MARCH 2020 | VOL. 4, ISSUE 3
Taste of Grove City & Business Expo
Member Highlights and February Recap
Chamber Foundation Awards scholarship for Master’s program
Census 2020
Letter from the Director Member Spotlight Member Anniversaries
It’s more than a population count. It’s an opportunity to shape the future of your community.
Census 2020
United States®
Achieving an accurate population count is important to our community, county and state. Assistance from both the public and private sectors is vital.
Complete in minutes online, phone or mail.
Your information is confidential, legally protected & encrypted.
Federal funding & legislative representation is determined by Census.
Your business can play a key role in the 2020 Census by encouraging employees and customers to complete their census questionnaires.
614-277-3000 •
We can shape our future.
. “Ik e ” S ta g e
People who love to eat are always the best people. - Julia Child
CHAMBER NEWS Upcoming Events
Chamber News
Taste of Grove City Busieness Expo
Q&A with Taste of GC participants
Census 2020
CITY DEMOGRAPHICS Population: 42,400 Median Age: 39.7 Population Over 18: 79% Population Over 65: 17% Number of Households: 16,197 Average Home Price: $189,268 Median Income Per Household: $74,451
Letter from the Director
Encouraging note from Director, Shawn Conrad.
Member Recognition
Welcome new and celebrate current members.
Want to learn more about the demographics of Grove City? Visit: GroveCityOhio.Gov/about-us-and-tourism/community-information
Whether you are a brand new to the Chamber or a long time member, this free program will show you how make the most of your membership! At Chamber 101, you will walk away with an understanding of the chamber’s business support benefits, markeitng oppotunities, chamber events and the chamber’s educational benefits. All first-time participant recieve a chamber membership plaque to be displayed in thier home or office. Come enjoy a light breakfast and networking with other members and chamber staff. Our next Chamber 101 session will be April 15 and whether you’re brand-new or a veteran member, you’re sure to find some great take-homes from this session! We want to thank Franklin County Banking Center for sponsoring 2020 Chamber 101 sessions.
UPCOMING EVENTS TASTE OF GROVE CITY Wednesday Mar 11, 2020 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Location South-Western Career Academy. Located at 4750 Big Run South Rd, Grove City, OH 43123 .
Fees/Admission: FREE
Chamber members in Taste room $150 Chamber members in hallways $125 Non Chamber members available spots $175 Admission: Adults are $8 Seniors (Ages 65 and up), children above 8 years old, Veterans and Active Service Members are $5 Children under the age of 8 are free. Website Contact Information Marilyn Reiner, Events Manager
Contact Information Heather Brokaw Young Professionals Thirdsday Network... Are you between the ages of 21 - 39? Do you live and or work in the Grove City Area? Interested in getting to know and network with other Young Professionals? If you answered yes, then we invite you to join us every Third Thursday of the month , join us and other Young Professionals,in the Grove City Area as we take in different Grove City hot spots, in our Thirdsday networking event, sponsored by Morley Parren Bright Insurance. .
YOUR CHAMBER Chamber Business Connections is published monthly by the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce with revenue from member dues, advertising, and sponsorship. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the content in this publication, by any method or purpose whatsoever, without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Only chamber members can advertise in Chamber Business Connection. To plan advertising contact the chamber.
Letter from the Director
Your Board President Wayne Coakley President Elect Ed Fleming VP at Large Trent Soles VP of Finance Allen Hocker Chamber Foundation President Greg Dawkins Past President Lisa Zeigler
Board Members Amy Ankerson Dan Havener Frank Herman Heather Miller Katie Antry Kay Anderson Laura Haines Peggy Mosher Shelley Davis Wayne Kintz
Staff Executive Director Shawn Conrad Events Manager Marilyn Reiner Administrative Assistant Heather Brokaw Marketing and Communications KatBro Consulting Ltd.
