Capital Area REALTOR® March/April 2018

Page 1




50 YEARS OF FAIR HOUSING Progress Made; Still Work to Be Done - page 6

20th Anniversary – A Look Back - page 14 Working with Hoarders - page 30

Official publication for the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS ®



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Fair Housing - 50 years – p. 6

Agent Spotlight – p. 16

mar/apr 2018

Working with a Hoarder – p. 30

REALTOR® Toolbox – p. 36


in every issue


Association News


Affiliate Spotlight


Don’t Let This Happen to You

1 5

Membership Corner


Fair Housing, 50 Years Later

1 9

NAR Director’s Report


20th Anniversary: A Look Back




Agent Spotlight: Fernando Garcia


Public Policy


Coaches’ Corner


Legal Hotline


Meet Your GCAAR Committees


Economic Outlook


Are You Working with a Hoarder?


Education Schedule


A Message from Bright MLS


GCAAR in the News


Welcome New Members!


REALTOR® Toolbox


Design Trends


Back Porch

Capital Area REALTOR® (USPS 017-467) is published five times a year by the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®, 15201 Diamondback Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, MD. Member subscriptions account for $10 of each member’s annual dues. Annual subscriptions are available to non-members for $25. Subscription inquiries may be sent to Capital Area REALTOR® at the above address. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Capital Area REALTOR®, ATTN: GCAAR, 15201 Diamondback Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850. The Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the officers, directors, or staff of the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®. The Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® accepts submissions of articles and photographs and the items become the property of the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®. The publisher reserves the right of full editorial authority and to decline publication of any article not deemed proper. Deadline for submissions, including camera-ready advertising, is the first of the month prior to publication. Reprint with permission only. Reprints may be obtained by contacting the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® at 301.590.2000; via fax at 301.590.2248; or send an e-mail to

15201 Diamondback Drive, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 301.590.2000 I Fax: 301.590.2248

REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies and may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its Code of Ethics. Copyright ©2018 by the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.



board of directors

ask the president Advocacy seems to be a big part of what we do as an Association. Why is it important and why should I care?


Yes. Advocacy is definitely a large part of what we do. It is how we are able to raise awareness of and generate support for issues that affect our industry. For example, in the recent tax bill, NAR worked throughout the process to preserve the existing tax benefits for homeownership and ensure that as many real estate professionals as possible would benefit from the proposed tax cuts.


Tom Daley

Koki Adasi


Many of the changes reflected in the final bill were the result of the engagement of NAR and its members. That’s why it is so important to respond to the Call For Action emails, contact your elected officials, and give to RPAC (REALTORS® Political Action Committee). RPAC enables REALTORS® to support candidates who support the issues that are important to our profession and livelihood.


Danai Mattison Sky

Thom Brockett

Immediate Past President

The recent TOPA hearings in DC were a perfect example of how REALTOR® members can make a difference when they mobilize and rally around an issue. The impact of having so many people pack the council chamber sent a powerful message. Doing these types of things shows our strength and has a huge impact. I think if more members understood this, they would be more inclined to participate. If you are wondering what you’re getting with your dues payment, advocacy is one of your most important member benefits.

Chief Executive Officer

Jamie Coley

Mike Moran

Directors Katrina Schymik Abjornson

Brandon Green

Avi Adler

Justin Levitch

Harrison Beacher

Andres Serafini

Jan Brito

Ellie Shorb

Lee Goldstein

Frank Snodgrass

Jody Goren

Kirsten Williams




Managing Editor Bobette Banks

Advertising Representative Arlene Braithwaite

Design & Layout Carla Conway, Uncommon Design



association news GCAAR Cares Dress for Success Clothing Drive Thanks to all who dropped off items for the GCAAR Cares Dress for Success Clothing Drive March 7 – 30 to support A Wider Circle’s Center for Professional Development. The amount of donated items was tremendous! Special thanks to our members, to the offices in the DMV that accepted donations, and to JK Moving Services for picking up and delivering the items to A Wider Circle. GCAAR YPN also hosted a happy hour on April 12 to support the clothing drive (pics to come next issue). The mission of A Wider Circle is to help one individual and one family after another to rise out of poverty. The Center for Professional Development allows clients to come in and select professional clothing items and assists with professional development skills like resume writing and interviewing.



don’t let this happen to you! Submitted by Sandy Rosengarden, GCAAR Grievance Committee, Century 21 Redwood Realty

Professional Standards When You Assume... You probably know the old saw about what happens when you assume. That’s right, you make an “A**” out of U and ME. But, sometimes when you assume, you also make an appearance before a Professional Standards Hearing Panel. Not a good look! It’s not too surprising that many of us end up with an elevated opinion of our ability to “know” what property is right for a particular consumer—after all, we live and breathe real estate every day! But, even if we’re as infallible as we like to believe (we’re not), at least with our clients we have a fiduciary duty to understand what they want and to help them obtain it, rather than substituting our judgment of what’s best for them (it’s called the duty of obedience). Forgetting that duty is bad enough, but add into the mix anything approaching denial of equal services, and you have a big load of Article 10 Fair Housing trouble, as did REALTOR® Simon Steering in the sad tale that follows. You can decide for yourself how persuasive you find his defense that he was only concerned for his clients’ “comfort” in their new neighborhood! Article 10 states, in part, that “REALTORS® shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.” In Case #10–2, we see an example of a violation of that provision of Article 10. REALTOR® Simon Steering, a salesperson affiliated with BaDaBing Brokerage, answered an e-mail from Terry Teach, a recent college graduate moving to the city to take a job at Northwest High School. He was married, had two young children, and was a veteran.

REALTOR® Steering determined that Terry could afford a three-bedroom home in 4 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

the $370,000 range. REALTOR® Steering described available properties near the high school, set up appointments, and showed three houses in neighborhoods near the high school to Terry and his wife. A few days later Terry Teach met Abe Academic who was also moving into the city to take a teaching position at Northwest High. Coincidentally, Abe Academic was married with two young children, was a veteran, and was also in the market for a house. Terry told Abe how helpful his REALTOR®, Simon Steering, had been. Abe called REALTOR® Steering that afternoon. REALTOR® Steering met Abe Academic and determined that, like Terry Teach, he could afford a home in the $370,000 range. Abe told Simon Steering that he was a new teacher at Northwest High and had been referred by Terry Teach. Abe was black. REALTOR® Steering showed Abe Academic houses in several neighborhoods undergoing racial transition but did not show him any in neighborhoods near the high school. Abe asked about houses closer to Northwest High, but REALTOR® Steering said he had no knowledge of any homes in that area for which Abe could qualify. The next day, Abe

told Terry Teach about his problems finding a home near the high school and learned that Simon Steering had shown Terry several homes near the school. Abe filed a complaint with the Board of REALTORS®, claiming that REALTOR® Steering had discriminated against him and his family by not offering equal professional services. The complaint was reviewed by the Grievance Committee and then was referred to a Hearing Panel of the Board’s Professional Standards Committee. At the hearing, REALTOR® Steering admitted that he did not make the same effort to show Abe Academic properties in neighborhoods near the high school as he did with Terry Teach because he felt Abe and his family would feel more comfortable living in a racially-integrated neighborhood. The Hearing Panel found REALTOR® Simon Steering in violation of Article 10 of the Code of Ethics for Denial of Equal Professional Services.

The moral of the story: treat everyone

equally, don’t assume that you know better than your client what’s right for them, and make sure you expose your client to every possibility that matches the criteria they set.

Don’t Let This Happen to You!

Affiliate Spotlight

Dilyana Mazur Super

Director of Business Development How long have you been an Affiliate with GCAAR? One year—when Super launched our real estate service in the DC Metro Area. What are some of the events you support? I love the bowling event and REALTOR® Fest, and I am a huge fan of the Women’s Council of REALTORS®. Why do you continue to support GCAAR as an Affiliate? I find that I make invaluable connections as I’m spreading the word about Super’s home warranty program to the GCAAR community, and I always appreciate getting to learn more about the industry as a whole. What would you say to people who are considering becoming an Affiliate? Do it! It’s a no-brainer! Why do you think being a member of GCAAR is important? Being a member makes it easy to stay up-to-date on industry happenings and helps me get more business and business ideas by making good connections. Plus, I always have great events to attend.


Fair Housing

50 Years Later: Progress Made; Still Work to Be Done This April marks the 50th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson to ensure equal housing opportunities for all. In this issue of Capital Area REALTOR®, we look back at some of the legal milestones relating to fair housing, and provide resources for you to share with your clients. Special thanks to GCAAR Fair Housing instructors Lisa Bosse and Tara Furges Houston for providing background information on this topic.


Why the act was needed Not surprisingly, the beginning of housing discrimination in America can be traced back to the first colonial settlements. Even in the early 1600s, in the Jamestown Colony, there were differences in the treatment of black and white indentured servants. As the colonies grew, slavery of people of African descent became increasingly common. For the most part, slavery was not considered immoral by society. Prior to the Civil War, the courts refused to recognize any rights for persons of African descent, whether they were enslaved or free. The federal government did nothing to prohibit discrimination, and even those states that had abolished slavery still treated blacks as inferior. This was demonstrated in the U.S. Supreme Court case Dred Scott v. Sanford, in which the Court held that persons of African descent were not citizens of the United States, and therefore not entitled to any rights.

Fair housing is more than a list of dos and dont’s, rights and penalties, and mandatory continuing education. As stewards of the rights to own, use and transfer private property, fair housing protects our livlihood and business as REALTORS® and depends on a free, open market that embraces equal opportunity.

Fair Housing Makes US Stronger

Shortly before the Civil War, the abolitionist movement started to gain strength. Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation marked—at least on paper—the end of slavery, although it did little to advance modern-day civil rights. At the end of the Civil War, the Thirteenth Amendment was enacted to abolish slavery and to give Congress appropriate enforcement authority to eliminate it. In 1866, the Reconstruction Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed property rights to all citizens regardless of race. The act specifically provided that all citizens should



FEATURE STORY continued from p. 7 have the same rights as white citizens to inherit, purchase, and sell real and personal property. Discrimination by the government in public business was also prohibited by the Fourteenth Amendment (enacted in 1868) and by the Fifth Amendment’s due-process clause (which applied only to the federal government, not to state or local authorities). This principle was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in two significant decisions. In 1917, in Buchanan v. Warley, the Court struck down a local zoning law that limited African Americans and other minorities to specific areas of town. The Court held that governmental zoning laws that discriminate, based upon race, violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1948, in Shelley v. Kraemer, the Court held that state court enforcement of a private racially-restrictive covenant constituted sufficient government involvement so as to similarly violate the equal protection clause. Therefore, persons could not use the court system to enforce racial deed restrictions. Unfortunately, while minorities enjoyed new legal protections from state-sponsored discrimination, those protections mostly stopped at the thresholds of private homes and businesses. Specifically, in the Civil Rights Case of 1883, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause did not prohibit private acts of discrimina8 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

tion; rather, it merely prohibited discrimination that was the product of government action. And a few years later, the U.S. Supreme Court made its infamous ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), which held that the enforcement of racial segregation of private or public facilities did not violate the U.S. Constitution as long as the separate facilities were equal. This ruling permitted institutionalized segregation in the United States for almost six decades. During this period, some states and municipalities did enact fair housing laws, but the federal government neglected to pass any laws to prevent private housing discrimination. In fact, to a certain extent, the federal government was counterproductive in efforts to defeat segregation. For example, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) instructed its staff and appraisers to consider the racial makeup of a neighborhood.

