APRIL 2020 | VOL. 4, ISSUE 4
Special Edition
"We Are Better Together" Courage & Encouragement: A Word from Chamber President
Member Highlights and January Recap
Letter from the Director Member Spotlight Member Anniversaries
Grove City Together Showing Gratitude & Support To One Another
Safety, Work from home tips, & local food pantry resources
It’s more than a population count. It’s an opportunity to shape the future of your community.
Census 2020
United States®
Achieving an accurate population count is important to our community, county and state. Assistance from both the public and private sectors is vital. Your business can play a key role in the 2020 Census by encouraging employees and customers to complete their census questionnaires.
Complete in minutes online, phone or mail.
Your information is confidential, legally protected & encrypted.
Federal funding & legislative representation is determined by Census.
614-277-3000 •
We can shape our future.
. “Ik e ” S ta g e
Business Spotlights We wanted to spotlight three members from the grocery and essential goods industries to show our thanks to their workers who keep the essential goods moving and the shelves stocked. We’ve also provided a few store policies as we have them at print time. (Page 7)
CHAMBER NEWS A Word from Chamber President
Home Safety For All
Chamber Even Updates
Grove City Together
Grove City Food Pantry
Marketing & Communication Through Covid19
Working From Home Survival Tips 15
CITY DEMOGRAPHICS Population: 42,400 Median Age: 39.7 Population Over 18: 79% Population Over 65: 17% Number of Households: 16,197 Average Home Price: $189,268 Median Income Per Household: $74,451
Letter from the Director
Encouraging note from Director, Shawn Conrad.
Member Recognition
Welcome new and celebrate current members.
Want to learn more about the demographics of Grove City? Visit: GroveCityOhio.Gov/about-us-and-tourism/community-information
1. We here at the GCACC care about your business, your employees and the central Ohio community. As a chamber, our job is to support and promote our local members whenever the opportunity arises. We are committed to your success and want to help promote your business during the month of April. Follow these 3 simple steps to help us, help you! Send Videos to:
Record a short video, approximately 1-3 minutes promoting your business. Share anything you want the chamber community to know about your business; such as what you do, hours of operation, company updates or specials, and discounts.
Send your video to our marketing team at Please include in your message; Your Name, Your Business Name and your contact information (website or contact number you would like us to share).
Our team will share your video with social media following! Your video may even appear on our website.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
YOUR CHAMBER Chamber Business Connections is published monthly by the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce with revenue from member dues, advertising, and sponsorship. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the content in this publication, by any method or purpose whatsoever, without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Only chamber members can advertise in Chamber Business Connection. To plan advertising contact the chamber.
Letter from the Director
Your Board President Wayne Coakley
Board Members Dan Havener Heather Miller Kay Anderson Shelley Davis Wayne Kintz Katie Antry Laura Haines Amy Ankerson Frank Herman
President Elect Ed Fleming VP at Large Trent Soles VP of Finance Allen Hocker Chamber Foundation President Greg Dawkins Past President Lisa Zeigler
The board and staff of the GCACC want you to know that we see you as the foundation of our community. We care about your business, and we care about you. There has never been a time when being a member of your chamber of commerce was more important than it is right now. Business helping business, large business supporting small business and on and on it can go. Please visit our website and our social media pages often as we are continually posting and updating information for you. We have begun calling all of our members, please take a moment to talk with us, help us to understand your needs and your challenges so that we can work together to develop solutions. We all are looking forward to being on the other side of this crisis and I know that we will come out on the other side of this with some incredible stories of kindness and love.
Staff Executive Director Shawn Conrad Events Manager Marilyn Reiner Administrative Assistant Heather Brokaw Marketing and Communications KatBro Consulting Ltd.
We will recognize many new heroes in our community. We will have learned creative and innovative ways to do business and to fellowship with one another. We will learn just how strong we can be and we will have a deeper appreciation for things we may have been taking for granted. We all will have suffered loss, but what we gain through the struggle will have made us wiser and stronger. For now, please continue to support local business in any and every way that you can - recommend them to your friends and your neighbors – but gift cards/gift certificates from them and give them away – ALWAYS check our member directory to see if we have a member who you can use. Now more than ever we must be the voice and the support for one another!!!! Please don’t let your guard down, stay inside get together virtually and find something special about this time to enjoy and be grateful for every day!
Strategic Payroll Solutions
Silco Fire & Security
Elvira Seidametova
Auto Plus
Starr Spine Physical Therapy Wellness
Parr Public Safety Equipment Terra. Michelle & Co. Artisan Hair Boutique Christy Sheffield Highland Security & Investigations,
RXP Wireless Verizon Authorized Retailer Columbus Street Financial Planning
Homestead America
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Aladdin Shrine Center
Community Capital Development Corporation PakMail Chick-fil-A
Your Stringtown Road Kroger is ready to serve you!
