred 10/9/2014 to Matt-Dari Epic Pack-ET 68958581 14H7251 Epic x Pillar (Pillar Sells as Lot 1) 3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET (2E-92 GMD DOM) 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET (VG-87 DOM) 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 9th Dam: Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981

Matt-Dari Brono Day 73727221 100%RHA Born: June 13, 2014 #510

Regancrest-KF Obsv Brono-eT 66626412 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2251g pta +842M +37f +39P 77%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.02%F +.05%P 100%us pta +3.6PL 2.89scs +.7dpr 7.9%dce pta +1.77t +2.05udc -.13flc 77% 12/2014

matt-Dari Goldwyn Dawn-eT 66614751 GP-83 VVGV+ 5-11

2-00 2 365 31490 3-02 2 318 32600 4-02 2 365 43790 LIFE 1118 113510

3.9 1215 3.4 1106 3.6 1569 3.6 4139

3.1 961 2.9 951 3.0 1307 3.0 3414

3rd Dam: Dev-Lin Dancer Dana-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 31850 3.6 1136 3.0 944 de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td 4th Dam: Dev-Lin Daisy Dancer (2E-91 EEEEE GMD DOM) EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 4-04 2 365 35230 3.5 1245 2.9 1022 pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 5th Dam: Solum Dainty Bls Daisy-ET pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 (2E-92 GMD DOM) Regancrest AlH Brandice-eT 63606588 TY 4-10 2 325 29650 5.0 1471 2.9 874 Life: 2135 172750 4.4 7530 3.0 5257 VG-86 VV+GE 7-02 6th Dam: Sollien Cleitus Dainty-ET 5-06 2 365 38090 4.0 1542 3.2 1227 (VG-87 DOM) LIFE 1625 144190 4.0 5772 3.3 4756 6-07 2 365 31240 4.4 1329 3.1 971 Life: 1952 138450 4.3 5982 3.3 4507 7th Dam: Sollien Sexation Darla BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL (EX-90 GMD DOM) CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g 4-04 2 365 30280 4.1 1237 3.1 944 pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2029 140430 3.9 5457 3.2 3621 8th Dam: Sollien Milky Jewel Dora (EX-90) Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-eT 52341530 8-03 2 365 30080 3.8 1148 2.8 840 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 Life: 2910 197880 3.8 7471 2-00 2 365 33810 4.0 1342 2.9 967 9th Dam: 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 Emur-Downs Astronaut Dorice LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 (VG-88 DOM) 5-01 2 305 22370 4.4 981


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Willows- Edge Bolton Flicker (2E-94 EEEEE) Dam of Lot 123

Lot 123

Willows-Edge Susi Fable-ET 142374959 tl td 100%RHA Born: March 1, 2013 #2682 9K gtpi +2293G pta +523M +66f +27P 73%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.19%F +.04%P pta +3.8PL 2.88scs +.8dpr 9.0%dce pta +2.27t +1.56udc +1.33flc 73%R 12/2014 Embryos Exported to Italy

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2558G PTA +1936M +89F +62P 79%R 12/2014 PTA +789NM +.07%F +.02%P 100%US PTA +5.8PL 2.98SCS +.6DPR 5.5%DCE PTA +1.60T +.93UDC +.55FLC 77%R 12/2014 willows-Edge Bolton Flicker 138984108 EX-94 EEEEE 2E 6-06

2-04 2 365 29200 3-09 2 365 35040 5-01 2 318 39640 LIFE 1091 105260

4.4 1277 5.0 1745 4.9 1962 4.8 5059

3.1 906 3.1 1073 2.9 1145 3.0 3175

Bred 8/28/2014 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 7H9420

3rd Dam: Elgindale-CL Frosty (3E-92 GMD DOM) 7-06 2 365 37310 4.8 1803 3.1 1148 Life: 2632 227870 4.2 9664 3.3 7486 4th Dam: Elgindale-CL B Honey-ET (3E-92 GMD DOM) 5-10 2 365 28170 4.1 1160 3.1 887 roylane socra Robust-ET 64966739 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G Life: 2037 156020 4.0 6198 3.1 4887 5th Dam: Elgindale Heidi Ammon-Peachey Shauna-eT 66228178 (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-07 2 365 30205 4.5 1366 3.3 983 VG-87 VEV+V DOM 2-04 6th Dam: 2-01 3 365 35120 4.1 1427 3.1 1079 Elgindale Chairman Happy-ET (VG-87 GMD) SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET 131823833 TV TL 3-06 2 365 32232 5.0 1621 3.4 1090 EX-90 EE+V 5-11 GM gtpi +1888g 7th Dam: pta +1387m +49f +34P 99%R 12/2014 RORAE Future-Perfect Hoppie pta +1.43t +1.51udc +1.10flc 99%R 12/2014 (2E-92) GMD) 5-10 2 365 28880 4.0 1160 3.1 864 Willows’Edge Out Freckle-ET 136958833 8th Dam: Schruppdale Astro Hoppie (2E-90 GMD) EX-92 EEEVE 2E GMD DOM 6-02 3-09 2 365 30550 3.8 1176 2-02 2 306 25190 3.9 972 2.8 707 9th Dam: Dingley-Bell Roburke Amy 3-02 2 303 30400 4.1 1248 2.7 831 (VG-87 GMD) 5-02 2 365 40420 3.4 1389 2.6 1062 9-03 2 305 17540 3.9 705 7-05 2 365 37820 3.7 1392 2.7 1020 Life: 3095 155380 3.8 5862 LIFE 1895 183740 3.8 6905 2.7 4997


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Regancrest S Lizett-ET (2E-90 EX-MS DOM) Dam of Lot 124

Teramis Durham Lifesaver-TW (EX-90 EX-MS) 2nd Dam of Lot 124

Lot 124

Welsh-Valley Paddy Lady-ET 69635915 100%RHA Born: March 1, 2011 Lady ET VG-85 +V+V+ 3-09 2-02 2 340 26200 4.0 1035 3.2 845 3-02 2 294 31880 3.8 1196 3.1 993(Inc) Milking 83lbs. 3.7%F 3.5%P

rabur m paddy-ET 63142284 tr tv tl td VG-86 VV+V 3-08 50K gtpi +1946G pta -395M -8f +5P 98%R 12/2014 pta +136NM +.03%F +.07%P 100%us pta +1.6PL 2.72scs +3.0dpr 6.4%DCE pta +1.09t +.70udc +1.43flc 95%R 12/2014

Regancrest S Lizett-ET 62496977 EX-90 2E DOM 7-10

1-11 2 365 23600 3-02 2 297 20380 4-01 2 364 26980 5-02 2 365 29360 7-01 2 365 26580 LIFE 2120 26580 LIFE 2120 144550

4.0 933 4.0 821 3.9 1047 3.3 982 3.5 928 3.5 928 3.7 5334

3.2 755 3.0 617 3.1 835 2.9 865 3.1 814 3.1 814 3.1 4468

Bred 9/11/2014 to Sandy-Valley SS Deyja-ET 71181769 7H12219

REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET 60540164 TV TL EX-92 EEEV 6-01 GM 50K GTPI +1868g pta +.83t +1.35udc +.35flc 99%R 12/2014 Rabur Reggie Papoose-ET 62190244 EX-90 EEEEV 5-03

4-10 2 365 40310 4.1 1637 3.1 1259 LIFE 1334 120660 3.9 4716 3.1 3767

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Teramis Durham Lifesaver-TW 134971339 tv EX-90 EEVVE 3-09 2-05 2 365 29340 4.2 1237 3.3 968 3-08 2 329 28690 3.7 1063 3.2 931


3rd Dam: Teramis Sexation Lady (3E-91 EX-MS) 10-00 2 365 26410 3.6 952 3.0 781 Life: 198500 3.7 7297 3.1 6246 4th Dam: Teramis Blackstar Life (2E-92 EEEEE) 4-06 2 365 27230 3.9 1056 2.8 755 Life:111059 3.7 4159 2.9 3205 5th Dam: Teramis Chief Mark Loom (VG-85) 4-11 2 305 25430 3.3 851 2.8 713 6th Dam: Teramis Leonick (VG-86 5-08 2 357 23480 3.4 798 2.9 674 Life: 129310 3.3 4264 2.8 3658

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Teramis Durham Lifesaver-TW (EX-90 EX-MS) 3rd Dam of Lot 125

Lot 125

matt-dari mauric Larissa-ET 71667915 tl td 100%RHA Born: March 17, 2013 #379 77k gtpi +2226g pta +90M +25f +18P 76%R 12/2014 pta +435NM +.09%F +.06%P pta +4.4PL 2.60scs +3.3dpr 5.8%DCE pta +.82t +1.13udc +.42flc 74%R 12/2014

MOUNTFIELD MSY MAURICE-ET 69398748 TR TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +2216G PTA +566M +55F +31P 89%R 12/2014 PTA +534NM +.14%F +.06%P 100%US PTA +4.1PL 2.69SCS +.1DPR 5.7%DCE PTA +.60T +.89UDC +.44FLC 77%R 12/2014

Welsh-Valley Paddy Lady-ET 69635915 VG-85 +v+v+ 3-09 2-02 2 340 26200 4.0 1035 3.2 845

Sells as Lot 124

Co-Op Bosside Massey-ET 63026939 tv tl ty gm 50K gtpi +2262g pta +741M +48f +40P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.88T +1.22udc +.56flc 98%R 12/2014 MOUNTFIELD EB MAJESTY 63999519 VG-85 +V+GV 3-09

3-04 2 365 32690 4.0 1298 3.3 1089 LIFE 1545 126010 3.9 4904 3.2 4085

rabur m paddy-ET 63142284 tr tv tl td VG-86 VV+V 3-08 50K gtpi +1946G pta -395M -8f +5P 98%R 12/2014 pta +1.09t +.70udc +1.43flc 95%R 12/2014 Regancrest S Lizett-ET 62496977 EX-90 2E DOM 7-10 1-11 2 365 23600 3-02 2 297 20380 4-01 2 364 26980 5-02 2 365 29360 7-01 2 365 26580 LIFE 2120 144550


4.0 933 4.0 821 3.9 1047 3.3 982 3.5 928 3.7 5334

3.2 755 3.0 617 3.1 835 2.9 865 3.1 814 3.1 4468

Bred 8/7/2014 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 7H9420

3rd Dam: Teramis Durham Lifesaver-TW (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-05 2 365 29340 4.2 1237 3.3 968 4th Dam: Teramis Sexation Lady (3E-91 EX-MS) 10-00 2 365 26410 3.6 952 3.0 781 Life: 198500 3.7 7297 3.1 6246 5th Dam: Teramis Blackstar Life (2E-92 EEEEE) 4-06 2 365 27230 3.9 1056 2.8 755 Life:111059 3.7 4159 2.9 3205 6th Dam: Teramis Chief Mark Loom (VG-85) 4-11 2 305 25430 3.3 851 2.8 713 7th Dam: Teramis Leonick (VG-86 5-08 2 357 23480 3.4 798 2.9 674 Life: 129310 3.3 4264 2.8 3658

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 4 Supersire Daughters out of Lady Sell!

Lot 126

matt-Dari Supersi Leader-ET 71667897 tl td

Bred 6/29/2014 to Richmond-FD El Bombero-ET 71637328 200H3950

Lot 127

Matt-Dari Supersir Lotto-ET 71667896 tl td 100%RHA Born: January 18, 2013 #360 77K gtpi +2371g pta +873M +43f +32P 75%R 12/2014 pta +535NM +.04%f +.02%P pta +4.8PL 2.83scs +2.6dpr 5.7%dce pta +1.62t +1.38UDC +1.48flc 73%R 12/2014

Bred 9/24/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

Lot 128

Matt-Dari Supersir Lexus-eT 71667890 tl td 100%RHA Born: January 14, 2013 #354 77K GTPI +2276G PTA +1060M +49F +34P 75%R 12/2014 PTA +484NM +.04%F +.01TP PTA +4.0PL 2.91SCS +1.0DPR 5.8%DCE PTA +1.40T +1.06UDC +1.17FLC 73%R 12/2014

Bred 7/22/2014 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 7H9420

Lot 129

matt-Dari Supersire Lolipop 71667935 tl td

Bred 9/15/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2558G PTA +1936M +89F +62P 79%R 12/2014 PTA +789NM +.07%F +.02%P 100%US PTA +5.8PL 2.98SCS +.6DPR 5.5%DCE PTA +1.60T +.93UDC +.55FLC 77%R 12/2014

Welsh-Valley Paddy Lady-ET 69635915 VG-85 +v+v+ 3-09 2-02 2 340 26200 4.0 1035 3.2 845

Sells as Lot 124

100%RHA Born: January 18, 2013 #361 77K gtpi +2301g pta +600M +38f +26P 75%R 12/2014 pta +483NM +.06%F +.03%P pta +4.2PL 2.87scs +1.9dpr 5.2%DCE pta +1.71T +1.96udc +1.03FLC 73%R 12/2014

100%RHA Born: May 1, 2013 #399 77K GTPI +2200G PTA +915M +21F +32P 75%R 12/2014 PTA +423NM -.05%F +.02%P PTA +3.9PL 2.84SCS +1.9DPR 4.6TDCE PTA +1.19T +1.16UDC +.27FLC 73%R 12/2014

roylane socra Robust-ET 64966739 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G PTA +1143M +81F +49P 99%R 12/2014 PTA +.99T +.93UDC +1.21FLC 98%R 12/2014 Ammon-Peachey Shauna-eT 66228178 VG-87 VEV+V DOM 2-04 2-01 3 365 35120 4.1 1427 3.1 1079

rabur m paddy-ET 63142284 tr tv tl td VG-86 VV+V 3-08 50K gtpi +1946G pta -395M -8f +5P 98%R 12/2014 pta +1.09t +.70udc +1.43flc 95%R 12/2014 Regancrest S Lizett-ET 62496977 EX-90 2E DOM 7-10 1-11 2 365 23600 3-02 2 297 20380 4-01 2 364 26980 5-02 2 365 29360 7-01 2 365 26580 LIFE 2120 144550

4.0 933 4.0 821 3.9 1047 3.3 982 3.5 928 3.7 5334


3.2 755 3.0 617 3.1 835 2.9 865 3.1 814 3.1 4468

3rd Dam: Teramis Durham Lifesaver-TW (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-05 2 365 29340 4.2 1237 3.3 968 4th Dam: Teramis Sexation Lady (3E-91 EX-MS) 10-00 2 365 26410 3.6 952 3.0 781 Life: 198500 3.7 7297 3.1 6246 5th Dam: Teramis Blackstar Life (2E-92 EEEEE) 4-06 2 365 27230 3.9 1056 2.8 755 Life:111059 3.7 4159 2.9 3205 6th Dam: Teramis Chief Mark Loom (VG-85) 4-11 2 305 25430 3.3 851 2.8 713 7th Dam: Teramis Leonick (VG-86 5-08 2 357 23480 3.4 798 2.9 674 Life: 129310 3.3 4264 2.8 3658

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 131

matt-Dari Shamrock Magesta

Fustead Goldwyn Mission-ET (2E-91 EX-MS DOM) Dam of Lot 130 and 2nd Dam of Lots 131-134

Lot 130

fustead Al Marsh-Mello-ET 141273219

Bred 3/2/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7HO11314

100%RHA Born: April 28, 2011 Mello VG-85 V+++V 3-01 50K gtpi +1993g 2-05 2 365 30410 3.8 1154 3.2 981 3-06 2 120 12037 3.8 457 3.2 381 (Inc) Milking 96lbs. 3.9%F 3.3%P

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K gtpi +2034G pta -75M +31f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +339NM +.14%F +.07%P 95%us pta +3.4PL 2.76scs +.6dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.13T +1.01udc +.51flc 99%R 12/2014

Fustead Goldwyn Mission-ET 137867703 EX-91 VEEVE 2E DOM 6-01 2-03 2 365 31040 3.8 1195 3.0 945 4-11 2 365 31120 3.8 1188 2.8 880 LIFE 1711 122980 4.1 5068 3.3 4017

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 md-maple-Dell Gold Ailey-ET 62208894 VG-85 +V+VV DOM 3-03 2-02 2 365 24370 4.2 1016 3.2 769

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Regancrest-MWS Brit-ET 60870676 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 4-11 1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866 4-06 2 365 28450 3.7 1044 2.7 764


100%RHA Born: October 15, 2013 #438 Bred 2/20/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7HO11314

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 V+VV 2-06 P9 50K gtpi +2304g pta +1109m +48f +18P 99%R 12/2014 pta +565NM +.03%F -.06%P 89%R pta +6.7pl 2.90scs +2.5dpr 4.1%dce pta +1.13T +1.17udc +.06flc 99%R Fustead Al Marsh-Mello-ET 141273219 VG-85 V+++V 3-01 50K GTPI +1993G 2-05 2 365 30410 3.8 1154 3.2 981

Sells as Lot 130

3rd Dam: MS Regancrest Patrn Dee-ET (VG-88 DOM) 2-03 2 365 30670 4.0 1238 3.4 1031 4th Dam: Regancrest Melwood Della-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 30270 4.0 1219 3.1 952 5th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM 2*) 7-06 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 Life: 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 1st Spring Nat’l / WI Res Ch & BU ‘93 1st Spring Nat/WI Gr Ch & Best Udder ‘91 31 EX & 47 VG offspring 6th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-09 2 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038 Life: 1604 114010 3.6 4153 3.2 3649

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 3 Supersire Daughters out of Marsh-Mellow sell!

Lot 132

matt-Dari Supersi Maizie-eT 71667925 tl td 100%RHA Born: April 9, 2013 #389 77K gtpi +2324g pta +1570M +60f +43P 74%R 12/2014 pta +591NM +.01%F -.02%P pta +5.0PL 2.85scs -.2dpr 5.9%dce pta +1.78T +1.07udc +.49flc 73%R 12/2014

Bred 8/7/2014 to Rockymountain Lottomax-ET 11445882 200H10049

Lot 133

matt-Dari Supersi Marni-ET 71667926 tl td 100%RHA Born: April 10, 2013 #390 77K gtpi +2237g pta +945M +37f +32P 74%R 12/2014 pta +464NM +.01%F +.01%P pta +3.8PL 2.85scs +.8dpr 6.1%dce pta +1.87t +1.48udc +1.01flc 73%R 12/2014

Bred 11/27/2014 to Eildon-Tweed SSR Belair-ET 72350071 14H7418

Lot 134

matt-Dari Supers Majolli-ET 71667928 tl td

Bred 11/26/2014 to Woodcrest Mogul Yoder-ET 72254526 7H12266

100%RHA Born: April 16, 2013 #392 9K gtpi +2298G pta +1225M +46f +37P 73%R 12/2014 pta +3.3PL 2.99scs +.9dpr 6.4%dce pta +2.24T +1.47udc +1.58flc 72%R 12/2014

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2558G PTA +1936M +89F +62P 79%R 12/2014 PTA +789NM +.07%F +.02%P 100%US PTA +5.8PL 2.98SCS +.6DPR 5.5%DCE PTA +1.60T +.93UDC +.55FLC 77%R 12/2014

Fustead Al Marsh-Mello-ET 141273219 VG-85 V+++V 3-01 50K GTPI +1993G

2-05 2 365 30410 3.8 1154 3.2 981

Sells as Lot 130

roylane socra Robust-ET 64966739 tr tv tl td VG-88 VVVV 3-03 GM 50K gtpi +2504G PTA +1143M +81F +49P 99%R 12/2014 PTA +.99T +.93UDC +1.21FLC 98%R 12/2014 Ammon-Peachey Shauna-eT 66228178 VG-87 VEV+V DOM 2-04 2-01 3 365 35120 4.1 1427 3.1 1079

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K gtpi +2034G pta +1.13T +1.01udc +.51flc 99%R 12/2014 Fustead Goldwyn Mission-ET 137867703 EX-91 VEEVE 2E DOM 6-01 2-03 2 365 31040 3.8 1195 3.0 945 4-11 2 365 31120 3.8 1188 2.8 880 LIFE 1711 122980 4.1 5068 3.3 4017


3rd Dam: Regancrest-MWS Brit-ET (EX-90 EOM) 1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866 4th Dam: MS Regancrest Patrn Dee-ET (VG-88 DOM) 2-03 2 365 30670 4.0 1238 3.4 1031 5th Dam: Regancrest Melwood Della-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-01 2 365 30270 4.0 1219 3.1 952 6th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM 2*) 7-06 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 Life: 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 1st Spring Nat’l / WI Res Ch & BU ‘93 1st Spring Nat/WI Gr Ch & Best Udder ‘91 31 EX & 47 VG offspring 7th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise (2E-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 5-09 2 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038 Life: 1604 114010 3.6 4153 3.2 3649

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Kinyon Gibson Jeprody (2E-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) Dam of Lot 135 and 2nd Dam of Lots 136 & 138

Lot 135

Matt-Dari Encino Janet 139615094 100%RHA Born: July 10, 2008 Janet EX-90 VEEVE 5-10 2-02 2 362 27000 3.9 1045 3.2 852 3-03 2 314 31550 3.8 1212 3.0 959 4-03 2 351 39030 3.6 1388 3.2 1238 5-04 2 346 41470 3.5 1468 3.1 1265 6-04 2 104 9855 3.8 370 3.0 292 (Inc) Milking 90lbs. 3.2%F 3.0%P LIFE 1373 139450 3.7 5113 3.1 4314

BDGGenetics Encino-eT 60301421 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1813G pta +642M +28f +24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +166NM +.02%F +.02%P 66%us pta -1.0PL 2.90scs -1.0dpr 7.1%dce pta +.31T -.35udc +1.93flc 99%R 12/2014 kinyon Gibson Jeprody 60208729 EX-91 EEEVE 2E GMD 8-08

2-02 2 315 20850 3-01 2 352 29500 4-01 2 322 32810 5-01 2 326 35590 6-01 2 365 36770 7-06 2 365 36970 8-11 2 365 32520 10-2 2 241 23890 LIFE 2900 263700

3.8 791 4.0 1171 3.7 1199 3.7 1303 3.6 1336 3.8 1398 3.8 1238 4.0 950 3.8 10020

2.9 613 3.1 906 2.9 949 2.9 1040 2.9 1083 3.0 1103 3.0 970 3.1 730 3.0 7902

MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET 2290977 TV TL VG-86 VEV+ 5-04 GM HD gtpi +1491g pta +779M +2f +11P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.52t +.40udc +1.15flc 99%R 12/2014

Bred 3/12/2015 to Val-Bisson Doorman-ET 107281711 200H6480

3rd Dam: Kinyon Spruce Juliet (VG-86) 4-01 2 365 23700 4.3 1020 3.3 785 Life: 2310 151710 4.1 6189 3.2 4900 4th Dam: Kinyon Valiant Julie Shadycrest-H Rick Econo-eT 17166693 TV (VG-86) VG-87 VEEVV DOM 6-07 6-09 2 365 28710 3.5 1011 2.8 811 2-05 2 365 28150 4.0 1118 3.2 910 Life: 2743 164360 3.7 6007 3.1 5053 5th Dam: Kinyon Marshfield June (VG-85) Silky Gibson-eT 6215479 7-01 2 365 26250 3.4 885 2.9 751 BY TV TL Life: 3045 209630 3.4 7034 2.9 6142 CAN EX-96 HD GTPI +1316g 6th Dam: Deppings Royalty Julie pta +.59T +.24udc -.42flc 99%R 12/2014 (VG-87) 4-08 2 362 33940 3.3 1123 Kinyon Rudolph Jasmine 18025237 Life: 1443 122270 3.5 4254 GP-82 +VVG+ 4-11 7th Dam: Kleiber Bootmaker Judy 2-07 2 365 24090 3.5 844 3.3 785 (VG-85) 3-09 2 329 24550 3.6 885 3.1 769 2-09 2 305 15490 4.0 616


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 136

Matt-Dari Sanchez Jamz 71667852 100%RHA Born: October 23, 2012 #3185

Sells Fresh 3/1/2015

Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 50K GTPI +1623g pta +519M -16f +8P 99%R 12/2014 pta -73NM -.14%F -.03%P 47%us pta -.2PL 3.20scs -3.1dpr 6.5%dce pta +1.94t +1.01udc +1.75flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Encino Janet 139615094 EX-90 VEEVE 5-10

2-02 2 362 27000 3-03 2 314 31550 4-03 2 351 39030 5-04 2 346 41470 LIFE 1373 139450

3.9 1045 3.8 1212 3.6 1388 3.5 1468 3.7 5113

3.2 852 3.0 959 3.2 1238 3.1 1265 3.1 4314

Lot 138

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g pta +15M -20f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.73t -.21udc +1.68flc 99%R 12/2014 GEN-MARK BW MAR WINNIE-ET 131652910 EX-90 EEEVV 2E GMD 6-06

4-08 2 365 43690 3.6 1555 2.9 1255 LIFE 1463 132550 3.6 4737 3.1 4074

Lot 137

Female (pending) 100%RHA Born: March 1, 2015 #584

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1939g pta -342M +5f +2P 99%R 12/2014 pta +135NM +.07%F +.05%P pta +.7pl 2.88scs +.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +2.53t +2.16udc +1.46flc 99%R Matt-Dari Sanchez Jamz 71667852

Sells as Lot 136

BDGGenetics Encino-eT 60301421 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1813G pta +642M +28f +24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.31T -.35udc +1.93flc 99%R 12/2014 kinyon Gibson Jeprody 60208729 EX-91 EEEVE 2E GMD 8-08

2-02 2 315 20850 3-01 2 352 29500 4-01 2 322 32810 5-01 2 326 35590 6-01 2 365 36770 7-06 2 365 36970 8-11 2 365 32520 10-2 2 241 23890 LIFE 2900 263700

3.8 791 4.0 1171 3.7 1199 3.7 1303 3.6 1336 3.8 1398 3.8 1238 4.0 950 3.8 10020

2.9 613 3.1 906 2.9 949 2.9 1040 2.9 1083 3.0 1103 3.0 970 3.1 730 3.0 7902

Matt-Dari Golden Dre Jackie 73727267 100%RHA Born: December 6, 2014 #556

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K gtpi +1906G pta -807M +7f -18P 91%R 12/2014 pta +73NM +.15%F +.03%P 0%us pta +.2PL 2.68scs +.0dpr 7.0%dce pta +2.64t +3.20udc +2.37flc 87%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Encino Janet 139615094 EX-90 VEEVE 5-10

2-02 2 362 27000 3-03 2 314 31550 4-03 2 351 39030 5-04 2 346 41470 LIFE 1373 139450

3.9 1045 3.8 1212 3.6 1388 3.5 1468 3.7 5113

3.2 852 3.0 959 3.2 1238 3.1 1265 3.1 4314

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

BDGGenetics Encino-eT 60301421 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1813G pta +642M +28f +24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.31T -.35udc +1.93flc 99%R 12/2014 kinyon Gibson Jeprody 60208729 EX-91 EEEVE 2E GMD 8-08

2-02 2 315 20850 3-01 2 352 29500 4-01 2 322 32810 5-01 2 326 35590 6-01 2 365 36770 7-06 2 365 36970 8-11 2 365 32520 10-2 2 241 23890 LIFE 2900 263700

3.8 791 4.0 1171 3.7 1199 3.7 1303 3.6 1336 3.8 1398 3.8 1238 4.0 950 3.8 10020


2.9 613 3.1 906 2.9 949 2.9 1040 2.9 1083 3.0 1103 3.0 970 3.1 730 3.0 7902

3rd Dam: Kinyon Rudolph Jasmine (GP-82) 3-09 2 329 24550 3.6 885 3.1 769 4th Dam: Kinyon Spruce Juliet (VG-86) 4-01 2 365 23700 4.3 1020 3.3 785 Life: 2310 151710 4.1 6189 3.2 4900 5th Dam: Kinyon Valiant Julie (VG-86) 6-09 2 365 28710 3.5 1011 2.8 811 Life: 2743 164360 3.7 6007 3.1 5053 6th Dam: Kinyon Marshfield June (VG-85) 7-01 2 365 26250 3.4 885 2.9 751 Life: 3045 209630 3.4 7034 2.9 6142 7th Dam: Deppings Royalty Julie (VG-87) 4-08 2 362 33940 3.3 1123 Life: 1443 122270 3.5 4254 8th Dam: Kleiber Bootmaker Judy (VG-85) 2-09 2 305 15490 4.0 616

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 139

Matt-Dari Al Jacey 68958435 100%RHA Born: September 19, 2010 Jacey VG-87 +VGVE 3-08 2-01 2 336 25810 3.9 1005 3.2 837 3-02 2 365 36300 3.7 1346 3.3 1209 4-04 2 31 3437 4.3 148 3.1 107 (Inc) Milking 126lbs. 3.9%F 2.8%P

Sells Fresh 2/17/2015

pta +642M +28f +24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.31T -.35udc +1.93flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Encino Janet 139615094 EX-90 VEEVE 5-10 3.9 1045 3.8 1212 3.6 1388 3.5 1468 3.7 5113

3.2 852 3.0 959 3.2 1238 3.1 1265 3.1 4314

Lot 142 Bred 1/30/2015 to Silverridge V Wickham-ET 11703311 200H10075

kinyon Gibson Jeprody 60208729 EX-91 EEEVE 2E GMD 8-08

2-02 2 315 20850 3-01 2 352 29500 4-01 2 322 32810 5-01 2 326 35590 6-01 2 365 36770 7-06 2 365 36970 8-11 2 365 32520 10-2 2 241 23890 LIFE 2900 263700

2-02 2 362 27000 3-03 2 314 31550 4-03 2 351 39030 5-04 2 346 41470 LIFE 1373 139450

3.9 1045 3.8 1212 3.6 1388 3.5 1468 3.7 5113

3.2 852 3.0 959 3.2 1238 3.1 1265 3.1 4314

3.8 791 4.0 1171 3.7 1199 3.7 1303 3.6 1336 3.8 1398 3.8 1238 4.0 950 3.8 10020

2.9 613 3.1 906 2.9 949 2.9 1040 2.9 1083 3.0 1103 3.0 970 3.1 730 3.0 7902

Matt-Dari Guthrie Jaya 72596510 100%RHA Born: October 18, 2013 #441

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1939g pta -342M +5f +2P 99%R 12/2014 pta +135NM +.07%F +.05%P pta +.7pl 2.88scs +.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +2.53t +2.16udc +1.46flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Encino Janet 139615094 EX-90 VEEVE 5-10

Matt-Dari Numero Uno Jetta 100%RHA Born: February 17, 2015

Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143ITA TV TL TY TD PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY p9 50K gtpi +2357g GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta -201M +42f +7P 93%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.20%f +.05%P 77%us md-maple-Dell Gold Ailey-ET 62208894 pta +5.1pl 2.60scs +3.8dpr 6.5%dce VG-85 +V+VV DOM 3-03 pta +2.09t +2.05udc +1.28flc 90%R 2-02 2 365 24370 4.2 1016 3.2 769 Matt-Dari Al Jacey BDGGenetics Encino-eT 60301421 tv tl ty VG-87 +VGVE 3-08 2-01 2 336 25810 3.9 1005 3.2 837 50K gtpi +1813G 3-2 2 365 36300 3.7 1346 3.3 1209

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K gtpi +2034G pta -75M +31f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +339NM +.14%F +.07%P 95%us pta +3.4PL 2.76scs +.6dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.13T +1.01udc +.51flc 99%R 12/2014

2-02 2 362 27000 3-03 2 314 31550 4-03 2 351 39030 5-04 2 346 41470 LIFE 1373 139450

Lot 140

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Regancrest-MWS Brit-eT 60870676 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 4-11 1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866

BDGGenetics Encino-eT 60301421 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1813G pta +642M +28f +24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.31T -.35udc +1.93flc 99%R 12/2014 kinyon Gibson Jeprody 60208729 EX-91 EEEVE 2E GMD 8-08

2-02 2 315 20850 3-01 2 352 29500 4-01 2 322 32810 5-01 2 326 35590 6-01 2 365 36770 7-06 2 365 36970 8-11 2 365 32520 10-2 2 241 23890 LIFE 2900 263700

3.8 791 4.0 1171 3.7 1199 3.7 1303 3.6 1336 3.8 1398 3.8 1238 4.0 950 3.8 10020


2.9 613 3.1 906 2.9 949 2.9 1040 2.9 1083 3.0 1103 3.0 970 3.1 730 3.0 7902

Sells as Lot 139

Lot 141

Matt-Dari Dempsey Jules 72596519

100%RHA Born: November 23, 2013 #450 Bred 3/17/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R Matt-Dari Al Jacey VG-87 +VGVE 3-08 2-01 2 336 25810 3.9 1005 3.2 837 3-2 2 365 36300 3.7 1346 3.3 1209

Sells as Lot 139

3rd Dam: Kinyon Rudolph Jasmine (GP-82) 3-09 2 329 24550 3.6 885 3.1 769 4th Dam: Kinyon Spruce Juliet (VG-86) 4-01 2 365 23700 4.3 1020 3.3 785 Life: 2310 151710 4.1 6189 3.2 4900 5th Dam: Kinyon Valiant Julie (VG-86) 6-09 2 365 28710 3.5 1011 2.8 811 Life: 2743 164360 3.7 6007 3.1 5053 6th Dam: Kinyon Marshfield June (VG-85) 7-01 2 365 26250 3.4 885 2.9 751 Life: 3045 209630 3.4 7034 2.9 6142 7th Dam: Deppings Royalty Julie (VG-87) 4-08 2 362 33940 3.3 1123 Life: 1443 122270 3.5 4254 8th Dam: Kleiber Bootmaker Judy (VG-85) 2-09 2 305 15490 4.0 616

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Airlift Jukebox Sells as Lot 143

Lot 143

matt-Dari Airlift Jukebox 72596557

canyon-Breeze at airlift-ET 62897620 tv tl ty VG-87 VVVV 3-08 50K gtpi +1983G pta 960M +37f +13P 78%R 12/2014 pta +148NM +.01%F -.06%P 100%us pta -.8pl 2.87scs -2.8dpr 8.3%dce pta +3.56T +1.75udc +3.46flc 78%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Proof Java 68958358 VG-87 VV+VV 3-08 2-02 2 365 31360 3.9 1231 3.0 929 3-04 2 348 38820 3.8 1471 3.0 1165

Lot 144

3.8 791 4.0 1171 3.7 1199 3.7 1303 3.6 1336 3.8 1398 3.8 1238 4.0 950 3.8 10020

Canyon-breeze s auburn-ET 63175334 EX-90 EEEEE DOM 4-01 3-04 3 365 35090 3.8 1347 2.9 1024

Windy-Knoll-View Proof-ET 136618182 tr tv tl td 50K gtpi +1346g pta +.60t +.52udc +.23flc 97%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Durham Joyous 137682786 GP-81 G+GGV 2-11 2-01 2 365 34140 3.6 1236 2.8 965

Matt-Dari Jasper Juliana 68958486 100%RHA Born: April 5, 2011 Juliana VG-85 +V++V 3-08 2-06 2 343 28510 4.2 1209 3.3 941 3-06 2 139 12238 4.1 506 3.2 397 (Inc) Milking 85lbx. 4.0%F 3.5%P

wilcoxview Jasper-ET 128620869 tv tl td CAN VG-89 4Y 50K GTPI +1349g pta -845M +8f -28P 99%R 12/2014 pta -240NM +.17%F -.01%P 16%us pta -2.0Pl 3.17scs -2.8dpr 11.7%dce pta +1.82t +1.09udc -.11flc 99%R 12/2014 kinyon Gibson Jeprody 60208729 EX-91 EEEVE 2E GMD 8-08

2-02 2 315 20850 3-01 2 352 29500 4-01 2 322 32810 5-01 2 326 35590 6-01 2 365 36770 7-06 2 365 36970 8-11 2 365 32520 10-2 2 241 23890 LIFE 2900 263700

100%RHA Born: April 2, 2014 #488 maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g

2.9 613 3.1 906 2.9 949 2.9 1040 2.9 1083 3.0 1103 3.0 970 3.1 730 3.0 7902

COMESTAR LEE-ET 5757117C TV TL CAN EX Extra GM WILCOXVIEW BELLWOOD JASMINE 17290619 VG-87 VEVVV GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 2 305 23640 3.9 914 3.1 731 Silky Gibson-eT 6215479 BY TV TL CAN EX-96 HD GTPI +1316g pta +.59T +.24udc -.42flc 99%R 12/2014 Kinyon Rudolph Jasmine 18025237 GP-82 +VVG+ 4-11 2-07 2 365 24090 3.5 844 3.3 785 3-09 2 329 24550 3.6 885 3.1 769


3rd Dam: Har-Dale-Acres Matt-D Joan (GP-83) 2-00 2 365 34140 3.8 1301 2.8 963 4th Dam: Kinyon Gibson Jeprody (2E-91EX-MS GMD) 7-06 2 365 36970 3.8 1398 3.0 1103 Life: 2900 263700 3.8 10020 3.0 7902 5th Dam: Kinyon Rudolph Jasmine (GP-82) 3-09 2 329 24550 3.6 885 3.1 769 6th Dam: Kinyon Spruce Juliet (VG-86) 4-01 2 365 23700 4.3 1020 3.3 785 Life: 2310 151710 4.1 6189 3.2 4900 7th Dam: Kinyon Valiant Julie (VG-86) 6-09 2 365 28710 3.5 1011 2.8 811 Life: 2743 164360 3.7 6007 3.1 5053 8th Dam: Kinyon Marshfield June (VG-85) 7-01 2 365 26250 3.4 885 2.9 751 Life: 3045 209630 3.4 7034 2.9 6142 9th Dam: Deppings Royalty Julie (VG-87) 4-08 2 362 33940 3.3 1123 Life: 1443 122270 3.5 4254 10th Dam: Kleiber Bootmaker Judy (VG-85) 2-09 2 305 15490 4.0 616

Bred 2/2/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314 3rd Dam: Kinyon Spruce Juliet (VG-86) 4-01 2 365 23700 4.3 1020 3.3 785 Life: 2310 151710 4.1 6189 3.2 4900 4th Dam: Kinyon Valiant Julie (VG-86) 6-09 2 365 28710 3.5 1011 2.8 811 Life: 2743 164360 3.7 6007 3.1 5053 5th Dam: Kinyon Marshfield June (VG-85) 7-01 2 365 26250 3.4 885 2.9 751 Life: 3045 209630 3.4 7034 2.9 6142 6th Dam: Deppings Royalty Julie (VG-87) 4-08 2 362 33940 3.3 1123 Life: 1443 122270 3.5 4254 7th Dam: Kleiber Bootmaker Judy (VG-85) 2-09 2 305 15490 4.0 616

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Valleyriver Redman Flack-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) Dam of Lot 145

Lot 145

Matt-Dari Pronto Fluff-TW 66614798 100%RHA Born: September 2, 2009 Fluff VG-86 VVV+V 3-05 2-01 2 333 26080 3.7 952 2.9 752 3-01 2 343 30370 3.8 1140 3.0 909 4-02 2 365 36340 3.6 1320 2.9 1057 5-05 2 36 3095 5.5 171 3.2 99 (Inc) Milking 101lbs. 4.1%F 2.3%P

Sells Fresh 2/12/2015

3rd Dam: Hoekview Blackstar Fawn (CAN GP-81 2Y) 6-01 2 359 23951 3.9 924 3.2 756 4th Dam: Hazeldom Valiant Myfanny (CAN VG-85 3Y) 4-11 2 354 22690 3.7 847 3.6 809 COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C 5th Dam: Hazeldom Citation Miss Windy-Knoll-View Pronto-ET 132815961 TV TL CAN EX-Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g (CAN EX EX-92-MS) Tr tv tl ty td Life: 109575 4.1 4484 pta +.23T +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 EX-95 EEEE 5-08 50K GTPI +1758g 6th Dam: Miss Cochran Garnet pta +296M +0f +0P 99%R 12/2014 WINDY-KNOLL-VIEW PROMIS-ET 18049401 TV TL (CAN EX EX-92-MS 4*) pta +67nm -.04%F -.04%P 74%us 10-2 2 365 20399 4.5 915 EX-95 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-05 pta +2.9pl 3.27scs +1.6dpr 8.7%dce Life: 192054 4.3 8318 4-08 2 365 44120 3.7 1633 3.4 1484 pta +.86T +.17udc +1.13flc 99%R 12/2014 7th Dam: Midridge Supreme Nanette LIFE 1680 143630 3.7 5339 3.5 4984 (VG-87) Valleyriver Ruben Redmn-Red-ET 7-00 2 299 18890 3.8 709 Life: 1977 105995 3.6 3772 Valleyriver Redman Flack-ET 8669654c rc 10646281C TV TL TY td CAN-EX 50K GTPI +1492G 8th Dam: Midridge Coronet Nina EX-92 EEEVE 2E 6-11 (VG-87) 2-03 2 350 31420 3.7 1169 2.9 914 Valleyriver Aero Flavia 5900850 rc 5-08 2 305 20110 3.9 785 3-04 2 365 40380 3.6 1453 2.9 1189 CAN EX 4E EX-92-MS 3* Life: 2371 104035 3.9 4101 5-00 2 365 47260 3.5 1639 2.9 1365 2-01 2 355 20789 4.0 829 3.3 681 9th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Netta 6-04 2 342 41710 3.3 1357 2.8 1149 3-01 2 355 23583 4.0 946 3.3 776 (VG-86) LIFE 1699 183150 3.5 6486 2.9 5328 4-02 3 305 22192 3.9 862 3.3 723 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 5-06 3 365 31535 3.2 1023 3.1 966 10th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Neta 7-02 3 365 24350 3.7 897 3.1 761 (VG-86) 8-09 3 365 21277 3.9 825 3.1 653 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 LIFE 190539 3.8 7200 3.2 6074


