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November 2018 //



8 //

VIEWS // Management fee-based vs. commission based model

22 //

TOP 2018 // The most influential people in New Europe

TO THE MEETINGS // 66 // POWER A boring meeting sucks

CONT RIBU TORS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF // GORAZD ČAD Editor of the magazine is a geographer and historian by profession. He united his professional education and love of discovering new lesser-known meetings destinations with love and passion for the meetings industry. In meetologues he shares his enthusiasm with the readers. NATALIJA BAH ČAD // MEETINGS AND EVENT MANAGER An unforgettable member in the editorial board of travelogues. She has insight into the soul of destinations based on many years of practical experience with the organisation of events. She is interested in everything from the history, geography and destination marketing to care for the tiny little things that make the big events. ASSISTANT EDITOR // JASMINA JERANT A creative writer since childhood was brought into the meetings industry where she can release her passion for storytelling. She seeks for unusual, hidden, and charming facts that make a town or a building shine in a different way. She believes that places are like people. In each one of them you can find something amusing. AJDA BORAK // EDITOR INTELLIGENT CONTENT Since she was a young girl, she was in love with stories. Constructing reality and creating stories with words is for Ajda a game that never gets boring. The beauty of her job at Kongres Magazine is in the endless amounts of stories she is diving in on a daily basis. GRAPHIC DESIGNER // BARBARA DIMEC Visual explorer, creative problem solver, graphic designer with interest in creating innovative digital and print design solutions. Curious and always in search for new inspiration and knowledge. She strives towards positive attitude in every challenging situation with goal to translate plain information to compelling visual messages. MAJA MIRTIČ // PROJECT ASSISTANT A passionate communicator with great interest in international relations, diplomacy and PR, firmly believing that communication can tackle every and any, even most persistent challenge. She trusts in positive, comprehensive, consistent and competent communication.

PUBLISHER AND PRODUCTION Poslovni turizem Gorazd Čad s.p., Kamnica 6B, SI-1262 Dol pri Ljubljani T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu

MARKETING Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu




ANALYTICS Marketing analytics

CONTENT Copywriting and Content marketing

SALES Personal sales

EXPERIENCE Sales events

VIDEO Video campaigns

DATABASE Big data targeting


PRINT Image building

ONLINE Digital Campaigns

SOCIAL Social media campaigns

DIRECT E-mail marketing and Telemarketing





With great exposure comes great responsibility GORAZD ČAD, EDITOR IN CHIEF //


We live in a time when the predominant thought is that we can solely express our opinions through social media. Having influence over people or communities is the ultimate goal of so-called influencers. In the last couple of months there have been so many, practically everybody has started turning to them for help. They have quite literally become the billboards of our time. In our editorial board, we have been preparing the annual list of the most influential people in the regional meetings industry. The project started six years ago, long before the influencer invasion, which shows no signs of slowing down. My colleagues have often asked me why we are doing the selection. My answer comes from the simple criteria of finding someone as your role model. Our colleagues are our role models, they know what they stand behind and have a clear set of values that they live by. We aren’t interested in people with the largest ego, but people with integrity. With this, we have to realise that real life relationships, as well as influencer marketing, is based on respect and trust.

“I find people greatly important. I always build a strong connection with people, as I find that is very important in art, the art of theatre. I find it valuable as a person and actor to establish friendships, mutual respect and understanding. That is immensely important and it has always been my top priority. Isn’t living like that art?” // Rade Šerbedžija Yes, respect, trust, support and expertise are things that make you influential in the meetings industry realm. Gorazd Čad Editor-in-Chief

The second question that arises is whether we can transform a certain person into a niche influencer. In such cases, we ask our colleagues to answer some simple questions. We want to know whether the meetings industry brings them joy and satisfaction, and if it represents a mission. We also want to know whether they can look past their personal mission and actually make a positive change. The third and most important question is can influencers take the role of mainstream media and apart from consumerism, affect public opinion as well. It all depends on how relevant their content is and if it is prepared in a layered and objective way, covering all sources transparently. We are entering a new age of media content, where only quality stories are recognised by the general, as well as the expert public. This is our thought process when preparing the list of top influencers. Some of them have become trademarks in their own right, relying on their good practice, charisma and philosophy. As separating the wheat from the chaff is always the domain of the readers, we have actively included you in the process. Let me finish with a quote from an actor who has been an inspiration to me for many years and wrote this in one of his books:

Definition of Niche Influencers: Niche Influencers tend to sit within the 5,000–100,000 followers range and have authority on one subject. They are highly trusted, but only on the topic they are known for. Niche influencers can create validation, authority and trade awareness for brands. www.beacausexm.com



THIS IS A CITY THAT DOES NOT PRETEND Exclusive interview with Alexis Galinos, general manager at Athens Convention and Visitors Bureau, and managing director at Athens Development Agency GORAZD ČAD //


Alexis Galinos is a development economist and in economic development matters has been an advisor to the Municipality of Athens since 2003. He has led the establishment of a municipal agency whose objective is the management and implementation of tourism and economic development in Athens, and he served as the organisation’s first Director-General from 2005 to 2007. Since 2011, he has been operating as the General Manager of the Athens Development and Visitors Bureau, and as the Managing Director of the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency.

Q: After 6 years, what can you say is the legacy of TTA Athens? The legacy is a success story of the city in trying to facilitate the local offer to the international demand. Success does not happen in a day. We have built that over time, we got better every year, we learned from our work how to get better and better. Q: What I found really impressive was the partnership which was also obvious during the press conference. How did you manage to build this collaboration? The collaboration was a priority for us since day one. From the perspective of the city, this collaboration had to do everything regarding every policy issue, whether it’s the destination, local development in general, social cohesion, innovation, etc. We understand the obvious – that the know-how and the resources are limited for everyone. So if you can find some common platform for win-win, then everybody has an incentive to collaborate, given that we overcome the thinking that we own whatever we are collaborating on. To the stakeholders we explain that this is kind of a public-private partnership. Q: Definitely the crisis is over. We can see that on the streets all around us. But can you illustrate that with some figures and facts? The crisis has not completely passed us yet, but we see some positive indicators. We see that the Central Bank continues to ease the capital control. From the 1st of October, they allow the citizens unlimited withdrawals. So, the country believes that the bank is solid, and the trust is being re-established. We see unemployment decreasing rapidly. However, we are still dealing with structural economic problems, hence we see the brain drain, and so on. The GDP grows slowly, the country has GDB surpluses, etc. Thus, we need to work now on creating an environment that would be friendly to the private sector.


Q: How does the idea of sustainable tourism fit into your marketing plans and ideas? I think that today Athens has an important challenge which is also an opportunity. We had been talking to our major source markets and checking with individual travellers, and Athens is pretty low on the bucket list of potential visitors, because they think they will not find the urban city life, the locals, the events and so on in Athens. The thing is that Athens has all of this. The only problem is, that we don’t market it properly. Luckily, the stakeholders understand we all need to co-invest in this effort. Q: What do you think in terms of marketing … Is it better to bring people to Athens (because seeing is believing) or is it better to attend IMEX, IBTM and similar trade shows? I think that the added value of bringing people here is the greatest. However, going to IMEX or IBTM is much cheaper for us. So it is necessary to do both. Therefore, we are visiting the trade shows, and we do the road shows annually; all with the aim to build new lasting relationships..

International market is again seeing Athens as an opportunity.

Q: If I asked you directly ‘why should the meeting planner choose Athens?’, what would your answer be? Because Athens is a real city that is a truly lively place full of happenings. What I mean by real city is that Athens is not a recreational park for adults as many cities are evolving into. We are not an amusement park, and in the future we don’t intend to develop in one. This is a city that does not


pretend, it is a city that lives and exists, and that is what makes Athens right now an interesting destination. Athens still offers a local experience that is unique for this city.

Q: You have quite a strong creative scene on all levels, from arts to startups etc. Does it help? Yes, it is making the city more interesting, also in terms of conventions. There are a lot of young Europeans moving to Athens, looking for a good, interesting city, also to have a good time, and Athens is the city that has all of that. And also, the city is much cheaper to live in comparing to other European capitals. Q: What is your favorite place in Athens? Athens is surrounded by hills, and I really like to walk up these hills for spectacular views, to get some peace and quiet in the forests. Q: If the BMW would ask you for a suggestion for a brand-new BMW car launch, what would you suggest? I would suggest, for instance, the Riviera. If you drive down to Cape Sounion, which is another famous ancient spot, that road’s scenery there is amazing, very photogenic with breathtaking views. Q: Your general feeling about the state of the industry and about the competition … You are now back on the map, so what do you see as a challenge now? The private sector seems to be investing in the destination, airlines are opening up at the airport, international market is again seeing Athens as an opportunity. Which is a good thing, but here is a thing with the sharing economy, and other sharing platforms, and this is completely unregulated. When the big international investors are growing massively, in order for a destination to not become an amusement park, we have to be careful in preserving the local experience. This is an important challenge.




... behind management fee-based vs. commission based model



Q: Are clients savy and understand what DMCs are? Those who use us most probably are, but we constantly need to ‘educate’ our younger clients about the values of working with a DMC. We need to explain what is the added value we bring to make them be more successful and not to assume that they know. With our extensive local expertise, creativity and resources we specialize in designing and executing the client’s event objectives from logistics to exclusive high-end programs. Q: Are DMC-s competitors to event and marketing agencies? No, they are not in my opinion. The corporate client must decide who brings the added value in terms of destination knowledge, experience and creativity to the table and decide with their event agency or marketing agency what is the best ‘price:quality’ solution. The core of our business is about local delivery of event planning logistics. We aim for operational excellence turning each event into a memorable experience. This can start from accommodation, meeting and conference venues, local transportation management, creative evening functions and catering, social activities, audio-visual support, management and training. Also, clients can count on for corporate gifts and give-aways. But in the end, it also comes down to budget control so that the client does not leave the destination with a big question mark if everything was within the budget. Q: Do DMC-s provide better local access and pricing?

Definitely, because they are constantly operating within the destination and know what works and what not. There is a deep trust between a good DMC and suppliers. As a DMC we have a tradition of local event design and creativity. By listening to understand the company culture and event motivation, we will work with the client to energize and motivate their community by means of incentive programmes, evening theming, decoration and local event production.

Q: What do you think about the rise in budget transparency?

Always been an advocate of this since we started our Ovation brand 12 years ago. Demonstrating added value and adequate pricing will last longer than hiding mark ups and commissions. However, we are constantly confronted by agencies to ‘build in’ a commission for them which they do not want to show to their client. So, it has shifted.

Q: What do you think about this statement: We should be charging for what we do? We should be charging like consultants, not like travel agents. But what are our services? At Ovation Global DMC we pride ourselves to be destination consultants with an in-depth knowledge of the destination and its actors. We will consult the client (agency or corporate direct) on our destination’s feasibility versus the motivation of their project. We will help them select the right venues and hotels and we can do so because we know our local suppliers very well indeed and have experience of working with them. Which is not often the case of the agency we are working for or the ultimate client. We prefer to match the destination with the event objectives of the client. That’s why we want to know as much as possible about the project, why the client feels it is important to their organisation and why they believe our destination can deliver. But we go beyond venues and accommodations. As a good DMC we know the ‘people’ and as local business owners we are active in the local business community which would allow to invite the right speakers as well. Q: Do you charge a fee for site inspections? Yes, we agree this with the client from the start. But also, we make it clear that we charge a minimum, negotiate free services from suppliers and that some of the costs can be deducted from the final bill once confirmed and operated. It’s more complex than that but it’s a basis of mutual respect.



Q: Are clients savvy and understand what the DMCs are?

In many cases clients (foreign event agencies) see DMCs as just another actor between the destination and their client, so they prefer to skip the DMC to keep the lower price. In this case they would go directly to the hotels and direct suppliers, but there are also clients that realise the value and the added value that the DMC can bring. Unfortuntely for us, there are more and more of the first ones and hotels on the destination are not helping either.

Q: Are the DMCs competitors to event and marketing agencies? Yes, they are, but they (can) also work together hand in hand very succesfully.



Q: Do DMCs provide better local access and pricing? Yes, of course. Working with the same suppliers all the time and bringing them traffic makes better prices.

Expertise means being long years in business and it did not come for free. If we put hundreds of working hours into one project that has been worked on for months or years, we should get paid for that of course.

Q: What do you think about the rise in budget transparency? We mostly work with break-down prices, so I don’t have problem with that.

Q: Do you charge a fee for site inspections? For a long time now in the world there has not been free lunch, but we charge no fee for site inspections. We copy paste the hotel and bus company policy. If the hotel does not charge us, we do not charge the client. Some hotels charge and later on deduct the inspection trip charges from the event final invoice. If a hotel is confirmed before inspection, of course we can get 3 bedrooms FOC. Same goes for the restaurants, they charge for inspection and deduct later on when the event takes place. Our time during inspection is paid by ourselves of course.

Q: What do you think about this statement: We should be charging for what we do? It must be by someone who thinks that he or she cannot charge enough for their work. Q: Do you charge a fee for site inspections? No, if the group has been confirmed; otherwise it depends on the case.






Q: Are clients savvy and understand what the DMCs are? Some wonderful clients, like those from South America, do understand their local agency needs DMCs which know how to deliver the best event, while the European clients tend to book hotels directly and use DMC just for airport transfers. I would not dare to do their job, so I wonder how they think they can do events using just internet. Q: Are the DMCs competitors to event and marketing agencies? Even event and marketing agencies need to use DMCs as local expertise is everything. Even distances from A to B can be done diferently. DMCs would have been extinct by now if they had nothing to do. Q: Do DMCs provide better local access and pricing? Of course, since DMCs use hotels for decades and after establishing a certain relationship with hotels, restaurants, and venues, DMCs have better negotiation conditions and longer options. Some hotels are even soft on penalties in case of no-shows etc. Q: What do you think about the rise in budget transparency? Budget always needs to be transparent even if the cost sheet is about 400 lines or more. We, in Penta DMC, do not put one EUR more on the menus and hotel rates if our commission is protected. There are some DMCs that put a menu of 40 EUR to 60 EUR and the client and agent expect that money on the plate when in restaurant. Q: What do you think about this statement: We should be charging for what we do?


Q: Are clients savvy and understand what the DMCs are? Business clients do understand what DMCs are and how our services differ from those of business to consumer travel agencies. When business clients contact us, they’re looking for the kind of in-depth knowledge of the chosen destination which only an incoming DMC can offer. I’m not positive I can say the same for individual clients whose occupation is not in the travel industry; their initial understanding of a DMC and its services tend to be more limited based on my experience to date. Q: Are DMCs competitors to event and marketing agencies? DMCs, in general, offer a vast variety of services including the organization and logistics for events in destinations, so by virtue of that, we become a competitor to event agencies. Marketing though is a bit different, and unless the DMC has a subdivision oriented towards offering marketing services to their clients, DMCs cannot be considered as direct competitors to them. Q: Do DMCs provide better local access and pricing? DMCs definitely have a better knowledge of, and wider network in the destination they provide services in. Therefore clients should and can rely on the advice of experienced DMC professionals from their region of interest. Since DMCs operate locally and have an established network of suppliers they regularly do business with, it is understandable that DMCs are able to negotiate better pricing and terms. Q: What do you think about the rise in budget transparency? In the past, we have worked with the partners based on net rates plus an agreed markup rate. I personally believe this is the most transparent way of doing business and that business partners value its openness. Budget


transparency is crucial for clients to understand how market prices can fluctuate through a certain period of time and their impact on overall costs.

Definitely YES! An experienced DMC can and must offer overall better pricing.

Q: What do you think about this statement: We should be charging for what we do? We are all in business to make money and charge for what we do, no matter what type of pricing model we apply, with any client. We should, of course, charge for the services we deliver for that is our main reason for existence.

Local Knowledge is the magic word! And a DMC is (must be) better connected in the region than their clients! A DMC is a professional services company with deep local knowledge, expertise and contact to several local suppliers that enable clients to make a direct experience of the true local culture.

Q: Do you charge a fee for site inspections?

It really depends from client to client and their preference, but most of our inspection trips (in destination) are usually covered by us.



Q: Are clients savvy and understand what the DMCs are? Yes, the majority of our clients do understand what a DMC is and what we are doing and knows why to choose a reliable DMC to work with. To take advantage of the services and knowledge that only a DMC can provide in their area. Our clients are working worldwide – but they need local knowledge in each destination. It is not possible for the client to know all about good Hotels, new Restaurants, locations, etc., over the whole world. Investing on a DMC is not a waste of money but an insurance against a lot of incidents that might happen so it can mitigate risks of failure. Clients can highly enjoy having one single person of contact, namely the project leader of the DMC Company, for any services, last minute requirements, special enquiries of the final client involved in a meeting, incentive trip etc. The local knowledge and contacts of a local DMC are priceless. A DMC can not only enhance your corporate image, but save you time, stress and money, and raise the ROI of your event.

Q: Are DMCs competitors of event and marketing agencies? - are event and marketing agencies entering in the DMC market? Or on the contrary DMC perceive them as competitors? Yes, actually more and more and sometimes there is a gray zone where our services are overlapping each other, like entertainment, themed event, team activities. But DMC agencies and Event agencies are often business partners! But the trend is that also event and marketing agencies aim to work like full service agencies. Q: Do DMCs provide better local access and pricing? How? Could you explain it with some example?

Involving delegates through unique experiences they can make only in this region will make events really memorable. And delegates must be the protagonist of the activities, not only viewers. In Italy you can teach them how to prepare homemade pasta with grandmothers, then cook it following the very local recipe and eat together for a typical Italian lunch; in Portugal they can participate to a handicraft workshop and paint their azulejo that they take home as gadget, or again, you can involve them in South France doing the harvest grape. Thanks to a DMC you can have a local physical office, with a staff who know the daily life of the destination that you are interested to. DMCs have a direct experience of venues and attractions, are realistic about travel times and traffic patterns and will explain nuances that only local experts can share! Furthermore, you have to consider the value of your time: what would it cost you to execute internally all the project? Hiring a DMC allows you to focus on your stakeholders and brand, without being distracted by logistics and management.