First, we want to welcome Costco on 161 (NW Columbus location) to the GCACC!
Kroger has made the first hour of the day (7-8 am) Monday-Thursday the dedicated shopping hour for seniors over age 60. Store hours for all Columbus-area Kroger stores are currently 7am-9pm.
Tuesday-Thursday Costco offers their senior (60+) shopping hour from 8-9 am. The store will open for other at 10 am, but now closes at 6:30 pm, 6 pm on weekends.
Kroger’s Click List (store pick-up) and ship to home options remain available; see their website for details 2474 Stringtown Road (614) 875-1676
Certain departments may be closed, but Costco members can continue to shop those departments on the website. 7300 St. Rt. 161, Plain City (614) 733-5021 nw-columbus-plain-city-oh-1243.html
Team members at the Southwest Blvd. center are working countless hours keep the goods moving to a Walmart store near you! Once the goods make it to your Walmart of choice, you’ll be able to shop between 7 am and 8:30 pm. Senior (60+) shopping hour is held on Tuesdays one hour before opening. Pick up and ship to home options are also available online. Distribution Center: 3880 Southwest Blvd.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Kisling, Nestico & Redick Light Up Columbus TAW Sports Bar, LLC. DBA The Upper Deck Sports Bar Jennifer Carducci, Realtor Saxton Real Estate Lularoe by Jennifer Carducci
Roof Remedy Inc. Staples Novacare Rehabilitaton RCW Vacations
CHAMBER NEWS A message from President Coakley COURAGE AND ENCOURAGEMENT The saying ‘you never know what someone is going through’ has never rang truer than right now. I have been reflecting more than usual these past couple weeks, as I’m sure many of you have, as we watch and hear the stories from around the world, and right here in our hometown. Its crushing to witness and watch many businesses in our community struggling. The world that many thought they knew and thought we had control over has been disrupted, but not for long. Courage. Our community and businesses breed creativity and innovation. Right now, they are being asked to dig deeper and continue to have courage in these unsettling times. The small-business attitude is you always find a way to make it work, and I’m hearing more stories about the courage, generosity, and creativity of business every day right here in Grove City. We will not let this tear us apart. We will rise and thrive like we have in so many other challenging events in our lives. Encouragement. Our businesses need our support. They’ve had to face employees to tell them their hours are being reduced, are temporarily out of work, or maybe even no longer have jobs, all while facing their own personal financial dangers. They need our encouragement. They need to hear from us that when we return to the next “normal” that we are going to support their businesses more than ever before. I want to remind everyone that we are still operational as a business community. We are still creating, building, making, caring and serving. As we emerge from this pandemic, it goes without saying that there will be lasting impact to our economy. It is during this time where we can make the biggest difference and live up to our historical reputation for creating a positive environment for the development and success of business. We realize that everyone is going through this uncertain time together. It is our hope that we can count on each other. Check on your neighbors and at-risk community members by calling or messaging them. This is our time to shine. I appreciate your support and prayers as we work together to serve our community, promote business, enhance economic development and serve as the catalyst for improving the overall quality of life in our community.
We understand the financial challenges our member businesses are facing and we want to help. Please click here to read how we can help you maintain your membership and GCACC benefits during this difficult time.
Above & Beyond
Our current global situation feels very local when it affects our local business, families, neighbors & friends. These local eateries are going out of their way to adapt to the situation and keep their customers safe.
Feeling Down? You’re not alone.
5 ways to beat the social distancing blues. By: Katie Browder-Person Anxiety and depression are at an all-time high due to the recent change in our environment. It’s not only hard to adjust to various work challenges but there is also the very clear reality that getting sick could lead to hospitalization. It’s important to say in good health both physically and mentally. With so much anxiety floating around the atmosphere it’s hard to remember that there are helpers all around us. Helping us to get through this. I recently had a family member call me to express how lonely and sad she had become, she was feeling so down that she made herself sick, truly sick. What made it worst is that I could not even get to her to make her feel better or give her a hug to tell her all would be ok. Not having contact with other human beings can certainly cause a person to go into a depression. We are not meant to live alone; we are not meant to be “socially distant”. So what you are feeling is quite natural according to phycology today, “We are social creatures. We thrive in a community. And we like to know what to expect.” This current call for social distancing has left us all feeling a little unsure of the unexpected. During this time, it’s important that we look to our local support system for strength. Here are 5 actions you can take today to fight feelings of anxiety and to avoid triggering depression. The best part is the… you don’t have to look beyond your own chamber!!