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 146

Matt-Dari Dempsey Foxtrot 71667855

Lot 147

matt-Dari Goldchip Flaunt 72596516

3rd Dam: Valleyriver Aero Flavia (CAN EX 4E EX-92-MS 3*) 5-06 3 365 31535 3.2 1023 3.1 966 100%RHA Born: October 25, 2012 Foxtrot Sells Fresh Life: 190539 3.8 7200 3.2 6074 2-04 2 22 1711 4.2 72 3.0 52 4thDam: Hoekview Blackstar Fawn 2/26/2015 Milking 96lbs. 3.8%F 2.7%P (CAN GP-81 2Y) 6-01 2 359 23951 3.9 924 3.2 756 5th Dam: Hazeldom Valiant Myfanny (CAN VG-85 3Y) BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL 4-11 2 354 22690 3.7 847 3.6 809 Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g 6th Dam: Hazeldom Citation Miss TR tv tl ty td pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 (CAN EX EX-92-MS) VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 109575 4.1 4484 pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 7th Dam: Miss Cochran Garnet pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us (CAN EX EX-92-MS 4*) KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 10-2 2 365 20399 4.5 915 pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 Life: 192054 4.3 8318 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014 8th Dam: Midridge Supreme Nanette LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503 (VG-87) Windy-Knoll-View Pronto-ET 132815961 7-00 2 299 18890 3.8 709 Tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEE 5-08 50K GTPI +1758g Life: 1977 105995 3.6 3772 9th Dam: Midridge Coronet Nina MAtt-Dari Pronto Fluff-TW 66614798 pta +2.9pl 3.27scs +1.6dpr 8.7%dce (VG-87) pta +.86T +.17udc +1.13flc 99%R 12/2014 VG-86 VVV+V 3-05 5-08 2 305 20110 3.9 785 2-01 2 333 26080 3.7 952 2.9 752 3-01 2 343 30370 3.8 1140 3.0 909 Valleyriver Redman Flack-ET 8669654c Life: 2371 104035 3.9 4101 10th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P 4-02 2 365 36340 3.6 1320 2.9 1057 rc Netta Sells as Lot 145 EX-92 EEEVE 2E 6-11 (VG-86) 2-03 2 350 31420 3.7 1169 2.9 914 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 3-04 2 365 40380 3.6 1453 2.9 1189 11th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Neta 5-00 2 365 47260 3.5 1639 2.9 1365 (VG-86) 6-04 2 342 41710 3.3 1357 2.8 1149 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 LIFE 1699 183150 3.5 6486 2.9 5328 3rd Dam: Valleyriver Aero Flavia (CAN EX 4E EX-92-MS 3*) 5-06 3 365 31535 3.2 1023 3.1 966 100%RHA Born: November 11, 2013 #447 Life: 190539 3.8 7200 3.2 6074 Bred 3/6/2015 to 4thDam: Hoekview Blackstar Fawn Polbutte MC Beemer-ET (CAN GP-81 2Y) 752863 7H12353 6-01 2 359 23951 3.9 924 3.2 756 5th Dam: Hazeldom Valiant Myfanny (CAN VG-85 3Y) BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 4-11 2 354 22690 3.7 847 3.6 809 CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g tr tv tl ty td 6th Dam: Hazeldom Citation Miss pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 (CAN EX EX-92-MS) EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 109575 4.1 4484 pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 7th Dam: Miss Cochran Garnet pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty (CAN EX EX-92-MS 4*) pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05 10-2 2 365 20399 4.5 915 pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R 12/2014 3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 Life: 192054 4.3 8318 LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959 8th Dam: Midridge Supreme Nanette (VG-87) Windy-Knoll-View Pronto-ET 132815961 7-00 2 299 18890 3.8 709 Tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEE 5-08 50K GTPI +1758g Life: 1977 105995 3.6 3772 9th Dam: Midridge Coronet Nina MAtt-Dari Pronto Fluff-TW 66614798 pta +2.9pl 3.27scs +1.6dpr 8.7%dce (VG-87) pta +.86T +.17udc +1.13flc 99%R 12/2014 VG-86 VVV+V 3-05 5-08 2 305 20110 3.9 785 2-01 2 333 26080 3.7 952 2.9 752 3-01 2 343 30370 3.8 1140 3.0 909 Valleyriver Redman Flack-ET 8669654c Life: 2371 104035 3.9 4101 10th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P 4-02 2 365 36340 3.6 1320 2.9 1057 rc Netta Sells as Lot 145 EX-92 EEEVE 2E 6-11 (VG-86) 2-03 2 350 31420 3.7 1169 2.9 914 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 3-04 2 365 40380 3.6 1453 2.9 1189 11th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Neta 5-00 2 365 47260 3.5 1639 2.9 1365 (VG-86) 6-04 2 342 41710 3.3 1357 2.8 1149 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 LIFE 1699 183150 3.5 6486 2.9 5328


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 148

matt-Dari Goldchip Flourish 72596498

Lot 149

Matt-Dari Golden Dre Figure 73727249

3rd Dam: Valleyriver Redman Flack-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 5-00 2 365 47260 3.5 1639 2.9 1365 Life: 1699 183150 3.5 6486 2.9 5328 100%RHA Born: September 20, 2013 #429 Bred 3/4/2015 to 4th Dam: Valleyriver Aero Flavia Polbutte MC Beemer-ET (CAN EX 4E EX-92-MS 3*) 5-06 3 365 31535 3.2 1023 3.1 966 752863 7H12353 Life: 190539 3.8 7200 3.2 6074 5th Dam: Hoekview Blackstar Fawn (CAN GP-81 2Y) BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 6-01 2 359 23951 3.9 924 3.2 756 CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g tr tv tl ty td 6th Dam: Hazeldom Valiant Myfanny pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 (CAN VG-85 3Y) EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 4-11 2 354 22690 3.7 847 3.6 809 pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 7th Dam: Hazeldom Citation Miss pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty (CAN EX EX-92-MS) pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05 Life: 109575 4.1 4484 pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R 12/2014 8th Dam: Miss Cochran Garnet 3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 (CAN EX EX-92-MS 4*) LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959 10-2 2 365 20399 4.5 915 Life: 192054 4.3 8318 9th Dam: Midridge Supreme Nanette (VG-87) Klumbs Durham Pontiac 131348369 7-00 2 299 18890 3.8 709 Matt-Dari Pontiac Fay 66614779 tr tv tl td Life: 1977 105995 3.6 3772 VG-88 VEEVV 3-09 EX-92 EEEE 4-06 50K gtpi +1495g 10th Dam: Midridge Coronet Nina 2-00 2 357 29190 3.6 1039 2.9 860 pta +.88t +1.75udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 (VG-87) 3-01 2 365 36140 3.5 1273 3.0 1088 5-08 2 305 20110 3.9 785 4-04 2 359 33840 3.5 1197 3.0 1015 Matt-Dari Dundee Flair 136992330 Life: 2371 104035 3.9 4101 LIFE 1117 100650 3.6 3578 3.0 3020 11th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Netta VG-87 VVVVV 4-01 (VG-86) 2-00 2 303 21530 3.8 818 3.1 672 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 3-09 2 348 31940 3.8 1212 3.1 980 12th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Neta (VG-86) 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694

100%RHA Born: October 11, 2014 #538

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K gtpi +1906G pta -807M +7f -18P 91%R 12/2014 pta +73NM +.15%F +.03%P 0%us pta +.2PL 2.68scs +.0dpr 7.0%dce pta +2.64t +3.20udc +2.37flc 87%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Pontiac Fay 66614779 VG-88 VEEVV 3-09

2-00 2 357 29190 3-01 2 365 36140 4-04 2 359 33840 LIFE 1117 100650

3.6 1039 3.5 1273 3.5 1197 3.6 3578

2.9 860 3.0 1088 3.0 1015 3.0 3020

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

Klumbs Durham Pontiac 131348369 tr tv tl td EX-92 EEEE 4-06 50K gtpi +1495g pta +.88t +1.75udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Dundee Flair 136992330 VG-87 VVVVV 4-01 2-00 2 303 21530 3.8 818 3.1 672 3-09 2 348 31940 3.8 1212 3.1 980


3rd Dam: Valleyriver Redman Flack-ET (2E-92 EX-MS) 5-00 2 365 47260 3.5 1639 2.9 1365 Life: 1699 183150 3.5 6486 2.9 5328 4th Dam: Valleyriver Aero Flavia (CAN EX 4E EX-92-MS 3*) 5-06 3 365 31535 3.2 1023 3.1 966 Life: 190539 3.8 7200 3.2 6074 5th Dam: Hoekview Blackstar Fawn (CAN GP-81 2Y) 6-01 2 359 23951 3.9 924 3.2 756 6th Dam: Hazeldom Valiant Myfanny (CAN VG-85 3Y) 4-11 2 354 22690 3.7 847 3.6 809 7th Dam: Hazeldom Citation Miss (CAN EX EX-92-MS) Life: 109575 4.1 4484 8th Dam: Miss Cochran Garnet (CAN EX EX-92-MS 4*) 10-2 2 365 20399 4.5 915 Life: 192054 4.3 8318 9th Dam: Midridge Supreme Nanette (VG-87) 7-00 2 299 18890 3.8 709 Life: 1977 105995 3.6 3772 10th Dam: Midridge Coronet Nina (VG-87) 5-08 2 305 20110 3.9 785 Life: 2371 104035 3.9 4101 11th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Netta (VG-86) 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694 12th Dam: C Ranch Crescent H P Neta (VG-86) 5-04 2 351 20586 3.4 694

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Straussdale Planet Ella (VG-87 GMD DOM) Dam of Lot 150

Straussdale Spike Elyssa (EX-92 EEEEE DoM)

Lot 150

3rd Dam of Lot 150

Straussdale Pun E1463-ET 71736092 100%RHA Born: October 27, 2012 #1463 50K gtpi +2287G pta +965M +49f +33P 77%R 12/2014 pta +464NM +.05%F +.01%P pta +3.6PL 2.85scs +2.3dpr 7.6%dce pta +1.84T +1.10udc +.87flc 75%R 12/2014 2-03 2 43 3907 5.2 205 2.8 110 (Inc) Milking 116lbs. 4.0%F 2.8%P

Roylane Boxer Punch 4311-ET 69128229 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 4-00 50K gtpi +2275g pta +599M +50f +37P 92%R 12/2014 pta +446NM +.11%F +.08%P 100%us pta +2.2PL 2.96scs +2.9dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.28t +.70udc +1.59flc 83%R 12/2014 Straussdale Planet Ella 64969166 tr tv tl td VG-87 EEVGV GMD DOM 5-04 50K gtpi +2281G pta +933M +35f +19P 84%R 12/2014 pta +483NM +.00%F -.04%P pta +6.1PL 2.79scs +2.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.66t +1.52udc +.70flc 85%R 12/2014

2-02 3 365 37080 3.7 1385 2.9 1075 4-09 3 365 42200 3.7 1581 2.8 1200 LIFE 1258 121280 3.8 4615 3.0 3631

Sells Fresh 2/5/2015

Dream-Prairie Shadow Boxer 139086241 tr tv tl ty td 3rd Dam: Straussdale Spike Elyssa EX-92 EEEE 3-05 50K gtpi +1883G (EX-92 EEEEE DOM) pta +1.03t +.63udc +.91flc 99%R 12/2014 6-05 3 365 36590 4.0 1466 2.9 1071 Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET 62115945 VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-09 3-00 2 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.4 1235

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Straussdale Shottle emma 62775351 VG-86 EVVGV DOM 5-09 2-01 3-03 4-09 6-11

3 3 3 3

360 365 365 365

28860 29940 26590 33380


3.5 1022 3.6 1072 3.5 937 3.6 1200

2.9 843 2.9 872 3.1 828 3.1 1048

Life: 2752 232740 4.1 9555 3.1 7291 4th Dam: Straussdale Cousteau Elf-TW (NC) 5th Dam: Brandts Encore Edith (2E-91 EX-MS GMD) 5-01 3 365 45710 3.4 1562 2.9 1318 Life: 1591 167140 3.7 6153 3.0 4989 6th Dam: Brandts Leader Lucy (NC) 2-00 2 365 24940 3.5 868 3.2 786 7th Dam: Brandts Vanguard American (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 5-04 3 365 34680 4.4 1513 3.0 1042 Life:1844 153530 4.4 6718 3.1 4720

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Morningview Shtl Lucy-ET (2E-90 EX-MS) Dam of Lot 151

Morningview Destry Lani-ET (CAN VG-89 3Y) Maternal Sister to Lot 151

Lot 151

Morningview Domain Lucky-eT 69791799

Bred 9/11/2014 to Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 7H10506

Morningview Shtl Lucy-ET 63927911 TY EX-90 VVEVE 2E DOM 6-00

2-03 2 365 32250 4-05 2 365 40070 6-11 2 365 42650 LIFE 2036 182230

3.4 1088 3.7 1498 3.3 1407 3.6 6543

3.2 1027 3.0 1187 2.8 1200 3.1 5700

3rd Dam: Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae-ET (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 3 365 29760 4.3 1294 3.4 1026 Nom. Int’l Cow of the Year 2009 4th Dam: Wauregan Maebell-ET (2E-91 GMD DOM) 2-06 3 365 36440 4.1 1493 3.6 1306 Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 5th Dam: TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1709g Whittier-Farms Lead Mae-ET (EX-95 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM) pta +524M +14F +15P 99%R 12/2014 8-07 3 357 41270 4.8 1962 3.5 1440 pta +.98t +.95udc +.52flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 1613 126960 4.3 5473 3.6 4597 RONELEE OUTSIDE DABBLE-ET 134644585 TV TL 6th Dam: Raymau Bstar Monica EX-91 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-08 (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) 5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 2-01 2 146 12280 3.8 471 3.3 405 LIFE 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614 7th Dam: PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY Juniper Jason Maria (VG-86-3Y) GM 50K GTPI +1916g 2-03 2 365 20260 4.3 869 3.6 736 pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 8th Dam: pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie (EX-91-7Y GMD DOM) Morningview Oman Libby-eT 135404694 6-00 2 365 35540 4.1 1442 3.3 1186 VG-86 VVVVV DOM 4-11 Life: 4Lact 1119919 4.2 5002 3.6 4281 2-4 2 365 28540 4.6 1299 3.5 1011 9th Dam: La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie 4-00 2 365 36980 4.4 1632 3.5 1295 (VG-87-5Y GMD DOM) 5-10 2 365 33630 4.4 1486 3.3 1095 7-03 2 322 23781 3.7 888 3.2 769 8-00 2 365 33500 4.2 1399 3.3 1108 Life: 8 Lact 166090 3.5 5732 3.2 2853 LIFE 2390 188800 4.5 8416 3.5 6653

100%RHA Born: November 4, 2010 Lucky VG-86 VVG+V 2-08 2-03 2 365 34240 3.4 1171 3.1 1075 3-06 2 297 32705 3.3 1068 3.0 978 (Inc) Milking 86lbs. 3.4%F 3.3%P

Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET 137974489 tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 3-06 GM 50K GTPI +1895g pta +710M -8f +14P 99%R 12/2014 pta +170NM -.14%F -.03%P 94%us pta +2.9pl 2.96scs +.5dpr 5.5%dce pta +1.24t +1.54udc +.36flc 99% 12/2014

Maternal Sister to Lot 151: Morningview Destry Lani-ET (CAN VG-89 EX-91-MS 3Y) Maximum score 3-07 3 299 27436 2.9 800 3.1 858 1st Sr. 2Y (BU) & Res. Intermediate Champion IA State Show‘13 All Iowa Sr. 2-Year-Old 2013 1st Sr. 3Y, BU & Inter. Champion BC Fall Harvest ‘14 Reserve Grand Champion BC Fall Harvest ‘14


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 152

Bred 7/19/2014 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206H0148

matt-Dari Mogul Latoya 71667902 tl td 100%RHA Born: February 8, 2013 #366 77K gtpi +2271G pta +1276M +40f +33P 77%R 12/2014 pta +480NM -.03%F -.02%P pta +3.9PL 2.87scs +.4dpr 7.0%dce pta +1.90t +2.21udc +1.70flc 76%R 12/2014

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 pta +728NM +.11%F +.01%P 93%us pta +5.1pl 2.86scs +.1dpr 5.5%dce pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R 12/2014

morningview Domain Lucky-ET 69791799 VG-86 VVG+V 2-08

Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl 50K gtpi +2339g pta +1387m +33f +38P 99%R 12/2014 pta +2.21t +2.52udc +2.31flc 98%r 12/2014 MOUNTFIELD MARSH MAXINE-ET 62784081 VG-88 VV+VE 2-07 2-03 2 159 14320 4.3 611 3.2 454

2-03 2 365 34240 3.4 1171 3.1 1075

Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET 137974489 tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 3-06 GM 50K GTPI +1895g pta +1.24t +1.54udc +.36flc 99% 12/2014

3-07 3 299 27436 2.9 800 3.1 858

Morningview Shtl Lucy-ET 63927911 TY EX-90 VVEVE 2E DOM 6-00

Sells as Lot 151 Maternal Sister: Morningview Destry Lani-ET (CAN VG-89 EX-91-MS 3Y maximum score) 1st Sr. 2Y (BU) & Res. Int. Champion IA State Show‘13 All Iowa Sr. 2-Year-Old 2013 1st Sr. 3Y, BU & Inter. Champion BC Fall Harvest ‘14 Reserve Grand Champion BC Fall Harvest ‘14

Lot 153

2-03 2 365 32250 4-05 2 365 40070 6-11 2 365 42650 LIFE 2036 182230

3.4 1088 3.7 1498 3.3 1407 3.6 6543

3.2 1027 3.0 1187 2.8 1200 3.1 5700

Matt-Dari Brono Lyric 72596571 tl td

3rd Dam: Morningview Oman Libby-ET (VG-86 DOM) 4-00 2 365 36980 4.4 1632 3.7 1365 Life: 2390 188800 4.5 8416 3.7 7009 4th Dam: Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae-ET (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 3 365 29760 4.3 1294 3.4 1026 Nom. Int’l Cow of the Year 2009 5th Dam: Wauregan Maebell-ET (2E-91 GMD DOM) 2-06 3 365 36440 4.1 1493 3.6 1306 6th Dam: Whittier-Farms Lead Mae-ET (EX-95 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM) 8-07 3 357 41270 4.8 1962 3.5 1440 Life: 1613 126960 4.3 5473 3.6 4597 7th Dam: Raymau Bstar Monica (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) 2-01 2 146 12280 3.8 471 3.3 405 8th Dam: Juniper Jason Maria (VG-86-3Y) 2-03 2 365 20260 4.3 869 3.6 736 9th Dam: JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie (EX-91-7Y GMD DOM) 6-00 2 365 35540 4.1 1442 3.3 1186 Life: 4Lact 1119919 4.2 5002 3.6 4281 10th Dam: La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie (VG-87-5Y GMD DOM) 7-03 2 322 23781 3.7 888 3.2 769 Life: 8 Lact 166090 3.5 5732 3.2 2853

3rd Dam: Morningview Oman Libby-ET (VG-86 DOM) 4-00 2 365 36980 4.4 1632 3.7 1365 100%RHA Born: May 27, 2014 #502 Life: 2390 188800 4.5 8416 3.7 7009 13K gtpi +2042G 4th Dam: pta +659M +9f +18P 73%R 12/2014 Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae-ET pta +310NM -.06%f -.01%P (VG-87 GMD DOM) 2-04 3 365 29760 4.3 1294 3.4 1026 pta +3.6PL 2.70scs -.1dpr 7.1%dce Nom. Int’l Cow of the Year 2009 pta +1.63t +1.90udc +.69flc 73%R 12/2014 5th Dam: de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td Wauregan Maebell-ET (2E-91 GMD DOM) Regancrest-KF Obsv Brono-eT 6662612 EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g 2-06 3 365 36440 4.1 1493 3.6 1306 tv tl ty pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 6th Dam: 50K gtpi 2251gpta pta +842M +37f +39P pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014 Whittier-Farms Lead Mae-ET 77%R 12/2014 (EX-95 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM) Regancrest-ALH Brandice-eT 63606588 TY 8-07 3 357 41270 4.8 1962 3.5 1440 pta +478NM +.02%F +.05%P 100%US VG-86 VV+GE 7-02 Life: 1613 126960 4.3 5473 3.6 4597 Pta +3.6PL 2.89scs +.7dpr 7.9%dce 5-06 3 365 38090 4.0 1542 3.2 1227 7th Dam: pta +1.77T +2.05udc -.13flc 77%R 12/2014 Raymau Bstar Monica LIFE 1625 144190 4.0 5772 3.3 4756 (VG-89 EX-MS DOM) Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET 137974489 2-01 2 146 12280 3.8 471 3.3 405 morningview Domain Lucky-ET 69791799 8th Dam: Juniper Jason Maria tv tl ty td VG-86 VVG+V 2-08 (VG-86-3Y) EX-90 EEVV 3-06 GM 50K GTPI +1895g 2-03 2 365 34240 3.4 1171 3.1 1075 2-03 2 365 20260 4.3 869 3.6 736 pta +1.24t +1.54udc +.36flc 99% 12/2014 Sells as Lot 151 9th Dam: JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie (EX-91-7Y GMD DOM) Maternal Sister: Morningview Destry Lani-ET Morningview Shtl Lucy-ET 63927911 TY 6-00 2 365 35540 4.1 1442 3.3 1186 (CAN VG-89 EX-91-MS 3Y maximum ) EX-90 VVEVE 2E DOM 6-00 Life: 4Lact 1119919 4.2 5002 3.6 4281 3-07 3 299 27436 2.9 800 3.1 858 10th Dam: 2-03 2 365 32250 3.4 1088 3.2 1027 1st Sr. 2Y (BU) & Res. Int. Champion IA State Show‘13 La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie 4-05 2 365 40070 3.7 1498 3.0 1187 All Iowa Sr. 2-Year-Old 2013 (VG-87-5Y GMD DOM) 6-11 2 365 42650 3.3 1407 2.8 1200 1st Sr. 3Y, BU & Inter. Champion BC Fall Harvest ‘14 LIFE 2036 182230 3.6 6543 3.1 5700 7-03 2 322 23781 3.7 888 3.2 769 Life: 8 Lact 166090 3.5 5732 3.2 2853 Reserve Grand Champion BC Fall Harvest ‘14


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 4th Dam of Lot 154

Lot 154

Matt-Dari Lee Gold 138506359 100%RHA Born: MAy 23, 2007 Gold VG-88 +EVVE 5-09 2-02 2 349 25510 3.9 986 3.0 753 3-02 2 329 31100 3.8 1197 3.0 923 4-03 2 331 35180 3.7 1305 2.9 1021 5-03 2 365 37680 4.2 1578 3.1 1150 6-06 2 365 36910 4.4 1607 3.1 1151 LIFE 1777 169370 4.0 6801 3.0 5098

COMESTAR LEE-ET 5757117C TV TL CAN EX Extra GM 50K GTPI +1361G PTA -802M +4F -17P 99%R 12/2014 PTA -124NM +.15%F +.03%P 7%US PTA +.2PL 3.00SCS -3.2 DPR 10.7%DCE PTA +.19T -.20UDC +.22FLC 99%R 12/2014

MATT-DARI DUSTER GLAMOUR 120746864 VG-87 +EVVV GMD 8-08 2-01 2 365 30950 3-05 2 365 37130 4-07 2 344 36860 5-07 2 365 40820 7-02 2 365 39320 8-05 2 365 39230 LIFE 2561 246610

3.1 974 3.2 1194 3.3 1222 3.2 1294 3.2 1259 3.4 1344 3.3 8117

3.0 927 3.0 1105 2.9 1054 2.9 1185 2.8 1091 2.7 1072 2.9 7162

HANOVERHILL RAIDER-ET 390409C TV TL CAN EX Extra 50K GTPI +1063G COMESTAR LAURA BLACK-ET 5319783C CAN VG-87-3Y 19* 4-04 2 352 33084 3.5 1157 3.1 1026 Dam of Top Gun, Lheros & Lartist Pen-Col Duster-ET 2147486 tv tl td VG-89 EEVV 9-06 GM 50K gtpi +1574G Matt-Dari Belltone Geste-ET 15850379 VG-86 V+VVV 3-03 2-02 2 365 16530 4-07 2 365 21270 5-11 2 365 25330 7-04 2 365 30290 LIFE 1990 121420


4.6 757 4.6 977 4.2 1059 4.1 1252 4.4 5324

3.7 609 3.5 734 3.2 799 3.2 964 3.4 4102

Bred 3/2/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Prelude Golden-ET (VG-87) 3-03 2 365 28660 4.5 1294 3.6 1019 Life: 1469 103020 4.5 4661 3.5 3628 4th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 5th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 6th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 7th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 8th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 9th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 155

Matt-Dari Bruno Gianni 68958424 100%RHA Born: August 21, 2010 Gianni GP-81 ++GG+ 2-06 2-02 2 346 27250 3.9 1071 3.2 861 3-03 2 347 30450 4.0 1212 3.2 971 4-03 2 98 11141 3.9 437 2.8 315 (Inc) Milking 119lbs. 3.2%F 2.9%P

Dream-Prairie BG Bruno-ET 139456657 by tv tl 50k gtpi +1931g pta +863M +38f +37P 99%R 12/2014 pta +256NM +.02%F +.04%P 52%us pta -.3PL 3.22scs -1.7dpr 7.9%dce pta +.73t +1.10udc +.66flc 97%R 12/2014

Sells as Lot 154

3.9 986 3.8 1197 3.7 1305 4.2 1578 4.4 1607 4.0 6801

3.0 753 3.0 923 2.9 1021 3.1 1150 3.1 1151 3.0 5098

Lot 156

Regancrest Gold Bretta-ET 62496942 tl td EX-90 EEEVV DOM 7-05 2-01 3 365 34610 4.8 1676 3.6 1249


matt-Dari Lee gold 138506359 VG-88 +EVVE 5-09

2-02 2 349 25510 3-02 2 329 31100 4-03 2 331 35180 5-03 2 365 37680 6-06 2 365 36910 LIFE 1777 169370

SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET 131823833 TV TL EX-90 EE+V 5-11 GM gtpi +1888g

MATT-DARI DUSTER GLAMOUR 120746864 VG-87 +EVVV GMD 8-08 2-01 2 365 30950 3-05 2 365 37130 4-07 2 344 36860 5-07 2 365 40820 7-02 2 365 39320 8-05 2 365 39230 LIFE 2561 246610

3.1 974 3.2 1194 3.3 1222 3.2 1294 3.2 1259 3.4 1344 3.3 8117

3.0 927 3.0 1105 2.9 1054 2.9 1185 2.8 1091 2.7 1072 2.9 7162

matt-Dari Dempsey Gala 72596520 100%RHA Born: November 23, 2013 #451

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Lee gold 138506359 VG-88 +EVVE 5-09

2-02 2 349 25510 3-02 2 329 31100 4-03 2 331 35180 5-03 2 365 37680 6-06 2 365 36910 LIFE 1777 169370

Sells as Lot 154

3.9 986 3.8 1197 3.7 1305 4.2 1578 4.4 1607 4.0 6801

3.0 753 3.0 923 2.9 1021 3.1 1150 3.1 1151 3.0 5098

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

COMESTAR LEE-ET 5757117C TV TL CAN EX Extra GM 50K GTPI +1361G PTA -802M +4F -17P 99%R 12/2014 PTA +.19T -.20UDC +.22FLC 99%R 12/2014 MATT-DARI DUSTER GLAMOUR 120746864 VG-87 +EVVV GMD 8-08 2-01 2 365 30950 3-05 2 365 37130 4-07 2 344 36860 5-07 2 365 40820 7-02 2 365 39320 8-05 2 365 39230 LIFE 2561 246610

3.1 974 3.2 1194 3.3 1222 3.2 1294 3.2 1259 3.4 1344 3.3 8117


3.0 927 3.0 1105 2.9 1054 2.9 1185 2.8 1091 2.7 1072 2.9 7162

Bred 3/4/2015 to Mr Apples Armani-ET 68571374 7HO11703 3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Belltone Geste-ET (VG-86) 7-04 2 365 30290 4.1 1252 3.2 964 Life: 1990 121420 4.4 5324 3.4 4102 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Prelude Golden-ET (VG-87) 3-03 2 365 28660 4.5 1294 3.6 1019 Life: 1469 103020 4.5 4661 3.5 3628 5th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 6th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 7th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 8th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 9th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 10th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Bred 3/3/2015 to Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 7H10506 3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Belltone Geste-ET (VG-86) 7-04 2 365 30290 4.1 1252 3.2 964 Life: 1990 121420 4.4 5324 3.4 4102 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Prelude Golden-ET (VG-87) 3-03 2 365 28660 4.5 1294 3.6 1019 Life: 1469 103020 4.5 4661 3.5 3628 5th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 6th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 7th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 8th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 9th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 10th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Luke Ginny-ET (VG-87 eX-MS) 3rd Dam of Lots 157 & 159

Lot 157

matt-Dari Roy Garland 139416202 100%RHA Born: February 18, 2008 Garland VG-88 EEV+V 5-00 2-01 2 365 23970 3.5 831 2.7 636 3-04 2 365 31110 3.1 969 2.6 801 4-06 2 356 30910 3.1 960 2.6 795 5-07 2 365 32260 3.0 961 2.6 829 6-09 2 103 9550 3.2 301 2.3 223 (Inc) Milking 95lbs. 2.3%F 2.3%P LIFE 1519 121210 3.2 3823 2.6 3150

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta -252NM +.01%F -.01%P 27%us pta -3.0PL 3.20scs -.3dpr 7.5%dce pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari OUtside Gleem 135522891 VG-88 VVVVE 5-01 2-01 2 331 29480 3-01 2 321 34020 4-01 2 365 36280 5-03 2 365 38880 LIFE 1526 146230

4.2 1238 3.9 1332 4.1 1489 4.2 1619 4.1 5995

2.9 849 2.9 1000 2.8 1019 2.7 1044 2.8 4144

Bred 3/2/2015 to Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 7H10506

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Luke Ginny-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) KED JUROR-ET 2124357 3-08 2 365 26820 4.3 1145 3.3 886 TV TL TD 4th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET GP-82 +EEP 10-01 GM HD GTPI +1255GG (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 FIRDELL AEROSTAR BABETTE-ET 5th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET 14504541 (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 EX-90 VEVVE GMD DOM 4-07 6th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET 3-02 2 365 41140 3.9 1592 3.0 1245 (EX-90) 2-01 2 344 31570 3.8 1199 3.1 967 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 7th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 8th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) Matt-Dari Metro Glory 128847372 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 GP-82 +V+++ 3-05 9th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy 2-01 2 344 29160 3.6 1044 3.0 879 (VG-88 GMD DOM) 3-02 2 342 31060 3.6 1132 3.0 927


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 158

Matt-Dari Brokaw Gertie 72596500 100%RHA Born: September 28, 2013 #431

mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-07 50K gtpi +1846g pta -180M +6f +6P 88%R 12/2014 pta -74NM +.05%F +.05%P 80%us pta -3.9pl 3.16scs -.4dpr 2.8%dce pta +3.27t +2.93udc +2.29flc 85%R 12/2014

Sells as Lot 157

3.5 831 3.1 969 3.1 960 3.0 961 3.2 3823

2.7 636 2.6 801 2.6 795 2.6 829 2.6 3150

Lot 159

2-01 2 331 29480 3-01 2 321 34020 4-01 2 365 36280 5-03 2 365 38880 LIFE 1526 146230

4.2 1238 3.9 1332 4.1 1489 4.2 1619 4.1 5995

2.9 849 2.9 1000 2.8 1019 2.7 1044 2.8 4144

Matt-Dari Roy Grace 68958440 100%RHA Born: November 2, 2010 Grace GP-82 VV+G+ 4-01 2-08 2 365 32220 5.0 1597 3.1 1000 4-00 2 133 14753 4.5 662 2.9 434 (Inc) Milking 111lbs. 4.5%F 3.0%P

matt-Dari OUtside Gleem 135522891 VG-88 VVVVE 5-01 4.2 1238 3.9 1332 4.1 1489 4.2 1619 4.1 5995

2-02 2 365 29240 3.9 1144 3.1 912

matt-Dari OUtside Gleem 135522891 VG-88 VVVVE 5-01

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta -252NM +.01%F -.01%P 27%us pta -3.0PL 3.20scs -.3dpr 7.5%dce pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014

2-01 2 331 29480 3-01 2 321 34020 4-01 2 365 36280 5-03 2 365 38880 LIFE 1526 146230

regancrest Mac Bikasa-ET 63606799 VG-87 VVVVV GMD 2-10

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari roy Garland 139416202 VG-88 EEV+V 5-00 2-01 2 365 23970 3-04 2 365 31110 4-06 2 356 30910 5-07 2 365 32260 LIFE 1519 121210

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014

2.9 849 2.9 1000 2.8 1019 2.7 1044 2.8 4144

KED JUROR-ET 2124357 TV TL TD GP-82 +EEP 10-01 GM HD GTPI +1255GG FIRDELL AEROSTAR BABETTE-ET 14504541 EX-90 VEVVE GMD DOM 4-07 3-02 2 365 41140 3.9 1592 3.0 1245 2-01 2 344 31570 3.8 1199 3.1 967

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Metro Glory 128847372 GP-82 +V+++ 3-05 2-01 2 344 29160 3.6 1044 3.0 879 3-02 2 342 31060 3.6 1132 3.0 927


Bred 3/4/2015 to Polbutte MC Beemer-ET 752863 7H12353

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Metro Glory (GP-82) 3-02 2 342 31060 3.6 1132 3.0 927 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Luke Ginny-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) 3-08 2 365 26820 4.3 1145 3.3 886 5th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 6th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 7th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 8th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 9th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 10th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Bred 2/10/2015 to Polbutte MC Beemer-ET 752863 7H12353

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Luke Ginny-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) 3-08 2 365 26820 4.3 1145 3.3 886 4th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 5th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 6th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 7th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 8th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 9th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Luster Gabby (VG-85 VG-MS 2Y)

Sells as Lot 160 & Maternal Sister to Lot 163

Lot 160

matt-Dari Luster Gabby 68958580 100%RHA Born: Juen 24, 2012 Gabby VG-85 +V++V 2-06 2-02 2 193 15990 3.7 593 2.9 466 (Inc) Milking 84lbs. 4.0%F 3.0%P

karona Gold Luster-eT 137814611 tr tv tl ty td pta -82M -3f -6P 93%R 12/2014 pta -85NM +.00%F -.01%P 100%us pta -1.9pl 2.89scs +.1dpr 9.8%dce pta +1.22T +1.01udc +.73flc 88%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Roy Glaze 139416181 EX-90 EEE+E 3-11

2-01 2 365 25450 3-04 2 346 34690 4-04 2 365 38810 5-09 2 365 35860 LIFE 1551 139470

4.4 1116 3.7 1296 3.8 1484 3.9 1405 4.0 5522

3.2 815 2.9 1016 3.0 1166 2.9 1043 3.0 4208

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Quality Morty Luella-eT 9477188 CAN EX-91 3-11 2 365 43034 3.5 1499 3.1 1322

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Dante Gina 135523397 VG-86 E+V+V 3-11 1-11 2 347 25630 4.0 1020 3.1 790 3-00 2 314 24840 3.7 928 3.1 767 4-00 2 276 20670 3.8 786 2.6 544


Bred 2/12/2015 to Silverridge V Wickham-ET 11703311 200HO10075

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Lee Glisen (GP-82 2Y) 2-01 2 365 23810 4.5 1071 3.5 836 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Metro Glory (GP-82 3Y) 3-02 2 342 31060 3.6 1132 3.0 927 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Luke Ginny-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) 3-08 2 365 26820 4.3 1145 3.3 886 6th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 7th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 8th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 9th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 10th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 11th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 161

matt-Dari Deann Gisela 68958384 100%RHA Born: March 18, 2010 Gisela GP-82 VGF++ 4-02 2-09 2 352 28240 4.3 1207 3.2 900 3-10 2 305 26250 4.4 1149 3.2 853 4-10 2 31 3274 5.2 170 2.9 95 (Inc) Milking 120lbs. 4.7%F 2.6%P

Sells Fresh 2/17/2015

england-Schill Deann 58A-ET 60000299 tv tl ty GM 50K GTPI +1875g pta +310M -1f +4P 99%R 12/2014 pta +166NM -.05%F -.02%P 67%us pta +2.5PL 2.73scs +.9dpr 8.5%dce pta +.97T +.83udc +1.28flc 99%R 12/2014

4.4 1116 3.7 1296 3.8 1484 3.9 1405 4.0 5522

3.2 815 2.9 1016 3.0 1166 2.9 1043 3.0 4208

Lot 162 Bred 3/2/2015 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206HO00148

2-02 2 365 30810 3-04 2 326 27970 4-04 2 335 30290 5-04 2 285 27270 LIFE 1316 116670

3.8 1168 3.6 1014 3.7 1114 3.8 1030 3.7 4340

2.9 892 2.8 797 2.8 854 2.6 722 2.8 3275

5-07 2 365 44340 4.7 2066 2.9 1303 LIFE 2155 190340 3.9 7376 3.2 6006

Matt-Dari Dante Gina 135523397 VG-86 E+V+V 3-11 1-11 2 347 25630 4.0 1020 3.1 790 3-00 2 314 24840 3.7 928 3.1 767 4-00 2 276 20670 3.8 786 2.6 544

matt-Dari Laurin Gonzo 68958403

Den-K Marshall LL Laurin 132480026 tr tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 5-07 50K GTPI +1493g pta +152M +17f +3P 99%R 12/2014 pta -80NM +.05%f -.01%P 44%us pta -1.6PL 3.01scs -1.9dpr 8.9%dce pta +.14t -.27udc -.88flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Tres Grand 137682740 VG-85 VEVE+ 4-10

Ricecrest Duster Deanne-eT 17328268 VG-89 EEEEV GMD DOM 6-11

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Roy Glaze 139416181 EX-90 EEE+E 3-11

2-01 2 365 25450 3-04 2 346 34690 4-04 2 365 38810 5-09 2 365 35860 LIFE 1551 139470

CAROL PRELUDE MTOTO-ET 6001001962ITA TV TL VG-1Y (ITA) GM 50K GTPI +1697g pta +282M +8f -2P 99%R 12/2014

100%RHA Born: June 1, 2010 Gonzo VG-85 VEVEG 4-06 2-00 2 337 24250 4.3 1042 3.2 779 3-01 2 346 30620 4.7 1449 3.3 997 4-02 2 218 25876 4.9 1273 3.1 802 (Inc) Milking 102lbs. 4.2%F 3.3%P

MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET 2290977 TV TL VG-86 VEV+ 5-04 GM HD gtpi +1491g pta +779M +2f +11P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.52t +.40udc +1.15flc 99%R 12/2014 MS SUNNYHOME LIL-LEE 128573064 EX-90 EEVVE 2E GMD DOM 8-10 3-10 2 351 44310 3.2 1430 3.1 1392 LIFE 1497 154460 3.2 4879 3.1 4810 Ked Mtoto Jewel tres-et 130161253 tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +1685g pta +36M +23f -6P 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Dante Gina 135523397 VG-86 E+V+V 3-11 1-11 2 347 25630 4.0 1020 3.1 790 3-00 2 314 24840 3.7 928 3.1 767 4-00 2 276 20670 3.8 786 2.6 544


3rd - 11th Dams of Lots 161 & 162 3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Lee Glisen (GP-82 2Y) 2-01 2 365 23810 4.5 1071 3.5 836 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Metro Glory (GP-82 3Y) 3-02 2 342 31060 3.6 1132 3.0 927 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Luke Ginny-ET (VG-87 EX-MS) 3-08 2 365 26820 4.3 1145 3.3 886 6th Dam: High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 7th Dam: L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 8th Dam: Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 9th Dam: Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 10th Dam; Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 11th Dam: Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Lot 163

Matt-Dari Bradnick glista 72596484

100%RHA Born: July 20, 2013 #415 Bred 12/21/2014 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

Regancrest-GV S Bradnick-ET 66625940 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 3-05 50K gtpi +1860g pta +740m -25f +16P 97%R 12/2014 pta +63nm -.20Tf -.02%P 86%us pta +.5pl 3.04scs -2.4dpr 4.5%dce pta +2.54T +2.55udc +2.71flc 96%R Matt-Dari Laurin Gonzo 68958403 VG-85 VEVEG 4-06 2-00 2 337 24250 4.3 1042 3.2 779 3-01 2 346 30620 4.7 1449 3.3 997

Sells as Lot 161

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 164

matt-Dari Cairo Gwenda 68958579

Bred 7/5/2014 to Matt-Dari Epic Pack-ET 68958581 14H7251 Epic x Pillar (Pillar Sells as Lot 1)

100%RHA Born: June 23, 2012 #3162

mr Regancrest mr cairo-et 66625997 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1979g pta +318M +30f +22P 95%R 12/2014 pta +2.86T +1.56udc +2.63flc 84%R 12/2014

Dunns-Pride Shtle Sherry-ET 62813814 tv EX-90 VEVVE 2E 6-06 4-00 2 365 34880 4.1 1447 3.2 1112 LIFE 1400 120700 4.0 4884 3.3 3963

Diamond-Oak Armstead-et 132967734 tr tv tl ty

Matt-Dari Armstead Ginny 66614779 VG-85 VV++V 2-08

Matt-Dari Tres Grand 137682740 VG-85 VEVE+ 4-10

2-01 2 317 22420 4.2 941 2.9 656 3-01 2 365 31750 4.2 1330 3.2 1024

Lot 165

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g

2-02 2 365 30810 3.8 1168 2.9 892 4-04 2 335 30290 3.7 1114 2.8 854 LIFE 1316 116670 3.7 4340 2.8 3275

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Dante Gina (VG-86) 1-11 2 347 25630 4.0 1020 3.1 790 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Lee Glisen (GP-82 2Y) 2-01 2 365 23810 4.5 1071 3.5 836 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Metro Glory (GP-82 3Y) 3-02 2 342 31060 3.6 1132 3.0 927

Matt-Dari Goldenboy Geewiz 68958571

Bred 12/6/2014 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 507H11477 Sexed semen