In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education, reversing the “separate but equal” decision in Plessy. The Brown case outlawed segregation in schools and marked the beginning of the end of the era of legalized segregation. In November 1962, President Kennedy signed an executive order, entitled “Equal Opportunity in Housing,” prohibiting discrimination in housing that is owned, operated or assisted by the federal government. Further, the order also required federal agencies to take action to prevent discrimination based upon race, color, creed, or national origin. Two years later, Congress enacted Title VI to the Civil Rights Act of

SHARE YOUR STORY Fair Housing Act Commemoration: Showcase Stories


Participate in NAR’s commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act by sharing your story. Stories should either provide historical information about fair housing highlight a commemoration activity, or describe the positive impacts of fair housing. We will showcase selected stories online and on social media throughout NAR’s yearlong commemoration.

The illegal and discriminatory practice of helping ethnic or minority individuals into predominantly non-ethnic or majority-dominated areas, and then using scare tactics to force current neighborhood residents to sell their homes at depressed prices. Source: 1964, which prohibited discrimination in programs receiving federal financial assistance. Although these initiatives marked the first federal anti-discrimination policies of the 20th century, they had little effect, since they did not prohibit discrimination in the private housing market.

Modern fair housing takes shape The real change in fair housing came in 1968, a year that is considered the birth of modern fair housing. While that year is mostly remembered for the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., two other historic events also occurred that year that forever changed the housing market. First, in April, Congress enacted the Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968), which specifically bans discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, and national origin in most types of housing transactions. The act also contains a variety of remedies to attack housing discrimination, including private discrimination. Second, in June, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision in Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., and held that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 banned private, as well as governmental, racial discrimination in housing. Thus, the 1866 law was

given new life, and could be used to fight racial discrimination. The Fair Housing Act outlaws a variety of private discriminatory acts, including refusal to rent or sell, discrimination in the terms of sale or rental, blockbusting*, and discrimination in advertising and in the use of real estate services. It also laid a foundation for further expansion of legal protections—to additional minority and disadvantaged classes, and to include additional commercial activities—in the ensuing decades. In 1974, the Fair Housing Act was expanded to include prohibition of gender discrimination, and Section 8 programs were created. In the same year, Congress passed the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which prohibited credit discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or marital status, and age. In 1980, President Carter expanded Kennedy’s executive order to grant HUD additional regulatory authority to further the goal of fair housing in federal programs, and President Reagan strengthened enforcement abilities through the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.

The 1988 Amendment made major changes to Title VIII, including adding two more protected classes—families with children and handicapped persons—to the Fair Housing Act. The Amendment also modified the administrative process for HUD complaints, and essentially provided that HUD has a higher degree of authority to enforce the Fair Housing Act. The Amendment also removed the cap on punitive damages for fair housing violations, and increased the limits on available damages and civil penalties. Finally, it extended Title VIII anti-discrimination protections to real estate loans for repairs and improvements, certain secondary market activities, and real estate appraisals. housing laws, but the federal government neglected to pass any laws to prevent private housing discrimination. In fact, to a certain extent, the federal government was counterproductive in efforts to defeat segregation. For example, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) instructed its staff and appraisers to consider the racial makeup of a neighborhood.


FEATURE STORY Where we are today Unfortunately, 50 years later, despite significant progress, redlining and discrimination have not been eliminated. There are many current cases where Hispanics and African Americans have been charged higher interest rates, points, and fees in loans than were their equally-qualified white counterparts. There are cases where someone will call about renting an apartment, and when the property owner or manager discovers that the prospective renter is not white, suddenly the apartment is no longer available. There are cases where a person is disabled, physically or mentally, and their application is denied based on a perceived, incorrect assumption about their ability to pay or live there. There are cases where women are denied loans because they are pregnant. There are cases where people who actively practice their religion are fined for “violating the building rules” or are not allowed to rent or buy because of their religion or ethnicity. (See Don’t Let This Happen to You on page 4 of this magazine.) While we don’t yet live in a bias-free world, at least we now have more resources—in the form of legal protections, advocacy organizations, and increased awareness—to move further toward that goal. Some of those resources are listed here. We hope you will take the opportunity that this 50-year anniversary provides to reflect upon your and your organization’s commitments to fair housing, and to recognize opportunities for improvement and action.

10 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

Organizations Created to Promote Fair Housing WCR The Women’s Council of REALTORS® (WCR) was formed in 1938 and has contributed greatly to gender equality in real estate and leadership mentoring for many years.

NAREB The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) was founded in 1947 by African American real estate brokers, many of whom were not allowed at that time to be REALTORS®. The mission of NAREB is “Democracy in Housing,” a commitment to equal housing opportunities.

NAHREP The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) was founded in 1999 to advance sustainable Hispanic homeownership.

AREAA The Asian Real Estate Association of American (AREAA), founded in 2003, is dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in Asian American communities.

NAGLREP The National Association of Gay and Lesbian Real Estate Professionals (NAGLREP) was founded in 2007 to advocate on behalf of the housing rights of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community.

If you suspect discrimination… Contact your local Board of REALTORS®. As your local Board for the greater Washington, DC area, GCAAR will hear complaints from any home seeker who alleges discriminatory treatment in the purchase or rental of housing. Local Boards of REALTORS® have a responsibility to enforce the Code of Ethics through professional standards procedures and corrective action in cases where an ethical violation is proven to have occurred. Contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Complaints alleging discrimination in housing may be filed with the nearest HUD office by filling out this form: complaint-details.htm

If you suspect discrimination… Montgomery County, MD Office of Human Rights— Montgomery County

Washington, DC DC Office of Human Rights Fair Housing Program Fair Housing Law in the District Lending - Know Your Rights in the District of Columbia Laws

Fair Housing Laws

DC Human Rights Act

If You Suspect Discrimination

Montgomery County

In accordance with the District of Columbia Human Rights Act of 1977, as amended, the Contact: District of (actual or perceived): Montgomery County Office of Human Rights • Disability (240) 777-8450 • Source of IncomeU.S. Department of Housing • Victim of an Intra-Family and Urban Development Offense 1-(800) 669-9777 • Place of Residence or Maryland Real Estate Commission • Religion • Family Responsibilities The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) ensures Business (410) 333-6230 • Age • Matriculation The Federal Government that all consumers are given an equal chance to Maryland Commission on The Fair Housing Amendments Act makes it illegal • Marital Status • Political Affiliation obtain credit. This doesn’t mean all consumers who Human Relations to discriminate in the sale or rental of housing on the apply for credit get it. Factors such as income, (410) 767-8600 basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, Sexual harassment is aexpenses, form ofdebt sexand discrimination which is prohibited by the Act. In addition, disability, or familial status. credit history are considerations harassment based on any of the above categories is also prohibited by the Act. Chapter 27of the Montgomery County Code makes it housing providers cannot discriminate on the basis of illegal to discriminate in real estateColumbia transactionsand on the bases of race, sex, marital status, physical or mental disability, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, pres• Race • Personal Appearance ence of children, source of income, sexual orientation, • Color • Sexual redit is Orientation used by millions of age or family responsibilities. • Sex (including pregnancy) Gender Identity or consumers to •finance an education or aExpression house, remodel a home, or get a Status small business loan. The Office of Human Rights investigates and • National Origin • Familial conciliates complaints filed under Chapter 27.


for creditworthiness. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) investigates and conciliates housing complaints It is unlawful for any person to practice discrimination in the rental or sale of housing accommodations The law protects you when you deal with any lender filed under the FHAA. Persons who consider and commercial space in the District of Columbia on the basis of the above categories. who regularly extends credit, including banks, mortthemselves to be victims of housing discrimination companies small loan and finance companies, can file suit in Federal Court. Similar prohibitions applygage to “blockbusting,” “steering,” and financing. retail and department stores, credit card companies, Other federal laws providing mortgage lending of Illegal Discrimination Examples and credit unions. Anyone involved in granting credit, protection include the: such as a real estate broker who arranges financing, is In the District, it is illegal to: ■ Equal Credit Opportunity Act covered by the law. ■ Truth in Lending Act

• Refuse housing ■ Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 to someone because of one of the traits; ■ Real Estate Settlement Procedures •Act (RESPA) Chapter the Montgomery Code states Make housing unavailable to 27 anyofperson becauseCounty of their traits; is an unlawful housing practice ”For any lending • Advertise a preferencethat or itdislike for a group because of their traits; The State of Maryland institution to discriminate in lending money, guaran• Falsely tell someone housing is unavailable because of their traits; Article 49B of the Maryland Annotated Code makes it teeing loans, accepting a deed of trust or mortgage, or illegal to discriminate on the bases of• race, color, Establish different terms or conditions because of their traits; otherwise making available funds for the purchase, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, units construction, or servicesalteration, (such asrehabilitation, repairs) because of particular traits; acquisition, national origin, sex, or familial status.• Provide different housing, • Urge someone to move to aorspecific area of because of their traits; repair, maintenance any housing or to discrimiThe Maryland Commission on Human Relations owners to sell 21 AvenueStreet • Persuade because people a particular traits are nate in the fixing of theof rates, terms, conditions, or moving into the neighborhood; 110Maryland North Washington investigates and conciliates complaints filed under Suite 330 such financial assistance, or in the • Refuse to make a loanprovisions becauseofofany a person’s traits; Suite 200 Article 49B. Rockville, MD 20850 extension of service in connection therewith because Rockville, MD 20850 • Provide inaccurate or different information depending on the traits; or of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, Real Estate Law (BOP, Section 16-526), forbids Main: (240) 777-8450 • Retaliate against someone for filing a complaint or acting as a witness. discriminatory practices by real estate brokers or sex, marital status, handicap, presence of children, TTY: (240) 777-8480 agents, putting them at risk of loosing their license. sources of income, sexual orientation, age or family FAX: (240) 777-8460 Filing a Complaint of a Violation This law is enforced by the Real Estate Commission. responsibilities.” 07/2007 10/2004 To file a complaint about a violation of these laws with the Office of Human Rights, visit: • Online at; or • In-Person at 441 4th Street NW, Suite 570N, Washington, DC 20001. Questions can also be answered by phone at (202) 727-4559.

phone: (202) 727-4559

fax: (202) 727-9589

441 4th Street NW, Suite 570N, Washington, DC 20010

This program was established in 1999 to eradicate discrimination in housing in the District of Columbia. In addition to enforcing local and federal fair housing laws, it conducts annual education campaigns and outreach events, including the annual Fair Housing Symposium, organized in partnership with District government agencies and community partners.

National Fair Housing Alliance The National Fair Housing Alliance is the voice of fair housing. NFHA works to eliminate housing discrimination and to ensure equal housing opportunity for people through leadership, education, outreach, membership services, public policy initiatives, community development, advocacy, and enforcement.