1. Reduce Stress with Yoga. According to the Mayo clinic; Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines that may help you achieve peacefulness of body and mind. This can help you relax and manage stress and anxiety. Need something to calm your nerves? Strike a Pose.
Member Connection: GCACC member Burn Within Yoga hosts virtual yoga classes. According to their website, they have both morning and early evening classes. Check them out at
2. Keep it moving. Exercise is a known stress reliever. According to Harvard Health; Moving your body decreases muscle tension,
lowering the body’s contribution to feeling anxious. Moving your body also increases hormones in your body that encourage feelings of happiness. Member Connection: GCACC member YMCA Grove City and the entire YMCA Columbus family of activity centers are hosting virtual fitness classes for FREE!! According to their website, these fitness classes range from High Impact to Low impact and even incorporates the Senior Silver Sneakers program.
3. Start a special project. Are you a closet “Martha Stewart”? A household DIY project might just do the trick to help relieve any feelings of anxiety. Choose a small project or redo the entire house, turn this set back into an expression of art!
Member Connection: GCACC member Anders Ruff Workshop is currently offering DIY to go projects. According to the website, customers can pick up materials at GROVE CITY NUTRITION located at 3999 Broadway in Grove City’s Historic Town Center. Pick up dates are: 10 | CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION APRIL 2020 - SPECIAL EDITION
HEALTH & WELLNESS Tuesday 530-630pm --(must order by 5 pm on Monday-or next pickup date applies) Friday 530-630pm -- (must order by 5 pm Thursday or next to pick update applies) You must pre-register first to order the materials for pick-up. 4. Keep in touch with friends, family, and clients. Social Distancing doesn’t have to mean isolation. Keep in touch with friends, family, and clients. With today’s technology, you can be in your best friends living room at the click of a button. Engaging clients face to face can also help you in feeling more confident in your business communication and will help reduce anxiety around business concerns. Member Connection GCACC member offers a video communication tool that allows individuals and businesses to effectively communicate their message. According to their website, they offer 4 tools Video Testimonials, Brand Video function, case study video function, and video email. Magnfi +Plus subscribers can use these tools unlimited! Magnfi +Plus is a monthly subscription for only $37/month and they are offering currently a FREE 7-day trial. 5. Educate yourself. Keeping your mind sharp by reading or learning a new skill is sure to keep your spirits up. Try learning a new skill to improve your life or your business. Member Connection GCACC member Katbro Ltd. a local marketing and communication agency host a great deal of social media and marketing workshops throughout the year. Currently, they are hosting a series of 30 min social media webinars called “crash course” these crash courses are hosted a few times a month and only cost $10!!! Check out their website at Through all of these changes remember that your family at GCACC is always here. If you need anything contact our team.
Grove City Food Pantry In a normal year, after Taste of Grove City the Grove City Food Pantry would receive a donation from the event’s door entry fees. For some, this is one of the highlights of Taste of Grove City as it allows to Chamber to support another charitable organization in the community. Sadly, this wasn’t a normal year. Actually, the fact we’re no longer in ‘normal’ times means the Grove City Food Pantry’s needs are even greater. Grove City Food Pantry’s mission has always been “no family shall go hungry”, and they need our help perhaps more than ever in order to fulfill their mission. An online monetary donation is the easiest way to support and is highly effective. They will actually be able to purchase more with your donation that would be able to purchase with the same amount at the grocery store; your dollar will go far. Grove City Food Pantry will receive 100 percent of donations as PayPal takes no fees. On the donation page is also information on how to designate them as your Amazon Smile benefitting organization (they would be happy to benefit from your quarantined Prime purchases!). Grove City Food Pantry will gladly accept food donations of non-perishable goods such as soups, pastas, cereals, and canned goods. They are located on Columbus Street, but we do advise contacting them for any best practices for drop-off. They are also seeking volunteers of a younger age (the average age of their usual volunteers is about 70) to step in so all older volunteers can stay home and know their volunteer work is in good hands. Ohio’s stay-at-home order (in effect until April 6 as of writing of this article) does allow for individuals to leave home for the purpose of working with human services agencies (bottom of page three). Social distancing and hygiene protocols are crucial and we truly suggest you contact Grove City Food Pantry if interested so they can create any volunteer schedules that ensure social distancing is maintained. Important Links: Grove City Food Pantry homepage: Grove City Food Pantry-how to donate: Grove City Food Pantry—contact:
HOW TO GET FOOD The Grove City Food Pantry will remain OPEN during this state of emergency. However they are changing their procedures to help keep everyone safe. They will be doing Home Delivery only. You must still make an appointment with Hands On Central Ohio @ 211 or 614-341-2282 the deliveries will be made between 1-5 Pm M-F. You must have a correct & working phone number listed with Hands on. The driver will call you to let you know that they are on the way. If you miss 2 deliveries you will not be able to use the Home Delivery Service. After this Emergency is over they will be going back to regular Choice Pantry. Remember for every dollar that is donated gives the pantry the purchasing power to buy up to $8.00 worth of food. The Grove City Food Pantry is open to all people who need help putting food on the table WITHIN the Grove City, Harrisburg, Orient and Galloway, Ohio communities (Zip codes 43123, 43126, 43146, 43119). An appointment is needed to receive food services. Please make an appointment via phone call with HandsOn Central Ohio.