100%RHA Born: May 14, 2012 Geewiz GP-83 +VGGV 2-07 2-02 2 240 17898 4.1 742 3.1 559 (Inc) Milking 68lbs. 3.9%F 3.4%P BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g jzm Goldenboy-eT 62745711 tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 6-05 50K gTPI +1867g jzm Outside Beauty 180-ET 61541284 Pta +1.00T +.51udc +.78flc 97%R 12/2014 VG-86 +E++V DOM 3-09 matt-Dari Damion Georgia 139615142 EX-90 EEE+E 4-04 2-03 2 365 23530 3.9 919 3.1 725 3-07 2 365 31340 3.7 1168 3.1 965

Lot 166

Bred 6/23/2014 to Val-Bisson Doorman-ET 107281711 200H6480

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Mr Meteor Gayla (GP-83 GMD) 5-05 2 365 44040 2.9 1267 2.9 1259 3-04 3 305 36030 3.6 1300 3.0 1086 Life: 1408 144870 3.3 4786 2.8 4112 Erbacres Damion 130263722 tr tv tl ty td 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Mattie-G Glow-ET EX-96 EEEE 11-01 50K GTPI 1457g (GP-80) 4-06 2 330 26690 3.7 980 3.0 805 matt-Dari Sept Storm Genna 136991807 5th Dam: Matt-Dari R-Hero Gail-ET GP-84 VV+++ 2-07 (DC) 2-04 2 321 24070 3.6 909 2.9 693 2-01 2 365 29230 4.0 1178 3.3 954 3-04 2 365 34980 3.7 1301 2.7 943

matt-Dari goldenboy Glenna 68958539 100%RHA Born: December 11, 2011 Glenna GP-83 V+GGV 3-00 2-03 2 342 30144 4.4 1319 3.4 1030

jzm Goldenboy-eT 62745711 tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 6-05 50K gTPI +1867g Pta +1.00T +.51udc +.78flc 97%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Lariat Glitter 138840826 VG-86 VVE+V 3-09 2-00 2 343 26110 3.5 912 2.9 747 3-01 2 349 31750 3.6 1158 2.9 921 4-02 2 324 29880 3.4 1001 2.9 869

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g jzm Outside Beauty 180-ET 61541284 VG-86 +E++V DOM 3-09 3-04 3 305 36030 3.6 1300 3.0 1086

Savage-Leigh Lariat-ET 60317063 EX-94 EEEE 5-09 Matt-Dari Mr Meteor Gayla 133648205 GP-83 +E+FV

2-00 2 321 24690 3-00 2 341 34810 4-01 2 352 38850 5-05 2 365 44040 LIFE 1408 144870

3.6 901 3.4 1200 3.4 1334 2.9 1267 3.3 4786


2.9 722 2.9 995 2.7 1062 2.9 1259 2.8 4112

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Mattie-G Glow-ET (GP-80) 4-06 2 330 26690 3.7 980 3.0 805 4th Dam: Matt-Dari R-Hero Gail-ET (DC) 2-01 2 365 29230 4.0 1178 3.3 954 Continued Extended Pedigree for Lots 164-166 Matt-Dari Luke Ginny-ET (VG-87 EX -MS) 3-08 2 365 26820 4.3 1145 3.3 886 High-Hill Mark Gina-ET (VG-87 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-00 2 365 24848 4.4 1088 3.4 848 L-Homestead Ned Lydia-ET (VG-99 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 25810 4.7 1204 3.2 817 Miss Tradition Lolli-ET (EX-90) 2-04 2 365 25600 3.7 948 3.5 888 Joki Valiant Lolani-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 365 33393 3.0 1003 3.0 1008 Joki Ro Elevation Mumu (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-11 2 358 29121 3.7 1069 Fairview-Crest Astro Missy (VG-88 GMD DOM)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Any-Day Outside Picatine-ET (3E-93 EEEEE) Dam of Lot 167

Jo-Clar Jess Patsy (2E-93 EEEEE DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 167

Lot 167

roma-Acres Mac Rachel-ET 66402427 100%RHA Born: September 29, 2008 VG-87 +V+VE 4-10 2-01 2 330 24050 4.3 1033 3.1 735 3-01 2 358 28590 4.9 1403 3.3 948 4-02 2 365 33060 4.8 1583 3.4 1135 5-04 2 305 33500 4.3 1451 3.2 1056 6-05 2 14 1254 5.7 71 3.9 49 (Inc) Milking 112lbs. 5.2%F 3.4%P

REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET 60540164 TV TL EX-92 EEEV 6-01 GM 50K GTPI +1868g pta -247M -7f -11P 99%R 12/2014 pta +107NM +.01%F -.02%P 75%us pta +1.7PL 2.94scs +3.9dpr 5.6%dce pta +.83t +1.35udc +.35flc 99%R 12/2014 Any-Day Outside Picatine-eT 134598035 EX-93 EEEEE 3E 11-06 1-11 2 365 22720 3-02 2 335 27810 4-02 2 365 34700 5-08 2 328 35120 6-09 2 361 37970 8-01 2 305 24300 9-04 2 305 26870 LIFE 2638 217230

4.6 1052 6.1 1705 6.6 2295 7.1 2497 6.2 2359 3.9 959 4.8 1277 5.8 12522

3.1 708 3.1 862 2.9 1008 2.8 968 2.8 1067 3.3 802 2.9 777 3.0 6475

MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET 2290977 TV TL VG-86 VEV+ 5-04 GM HD gtpi +1491g REGANCREST RUDOLPH DENA-ET 17391080 VG-89 EVVVE DOM 5-00 2-03 2 365 33070 3.7 1234 3.2 1065 COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Jo-Clar Jess Patsy 16599300 EX-93 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-02 2-02 2 365 24570 4-05 2 319 26630 5-05 2 365 25670 LIFE 1497 107460

5.0 1228 4.4 1164 4.6 1170 4.7 5093

3.5 849 3.5 922 3.4 863 3.4 3686

Res. Jr. All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old ‘98 83

Sells Fresh 3/6/2015

3rd Dam: Jo-Clar Lincoln Patches (EX-90 DOM) 7-08 2 365 32060 4.2 1361 3.3 1067 Life: 2224 179460 4.2 7485 3.2 5801 4th Dam: Jo-Clar Inspiration Penelope (2E-90) 5-09 2 365 27590 3.7 1026 3.2 885 Life: 1644 123180 4.0 4902 3.2 3901 5th Dam: Jo-Clar Mattador Pixie (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-06 2 352 37460 3.1 1145 2.8 1054 Life: 2872 249150 3.2 8081 2.9 7101 6th Dam: Jo-Clar Bell Patsy (VG-86) 5-05 2 316 27670 3.9 1076 3.0 824 7th Dam: Jo-Clar Marvex Pauline (VG-87)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 168

matt-Dari Lightning Valarie 66614803 Born: October 6, 2009 Valarie 100%RHA VG-85 +V++V 2-07 2-00 2 365 30550 3.4 1049 3.0 903 3-01 2 351 32990 3.7 1220 3.0 998 4-03 2 305 31510 3.3 1051 2.9 910 5-04 2 37 3491 5.1 178 2.8 99 (Inc) Milking 131lbs.

Sells Fresh 2/11/2015

lylehaven Lightning 134229692 tr tv tl td EX-91 EEVE 5-04 50K gtpi +1423g pta -746M +13F -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta -199NM +.17%F +.04%P 63%us pta -4.2PL 2.91scs -2.2dpr 9.4%DCE pta -4.2PL 2.91scs -2.2dpr 9.4%DCE pta +1.02T +.56udc +.34flc 99%R 12/2014

3.7 1271 3.3 1269 3.7 1485 3.5 4065

2.8 985 2.8 1061 2.9 1163 2.8 3248

Lot 170

Lylehaven Form Laura-ET 126786486 EX-94 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM 100-00 8-08 2 365 39320 3.9 1529 2.9 1144 LIFE 2267 195690 4.0 7731 2.9 5646

Stouder Morty-ET 17349617 tv tl ty GM HD GTPI +1443G pta +861M +0f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.68T +.30udc +.44flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Morty Victory 137925289 EX-90 VEEVE 5-01

2-03 2 360 34680 3-04 2 351 38500 4-05 2 365 40380 LIFE 1095 114790

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Iceberg Velvet 135850347 GP-80 3-09 DC3-09 2-02 2 365 34580 3.7 1275 2.8 972 3-04 2 252 22840 3.5 793 3.0 681

matt-Dari Brokaw Valeda 72596530 100%RHA Born: January 9, 2014 #461

mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-07 50K gtpi +1846g pta -180M +6f +6P 88%R 12/2014 pta -74NM +.05%F +.05%P 80%us pta -3.9pl 3.16scs -.4dpr 2.8%dce pta +3.27t +2.93udc +2.29flc 85%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Lightning Valarie 66614803 VG-85 +V++V 2-07 2-00 2 365 30550 3.4 1049 3.0 903 3-01 2 351 32990 3.7 1220 3.0 998 4-03 2 305 31510 3.3 1051 2.9 910

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014 regancrest Mac Bikasa-ET 63606799 VG-87 VVVVV GMD 2-10 2-02 2 365 29240 3.9 1144 3.1 912

lylehaven Lightning 134229692 tr tv tl td EX-91 EEVE 5-04 50K gtpi +1423g pta -746M +13F -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.02T +.56udc +.34flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Morty Victory 137925289 EX-90 VEEVE 5-01

2-03 2 360 34680 3-04 2 351 38500 4-05 2 365 40380 LIFE 1095 114790


3.7 1271 3.3 1269 3.7 1485 3.5 4065

2.8 840 2.8 1061 2.9 1163 2.8 3248

Lot 169

Matt-Dari Armani Velvet 73727292 100%RHA Born: February 11, 2015

mr Apples Armani-ET 68571374 rc tv tl ty td VG-87 VVEV 3-08 50K gtpi +2136g pta -1011M +46f +5P 79%R 12/2014 pta +314NM +.35%F +.15%P 100%us pta +1.8pl 2.88scs +.9dpr 6.2%DCE pta +2.39t +2.12udc +2.27flc 78%r Matt-Dari Lightning Valarie 66614803 VG-85 +V++V 2-07 2-00 2 365 30550 3.4 1049 3.0 903 3-01 2 351 32990 3.7 1220 3.0 998 4-03 2 305 31510 3.3 1051 2.9 910

Sells as Lot 168

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Brokaw Vinnie Sells as Lot 171

Lot 171

Matt-Dari Brokaw Vinnie 71667873 100%RHA Born: December 2, 2012 #337

mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-07 50K gtpi +1846g pta -180M +6f +6P 88%R 12/2014 pta -74NM +.05%F +.05%P 80%us pta -3.9pl 3.16scs -.4dpr 2.8%dce pta +3.27t +2.93udc +2.29flc 85%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Lightning Valarie 66614803 VG-85 +V++V 2-07 2-00 2 365 30550 3.4 1049 3.0 903 3-01 2 351 32990 3.7 1220 3.0 998 4-03 2 305 31510 3.3 1051 2.9 910

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014 regancrest Mac Bikasa-ET 63606799 VG-87 VVVVV GMD 2-10 2-02 2 365 29240 3.9 1144 3.1 912

lylehaven Lightning 134229692 tr tv tl td EX-91 EEVE 5-04 50K gtpi +1423g pta -746M +13F -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.02T +.56udc +.34flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Morty Victory 137925289 EX-90 VEEVE 5-01

2-03 2 360 34680 3-04 2 351 38500 4-05 2 365 40380 LIFE 1095 114790

3.7 1271 3.3 1269 3.7 1485 3.5 4065


2.8 840 2.8 1061 2.9 1163 2.8 3248

Sells Fresh

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Fustead Clark Fiona-ET (GP-83 2Y) Sells as Lot 172

Lot 172

fustead Clark Fiona-ET 141151492 100%RHA Born: March 15, 2011 Fiona GP-83 +VG++ 3-09 2-00 2 365 27250 4.8 1307 3.4 925 3-03 2 270 24907 4.4 1102 3.3 813 (Inc) Milking 78lbs. 5.7%F 4.0%P

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

Fustead Ally Stem 137558205 tv VG-87 VV+VE dom 7-04

2-04 2 365 23050 3-07 2 365 27710 7-01 2 365 30560 LIFE 1637 113200

5.1 1175 5.1 1402 4.8 1467 5.2 5835

3.6 829 3.6 1002 3.4 1045 3.6 4119

Bred 10/9/2014 to Bacon-Hill Milson-ET 71703349 7H12186

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Dool-Leigh Outside Piper 61018424 TD EX-92 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-01

4-07 2 365 39860 4.9 1968 3.1 1252 LIFE 2022 168200 5.0 8352 3.2 5371

Carters-Corner Ally-ET 124690866 tv tl ty VG-86 V+VV 6-09 GM hd gtpi +1758g pta -7M +49f +7P 99%R 12/2014 Fustead orion Stick-eT 60634557 VG-85 +V+GE 4-10 3-00 2 365 27410 4-04 2 365 32560 6-01 2 365 30180 LIFE 1575 123940


4.2 1155 4.3 1396 4.6 1380 4.5 5600

3.3 898 3.4 1101 3.4 1037 3.5 4325

3rd Dam: Fustead Charm Sting-ET (VG-85 GMD) 2-08 2 365 29630 4.4 1308 3.5 1045 4th Dam: Ostrowski U Nick Sue-ET (VG85 GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 29510 3.8 1111 3.2 932 5th Dam: Vir-Clar Susabell (VG-86 VG-MS GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 32670 4.3 1417 3.5 1156 6th Dam: Prairie-Vu Mars Sassy (VG-88 VVVE) 2-04 2 341 18100 3.6 656 3.3 602 7th Dam: Fobes Don S Skokie (VG-86 VG-MS) 6-02 2 283 14170 5.0 705 3.7 523 8th Dam: Fobes Brauns Skokie Tulep-TW (VG-85 VG-MS) 6-05 2 305 16900 3.8 639

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 173

Ms Matt-Dari MGL Fortune-eT 71667889 tl td 100%RHA Born: January 10, 2013 #353 77K gtpi +2250g pta +476M +61f +24P 77%R 12/2014 pta +508NM +.17%F +.04%P pta +3.5PL 2.99scs +.3dpr 6.0%dce pta +1.81T +1.69udc +1.71flc 76%R 12/2014

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 pta +728NM +.11%F +.01%P 93%us pta +5.1pl 2.86scs +.1dpr 5.5%dce pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R 12/2014

Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl 50K gtpi +2339g pta +1387m +33f +38P 99%R 12/2014 pta +2.21t +2.52udc +2.31flc 98%r 12/2014 MOUNTFIELD MARSH MAXINE-ET 62784081 VG-88 VV+VE 2-07 2-03 2 159 14320 4.3 611 3.2 454

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

fustead Clark Fiona-ET 141151492 GP-83 +VG++ 3-09 2-00 2 365 27250 4.8 1307 3.4 925

Sells as Lot 172

Fustead Ally Stem 137558205 tv VG-87 VV+VE dom 7-04

2-04 2 365 23050 3-07 2 365 27710 7-01 2 365 30560 LIFE 1637 113200

Lot 174

5.1 1175 5.1 1402 4.8 1467 5.2 5835

3.6 829 3.6 1002 3.4 1045 3.6 4119

ms matt-Dari Mogul Flora-ET 71667895 tl td 100%RHA Born: January 17, 2013 #359 77K gtpi +2245g pta +450M +46f +17P 77%R 12/2014 pta +472NM +.12%F +.01%P pta +4.4PL 2.92scs +.6dpr 6.3%dce pta +1.98T +2.16udc +1.72flc 76%R 12/2014

Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 3006972816 tr tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2586g pta +1376M +78f +43P 96%R 12/2014 pta +728NM +.11%F +.01%P 93%us pta +5.1pl 2.86scs +.1dpr 5.5%dce pta +2.84t +2.64udc +3.39flc 92%R 12/2014

fustead Clark Fiona-ET 141151492 GP-83 +VG++ 3-09 2-00 2 365 27250 4.8 1307 3.4 925

Sells as Lot 172

Bred 9/19/2014 to De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 69990138 507H11477 Sexed semen

3rd Dam: Fustead Orion Stick-ET (VG-85 EX-MS) 4-04 2 365 32560 4.3 1396 3.4 1101 6-01 2 365 30180 4.6 1380 3.4 1037 Life: 1575 123940 4.5 5600 3.5 4325 4th Dam: Fustead Charm Sting-ET (VG-85 GMD) 2-08 2 365 29630 4.4 1308 3.5 1045 5th Dam: Ostrowski U Nick Sue-ET (VG85 GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 29510 3.8 1111 3.2 932 6th Dam: Vir-Clar Susabell (VG-86 VG-MS GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 32670 4.3 1417 3.5 1156 7th Dam: Prairie-Vu Mars Sassy (VG-88 VVVE) 2-04 2 341 18100 3.6 656 3.3 602 8th Dam: Fobes Don S Skokie (VG-86 VG-MS) 6-02 2 283 14170 5.0 705 3.7 523 9th Dam: Fobes Brauns Skokie Tulep-TW (VG-85 VG-MS) 6-05 2 305 16900 3.8 639

Bred 7/18/2014 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206HO00148

3rd Dam: Fustead Orion Stick-ET (VG-85 EX-MS) 4-04 2 365 32560 4.3 1396 3.4 1101 Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl 6-01 2 365 30180 4.6 1380 3.4 1037 50K gtpi +2339g Life: 1575 123940 4.5 5600 3.5 4325 4th Dam: Fustead Charm Sting-ET pta +1387m +33f +38P 99%R 12/2014 pta +2.21t +2.52udc +2.31flc 98%r 12/2014 (VG-85 GMD) 2-08 2 365 29630 4.4 1308 3.5 1045 MOUNTFIELD MARSH MAXINE-ET 62784081 5th Dam: Ostrowski U Nick Sue-ET (VG85 GMD DOM) VG-88 VV+VE 2-07 4-05 2 365 29510 3.8 1111 3.2 932 2-03 2 159 14320 4.3 611 3.2 454 6th Dam: Vir-Clar Susabell Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 (VG-86 VG-MS GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 32670 4.3 1417 3.5 1156 b/r TV TL TY TD 7th Dam: Prairie-Vu Mars Sassy 50K gtpi +1839g (VG-88 VVVE) pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014 2-04 2 341 18100 3.6 656 3.3 602 8th Dam: Fobes Don S Skokie Fustead Ally Stem 137558205 tv (VG-86 VG-MS) VG-87 VV+VE dom 7-04 6-02 2 283 14170 5.0 705 3.7 523 2-04 2 365 23050 5.1 1175 3.6 829 9th Dam: 3-07 2 365 27710 5.1 1402 3.6 1002 Fobes Brauns Skokie Tulep-TW 7-01 2 365 30560 4.8 1467 3.4 1045 (VG-85 VG-MS) LIFE 1637 113200 5.2 5835 3.6 4119 6-05 2 305 16900 3.8 639


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 175

Matt-Dari Beluga Famous-ET 100%RHA Born: March 27, 2014 #484 9K gtpi +2067g pta +411M +30f +15P 72%R 12/2014 pta +375NM +.06%F +.01%P pta +4.1PL 2.81scs +.7dpr 7.6%dce pta +.97T +1.14udc +.33flc 71%R 12/2014

co-op o-Style Oman Just-eT 137611441 tr tv tl ty GM 50K gtpi +2204G pta +1588M +22f +37P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.55t +.28udc +1.37flc 99%R 12/2014

Pen-Col Beluga-ET 70346730 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2348g pta +1140M +24f +33P 77%R 12/2014 pta +539NM -.07%F +.00%P 100%us pta +6.0PL 2.61scs +1.1dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.85T +2.27udc +1.47flc 76%R 12/2014

Vision-Gen Super Bonnie-eT 69517426 VG-86 VVG+E dOM 2-09 2-04 2 305 28730 3.7 1062 3.2 913

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

fustead Clark Fiona-ET 141151492 GP-83 +VG++ 3-09 2-00 2 365 27250 4.8 1307 3.4 925

Sells as Lot 172

Fustead Ally Stem 137558205 tv VG-87 VV+VE dom 7-04

2-04 2 365 23050 3-07 2 365 27710 7-01 2 365 30560 LIFE 1637 113200

Lot 176

5.1 1175 5.1 1402 4.8 1467 5.2 5835

3.6 829 3.6 1002 3.4 1045 3.6 4119

matt-Dari Beluga Fancy-eT 73727276 100%RHA Born: December 31, 2014 #565 13K gtpi +1927g pta +45m +19F +9P 73%R 3/2015 pta +1.91NM +.07%F +.03%P pta +1.7PL 2.89scs +.2dpr 9.1%dce pta +1.62t +1.52udc +.46flc 72%R 3/2015

Pen-Col Beluga-ET 70346730 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2348gpta +1140M +24f +33P 77%R 12/2014 pta +539NM -.07%F +.00%P 100%us pta +6.0PL 2.61scs +1.1dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.85T +2.27udc +1.47flc 76%R 12/2014

fustead Clark Fiona-ET 141151492 GP-83 +VG++ 3-09 2-00 2 365 27250 4.8 1307 3.4 925

Sells as Lot 172

3rd Dam: Fustead Orion Stick-ET (VG-85 EX-MS) 4-04 2 365 32560 4.3 1396 3.4 1101 6-01 2 365 30180 4.6 1380 3.4 1037 Life: 1575 123940 4.5 5600 3.5 4325 4th Dam: Fustead Charm Sting-ET (VG-85 GMD) 2-08 2 365 29630 4.4 1308 3.5 1045 5th Dam: Ostrowski U Nick Sue-ET (VG85 GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 29510 3.8 1111 3.2 932 6th Dam: Vir-Clar Susabell (VG-86 VG-MS GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 32670 4.3 1417 3.5 1156 7th Dam: Prairie-Vu Mars Sassy (VG-88 VVVE) 2-04 2 341 18100 3.6 656 3.3 602 8th Dam: Fobes Don S Skokie (VG-86 VG-MS) 6-02 2 283 14170 5.0 705 3.7 523 9th Dam: Fobes Brauns Skokie Tulep-TW (VG-85 VG-MS) 6-05 2 305 16900 3.8 639

co-op o-Style Oman Just-eT 137611441 tr tv tl ty GM 50K gtpi +2204G pta +1588M +22f +37P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.55t +.28udc +1.37flc 99%R 12/2014 Vision-Gen Super Bonnie-eT 69517426 VG-86 VVG+E dOM 2-09 2-04 2 305 28730 3.7 1062 3.2 913

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014 Fustead Ally Stem 137558205 tv VG-87 VV+VE dom 7-04

2-04 2 365 23050 3-07 2 365 27710 7-01 2 365 30560 LIFE 1637 113200

5.1 1175 5.1 1402 4.8 1467 5.2 5835


3.6 829 3.6 1002 3.4 1045 3.6 4119

3rd Dam: Fustead Orion Stick-ET (VG-85 EX-MS) 4-04 2 365 32560 4.3 1396 3.4 1101 6-01 2 365 30180 4.6 1380 3.4 1037 Life: 1575 123940 4.5 5600 3.5 4325 4th Dam: Fustead Charm Sting-ET (VG-85 GMD) 2-08 2 365 29630 4.4 1308 3.5 1045 5th Dam: Ostrowski U Nick Sue-ET (VG85 GMD DOM) 4-05 2 365 29510 3.8 1111 3.2 932 6th Dam: Vir-Clar Susabell (VG-86 VG-MS GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 32670 4.3 1417 3.5 1156 7th Dam: Prairie-Vu Mars Sassy (VG-88 VVVE) 2-04 2 341 18100 3.6 656 3.3 602 8th Dam: Fobes Don S Skokie (VG-86 VG-MS) 6-02 2 283 14170 5.0 705 3.7 523 9th Dam: Fobes Brauns Skokie Tulep-TW (VG-85 VG-MS) 6-05 2 305 16900 3.8 639

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 177

matt-Dari G.W. Atwood Barb 68958495 100%RHA Born: May 11, 2011 Barb VG-87 VV+VV 3-07 2-03 2 365 28130 3.9 1088 2.9 820 3-06 2 105 9740 4.3 418 2.8 270 (Inc) Milking 104lbs. 3.9%F 2.8%P

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta -102M +29f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +59NM +.14%F +.02%P 64%us pta -.9PL 3.04scs -2.5dpr 9.8%dce pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Outside Bristol 136992321 GP-83 VEFFV GMD 5-03 2-01 2 365 31820 3-06 2 365 40200 4-08 2 351 32640 5-09 2 199 25160 LIFE 1398 136000

3.4 1092 3.5 1417 3.1 1021 3.6 918 3.4 4688

2.9 936 2.9 1161 2.7 896 2.6 651 2.8 3865

Lot 178

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Leighbarr Bertha Gibson 10780171c EX-93 EEEEE 3E 9-03 2-07 2 287 21130 3-06 2 334 30900 4-06 2 339 31930 5-07 2 365 40050 6-10 2 358 39790 7-011 2 365 38990 LIFE 2331 230500

4.0 871 3.9 1214 4.1 1314 3.8 1510 4.1 1622 3.9 1534 4.0 9119

3.3 689 3.3 1035 3.2 1031 3.2 1270 3.1 1223 3.1 1194 3.2 7275

Matt-Dari G.W. Atwood Hisa 68958496 100%RHA Born: May 14, 2011 HIsa GP-83 +VV++ 3-07 2-04 2 337 30980 4.1 1285 3.1 970 3-05 2 151 18378 4.1 750 3.1 566 (Inc) Milking 112lbs. 4.0%F 3.4%P 3-05 2 1515

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta -102M +29f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +59NM +.14%F +.02%P 64%us pta -.9PL 3.04scs -2.5dpr 9.8%dce pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014

Elk-Creek-Acres Matt-D Hope 139240919 G-78 +V++F 2-08 2-01 2 351 28520 3.6 1013 3.0 867

Bred 3/12/2015 to Picston Shottle-ET 598172GBR 29HO12209

Bred 1/29/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005 tri-Day Adolph-ET 17243808 tv tl EX-94 EEEE 7-09tpi +1021M pta -727M -59f -46P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.58t -.05udc +1.12flc 99%R 12/2014 Elk-Creek-Acres Dur Heschla 132458676 EX-92 EEEEE 3E 9-01 2-01 2 332 22350 3-01 2 359 29800 4-02 2 354 32250 6-04 2 365 38160 7-06 2 344 34720 8-07 2 335 32590 LIFE 2607 241240


3.7 826 3.3 971 3.5 1116 3.3 1264 3.4 1183 3.3 1090 3.4 8285

3.0 681 3.0 900 3.0 965 2.9 1108 2.8 981 2.8 913 2.9 7010

3rd Dam: ELK-Creek-Acres Jersy Mtoto (VG-86) 3-05 2 365 29810 4.3 1284 3.1 910 Life: 1359 100050 4.3 4260 3.2 3189

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 179

matt-dari Super Duet 68958537 100%RHA Born: December 2, 2011 Duet GP-84 V+GV+ 2-05 2-03 2 355 27682 4.1 1135 3.2 872

Bred 7/3/2014 to Sonnek GC Corvette-ET 71391400 507HO12042

Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +365NM -.20%F -.01%P 57%us pta +5.9PL 2.72scs +2.9dpr 6.7%dce pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014

4.7 1402 4.4 1419 4.6 1431 4.4 1285 4.1 951 4.5 6914

Lot 181

Charlesdale Sweet Star 133701030 VG-85 +V+VV DOM 2-08 IM GTPI +1878G 1-10 3 365 33740 3.3 1106 3.3 1122 LIFE 1391 105450 3.3 3519 3.4 3589

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Outside Dream 136116055 tv EX-90 VEEVE 2E GMD 6-07

2-02 2 365 29940 3-05 2 365 32000 4-08 2 338 31350 5-09 2 365 29220 7-01 2 230 23380 LIFE 1827 154460


3.2 944 3.1 1003 3.1 981 3.2 935 2.8 656 3.1 4811

Matt-Dari Jolt Dana 130605296 VG-88 VVVVE 4-04

2-01 2 365 31560 4.3 1367 3.4 1070 4-01 2 290 26160 4.3 1116 3.2 844

Lot 180

Female (Pending) 100%RHA

Sonnek GC Corvette-ET 71391400 507Ho12042 VG-87 VVVVV 2-02 77K GTPI +1992G PTA +48M +12F +6P 78%R 12/2014 PTA +139NM +.04%F +.02%P 100%US PTA -.9PL 2.73SCS -.6DPR 4.1TDCE PTA +2.82T +2.05UDC +2.98FLC 78%R Matt-Dari Super Duet 68958537 GP-84 V+GV+ 2-05

Sells as Lot 179

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Jurist Dainti (2E-90 EX-MS) 3-08 2 365 38140 3.5 1344 3.2 1233 Life: 2208 214970 3.4 7301 3.2 6823 4th Dam: Halfmans Indystar Dahlia-ET (VG-88 EX-MS GMD) 4-03 2 343 36100 3.1 1103 3.0 1099 Life: 1246 112830 3.2 3556 3.0 3441 5th Dam: Halfmans Melissa Lot Indian (VG-87) 5-04 2 365 32940 3.3 1074 2.5 834

Matt-Dari Niagara Delta-ET 73727282 100%RHA Born: January 23, 2015 #571 13K gtpi +1933g pta +312M +0f +9P 75%R 3/2015 pta +1.55NM -.04%F -.01%P pta +2.6PL 2.91scs +2.2dpr 8.4%dce pta +1.19t +.74udc +1.63flc 74%R 3/2015

freurehaven niagara 9690351c tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1872g pta +1050M +47f +35P 90%R 12/2014 pta +221NM +.03%F +.01%P 0%us pta -.8PL 3.04scs -1.2dpr 8.6%dce pta +.68t -.03udc +.38flc 84%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Super Duet 68958537 GP-84 V+GV+ 2-05 2-03 2 305 24430 4.0 989 3.1 766

SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET 131823833 TV TL EX-90 EE+V 5-11 GM gtpi +1888g pta +1387m +49f +34P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.43t +1.51udc +1.10flc 99%R 12/2014 Comestar Lautella Goldwyn-ET 103455215c CAN VG-87 5Y

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Jolt Dana (VG-88) 1-11 2 365 37517 4.8 1785 3.3 1225 2-01 2 365 31560 4.3 1367 3.4 1070 4th Dam: Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 Matt-Dari Jurist Dainti TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g (2E-90 EX-MS) 3-08 2 365 38140 3.5 1344 3.2 1233 pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 Life: 2208 214970 3.4 7301 3.2 6823 5th Dam: Halfmans Indystar Dahlia-ET Matt-Dari Outside Dream 136116055 tv (VG-88 EX-MS GMD) EX-90 VEEVE 2E GMD 6-07 4-03 2 343 36100 3.1 1103 3.0 1099 2-02 2 365 29940 4.7 1402 3.2 944 Life: 1246 112830 3.2 3556 3.0 3441 3-05 2 365 32000 4.4 1419 3.1 1003 6th Dam: 4-08 2 338 31350 4.6 1431 3.1 981 Halfmans Melissa Lot Indian 5-09 2 365 29220 4.4 1285 3.2 935 (VG-87) 7-01 2 230 23380 4.1 951 2.8 656 5-04 2 365 32940 3.3 1074 2.5 834 LIFE 1827 154460 4.5 6914 3.1 4811


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 182

Matt-Dari G W Atwood Dixie 68958572

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta -102M +29f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Boliver Damzel-ET 139416855 GP-82 G+++V 2-09

2-00 2 357 24540 3.9 968 3.0 735 3-01 2 365 37250 3.7 1363 2.9 1091 4-03 2 278 31750 3.7 1165 2.9 935

Lot 183

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Jolt Dana (VG-88 EX-MS) MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 2-01 2 365 31560 4.3 1367 3.4 1070 4th Dam: EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177 2nd NY FAT Matt-Dari Jurist Dainti (2E-90 EX-MS) All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005 3-08 2 365 38140 3.5 1344 3.2 1233 END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET 123586443 Life: 2208 214970 3.4 7301 3.2 6823 TV TL TY EX-96 EEEE 11-11 GM 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Outside Dream 136116055 tv Halfmans Indystar Dahlia-ET (VG-88 EX-MS GMD) EX-90 VEEVE 2E GMD 6-07 4-03 2 343 36100 3.1 1103 3.0 1099 2-02 2 365 29940 4.7 1402 3.2 944 Life: 1246 112830 3.2 3556 3.0 3441 3-05 2 365 32000 4.4 1419 3.1 1003 6th Dam: 4-08 2 338 31350 4.6 1431 3.1 981 Halfmans Melissa Lot Indian 5-09 2 365 29220 4.4 1285 3.2 935 (VG-87) 7-01 2 230 23380 4.1 951 2.8 656 5-04 2 365 32940 3.3 1074 2.5 834 LIFE 1827 154460 4.5 6914 3.1 4811

Matt-Dari Man-o-man Doe 68958524

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +408NM +.10%F +.12%P 27%us pta +1.2pl 2.98scs +1.9dpr 6.1%dce pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014

Lot 184

Bred 7/24/2014 to Sandy-Valley SS Deyja-ET 71181769 7H12219 Langs-Twin-B A-P Admiral-eT 66879809 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2139G pta +737M +26f +29P 98%R 12/2014 pta +367nm -.01%F +.03%P 98%us pta +3.6PL 2.83scs +1.9dpr 7.2%dce pta +1.40t +.91udc -.08flc 91%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Malicieux Damica 66614787 GP-83 VVGV+ 3-07 2-02 2 365 28570 4.7 1338 3.3 957

100%RHA Born: May 19, 2012 Dixie GP-82 +++G+ 2-07 2-05 2 135 12926 4.1 524 2.9 379 (Inc) Milking 91lbs. 4.0%F 3.2%P BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g

Bred 3/12/2015 to Picston Shottle-ET 598172GBR 29HO12209

100%RHA Born: October 11, 2011 Doe G-78 +V+GF 3-02 2-06 2 341 29983 4.8 1434 3.5 1057 (Inc) Milking 56lbs. 5.4%F 4.3%P O-bee Manfred Justice-ET 122358313 tr tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 7-07 GM GTPI +2034G PTA +815M +64F +47P 99%R 4/2012

Bred 9/11/2014 to Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 7H10506

WINNING-WAY MARCI-ET 130677626 CV VG-89 EEEVV 7-04 1-11 2 365 32010 4.8 1544 3.6 1158

Matt-Dari A-P Darby 71667863

100%RHA Born: November 12, 2012 #327 Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Langs-Twin-B C-S Ashlyn-ET 62816831 EX-90 EEVVE GMD DOM 8-01 7-06 2 365 31910 3.7 1189 3.2 1030

Vieuxsaule Malicieux-ET 101098586c tv tl ty CAN GP-83 4Y 50K gtpi +1769G Matt-Dari Outside Dream 136116055 tv EX-90 VEEVE 2E GMD 6-07

2-02 2 365 29940 3-05 2 365 32000 4-08 2 338 31350 5-09 2 365 29220 7-01 2 230 23380 LIFE 1827 154460

4.7 1402 4.4 1419 4.6 1431 4.4 1285 4.1 951 4.5 6914


3.2 944 3.1 1003 3.1 981 3.2 935 2.8 656 3.1 4811

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Jolt Dana (VG-88 EX-MS) 2-01 2 365 31560 4.3 1367 3.4 1070 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Jurist Dainti (2E-90 EX-MS) 3-08 2 365 38140 3.5 1344 3.2 1233 Life: 2208 214970 3.4 7301 3.2 6823 5th Dam: Halfmans Indystar Dahlia-ET (VG-88 EX-MS GMD) 4-03 2 343 36100 3.1 1103 3.0 1099 Life: 1246 112830 3.2 3556 3.0 3441 6th Dam: Halfmans Melissa Lot Indian (VG-87) 5-04 2 365 32940 3.3 1074 2.5 834

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 185

matt-Dari Dynasty Darcie 138905943 100%RHA Born: November 12, 2007 Darcie VG-88 VE+EV 7-01 2-05 2 358 26730 3.4 912 3.3 869 3-06 2 365 40320 3.2 1306 3.1 1239 4-11 2 346 46690 3.2 1472 2.9 1368 6-00 2 365 45020 3.2 1432 3.1 1396 LIFE 1545 164690 3.2 5339 3.1 5102

Dev-Lin Matt Dari Dynasty 137075797 ty EX-90 EE+E 6-00 50K gtpi +1721G pta -751M -11f -15P 93%R 12/2014 pta -19NM +.07%F +.03%P 100%us pta +1.3PL 3.16scs +1.7dpr 7.8%dce pta +1.44t +1.37udc +.50flc 90%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Allen Denise 137038215 VG-85 VV+FV 3-05 2-01 3-03 4-03 5-05

2 2 2 2

348 329 352 272

28980 26380 26550 25740

3.9 1119 4.0 1066 4.1 1085 3.9 1010

Lot 186

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.1

939 860 900 807

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

Canyon-Breeze Allen-ET 17129288 tv CAN VG-85 6Y HD GTPI +1358g pta +1.25t +.43udc +1.09flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Jolt Dorie 132239675 GP-80 V+G+F 6-06

2-00 2 308 22680 3-01 2 349 27260 4-02 2 365 27980 5-09 2 365 32630 LIFE 1403 111060

4.4 988 4.0 1090 4.2 1177 4.1 1347 4.2 4628

3.4 778 3.4 925 3.3 918 3.3 1080 3.4 3722

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Leif Delaney (G-79) 2-03 2 365 31120 3.2 998 3.1 951 4th Dam: Furmanek Liberty Diedra-ET (VG-86) 5-00 2 365 39570 3.6 1441 3.2 1249 Life: 1500 116510 3.7 4308 3.3 3811 5th Dam: Furmanek Chief Mark Becky (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) 5-00 2 365 30900 3.4 1041 3.0 916 6th Dam: Furmanek Belle (VG-85 GMD DOM) 9-00 2 365 25680 4.8 1240 3.0 771 Life:3071 189140 4.3 8082 3.2 6060


Ralma Confirm-ET 52774523 ty 50K gtpi +1675G -948M -32f -20P 97%R 12/2014 pta -107NM +.02%F +.04%P 79%us pta 1.3PL 2.57scs +1.6dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.60T +1.31udc +1.57flc 96%R 12/2014

100%RHA Born: June 6, 2011 Dreamer VG-87 VVG+V 3-06 2-01 2 365 23060 4.8 1111 3.6 839 3-03 2 183 19815 4.2 838 3.1 616 (Inc) Milking 99lbs. 4.2%F 3.4%P BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g

Ralma Christmas Fudge-eT 51547373 tv VG-88 VVEEV GMD DOM 2-09 2-03 2 365 31810 4.1 1292 3.0 967

Bred 7/17/2014 to Kellercrest Lancome-ET 71164339 200HO06534

Bred 1/15/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Jolt Dorie (GP-80) Matt-Dari Omega Dionna 5-09 2 365 32630 4.1 1347 3.3 1080 Life: 1403 111060 4.2 4628 3.4 3722 72596521 4th Dam: Bred 2/19/2015 to 99%RHA-I Born: December 1, 2013 #452 Matt-Dari Leif Delaney Kellercrest Lancome-ET (G-79) 71164339 200H6534 Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 2-03 2 365 31120 3.2 998 3.1 951 Hartford Clark Omega-ET 70371940 5th Dam: b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g 99%RHA-I TV TL TY TD pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014 Furmanek Liberty Diedra-ET 50K gtpi +2116g (VG-86) pta +127M +48f +5P 77%R 12/2014 5-00 2 365 39570 3.6 1441 3.2 1249 Hartford Lotta-Hill 940 66011401 pta +333NM +.21TF +.04%P 100%us Life: 1500 116510 3.7 4308 3.3 3811 99%rha-I TL pta +1.9pl 2.73scs +.8dpr 7.8%dce 6th Dam: VG-87 VV+VV DOM 2-11 pta +2.32t +1.95udc +1.24flc 77%R 12/2014 Furmanek Chief Mark Becky 2-01 2 365 32490 4.8 1545 3.2 1049 (VG-88 EX-MS DOM) Matt-Dari Dynasty Darcie 138905943 Dev-Lin Matt Dari Dynasty 137075797 ty 5-00 2 365 30900 3.4 1041 3.0 916 VG-88 VE+EV 7-01 EX-90 EE+E 6-00 7th Dam: 2-05 2 358 26730 3.4 912 3.3 869 Furmanek Belle 3-06 2 365 40320 3.2 1306 3.1 1239 Matt-Dari Allen Denise 137038215 (VG-85 GMD DOM) 4-11 2 346 46690 3.2 1472 2.9 1368 VG-85 VV+FV 3-05 9-00 2 365 25680 4.8 1240 3.0 771 6-00 2 365 45020 3.2 1432 3.1 1396 2-01 2 348 28980 3.9 1119 3.2 939 Life:3071 189140 4.3 8082 3.2 6060 LIFE 1545 164690 3.2 5339 3.1 5102 4-03 2 352 26550 4.1 1085 3.4 900

Lot 187


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 188

Matt-Dari Braxton Kolette 68958574 100%RHA Born: June 3, 2012 Kolette G-73 +VFPF 2-06 2-02 2 226 20827 3.4 708 2.9 611 (Inc) Milking 104lbs. 3.2%F 3.1%P

regancrest S Braxton-ET 61898423 tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEV 5-09 50K GTPI +1431g pta +1118M -8f +5P 99%R 12/2014 pta -220NM -.19%F -.11%P 63%us pta -3.9PL 3.04scs -4.8dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.59t +1.04udc +1.61flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari F3 Kiwi 137950490 VG-87 +VVVE 4-02 2-04 2 365 29710 3-06 2 365 34100 4-08 2 319 31200 5-08 2 365 38100 LIFE 1730 160110