Q: What do you think about the rise in budget transparency? Is it a real novity or is it a consolidated custom for your agency? What does ‘be transparent’ mean? This depends on the client (and the end client) and this need to be decided right from the beginning of an event. This need to be very clear from the very first step. A budget that is not transparent (accessible and accurate) cannot be properly analysed by the client/end client. This is very important if the end client wants/needs to see the invoices (from our suppliers) for example. You can say that transparency is the new “currency of trust” in our business. Q: Do you prefer to apply a overall management fee or specific commissions for each service? This depends on the client (and the end client) and this need to be decided right from the beginning of an event. This need to be very clear from the very first step. A budget that is not transparent (accessible and accurate) cannot be properly analysed by the client/end client. This is very important if the end client wants/needs to see the invoices (from our suppliers) for example. You can say that transparency is the new “currency of trust” in our business. Q: Do you charge a fee for site inspections? This depends on the total revenue of the event and the dimension of the event. Usually we do not charge for the site inspection if the event will be confirmed with us, also because we always try to get services free of charge from our suppliers for a site inspection if the suppliers also will be a part of the event later on, after the confirmation. One option is also to charge the site inspection (if the DMC still is to be selected – this can also happen); in this case the costs will be deducted on the final bill.


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Almanac announced its aggressive growth plan over the next five years and Jean Dantil, with 25 years experience in the luxury hotel industry, will oversee the opening or rebranding of several properties including Vienna, Prague, Budapest and Zagreb.



In 2003, Florian Weitzer took over his family’s business – the Weitzer Hotels. The 100 years of legacy fell into his creative and innovative hands. Since then, he has developed one of the most interesting hotel stories in the region. Weitzer Hotels stun with their unusual character intertwined with contemporary boldness and historical charm. Florian Weitzer literally grew up in the hotel for his family had always lived in hotels, but he does not like to describe himself as hotelier but rather as an entrepreneur: “At my hotels I break away from the norms of the hospitality industry.” He does not only manage the hotels, but he is the main mastermind behind the recent renovations that received a lot of attention due to a completly new, trendy, and very bold design. The inspiration came from countless sources like nature, out on walks, on his little farm, markets, flea markets, »and sometimes from other cultures – far away from home, where no hotelier would expect to find buried treasure.« A lot of the special details in the renovation were his ideas: »I love to create by myself and don’t implement overall concepts from architects or interior architects.” For him, a good design means that everything is related to each other to create a pulsating atmosphere. An inspiring hotel world should be a harmonious overall composition combining furniture, light, contemporary cuisine, the staff and individual and surprising details.” Two of the boldest designs included a LoftCube, an exclusive suite, 24 metres above the ground, with a 360-degree panorama over Graz, and a sauna on the roof with views of the Schlossberg.

Herbert Haselbacher, President and CEO of Almanac Hotels said about Jean Paul Dantil that he has »an extraordinary depth and breadth of understanding in this business«. Dantil responds to such a high praise with a humble appreciation of the team work: “It is all about having a great team that is able to implement the vision of Herbert Haselbacher of which I happen to be the conductor.” For the hotels to stand out in the crowd, by Dantil’s opinion, it is important that each Almanac Hotels will be created with a timeless design respecting the history and architecture of the buildings, “while incorporating the city and the now into each property.” At some point in his career, Jean Paul Dantil opened a private island resort in the Caribbean. The opening of Parrot Cay was his first real experience working and executing the vision of an owner, which was for him different than working for a chain hotel: “It was also my first introduction to luxury boutique hotels and creating a brand from scratch.” Jean Dantil lived in many places, from Caribbean island to London, Geneva, Berlin, Palma de Mallorca, Bahrain, Dubai, Saipan, and Vienna. He has troubles choosing the favourite one: “Each place offered a different and wonderful experience and with age our tastes change.”


Russia started to market itS MICE products on the European market in November 2017 in Barcelona as part of the IBTM World 2017 International Exhibition, where they promoted Russia on a national stand titled “Russia open to the world”. From the start, the Russian Convention Bureau (RCB) worked to bring together all major participants of the Russian event industry, and to establish cooperation with bodies of authority. At the moment Russia ranks 41st in the world rating of ICCA congress destinations. In 2017 Russia held a total of 87 ICCA events and currently ranks 21st among European countries.


As Mr. Kalachev explains, Russia’s top priority goal is to change the current perception of the country abroad. To do this, they are combining the efforts of Russian state and private enterprises as they work to promote Russia as an event destination among target groups abroad. “The role of the RCB lies in coordinating the activities of these entities and shaping a common, coherent brand”, he added. The main factors behind Russia’s attractiveness as an event destination include simplified visa requirements, competitive pricing, high service quality and availability of modern specialized infrastructure, rich cultural heritage and safety, Kalachev explains. Of special significance is the visa issue, especially for Europeans. Kalachev predicts that in five years, the efforts of the RCB will help increase Russia’s share on the world event market to 1.5%. They expect that as Russia becomes a more popular event destination, the number of events held annually in Russia will also increase.


Julien Le Bas is an award-winning creative director and architect, with more than 15 years of international experience in the experiential marketing industry. First based in France, then Australia, the U.S. and now Germany, he has worked with clients that include Nike, Intel, Novartis, BMW, HERE, GM, and other major companies across most industries. Into his work, as an executive creative director for Jack Morton Worldwide, he brings lots of experience from his architectural background. This skill aids him in experiential marketing because it is a complex craft overlapping multiple skills, from psychology to design and technical knowledge: »But before all, architects are creative problem solvers,« said Le Bas, »they create experiences with space, light, materials, and technology.« Among the events he created, his favourite is the BMW 7 Series international press launch in Munich: »An extensive project with no compromises; from storytelling, the design, the music, down to the unique technologies used.« He sees the best advantage of the experiential marketing to be »an opportunity for a direct punch in the face.« Really. He explained: »Experiential marketing provides the chance to directly connect brands and their audience, in an authentic and extraordinary way,” and it works the best and is the most effective when the creative and strategy team develop extraordinary ideas that are simple, moving, and original: “That is the essence of excellent experiential marketing.” And its ultimate goal is to make people happy.


Juraj Holub, an avid reader who reads less about the latest hypes and fads and more about sociology, philosophy, and psychology, and always has a hard copy of a book with him, believes that “it’s crucial to understand the essentials of human behaviour before you can implement the communication and marketing techniques.” The young and talented marketing manager at Slido - the provider of the app that makes audience interactions easy ¬¬– says that one of the biggest challenges that he faces at Slido is setting the right priorities. He stressed out that: “You need to start focusing on one area and get as good as possible at it to help the team prosper”. “The mission at Slido is to enhance communication and increase interaction at events and meetings,” Holub explained. At Slido, they built a web-based app that allows event planners and meeting owners to crowd source audience questions for Q&A and panel discussions as well as engage participants with live polls. Up until this day, Slido has helped make over 120,000 events more interactive. Their marketing strategy is based on the strategy of snow ball effect: “The more the app gets used at events, the more exposure it gets as participants try it first hand.” Juraj Holub loves cycling, especially long tours with +1000km, which helps him train perseverance and patience. If he didn’t have to work for money, he would combine bike-touring across Americas from Alaska to Patagonia with writing a novel. “Ah, and one more important thing – photography! I love photography”, he added.


A SURVEY ON ROI OF MICE SALES ACTIVITIES A third of participants in the survey are counting on their feelings and not on mathematics and ROI analytics GORAZD ČAD //


A good 31% of meetings providers do not measure the added value of their sales activities, only 10% have sales activities supported by an appropriate measurement system and an information system. MICE sales departments have a number of sales opportunities and their key challenge is to maximize their added value. The editorial board of the Kongres magazine conducted an extensive survey on measuring the ROI of individual sales activities. The target group of the survey was the selected providers, of which 72% were hotels and

venues, 28% were agencies (Incentive, PCO, DMC agencies). The main aim of the research was to define how this is done in practice, because we believe that you cannot manage what you cannot measure. We also wanted to check whether the measurement of profitability is left to chance and where there is a lot of room for improvement.

Section 1: General questions about measuring the effectiveness of sales activities All the participants answered the basic question “Do you have a way to measure and track ROI of your MICE sales activities?”

69% of respondents responded positively to the question, while a relatively large proportion of 31% do not use such tools and techniques. This question was upgraded with the question “Do you have adequate

information support for the measurement results of MICE sales?”

Among the participants, only 10% of all respondents have such a tool. The vast majority does not have a tool and relies on the following: • Hotel PMS and reservation system • Revenue tracking via Sales and catering • Annual Statistical Report • Own developed CRM system

Do you have the right platforms developed for the MICE industry? A CRM Your platforms Social platforms A marketing automation platform A content aggregator and distribution platform

70 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 %

Among their own platforms they highlighted special MICE modules, which operate within hotel reservation systems. Especially interesting are the answers to the question “Are you using any of the following indexes?” This question gives a more in-depth in-

sight into the understanding of the sales channel. The results were as followed: Closed Opportunities (how much revenue your sales have generated) Win/Loss Rate (the percent of opportunities that you won) Leads by Source (where your customers are coming from) Open Opportunities Pipeline (at what stage is each open opportunity) Sales Cycle (the average duration or time it takes to win a deal) New Business vs Upsell (balance between new business with upsells) Your indexes

80 % 50 % 40 % 40 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 10 %


The results of the survey showed that one third of the respondents did not develop tools and techniques to measure the effectiveness of MICE sales activities. This surprising result is also complemented by the answer to the question whether the participants of the survey developed some sort of support system, among which the various CRM platforms and classical hotel information systems. They are probably excellent in performing their basic function, but are not adapted to measuring the effectiveness of sales and marketing activities. There is still plenty of room for improvement in this area.

Section 2: Importance of individual sales activities and marketing tools The first question in this section was referring to the assessment of the importance of individual sales activities.

The answers to the question “Which have been the most cost-effective channels for your MICE marketing?” were as follows:

Please sort the following MICE sales activities according to their importance for you?

Direct Email Search Cold Calling Social Offline Paid Search Blog

Sales Calls Fam trips Content marketing Trade shows Exhibitions

2.8 2.8 2.3 1.6 1.0

This question was upgraded with the question: “Which are the most important key markets for individual companies?” Please sort the following potential European MICE markets according to their importance for you? United Kingdom Germany France Austria Belgium Switzerland Netherlands Sweden Spain Russia

6.4 5.6 5.1 3.8 3.8 2.1 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.0

100 % 60 % 40 % 40 % 30 % 10 % 10 % 0%

Among the most important activities, the respondents positioned sales calls and fam trips. Also, the answers to the importance of individual sales tools indicate the conservative nature of the industry, which remains faithful to traditional tools, and where the modern solutions are very rare and do not refer to them as examples of good practice. We believe there are many possibilities for improvement in this area.

Section 3: The meaning of B2B events Do you feel that attending B2B trade shows is an important part of MICE Sales? 90% of respondents answered positively to this question, and 10% do not consider B2B events as an important part of marketing.

Participants of the survey were asked which B2B events are the most effective in their opinion. What B2B events do you find most efficient

based on actual statistics?

The following trade shows received the majority of votes (more than 10)

(ranked by the number of votes received).

1. IMEX Frankfurt 2. IBTM World, Barcelona 3. CONVENTA, Ljubljana 4. M&I Forums 5. Connections 6. IMEX America Among the trade shows that received less than 10 votes, also the following fair trades were mentioned: IHG Shows, WTM London, BIT Milano, TTG Rimini, SITE forum, MPI EMEC and others.


Section 4: Database management issue The participants were asked whether they have an active database that is regulated in the CRM system. 91% responded positively, and 9% did not have a database for MICE.

Another survey question was: Do you measure the average costs of gaining new business contacts? In this area, too, we were surprised by the answer that 91% of respondents do not measure the costs of gaining new contacts.

They also answered the question of the size of their database and the structure of the answers is as follows: 0 - 1000 contacts 1000 - 5000 contacts 5000 - 15.000 contacts 15.000 - 30.000 contacts More than 30.000 contacts

63 % 16 % 12 % 7% 2%

Section 5: Instead of the conclusion The poll was concluded with a provocative question “How do you know

your MICE sales were successful?”

ROI Analytics Math Magic Other

64 % 62 % 23 % 11 %

The answer to this question is supporting the initial finding that a third of respondents rely on their feeling when measuring the effectiveness of the marketing. There is definitely room for improvement in this area. We have also collected some of the most interesting answers to the question “What challenges did you face last month in closing Hot

MICE Leads?”

• Flight connections (frequency and price) • Lack of luxury infrastructure • Lack of space in high season • More qualified people in sales • Better CRM • Coordination of the destination • Finding personalized solutions for clients • In the end it is always about the price or better very good value for money • Activation of local ambassadors • Online booking platforms • A strong local CVB which can support bids not only with good words and a few gadgets • Politicians who understand the importance of the MICE industry

We were impressed by the individual response of one of the respondents, who nicely summed up the basic essence of the current survey: 1. To create the message; an offer, an opportunity, a must do, ... 2. To define a criteria: markets, clients, economical sector, ... 3. To adapt the offer to the client’s preferences; contents, look, ... 4. To communicate it; via email, social media, a combination of both, ... 5. To easily follow up and work on the hot leads 6 . To confirm the business Despite large investments in MICE marketing, a lot of companies are still calculating the return on investment, as it is common for all other investments. The situation is therefore too sordid and serious approaches are more an exception than the rule. The performance of complex marketing in the MICE field depends on a large number of variables. However, we recommend that you begin your investment in marketing as soon as possible, and measure ROI (Return On Investment) on a regular basis. There are many different methods and techniques, all of which begin with a clear determination of sales targets. Only in this way will the current situation change, where 23% of respondents rely on magic in performance measurement.



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CONVENTA BEST EVENT AWARD The winners of the Conventa Best Event Award 2018 based on the additional 20% votes of the Crossover audience were: BEST B2B EVENT


23rd MICROSOFT NT CONFERENCE organised by MPG Plus d.o.o The biggest Slovenian technological and business conference had between the 22nd and 24th May brought together 2200 attendees to witness over 130 domestic and foreign speakers.

FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS ZAGREB organised by Zagreb Tourist Board A four-day festival brought to life attractive audio-visual installations and projections with a common theme of spring at 19 different locations in Croatia’s capital.

BEST B2B AND B2C EVENT EXPEDITION TO MARS ORGANISED BY M2COMMUNICATIONS A futuristis and a unique conceptual project organised for a launch of a new car model with the goal of providing the experience of exploring the Red Planet.



The annual award for the best event in the region of “New Europe” Many events will happen in the upcoming year. Many brilliant, creative, innovative events that just stand out from the rest. Many events will have measurable results that will knock your socks off, many events will set new standards of excellence in communication and many of them will creatively use sustainable practices. The Conventa Best Event Award 2019—the annual award for the best event in the region of “New Europe”—will again pick out the really special and ultimately the best events in 3 different categories: • B2B events (events designed for the business community: Conferences, Incentives, Trade Shows, Teambuilding Events, Training Events) • B2C events (Designed for end-customers such as Launch Events, Roadshows, Celebrations, Public Events) • Integrated events (a combination of different types of events for B2B and B2C)

A professional jury with the help of the participants of Conventa Crossover 2019 will again award the three most outstanding events of the year. Three events that are not only innovative and creative, but also effective – those that achieve, or even exceed, their longterm communication, marketing and business aims will take the title of Conventa Best Event Award Finalist, thereby increasing their reputation in the international meetings community. We wish you all the best with your fabulous upcoming events—and we hope to learn all about them at the Conventa Crossover 2019. Stay tuned! And don’t forget to submit the event that made you the proudest by filling out the online form available at the CONVENTA BEST EVENT AWARD 2019. Entry is free of charge.

REGISTER YOUR EVENT BEFORE 15 JULY 2019 at this link: www.crossover.si The winner will be announced and the award presented during the Conventa Crossover conference held from 28 to 29 August 2019 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

More information available at www.crossover.si


WHY IS ZAGREB A HOT MEETING SPOT? Recently, a lot of things have changed, and the city has become a hot meetings spot. Zagreb has also greatly progressed in the ICCA ranking. There are many reasons for this, but the most visible is the ever better public infrastructure with a completely new and modern airport, with new hotels, and a persistent and consistent promotion of the city which has brought good results. VENUES Zagreb offers a lot more than just congress hotels and classical offer. The numerous venues impress the most. Their concentration is outstanding, and this part of the offer puts Zagreb at the top of the region. The legacy of different periods of urbanisation today allows for events to be held in ultra-modern museums and the city’s magical atriums. Another novelty are the pop-up venues which really come to life in summer time and present an interesting alternative to the classical meeting venues. Next to the traditional museums as special venues – like the Art Pavilion, Croatian National Theatre, Croatian State Archives, the Illyirian Hall, the Mimara Museum – Zagreb particularly impresses with its Museum of Contemporary Art. CULTURE Zagreb’s cultural abundance, expressed through diverse events, museums, theatres, and galleries, ranks Zagreb at the regional top. In warmer months, your congress guests can enjoy culture for free on Zagreb’s squares, streets and other, to tourists usually hidden, locations. There is so much going on in Zagreb that it is pretty much impossible to consume it all. The romantic Strossmayer Promenade full of musicians, art

colonies, art installations and happenings is especially impressive. The pop-up venues are genius as well; for example, this year’s Foodbalerka which was some kind of a hybrid between an open kitchen and a festival of music, football, and gathering. All of this provides to congress guests an added value that other cities in the region do not offer in such an extensive form. DO NOT MISS - ADVENT IN ZAGREB DECEMBER 2, 2018 - JANUARY 7, 2019 During the Advent season, Zagreb offers a variety of events that will satisfy even the most demanding visitors. Plenty of fun, excellent food, unique events, art, but also a genuine Christmas atmosphere, await you on the streets of Croatia’s capital.

