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Green Tips that Save Money
Committing to a greener life gives the Earth helping hands in its fi ght against pollution, resource depletion and greenhouse emissions.
You may have reservations as eco-friendly lifestyles often get the reputation of having expensive repercussions. However, there are simple and inexpensive changes you can make that will save you money.
A fun way to track your savings is by comparing your previous monthly bills with fees from greener living. Look at totals due for fi nancial responsibilities, including utilities, water and groceries. Keep your additional funds in a separate account for a rainyday fund or consider donating it to a trusted organization. Many groups use public funding to study and improve ways to make Earth more sustainable.
Here are some helpful tips to get you on the road to an eco-friendly life while saving money.
Invest in Reusable Accessories
Line your kitchen pantry with affordable, reusable cloths to avoid the need for paper napkins or towels. You may substitute traditional paper towels with recyclable options, but eliminating the need to recycle is preferred.
Ditching disposable napkins reduces your trash output, which cuts down on energy waste required to transport and process waste. It would be best to consider investing in reusable water bottles rather than sending plastic to the landfi ll or recycling center. According to the Water Project, landfi lls are already overfl owing with approximately 2 million discarded water bottles.
Insulate Your Home
While receiving an insulation audit and repairing areas in your home, inadequate protection may require an initial investment; the savings, however, will eventually cover the cost. When your home cannot protect itself from winter’s cold or intense summer heat, HVAC equipment must work harder, resulting in wasting energy.
A properly insulated building effi ciently regulates the interior temperatures while cutting your carbon footprint and reducing electricity bills.
Try to Repair Broken Devices
Rather than disposing of a broken appliance, try your hand at DIY repair or hire an expert in the fi eld.
Suppose you’re experiencing common problems with your washer or dryer. In that case, there is likely literature available for an affordable, simple repair. Limit the amount of heavy equipment you deliver to the landfi ll by trying to fi x it fi rst.
New 2021
Fitness Fitness
Go to any gym and you’ll realize there are two types of people: weightlifters and cardio junkies.
Talk with any fi tness coach, however, and they’ll tell you that fi nding a healthy balance of both is the most effective way to build a healthy body, increase muscle mass and improve overall endurance.
There are certainly benefi ts to focusing on one form of exercise, especially when you’re just getting started. For example, people with low muscle mass and high fat mass can start with weightlifting to increase muscle mass and become more effi cient at burning fat.
People with high muscle mass but overweight bodies will need to add more cardio versus weight training to get in better shape.
Both is Better
Incorporating some form of both types of exercise into your routine is the best way to maximize weight loss. Performing both exercises consistently and balanced can increase your muscle mass, decrease weight and build cardiovascular health. Weightlifting combined with cardio also increases the number of pounds you lose from fat.
Adding Cardio
Add plyometrics — or quick bursts of movement that increase your heart rate and tire you out — between sets of weightlifting. These can include jump squats, mountain climbers and burpees. Pick one and do sets of 10 in between your weights. You’ll notice a big difference and a more complete workout. Another great way to add cardio is taking less rest time between weightlifting repetitions. This gets and keeps your heart rate up as you work through your weight sets.
Adding Weights
Experts recommend a heavy cardio program to include three to fi ve days per week for a combined minimum 150 minutes of activity. To help maximize your weight loss, consider adding upper and lower body-weight training routines three times per week to your cardio routine.
Another simple way to add more weights to your cardio routine is to tack on 10 to 15 minutes of weightlifting to the end of your session. Be sure to rotate different areas of the body in order to give your muscles time to fully recover and reap the benefi ts of the exercise.