Capital Area REALTOR® September/October 2017

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Official publication for the Greater Capital Area Assocation of REALTORS®

sept/oct 2017


Flood Risk & Insurance: What you should know REALTOR ® Toolbox - page 34



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Predictive Analytics – p. 6

sept/oct 2017

Agent Spotlight – p. 15

Coaches Corner – p. 24

Design Trends – p. 46


in every issue


Association News


Ask the President


Don’t Let This Happen to You


Affiliate Spotlight


Grow Your Market Through Predictive Analytics


GCAAR in the News


REALTOR® Fest 2017 Highlights

1 7

NAR Director’s Report


Membership Dues


Public Policy


Meet Your GCAAR Committees



Agent Spotlight: David DeSantis


Economic Outlook


GCAAR Happenings


Legal Hotline


GCAAR Cares: REALTOR® Fest Silent Auction


Education Schedule


Coaches’ Corner


REALTOR® Toolbox


Affiliate Directory


Design Trends


Welcome New Members!


The Back Porch

Capital Area REALTOR® (USPS 017-467) is published five times a year by the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®, 15201 Diamondback Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, MD. Member subscriptions account for $10 of each member’s annual dues. Annual subscriptions are available to non-members for $25. Subscription inquiries may be sent to Capital Area REALTOR® at the above address. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Capital Area REALTOR®, ATTN: GCAAR, 15201 Diamondback Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850. The Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the officers, directors, or staff of the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®. The Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® accepts submissions of articles and photographs and the items become the property of the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®. The publisher reserves the right of full editorial authority and to decline publication of any article not deemed proper. Deadline for submissions, including camera-ready advertising, is the first of the month prior to publication. Reprint with permission only. Reprints may be obtained by contacting the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® at 301.590.2000; via fax at 301.590.2248; or send an e-mail to

15201 Diamondback Drive, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 301.590.2000 I Fax: 301.590.2248

REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies and may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its Code of Ethics. Copyright ©2017 by the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.



board of directors

ask the president Q: I want to get more involved in GCAAR but I’m not sure

how. Any ideas?

A: There are so many ways to get involved with GCAAR! Many times, we know we want to get involved, but just don’t know where to start.

President Jamie Coley

President-Elect Tom Daley

Secretary Koki Adasi

Treasurer Thom Brockett

Immediate Past President Peg Mancuso

Chief Executive Officer Mike Moran

If you’re not ready for a full-year commitment on a committee, but know you want to do something with GCAAR, check out the events calendar. Most everything GCAAR does is a product of committee work. If you are interested in government affairs, look for our “Speaker Series” events featuring elected officials in DC, Montgomery County, and Maryland. Want to do some service in the community? Check out the fundraisers and volunteer opportunities from GCAAR Cares. Curious about the Young Professional Network (YPN)? Attend the next YPN happy hour. Participating in GCAAR activities is a great way to get a glimpse of the variety of ways GCAAR members use their association to build their businesses and to network.

Katrina Schymik Abjornson Jan Brito Jody Goren Brandon Green Jacque Grenning Susann Haskins

Hildy Pollard Andres Serafini Jason Sherman Danai Mattison Sky Frank Snodgrass Pat Weed




Design & Layout Carla Conway, Uncommon Design

Advertising Representative Arlene Braithwaite


Q: I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be a REALTOR®

in Houston, Florida, or Puerto Rico these days! What can I do to help? A: This year’s hurricane season has brought astounding devastation to


Managing Editor Bobette Banks

Committees are a great way to begin your involvement with GCAAR, and now is the perfect time to sign up for one. Applications for 2018 committees are due at the end of October. No previous experience is necessary for most. Committee appointments are one year, and the time commitment for each is different. Pick one that piques your interest – community service, professional standards, communications, government affairs – and learn more! Check out the committee description on the website: https:// The Forms Committee appointments require three years of experience as a REALTOR®. If you’ve got questions or want more information, contact the 2017 committee chair, vice chair, or staff liaison, or myself.


some of the most populous regions of our country. Thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed. The plans and dreams of homeowners, buyers, and sellers have been shattered, and the pipeline of transactions that REALTORS® depend on for income has disappeared. In disasters like these, the safety net of our larger community is here to help us through. As REALTORS®, we are part of a one million-member network of real estate professionals from across the country. Through the National Association of REALTORS®, the REALTORS® Relief Foundation helps recovery efforts of homeowners, REALTORS®, and others affected by natural disasters, such as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. This charitable foundation is dedicated to providing housing-related assistance to victims of disasters.



100% of your donation will go to relief efforts. GCAAR is matching our members donations up to $5,000 so please take a minute to contribute whatever you can, as well as spreading the word!

association news

Tim Knobloch, left; with John Harrison, 2016 REALTOR® of the Year and 2018 Maryland REALTORS® Secretary. Tim with his wife Elaine.

Tim Knobloch Wins Maryland REALTOR® of the Year Award Tim Knobloch, past GCAAR Board member and Treasurer, was awarded the REALTOR® of the Year award from the Maryland REALTORS® at its annual conference on September 12 in Ocean City. Tim, who is the owner of Eagle Management, a Rockville property management company,

has been a licensed REALTOR® for over 30 years, a member of GCAAR since 1998, and before that a member of the Montgomery County Association of REALTORS® (MCAR). He is an active member of Maryland REALTORS® as well, serving as the Public Policy Chair and on several other committees, including: Contracts and Clause, Professional Standards, and Budget and Finance. Tim and his wife Elaine are the proud parents of three sons.

Congratulations to Tim on his well-deserved accomplishment!

GCAAR CEO Inducted Into NAR Fraternity GCAAR CEO

The National Association of REALTORS® Executive Com-

Mike Moran was

mittee established the Omega Tau Rho Fraternity in 1950

recently inducted

as a special organization for past officers. Membership

into the Omega

in Omega Tau Rho was expanded in the 1970’s to include

Tau Rho Fraterni-

REALTORS® of the Year of state Associations, and Exec-

ty at the Mary-

utive Officers of local and state Associations/Boards with


10 years or more of service. There are approximately 4,000

Annual Confer-


ence in Ocean City, MD. GCAAR CEO Mike Moran, left; with GCAAR member and fellow Omega Tau Rho member Harold Huggins.

Once the Omega Tau Rho medallion is awarded, the recipient is a lifetime member of the Fraternity. This award recognizes exemplary dedication and service, and the high esteem in which recipients are held by fellow members of the REALTOR® organization.

Congratulations to Mike for receiving this prestigious award!



Don’t Let This Happen to You! Submitted by Joy Liberti, 2015 Chair, Professional Standards Committee

What We Owe to Our Clients Whether you refer to your fiduciary responsibilities to your clients as the acronym “COLADC” or “COLD AC,” the meaning for our very specific duties remains the same: Care, Obedience, Loyalty, Disclosure, Accountability and Confidentiality. These duties are not just moral and ethical obligations but legal responsibilities as well. Article 4 of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics states in part: “that “REALTORS® shall not acquire an interest in or buy or present offers from themselves, any member of their immediate families, their firms or any member thereof, or any entities in which they have an ownership interest, any real property without making their true position known to the owner or the owner’s agent or broker.” In the following case, “Disclosure” did not appear to be foremost in the agent’s thought process when he listed a lot for sale and later purchased it for himself through a third party. A decision he later regretted. Case #4-5:

Fidelity to Client Client A contacted REALTOR® B to list a vacant lot. Client A said he had heard that similar lots in the vicinity had sold for about $50,000 and thought he should be able to get a similar price. REALTOR® B stressed some minor disadvantages in location and grade of the lot, and said that the market for vacant lots was sluggish. He suggested listing at a price of $32,500 and the client agreed. In two weeks, REALTOR® B came to Client A with an offer at the listed price of $32,500. The client raised some questions about it, pointing out that the offer had come in just 4 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017

two weeks after the property had been placed on the market which could be an indication that the lot was worth closer to $50,000 than $32,500. REALTOR® B strongly urged him to accept the offer, stating that because of the sluggish market, another offer might not develop for months and that the offer in hand simply vindicated REALTOR® B’s own judgment as to pricing the lot. Client A finally agreed and the sale was made to Buyer C. Two months later, Client A discovered the lot was no longer owned by Buyer C, but had been purchased by Buyer D at $55,000. He investigated and found that Buyer C was a brother-in-law of REALTOR® B, and that Buyer C had acted on behalf of REALTOR® B in buying the property for $32,500. Client A outlined the facts in a complaint to the Board of REALTORS®, charging REALTOR® B with collusion in betrayal of a client’s confidence and interests, and with failing to disclose that he was buying the property on his own behalf. At a hearing before a panel of the Board’s Professional Standards Committee, REALTOR® B’s defense was that in his observation

of real estate transactions there can be two legitimate prices of property - the price that a seller is willing to take in order to liquidate his investment, and the price that a buyer is willing to pay to acquire a property in which he is particularly interested. His position was that he saw no harm in bringing about a transaction to his own advantage in which the seller received a price that he was willing to take and the buyer paid a price that he was willing to pay. The Hearing Panel concluded that REALTOR® B had deceitfully used the guise of rendering professional service to a client in acting as a speculator; that he had been unfaithful to the most basic principles of agency and allegiance to his client’s interest; and that he had violated Articles 1 and 4 of the Code of Ethics. REALTORS® violating the Code of Ethics may be disciplined in the following ways: *Required to attend courses designed to increase understanding of ethical duties or other responsibilities of real estate professionals or *Fined or *Have their membership suspended or terminated for serious or repeated violations.

Don’t Let This Happen to You!

Affiliate Spotlight

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How long have you been an Affiliate with GCAAR? Since 2013.

What are some of the events you support?

I frequently teach the real estate tax updates at GCAAR and sometimes attend the YPN events.

Why do you continue to support GCAAR as an Affiliate?

I have many real estate clients and continue to grow in this area. I also like to grow my network to increase the diversity in the types of referrals I can give to my clients.

What would you say to people who are considering becoming an Affiliate?

If you are looking to grow your network and include real estate agents or other affiliated companies, it is second to none. I really like the friendly environment of GCAAR and will continue to support them in the future.

Why do you think being a member of GCAAR is important?

Diversity of your networks allows for greater service to your clients. I had a client in my office recently asking about mortgages and I had a referral to them quickly. This increases client loyalty and really makes my network stronger. It is a win-win for my clients and for those referrals . I also win, because I am seen as dependable.


Who said the suburbs weren’t cool?

Definitely not first-time buyers many of whom have “families and safety on the brain,” said in a press release. But the suburbs appear to be universally popular across homebuyer pools, as these quiet, approachable locales (both closer-in and outlying) were the top preference for 50 percent of all survey respondents. “Data also show younger homebuyers are more likely than their older counterparts to prefer urban living, the second-most common location preference among millennials after suburbs,” the report noted. Source: 5 trends shaping the 2017 homebuying by Caroline Feeney Check out more trends at CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017 5




by Bobette Banks, Director of Communications

So many terms are being tossed about in the real estate industry these days, it’s hard to keep track - big data…predictive analytics . . . artificial intelligence (AI)…marketing automation. Increasingly, real estate professionals are using predictive analytics to hone into their markets to leverage and create more listings and sales. 6 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017



Predictive analytics does not tell you what will happen in the future. It forecasts what might happen in the future with an acceptable level of reliability, and includes what-if scenarios and risk assessment. Two well-known users of the tool are Amazon and Netflix – predictive analytics fuels 35 percent of purchases customers make on Amazon and 75 percent of those made on Netflix, according to the research firm McKinsey & Company1. According to an article published by REtech2, results of the Imprev Thought Leader Survey3 revealed that two-out-of-three top real estate executives surveyed say they are more likely to invest in predictive analytics (65 percent), marketing automation (65 percent) and big data (64 percent), while less than half are likely to invest in augmented reality and virtual reality 3D tours (46 percent). Only one-third are likely to invest in artificial intelligence (30 percent) by 2022. In the Forbes magazine article 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Use Predictive Analytics4, author

So what is predictive analytics and how are agents using it to grow their business? Predictive analytics is the practice of extracting infor-

Daniel Newman gives key reasons why using predictive analytics is the smart way to tap into your marketing potential. Some of his reasons include:

mation from existing data sets in order to determine patterns and predict future outcomes and trends. As defined by

Identify High-Value Targets Using predictive profiling, you can automatically score profiles on



leads that share the same qualities as your current buyers. In short, it’s a way of narrowing the stack before

How does all of this translate to you in your everyday real estate practice, sending postcards to your farm area, holding open houses, creating listing presentations?

you ever hand it to your sales team. It ensures you reach more qualified leads — and likely buyers — every day.

