14 minute read


by: R.D. Gibson

Home. Where one resides. But, it’s so much more than a building where one sleeps and eats. It is the feeling of security and family. In Guam, the island culture is built on the foundation of familia. According to Guampedia, it expands beyond the idea of the immediate family and branches out to clans, which are supposed to exemplify the core CHamoru values - inafa’maolek, chenchule’, mannginge’, respetu, and mamahlåo.

All members of the household and extended family are responsible for teaching these core values - essentially passing them down to the next generation. To this day, the strength of these values transcends generations in spite of life’s challenges. However, sometimes those most vulnerable in our community have a tougher time with those challenges. This can lead to many of the social woes we read about online or hear in the news.

In the 2018 Point-In-Time Count, 265 households - adults and children included, totaling 854 people - were considered homeless. That is compared to 388 households, or 1280 people in 2015. According to the 2018 PIT report, 89 out of 221 (40-percent) people were living in housing considered ‘not adequate’, and 132 out of 221 were living in places considered ‘not meant to be inhabited’ - “street homeless”, like cars, tents, bus stops, beaches, etcetera.

The PIT report also looked at self-reporting data pertaining to why these people are in their current situation. Participants were allowed to give several reasons, but the report points to unemployment and financial problems. Of 315 people, almost 29-percent of those surveyed stated their employment status, and 26-percent stated financial problems led to their homeless situation. Additionally, of 311 respondents, pointed to ‘barriers to employment’, which include transportation (≤32-percent) and lack of education or job skills (≤16-percent).

According to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, as of January 2019, there were 875 people who were “experiencing homelessness on any given day”; a slight increase from the PIT Count, a year prior.


Though the numbers in homelessness have changed over the last few years, it is important to recognize the different times in which we are living; COVID-19 and its effects throughout the globe. “It is heart breaking to see so many people affected who end up in that situation,” said Sinajana Mayor Robert Hofmann. He continued, saying, “The odds are against some because of the lack of opportunities or the circumstances that affect the household.” Hofmann cited several reasons why some of the island’s population have been left to fend for themselves, including family disputes, lack of care and available resources, and domestic violence. “The island has changed a lot - to see homeless families...These are situations that Guam didn’t see 30 years ago.”

Dededo Mayor Melissa Savares added that sometimes the homeless are “not aware of services that are available for housing and employment”, which prompts

community outreach to help. She added community community outreach to help. She added community concerns about the safety of public areas and neighbor concerns about the safety of public areas and neighborhoods. She stated that homelessness becomes a health hoods. She stated that homelessness becomes a health hazard for the neighborhood, and if there are homeless hazard for the neighborhood, and if there are homeless people in the parks, it could potentially become an people in the parks, it could potentially become an unsafe environment. Mayor Hofmann stated, “Many unsafe environment. Mayor Hofmann stated, “Many homeless have ended up in abandoned structures, homeless have ended up in abandoned structures, parks, parking lots, beaches, etc. because they go where parks, parking lots, beaches, etc. because they go where they can feel safe despite being in that situation.” they can feel safe despite being in that situation.”

Hofmann expressed, “The homeless are just trying to Hofmann expressed, “The homeless are just trying to get by.” And for that, both mayors pointed to several get by.” And for that, both mayors pointed to several community resources and organizations who are assist community resources and organizations who are assisting persistently, including Catholic Social Services, West ing persistently, including Catholic Social Services, WestCare, the Salvation Army, the Guam Homeless Coalition, Care, the Salvation Army, the Guam Homeless Coalition, mayors offices, and numerous shelters. mayors offices, and numerous shelters. Hofmann stated, “I personally feel we are on the right Hofmann stated, “I personally feel we are on the right The community can go back and forth about homelessness on our island. But, moving forward requires a plan of action, an augmented network of support, and the tools necessary to help some of our community’s most vulnerable, especially in this world of COVID. Hofmann mentioned the important role the Mayors’ Council of Guam will have in providing access to services to help. “We’ve teamed up and are working with the Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration to address these needs.” track and we can make adjustments as a team to meet the needs of this segment of our population.” He added, “It’s bringing all the agencies tasked together and have us all start communicating on what is available, what can be done and go after grants and funding.” More, he credited affordable housing initiatives from the Calvo-Tenorio administration and coordination with the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority, the Guam Homeless Coalition, and continuation of support from the Leon Guerrero-Tenorio administration. The community can go back and forth about homelessness on our island. But, moving forward requires a plan of action, an augmented network of support, and the tools necessary to help some of our community’s most vulnerable, especially in this world of COVID. Hofmann mentioned the important role the Mayors’ Council of Guam will have in providing access to services to help. “We’ve teamed up and are working with the Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration to address these needs.” track and we can make adjustments as a team to meet the needs of this segment of our population.” He added, “It’s bringing all the agencies tasked together and have us all start communicating on what is available, what can be done and go after grants and funding.” More, he credited affordable housing initiatives from the Calvo-Tenorio administration and coordination with the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority, the Guam Homeless Coalition, and continuation of support from the Leon Guerrero-Tenorio administration.

With Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero’s signing of Ex With Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero’s signing of ExHELPING HELPING ecutive Order 20-23, she has reactivated the Governor’s Interagency Council on Homelessness, which is meant to coordinate services for homeless individuals and propose and advocate for policy pertaining to the homeless population, among other objectives. Additionally, Governor Leon Guerrero’s Executive Order calls for the creation of the Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention, which serves as the “lead government of Guam coordinating agency on homelessness assistance and poverty prevention and shall work in close coordination with the Interagency Council.” However, we aren’t talking about the construction of homes per se. Sure, the data is there that supports the need for more affordable housing and assistance with tackling barriers; but it’s also a matter of looking at how to help people get a leg up. For Pacific Federal Management, Inc.’s President Rob Salas, it started with an old adage he learned from his father - “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Salas said, “We saw an opportunity to put these words into action and felt that we might be able to make a difference in both the community and people’s lives.” ecutive Order 20-23, she has reactivated the Governor’s Interagency Council on Homelessness, which is meant to coordinate services for homeless individuals and propose and advocate for policy pertaining to the homeless population, among other objectives. Additionally, Governor Leon Guerrero’s Executive Order calls for the creation of the Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention, which serves as the “lead government of Guam coordinating agency on homelessness assistance and poverty prevention and shall work in close coordination with the Interagency Council.” However, we aren’t talking about the construction of homes per se. Sure, the data is there that supports the need for more affordable housing and assistance with tackling barriers; but it’s also a matter of looking at how to help people get a leg up. For Pacific Federal Management, Inc.’s President Rob Salas, it started with an old adage he learned from his father - “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Salas said, “We saw an opportunity to put these words into action and felt that we might be able to make a difference in both the community and people’s lives.”

Pacific Federal Management, Inc. specializes in busi Pacific Federal Management, Inc. specializes in business solutions, landscape management, and general ness solutions, landscape management, and general contracting, according to their website. Salas stated contracting, according to their website. Salas stated that of the six homeless who were hired, five showed that of the six homeless who were hired, five showed up for their initial trainings to work for PFM, Inc. up for their initial trainings to work for PFM, Inc.

The story begins while Salas was doing renovations for The story begins while Salas was doing renovations for residential property and was approached by a homeless residential property and was approached by a homeless person who had asked about available work. Further, person who had asked about available work. Further, Salas coordinated with the human resources department Salas coordinated with the human resources department looking at the benefits across the board - the individual, looking at the benefits across the board - the individual,

the company, and the community. Salas stated that after the company, and the community. Salas stated that after stated. He added how there are a lot of people in Guam stated. He added how there are a lot of people in Guam PFM scrutinized and considered “overall safety, security, PFM scrutinized and considered “overall safety, security, who need the work and wish to contribute to the comwho need the work and wish to contribute to the comand contractual requirements, [the company] was able and contractual requirements, [the company] was able munity. “This not only benefits the individual, but the munity. “This not only benefits the individual, but the to hire not only hire this individual, but also several more to hire not only hire this individual, but also several more entire island as well.” He added PFM is researching orentire island as well.” He added PFM is researching orhomeless individuals.”homeless individuals.” ganizations stateside that implement similar programs ganizations stateside that implement similar programs with more formalities and structure.with more formalities and structure.