Zagreb is a pleasant and comfortable city for congress guests. And despite the fact that this is a city of more than one million residents, the city is compact and easily accessible. With a few strategic investments, among which the most important one is certainly the construction of a new airport terminal, Zagreb has become the leading regional meetings destination. The colour of the city is blue and the news that it is possibly to organise events in Zagreb has quickly spread around. Next to the adequate meetings infrastructure, the green areas in form of lawns and mighty parks also greatly contribute to the high quality of stay for congress guests.

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22 TOP 2018


Have you ever wondered just who the top influencers in the New Europe Meetings Industry might be? As the industry rapidly evolves, it is clear some key influencers actually have the same reach and draw as big companies, so individuals matter in a way that has never been possible before. This time the Editorial Board of Kongres Magazine has assessed more than 110 influencers in New Europe after reviewing highlights from the meetings industry in 2018 and has based its assessment on several key criteria, such as: • Achievement of the best financial and other multiplier effects of the meetings industry in 2018, significantly deviating from the average; • Implementation of the most demanding improvements and innovations in their field, which also includes successfully implemented projects that have defined 2018; • Help in enhancing the reputation and profile of the meetings industry in 2018; • Innovations that facilitate the work of meetings organisers, or have in their own way steered the future direction of the industry. Based on the 730 individually completed surveys, Kongres Magazine has analysed and shortlisted the TOP 60 most influential people. They have all contributed to the development of the region and our readers have chosen the best of the best. We have also added 2 newcomers in each category, voted by our readers. The candidates have been divided into 6 categories.

TOP 2018 23

TOP DMO, CVB, etc.

Miha KOVAČIČ // SI CEO at the Slovenian Convention Bureau & Co-founder of Conventa Active for over a decade as the director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, which enjoys an outstanding reputation abroad, he continually nurtures the growth of the Slovenian meetings industry through a number of innovative marketing and CSR projects. The editorial board has put a particular emphasis on the Conventa project that, as a brand, has become synonymous with New Europe’s meeting & event industry and has significantly assisted with the placement of the region on the meetings planners’ list of key destinations.


Andrew HULEWICZ // PL Vice President of the Board at Mazurkas Travel Andrew founded Mazurkas Travel with two partners in 1990. Today, Mazurkas Travel is the largest privately-owned company in the tourism sector in Poland and a true success story. The company operates in all aspects of tourism: MICE, FIT, leisure, and employs 60 people in the incoming department, 35 in transportation and 110 in hotel and catering. Among the biggest achievements in the PCO area are the most important events organised in Poland in recent years: World Youth Days, NATO Summit, COP19, Polish Presidency of the EU Council.

Christian MUTSCHCLECHNER // AT Director at Vienna Convention Bureau

Gernot MARX // AT Managing Director at Salzburg

Igor KOVAČEVIĆ // RS CEO at Serbia Convention Bureau

Jan ORŠIČ // SI Head of Convention Bureau at Ljubljana Tourism

Zlatan MUFTIĆ // HR Convention Bureau Director at Zagreb Tourist Board & Convention Bureau

Veronika HANDL // AT Team Lead at Convention Bureau Tirol

Romana VLAŠIĆ // HR Director at Dubrovnik Tourist Board & Convention Bureau

Aleksei KALACHEV // RU Director at Russia Convention Bureau

Nina ERNEKER // SK Head of Bratislava Convention Bureau

NEWCOMERS IN 2018, voted by readers

Micał BRANDT // PL Senior Business Marketing and Promotion Specialist at Gdansk Convention Bureau

Đive KOVAČEVIĆ // HR Vice President of Croatian National Tourist Board’s Congress department

Barbara HUNT VODOPIVEC // SI Head of Mice Department at Kompas d.d.

Stefan HEISSEL // AT Managing Director at inspiria event service GmbH

Breda PEČOVNIK // SI Director Congress Program at Cankarjev dom

Tomaž KRUŠIČ // SI Managing Director, and Miro HRIBAR, CEO, at Intours DMC & INK conferences

Sanja VUKOV COLIĆ // HR Deputy CEO at Spektar putovanja

Natalija BAH ČAD // SI Congress Manager at Toleranca marketing d.o.o.

Daniel MARUŠIĆ // HR CEO at DT Croatia - Dubrovnik Travel DMC

Annamaria RUFFINI // US President and CEO at DMC Events In & Out

Vesna PRITCHARD // HR CEO at Globtour Event

NEWCOMERS IN 2018, voted by readers

Wolfgang LACKNER // AT Managing Director at Mondial Destination Management

Christina DRAKOS // CY Drakos DMC




Melinda REBREK // SI CEO/Owner at Pirana Productions and at the Zvereene Institute Started as a casting manager at a time when that profession in Slovenia was as common as E.T. She climbed the ranks in TV & film production as a production manager, executive producer, script supervisor, AD, etc. She mastered event management in all its variations while freelancing for marketing and event agencies and finally embraced independence with Pirana Productions. A few years ago, a handful of dedicated individuals decided to face the challenge and put Slovene fashion on the map. The Zvereene Institute was established and Ljubljana Fashion Week was born.

Mary KIRILLOVA // EE Founder and Managing Director of Baltic for events As a board member of Baltiski Aljans OU, Mary Kirillova worked with PracticePanther Law, Sberbank, Deloitte, Audi Motors, British Petroleum, Milan Fashion Week, Gazprom, Lukoil and others. She also launched the Baltic For Events Forum and in the same year she became general manager of the Baltic Event Industry Club. She is also a founder of the Baltic events news blog bestbalticevents.com and of EventCV. com, a global job search for event agencies and customers around the world, as well as a producer at OCTOPUS newspaper.

Norbert PYCHA // CZ CEO and co-owner of EventArena

Ognena VASILJEVIĆ // MK General Manager at Momentum Inc.

Miro ANTIĆ // RS Partner/ Chief Experience Officer/ Event Guru at M2Communications

Anja REBEK // SI Senior Event Manager and Consultant at Fabulatorij

Ivo FRANSCHITZ // AT Owner & Managing Director at ENITED Business Events GmbH

Mladen LULIĆ // SI Co-owner at Paideia d.o.o.

Ivona DABETIĆ JOVOVIĆ // ME Owner/Director at Vision Event

Antonia RADIĆ // HR CEO at EX-ALTO d.o.o.

Rok MIŠVELJ // SK Director at MPG marketing agency

NEWCOMERS IN 2018, voted by readers

Ula SPINDLER // SI Member of Executive Board at Pristop Group

Rafeala RICA // AL Founder and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Iceberg Communication

Gorazd ČAD // SI CEO at Toleranca marketing

Boštjan MATKO // SI Managing Director at Hiša Vizij

Igor SAVIĆ // SI Founder, Partner and Managing Director at PM poslovni mediji d.o.o.

Davor BRUKETA // HR Creative Director and owner of Bruketa&Žinić&Grey

Jan-Jaap IN DER MAUR // NL Owner of Masters in Moderation

Dani POLAJNAR // SI Managing director at Teambuilding Academy

Marko GUČEK // SI CEO at GoOpti

Juraj HOLUB // US Marketing Director at Slido

Ovanes OVANESSIAN // ES Co-founder of Weemss software and Eventex Awards

NEWCOMERS IN 2018, voted by readers

Boris KOVAČEK // HR Co-Owner of Pepermint and Executive Director of Weekend Media Festival

Boban MILUNOVIĆ // SI Founder of MetalDays



Izabela HELBIN // PL Director of the Krakow Festival Office – operator of the ICE Krakow Congress Centre Izabela is the Director of the Krakow Festival Office, which operates the ICE Kraków Congress Centre. Her former positions include those of the Deputy Director for Marketing and the Krakow Promotion Director, as well as the Head of the Press Office of the Mayor of the City of Krakow. She has worked as a cultural manager, producer, co-producer and coordinator of many international cultural and TV projects. She takes pride in a consistently high quality of work, confirmed by numerous awards for festivals, one-off events, as well as innovative campaigns and publications.


Ana ROŠ // SI Chef at Hiša Franko A co-owner of the family-owned restaurant Hiša Franko (ranking No. 50 in the world, according to the World’s 50 Best Restaurants organisation) located in a small Slovenian town by the Italian border. Besides cooking her greatest pleasure is world travel. Her delicious dishes are full of intense flavours, lovely colours and unusual combinations. She was named the World’s Best Female Chef 2017 by the World’s 50 Best Restaurants awards and was the first woman to join the exclusive Cook It Raw chefs’ community.

Renata BALAŽIĆ // SI Chairman of the Board at Sava Hotels & Resorts

Matej RIGELNIK // SI Chairman of Board of Directors at Union hoteli d.d.

Iztok BRICL // SI Director at GR - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre

Gregor JAMNIK // SI General manager at Best Western Premier Hotel Slon Ljubljana

Sandi KOVAČEVIČ // SI General Manager at Hotel CUBO and CUBO Diners golf course Ljubljana

Josipa JUTT FERLAN // HR Cluster General Manager at Hilton hotels in Zagreb / CEO at Zagreb City Hotels d.o.o.

Georg UNTERKIRCHER // SI General Manager at Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort

Christian MAYERHOFER // AT Director at Congress and Messe Innsbruck

Tomislav POPOVIĆ // HR CEO at Maistra Hotels & Resorts

NEWCOMERS IN 2018, voted by readers

Miloš CEROVIĆ // SI General Manager at InterContinental Hotels & Resorts

Tine BRODNJAK // SI General Manager at Kompas Hoteli Bled

Martin JEZERŠEK, // SI Managing Director at Jezersek

Janez BRATOVŽ // SI Owner and Chef at JB Restavracija

Tamara TUĐMAN ŠUK // HR Owner at Catering FAVORY.

Dada JEROVŠEK // SI Director at Kaval Group

Jerneja KAMNIKAR // SI Director at Vivo Catering

Thomas GRUBER // AT Chef at in Schlossstern Restaurant

Robert ŠARADIN // SK CEO at Sharkam VIP Catering

Sanjiv SURI // CZ President & CEO at Zátiší group

Tomaž KAVČIČ // SI Chef at Zemono

NEWCOMERS IN 2018, voted by readers

Bernd SCHLACHER // AT Mastermind at Motto Catering Vienna

Frederik MAYRINGER // AT CEO and Chef at Frederik’s Vienna



CATEGORY 4**** OPENED FROM 2018 MEETINGS STAR Congress hotel STANDARD Hotel with conference facilities NUMBER OF ROOMS 143 rooms and suites PRICE INTERNET 174–293 EUR per room (BB, September 2018, Trivago) ADDRESS 146 Bulevardi Gjergj Fishta Tirana, 1001, Albania T: +355-4-2200444 FACILITIES Fitness Centre Business Centre Conference Centre Garden Grill & Bar Evening Room Service EXTRAS The top hotel convention centre that Tirana needed urgently and which, according to its design, corresponds to the needs of medium-sized events (up to 250 participants).


LOCATION The arrival of the hotel chain Hilton in Tirana, was the hit news of the local and regional media at the end of this summer. The arrival of the hotel chain is a signal that Tirana is becoming a fast-growing tourist and meetings destination. The investment in the hotel amounted to over 19 million euros, and the hotel got a location next to the green boulevard Gjergj Fistha. It is a business-residential part of the city, which is 3km from the Skenderbeg market. The location of the hotel may be less attractive than in competitive urban hotels, but it has its advantages, especially as regards parking and access to other parts of the city, which was also recognised by many corporations that have shifted their representative offices to this part of the city. ACCESSIBILITY Albania represents one of the fastest growths in tourism. This is also followed by ever-increasing airline connections, which is the basis for the development of international meetings tourism. Other transport infrastructure is also improving every year; some work, however, is still required in the area of traffic culture. The segment of improvements also includes increasing and more efficient public transport. For guests arriving at the hotel, there is a large parking lot, which is one of the advantages of the hotel. It is easy to travel around the city with taxis, which are omnipresent and well-organised for a very reasonable price. COLD APPETIZER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS The architecture of the hotel is not surprising and belongs to the category of hotels, where everything is subordinated to functionality. The cube-like facade of clean lines in brick tones will neither fascinate nor disappoint you. There are some surprises in the lobby that contribute to your well-being. The most striking are the pillars dressed in real moss, and the correct and intimate lighting. Interesting is also the solution of hotel store where you can fill your mini bar, which is in this hotel category clearly a new Hilton concept. There is also a hotel bar that invites guest to indulge with an open minimalist concept, whereby Hilton is inspired more usually by lifestyle hotel chains. The bar passes into a friendly restaurant with an outdoor garden, where breakfast is served, and which is pleasant and homely enough. WARM APPETIZER - PERSONNEL AND CUISINE A month after the opening, the staff is well-organised, youthful and very friendly. There are complications with the computer system here and there, but otherwise the team works very professionally. The cuisine follows the chain’s classic international offer, without surprises and without excessive innovation. This sums up the room service ranging from club sandwiches to Caesar salads and burgers. A different story is the hotel’s breakfast, which is on a very high level, both by the choice of food and the quality of the food offered. For more demanding culinary nomads, there are plenty of choices outside of the hotel in Tirana. We must also commend the exceptional tidiness and cleanliness of the hotel.


MAIN DISH - THE HOTEL’S CONGRESS SERVICES The rooms are for business guests standardised and are furnished in warm light brown shades. At first glance, they seem rather lean, but this feeling is broken by the pleasant pieces of furniture, lighting and general practicality. There are plenty of storage surfaces, but we missed a slightly larger desk that comes handy for business guests. Beige shades continue in the bathroom, which is properly equipped and surprises with quality cosmetics. Hotel bedding is top notch. The convention centre is modernly equipped, the largest hall Butrinti accommodates 240 participants, and is complemented by five smaller halls and a luxuriously decorated lobby. This is suitable for exhibitions and coffee breaks, and we believe that the centre will be fully occupied due to its functional design. DESSERT - EXTRAS An exceptional breakfast, which could be classified as a higher category in terms of the quality of the ingredients and the way of presentation.


FLOP – NEGATIVE SURPRISES A smaller nitpicking comment goes only to the fact that the working areas for the computer in the rooms are a bit small; it is much easier to use computers in the spacious bar where there are plenty of tables available and you will be in good company.

4.47 Premium City Meeting Hotel


    

TOP – POSITIVE SURPRISES The arrival of the hotel chain in the city is a good sign and will greatly contribute to the greater visibility and internationalisation of Tirana as a meetings destination in the future. OVERALL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY Hilton has branded the Garden Inn brand to the extent that you know exactly what to expect as a guest. This is no different in the newly opened hotel in Tirana, which in terms of architecture is not a surplus, but its ergonomics, utility and versatility are impressive. It easily hosts a large meetings group, and it is suitable for classical tourist groups and businesspeople as well. In addition, the hotel brings into the destination new hotel standards and a greater recognition of the Albanian capital. Without a doubt, it brings an excellent price / quality ratio as well.


Final Grade



Small things - big difference PIXABAY

CATEGORY 5***** OPENED FROM Since April 2015 MEETINGS STAR City Meeting Hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 190 rooms and suites PRICE INTERNET 133–153 EUR per room (BB, October 2018, Trivago) ADDRESS THE PLAZA TIRANA Rruga 28 Nentori 1001 Tirana Albania T: +355 (0) 422 112 21 E: info@plazatirana.com FACILITIES Oblivion Spa Panevino Restaurant Convivium Restaurant Savor Restaurant Plaza Caffe Lobby bar The View lounge bar Garage for 300 cars EXTRAS The View Lounge Bar is located on the 23rd floor and, together with a smaller congress hall, offers an exceptional reception area or place for smaller events with views over Tirana.


LOCATION The project was built by two important Albanian companies TID Tirana and Agna Group, with which they created an exceptional hotel story in the heart of Tirana. The city centre has recently undergone a profound transformation that caught the eye of international architectural critics. The hotel is the tallest building in the city, as well as the new architectural icon and symbol of the multi-faceted renovation of the city centre near Skanderberg Square. That is why I recommend visiting the 24th floor and guarantee that the views over Tirana will not leave you disappointed. The location is ideal for exploring the city as well as for event organisation. ACCESSIBILITY Most of the foreign congress guests come to Albania via the modern and nicely arranged Mother Theresa international airport. You can reach the city centre by taxi or by bus within a good 20 minutes. Although the roads in Tirana are not the best maintained, the traffic always gets somehow organised on its own. As an alternative, the hotel offers its own transfer service from the airport, which we highly recommend. If you come to the hotel by car, there is a private garage, what is a quite rare occurrence in the city. The hotel also offers the possibility of renting wooden bikes, which in warmer months presents the best option for moving quickly around the city. COLD APPETIZER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS Author’s architecture is in nowadays rare. Investors in the new hotel took this fact seriously and created an extraordinary story, created by the architect Johan Anrys of the 51N4E bureau. The quality of the architecture is confirmed by the fact that the project was ranked at The Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, and even received the award of the MoMA Museum. Although all the details that have contributed to such prestige cannot all be listed here, there are many details quickly visible in the interior that contribute to the aesthetic surplus that you rarely meet in hotels. First, you will notice a broken-down façade, which is defined by concrete panels. Their distribution creates dynamics and presents a recognisable sign of the building as well as the centre of Tirana. WARM APPETIZER - PERSONNEL AND CUISINE The hotel is a true paradise for lovers of Mediterranean - Italian cuisine. The menu was compiled by top Italian chef Marco Pinelli and the three hotel restaurants were quickly ranked among the best in the city. The most popular is the Panevino restaurant, which offers pasta and a selection of special daily dishes every day. The Gourmet Restaurant Convivium, open for dinner, is considered to be one of the one of the best fine-dining restaurants in Tirana; certainly the comprehensive wine list contributes to this fact as well. The easiest way for you to experience the top cuisine is at their exceptional breakfast, which is regarded as one of the best in the city. This is not only because of the choice of dishes, but also because of the quality of service and the cuisine. All the above-mentioned is rounded off by professional staff, who are always at your service and take care of guests’ problems with a smile.