Identify Future Patterns The future is all about change.

Let’s take a look at one GCAAR member who is using predictive analytics to increase her marketing potential.

Kymber Menkiti

Predictive analytics help you get a

As President of Sales for MG Residential, the #1 producing team in the Keller

handle on these concepts in ways

Williams Capital Properties franchise, Kymber and her MG Residential team

that can shed light on future per-

have completed 100M+ in sales volume over the past three years. They’ve

formance — which is where the

done that in a number of ways. Using a hyper-local focus, Kymber and her

growth lies.

team proactively engaged with the community and local businesses, and

Automate Targeted Reminders Today’s marketing software can automate this process, allowing sales agents to free up their head space for face-to-face visits with their largest clients.

Distribute Accounts More Evenly Using predictive, leaders can better distribute main accounts — not just along arbitrary geographic lines, but based on performance or any other metric they see fit.

began to consistently look for ways to add value to the community through education and events. They also employed strategic, proactive, efforts through the use of predictive analytics. Using this tool, they can identify homeowners that are most likely to list their homes in a 6-12 month period, and build marketing campaigns and outreach offers for these top-ranked prospects. While Kymber and her

Use Al To Find New Markets

team were actively

Predictive analytics can help you

farming before

determine if a new market is worth

embracing predic-

your time — and if so, identify poten-

tive analytics, the

tial buyers before you even hit the

tool has allowed


them to expand their farm area and connect with more prospective sellers

Menkiti Group First Row: L-R, Bo Menkiti, Kymber Menkiti, Brandon Green. Back Row: Virginia Gergoff, Martin Weldon, Jennifer Toland Frewer, John Strock, Marie Clair Ntam, Joseph Scavetta, Jennifer Motruk, Masiray Kallay.

through a more focused approach. She and her team consistently follow up 1. Source:

with the top-ranked homeowners, contacting them about listings and any

2. Source: REtech

adjustments in price so they are well informed of the real estate trends in

3. Source:

their neighborhoods.

4. Source: Forbes Magazine, 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Use Predictive Analytics August 23, 2017

8 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017

Finally, as Daniel Newman points out in his Forbes article, as with anything data-oriented, all the new predictive analytics tools on the market today come with this important caveat: the results created by your tools will only be as good as the data your team is maintaining. Research shows about 25-30% of customer relationship management (CRM) data is inaccurate. That could mean disconnected phone numbers, people who left their job, or emails that bounce.

For your predictions to pay off, they need to be based on data that is clean.

Predictive analytics fuels 35 percent of purchases customers make on Amazon and 75 percent of those made on Netflix. According to the research firm McKinsey & Company


REALTOR® Fest 2017 Over 800 real estate professionals received CE credits and professional development in one day at REALTOR® Fest, GCAAR’s annual education summit, on July 24. Because it was a DC renewal year, this year’s event was held in the city to provide extra class offerings and a central location for DC members. Attendees enjoyed the largest trade show to date with over 130 vendors! Attendees were able to take the always popular Maryland Code of Ethics and Contracts classes, along with Professional Development workshops on topics like Negotiations and Generating Buyer and Seller Leads.

• 4,218 CE credits awarded • Over $ 11,000 raised at GCAAR CARES Silent Auction

THANKS AGAIN to all of our sponsors, exhibitors, instructors and attendees for their tremendous support of this year’s event.



Don’t miss REALTOR® Fest 2018!

REALTOR® Fest 2017 Some additional highlights

Visit GCAAR’s Facebook page ( 2) for additional photos.



membership corner: 2018 Dues Notice


GCAAR Annual Dues DEADLINE: Thursday, November 30, 2017

FOR BILLING INQUIRIES Please contact our Accounting Department at 301-590-8781 or at

Your 2018 GCAAR Annual Dues invoice was posted online at www.gcaar. com on October 1. Unlike MRIS/Bright MLS, GCAAR does not keep credit card account information on file; all payment account details must be submitted each billing cycle. GCAAR accepts all major credit cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa), personal/corporate checks, and money orders. We do not accept cash payments for dues. GCAAR DOES NOT TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE Payment options include:

GCAAR thanks you for your continued support!

F PAYING WITH A CREDIT/DEBIT CARD ONLINE at, where your invoice may be viewed, printed, and paid using our secure online payment system. You will receive an instant e-mail receipt if payment attempt is successful. F FAXING a credit/debit card payment directly to our Accounting Department at: 301-296-2188. (Please provide both an email address and contact phone number with your payments.)

F MAILING PAYMENT to our Rockville* location: GCAAR, Attn: Annual Dues 15201 Diamondback Drive, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 F PAYING IN PERSON at either of our office locations (Rockville or Washington, DC). Please consult our website for hours of operation. (Our Rockville location is open most Saturdays to provide service to our members.) Payments postmarked on or before November 30, 2017, and received after this date, will not be considered timely. Payment must be received at GCAAR offices or paid online at by close of business (5:00 p.m.), November 30. As of December 1, 2017, all outstanding accounts will incur a $25 late fee.


If payment is not received by December 31, 2017, a $150 reinstatement fee will be placed on outstanding accounts. At that time, membership privileges, including SentriLock card services, will be suspended until full payment is received.




Meet Your GCAAR Committee – Property Management Property Management Committee

The Property Management committee reviews the association’s current standardized property management forms, makes recommendations on revisions, and creates new property management forms as needed (determined by market conditions and changing regulations). All GCAAR members whose business is 50% or more property management can apply. First Row: L-R: Shahnaz Tehraniazad, Chair; Cynthia Davis, Vice Chair Second Row: L-R: Yvette Robinson, Staff Liaison, Shenita Perritt, Lew Laws, Michael Altobelli Third Row: L-R: Harold Huggins, Carl Mauri, Matt Rogers Not pictured: Mohan Kumar Arumugham Jim Ciplenski Jody Goren, Board Liaison

Chair: Shahnaz Tehraniazad, Vice Chair: Cynthia Davis, Staff liaison: Yvette Robinson We are grateful for your commitment to serve.

Paragon title & Escrow Company Proudly Welcomes the Newest Member of Our Settlement Team

Bryan J. Catalano Bryan, a Potomac, MD resident, earned his Law Degree and Masters of Business Administration from the University of Maryland and his Bachelor’s Degree from Syracuse University.

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13 13 • May/June 2016 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR® • May/Jun 2014 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017 13

GCAAR in the news August Home Sales in Montgomery County Reach Highest Median Price in 10 Years

Bethesda Magazine September 26, 2017

“Many young people have maybe sold their original homes and are moving into the center of Bethesda…they want the convenience of Metro and access to transportation.”

– Peg Mancuso, Immediate Past President

August Home Sales in Montgomery County Reach Highest Median Price in 10 Years

Bethesda Magazine September 22, 2017 – GCAAR’s August housing stats referenced An Exercise in Compromise

Washington Blade September 22, 2017 – GCAAR’s August housing stats referenced Stephanie Erhueh Receives Rookie and Top Producer Awards

The Daily Record August 7, 2017 – Stephanie is a member of GCAAR’s YPN Committee

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Three-bedroom, three-bathroom single-family house in Silver Spring lists for $399,900

The Washington Post June 19, 2017 – GCAAR’s April housing stats mentioned Four-Bedroom, Three-Bathroom Single-Family House in Gaithersburg, Md. Lists for $389,900

The Washington Post May 29, 2017 – GCAAR’s May housing stats mentioned

Agent Spotlight MEET DAVID DESANTIS David DeSantis is a partner and managing broker at TTR Sotheby’s International Realty and has been with the firm since 2007. David and his partners have made giving back to the communities they serve a major business priority. Prior to starting a career in commercial real estate in 2000, David spent over a decade in public service both in the administration of Bill Clinton and as an advocate for affordable housing. It was a natural fit then, for David to join the board of Friendship Place, where he has served for over 10 years. Friendship Place is one of the pre-eminent providers of housing and services for the homeless or those at risk of homelessness in the Washington area. The organization was recently recognized for its work—with a $1 million contribution from Amazon, the largest donation in its history. David led the fundraising efforts of the organization for many years, in a period when the annual budget grew from approximately $1.5 million per year to over $12 million today. David has also engaged his fellow REALTORS® in support of the organization raising thousand of dollars from GCAAR members and grants from GCAAR Cares. A number of other GCAAR members have joined the Friendship Place board at David’s urging. David’s philanthropic activities extend beyond his work at the Friendship Place. David chairs the board of the Sitar Arts Center of Washington. Sitar Arts Center provides multidisciplinary arts education to the children and youth of Washington, DC in a nurturing, creative community where young people discover their inherent talents and gifts. The center fosters personal and artistic growth through the visual arts, music, drama, dance, digital arts, creative writing and early childhood arts education. It also offers after-school, weekend, and summer classes to more than 700 students a year, 80 percent of whom come from low-income households. David was recently asked to join the board of the Rock Creek Conservancy, providing financial support and education programs to enhance one of Washington’s most prominent natural features.

David at Sitar Arts Center event.

Being a real estate broker in the Washington area certainly has its benefits and I feel very fortunate to be where I am and work with such amazing people. I feel compelled to give back to the community that has been so good to me. HAVE A STORY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE? Send it to:



Lead the way. Earn your PSA. Take the guesswork out of pricing homes.

Whether you’ve been a REALTOR® for years or just listed your first house, it’s essential to price homes accurately. Now is the time to master this essential skill by becoming a Pricing Strategy Advisor (PSA). This certification will make you an invaluable resource for your clients by: • Creating Comparative Market Analyses (CMAs) • Working with appraisers • Using the latest technology • Addressing home pricing misperceptions Determine a home pricing strategy with confidence. Learn the skills that result in accurate prices.

Learn more at

16 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017

NAR Director’s Report Koki Adasi 2017 GCAAR Secretary, NAR Director

Did You Do Your Part?

Did you catch the September Call for Action on Flood Insurance? The federal government was debating renewal of the National Flood Insurance program just as hurricanes Harvey and Irma took aim at the US. If you don’t remember seeing the Call for Action, check your email’s junk, spam, and clutter folders. If you find it there, mark it as “safe” so you’ll be sure to see Calls for Action in the future. If you did see it, did you act? All it takes is two clicks – less than 30 seconds – to email your elected officials and make your voice heard on issues of critical importance to the stability of our nation’s real estate. Most of our metro area is not in a flood plain, so why should we care? The answer is simple – it’s good for real estate. Federal policies affect different areas of the country differently. The strength of our National Association comes from all of our voices coming together to support real estate issues, even when they don’t directly impact our local businesses. Next time you see a Call for Action, be sure to ACT!