Spring is just around the corner and while it’s been a pretty mild winter, I think most of us are looking forward to sunshine, warm weather, opening windows and getting outdoors. Here at the Chamber we love spring too, not only for the reasons I mentioned but because there are so many wonderful events that happen throughout the spring. Get these dates on your calendar and find all the details on our website March 11 Taste of Grove City and Business Expo April 10 Chamber Foundation Fundraiser May 6 WE:LEAD Women’s Business Forum May 16 Opening of the 2020 GCACC Farmers’ Market July 13 Chamber Open Annual Golf outing Great organizations don’t become great on their own; they become great through partnerships and involvement. Each of our events has opportunity for member involvement - Do you or some of your employees want to volunteer? Would you like to get your name out to the community? Do you want to show your support of the community? Between our Events Team and our Marketing Team – we have an opportunity that will fit your needs, your goals and even your budget. Creating a positive environment for the development and success of business is more than just our mission – it’s our heart. Thanks, S
Insperity Nancy Day- Achauer Fastsigns Steller Construction The Rollhouse JL Local 3 Pillar Homes Manpower 824 Soy Candles
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Regal Staffing Services ReMax Revealty
Mid-Ohio Food Bank Telhio Credit Union
DRAGON DONUTS Dragon Donuts offers a unique donut experience by creating made-to-order donuts, complete with exciting flavor combinations you might’ve only dreamed of.
FLYERS PIZZA & SUBS Flyer’s is the 2019 Taste of Grove City Best Pizza award winner, and has been serving up pizza in Grove City for almost two decades. With two locations on either side of I-71, it shouldn’t be hard to pay them a visit to try their pizzas, salads or their stromboli.
FUSION RESTAURANT Fusion is the 2019 Taste of Grove City Best Restaurant award winner and has been open in Grove City since 2012.
After enjoying a locally-owned donut shop on a vacation the Dragon Donuts founders saw that owning a donut shop, and operating a fun place to work, could be a reality. The dream became a reality just over a year ago as Dragon Donuts celebrated their first birthday in February.
Fusion offers a diverse menu of Asian cuisine, ranging from a full sushi bar, to Hibachi-style cooking. It all comes together to make a dining Flyer’s has plenty to offer online as well—from experience unlike any other. the option to place an order online, to their email list and web specials which will surely With that in mind, Fusion can be a place to offer lots of yummy discounts. party as birthday and anniversary celebration discounts are featured on their website. Flyer’s also believes in being active in the community, through participation in Taste of And while many diners will choose to dine-in, Grove City and supporting our local schools take-out options are available, along with lunch specials that will satisfy your need for Asian cuisine.
The dream continues to grow as Dragon Donuts looks to expand to other Central Ohio and Columbus-area neighborhoods.
4099 Hoover Rd. (614) 871-9000
This locally-owned and operated business believes in service to the community, and serving outstanding made-to-order donuts.
2806 London Groveport Rd. (614) 745-6023
2726 London Groveport Rd. 614-931-0888
4124 Buckeye Parkway (614) 539-9866
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Braces Bar Local Waste Services, Ltd. Wagner Insurance Agency Restoration 1
CannaMed Therapeutics, LLC dba Terrasana Stynchula Family Foundation COSTCO Nextiva
Chamber Foundation Awards scholarship for Master’s program The Grove City Chamber Foundation awarded its first scholarship for master’s program to Andrea Ruede at OhioHealth last month. In addition to the scholarship, Andrea is also taking part in the partnership with Franklin University, where students receive a 20% tuition discount and free books. This program is open to all Chamber members/employees of Chamber member businesses, and more can be learned at their website. Foundation President Greg Dawkins is proud of the progress the Foundation has made and is excited about the continued growth of the Foundation and its opportunities. “I’m honored to be part of a great group of folks that are providing additional educational opportunities to the community and our business community. The work we do today honors those that laid the groundwork for the foundation and prepares for the future for those that follow us,” he said. It’s an exciting time for educational opportunities with the Grove City Chamber Foundation and the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce. The Foundation’s scholarship opportunities continue to grow as an Urbana University scholarship was recently added for graduating seniors residing in the South-Western City School District. Educational partnerships for the Chamber also continue to grow as Ohio Dominican University now also offers a partnership program, including application fees waived and various tuition discounts. More can be learned from this flyer. But, the Chamber Foundation is gearing up for another ‘scholarship season’ with first deadlines as soon as March 20. Included in the March 20 deadline is the Chamber Affiliate Scholarship, which is open to employees and family members of Chamber-member businesses. In addition to application dates, the Foundation’s fundraiser night will be April 10 and tickets are available.
UPCOMING DATES: • March 20: Deadline for Chamber Affiliate Scholarship, High School Scholarship, and Urbana University Scholarships. • April 10: Annual Foundation Fundraiser Information and applications for the March 20 scholarships, and others, can be found at the scholarship page of the Foundation website.