3.8 1132 3.6 1224 3.5 1085 3.6 1386 3.6 5840

2.9 876 2.9 998 2.8 889 2.8 1071 2.9 4629

Lot 189

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Adan Katie-ET (VG-85) 5-06 2 365 38780 3.5 1344 2.9 1108 Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET 60602011 tv Life: 1564 135220 3.6 4908 3.1 4125 EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM 7-01 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Big Al Kandice 2-06 2 365 31690 3.9 1237 3.1 990 (VG-88) HM All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old ‘04 5-09 2 365 32250 4.0 1286 3.1 1002 Co-Op F3 Convincer MO 60044817 tm tv tl Life: 1670 128080 4.1 5191 3.2 4154 77K gtpi +1171G 5th Dam: Alirene Kitten Becky Elevation pta +94M -17f -2P 99%R 12/2014 (VG-88 GMD DOM) pta -.36t -.30udc +.21flc 98%R 12/2014 5-06 2 365 25630 4.5 1146 3.1 801 Life: 1800 117140 4.4 5107 3.2 3697 Matt-Dari Jolt Karo 120747230 6th Dam: Hilkyhill Becky Clare VG-88 VVE+E 5-06 (VG-87 EX-MS) 2-04 2 365 30490 4.0 1216 3.0 925 7-01 3 305 21270 3.7 785 3-06 2 365 36900 3.8 1420 3.0 1104 7th Dam: Milkyhill Bessie Becky 4-08 2 365 34280 3.8 1317 3.1 1051 (EX-91 EX-MS GMD 11Y) 6-09 2 365 36330 4.0 1441 2.9 1057 9-08 2 365 25610 3.4 872 9-00 2 295 26620 3.7 994 2.9 768 Life: 2435 158300 3.4 5443 LIFE 2565 218710 3.9 8525 3.0 6618

Matt-Dari Roy Kenna 72596511 100%RHA Born: October 20, 2013 #442

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta -252NM +.01%F -.01%P 27%us pta -3.0PL 3.20scs -.3dpr 7.5%dce pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari F3 Kiwi 137950490 VG-87 +VVVE 4-02

2-04 2 365 29710 3-06 2 365 34100 4-08 2 319 31200 5-08 2 365 38100 LIFE 1730 160110

3.8 1132 3.6 1224 3.5 1085 3.6 1386 3.6 5840

2.9 876 2.9 998 2.8 889 2.8 1071 2.9 4629

Bred 3/2/2015 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206HO00148

Bred 3/5/2015 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 507H9420 Sexed semen

KED JUROR-ET 2124357 TV TL TD GP-82 +EEP 10-01 GM HD GTPI +1255GG FIRDELL AEROSTAR BABETTE-ET 14504541 EX-90 VEVVE GMD DOM 4-07 3-02 2 365 41140 3.9 1592 3.0 1245 2-01 2 344 31570 3.8 1199 3.1 967

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Adan Katie-ET (VG-85) 5-06 2 365 38780 3.5 1344 2.9 1108 Life: 1564 135220 3.6 4908 3.1 4125 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Big Al Kandice (VG-88) 5-09 2 365 32250 4.0 1286 3.1 1002 Co-Op F3 Convincer MO 60044817 tm tv tl Life: 1670 128080 4.1 5191 3.2 4154 77K gtpi +1171G 5th Dam: Alirene Kitten Becky Elevation pta +94M -17f -2P 99%R 12/2014 (VG-88 GMD DOM) pta -.36t -.30udc +.21flc 98%R 12/2014 5-06 2 365 25630 4.5 1146 3.1 801 Life: 1800 117140 4.4 5107 3.2 3697 Matt-Dari Jolt Karo 120747230 6th Dam: Hilkyhill Becky Clare VG-88 VVE+E 5-06 (VG-87 EX-MS) 2-04 2 365 30490 4.0 1216 3.0 925 7-01 3 305 21270 3.7 785 3-06 2 365 36900 3.8 1420 3.0 1104 7th Dam: Milkyhill Bessie Becky 4-08 2 365 34280 3.8 1317 3.1 1051 (EX-91 EX-MS GMD 11Y) 6-09 2 365 36330 4.0 1441 2.9 1057 9-08 2 365 25610 3.4 872 9-00 2 295 26620 3.7 994 2.9 768 Life: 2435 158300 3.4 5443 LIFE 2565 218710 3.9 8525 3.0 6618


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lenkaitis Febe Forever-Red (VG-85)

2nd Dam of Lot 190 and 3rd Dam of Lot 191

Lot 190

matt-Dari Talnt Festive-Red 139558108

Bred 7/13/2014 to Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET 65249839 94HO14105

100%RHA Born: May 20, 2008 Festive VG-88 VEGVV 6-00 2-03 2 365 24020 4.7 1117 3.4 808 3-04 2 355 24570 4.9 1202 3.6 888 4-07 2 365 34460 4.8 1640 3.6 1226 5-09 2 358 33771 4.9 1651 3.2 1175

LADINO PARK TALENT-IMP-ET 930377AUS RC TV TL EX-90 6Y AUS 50K GTPI +1374g -582M -45f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta -194NM -.10%F +.04%P 13%us pta +1.4PL 3.28scs -2.8dpr 11.4%dce pta +1.12t +1.28udc +.29flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Advent Flower-Red 137925337 VG-86 V+V+V 3-05 2-01 2 315 19720 4.3 854 3.2 627 3-01 2 257 20200 4.8 977 3.2 654

MAUGHLIN STORM-ET 5457798C B/R TV TL CAN EX GM 50K GTPI +1420g pta +.08T -.33udc .69flc 99%R 12/2014 MARKWELL LEADER ROSE-ET 15804313 RC EX-91 EEEVE 2E 6-01 2-11 2 365 30490 4.2 1288 3.2 988 KHW KITE ADVENT-RED-ET 133002953 TV TL TD EX-94 EEEE 5-00 50K GTPI +1569g pta +1.63T +1.34udc +.89flc 99%R 12/2014 Lenkaitis Febe Forever-Red 133407646 VG-85 VVVV+ 4-01 2-05 2 343 24360 4.3 1041 3.1 746 3-07 2 344 32080 4.3 1383 3.0 960


Lot 191

matt-Dari Redbu Fashion-Red 72596547 100%RHA Born: March 19, 2014 #478

lookout p redburst-red-et 106030980 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1925G pta -196M -11f +10P 91%R 12/2014 pta +95NM -.02%F +.06%P 100%us pta +.3pl 2.89scs +1.10dpr 6.3%dce pta +2.09t +2.05udc +1.05flc 86%R Matt-Dari Talnt Festive-Red 139558108 VG-88 VEGVV 6-00 2-03 2 365 24020 4.7 117 3.4 808 3-04 2 355 24570 4.9 1202 3.6 888 4-07 2 365 34460 4.8 1640 3.6 1226

Sells as Lot 190

3rd Dam: Stohl-Stein H R Febe-Red (VG-86) 2-11 2 363 27201 4.2 1136 3.5 960

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 192

matt-Dari Deprinc Fudge-red 71667886 100%RHA Born: January 1, 2013 #350

Bred 8/13/2014 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 7H9420

Scientific Destry-ET 138122625 RC TV TL TY VG-88 VEVV 4-04 50K GTPI +1938g pta +2.09t +2.09udc +.59flc 99%R 12/2014

Blumenfield de Prince-red-et 69404886 tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +1939g pta -8M -6f +18P 91%R 12/2014 pta +163NM -.02%f +.07%P 100%us pta +1.5PL 2.95scs +1.2dpr 7.0%dce pta +1.62T +1.18udc +1.32flc 77%R 12/2014

Co-OP Toystry Peace 2409-ET 64061135 rc tl td VG-86 2-11 VVV+V DOM 2-11 2-00 2 305 22920 3.7 844 3.2 747

matt-Dari Talnt Festive-Red 139558108 VG-88 VEGVV 6-00

LADINO PARK TALENT-IMP-ET 930377AUS RC TV TL EX-90 6Y AUS 50K GTPI +1374g -582M -45f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.12t +1.28udc +.29flc 99%R 12/2014

Sells as Lot 190

matt-Dari Advent Flower-Red 137925337 3rd Dam: Lenkaitis Febe Forever-Red VG-86 V+V+V 3-05 (VG-85)

2-03 2 365 24020 4.7 1117 3.4 808 3-04 2 355 24570 4.9 1202 3.6 888 4-07 2 365 34460 4.8 1640 3.6 1226

Lot 193

2-01 2 315 19720 4.3 854 3.2 627 3-01 2 257 20200 4.8 977 3.2 654

Matt-Dari Fermont Fannie 68958519 100%RHA Born: September 7, 2011 Fannie GP-84 +V+V+ 2-08 2-03 2 365 28474 4.0 1145 3.2 905

Duckett-SA Fremont-ET 139716674 ty 50K gtpi +1616g pta -62M +0f -2P 97%R 12/2014 pta -46NM +.01%F +.00%P 56%us pta -1.9pl 2.97scs -.7dpr 6.5%dce pta +1.31t +.90udc +.15flc 96%R 12/2014

3-07 2 344 32080 4.3 1383 5.0 960 4th Dam: Stohl-Stein H R Febe-Red (VG-86) 2-11 2 363 27201 4.2 1136 3.5 960

Sells Fresh Bred 6/22/2014 to Val-Bisson Doorman-ET 107281711 200H6480

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 HArvue Roy Frosty 52378753 EX-97 EEEEE 3E GMD 9-05

5-07 2 365 44710 5.0 2222 2.8 1248 LIFE 2285 217250 4.8 10507 3.0 6447

2 Time All-American

MAtt-Dari Shaquille Felisha 66614775 RC VG-86 VVV+V 3-09 2-03 2 365 29660 3.4 1017 2.9 850

Deslacs Shaquille-ET 103512991 RC TV TL TY CAN GP-82 4Y 50K gtpi +1536g pta +.91t +.72udc +1.30flc 98%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Advent Flower-Red 137925337 3rd Dam: Lenkaitis Febe Forever-Red VG-86 V+V+V 3-05 (VG-85) 2-01 2 315 19720 4.3 854 3.2 627 3-01 2 257 20200 4.8 977 3.2 654


3-07 2 344 32080 4.3 1383 5.0 960 4th Dam: Stohl-Stein H R Febe-Red (VG-86) 2-11 2 363 27201 4.2 1136 3.5 960

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 194

Matt-dari talent fawn 68958436 rc 100%RHA Born: September 20, 2010 Fawn VG-86 VV+VV 3-08 2-01 2 365 26680 4.4 1171 3.2 853 3-03 2 305 26640 4.1 1097 3.1 837 4-04 2 37 3641 4.2 153 3.2 115 (Inc) Milking 120lbs. 3.8%F 2.8%P

Sells Fresh 2/11/2015

MAUGHLIN STORM-ET 5457798C B/R TV TL CAN EX GM 50K GTPI +1420g pta +.08T -.33udc .69flc 99%R 12/2014

LADINO PARK TALENT-IMP-ET 930377AUS RC TV TL EX-90 6Y AUS 50K GTPI +1374g -582M -45f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta -194NM -.10%F +.04%P 13%us pta +1.4PL 3.28scs -2.8dpr 11.4%dce pta +1.12t +1.28udc +.29flc 99%R 12/2014

MARKWELL LEADER ROSE-ET 15804313 RC EX-91 EEEVE 2E 6-01 2-11 2 365 30490 4.2 1288 3.2 988

matt-dari Ramp-R Fancy-Red 138506340 GP-80 VE+FF 4-08 2-03 2 340 27070 3-03 2 345 27840 4-04 2 365 37480 LIFE 1180 105420

3.5 947 4.1 1144 3.4 1274 3.6 3844

2.8 766 3.1 856 2.8 1050 2.9 3058

Lot 195

matt-dari Numero Uno Flicka 100%RHA Born: February 11, 2015

Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143ITA TV TL TY TD p9 50K gtpi +2357g pta -201M +42f +7P 93%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.20%f +.05%P 77%us pta +5.1pl 2.60scs +3.8dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.09t +2.05udc +1.28flc 90%R matt-dari Talent Fawn 68958436 rc VG-86 VV+VV 3.08 2-01 2 365 26680 4.4 1171 3.2 853

Sells as Lot 194

Rosedale-L Rampage-red-et 135173006 tv tl VG-87 +vev 4-03 HD GTPI +1323g Lenkaitis Febe Forever-Red 133407646 VG-85 VVVV+ 4-01 2-05 2 343 24360 4.3 1041 3.1 746 3-07 2 344 32080 4.3 1383 3.0 960

3rd Dam: Stohl-Stein H R Febe-Red (VG-86) 2-11 2 363 27201 4.2 1136 3.5 960

Lot 196

matt-Dari Bolivia Fame 68958523 100%RHA Born: October 7, 2011 Fame VG-85 VV++V 3-02 2-04 2 365 25869 4.3 1125 3.3 852

Magor Bolivia Allen-eT 3250511195 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1417g pta -399M +16f -17P 99%R 12/2014 pta -95NM +.13%F -.02%P 17%us pta -.8PL 2.88scs -3.6dpr 12.0%dce pta +.82t +.64udc -.50flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-dari Ramp-R Fancy-Red 138506340 GP-80 VE+FF 4-08

2-03 2 340 27070 3-03 2 345 27840 4-04 2 365 37480 LIFE 1180 105420

3.5 947 4.1 1144 3.4 1274 3.6 3844

2.8 766 3.1 856 2.8 1050 2.9 3058

Bred 7/17/2014 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206H0148

canyon-Breeze Allen-eT 17129288 tv CAN VG-85 6Y pta -840M -14f -15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.25t +.43Udc +1.09flc 99%R 12/2014 BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Rosedale-L Rampage-red-et 135173006 tv tl VG-87 +vev 4-03 HD GTPI +1323g Lenkaitis Febe Forever-Red 133407646 VG-85 VVVV+ 4-01 2-05 2 343 24360 4.3 1041 3.1 746 3-07 2 344 32080 4.3 1383 3.0 960

3rd Dam: Stohl-Stein H R Febe-Red (VG-86) 2-11 2 363 27201 4.2 1136 3.5 960


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 197

Klaisland Canyon Celery 62469253 100%RHA Born: November 30, 2005 Celery EX-91 EVEEE 9-01 1-07 2 365 22640 3.6 820 3.4 773 3-03 2 349 28640 3.0 868 3.0 865 4-04 2 365 33770 3.2 1073 3.1 1059 5-07 2 348 34210 3.1 1051 3.0 1036 6-08 2 365 34330 3.5 1213 3.2 1100 8-00 2 365 41040 3.3 1351 3.0 1235 (Inc) Milking 89lbs. 3.3%F 3.5%P LIFE 2440 208300 3.3 6918 3.1 6547

CAnyon-breeze storm atom-ET 129573030 b/r tv tl td EX-92 EEEE 6-03 gm 50K gtpi +1306g pta +313M +.1f -.2P 99%R 12/2014 pta -151NM -.04%F -.05%P 62%us pta -2.2PL 2.96scs -4.4dpr 10.5%dce pta +.15t -.35udc -.44flc 99%R 12/2014 klaisland Marty Carrot 128006205 VG-86 VVV+V 6-00 1-11 2 304 21190 2-11 2 270 22960 3-11 2 266 25440 4-09 2 365 31380 LIFE 1341 108070

3.9 820 3.8 872 3.6 914 3.9 1229 3.8 4102

4-03 3 365 40800 4.2 1701 3.0 1227 3rd UT Fat LIFE 1332 129240 3.9 5073 3.1 3993

2-07 2 365 18540 4.4 823 3.1 574

Matt-Dari Large Crayon 68958595 100%RHA Born: August 20, 2012 #303

glen-Toctin Super Large-ET 140761397 tv tl ty P9 50K gtpi +2103g pta +274M -1f +15P 98%R 12/2014 pta +258NM -.05%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.1PL 2.67scs +1.5dpr 7.0%dce pta +1.94T +2.24udc +1.79flc 93%R 12/2014

Klaisland Canyon Celery 62469253 EX-91 EVEEE 9-01 3.6 820 3.0 868 3.2 1073 3.1 1051 3.5 1213 3.3 1351 3.3 6918

Canyon-Breeze EM Ashley-ET 121949710 tv EX-94 EEEEE 3E DOM 9-08

Swan-Valley casy carly 15824088

Bred 7/5/2015 to Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143 200H7450

1-07 2 365 22640 3-03 2 349 28640 4-04 2 365 33770 5-07 2 348 34210 6-08 2 365 34330 8-00 2 365 41040 LIFE 2440 208300

maughlin Storm-ET 5457798c b/r tv tl CAN EX gm hd gtpi +1420g pta +.08t -.33udc +.69flc 99%R 12/2014

Ricecrest Marty-et 2231562 tv tl CAN EX HD Gtpi +1386g

3.1 647 3.2 740 3.0 759 3.2 994 3.1 3370

Lot 198

3.4 773 3.0 865 3.1 1059 3.0 1036 3.2 1100 3.0 1235 3.1 6547

Bred 9/11/2014 to Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 7H10506

Lot 199

Female (Pending) 100%RHA

matt-Dari Epic Pack-eT 68958581 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2294g pta +785M +18f +31P 77%R 12/2014 pta +451NM -.04%F +.03%P 100%us pta +4.5PL 2.77scs +2.6dpr 5.5%dce pta +1.38t +1.25udc +2.11flc 77%R

Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 Epic x Pillar (Pillar Sells as Lot 1) pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Large Crayon 68958595 Glen-Toctin Shottle Liva-ET 137242018 EX-91 EEEEE DOM 3-10 3-00 2 365 41140 4.4 1810 3.1 1265

CAnyon-breeze storm atom-ET 129573030 b/r tv tl td EX-92 EEEE 6-03 gm 50K gtpi +1306g pta +313M +.1f -.2P 99%R 12/2014 klaisland Marty Carrot 128006205 VG-86 VVV+V 6-00 1-11 2 304 21190 2-11 2 270 22960 3-11 2 266 25440 4-09 2 365 31380 LIFE 1341 108070


3.9 820 3.8 872 3.6 914 3.9 1229 3.8 4102

3.1 647 3.2 740 3.0 759 3.2 994 3.1 3370

Sells as Lot 198

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Dream&Do Outside Cassidy-ET (EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 200

Lot 200 Bred 12/4/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

matt-Dari Bookem Cotton 68958538 99%RHA-I Born: December 4, 2011 Cotton GP-81 GV+FV 3-00 2-06 2 263 21757 4.7 1012 3.3 723 (Inc) Milking 70lbs. 4.8%F 3.7%P

De-su 521 Bookem-ET 66636657 99%rha-I tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VV+V 3-08 GTPI +2405g pta +1505M +35f +55P 99%R 12/2014 pta +607nm -.08%F +.04%P 81%us pta +5.2pl 2.86scs +.2dpr 3.2%dce pta +1.67T +1.28udc +1.08flc 99%R 12/2014

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Clear-Echo 822 Ramo-1199-ET 61765027 99%RHA-I VG-86 +VGEV DOM 2-06 2-00 3 365 32190 3.4 1103 3.1 1003

rjr mac 1701-ET 65671853 GP-81 G+G++ 2-08

2-01 2 339 22510 4.2 954 3.2 711 3-01 2 358 27840 4.4 1223 3.3 917

REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET 60540164 TV TL EX-92 EEEV 6-01 GM 50K GTPI +1868g pta +.83t +1.35udc +.35flc 99%R 12/2014 Dream&Do Outside Cassidy-ET 61240685 EX-91 EVVEE GMD DOM 5-03

2-05 2 365 30760 4-06 2 365 40450 6-07 2 305 33340 LIFE 1371 125660


4.6 1423 4.4 1783 4.8 1612 4.6 5787

3.1 953 3.1 1235 3.0 1009 3.1 3904

3rd Dam: Whittier-Farms Cindy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-11 2 365 29030 4.0 1149 3.2 937 Life: 1547 122360 3.9 4804 3.2 3925 4th Dam: Felder Den Barb Cindy-ET (EX-91 GMD DOM) 4-09 2 365 41170 4.1 1706 3.3 1354 5th Dam: Miss Den-Barb Global Cora (EX-90 GMD DOM) 2-05 2 365 44760 4.5 2028 3.5 1547 6th Dam: Ruann Royalty Cora-ET (EX-90 DOM) 4-07 2 365 57461 4.0 2317 3.5 2019 7th Dam: Carnation S Pete Coralline-ET (VG-86 GMD) 5-09 2 365 33349 3.7 11235 3.1 1030 8th Dam: Diamond-S Eve Corry (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-11 2 365 38589 3.5 1349 9th Dam: Diamond-S Glamour Cass (EX-93 3E) 8-03 2 365 28719 3.9 1140 10th Dam:Diamond S Bvar Cassie (EX-90 GMD) 3-10 2 341 29781 4.2 864 11th Dam: Lavacres Polly Caroline (EX-91) 3-07 2 342 20249 3.5 712 12th Dam: Lavacres Dusty Jo Carousel (3E-91) 12-01 2 365 22200 4.3 948 13th Dam: Lavacres Dusty Carla (EX-90) 6-11 2 365 23475 3.9 915 14th Dam: Korndyke Christine (VG-85)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 201

Matt-Dari Petrone Cool 71667906 tl td

3rd Dam: Whittier-Farms Cindy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-11 2 365 29030 4.0 1149 3.2 937 100%RHA Born: February 15, 2013 #370 Life: 1547 122360 3.9 4804 3.2 3925 Bred 8/4/2014 to 4th Dam: Felder Den Barb Cindy-ET De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET (EX-91 GMD DOM) 69990138 7H11477 4-09 2 365 41170 4.1 1706 3.3 1354 5th Dam: Miss Den-Barb Global Cora (EX-90 GMD DOM) 2-05 2 365 44760 4.5 2028 3.5 1547 Charlesdale Superstition-ET 6th Dam: Ruann Royalty Cora-ET welcome Super Petrone-ET 69207641 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g (EX-90 DOM) tr tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2361g pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 4-07 2 365 57461 4.0 2317 3.5 2019 pta +624m +32f +13p 92%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 7th Dam: pta +549NM +.04%F -.02%P 100%us Carnation S Pete Coralline-ET (VG-86 GMD) Welcome Baxter Petunia 3004008006 pta +7.5pl 2.68scs +3.7dpr 5.9%dce 5-09 2 365 33349 3.7 11235 3.1 1030 VG-88 EEVVV pta +1.39t +1.50udc +1.37flc 85%R 12/2014 8th Dam: Diamond-S Eve Corry 2-00 3 365 25870 4.3 1122 3.3 851 (EX-90 GMD DOM) 4-11 2 365 38589 3.5 1349 9th Dam: Diamond-S Glamour Cass (EX-93 3E) 8-03 2 365 28719 3.9 1140 10th Dam:Diamond S Bvar Cassie REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET 60540164 (EX-90 GMD) TV TL 3-10 2 341 29781 4.2 864 rjr mac 1701-ET 65671853 11th Dam: Lavacres Polly Caroline EX-92 EEEV 6-01 GM 50K GTPI +1868g GP-81 G+G++ 2-08 (EX-91) pta +.83t +1.35udc +.35flc 99%R 12/2014 2-01 2 339 22510 4.2 954 3.2 711 3-07 2 342 20249 3.5 712 3-01 2 358 27840 4.4 1223 3.3 917 Dream&Do Outside Cassidy-ET 61240685 12th Dam: Lavacres Dusty Jo Carousel EX-91 EVVEE GMD DOM 5-03 (3E-91) 2-05 2 365 30760 4.6 1423 3.1 953 12-01 2 365 22200 4.3 948 4-06 2 365 40450 4.4 1783 3.1 1235 13th Dam: Lavacres Dusty Carla 6-07 2 305 33340 4.8 1612 3.0 1009 (EX-90) LIFE 1371 125660 4.6 5787 3.1 3904 6-11 2 365 23475 3.9 915 14th Dam: Korndyke Christine (VG-85)

Lot 202


matt-Dari Elegant Dion-ET 137956599 tv tl ty VG-88 VEVV 5-04 50K gtpi +1869G pta +1389M +26f +26P 95%R 12/2014 pta 202NM -.10%F -.06%P 100%us pta +.9PL 3.12scs -1.3dpr 7.9%dce pta +.99T +1.16udc -.56flc 93%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Aspen Manni 138390143 GP-84 VVEFV 3-08 2-03 2 365 26340 4.0 1049 3.2 831 4-02 2 365 35140 4.0 1413 3.2 115

100%RHA Born: June 1, 2011 Milan GP-83 V++G+ 3-06 2-03 2 365 31810 3.5 1113 2.9 914 3-06 2 103 13881 3.7 516 2.6 367 (Inc) Milking 151lbs. 3.2%F 2.5%P

Bred 3/4/2015 to Picston Shottle-ET 598172GBR 29HO12209

Honeycrest Elegant-ET 130629351 tv gm 50K gtpi +1788g Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET 52341530 EX-90EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET 129854100 TV TL CAN EX-91 50K GTPI +50K GTPI +1195g Janestead Durham Mickey-TW 605523239 EX-90 EEEVE 3E 9-04

2-03 2 347 25270 3-03 2 357 32350 4-04 2 365 39890 5-07 2 365 43960 7-08 2 354 42250 8-09 2 365 39580 LIFE 2617 257350


4.1 1039 3.9 1257 3.7 1476 3.7 1638 3.7 1553 3.7 1450 3.8 9792

3.3 826 3.2 1025 3.1 1247 3.1 1348 2.9 1238 2.9 1160 3.1 8016

3rd Dam: Joul Broker Michelle (EX-90) 6-05 2 365 38910 4.7 1828 3.3 1265 Life: 2391 172610 4.8 8348 3.5 6061 4th Dam: Joul Starbuck Mercedes (VG-87) 5-07 2 364 25360 4.0 1017 3.1 788

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Mortenson Charles Betsy (3E-92 EX-MS) 4th Dam of Lot 203

Lot 203

matt-Dari Pack Belgium 73727241 100%RHA Born: September 1, 2014 #530

matt-Dari Epic Pack-eT 68958581 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2294g pta +785M +18f +31P 77%R 12/2014 pta +451NM -.04%F +.03%P 100%us pta +4.5PL 2.77scs +2.6dpr 5.5%dce pta +1.38t +1.25udc +2.11flc 77%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Alexander Bay 68958476 VG-85 VVV+V 3-02 2-03 2 365 26720 5.3 1428 3.6 968

Genervations Epic-ET 11104016c tv tl ty td GM 77K gtpi +2296g pta +998M +23f +30P 98%R 12/2014 pta +1.82t +1.51udc +2.08flc 96%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Pillar-ET 68958411 VG-88 VVVEV 4-06 GTPI +2133G

2-06 2 365 32250 4.4 1406 3.5 1139 Sells as Lot 1

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736g pta +108M +51f +0p 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari MArc Bright-TW 139259045 EX-90 EEVEV 3-06 2-01 2 365 26190 4.3 1123 3.2 846 3-03 2 337 29500 4.4 1286 3.4 996


3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Leduc Britany (GP-82) 4-05 2 365 31760 4.2 1332 3.1 983 Life: 1326 110900 4.2 4704 3.1 3480 4th Dam: Mortenson Charles Betsy (3E-92 EX-MS) 8-06 2 365 34290 3.8 1297 3.0 1012 Life: 3078 213940 3.8 8031 3.2 6815 5th Dam: Vil-Helm Broker Doris (VG-86) 3-02 2 244 16330 4.6 755 3.5 567 6th Dam: Byrds-Creek Warden Dana (VG-85) 5-03 2 364 21190 4.7 1003 3.1 650 7th Dam: Daviddale Triple Threat Della (2E-90 EX-MS) 7-05 2 302 22400 3.7 825 2.8 632 Life: 2542 125800 3.9 4880 3.1 3926

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 204

matt-Dari Shame Blaze 71667939 100%RHA Born: May 20, 2013 #403

ladys-manor PL Shame-eT 68851109 tv tl ty VG-86 VEGV 5-00 50K gtpi +2090g pta +264M +19f +14P 79%R 12/2014 pta +366NM +.04%F +.02%P 100%us pta +4.9pl 2.70scs -1.00dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.96t +2.04udc +1.03flc 79%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Shampoo Breeze 68958373 GP-84 +V++V 3-06 2-02 2 365 24550 4.0 972 3.3 804 3-04 2 365 35930 4.1 1469 3.2 1160

Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Ladys-manor Ruby D Shawn-ET 62360741 ty EX-90 EEVVE GMD DOM 5-04 4-04 2 365 37920 4.8 1808 3.2 1208

pine-Tree Martha Shampoo-ET 62175932 tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2052g pta +.74t +.32udc -.31flc 98%R 12/2014 matt-Dari MArc Bright-TW 139259045 EX-90 EEVEV 3-06 2-01 2 365 26190 4.3 1123 3.2 846 3-03 2 337 29500 4.4 1286 3.4 996

Lot 205

Bred 1/9/2015 to Silverridge V Wickham-ET 11703311 200H10075

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Leduc Britany (GP-82) 4-05 2 365 31760 4.2 1332 3.1 983 Life: 1326 110900 4.2 4704 3.1 3480 4th Dam: Mortenson Charles Betsy (3E-92 EX-MS) 8-06 2 365 34290 3.8 1297 3.0 1012 Life: 3078 213940 3.8 8031 3.2 6815 5th Dam: Vil-Helm Broker Doris (VG-86) 3-02 2 244 16330 4.6 755 3.5 567 6th Dam: Byrds-Creek Warden Dana (VG-85) 5-03 2 364 21190 4.7 1003 3.1 650 7th Dam: Daviddale Triple Threat Della (2E-90 EX-MS) 7-05 2 302 22400 3.7 825 2.8 632 Life: 2542 125800 3.9 4880 3.1 3926

matt-Dari Alexander Beauty 73727225 100%RHA Born: June 30, 2014 #514

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736G pta +108M +51f +0P 99%R 12/2014 pta +140NM +.19%F -.01%P 55%us pta -.2pl 3.06scs -2.9dpr 9.2%dce pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Plate Boston 68958372 VG-86 VEG+V 4-11 2-01 2 358 25700 4.6 1174 3.1 809 3-03 2 365 34710 4.4 1514 3.1 1091

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g pta +15M -20f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.73t -.21udc +1.68flc 99%R 12/2014 NEU-WAY PATRON ALLIE-ET 17216847 CV TM VG-87 VE+VV GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 2 365 35440 3.9 1398 3.1 1101

all-Riehl Plateau-ET 137479377 tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +1903g pta +632M +27f +13P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.34t +.14udc +.18flc 97%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Marc Brilant-TW 139259036 GP-82 VV+G+ 2-04 2-01 2 365 26720 4.2 1125 3.1 834


3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Leduc Britany (GP-82) 4-05 2 365 31760 4.2 1332 3.1 983 Life: 1326 110900 4.2 4704 3.1 3480 4th Dam: Mortenson Charles Betsy (3E-92 EX-MS) 8-06 2 365 34290 3.8 1297 3.0 1012 Life: 3078 213940 3.8 8031 3.2 6815 5th Dam: Vil-Helm Broker Doris (VG-86) 3-02 2 244 16330 4.6 755 3.5 567 6th Dam: Byrds-Creek Warden Dana (VG-85) 5-03 2 364 21190 4.7 1003 3.1 650 7th Dam: Daviddale Triple Threat Della (2E-90 EX-MS) 7-05 2 302 22400 3.7 825 2.8 632 Life: 2542 125800 3.9 4880 3.1 3926

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET (VG-88 GMD DOM 2Y) 4th Dam of Lots 206 & 207

Lot 206

matt-Dari Shamrock Nevada 68958541 100%RHA Born: January 2, 2012 Nevada GP-83 V+GGV 2-11 50K gtpi +2024g pta +50M +29f +5P 80%R 12/2014 pta +246NM +.11%F +.01%P pta +2.1PL 2.92scs +1.8dpr 7.8%dce pta +1.38t +1.09udc +.54flc 80%R 12/2014 2-02 2 365 31755 4.3 1352 3.3 1034 (Inc) Milking 74lbs. 4.7%F 3.5%P

ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 TR TV TL TY TD VG-85 V+VV 2-06 P9 50K gtpi +2304g pta +1109m +48f +18P 99%R 12/2014 pta +565NM +.03%F -.06%P 89%R pta +6.7pl 2.90scs +2.5dpr 4.1%dce pta +1.13T +1.17udc +.06flc 99%R 12/2014 langs-Twin-B A-J Nicole-eT 66879836 GP-80 VG+F+ 3-07 2-00 2 351 22940 4.7 1073 3.6 819 3-02 2 365 30850 4.9 1513 3.7 1132

Bred 7/17/2014 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206H0148

3rd Dam: Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-06 2 365 38960 3.4 1344 3.5 1365 Life: 1232 102530 3.3 3349 3.6 3654 4th Dam: Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET tr tv tl ty td (VG-88 GMD DOM 2Y) EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g 2-03 2 365 31810 4.1 1292 3.2 1027 pta +1706M +43f +49P 99%R 12/2014 Maternal Sister to Fudge: pta +.72t +.39udc -1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Ralma Durham Fireball-ET (EX-92 EX-MS GMD DOM) ladys-manor ruby D shawn-et 62360741 2-05 2 365 33800 4.0 1364 3.4 1139 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 5-04 5th Dam: 4-04 2 365 37920 4.8 1808 3.2 1208 Ralma Juror Faith ked outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 (EX-91 EEEVV GMD DOM) tv tl TY 4-02 2 365 47860 4.5 2165 3.1 1497 Life: 1352 133520 4.5 5986 3.3 4358 GM 50K GTPI +1967G 6th Dam: pta +.20t -.08udc +.82flc 99%R 12/2014 Ralma Leadman Fashion (VG-89 VEEVV 3Y) langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley-eT 62816824 4-10 2 365 40710 3.7 1494 3.0 1232 VG-87 VVEVV 2-11 Life: 1243 117710 3.6 4295 3.2 3743 2-03 2 365 33270 4.3 1416 3.2 1059


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 207

matt-Dari Day Nani 71667907 tl td

100%RHA Born: February 17, 2013 #371 9K gtpi +2062g pta -302M -2f +6P 74%R 12/2014 pta +2.79nm +.04%f +.06%P pta +4.8PL 2.67scs +4.0dpr 8.5%dce pta +.55t +1.14udc +.22flc 72%R 12/2014

Minnigan=Hills Day-eT 69774730 tv tl ty td 50k gtpi +2314g pta +915M +30f +29P 88%R 12/2014 pta +484NM -.01%F +.01%P 100%us pta +5.0PL 2.75scs +1.8dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.82t +1.96udc +1.10flc 77%R 12/2014

langs-Twin-B A-J Nicole-eT 66879836 GP-80 VG+F+ 3-07 2-00 2 351 22940 4.7 1073 3.6 819 3-02 2 365 30850 4.9 1513 3.7 1132

Lot 208

3rd Dam: Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle-ET (EX-90 EX-MS GMD DOM) TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g 2-06 2 365 38960 3.4 1344 3.5 1365 pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 Life: 1232 102530 3.3 3349 3.6 3654 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 4th Dam: Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET hendel Bolton Florida-ET 64855726 ty (VG-88 GMD DOM 2Y) EX-90 EEVVE 2E 6-02 2-03 2 365 31810 4.1 1292 3.2 1027 5-06 2 365 46590 3.0 1398 2.9 1369 Maternal Sister to Fudge: LIFE 1276 132850 3.1 4074 2.9 3894 Ralma Durham Fireball-ET (EX-92 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2-05 2 365 33800 4.0 1364 3.4 1139 5th Dam: Ralma Juror Faith ked outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 (EX-91 EEEVV GMD DOM) tv tl TY 4-02 2 365 47860 4.5 2165 3.1 1497 GM 50K GTPI +1967G Life: 1352 133520 4.5 5986 3.3 4358 pta +.20t -.08udc +.82flc 99%R 12/2014 6th Dam: Ralma Leadman Fashion langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley-eT 62816824 (VG-89 VEEVV 3Y) VG-87 VVEVV 2-11 4-10 2 365 40710 3.7 1494 3.0 1232 2-03 2 365 33270 4.3 1416 3.2 1059 Life: 1243 117710 3.6 4295 3.2 3743

matt-Dari Deligent Capri 71667864 100%RHA Born: November 18, 2012 #328

Ronelee Dorcy Deligent-eT 140969423 by tv tl td 50K gtpi +2295g pta +898M +18F +35P 77%R 12/2014 pta +499nm -.06%F +.03%P 100%us pta +5.6PL 2.82scs +.7dpr 7.5%dce pta +2.08t +2.37udc +1.96flc 77%R 12/2014

Royal-Vista Canyon 881 65289404 EX-90 VEVVE 4-11

2-03 3 365 33070 3-06 2 365 38500 4-08 2 365 42700 LIFE 1350 133540

3.6 1181 3.2 1239 3.6 1546 3.5 4698

2.8 941 2.8 1083 2.9 1238 2.9 3884

Bred 7/21/2014 to Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143 200H7450

Bred 8/8/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen

Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl VG-87 VVV+ 4-09 pta +1387M +33f +38P 99%R 12/2014 pta +2.21t +2.52udc +2.31flc 98%R 12/2014 Ronelee Boliver Dreary-eT VG-86 VVV+V DOM 3-08

2-04 2 365 27970 3.9 1102 3.3 936

CAnyon-breeze storm atom-ET 129573030 b/r tv tl td EX-92 EEEE 6-03 gm 50K gtpi +1306g pta +313M +.1f -.2P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.15t -.35udc -.44flc 99%R 12/2014 Royal-Vista Touch 626 GP-81 ++GF+ 4-10

2-01 3 345 31780 3.6 1144 2.9 922 3-02 3 365 39660 3.1 1211 2.8 1095


3rd Dam: Royal-Vista Blackbart 446 (GP-83) 3-04 3 316 35390 3.5 1242 2.7 960 Life: 922 101840 3.4 3435 2.8 2815 4th Dam: Royal-Vista Lushea 204 (NC) 3-01 2 305 29200 3.7 1088 2.9 851

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Candid Ice Ice Baby (2E-92 EEEEE) 3rd Dam of Lot 209

Lot 209

matt-Dari Lauthority iris 68958545

Sells Fresh 2/5/2015

100%RHA Born: February 19, 2012 #253 2-11 2 43 2695 4.1 111 3.2 87 (Inc) Milking 68lbs. 3.9%F 2.8%P

Comestar Lauthority-ET 103455217c tl ty 50K gtpi +1904g pta +274m +20f +10P 99%R 12/2014 pta +68NM +.04%F +.01%P 11%us pta -2.0pl 2.97scs -.4dpr 7.4%dce pta +2.57t +1.68udc +1.22flc 98%R 12/2014

matt-Dari fortune inspire 139615179 GP-82 VV+F+ 2-08 2-03 2 305 24100 3-04 2 365 34230 4-05 2 365 35730 LIFE 1127 102540

4.3 1028 4.1 1405 3.8 1361 4.0 4107

3.2 780 3.2 1100 3.2 1132 3.2 3279

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Comestar Lautelma Igniter-ET 100748831c tl CAN VG-89 tl

4-02 2 365 49804 4.9 2343 3.3 1633 LIFE 1125 113927 4.5 515 3.4 3867

To-mar d-fortune-et 129922003 tr tv tl EX-91 EEVV 6-04 50K GTPI +1335G pta +.40t +.65udc -.42flc 99%R 12/2014 candid Icy Hot 134139131 EX-91 EEEEE 2E 6-04

2-00 2 360 21430 3-01 2 354 23420 4-02 2 305 31220 5-05 2 338 34580 6-05 2 365 31880 LIFE 1864 151940

3.9 842 4.0 930 3.6 1129 3.9 1335 3.9 1255 3.8 5841


3.1 663 3.2 751 3.0 940 2.9 1012 2.7 859 3.0 4522

3rd Dam: Candid Ice Ice Baby (2E-92 EEEEE) 5-06 3 365 36050 5.2 1871 3.0 1093 4th Dam: Candid White Lindy (3E EEEEE GMD 10Y) 6-05 2 365 41550 3.6 1484 3.1 1271 Life: 2618 211600 3.6 7529 3.2 6764

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 210

matt-Dari Aftershock Aruba 68958443

Sells Fresh 3/10/2015

100%RHA Born: Nobember 21, 2010 Aruba VG-87 VEV+V 4-01 1-11 2 365 29520 3.9 1139 2.8 827 3-02 2 305 31950 3.5 1113 2.8 882 4-03 2 10 539 4.6 25 3.9 21 (Inc) Milking 70lbs. 4.3% 3.5P%

Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-eT 65249839 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-02 P9 50K GTPI +1728g pta +2M +5f -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +0NM +.02%F -.05%P 54%us pta +1.2PL 2.80scs -1.3dpr 10.7%dce pta +2.25T +1.82udc +1.46flc 99%r 12/2014 matt-Dari Modest Ashlyn 137925298 VG-87 VEVE+ 3-11 2-03 2 365 31010 4.0 1246 3.2 982 3-06 2 343 33880 4.0 1339 3.0 1024

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005 Regancrest-LH Modest-eT 207124561 tv tl 50K gtpi +1277g pta +.95t +.52udc +.19flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Storm Alstar 132437886 GP-81 +V++G 4-02 2-00 2 365 27490 3.9 1081 3.0 824 3-03 2 344 36240 3.7 1334 2.8 1019

Lot 211

matt-Dari Golden Dr Vanelle 73727262 100%RHA Born:November 6, 2014 #551

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K gtpi +1906G pta -807M +7f -18P 91%R 12/2014 pta +73NM +.15%F +.03%P 0%us pta +.2PL 2.68scs +.0dpr 7.0%dce pta +2.64t +3.20udc +2.37flc 87%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Darmax Vivian 68958368 GP-80 ++G+G 3-01 2-02 2 365 26740 4.5 1197 3.0 800 3-06 2 355 35870 4.5 1617 3.0 1071

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

matt-Dari Airraid Darmax 138787420 tv tl ty EX-90 EEVV 4-06 50K gtpi +17554g pta +867M +22f +7P 94%R 12/2014 pta +1.75t +1.30udc +.87flc 92%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Herod Valesa 129180850 EX-90 VEEEE 2E 9-06

