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When Sonya Brunk '21 first traveled abroad, she could have never guessed that her 15-week trip to New Zealand would be cut short by a global pandemic. But for this senior, she couldn’t have been more happy with the seven and a half weeks she did get.
Knowing how important going abroad was, Sonya reached out to her advisors at Guilford early to start exploring her options. When an ecology program in New Zealand with field opportunities was mentioned, she jumped at the opportunity. The only problem was finding the financial means to travel across the world.
Holly Peterson, Associate Professor of Biology, stepped in and told Sonya about the Environmental Studies Distinguished Scholar Award — which Sonya excitedly applied to and was awarded in time for her trip. The meritbased scholarship gives students the opportunity to study abroad through programs that demonstrate values and interest in the environment.
Upon arrival this spring, Sonya was able to study the ecology of New Zealand and the environmental laws and policies enforced to keep endemic species protected. While the students had some time in the classroom, most of their experience was spent in the field — from kayaking to mangrove mapping to snorkeling.
Though the group came home earlier than expected, Sonya said they continued to do research and meet via Zoom the second half of the semester. This trip inspired her to pursue a master’s degree after graduation, concentrating on conservation biology.
Scholarships are one of the most sought after resources in higher education. Guilford students rely on scholarships to help cover the costs of living, books and experiential learning experiences like Sonya’s.
“It is probably one of the best gifts I have ever received. It allowed me to not only study abroad, but to gain so many experiences I would never get anywhere else. I have made connections with people across the globe, something I couldn’t have done without a scholarship.”