Home Safety for All
resource focused on apartments, but has useful reminders for everyone regardless of type of housing.
Be a Good Neighbor
Whether you’re home, away from home, or dreaming about getting out of your home… everyone wants a safe home. Thanks to the extensive collection of web resources from our friends at the Grove City Division of Police and the Jackson Township Fire Department, we were able to pull together this collection of home (and even business) safety tips.
Stay in the Know Do you know what’s going on in your community—where a road is closed, or when severe weather is approaching? Beyond social media accounts, Grove City offers text alerts (GCALERT to 888777). If you’re not quite in the Grove City area, or make rounds throughout all of Franklin County, the City also promotes Alert Franklin County, which can be learned about at this link. Want to help first responders be in the know about you, such as if you have a medical condition or mobility challenges? Smart 9-1-1, which Grove City has information about, allows residents to report this information so they can help first responders help them.
House Check From window coverings to door locks, this Grove City Division of Police home safety checklist covers it all. In eight pages, you’ll do a walk-through of your home to assess the safety of various rooms, plan for vacation safety, and plenty of space to document valuables. In the unfortunate event your home is broken into, you have a ready-to-go index of valuables and can identify what may or may not have been taken. As we spend more time at home lately, this is actually the perfect time to complete this checklist and involve the whole family. Since we’re home more often and completing the police safety checklist, it’s a good time to examine your home for fire hazards. Examine cords and wires for frays, rearrange candles that may be too close to other flammable items, and consider how each room should have two means of escape in case of fire. Remember that food on the stove should always practice ‘social distancing’ as you keep other items away from high heat and gas stove flames. Many house fires begin in the kitchen. Jackson Township has created this
Be an attentive neighbor by noticing what might seem out of place for your neighbor or neighborhood—you and your neighbors are creatures of habit and something might not be right if habits are severely broken. Our habits have been out of sorts lately, but eventually we will return to leaving and returning home around the same hours, parking in mostly the same spots along the street and our kids playing in their usual places. Grove City Division offers additional resources for playing your role in crime prevention. Being a good neighbor for fire protection isn’t just noticing smoke from someone’s home. Fire hydrants, their access and upkeep, are critical for firefighting. Jackson Township Fire Department has a special website for reporting fire hydrants that are in need of repair. And as for keeping hydrants unblocked? Set the example by not blocking hydrants with your vehicle(s) and remind others to do the same. Home and neighborhood safety starts with you, so we hope you will begin to implement this tips and checks if you haven’t already.
ADDITIONAL WEB RESOURCES: Grove City Division of Police: Jackson Township Fire Department: Given the current practices and responses for COVID-19 at the time of writing this article, please double check before utilizing the following services which break current social distancing practices and recommendations: Car seat installation: Safe internet purchase exchange zones: topic/internetpurchaseexchangezones/
Grove City... Jackson Township Fire Department members were able to take a night off of cooking recently when Chamber member restaurant Longhorn Steakhouse provided steak dinners to all members on shift, at all stations, that evening.
Grove City Chief of Police Butsko paid a visit to Lilly’s Kitchen Table for lunch on one of the first days following the ‘carry-out/delivery only’ state order. Lilly’s hadn’t been known for carryout orders, but being Chief-approved they might just have found an entire new audience Grove City appreciates our hospital workers! OhioHealth Grove City employees were greeted with motivational sayings on the sidewalks where they enter for their shifts.
Our neighbor Heritage Cycles recently hooked up Farmers’ Market regular Jennings Java with a bike built for coffee deliveries—the Java Mobile! Wonder if we’ll see it at the Farmers’ Market this summer…
The Naz, among many other churches and civic organizations, remain committed to serving others with various food drives for those who can give, and then food pick-up opportunities for those receiving.