MAIN DISH - THE HOTEL’S CONGRESS SERVICES The premium hotel differs from the average in the detail. It seems that the Plaza Hotel’s every detail is thought through. For example, you can find intelligent lighting, a great reading light, smartly designed work desk, designer furniture pieces and elegant borders on the wall made from selected Italian ceramic tiles. The darker wall behind the bed is nicely complemented with real wood panelling, which gives the rooms warmth and a sense of nature. Simmons’s premium bedding also contributes to well-being and is found only in hotels of the highest category. We have no comments about the bathroom. The Congress Centre offers 8 halls, while its main hall Queen Geraldine can accommodate up to 350 participants with the possibility of remodelling into two smaller halls. As expected, it is equipped with the very best, and the staff is ready for the most demanding productions. DESSERT - EXTRAS The Spa Oblivion, where you will relax during the time of the busy meetings sections, is considered the best spa in Albania. It is equipped with the prestigious Starpool spa brand, and in addition, for cosmetic and spa treatments they use Elemis luxury skincare products. FLOP – NEGATIVE SURPRISES In this hotel, it is hard to dislike anything. If we were to splits hairs a little, we would only comment on the slightly dark corridors and lack of signage, but that is just a minor issue. TOP – POSITIVE SURPRISES The Congress Halls and the Queen Geraldine Hall in particular, due to its functionality, height of the ceiling and technical equipment, have quickly become a hot spot for meetings tourism in the city, where the most important events and conferences take place. OVERALL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY A good hotel is always a combination of superb architecture and services, software and hardware. The investors and managers have undoubtedly succeeded, and Tirana is the richer for a purebred five-star hotel. I am sure that most foreign guests are pleasantly surprised by architecture and service, but this is a new, young, fresh face of the city, which will attract new event organisers in Tirana in the future. Thanks to such investments, the meetings future of Tirana is very bright. It is true that most hotel guests are rational and swear on the relationship between price and quality, what undoubtedly speaks in favour of Plaza Hotel. On the other hand, there are also hotels that are created to excite the heart and soul, and this is also a category to which this new hotel in Tirana belongs.


4.84 Luxury City Meeting Hotel


    

4.84 Final Grade



Green oasis in the midst of the city’s hustle and bustle ROGNER HOTEL TIRANA

CATEGORY 5***** OPENED FROM Since 1995 MEETINGS STAR City Meeting Hotel STANDARD Congress Hotel NUMBER OF ROOMS 178 hotel rooms and suites PRICE INTERNET 120 - 143 EUR per room (BB, October 2018, Trivago) ADDRESS Rogner Hotel Tirana Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit 1001 Tirana, Albania T: +355 4 2235035 E: info.tirana@rogner.com FACILITIES Outside Pool Spa & Hammam Tennis Court Gym Physiotherapy Business Centre Dine at the Apollonia Restaurant Der Biergarten Café Bar Pirro A cocktail at Bubbles Pool Bar EXTRAS The Mediterranean Garden is a real oasis, which will charge your batteries after a fruitful event. You can indulge yourself in the outdoor pool, while the more active can play some tennis.


LOCATION Robert Rogner was one of the first foreign investors in Albania to start building a hotel in 1992, which since remained the concept of luxury and top hotel management in the Albanian capital. The Austrian construction entrepreneur believed in the destination and now has the status of Honorary Consul of Albania in Carinthia. The hotel stands on an exceptional location along the main city’s Döshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, and close to foreign embassies and the Presidency of Albania. Its specialty is the paradise Mediterranean garden in the middle of the hotel building, which creates the feeling you are in a green oasis or in a Mediterranean resort hotel. If we combine the extraordinary location with the special atmosphere and hospitality of the hotel staff, the result is a top-level hotel story in the middle of the city. ACCESSIBILITY Public transport in Tirana is not well organized and car or taxi transportation is often the only possibility; the result is a city flooded with cars. Traffic lights and signs are positioned more for appearance than real use, and pedestrians and cyclists must figure out their own path. After the initial stress, you somehow get used to it. Therefore, the relief is even greater when you drive into the Rogner Hotel’s car park and relax. Although the general impression is one of chaos – roads, people, transport, new buildings, more and more fully-fledged landscapes, a multitude of service stations –, it is a fact that in Albania in one way or another everything still functions as it should. COLD APPETIZER - ARCHITECTURE AND AESTHETICS The architecture of the hotel is a classical and monolithic structure beautifully rounded up by a fairytale garden. It also appears as a kind of oasis from the side of the boulevard, as the lush vegetation is an integral part of the hotel’s appearance. The hotel has been thoroughly renovated in 2017 and the rooms still have that smell of being ‘new’. Quality materials were used, and because of this the hotel will continue to be competitive for quite some time. The renovation was much more than just an aesthetic facade change. Well-chosen colours and fine details also contribute to the well-being. But what makes the whole particularly attractive is the entire horticultural arrangement, which is further improved and upgraded every year. The whole appears balanced, convincing and inspiring. WARM APPETIZER - PERSONNEL AND CUISINE The hotel pays the most attention to service and kindness, or rather to the Austrian style of hotel management. In this hotel everything is according to the expectations for such a class. The hotel’s culinary side also belongs to the top of what is on offer in Tirana. Because of this it seems that the staff is especially careful and also carefully selected. The hotel’s culinary offer with well-prepared food, which is also grafted onto Austrian culinary arts, is quite extensive. A good choice is the ‘chef’s selection’ offer, which is diverse and rich both at breakfast and dinner time. Modern, creatively prepared dishes and partially locally grown food is served.


MAIN DISH - THE HOTEL’S CONGRESS SERVICES The rooms are dominated by wood and warm pastel colours. In combination with parquet, the feeling is very pleasant and homey especially in the rooms that overlook the fairytale garden. Intimate lighting and the overall feeling is reminiscent of the best Austrian hotels. The congress center comprises of 9 multifunctional congress halls, including a new hall of Antigonea, which can welcome up to 400 participants. The halls were renovated with a sense for detail and the congress center is equipped with the finest equipment which is making it one of the best in the city. Most of the meeting organizers however agree that catering with Austrian culinary delicacies particularly stands out in quality, which is especially appreciated among the participants. DESSERT - EXTRAS The combination of the Garden of Eden and the new congress center of Antigone is ideal for organizing banquets and weddings. The hotel is well prepared and qualified for such events and is regarded as the top location for weddings and banquets in Tirana.


FLOP – NEGATIVE SURPRISES The hotel reception is slightly dark, cramped and does not fit in with the whole story of the hotel, although everything there works smoothly and with typical friendliness.

4.78 Luxury City Meeting Hotel


    

TOP – POSITIVE SURPRISES An entirely new meetings section with the Antigone Hall is an important enrichment of the offer. The hall can be partitioned into two smaller halls, and the maximum number of participants is 400 in a cinema setting. OVERALL IMPRESSION AND CREDIBILITY Rogner Hotel has been long known as an excellent hotel. Not only because of the fact that it generates a feeling of well-being among its guests or the superb service provided by the staff, but also because of its design with exceptional garden, which is rarely seen in city hotels in Europe. Sleeping is, as we are used to, excellent; the novelty is that the congress guests are also well looked after. The new center is well designed, functional, and it belongs to the top of the city’s offer. The renovated hotel brings so much freshness and novelty that it will, despite increasing competition on the market, certainly stay at the top of Tirana’s meetings and hotel offer.

4.78 Final Grade


Off the beaten MICE track - Prekmurje



Last time we visited Prekmurje was in 2015, when we felt the sentiment of the people of the plains, Pannonian melancholy and joy. We visited the Prekmurje region again in order to check the status of their offer for congresses, meetings and events like incentive trips. We must admit that the offer has made great progress and is quickly adapting to the needs of the market. They are slowly renovating and improving hotel facilities. Prekmurje got its first attraction – the Vinarium, which became a hot spot for tourists. We are pleased to see that the gastronomic offer is becoming more and more sophisticated. Below we have collected some fresh ideas that you can include in your event. We divided them into four sets and added some culinary and logistical tips. Prekmurje will not leave you disappointed. We recommend you visit the region before it is overrun by crowds of tourists. Among all the programs, we especially highlight the Gourmet Over Mura project. This is the hottest culinary story of seven top-level providers, which each by themselves could be the reason for an incentive trip. The providers are connected through family tradition, history, knowledge, cuisine and the passion for sharing their love for the region that is written in their hearts. This, in fact, is exactly what today’s incentive trip organizers are looking for. “Gourmet in Mura” is conceived as a culinary excursion, which you can customize according to your wishes. You will visit the homestead Firbas, Marof Winery, Kodila ham factory, Bevog brewery, Rajh tavern, Steyer winery and Kocbek oil mill.

CULINARY PROGRAMS BEVOG MICROBREWERY Vasja Golar will impress you with a story well known to regional beer lovers. In his brewery in the middle of the Austrian plain, not far from the border with Slovenia, you can sample the beer, which is ranked as no.1 in various tests. You can organise guided tasting, where you will sample 6 beers and go on a tour of the production facility. // www.bevog.at LUŠT TOMATOES Tomatoes Lušt became a famous Slovenian brand. Here you can see how the tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse. There are over 100 varieties growing here. You can even taste the tomatoes in the newly refurbished tasting center. You will need a good hour to go round the greenhouse and for tasting. // www.lust.si HAM PRODUCER KODILA Prekmurje ham is protected by a geographical indication. You can take a look at how the production takes place by the use of a ripening machine. In addition to the drier under the straw roof, this year’s novelty is the expanded restaurant “Meet Meat” with a fairytale garden where the chefs Jan and Daniel create the most delicious food. The emphasis is on traditional meats and steaks, which come literally from production to the table. Excellent for larger groups. // www.kodila.si PASSERO CHOCOLATE FACTORY In the heart of Pomurje you will find an excellent rural chocolate bar where you can meet the masters of chocolate art. A small shop with home-made delicacies, where you can meet with guests at Passero’s, is also at hand. // www.passero.si “ZELENI GAJ” CULINARY START-UP Since May 2018, the cooking hobs in Fokovci have been working flat out. The house from the 70s has a retro-equipped dining room, where you will be welcomed with a “good-quality sprinkler”. Authentic Prekmurje dishes prepared using local ingredients will be created by the young chef Boštjan Berna. // www.facebook.com/zelenigajgostilna


ACTIVE PROGRAMS A RIDE ALONG THE ROMANTIC RIVER MURA Descent along the romantic river Mura. The guides are experienced kayaking and canoeing competitors in wild waters and have great experience on the River Mura. Lunch is served at the last working mill in Veržej (Babičev Mill), a Büyrian lunch: fried potato, sorrel, garlic, and a lot of meat. // www.muramar.si FLYING WITH PETER PODLUNSK The top Slovenian pilot has flying in his blood, which he proved in four Red Bull Air Race flying seasons and during two years in the most prestigious class of masters. Even after his “retirement” you can meet him at his favourite airport in Murska Sobota and enjoy Prekmurje from a bird’s eye view. //www.aeroklub-ms.si



POTTERY IN FILOVCI The Filovci are known as a unique phenomenon, since there is no other village in Slovenia that would have a more varied village pottery tradition. At the outdoor museum you will be become familiar with the rich cultural heritage of this cottage industry. During your visit, Alojz Bojnec will explain everything there is to know about the production of black pottery. // www.loncarska-vas.com

HOTEL TERME VIVAT If you are tired of large resorts and hotel complexes, the best choice is Hotel Terme Vivat, which despite its solid size is trying to maintain the feeling of a small family hotel. The great advantage of the hotel is a combination of their wellness offer, numerous additional content and experience with teambuilding and incentive trips. //www.vivat.si

WEAVING What a human hand can produce from a corn and a rod, you can see at Pomelaj’s Handicraft Center. Pomelaj’s products are hand-made, natural, local, socially responsible, imaginative and useful. They are manufactured by persons with disabilities within the employment center. They originate from the autochthonous variety of Prekmurje corn. // www.pomelaj.si

You can also accommodate your group in two typical Prekmurje houses. Since they are very popular among tourists, you need to book early to avoid disappointment. Their advantage is that they have a lot of room for teambuilding activities and also a place to host a party.

DISCOVERING NATURE TREKKING THROUGH GORIČKO LANDSCAPE PARK There are 600 km of marked cycling routes and 100 km of hiking trails in the area. Slightly hilly winegrowing areas are not too demanding, and you will be rewarded with intermediate rests for refreshment, as the doors of wineries, wine cellars and farms are wide open. // www.park-goricko.org DISCOVERING THE UNIVERSE Hanging out under the starry sky in the company of a teacher of physics is a special experience in Prekmurje because of the low light pollution. Through mythological and astronomical stories, the mysterious and boundless universe will be explained. //www.astroanima.si/adastra/

PREKMURJE VILLAGE AJDA Typical Prekmurje houses with a modern touch are located within the resort Terme 3000. The houses are located in a park of tall leafy trees in the immediate vicinity of the bathing complex of Terme 3000 // www.sava-hotels-resorts.com/si/terme-3000-moravske-toplice/ apartments/prekmurska-vas-ajda PREKMURJE VILLAGE AJDA The apartment complex includes 14 straw-covered houses that are built from brick, clay plaster and a straw and hemp cover. The village is in the immediate vicinity of Moravske Toplice and offers the guests a hospitable environment. In the event, a modified hayrack is used throughout the year. // www.panonskavas.si There are many possibilities to create incentive trips of various lengths. It seems as if they are waiting to be discovered by meeting planners. They convinced us, just as the Prekmurje people always impress us with their diligence and hospitality.


MYTH 4: Tirana is the new European Capital of Entertainment

TIRANA MEET BUSTERS A charming contradiction GORAZD ČAD //


During our recent visit to Tirana, we came across some myths that circulate about the capital as a meetings destination. We must admit there are many stereotypes about Albania, but anyone who personally visits the capital of Albania quickly changes their mind. The occurrence of myths, due to centuries of isolation of Albania, is understandable, however, we believe that after reading the present article, our argumentation will shine a different light on Tirana and you will be able to classify it as a promising meetings destination.

MYTH 1: There are not enough quality hotels in Tirana suitable for or-

ganising the most demanding events

BUSTED: Tirana has enough congress hotels, among which are first-

class competitors that can easily compete in the most demanding international arena. Among the hotels that stand out is the award-winning Hotel Plaza, which has received numerous awards for its architectural design and is regarded as one of the best congress hotels in the Balkans. The selection of three-star and four-star hotels is also sufficient.

MYTH 2: The meetings industry of Tirana is organised through the Tirana Convention Bureau

BUSTED: There is no official congress office in Tirana, but there are seri-

ous initiatives for one to be established soon. This will certainly improve the visibility of Tirana, and meetings organisers will gain an independent consultant for organisation of such events.

MYTH 3: Tirana is a grey social-realistic city full of boring residential


PARTLY CONFIRMED: It is true that you will see many of the remains of

social realism in Tirana, but at the same time it is experiencing a period of remarkable blossoming and revitalisation of the city centre within the framework of the Tirana 2030 project. The central square, Skanderbeg Square, ambitiously presents a new face of the city set by former mayor Edi Rama. The current city authorities are working intensely for the new face to become a recognisable, well-established brand of the city.

CONFIRMED: If you want to have fun, the clubs, restaurants and bars concentrated in the former closed quarter of Blloku will impress you. The range extends from hipster bars to top-notch restaurants and nightclubs. In any case, this kind of bid is an integral part of incentive events and difficult to find it this concentrated in other cities. MYTH 5: The organisation of an event in Tirana presents a safety risk BUSTED: In terms of safety Tirana is completely comparable to other European cities, and the friendliness of its inhabitants exceeds all expectations. You will also soon get used to the slightly wilder traffic. Even late into the night, a sense of safety is completely comparable to any other European city and we are positive nothing terrible will happen.

MYTH 6: Tirana is the new creative and start-up capital of Europe CONFIRMED: Each year public and private universities in Tirana educate 7,000 professionals from the field of creative industries. Their creative potential creates a number of start-up companies that fall into the European top. The supporting environment is also in favour of entrepreneurship, as you can launch your start-up in one day for the initial capital of 1 euro. MYTH 7: Incentive programmes in Tirana are not developed BUSTED: DMC Agencies in Tirana have developed a number of incentive

programmes that can be combined into different lengthy programmes. These vary from culinary adventures to exploring the socialist past and adrenaline experiences. Check agency programmes such as Albania Holidays DMC and others. In addition, Tirana is full of special venues that will leave your partners speechless.

MYTH 8: Tirana is an overlooked destination from the meetings tourism point of view CONFIRMED: It is true that most European event organisers have no idea about Tirana’s meetings offer. However, it is a city for which we predict a bright future. In our opinion, it will be one of the fastest growing meetings cities, because of the competitiveness of the offer and the innovations in the market. It is time that the ignorance of the international meetings community ended. MYTH 9: The organisation of events in Tirana is cheap CONFIRMED: Tirana is one of the few European capitals where according to Business Insider magazine, you need 673 euros a month, which is less than 1/3 of London’s monthly costs. MYTH 10: Albanians are not good hosts BUSTED: You will easily make friends with Albanians because a word or

two in Albanian opens the doors quickly. The younger generations master English and communication is not a major problem. Albanians are friendly, lively and pleasant hosts who will do their best for your event..