The Office of Human Rights has developed FAIR HOUSING: LENDING a comprehenPROCEDURES AND sive program PRACTICES of testing for discrimination in the rental or sale of housing, home mortgage financing, and compliance with architectural guidelines. Enforcement actions are taken as warranted by the Office of Human Rights’ Compliance Section. The office periodically conducts studies or surveys to determine the level of discrimination in the County. This may include, for example, an evaluation of the practices of rental housing providers, and the frequency and patterns of any possible discriminatory behavior. Montgomery County, Maryland Office of Human Rights _________________________________

How to Recognize Discriminatory Practices

If you feel you have been a victim of housing discrimination and would like to file a complaint, call (240) 777-8450 or TTY (240) 777-8480. To obtain information on fair housing or to arrange for training for your business, group, or organization, call (240) 777-8450. https://www.montgomerycountymd. gov/humanrights/divisions/fairhousing.html Maryland Commission on Civil Rights It is the mission of the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights to ensure opportunity for all through the enforcement of Maryland’s laws against discrimination in

employment, housing, public accommodations, and state contracts; to provide educational outreach services related to provisions of this law; and to promote and improve civil rights in Maryland. Housing-Discrimination.aspx

The REALTOR® Fair Housing Program The National Association of REALTORS® has developed a Fair Housing Program to provide resources and guidance to REALTORS® in ensuring equal professional services for all people. The Code of Ethics: Article 10 of the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics provides that “REALTORS® shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. REALTORS® shall not be parties to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. REALTORS®, in their real estate employment practices, shall not discriminate against any person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.” A REALTOR® pledges to conduct business in keeping with the spirit and letter of the Code of Ethics. continued on p. 12 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 11

Responsibilities The home seller, the home seeker, and the real estate professional all have rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing law.

For the home seller: As a home seller or landlord you have a responsibility and a requirement under the law not to discriminate in the sale, rental, or financing of property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. Nor can you instruct the licensed broker or salesperson acting as your agent to convey for you any limitations in the sale or rental, because the real estate professional is also bound by law not to discriminate. Under the law, a home seller or landlord cannot establish discriminatory terms or conditions in the purchase or rental; deny that housing is available; or advertise that the property is available only to persons of a certain race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.

For the home seeker: You have the right to expect that housing will be available to you without discrimination or other limitations based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. This includes the right to expect: • Housing in your price range made available to you without discrimination; • Equal professional service; • The opportunity to consider a broad range of housing choices; • No discriminatory limitations on communities or locations of housing; • No discrimination in the financing, appraising, or insuring of housing; • Reasonable accommodations in rules, practices, and procedures for persons with disabilities; • Non-discriminatory terms and conditions for the sale, rental, financing, or insuring of a dwelling; and • To be free from harassment or intimidation in exercising your fair housing rights.

For the real estate professional: Agents in a real estate transaction are prohibited by law from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. A request from the home seller or landlord to act in a discriminatory manner in the sale, lease, or rental cannot legally be fulfilled by the real estate professional.

12 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

If you suspect discrimination continued from p. 11 Article 10 imposes obligations upon REALTORS® and is also a firm statement of support for equal opportunity in housing. You can purchase a copy of the National Association of REALTORS® brochure What Everyone Should Know about Equal Opportunity in Housing from the REALTOR® Store.

Sources: Lisa Bosse GCAAR Fair Housing Instructor Tara Furges Houston GCAAR Fair Housing Instructor NAR Fair Housing Page Center for Investigative Reporting





Before the

Fair Housing Act 1789

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, the right to property


The Dred Scott Decision, U.S. Supreme Court declares that African-Americans could not be citizens and had no rights White citizens were bound to respect


Emancipation Proclamation, that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free


Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, abolishes slavery in the U.S.


Civil Rights Act, declares that all citizens shall have the same rights as White citizens to own, occupy and transfer real estate


Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and all citizens are guaranteed equal protection of the law


Freedmen’s Bureau, established in 1865 were shut down


Plessy v. Ferguson, U.S. Supreme Court rules that “Separate but Equal” is lawful


Founding of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, later the National Association of REALTORS®, which allows local boards to exclude African-Americans and women from membership


The Great Migration, African-American migration north to take advantage of industrial employment


Buchanan v. Warley, U.S. Supreme Court outlaws zoning based on race; Emergence of racially restrictive covenants


Code of Ethics states that a REALTOR® should never be instrumental in introducing into a neighborhood a character of property or occupancy, members of any race or nationality or any individuals whose presence will clearly be detrimental to property values in that neighborhood


Corrigan v. Buckley, U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to racially restrictive covenants


National Housing Act and Residential Security Maps had the result of denying financing in older urban areas and predominantly African-American neighborhoods



Stuyvesant Town housing project in New York approved for development with the exclusion of African-American residents


African-American real estate brokers form the National Association of Real Estate Brokers with the mission of “Democracy in Housing”


Shelley v. Kraemer, U.S. Supreme court ends enforcement of racially restrictive covenants


National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing formed


Interstate Highway Act paves way for urban highways often used to physically separate White and African-American communities


New York City becomes the first city to ban discrimination in private housing


Colorado becomes the first state to ban discrimination in private housing; By 1965, sixteen states had laws against public and private market housing discrimination

1962 STOP

President Kennedy bans discrimination in housing funded by the federal government


California Rumford Act bans all housing discrimination in publically-funded housing and in all housing in buildings of five units or more


U.S. Supreme Court finds that a referendum, supported by the real estate industry, to repeal the Rumford Act violated the Civil Rights Act of 1866


National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing conducts audit to document fair housing/discriminatory treatment

1968 Fair Housing Act

CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 13


An Interview with Greg Milward

GCAAR CEO 1998-2004

What was your role/position at the time? At the

time of the merger, I was the CEO of the Montgomery County Association of REALTORS®. After the merger, I was proud to serve as the CEO of the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® until 2004.

How did the staff respond to the merger? Coming off the earlier failed

merger attempt, there was some initial reluctance on the part of the staff that this would be yet another failed attempt. By including the staff in all aspects of the planning and execution of the proposed merger, we quickly got full buy-in. It was very important to formulate a new staffing structure for the merged organization early on in the process. This allowed us to formulate position descriptions that allowed current staff to express interest in the newly created positions. We quickly made staffing decisions, which allowed staff to stay focused on their jobs, rather than worrying about whether they would have a spot in the merged entity.

How did the staff handle the transition? The staff handled the transition exceptionally well. Once approved, we were able to quickly meld the staffs and focus the efforts of the reconstituted WDCAR (as a state REALTOR® association) with the newly-created GCAAR as the regional provider of member services.



What were the greatest challenges to getting the merger done? When

I was hired in 1997, one of the charges given to me by the Board of Directors was to assess the challenges posed by a downturn in the market as well as the financial implications confronting the association with the advent of MRIS and the resulting loss of MLS income. Shortly after my arrival at MCAR, Dianne Ruggiero (CEO of WDCAR) and I started to meet on a regular basis to explore the possibility of merger. Diane and I facilitated meetings between the respective leaders of our associations, and we brought in an outside facilitator to lay the groundwork for the merger. We had the luxury of learning the mistakes made in the failed 1996 merger attempt. The key to “selling” the membership on the merger was concentrating on what would be gained from the merger vs. the perceived loss of identity. MCAR and WDCAR had attempted a merger in 1996 and the proposal was soundly defeated when put to a membership vote. The failed attempt created the biggest challenge since many members felt another attempt, this soon after the last, was an exercise that would result in another failure. We were fortunate to have two exceptional leaders, Carole Maclure (MCAR President) and Dale Mattison (WDCAR President) who worked closely to make sure that we would approach this merger attempt with a well thought out plan that would focus on how members would benefit from the merger. Key was the focus on the elimination of redundancies in the provision of services as well as the need to embrace the burgeoning regional marketplace.

Another major challenge early on in the negotiations was deciding on the name of the new entity. In retrospect, creating the new identity early in the process was a crucial step in selling the merged organization to the membership. Armed with a proposed name, a new logo and a well-thought out plan to enhance member services, we set out to sell the proposal to the membership. Through membership forums, attendance at member office meetings and other faceto-face meetings we were able to take a well-crafted proposal to our respective membership and receive overwhelming approval of the merger. Once it was done, what were the greatest the governance and management challenges moving forward? There were very few challenges once the merger was approved. The composition of the Board of Directors was addressed in the negotiations, so there was no angst regarding appropriate levels of representation (Montgomery County vs. DC) after the reconstituted Board of Directors was seated. The staff structure was firmly in place, and we were able to wed the provision of member services into the merged entity seamlessly. How did the leadership and staff feel about the merger after five years? Nothing convinces the skeptics better than success. Financially and programmatically GCAAR flourished. Initial concerns about loss of identity gave way to the recognition that GCAAR had become a leader in the region by proactively addressing the implications of a changing marketplace.

membership corner Transferring Membership If you are transferring to another company, please make sure the Broker is a member of the board you are joining before you transfer. If the Broker is not a member, your membership will be made inactive and your SentriCard® will be terminated. You must belong to the board your Broker is a member of. When an agent purchases a lockbox from another association, the SentriCard® ownership will revert to the primary board to which it was issued. Please buy lockboxes at your primary board to prevent future issues with lockbox inventory. Contact SentriLock at 1-877-736-8745 to have your lockbox activated for the Northern Virginia area.


Contact us at

Take advantage of these upcoming classes and events:

Mark Your Calendars! July 23

REALTOR® Fest, Bethesda North Marriott North Bethesda September 12 Start of DC GRI (tentative) DC Office October 22 2nd Annual GCAAR Golf Tournament Manor Country Club, Rockville, Maryland Rockville November 15 5th Annual GCAAR Night of Bowling Lucky Strike, Bethesda Bethesda December 10 GCAAR Legislative Breakfast GCAAR December 31 NAR Biennial Ethics Requirement Deadline GCAAR

Did You Know?

35,000 The estimated number of real estate teams operating in the U.S. in 2016. By 2019, there could be more than 100,000. In recent years, the real estate team has begun to attract the attention of state regulators. Twenty-four states have statutes or formal regulations in place that address real estate teams. In other states, regulators have issued statements regarding teams. While the level of regulation is still relatively low, there are still legal requirements that teams must follow. Learn more about real estate teams in the latest Hot Topic Alert.



Agent Spotlight FERNANDO GARCIA CARING FOR OTHERS THROUGH FOOD & FRIENDS Fernando Garcia, an agent with RLAH Real Estate, has been working in residential real estate since 2002. He is an ardent supporter of Food & Friends, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. that delivers meals to clients who are homebound primarily due to AIDS-related illnesses. Recently, the organization has expanded its mission to help those with other debilitating illnesses, like cancer. Fernando has volunteered with them since 1999. I was introduced to Food & Friends via my employer at the time, First Union. They did an annual fundraising drive for Food & Friends with the AIDS Ride. We’d ride our bikes from Raleigh, North Carolina to Washington, D.C.—just over 330 miles— over the course of four days. Food & Friends stopped doing the AIDS rides for fundraising, but they were doing Chef ’s Best, which is their largest annual fundraising event, held here in D.C. Prominent chefs from around the area set up tasting stations at a particular venue, and guests get to enjoy great samples of amazing food, as well as an open bar. The goal is to raise an astonishing amount of money—about a million dollars—in one evening. I first got involved by being part of a table. Eventually, I ended up buying a table for my business, and inviting clients and friends to join my table. Now I get a table every year. This is my fifth year serving on the Chef ’s Best Leadership Committee.

How has RLAH Real Estate been involved?

During my second year with RLAH Real Estate, we started a philanthropy effort that allowed agents to donate a portion of their commissions to one of three local charities—A Wider Circle, A-SPAN, and Food & Friends— with a match from RLAH. Food & Friends earned the most from that effort, so we would end the quarter with a day of service at Food & Friends. One of the highlights of volunteering in the kitchen was when six or seven of us shared a shift with President Obama, and I got a picture shaking hands with him. He wore a Food & Friends baseball cap, but I had to wear a hairnet. I met the President of the United States while wearing a hairnet.



