1 minute read
Hafa adai Membership!
TO BOND OR NOT TO BOND? That is the question.
Last month during your Membership Luncheon at the Hilton, we were privileged to have representatives from the Guam Housing Corporation provide information, details and several ways to help first time homeowners build single dwelling homes with OR without bonding. It’s great to know our local Government has several programs that would help home ownership more affordable.
How does this help us as contractors and associate contractors? This is the very reason for their presentation. According to the GHC reps. there is a program that in fact help contractors lessen costs by sharing the costs of Bonding.
Imagine for a moment, we have one large member contractor that is able to work with the GHC and ten smaller contractors to build a hundred single dwelling homes. The GHC may have a program for that.
Imagine once more, we have ten member contractors who separately work with the GHC to build one hundred other single dwelling homes. The GCA may have a program for that.
If ever there was a time to communicate with the GHC, that time would be now. And, to answer the question, “To Bond or NOT To Bond?”, Well, the GHC has the answer.
Best wishes,
Joe Roberto Chairman
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