Southwest Community Leadership Lends Support to the SWCSD Special Olympics Program It may seem like the 2019-20 class of the Southwest Community Leadership Program just formed, but they’re well underway in making big contributions to the community as classes before. In addition to learning about a variety of local programs, departments and services, the Program class completes a project benefitting the Grove City Area. It’s up to each class to examine community needs and then determine which aspect of the community they will support; what will be their cause. Previous classes have chosen a variety of programs in the community, some which have become community traditions that are continued even today. It’s not a decision made lightly and much brainstorming went into determining who or what to support during this year’s class project. From that brainstorming, the South-Western City School District Special Olympics basketball program was selected to benefit. It came to light that these teams have a budget of only $500, receive no additional funding, and use hand-me-down uniforms from the schools’ varsity and junior varsity teams.
EVENT DETAILS... What: The First Responder Face-Off Dodge Ball Game, Grove City PD vs. Jackson Twp FD When: Saturday April 4, beginning at 11 am Where: Central Crossing High School, 4500 Big Run South Why: Support the SWCSD Special Olympic basketball teams, watch police officers and firefighters ‘duke it out’ in dodgeball, and interact with the community! More Information:
Three of the district’s high schools—Central Crossing, Grove City, and Franklin Heights, have teams of players and cheerleaders who showcases their skills in competitions throughout Central Ohio. The plan for the Leadership Program Class is to secure additional funding, at least $1500 for each school, so that teams can purchase equipment, matching uniform items, and other needs. Currently the Leadership Program Class has raised $500 toward their goal, thanks to a 50/50 raffle they held during StoryPoint Grove City’s February craft show. The class has at least $4000 to go and additional fundraising opportunities are being planned. Money is important, but moral support also goes a long way. Annual Award Winners Leadership Program Class members recently attended the Skills Competition between the three teams. This was a great chance for class members to meet the young athletes they’re supporting, and also show the community what the Special Olympics program is all about. Their big event is still to come in April as the First Responder Face-off Dodgeball Game will be held to benefit the SWCSD Special Olympics basketball teams. On Saturday April 4, members from the Grove City Division of Police and the Jackson Township Fire Department will square off in a dodgeball match at Central Crossing High School. The event is free to attend, but the goal is to receive donations. The community is invited to donate in advance and everyone is welcome to cheer on their favorite police and fire members.
FEATURED protentional customers to provide insight into what they offer. Many service and retail based companies will be there, ready to network and provide give-a-ways as well as information regarding their services. It’s sure to be a good time for all. The Taste of Grove City and Business Expo does not only offer a space for businesses to promote, it also serves as a learning opportunity to future culinary and business professionals. Students from the South-Western Career Academy culinary program participate each year in this event as a hands on learning experience.
The Taste of Grove City & Business Expo features many amazing restaurants from around Grove City and Central Ohio. This event is hosted by the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 from 5PM-8PM. This event brings together a vast variety of local treats and culinary delights to the southwest community. The public will enjoy sampling dishes from each food vendor for one small admission cost. A selection of food will be offered such as sushi, pizza, burgers and more.
“We are excited to be participating in the taste of Grove City event. The students find this event to be one of the busiest days that we are able to see in our 2 years at the Career Academy.“ In addition, this event also invites local businesses and entrepreneurs to share their brand with the community at the Business Expo. Businesses will have the opportunity to speak with
“We are excited to be participating in the taste of Grove City event. The students find this event to be one of the busiest days that we are able to see in our 2 years at the Career Academy.“ Said Kevin Crabtree, Hospitality and Event Management Teacher. SWCS Career Academy. “The preparation for the event is as exciting as the day. We have to all work together to pull this off. The networking opportunities that we are able to take away turn into internships and future employment.” Members of the public can attend this event on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 from 5:00pm- 8:00pm at the South-Western Career Academy , 4750 Big Run South, Grove City. Ticket prices are as follows: General Admission- $8, Seniors (Ages 65 and up), Veterans and Active Service Members $5, Children 6 and under are FREE. Both cash and credit/debit card will be accepted at the door. A portion of the proceeds from this event will go to the Grove City Food Pantry. This years’ Taste of Grove City Presenting Sponsors are Credit Union of Ohio and Mount Carmel Grove City, additional sponsorship provided by Newcomer and Sanderson Automotive Services.