I have volunteered with other organizations throughout my life, but never with this level of dedication. I never felt a connection as strongly as I have with Food & Friends. There comes a point where we take our jobs for granted, and we put 110 percent into working, without really thinking: What happens if we get sick? Who’s going to take care of us? Who’s going to visit us in the hospital? Who’s going to prepare our meals while we’re recuperating at home? Food & Friends is that organization. I would encourage GCAAR members to join us at Chef ’s Best on June 4. It’s a fun evening, filled with food, laughter, and excitement. If you love to socialize and eat, this is the event of the year, and it all benefits Food & Friends.

I think it’s very important that REALTORS® make time to help the less fortunate, whether that’s by donating money or time. Find a passion and follow it. I would like to think that my clients appreciate me giving back to the community.

Food & Friends:

Chef ’s Best Dinner & Auction:

We cannot thank Fernando enough for all that he does as a volunteer and ambassador for Food & Friends’ mission. Without great volunteers like Fernando, Food & Friends would not be able to prepare, package, and home-deliver nearly one million meals each year to our neighbors living with life-challenging illnesses. From assisting in our kitchen to raising funds as a member of Food & Friends’ Chef’s Best Leadership Committee, it seems like there’s nothing Fernando can’t do! – Amanda Nover, Food & Friends Special Events Director


17 17 • May/June 2016 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR® • May/Jun 2014 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 17

Serve Those Who Serve Our Country

Earn NAR’s Military Relocation Professional (MRP) Certification Sharpen your knowledge and skills for working with military homebuyers and sellers with NAR’s Military Relocation Professional (MRP) certification. REALTORS® with the MRP certification provide real estate support for active and former servicepeople, and ensure that they take advantage of military benefits. To learn more about the requirements, visit

18 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

NAR Director’s Report Koki Adasi 2018 GCAAR President-Elect, NAR Director

Stay Alert About Wire Fraud

In an effort to educate clients about the risk of wire fraud, a number of REALTOR® associations have developed wire fraud notices for use by their members. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has provided examples of such notices, which may serve as an effective risk management tool to protect real estate professionals from liability related to wire fraud. The following is an example of a notice you may wish to consider adding to your e-mail signature line. This notice should not serve as a substitute for educating your clients and other participants in your real estate transactions about e-mail wire fraud. Important Notice: Never trust wiring instructions sent via e-mail. Cyber criminals are hacking e-mail accounts and sending e-mails with fake wiring instructions. These e-mails are convincing and sophisticated. Always independently confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number. Never wire money without double-checking that the wiring instructions are correct. For more information about best practices, see NAR’s Data Security and Privacy Toolkit, available at

Professionalism NAR’s Code of Ethics states that REALTORS® must adhere to a specific code of ethics and principles. Don’t let a lean inventory and a tight market put you in positions that compromise your integrity and good judgment. Keep these things in mind as you conduct your real estate activities: • Make sure that all offers are presented to the sellers in a timely manner (as the listing agent). • Respond promptly to e-mails and phone calls. • Remember what your role as a REALTOR® is in the process. REALTORS® represent buyers and sellers and are not parties in the contract. • Do not make decisions without consulting with your clients first; don’t get emotionally involved in the process.

Reminder: Don’t List Properties in “Coming Soon” Status If you’re going to use Coming Soon status, be aware of what Bright MLS (formerly MRIS) says about the status: Article XII—Change of Status Sec. 3 of MRIS’ Rules and Regulations Manual uses the following status types to indicate a property’s availability: Coming Soon Properties in this status may not be shown. This status is for short-term use preparatory to Active status, 21 days or less, and must have a listing agreement and seller approval. Indicates that the broker and the seller are preparing the property for sale and for marketing as Active status. This status is not intended to give the listing broker an advantage in finding a buyer for the property to the detriment of cooperating brokers or to circumvent the selling of the property on an open market. The intended use of this status is to provide a vehicle for subscribers to notify other subscribers of properties that will be made fully available for showing and marketing after preparations have been completed. While the property is in Coming Soon status, the seller and the listing broker may not promote or advertise the property in any manner other than “coming soon.”

In addition, you must have a signed listing agreement before advertising a pocket listing.

Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the NatioNal associatioN of RealtoRs® Effective January 1, 2018

Where the word RealtoRs® is used in this Code and Preamble, it shall be deemed to include RealtoR-associate®s. While the Code of Ethics establishes obligations that may be higher than those mandated by law, in any instance where the Code of Ethics and the law conflict, the obligations of the law must take precedence.


Under all is the land. Upon its wise utilization and widely allocated ownership depend the survival and growth of free institutions and of our civilization. RealtoRs® should recognize that the interests of the nation and its citizens require the highest and best use of the land and the widest distribution of land ownership. They require the creation of adequate housing, the building of functioning cities, the development of productive industries and farms, and the preservation of a healthful environment.

To learn more Download the 2018 Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

Such interests impose obligations beyond those of ordinary commerce. They impose grave social responsibility and a patriotic duty to which RealtoRs® should dedicate themselves, and for which they should be diligent in preparing themselves. RealtoRs®, therefore, are zealous to maintain and improve the standards of their calling and share with their fellow RealtoRs® a common responsibility for its integrity and honor. In recognition and appreciation of their obligations to clients, customers, the public, and each other, RealtoRs® continuously strive to become and remain informed on issues affecting real estate and, as knowledgeable professionals, they willingly share the fruit of their experience and study with others. They identify and take steps, through enforcement of this Code of Ethics and by assisting appropriate regulatory bodies, to eliminate practices which may damage the public or which might discredit or bring dishonor to the real estate profession. RealtoRs® having direct personal knowledge of conduct that may violate the Code of Ethics involving misappropriation of client or customer funds or property, willful discrimination, or fraud resulting in substantial economic harm, bring such matters to the attention of the appropriate Board or Association of RealtoRs®. (Amended 1/00) Realizing that cooperation with other real estate professionals promotes the best interests of those who utilize their services, RealtoRs® urge exclusive representation of clients; do not attempt to gain any unfair advantage over their competitors; and they refrain from making unsolicited comments about other practitioners. In instances where their opinion is sought, or where RealtoRs® believe that comment is necessary, their opinion is offered in an objective, professional manner, uninfluenced by any personal motivation or potential advantage or gain. The term RealtoR® has come to connote competency, fairness, and high integrity resulting from adherence to a lofty ideal of moral conduct in business relations. No inducement of profit and no instruction from clients ever can justify departure from this ideal. In the interpretation of this obligation, RealtoRs® can take no safer guide than that which has been handed down through the centuries, embodied in the Golden Rule, “Whatsoever ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them.”


Accepting this standard as their own, RealtoRs® pledge to observe its spirit in all of their activities whether conducted personally, through associates or others, or via technological means, and to conduct their business in accordance with the tenets set forth below. (Amended 1/07)

Duties to Clients and Customers Article 1

When representing a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant, or other client as an agent, RealtoRs® pledge themselves to protect and promote the interests of their client. This obligation to the client is primary, but it does not relieve RealtoRs® of their obligation to treat all parties honestly. When serving a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant or other party in a non-agency capacity, RealtoRs® remain obligated to treat all parties honestly. (Amended 1/01) • Standard of Practice 1-1 RealtoRs®, when acting as principals in a real estate transaction, remain obligated by the duties imposed by the Code of Ethics. (Amended 1/93) • Standard of Practice 1-2 The duties imposed by the Code of Ethics encompass all real estate-related activities and transactions whether conducted in person, electronically, or through any other means. The duties the Code of Ethics imposes are applicable whether RealtoRs® are acting as agents or in legally recognized non-agency capacities except that any duty imposed exclusively on agents by law or regulation shall not be imposed by this Code of Ethics on RealtoRs® acting in non-agency capacities.


As used in this Code of Ethics, “client” means the person(s) or entity(ies) with whom a RealtoR® or a RealtoR®’s firm has an agency or legally recognized non-agency relationship; “customer” means a party to a real estate transaction who receives information, services, or benefits but has no contractual relationship with the RealtoR® or the RealtoR®’s firm; “prospect” means a purchaser, seller, tenant, or landlord who is not subject to a representation relationship with the RealtoR® or RealtoR®’s firm; “agent” means a real estate licensee (including brokers and sales associates) acting in an agency relationship as defined by state law or regulation; and “broker” means a real estate licensee (including brokers and sales associates) acting as an agent or in a legally recognized non-agency capacity. (Adopted 1/95, Amended 1/07) • Standard of Practice 1-3 RealtoRs®, in attempting to secure a listing, shall not deliberately mislead the owner as to market value. • Standard of Practice 1-4 RealtoRs®, when seeking to become a buyer/tenant representative, shall not mislead buyers or tenants as to savings or other benefits that might be realized through use of the RealtoR®’s services. (Amended 1/93) • Standard of Practice 1-5 RealtoRs® may represent the seller/landlord and buyer/tenant in the



Realtor Party ®

Platinum “R” Dale Ross

Thank You to Our 2018 RPAC Investors Golden “R” Bonnie Casper Ed Krauze Carole Maclure Christopher Suranna

Crystal “R” Michael Moran Paragon Title & Escrow Sterling “R”

Sterling “R”

Koki Adasi Stacey Barton Fred Bates Harrison Beacher Elizabeth Blakeslee Jan Brito Jamie Coley Tom Daley Melinda Estridge Michael Fowler Lee Goldstein Bill Highsmith Harold Huggins Franklin Jamison Colin Johnson Kwame Joseph Tim Knobloch

Alana Lasover Justin Levitch Dale Mattison Shelly Murray Frank Pietranton Jr. Scott Reiter Bonnie Roberts-Burke Katrina Schymik Abjornson Andres Serafini Dianah Shaw Jason Sherman Ellie Shorb Danai Mattison Sky Brenda Small Frank Snodgrass Edward Wood Hans Wydler

Capital Club ($250-$999) Avid Adler Brittany Allison Wendy Banner Jacqueline Bennett Russell Brazil Thom Brockett Jamica Browne Christopher Bulka Elysia Casaday Louis Chauvin Lori Connor Lauren Davis Dan Deist Suzanne Des Marais Joe Detrick Anthony DeVol Abeer Abou Elmakare Kelly Fairweather Greg Ford Jeffrey Ganz Mark Glazer Scott Goldberg Susann Haskins Gwen Henderson Marcus Jaffe Ellen Klein

Capital Club ($250-$999) Melissa Lango Sam Lin Peter Locker KT Maclure Hank May Thomas Muldoon Barbara Nails John Peters Hildy Pollard CJ Rader Ned Rich Matthew Rogers Marj Rosner Brad Rozansky R. Bradley Runyan Christopher Saabye Joseph Sabelhaus Max Sandler Daniel Schuler P. Joy Siegel Tim Smith Marty Stanton JD Teitelman Seth Turner Pat Weed Kirsten Williams *As of March 27, 2018

Why I Invest in RPAC Justin Levitch As REALTORS®, we’re committed to working for local property owners. Policymakers and advocates outside Make the investment today! Invest online at:

our industry don’t always understand what goes into homeownership. Our industry, and many times homeownership itself, can seem to come under attack. My financial investment in RPAC is the least I can do to help advocate for, and preserve, our industry.


*As of December 13, 2017


Annual RPAC Major Investor Thank You Dinner

Each year, GCAAR hosts a thank you dinner for our Major Investors – those who invest $1,000 or more to the REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC). This year the event was held at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Gaithersburg, MD on March 14.

Realtor Party ®

L-R: Ellie Shorb, 2018 GCAAR Board Member, Koki Adasi, 2018 GCAAR President-Elect, Danai Mattison Sky, 2018 GCAAR Secretary and PCAC Chair.