2-01 2 365 33770 3-10 2 343 38760 6-02 2 365 40670 7-07 2 365 48400 9-00 2 365 41560 LIFE 2914 309050

3.6 1213 4.0 1558 3.9 1568 3.6 1748 3.6 1516 3.8 11822


3.1 1049 3.0 1163 2.8 1140 2.9 1382 2.8 1143 2.9 9030

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Romeo Vanessa (GP-83) 2-04 2 355 29130 3.9 1132 3.2 946 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Bellman Vivi-TW (GP-81) 2-01 2 365 20200 4.4 890 3.6 721 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Melvin Violet (2E-90) 5-04 2 365 23810 4.5 1080 3.4 814 Life: 1682 102620 4.7 4856 3.6 3648 6th Dam: Fritzland Pete Velvet (VG-86) 6-05 2 365 24160 4.6 1100 3.3 793 Life: 2212 126780 4.3 5476 3.4 3777 7th Dam: Alfmar Sunny Standout (VG-86) 8th Dam: Alfmar Happy S F Ivanhoe (VG-88 13Y)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 212

Matt-Dari Confirm Ivory-TW 68958503 100%RHA Born: June 10, 2011 Ivory GP-84 VVGG+ 3-06 2-04 2 358 33300 3.7 1237 3.2 1060 3-05 2 103 11389 3.7 420 2.9 332 (Inc) Milking 114lbs. 3.4%F 2.9%P

Bred 3/12/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

ralma Confirm-eT 52774523 ty 50K gtpi +1675gpta -948M -32f -20P 97%R 12/2014 pta -107NM +.02%F +.04%P 79%us pta -1.3PL 2.57scs +1.6dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.60t +1.31udc +1.57flc 96%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Bolivia Ivanna 66614765 VG-87 EV+VV 3-10 2-02 2 348 25070 4.7 1168 3.4 845 3-03 2 338 27690 4.4 1225 3.3 917

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET 51547373 tv VG-88 VVEEV GMD DOM 2-09 2-03 2 365 31810 4.1 1292 3.0 967

magor Bolivia Allen-eT 3250511195HUN tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1417g pta +.82t +.64udc -.50flc 99%R 12/2014

100%RHA Born: November 3, 2013 #445 Bred 3/5/2015 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 507H9420

Seagull-Bay Supersire-eT 69981349 tv tl ty td 50K GTPI +2558G PTA +1936M +89F +62P 79%R 12/2014 PTA +789NM +.07%F +.02%P 100%US PTA +5.8PL 2.98SCS +.6DPR 5.5%DCE PTA +1.60T +.93UDC +.55FLC 77%R matt-Dari Confirm Ivory-TW 68958503 GP-84 VVGG+ 3-06 2-04 2 358 33300 3.7 1237 3.2 1060

Sells as Lot 212

4.2 1213 4.1 1459 4.2 1485 4.2 1101 4.2 5463

3.3 951 3.3 1164 3.2 1129 3.2 839 3.3 4239

matt-Dari Confirm Ivy-TW 68958504

Sells Fresh Due 3/22/2015

ralma Confirm-eT 52774523 ty 50K gtpi +1675gpta -948M -32f -20P 97%R 12/2014 pta -107NM +.02%F +.04%P 79%us pta -1.3PL 2.57scs +1.6dpr 6.4%dce pta +1.60t +1.31udc +1.57flc 96%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Bolivia Ivanna 66614765 VG-87 EV+VV 3-10 2-02 2 348 25070 4.7 1168 3.4 845 3-03 2 338 27690 4.4 1225 3.3 917

matt-Dari Supersire Irish 72596514

Nat-Way Forbidden Indy 135306370 VG-85 VVVFV 3-10 2-05 2 365 28730 3-09 2 365 35200 4-10 2 365 35510 6-00 2 283 26430 LIFE 1449 130030

Lot 214

Lot 213

100%RHA Born: June 10. 2011 Ivy VG-85 VVG+V 3-06 2-06 2 365 35380 3.7 1311 3.1 1114

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET 51547373 tv VG-88 VVEEV GMD DOM 2-09 2-03 2 365 31810 4.1 1292 3.0 967

magor Bolivia Allen-eT 3250511195HUN tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1417g pta +.82t +.64udc -.50flc 99%R 12/2014 Nat-Way Forbidden Indy 135306370 VG-85 VVVFV 3-10 2-05 2 365 28730 3-09 2 365 35200 4-10 2 365 35510 6-00 2 283 26430 LIFE 1449 130030

4.2 1213 4.1 1459 4.2 1485 4.2 1101 4.2 5463


3.3 951 3.3 1164 3.2 1129 3.2 839 3.3 4239

3rd Dam: Laeschland Eland Ireland (VG-86) 8-09 2 365 28610 3.9 1130 2.8 789 Life: 2259 154920 3.9 6005 2.9 4538 4th Dam: Laeschland Fred Iris (VG-85) 1-10 2 331 24920 3.7 924 3.1 767 5th Dam: Schumachers Zebo Ivette (VG-87) 4-01 2 345 27620 4.1 1126 3.1 851 Life: 1648 131080 4.1 5400 3.0 3973 6th Dam: Schumachers Starlite Ivory (GP-82 10Y) 9-10 2 359 34920 3.9 1364 2.9 996 Life: 2736 188050 3.9 7354 2.9 5540 7th Dam: Schumachers Tidy Ivy (VG-88) Life: 2035 103300 4.1 4208 3.1 3157

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 215

matt-Dari Alexander Impala 68958487 100%RHA Born: April 5, 2011 Impala GP-83 VV+FV 3-01 2-07 2 353 31480 4.4 1372 3.2 1009 3-08 2 79 8955 4.1 366 2.8 251 (Inc) Milking 120lbs. 3.8%F 2.8%P COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736G pta +108M +51f +0P 99%R 12/2014 pta +140NM +.19%F -.01%P 55%us pta -.2pl 3.06scs -2.9dpr 9.2%dce pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014

NEU-WAY PATRON ALLIE-ET 17216847 CV TM VG-87 VE+VV GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 2 365 35440 3.9 1398 3.1 1101

REGANCREST DUNDEE-ET 127640114 TV TL TY EX-95 EEEV 6-08 50K GTPI +1372g

matt-Dari Dundee Indigo 139416190 GP-80 ++G+G 2-02

Nat-Way Forbidden Indy 135306370 VG-85 VVVFV 3-10

2-00 2 356 29560 3.8 1135 3.0 900 3-01 2 334 33890 4.0 1366 3.0 1004 4-02 2 264 30720 3.7 1134 2.8 873

Lot 216

2-05 2 365 28730 3-09 2 365 35200 4-10 2 365 35510 6-00 2 283 26430 LIFE 1449 130030

4.2 1213 4.1 1459 4.2 1485 4.2 1101 4.2 5463

3.3 951 3.3 1164 3.2 1129 3.2 839 3.3 4239

Matt-Dari Derwind Faine 71667912 100%RHA Born: March 12, 2013 #376

de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Observer Derwind 68958467 TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +2167G pta +91M +38f +2P 77%R 12/2014 pta +425NM +.14%F +.00%P 100%us pta +5.1PL 2.78scs +2.0dpr 5.6%dce pta +1.66t +2.00udc -.16f;c 77%R 12/2014

Lot 217

3-01 2 365 36580 3.7 1348 3.0 1089

100%RHA Born: March 30, 2014 #487

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

2-01 2 365 25380 3.7 936 3.0 760 3-04 2 365 25220 3.7 939 3.2 807 4-07 2 314 29760 3.3 987 2.9 870

Bred 8/6/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen

matt-Dari Goldwn Desitree-eT 66614750 VG-88 VEEGE 4-01

matt-Dari Clark Farrah 72596556

mission-Bell Velvet Fidgety 139548192 VG-88 VVVVE 3-06

3rd Dam: Laeschland Eland Ireland (VG-86) 8-09 2 365 28610 3.9 1130 2.8 789 Life: 2259 154920 3.9 6005 2.9 4538 4th Dam: Laeschland Fred Iris (VG-85) 1-10 2 331 24920 3.7 924 3.1 767 5th Dam: Schumachers Zebo Ivette (VG-87) 4-01 2 345 27620 4.1 1126 3.1 851 Life: 1648 131080 4.1 5400 3.0 3973 6th Dam: Schumachers Starlite Ivory (GP-82 10Y) 9-10 2 359 34920 3.9 1364 2.9 996 Life: 2736 188050 3.9 7354 2.9 5540 7th Dam: Schumachers Tidy Ivy (VG-88) Life: 2035 103300 4.1 4208 3.1 3157

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Dool-Leigh Outside Piper 61018424 TD EX-92 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-01

4-07 2 365 39860 4.9 1968 3.1 1252 LIFE 2022 168200 5.0 8352 3.2 5371

heather Holme Velvet 9358202c tv tl td EX-94 EEEV 7-09 50k gtpi +1651g pta +.77t +.82udc +.22flc 97%R 12/2014 mission-Bell Rubens Finicky 134691224 VG-85 VV++V 3-06 2-01 2 365 18990 4.0 761 3.1 595 3-04 2 365 27180 3.8 1023 3.2 860 4-11 2 306 23120 3.7 854 3.1 710


3rd Dam: Mission-Bell Encore Fame-TW (VG-88) 5-02 2 352 28700 4.1 1176 3.2 912 Life: 1565 116700 4.0 4650 3.1 3644 4th Dam: Mission-Bell BD Chair Fawn (VG-87 GMD DOM) 9-10 2 365 35580 3.5 1247 2.8 1006 Life: 2748 230230 3.6 8376 2.9 6728 5th Dam: Mission-Bell Tempo Denise Deer (VG-88) 3-05 2 365 28080 3.5 988 2.8 793 6th Dam: Mission-Bell Willow Dol Denise (VG-86) 9-00 2 365 31450 3.5 1095 Life: 2872 236580 3.3 7807 7th Dam: Kleinhans Pawnee Ref Ad Dolly (VG-86 GMD DOM 11Y) 5-02 2 365 25680 3.5 902 Life: 3246 215440 3.5 7455 8th Dam: Kleinhans Donna Star (VG-86 GMD DOM) 6-06 2 347 23430 4.0 928 Life: 2629 157590 3.9 6120

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 218

matt-Dari Fermont Shevy 68958512

Lot 219

matt-Dari Hunter Sienna 71667849

100%RHA Born: August 13, 2011 Shevy GP-83 V+GG+ 3-04 2-07 2 363 29319 4.4 1285 3.4 992 (Inc) Milking 66lbs. 5.0%F 3.9%P BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL duckett-SA Fremont-eT 139716674 ty CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g 50K gtpi +1616gpta -62M +0F -2P 97%R HArvue Roy Frosty 52378753 12/2014 EX-97 EEEEE 3E GMD 9-05 pta -46NM +.01%F +.00%P 56%us 5-07 2 365 44710 5.0 2222 2.8 1248 pta -1.9pl 2.97scs -.7dpr 6.5%dce LIFE 2285 217250 4.8 10507 3.0 6447 pta +1.31t +.90udc +.15flc 96%R 12/2014 2 Time All-American 100%RHA Born: September 28, 2012 #3183 2-03 2 72 5483 4.0 222 3.0 166 Milking 114lbs. 4.1%F 3.7%P

Sells Fresh 1/7/2015

cookiecutter MOM Hunter-ET 3000540481 tv tl 50k gtpi +2101g pta +518M +29f +29P 93%R 12/2014 pta +297NM +.04%F +.05%P 48%us pta +.8PL 2.79scs +1.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.31t +90udc +.64flc 88%R 12/2014 nan-Ron-acres Modest Sara 62728572 EX-92 EEVEE 2E 7-01 2-02 2 293 17230 3-02 2 333 27610 4-02 2 365 36440 5-06 2 365 36170 6-08 2 365 40410 LIFE 1947 173920

4.2 731 3.9 1083 3.9 1433 3.9 1412 3.9 1581 4.0 6934

Lot 220

Bred 7/27/2014 to Sandy-Valley SS Deyja-ET 71181769 7H12219

3.3 576 3.1 860 3.1 1115 3.1 1122 3.2 1283 3.2 5525

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g Cookiecutter Shthollerwood 65597532 EX-92 EEEEE 2E Dom 6-03 4-00 3 365 30340 5.1 1562 3.3 988

regancrest-LH Modest-ET 207124561 tv tl 50K gtpi +1277g pta +.95t +.52udc +.19flc 99%R 12/2014 nan-Ron-Acres Roy Susan 134853347 GP-84 ++G+V 4-00 2-02 2 305 20460 4.3 884 2.8 582 3-02 2 365 25330 4.0 1011 2.9 740 4-05 2 365 33600 4.3 1431 3.1 1052

matt-Dari Zelgadis Secert 71667938 99%RHA-I Born: May 21, 2013 #402

Zelgadis-ET 4990278559ita 99%Rha-i tv tl HD GTPI +1912g pta -203M -10f -5P 93%R 12/2014 pta +85NM -.01%F +.00%P 20%us pta +.6PL 2.82scs +1.2dpr 5.5%dce pta +1.84t +2.05udc +2.40flc 85%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Spearmint Society 68958389 VG-86 VVVVV 2-10 2-00 2 331 24260 3.7 903 3.1 760 3-01 2 338 32360 3.8 1221 3.1 1005

3rd Dam: Nan-Ron-Acres Flip Sally (EX-90 EX-MS) 4-03 2 365 32690 3.4 1099 3.1 1028 Life: 1488 114730 3.4 3876 3.1 3559 Bred 9/11/2014 to

Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143 200H7450

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Casciina Giobbi Domenica 4900026648ita 99%rha-I Pine-Tree Spearmint-ET 63685691 tr tv tl td EX-90 VEVV 4-08 50K gtpi +1902G pta +82M +21f -3P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.23T +.57udc +1.19flc 99%R 12/2014 nan-Ron-acres Modest Sara 62728572 EX-92 EEVEE 2E 7-01 2-02 2 293 17230 3-02 2 333 27610 4-02 2 365 36440 5-06 2 365 36170 6-08 2 365 40410 LIFE 1947 173920

4.2 731 3.9 1083 3.9 1433 3.9 1412 3.9 1581 4.0 6934


3.3 576 3.1 860 3.1 1115 3.1 1122 3.2 1283 3.2 5525

3rd Dam: Nan-Ron-Acres Roy Susan (GP-84) 4-05 2 365 33600 4. 1431 3.1 1052 4th Dam: Nan-Ron-Acres Flip Sally (EX-90 EX-MS) 4-03 2 365 32690 3.4 1099 3.1 1028 Life: 1488 114730 3.4 3876 3.1 3559

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 221

Matt-Dari mr Sam Coco 138506331 100%RHA Born: May 6, 2007 Coco VG-87 VV+VV 6-02 2-02 2 365 28270 4.4 1249 3.2 910 3-05 2 341 29190 4.6 1333 3.2 930 4-05 2 327 32270 4.5 1441 3.0 962 5-05 2 365 37470 4.5 1677 3.1 1172 6-07 2 342 36230 4.7 1715 3.1 1114 7-08 2 62 7954 4.5 359 2.8 220 (Inc) Milking 137lbs. 3.7%F 2.4%P LIFE 1791 166540 4.5 7559 3.1 5196

Sells Fresh 1/17/2015

regancrest-Mr Drham sam-et 207184639 TR tv tl GM 50K GTPI +1455g pta -463M +3f -10P 99%R 12/2014 pta -77NM +.09%f +.02%P 49%us pta -1.7pl 3.06scs -3.3dpr 6.8%DCE pta +.48t +.34udc +.89flc 99%R 12/2014

4.1 1246 4.1 1538 3.9 1471 4.1 857 4.0 5456

3.0 907 2.9 1102 2.8 1075 2.7 566 2.9 3933

Lot 223

Sher-Est Emory Swanny 17037800 TV EX-90 EEEVV 2E DOM 6-08

matt-Dari Jeeves Cayley 100%RHA Born: October 16, 2010 Cayley

GP-82 +V+++ 3-07 2-00 2 346 23960 4.6 1101 3.3 785 3-01 2 365 32780 4.4 1457 3.1 1015

Sells Fresh 2/20/2015

ked outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1967g pta -42M +11f +0p 99%R 12/2014 pta +283NM +.05%F +.01%P 30%us pta +6.2PL 2.96scs +4.00dpr 11.5%dce pta +.20t -.08udc +.82flc 99%R matt-Dari Mr Sam Coco 138506331 VG-87 VV+VV 6-02 5-05 2 365 37470 4.5 1677 3.1 1172 LIFE 1791 166540 4.5 7559 3.1 5196

Sells as Lot 221

2-02 2 365 27720 4.1 1150 3.3 924

carol Prelude mtoto-ET 6001001962ita TV TL GM HD GTPI pta +282M +8f -2p 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Mtoto Climax 132239938 VG-85 VVVV+ GMD 5-00 2-01 2 365 30320 3-03 2 365 37750 4-06 2 365 37920 6-01 2 195 20880 LIFE 1502 135820

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014

Lot 222

Matt-Dari Metro Carissa 127707242 GP-83 ++VV+ 2-04 2-00 2 144 12150 3.9 472 2.9 353

matt-Dari Clark Comet 68958594

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Glow Cherry (VG-87) 4-10 2 365 40160 3.9 1549 3.0 1195 Life: 1781 153570 3.9 5955 3.0 4541 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Rocky Cleo (VG-87 GMD) 6-06 2 365 29160 4.2 1236 3.1 897 Life: 2631 169660 4.3 7299 3.2 5258

Sells Fresh 2/2/2015

100%RHA Born: August 19, 2012 #302 2-05 2 46 4221 3.9 165 2.9 122 (Inc) Milking 108lbs. 3.6%F 2.6%P

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

matt-Dari Lou cherish 138390152 GP-81 VVP+g 3-01 2-00 2 365 31920 3-02 2 348 28520 4-03 2 363 30990 LIFE 1175 101190

3.4 1099 3.5 984 3.2 1007 3.4 3425

2.9 938 3.1 871 2.8 883 2.9 2956

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Dool-Leigh Outside Piper 61018424 TD EX-92 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-01

4-07 2 365 39860 4.9 1968 3.1 1252 LIFE 2022 168200 5.0 8352 3.2 5371

Jenny-Lou MArshall p149-ET 122274798 tv tl 50K gtpi +1488G pta +542M +3f +9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.74T +.68udc -.01flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Forbidden Chacha 135522873 VG-88 VEVVV 3-11 2-00 2 365 30220 4.1 1235 3.2 974 3-01 2 357 30460 3.7 1126 3.0 927


3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Encore Cotton (GP-82) 3-04 2 365 29770 3.8 1144 3.1 916 4th Dam: B-Neat RC Matt Coral (VG-88 eX-MS GMD) 4-06 2 354 34300 3.7 1260 3.0 1038 5th Dam: Lylehaven Laban Carlina-ET (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 8-00 2 365 24470 4.2 1030 3.4 836 Life 2424 146840 4.1 6090 3.3 4917 6th Dam: L&J Conductor Caroline (EX-91 EEEE 2E GMD DOM) 6-11 2 349 24740 4.5 1119 3.3 807 Life: 1671 107980 4.3 4631 3.4 3648 7th Dam: L&J Sexation Christmas Carol (2E-94 EEEE GMD) 6-10 3 365 30420 3.6 1107 3.0 921 Life: 1916 129080 3.6 4705 3.0 3905

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Hardwood Windsor Delight-ET (3E-91 EX-MS) 4th Dam of Lot 224

Lot 224

matt-Dari Dempsey Dimple 68958592

Sells Fresh 1/29/2015

100%RHA Born: August 12, 2012 #300 2-05 2 50 4355 3.9 170 3.0 129 Milking 97lbs. 3.6%F 2.8%P

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014

matt-Dari OUtside Danika 139416172 EX-90 VEEVE 3-11 2-00 2 365 29720 3.3 984 2.8 818 3-05 2 342 27390 3.6 976 2.7 733

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 hardwood RJ Darla 135900211 EX-90 EEVVE 4-09

1-11 2 365 31670 3-01 2 365 39490 4-04 2 329 34650 LIFE 1163 112800

3.8 1205 3.6 1407 3.7 1270 3.7 4222


3.1 981 3.0 1200 2.9 1015 3.0 3391

3rd Dam: Hardwood Derry Daisy-TW (VG-85) 2-00 2 337 22220 4.1 905 3.3 732 4th Dam: Hardwood Windsor Delight-ET (3E-91 EX-MS) 4-06 2 357 35320 3.6 1273 3.1 1079 Life: 2867 237970 3.7 8801 3.1 7365 5th Dam: Quickland Mark Debbie-ET (2E-90 EX-MS) 6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1243 3.0 950 Life: 1460 100200 4.2 4180 3.2 3200 6th Dam: Quickland Bell Deanne-ET (VG-87) 5-09 2 365 28090 4.3 1208 3.4 965 7th Dam: Anacres Apollo Dean Fobes (EX-90) 3-09 2 349 21476 4.3 930 Life 2513 126801 4.4 5618

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Sanchez Deanna (VG-85) Sells as Lot 225

Lot 225

matt-Dari Sanchez Deanna 68958593

Lot 226

matt-Dari Durham Drama 68958500

100%RHA Born: August 13, 2012 Deanna VG-85 V+G+V 2-04 2-02 2 138 12675 4.0 588 3.1 388 Milking 88lbs. 4.4%F 3.3%P COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 CAN EX 50K GTPI +1448g TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 50K GTPI +1623g GEN-MARK BW MAR WINNIE-ET pta +519M -16f +8P 99%R 12/2014 131652910 pta -73NM -.14%F -.03%P 47%us EX-90 EEEVV 2E GMD 6-06 pta -.2PL 3.20scs -3.1dpr 6.5%dce 4-08 2 365 43690 3.6 1555 2.9 1255 pta +1.94t +1.01udc +1.75flc 99%R 12/2014 LIFE 1463 132550 3.6 4737 3.1 4074

Bred 3/17/2015 to Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 7H9264

100%RHA Born: June 4, 2011 Drama GP-82 ++GG+ 2-11 2-04 2 365 29890 4.4 1327 3.5 1051 3-06 2 96 10099 4.0 405 3.3 (Inc) Milking 111lbs. 4.1%F 3.3%P

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g pta -718M -51f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta -196nm -.10%F +.05%P 82%us pta -1.2pl 2.98scs +.0dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Bolivia Dextra 66614768 GP-80 VV+P+ 2-09 2-01 2 365 26770 4.5 1201 3.3 873

Emprise Bell Elton 1912270 CV BL TD EX-95 EEEE 11-00 SNOW-N DENISES DELLIA 12895802 TV TL EX-95 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 2* 7-08 7-06 2 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 LIFE 2558 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 magor Bolivia Allen-ET 3250511195 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1417g hardwood RJ Darla 135900211 EX-90 EEVVE 4-09

1-11 2 365 31670 3-01 2 365 39490 4-04 2 329 34650 LIFE 1163 112800

3.8 1205 3.6 1407 3.7 1270 3.7 4222


3.1 981 3.0 1200 2.9 1015 3.0 3391

Bred 2/21/2015 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen

3rd Dam: Hardwood Derry Daisy-TW (VG-85) 2-00 2 337 22220 4.1 905 3.3 732 4th Dam: Hardwood Windsor Delight-ET (3E-91 EX-MS) 4-06 2 357 35320 3.6 1273 3.1 1079 Life: 2867 237970 3.7 8801 3.1 7365 5th Dam: Quickland Mark Debbie-ET (2E-90 EX-MS) 6-00 2 365 31630 3.9 1243 3.0 950 Life: 1460 100200 4.2 4180 3.2 3200 6th Dam: Quickland Bell Deanne-ET (VG-87) 5-09 2 365 28090 4.3 1208 3.4 965 7th Dam: Anacres Apollo Dean Fobes (EX-90) 3-09 2 349 21476 4.3 930 Life 2513 126801 4.4 5618

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 227

matt-Dari Roy Mirror 68958492

Sells Fresh 12/15/2014

100%RHA Born: May 5, 2011 Mirror VG-86 +VV+V 3-00 2-05 2 365 28720 3.6 1025 3.1 877 3-07 2 95 11635 3.3 386 2.7 313 (Inc) Milking 133lbs. 3.6%F 2.8%P

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta -252NM +.01%F -.01%P 27%us pta -3.0PL 3.20scs -.3dpr 7.5%dce pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Mr Monarch Macey 66614754 GP-82 GVVG+ 3-00 2-03 2 365 34990 3.0 1052 2.9 1001 3-04 2 212 23880 2.7 648 2.9 694

KED JUROR-ET 2124357 TV TL TD GP-82 +EEP 10-01 GM HD GTPI +1255G FIRDELL AEROSTAR BABETTE-ET 14504541 EX-90 VEVVE GMD DOM 4-07 3-02 2 365 41140 3.9 1592 3.0 1245 2-01 2 344 31570 3.8 1199 3.1 967

mr Monarch-eT 133511981 tv tl tpi +1341M pta -563M -11f -5P 96%R 12/2014 pta -.11t +.15udc -.75flc 91%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Titantic Marisa 137038206 GP-84 +VG++ 4-00 2-01 2 365 34820 3.3 1161 2.8 962 3-04 2 365 36910 3.4 1255 2.8 1042

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Mtoto Myra (GP-82) 3-04 2 365 32800 3.8 1232 2.7 895 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Tesk Marvel-ET (VG-89 GMD) 5-08 2 360 41880 3.4 1418 2.7 1133 Life: 1939 195030 3.6 7038 2.9 5575 5th Dam: Cloveredge Mark Mallory-ET (3E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 6-05 2 365 40110 3.4 1354 2.5 1003 Life: 2471 225460 3.6 8059 2.6 5841 6th Dam: Cloveredge Bova Muffin (VG-88 GMD DOM) 5-11 3 365 34120 3.1 1067 2.6 882 Life: 3594 234090 2.9 6888 2.7 6208 7th Dam: Cloveredge Wayne Maggie (VG-87) 4-09 2 365 27220 3.4 938 3.2 860 Life: 2237 195180 2.9 563 2.8 5386 8th Dam: Cloveredge Riley Mildred (EX-90) 5-04 2 351 30490 3.2 978 Life: 1721 124580 3.3 4162

3 Daughters out of Mirror Sell! 1 D e l i g e n t & S a l v i n o Tw i n s

Lot 228

matt-Dari Deligent Majayda 72596512 100%RHA Born: October 26, 2013 #443 Bred 3/5/2015 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen

Ronelee Dorcy Deligent-eT 140969423 by tv tl td 50K gtpi +2295g pta +898M +18F +35P 77%R 12/2014 pta +499nm -.06%F +.03%P 100%us pta +5.6PL 2.82scs +.7dpr 7.5%dce pta +2.08t +2.37udc +1.96flc 77%R matt-Dari Roy Mirror 68958492 VG-86 +VV+V 3-00 2-05 2 365 28720 3.6 1025 3.1 877

Lot 229

Matt-Dari Salvin Michele-TW 73727268 100%RHA Born: December 15, 2014 #557

Co-Op UPD Hunter Salvino 71921994 tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2315g pta +379M +65f +35P 77%R 12/2014 pta +518NM +.21%f +.10%P 100%us pta +2.4PL 2.88scs +2.4dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.22t +1.33udc +.13flc 76%R matt-Dari Roy Mirror 68958492 VG-86 +VV+V 3-00 2-05 2 365 28720 3.6 1025 3.1 877

Sells as Lot 227

Sells as Lot 227


Lot 230

matt-Dari Salvino Mickey-TW 73727269 100%RHA Born: December 15, 2014 #558

Co-Op UPD Hunter Salvino 71921994 tv tl ty td 77K gtpi +2315g pta +379M +65f +35P 77%R 12/2014 pta +518NM +.21%f +.10%P 100%us pta +2.4PL 2.88scs +2.4dpr 6.9%dce pta +1.22t +1.33udc +.13flc 76%R matt-Dari Roy Mirror 68958492 VG-86 +VV+V 3-00 2-05 2 365 28720 3.6 1025 3.1 877

Sells as Lot 227

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 231

matt-Dari Mamoth Mint 68958577

Sells Fresh 2/5/2015

100%RHA Born: June 21, 2012 #3161 2-07 2 43 3258 3.7 119 3.0 98 (Inc) Milking 86lbs. 3.3%F 2.8%P

regancrest-Mr Drham sam-et 207184639 TR tv tl GM 50K GTPI +1455g pta +.48t +.34udc +.89flc 99%R 12/2014

emmark mammoth 137028067 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1649G pta +320M +5f -6P 99%R 12/2014 pta -18nm-.03%F -.06%P 33%US pta -2.0PL 2.82scs -1.5dpr 6.5%dce pta +.96t +.92udc +1.80flc 97%r 12/2014

emmark Miklin storm 2-1 132858403 EX-90 EEVEE 2E GMD DOM 6-02 6-11 2 365 40700 3.6 1445 2.8 1140 LIFE 1970 176690 3.6 6360 2.9 5069

matt-Dari Mr Monarch Macey 66614754 GP-82 GVVG+ 3-00 2-03 2 365 34990 3.0 1052 2.9 1001 3-04 2 212 23880 2.7 648 2.9 694

mr Monarch-eT 133511981 tv tl tpi +1341M pta -563M -11f -5P 96%R 12/2014 pta -.11t +.15udc -.75flc 91%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Titantic Marisa 137038206 GP-84 +VG++ 4-00 2-01 2 365 34820 3.3 1161 2.8 962 3-04 2 365 36910 3.4 1255 2.8 1042

Lot 232

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Mtoto Myra (GP-82) 3-04 2 365 32800 3.8 1232 2.7 895 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Tesk Marvel-ET (VG-89 GMD) 5-08 2 360 41880 3.4 1418 2.7 1133 Life: 1939 195030 3.6 7038 2.9 5575 5th Dam: Cloveredge Mark Mallory-ET (3E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 6-05 2 365 40110 3.4 1354 2.5 1003 Life: 2471 225460 3.6 8059 2.6 5841 6th Dam: Cloveredge Bova Muffin (VG-88 GMD DOM) 5-11 3 365 34120 3.1 1067 2.6 882 Life: 3594 234090 2.9 6888 2.7 6208 7th Dam: Cloveredge Wayne Maggie (VG-87) 4-09 2 365 27220 3.4 938 3.2 860 Life: 2237 195180 2.9 563 2.8 5386 8th Dam: Cloveredge Riley Mildred (EX-90) 5-04 2 351 30490 3.2 978 Life: 1721 124580 3.3 4162

matt-Dari Trigger Madrin 68958475 100%RHA Born: March 4, 2011 Madrin VG-86 +VG+V 3-09 2-00 2 344 29650 4.3 1275 3.2 954 3-01 2 349 36069 4.3 1562 3.2 1148 (Inc) Milking 86lbs. 5.3%f 3.3%P

Lars-Acres Shot Trigger-ET 62253367 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM 50K gtpi +2100g pta +342M +10F +16P 99%R 12/2014 pta +372NM -.01%F +.02%P 90%us pta +4.9PL 2.71scs +1.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.00t +1.02udc +1.42flc 98%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Freelanc Mindy-TW 137950892 GP-82 G++++ 3-02

2-03 2 365 29160 4.3 1260 3.3 959 3-06 2 362 31250 4.1 1283 3.2 1006 4-07 2 207 20870 4.5 935 3.2 659

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 lars-Acres Tenise-ET 62164816 VG-88 EEEV+ 5-07 3-03 3 330 27620 3.9 1074 3.0 838 LIFE 1631 130340 3.9 5052 3.0 3929

Braedale Freelance-eT 6962003 tv tl CAN VG-85 3Y 50K gtpi +1341g pta +159M +28f +4P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.35t -.03udc -.12flc 99%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Jolt March-TW 133572425 GP-83 +VGV+ GMD 4-00 2-00 2 359 28150 3.8 1074 2.9 823 3-02 2 365 41110 3.5 1432 2.7 1116


Bred 3/22/2015 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206H0148

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Metro Malibo (G-78) 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Tesk Marvel-ET (VG-89 GMD) 5-08 2 360 41880 3.4 1418 2.7 1133 Life: 1939 195030 3.6 7038 2.9 5575 5th Dam: Cloveredge Mark Mallory-ET (3E-92 EEEEE GMD DOM) 6-05 2 365 40110 3.4 1354 2.5 1003 Life: 2471 225460 3.6 8059 2.6 5841 6th Dam: Cloveredge Bova Muffin (VG-88 GMD DOM) 5-11 3 365 34120 3.1 1067 2.6 882 Life: 3594 234090 2.9 6888 2.7 6208 7th Dam: Cloveredge Wayne Maggie (VG-87) 4-09 2 365 27220 3.4 938 3.2 860 Life: 2237 195180 2.9 563 2.8 5386 8th Dam: Cloveredge Riley Mildred (EX-90) 5-04 2 351 30490 3.2 978 Life: 1721 124580 3.3 4162

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 233

matt-Dari Jeeves Harmony 66614796 100%RHA Born: September 1, 2009 Harmony VG-85 VE++V 4-08 2-01 2 365 23790 5.1 1220 3.4 803 3-05 2 361 33090 4.7 1551 3.2 1065 4-06 2 359 30997 5.1 1575 3.4 1064 (Inc) Milking 68lbs. 5.8%F 3.9%P

ked outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1967g pta -42M +11f +0p 99%R 12/2014 pta +283NM +.05%F +.01%P 30%us pta +6.2PL 2.96scs +4.00dpr 11.5%dce pta +.20t -.08udc +.82flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Marsh Hawkeye 137925328 VG-87 VVVVV 3-10 2-01 2 360 31920 3.8 1212 2.9 921 3-03 2 365 35650 3.7 1312 2.9 1019

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 Ked Duster Julienna-et 127151957 EX-94 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM 9-08

7-01 2 365 44030 3.7 1642 3.2 1403 LIFE 3377 286490 3.7 10462 3.2 9215

pasen marsh-ET 130312332 tr tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1646g pta +316M +10f +8P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.58t +1.14udc +1.03flc 99%R 12/2014 Larigan Juror Heroine 130556743 EX-90 EEV+E 2E 6-00 2-01 2 365 26120 4.5 1168 3.1 819 5-07 2 264 23470 4.1 970 2.9 690

Bred 9/9/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Flynn-ET 71667900 14H7360

3rd Dam: Larigan Flip Hero (VG-85) 3-09 2 299 23840 3.9 925 2.9 689 4th Dam: Larigan B Star Helen One-ET (VG-86) 4-01 2 365 23720 3.7 867 2.6 627 Life: 1605 106000 3.6 3802 2.7 2909 5th Dam: Larigan Valiant Helen (2E-91 EX-MS) 4-01 2 358 26580 4.4 1163 2.9 773 Life: 2946 183540 4.3 7841 3.0 5505 6th Dam: Larigan Elevation Helena (VG-87 DOM) 8-03 2 365 28500 4.2 1207 2.9 836 7th Dam: Larigan C Dutchoe Henrietta (EX-90) 7-01 2 365 30510 3.8 1168 Life: 1878 131290 4.0 5233 8th Dam: Larigan Bootmaker Ginger Helen (VG-87 GMD DOM) 5-00 2 332 24460 4.2 1018 Life: 3593 208060 4.0 8411

3 Daughters of Harmony Sell! 1 M a n o M a n a n d Tw i n B r o n o D a u g h t e r s !

Lot 234

Matt-Dari Man-o-Man Hazel 68958525

100%RHA Born: October 12, 2011 Hazel GP-82 ++GG+ 3-02 2-04 2 365 32546 5.1 1249 3.7 1188 Milking 68lbs. 5.7%F 4.2%P Bred 10/3/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Flynn-ET 71667900 14H7360

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +408NM +.10%F +.12%P 27%us pta +1.2pl 2.98scs +1.9dpr 6.1%dce pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R matt-Dari Jeeves Harmony 66614796 VG-85 VE++V 4-08 2-01 2 365 23790 5.1 1220 3.4 803 3-05 2 361 33090 4.7 1551 3.2 1065

Lot 235

matt-Dari Brono Helaine-TW 72596551 100%RHA Born: March 26, 2014 #482

Regancrest-KF Obsv Brono-eT 66626412 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2251g pta +842M +37f +39P 77%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.02%F +.05%P 100%us pta +3.6PL 2.89scs +.7dpr 7.9%dce pta +1.77t +2.05udc -.13flc 77% matt-Dari Jeeves Harmony 66614796 VG-85 VE++V 4-08 2-01 2 365 23790 5.1 1220 3.4 803 3-05 2 361 33090 4.7 1551 3.2 1065

Sells as Lot 233

Sells as Lot 233


Lot 236

Matt-Dari Brono Helanna-TW 72596552 100%RHA Born: March 26, 2014 #483

Regancrest-KF Obsv Brono-eT 66626412 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2251g pta +842M +37f +39P 77%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.02%F +.05%P 100%us pta +3.6PL 2.89scs +.7dpr 7.9%dce pta +1.77t +2.05udc -.13flc 77% matt-Dari Jeeves Harmony 66614796 VG-85 VE++V 4-08 2-01 2 365 23790 5.1 1220 3.4 803 3-05 2 361 33090 4.7 1551 3.2 1065

Sells as Lot 233

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 237

matt-Dari Trigger Heidi 68958462 100%RHA Born: January 30, 2011 Heidi GP-81 ++G++ 3-04 2-09 2 365 33780 3.7 1264 2.9 966

Lars-Acres Shot Trigger-ET 62253367 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM 50K gtpi +2100g pta +342M +10F +16P 99%R 12/2014 pta +372NM -.01%F +.02%P 90%us pta +4.9PL 2.71scs +1.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.00t +1.02udc +1.42flc 98%R 12/2014

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 lars-Acres Tenise-ET 62164816 VG-88 EEEV+ 5-07 3-03 3 330 27620 3.9 1074 3.0 838 LIFE 1631 130340 3.9 5052 3.0 3929

Klumbs Durham Pontiac 131348369 tr tv tl td EX-92 EEEE 4-06 50K gtpi +1495g pta +.88t +1.75udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Pontiac Happy 66614753 VG-85 GEVFE 3-04 2-00 2 324 26260 3.7 982 3.0 782 3-00 2 365 37140 3.7 1378 3.0 1112

matt-Dari Toystory Haley 138048925 VG-87 +E++V 5-00 2-00 2 365 31800 3-03 2 365 33320 4-07 2 359 40730 LIFE 1189 111260

Lot 238

4.1 1298 3.7 1249 3.0 1609 4.0 4418

2.9 912 2.9 955 2.7 1105 2.9 3173

Matt-Dari Sanchez Hula 72596486 100%RHA Born: July 22, 2013 #417

Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 50K GTPI +1623g pta +519M -16f +8P 99%R 12/2014 pta -73NM -.14%F -.03%P 47%us pta -.2PL 3.20scs -3.1dpr 6.5%dce pta +1.94t +1.01udc +1.75flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Pontiac Happy 66614753 VG-85 GEVFE 3-04 2-00 2 324 26260 3.7 982 3.0 782 3-00 2 365 37140 3.7 1378 3.0 1112

Bred 7/17/2014 to Bacon-Hill Montross-ET 71703339 7H12165

3rd Dam: Larigan Ito H Four Hum (VG-88 EX_MS) 3-10 2 365 39920 4.6 1833 3.1 1250 Life: 1292 120950 4.8 5794 3.3 3937 4th Dam: Larigan Tesk Helen Four (3E-91 EX-MS GMD) 4-06 2 365 33040 4.4 1466 3.3 1081 Life: 2989 229900 4.4 10192 3.4 7779

Bred 3/6/2015 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206H50148

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g pta +15M -20f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.73t -.21udc +1.68flc 99%R 12/2014 GEN-MARK BW MAR WINNIE-ET 131652910 EX-90 EEEVV 2E GMD 6-06

4-08 2 365 43690 3.6 1555 2.9 1255 LIFE 1463 132550 3.6 4737 3.1 4074

Klumbs Durham Pontiac 131348369 tr tv tl td EX-92 EEEE 4-06 50K gtpi +1495g pta +.88t +1.75udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Toystory Haley 138048925 VG-87 +E++V 5-00 2-00 2 365 31800 3-03 2 365 33320 4-07 2 359 40730 LIFE 1189 111260

4.1 1298 3.7 1249 3.0 1609 4.0 4418


2.9 912 2.9 955 2.7 1105 2.9 3173

3rd Dam: Larigan Ito H Four Hum (VG-88 EX_MS) 3-10 2 365 39920 4.6 1833 3.1 1250 Life: 1292 120950 4.8 5794 3.3 3937 4th Dam: Larigan Tesk Helen Four (3E-91 EX-MS GMD) 4-06 2 365 33040 4.4 1466 3.3 1081 Life: 2989 229900 4.4 10192 3.4 7779

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015 Sibic-Henway Bstar Betsy-ET (4E-93 EEEEE dOM)

4th Dam of Lot 239 & 5th Dam of Lot 240

Lot 240

sibic MD Clark Bethany 72596539 100%RHA Born: March 3, 2014 #470

Si-Bic MD Clark Bethany Sells as Lot 240

Lot 239

sibic Matt-Dari Baden 68958428

Matthiae Dairy Farm and Sibic Holsteins

100%RHA Born: September 1, 2010 Baden VG-88 VE++E 3-08 2-03 2 365 31360 4.7 1478 3.3 1048 3-06 2 365 38856 4.5 1763 3.2 1242 Milking 75lbs. 5.0%F 3.6%P Bred 9/18/2014 to Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143 200H7450

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736G pta +108M +51f +0P 99%R 12/2014 pta +140NM +.19%F -.01%P 55%us pta -.2pl 3.06scs -2.9dpr 9.2%dce pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 Sibic Matt-Dari Durh Biz-ET 138365978 VG-87 VVVVV 3-09 2-05 2 316 21570 4.2 910 3.4 730

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r

Sibic Matt-Dari Baden 68958428 VG-88 VE++E 3-08 3-06 2 365 38856 4.5 1763 3.2 1242

