6 minute read
By: R.D. Gibson
Membership can sound so exclusive, like only the elite and most-recognized can be in the room. That could not be further from the truth. In an age when individuals are being celebrated for their work ethic, determination, tenacity, and focus, it is important that the term ‘membership’ adopt a more inclusive connotation in the vernacular.
The Guam Contractors Association has existed for over six decades, fostering business opportunities and nurturing local talent in Guam and throughout the Pacific. In 2019, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of our organization. In the feature we chronicled our victories, the challenges we overcame, the new paths we built and carved - literally and figuratively, and we set out toward the horizon of the membership.
As GCA President James Martinez had shared previously, “Our members are the lifeblood of this organization and without them we are just a shell…Every member who signs on with GCA is a win for GCA and the industry.” That is really what it comes down to - the membership. The people and the organizations being represented who take a seat at the table for the larger conversations, addressing challenges, but above all building and supporting a solid network for everybody involved. At the time of the 60th anniversary, the membership was in the neighborhood of 500 contractors and companies.
In fact, on the non-profit corporation’s website, the words ‘member’, ‘membership’, and ‘stakeholders’ are found throughout its description as the GCA at its heart is an advocacy group for the construction and contractors industry. At the root of the association are the fellowship and educational opportunities.
GCA’s affiliation with the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC) is a strong pull, which allows for solid networking not just locally, but throughout the nation where the GCA can call on other chapters and ask for expertise and advice according to the GCA website.
More than anything though, the membership is a community. Its membership brochure details what the GCA membership entails. It is completely driven by the members who contribute to, support, and build the activities held throughout the year. This shines through in their membership events, like their monthly luncheon featuring guest speakers discussing and showcasing current topics, trends, and issues, the prestigious, premier Excellence in Construction awards, which recognize and showcase some of the most outstanding projects of the year, and the Contractor of the Year award held in tandem, which recognizes a contractor, which demonstrates positive notability in the contracting field, an impeccable safety record, a dedicated responsibility toward the environment and sustainability, workforce professional development through training and promotion, and a passion for the community of Guam. All members are eligible to compete for these honors. a month for Contractor Memberships.
Beyond the accolades and notoriety is the outreach the organization puts together for the island. These community outreach activities include construction industry trade fair and expo, the annual Family Day Picnic when members gather with their families, relax, and celebrate. There is also an annual Golf Scholarship Fun-raiser to raise money for GCA Trades Academy scholarships - a thirty-year tradition.
Additionally, as the GCA is a strong proponent of the trades and the industry as a whole, but they also make it a point to reach out and educate the youth about career opportunities in the trades. GCA developed and continues to organize Construction Warriors and Pizza, Pop, and Power tools. These events open doors to middle school and high school educational, interactive experiences within the trades in a safe atmosphere - the latter is a program for young women to start thinking about careers in the trades. Additionally, the GCA website cites their sponsorship of a U.S. Department of Labor-approved Apprenticeship Training Program at the Guam Community College, where, at no cost, members can enroll their employees. “Upon completion of the program, apprentices are given a journeyman’s certificate recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor,” the website states - opportunities for lifelong learning.
In addition to these events and services, GCA members receive this monthly Construction News Bulletin, email bid announcement services, apprenticeship and craft training through the GCA Trades Academy, membership listing in the GCA member directory and website, access to the annual safety conference and safety seminars, group 401K retirement plan, and group healthcare plan.
According to Trevor Cruz, Membership Programs Coordinator for the Guam Contractors Association, the Guam Contractors Association Board meets every first Wednesday of the month, here they review new members’ applications. New applicants are also required to provide three-months’ membership dues for the probationary period.
Companies can either apply as Associate Members or Contractor Members. All membership dues are broken down by Annual Contracts/Gross Revenue categories. Annual Contracts/Gross Revenues under $1,000,000 costs $50 a month and Annual Contracts/Gross Revenues between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 is $100 a month for both types of memberships; Annual Contracts/Gross Revenues over $5,000,000 for Associate Membership dues is $150 a month, and $250 a month for Contractor Memberships.
Membership benefits draw different people for different reasons. For some, it’s the chance to network. For others, it’s the opportunity to be part of advocacy. No matter what the reason is, companies throughout the island have paid their dues and kept their names in the GCA’s directory, which is pretty extensive to say the least.
For Camilo Lorenzo, an Account Executive at Matson, Inc. Guam the networking and mentorship opportunities were a big draw for him. “The GCA conferences and workshops, and volunteer experiences provided opportunities to offer my organization’s services,” he stated, sharing how the organization allowed him to connect with other members through their events and activities. “I’m grateful to be part of a great organization that has helped me succeed in my career.”
A.J. Perez, Operation Manager of Hawaiian Rock Products, echoed the sentiments of Lorenzo regarding networking opportunities. Perez also pointed to strength in numbers and how the GCA gives its members the opportunity to discuss the issues that affect them as a group through their advocacy and support. Hawaiian Rock Product is a founding member of the GCA according to Perez, and as such feels it is their “duty to continue to support GCA through all of its efforts.” Furthermore, Perez explained that the GCA has made it a point and emphasized responsibility, safety, and quality workmanship in Guam.
Joe Roberto, a Managing Member of East Island Tinting, LLC, shared how this network has allowed his small business to work with larger contractor members, “and they all try as much to help us grow further.” Roberto also mentioned his business having work beyond the island’s horizon because of its membership with the GCA. For Roberto, the membership has been invaluable in not just networking and growing a business, but helping their employees.
As listed above, the Guam Contractors Association organizes a group healthcare plan, which has helped not just small businesses, but the families of employees. “For many years, our small business was not able to afford and provide our very loyal employees and their families medical insurance,” stated Roberto. He added, “It was only being part of the GCA our company was able to afford such an absolute need for our staff and their families.” He shared that that in and of itself is a “blessing”.
The myriad of benefits listed above have drawn about 480 companies and contractors as members of the GCA; a slight decrease due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cruz cited how the pandemic was tough on everyone, especially small businesses who either closed their doors or cut membership for financial reasons. But according to Cruz, membership is increasing steadily as the island and world work toward recovery.
Sometimes it isn’t enough to hear the choir of praises, and read the lists of accolades and benefits to entice people to join a group. However, it begs the questions as to why members speak so highly of their organization and what keeps them coming back.
When we think of members, it cannot just be names on a roster. These are firms - people - who invest their time, energy, and sometimes their money into an organization they believe in. Oftentimes it can be easy to think that membership is just for titles, but if we take a step back, we might be able to see that the bigger picture is support, building relationships, and realizing success is a concerted effort within and between entities of similar interests. As we look toward the future of the organization, it’s imperative to move in unison toward greater success, not just of our own individual interests, but of the collective. There truly is strength in numbers as shared previously.
If your organization, or a company you know, is interested in learning more about membership or joining the Guam Contractors Association, you can call their offices at 671-647-4840 or email info@guamcontractors.org.