L-R: Ed Krauze, GCAAR VP Public Policy and DCAR CEO with Koki Adasi.

L-R: Bonnie Casper, Harold Huggins, Alana Lasover, all Past Presidents.

L-R: Jake Ryon, 2018 GCAAR YPN Committee Chair with Danai Mattison Sky.

Scott Reiter, NAR Government Affairs, speaks to the group.



public policy Montgomery County Election 2018: County Council At-Large Candidates Debate GCAAR held four forums for 23 candidates seeking election as Montgomery County Council At-Large representative. Speaking to a packed room of GCAAR members, Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington (AOBA) members, and Maryland Building Industry Association (MBIA) members, the candidates answered questions on a variety of topics, including the County budget, economic development, transportation, and other REALTOR® priorities.

For the first time in recent memory, all nine Council seats could see new Councilmembers elected, resulting in an unprecedented level of turnover in County government. Our Council At-Large forums, along with the Montgomery County Executive Democratic Candidates’ Forum, were great opportunities to get to know the candidates. Be sure to follow the Class & Events Calendar on for more Elections 2018 events.

Montgomery County Council At-Large Highlights



legal hotline

By Chris Darby, Tom Muldoon, and John Nalls of Counselors Title, LLC, and Pardo & Drazin, LLC, General Counsel

QUESTION: I represent a Seller who voided a contract due to

the Buyer’s failure to deliver the Conditional Commitment to him within the time period provided in the Conventional Financing Addendum. The title company is insisting that the parties sign a release of the contract before it will release the Earnest Money Deposit to the Buyer, and my Seller does not want to sign it. Is a release necessary under the circumstances?

ANSWER: Yes. Paragraph 4 (“DEPOSIT”) of the GCAAR Sales Contract (GCAAR Form 1301) provides that:

The Deposit will be held in escrow until: (i) credited toward the Sales Price at Settlement; (ii) all parties have agreed in writing as to its disposition; (iii) a court of competent jurisdiction orders disbursement and all appeal periods have expired; or, (iv) disposed of in any other manner authorized by the laws and regulations of the appropriate jurisdiction. Even though the Seller already validly voided the contract, the title company, serving as Escrow Agent, cannot return the funds until one of these conditions is satisfied; so it has every right— and, in fact, an obligation—to require a Release signed by both parties before releasing the funds back to Buyer. If the Seller continues to refuse to sign a Release when requested in writing to do so, he could be subject to paying the Buyer’s legal and other expenses pursuant to Paragraph 26 (“DEFAULT”) which provides: If either Seller or Buyer refuses to execute a release of Deposit (“Release”) when requested to do so in writing, and a court finds that such party should have executed the Release, the party who so refused to execute the Release will pay the expenses, including without limitation, reasonable legal expenses, incurred by the other party in the litigation.

QUESTION: What document would I use when a contract is cancelled?

ANSWER: The Release Agreement (GCAAR Form 1317) should be used to release all parties (Seller, Buyer, Broker(s), Agents of the Brokers, and Escrow Agent) from the contract as well as to direct how the deposit is to be disbursed.

QUESTION: May a Buyer declare a contract null and void based on his own home inspection? He is not a licensed home inspector.

ANSWER: Yes. Provided that the Buyer has preserved the option to void, the Buyer has the right to void the contract based upon any inspection, even his or her own. Paragraph 2 of Addendum of Clauses A (GCAAR Form 1332) allows for an inspection by “Buyer, a home inspection firm, and/or other representative(s) at Buyer’s discretion and expense.”

QUESTION: I represent a Buyer who had a ratified contract

to purchase a home. The Buyer is demanding that the seller provide him with copies of a 1988 permit for constructing a bar on the property and the Seller will not provide it. Is the Seller required under the contract to provide copies of permits for any work done?

ANSWER: There is no contractual duty on the part of the Seller to provide copies of permits. However, Paragraph 17 (“TITLE”) of the GCAAR Sales Contract (GCAAR Form 1301) does require that: Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, Seller will pay any special assessments and will comply with all orders or notices of violations of any county or local authority, condominium unit owners’ association, and/or homeowners’ association or actions in any court on account thereof, against or affecting the Property on the Settlement Date. Thus, if there is an existing violation of a permit, or work was done without a permit, and the permitting authority has issued a violation, the Seller must remedy the violation. If the Seller is aware of an existing violation, this would be a material fact which must be disclosed. If the Buyer is insistent upon obtaining copies, he or she could obtain them directly from the appropriate permitting office, ask the Seller to agree to an addendum in the contract requiring copies of permits, or request copies of permits as part of any Home Inspection Notice (which the Seller, of course, would have to agree to).

QUESTION: When serving the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA), how does the 90-day notice to quit to vacate apply? Also, If TOPA applies and the contract purchaser intends to occupy, when does the Notice to Vacate take effect?

ANSWER: The Release Agreement (GCAAR Form 1317) should be used to release all parties (Seller, Buyer, Broker(s), Agents of the Brokers, and Escrow Agent) from the contract as well as to direct how the deposit is to be disbursed.

Disclaimer: The answers provided here are the opinions of the authors, are for informational purposes, and are only for GCAAR members. Neither Counselors Title, LLC, nor Pardo & Drazin, LLC is providing legal advice, but rather providing a general statement of law. No lawyer/client relationship is – or will be – established as a result of this material. Readers are encouraged to retain their own counsel for their specific questions. Answers may have been edited for formatting purposes.



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Join over 1700 happy Realtors that are part of the Samson Family! “I enjoy the resources the most. I love the fact that anytime I pick up the phone, I can get ahold of any of our brokers. Samson takes more of a personal approach – they really care about their agents more than their bottom line. They want to make sure the agents are happy, and when agents are happy everything runs more smoothly! ”

- Carmen Bere, Realtor “I’ve been with Samson for about a year. I’ve always been pretty independent, so I like the independence that the company offers - but they also have full support. It’s great that you can watch and do things without going to the main office all the time. There’s great office locations all over the area. The brand continues to build a strong identity in the market and I would recommend Samson to everybody.”

- Jeff Stahle, Realtor “I am so grateful for Samson Properties. They go above and beyond to build their agents’ businesses. I'm glad I took a chance on meeting with Danny Samson because everything he said he would do has happened. I've never had a broker/owner truly invest in my success! I'm sure they didn't expect to open a huge 18 suite office near National Harbor, but Danny and the team saw the need in the area, so they put it together. In order for a puzzle to be complete, you have to have all the pieces and they absolutely do! Having an inside marketing department, property marketing specialists, lending team & title company for support has made life much easier. If an agent has not checked into Samson Properties I believe they need to reevaluate their business plan because everything they offer is amazing!”

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“Having worked in Real Estate for over 21 years and having owned my own brokerages, I have experienced and observed all sides of the industry, especially with brokers who truly care for their agents, and those who don’t. It was my meetings with Danny Samson and Mike Briggs that convinced me that I had found a brokerage whose vision and ethics are truly focused on agent-growth. Samson Properties helps me in the way that best meets my needs so I can focus on my clients. I enjoy working with a team of people who are first class, are willing to go “the extra mile”, and who have similar values of service and integrity. I would highly recommend Samson Properties as a brokerage to help build your real estate portfolio.”

- Bea Le, Realtor

“I joined last May, and so far I really enjoy working here mostly because I get a lot of support. I am located pretty far from the main office, but they film all of the classes that I am interested in, so I can view them online later. Recently the company has launched some paid services to agents such as transaction and marketing coordinators and I think that will be great! I really appreciate Samson’s management. They care about their agents and they provide all kinds of assistance. They really listen to what the agents say.”

- Lily Chang, Realtor




What book or podcast has impacted your business the most and why?

This is a fun question for me to answer because it’s a running joke in my house. My kids are constantly teasing me about my inability to finish a book. I start tons of books and rarely do I finish one. This is especially true when it comes to business books. I think it’s difficult for me to finish a business book because I think they are all essentially the same. They may come at the subject from a different direction, but it’s the same information. Here is what I firmly believe. We all know what we should be doing to grow or improve our businesses. Most of the books I’ve half-read are heavy on the “what” and light on the “how.” But isn’t the “how” what we’re really looking for? When we read a business book or listen to a podcast, we’re basically looking for a shortcut to getting to where we want to be. We want a quick fix. We want success right now. Unfortunately, real estate doesn’t work that way. It takes time to build a thriving business. It takes planning and being intentional in our activities. The time we spend looking for the easy answer is time we could have used to work on our business. That includes developing our business and marketing plans, making phone calls to prospective clients, and getting in front of people who might want to buy or sell real estate. Don’t get me wrong. There is value in reading books and listening to podcasts if you go into it with the right mindset. Instead of looking for the cure-all, look for the golden nuggets you can implement that will help you run your business better or help you to become a better real estate agent and a better person. Books and podcasts can be great ways to remind us of

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There is nothing mystical or magical about success. When you put in the time and effort on a consistent basis, you will see the results you desire. the activities that we used to do or should be doing. But there is nothing mystical or magical about success. When you put in the time and effort on a consistent basis, you will see the results you desire. CANDY MILES-CROCKER “The Real-Life

REALTOR®,“ coaches, mentors and trains new and experienced real estate agents to transform their business by mastering her proven systems for success. She is a firm believer in managing expectations and her goal is to elevate the perception of real estate agents among the general public through education so every client has an amazing real estate experience. Candy’s unique training methods have shown agents what it takes to be successful! Inman News selected Candy as one of the Top 25 Real Estate Coaches in 2016. Learn more at www.

meet your GCAAR committees Communications Committee

Events Committee

The Communications Committee reviews and recommends communication methods and contributes content for print and online communications.

The Events Committee solicits and secures sponsors for GCAAR’s annual education summit REALTOR® Fest, and plans and executes Association events.

First Row: L-R: Chris Kearney, Vice Chair; Avi Adler, Chair.

First Row: L-R: Fred Dorsey, Alyin Gokce.

Second Row: L-R: Kara Koonce, Bobette Banks, Kendra Wright, Hillary Cochin, Ryk Palmer, Sue Luger, Justin Levitch, Board Liaison; Gwen Henderson, Cassandra Spicer, Peg Beck, Karen Eaton, Christina Koch-Garcia, Bill Rozek.

Second Row: L-R: Kayla Yingling, Christal Edwards, Edwards, Kerry Roth, Leslie Childs, Elaine Peace, Sara Demb Goldstein.

Not pictured: Wanda Farrar, Daniel Goldstein, Gauri Neurukar.

Chair: Avi Adler, Vice Chair: Chris Kearney, Board Liaison: Justin Levitch, Staff Liaison: Bobette Banks

Third Row: L-R: Joseph Sabelhaus, Hildy Pollard, CJ Rader, Alexandra Ross, Bill Rozek, Tommy Wiggins. Not pictured: Andres Serafini, Robert Alexander, Mark Baron, Katrina Copeland, Simeon Deskins, Karim Green, George Johnson, James Kim, Pushpa Mittal, Mathew Palmer, Melanie Roberts, Marcus Walker, Terring Wang.

Chair: Fred Dorsey, Vice Chair: Aylin Gokce Board Liaison: Andres Serafini, Staff Liaison: Kayla Yingling

Public Policy Committee The Public Policy Committee discusses the impact of proposed legislative and regulatory changes on real estate business and the housing market and recommends support for or against proposed legislative and regulatory changes.

We are grateful for your commitment to serve.