Sells as Lot 239

3rd Dam: Sibic Mandel Baby Bermuda (VG-85) 3-08 2 365 43600 3.4 1487 2.7 1195 Life: 1125 115360 3.4 3949 2.8 3206 4th Dam: Sibic-Henway Bstar Betsy-ET (4E-93 EEEEE DOM 12Y) 6-05 2 365 35570 3.2 1146 3.0 1054 COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL Life: 3280 230060 3.3 7636 3.0 6865 Res. Sr. Champion IL Jr. Show ‘99 CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g 5th Dam: NEU-WAY PATRON ALLIE-ET 17216847 CV TM Pelhamdale Belles Betsy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) VG-87 VE+VV GMD DOM 2-08 3-02 2 365 30060 3.7 1110 3.1 943 1-11 2 365 35440 3.9 1398 3.1 1101 6th Dam: Marlu Petes Belle (VG-88 GMD DOM) 7-06 2 365 29770 3.7 1093 2.7 815 REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 Life: 2664 191840 3.5 6714 2.8 5378 TR CV TL 7th Dam: Oakwood-Dale Pawnee Beets EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g (4E-91 EEEE GMD 12Y) pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 6-05 2 305 26880 3.9 1056 Life: 3042 220360 3.6 7938 8th Dam: Owen Jerry Zeus Beets sibic Metro Bailey 128834028 (GP-81) GP-80 ++E+G 6-04 10-6 2 305 28040 3.2 908 2-02 2 352 30340 3.4 1033 2.9 876 Life: 2996 193070 3.4 6573 3-03 2 365 35980 3.2 1151 2.9 1028 9th Dam: Owen Zeus Inka Beets 4-06 2 365 33200 3.1 1024 2.8 914 (VG-87) 5-09 2 365 39530 3.2 1273 2.8 1094 10th Dam: Posch Inka Beets Piebe LIFE 1617 146090 3.2 4724 2.8 4120 (VG-87)


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 241

Sibic MD Trigger Bano 68958456 100%RHA Born: January 21, 2011 Bano GP-84 ++++V 3-11 1-11 2 365 27540 4.0 1111 3.1 865 3-04 2 289 29086 3.7 1062 3.0 881 (Inc) Milking 81lbs. 4.5%F 3.4%P

Matthiae Dairy Farm and Sibic Holsteins Bred 9/26/2014 to Bacon-Hill Milson-ET 71703349 7H12186 Lars-Acres Shot Trigger-ET 62253367 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM 50K gtpi +2100g pta +342M +10F +16P 99%R 12/2014 pta +372NM -.01%F +.02%P 90%us pta +4.9PL 2.71scs +1.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.00t +1.02udc +1.42flc 98%R 12/2014 sibic Matt-Dari Bubbly-ET 138100393 VG-86 VVV+V GMD 4-08 2-02 2 334 26210 3-02 2 333 30990 4-03 2 333 35670 5-03 2 306 33500 LIFE 1306 126370

3.6 936 3.2 1004 3.4 1213 3.2 1068 3.3 4221

3.0 787 3.1 948 2.9 1027 2.9 968 3.0 3730

Lot 242

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g lars-Acres Tenise-ET 62164816 VG-88 EEEV+ 5-07 3-03 3 330 27620 3.9 1074 3.0 838 LIFE 1631 130340 3.9 5052 3.0 3929

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 sibic Metro Bailey 128834028 GP-80 ++E+G 6-04

2-02 2 352 30340 3-03 2 365 35980 4-06 2 365 33200 5-09 2 365 39530 LIFE 1617 146090

3.4 1033 3.2 1151 3.1 1024 3.2 1273 3.2 4724

2.9 876 2.9 1028 2.8 914 2.8 1094 2.8 4120

sibic MD Beluga Boulet 73727219 tl td 100%RHA Born: June 4, 2014 #508

Pen-Col Beluga-ET 70346730 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2348g PTA +1140M +24F +33P 77%R 12/2014 PTA +539NM -.07%F +.00%P 100%US PTA +6.0PL 2.61SCS +1.1DPR 6.7%DCE PTA +1.85T +2.27UDC +1.47FLC 76%R 12/2014

Sibic MD Trigger Bano 68958456 GP-84 ++++V 3-11 1-11 2 365 27540 4.0 1111 3.1 865

Sells as Lot 241

CO-OP O-STYLE JUST-ET 137611441 TR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +2204G PTA +1588M +22F +37P 12/2014 PTA +.55T +.58UDC +1.37FLC 99%R 12/2014 VISION-GEN SUPER BONNIE-ET 69517426 VG-86 VVG+E DOM 2-09 2-04 2 305 28730 3.7 1062 3.2 913

LARS-ACRES SHOT TRIGGER-ET 62253367 TV TL TY TD VG-87 VVVV 5-10 GM 50K GTPI +2100G PTA +1.00T +1.02UDC +1.42FLC 98%R 12/2014 sibic Matt-Dari Bubbly-ET 138100393 VG-86 VVV+V GMD 4-08

2-02 2 334 26210 3-02 2 333 30990 4-03 2 333 35670 5-03 2 306 33500 LIFE 1306 126370

3.6 936 3.2 1004 3.4 1213 3.2 1068 3.3 4221


3.0 787 3.1 948 2.9 1027 2.9 968 3.0 3730

3rd Dam: Sibic Mandel Baby Bermuda (VG-85) 3-08 2 365 43600 3.4 1487 2.7 1195 Life: 1125 115360 3.4 3949 2.8 3206 4th Dam: Sibic-Henway Bstar Betsy-ET (4E-93 EEEEE DOM 12Y) 6-05 2 365 35570 3.2 1146 3.0 1054 Life: 3280 230060 3.3 7636 3.0 6865 Res. Sr. Champion IL Jr. Show ‘99 5th Dam: Pelhamdale Belles Betsy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 3-02 2 365 30060 3.7 1110 3.1 943 6th Dam: Marlu Petes Belle (VG-88 GMD DOM) 7-06 2 365 29770 3.7 1093 2.7 815 Life: 2664 191840 3.5 6714 2.8 5378 7th Dam: Oakwood-Dale Pawnee Beets (4E-91 EEEE GMD 12Y) 6-05 2 305 26880 3.9 1056 Life: 3042 220360 3.6 7938 8th Dam: Owen Jerry Zeus Beets (GP-81) 10-6 2 305 28040 3.2 908 Life: 2996 193070 3.4 6573 9th Dam: Owen Zeus Inka Beets (VG-87) 10th Dam: Posch Inka Beets Piebe (VG-87) 3rd Dam: Sibic Metro Bailey (GP-80) 5-09 2 365 39530 3.2 1273 2.8 1094 Life: 1617 146090 3.2 4724 2.8 4120 4th Dam: Sibic Mandel Baby Bermuda (VG-85) 3-08 2 365 43600 3.4 1487 2.7 1195 Life: 1125 115360 3.4 3949 2.8 3206 5th Dam: Sibic-Henway Bstar Betsy-ET (4E-93 EEEEE DOM 12Y) 6-05 2 365 35570 3.2 1146 3.0 1054 Life: 3280 230060 3.3 7636 3.0 6865 Res. Sr. Champion IL Jr. Show ‘99 6th Dam: Pelhamdale Belles Betsy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 3-02 2 365 30060 3.7 1110 3.1 943 7th Dam: Marlu Petes Belle (VG-88 GMD DOM) 7-06 2 365 29770 3.7 1093 2.7 815 Life: 2664 191840 3.5 6714 2.8 5378 8th Dam: Oakwood-Dale Pawnee Beets (4E-91 EEEE GMD 12Y) 6-05 2 305 26880 3.9 1056 Life: 3042 220360 3.6 7938 9th Dam: Owen Jerry Zeus Beets (GP-81) 10-6 2 305 28040 3.2 908 Life: 2996 193070 3.4 6573 10th Dam: Owen Zeus Inka Beets (VG-87) 11th Dam: Posch Inka Beets Piebe (VG-87)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 243

sibic MD Highway Brocade 72596487 100%RHA Born: July 29, 2013 #418 Bred 2/24/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340 Bosside Altaross-ET 62085114 tv tl ty gm HD Gtpi +1812G

Sire of Lot 243: JOLICAP HIGHWAY-ET 106347766C TV TL TY TD 50K GTPI +2190G PTA +14M +32F +7P 84%R 12/2014 pta +1.00t +.52udc +1.48flc 77%R 12/2014

Lot 244

Matthiae Dairy Farm and Sibic Holsteins

Tramilda-N Baxter Emily-ET 139232811c CAN VG-85 2Y 2-05 2 282 30946 4.2 1287 3.2 1001

Sibic M-D Dynasty Brazada 68958588

100%RHA Born: July 15, 2012 Brazada GP-82 V++G+ 2-05 Matthiae Dairy Farm 2-03 2 144 10648 3.6 381 2.9 313 (Inc) and Sibic Holsteins Milking 76lbs. 3.8%F 3.0%P Bred 1/29/2015 Dynasty x Badger Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340 Roylane Jordan-eT 17064727 tv tl EX-95 EEEE 10-09 HD gm GTPI +1386G Sire of Lot 244: Dev-Lin Matt Dari Dynasty 137075797 ty Dev-Lin Dana OUt Daisy-eT 52341530 EX-90 EE+E 6-00 50K gtpi +1721G EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05 pta -751M -11f -15P 93%R 12/2014 3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 pta +1.44t +1.37udc +.50flc 90%R 12/2014 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056 regancrest rbk die-Hard-ET 2275578 tv tl VG-86 VVVV 8-01 GM HD GTPI +1807g sibic Matt-Dari DHRD Badger 66614746 GP-84 +V+GV 2-05

2-00 2 365 26260 3.6 954 3.2 839 3-06 2 316 28870 3.6 1043 3.1 902

Lot 245

Sibic Matt-Dari Bubbly-ET 138100393 VG-86 VVV+V GMD 4-08

4-03 2 333 35670 3.4 1213 2.9 1027 LIFE 1306 126370 3.3 4221 3.0 3730

Sibic Matt-Dari Mixer Bunny 71667899 tl td

3rd Dam: Sibic Metro Bailey (GP-80) 5-09 2 365 39530 3.2 1273 2.8 1094 Matthiae Dairy Farm 100%RHA Born: January 21, 2013 #363 Life: 1617 146090 3.2 4724 2.8 4120 and Sibic Holsteins 77K gtpi +2027G 4th Dam: PTA +110M +36F +17P 77%R 12/2014 Sibic Mandel Baby Bermuda PTA +313NM +.13%F +.06%P Bred 8/6/2014 to (VG-85) PTA +2.7PL 2.75SCS +.3DPR 7.8%DCE De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET 3-08 2 365 43600 3.4 1487 2.7 1195 PTA +1.30T +.85UDC +1.51FLC 76%R 12/2014 69990138 507H11477 Life: 1125 115360 3.4 3949 2.8 3206 Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET 139005002 by tv tl Sexed semen 5th Dam: VG-87 VVV+ 4-09 Mountfield SSI DCY Mixer-ET 3004672662 Sibic-Henway Bstar Betsy-ET (4E-93 EEEEE DOM 12Y) tv tl ty td mountfield Marsh Maxine-eT 62784081 6-05 2 365 35570 3.2 1146 3.0 1054 50K gtpi +2332G VG-88 VV+VE DOM 2-07 Life: 3280 230060 3.3 7636 3.0 6865 pta +1.75T +1.31udc +2.11flc 89%R 12/2014 2-03 2 159 14320 4.3 611 3.2 454 Res. Sr. Champion IL Jr. Show ‘99 Dam: Sibic Matt-Dari Bourban 68958543 6th Pelhamdale Belles Betsy-ET 100%RHA Born: January 4, 2012 Bourban (EX-90 EX-MS) Matthiae Dairy Farm G-79 G++F+ 2-11 3-02 2 365 30060 3.7 1110 3.1 943 and Sibic Holsteins 7th Dam: Marlu Petes Belle 2-02 2 365 31437 4.5 1403 3.3 1033 (Inc) (VG-88 GMD DOM) Milking 78lbs. 4.5%F 3.6%P Bred 12/4/2014 to 7-06 2 365 29770 3.7 1093 2.7 815 Shamrock x Breena Matt-Dari Mogul Flynn-ET Life: 2664 191840 3.5 6714 2.8 5378 Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 60597003 8th Dam: 71667900 14H7360 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 4-11 GM 50K +2155g Oakwood-Dale Pawnee Beets ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET 68977120 (4E-91 EEEE GMD 12Y) TR TV TL TY TD ladys-manor ruby D shawn-et 62360741 6-05 2 305 26880 3.9 1056 VG-85 V+VV 2-06 P9 50K gtpi +2304g Life: 3042 220360 3.6 7938 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 5-04 9th Dam: Owen Jerry Zeus Beets 4-04 2 365 37920 4.8 1808 3.2 1208 (GP-81) Mr Regelcreek Shot Al-ET 53557278 10-6 2 305 28040 3.2 908 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 +2034G Life: 2996 193070 3.4 6573 Sibic Matt-Dari Al Breena 68958371 10th Dam: Owen Zeus Inka Beets VG-85 VVVGV 3-06 Sibic Matt-Dari Bubbly-ET 138100393 (VG-87) 1-11 2 339 23880 4.1 990 3.1 751 VG-86 VVV+V GMD 4-08 11th Dam: Posch Inka Beets Piebe 3-00 2 329 32530 4.3 1386 3.2 1053 4-03 2 333 35670 3.4 1213 2.9 1027 (VG-87) 4-00 2 365 36543 4.1 1496 3.2 1168 LIFE 1306 126370 3.3 4221 3.0 3730

Lot 246


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 247

Matthiae Dairy Farm and Sibic Holsteins

Sibic Matt-Dari Bodina 68958597 100%RHA Born: August 29, 2012 #305 2-04 2 73 5250 4.0 212 3.2 169 (Inc) Milking 82lbs. 3.8%F 3.0%P Sells Fresh 1/6/2015

cookiecutter MOM Hunter-ET 3000540481 tv tl 50k gtpi +2101g pta +518M +29f +29P 93%R 12/2014 pta +297NM +.04%F +.05%P 48%us pta +.8PL 2.79scs +1.3dpr 6.2%dce pta +1.31t +90udc +.64flc 88%R 12/2014

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 tv tl ty td VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2184g pta +469m +43f +43p 99%R 12/2014 pta +.57t +.59udc +.22flc 99%R 12/2014 Cookiecutter Shthollerwood 65597532 EX-92 EEEEE 2E Dom 6-03 4-00 3 365 30340 5.1 1562 3.3 988

Jauquet-Lan SS Velocity-ET 136858076 TPI +1409 pta -1093M +10f -28P 88%R 12/2014 pta +.97T +.75duc +.48flc 73%R 12/2014

Sibic Velocity Baylor 66614792 G-79 ++VGG 2-05 3-00 2 107 10310 4.2 432 3.2 329

Sibic Matt-Dari Durh Biz-ET 138365978 VG-87 VVVVV 3-09 2-05 2 316 21570 4.2 910 3.4 730

Lot 248 Lot 249

matt-Dari Golden Dre Bathie 73727250

100%RHA Born: October 12, 2014

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K gtpi +1906G Matt-Dari MAc Bumble 68958406 VG-85 VV+GV 2-08 2-02 2 347 26770 4.1 1085 3.1 833

100%RHA Born: June 4, 2010 Bumble VG-85 VV+GV 2-08 2-02 2 347 26770 4.1 1085 3.1 833 3-03 2 297 20440 4.1 846 3.1 636 4-04 2 159 17078 4.0 676 2.8 483 (Inc) Milking 84lbs. 3.5%F 3.1%P Bred 3/2/2015 to Mr Apples Armani-ET 68571374 7HO11703

Sells as Lot 248

REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET 60540164 TV TL EX-92 EEEV 6-01 GM 50K GTPI +1868g pta -247M -7f -11P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.83t +1.35udc +.35flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Aspen Braylin 139563409 G-76 +VVPG 2-05 1-11 2 347 23680 4.2 998 2.9 680 3-00 2 253 22880 3.9 899 2.8 651

matt-Dari Mac Bumble 68958406

MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET 2290977 TV TL VG-86 VEV+ 5-04 GM HD gtpi +1491g REGANCREST RUDOLPH DENA-ET 17391080 VG-89 EVVVE DOM 5-00 2-03 2 365 33070 3.7 1234 3.2 1065

EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET 129854100 TV TL CAN EX-91 50K GTPI +50K GTPI +1195g sibic Matt-Dart Talent Babe 136991964 GP-82 +++G+ 2-08

2-00 2 365 29430 3.5 1033 3.1 910 3-02 2 340 29540 3.2 934 3.0 873


3rd Dam: Sibic Metro Bailey (GP-80) 5-09 2 365 39530 3.2 1273 2.8 1094 Life: 1617 146090 3.2 4724 2.8 4120 4th Dam: Sibic Mandel Baby Bermuda (VG-85) 3-08 2 365 43600 3.4 1487 2.7 1195 Life: 1125 115360 3.4 3949 2.8 3206 5th Dam: Sibic-Henway Bstar Betsy-ET (4E-93 EEEEE DOM 12Y) 6-05 2 365 35570 3.2 1146 3.0 1054 Life: 3280 230060 3.3 7636 3.0 6865 Res. Sr. Champion IL Jr. Show ‘99 6th Dam: Pelhamdale Belles Betsy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 3-02 2 365 30060 3.7 1110 3.1 943 7th Dam: Marlu Petes Belle (VG-88 GMD DOM) 7-06 2 365 29770 3.7 1093 2.7 815 Life: 2664 191840 3.5 6714 2.8 5378 8th Dam: Oakwood-Dale Pawnee Beets (4E-91 EEEE GMD 12Y) 6-05 2 305 26880 3.9 1056 Life: 3042 220360 3.6 7938 9th Dam: Owen Jerry Zeus Beets (GP-81) 10-6 2 305 28040 3.2 908 Life: 2996 193070 3.4 6573 10th Dam: Owen Zeus Inka Beets (VG-87) 11th Dam: Posch Inka Beets Piebe (VG-87) 3rd Dam: Sibic Matt-Dari Durham Bea (NC) 4th Dam: Sibic Metro Bailey (GP-80) 5-09 2 365 39530 3.2 1273 2.8 1094 Life: 1617 146090 3.2 4724 2.8 4120 5th Dam: Sibic Mandel Baby Bermuda (VG-85) 3-08 2 365 43600 3.4 1487 2.7 1195 Life: 1125 115360 3.4 3949 2.8 3206 6th Dam: Sibic-Henway Bstar Betsy-ET (4E-93 EEEEE DOM 12Y) 6-05 2 365 35570 3.2 1146 3.0 1054 Life: 3280 230060 3.3 7636 3.0 6865 Res. Sr. Champion IL Jr. Show ‘99 7th Dam: Pelhamdale Belles Betsy-ET (EX-90 EX-MS) 3-02 2 365 30060 3.7 1110 3.1 943 8th Dam: Marlu Petes Belle (VG-88 GMD DOM) 7-06 2 365 29770 3.7 1093 2.7 815 Life: 2664 191840 3.5 6714 2.8 5378 8th Dam: Oakwood-Dale Pawnee Beets (4E-91 EEEE GMD 12Y) 6-05 2 305 26880 3.9 1056 Life: 3042 220360 3.6 7938 9th Dam: Owen Jerry Zeus Beets (GP-81) 10-6 2 305 28040 3.2 908 Life: 2996 193070 3.4 6573 10th Dam: Owen Zeus Inka Beets (VG-87) 11th Dam: Posch Inka Beets Piebe (VG-87)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 250

matt-Dari G.W. Atwo Amanda 72596491

Bred 1/8/2015 to Silverridge V Wickham-ET 11703311 200H10075

100%RHA Born: August 18, 2013 #422

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta -102M +29f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +59NM +.14%F +.02%P 64%us pta -.9PL 3.04scs -2.5dpr 9.8%dce pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

Pine-Tree Spearmint-ET 63685691 tr tv tl td EX-90 VEVV 4-08 50K gtpi +1902G pta +82M +21f -3P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.23T +.57udc +1.19flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Spearmint Aunie 68958378 VG-85 +V++V 3-00 2-02 2 365 28970 4.2 1205 3.1 887

nan-Ron-Acres Stmatc Alison 62728582 VG-88 VVVVE 4-00 2-07 2 365 25610 4.1 1045 3.0 767

Lot 251

matt-Dari Mammoth Blue 68958575 100%RHA Born: June 10, 2012 #283 2-07 2 48 3914 3.8 149 2.6 103 (Inc) Milking 80lbs. 3.3%F 2.6%P

Sells Fresh 1/31/2015

regancrest-Mr Drham sam-et 207184639 TR tv tl GM 50K GTPI +1455g pta +.48t +.34udc +.89flc 99%R 12/2014

emmark mammoth 137028067 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1649G pta +320M +5f -6P 99%R 12/2014 pta -18nm-.03%F -.06%P 33%US pta -2.0PL 2.82scs -1.5dpr 6.5%dce pta +.96t +.92udc +1.80flc 97%r 12/2014

Lot 252

Bred 2/22/2015 to Kellercrest Lancome-ET 71164339 200H6534

emmark Miklin storm 2-1 132858403 EX-90 EEVEE 2E GMD DOM 6-02 6-11 2 365 40700 3.6 1445 2.8 1140 LIFE 1970 176690 3.6 6360 2.9 5069

matt-Dari Destry Bowtie 72596490

Scientific Destry-ET 138122625 RC TV TL TY VG-88 VEVV 4-04 50K GTPI +1938g pta -735m -22f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +103nm +.02%F +.09%P pta +2.1pl 2.85scs +2.7dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.09t +2.09udc +.59flc 99%R 12/2014

100%RHA Born: August 17, 2013 #421

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Scientific Debutante Rae-eT 132416603 rc cv EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM 4-00 2-02 2 365 32930 4.4 1440 3.2 1070

All-American 4-Year-Old 2005 matt-Dari Plate Berlyn 68958377 VG-85 VV++V 3-00 2-04 2 365 29390 3.7 1101 3.0 880 3-06 2 360 34440 3.8 1322 3.0 1032

3rd Dam: Nan-Ron-Acres Ito Anita (VG-85) 4-05 2 365 25650 4.2 1090 3.0 764 4th Dam: Nan-Ron-Acres Leduc Ajax (VG-85 DC) 2-00 2 337 21740 3.2 706 3.2 694 5th Dam: Nan-Ron-Acres Juror Annie (VG-87 DC) 3-01 2 365 26350 3.3 864 3.0 786

all-Riehl plateau-et 137479377 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1903G pta +632m +27f +13P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.34t +.14udc +.18flc 97%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Pontiac Boston 138905970 120

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Sept Storm Brandi (VG-85) 2-01 2 349 26690 4.0 1078 2.9 765 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Clark Brenda (DC) 2-02 2 365 35550 3.3 1176 2.9 1018 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Jed Bingo (VG-87) 4-05 2 365 37820 3.6 1365 2.9 1103 Life: 1445 126520 3.7 4698 3.0 3787 6th Dam: Matt-Dari Blackstar Bride (EX-90 EX-MS) 4-06 2 365 31170 4.1 1288 3.2 997 7th Dam: Matt-Dari Vanguard Bikini (EX-90 EX-MS) 3-01 2 365 29930 4.1 1223 3.3 979 8th Dam: Matt-Dari Melvin Blondi (EX-90 EX-MS) 5-03 2 365 31930 4.3 1362 3.1 984 Life: 1420 100780 4.3 4352 3.3 3301 9th Dam: Matt-Dari Sexation Blacky (GP-84) 5-07 2 362 25790 4.6 1177 3.3 846 Life: 1677 102690 4.6 4717 3.4 3474 10th Dam: Sunrise-Sunset Chief Bridget (2E-90 EX-MS) 5-05 2 365 29090 4.4 1286 3.0 875 11th Dam: Milrose Needle Beth (VG-85) Life: 2575 118440 3.6 4259

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 253

matt-Dari Goldchip Mary 71667892 100%RHA Born: January 15, 2013 #356

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g pta -151M +9f -17P 99%R 12/2014 pta +139NM +.06%F -.05%P 78%us pta +.6pl 2.65scs +.7dpr 3.4%dce pta +2.38t +2.27udc +2.33flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Damion Mekka 138048916 EX-91 VEEEE 2E 6-04

2-05 3-10 5-01 6-02

2 2 2 2

365 365 365 365

34550 35490 42590 45030

3.2 1095 3.3 1170 2.9 1248 3.1 1406

Bred 7/5/2014 to Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143 200H7450

2.8 969 2.9 1012 2.8 1175 2.9 1301

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g Regancrest S Chassity-eT 62496899 tl ty EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 4-05

3-10 2 365 42280 4.3 1798 2.5 1070 LIFE 1071 105520 4.2 4383 2.8 2959

MR chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 3-01 50K Gtpi +1942g Rosebud Marshall Marcia 132374574 VG-86 +V++V 4-02

2-06 2 349 35030 3-07 2 365 42600 4-09 2 365 47880 5-11 2 365 45450 7-02 2 357 45350 LIFE 2082 243680

Lot 254

3.3 1168 3.4 1431 3.1 1462 3.0 1341 3.3 1505 3.2 7704

2.8 988 3.0 1260 2.9 1372 2.9 1304 2.6 1182 2.8 6866

3rd Dam: Rosebud Charles Mica (GP-82) 3-01 2 363 22870 3.8 876 3.2 736 4th Dam: Rosebud Highlight Mighty (GP-83) 4-02 2 305 23770 3.7 872 3.1 740

matt-Dari Dempsey Madison 71667914

Bred 1/22/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

100%RHA Born: March 16, 2013 #378

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Jeeves Moriah 66614758 VG-87 VEVVV 4-04 1-11 2 306 23700 4.2 984 3.3 788 2-11 2 336 30080 4.1 1219 3.3 986

Lot 255

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014

3rd Dam: Rosebud Encore Micore (EX-90) 5-07 2 365 42540 4.0 1706 3.0 1279 Life: 1475 131460 4.1 5416 3.2 4206 4th Dam: Rosebud Allied Mickaliegh KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 (GP-84) VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-01 2 305 21570 3.9 832 3.3 714 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 5th Dam: LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503 Malgrande Chairman Magic Micke Ked Outside Jeeves-ET 134438230 tv tl ty (VG-86 EX-MS) GM GTPI +1967 6-09 2 318 24180 3.6 867 3.0 725 Life: 2568 174860 3.6 6328 3.0 5247 Matt-Dari Durham Miracle 136116363 6th Malgrande Bet Martha Magic VG-85 VVVV+ 3-01 (VG-87) 2-02 2 358 33320 3.7 1244 3.1 1029 7-11 2 305 21850 4.0 872 3.1 677 3-03 2 321 33600 3.4 1147 3.1 1036

matt-Dari Erskine Valley 71667904

ryan-Crest S Erskine CRI-ET 68767098 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2134G pta -185M +24f +0P 91%R 12/2014 pta +308NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.0PL 2.84scs +2.8dpr 6.3%dce pta +1.79T +1.62Udc +2.20flc 78%R 12/2014

100%RHA Born: February 12, 2013 #368

Bred 7/2/2014 to Amighetti Numero Uno-ET 17990915143 200H7450

Wa-Del Sebastian-ET 138738583 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2043g pta +.84t +.69udc +1.99flc 98%R 12/2014 nova-TMJ Golden Erin-eT 137728145 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 6-10 2-03 2 365 36830 4.9 1815 3.5 1277

Autumn-Ridge Matson-ET 133766626 tv tl ty EX-94 EEVE 7-09 50K gtpi +1663G matt-Dari MAtson Vixen 66614804 VG-86 VVVVV 2-07 2-02 2 345 28780 3.9 1115 3.0 873

matt-Dari Roy View 137925403 GP-83 VVVF+ 5-01 2-02 2 365 33750 3-05 2 319 27020 4-05 2 347 31770 LIFE 1246 113220

3.7 1256 3.6 975 3.9 1229 3.7 4181


2.9 980 2.9 788 2.8 900 2.8 3226

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Outside Violet (G-78) 2-01 2 345 25840 4.2 1088 2.9 743 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Approval Vixon (VG-85) 4-03 2 329 30890 4.2 1295 2.7 841

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 256

Matt-Dari Digger Namara 68958510 100%RHA Born: August 7, 2011 Namara VG-86 VVVVV 3-04 2-03 2 365 29340 4.6 1336 3.7 1085 BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g

Ronelee gold Digger-ET 3004373270 tv tl ty td EX-90 EEVV 3-08 50K gtpi +2109g pta +100M -8f +7P 99%R 12/2014 pta +324NM -.05%F +.02%P 100%us pta +4.2PL 2.64scs +2.6dpr 5.0%dce pta +1.18t +1.87udc +.82flc 98%R 12/2014

Ronelee Outside Dabble-ET 134644585 tv tl ty EX-91 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 6-08

5-03 3 365 44530 3.6 1612 2.9 1313 LIFE 2021 185730 3.6 6757 3.0 5614

Windy-Knoll-View Proof-eT 136618182 tr tv tl td 50K gtpi +1346g

matt-Dari Proof Nolita 139557880 VG-87 EEVVV 4-08

matt-Dari Fabulous Neat 136991861 VG-86 VVVVV 4-03

1-11 2 365 26930 4.5 1213 3.2 875 3-01 2 357 25180 4.1 1031 3.5 888 4-02 2 318 28150 4.2 1172 3.4 951

Lot 257

2-01 2 365 27900 4.3 1202 3.1 872 3-06 2 335 28940 4.1 1191 3.2 923

matt-Dari Brokaw Wink 72596515 100%RHA Born: November 7, 2013 #446

mr Atwood Brokaw-ET 140602463 tr tv tl ty td VG-86 VVV+ 2-07 50K gtpi +1846g pta -180M +6f +6P 88%R 12/2014 pta -74NM +.05%F +.05%P 80%us pta -3.9pl 3.16scs -.4dpr 2.8%dce pta +3.27t +2.93udc +2.29flc 85%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Super Willow 68958423 GP-84 +V+++ 3-09

2-02 2 365 25840 3.2 824 3.1 808

regancrest Mac Bikasa-ET 63606799 VG-87 VVVVV GMD 2-10 2-02 2 365 29240 3.9 1144 3.1 912

Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g

2-08 5-00 6-02 7-03

2 2 2 2

365 351 340 365

28190 40110 36070 42860

4.2 1186 3.5 1397 3.9 1395 3.6 1541

3.2 902 3.1 1236 3.1 1135 3.0 1295

Matt-Dari Boxer Whisky 68958590

dream-Prairie Shadow Boxer 139086241 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 3-05 50K gtpi +1883gpta -397M +31f +9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +176NM +.19%F +.09%P 85%us pta +.4PL 2.86scs +.2dpr 8.7%dce pta +1.03T +.63udc +.91flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Evolution Wenda 66614760 GP-82 V+VF+ 2-10

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g

Nehls-Valley US Whitney 617972240 RC VG-87 VVVVV 7-00

2-02 2 334 24820 3.8 949 3.1 781 3-02 2 278 27760 4.0 1110 3.2 877

Lot 258

Bred 7/10/2014 to Golden-Oaks St Alexander-ET 61133837 7H8221

3rd Dam: Jo-Acres GW Wade Nicki (EX-90 EX-MS GMD) 3-11 2 365 43630 3.8 1661 3.0 1319 Life: 1374 131810 3.9 5149 3.1 4052 4th Dam: Hoesly Mascot Nadine (VG-86 EX-MS) 1-11 2 308 24290 4.3 1043 2.9 699

Bred 2/22/2015 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314 3rd Dam: Nehls-Valley MVP Wednesday (VG-88) 6-022 365 24680 4.4 1081 3.4 833 Life: 1780 111710 4.4 4971 3.3 3719 4th Dam: B-Unique Thor Good Friday (EX-90 EX-MS) 3-06 2 365 24250 4.8 1162 3.5 851 5th Dam: Schrockytop Aerostar Easter (3E-92 EEEEE DOM) 4-11 2 365 31930 4.9 1561 3.1 995 Life: 3004 203280 4.7 9497 3.2 6602 6th Dam: Schrockytop Enhancer Elite-ET (VG-87) 3-00 2 347 18660 4.8 889 3.4 642

Sells Fresh 12/30/2014

100%RHA Born: August 2, 2012 #298 2-04 2 80 6410 3.6 233 3.2 204 (Inc) Milking 84lbs. 3.6%F 3.4%P PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g regancrest gold bretta-ET 62496942 tl td EX-90 EEEVV DOM 7-05 2-01 2 365 34610 4.8 1676 3.6 1249

Krull Goldwyn Evolution-ET 62702448 VG-85 +VVV 2-05 Mayerlane Shimsy 135639849 VG-88 EEVVV 5-00 2-01 2 337 21300 3-01 2 365 30170 4-05 2 365 32690 5-08 2 365 32770 LIFE 1708 137020

3.3 709 2.9 870 3.2 1056 3.1 1003 3.1 4313


3.2 679 3.1 931 2.9 960 3.0 979 3.0 4091

3rd Dam: Schug West Emory Wheat (3E-92 EX-MS) 7-00 3 365 42300 2.5 1070 3.1 1332 Life: 2267 186680 3.1 5736 3.1 5828 4th Dam: Schug Wisp Curious West (VG-87 EX-MS) 8-02 2 365 29460 3.9 1141 2.9 849 Life: 2311 183100 3.7 6754 2.9 5331

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 259

Matt-Dari Alexander Birdie 68958414

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736G pta +108M +51f +0P 99%R 12/2014 pta +140NM +.19%F -.01%P 55%us pta -.2pl 3.06scs -2.9dpr 9.2%dce pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-DAri Rubens Bell 137925355 GP-81 ++G++ GMD 2-11 2-03 2 329 26690 3.6 971 3.1 821 3-03 2 326 27770 3.4 941 3.2 887 4-04 2 245 26080 3.6 930 3.1 801

100%RHA Born: July 20, 2010 Birdie VG-86 VEVVV 2-07 2-03 2 342 29710 4.0 1183 3.2 963 3-04 2 365 34600 3.9 1365 3.3 1146 4-06 2 50 6122 4.1 248 3.1 187 (Inc) Milking 142lbs 3.5%F 2.9%P COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g

NEU-WAY PATRON ALLIE-ET 17216847 CV TM VG-87 VE+VV GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 2 365 35440 3.9 1398 3.1 1101 STBVQ Rubens-eT 5844883c rc tv tl CAN VG-88 14Y HD GTPI +1365g Matt-Dari Hi-Metro Brea-TW 135522846 GP-83 VVVG+ 3-10 2-01 2 365 32570 3.8 1233 3.0 972 3-03 2 326 31340 3.3 1045 3.0 928

Lot 260

matt-Dari Ryker Becca 72596522 100%RHA Born: December 2, 2013 #453

regancrestdl s Ryker-eT 61898421 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +1943G pta -60m +29f +5P 94%R 12/2014 pta +193NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%us pta -.3pl 2.75scs -.1dpr 6.7%dce pta +1.60t +1.84udc +.41flc 88%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Alexander Birdie 68958414 VG-86 VEVVV 2-07 2-03 2 342 29710 4.0 1183 3.2 963 3-04 2 365 34600 3.9 1365 3.3 1146

Lot 261

3-05 2 365 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736g matt-Dari Rubens Bell 137925355 GP-81 ++G++ GMD 2-11

100%RHA Born: April 30, 2013 #397

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Shottle Believe 139240900 EX-90 EVEVE 5-06 3.1 997 3.4 1359 3.3 1277 3.1 1299 3.2 4937

Regan-Joy Durham Regenia-eT 207184723 tv EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM 4-03

matt-Dari Dempsey Breezy 71667933

Bred 10/17/2014 to Bacon-Hill Milson-ET 71703349 7H12186

2-00 2 348 31900 3-00 2 365 39750 4-02 2 353 39210 5-03 2 330 41810 LIFE 1398 152800


2-03 2 329 26690 3.6 971 3.1 821 3-03 2 326 27770 3.4 941 3.2 887 4-04 2 245 26080 3.6 930 3.1 801

Sells as Lot 259

2.9 936 3.0 1174 2.9 1118 2.9 1212 2.9 4445

Sells Fresh 1/29/2015

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g Matt-Dari Throne Bellra 136010229 VG-85 +V++V 2-11 2-05 2 360 32050 3.5 1120 3.0 966 3-06 2 365 35540 3.5 1237 3.1 1111


3rd Dam: Over-Tyme Stuffy Dominique (GP-82) 6-01 2 365 35790 3.7 1313 2.7 968 Life: 2213 179760 3.8 6748 2.8 5006 4th Dam: Over-Tyme Benefit Kaye (VG-86) 6-08 2 365 31080 3.6 1132 2.7 827 Life: 1587 124600 3.6 4446 2.6 3279

Bred 3/6/2015 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 507H10920 Sexed semen 3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Hi-Metro Brea-TW (GP-83) 2-01 2 365 32570 3.8 1233 3.0 972 4th Dam: Over-Tyme Stuffy Dominique (GP-82) 6-01 2 365 35790 3.7 1313 2.7 968 Life: 2213 179760 3.8 6748 2.8 5006 5th Dam: Over-Tyme Benefit Kaye (VG-86) 6-08 2 365 31080 3.6 1132 2.7 827 Life: 1587 124600 3.6 4446 2.6 3279 3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Bestow Bride (EX-90) 4-10 2 363 38370 4.1 1579 3.0 1165 Life: 1287 127870 4.0 5141 3.1 4003 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Aerostar Brianne (G-79) 2-01 2 365 34290 3.4 1156 2.9 980 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Rockie Bonnet (GP-84) 3-05 2 328 25870 3.9 1012 3.1 808 6th Dam: Matt-Dari Mark Beauty (VG-88 EX-MS) 4-01 2 365 30550 4.0 1233 3.0 920 Life: 1310 102500 4.1 4159 3.0 3026 7th Dam: Flac Rocky Buckwheat Barley (2E-90 EX-MS) 6-04 2 355 26120 3.8 1001 3.1 801 Life: 1897 130310 3.9 5113 3.0 3945 8th Dam: Flac Ford Buckwheat (VG-86) 5-01 2 305 24380 4.3 1042 3.0 729 Life: 1947 142010 4.2 5924 3.0 4247 9th Dam: Flac Starcraft Buffy (VG-87) 7-04 2 305 21030 4.8 1017 3.1 659 Life: 2742 159220 4.7 7514 3.1 5014

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 262

matt-Dari Alexander Gia 68958420

Sells Fresh 3/2/2015

100%RHA Born: August 3, 2010 Gia VG-87 VV+VV 4-04 2-04 2 365 29030 4.1 1202 3.3 945 3-06 2 305 30010 3.9 1166 3.2 948 4-06 2 18 1845 4.4 81 3.1 57 (Inc) Milking 125lbs. 4.0%F 5.0%P

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736G pta +108M +51f +0P 99%R 12/2014 pta +140NM +.19%F -.01%P 55%us pta -.2pl 3.06scs -2.9dpr 9.2%dce pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Outside Glow 137682629 VG-86 VE+VV 5-00

2-04 2 365 29350 3-07 2 355 32880 4-08 2 365 34240 5-10 2 303 34310 LIFE 1446 133830

3.9 1154 3.7 1215 3.8 1293 3.8 1294 3.8 5092

3.2 927 3.1 1030 3.1 1070 2.9 1005 3.1 4148

Lot 263

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014

2-01 2 365 33210 4.2 1399 3.2 1063 3-07 2 341 35550 4.3 1521 3.3 1162

matt-Dari MAc Godiva 68958393 100%RHA Born: April 30, 2010 Godiva VG-87 VV++V 4-01 2-07 2 339 26560 3.9 1041 3.0 801 3-07 2 327 25120 3.9 979 3.1 770 4-07 2 107 10987 4.1 451 2.9 315 (Inc) Milking 94lbs. 3.7%F 2.9%P

REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET 60540164 TV TL EX-92 EEEV 6-01 GM 50K GTPI +1868g pta -247M -7f -11P 99%R 12/2014 pta +107NM +.01%F -.02%P 75%us pta +1.7PL 2.94scs +3.9dpr 5.6%dce pta +.83t +1.35udc +.35flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Deann Gay 139416257 GP-83 GV+V+ 3-10 4.3 914 4.1 992 4.3 1228 4.1 1328 4.2 5245

NEU-WAY PATRON ALLIE-ET 17216847 CV TM VG-87 VE+VV GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 2 365 35440 3.9 1398 3.1 1101

matt-Dari Lynch Grace 133572461 G-77 DC 3-10

Bred 3/2/2015 Mr Apples Armani-ET 68571374 7HO11703

2-00 2 337 21120 3-01 2 323 24220 4-02 2 321 28860 5-02 2 331 32060 LIFE 1493 125630

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g pta +15M -20f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.73t -.21udc +1.68flc 99%R 12/2014

3.4 709 3.4 816 3.4 976 3.4 1082 3.4 4225

MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET 2290977 TV TL VG-86 VEV+ 5-04 GM HD gtpi +1491g pta +779M +2f +11P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.52t +.40udc +1.15flc 99%R 12/2014 REGANCREST RUDOLPH DENA-ET 17391080 VG-89 EVVVE DOM 5-00 2-03 2 365 33070 3.7 1234 3.2 1065 England-Schill Deann 58A-ET 60000299 tv tl ty GM 50K gtpi +1875G pta +310M -1f +4P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.97T +.83udc +1.28flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Outside Glow 137682629 VG-86 VE+VV 5-00

2-04 2 365 29350 3-07 2 355 32880 4-08 2 365 34240 5-10 2 303 34310 LIFE 1446 133830

3.9 1154 3.7 1215 3.8 1293 3.8 1294 3.8 5092


3.2 927 3.1 1030 3..1 1070 2.9 1005 3.1 4148

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Willie Gipsy (VG-85) 4-00 2 363 30310 4.4 1319 3.3 1004 Life: 1482 121840 4.3 5184 3.2 3924 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Dixiecrat Golden (GP-84) 3-01 2 365 25230 3.7 925 3.0 759 Life: 1748 128360 3.6 4575 2.9 3757

Lot 264

matt-Dari Alexander Gail 73727266 100%RHA Born: December 3, 2014 #555

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736G pta +108M +51f +0P 99%R 12/2014 pta +140NM +.19%F -.01%P 55%us pta -.2pl 3.06scs -2.9dpr 9.2%dce pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R matt-Dari Mac Godiva 68958393 VG-87 VV++V 4-01 2-07 2 339 26560 3.9 1041 3.0 801 3-07 2 327 25120 3.9 979 3.1 770

