CHAKA STEWART '01 “During my time at Guilford, I experienced growth, change, love, challenges and community. Guilford rewarded me with my wife, Stephanie Melesky Stewart ’01, as well as life-long friends and a top-notch education.” About Chaka >> Since graduating from Thurgood
“Guilford College was the perfect place for me to attend college. The small college setting with challenging and attentive professors served to encourage me and push me when I needed it. Now, Guilford has an even larger role in my life. This year, my daughter, Avery Edwards '23, is enrolled as a student. She had her choice of schools to go to, but she picked Guilford for reasons all her own. I couldn’t be more proud as a father, and as an alum, I’m excited that the Guilford family has added another amazing new member.”
Guilford introduced me to the power of possibility! During my time as a student, I was challenged to be a critical thinker and a creative doer. When those forces combine, anything can be achieved and a possibility becomes a project.”
Marshall School of Law in
About Natalie >> Natalie is the CEO of Rudy's
2010, Chaka’s primary focus
Girl Media located in Martinsville, Va. She
has been entertainment
holds a Bachelor's degree in Justice & Policy
law, with clients including
Studies and African American Studies from
artists, musicians, music
Guilford College and a master's degree in
producers, filmmakers,
African American Studies from Cornell
screenwriters and authors.
University. Natalie has over a decade of
Additionally, he has been
experience in the higher education field and
working with Guilford alums
entertainment industry and is currently
Pierre Cadore ’03 and Isa
a Project Director for Ross Innovative
Stokes ’05 on building Isore
Employment Solutions. She oversees the
Records, an independent
successful administration of the Workforce
record label based in
Innovation and Opportunity grant for the
Greensboro. Chaka loves
West Piedmont region of Virginia. The grant
what he does and enjoys
provides federal funding for individuals
being a part of the growing
with barriers to employment including but
entertainment scene in
not limited to Returning Citizens. Discover
North Carolina.
more about Natalie's multimedia offerings at
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