Safety on the Job

September was REALTOR® Safety Month. To highlight some of the safety issues REALTORS® face doing their jobs every day, NAR surveyed members across the country to find out what concerns they have, and what they do to protect themselves. To see the full report, visit: reports/2017-member-safety-report

2017 Member Safety Report This report contains the results of a survey of REALTORS which asked about: • How safe or unsafe they feel

• The root causes of any unsafe feelings

• Steps or procedures they follow to ensure safety • What methods of self-defense they use The goal of the report is to measure and understand the scope of the problem, so that real estate professionals can develop the resources, programs, and technologies they need to keep themselves safe. Download your copy of this report: reports/2017-member-safety-report

Here are a few facts they found: • 56% of members carry a self-defense weapon (pepper spray being the most common)

• 44% of members use smart phone apps to alert colleagues in case of emergency (Find My iPhone being the most common)

• 30% of members surveyed don’t know if their brokerage has standard procedures for agent safety • 25% of members don’t know if their office has standard procedures for safeguarding and proper disposal of client information

What do YOU do to keep yourself safe at work? Just putting a few of these measures in place can help you avoid potentially dangerous situations, and be prepared if you do find yourself in a precarious situation. Where to start: • Make sure you know your brokerage’s standard procedures for agent safety and proper storage and disposal of client information • Implement a system for making sure someone knows where you are when you are at an open house or showing property

NAR Conference & Expo: Nov. 3 – 6 in Chicago, IL Your National Association always rounds out the calendar year with its annual convention and trade show in November. As always, NAR will install its President for

the year, host one of real estate’s biggest trade shows, and offer tons of education classes to help members

work more efficiently and build their businesses. The


NAR Directors will be meeting there, as well – watch for the next issue of CAR for a wrap-up from that meeting.



GCAAR happenings Women’s Council of REALTORS® Shrimp Boil Another Rousing Success The Greater Capital Area Chapter of the Women’s Council of REALTORS® (WCR GCA) enjoyed another packed house at the annual Shrimp Boil and Chapter Social on August 10. Guests enjoyed a lovely summer evening at Mrs. K’s Toll House in Silver Spring as they dined on a delicious seafood supper, networked with colleagues, met new friends, and supported Shepherd’s Table with a donation of toiletries. Neal Feinberg from Bright MLS was the emcee for the event, and kept the crowd entertained throughout the evening.

L-R: Victor Bradford, Re/Max Excellence Realty, Long & Foster; Brenita Young; Emcee Arah, RE/MAX Excellence Realty.

SPECIAL THANKS to WCR President Christina Carroll and the Maryland State leadership for attending, and special thanks to the sponsors for the event: BancStar -Darren Soodak Brick House Title Benefit Corp. - Bonita Grant Cure My Credit - Jessica Stanley Nationwide Insurance - Matt Boudreau Agency Old Republic Home Protection - Terry Crawford ProTec Inspection Services - Heather Dice Smart Realty - Juan Campos Super - Dilyana Mazur Village Realty - Leslie Childs




#1 L-R: Neal Feinberg, Adam Iobst, Bright MLS. #2 Christina Carroll, WCR MD State President. #3 Elois Wiggins, 2017 President. #4 Jessica Stanley, Cure My Credit. #5 Neal Feinberg with Dilyana Mazur, Super.

L-R: President-Elect, Linda Kibunja; Past President, Hildy Pollard; 2017 WCR GCA President, Elois Wiggins.

We are a network of successful REALTORS®, advancing women as professionals and leaders in business, the industry and the communities we serve.

Not just for women — men are welcome too!


GCAAR Cares GCAAR Cares Silent Auction Raises Record Amount at REALTOR® Fest The GCAAR Cares’ 8th Annual GCAAR Cares Silent Auction enjoyed a very successful day at REALTOR® Fest on July 24. The Cares Committee displayed over 130 auction ® items, raising more than $11,000, the highest amount to date! Sports and movie memorabilia were featured again this year, garnering lots of foot traffic and high bidding!

Thanks to everyone, particularly our GCAAR Cares Committee, Silent Auction subcommittee, members, donors, and staff, for making this year’s silent auction another wonderful event and great success!

We couldn’t do it without you!

Clockwise L-R; Plenty of items at the silent auction tables; Katalin Peter, GCAAR Legislative Counsel; JD Teitelman, 2017 Cares Committee Chair; YPN members Jessica Evans and Jake Ryon man the gift card table.

Save the Date! GCAAR Board Installation and Holiday Party Wednesday, December 6 The Newseum – Washington, DC Details to come via email and on



public policy Montgomery County

Marc Elrich Featured at GCAAR Speaker Series Montgomery County Councilmember Marc Elrich headlined GCAAR’s Speaker Series on July 26. Elrich talked about a number of issues facing the county, including recordation taxes, liquor sales, affordable housing, and the minimum wage. GCAAR works hard to connect our members to a diverse group of elected officials. Stay tuned for future speaker series. L-R: GCAAR Board Secretary Koki Adasi, GCAAR Treasurer Thom Brockett, Marc Elrich, Public Policy Co-Chair Debbie Benkert, GCAAR CEO Mike Moran, GCAAR President-Elect Tom Daley.

GCAAR Weighs in on Proposal to Protect Small Business During Redevelopment The Montgomery County Council has been reviewing legislation to expand the County’s Small Business Assistance Program. GCAAR offered recommendations to improve the implementation of the program.

Enacted in 2012, the program was originally developed to compensate companies adversely affected by County redevelopment projects. Currently, it only covers businesses in enterprise zones and urban renewal areas. Bill 4-17, “Economic Development Fund - Small Business Assistance Program,” would extend the program. GCAAR believes an expansion of eligible businesses and qualifying areas is practical. However, we suggested alternative funding mechanisms or public-private partnerships to mitigate any additional financial burdens. We also asked the Council to examine how the grant process was being administered to ensure the funds are distributed effectively. We will continue to monitor the legislation as it moves through the legislative process.



public policy District of Columbia

DC Council Holds Historic TOPA Hearing For the first time since the law was created nearly forty years ago, the DC Council in September held a hearing to discuss proposed changes to the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase ACT (TOPA). DCAR has fought for years to fix TOPA, and the proposed changes would help alleviate the burdens of TOPA for single-family homes, including those with accessory units — a monumental step in the right direction. The

hearing was also groundbreaking as it represented the first time the Council openly acknowledged the law needs to be fixed.

Stay tuned for more details as specific proposals are still emerging.

If the Council ends up improving the law for the single-family realm, DC homeowners should feel more comfortable renting out their homes, and myriad affordable housing options will begin to reappear around the city.

Thank you to all the REALTORS® and friends of REALTORS® who showed their support!

First-Time Homebuyer Reduced Recordation Tax Benefit Now in Effect


Earlier this year, DCAR helped get the First-Time Homebuyer Reduced Recordation Tax Benefit funded in the 2018 budget. As of Oct. 1, that benefit is now in effect. Qualified buyers are already enjoying the upfront savings that ease the substantial burden of purchasing a home in the District, and many residents who wish to plant their roots in the city instead of moving out to Maryland or Virginia can finally get some financial assistance. CONTACT:

DC’s Office of Tax and Revenue for more information.







Beautiful Bedrooms

Quiet It Down When selecting colors that will help you unwind, neutrals are a natural choice. But they need not be boring! Creamy whites, soft grays and warm umber hues can be used to create a quiet backdrop for colorful furnishings—perfect for those who like to switch up fabrics or accessories often. For more inspiration and ideas go to: Select colors that express your personal style


Save the Date

GCAAR Bowling Party November 16

BETHESDA Details coming soon via email and on



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Realtor Party ®

Thank You 2017 RPAC Investors

We acknowledge the following members who support RPAC! Platinum “R”

Sterling “R”

Capital Club ($250-$999)


Alana Lasover

Jordan Feld

Dale Ross

Justin Levitch

Michael Fowler

Kymber Lovett-Menkiti

Mark Glazer

Golden “R”

Peg Mancuso

Scott Goldberg

Bonnie Casper

Tony Mancuso

Lee Goldstein

Ed Krauze

Michael McGreevy

Todd Greenbaum

Carole Maclure

Shelly Murray

Jacqueline Grenning

Christopher Suranna

Frank Pietranton

Susann Haskins

Leigh Reed

Gwen Henderson

Scott Reiter

Dana Hill

Bonnie Roberts-Burke

Ellen Katz

Jacob Ryon

Amy Klein

Andres Serafini

Cheryl Leahy

Dianah Shaw

Harold Levy

Jason Sherman

Sam Lin

our clients achieve lifetime

Ellie Shorb

Katie Maclure

stability in their housing costs.

Barak Sky

Ann McClure

These laws don’t get passed

Koki Adasi

Danai Mattison Sky

Thomas Muldoon

without a lot of input. If we are

Wendy Banner

Brenda Small

Timothy Mullin

missing at the table things can

Frederic Bates

Frank Snodgrass

John Nalls

really go in the wrong direction.

Harrison Beacher

Patrick Weed

Gerry Occhiuzzo

Jan Brito

Edward Wood

John Peters

Crystal “R” Jamie Coley Michael Moran Paragon Title & Escrow Holly Worthington

Sterling “R”

Hildegarde Pollard

Charles Burger

Why I Invest in RPAC Holly Worthington Real estate agents make a huge impact on the financial health of the people we help and legislation has a big impact on society. It incentivizes or dis-incentivizes people’s actions. Legislation impedes or enhances our ability to help

RPAC dollars pay for our seat at the table. RPAC contributions promote the interests of our clients and of homeowner-

Catherine Czuba

Capital Club ($250-$999)

Constance Rader

Tom Daley

Casey Aboulafia

Matthew Rogers

David Desantis

Brittany Allison

Elizabeth Russell

Melinda Estridge

Christy Bakaly

Daniel Schuler

Jessica Evans

M. Jacqueline Bennett

Katrina Schymik Abjornson

Carlos Garcia

Elizabeth Blakesee

P. Joy Siegel

Brandon Green

Zachary Bodine

Colleen Smyth Cogan

Zelda Heller

Thomas Brockett

Marty Stanton

Ira Hersh

Carol Calomiris

David Toaff

William Highsmith

Anita Centofanti

Seth Turner

Harold Huggins

Lori Connor

Susan Van Nostrand

Colin Johnson

Christopher Darby

Kirsten Williams

Angela Jones

Daniel Deist

Hans Wydler

Daryl Judy

Joe Detrick

Make the investment today!

Anne Killeen

Anthony DeVol

Invest online at:

Tim Knobloch

Abeer Abou Elmakarem *As of September 27, 2017

ship. What could be a better investment for REALTORS® than that? Investing in RPAC helps us all, no matter how small that investment is.



COACHES’ CORNER We’ve asked two of the top real estate coaches the following question —


What is the single change you’ve made this year that you feel impacted your sales and listings the most?

The single largest change I’ve made this year in my business has nothing to do with a system, a habit change, working harder or smarter. It 100 percent had to do with my ego.

business, not just worker bees. The quality of customer service to our buyers and sellers went up tenfold, because it was their idea to create a “Customer Service Standard.”

I’m a control freak. And what’s silly is most “control freaks” carry the flag with pride, like it’s a badge of honor. Controlling every detail of the business - the way an email was written, marketing, conversations with clients, the way an appointment is booked in my calendar. EVERYTHING was controlled with no room for variation.

Letting go has totally revolutionized my business, my anxiety level, and brought my team together in ways that I never could have “controlled.”

I learned this year that my need to control was an ego-based decision. Do I really believe that I’m the only one who can deliver an A+ experience? My ego’s need to control was squashing creativity and ideas of the people around me and on my team. My need for control created a rigid environment. So what did I do differently? I decided to recognize that I’ve surrounded myself with intelligent, thoughtful, caring, creative, business people. I started to delegate. I started to empower. I let go of what I thought was “the right way” and let my team develop and create. At first, they were nervous, by my own doing of course. It took several months, a few tears, and then it started to click. Something amazing happened. The agents on my team, my administrator, they started to take ownership. They started to see themselves as assets to the



“ I learned this year that my need to control was an ego-based decision. Do I really believe that I’m the only one who can deliver an A+ experience? ”

JULIE YOUNGBLOOD Julie was born and raised

in Southern Nevada and comes from a family that has been in the real estate industry for over 35 years. At an early age, Julie knew real estate was her passion. She has been engaged with her local association through various committees including, Community Outreach, Grievance, Professional Standards, YPN, Finance, Faculty, has served on the Board of Directors, and is a Trustee for the Nevada Association of REALTORS®’ Leadership Program. She runs Youngblood Coaching & Consulting, a coaching firm for real estate professionals. The objective is to give agents the tools they need to hit their goals. Julie was recently recognized nationally by Inman News as one of the “25 Best Real Estate Coaches in 2016.”