Sells as Lot 263

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Lynch Grace (G-77) 3-07 2 341 35550 4.3 1521 3.3 1162 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Willie Gipsy (VG-85) 4-00 2 363 30310 4.4 1319 3.3 1004 Life: 1482 121840 4.3 5184 3.2 3924 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Dixiecrat Golden (GP-84) 3-01 2 365 25230 3.7 925 3.0 759 Life: 1748 128360 3.6 4575 2.9 3757

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 265

matt-Dari Brono Geneva 73727220 100%RHA Born: June 13, 2014 #509

Regancrest-KF Obsv Brono-eT 66626412 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2251g pta +842M +37f +39P 77%R 12/2014 pta +478NM +.02%F +.05%P 100%us pta +3.6PL 2.89scs +.7dpr 7.9%dce pta +1.77t +2.05udc -.13flc 77% 12/2014

4.3 914 4.1 992 4.3 1228 4.1 1328 4.2 5245

3.4 709 3.4 816 3.4 976 3.4 1082 3.4 4225

Lot 266 Bred 1/11/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

Regancrest AlH Brandice-eT 63606588 TY VG-86 VV+GE 7-02

5-06 2 365 38090 4.0 1542 3.2 1227 LIFE 1625 144190 4.0 5772 3.3 4756

England-Schill Deann 58A-ET 60000299 tv tl ty GM 50K gtpi +1875G pta +310M -1f +4P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.97T +.83udc +1.28flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Deann Gay 139416257 GP-83 GV+V+ 3-10

2-00 2 337 21120 3-01 2 323 24220 4-02 2 321 28860 5-02 2 331 32060 LIFE 1493 125630

de-SU Observer-ET 65917481 tr tv tl ty td EX-90 EVEV 4-06 GM 50K +2232g pta +1110m +25f +33p 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.79t +2.29udc -.48flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Outside Glow 137682629 VG-86 VE+VV 5-00

2-04 2 365 29350 3-07 2 355 32880 4-08 2 365 34240 5-10 2 303 34310 LIFE 1446 133830

3.9 1154 3.7 1215 3.8 1293 3.8 1294 3.8 5092

3.2 927 3.1 1030 3..1 1070 2.9 1005 3.1 4148

Matt-Dari St Alexander kahlua-eT 68958394 100%RHA Born: April 30, 2010 Kahlua VG-87 VVVVV 4-08 2-00 2 323 23370 4.0 937 2.9 688 3-00 2 365 35680 4.0 1476 3.0 1086 4-02 2 235 24125 3.8 911 2.9 702 (Inc) Milking 83lbs. 3.8%F 3.1%P

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736G pta +108M +51f +0P 99%R 12/2014 pta +140NM +.19%F -.01%P 55%us pta -.2pl 3.06scs -2.9dpr 9.2%dce pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-DAri Deann Kallie 139557835 DC 2-07 2-00 2 298 25480 3.8 962 2.9 742

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g pta +15M -20f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.73t -.21udc +1.68flc 99%R 12/2014

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Lynch Grace (G-77) 3-07 2 341 35550 4.3 1521 3.3 1162 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Willie Gipsy (VG-85) 4-00 2 363 30310 4.4 1319 3.3 1004 Life: 1482 121840 4.3 5184 3.2 3924 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Dixiecrat Golden (GP-84) 3-01 2 365 25230 3.7 925 3.0 759 Life: 1748 128360 3.6 4575 2.9 3757

Lot 267

matt-Dari Airlift Korynn 73727233

100%RHA Born: July 28, 2014 #522

canyon-Breeze at airlift-ET 62897620 tv tl ty VG-87 VVVV 3-08 50K gtpi +1983G pta 960M +37f +13P 78%R 12/2014 pta +148NM +.01%F -.06%P 100%us pta -.8pl 2.87scs -2.8dpr 8.3%dce pta +3.56T +1.75udc +3.46flc 78%R Matt-Dari Alexander Kahlua VG-87 VVVVV 4-08 2-00 2 323 23370 4.0 937 2.9 688 3-00 2 365 35680 4.1 1476 3.0 1086

NEU-WAY PATRON ALLIE-ET 17216847 CV TM Sells as Lot 266 VG-87 VE+VV GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 2 365 35440 3.9 1398 3.1 1101 England-Schill Deann 58A-ET 60000299 tv tl ty GM 50K gtpi +1875g pta +310M -1f +4P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.97T +.83udc +1.28flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Zenith Kream 137682713 DC 3-01 2-03 2 365 35920 3.5 1247 3.1 1098


3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Iceberg Kayann (GP-81) 2-00 2 261 21780 3.6 787 2.8 607 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Marker Kori (GP-82) 3-09 2 365 38410 3.3 1275 2.9 1098 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Miklin Kelli (VG-85) 2-02 2 365 31620 3.4 1078 3.2 1009

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Hein-MPL-RDG Lynch 3933 (2E-90 EX-MS GMD) Dam of Lot 268 and 2nd Dam of Lot 269

Lot 268

Co-Op MD Lani-ET 68958397

Bred 1/29/2015 to Four-Hills Clark Baird 4491 72302510 7H12314

93%RHA-I Born: May 12, 2010 Lani VG-87 +VVVV 4-07 2-01 2 365 25020 3.9 977 3.3 827 3-03 2 365 31070 4.0 1253 3.3 1040 4-05 2 144 16492 4.2 691 3.0 494 (Inc) Milking 107lbs. 3.5%F 3.1%P

langs-Twin-B DR Cassino-ET 64009082 99rha-I tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1822g pta -634M -11f -11P 99%R 12/2014 pta +159NM +.05%F +.04%P 100%us pta +3.8PL 2.54scs +.8dpr 6.7%dce pta+.74T +.77udc +1.76flc 98%R 12/2014

hein-mpl-rdg Lynch 3933 138025478 tv tl EX-90 EE+VE 2E GMD 8-04

1-10 3 330 32870 2-10 3 339 38392 7-07 2 356 25560 LIFE 1393 133382

3.8 1252 4.3 1641 3.4 869 4.0 5401

3.1 1012 3.1 1205 2.9 745 3.1 4122

ramos 253642deu 99%RHA-I BY TV TL gm HD gtpi +1968g pta +329M +1f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta -.07T -.14idc +.34flc 99%R 12/2014 ralma Shottle CF Candle-eT 52774390 VG-87 VVVEV GMD DOM 2-11 2-03 2 365 37930 4.3 1634 3.0 1134

klassic Merrill Lynch-ET 2266677 tv tl ty VG-87 +EVV 5-06 GM HD GTPI +1767g pta -477M +25f +5P 99%R 12/2014 pta -.82T -.96udc +.06flc 99%R 12/2014 Hein-Mpl-RDG London 3230-TW 138025441 GP-82 G++V+ 2-10 2-00 2 326 32900 3-04 3 289 38376 4-04 3 305 40966 LIFE 1261 144600

3.5 1138 3.1 1194 3.2 1298 3.2 4652


2.8 936 3.0 1163 2.9 1206 3.0 4338

Lot 269

matt-Dari Golden Dre Lizzie 73727254 96%RHA-I Born: October 27, 2014 #543

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K gtpi +1906G pta -807M +7f -18P 91%R 12/2014 pta +73NM +.15%F +.03%P 0%us pta +.2PL 2.68scs +.0dpr 7.0%dce pta +2.64t +3.20udc +2.37flc 87%R Co-Op Md Lani-ET 68958397 93%rha-I VG-87 +VVVV 4-07 2-01 2 365 25020 3.9 977 3.3 827 3-03 2 365 31070 4.0 1253 3.3 1040

Sells as Lot 268

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 270

matt-Dari Clark Luanna 72596493 96%RHA-I Born: September 7, 2013 #424

Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark-ET 62607425 b/r TV TL TY TD 50K gtpi +1839g pta -414M -10f -19P 99%R 12/2014 pta +7NM +.02%F -.03%P 100%us pta +1.4PL 2.78scs +.6dpr 6.9%dce pta +2.49T +2.39udc +1.48flc 98%r 12/2014

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014

2-01 2 365 25020 3.9 977 3.3 827 3-03 2 365 31070 4.0 1063 3.3 880

Sells as Lot 268

4-07 2 365 39860 4.9 1968 3.1 1252 LIFE 2022 168200 5.0 8352 3.2 5371

hein-mpl-rdg Lynch 3933 138025478 tv tl EX-90 EE+VE 2E GMD 8-04

1-10 3 330 32870 2-10 3 339 38392 7-07 2 356 25560 LIFE 1393 133382

Lot 271

3.8 1252 4.3 1641 3.4 869 4.0 5401

3.1 1012 3.1 1205 2.9 745 3.1 4122

Matt-Dari Shampoo Malika-TW 68958398

Sells Fresh 3/10/2015

100%RHA Born: May 15, 2010 Malika GP-82 V+G++ 2-09 2-04 2 365 25040 5.3 1315 3.9 970 3-06 2 365 29390 5.5 1614 3.9 1136 4-09 2 10 724 6.6 48 4.8 35 (Inc) Milking 94lbs. 6.2%F 5.8%P

pint-Tree Marth Shampoo-ET 62175932 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2052G pta -174M +36f +9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +253NM +.17%F +.06%P 84%us pta +.6PL 2.59scs +3.4dpr 6.3%dce pta +.74t +.32udc -.31flc 98%R 12/2014

Bremer Goodluck Marylou-ET 61788208 VG-89 EEEVV 5-03

2-00 2 365 29190 3.4 978 3.2 930 3-03 2 350 32580 3.2 1053 3.2 1042 4-03 2 346 28240 3.2 895 3.3 926

3rd Dam: Hein-Mpl-Rdg London 3230-TW (GP-82) 4-04 3 305 40966 3.2 1298 2.9 1206 Life: 1261 144600 3.2 4652 3.0 4338

Dool-Leigh Outside Piper 61018424 TD EX-92 EEEEE 2E DOM 6-01

langs-Twin-B DR Cassino-ET 64009082 99rha-I tv tl ty 50K gtpi +1822g pta -634M -11f -11P 99%R 12/2014 pta+.74T +.77udc +1.76flc 98%R 12/2014

co-op MD lani-ET 68958397 93%RHA-I VG-87 +VVVV 4-07

Bred 9/24/2014 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 pine-Tree Missy Martha-ET 61733086 VG-86 VVV+V GMD DOm 4-08 2-02 3 365 34730 3.6 1266 3.1 1070

Braedale Goodluck-ET 6790237c tv tl 50K gtpi +1499g pta -456M +9f +0P 98%R 12/2014 pta +.40t +1.04udc -1.00flc 97%R 12/2014 Westkal Lee Marica-ET 10581039c VG-89 VEVVE 5-04 2-05 2 365 21060 4.1 857 3.1 662 3-08 2 365 26470 4.2 1103 3.2 835 5-00 2 365 28930 4.1 1192 3.1 888


Lot 272

Matt-Dari Meridian Mattie 72596525 100%RHA Born: December 14, 2013 #456 Bred 3/20/2015 to Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET 137191143 507H9420

Sully hart Meridian-eT 69951907 ty td 50K GTPI +2189G PTA +1555M +23F +40P 78%R 12/2014 PTA +359NM -.14%F -03%P 100%US PTA +2.2PL 3.02SCS +.3DPR 5.5%DCE PTA +2.38T +2.13UDC +.70FLC 78%R MATT-DARI SHAMPOO MALIKA-TW 68958398 GP-82 V+G++ 2-09 2-04 2 365 25040 5.3 1315 3.9 970 3-06 2 365 29390 5.5 1614 3.9 1136

Sells as Lot 271

3rd Dam: Westkal Inspiration May (CAN EX-3E 19*) 7-06 2 365 30734 4.5 1041 3.4 Life:148147 4.8 7079 3.6 5280 Res. Grand Simcoe ‘91 Jr. Champion Simcoe ‘88 4th Dam: Bond Haven Landmark May B (CAN VG-85 5Y 4*) 6-11 2 351 19037 4.5 862 Life: 112 137 4.4 4960 5th Dam: Bond Haven Marquis T May (CAN EX 5*) 8-00 2 365 21347 4.1 869 Life: 148085 4.0 5981 6th Dam: Bond Haven Telstar May (CAN EX) Life: 102939 4.2 4325 7th Dam: Bond Haven Maple May (CAN VG) Life: 165272 3.6 5886 8th Dam: Puccini May Edda (CAN EX 9*) Alll-Canadian 2Y & 3Y All-American 3Y 1962 Life: 190896 3.7 6980 9th Dam: P H May Pluto Reflection (CAN VG)

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 273

matt-Dari Roy Sonoma 68958478 100%RHA Born: March 21, 2011 Sonoma GP-82 +VFVG 3-09 2-00 2 326 28030 3.8 1075 3.2 895 3-00 2 335 30668 3.8 1178 3.3 1006 (Inc) Milking 80lbs. 4.5%F 3.7%P KED JUROR-ET 2124357 TV TL TD GP-82 +EEP 10-01 GM HD GTPI +1255G

ROYLANE JORDAN-ET 17064727 TV TL EX-95 EEEE 10-09 GM 50K GTPI +1368g pta -678M -24f -24P 99%R 12/2014 pta -252NM +.01%F -.01%P 27%us pta -3.0PL 3.20scs -.3dpr 7.5%dce pta +1.06t +1.04udc -.41flc 99%R 12/2014

Lot 274

FIRDELL AEROSTAR BABETTE-ET 14504541 EX-90 VEVVE GMD DOM 4-07 3-02 2 365 41140 3.9 1592 3.0 1245

Matt-Dari Large Starlit 68958589 100%RHA Born: July 28, 2012 #297 2-06 2 45 3062 3.7 112 2.9 90 (Inc) Milking 78lbs. 3.5%F 2.7%P

Sells Fresh 2/3/2015

glen-Toctin Super Large-ET 140761397 tv tl ty P9 50K gtpi +2103g pta +274M -1f +15P 98%R 12/2014 pta +258NM -.05%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.1PL 2.67scs +1.5dpr 7.0%dce pta +1.94T +2.24udc +1.79flc 93%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Affirmed Shawna 139258802 VG-87 EE+V+ 4-01 2-00 2 365 27330 3-03 2 365 33450 4-08 2 365 36170 LIFE 1332 112110

3.8 1036 4.0 1339 4.0 1447 4.0 4525

Lot 275

3.1 844 3.1 1044 3.2 1171 3.2 3632

Charlesdale Superstition-ET 62065919 TR TV TL TY td GM 50K +2126g pta +1077M -12f +29P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.95t +1.03udc +.26flc 99%R 12/2014 Glen-Toctin Shottle Liva-ET 137242018 EX-91 EEEEE DOM 3-10 3-00 2 365 41140 4.4 1810 3.1 1265

bkb Affirmed-eT 132277541 tv tl CAN VG-87 5Y 50K gtpi +1108g Matt-Dari Jold Sachet 130562979 VG-86 DC 5-06 2-00 2 360 26860 3-01 2 365 30280 5-02 2 333 30370 6-02 2 336 31310 LIFE 1611 127680

4.5 1199 4.5 1349 3.8 1156 3.9 1219 4.1 5287

3.3 887 3.3 996 3.0 899 3.0 934 3.1 3999

matt-Dari Bolton Haven 68958446 100%RHA Born: December 3, 2010 Haven VG-87 VVGVV 3-05 2-02 2 364 30130 4.3 1296 3.2 978 3-03 2 334 26440 4.5 1184 3.4 898

SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET 131823833 TV TL EX-90 EE+V 5-11 GM gtpi +1888g pta +1387m +49f +34P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.43t +1.51udc +1.10flc 99%R 12/2014

LEXVOLD LUKE HERSHEL-ET 2294436 TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1265g pta +579M -10f +9P 12/2014

over-Tyme Titanic Hosta 61805006 VG-87 VVGVE 6-11

Hartline Titanic-eT 123066734 GM HD GTPI +1477G

2-02 2 330 19220 3-03 2 334 31810 4-03 2 334 34500 5-04 2 341 33450 6-04 2 298 33690 LIFE 1637 152670

Bred 9/11/2014 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

4.4 844 4.1 1295 4.1 1419 3.9 1291 4.0 1360 4.1 6209

3.1 597 3.0 965 3.1 1062 2.9 974 3.1 1053 3.0 4651

SANDY-VALLEY BLESSING-ET 128824973 TV VG-88 VVVVE GMD DOM 2-10 2-02 2 365 40960 4.1 1693 3.2 1307

3rd Dam: Ever-Green-View Strawberry (VG-87) 4-03 2 365 36480 3.6 1317 3.1 1132 Life: 1296 110130 3.8 4184 3.1 3422 4th Dam: Ever-Green-View Apple Hill (VG-88 EX-MS) 4-07 3 365 33190 3.7 1244 2.8 945 Life: 1804 133210 3.7 4944 2.9 3892 5th Dam: Richway-Acres Anna Apollo (VG-88) 10-00 3 365 23410 4.1 952 Life: 2628 157910 3.9 6146

Bred 7/17/2014 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206HO00148

3rd Dam: Over-Tyme Stuffy Dominque (GP-82) 6-01 2 365 25790 3.7 1313 2.7 968 over-Tyme Emerson Hazel-TW 131450152 Life: 2213 179760 3.8 6748 2.8 5006 GP-83 +++GV 3-04 4th Dam: Over-Tyme Benefit Kaye 2-08 2 365 23610 3.8 901 3.1 731 (VG-86) 3-10 2 365 24610 3.7 913 3.2 777 6-08 2 365 31080 3.6 1132 2.7 827 5-02 2 365 26180 3.6 940 2.9 757 Life: 1587 124600 3.6 4446 2.6 3279


Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 276

matt-Dari Aftershock Simba 72596550 100%RHA Born: March 22, 2014 #481

Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-eT 65249839 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-02 P9 50K GTPI +1728g pta +2M +5f -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +0NM +.02%F -.05%P 54%us pta +1.2PL 2.80scs -1.3dpr 10.7%dce pta +2.25T +1.82udc +1.46flc 99%r 12/2014


matt-Dari Sanchez Sonya 68958448 VG-87 VV+VV 3-05

matt-Dari Eddie Spokane 132239714 EX-82 +EG+G 5-06

2-03 2 335 28810 3.6 1050 3.1 889

Lot 277

Gen-Mark Strmatic Sanchez 134422312 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 6-07

2-05 3-09 5-02 6-04 7-04 8-05 9-08

2 2 2 2 2 2 2

365 365 365 320 318 365 318

28270 38080 40900 31170 35890 37290 32690

4.5 1265 4.4 1659 4.3 1751 3.9 1228 4.1 1454 4.0 1479 4.3 1418

3.2 893 3.1 1168 2.9 1198 3.0 928 2.8 1014 2.8 1060 3.0 974

100%RHA Born: June 28, 2012 #3164 2-05 2 7899 4.3 341 2.8 221 (Inc) Milking 90lbs. 4.3%F 3.0%P

maple-downs-I G W Atwood-ET 8956379 tR TV TL TY TD EX-90 EE+V 4-06 P9 50K GTPI +1901g pta -102M +29f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +59NM +.14%F +.02%P 64%us pta -.9PL 3.04scs -2.5dpr 9.8%dce pta +3.85t +2.65udc +3.00flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Dolar Kalare 66614771 GP-80 GE+FG 3-09

2-00 2 364 30910 4.4 1353 3.4 1037 3-01 2 365 34460 4.3 1490 3.6 1240

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

Matt-Dari Sharky Dolar-ET 138448239 50K gtpi +1904g Matt-Dari Modest Kassie 137038327 GP-82 ++F++ 2-05 2-01 2 365 31650 3.3 1033 3.0 956 3-06 2 365 38340 3.2 1222 2.9 1100

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Approval Kiki-TW (GP-82) 2-01 2 365 29060 3.9 1119 2.9 841 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Meadowlord Kay (GP-82) 4-02 2 365 41310 3.3 1359 2.8 1152 Life: 1800 165140 3.5 5745 2.8 4545 5th Dam: Hemjord Melwood Karrie (VG-87) 3-02 2 365 38280 3.6 1364 2.9 1126 Life: 1229 108470 3.7 4009 3.0 3226 6th Dam: Sun-Made Aerostar Karma-ET (VG-87 DC) 4-02 2 365 40960 3.6 1493 3.2 1330 7th Dam: Sun-Made Blkstar Karess-ET (VG-86) 4-08 2 365 27840 3.6 996 2.9 800 Life: 1418 103290 3.6 3743 2.9 2987 8th Dam: Luck-E Valiant Kora-ET (2E-94 EEEEE GMD DOM) 3-05 2 365 30310 4.0 1224 3.2 978 9th Dam: Hiatt Kay (EX-90 EX-MS DOM) 10th Dam: Bayless Fury Kay (2E-92 GMD DOM) Life: 103410 3.5 3656 11th Dam: Daisy Killybracken Spruceland (VG-88) 12th Dam: Duke Daisy Spruceland (VG-87 13Y)

Matt-Dari Aftershock Kool 72596492

Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-eT 65249839 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-02 P9 50K GTPI +1728g pta +2M +5f -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +0NM +.02%F -.05%P 54%us pta +1.2PL 2.80scs -1.3dpr 10.7%dce pta +2.25T +1.82udc +1.46flc 99%r 12/2014 matt-Dari Sebastion Kinsey 68958497

3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

Matt-Dari GW Atwoo Kessie 68958583

Bred 3/4/2015 to Picston Shottle-ET 598172GBR 29HO12209

Lot 278


3rd Dam: Ever-Green-View Shania-ET (VG-88) 4-07 2 365 42470 3.8 1606 2.8 1195 Life: 1490 157010 3.7 5801 2.8 4460 4th Dam: Look-Up Mascot Sophia-ET (VG-85 GMD DOM) 2-02 2 365 26760 3.9 1038 3.3 896

2-03 2 187 16720 4.1 680 3.0 498

100%RHA Born: August 24, 2013 #423 PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g

MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005 Wa-Del Sebastian-ET 138738583 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2043G matt-Dari Dolar Kalare 66614771 GP-80 GE+FG 3-09 3-01 2 365 34460 4.3 1490 3.6 1240


Bred 12/11/2014 to Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 140145553 7H10920

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 279

Matt-Dari Al Val 68958431 100%RHA Born: September 4, 2010 Val VG-86 VVVGV 4-03 2-07 2 365 32030 4.5 1457 3.4 1091 4-01 2 139 17776 4.1 726 3.1 559 (Inc) Milking 113lbs. 4.4%F 3.4%P

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K gtpi +2034G pta -75M +31f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +339NM +.14%F +.07%P 95%us pta +3.4PL 2.76scs +.6dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.13T +1.01udc +.51flc 99%R 12/2014

md-maple-Dell Gold Ailey-ET 62208894 VG-85 +V+VV DOM 3-03 2-02 2 365 24370 4.2 1016 3.2 769

STBVQ RUBENS-ET 5844883C RC TV TL CAN VG-85-5Y ST GM 50K GTPI +1377g pta +1.32t +2.00udc +.20flc 99%R 12/2014

Artie-A Rubens Vintage-ET 61483611 VG-88 VVVVV 4-04 1-11 2 305 16720 3-00 2 305 21830 4-01 2 305 24870 5-08 2 365 36290 7-00 2 351 28470 8-01 2 365 45200 LIFE 2433 196910

4.4 741 4.8 1042 4.4 1104 4.5 1619 4.6 1307 4.1 1872 4.5 8831

3.6 605 3.6 790 3.6 886 3.3 1194 3.6 1039 3.2 1424 3.5 6842

Lot 280 Sells Fresh 3/19/2015

Artie-A Kris Value 15736834 EX-93 EEEEE 3E DOM 9-08

1-11 2 300 14460 2-11 2 270 15690 3-10 2 282 17330 4-09 2 297 20400 5-08 2 305 26560 7-05 2 305 24650 9-03 2 305 32430 11-03 2 305 19530 LIFE 3146 198070

3.5 500 3.6 560 3.4 592 3.5 718 3.6 953 3.6 876 3.4 1090 3.4 665 3.6 7118

100%RHA Born: March 7, 2012 Melody GP-80 G+GG+ 2-02 2-00 2 339 28303 4.3 1217 3.1 882

navs Shtl Fulton-ET 62821518 tr tv tl ty td EX-91 EEVV 5-03 50K gtpi +1667g pta +408M +31f +2P 99%R 12/2014 pta +12NM +.06TF -.04TP 91%us pta -2.0PL 3.13scs -2.7dpr 9.4%dce pta +1.54t +1.25udc +1.21flc 97%R 12/2014

2-02 2 365 26650 4.2 1119 3.2 852 3-04 2 252 24250 3.8 931 2.9 712

4.6 667 4.9 774 5.0 6866 4.8 976 4.7 1254 5.3 1306 5.3 1729 5.2 1011 5.1 10092

matt-Dari Fulton Melody 68958550

Frozenes Matt-Dari Marla 139615151 VG-85 VVEFV 3-07

Bred 2/12/2015 to Four-Hills Clark Baird 4491 72302510 7H12314

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 jeffana Throne Faucett-ET 61369102 VG-88 VVVVE 3-08 2-02 2 365 33360 3.5 1171 3.0 1007

Far-O-La Debbi-Jo Decker-ET 131857397 tv tl EX-85 EVEF 4-11 50K gtpi +1373g pta -.48T ++.85udc +1.53flc 99%R 12/2014 Frozenes Champion Mia 136665054 TV EX-92 EEEEE 5-05

2-02 2 362 27260 3.9 1055 3.2 864 3-03 2 348 33040 4.0 1307 3.1 1033 4-04 2 365 34860 3.7 1281 2.9 1025


3rd Dam: Lynncreek Nero Vanity (EX-90 EX-MS) 2-03 2 365 18490 3.8 694 3.2 595 4th Dam: Lynncreek Dutchoe Victory (GP-82) 5th Dam: Lynncreek Abel Vickey (VG-85) 5-08 2 308 17640 4.6 811 3.4 597

3rd Dam: Frozenes Durham Clarica (2E-91 EX-MS) 4-01 2 365 34260 4.0 1241 3.4 1064 Life: 1711 117010 3.9 4600 3.4 4012 4th Dam: Frozenes Aeroline Clarice (VG-87) 3-08 2 349 25630 4.4 1125 3.3 847 5th Dam: Frozenes Claira Broker (VG-88) 3-07 2 353 27440 5.2 1431 3.3 895 6th Dam: Frozenes Star Clair (VG-88 EX-MS) 6-06 2 358 23850 3.7 876 2.9 703 Life: 1659 106590 3.8 4021 2.9 3129 7th Dam: Vir-Clar Della Rose Val (VG-87) 6-05 2 340 25920 3.5 906 3.2 828 Life: 178360 3.5 6177 3.1 5495 8th Dam: Vir-Clar Royalstar Della (2E-90) 5-05 2 365 28040 3.2 893 2.9 817 Life: 157090 3.2 5019 2.9 1957 9th Dam: Viri-Clar Elevation Delux (3E EX-91 DoM) 2-06 2 365 21950 4.1 895 Life: 112190 3.9 4356 10th Dam: Vir-Clar Dellad Lucifer (EX-91 EX-MS GMD) 7-09 2 337 22320 4.5 1008 Life: 123600 3.9 4575 11th Dam: Vir-Clar Delrockette (VG-88) 5-03 2 365 23031 3.8 872

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 281

matt-Dari Darmax Nutmeg 68958481 100%RHA Born: March 24, 2011 Nutmeg GP-81 +GGG+ 3-09 2-03 2 365 31540 3.7 1156 3.2 1013 3-05 2 189 25146 3.7 926 3.0 749 (inc) Milking 119lbs. 3.7%F 3.2%P

Bred 1/12/2015 to Silverridge V Wickham-ET 11703311 200H10075

matt-Dari Airraid Darmax 138787420 tv tl ty EX-90 EEVV 4-06 50K gtpi +17554g pta +867M +22f +7P 94%R 12/2014 pta +63NM -.04%F -.07%P 100%us pta +.3PL 3.13scs -1.5dpr 10.2%DCE pta +1.75t +1.30udc +.87flc 92%R 12/2014

jo-Wal-Langs CHM Nicoley-45 VG-85 VVVFV 5-00 2-04 2 346 26170 3-05 2 315 21010 4-06 2 365 38420 5-09 2 365 43350 7-01 2 365 41220 LIFE 2110 197700

3.5 911 3.5 745 3.5 1339 3.3 1448 3.6 1470 3.5 6969

3.2 828 3.4 705 3.0 1166 2.8 1213 2.9 1189 3.0 5982

Lot 282

sildahl Airraid 131688542 tv tl td EX-94 EEEE 7-09 pta +527M +39f +5P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.98t +.90udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Dev-Lin Dana Out Daisy-ET 52341530 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-05

3-10 2 365 37390 3.9 1444 2.8 1059 LIFE 1273 102510 4.0 4151 3.0 3056

Calbrett-I H H Champion-ET 6961162 BY tv tl CAN EX GM HD GTPI +1461G pta +535m +0f +5P 99%R 12/2014 Miss JWFL Rudolph Netty 18013576 EX-92 EEEEE 3E DOM 9-04 2-02 2 322 19920 3-03 2 365 24860 4-06 2 347 25770 5-07 2 350 27810 6-07 2 281 19260 7-07 2 355 30180 8-09 2 365 29330 LIFE 2545 183730

4.1 818 4.3 1061 4.0 1023 4.2 1162 3.6 690 3.7 1112 3.6 1053 3.9 7206

3.4 674 3.6 889 3.4 865 3.4 947 3.3 645 3.6 1101 3.4 1010 3.5 6408

matt-Dari Fermont Chili 68958527

3rd Dam: Miss JWFL Jabot Nadia-ET (G-76 2Y) 4th Dam: Miss Prelude JWL Nelda-ET (3E-90 DOM 11Y) 4-10 2 365 34760 4.2 1459 2.9 1010 Life: 3424 246780 3.8 9427 3.1 7715 5th Dam: Breedyk Blackstar Nola (EX-91 GMD DOM) 3-06 2 365 32870 4.2 1376 3.4 1117 6th Dam: Breedyk Valor Nola (VG-88) 5-03 2 336 20420 4.1 840 3.5 724 7th Dam: Great-Earth Nola-ET (EX-91 2E DOM) 6-00 2 365 29490 4.0 1175 3.4 992 Life: 1534 114980 4.0 4562 3.3 1778 8th Dam: Braunschweigs Astronaut Nellie (VG-88 GMD 9-06 2 365 24820 4.5 1124 Life: 2608 161350 4.3 6934 9th Dam: Braunschweigs Silver Trudy (VG-85 GMD) 9-03 2 305 24180 4.1 998 Life: 2440 166840 4.1 6906

Sells Fresh 3/14/2015

100%RHA Born: October 17, 2011 Chili GP-83 +V+++ 3-02 3-04 2 6 377 4.5 17 3.7 14 (Inc) Milking 85lbs. 4.4%F 3.6%P

Duckett-SA Fremont-ET 139716674 ty 50K gtpi +1616g pta -62M +0f -2P 97%R 12/2014 pta -46NM +.01%F +.00%P 56%us pta -1.9pl 2.97scs -.7dpr 6.5%dce pta +1.31t +.90udc +.15flc 96%R 12/2014

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 HArvue Roy Frosty 52378753 EX-97 EEEEE 3E GMD 9-05

5-07 2 365 44710 5.0 2222 2.8 1248 LIFE 2285 217250 4.8 10507 3.0 6447

2 Time All-American

matt-Dari Alexander Candi 66614793 GP-83 +VG++ 3-06 2-02 2 330 22100 4.2 930 3.1 684

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl TY Td EX-94 EEEE 8-02 50K GTPI +1736g pta +108M +51f +0p 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.08t +.50udc +.92flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Outside Cherry 137682795 VG-88 VEV+V 5-03 2-01 2 365 23540 3-05 2 365 25040 4-09 2 330 31130 5-10 2 365 37190 LIFE 1808 143720

4.3 1022 4.3 947 4.1 1266 4.4 1627 4.3 6227


3.0 710 3.1 690 2.9 893 2.8 1047 3.0 4381

3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Lee Chime (VG-87) 3-03 2 365 34080 4.1 1392 3.0 1026 Life: 1433 115100 4.0 4611 3.0 3508 4th Dam: Laeschland Durham Connie (VG-89 EX-MS) 2-10 2 341 30350 3.8 1162 3.1 937 5th Dam: Schumachers Dori Cannon (VG-85 GMD) 10-11 2 365 33660 3.8 1276 2.9 978 Life: 3265 233390 3.7 8719 3.0 7063 6th Dam: Schumachers Twinkle Matadori (VG-88 GMD) 4-04 2 365 28220 4.0 1121 2.9 831 Life: 2173 141270 3.8 5386 2.9 4118

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 283

matt-Dari Shottle Magita-TW 68958464 100%RHA Born: January 30, 2011 Magita VG-86 VV+VV 3-11 1-11 2 333 24500 3.8 935 3.2 789 4-00 2 25 2933 3.6 107 3.1 90 (Inc) Milking 138lbs. 3.3%F 2.7%P

Sells Fresh 2/23/2015

Lot 284

Matt-Dari Shot Martina-TW 68958463 100%RHA Born: January 30, 2011 Martina VG-85 VVGVV 3-04 1-11 2 330 26130 3.8 993 3.3 859 2-11 2 305 31430 3.8 1194 3.1 969 4-00 2 35 4064 4.1 166 3.3 133 (Inc) Milking 149lbs. 3.6%F 2.5%P

Sells Fresh 2/13/2015

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +192NM +.04%F -.02%P 12%dce pta +.6pl 2.76scs -.2dpr 8.1%dce pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014

dorco Stormatic Mollie 137828153 EX-92 VEEEE 2E 6-10 2-01 2 365 31130 3-03 2 365 33700 4-04 2 360 40330 5-06 2 340 39470 6-06 2 365 40670 LIFE 2048 209030

3.0 921 2.9 969 3.2 1287 2.8 1103 2.7 1110 2.9 6146

Lot 285

2.9 899 2.9 974 2.8 1125 2.7 1075 2.8 1146 2.8 5859

CONDON AERO SHARON 5373153C GBR EX-91 6Y 5-07 2 305 36230 4.3 1561 3.3 1179 COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g pta +15M -20f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.73t -.21udc +1.68flc 99%R 12/2014 doorco Airliner Mollie 131160714 VG-86 VVE++ 4-09 2-04 2 365 21520 4.3 921 3.3 702 3-06 2 365 33500 4.2 1419 3.2 1072

100%RHA Born: March 13, 2012 Marina GP-80 +GG++ 2-09 2-03 2 260 23323 3.8 894 3.2 737 (Inc) Milking 81lbs. 4.0%F 3.5%P

Doorco Stormatic Mollie 137828153 EX-92 VEEEE 2E 6-10 3.0 921 2.9 969 3.2 1287 2.8 1103 2.7 1110 2.9 6146

VG-1Y (ITA) GM 50K GTPI +1697g pta +282M +8f -2P 99%R 12/2014

3rd Dam: Doorco Mark Mayme (GP-84 GMD) 7-04 2 365 37060 3.6 1346 2.9 1090 Life: 2195 189620 3.5 6667 3.0 5627

Matt-Dari Dempsey Marina 68958555

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014

2-01 2 365 31130 3-03 2 365 33700 4-04 2 360 40330 5-06 2 340 39470 6-06 2 365 40670 LIFE 2048 209030


2.9 899 2.9 974 2.8 1125 2.7 1075 2.8 1146 2.8 5859

Bred 9/27/2014 to Bacon-Hill Milson-ET 71703349 7H12186

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN EX 50K GTPI +1461g pta +15M -20f -9P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.73t -.21udc +1.68flc 99%R 12/2014 doorco Airliner Mollie 131160714 VG-86 VVE++ 4-09 2-04 2 365 21520 4.3 921 3.3 702 3-06 2 365 33500 4.2 1419 3.2 1072


3rd Dam: Doorco Mark Mayme (GP-84 GMD) 7-04 2 365 37060 3.6 1346 2.9 1090 Life: 2195 189620 3.5 6667 3.0 5627

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 286

Matt-Dari Dorito Bloomer 73727244 100%RHA Born: May 13, 2013 #533

matt-Dari Sebastian Dorito 68958469 50k gtpi +2130g pta +60m +25f +7P 78%R 12/2014 pta +343NM +.09%F +.02%P 100%us pta +4.6PL 3.07scs +3.8dpr 4.5%DCE pta +1.14t +1.14udc +.41flc 78%R 12/2014

Wa-Del Sebastian-eT 138738583 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2043g pta +.84t +.69udc +1.99flc 98%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02

4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061 Sells as Lot 42

England-Ammon Million-ET 61547476 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 6-07 GM 50K GTPI +1452g pta +.53t +1.03udc +.38flc 99%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Million Baden 68958370 GP-84 +VVGV 3-06

2-03 2 342 31980 3.1 1000 2.5 795 3-04 2 365 41190 3.0 1238 2.5 1020 Maternal Sister to Lot 261

matt-Dari Shottle Believe 139240900 EX-90 EVEVE 5-06 2-00 2 348 31900 3-00 2 365 39750 4-02 2 353 39210 5-03 2 330 41810 LIFE 1398 152800

Lot 287

3.1 997 3.4 1359 3.3 1277 3.1 1299 3.2 4937

2.9 936 3.0 1174 2.9 1118 2.9 1212 2.9 4445

matt-Dari Dorito Kitkat 71667937 100%RHA Born: May 13, 2013 #401

matt-Dari Sebastian Dorito 68958469 50k gtpi +2130g pta +60m +25f +7P 78%R 12/2014 pta +343NM +.09%F +.02%P 100%us pta +4.6PL 3.07scs +3.8dpr 4.5%DCE pta +1.14t +1.14udc +.41flc 78%R 12/2014

Matt-Dari Darmax Kira 68958395 GP-84 VV+GV 2-09 1-11 2 354 27930 3.7 1020 3.0 839 3-00 2 285 27630 3.5 979 2.9 812

Bred 9/8/2014 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206HO00148 3rd Dam: Matt-Dari Throne Bellra (VG-85) 3-06 2 365 35540 3.5 1237 3.1 1111 4th Dam: Matt-Dari Bestow Bride (EX-90) 4-10 2 363 38370 4.1 1579 3.0 1165 Life: 1287 127870 4.0 5141 3.1 4003 5th Dam: Matt-Dari Aerostar Brianne (G-79) 2-01 2 365 34290 3.4 1156 2.9 980 6th Dam: MAtt-Dari Rockie Bonnet (GP-84) 3-05 2 328 25870 3.9 1012 3.1 808 7th Dam: Matt-Dari Mark Beauty (VG-88 EX-MS) 4-01 2 365 30550 4.0 1233 3.0 920 Life: 1310 102500 4.1 4159 3.0 3026 8th Dam: Flac Rocky Buckwheat Barley (2E-90 EX-MS) 6-04 2 355 26120 3.8 1001 3.1 801 Life: 1897 130310 3.9 5113 3.0 3945 9th Dam: Flac Ford Buckwheat (VG-86) 5-01 2 305 24380 4.3 1042 3.0 729 10th Dam: Flac Starcraft Buffy (VG-87) 7-04 2 305 21030 4.8 1017 3.1 659 Life: 2742 159220 4.7 7514 3.1 5014

Bred 11/16/2014 to Four-Hills Clark Baird 4491 72302510 7H12314

Wa-Del Sebastian-eT 138738583 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2043g pta +.84t +.69udc +1.99flc 98%R 12/2014 Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET VG-88 EEE+V GMD 5-02

4-08 2 365 44300 4.3 1895 3.1 1366 LIFE 1320 123750 4.5 5605 3.3 4061 Sells as Lot 42

matt-Dari Airraid Darmax 138787420 tv tl ty EX-90 EEVV 4-06 50K gtpi +17554g pta +867M +22f +7P 94%R 12/2014 pta +1.75t +1.30udc +.87flc 92%R 12/2014 Doorco Best Kelsey-eT 136117113 VG-87 VE++V 3-11 2-01 2 365 30840 3-05 2 365 38350 5-05 2 365 39260 LIFE 1770 162380

4.1 1250 3.8 1473 4.0 1584 4.2 6739


3.1 944 3.1 1177 2.9 1157 3.1 5072

3rd Dam: Doorco Dante Albania (EX-92 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM) 5-11 2 365 42890 4.1 1761 3.0 1287 Life: 2059 192230 4.2 8024 3.1 5985 4th Dam: Doorco Duster Albany (2E-90 GMD DOM) 5-01 2 365 47410 3.1 1480 2.8 1324 Life: 1410 147260 3.4 4962 2.8 4158

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Friesian-Knoll DC (3E-92 EEEEE)

Dam of Lot 288 and 2nd Dam of Lots 289 & 290

Lot 288

Matt-Dari Al Dette 68958379 100%RHA Born: February 12, 2010 Dette VG-85 +V+VV 4-10 2-04 2 365 27370 4.0 1096 3.2 883 3-07 2 322 28220 4.0 1121 3.3 918 4-08 2 144 19230 3.7 706 2.9 549 (Inc) Milking 129lbs. 3.4%F 3.0%P

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K gtpi +2034G pta -75M +31f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +339NM +.14%F +.07%P 95%us pta +3.4PL 2.76scs +.6dpr 7.4%dce pta +1.13T +1.01udc +.51flc 99%R 12/2014

Friesian-Knoll DC 60305190 EX-92 EEEEE 3E 9-03 2-02 2 312 15940 3-02 2 297 19690 4-02 2 365 31470 5-04 2 365 41970 6-09 2 365 44880 7-10 2 365 36800 LIFE 2342 208720

3.8 606 3.6 703 3.4 1068 3.4 1412 3.6 1629 3.7 1358 3.6 7418

3.2 508 3.2 623 3.0 947 2.8 1181 2.7 1228 2.8 1038 2.9 6077

Bred 1/29/2015 to Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262GBR 206HO00148