Photo Credit: Cam Around Town: Taste of Grove City | WSYX
Come hungry and ready to try the many delicious tastes of Grove City, and see what our amazing businesses have to offer!
Grove City Brewing Co. / Plum Run Winery Grove City Food Pantry
BiBiBop Asian Grill
Heartland Bank
Brew Brothers
Homestead America/Bently Apartments Homestead Village
Capital City Cakes
Kram-It Self Storage
Dragon Donuts
M.A.S.H. Pantry & Resource Center
Flyers Pizza
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Fusion Steakhouse GCBrewing Company/Plum Run Honey Baked Ham IHOP Jets Pizza
McGuire Driving Academy Mitchell Insurance Agency, Inc. Molino Agency- Leavitt Group Midwest Moses- Mouser and Associates
Jolly Pirate
Mount Carmel Grove City
Marco’s Pizza
Newcomer Funeral Home & Crematory
NextHome Experience / The Shroyer Group
Pearle Vision
Raising Canes
RCW Vacations
Romeo’s Pizza StoryPoint
Sanderson Automotive Service Saxton Real Estate
2020 BUSINESS EXPO LIST Air Quality Solutions American Eagle Mortgage Broadway Station Apartments Costco Wholesale Credit Union of Ohio
StoryPoint of Grove City Telhio Wagner Insurance Agency Warrior Spirit Martial Arts WesBanco Bank
Emerge Real Estate Results
Wieging Chiropractic & DOT Grove City
First Service Federal Credit Union
YES for our Libraries
Fraternal Order of Eagles
EPCON Communities
Q&A with Taste of Grove City’s Participants
Moses-Mouser and Associates Tips for individuals looking for a new Ophthalmology Practice in Grove City. •
This year’s taste of Grove City has a variety of food and business vendors. We were able to take a few moments to connect with some of these vendors before the big event for a quick Q & A. We asked a few of the vendors to share some key tips they wanted the community to know about their business or industry. Homestead America: Bentley Apartments and Homestead Village 55+Community Shared 3 things to consider when shopping for an apartment home: • • •
Location/Neighborhood, consider what is walkable to the apartment community, how close is this location to your workplace, etc. Amenities, what fits your lifestyle, if you can’t live without a pool or fitness center find an apartment community with both. Pet-Friendly? What are the pet policies and monthly fees? Do they have amenities for pets right in the community?
Broadway Station Shared 3 tips for renters: • Treat your rental like YOU own it. • Always let your maintenance staff know when there is an issue. • Pay your rent on time RCW Vacations Shared Tips for Travelers • We specialize in cruises, all-inclusive resorts, tours and Disney. • RCW takes care of all the details in planning and booking your perfect vacation. • RCW charges no fees and will match any quote. First Service Federal Credit Union Looking for a new financial partner, consider First Credit Union. • First Service Federal Credit Union is open to anyone who lives, works, or worships in Franklin or the surrounding counties • We offerFull service Credit union for everyone in our community featuring great rates on home, personal, and auto loans. • We offer Mobile services to fit your lifestyle, Visit us in person or online at for more details Costco • You’ll appreciate the quality and value of Costco • You’ll appreciate the quality and value of the products and services you find at Costco. That’s our promise to you. If we fail to deliver on that promise, we’ll refund your money. It’s that simple. • Strong values, surprising variety, and unexpected savings.
• •
Our practice spends the time to explain and discuss patient diagnosis. It turns out this is quite unique in the day and age of the rapid assembly line patient experience. Many offices see 50 plus patients a day per provider. We keep our patient volume below 40 a day per provider to provide the time we need to explain a patient’s condition and answer all questions. We have comprehensive eye care as we provide both ophthalmology (eye surgery) and optometry (glasses and contact lenses, including complex contact lens fitting) expertise We offer the latest technology in cataract and micro-incisional glaucoma surgery. For a side note we did find out that Garret Mouser, MD is a 1994 Grove City High School graduate!
