GUILFORDIANS STEP UP IN TIME OF NEED It hardly seemed the perfect storm for fundraising success: An institutional
2022 operating budget.
meet or surpass the $6 million goal. “I’ve
The Guilford Forward Fund campaign
heard from so many alumni and parents
budgetary crisis complicated by a
ends January 31. Tasked with leading
of alumni and friends of the school,”
pandemic and ensuing economic
the College’s fundraising effort since
Soenksen said. “The confidence level
uncertainty. Indeed, Guilfordians could
his appointment in July, Interim Vice
has grown every day as I listen to each
have been excused if they wondered if
President for Advancement Gordon
person’s story and commitment. All of
the College had not only lost its financial
Soenksen is confident the College will
them want to support a college we love
footing, but its very edge.
so much.”
Turns out that way of thinking was
As Guilford College Magazine went to
never really an option.
press, 49 Guilfordians had contributed
Bolstered by an enthusiastic response
more than $25,000 each to the Guilford
to the Guilford Forward Fund, Guilford set a second straight record for giving in a year outside a capital campaign.
Forward Fund. Seventeen gifts of at least
The $8.8 million given and pledged prior to the end of fiscal year 2021 (May 31) smashed 2020’s record effort by about $400,000.
Total given and pledged prior to end of fiscal year 2021
More than 3,100 benefactors contributed 5,704 gifts, with two giving days each producing a significant
Aided by a $125,000 match incentive from Pete Keane ’82, April’s Day for Guilford brought in $1 million, about
$700,000 more than a similar one-day campaign in April 2020.
several significant pledges in May. Board of Trustee Dan and Beth Mosca of Brown Summit, N.C., are the parents of two Guilford graduates and the grandparents of a current student. They made a $250,000 match-incentive gift in May. Molly Gochman ’01, an experiential artist and activist who created the Red
generated $200,000 in cash and pledges.
response. Giving Tuesday in December
$100,000 have been made, including
(as of September 8)
Guilford Forward Leads the Way
Sand Project, pledged $200,000. Gifts from Save Guilford College ($250,000) and community partner the Weaver Foundation of Greensboro ($100,000) helped push the fund past its May 31 goal of $4.5 million.
Zopf Gazebo Becomes a Reality Paul Zopf retired nearly 30 years ago,
Launched as an alternative plan to
but the Charles A. Dana Professor of
address the College’s financial concerns
Sociology & Anthropology Emeritus
while avoiding academic programming
remains a cherished part of the Guilford
and faculty cuts, the $6 million Guilford Forward Fund kicked off in January under the guidance of the Fundraising Challenge Team. Through August, $4,771,760 had been pledged to the fund which is being applied to the fiscal year 8 | W W W. G U I L F O R D . E D U
Giving Days
200K $1M Giving Tuesday (December 2020)
April's Day for Guilford (2021)
community. Still living on George White Road next to the campus, Zopf made a positive impact on the lives of thousands of students and colleagues during a career at Guilford that started in 1959. Known as a challenging yet