First Row: L-R: Dick Stoner, Barbara Nalls, Daniel Shea, Pat Weed, Craig Rosenfeld, Zac Trupp, Peg Mancuso, Bradley Morris, Michael Joseph, Carole Maclure, Debbie Benkert, Harold Huggins. Not pictured: Philip Raskin, Russell Brazil, Diana Carrasco, Bonnie Casper, Lauren Kline, Ernest Knight, Elley Kott, Byron Ma, James Nusraty, Anthony Shore, Ernesto Sorto, Marlene Trimble.

Chair: Peg Mancuso,Vice Chair: Philip Raskin Board Liaison: Jan Brito, Staff Liaison: Zac Trupp



economic outlook & forecast By Nadia Evangelou, NAR Research

Then and Now: Homeownership Trends by Race and Ethnicity The year 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act. In 1970, a couple of years after the Fair Housing Act was enacted, the homeownership rate was 62.9%. Nearly 50 years later, 63.9% of householders own their home. Although there are more homeowners in recent years, homeownership rates are down across the board from their peak in 2004. Within this context, we wondered how minorities have been faring with respect to homeownership, both over time and relative to Whites. So we examined the homeownership rates of the nation’s three largest minority groups—African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics—alongside White homeownership rates.

Asian homeownership has made tremendous gains in the District of Columbia in the last five years. The homeownership

On the national level, 71.2% of Whites, 58.1% of Asians, 45.5% of Hispanics, and 40.7% of African Americans were homeowners in 2016. Compared to 2011, the rate of ownership among White households has dropped nearly one percentage point, while it declined three percentage points for African-American households. Therefore, the gap between Whites and African Americans has increased in recent years. Homeownership rates by race (nationwide)

rate for Asians was 11.5 percentage points higher in 2016 than it was in 2011. However, homeownership has dropped for all other minority groups.

Counties with the highest/lowest homeownership rates for minorities The three counties where African Americans are most likely to own homes are located in Alabama, California and Missouri. In St. Clair County, Alabama, 88.5% of African-American householders are homeowners, along with 80.3% of African-Americans in Yuba County, California and 78.4% of African Americans in Cass County, Missouri. In fact, in all of these counties, African-American homeownership outpaces White homeownership. In contrast, Washington County, Arkansas and



Woodbury County, Iowa had the lowest African-American homeownership rate at 3%.

Homeownership rates by race

Asian homeownership reached 100% in the following seven counties: Sussex County, Delaware; Flagler County, Florida; Barrow County, Georgia; Rockdale County, Georgia; Walton County, Georgia; Hendricks County, Indiana; and Alamance County, North Carolina. This means that, in these counties, all or nearly all Asians own their house. In contrast, in Salem County, New Jersey, all or nearly all Asians rent their house. In Lancaster County, South Carolina, the Hispanic homeownership rate is approaching 100%. However, Hispanics are far less likely to own their homes in New York County, NY, where only 6.8% of the Hispanic population owns their home, compared to 32.3% of the Caucasian population in that area. How are minorities faring in the District of Columbia and Montgomery County, Maryland? In the District of Columbia, homeownership across all races lags significantly behind the national level; 49.2% of Caucasians, 38.8% of Asians, 33.0% of African Americans, and 25% of Hispanics own their house. One of the main reasons is likely the limited housing affordability in the area. The median home price ($576,100) is nearly three times higher than the national median home price ($205,000).

ty, only 39.1% of African Americans owned homes in 2016, compared to 76.1% of Whites. In the District of Columbia, although fewer African Americans were homeowners (33%), only 49.2% of Whites owned homes. Lastly, it is worth noting how minorities have fared over time in these two counties. Compared to 2011, White homeownership has experienced gains in both counties. In the District of Columbia, White homeownership increased to 49.2% from 48.7% ,while it increased to 76.1% from 75.6% in Montgomery County. Furthermore, Asian homeownership has made tremendous gains in the District of Columbia in the last five years. The homeownership rate for Asians was 11.5 percentage points higher in 2016 than it was in 2011. However, homeownership has dropped for all other minority groups.

Nevertheless, with the exception of African Americans, homeownership in Montgomery County outpaces the national level of homeownership. In this area, 76.1% of Caucasians, 71.6% of Asians, 49.1% of Hispanics, and 39.1% of African Americans are homeowners. Asian homeownership is very strong in the area; the homeownership gap between Asians and Whites is only 4.5%. Comparing the homeownership rates for minorities between these two counties, we see that the homeownership gap between Whites and minorities is smaller in the District of Columbia than it is in Montgomery County, Maryland. For instance, in Montgomery Coun-

CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 29



from the GCAAR classroom

es distress at the thought of getting rid of the items. Excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value, occurs. It is what Cris calls a “brain-based condition.” Chronic Disorganization (CD) on the other hand, is defined as a persistence of severe disorganization over a long period of time, including a history of failed self-attempts to declutter, resulting in a daily undermining of one’s quality of life. It is not defined by logic, and those who suffer from it have emotional attachments to their possessions.

Think You’re Working with a Hoarder? You May Not Be The spring buying season is here! If you’re a listing agent, you know how hard it can be to get your sellers to remove their clutter. We spoke with Cris Sgrott-Wheedleton, CPO®, CPO-CD® of Organizing Maniacs, and Kevin Wheeler of 123Junk, who teach a class about this topic, called Selling Homes That Other Agents Don’t Want to Sell. Cris is a Certified Professional Organizer specializing in chronic disorganization, and she has worked with real estate agents and clients for over 10 years. Her company, Organizing Maniacs, specializes in working with clients with



brain-based conditions, and has helped hundreds of agents sell more homes after understanding how to work with these types of clients. Kevin handles business development for 123Junk, which specializes in helping these type of clients (and their agents) get rid of excess clutter in an environmentally-friendly way. According to Cris, “you may have a client that you think is a hoarder, when really they are just extremely disorganized.” Most clients fall into the latter category, she states. How does understanding this topic help your real estate business?

• You can sell homes that other agents are not interested in selling • You will better understand a person’s emotional con nection to their “stuff ” • You will learn the best ways to manage these listings • You will be become better at prospecting Hoarding vs. Chronic Disorganization Hoarding disorder, as defined by the Mayo Clinic, is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experienc-

Clutter Hoarding Scale The Institute for Challenging Disorganization has a clutter hoarding scale. You can view it at: www.Challenging Level I—Green Level II—Blue Level III—Yellow Level IV—Orange Level V—Red See top of next page Assessment Categories Structure & Zoning Animals & Pests Household Functions Health & Safety Personal Protective Equipment In 2014, Hoarding Disorder became a DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) diagnosable mental illness, so it is now recognized by insurance companies as an emotional disorder. How you can help • Establish good goals with clients • Be kind • Be patient

Clutter Hoarding Scale LEVEL


















Resources for Clutter Removal • A Wider Circle

• Habitat for Humanity ReStore

• Salvation Army

• Recycling facilities

• 123Junk

• Be friendly • Don’t say: “Wow, you have a lot of stuff here” • Be considerate of their things

Three Strategies Plan realistic deadlines Particularly if the client is operating on a tight budget and can’t hire a professional organizer, take into consideration that all of the organizing and decluttering work will have to happen during their free time. So if the client works full time, plan that they will only be able to work on their decluttering to-do list on evenings and weekends. Simplify the process Break tasks into manageable pieces, so the client isn’t so overwhelmed by the amount of work they have ahead of them.

We are only recycling 1.5 pounds of our 4.4 pounds of trash generated per person per day.

To learn more, contact:

Organizing Maniacs Serving Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC

(703) 969-8407

123Junk Honor clients for where they are in the decluttering process Celebrate their accomplishments and be compassionate when they’re struggling. Case Study Client Al, retired, age 67, ready to move out of state Too overwhelmed to de-clutter his house on his own.

Serving Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC

Hoarding by the Numbers



in the DC Metro area


of the population is impacted by hoarding

60,000-300,000 homes

(800) 364-5778

Agent #1 walked out. Agent #2 referred Organizing Maniacs. Agent #3 referred Organizing Maniacs, a deep-cleaning company, a junk removal company, and an estate sale company. Which one got hired? Take the class at GCAAR! The next class will probably be held sometime this summer. Check the Class and Events Calendar on


® CAPITAL AREA REALTOR • May/Jun 2014 ® ® — Sept/Oct 2017 33 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR CAPITAL AREA REALTOR — Mar/Apr 2018 31



April 23, 2018

New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Mary Chieppa Time: 10:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. April 23, 2018

Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Mary Chieppa Time: 1:00–4:00 p.m. April 23, 2018

DC Fair Housing CEU: 3 hours DC (required) Instructor: Mary Chieppa Time: 4:30–7:30 p.m. April 25, 2018

First Time Homebuyer Financing CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Brian Willingham Time: 9:30–11:00 a.m. April 25, 2018

Broker Manager Forum: Working with Millennials CEU: No CE Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 12:00–2:00 p.m. April 25, 2018

MREC Required Supervision CEU: 3 hours MD (required for brokers/elective for salespeople) and DC (elective) Instructor: Roger Carp Time: 2:30–5:30 p.m. April 26, 2018

Renovation and Construction Financing CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Paul Pykosh and Bill Rozek Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. April 26, 2018

Mold and Its Effect on Real Estate CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Jenn Sherwood Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m. April 27, 2018

Understanding Contract Components CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective)



Instructor: Brian Gormley Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. April 27, 2018

Ethical Real Estate Investing CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) and 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Brian Gormley Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m. April 30, 2018

DC Fair Housing CEU: 3 hours DC (required) Instructor: Tom Biegler Time: 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. April 30, 2018

Virginia Fair Housing CEU: 2 hours VA (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Tara Furges Houston Time: 1:00–3:00 p.m. April 30, 2018

Maryland Fair Housing CEU: 1.5 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Tara Furges Houston Time: 3:30–5:00 p.m.


May 1, 2018

MREC Agency—Residential CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Jill Malloy Time: 1:00–4:00 p.m. May 1, 2018

Maryland Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Jill Malloy Time: 4:30–7:30 p.m. May 2, 2018

Advanced Real Estate Finance CEU: 3 hours MD (elective) Instructor: Debbie Benkert Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. May 4, 2018

MREC Required Supervision CEU: 3 hours MD (required for brokers/elective for salespeople) and DC (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. May 4, 2018

Maryland Fair Housing CEU: 1.5 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m.

May 9, 2018

Basic Home Improvement Financing Options CEU: 3 hours MD (elective) Instructor: Paul Pykosh and Bill Rozek Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. May 9, 2018

GCAAR @ NVAR: Contract Basics CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Andrew DiPaola Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. * NVAR–Fairfax (8407 Pennell Street) May 9, 2018

GCAAR @ NVAR: Maryland Fair Housing CEU: 1.5 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Tara Furges Houston Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m. * NVAR–Fairfax (8407 Pennell Street) May 9, 2018

New Home Sales CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Lee-Anne Rodriguez Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m.

May 16, 2018

The Ins and Outs of Contracts CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Thomas Rodden Time: 9:30–11:00 a.m. May 17, 2018

DC Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours DC (required) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. May 17, 2018

DC Ethics CEU: 3 hours DC (required) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m. May 18, 2018

Residential Design and Inspection CEU: 3 hours MD (elective) Instructor: Bob Pettis Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. May 18, 2018

Recordation and Transfer Taxes CEU: 1.5 hours MD (elective) Instructor: Bob Pettis Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m. May 21, 2018

1031 Exchanges and Updates CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) and 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Bill Horan Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m.

