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Business Resources from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Below we’ve pulled together a selection of BWC resources, but for all things BWC you’ll want to visit: https://info.bwc.ohio.gov/

Safety Intervention Grant


This grant just re-opened in November 2022 and has made some changes to the format to make it open to more businesses. The maximum award within a three-year period is $40,000

Purpose of the grant: In BWC’s own words “The SIG Program is available to any Ohio private or public employer covered by the State Insurance Fund to purchase equipment to substantially reduce or eliminate injuries and illnesses associated with a particular task or operation.”

Highlighted changes: Since its re-launch at the end of 2022, this grant program now only requires businesses to have been in operation for one year (previously: two years), the eligibility cycle is now three years for all types of businesses, and reporting requirements are now a oneyear report/case study.

There are many other elements to this grant’s application process. Find all of those details and more at: https://info.bwc.ohio.gov/for-employers/safety-and-training/safety-grants/safetyintervention-grant

Workplace Wellness Grant

This grant is marked as currently accepting applications and its purpose is as it sounds to establish a workplace wellness program to promote overall employee health and wellness.

Program Components: Per this grant’s regulations, a workplace wellness program consists of two components: 1- a health-risk appraisal (HRA) and a biometric assessment (both of which measure health-risk factors) and 2- Programs designed for addressing those health-risk factors.

Details: $300 per participating employee over four years may be awarded, maxing out at $15,000 per policy. The $300 is awarded over the four years as $100, $75, $75, and $50. What constitutes a ‘participating employee’? Here is the grant’s policy: “We define participating employees as someone who completes an HRA and biometric screening in the first three months of the first year and each of the subsequent years of the grant program. In addition, employees must participate in at least one activity to improve or maintain their health in each program year.”

Using grant funds: Typically screenings, classes, and demonstrations can be procured with grant funds. Items in the ‘no’ list are typically physical items ranging from medication to supplies.

Visit this grant’s website for the full qualification and application information: https://info.bwc.ohio.gov/for-employers/safety-and-training/safety-grants/workplace-wellnessgrant

Any Other Safety Grants

We chose to highlight two grants that may be of interest to a large portion of our audience, but they are not the only two safety-oriented grants available through Ohio BWC. For an index of all grants currently offered (and likely where future grants will be listed, too), visit: https://info.bwc.ohio.gov/for-employers/safety-and-training/safety-grants

2023 TechCred Information

The State of Ohio’s TechCred program is back for another year. Below are the highlights you’ll need and the link to follow to put in your application for TechCred.

What is TechCred?

The TechCred program assists with funding for ‘upskilling’ employees within the technology sector. Employees are able to enroll in credential programs to learn new skills pertaining to their tech job.

What is the process?

The simple answer broken down into six steps is 1- Identify needed skills, and the employees who need to be said skills, 2- Partner with a credential provider, 3-Apply online, 4-Enroll employees in the program, 5-Upload proof of credential completion 6-Receive reimbursement.

What are the 2023 application periods?

Simply put, applications are accepted during odd-numbered months in 2023— March, May, July, September, and November. However, there are two little exceptions: the July window will not open until July 3 (but will close at month’s end, the 31st), and the September window will close on Sept. 29.

What counts as a credential?

‘Tech’ is a broad sector, which means there are a lot of possibilities for credentials and the providers offering the credential. A list of credential possibilities can be found here: https://techcred.ohio.gov/about/credential-list

Ready to apply?

While the TechCred application won’t re-open until March 1, February is a great time to figure out which credentials are of need, and which employees should complete the credentials and other materials for your application. Get ready for the March 1 application period by visiting the TechCred website: https://techcred.ohio.gov/home

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