Got a question for our coaches? Send it to: and it may be featured in an upcoming issue of Capital Area REALTOR®


What is the single change you’ve made this year that you feel impacted your sales and listings the most?

To prepare for the coming year I start in October. It’s a process of analyzing my numbers, which is something that I don’t really like to do, but it’s a necessary evil. I review my personal and business budget and review my projected sales to my actual sales. It’s fascinating to go through this exercise to see how many people you thought were going to buy or list actually did. This is my normal routine, but this past year I did something a little different and it may sound crazy but it is absolutely true. Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction simply put means that you attract what you focus on. I am sure that many of you are thinking that this is a spacey concept to talk about when it comes to running your life, let alone your real estate business and you may be correct. However, let me share my experience with you. What I did was this. I thought about what I wanted to earn for the coming year and who I wanted to work with. I also decided to go big. My goal for the coming year was huge and would be a challenge to meet. I condensed my big, bodacious goal down to one sentence. It was a fairly long sentence, but it was only one sentence. Then for two weeks I wrote that sentence 25 times every morning on notebook paper. Nothing fancy. Yes, my hand cramped up in the beginning but I got used to it. I wrote that sentence so many times that it became a part of me. It’s important to note that I did not have enough business in my pipeline to support my goal, but I was willing to work hard to make it happen just the same.

When the new year came around business seemed to come out of the woodwork. I was doing almost the exact same monthly marketing as previous years but the results were amazing. As we come to the end of the year I can say that I will make that huge goal that I set last year. I will meet that goal because I made a major shift in my mindset. My mind was focused on achieving this goal and I put the Law of Attraction to work. I am a true testament of what you focus on becomes your reality. My challenge to you as you begin planning for next year is this, try shifting your mindset, believe in your abilities, believe in your goals, do the work, and see how the Law of Attraction can have a positive impact on your life.

“ What you focus on becomes your reality.” CANDY MILES-CROCKER “The Real-Life REAL-

TOR®,“ coaches, mentors and trains new and experienced real estate agents to transform their business by mastering her proven systems for success. She is a firm believer in managing expectations and her goal is to elevate the perception of real estate agents among the general public through education so every client has an amazing real estate experience. Candy’s unique training methods have shown agents what it takes to be successful! Inman News selected Candy as one of the Top 25 Real Estate Coaches in 2016. Learn more at www.



economic outlook & forecast By Nadia Evangelou, NAR Research

Does Job Growth Outpace New Housing Construction in the Greater Capital Area? units permitted in the period 2012 – 2016. Seven-month lagged permits are a good proxy for single-family supply, since the average length of time from start to completion was 6.6 months according to the Census. The ratio shows the number of single-family units permitted for every new job. A higher ratio means that more jobs were created than units. The map to the right shows the ratio for the 24 counties in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Under limited inventory conditions, adding new construction is one of the means to deal with housing affordability issues. At the local level, counties are doing the most they can to address the housing shortage by building new housing. We looked at the volume of construction permits for single-family units for all the counties in the Washington, DC metropolitan area and compared them to the creation of new jobs. In the last five years, the District added 39,251 new jobs, but issued permits for only 1,483 single-family units. Meanwhile, home prices increased by 31 percent. During the same period, Montgomery County, MD created 36,939 new jobs and permitted 7,047 new single-family units. Home prices rose 11 percent. This example reveals the difficulty in the District of construction keeping up with job growth. While housing is the logical result of economic factors – demand and supply – we calculated the Jobs/Permits ratio for the 24 counties included in the Washington, DC metro area. We simply divided the number of new jobs (ending in July 2017) by the number of single-family




Montgomery County Ratio: 5.2

District of Columbia Ratio: 26.5

U.S. Census Bureau, New Residential Construction

While the national ratio is 3.8, which means that a new single-family unit is permitted for every four new jobs, we see that both counties in the Greater Capital Area have a higher ratio than at the national level. Specifically, the ratio for the District is 26.5, while in Montgomery County it is equal to 5.2. This means that in the District a new single-family unit is permitted for every 27 jobs, while in Montgomery County a single-family is permitted for every five jobs. Based on the data, the ratio varies from -0.6 to 26.5 in the area. A negative ratio means that there were not any new jobs in the area. In fact, it shows that fewer jobs were in the area in 2017 compared to 2012.

Ratio -0.6


Here is the ratio for all counties in the Washington, DC metro area in descending order: 26.5

District of Columbia 8.2

Arlington County


Alexandria City


Fairfax County


Prince George County


Montgomery County


Falls Church City


Manassas City Park Fredericksburg City


Prince William County


Jefferson County


Calvert County


Spotsylvania County


Manassas City


Warren County


Fairfax City


Charles County


Loudoun County

1.8 1.7

Frederick County


Fauquier County Stafford County


Culpeper County

1.1 0.3

Clarke County Rappahannock County


Editor’s Note: In May of this year, Dr. Fred Flick, who had done the economic outlook for the magazine for a number of years, announced his retirement. While we were very sorry to lose him, we were able to enlist NAR’s Research Department to take on this task for us. This section will feature articles that take a closer look at economic trends affecting the areas our members serve.

The result of this imbalance between the supply and demand for housing is due to increasing home prices. Indeed, we observe that, from 2012 through 2016, counties with a high ratio experienced

District of Columbia


Arlington County


Montgomery County


Falls Church


high price gains as well. For instance, home prices rose by 31 percent in the District and 25 percent in Falls Church, while prices increased by 11 percent in Montgomery and Arlington County.

$575,000 $635,260 $418,000 $769,611 2012 2016

Price gains for the District and Montgomery County were calculated based on the 2017 August Market Report from Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®. 2

Price gains for Falls Church and Arlington County were estimated based on the historical annual data from Northern Virginia Realtors®. 3

NAR Study: Building Permits: “Building Permits: A Closer Look”, Economists’ Outlook

So why don’t builders build more single-family units? Higher-priced markets seem to have fewer permits and more expensive construction in 2016, according to a NAR study. Shortages of labor and subcontractors may be one of the reasons that construction costs are high in these areas. Based on the NAHB Survey, nationwide, the share of builders reporting either some or a serious shortage has skyrocketed from a low of 21 percent in 2012, to 46 percent in 2014, 52 percent in 2015, and 56 percent in 2016. The net result of the labor shortage, based on the survey, is that 75% of builders say they have had to pay higher wages and bids, 64% have delayed projects, 4

and 68% have raised home prices. Furthermore, regulatory costs have an impact on home building. Although regulatory costs have remained nearly the same since 2011, home prices have increased substantially. Based on NAHB data, the regulatory cost in 2011 accounted for 25 percent while it slightly decreased to 24.3 percent in 2016. However, the median home price of a new single family home sold increased from $227,200 to $316,200 in 2016. They calculated the regulatory cost as a share of the final home price for both years and found that regulatory costs actually increased 35 percent because of the price increase.

Housing Market Index: Special Questions on Labor and Subcontractors’ Availability, June 2016, NAHB.

Based on NAHB, regulatory cost includes pure cost of delay, cost of applying for zoning/subdivision approval, costs incurred after approval/before construction, value of land dedicated/left unbuilt and impact of changes in development standards 5

NAHB, Government Regulation in the price of a new home, May 2, 2016 ga=2.198136621.363006066.1501185072-906526032.1501185072 6



legal hotline

By Chris Darby, Tom Muldoon, and John Nalls of Counselors Title, LLC, and Pardo & Drazin, LLC, General Counsel

QUESTION: I have searched the District of Columbia tax records under my client’s property address and he is showing as the owner, but there is not a reference to the deed recording. Is this accurate? ANSWER: Tax records usually match the most recent recorded deed, but sometimes you will find that, while the Office of Tax and Revenue’s records will reference a transfer, the recording information for the deed may be omitted. You may also find occasions where the tax records do not properly reflect the current owner. In either of these cases, it is a good idea to consult a title attorney for review of the land records and/or a title examination. QUESTION: The deed for the property I am selling is vested in a husband and wife with a life estate to occupy the property with a remainder to their children as Joint Tenants. One life tenant and one joint tenant have each died. Who owns the property?



ANSWER: For the purposes of the sale of the property, both the life tenant, who has the right to occupy the property during their lifetime, and the remaining joint tenant will need to execute the deed to relinquish any right, title, and interest in the property. If the property were not being sold, the surviving life tenant would have the right to occupy the property for the remainder of their life. Upon the surviving life tenant’s death, the property would be owned solely by the surviving joint tenant due to the concept of the Right of Survivorship, which provides that if any one of the joint tenants dies, the remainder of the property is transferred to the surviving joint tenants, or joint tenant in this case. QUESTION: I represent my sister who is a buyer on a contract. She will not be available for settlement and I wanted to act on her behalf through a Power of Attorney but the lender will not allow it. What is the problem with me acting on my sister’s behalf?



Hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Phone: (202) 686-0100 •

Open Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays

is a free member benefit offered by GCAAR

ANSWER: As the real estate agent representing your sister you have a vested interest in the culmination of the transaction, i.e. you will earn a commission if the transaction closes. This vested interest is seen as a conflict in the lender’s eyes as they do not want you to make a decision for your sister as her attorney, in fact, that is a result of you deriving a personal benefit from that decision. The lender wants an impartial party to act on your sister’s behalf so that any decisions that need to be made for her are not clouded by a financial incentive such as the commission. QUESTION: Is the Buyer required to prove or explain to the Seller why they chose to void under the Home Inspection Contingency? The Listing Agent is suggesting that the Buyer needs to explain which item in the Home Inspection Report is the reason for voiding the contract.

ANSWER: The Inspection Contingency found in Addendum of Clauses - A (GCAAR Form #1332) allows for the Buyer to negotiate items found in a home inspection report and/or void a contract under a home inspection, depending upon the agreement between the parties. If the parties agree to allow the Buyer either option -- the right to negotiate or the right to void -- it is important to remember that the Buyer has the right to do one or the other. Therefore, if the buyer chooses to negotiate, they cannot switch gears and unilaterally void the contract once the negotiation has begun. However, if the buyer chooses to void the contract under the Inspection Contingency, the language of the contingency does not obligate the buyer to give a reason or explain why the buyer is choosing to void the contract.

Disclaimer: The answers provided here are the opinions of the authors, are for informational purposes, and are only for GCAAR members. Neither Counselors Title, LLC, nor Pardo & Drazin, LLC is providing legal advice, but rather providing a general statement of law. No lawyer/client relationship is – or will be – established as a result of this material. Readers are encouraged to retain their own counsel for their specific questions. Answers may have been edited for formatting purposes.

Michael J. Bramnick, Esquire Mike is an experienced litigator regularly handling real estate disputes in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia between residential buyers, sellers, real estate brokers, and agents, including matters involving:

v Real estate contract disputes and breach of contract claims v Buyer or seller refusing to close on a transaction v Disputes involving the release of an earnest money deposit v Commission and fee disputes v Homeowner/contractor disputes v Mechanic’s liens v General civil litigation

Mike has been repeatedly recognized by Super Lawyer Magazine as a “Rising Star” in the area of civil litigation.