GCAAR @ NVAR: Maryland Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Maria Deligiorgis, Esq. Time: 9:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. * NVAR–Fairfax (8407 Pennell Street)

May 12, 2018

May 21, 2018

May 11, 2018

New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 8:30 a.m.–1:15 p.m. May 12, 2018

Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 10:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m. May 12, 2018

MREC Agency—Residential CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Thom Brockett Time: 2:00–5:00 p.m. May 14, 2018

Home Inspections CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Dan Deist Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m.

Financing Issues/Update CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Shawn Barsness Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. May 21, 2018

GCAAR @ NVAR: Credit Reporting and Scoring CEU: 2 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Michael McNamara Time: 1:00–3:00 p.m. * NVAR–Fairfax (8407 Pennell Street) May 21, 2018

Short Sales CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Jill Michaels Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m. May 22, 2018

FHA Financing CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: JD Teitelman Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

NOTE: All classes are held at GCAAR’s Rockville office unless otherwise noted.

May 23, 2018

June 4, 2018

Maryland Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Carole Maclure Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

MREC Agency–Residential CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m.

May 24, 2018

June 4, 2018

New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Dana Hollish Hill Time: 10:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. May 24, 2018

Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Dana Hollish Hill Time: 1:00–4:00 p.m. May 30, 2018

Walking the Tightrope between Agency and Ethics CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Lee Goldstein Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m.


GCAAR @ NVAR: The Ins and Outs of Contracts CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Greg Flynn and Mike Hollman Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m. * NVAR–Fairfax (8407 Pennell Street) June 5, 2018

Maryland Legislative Update CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Jill Malloy Time: 1:00–4:00 p.m. June 5, 2018

Maryland Fair Housing CEU: 1.5 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Jessica Chipoco Time: 4:30–6:00 p.m.

New Member Orientation CEU: No CE Instructor: Ned Rich Time: 10:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. June 1, 2018

June 6, 2018

Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Ned Rich Time: 1:00–4:00 p.m.

Maryland Property Conditions Disclosure CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Lee-Anne Rodriguez Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m.

June 4, 2018

June 7, 2018

GCAAR @ NVAR: Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Greg Flynn and Mike Hollman Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. * NVAR–Fairfax (8407 Pennell Street) June 4, 2018

Maryland Code of Ethics and Predatory Lending CEU: 3 hours MD (required) and DC (elective) Instructor: Al Monshower Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

"YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS" WHY BE A SMART AGENT? 100% COMMISSION, NO MONTHLY FEE! Free Custom Website with CRM and IDX Capabilities Silver Spring, Camp Springs, and Baltimore Offices Free Copies, High Speed Scanning, and Forms Free Social Media Design and Training Discounted VR & Photography Services Same Day Commission Disbursement Contact Free Premium Dotloop Membership

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June 6, 2018

Contracts, Settlement Procedures and Disclosures CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: James Savitz Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

June 1, 2018

Licensed in MD, VA & DC

VA Financing CEU: 3 hours MD and DC (elective) Instructor: Tim Smith Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. June 7, 2018

Understanding Basic Environmental Issues CEU: 2 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Jenn Sherwood Time: 1:30–3:30 p.m. June 8, 2018

Non-Conforming Financing CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Alex Peters Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

June 8, 2018

Basics of Real Estate Bankruptcy CEU: 1.5 hours MD and DC (elective) and 1 hour VA (elective) Instructor: Tim Sessing Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m.

COLOR T I P Living in Sytle

June 11, 2018

Negotiating in Today’s Market CEU: 3 hours MD (elective) Instructor: Tara Furges Houston Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. June 11, 2018

Cash Flow Planning for Investors CEU: 3 hours MD, DC and VA (elective) Instructor: Romy Espino Time: 1:30–4:30 p.m.

Find the Perfect Color for Your Living Room Neutral colors are natural color choices for a living area. Picking the best neutral paint color is a matter of style: warm shades tend to be inviting and cozy. For more inspiration and ideas go to:



A Message From Bright MLS Tom Phillips, President and CEO, Bright MLS Dear Colleagues, As we round out our first year in operation as Bright MLS, I want to pause, take stock of what we have accomplished, and revisit the goals we laid out for ourselves on day one.

Key milestones

As of January, 43 REALTOR® associations spanning six states (Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia) and the District of Columbia are now shareholders in the Bright enterprise. This milestone has been an immense source of pride within the halls of our organization. It represents a true coming-together of like minds. Our technology has been reshaped to provide data to all vendors in compliance with Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) Data Dictionary standards. This has been a significant undertaking. We believe doing this will further advance data accessibility for all of our subscribers and ultimately enable vendors in our space to create better software experiences for you, our agents and brokers. Perhaps most importantly, we have turned on Bright’s systems in our initial markets. And while there have been challenges along the way—as there will always be in undertakings as complex as this one— agents and brokers in Central Pennsylvania are now benefiting from a unified system and a broader footprint, and the associated cost-savings. This is a significant milestone for them and for us. I want to acknowledge the significant contributions our Customer Success Champions have made in those markets to get us to this point. They have been busy ensuring every subscriber has access to and is aware of the latest training and information on Bright’s systems. I’m proud of the work they’re doing and hope you will reach out when you need help.

What’s up next

We are ramping up our efforts to get more markets on board, some in the coming months. In the interest of full transparency, we have learned some lessons along the way, and we will continue to build on that knowledge and hold ourselves accountable to every subscriber and stakeholder. As our footprint expands, we are learning more and more about what it takes to provide the best possible experience to our growing subscriber base. We are constantly evolving our approach as we gather feedback. We are communicating more proactively. Our goal is to produce no surprises. When we embarked on this journey toward consolidation, we had a clear vision for what the future of the MLS should look like, and we are determined to deliver the best user experience. But we also knew that the path to get there may take some twists and turns. Rest assured that despite this, we are moving ahead with deliberate attention to detail. This includes making sure we are engaging with each market to understand market-specific needs. We also have not lost sight of the goal to innovate and deliver better experiences to each of our 85,000 subscribers. In that spirit, we’re reviewing and rolling out new technologies, new products, and new pricing structures for those products. More to come. Thank you for your support and encouragement.



Visit for more information and all the latest news


Compliance Tip Accuracy & Policy: Variable Rate Commission Variable Rate Commission occurs when the seller or landlord agrees to pay one commission rate if the property is sold or leased by the listing broker without the assistance of a cooperating broker, and a different commission rate if the listing is sold or leased with the assistance of a cooperating broker. Since the Variable Rate Commission might have an effect on the acceptance of a contract, it must be disclosed. To indicate that there is a Variable Rate Commission, enter “Y” in the Variable Rate Commission field. However, since the details of the commission structure negotiated between the Seller and the Listing Broker are not disclosed in the MLS, the details of the Variable Rate Commission are not entered and do not appear in any listing printout. It is the responsibility of the cooperating broker to ask the listing broker about the details of the agreement. Visit for more information on Rules and Regulations.

GCAAR in the news Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something You

Candidates Face Off at GCAAR Forum

Council At-Large Debate Shows Differences in Democrat Candidates

Terminating a Contract with Your Real Estate Agent in Maryland Can Cost You Big Bucks If You’re Not Cautious

Washington Blade March 9, 2018 GCAAR contracts mentioned

The Sentinel February 16, 2018 Covers the final At-Large County Council

Montgomery Community Media February 14, 2018 Final At-Large County Council debate highlights

The Washington Post February 5, 2018 Covers GCAAR’s February contract changes



REALTOR® Toolbox

Build Your Profile BENEFITS & HIGHLIGHTS • Promote your brand with NAR and MLS credentials and personal recommendations from colleagues, friends, and family • Demonstrate your track record by displaying recent sales on the listing and purchase sides • Present credible client reviews with the new RealRatingsSM feature based on your transactions and display options that you control 36 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

Here are some of the features and benefits of your profile: Profile Support

New Agents


Reputation management for agents at any level.

With a robust recommendation engine that is not tied to past clients, newer agents can showcase their professionalism with recommendations from business associates, friends, family, and others.

RealRatingSM and review content on® profiles will also be available for syndication to broker websites, creating consistency of content among multiple websites.

Listing Agents New agent profiles on® ensure you are easily discoverable by consumers searching for your expertise online. Plus, you’ll increase visibility for your experience, certifications, and local knowledge.

Buyers Agents If you are an agent who mainly represents buyers, you now have the ability to showcase your specialties and activity.

Agents with a Mix Your® profile now includes past transactional data, when provided by your local MLS. If you both buy and sell, this provides a comprehensive view of your recent activity.



Teams benefit from the profile’s inclusion of individual bios that consumers can easily navigate to from the team listing.


CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 37

Stay connected at

WELCOME to the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS®

We are pleased that you have chosen to join our organization. GCAAR is your voice for real estate issues in DC and Montgomery County, MD. It offers venues for networking and allows you to connect with your peers and exchange best practices. We invite you to take full advantage of your benefits as a member.


Shomari Ward Exit Right Realty

James McGinnis Rory S. Coakley Realty

Terrance Amling Amling & Co.

Jennifer Abreo Keller Williams Capital Properties

Sylvanus Bickersteth Atlas Realty

Loveena Gahunia Redfin Corporation

Alyaa Daoud Keller Williams Capital Properties

Elizabeth Ramirez Weichert REALTORS®

James O’Connor M Squared Real Estate

Andrew Kunhardt Real Living at Home

Joshua Mast Taylor Properties

Jovanna Woods Weichert REALTORS®

Jose Zamora Keller Williams Capital Properties

Randall Allen Keller Williams Capital Properties

Nydia Pouyes Real Living at Home

Santo Maestri RE/MAX Realty Services

Sijin Liu Fairfax Realty

Thomas Taraba Long & Foster Real Estate

Franca DiFrancesco Apex Home Loan

Alexander Luchak Long & Foster Real Estate

Walter Winbush S. Henderson Realty Services

Keller Shinholser Apex Home Loan

Robert Littlejohn Coldwell Banker Residential

Orianna Helms Long & Foster Real Estate

Konstandina Zorzos RE/MAX Realty Group

Helen Lewis Evers & Co. Real Estate

Lance Redding Weichert REALTORS®

Rozana Ki Long & Foster Real Estate

Robert Mulloy Coldwell Banker Residential

Geovanni Argueta Real Living at Home

Herschell Harris Exit Wyse Realty

Thaddeus Underwood Keller Williams Alexandria

DaJuan Pitts Long & Foster Real Estate

Richard Foster Grace Ryan Real Estate

Chelsea Smith Compass

Yolanda Mendez Redfin Corporation

JoAnn Hughes Sourceone Realty

Robert Suls Keller Williams Capital Properties

Emily Dunigan Keller Williams Capital Properties

Mario Ochoa Coldwell Banker Residential

Paul Pykosh Embrace Home Loans

Dosia Dixon Keller Williams Capital Properties

Maarika Jarvsoo TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Nicholas Gittings Long & Foster Real Estate

Saba Aklilu Keller Williams Capital Properties

Barbara Beasley EJF Real Estate Services

Xiaozhuo Wang Weichert REALTORS®

Kamyar Khazai RE/MAX Town Center

Mark Deitz EagleBank Corp

Jeremy Burk Keller Williams Realty Chantilly Ventures

Lauren Eastlack Keller Williams Capital Properties

Richard Conely Weichert REALTORS®

Courtney French Keller Williams Capital Properties

Eric Waldt Long & Foster Real Estate

Patrick McCarthy Keller Williams Capital Properties

Phil Phibin J K Moving & Storage

Bridget Rigato TTR Sotheby’s International Realty Azmi Alkurd Next Day Inspect Patrick Harrison Next Day Inspect Keith Pulley Next Day Inspect Michael Maher Houwzer Richard Morrison Keller Williams Capital Properties Antonio Bullock Samson Properties Toni Adams Inclusions & Associates Real Estate Anastassiya Ravdugina Fairfax Realty Advantage Andre Bouchard RE/MAX Realty Group Janet Galope Weichert REALTORS®


Abiola Haastrup-Akintund Greenline Real Estate Daniel Simmons Real Living at Home 38 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

William Robinson Exit Right Realty

NEW MEMBERS Denise Daley Heymann Realty

Russell Baum Arlington Realty

Sheree Jordan TriStar Realty

Lenwood Johnson Keller Williams Realty Professionals

Darshan Luckey The DMV Life

Cristine Sanchez-Canete Union Realty of MD

Traci Gittelman RE/MAX Success

Hannah Tucker Compass

Anthony McDaniel Taylor Properties

Nicole Scott Keller Williams Capital Properties

Blaine Harding Blue Crab Real Estate

Vanessa Daniel RE/MAX Allegiance

Jessica Mason Capital Park Realty

Nathan Driggers Long & Foster Real Estate

Steve Greene PrimeLending

Nadine Dedier Coldwell Banker Residential

Harijs Riekstins City Properties 5

Appollonia Miller City Properties 5

Michael Lyons PrimeLending

Steven Kunk McEnearney Associates

Donna Seeker Donofrio Property Inspections

Charles Stewart Northern Virginia RE Network

Reshawna Leaven Keller Williams Alexandria

Alejandra Bahreini Long & Foster Real Estate

Richard Adjou-Moumouni Independent Realty

Walter Cross Sourceone Realty

Veronica Fernandez Keller Williams Capital Properties


Beau Pichon Lakeside Title Co.