36 BEA AWARDS 2018

INSIDE THE BEA AWARDS 2018 A brief summary of the industry based on an

examination of the BEA AWARDS FINALS 2018 GORAZD ČAD //

Nevertheless, the Ferrari Portofino event—Open Up to a New Breed, took place in the town after which the new Ferrari model was named.” The gigantic 2.5 billion euros cost has not gone unnoticed and we are certain that Ferrari quickly sold the first series of vehicles. On the other hand, there are events that attempt to bring the vehicles closer to the millennium generation. The tools are different, for example, influencers in the case of the Czech premiere of the Mercedes A. Camp # 24Ride is a typical example of targeting millennials through live experience. Most connected cars just want a different type of promotion. It is very similar to the story in Italy, which you can look at under the hashtag #justlikeyou.


Based on evaluation of the best events, it is difficult to judge the real state of the industry, but I can say that it is the best approximation to the real situation. As a member of the media jury, I review more than 50 executed events each year in the final list. This is a good 1/3 of all finalists, which this year comprised 151 from all of the 303 reported events. To be a jury member is responsible work and at the same time extremely interesting because it provides an insight into the background of the European event industry. The finalists are responsible for raising the profile of the profession both internally and among the contracting authority. Each of the finalists staged an extraordinary event in their field. Nevertheless, there are some that stand out among them, which I am highlight below. Of course, it is just my opinion, and there is no doubt that the story will finally be unveiled in the city of Coimbra, Portugal where this year’s hard-fought BEA Best Event Awards will be held from 21 to 24 November. CUSTOMER JOURNEY B2B EVENTS Great progress has recently been made in B2B events, that are becoming focused on participants and their journey through the content of the event. Personal communication before, during and after the event is extremely important, and a clear and comprehensive measurement of the ROI (added value) of the event. Perhaps the most typical example of such an event is Cisco Live, which attracted more than 13,000 participants in Barcelona in February. Personally, I was very impressed by the Atlas Copco Global Salesforce project, which, in addition to experiential learning, also sought to achieve an emotional goal and increase the level of pride and affiliation of the Atlas employees. The event took place in Antwerp, embodying modern B2B events that are enhanced with the elements of the meeting design. AUTOMOBILE EVENTS They represent the largest part of reported events, which stand out in terms of budgets and technical requirements. This year, I evaluated eight car events. The majority did not deviate from the established patterns that the automotive industry faithfully follows. There is a great emphasis on choosing exotic destinations, winning technical support and an excellent customer journey.

In any case, we are eagerly awaiting an event that will really change the way automotive events are organised. This year, during the submitted events, we did not recognise this type of event. CORPORATE B2C EVENTS There are many events in this category where the event is the carrier of an extensive offline and online marketing campaign. I believe that at the majority of such events, the show is more important than the actual effectiveness of the event itself. A typical example is the spectacular opening of the Belgian shopping centre Les Bastions. An even more typical example is the Costa Zena festival, where events from their cruise ships were transferred to the centre of Genoa. The event impressed the residents and contributed to polishing the reputation of the brand. It seems that the key motive is the entertainment of event visitors. The more creative campaigns are directly connecting the audience and the brand. In this category the campaigns of the London Loop Awards or Adidas Deerupt are a perfect example, where a creative combination of online campaigns with events are well executed. A similar example is Loreal’s participation with the Cannes Film Festival, a partnership that has been in existence since 1997 and which has been thoroughly upgraded this year. TECHNOLOGY VS CONTENT AT CONGRESSES AND CONFERENCES The key dilemma of the various conferences and congresses competing for the prize is to use technology and top-quality content. The definitive winner is quality content and those conferences which combine the two of them wisely. Among them, the most exciting thing for me was the event of Union Investment. At the Investment Aktuell event, they decoded art in an extremely creative manner and brought it closer to a rather conservative audience of financiers. It seems that there is still room for innovation and for a higher level of creativity in this area. CULTURAL AND SPORTS SPECTACLES In terms of budget, technical complexity, and number of performers, different cultural and sporting events still stand out. Their purpose is to create a spectacle that will mark the significance of the event. But when you look at several of the entries, the same pattern is always drawn, with an element of surprise and a high degree of photogenicity and movie-like

BEA AWARDS 2018 37

quality. This year, the prize will be competed for by all events from the Turkmenbashi International Seaport Opening Ceremony until the 2018 World Cup Opening Ceremony and Real Madrid’s Thirteenth Championship Celebration. This category contains the maximum number of registered works. In the end, it is the right thing to present my favourites for which I will hold my fingers crossed during the live event in Coimbra. I was much more inspired by the intimate stories than the spectacles which were inspired by more intriguing stories this year, which, with their results, are thoroughly changing the way events are organized. GOOGLE HOME TRAINING PROJECT Indian Google has prepared an exceptional educational event for its sales team based on the concept of the escape room, where participants were able to solve the group challenges with the help of Google home application. // Agency: laqshya live experiences pvt. ltd. for google DELL EMC FORUM For this year’s event, they used the entire city of Lviv, which was transformed into a convention center full of history and surprises. This event was a good example of an event that turns the weakness of the destination into an important advantage. // Agency: Slupsky Event Management for Dell UNBREAKABLE RAINBOW The campaign, which reached deep into the heart of Polish society, where homophobes burned a rainbow sculpture as a series of events dedicated to the LGBT community. The trademark and NGOs have been revived by

the kothologram and as an unbreakable symbol of love. // Agency: 180heartbeats + JvM for Ben & Jerry’s FRIGO PIE SHOE STORE A nostalgic story that gave the wings to the legendary Spanish ice cream Frigo Pie. For the needs of the event, a pop-up store was opened in which visitors received an ice cream in the shape of a foot during the campaign. Nostalgia triggered social networks and the event achieved exceptional results for an incredibly low budget below 50,000 euros. // Agency: Cow Events za Unilever 25TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT FOR OŠUKALNS COMPANY VO The 25th anniversary of the company Oškulans was celebrated in its premises where all the available equipment was used in an extremely innovative way. Construction equipment and machines have become part of the scenography. // Agency: Skudras metropole for Ošukalns company VO BEHIND THE CURTAIN The event of merging two formerly competitive security companies is based on the merger of completely incompatible target groups of the internal public – the customers, media and influencers into a new trade show. But the event is especially noteworthy because of its reach, both online and in the media and on social networks. // Agency: Havas Events for Idemia It is common for all the finalists to achieve a leap in how they use events as a philosophy and how they improve their focus on participants. There has been considerable progress in this area over the past year. In any case, one size does not fit all, so events need to be thoroughly thought out and defined, and this also applies to a competition such as the Best Event Awards.



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1. PLAN Plan everything, even imaginary event disasters. Having a plan B, even C, often comes in handy. When shit hits the fan, it will probably be a plan D, but having possible solutions to various problems helps. 2. DON’T PANIC No situation is as bad as it seems at first, take a moment to think and then react. That short moment can save the day. 3. DELEGATE Hire a team of professionals that are best (yes, waaaaay better than you) in their field of expertise and trust them. Delegating and letting people doing their best is a good thing (with a bit of control, of course, all ‘creative kids’ need some). Being great managing the project is OK, but you cannot do it all by yourself. You are good, not God!

7. PAY ON TIME Yes, we love our jobs, but bills are paid with money, not love. If event is on time and done well (and most of them are), it is only fair to pay people who made it happen. On time and well. It’s a great start to long, happy and prosperous collaborations. 8. MEET THE REAL INFLUENCERS Don’t ever underestimate people without big and shiny titles. Be nice to them, a genitor, doorman, secretary and a cleaning lady are often those who will save your behind when something goes wrong. A smile, a quick chat or a meal brought to them in the backstage, can go a long way. 9. SAY IT OUT LOUD Sometimes problems seem bigger in your head then in reality, articulating them puts them in the right place. Be honest and open, talking about them leads to solutions. Explain yourself, ask for help, talk to the client and your team. You ARE the expert and your job is to deliver the best experience possible, it is no big secret that solution seeking is a process. Preferably before event :) 10. DON’T FORGET TO SMILE Events are stressful, exhausting and sometimes draining, even though we love to do them, sometimes they just manage to wipe that smile off our faces. Quite a while ago I read a research quite about a simple experiment: to make a long story short, the experiment proved that even in a bad mood, standing in front of a mirror, putting a forced smile on your face sends positive signals to your brain and automatically makes you feel better. I tried it. It works. So, do it. Smile off the problems and boldly step into whatever awaits.

4. USE ‘PLEASE’ AND ‘THANK YOU’ Our parents taught us those are the magic words. They are. 5. DO THE WALK Before every event, do the walk along the venue same way guests will. Find the possible oversights and use the time left for corrections. Only then you can be sure that you and your team are prepared. 6. CALL IT BY ITS REAL NAME Calling a problem a challenge is a new age thing that slowly crawled into politically correct vocabularies. A challenge is a goal you SHOULD, MIGHT or WISH to accomplish (and nothing crucial happens if you don’t), at events we have problems that MUST be solved. Immediately. Or else. So, call it as it is and act on it.



Owerview of the best meetings destinations for 2018 GORAZD ČAD //


Ever since 2010, the Editorial Board of Kongres Magazine has been presenting fresh and interesting meeting destinations to international meeting planners.


Destinations that can host more than 2,000 congress attendees Destinations that can host up to 2,000 congress attendees Destinations that can host up to 1,200 congress attendees Destinations that can host up to 500 congress attendees

Till this day we have presented 86 Meetologues from 23 destinations. Each destination is evaluated based on 75 different criteria that enable fair comparison of the destinations. Meeting organizers appreciate the expertise, value and practicality of this guide through congress destinations. THE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT CONVENTA 2019 on January 23, 2019 at 18.00

XL MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host more than 2,000 congress attendees TOP 10 XL-DESTINATIONS IN 2018 1. VIENNA 2. ZURICH 3. MÜNICH 4. EDINBURGH 5. BERLIN

4.77 4.70 4.69 4.63 4.62


4.61 4.59 4.53 4.51 4.47

1. VIENNA, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.77 SMART MICE CITY There are cities in the world which can prove quite stressful for congress participants, and then there is Vienna. From first-hand experience I can confirm that the city is easy to get around, pleasant and enjoyable and already belongs among the so-called ‘smart’ cities of today. Vienna’s city authorities are convinced that the ‘smart’ city can grow whilst at the same time reducing the use of natural resources. One of the crucial initiatives is the intensive inclusion of the city’s residents, since there is a desire that innovations help improve living standards for all. It is all this that places Vienna among the smart cities of the future and makes it an excellent meeting destination.


2. ZURICH, SWITZERLAND FINAL MARK: 4.70 THE CLASSIC IN A NEW LIGHT According to Numbeo, Zurich is a city with one of the highest “quality of life” indexes in our comparison and a similiar result is provided by Mercer. Switzerland’s biggest city boasts quite a few superlatives and is known as the commercial, cultural and congress centre of Switzerland. It is the hub for train, road and air traffic, which gives it a big advantage over its competitors. It offers great congress infrastructure in the Kongresshaus Zurich and numerous other spaces, acccompanied by some amazing special venues. Congress guests will appreciate the excellent public transport, which, in combination with great public infrastructure, is a must if you want to stay at the top of your game. 3. MÜNICH, GERMANY FINAL MARK: 4.69 LIVEABLE MEETINGS Unsurprisingly, the city of quality beer, wurst, dirndl skirts and “lederhosen” is also a first-class European congress destination with one of the most developed fair infrastructures in the wider region. There are 31,000 hotel rooms in 395 excellent hotels with conference capacities. Added to the charm and picturesqueness of the Bavarian capital are numerous green open spaces and a high quality of living. Munich airport is also one of the key European air-traffic hubs, cementing the city’s position on the world congress map. In the world’s beer capital with centuries of tradition, beer doesn’t just flow freely in October, but the whole year round.

4. EDINBURGH, UNITED KINGDOM FINAL MARK: 4.63 AN IRRESISTIBLE PASSION FOR MEETINGS Edinburgh is a top convention destination blessed with outstanding cultural and historical heritage. The destination is in its mature phase, with a fully-developed congress infrastructure and excellent destination management. Four universities and numerous centres of excellence in science and art related to the Edinburgh Science Triangle are a guarantee for its further successful development. Congresses and events are a part of a scientific breakthrough and further development of the city, as it stimulates numerous multiplier effects. The key stakeholders in Edinburgh are aware of this and this message should also be transmitted as an example of best practice in new European destinations. 5. BERLIN, GERMANY FINAL MARK: 4.62 WALK THE WALK Berlin is exciting in every sense of the word and one can only speculate on the range of its different options in this congress ‘land of plenty’. The Convention Bureau is known for its ingenuity, creativity and the rich offer it brings together. Moreover, Berlin’s congress offer is jam-packed into a very reasonably priced package. It’s no surprise that the city hosts more than 115,000 events annually and this number is expected to increase once the new Berlin Brandenburg airport finally opens its doors. Fuse Berlin’s excellent congress offer with its urban heartbeat and you get a first-class congress destination. The city is also the capital of fun, dance, creativity, socializing and unforgettable nightlife, which sets it apart from its competitors.


6. DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES FINAL MARK: 4.61 BACK TO THE FUTURE Dubai is becoming one of the world’s congress capitals. Contributing to that goal are excellent air connectivity, modern infrastructure, and duty-free zones. There are currently 23 of those zones in Dubai, from the Media Zone and Internet-City to Design City, all of which attract major international corporations wanting to expand their business. Bringing their headquarters to Dubai, there are also educational institutions, the main generator of congress events in the city. At thorough inspection, Dubai reveals itself as a mature and well-organized congress destination with a diverse hotel offer. Today, there are 62.146 rooms in 4- and 5-star hotels. The entire infrastructure is capable of hosting the largest international events like Expo 2020 and the ICCA congress, which is taking place this year. 7. PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC FINAL MARK: 4.59 SLAVIC PARIS Prague has for a long time been a true European tourist metropolis with a diverse and comprehensive offer, luxury hotels and sometimes too high prices. The story reminds of Škoda, of which the Czechs are very proud and is one of the oldest automotive in Europe. Reputable, solid and reliable pre-war limousines were after the war changed into cars that were behind the times. Today, Škoda’s shine again puts the Czech manufacturer where it once was. The same can be said for the meetings industry, where Prague began to seriously falter the top of the European league. If we look at the position of Prague regionally, Prague certainly has all the conditions to remain one of the most popular congress destinations for a long time. 8. BARCELONA, SPAIN FINAL MARK: 4.53 THE MEDITERRANEAN BREVIARY Spain’s second largest city has become an annual stop on the congress pilgrimage to IBTM World. Its extroversion and trendy city architecture and design, in combination with a healthy dose of Mediterranean casualness, is all worthy of serious praise and admiration. Barcelona is a city that comes alive in the evening, when it becomes a paradise for lovers of cuisine, cool taverns and cultural icons. Barcelona’s list-topping luxury and designer hotels and a nearly perfect congress infrastructure have positioned the city at the very peak of Europe’s congress industry.

9. ATHENS, GREECE FINAL MARK: 4.51 BRIDGING THE GAP A historic city with excellent connectivity to the rest of the world and where you will find infrastructure befitting a major European capital, but with better weather and in a more interesting location. The Athens allure includes 300 days of sunshine a year, more than 30,000 hotel rooms in 439 hotels, 95,000 sq.m of conference space, 1,000+ restaurants and 200,000 flights per year. All major hotels in the city underwent a refurbishment for the 2004 Olympics. Athens is an attractive destination in its own, very special way. It is a unique combination of the old and the new, set in a spectacular Mediterranean landscape.


10. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM FINAL MARK: 4.47 MAKE IT BIG The city has no match in Europe in terms of variety of events, and from the moment the development of the congress scene became a priority it has been doing very well indeed. It is by far the most accessible destination on our list, boasting five airports in the vicinity of its city centre. For quite some time now, it has been the mecca for foodies and all of the corporate events connected to it. The ExCel Centre is the heart of London’s congress offer, capable of carrying out mega events that not a lot of other cities can handle. Its prosperity can only be rocked by the question of safety, which virtually no European city is able to avoid right now.

L MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 2,000 congress attendees TOP 10 L-DESTINATIONS IN 2018 1. ZAGREB 2. TALLINN 3. LJUBLJANA 4. GRAZ 5. VENICE

4,37 4,36 4,35 4,34 4,31


4,29 4,23 4,18 4,17 4,13

1. ZAGREB, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 4.37 WHITE ZAGREB TOWN It can be said that Zagreb has a great congress future. Zagreb is progressing steadily on the chart of development meetings destinations; the final breakthrough of the entire region is intertwined and dependent on the marketing of mayor regional congress cities in the international market. In the last ten years, Croatia has radically improved road infrastructure and, thus, its accessibility. Significantly improved is also air accessibility via Zagreb Airport, which accepts over 40 % of all air traffic in Croatia. The hotel infrastructure with new acquisitions fully satisfies modern congress guests and is perhaps at this moment the best among regional capitals. Zagreb is a pocket-friendly destination that offers a lot for a reasonable money. 2. TALLINN, ESTONIA FINAL MARK: 4.36 SINGING AND SKYPING DESTINATION In terms of congress needs, of the Baltic triplets Tallinn is probably the most picturesque and diverse. The city has gone through many historical changes, right through from the medieval salesmen and knights of the Teutonic order, to the protestant reformation, Swedish and Russian imperialism, turbulences of both Wars and then to the Soviet Union, before final independence and the flourishing of its IT-industry and capitalism. All of these events today create a special culture that is the basis for development of a congress industry not lagging behind the competitive destinations. According to the “Tallinn 2025” strategic plan, the capital of Estonia could become a centre of festival and event tourism in the Baltic Sea region.


3. LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 4.35 EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL Ljubljana is positioned side by side with the new EU member states and geographically in the region of the Western Balkans. With two top-level convention centers and a very well-developed hotel meetings offer, Ljubljana is the region’s leading congress destination. At the end of last year in order to give Ljubljana a new sales and promotional momentum, a partnership called Ljubljana Strategic Bidding Team (LSBT) was established; it is composed of interested partners from both the private and public area. The city is extremely safe and one of the region’s most sustainably-oriented.

4. GRAZ, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.34 SECOND CITY FIRST Graz is a mature tourist destination, recording a growth of tourist arrivals and overnight stays in all tourism segments. Cultural diversity, rich history, and the connecting Mura River have formed a high experiential diversity reflected in the many opportunities for congress and incentive organizers and planners. In terms of infrastructure and transport, Graz is still the leading regional convention destination and can be also in this term described as modern, dynamic and internationally competitive. With more than 154 congress event and some 46.000 participants, it achieves excellent results and is stable on the charts ranking international events. A very big focus is on environmental responsibility and tidiness.

5. VENICE, ITALY FINAL MARK: 4.31 CONGRESS SERENISSIMA The magical city par excellence and one of the most extraordinary world destinations. Venice and its province are unquestionably hospitable by vocation, as illustrated by some of the most famous hotels and temples of hospitality. Venice is a city which has long been hosting world events. As a commercial crossroads it is easy to reach either by land or by sea, the city offering various means of transport. A city with irresistible charm and a wide range of different offers typical to the “Italian way of life”.

6. SALZBURG, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.29 SALZBURG GIVES YOU WINGS With its location in the heart of Europe and because of the high quality of life, Salzburg has a great starting point in congress tourism. For current logistics and transport restrictions of the city, medium sized congresses with up to 2.000 participants are the best suited. Two top-quality modern and high-tech congress centers are together with a top quality conference hotel infrastructure a foundation for this congress destination. Although you will find Mozart on every step of your way and it seems that the clock stopped in the times of the famous composer, Salzburg is a very modern and urban. Otherwise, location, location, location and once again location is considered a crucial reason for choosing Salzburg for your event.


7. KRAKOW, POLAND FINAL MARK: 4.23 PROUD CITY Of all Polish cities Krakow is the one with the greatest soul and is the most fraught with history. In Poland, Krakow will be the destination of the new generation, which will soon be recognized as a high quality, compact and most versatile meetings destination in Poland due to the cultural heritage, hospitality of the locals, new meetings capacities and because of its huge scientific potentials. Krakow has a variety of hotels services and an exceptional number of tourist attractions. Being the main tourist city, it has excellent conditions in place for the development of congress tourism. With the construction of the new convention center ICE, it has also received a real affirmation.

8. BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA FINAL MARK: 4.18 MEETOSLAVIA The city of four rivers defines the Danube river with its tributaries and with the mighty Renaissance castle above the intimate and compact old town. Bratislava is undiscovered European congress capital which slowly and steadily penetrates into the congress market. It represents a novelty for international congress market which impresses due to the kind and sympathetic city center but also because of not excessive commercialization. The city is close to the congress organizers mainly due to a more personal congress experience – the city is very friendly and there are no problems with the safety. The city center is full of pubs, restaurants and shops and the hotel offer includes the best-known hotel chains. 9. VILNIUS, LITHUANIA FINAL MARK: 4.17 BALTIC CONGRESS TIGERS Over the last few years Vilnius learned diligently, polished its offer and was preparing for its entry into the international congress scene. In their favour they have the charm of the city, which is cosmopolitan, urban, very European and full of hidden surprises. It’s a city where socialist modernist architecture coexists with the Baroque centre, and unlike some other Eastern European congress destinations this makes it very attractive. By joining the EU, the city has become a credible partner of the international meetings industry, making is one of the new, undiscovered convention destinations that appeals because of its freshness. For all three Baltic Congress Tigers – Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn – we predict a sunny congress future. 10. INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.13 THE HEART OF THE ALPS Innsbruck, the capital of Austrian Tyrol, lies by the River Inn and is just a stone’s throw from the Alps. Sometimes hidden behind its well-known sporting spirit are a number of other, different vibes that create an urban, dynamic and metropolitan city with loads of experience in event organisation. Its famous Bergisel Ski Jump, designed by Zaha Hadid, quickly became one of the most attractive special venues in Innsbruck. The city is a combination of the typical Alpine spirit and new urbanism, embodied by the CMI Congress and Messe Innsbruck. It distinguishes itself from the pack with numerous incentive programmes that keep its offer competitive throughout the year.


M MEETING DESTINATIONS Destinations that can host up to 1,200 congress attendees TOP 10 M-DESTINATIONS IN 2018 1. DUBROVNIK 2. VILLACH 3. KLAGENFURT 4. SPLIT 5. ŠIBENIK / BLED

4,33 4,13 4,12 4,11 4,03


4,02 4,01 3,98 3,97 3,93

1. DUBROVNIK, CROATIA PEARL OF THE ADRIATIC FINAL MARK: 4.33 Dubrovnik is the flagship of regional tourism. It is the closest in the region to renowned Mediterranean convention destinations Cannes and Monte Carlo, and it will be even closer after the completion of the convention center. So far, the center is successfully replaced by modern and wellequipped centers at hotels such as Dubrovnik Palace, Excelsior, Bellevue, Grand Villa Argentina, Importanne Resort, Dubrovnik President, Valamar Lacroma and Radisson Blue. Well-developed is the entire conference infrastructure including destination management and creative agency scene. The city is safe and one of the tourist icons of the Adriatic and justifiably the most painted tourist skyline with unprecedented experiential diversity for conference guests.

2. VILLACH, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.13 THE ALPINE LAKES EXPERIENCE Villach is the second largest city of Carinthia and its tourist sights attract an enormous amount of visitors. Villach has also become established as a small Silicon Valley in the Alps, with an international character reflected in the town‘s infrastructure. The main reason for a meetings industry in this part of Austria are the numerous incentive programmes, all of which you can engage with in a very clean environment. The most charming aspects are the Carinthian way of life, cultural diversity and a general sense of casualness. In our opinion, the main advantages are the size and the feeling of familiarity, along with a modern congress infrastructure. Locals also like to emphasise the border location, sat at the crossroads of three nations, which hasn‘t been totally picked up in a congress sense. 3. KLAGENFURT, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.12 CONVENTIONLAND Klagenfurt is a likable alpine congress destination with rich cultural heritage and high experiential diversity. Key advantage is definitely fairy tale like well-maintained and pleasant environment, quality offer that is above average in regional sense, and professionalism of suppliers. Position at the crossroads of important routes is also an important factor in competitiveness of this destination. The city is an important inter social and European transit region that is easily reachable thanks to modern highways and rail connections. The city builds its meetings offer on a sustainable development.


4. SPLIT, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 4.11 CROSSROADS DALMATIA Among the Adriatic congress destinations Split has become serious competition to Dubrovnik in the last years. The main disadvantages of the destination are bad cooperation between the service providers, lack of air traffic connections to key markets and not enough destination marketing. If Split gets a real convention centre in the future, it could become one of the leading congress destinations in the Mediterranean. New and excellent hotel capacities, good road connections to Europe and wonderful surroundings, with islands offering numerous incentive programme opportunities, all bolster this proposition. Split is still one of the most unexploited congress destinations in the Mediterranean.

5. ŠIBENIK, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 4.03 THE HEART OF DALMATIA Šibenik very rarely raises any association with the meeting industry. In the process of transition from an industrial city into a tourist destination it has not yet asserted its image among competing cities. Despite this, it is a fact that it has excellent conditions and is somehow considered to be a hidden jewel of the Croatian congress offer. For ease of accessibility it may be a suitable location for small association conferences as well as a variety of incentive programmes.

5. BLED, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 4.03 THE IMAGE OF HEAVEN As a recognisable brand Bled stands out among other congress destinations in the region. It most closely resembles Dubrovnik, which caught up with the pre-war congress tempo by taking the right steps. Currently the biggest disadvantage is the lack of a clear focus towards quality rather than mass tourism. This is most clearly seen in the restaurant, night life and shopping offer. As a result, the current perception of quality is lower than with largest competitors. In Bled the saying ‘Less is more’ is very true. The potential for the meetings industry is immense, it just needs to be harnessed in the right way.

6. SCHLADMING, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.02 MEETINGS IN EMBRACE OF ALPINE BEAUTIES Schladming is a big skiing centre, the scene of the best slalom races of the season as well as other internationally known sport competitions. Besides that, it is also an excellent congress venue and a place, which stays in fond memory of every guest. We can say without a doubt that the tourist development in Schladming is a success story and we are certain that will also be the case in the future. Contributing to the success were mostly sporting events, on which they have built extensively. With event organisation, the destination has gained a lot of experience, which can now be transferred into the congress field.


7. OPATIJA, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 4.01 WHERE MEETINGS MEET HISTORY AND ELEGANCE 170 years of tourism tradition is based on the positive energy of the riviera and the exceptional natural conditions. This is a great sign for the revival of Opatija congress tourism, which has recently relaxed slightly in comparison with the hyperactive Croatian Adriatic competitors. The city already boasts the entire infrastructure, but it is beaten mostly by an unfavourable image and somewhat slow adjustment to the new congress market conditions. A change of the structure of hotels is also necessary, as ‘cosmopolitan’ Opatija today only boasts three hotels in the 5-star category, whilst in Dubrovnik there are now 14.

8. PORTOROSE, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 3.98 PORT OF ROSES The historic laurels of the leading Adriatic congress destination are slowly starting to gather dust. Portorož is still in hard competition with Dubrovnik, Opatija and new Adriatic congress destinations that are developing all the time. A rich congress history, tradition and the existing infrastructure are a competitive advantage. The meetings industry is by no means a tree to sleep under and simply harvest its fruit of wealthy congress participants. Despite that, Portorož has proven resilient and adaptable many times in the course of history, so some innovativeness and marketing opportunities should ensure it has a bright future. 9. ROVINJ, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 3.97 ROVINJ GIVES YOU WINGS If at the destination you have owners who have clear goals and who look at congress tourism strategically, then in a short time you can do a lot. It is possible to revitalize the old factory premises and build a superior conference hotel. Maistra in Rovinj has undoubtedly left its mark. Taking into consideration the geographical location of Rovinj as one of the closest Mediterranean congress destinations for Central and Western Europe, the future of this industry is guaranteed. Missing is only a convention bureau, which would know how to step out of corporate governance of the destination and would be able to serve as attorney of the meetings industry. Otherwise, forecasts of mayor Sponza that Rovinj will be more exclusive than Dubrovnik, can be realized. 10. POREČ, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 3.93 SUNNYSIDE MEETINGS Until recently Poreč was known mostly for its family tourism, which is focused on the sun and sea. In the last couple of years there have been significant moves in terms of seasonality and also the meetings industry. The whole of Istria, in fact, has a huge potential for incentive programmes. The congress infrastructure already exists, including the main culinary and sports programmes, as well as the salubrious surroundings that make them special. It’s just the appropriate connections to form real incentive products that have to be put in place, which will definitely make them seriously competitive. The list of events is getting longer every year and is moving Poreč up the ladder of event destinations in Croatia. If Poreč continues to be a tourist champion of Croatia, it will definitely make the break into the international congress scene.



4,05 4,02 3,87 3,85 3,84


3,82 3,81 3,78 3,77 3,76

1. NASSFELD HERMAGOR, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.05 IN THE HEART OF ALPS In the last couple of years, the tourist offer of Nassfeld has seen some big investments. More than 26 million euros have been put into the Nassfeld ski resort. The four valleys on the Austro-Italian border offer 110 kilometers of ski slopes, with 30 modern ski lifts ensuring smooth connections between them. Nassfeld is also famous for being the town with the most sun in the region. This means that there are plenty of options for incentive and team building programmes in nature throughout the year. Natural conditions and a high quality of hotel accommodation positions Nassfeld among the most attractive incentive destinations in Central Europe.

2. BAD KLEINKIRCHEIM, AUSTRIA FINAL MARK: 4.02 COMPACT INCENTIVE EXPERIENCE Bad Kleinkirchheim is known across the world for its skiing heritage, as the town is a long-time host of women world-cup ski races. Less known is the fact that Bad Kleinkirchheim is an excellent incentive destination sprouting with diverse and exciting offer, which spreads across both the winter and summer season. There’s also no shortage of great accommodations. The incentive programmes range from active sports activities to historical and culinary experiences. What separates the town from the regional competition is a top-notch culinary offer, developed in a different way in every hotel. All of this makes Bad Kleinkirchheim suitable for more demanding incentive groups. 3. GORIŠKA BRDA, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 3.87 FERTILE CROSSROADS OF CULTURES A number of the features of Brda make it special and unique in the wider area. In the first place is its openness to the sea, creating a pleasant Mediterranean climate, followed up by its natural beauty with rich cultural heritage and eco-preserved countryside with exceptional culinary and wine offer, unrivalled in the region. A panorama of hills with a cluster of agglomerations and subdivided farmland and countless terraced vineyards is certainly one of the most beautiful Italian-Slovenian landscape-aesthetic experiences. In the field of tourism-convention offer, Brda is perhaps the future formula of tourism development: “less is more”.


4. HVAR, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 3.85 ROOM WITH A VIEW None of the more than 1,000 Croatian islands has such karma and recognition as Hvar. Definitely a “must” Croatian destination, right behind Dubrovnik. Distance from the mainland gives it a touch of boutique smallness. On the beauty of the island, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, there is no point in wasting words, since there is no shortage of various urban legends and superlatives. Among other things, it used to be called Austrian Madeira. In Hvar, the urban has been coexisting with the rural for centuries.

5. KRANJSKA GORA, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 3.84 GOOD WILL IS THE BEST The most important winter sports centre in Slovenia has among the Slovenian ski resorts the strongest brand, which is known worldwide mainly due to the Cup Vitranc. Slowly and steadily it has also developed a summer tourist offer, which enables the development of congress tourism. Both seasons are now virtually in balance. With the latest changes in the field of hospitality it will surely strengthen its position as an important centre for the implementation of incentive programmes and small conferences. Due to the recognition of the ski jumps in Planica and Vitranc Cup it has a high priority over other rivals in the region. It is an important boutique congress destination for quality mid-size corporate events up to 350 participants. 6. MALI LOŠINJ, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 3.82 LOW-CARBON INCENTIVE ISLAND Lošinj and Cres are the only Adriatic islands that successfully deal with sustainable tourism and are amongst the eco-friendlier islands of Kvarner. They differ from the more famous Dalmatian isles, with their nature preservation, systematic sustainable development and cultural heritage. All these activities are well managed and present a huge opportunity for sustainable meetings industry in harmony with the capabilities of the islands. The key challenge is the invisibility on the meetings industry radar, lacking the recognisable incentive brands to build the high-quality boutique and intimate stories. If local suppliers can develop from these points, they will be able to benefit from the current trends in the industry. I am certain their first clients will be the existing loyal guest of Cres and Lošinj. 6. BOHINJ, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 3.82 HIDDEN SUSTAINABLE MEETINGS GEM The majority of congress guests will be sworn lovers of nature and its aesthetic value. Bohinj is a place that is created for sustainable conference programmes and for active incentive experiences. It is a place where without any hesitation you can drink water from the public water supply and from its clean streams. Even the basic network of thematic paths offers ideas for authentic congress programmes. In Slovenia, the beauty of Bohinj can only be matched by its neighbours across the peaks in the Soča Valley, or in Kranjska Gora.


7. SOČA VALLEY, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 3.81 EPICENTRE OF INCENTIVE INSPIRATIONS In the narrow micro-region, the Soča Valley is currently not facing increased competition. On the Italian side in Friuli Venezia Giulia, incentive tourism is underdeveloped and the development of the product in Brda and Nova Gorica is also at the beginning stages. A more serious competition is in Istria and neighbouring Carinthia, as well as within the wider Slovenian Julian Alps. The main advantage of the destination is a developed incentive product, gastronomy and preserved natural and cultural heritage, which is unequalled.

8. LAŠKO, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 3.78 BEER AND CONGRESSES Laško is first and foremost a spa destination, because the main motive of going there are the two spa and thermal centres. In the future it will remain so. In the past five years, however, much has been done in developing congress tourism and enriching the offer and it is today surprising how much Laško can offer to congress guests beyond its traditional tasty beer. Everything from one of the best Slovenian cuisines to an exceptional cultural and historical heritage together with the possibility of organising green meetings. In making this breakthrough Laško has very quickly become much more competitive to the more established meeting industry destinations.

9. PODČETRTEK, SLOVENIA FINAL MARK: 3.77 THE SUCCESS STORY The smallest place in our analysis is big in its offer and an example to all of us involved with tourism. Once a remote and poor community, in the 60-ies of the last century focused on tourism. Its epicentre is a thermal spring, around which a success story was created. At every step the locals you meet, be it a wine-grower, a caterer or a priest, will let it be known that you are welcome. There are few places where the only driving force of the economy is tourism. Because in these places industry has never developed, today this can be considered as one of their advantages. Podčetrtek has a great potential in the field of congress tourism. It is an authentic and, in many ways, a sustainable congress experience.

10. UMAG, CROATIA FINAL MARK: 3.76 DOOR TO THE ADRIATIC Among the competing congress destinations, Umag even a year ago would be easily overlooked, but today it is already hosting the most demanding events such as the most important Microsoft event Windays. This proves that the destination is profiled as a congress and especially incentive location. To the good functioning a great destination management contributes a great deal, which in a form of a cluster from 2010 is promoted under the brand “Colours of Istria”.


architectural design; namely, its famous structuralist look, designed by Edvard Ravnikar, was concurrently featured by New York City’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in its exhibition dedicated to the foremost Yugoslav architects from the time of Modernism, amongst whom Ravnikar belongs.


