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Flag Etiquette
Flag Do’s and Don’ts
There are rules in place for handling and displaying Old Glory, known as the Flag Code.
Compiled by the U.S. House of Representatives’ Offi ce of the Law Revision Counsel, these guidelines ensure that you display the fl ag in the most respectful manner.
DO place the U.S. fl ag to the right when displayed with any other fl ag. If part of a group of local or organizational fl ags, the American fl ag should be placed in the center and/or highest point. International fl ags should be fl own at the same height.
DON’T use the fl ag to cover cushions, as part of a costume, or for advertising purposes. Military personnel, police offi cers, fi remen and patriotic organizations may use a fl ag patch.
DO follow presidential or governor’s orders to fl y the fl ag at half staff. These orders are made after national tragedy or the death of an important person. The fl ag should be hoisted to its peak before being lowered to half staff. Before it is lowered for the day, the fl ag should again be raised briefl y to its peak.
DON’T attach anything to a fl ag. The fl ag also shouldn’t be used as a receptacle of any kind.
DO place the fl ag to a speaker’s right as they face the audience in an indoor meeting or other gathering.
DON’T display a fl ag with the blue area to the right when looking in from any window. The fl ag should be on display for those who are outside.
DO position a fl ag over the middle of a street with the blue fi eld of stars pointing to the north on streets going east and west. On streets going north and south, the blue area should be to the east.
DON’T place the blue area over the right shoulder of the deceased when used to cover a casket. The fl ag should also never be lowered into a grave, or be in contact with the ground.
DO hoist the fl ag out with the blue area fi rst when suspending it on a rope over a sidewalk.
DON’T carry the fl ag to the left when marching in a procession with other fl ags. The U.S. fl ag should be held to the right if being carried by itself. If among a line of other fl ags, the Star-Spangled Banner should be carried front and center.