Damion Lyons Keller Williams Capital Properties

Nyomi Gumbs Redfin Corporation

Shannon Sinanan TriStar Realty

Terry Morris Morris Realty Services

Carl Robinson Coldwell Banker Residential

Christiane Sgrott Organizing Maniacs

Scott Graham Greenline Real Estate

Michael Caraang Fairfax Realty

Lai Ying Cheng Union Plus Realty

Kathleen Drew Evers & Co. Real Estate

Kim Miller Keller Williams Capital Properties

Veronica Deasis Long & Foster Real Estate

Kris Martin eXp Realty

Juan Vargas Keller Williams Capital Properties

Ricky Erazo Optime Realty

Josh Fowlar First Home Mortgage

Nesanet Alemayhu Wydler Brothers

Gary Boylan TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Rob Mercer First Home Mortgage

Jovan Vidulovic Long & Foster Real Estate

Judson Simpson Real Living at Home

Alex Taylor First Home Mortgage

Sarah Sickles Blue Crab Real Estate

Earl Bacon Long & Foster Real Estate

John Harrison Sourceone Realty

Michael Pereira Weichert REALTORS®

Carla Gonzales De La To Blue Crab Real Estate

Casey Kunkel Goodman REALTORS®

Nichelle Jeter Smart Realty

Lindsay Kaiser Keller Williams Capital Properties

Renu Bhatija Advantage Mortgage

Evette Masters Gerlach Real Estate

Alyssa Pazornick Compass

Marla Legum Redfin Corporation

Sam LeBlanc Urban Igloo

Cherronda Estep City Properties 5

Lorna Kerr Berkshire Hathaway Home Services PenFed Realty

Lynda Knapp Long & Foster Real Estate

Jamie Cook Treck Realty

Gloria Palacio TriStar Realty

Juan Nunez Samson Properties

Jing Liu RE/MAX Universal Sarah Parkin Fathom Realty Gregory Noll Classic Realty

King Gray Keller Williams Capital Properties Twanda Amos RE/MAX Allegiance Harry Brubaker Houwzer Virginia Pommerening Washington Fine Properties Jeffrey Mosley eXp Realty Alexander Camacho Keller Williams Capital Properties Joshua Chikowero Long & Foster Real Estate Gregory Stevens RE/MAX Town Center Martin Baroi TriStar Realty Farzad Sanami Long & Foster Real Estate Catherine Mensah Keller Williams Flagship of MD Michelle Savoy Certified Realty Group Andrew Lapkoff RE/MAX Achievers Malia Tarasek Keller Williams Capital Properties April Barnes Chatel Real Estate continued on p. 40

CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 39

NEW MEMBERS Rhonda Lewis Prime Lending

Stephen Armstrong Realty Pros

May Geadah Long & Foster Real Estate

Jerry Smith Real Living at Home

Brian Washington Prime Lending

Joe Lusk Realty Pros

Aron Newman Compass

Monique Reed Long & Foster Real Estate

Danielle Byrd Keller Williams Capital Properties

Charles Carafano Long & Foster Real Estate

Allison Scuriatti Compass

Hung Vo Westgate Realty Group

Sammaria Hopkins Keller Williams Capital Properties

Steven Chang Long & Foster Real Estate

Aurora Seva Gonzalez Keller Williams Capital Properties

Gary Lange Weichert REALTORS®

Anjelica Lewis Long & Foster Real Estate

Emile Henault Maryland First Title

Teresa England RE/MAX Metropolitan Realty

Ryan Hutchins Capitol Row Realty

Alishia Richardson Keller Williams City Wide Realty

Daryl Jones Maryland First Title

Cody Carr Long & Foster Real Estate

Elif Michalski Realty Title Services

Leslie Levesque Redfin Corporation

Janelle Harwood Keller Williams Capital Properties

David Yanoff Taylor Properties

Jarrell Bush Sierra Pacific Mortgage

Lakisha Hyman Exit Flagship Realty

Brandon McElroy Keller Williams Capital Properties

Michael Cavey Keller Williams Capital Properties

Brian Tamara Quinteros Long & Foster Real Estate

Sarah Dye Long & Foster Real Estate

Ashley Poletto TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

Kevin Hughes Keller Williams Capital Properties

Weizhong Chang Libra Realty

Yerzhan Zhumagali Coldwell Banker Residential

Rasool Sadegh Keller Williams Capital Properties

Michael Mathis Keller Williams Capital Properties

Norma Sequeira Long & Foster Real Estate

Buu Nguyen Fairfax Realty

Gregory Clontz Buy & Save REALTORS®

Megan Conway Compass

Abigail Cable Capital Metro Properties

Lee Burs Coldwell Banker Residential

Darius Richardson RE/MAX Distinctive Real Estate

Karen Nunes Long & Foster Real Estate

Suzanne Patton Certified Title Corporation

Yolanda Leake Keller Williams Capital Properties

Johnnie Turner The Real Estate Experts

Anthony Lawrence CityScape Realty Group

Victor Akinjise Homeland Real Estate

Jonathan Turcios The Genau Group

Courteney Kendall Keller Williams Capital Properties

Gali Sapir Long & Foster Real Estate

Nikki Wilson One Real Estate

Timothy Robinson Long & Foster Real Estate

Amika Viriya Samson Properties

Evan Bambrick Taylor Properties

Samdarsh Sondh Keller Williams Capital Properties

Esther Braud Long & Foster Real Estate

Richard McCollim Mirabella Realty

Muhammad Wasim Ikon Realty

Christopher Franklin Fairfax Realty

Michael Nimmons Samson Properties

William Miller RE/MAX Platinum Realty

Selina Wangila Keller Williams Capital Properties

Martina Powell Keller Williams City Wide Realty

Nakia Henson Keller Williams Capital Properties

Zachary Steinnagel RE/MAX Fine Living

Yanira Arias Coldwell Banker Residential

Joshua Alecknavage Dwell Residential Brokerage

Morgan Dailey Tower Hill Realty

Jie Bi Union Plus Realty

Jordan Beck Coldwell Banker Residential

John Peak Redfin Corporation

Jerry Robinson First Home Mortgage

Joel Hebron Weichert REALTORS®

Jefferson James Long & Foster Real Estate

Rafael Espinal Exit Flagship Realty

Chao Sun Goodman REALTORS®

Leonard Knight Fairfax Realty

Meredith Brown Long & Foster Real Estate

Ernesto Kimble Keller Williams Capital Properties

Ion Stark Rory S. Coakley Realty

Cynthia Johnson Home Buyers Marketing II

Mark Wise TriStar Realty

William Perry Keller Williams Capital Properties

40 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

Clement Yonga Long & Foster Real Estate Dora Duncan WilCarr Realty Group John Hamilton Smart Realty Winifred Swinson Fairfax Realty Anita Haislip Keller Williams Capital Properties Teddy Najjar RE/MAX Metropolitan Realty Ruth Lyons Sachs Realty Yvonne King At Home Real Estate As of March 26, 2018

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CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 41


Cabinets With Furniture Appeal The basic vanity cabinet gets a sophisticated overhaul with sculpted legs and paneling that helps the piece look like a piece of furniture rather than a bathroom cabinet that holds a sink.

Linda Maglia

Think Accessible

Photo by Kohler

Design a bathroom that allows you to age in place by focusing on aesthetically pleasing yet highly functional features: a curbless shower, a shower bench, grab bars that can also hold towels, slip-resistant tile (and larger grout lines on shower floors) and proper lighting.

Splashing the Wall With Subtle Color

Amy Bubier

Neutral bathrooms evoke a mood of relaxation, but that doesn’t mean having a blah backsplash. Work recycled glass or metallic mosaics into the tile design, using specialty tiles as the “jewelry” — this will also keep the project from sabotaging your budget. Take the tile from floor to ceiling for a seamless look that’s also easy to clean. 42 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2017


Source: – “Bathroom Design Trends, brought to you from various designers.

Work with a REALTOR® to help you find more HOME DÉCOR TRE NDS.

A Right-Sized, Deep Jacuzzi Tub

Photo by Designer, Shane Inman

Rather than the corner Jacuzzi tub, which takes up valuable square footage in a master bathroom, opt for a smaller, deeper tub that is large enough for two people but will slide against a wall or next to a shower room. Tubs aren’t essential in the master bath. In fact, some people are choosing to expand the size of their shower stall instead and leave the tub for the family bathroom. And as for tub bubbly, check into heated water jets that are essentially self-cleaning and won’t cool down the bath by shooting air into the water.

Image courtesy of Lori Carroll & Associates

The Spa Shower — Let It Rain! Body sprays, rain showerheads and hand showers will give a bath loyalist a reason to stand up and relish the latest in shower fixtures. The master shower is gaining more square footage in the overall bathroom floor plan — it’s a shower room, not a stall. And the area is completely tiled and often features a bench and nooks for storing soaps and towels.

Pick a Vessel Sink The powder room is an ideal bathroom for a vessel sink, which can serve as the focal point of the space. Explore the range of materials available in this sink design today, from clear glass to cast stone. Photo by Trish Beaudet

CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018 43

BACKPorch t


Key Findings: 2018 Aspiring Home Buyer Profile

Some key findings from this year’s non-homeowner • Eight in 10 of non-owners view homeownership as a part of their American dream • 82% expressed a desire to own a home • 32% viewed the main reason for buying is due to lifestyle changes: • Marriage • Family planning • Retirement • Employment changes • Affordability remained the main reason for non-owners not owning a home Source:

From the GCAAR Archives YES, MCAR, the precursor to GCAAR, used to give sales awards! Kerry Roth from RE/Max 2000 shares her Outstanding Sales Award.

Kerry Roth Award, 2001

44 CAPITAL AREA REALTOR ® — Mar/Apr 2018

Long-time GCAAR instructor and tax guru Linda de Marlor shares a letter from GCAAR’s first year.

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