… at the best possible timing Docomomo, the International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites, and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement, held its 15th Conference in Ljubljana’s Cankarjev dom – Cultural and Congress Centre (CD) in late August 2018. This was the first international scientific conference of this size and this character in Slovenia. With its 22 multipurpose halls stretching over 36,000 sq m, the CD proved it can implement a project even in a field which does not have the financial strength and does not boast such big sponsors as the medical and industrial sectors more typically do. The CD, according to Docomomo, presented an ideal venue at just the right time due to being not only the main meetings venue, but also the main Slovenian cultural centre with the huge advantage of being located in the heart of Ljubljana. An additional advantage of the CD was in its

A whole range of PCO services, from financial and operational management of the conference to registration and handling, printing and editing of abstracts, and even a social programme, were provided by the CD’s congress team. And by running a parallel photographic exhibition, Cankarjev dom yet again connected a congress service with culture and, thus, confirmed its flagship status when it comes to connecting these two differing fields to achieve the best possible benefit for the meetings held and organised. Hence, it goes without saying that Cankarjev dom, the only Slovenian member of IAPCO and member of ICCA, makes for a truly unique venue for any kind of event.

“I hope that Cankarjev dom will keep the spirit of Modernity alive through its future programme and actions. It truly represents the heart of the city and the heart of the nation, and this is what Ravnikar’s main intention was.“ // Nataša Koselj, Docomomo Slovenia coordinator

Let the meetings begin!


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CD Congress Centre Ljubljana 14/11/2018 14:08


THE BIGGEST CAREER FAIR The traditional Career Fair MojeDelo.com return to Ljubljana in a larger and more prudent form. The fair take place on 18 October in Cankarjev dom – Cultural and Congress Centre located in the heart of Slovenia’s capital. A number of Slovenian and foreign exhibitors were presented at the fair for future employees. The largest Slovenian event of this kind represents the main job market’s juncture where the companies, employers and job candidates meet. The aim of the event is to encourage employment and economic growth in the region. This year, around 100 companies looking for new strengths were presented. Organiser also prepared interesting career lectures and professional career points for the visitors, such as professional photography or career counseling.

SOCIALISING OVER THE CITY Cankarjev dom hosted 2018 POMP Forum, the biggest content marketing event in Slovenia, for the 9th consecutive year in its Klub CV. PM, poslovni mediji d.o.o., the organiser of the conference, chose the Klub CD nine years ago due to its wish of organising a conference away from impersonal conference halls: »We wanted a club space, a lounge where participants would have a pleasant and relaxing time,« noted Anja Garbajs from PM, poslovni mediji. However, the Klub CD’s advantage is not just in its lounge atmosphere: »Due to its terrace providing beautiful sight towards the Ljubljana Castle on one side and towards the Alps on the other, the Klub CD guarantees a pleasant socialising over the city,« emphasized Ms. Garbajs.

A GAZELLE RUNNING SINCE 1991 Cankarjev dom makes for an excellent venue for corporative events. This year it hosts diverse corporative events. One of the most important ones in Slovenia is the project Slovenska gazela (Slovenian Gazelle), held by the media house Dnevnik which awards the best and fastest growing Slovenian companies. When choosing the best companies for the award, the jury strives to reward Slovenian companies characterized by rapid growth, flexibility, and dynamic entrepreneurship. The event was this year held in Cankarjev dom’s Linhart Hall (Linhartova dvorana) on the 24th of October and the Slovenian gazella went to company Mebor, one of the world’s leading manufactureres of machinery for primary sawing of wood.


SPECIAL AWARD FOR THE CONCIERGES OF GRAND HOTEL UNION Gregor Žibret and Blaž Sok, the Concierges of the Grand Hotel Union, are a part of the world-renowned association of hotel concierge `Les Clefs d’Or` since January 2018. On 8th October 2018, during the 65th Catering and Tourism Association of Catering, Hotels, and Tourism (GTZ), they received recognition for special achievements at work and contribution to raising the quality of the service. With a sense of hospitality, they combine a long tradition of hotel experience with a modern and personalized approach. They are very happy to help with any questions or wishes of the guests. They bring the priceless knowledge and experiences gained in the prestigious association, to the Grand Hotel Union and the wider Slovenian region.

THE GRAND (HI)STORY OF THE GRAND HOTEL UNION When Grand Union Hotel was opened in 1905, it was a technological super achievement of the time. The remarkable secession building proudly remains a live monument in the heart of Ljubljana. On the 28thof October 1905, the Grand opening of the hotel was carried out, and it lasted for no less than 7 days. The hotel had 87 rooms at the time. The Grand Hotel Union passed through some renovations and re-design during the century of its existence. In addition to boasting 327 hotel rooms in Grand Hotel Union and Grand Hotel Union Business, Grand Hotel is nowadays considered the largest hotel-based conference centre in Ljubljana with 21 conference halls and rooms, and it is still setting new landmarks in the development of Ljubljana’s tourism.

NEW AUTUMN – WINTER PASTRY COLLECTION AT CAFÉ UNION The confectioners at the Union Café designed a new collection of patisseries that will just make you happy with their perfect structure and taste. Cinnamon breeze with hot cherries, the mango cheesecake, chocolate mousse, lemon crystalline and many more. So, remember, that life is just better with a good piece of cake. If you are in need for something more, a breakfast or a brunch with a homemade ice tea is also there for you. For those who don’t want to make compromises between time and excellent lunch, the Café also offers delicious lunches and quick snacks.


THE LARGEST OPEN-AIR CELEBRATION At the end of September, the city of Maribor (Slovenia) opened the Old Vine Festival. The Old Vine Festival is a gastronomic and cultural tribute to the oldest vine in the world, which grows in Lent, the oldest part of Maribor. Lively events were taking place all the way 11th of November, when the Old Vine Festival was closed with the 35th annual St.Martin’s Day Celebration – the largest open-air celebration of its kind anywhere in Slovenia with rich wine and culinary offerings, the traditional christening of the must, home-made cuisine, excellent Styrian wines, rich catering offerings, and unforgettable entertainment with numerous live music performances. On this occasion, even 20,000 visitors from Slovenia and abroad came to the Slovenian Styrian capital.

WATER TOWER FULL OF WINE For all wine lovers Maribor is the place to be. One of Maribor’s unique wine infrastructures, and also the first Slovenian winery offering only Slovenian wines, is the old historic water tower that stores wine bottles and represents a completely different type of wine store. The Water Tower Winery (Vinoteka Vodni stolp) is situated on the left bank of the Drava river, in the heart of Maribor’s Old Town – Lent. The Water Tower has two floors – the ground floor was transformed into a modern winery Namely, on the top floor of the former bastion, where a round, in medieval style equipped hall is located, smaller groups are welcomed to organize banquets and wine tastings or even organize various cultural and social events such as concerts, exhibitions, lectures, screenings, seminars, etc.

A UNIQUE RIVER ISLAND The island Mariborski otok, a unique type of river island in Slovenia, lies about five kilometres from the city centre of Maribor. The island itself is a pleasant promenade as well as a recreation spot for jogging, hiking, roller-skating, and, in summer months, for swimming in its outdoor swimming pool complex. Additionally, the Nature trail around the island Mariborski otok is intended for all those who want to get to know the natural characteristics of the island: plants and animals, their habitats, and geological and georophologic specialties. Maribor island is characterized by a large variety of vegetation (263 plant species) and many rare and endangered animal species; 75 different species of birds have been registered so far.


Ten-T Days 2018, GR – Ljubljana Exhibition

DIVERSE AND NUMEROUS SETTINGS Since the GR, located in the city centre and just a stone’s throw from the Old Town, provides diverse settings inside its 22 multi-purpose halls and in its outdoor area, the organisers of the three-day event were able to execute diverse events and meetings.

In April 2018, GR – the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre (GR) played host to the biggest event in Ljubljana 2018 – the 9th edition of the TEN-T DAYS (Trans-European Transport Network) which brought to Slovenia’s capital 2300 international delegates.

Next to the high-level meetings, four plenary sessions, and over 40 smaller meetings, the TEN-T Days also hosted an idea accelerator, futuristic lab, and two grand exhibitions. The indoor exhibition hosted around 100 exhibitors showing innovative transport solutions in two halls of the GR, the Kupola Hall and Steklena Hall, while the different innovative technologies for the road sector were highlighted at the outdoor exhibition where even an innovative electric aeroplane was showcased.

Members of the European Parliament, 5 European Commissioners, 26 European ministers of transport, and key stakeholders came to Ljubljana to discuss how to contribute to smart, sustainable and safe mobility, relying on the trans-European transport network and investments in transport connectivity.

And to top it all, the GR also provided a gala dinner for approximately 2300 delegates and thus proved once again its capability of organising such eminent events even for extremely large groups (just the same as a year earlier when it organised a dinner for the 1,800 participants of the 16th edition of the World Congress in Fetal Medicine).

‘’The TEN-T Days was, after the 7th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia 1958 and the 13th Meeting of the Ministerial Council of OSCE in 2005, the largest and certainly the most notable high-profile event of congress character.’’

“The venue was ideal to cater for all the needs taking into account the complexity of all the different parallel sessions and the presence of so many high level personalities. The Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre is the place to be when organising a conference.”

// Iztok Bricl, Director of GR

// Désiréé Oen, Deputy Head of Cabinet at the European Commission

CONNECTING EUROPE and Convention Centre

GR - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre Connecting big and small, locally and globally. TEN-T Days 2018 —

Jani Ugrin | www.gr-congress.si


TWO MAJOR FAIRS AT ONCE On top of hosting many major international events, the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre (GR) also offers a professional production of its own. In October, the GR hosted two events in its own organisation at once: the 29th Ambient Ljubljana – Furniture Fair and the 3rd International Home Fair. Visitors who were either renovating, building or refurbishing their living, business and other environments, had a 5-day opportunity to visit both fairs with one ticket. The traditionally organised by the GR itself, the fairs hosted more than 230 companies from 19 countries. Ambient Ljubljana Fair presented the offer of furniture and interior design, while the Home Plus Fair exhibited woodwork, heating and cooling engineering, prefabricated houses, security, and landscaping.

THE WORLD’S LARGEST GOLF TOURISM EVENT The International Golf Travel Market (IGTM) brings together over 1,300 golf travel industry professionals from all over the world for four days of networking and deal making. Generating over 9.5 million euro of business, the unique focus of the event are the 1:1 pre-scheduled meetings, which connect golf tourism suppliers with pre-qualified buyers (golf tour operators). The IGTM every year moves location, showcasing a different golfing destination. This year, the world’s largest event in the golf industry, was hosted by Slovenia and its GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. Business meetings and presentations of destinations were attended by over 500 providers of golf courses, golf resorts and hotels, over 450 golf tour operators, and around 100 specialised glof media from 65 countries.

MYSTERIES OF THE HUMAN FORM On 20 October 2018, the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre officially opened the original exhibition of real human bodies, the BODY WORLDS Vital. The original exhibition of real human bodies, has been in the last two decades seen by 47 million visitors globally. BODY WORLDS Vital is for anyone visiting or meeting in Ljubljana up until 20 January 2019, an opportunity to explore the mysteries of the human form. With honouring the human body, this world-renowned exhibition focuses on preventative health management with intention of strengthening one’s sense of health, show the potential and limits of the body, and raise the question of the meaning of life. The exhibition is open seven days a week (including holidays), between 9am and 8pm.


AUTOMOTIVE FAM TRIP Bratislava CVB organized a Fam trip at the end of September as a part of their brand strategy by the slogan “Surprisingly Close | Exceptionally is Smart”. In the framework of rebranding, the project Bratislava Motor City was created, which, through content marketing as well as through direct marketing, addresses the target group of organizers of moto events. The program was created by the energetic team of Bratislava CVB in cooperation with Emerge Agency and the consulting companies Soolnua and Toleranca marketing and was attended by the representatives of seven specialized agencies from Europe. After two days of socializing, it became clear that this is an above-average destination, waiting to be discovered by even the most demanding international event organizers.

A VISIT TO THE VOLKSWAGEN FACTORY The Slovak automotive industry has developed rapidly over the past 25 years. Today it produces over one million cars a year, representing 1.4% of the world production. This is greatly supported by the Volkswagen factory. The factory extends over nearly 2 million m² and represents a factory to the size of a small city with its own public transport and arrangement; it even has its own fire brigade and a rescue station. The factory has been operating by the name of VW Slovakia since 1999. Eight models of cars are produced under one roof; smaller family cars VW Up, Škoda Citigo and Seat Mii and three SUVs: VW Touareg, Audi Q7 and Porsche Cayenne.

HOTEL ALBRECHT – THE MODERN TRADITION Hotel Albrecht is located in a quiet and peaceful residential district right by the city center in a building that is a National Cultural Monument. This boutique hotel nicely joins the old and the new in a contemporary design and offers a picturesque view of the Danube valley and vicinity of the Bratislava Castle. The hotel also offers a beautiful spa, saunas, and a swimming pool, and is well known for its renowned international cuisine. The rooms are comfortable, luxurious and fully equipped with modern technology, but still, have a soul of centuries that passed since the building was built.






EXPLORE New Europe and MEET new partners to CREATE great events The 11th Conventa trade show will take place from 23-24 January 2019 in Ljubljana. COME AND JOIN US! More information about the event can be found on www.conventa.si. CALL US: +386 (0) 430 51 04 E-MAIL US: natalija@conventa.info














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days deconstruction

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light fixtures

hosted buyers

CONVENTA WOWS // In 10 years

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satisfaction rate

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wooden crates



EXHIBITORS in 10 years

19300 COFFEES served


UNIQUE VISITORS monthly on www.conventa.si


BILATERAL TALKS with Hosted Buyers













Results of Hosted buyer satisfaction survey 2018. Scale (1 to 5).




In cooperation with regional convention bureaus, Conventa is preparing several exciting fam trips to 5 different countries of New Europe. After two days of meetings in GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, hosted buyers attending Conventa have a chance to upgrade their experience and personally get to know the region by going on a familiarisation trip of their choice. From the Julian Alps to the Mediterranean, from capitals to countryside, from ski slopes to vineyards, Conventa Fam Trips offer first-hand discoveries like no other. New destinations in 2019: Bratislava, Budapest, Graz, Nova Gorica

1. LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA // pre-tour 21–22 JANUARY 2019 Attentively designed and more creative than before, the programme is a shortcut to unveiling the many qualities of Ljubljana for meetings & incentives in just more than one day.

3. BOHINJ, SLOVENIA // post-tour 24–25 JANUARY 2019 Get to know Bohinj, perfect for hosting small-size events, through a one-and-a-half-day mix of outdoor activities while exploring the local cuisine and authenticity of the region.

2. BLED, SLOVENIA // post-tour 24–25 JANUARY 2019 The programme will blend the practical business aspect of site inspections of the venues as well as traditional and local customs and gastronomy of the Alpine jewel and its region.

4. PORTOROŽ & PIRAN, SLOVENIA // post-tour 24–25 JANUARY 2019 Enjoy your business meetings with a breathtaking view of the sea. It’s easy to achieve success and well-being surrounded by air full of natural scents that promote brain activity.


5. KRANJSKA GORA, SLOVENIA // post-tour 24–25 JANUARY 2019 The fam trip will show you all the secrets of organising a great event in Kranjska Gora, the winter wonderland surrounded by mountains, nature, great people and traditional culinary adventures.

8. NOVA GORICA, SLOVENIA // post-tour 24–26 JANUARY 2019 Discover a small city with a mild climate, only a stone’s throw from the Adriatic Sea on one and the Alps on the other side and surrounded by 3 wine-growing regions.

6. ZAGREB, CROATIA // post-tour 24–26 JANUARY 2019 Explore Zagreb, its conference and event venues and facilities both historical and new, and get fresh ideas for incentive programmes, see major landmarks, and experience local dishes and the celebrated hospitality.

9. BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA // post-tour 24–26 JANUARY 2019 This diverse fam trip will take you to Bratislava’s famous automotive industry, to unconventional lunch in the sky, to the Old Town, and to the contemporary Slovak gastronomic experiences.

7. BELGRADE, SERBIA // post-tour 24–26 JANUARY 2019 The old-world culture gives way to a new vibrant city with tons of interesting sights and attractions, splendid architecture, great people, fast-paced nightlife, affordable shopping, and a thriving cultural and gastro scene.

10. GRAZ, AUSTRIA // post-tour 24-26 JANUARY 2019 Immerse yourself in the province of Styria’s multi-facetted capital city and allow yourself to be pampered while discovering Wine Routes, the old town, and the culinary highlights of the ‘Capital of Delight’.




Conventa Trend Bar is an annual MICE educational roadshow, that has become an established platform for sharing knowledge and connecting amazing professionals from the meeting industry and the hotel scene in New Europe. This year’s Trend Bar did a summer and winter roadshow. In the summer we visited Sarajevo, Podgorica, and Dubrovnik. And in the winter months Conventa Trend Bar 2018 has already successfully stopped in Sofia, and will finish its 2018 trip in Bucharest in the month of December. The co-founder of the Conventa trade show, Gorazd Čad, shared his “Power to the meetings” methodology with regional attendees in an interactive way, engaging the participants via Slido, the Q&A and polling platform for meetings and events. On the other hand, Miha Kovačič, Director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau and co-founder of Conventa, shared the “Power to the destination” methodology, explaining thoroughly the power of the product when creating a memorable destination. Moreover, they spoke about what makes events such as the Conventa trade show and Conventa Crossover so different and interactive. All the gatherings were held in a very relaxed environment and in an interactive format that was greatly enriched by the creative arrangement of space, superior catering, and local industry professionals. 1. STOP: SARAJEVO Around 20 representatives of agencies, hotels, meetings destinations and event agencies gathered at the Hotel Hills on 5 June. The first Trend Bar of 2018 was titled “More contacts more contracts”. Gorazd Čad and Miha Kovačič hosted a local guest speaker, Mahir Hodžić, general manager at Global Security, who presented solutions and his experience in building an annual regional event for more than 1000 participants.