Bramnick Law, LLC 4520 East West Hwy • Suite 700 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301.547.3647 • Fax: 301.951.8631 Email:


® CAPITAL AREA REALTOR • May/Jun 2014 ® ® — Sept/Oct 2017 33 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR CAPITAL AREA REALTOR — Sept/Oct 2017 29


october October 24, 2017 203K CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Ingrid Rapavy Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. October 24, 2017 Credit Reporting and Scoring CEU: 2 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Michael McNamara Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. October 25, 2017 Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. October 25, 2017 Maryland Legal and Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. October 26, 2017 Home Innovations and Trends CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Vimal Kapoor Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. October 26, 2017 Anatomy of a House CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Vimal Kapoor Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. October 27, 2017 MREC Agency - Residential CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Carole Maclure Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. NOTE: All classes are held at GCAAR’s

October 27, 2017 Basics of Real Estate Bankruptcy CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) AND 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Tim Sessing Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. October 28, 2017 Representing the Seller CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Mary Chieppa Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. October 28, 2017 Virginia Mandatory Agency CEU: 1 hour VA (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Mary Chieppa Time: 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. October 30, 2017 Virginia Broker Management and Agent Supervision CEU: 8 hours VA (required for brokers; elective for salespeople) and DC (elective) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. October 30, 2017 Introduction to Wells CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Eric Garrett Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. October 31, 2017 Successfully Selling HUD Houses CEU: 3 hours MD (elective) Instructor: Amir Head Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

november November 2, 2017 Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Ned Rich Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Rockville office unless otherwise noted.



November 2, 2017 Maryland Fair Housing

CEU: 1.5 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Jessica Chipoco Time: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Instructor: Counselors Title Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. * NVAR Fairfax Location (8407 Pennell Street)

November 3, 2017 MREC Required Supervision CEU: 3 hours MD (required for Brokers, elective for agents) and DC (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

November 8, 2017 GCAAR @ NVAR: Comparison Between GCAAR & MAR Contracts CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Counselors Title Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. * NVAR Fairfax Location (8407 Pennell Street)

November 3, 2017 Material vs. Confidential Facts CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) and 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. November 4, 2017 DC Fair Housing CEU: 3 hours DC (required) Instructor: Mary Chieppa Time: 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. November 4, 2017 DC Law Prep Class CEU: No CE Instructor: Mary Chieppa Time: 12:15 – 3:15 p.m. November 7, 2017 Comparison Between GCAAR & NVAR Contracts CEU: 2 hours VA and DC (elective) Instructor: Andrew DiPaola Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. November 7, 2017 New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Dana Hollish Hill Time: 4:00 – 8:45 p.m. November 7, 2017 Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Dana Hollish Hill Time: 5:45 – 8:45 p.m. November 8, 2017 GCAAR @ NVAR: Maryland Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective)

November 10, 2017 Selling Houses Using Lease Options CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Ronald Baras Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. November 10, 2017 Lease Option Contracts CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) and 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Brian Gormley Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. November 13, 2017 How to Keep Your Clients and You Out of Court CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Gary Hardy Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. November 13, 2017 Contract Basics CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Greg Flynn Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. November 14, 2017 Environmental Issues CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Vimal Kapoor Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. November 14, 2017 Going Green CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Vimal Kapoor Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.

2017 EDUCATION SCHEDULE November 14, 2017 New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Dana Hollish Hill Time: 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. * DC Location/2nd Floor November 14, 2017 Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Dana Hollish Hill Time: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. *DC Location/2nd Floor November 15, 2017 Maryland Fair Housing CEU: 1.5 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. November 15, 2017 Maryland Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. November 15, 2017 MREC Agency - Residential CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Barbara Maloney Time: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. November 15, 2017 Maryland Code of Ethics CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Barbara Maloney Time: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. November 17, 2017 Introduction to Septic Systems CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Eric Garrett Time: 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. November 17, 2017 Understanding the Needs of Your Client CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) and 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Carole Maclure Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

November 20, 2017 New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Sandra Stewart Time: 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. November 20, 2017 Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Sandra Stewart Time: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. November 21, 2017 Maryland Fair Housing CEU: 1.5 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Lisa Bosse Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. November 27, 2017 Spotting Defects in Residential Properties CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Dan Deist Time: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. November 28, 2017 MAR Residential Contract of Sale CEU; 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Susann Haskins Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. November 29, 2017 Tax Strategies CEU: No CE Instructor: Maine Shafer Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. November 29, 2017 Basics of Renovation Financing CEU: 2 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Richard Day Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

November 30, 2017 Radon and Its Impact on Real Estate CEU; 2 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Robert Tsas Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m

Licensed in MD, VA & DC

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December 1, 2017 Presenting Multiple Offers CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Carole Maclure Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. December 1, 2017 Ethical Real Estate Investing CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) and 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Brian Gormley Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

December 2, 2017 New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 8:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. December 2, 2017 Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 10:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. December 4, 2017 Maryland Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Greg Flynn Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. December 5, 2017 VA Financing CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Debbie Benkert Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.




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REALTOR Toolbox ®

To stay safe during a flood, go to the highest ground or floor possible

What Homeowners Should Know About Their Flood Risk and Insurance By John Dickson, President, NFS Edge


34 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017

WHAT CAN I DO TO PREPARE FOR A FLOOD? Educating yourself on floods and understanding your risk can help you safeguard against potential financial loss and be better prepared to respond before, during and after the storm. To help you be better prepared to respond to a flooding event, here are answers to some of the most common questions about flood insurance and how to prepare for these devastating events.

A M I AT RI S K F O R F LO O D I NG? Many think they are not at risk because their home is not by a river or a stream. The reality is that everyone is at risk for flooding. In fact, you are more likely to flood than have a fire. According to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in the past five years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods.

WHAT CAUSES FLOODING? Flooding has many causes, including well-known factors such as flash floods and tropical storms. Urbanization plays a role in flood risk. Man-made “obstructions” can cause properties designated as lower risk become more exposed to water due to the dynamics of floods. There are many other causes besides storms and over development; a storm drain backing up, levees or dam failures, and ice melt are common causes of flooding that can be overlooked.

W H AT ARE M Y IN S U R ANCE O PT I O N S? While flood insurance cannot alleviate the damage or heartbreak these disasters cause, it can help lessen the financial burden of rebuilding after the flood. Homeowners, renters, and commercial building owners can purchase a flood

• Familiarize yourself with your flood insurance policy so you know what coverage you have (or don’t have). If you do not have a copy of your flood insurance policy, be sure to contact your insurance agent. • Work with your insurance agent to keep your flood insurance policy up to date. • Create a pre-storm, waterproof emergency packet to store in a safe and easily accessible place. Include: • Valuable documents/receipts/papers • List of important emergency contact information and where to turn to for help • Inventory and before and after photos (useful for any property claim) • Create a back-up emergency packet. Provide copies of important documents to a friend or relative to store in safe location away from the property at risk – so you know you can get to it if your house is flooded. Don’t leave important documents in your car. • Make sure contact information (email, phone numbers, etc.) is up to date. • Be sure your car is full of gas; and pre-packed with water and non-perishable food. Don’t forget to include pet supplies and medications. • Prepare an evacuation plan for your family. Map out multiple egress routes from your com- munity in the event that exit roads are closed. Know where there are low points in the roads that may be more exposed to rising floodwaters. • Protect personal property by moving to elevated locations and buildings and by deploying sandbags if needed.

insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or they can look to the emerging private flood insurance market.

W H AT IS PRIVATE FLO OD INS U RANCE ? Private flood insurance is an option for homeowners who may not be a good fit for an NFIP policy. For example, private flood insurance options generally cover residents for more than the NFIP (for example, limits are $250,000 from the NFIP vs. $750,000 for some private policies) and can offer broader coverages, such as basements, additional living expenses, loss of use and swimming pool cleanout options. Private policies can standalone or they can be layered on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policy to offer additional protection.

K E E P IN MIND • A flood doesn’t have to be catastrophic to result in high out-of-pocket costs. 20 percent of claims occur in moderate to lower-risk areas. • Only a few inches of floodwater can

cause tens of thousands of dollars in FOLIO

Folio damage. is a Chrome extension for Gmail that • It typicallyorganizes takes 30your daystransactions for a flood and automatically insurance policy to take effect. It’s helps keep everyone on track. Each transacimportant to understand there is no tion in Folio has its own timeline that you can coverage during this 30-day time frame. share with clients. Folio automatically places Obtaining coverage sooner rather than emails intoisSmart for each one of your later in yourFolders best interest. transactions and helps you to find important documents and contacts for each has transaction. PLEASE NOTE: The President signed an extension of the National Flood Price: Folio is free to use, but only available Insurance Program keeping it in operafor Gmail and Chrome users. tion until December 8, 2017. For more information on the program, go to:

NFS Edge, an Aon National Flood Services affiliate, helps homeowners protect what’s important through private flood insurance solutions. CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017 35

AFFILIATES Agent Services

Beta Solutions F&BC Kevin Matthews 301-787-0782 Homesnap Stephanie Rall


Home Staging by Vivian Vivian Gilbert 301-802-5166 Marc Farley Photography Marcus Farley Jr. 301-528-0729


Anne M. Powell Appraisals Anne Powell 410-721-7505

Kase & Associates Sadaf Saberi 703-444-4100 Kass Mitek & Kass Benny Kass 202-659-6500 KVS Law David Kanstoroom 301-605-1420 Lisa Lamphier 301-605-1420 Marty Stanton 301-605-1420 Lasso & Lasso PC Ricardo Lasso


Law Office of Arthur Konopka Arthur Konopka 202-686-0600


Law Office of Mark A. Bayer Mark Bayer 202-466-4747

Chase Commercial Appraisal Division Chad Harris 202-312-1160 Carlos Ortiz 202-312-1160 Anna Pagi 202-312-1160

Law Offices of David P. Modell David P Modell 301-634-9820 Law Offices of Michael Frissel/Wolf Title Michael Frissell 301-951-0940

Foremost Appraisals & Realty Folusho Bello 240-304-7782

Law Offices of Quinn O’Connell Jr Quinn O’Connell Jr. 202-537-1820

Brett Bessell Brett Bessell

J.D. Egly & Associates John Egly 301-349-0113 J. Hansen Appraisal Associates John Hansen 301-464-2878 James Blaine Miller Jr. James Miller Jr. 301-933-9881 Magee Appraisal Service Diana Magee 301-846-9696 Roxann Novel Appraiser Roxann Novel 800-232-7196 SFS Appraisal Services Tammy Sarvi 301-943-0977 Washington Appraisal Frank John Jr. 202-646-1150


Adams, Morris & Sessing Michelle Adams 301-637-0143 Elizabeth Morris 301-637-0143 Timothy Sessing 301-637-0143 Andrew FitzGerald Attorney at Law Andrew FitzGerald 301-933-6550 Bregman Berbert Schwartz Gilday LLC Wendy Pullano 301-656-2707 Bromberg Rosenthal LLP Jonathan Bromberg 301-251-6200 Glazer Winston Honigman Ellick L. Mark Winston 202-537-5500 Greenstein DeLorme & Luchs PC Richard Luchs 202-452-1400 Vincent Mark Policy 202-452-1400 Jackson & Campbell PC Roy Kaufmann 202-457-6710 Jacobs & Associates Harvey Jacobs 301-300-6252 36 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017

Lynn Candle Boynton Esq. Lynn Boynton 240-499-7465 Miles & Stockbridge PC Casey Cirner 301-762-1600 Paley Rothman Katherine Palumbo 301-951-9362 Richard W. Lawlor PA Richard Lawlor 301-340-2400 Samuelson Law Offices LLC Kenneth Samuelson 202-494-0848 Shaner & Helf LLC Thomas Helf 301-913-9306 Shulman Rogers Gandal Pordy Matthew Alegi 301-230-5200 Amy Klein 301-230-5200 Marc Lipman 301-230-5200 James Savitz 301-230-5200 Law Offices of Jill Pogach Michaels Owen Jarvis 240-425-0008 Jill Michaels 240-425-0008 Ben Silver 240-425-0008 The Sacks Law Firm PLLC Michael Sacks 301-948-2300 Vaughn W. Royal Attorney at Law Vaughn Royal