Telhio Tips for individuals looking for a new banking experience. • Align yourself with the right partners to help your business grow. Start with a Banker, CPA and an Attorney. • Always have a plan for your business and your finances. Things can change and if they do, make sure to have a backup plan. • Keep a pulse on your business finances. Review them regularly to understand what’s going on at any given moment E-Merge Real Estate Tips for individuals searching for a great Real Estate Agency • Get pre-approved • Choosing a Real Estate Agent with experience does matter • Having patience in this HOT market. Newcomer Cremations, Funerals Tips for individuals looking for a quality funeral home • Funerals & cremations can be expensive, but not at Newcomer. We saved Grove City & Columbus families over $2 million last year. • Planning ahead for funeral & cremation services can help families save thousands, and gain valuable peace of mind! • Preplanning allows you to fully document your wishes, eliminating confusion and removing the burden of decisionmaking from your loved ones after your passing. • Getting started with pre-planning is simple and there’s no obligation. You can estimate costs on our website at: StoryPoint feels like home because we have: • Restaurant quality food • A team of people who love the residents like our own family • A wide variety of activities that keep people active and connected to life
What Happens in Grove City... Stays in Grove City
Grove City Chamber Foundation’s Annual Fundraiser Friday, April 10, 2020 Time: 6:30-10:30 Aladdin Shrine Center 1801 Gateway Circle, Grove City, Ohio 43123
Annual Fundraiser Event Featuring: Entertainment by Magic Man TJ Hill & Music by Carter & Cash Dinner
✨ Dancing ✨ Silent & Live Auctions ✨Raffles Ticket cost : $100
Tickets include dinner, entertainment and a chance to win a great cash prize
Grand Prize $10,000**, $5,000** in additional cash and prizes Second Chance Sideboard Purchases available from 6:30 to 7:30 pm Floor Show & Drawings begin at 7:30 pm Dress is Business Casual
**If less than 300 tickets sold prize money will be adjusted.
CENSUS “multitude of ways to respond.”
As 2020 Census: Why Does it ‘Count’? The 2020 Census is about to get underway and communities around the nation, including Grove City, ‘count’ on it for a variety of reasons. Grove City is ready to do its part to ensure an accurate count, beginning with the establishment of a committee and online resources residents can access 24/7. Communities know how to best capture their local audiences and have taken charge of that task. Jimmy Hoppel, a development planner with Grove City and a committee member, explained that there are two goals: to promote awareness of the Census and to reach the hardest-tocount populations. Hardest-to-count may be defined as someone between addresses or very young children. The biggest benefit to a highly-accurate Census count is to more accurately send federal funding dollars to Grove City. These funds will affect overall quality of living for all residents—roads, public transportation, public schools, family assistance. An adequatelyfunded community will be a place that business can continue to thrive and grow. The Census also provides data of value to businesses and community members. Projections for future business growth are created using Census data, and the 2020 Census will provide the most recent and accurate data of growth. Businesses can use this to decide to grow or even expand into new geographic locations. Jimmy provided an interesting statistic from university researchers who have calculated how much money is missed when a count is inaccurate. For the state of Ohio, it was estimated that $1800 per person per year (over 10 years) was missed. While the Census may seem straightforward, and easier than ever given the online option, for some it can be confusing how to answer. This may be due to a recent move or how to account for college or recently-graduated adult children who split time between their family home and a campus residence. The Census website has plenty of answers for these specific cases and many more. As mentioned, responding online is a new option this year, making for as Jimmy put it, a “multitude of ways to respond.” He assured that Census workers, should they come to your home, will have proper credentials and also operate under a lifetime confidentiality agreement in regards to the information they gather. A home visit is considered a ‘last resort’ given the online, mail-in, and phone options. Business owners are encouraged to not only account for their household correctly, but encourage their employees and colleagues to do the same. Materials are available online that are suitable for break rooms and employee common areas.
Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce + Franklin University Par tnership The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Franklin University to provide the following educational benefits:
Tuition discounts on associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree and certificate programs.
Free textbooks
20% tuition discount on all programs up through the master’s level
Franklin University offers a variety of programs through the Ross College of Business, College of Arts, Sciences & Technology, College of Health & Public Administration and the International Institute for Innovative Instruction.
Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce employees and members can combine tuition discounts and free tuition deferment with their employee reimbursement.
Take Advantage of the Savings Today! Apply: Verify Employment: Learn More: Questions? Contact: Mary Beth Bertrand, Senior Partnership Account Manager CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION MARCH 2020 | 17 | 614.947.6716