Anonymous well-wishers of the Grove City community left sidewalk chalk words of encouragement, including this huge ‘thank you’ for healthcare providers and essential staff of Mount Carmel Grove City.
Comes Together As a casino, Eldorado Scioto Downs was one of the earlier businesses to close, but they closed out on a strong note. In addition to feeding their employees (which was learned from the comments), they sent their food to MidOhio Food Bank where it could then be distributed to Central Ohio
Local hospitals weren’t the only Grove City locations to receive the cheerful sidewalk chalk messages. Many have taken to the sidewalks in their own neighborhoods and even Grove City’s police station was greeted with encouraging messages. For those concerned, we’re told by some of the originators of the chalking that social distancing is being observed, and given that chalk is on the messy side— there’s plenty of hand washing
Marketing and Communicating through COVID-19 Stacy McPhillips of Pencil Point Marketing shared a list of tips with us at the beginning of this situation. We wanted to share a condensed list of these tips, which in a few cases we have combined or tweaked to reflect who is still open for business. Hopefully they serve you well, and a few might not be bad to remember once life and business returns to normal.
• Review any pre-scheduled social media, Google ads you have running continuously, automated customer messaging, etc. • Be thoughtful of your tone in communications. • Fact check. Always double check you have the most current and reliable information before posting anything. • Stay connected with employees, and customers. Communication method and conversation will differ between the two, but each should be ‘in the know’. • Let customers know if you have online buying options, such as gift cards or ordering. • Stay busy in the downtime. If business is slow (or completely closed), don’t fall into latency. Do all those things you’ve meant to do but haven’t had time to. • How can you help another small business? One of the best things we can all do during Stacy McPhillips hard times is help each other out. • Start planning on how you will drive business as soon as the situation alleviates. What kinds of things will get customers back through the door quickly? Want the full list? Stacy would be happy to hook you up—reach out to her at:
Working From Home Survival Tips By: Sarah Hann and Rhian Tomassetti We’ve lost count of how many of us are now working from home, but we do know many readers are brand new to concept. We’ve pulled together some of our best tips that will help you make the transition so that working from home doesn’t let work completely take over your home. Make a Space: Working from home, especially during these current times, can be a challenge to stay focused and on task. Creating a calm, designated workspace assists you in separating working at home from home life. It does not have to be a designated office, maybe it is your kitchen table or a laptop desk, even adding a table to a quiet space in your home. Creating a workspace that allows you to have quiet enhances concentration & focus. Get Dressed When working from home many of us may go straight to our computer or laptop (and phone) while still drinking coffee in our pajamas. It is recommended that if you take the time to get dressed for the day you will feel more productive. Checking Emails: Unless you’re waiting for a very critical email or constant checking of email is in your original job description, try to limit to checking and replying to emails or other messages to about three times a day-- beginning your day, around noon or lunchtime, and again shortly before you’re ready to call it a day (this way anything urgent toward the end of the day you can tackle without feeling rushed or annoyed that it’s cutting into your personal time). Plan Your Tasks: As you may be adjusting to working from home and virtual communications, managing your tasks and deadlines is key to success. Whether it is making a checklist on paper or a digital notepad or using a task manager app, having a set goal of items to complete each day allows you to
feel accomplishment and clarity. There are many project and task manager applications available for free that allow you to connect with your co-workers and staff in a variety of ways. Some of our favorites are Trello, Asana, & Take Breaks: Remember the office coffee machine? And maybe the snack stash? And maybe you’d ditch your desk for a short walk around the block or to another part of the office? You let yourself take breaks. You get those–you need those, at home too. It could be as traditional as coffee with a snack and a little walk. You may also need to use the time for family-related things if you have kids (supposed to be) doing school, or a dog in desperate need of the backyard. Personal Time Speaking of personal time in the evening, you’re still allowed to have that. Unless it’s something critical, put work away at “closing time” just as if you were to leave work at the office and come home. Work from home doesn’t suddenly mean work all the time. Adhere as closely as possible to the hours you would usually keep at your office.
Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce + Franklin University Par tnership The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Franklin University to provide the following educational benefits:
Tuition discounts on associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree and certificate programs.
Free textbooks
20% tuition discount on all programs up through the master’s level
Franklin University offers a variety of programs through the Ross College of Business, College of Arts, Sciences & Technology, College of Health & Public Administration and the International Institute for Innovative Instruction.
Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce employees and members can combine tuition discounts and free tuition deferment with their employee reimbursement.
Take Advantage of the Savings Today! Apply: Verify Employment: Learn More: Questions? Contact: Mary Beth Bertrand, Senior Partnership Account Manager CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION APRIL 2020 | 19 | 614.947.6716