Credit Unions

Capital Area REALTORS® FCU Tony Launi 240-314-0734 Olympia Overton 240-314-0734

Home Improvement Floormax Rafie Ansari Darren Holder Masoud Molayem

301-206-2200 301-206-2200 301-206-2200

Home Inspection Companies Alban Home Inspection Services Sandra Watkins 301-662-6565 Anderson Inspection Consultants Gary Anderson 301-855-3337 Building Inspector of America Vimal Kapoor 301-916-0300 Capital Environmental Testing Bryan Hix 202-257-9291 Green Home Solutions of MD Jennifer Sherwood 301-591-2470 The Greentree Group Julio Gonzalez Del Solar 301-960-1341 Home Land Septic Consulting Eric Garrett 443-995-5385 Tim Shotzberger 443-995-5385 Mid-Atlantic Inspection Services Alan Beal 202-607-4153 Old Republic Home Protection Terry Crawford 925-866-1500 Pearl Certification Cynthia Adams 888-557-5543 RA Home Inspection Randolph Gallegos 240-793-4611 Top to Bottom Services Gregory Butler 301-938-9100 Daniel Deist 301-938-9100 US Inspect Jonathan Handy


Housing Interests JCAMS Jimmy Cullum


MD Dept of Housing & Community Development Cecilia Weller 410-514-7014

Home Warranty Companies Super Home Dilyana Mazur



Commission Express Capital Rick Tancreto 443-302-9595 Edward Jones Laura Nash

Moneycorp Spencer Holmes

240-221-0649 202-706-3550

BB&T Mortgage Patricia Widerman 301-590-2382 BB&T Mike Kidwell Kari Sansom Daniel Shea

301-590-2382 301-493-8917 301-493-8917

Caliber Home Loans Charles Clapper 301-660-3292 Robert Kirchner 301-660-3292 Patrick Norfolk 301-660-3292 Matthew O’Connor 301-660-3292 Kenneth Storck 301-660-3292 Capital One Gerald D’Ascoli Brian Glou Anthony Toy

248-728-0288 248-728-0288 248-728-0288

Corridor Mortgage Group Inc. Sara Lenes 301-443-5749 CRM Lending Joel Bailey EagleBank Corp. Thomas Biegler Deborah Levy

410-251-0349 202-292-1581 202-292-1581

Embrace Home Loans William Rozek 301-921-0070 Tina Del Casale 800-333-3004 Fidelis Mortgage Eric Rittmeyer 410-668-6501 Fidelity First Daniel Eubanks


First Home Mortgage Ingrid Rapavy 703-938-2115 Meghan McDonald 703-840-4202 Nicolas Matsangakis 301-657-1003 David Toaff 301-657-1003 Ryan Angier 301-656-4388 Zachary Bodine 301-656-4388 Hillary Cochin 301-656-4388 Scott Story 301-656-4388 Kevin Walsh 301-656-4388 Timothy Whittier 301-656-4388 Alexander Jaffe 240-479-7658 Christopher Jordan 301-562-9540 Travis Vollmerhausen 301-562-9540 Jacob Ryan 301-220-0999 First Savings Mortgage Deborah Benkert 240-223-1558 Graham Pruitt 240-223-1558 J. D. Teitelman 703-564-1746

Mortgage Companies

First Washington Mortgage Chanin Wisler 301-526-0020

AnnieMac Home Mortgage John White, Jr. 866-312-6682

FitzGerald Financial Group/Division of TowneBank Mortgage Evelyn Miller 240-403-1868 L. William Woods Jr. 240-403-1868

Academy Mortgage Corporation Raymond Shelton 571-225-5066

Apex Home Loan Erin Finke 301-610-9600 Michael Parsons 301-610-9600 Brian Willingham 301-610-9600

Flagstar Bank Eddie Jackson


GCAAR brings you a complete listing of our Affiliates in every issue

If you are interested in becoming a GCAAR Affiliate or have a correction to this list, please contact us at:

AFFILIATES George Mason Mortgage Shawn Barsness 703-595-2233 Guaranteed Rate Graham Pruitt


Home Savings & Trust Mortgage Derek Harman 703-766-4634 Intercoastal Mortgage Company Wesley Wolfe 703-449-6800 Loan Depot Kathryn Edelen


McLean Mortgage Corp. Alex Peters 301-538-1137 MVB Mortgage Chris Kearney Billy Kinberg Robert Ross

202-751-2146 202-751-2146 202-751-2146

Navy Federal Credit Union Deanna Furman 301-233-7958 Prospect Mortgage Cedric Johnson 540-882-4176 Prosperity Home Mortgage Romy Espino 301-838-3172 Brian Haug 301-838-3172 Tom O’Keefe 301-838-3172 Sandy Spring Bank Jeffrey Nelson 301-617-4233 Guy Silas 301-617-4233 Stearns Lending Jamica Browne Gary Gertler Lee Michaels

240-599-7900 240-599-7900 240-599-7900

SunTrust Mortgage Loretta Clark 301-961-0903 Jordan Giles 301-961-0903 C.J. Kemp 301-961-0903 Russell Rothstein 301-961-0903 Tidewater Mortgage Services Jessica Sandler 571-297-3981 Max Sandler 571-297-3981 TowneBank Mortgage Richard Harbin 301-850-1092 Transwestern Donald Wilson


US Mortgage Corp. Richard Evans 443-574-3500 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Pat Bowman 301-956-1573 Patricia Gillis 301-956-1573 Paul Nowacek 301-956-1573 Wells Fargo Private Mortgage James Semeyn 410-573-6411

Moving Companies 123 Junk Kevin Wheeler


J K Moving & Storage Drew Richards 703-250-4282 Perry Moving & Storage Alvin Lewis 410-799-0022

Pest Control Companies

Capitol Termite & Pest Control Stanley Robinson 301-657-4480 Brian Schoonmaker 301-657-4480

Property Management Companies Columbia Property Management Scott Bloom 888-857-6594 Transwestern Donald Wilson


Real Estate Investment Rent the District Hanna E McClain


Tax Consultants Exchange Solutions Group William Gessner 703-787-3893 Tax-Masters Linda de Marlor 301-230-0200

Title Insurance/Settlement Co. Atlantic Closing & Escrow Isadora Connor 202-730-2635 Tommy Craddock 202-730-2635 Diana Khan 202-730-2635 Avenue Settlement Corporation Stephen Ballard 202-296-4500 Avenue Title Group David Helfrich 202-296-4500 Blue Note Title Jessica Chipoco


Capitol Title Insurance Agency Lisa Bosse 301-231-7250 Sara Demb Goldstein 301-231-7250 Stanley Goldstein 301-231-7250 William Splitgerber Jr. 301-231-7250

Colleen Smyth Cogan 202-686-0100

District Title A Corp. Steven Sushner 202-518-9300 Edmund J. Flynn Company Joyce Rhodes 202-537-1800 Federal Title & Escrow Co. Todd Ewing 202-362-1500 Fenton Title Co. Louis Pettey First Class Title Daniel Kotz

301-590-0220 301-770-4107

Hollman & Flynn Title Gregory Flynn 301-545-0150

Pride Settlement & Escrow LLC Jay Brody 888-729-0145 D. Leigh Hewartson 888-729-0145 Lee Anne Rodriguez 888-729-0145 Prime Settlement Scott Sweitzer 202-559-1651 Moses & Aiken, LLC/Home Title Robert Moses 301-468-0080

301-294-4055 301-294-4055

Hutton Patt Title John Hutton


Sage Title Group LLC Bobby Lee 301-654-2560 Joseph Hansen 301-670-2812

Key Title Bridget Fancher


Settlement Ink P. Joy Siegel

KVS Title Marty Stanton


Settlement Professionals LLC Carol Calomiris 202-363-1870

Prime Settlement Scott Sweitzer 202-559-1651 RGS Title Suzanne Feinstein Esq. 301-230-0070 Thomas R Rodden 301-680-0200 Helen Dankos 301-230-0070 Melissa Brault 202-244-5780 RGS Title/Tradition Title Anthony DeVol 301-654-9800 Logan Title Patrick Tangney


Main Street Settlements Inc. John Ferguson 301-570-3600 MBH Settlement Group Jill Messier 703-277-6800 Michaels Title & Escrow LLC Jill Pogach Michaels 240-425-0008

Classic Settlements Joe Detrick 301-921-2667 Jonathan Levy 301-921-2667 Mary Papagjika 301-921-2667 Elliot Liss 301-921-2667

Mid-Atlantic Settlement Services Deirdre Brown 410-252-1208

Counselors Title LLC Christopher Darby 202-686-0100 Marie Enderle 202-686-0100 James Griffin 202-686-0100 Thomas Muldoon 202-686-0100 Timothy Mullin 202-686-0100 John Nalls 202-686-0100 Noreen Hathaway 202-686-0100 Robert Kuczarski 202-686-0100

Pinnacle Title & Escrow David Maged 301-424-5400 Marci Maged 301-424-5400 Bari Solomon 301-424-5400

GPN Title John Gilbert George Glekas

Certified Title Corporation Sam Houston 888-486-5511

Confidence Title & Escrow Vittorio Muzzatti 301-740-1880

Pinnacle Settlement Services Scott Goldschein 866-441-4666

Monarch Title Katherine Brewer


Settlement Corp. David Deckelbaum



Standard Title Group Kevin Anderson 202-888-0132 Stewart Title Group R. Bradley Runyan 202-349-0220 Christopher Saabye 202-349-0220 Title Alliance Ltd. Maria Deligiorgis


Title Town Settlements Todd Greenbaum 301-580-2850 Village Settlements David Hahn 301-486-0799 Carey Brennan 301-590-9300 Leslie Childs 301-590-9300 Michael Hollman 301-590-9300

As of September 18, 2017

New World Title & Escrow Andrew DiPaola 703-691-4330 Morgan Swersey 703-691-4330 Palisades Title Company Steven Buckman 202-351-6100 Paragon Title & Escrow Co. Philip Raskin 301-986-1114 Randy Rothstein 301-986-1114 Rob Rothstein 301-986-1114 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017 37

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MAY Robert Beard Keller Williams Capital Properties Deborah Bearor Weichert REALTORS® Earl Butler Northern Virginia RE Network Tom Chen Keller Williams Realty McLean Andrea Conner Xome® Robert Cooper Keller Williams Capital Properties Alan Cornwall Century 21 Redwood Realty Deja Cousley Exit Bennett Realty Devin Crane Long & Foster Real Estate Stanley Dean Long & Foster Real Estate Joseph Ferguson Keller Williams Capital Properties Joelle Friday RLAH Real Estate Jenavieve Grazzini Long & Foster Real Estate Kim Hallman W C & A N Miller REALTORS® Manuel Hercules Redfin Corporation Tynisha Holmes Keller Williams Capital Properties Jina Hwang BHI Realty Tia Johnson Keller Williams Select REALTORS® Damien Jones A-K Real Estate Gary Keltz Redfin Corporation Erik Lobato TTR Sotheby’s International Realty Dilyana Mazur Super Home William McCord Rory S. Coakley Realty Gregory Melgar-Fetzer Keller Williams Capital Properties