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 md-maple-Dell Gold Ailey-ET 62208894 VG-85 +V+VV DOM 3-03 2-02 2 365 24370 4.2 1016 3.2 769

REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 TR CV TL EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 Friesian-Knoll RJ Chill 15486541 VG-88 VVVVE 6-02 2-01 2 246 11060 3-00 2 295 16740 4-00 2 365 24710 5-08 2 365 28350 6-09 2 308 18370 LIFE 1695 104530

3.5 385 3.5 586 3.9 958 4.3 1232 4.1 755 4.0 4143


3.1 339 3.0 499 3.0 730 3.0 842 3.2 590 3.0 3176

3rd Dam: Friesian-Knoll NBory Chillie (G-78 2Y) 2-03 2 311 18650 3.3 613 3.0 562 4th Dam: Friesian-Knoll Bubba Chives (GP-84) 3-08 2 365 28340 3.5 995 3.0 863 5th Dam: Friesian-Knoll Sexy Clove (GP-83) 3-05 2 365 20320 4.2 853 3.4 692

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 289

Matt-Dari Golden DR Delores 73727255 100%RHA Born: October 27, 2014 #544

Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET 642262gbr tv tl 50K gtpi +1906G pta -807M +7f -18P 91%R 12/2014 pta +73NM +.15%F +.03%P 0%us pta +.2PL 2.68scs +.0dpr 7.0%dce pta +2.64t +3.20udc +2.37flc 87%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Al Dette 68958379 VG-85 +V+VV 4-10

2-04 2 365 27370 4.0 1096 3.2 883 3-07 2 322 28220 4.0 1121 3.3 918

Lot 290

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005

mr regelcreek shot al-ET 53557278 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEEE 5-01 50K gtpi +2034G pta +1.13T +1.01udc +.51flc 99%R 12/2014 Friesian-Knoll DC 60305190 EX-92 EEEEE 3E 9-03 2-02 2 312 15940 3-02 2 297 19690 4-02 2 365 31470 5-04 2 365 41970 6-09 2 365 44880 7-10 2 365 36800 LIFE 2342 208720

3.8 606 3.6 703 3.4 1068 3.4 1412 3.6 1629 3.7 1358 3.6 7418

3.2 508 3.2 623 3.0 947 2.8 1181 2.7 1228 2.8 1038 2.9 6077

MATT-DARI HERO diego 71667941 100%RHA Born: June 7, 2013 #405

Siemers Toys Hero 9701-ET 62663985 tr tv tl ty td EX-92 EEVE 4-04 GM 50K GTPI +2002g pta -197M +41f -1P 98%R 12/2014 pta +216NM +.19%f +.02%P 85%us pta -.3pl 2.94scs +.2dpr 6.4%dce pta +2.71t +2.76udc +1.80flc 97%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Spirte Dottie 139746040 VG-87 VV+VV 4-07 2-03 2 326 23130 4.0 930 2.9 677 3-03 2 365 31900 3.8 1211 3.0 954 4-05 2 230 24120 3.9 947 2.8 682

3rd Dam: Friesian-Knoll RJ Chill (VG-88 EX-MS) 5-08 2 365 28350 4.3 1232 3.0 842 Life: 1695 104530 4.0 4143 3.0 3176 4th Dam: Friesian-Knoll NBory Chillie (G-78 2Y) 2-03 2 311 18650 3.3 613 3.0 562 5th Dam: Friesian-Knoll Bubba Chives (GP-84) 3-08 2 365 28340 3.5 995 3.0 863 6th Dam: Friesian-Knoll Sexy Clove (GP-83) 3-05 2 365 20320 4.2 853 3.4 692

Bred 12/23/2014 to Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET 6972815 7H11314

Jenny-Lou Mrshl toystory-et 60372887 TR tv tl TY GM 50K GTPI +1709g pta +524M +14f +15P 99%R 12/2014 pta +.98t +.95udc +.52flc 99%R 12/2014 SIEMERS DURHAM HAST 4358-ET 60404488 TR TV EX-91 EEEEE GMD 3-04 2-10 3 365 46270 4.4 2017 3.2 1496

cedarwal Spirte 10559198c tv tl CAN EX-93 HDGTPI +1554g pta +1.05t +.87udc -.43flc 98%R 12/2014 Friesian-Knoll DC 60305190 EX-92 EEEEE 3E 9-03 2-02 2 312 15940 3-02 2 297 19690 4-02 2 365 31470 5-04 2 365 41970 6-09 2 365 44880 7-10 2 365 36800 LIFE 2342 208720

3.8 606 3.6 703 3.4 1068 3.4 1412 3.6 1629 3.7 1358 3.6 7418


3.2 508 3.2 623 3.0 947 2.8 1181 2.7 1228 2.8 1038 2.9 6077

3rd Dam: Friesian-Knoll RJ Chill (VG-88 EX-MS) 5-08 2 365 28350 4.3 1232 3.0 842 Life: 1695 104530 4.0 4143 3.0 3176 4th Dam: Friesian-Knoll NBory Chillie (G-78 2Y) 2-03 2 311 18650 3.3 613 3.0 562 5th Dam: Friesian-Knoll Bubba Chives (GP-84) 3-08 2 365 28340 3.5 995 3.0 863 6th Dam: Friesian-Knoll Sexy Clove (GP-83) 3-05 2 365 20320 4.2 853 3.4 692

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Aftershock Fifi (VG-88 EX-MS 3Y)

Sells as Lot 291 and Maternal Sister to Lot 292

Lot 291

matt-Dari Aftershock Fifi 68958445

Sells Fresh 1/4/2015

100%RHA Born: December 1, 2010 Fifi VG-88 VVVVE 3-05 1-10 2 346 24040 4.0 964 3.1 745 2-11 2 365 32500 3.6 1186 3.0 962 4-01 2 75 7368 4.8 651 2.6 194 (Inc) Milking 119lbs. 3.9%F 2.5%P

Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-eT 65249839 tv tl ty td VG-87 VVVV 2-02 P9 50K GTPI +1728g pta +2M +5f -12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +0NM +.02%F -.05%P 54%us pta +1.2PL 2.80scs -1.3dpr 10.7%dce pta +2.25T +1.82udc +1.46flc 99%r 12/2014 matt-Dari Outside Flora 138390125 GP-83 VV++G 4-04 2-08 2 355 28300 3.7 1049 3.0 841 3-09 2 342 33160 3.7 1220 2.8 919 4-10 2 259 26310 3.7 969 2.6 686

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE-ET 131704103 EX-92 EEEEE DOM 4-06 3-11 2 365 38290 5.5 2091 3.1 1177

2nd NY FAT All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 2005 COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Marshall Florida 133572407 G-79 GVF+G 5-09 2-01 2 365 32730 3-07 2 365 39870 4-11 2 365 40830 LIFE 1361 133400

3.9 1268 3.5 1395 3.0 1228 3.5 4687


3.0 989 3.0 1212 3.0 1229 3.0 4060

3rd Dam: Runaway Frances Faye (GP-80) 2-00 2 365 29630 3.5 1034 3.0 881 4th Dam: Runaway Juggler Johanna (VG-85) 4-08 2 365 29260 4.3 1262 2.8 832 5th Dam: Ruaway Val Vanna (VG-85) 3-01 2 295 20190 3.3 675 2.9 586 6th Dam: Runaway Spruce Sammyjo (VG-85) 6-01 2 305 19910 4.2 827 2.9 586

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Dempsey Freedom (GP-83)

Sells as Lot 292 and Maternal Sister to Lot 291

Lot 292

matt-Dari Dempsey Freedom 68958540 100%RHA Born: December 22, 2011 Freedom GP-83 +V++V 3-00 2-03 2 340 25203 4..3 1086 3.3 823 (Inc) Milking 48lbs. 5.1%F 4.0%P

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Outside Flora 138390125 GP-83 VV++G 4-04 2-08 2 355 28300 3.7 1049 3.0 841 3-09 2 342 33160 3.7 1220 2.8 919 4-10 2 259 26310 3.7 969 2.6 686

Bred 7/31/2014 to Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET 65249839 94HO14105

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

COMESTAR OUTSIDE-ET 6026421C TV TL CAN EX-95 Extra GM 50K GTPI +1688g pta +.23t +.00udc +.99flc 99%R 12/2014 matt-Dari Marshall Florida 133572407 G-79 GVF+G 5-09

2-01 2 365 32730 3-07 2 365 39870 4-11 2 365 40830 LIFE 1361 133400

3.9 1268 3.5 1395 3.0 1228 3.5 4687


3.0 989 3.0 1212 3.0 1229 3.0 4060

3rd Dam: Runaway Frances Faye (GP-80) 2-00 2 365 29630 3.5 1034 3.0 881 4th Dam: Runaway Juggler Johanna (VG-85) 4-08 2 365 29260 4.3 1262 2.8 832 5th Dam: Ruaway Val Vanna (VG-85) 3-01 2 295 20190 3.3 675 2.9 586 6th Dam: Runaway Spruce Sammyjo (VG-85) 6-01 2 305 19910 4.2 827 2.9 586

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Guthrie Blitzen (VG-87 3Y)

Sells as Lot 293 and Maternal Sister to Lot 294

Lot 293

matt-Dari Guthrie Blitzen 68958533 100%RHA Born: November 22, 2011 Blitzen VG-87 VV+VV 3-01 2-02 2 365 32549 3.6 1187 3.2 1045 (Inc) Milking 68Lbs. 4.4%F 3.0%P

Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-eT 137191143 tr tv tl ty td EX-94 EEEE 4-11 50K GTPI +1939g pta -342M +5f +2P 99%R 12/2014 pta +135NM +.07%F +.05%P pta +.7pl 2.88scs +.7dpr 7.4%dce pta +2.53t +2.16udc +1.46flc 99%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Matson Brett 66614805 VG-88 VE+VV 3-09 2-01 2 334 26000 3.8 978 3.1 800 3-01 2 365 34850 3.9 1345 3.2 1109

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 Regancrest-MWS Brit-eT 60870676 EX-90 EEEVV DOM 4-11 1-11 2 365 31080 3.4 1066 2.8 866

Autumn-Ridge Matson-ET 133766626 tv tl ty EX-94 EEVE 7-09 50K gtpi +1663g pta +.74t +.49udc +1.64flc 98%R 12/2014 wagnervalley Luck Bess 133468144 VG-88 VVVVE 5-06

2-03 2 4-00 2 5-00 2 6-01 2 7-01 2 8-04 2 LIFE

365 24520 289 26750 358 37480 333 35250 365 36270 365 35410 226 201540

4.4 1086 4.9 1315 4.2 1577 4.4 1558 4.6 1677 4.5 1595 4.5 9101


3.3 815 3.3 877 3.3 1246 3.3 1149 3.3 1190 3.1 1103 3.3 6594

Bred 11/11/2014 to Mr Apples Armani-ET 68571374 7HO11703

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Lot 294

matt-Dari Erskine Becandi 71667874

Sells Fresh 3/3/2014

100%RHA Born: December 3, 2012 #338 2-03 2 17 1061 5.5 58 3.2 34 (Inc) Milking 80lbs. 5.0%F 2.8%P

ryan-Crest S Erskine CRI-ET 68767098 tv tl ty td 50K gtpi +2134G pta -185M +24f +0P 91%R 12/2014 pta +308NM +.13%F +.03%P 100%us pta +3.0PL 2.84scs +2.8dpr 6.3%dce pta +1.79T +1.62Udc +2.20flc 78%R 12/2014

nova-TMJ Golden Erin-eT 137728145 EX-90 EEEVE GMD DOM 6-10 2-03 2 365 36830 4.9 1815 3.5 1277

Autumn-Ridge Matson-ET 133766626 tv tl ty EX-94 EEVE 7-09 50K gtpi +1663g pta +.74t +.49udc +1.64flc 98%R 12/2014

matt-Dari Matson Brett 66614805 VG-88 VE+VV 3-09 2-01 2 334 26000 3.8 978 3.1 800 3-01 2 365 34850 3.9 1345 3.2 1109

Lot 295

Wa-Del Sebastian-ET 138738583 tv tl ty 50K gtpi +2043g pta +.84t +.69udc +1.99flc 98%R 12/2014

wagnervalley Luck Bess 133468144 VG-88 VVVVE 5-06

2-03 2 4-00 2 5-00 2 6-01 2 7-01 2 8-04 2 LIFE

365 24520 289 26750 358 37480 333 35250 365 36270 365 35410 226 201540

4.4 1086 4.9 1315 4.2 1577 4.4 1558 4.6 1677 4.5 1595 4.5 9101

3.3 815 3.3 877 3.3 1246 3.3 1149 3.3 1190 3.1 1103 3.3 6594

matt-Dari Braxton Bally 68958560 100%RHA Born: March 13, 2012 #268 2-09 2 57 4903 4.7 231 3.0 148 Milking 89lbs. 4.4%F 2.7%P

regancrest S Braxton-ET 61898423 tr tv tl ty td EX-95 EEEV 5-09 50K GTPI +1431g pta +1118M -8f +5P 99%R 12/2014 pta -220NM -.19%F -.11%P 63%us pta -3.9PL 3.04scs -4.8dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.59t +1.04udc +1.61flc 99%R 12/2014

Wagnervalley Luck Bess 133468144 VG-88 VVVVE 5-06

2-03 2 365 24520 4-00 2 289 26750 5-00 2 358 37480 6-01 2 333 35250 7-01 2 365 36270 8-04 2 365 35410 LIFE 2226 201540

4.4 1086 4.9 1315 4.2 1577 4.4 1558 4.6 1677 4.5 1595 4.5 9101

3.3 815 3.3 877 3.3 1246 3.3 1149 3.3 1190 3.1 1103 3.3 6594

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014 Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET 60602011 tv EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM 7-01 2-06 2 365 31690 3.9 1237 3.1 990 HM All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old ‘04

regancrest-HHF Luck-ET 207123681 tl 50K gtpi +1813g Wagnervalley Bristol 129078665


Sells Fresh 1/29/2015

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

BKB Amanda-ET (EX-92 EX-MS GMD DOM) 2nd Dam of Lot 296

Shoremar S Alicia-ET (3E-97 EEEEE)

Lot 296

3rd Dam of Lot 296

matt-Dari Dempsey Amazing 71667920 100%RHA Born: March 26, 2013 #384

Lirr Drew Dempsey 61083609 TR tv tl ty td VG-86 EVVG 4-06 50K gtpi +1901g pta -611M +17f -1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +150NM +.17%F +.07%P 26%us pta +.4PL 2.62scs -.6dpr 6.5%dce pta +2.07T +1.72udc +1.86flc 97%R 12/2014

jauquet-Lang Amy Sanchez-ET 68785978 VG-87 VV++V 3-07 2-00 2 365 28910 3.8 1097 3.0 875 3-03 2 365 41250 4.0 1661 3.0 1251

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84 8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +1874g pta -353M +15f +1P 99%R 12/2014 pta +1.81t +1.51udc +1.55flc 99%R 12/2014 KERNDT SNEEZY DERRY DREW 207658039 VG-88 EEVVV 5-03 3-08 2 365 31150 3.8 1191 3.1 955 LIFE 1457 112530 3.9 4426 3.1 3503

Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 134422312 TR TV TL TY TD EX-94 EEEE 6-07 50K GTPI +1623g pta +1.94t +1.01udc +1.75flc 99%R 12/2014 BKB Amanda-ET 132277318 tv tl EX-92 EEEVE GMD DOM 5-02 2-03 3 365 33830 4.4 1504 3.3 1103 4-03 3 365 41480 5.0 2082 3.1 1279 LIFE 1360 104750 4.8 5075 3.3 3473


Bred 1/22/2015 to Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340

3rd Dam: Shoremar S Alicia-ET (3E-97 EEEEE) 8-11 2 360 38050 4.3 1641 3.3 1264 Life: 2253 190470 4.2 7994 3.3 6200 Full Sister to Alicia: MS Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET (2E-94 EEEEE DOM) 3-05 2 310 30180 4.0 1209 3.6 1077 Life: 1382 100760 4.0 4010 3.6 3649 2x Nominated All-American 2x Member of All-American Produce Queen of the Breed Finalist! 4th Dam: C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada (2E-94 EEEEE DOM) 2-05 2 362 25000 3.6 908 3.4 845 Life: 1554 105150 3.4 3600 3.4 3554 All-American Produce of Dam ‘00 & ‘01 All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old ‘90 Res. All-Time All-American 3Y ‘03 1st 3Y, Grand Champ Eastern Nat’l ‘90

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal 2015

Matt-Dari Shottle Liberty (VG-87 3Y) Sells as Lot 297

Lot 297

Matt-Dari Shottle Liberty 68958472 100%RHA Born: March 1, 2011 Liberty VG-87 VEV+V 3-09 1-11 2 365 28990 4.4 1284 3.4 995 3-02 2 301 36261 4.2 1537 3.1 1129 (Inc) Milking 109lbs. 4.7%F 3.5%P

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL TY GM 50K GTPI +1916g pta +519M +28f +12P 99%R 12/2014 pta +192NM +.04%F -.02%P 12%dce pta +.6pl 2.76scs -.2dpr 8.1%dce pta +1.26t +.88udc +.77flc 99%R 12/2014

miss Durham Laura-ET 135914995 EX-90 VEEEE 2E 10-02

2-01 2 365 29410 3-04 2 365 35250 4-09 2 342 40210 5-09 2 365 42160 6-11 2 365 43350 8-09 2 365 43340 LIFE 2787 277940

3.9 1151 3.6 1274 3.6 1465 3.0 1251 3.8 1653 4.0 1723 3.7 10368

3.3 968 3.2 1117 3.0 1202 3.0 1277 3.0 1285 3.0 1315 3.1 8730

Bred 10/29/2014 Matt-Dari Mogul Payton-ET 71667860 14H7340


VG-1Y (ITA) GM 50K GTPI +1697g pta +282M +8f -2P 99%R 12/2014

3rd Dam: Comestar Lausian Astre (CAN VG-85 *14) 5-04 2 365 45867 3.3 1532 3.2 1446 CONDON AERO SHARON 5373153C Former #1 LPI Cow of the Breed GBR EX-91 6Y 4th Dam: Comestar Lausan Black-ET 5-07 2 305 36230 4.3 1561 3.3 1179 (VG-87 CAN 23*) 5-04 2x 365d 37,039 4.3 1587 3.6 1318 REGANCREST ELTON DURHAM-ET 2250783 Lifetime: 108,246 4.4 4735 3.8 4151 TR CV TL 5th Dam: Comestar Laurie Sheik-ET EX-90 EEEV 7-06 GM 50K GTPI +1517g (VG-88 EX-MS CAN 23*) pta +1.50t +1.31udc +1.32flc 99%R 12/2014 6-09 2x 365d 29,864 4.5 1329 3.4 1016 Lifetime: 106,564 4.5 4780 3.6 3885 Comestar Lauseen Skychief-ET 7330300c HM All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old ‘89 EX-93 EEEEE 2E 7-09 HM All-American Sr. 2 Year Old ‘89 5-05 2 365 41390 4.0 1646 3.2 1319 Grand Champion Victoriaville ‘91 7-07 2 365 39540 40 1601 3.1 1223 6th Dam: Elysa Anthony Lea LIFE 1129 105990 4.0 4268 3.3 3470 (EX-CAN EX-MS 15*) Maternal Sister: 6-02 2x 365d 35,770 3.9 1398 2.9 1049 Lifetime: 109,580 4.0 4334 3.1 3439 Comestar Lovisetta Lee (EX-94 EEEE) 3rd Mature Cow Victoriaville ‘88 5-05 2 365 41390 4.0 1646 3.4 1397


Livestock Mortality Insurance PAULA BOVRE LIVESTOCK INSURANCE W4226 St. Rd. 23 East, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Phone: 920.923.6991 Fax: 920.921.5678 Mobile: 920.960.0655 email: APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE WITH AMERICAN LIVE STOCK INC. REMOVE AND HAND TO COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE I/We Of Address



Zip Code

Telephone hereby apply for insurance against loss by death resulting from disease or accidental injuries for the term of


Name of Animal

on the following described animal or animals.

Registration and/or Tattoo Number

Purchase Price

Breed Sex


Purchase Date

Amount of Insurance

Dairy Cattle Rates Calves


1 Month 3 Months 6 Months

2 weeks – 7 weeks of age 7 weeks – 3 months of age

12.0% 10.0%

4.8% 4.0%

7.2% 6.0%

8.0% 6.7%

6.0% 7.0% 8.0%

2.4% 2.8% 3.2%

3.6% 4.2% 4.8%

4.0% 4.7% 5.3%

Bulls Up to 6 years of age 7 years 8 years

Cows Up to 5 years of age 8.0% 3.2% 4.8% 5.3% 6 years 9.0% 3.6% 5.4% 6.0% 7 years 10.0% 4.0% 6.0% 6.7% Minimum Policy Premium is $150.00 Policy must be in place 60 days prior to calving to cover any loss resulting from calving.

This is not a Binder until accepted by Insurance Company Representative 142



LIMITED TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash unless arrangements are made prior to the sale. Satisfactory settlement must be made with the clerk of the sale immediately after the close of the sale. Only when the above conditions are met will the buyer be entitled to the warranties listed below. Animals will be released only on a signed order from the clerk when presented to the barn superintendent. In no case will animals be released unless settlement is made with the clerk of the sale. EXPORT SALES: Arrangements regarding health requirements and health tests for a specific importing country shall be a matter of agreement prior to the sale between seller and potential buyer. Otherwise, the buyer assumes all responsibilities for all health tests. BIDS: The highest bidder shall be the buyer. Bidding parties or their agents are responsible for all bids placed. Every animal or lot is pledged to absolute sale. In case of dispute, the animal or lot shall again be put up for advance bids, and if there be no advance bid, the animal or lot shall be sold to the person from whom the auctioneer on the stand accepted the last bid. In case two or more claim the bid, the auctioneer in the box shall indicate the party whose bid he recognized. Other claimants will be given an opportunity to increase the bid and bidding will be restricted to the two or more claimants. BY-BIDDING: Bidding directly or indirectly on an animal or lot in which the bidder or any person for whom the bid is made has an ownership interest is prohibited unless the intention to bid is disclosed specific to each animal in the catalog and announced when the animal enters the ring. RISK: All animals located at sale site are at the purchaser’s risk as soon as struck off, but will be cared for free of charge for 24 hours. Purchasers must make arrangements for the care of their purchases beyond the 24 hour period, unless sold for export in keeping with separate terms. Animals are solely at the consignors risk prior to selling in the event of fire or other eventuality. CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION: Will be furnished by the seller showing transfer on the records of the Holstein Association to the purchaser and will be provided free of charge within a reasonable period of time. WARRANTIES: 1) Each consignor warrants clear title to the animal or lot, and the right to sell same. 2) To the best of the seller’s knowledge, each animal is sound and healthy in every respect and embryos have been recovered, processed, frozen, transferred and graded in keeping with IETS recommendations unless otherwise noted in the catalog or announced from the auction stand. Every precaution will be taken to represent the physical condition of each animal or embryo, donors or recipients exactly as is known. Examination of all purchases should be made immediately after the purchase and before the close of the sale, and if found not to be as represented, complaint must be reported to the sale management before the close of the sale. In the event no complaint is filed, it is understood that the buyer assumes full ownership in the case of animals at sale site together with all risks, after which no representations of the seller can be challenged through the sale management. Heifers that never calved are in no way guaranteed as to the condition of their udders following calving. No guarantee is made concerning freedom from hardware unless so announced. 3) “The seller has represented the breeding record of females and service age bulls as accurately as possible, but no male or female is guaranteed to be a breeder.”

SHIPPING: Assistance will be given in shipping the animals after the sale. All costs, risks and responsibility will be borne by the purchaser, with the exception of special terms for export purchases. Transportation charges on all animals subject to adjustment shall be paid by the shipper. PEDIGREE INFORMATION: All production, classification, type and production summaries are current. Only records recognized by the Association as acceptable for pedigrees are used with type of record shown in pedigrees contained herein and are identified as to type of record. Any production or classification records followed by the symbol “have been supplied by the seller, consignor or sale manager.” PARTNERSHIPS AND SYNDICATES: In each case of a multipleowned animal, each person or firm included on ownership will be identified. EMBRYO TRANSFER: All registered animals that have resulted from embryo transfer are identified with the suffix ET in the name. Any unregistered animals that resulted from ET are so identified. Any manipulation as aspirating oocytes, in vitro fertilization and maturation, splitting, nuclear transfer of other technology will be identified and will be a matter of record in the Association office. Donor dams are identified. HEALTH WARRANTY: The seller will provide an official health certificate to the buyer for each animal showing the results of all health tests made in preparation for this sale including but not limited to the following: Tuberculosis – Each animal other than calves under four months of age has passed a negative test for tuberculosis within thirty days of date of sale. Type of test will be shown. Brucellosis – Each animal, other than un-cataloged baby calves, and official calfhood vaccinated females under twenty months of age, has passed a negative test for brucellosis within thirty days of sale. Requirements for tuberculosis and brucellosis may be modified in areas that are brucellosis and/or tuberculosis free when limited dispersion within a free area is obvious and as may be dictated by state regulations. Other health warranties in this sale shall be disclosed. The result of any future health test is not guaranteed. JOHNE’S DISEASE: No animal is warranted to be free of Johne’s Disease nor to be from a certified free or low risk herd unless so stated specific to the animal and the seller and sale management hereby notify the buyers that all animals are sold with no warranty. ERRORS: The material in this catalog has been carefully edited. If any error or omissions are discovered, they will be announced. Such announcements to take precedence over the matter or print in this catalog, except for those pertaining to by bidding. ACCIDENT: The sale management, the consignors, and the owner of the grounds will not be responsible in any case for the condition of the grounds or the behavior of the animals and disclaim any liability in the event of personal accident or property loss. LIMITATIONS OR WARRANTIES: Warranties contained herein, unless terminated earlier, will cease upon the resale of the animal.

*Pedigrees andinother in with thisextreme book compiled printed with but extreme byassumes Taylor Made Pedigrees and other information the book information are compiled and printed careare by Backus Pedigree Co.,and a division of DairyBusiness, the pedigreecare company no liability for anyDesigns. error or omissions. Taylor Made Designs assumes no liability for any errors or omissions. 143

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal Index Bosside Dolly Co-Op MD Lani-ET Fustead Al Marsh-Mello-ET Fustead Clark Fiona-ET Golden-Oaks Clark Leila-ET Klaisland Canyon Celery Mat-Dari Roy Mirror Matt- Dari Aftershock Desni Matt-Dari Aftershock Aruba Matt-Dari Aftershock Fifi Matt-Dari Aftershock Kool Matt-Dari Aftershock Simba Matt-Dari Airlift Jukebox Matt-Dari Airlift Korynn Matt-Dari Airnet Danetta-ET Matt-Dari Airnet Darissa-ET Matt-Dari Airnet Dart-ET Matt-Dari Airnet Design-ET Matt-Dari Airnet Diagram Matt-Dari Al Dette Matt-Dari Al Jacey Matt-Dari Al Val Matt-Dari Alexander Beauty Matt-Dari Alexander Birdie Matt-Dari Alexander Gail Matt-Dari Alexander Gia Matt-Dari Alexander Impala Matt-Dari Alexander Kahlua-ET Matt-Dari Alta Ko Dee Cee-ET Matt-Dari Alta-K Destini-ET Matt-Dari Altaoak Pepsi-ET Matt-Dari Altoak Pumpkin-ET Matt-Dari A-P Darby Matt-Dari A-P Dulcie Matt-Dari Armani Velvet Matt-Dari Armi Delish-ET Matt-Dari Armitage De-ET Matt-Dari Armitage Dove-ET Matt-Dari Beluga Famouos-ET Matt-Dari Beluga Fancy-ET Matt-Dari Boliva Fame Matt-Dari Bolton Haven Matt-Dari Bombero Delight Matt-Dari Bombero Perfect Matt-Dari Bookem Cotton Matt-Dari Boxer Darlin Matt-Dari Boxer Whisky Matt-Dari Bradnick Glista Matt-Dari Braxton Bally Matt-Dari Braxton Kolette Matt-Dari Brokaw Dazzle Matt-Dari Brokaw Gertie Matt-Dari Brokaw Valeda Matt-Dari Brokaw Vinnie Matt-Dari Brokaw Wink Matt-Dari Brono Day Matt-Dari Brono Geneva Matt-Dari Brono Helaine-TW Matt-Dari Brono Helanna-TW Matt-Dari Brono Lyric Matt-Dari Bruno Gianni Matt-Dari Bumble Matt-Dari Cairo Gwenda Matt-Dari Cameron Panic-ET Matt-Dari Cameron Peach-ET Matt-Dari Cameron Playful Matt-Dari Carso Mallory-Red Matt-Dari Cashcoin Dame-ET Matt-Dari Cashcoin Doris-ET Matt-Dari Clark Comet Matt-Dari Clark Daphne Matt-Dari Clark Dida Matt-Dari Clark Farrah Matt-Dari Clark Luanna Matt-Dari Confirm Dreamr Matt-Dari Confirm Ivory-Tw Matt-Dari Confirm Ivy-TW

1044 Lani Mello Fiona Leila Celery Mirror 463 Aruba 291 423 481 488 522 372 330 406 333 383 Dette Jacey Val 514 Birdie 555 Gia Impala Kahlua 304 3167 458 459 327 Dulcie Delish DC Dove 484 565 Fame Haven 559 575 Cotton Darlin 298 415 268 Kolette 499 431 461 337 446 510 509 482 483 502 Gianni Bumble 3162 3171 Peach 306 Mallory 466 468 302 Daphne 506 487 424 Dreamer Ivory Ivy

79 268 130 172 38 197 227 104 210 291 278 276 143 267 88 87 89 85 93 288 139 279 205 259 264 262 215 266 49 48 4 5 184 121 169 45 47 46 175 176 196 275 63 26 200 95 258 163 295 188 94 158 170 171 257 122 265 235 236 153 155 248 164 33 6 22 40 91 90 223 108 114 217 270 186 212 214

Matt-Dari Darmax Nutmeg Matt-Dari Day Dorcy Matt-Dari Day Nani Matt-Dari Deann Gisela Matt-Dari Defender Dayna-ET Matt-Dari Defender Duggy-ET Matt-Dari Delig Delicate-ET Matt-Dari Deligen Dapple-ET Matt-Dari Deligen Denyse-ET Matt-Dari Deligent Capri Matt-Dari Deligent Dillian Matt-Dari Deligent Majayda Matt-Dari Dempsey Amazing Matt-Dari Dempsey Breezy Matt-Dari Dempsey Dimple Matt-Dari Dempsey Foxtrot Matt-Dari Dempsey Freedom Matt-Dari Dempsey Gala Matt-Dari Dempsey Jules Matt-Dari Dempsey Madison Matt-Dari Dempsey Marina Matt-Dari Dempsey Pam Matt-Dari Deprinc Fudge-Red Matt-Dari Derwind Faine Matt-Dari Derwind Panda Matt-Dari Destry Bowtie Matt-Dari Deyja Pearl-ET Matt-Dari Digger Namara Matt-Dari Dion Milan Matt-Dari Dorito Bloomer Matt-Dari Dorito Kitkat Matt-Dari Durham Davina-ET Matt-Dari Durham Drama Matt-Dari Dynasty Darcie Matt-Dari Ecoyne Is Promise Matt-Dari Encino Janet Matt-Dari Erskine Becandi Matt-Dari Erskine Divinity Matt-Dari Erskine Valley Matt-Dari Fermont Chili Matt-Dari Fermont Fannie Matt-Dari Fermont Shevy Matt-Dari Fulton Melody Matt-Dari G W Atwood Dixie Matt-Dari G.W. Atwo Amanda Matt-Dari G.W. Atwood Barb Matt-Dari G.W. Atwood Hisa Matt-Dari Goldchip Dalita Matt-Dari Goldchip Damita Matt-Dari Goldchip Dawna Matt-Dari Goldchip Flaunt Matt-Dari Goldchip Flourish Matt-Dari Goldchip Mary Matt-Dari Golden DR Delores Matt-Dari Golden DR Dutches Matt-Dari Golden Dr Vanelle Matt-Dari Golden DRE Bathie Matt-Dari Golden Dre Figure Matt-Dari Golden Dre Jackie Matt-Dari Golden Dre Lizzie Matt-Dari Goldenboy Geewiz Matt-Dari Goldenboy Glenna Matt-Dari Goldwhi Desert-ET Matt-Dari Goldwyn Dawn-ET Matt-Dari Guthrie Blitzen Matt-Dari Guthrie Deluxe Matt-Dari Guthrie Jaya Matt-Dari GW Atwoo Kessie Matt-Dari Halogen Dachia-ET Matt-Dari Halogen Diedra-ET Matt-Dari Hero Diego Matt-Dari Highwa Deloria-ET Matt-Dari Highwa Deloria-ET Matt-Dari Highwa Dimetri-ET Matt-Dari Highway Diore-ET Matt-Dari Hunter Dice-ET Matt-Dari Hunter Dill


Nutmeg 386 371 Gisela 496 497 Delicat 3374 #373 328 396 443 384 397 300 Foxtrot Freedom 450 378 Marina 563 350 376 420 421 545 Namara Milan 533 401 Davina Drama Darcie 351 Janet 338 Divinty 368 Chili Fannie Shevy Melody Dixie 422 Barb Hisa 434 440 432 447 429 356 544 552 551 539 538 556 543 Geewiz Glenna Dessert Dawn Blitzen 524 441 3164 479 561 405 347 414 346 413 3168 3177

281 100 207 161 75 76 50 51 52 208 115 228 296 261 224 146 292 156 141 254 285 23 192 216 24 252 27 256 202 286 287 112 226 185 2 135 294 101 255 282 193 218 280 182 250 177 178 111 106 117 147 148 253 289 107 211 249 149 138 269 165 166 44 120 293 110 142 277 60 61 290 53 58 55 57 84 118

Matt-Dari Holsteins Complete Dispersal Index Matt-Dari Hunter Sienna 3183 Matt-Dari Jabir Patti 503 Matt-Dari Jabir Pineaple 519 Matt-Dari Jasper Juliana Juliana Matt-Dari Jeeves Cayley Cayley Matt-Dari Jeeves Harmony Harmony Matt-Dari Jetset Diamond-ET 526 Matt-Dari Large Crayon 303 Matt-Dari Large Starlit 297 Matt-Dari Laurin Gonzo Gonzo Matt-Dari Lauthority Iris 253 Matt-Dari Lee Gold Gold Matt-Dari Lightning Valarie Valarie Matt-Dari Lou Darling-ET Darling Matt-Dari Luster Gabby Gabby Matt-Dari Mac Godiva Godiva Matt-Dari Mammoth Blue 283 Matt-Dari Mamoth Mint 3161 Matt-Dari Man-O-Man Doe Doe Matt-Dari Man-O-Man Hazel Hazel Matt-Dari Massey Deluxe-ET 369 Matt-Dari Mauric Larissa-ET 379 Matt-Dari Maurice Destry 377 Matt-Dari Maurice Dynamae 398 Matt-Dari McCutchen Dasha 582 Matt-Dari Meridian Mattie 456 Matt-Dari Mi-Lady-Red Mi Lady Matt-Dari Mixer Dilly 3184 Matt-Dari Mixer Plum-ET 332 Matt-Dari Mogul Dear-ET 344 Matt-Dari Mogul Latoya 366 Matt-Dari Mogul Pretzel-ET 322 Matt-Dari Mr Sam Coco Coco Matt-Dari Niagara Delta-ET 571 Matt-Dari Numbero Uno Dexi 498 Matt-Dari Numero Danicka-ET 320 Matt-Dari Numero Uno Damzel 489 Matt-Dari Numero Uno Dello 537 Matt-Dari Numero Uno Flicka Matt-Dari Numero Uno Jetta Matt-Dari Observer Dance-ET Dance Matt-Dari Observer Danti-Et Danti Matt-Dari Ohio Style Pie-ET 536 Matt-Dari Omega Dionna 452 Matt-Dari Pack Belgium 530 Matt-Dari Patian-ET Patian Matt-Dari Payton Dame 541 Matt-Dari Petrone Cool 370 Matt-Dari Petrone Dally-ET 3186 Matt-Dari Pillar-ET Pillar Matt-Dari Pred Passel-ET 472 Matt-Dari Predes Pandora-ET 477 Matt-Dari Predestin Damone 464 Matt-Dari Predestine Dapper 433 Matt-Dari Predestined Dewie 455 Matt-Dari Pronto Fluff-TW Fluff Matt-Dari Punch Dalonna-ET 439 Matt-Dari Racer Pansy-ET 547 Matt-Dari Racer Premium-ET Matt-Dari Redbu Fashion-Red 478 Matt-Dari Redburst Diza 491 Matt-Dari Roy Garland Garland Matt-Dari Roy Grace Grace Matt-Dari Roy Kenna 442 Matt-Dari Roy Sonoma Sonoma Matt-Dari Ryker Becca 453 Matt-Dari Salvin Michele-TW 557 Matt-Dari Salvino Mickey-TW 558 Matt-Dari Sanchez Deanna Deanna Matt-Dari Sanchez Hula 417 Matt-Dari Sanchez Jamz 3185 Matt-dari Shakes Peebles-ET 532 Matt-Dari Shakes Perplex-ET 535 Matt-Dari Shakesp Pirate-ET 523 Matt-Dari Shakespe Paige-ET 525 Matt-Dari Shakespe Peak-ET 521 Matt-Dari Shakespea Pink-ET 534

219 35 7 144 222 233 77 198 274 162 209 154 168 80 160 263 251 231 183 234 68 125 78 69 43 272 41 116 9 64 152 25 221 181 97 92 82 109 195 140 66 62 19 187 203 21 67 201 98 1 36 37 103 119 65 145 59 17 18 191 113 157 159 189 273 260 229 230 225 238 136 14 16 12 13 11 15

Matt-Dari Shame Blaze 403 Matt-Dari Shampoo Malika-TW Matt-Dari Shamrock Magesta 438 Matt-Dari Shamrock Nevada Nevada Matt-Dari Shot Martina-TW Martina Matt-Dari Shottle Delisa Delisa Matt-Dari Shottle Doreen-ET Doreen Matt-Dari Shottle Liberty Liberty Matt-Dari Shottle Magita-TW Magita Matt-Dari Sty P Palmyra-ET 531 Matt-Dari Super Dazzler Dazzler Matt-Dari Super Duet Duet Matt-Dari Supers Majolli-ET 392 Matt-Dari Supersi Leader-ET 361 Matt-Dari Supersi Maizie-ET 389 Matt-Dari Supersi Marni-ET 390 Matt-Dari Supersir Lexus-ET 354 Matt-Dari Supersir Lotto-ET 360 Matt-Dari Supersire Divine 365 Matt-Dari Supersire Irish 445 Matt-Dari Supersire Lolipop 399 Matt-Dari Syracu Passion-ET 570 Matt-Dari Syracus Powder-ET 564 Matt-Dari Syracuse Paris-ET 569 Matt-Dari Syracuse Petra-ET 572 Matt-Dari Syracuse Polly-ET 562 Matt-Dari Talent Fawn Fawn Matt-Dari Talnt Festive-Red Festive Matt-Dari Tango Dalacie-ET 516 Matt-Dari Tango Darla-ET 515 Matt-Dari Tango Data-ET 511 Matt-Dari tango Davida-ET 517 Matt-Dari Tango Dianne-ET 518 Matt-Dari Tango Peg-ET 549 Matt-Dari Trigger Darlene Darlene Matt-Dari Trigger Heidi Heidi Matt-Dari Trigger Madrin Madrin Matt-Dari Zelgadis Secret 402 Morningview Domain Lucky-ET Lucky Ms Goldenoaks M Doorma Love 540 MS Matt-Dari MGL Fortune-ET 353 Ms Matt-Dari Mogul Flora-ET 359 Pending Guthrie x Promise Pending Lottomax x Mixer Plum Pending Gold Chip x Panic Pending Corvett x Deloria Pending Bombero x Dimetri Pending Gold Chip x Design Pending McCutchen x Divinity Pending Guthrie x Jamz Pending Corvette x Duet Pending Pack x Crayon Pending Corvette x Dally Roma-Acres Mac Rachel-ET Rachel Sibic Matt-Dari Baden Baden Sibic Matt-Dari Bodina 305 Sibic Matt-Dari Bourban Bourban Sibic Matt-Dari Mixer Bunny 363 Sibic MD Beluga Boulet 508 Sibic MD Clark Bethany 470 Sibic M-D Dynasty Brazada Brazada Sibic MD Highway Brocade 418 Sibic MD Trigger Bano Bano Straussdale Pun E1463-ET 1463 Welsh-Valley Paddy Lady-ET Lady ET Willows-Edge Susi Fable-ET 2682


204 271 131 206 284 105 42 297 283 20 81 179 134 126 132 133 128 127 83 213 129 31 29 30 32 28 194 190 74 73 70 71 72 8 96 237 232 220 151 39 173 174 3 10 34 54 56 86 102 137 180 199 99 167 239 247 246 245 242 240 244 243 241 150 124 123

Catalog produced by: Gretchen Taylor 24807 Neon Road West Union, IA 52175 563/379-1738

Vaccination and Treatment Protocol All female calves receive oral Bar-Guard-99 at birth, along with Intranazel Inforce-3. They also receive 1-shot Pasturella and booster, Bovishield Gold FP5L5 and booster, along with Vision CD-T with Spur and booster (Closridium Protection). All calves are also calfhood vaccinated for Brucellosis.

Springing heifers and mature cows receive Triangle-10 killed vaccine, Endovac-Dairy, Lysigen (Staph) and Scour Guard prior to calving. All springing heifers also receive a magnet.

All fresh animals also receive Bovishield Gold FP5L5 prior to breeding. All cows’ quarters are treated with Tomorrow Dry Cow Tubes at dry-off and teats are sealed with Orbeseal.

If you have any questions, please call Mike (715-571-2313).


Matthiae Dairy Farm, INC.

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