2. STOP: PODGORICA On 6 June, around 15 representatives of the agencies, hotels, meetings destinations and event agencies gathered at the Hotel Centre Ville to talk about “What makes a successful event?” Gorazd Čad and Miha Kovačič hosted a local guest speaker Ivona Dabetić Jovović, the owner and executive director of Vision Event, the agency responsible for the most significant business events in Montenegro. The interactive event engaged the participants via Slido, the Q&A and polling platform for meetings and events. 3. STOP: DUBROVNIK Trend Bar took place on the 7 June at Club Lazareti in Dubrovnik. The third Trend Bar with the title “What makes a successful destination?” started at 11.00 sharp. The local guest speaker was Ines Nanić who, with her husband, runs an event management company for tailor-made weddings and events for international clients in Dubrovnik. 4. STOP: SOFIA On 9 November, Trend Bar took place in Club Peroto. Teodora Jilkova focused on the topic of “sharing experience” and “looking for opportunities”. She also opened the door for “Meeting culture – Bulgaria”, a current project she is working currently on. Nearly forty representatives of the Bulgarian MICE industry joined in a lively and constructive debate. The Trend Bars have become a yearly meeting spot for everyone who wants to network, socialise, share experiences and upgrade their knowledge of event management with the latest trends. Constructive debate, exciting stories, a lot of new conclusions are carried at every location, and Trend Bars are even a place where you can find and meet your new potential business partners and also your current competition.

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Trend Bar in Bucharest, on 6 December 2018!




Ljubljana Castle, the mighty medieval fortress reigning above the Slovenian capital, has served many different purposes in the past – it was first a fortress, then a residence to the provincial governor, a barracks, and even a prison. Today, though, it is a major tourist attraction, providing many cultural, historic and entertaining events throughout the year, as well as a city landmark offering many halls and premises intended for various occasions in an idyllic castle environment.

sized stages, catwalks, etc. In the hall, there are two balconies linked by a walkway.

Attendees can arrive at events in a funicular and enjoy the view during the ascent. Modern, varied rooms, with the latest technical equipment, await participants in press conferences, presentations, lectures, fashion shows, formal receptions, gala dinners, symposia, weddings, diverse cultural and artistic exhibitions, and more; all raised above and well away from the city bustle below.

SMALLER EVENTS On part of the medieval defence walls, there is today a leaning tract with two halls on the upper floor. The halls, the White Hall and Blue Hall, were completely renovated in 2014. Together with the foyer, the two halls which are identical in floor area and shape, take up the entire second level of the complex.

LARGER EVENTS In the past, the Palatium was the hall in which the provincial governor held formal receptions and performed other duties of office. Today, the Palatium is one of the most representative spaces in the Ljubljana Castle. Renovated in 2003, its oblong medieval form has been retained, along with its four Renaissance bay windows, and it has been technically equipped in an imaginative way (a rising multilevel stage, movable ceiling beams, concealed lighting). Today’s Estates Hall occupies the former living spaces of the provincial governor. The architectural remains of the hall bear witness to the gradual construction of the castle’s rooms. In 2008, the British Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh held a banquet in the Estates Hall which is made up of two interconnected halls, the Concert Hall and the Sentinel Hall that are used as a whole. The Hribar Hall was built in 1524 on the command of Emperor Ferdinand. It is located on the first floor and its entire surface area is equipped with liftable stages that can be made into audience seating or used for various

With the renovation that was concluded in 2011, the remains of the defensive moat from the Spanheim Castle of the 13th century were again made visible. Of particular interest are two wells: the castle cistern and the so-called escape well, which according to legend was used as an escape route by Erasmus Lueger. The Upper Lapidarium is a multipurpose space with an imaginative lighting scheme, and is suitable for various types of events. The Castle Theatre hall was completed in 2014 and has built-in stateof-the-art technical equipment: a lifting multi-level platform that can be used as seating, two large built-in LED screens, concealed wall lighting, and acoustic protection in the walls and ceiling. For larger events, the Castle Theatre can also be used together with the adjacent Upper Lapidarium.

CONTACT: Maja Pangršič T: +386 1 306 42 16 / +386 51 335 654 E: maja.pangrsic@ljubljanskigrad.si // www.ljubljanskigrad.si


A BORING MEETING SUCKS … or what can we learn from the Danes? GORAZD ČAD //



Boring: not interesting or exciting (Oxford Dictionary) And what is the definition of boredom at events? It is the feeling that time is crawling, and it becomes unbearably long. It is the moment when we are caught in the middle row of seats and there is no chance of escaping from a dull presentation the conclusion of which is predictable in advance.


When we are forced to sit through boring events marked by futility and predictability, we certainly want to be teleported out of the room. Usually we comfort ourselves that it just has to be this way, that this is the way how it works at events. Until we finally realise that there is also a world characterised by passion and dynamism. Due to the boredom and lack of challenges, many organisers find themselves facing the problem of how to gain and retain participants. The key question is whether the organiser


Routine and normality kill the creativity of events

has really thoroughly thought about how to create a quality and inspiring event.


When I crossed the famous cycling snake (Cykelslangen) for the second time during a visit to Copenhagen, it became clear to me that the Danish concept of Meetovation originates from a harmonious and highly synchronised view of the world which ranks the Danes among the happiest people in the world. In addition, the city and the Danes constantly respond to changes in the environment. If you want to seriously address the problems of ecology, the city centre needs to be closed to traffic. In turn, the city offers excellent public transport and incredibly well-organised and connected cycling routes. They are as wide as car lanes and, as I had found out for myself, they function perfectly well in the winter as well. It is not unusual to ride a bicycle for 10 and 15 kilometers.


“The cheapest and easiest way to improve meetings, by up to 80%, is by focusing on the content and the format of the meetings, the “software” of the meetings.” // Bo Krüger, Moving Minds

The idea of Meetovation became then crystal clear. Copenhagen may not be the most beautiful city in the world, but the modest and at the same time self-confident Danes prove themselves (se izkažejo) with a content that succeeds in overcoming the form. This also applies to events transformed skillfully with a focus on participants and on non-luxurious audio-video effects. Everything that we, as participants, expected from the conference, the organisers turned upside-down. A story arose that forever marked my view of event organisation and put together a perfect image which I later completed with my own views and experiences. This was how my own idea for the development of my own methodology ‘Power to the meetings’ was born. The Meetovation concept is a set of recommendations and it functions as an inspiration, while our methodology is structured in a simple and maximally useful way, and it includes different tools and techniques for activating participants.


So what can we, event organisers, learn from the Danes and what can we immediately transfer into our work and practice so that our event will be contrary to boring events? I have summed up some of the ideas into ten recommendations that you can use while organising your next event. 1. Where there is a goal, there is a way: Every event, no matter whether you are organising it for the first, tenth, or the hundredth time, must be organised with an equal degree of care and accuracy. It is crucial that you determine the goal towards which the event is aimed. This must be your first focus, and everything else should be subordinated to the participants at the event (vse ostalo naj bo podrejeno udeležencem dogodka). 2. Participants are in the foreground (v prvem planu): Careful planning means that you can do the best for your participants in the frame of financial possibilities, place, time, and circumstances of the event. This means that you also adjust the programme’s part according to the participants and you do not burden them with an irrationally extensive programme. In this respect, less is certainly more. 3. Transform the halls into living rooms: Classical congress halls are the first obstacle in creating a pleasant meetings atmosphere. If you accept the average congress halls, then you will have difficulties with succeeding

in the other stages of the event. The place where the meeting is happening must immediately impress and it often does not take much to turn the completely boring congress hall, often resembling a tomb, into a pleasant space for socialising. 4. Special venues for special participants: If you look around you, you will immediately list at least some really special venues. The unveiling of secretness and the exclusivity of the space are generally rewarded with the great enthusiasm of the participants. They connect more genuinely with the local environment and create the dynamics of the event. 5. Cultural heritage as an inspiration: The legacy of the past with which we live in the present, has an exceptional value for congress participants. In this, we must avoid folklorism or everything that is not an integral part of the life of the inhabitants. Authenticity is the basic rule when creating this element of the programme. 6. Activate your participants: You can use a range of methods and techniques that are presented below without astronomical investments. Through the gamification the right value for participants and event organisers is defined. 7. From the field onto the plate: Local self-sufficiency is gaining in importance. Although, the caterers will convince you that the organisation is difficult, the organisation of local supply is in fact simple and cost effective. Insist on local supply, the participants will appreciate it. 8. The best food for the brain: The brain needs quality fuel! Healthy fats, antioxidants, just the right dose of ‘real’ carbohydrates. Ask for such dishes from your caterer, hotel, or restaurant. 9. The rhythm of the event: Music is an important part of the events for it dictates the rhythm and it creates harmony. Music is the universal language that we respond to spontaneously. Learn to create your own ‘groove and beat’ of the event. 10. We do not make events, but we tell stories: Stories have always been uniting and inspiring people. Through the stories, we learn about life, values. Let’s learn to integrate them into our events. When we share them with participants, we say who we are and what we are striving for.




1. PASSIVE PARTICIPANTS The participants are static and mostly listen and observe lecturers and events on stage.

1. ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS Participants are active and they are working together with lecturers and discovering new skills.

2. INDIVIDUALS Participants remain at the level of individuals who receive content and information one-way.

2. GROUP Participants in the group create experiential learning that links them to the level of values and knowledge testing.

3. DULL HALL A classical concert auditorium that resembles a tomb and does not allow interaction among participants. 4. DULL CONTENT Poorly parsed, generic and uncoherent content that does not touch on current professional challenges.

3. INSPIRATIONAL HALL Hall with functional furniture, which easily transforms into a creative living room. 4. INSPIRATIONAL CONTENT It is content that also touches the heart and is as personal as possible and written on the skin of the participants.

5. DULL MODERATOR Reads pre-prepared text and works according to a precisely predicted scenario and, thus, rather connects instead of moderates.

5. INSPIRATIONAL MODERATOR Master of designing suitable questions, active listening, summarising and providing feedback.

6. DULL CUISINE Monotone and everyday catering that is not exciting and is intended only for basic human needs.

6. INSPIRATIONAL CATERING Food as a source of inspiration and health that allows participants to recharge with positive energy.

7. CLASSIC EVENT FORMAT Frontal formats: plenary session, panel discussion, workshops, etc.

7. INSPIRATIONAL EVENT FORMAT Group formats: anarchy session, content bar, chit-chat, Pecha Kucha, content ring, campfire, etc.

8. UNDYNAMIC METHODS Explanation, demonstration, presentation, repetition.

8. DYNAMIC METHODS Talk, discussion, teaching, and solving tasks and problems.

9. FIELD OF COMMUNICATION Due to the formal format of the event, the communication field is limited. Generally, it is only possible at social events.

9. FIELD OF COMMUNICATION Groups are formed, they are involved all the time, the dialogue is open, a relaxed atmosphere is maintained.

10. USE OF MOBILE PHONES 80% of the participants are browsing through mobile phones during the event.

10. USE OF MOBILE PHONES 20% of the participants are browsing through the mobile phones during the event.


When looking for a path from a trap of boring events, the next simple matrix, which in 10 points gives you the answer whether your event is boring or does in fact contain all the inspiration points, can help you:


THE EUROPEAN MEETINGS & EVENT CONFERENCE 2016 Make People Interact The EMEC 2016 conference was my source of inspiration, since for the first time in the history of MPI, it was entirely organised according to the principles of the Meetovation concept. The rather classical Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel was turned into a living room where, with the help of outstanding moderators, Bo Krüger and Ann Hansen, we created history. The event proved that the model also works for larger groups. It was attended by a record number of 400 participants who via social networks also chose the winning title of the “MPI: Make People Interact” event. With the conference, the Danish organisers reached their goal, as the Meetovation concept got under the skin of the participants. With a consistent implementation of the story, which is so hearteningly promoted, the Danes have undoubtedly proved themselves, and the event today is considered as an unforgettable example of good practice. // www.mpiweb.org/events/emec-2016

GLOSSARY: • Meeting: Physical or virtual gathering of 10 or more people for at least one half day. UNWTO definition of meeting • Meetovation: Meetovation is a meeting concept for those who want real value for money when investing in a meeting. Source: www.visitdenmark.com • Meeting Architecture: The discipline concerned with objective-based design, execution and measurement of content and format of meetings and events Martin Vanneste, www.meetingarchitecture.org • Meeting Architecture Manifesto: Paper to define and explain the concept of Meeting Architecture and to outline next steps to create a new discipline within meetings industry. Martin Vanneste, www.meetingarchitecture.org • Meeting Design: Meeting Design is the purposeful shaping of both the form and the content of a meeting to deliver on crucial business objectives. Mary Boone, www.maryboone.com • Power to the meetings: The original methodology for creating memorable events based on many years of experience. In order to develop the positive experience of the participants, the methodology follows the logical phases by using a variety of tools integrated in every event and led by certain rules. Gorazd Čad, www.toleranca.eu www.mpiweb.org/events/emec-2016


Congresses with a view The towns Crikvenica and Selce are well known addresses amongst both fans of fantastic vacations, as well as people working in the business sector. Surrounded by beautiful nature at locations that offer an irresistible view of the sea, you will find our 4-stars hotels Omorika, Esplanade and Selce, up-and-coming meeting places for business partners. Their multi-functional halls, which can be connected to one another, can accommodate 40-337 people. The halls are equipped with LCD projectors, screens, flipchart boards, microphones and a speaker system, free WIFI access and are suitable for organizing various gatherings, seminars, meetings, presentations, and conferences. The friendly and experienced hotel staff will gladly help you organize coffee breaks, business lunches and dinners.

Hotel Omorika has 115 rooms with the most beautiful view of the island of Krk and the Kvarner Bay, a restaurant that accommodate up to 500 people and a terrace that seats a hundred people. Hotel Katarina was renovated in 2016 and offers 152 rooms, an indoor and two outdoor swimming pools and a complete renovated wellness area. Hotel Esplanade is a newly renovated hotel, located next to the main town beach and the promenade. The hotel combines the traditional style with the modern and offers their guests a beautiful new outdoor swimming pool and wellness area. If you would like to let off some steam after your workday, you can do so in the fresh sea air, while playing at the sports facilities, located next to the hotels. Whether you play tennis with a colleague, mini-football, ping-pong, or mini-golf, the choice is yours. For those seeking adventure, there is an adrenaline park located near the hotel Omorika, and if you would just like to enjoy the view of the sea, with your favorite drink in hand, the hotels have several café bars and restaurants.

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Amazing 220 years of Terme Čatež Thermal Springs

The first written records of the hot water springs in Čatež, Slovenia, date back to 1797. Today, 11 drillings bring the healing thermal water with temperatures between 58 and 63°C from a depth of 600 metres up to the surface, where it is used for health treatments conducted at the Health Centre. However, the thermal water is not used only for curative and preventive therapies, but also for relaxation and well-being purposes. TERME ČATEŽ – BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE Wellness, meditation and other forms of relaxation are becoming increasingly important in staying fit and healthy for successful work. More and more companies are aware of the importance of investing in prevention when it comes to their employees’ health! Your conference can start with relaxation exercises, talking with a physiotherapist, or with a massage. Networking in the conference hall can be exchanged for a walk in nearby vineyards, cycling excursion or a game of golf. And then continue the day with a gala dinner at the famous nearby Mokrice Castle. 5 REASONS TO ORGANISE AN EVENT IN TERME ČATEŽ

1. Accesibility – Terme Čatež is located in south-east Slovenia, on the border with Croatia. Zagreb Airport is just 40 km away and Ljubljana Airport 130 km. 2. Wide range of meeting halls – 4 meeting rooms in Hotel Terme, with capacities from 36 to 200 seats. In Hotel Čatež there are 2 meeting rooms for 60 and 120 participants respectively. A multi-purpose hall in Hotel Toplice accommodates up to 900 participants. In addition, just a few kilometres away, there is a special venue Mokrice Castle, which offers 3 meeting rooms with a capacity of up to 110 seats. 3. 4 hotels in one resort – in total, Terme Čatež offers more than 1,500

beds, but more adventurous guests can also choose to sleep in a tent in the Indian village or bungalow in the Pirates Bay.

4. Additional amenities – what makes Terme Čatež different from other

conference and incentive venues is the thermal water and all the facilities around it that can be used to enrich the meeting or incentive programme.

5. Experiences – besides the activities on the 10,000 m2 of the Thermal Riviera, there are plenty of opportunities to discover the town of Brežice and the Bizeljsko wine and culinary region.

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Kongres Magazine


Full of opportunities Don’t fill your life with days, fill your days with life.

PROOFREADING Leemeta, Soglasnik PHOTO CREDIT archive of Kongres Magazine and partners’ destinations The Kongres Magazine is entered into the media register under sequence number 1423. MAGAZINE ISSUED IN January, March, May, July, September, November ISSN NUMBER 1855-8615 PUBLISHER AND PRODUCTION Poslovni turizem Gorazd Čad s.p., Kamnica 6B, SI-1262 Dol pri Ljubljani T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu MARKETING Toleranca Marketing d.o.o., Štihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana T: +385 (0)1 430 51 03 E: gorazd.cad@toleranca.eu ISSUE DATE November 2018 For the content production it is required to get the written editorial consignment.

Official magazine of the Slovenian Convention Bureau

Ljubljana Capital for Great Meetings

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