Alexander Mendelson Keller Williams Capital Properties

Jaretta Buckholtz Pearson Smith Realty

Maureen Gilli Long & Foster Real Estate

Renhao Li Evergreen Properties

Lina Montoya Long & Foster Real Estate

Eric Carpenter US Inspect

Danielle Griffin Sourceone Realty

Wei Lin Libra Realty

Quang Ngo Redfin Corporation

Victor Carranza Fairfax Realty

Kyle Loughner Miller Realty Services

Thomas O’Leary Xome®

Colleen Carter Long & Foster Real Estate

Ekaterina Grigoreva Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty

Maria Orduz Duran Long & Foster Real Estate

Kevin Chavez Long & Foster Real Estate

Doris Payton Sourceone Realty

Wei Chen Keller Williams Capital Properties

Art Rivera Long & Foster Real Estate

Stephen Chukwuani Fairfax Realty

Rammy Sbeitan Keller Williams City Wide Realty

Kareem Cooper Coldwell Banker Residential

Michael Schumm Long & Foster Real Estate

Robert Cortez Keller Williams Capital Properties


David Coutoumanos TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Patrick Slawta Stuart & Maury

Eric Countryman Samson Properties

Siar Amiri Long & Foster Real Estate

Alfonso Diaz Long & Foster Real Estate

Robin Andrews Redfin Corporation

Christopher Dillard Olde Towne Real Estate

Paniz Asgari Coldwell Banker Residential

Krishnasri Divakaruni Coldwell Banker Residential

Joel Bailey CRM Lending

Redian Doci Long & Foster Real Estate

Raymond Baker W C & A N Miller REALTORS®

Jennifer Ellington Old Line Properties

Stephanie Baker Weichert REALTORS®

Nkeiru Emeche Long & Foster Real Estate

Johnette Barham Keller Williams Capital Properties

Ester Escobar Keller Williams Capital Properties

Hermes Barzola-Navas Independent Realty

Ajmal Faqiri Pearson Smith Realty

Ian Baylor Exit Deluxe Realty

Carlos Flores Weichert REALTORS®

Kirk Beatley Keller Williams Capital Properties

Michael Ford Long & Foster Real Estate

Ajaydeep Bian Long & Foster Real Estate

Matthew Fullerton Keller Williams Realty Falls

Daniel Bortz Keller Williams City Wide Realty

Stephen Gaich Keller Williams Capital Properties

Heather Bowers Long & Foster Real Estate

Xiaohua Gao Northcrest Realty

Tania Brunson Long & Foster Real Estate

Emily Geller Long & Foster Real Estate

Aleksandr Grinshpun Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty Adam Habibi Constitution Realty Company Ki Han Maryland Pro Realty Jacqueline Havard Coldwell Banker Residential

Jon Malcolm Keller Williams Capital Properties Simone Malloy Weichert REALTORS®

Brenelle McCoy Long & Foster Real Estate

Dustin Hill Long & Foster Real Estate

Jessica Mejia Fairfax Realty Advantage

John Holland Long & Foster Real Estate

Christian Mendez Avery-Hess REALTORS®

Brandon Huan Fairfax Realty Advantage

Sharlene Mentor Redfin Corporation

Jane Huelle Exit Landmark Realty

Sheila Mindot Long & Foster Real Estate

Jaared Hunley Keller Williams Realty

Lidieth Mojica Long & Foster Real Estate

Sandra Jackson Coldwell Banker Residential Bennie Johnson Keller Williams Select REALTORS® Sophia Jones Long & Foster Real Estate Joseph Jones Keller Williams Capital Properties Justin Kielsgard Keller Williams Capital Properties David Knauer Keller Williams Capital Properties Rashida Lambert Keller Williams Capital Properties Jolanta Lawska Keller Williams Capital Properties

Kevin Lesesne Royal Dominion Realty

Jared Maites Long & Foster Real Estate

Meredith Mathis Keller Williams Capital Properties

Caroline Heffer Humanity REALTORS®

Jason Lee Long & Foster Real Estate

Claudia MacDonald Keller Williams Capital Properties

Andres Morejon RLAH Real Estate

Jordan Murray Keller Williams Capital Properties Antione Newman Exit Landmark Realty

Preston Nguyen Keller Williams Capital Properties Samuel Odagbodo Exit Bennett Realty Oluyemisi Olaleye TriStar Realty Aicha Paramore Long & Foster Real Estate Brenda Gayle Parks Assist2Sell Capital Realty JoAnne Poole Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Continued on p. 40

CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017 39

JUNE . . . Continued John Pyne Intercoastal Mortgage Company Charlie Qawar Long & Foster Real Estate Kreig Rajaram Keller Williams Capital Properties Fah Rattanasuwan Century 21 Redwood Realty Glenn Robelen Long & Foster Real Estate Catrina Robinson-Kerrison SRG Properties Inc

Fideline Rosius Keller Williams Capital Properties Wilhelmina Ross Long & Foster Real Estate Karyn Ross Long & Foster Real Estate Kelley Rucker Redfin Corporation Stacey Rue Pearson Smith Realty

Scott Vollmer Slate Properties

Erin Corddry Wydler Brothers

Lynette Johnson Lynette H. Johnson

Arina Voznesenskaya RE/MAX Realty Services

Taylor Corydon Long & Foster Real Estate

Fredrick Karnell Northern Virginia RE Network

Xavier Walker Independent Realty

Yvonne Crockett Buyers First Choice

Bezouwork Kassegne Long & Foster Real Estate

Deborah Wang Keller Williams Capital Property

Nicole Darin TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Dorianna Kennedy RE/MAX Fine Living

Kyle Welty Coldwell Banker Residential

Regina Davis Fathom Realty

Antoinette King Forum Properties

Tara Wiltse Long & Foster Real Estate

Joseph Dunn Long & Foster Real Estate

Jennifer Kleinknecht Keller Williams Capital Properties

Jocelyn Winston Long & Foster Real Estate

Jennifer Eckel Long & Foster Real Estate

Christina La Vigna Sourceone Realty

Wesley Wolfe Intercoastal Mortgage Company

Allison Edwards Keller Williams Capital Properties

Brian Layton Weichert REALTORS®

Ilissa Wood Coldwell Banker Residential

Meena Ekambaram Keller Williams Capital Properties

Andre Leite TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Zhi Zhang Yooyei

Keyner Este Sagastume Heymann Realty

Xuetao Li Signature Home Realty


Brendan Etzel Coldwell Banker Residential

Sarah Lipkowitz Keller Williams Capital Properties

David Evans Compass

Ernest Long Core Logic

Shirin Farokhi Samson Properties

Giannina Marin Malaver RE/MAX Town Center

Dara Ferchichi Taylor Properties

Jennifer Marsoni RLAH Real Estate

Jasmin Ferrufino Keller Williams Capital Properties

Petro Marynych Redfin Corporation

Khadine Fisher Exit Deluxe Realty

Beth Maser Long & Foster Real Estate

Alejandro Gamarra Urbane Properties

Samuel Medvene Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty

Larry Green Redmond Realty & Consulting

Albab Melaku CityWorth Properties

Jing Guo Weichert REALTORS®

Edouard Metellus Fairfax Realty

Jonathan Handy US Inspect

Casey Mohring M Squared Real Estate

Mekevia Hawkins Quick Sell Realty

Melissa Molyneux Central Properties

Paulette Henry Fairfax Realty

Miguel Mora Rangel Coldwell Banker Residential

Marti Horwitz Long & Foster Real Estate

Armando Morales Sanchez Keller Williams Capital Properties

Sam Houston Certified Title Corporation

Alexandra Moran Long & Foster Real Estate

Samuel Houston LegacyHouse Realty

Danny Moreno Heymann Realty

Ongisa Ichile-Mckenzie Magnus Realty

Henry Nam RE/MAX Fine Living

John Irvin Irvin Realty

Laura Nash Edward Jones

Ryan Isaacson Compass

Didier Ngay Keller Williams Capital Properties

Jahmal James Taylor Properties

Andrew Ninnemann Keller Williams Capital Properties

Woodeline Jean-Pierre Long & Foster Real Estate

Samuel Oh Coldwell Banker Residential

Kristin Jenkins Keller Williams Capital Properties

Okechukwu Okoroha Fairfax Realty

Robert Johnson KL Associates

Kazushige Okuma Long & Foster Real Estate

Rahsaan Johnson Frontier Realty Group

Continued on p. 41

Adama Abubakar Peters Keller Williams Capital Properties

Hermann Sama Keller Williams Capital Properties

Gabriel Agared Samson Properties

Milagros San Miguel RLAH Real Estate

Yanming An Evergreen Properties

Lonnie Scales The Real Estate Experts

Julia Baca Weichert REALTORS®

Travis Segal Long & Foster Real Estate

Kendra Barnes Keller Williams Capital Properties

Yu Shaiou RLAH Real Estate

Emily Barriere TriStar Realty

Amirreza Sharifi Redfin Corporation

Lydia Bell TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Haiymanot Shiferaw Weichert REALTORS®

Melissa Brault RGS Title

Lindsey Slade TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Michael Brickles RE/MAX Metropolitan Realty

Blanca Solis-Regalo KBM REALTORS®

Obadele Brown BSharper Real Estate

Reginald Spivey Taylor Properties

James Buckley Maedwell Residential

Anna Spurgeon RE/MAX Realty Services

Christopher Butler RE/MAX Realty Services

Elaine Stefanou Keller Williams Capital Properties

Nancy Byers RE/MAX Realty Centre

Allyson Sun Independent Realty

Dianna Cahn Redfin Corporation

Scott Sweitzer Prime Settlement

Christopher Carranza Weichert REALTORS®

Christina Thomas Redfin Corporation

Fanny Castillo Juarez Taylor Properties

Hien Tran Long & Foster Real Estate

Kelly Ceron-Osorio Keller Williams Capital Properties

Marcela Urena Long & Foster Real Estate

Michael Chen Evergreen Properties

Peter Van Story McEnearney Associates

Miles Coleman Long & Foster Real Estate

Manuel Viscarra RE/MAX 2000 REALTORS®

Danielle Collins Wydler Brothers

Shipra Vohra Avery-Hess REALTORS®

Bobbi Cook Allison James Estates & Homes

40 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017

Kimberly Copeland Coldwell Banker Residential

JULY . . . Continued Leandro Pampin Long & Foster Real Estate Rupen Parekh TriStar Realty Shaleen Parson Long & Foster Real Estate Danielle Perl Wydler Brothers Thomas Pinello Exit Deluxe Realty Michael Purcell Long & Foster Real Estate Lily Reagan Long & Foster Real Estate Lorena Reyes RE/MAX Premiere Selections Robert Richardson Keller Williams Capital Properties Orlena Robinson Long & Foster Real Estate Kate Robinson Long & Foster Real Estate Saman Saba RE/MAX Realty Services Tammy Sarvi SFS Appraisal Services Corrine Saversky Sourceone Realty Jennifer Scribner TriStar Realty Rosewitha Shelton United Real Estate Douglas Skibicki RE/MAX 2000 REALTORS®

Michelle Brickles RE/MAX Metropolitan Realty

Silvanna Valencia Fairfax Realty Advantage

Janice Johnson-Pouch Jabar Brown Keller Williams Capital Properties Long & Foster Real Estate

Lisa Vaughn Harold H. Huggins Realty

Alfonse Kabiritsi George Bryant Keller Williams Capital Properties Brownwoods REALTORS®

Serita Weathersby Keller Williams Realty Centre

Andrea Kalochristianikas Anthony Calabrese Keller Williams Capital Properties Evers & Co. Real Estate

Tava West Long & Foster Real Estate

Jessica Carroll A-K Real Estate

Tzu Kao Taylor Properties

Naci Powell Coldwell Banker Residential

Sam Westbrooks Weichert REALTORS®

Liz Castro Avery-Hess REALTORS®

Christiana Kim Fairfax Realty

Ryan Pyles W C & A N Miller REALTORS®

Natasha White Pearson Smith Realty

James Chao RE/MAX Success

Kristos Kowgios Long & Foster Real Estate

Michael Wilkins Keller Williams Capital Properties

Yu Chen Keller Williams Realty Chantilly Ventures

Austin Lawler Long & Foster Real Estate

Sonya Wilson Keller Williams Capital Properties Matthew Windsor Washington Fine Properties Bryan Wooten Pearson Smith Realty George Worthington Long & Foster Real Estate Calinda Yew Weichert REALTORS® Sormeh Youssefieh Metropol Realty Katalin Zakar Long & Foster Real Estate Joshua Zavala Hernandez Fairfax Realty Joshua Zidek Weichert REALTORS®