Sometimes we need to look at an issue as a community, Sometimes we need to look at an issue as a community, This is not a formal program, but something PFM is This is not a formal program, but something PFM is and then look at how we can fix it. There are without a and then look at how we can fix it. There are without a working on a case-by-case basis. Salas stated that emworking on a case-by-case basis. Salas stated that emdoubt plenty of resources out there, but providing oppordoubt plenty of resources out there, but providing opporployment requires all the regular, stringent parts of the ployment requires all the regular, stringent parts of the tunities for career and personal growth can seemingly tunities for career and personal growth can seemingly process, including health and drug testing and extensive process, including health and drug testing and extensive do wonders to help those who are going through life’s do wonders to help those who are going through life’s safety training. “Proper on the job training is paramount safety training. “Proper on the job training is paramount challenges - that’s what makes a community a family.challenges - that’s what makes a community a family. and these new hires were treated no differently,” he and these new hires were treated no differently,” he added. Additionally, Salas said that those with little to no added. Additionally, Salas said that those with little to no Sometimes it doesn’t even require a company to do Sometimes it doesn’t even require a company to do experience in the field work under the direct supervision experience in the field work under the direct supervision as much or more for their potential employees, but as much or more for their potential employees, but of the most experienced training managers on smaller of the most experienced training managers on smaller sharing all that is available and working collaboratively sharing all that is available and working collaboratively projects in the community. But, for the PFM family, many projects in the community. But, for the PFM family, many for the best possible outcomes. Sure, there may be for the best possible outcomes. Sure, there may be of the supervisors, managers, and foremen have taken of the supervisors, managers, and foremen have taken bumps in the road and obstacles to move around, but bumps in the road and obstacles to move around, but their knowledge and experience and are “going out of their knowledge and experience and are “going out of as an island rooted in family, it is important to take as an island rooted in family, it is important to take their way to help these people whenever possible.”their way to help these people whenever possible.” those steps. Mayor Hofmann stated the OHAPP “offers those steps. Mayor Hofmann stated the OHAPP “offers a first step in the long journey to stabilize and assist a first step in the long journey to stabilize and assist Housing is a form of security - a sense of stability, if Housing is a form of security - a sense of stability, if the most vulnerable and the most in need...It's about the most vulnerable and the most in need...It's about you will. Salas said that in certain circumstances, PFM you will. Salas said that in certain circumstances, PFM creating places of transformation….How do we use this creating places of transformation….How do we use this has provided temporary use of rental container homes. has provided temporary use of rental container homes. opportunity to invest in people, achieve results, and do opportunity to invest in people, achieve results, and do “This simple act makes it easier for them to show up for “This simple act makes it easier for them to show up for it in a way that's motivational and effective.” It comes it in a way that's motivational and effective.” It comes work and be well-rested enough to perform well on the work and be well-rested enough to perform well on the down to researching, mirroring, and implementing simidown to researching, mirroring, and implementing simijob.” It can be viewed as an investment in employees; job.” It can be viewed as an investment in employees; lar programs effectively that fit our community with a lar programs effectively that fit our community with a providing them tools, training, and support necessary providing them tools, training, and support necessary clear mission.clear mission. for the success of a business and its employees. This for the success of a business and its employees. This is definitely support that can boost morale and drive to is definitely support that can boost morale and drive to perform for a company, which supports its employees.perform for a company, which supports its employees.


For any company, it can be daunting to think of the posFor any company, it can be daunting to think of the possible risks; Return on investment, training costs, health sible risks; Return on investment, training costs, health and drug testing, safety trainings, housing, transportaand drug testing, safety trainings, housing, transportation. Salas also cited a potentially higher turnover rate tion. Salas also cited a potentially higher turnover rate of homeless hires. However, the success stories show of homeless hires. However, the success stories show how mutually beneficial this has been. Salas cited how how mutually beneficial this has been. Salas cited how one individual - who had applied elsewhere, but “was one individual - who had applied elsewhere, but “was never given the chance” - was able to rent an apartment never given the chance” - was able to rent an apartment and buy a car. Another has received additional training, and buy a car. Another has received additional training, learned a different trade, and is working on advancing learned a different trade, and is working on advancing their career. Salas stated, “Some people just need a their career. Salas stated, “Some people just need a chance,” he started. “If we can help them get over their chance,” he started. “If we can help them get over their current situation, we can find some really talented and current situation, we can find some really talented and hardworking human beings.”hardworking human beings.”

Given the challenges and success they have seen, Given the challenges and success they have seen, moving forward with a more formal program looks like moving forward with a more formal program looks like it is in the cards for Salas and his company. “We feel it is in the cards for Salas and his company. “We feel strongly that we need to help people here at home,” he strongly that we need to help people here at home,” he

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