James Slawta Stuart & Maury

Zelalem Abebe Long & Foster Real Estate

Karen Smith Redfin Corporation

Patrick Adu Keller Williams Realty Reston

Karen Snyder Snyder Properties

Mohamad Ahmadinejad Federated Realty

Amir Soltanzadeh Constitution Realty Company

Lawrence Akinlosotu Homeland Real Estate

Piper Spiller Quasar Property Management & Real Estate

Akinremi Akinsanya Redfin Corporation

Saheem Staggers Redfin Corporation Anthony Sued Delgado Douglas Realty

Matthew Parker Weichert REALTORS®

Tammara Jean Paul Taylor Properties

Faith Udeh Metropolitan Realty Marketing

John Archibald Taylor Properties Vida Asante RE/MAX Distinctive Real Estate

Bahador Tabarzadi Long & Foster Real Estate

Lisa Baker Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices

Julie Tam Coldwell Banker Residential

Anna Barber Central Properties

Rick Tancreto Commission Express Capital

Solomon Beyene Brian Logan Real Estate

Andrew Tatom Coldwell Banker Residential

Taylor Billingsley CityWorth Properties

Arash Torkashvan Heymann Realty

Valerie Bluestein Long & Foster Real Estate

Tom Tran Long & Foster Real Estate

Michael Bohrer ERA Teachers Inc

Tasha Bonner Jennifer Tugberk TTR Sotheby’s International Realty Weichert REALTORS®

Boubacar Cisse Keller Williams Capital Properties Danielle Creek Saalakhan Keller Williams Capital Properties Stephon Cummings Carrington Real Estate Services Karina Diaz Solano RE/MAX Excellence Realty Stephanie Dylinski Douglas Realty Leslie Eason Long & Foster Real Estate Kathryn Edelen Loan Depot Daniel Eubanks Fidelity First Richard Evans US Mortgage Corporation Kasi Evans Keller Williams Capital Properties Jon Fuller Loan Depot Bryan Gammill Fathom Realty Rossanna Garcia M TriStar Realty Jorge Garnica Weichert REALTORS® Allison Greene Loan Depot Shimira Greene The Real Estate Experts Phillip Grossman Long & Foster Real Estate Janet Harward Long & Foster Real Estate Farkanda Haseen W C & A N Miller REALTORS® David Hawkins McEnearney Associates Charles Hoskins Allison James Estates & Homes Kevin Hsu EQCO Real Estate Emelyn Iligan Long & Foster Real Estate Fatima Jallow Long & Foster Real Estate

Jerry Parker Keller Williams Capital Properties Jordan Parker Berkshire Hathaway Home Services PenFed Bianca Peters Keller Williams Capital Properties

Julio Quezada Velasquez CityWorth Properties Hugo Quinonez Olmino Weichert REALTORS® Joyce Rhodes Edmund J. Flynn Company

Jin Chung Lee Metro Star Realty

Veronica Richardson Keller Williams Capital Properties

Brittney Lewis Long & Foster Real Estate

Raquel Rincon Impact Real Estate

Stephon Lewis Carrington Real Estate Services

Lida Rippe Compass


Curry Robert Latitudes

Lisa Lisjak Century 21 New Millennium

Melanie Roberts Tidewater Mortgage Services

Biao Luo Signature Home Realty

Jessica Rojas Weichert REALTORS®

Rebeca Manning Long & Foster Real Estate

David Rouse Long & Foster Real Estate

Curtis Marshall Keller Williams Realty

Vernice Russell Tower Hill Realty

John McGlaughlin RE/MAX Realty Services

Todd Sachs Sachs Realty Kaitlyn Savner-Smith TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Michael McGlaughlin RE/MAX Realty Services

John Schwinn Chatel Real Estate

Marcus McIlwaine Redfin Corporation Bianca McKenzie Keller Williams Capital Properties Vahan Melikyan A-K Real Estate Inc

Kadijatu Sesay Long & Foster Real Estate Simone Shannon Keller Williams Capital Properties Yu Shen Union Plus Realty

James Michie Long & Foster Real Estate

Ryan Shombert W C & A N Miller REALTORS®

Alexander Mitchell Redfin Corporation

Tiana Simmons Keller Williams Capital Properties

Karen Moore Long & Foster Real Estate

Christopher Sousa J K Moving & Storage

Erin Mullan Premier Properties of DC

Danielle Spira Compass

Ashanti Murrain Greenline Real Estate

Jodie Stocksdale Weichert REALTORS®

Chinaedum Nwachuku Keller Williams Capital Properties

Adam Strochak Adam Strochak Broker

Kamil Odabasio RE/MAX Allegiance

Kimberly Taliaferro-Bibbs Long & Foster Real Etate Changyi Tan Evergreen Properties

Pamela Odoi-Atsem RE/MAX Prestige

Moctar Thiam Long & Foster Real Estate

Sofya Ovcharenko Long & Foster Real Estate

Addison Tilden Keller Williams Capital Properties

Pamela Overton Long & Foster Real Estate Shannan Palazzo Keller Williams Capital Properties

Tuan Tran Fairfax Realty Continued on p. 43

CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017 41


Seasonal Touches Add warmth to any bedroom by choosing colors, textures and materials that represent autumn in all the right ways. An accent rug with various shades of orange and red will add a cozy factor to cold, bare floors. Take this area of the room one step further by bringing in a basket to hold your extra blankets.

Moody Ambiance

Photo by Scott Hargis

A moody ambiance is easily attainable with the help of some carefully curated lighting. Sure, comfortable bedding and warming elements are important, but the overall glow is crucial for a truly cozy setup. Avoid overhead lighting or any other harsh lamps and make sure you find an option, like this bedside stunner, that produces the ideal amount of soft light.

Tons of Textiles

Photo by Sesha Smith, Convey Studios

Introduce elements of next-level coziness by bringing in a variety of textiles — the combination of differents materials will add undeniable warmth. Faux sheepskin and faux animal hides create a bedroom ambiance that will be hard to leave this chilly time of year. Just drape them on the bed, the floors or on any other piece of furniture that needs some extra love. 42 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017

TOP DE SI GN T RE N DS — TO HE LP YO U UPDAT E YO U R HOM E FO R T HE COZI E ST SE ASON O F ALL Source: – Search Decorating Ideas Contributers include Chrissy Giglio, Regan Baker, Urbanology Designs, Slifer Designs and Justin DiPiero

AUGUST . . . Continued Matthew Walker Redfin Corporation

J. Michael O’Connell TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Dongxia Wang Metro Star Realty

Work with a REALTOR® to help you find more HO ME DÉCO R TRENDS.

Cheryl Williams Keller Williams Capital Properties Michele Williams Keller Williams Capital Properties Aric Williams Keller Williams Capital Properties Fang Xie Proplocate Realty

Carolyn Sirian Long & Foster Real Estate

Farah Ahmad RE/MAX PROS Kevin Alsop Coldwell Banker Residential Jing Bai Signature Home Realty Quintaria Brunson Keller Williams Capital Properties Tarnise Bryant Keller Williams Realty Centre Aaron Cavazos Long & Foster Real Estate

Darnell Eaton Century 21 New Millennium

Transform any bedroom into a high-style, autumn-ready oasis by choosing rich, oppulent colors. If a dark set of walls feels like too big of a commitment, opt for decorative pieces that can be swapped in and out depending on the season. An oversized, plush throw blanket at the foot of the bed will do wonders for the overall setup.

Layla El Boukili Coldwell Banker Residential Marcus Farley Marc Farley Photography

Marcus Walker Coldwell Banker Residential DaCheng Weng CapStar Properties

Maria Womack Keller Williams Capital Properties Jeyakumar Jebaraj Fairfax Realty

Ajaykumar Kapur Coldwell Banker Residential Joseph Meier RLAH Real Estate

George Moore Long & Foster Real Estate

Roberths Gil Pearson Smith Realty Eloshini Govender Keller Williams Capital Properties Eliezer Greenberg Keller Williams Capital Properties Almaz Habteslassie Long & Foster Real Estate

Zendra Palmer Urban Land Co Crystal Patterson Century 21 New Millennium Thelge Peiris Weichert REALTORS® Hamlet Pena Martinez Weichert REALTORS®

Dereck Harmon Long & Foster Real Estate

Jose Ramirez Long & Foster Real Estate

Carolina Herrera Long & Foster Real Estate

Nancy Rehman Long & Foster Real Estate

Yasemin Hocaoglu Long & Foster Real Estate

Mary Jane Hogate Coldwell Banker Residential Danni Huang Long & Foster Real Estate

Gwendolyn Robinson Mid-Atlantic Realty Paul Rozario TriStar Realty Carolyn Sirian Long & Foster Real Estate

Sayeda Hussain Long & Foster Real Estate

Brandi Turner Redfin Corporation

Melissa Isaacson Taylor Properties Abdur Javed Keller Williams Realty Centre Jeyakumar Jebaraj Fairfax Realty Ajaykumar Kapur Coldwell Banker Residential

Maribel Montano Weichert REALTORS®

Stacey Turpin Carrington Real Estate Services

Maribel Montano Weichert REALTORS®

Robert Fritzman City Chic Real Estate

Joseph Meier RLAH Real Estate

Brandi Turner Redfin Corporation

Alemayehu Yetayew Fairfax Realty

Yvette Dowell Long & Foster Real Estate

Rich Colors

Hamlet Pena Martinez Weichert REALTORS®

Paul Rozario TriStar Realty


Photo by Patrick Cline Photography

Thelge Peiris Weichert REALTORS®

Gwendolyn Robinson Mid-Atlantic Realty

Wei Zheng Union Plus Realty

This whole bedroom is rocking a cozy vibe, from the floor to the windows. Whether you have a true canopy bed frame, or you just drape curtains around your headboard, this intimate setup can’t be beat. Don’t forget to utilize your windows, too. Set up some comfortable seating with throw blankets and extra pillows so you can enjoy the views while keeping warm inside.

Crystal Patterson Century 21 New Millennium

Nancy Rehman Long & Foster Real Estate

Jingmin Zhang Libra Realty

Completely Comfortable

Zendra Palmer Urban Land Co

Jose Ramirez Long & Foster Real Estate

Marcus Young Metropolis Associates

Photo by Slifer Design

George Moore Long & Foster Real Estate

Marcus Walker Coldwell Banker Residential DaCheng Weng CapStar Properties Maria Womack Keller Williams Capital Properties Alemayehu Yetayew Fairfax Realty

As of September 13, 2017

CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017 43


Top 10 Real Estate Agent

Safety Tips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Careful with personal info Verify customer information Enlist a coworker Announce your showings Scout locations early Keep phone in hand Keep customer in sight Pay attention to exits Take a self-defense class Trust your gut

Source: House Hunt Network, June 2014

DID YOU KNOW? In 2009, there were more foreclosures in the United States than there were marriages.

Monopoly was originally designed to teach players about the broken nature of capitalism.

PUMPKIN TRIVIA • Pumpkins are about 90% water

6 to-Dos

When Moving Into a New Home

• Change the locks

• Check for plumbing leaks

• Get rid of pests

• Steam the carpets

• Find the shutoff valve

• Locate the breaker box

• The United States produces more than one billion pounds of pumpkins each year. • A pumpkin is a fruit • Pumpkins are gluten free


44 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Sept/Oct 2017


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