Chamber Business Connection Volume 3, Issue 12

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NOVEMBER 2019 | VOL. 3, ISSUE 12


GROVE CITY GIVES BACK Catching up with MASH Pantry Coordinator Penny Kilcourse. GCACC Chamber members support the community all year round.



Our very own Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market was recently recognized by Visit Grove City with a 2019 Trailblazer Award.

Letter from the Director Member Spotlight Member Anniversaries





Catching up with MASH Pantry Coordinator Penny Kilcourse.


GCACC Chamber Members support the community all year round.

CHAMBER NEWS Chamber October Recap


Grove City Gives Back


Chamber Foundation Affiliate Scholarship: Deadline Approaching!


Pay It Forward to Future Entrepreneurs


5 Tips for Small Business Saturday


Farmers’ Market Blazes a Trail Franklin University Spring Enrollment Announcement

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Letter from the Director Encouraging note from Director, Shawn Conrad.

Population: 41,495 Median Age: 39.7 Population Over 18: 78% Population Over 65: 16% Number of Households: 15,977 Average Home Price: $190,530 Median Income Per Household: $68,207 Number of Businesses: 1,455+


Want to learn more baout the demographics of Grove City? Visit: GroveCityOhio.Gov/about-us-and-tourism/community-information


Chamber News See what’s new at your chamber

Member Recognition Welcome new and celebrate current members.


THE CHAMBER GIVES BACK WINTER GEAR DRIVE Give a helping hand this season to those in need. Now through December 1st we're taking new and gently used winter wear. Donations will go to children in the South-Western City School district. If your business would like to participate please contact us at 614-875-9762 or 4 | CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION NOVEMBER 2019

YOUR CHAMBER Chamber Business Connections is published monthly by the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce with revenue from member dues, advertising, and sponsorship. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the content in this publication, by any method or purpose whatsoever, without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Only chamber members can advertise in Chamber Business Connection. To plan advertising contact the chamber.

Your Board President

Board Members

Lisa Zeigler

President Elect Wayne Coakley

VP at Large Kay Anderson

VP at Large Chellee Hamilton

VP at Large

Letter from the Director One might think that after 17 weeks award winning Farmers’ Market season in the Alley are over that the Chamber taking a breather – but that would be far

of multiand Arts might be from true.

Your small but mighty Chamber staff: Events Manager Marilyn Reiner, Administrative Assistant Heather Brokaw and myself are working with our Board, Executive Team, Committee Chairs and community partners to plan our 2020 calendar.

Greg Dawkins Shelley Davis Marc Fleming Dan Havener Allen Hocker Heather Miller Peggy Mosher Trent Soles

We’re working on the Annual Meeting and Awards Breakfast (January 8th), Taste of Grove City and Business Expo (March 11th), our Chamber Foundation Fundraiser (April 10th), the 7th Annual WE:LEAD Women’s Business Forum (May 13th), the 2020 Farmers’ Market season will open on May 16th, the Chamber Open (July 13th) and of course our largest signature event, Arts in the Alley and the Community Parade (Sept 19&20) with the newest addition to the Arts in the Alley weekend, the Voice of Grove City.

Ed Fleming

VP of Finance Charlene McFarland

Past President Shirley Spellman

Staff Executive Director Shawn Conrad

But that’s not all – we are expanding our our Chamber Gives Back Projects which give our members the opportunity to give into and serve our community. Southwest Community Leadership is underway and working on their class project. Our Table Talk Lunch ‘N Learn Series is filling up with some fantastic speakers and topics and please, consider joining our Ambassador Team by attending training on December 3rd.

Events Manager Marilyn Reiner

We are working closely with our marketing firm, KatBro, to develop more opportunities for our members to get their name out into the community through our brand new website, our SM pages, Chamber Business Connection, Grove City Living and other outlets.

Administrative Assistant Heather Brokaw

Both the 2020 Sponsorship Menus for the Chamber and for the Foundation will be in our members hands shortly.

Marketing and Communications KatBro Consulting Ltd.

Needless to say, we love the work that we do and we would love to work with you and your company - there’s a place for you to be involved with the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce – call us today and we’ll help you get plugged in!





First Presbyterian Church of Grove City Massey’s Pizza Sports Bar and Grill Merion Village Dental Coach Smart Solutions

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Safe Check Home Inspections, LLC Joslyn Law Firm



Fisher & Douglas, LLP Brant Law Office Franklin County Banking Cen-






We believe in meeting people where they are. No one is too young, too old, too thin, or too heavy. We provide an environment that is free of intimidation, and full of encouragement. We strive to make our clients physically stronger, and more confident. Certified through ISSA (International Sports Science Association) in Personal Training, Fitness Nutrition, and Youth Fitness Training, a variety of classes are offered to meet all needs.

Get your home back to comfortable temperatures again. With over two decades of HVAC experiences, our team of experienced technicians can help you get the heating system you deserve. We understand emergencies don’t always happen between 9 and 5, which is why we provide after-hours emergency services. For your convenience, we service all makes and models of heating and cooling equipment and systems. No job is too big or small for our team!

ClienTrax is one of the only independentlyowned, financially-sound, technology solutions providers left in the veterinary industry. Our decisions are based on feedback we get from our customers. CleinTrax has been converting a record number of systems, adding staff, and building on our 26 year history. Our growth is a direct result of our attention to detail, commitment to support, and our focus on integrating systems.

3391 McDowell Rd, Grove City (614) 554-5557

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Ohio Dominican University

Funky’s Auto Group Epcon Community: Courtyards at Beulah Park


CHAMBER NEWS Chamber October Recap Just because the year is winding down doesn’t mean we’re slowing down! In addition to welcoming new members, we had a few specific events we celebrated or hosted:  On October 17, we celebrated the ribbon cutting of Starr Spine Physical Therapy and Wellness at their First Street location. It’s a joy to celebrate ribbon cuttings, and even better when there’s an audience. Thank you to everyone who joined them to celebrate!  We took our lunch and learn session on the road and to a new level when we met at the SWCS Career Academy to hear from Amy Schakat on how businesses can partner with SWCS Career Academy and hire students. Attendees had a firsthand experience with some of the students’ skills as lunch was prepared by the academy’s culinary students.  Our in-depth learning sessions continued with our mostly timely topic yet. ADAMH of Franklin County and expert speakers educated us on how to assist employees struggling with substance abuse, and how employers can feel prepared to provide assistance. A big thank you to everyone who attended this session and our career academy session!

Career Academy Lunch & Learn

Starr Spine Ribbon Cutting


Chamber Foundation Affiliate Scholarship: Deadline Approaching! Giving Strength to Tomorrow’s Business Leaders Through Education The Grove City Chamber Foundation provides a variety of scholarship opportunities for a variety of educational opportunities. Typically, scholarships are associated with college or some sort of higher education, but the Chamber Foundation Affiliate Scholarship isn’t limited to just college. The Affiliate Scholarship is intended for employees or family members of a GCACC-member business. But as mentioned above, it can cover education fees not labeled as “college”. It could be used to take an online continuing education course and certifications for professional development. If the purpose is education, this scholarship could be applied. 2018 Scholarship Recipients

But, first an employee or family member would need to apply.

FYI, you can use the affiliate scholarship to help with payment towards courswork for the Franklin Works program. The next deadline, which is the last of 2019, is December 16. The application is available at the Foundation’s scholarship website: Select the Affiliate Scholarship and follow the directions to submit. 

Farmers’ Market Blazes a Trail Our very own Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market was recently recognized by Visit Grove City with a 2019 Trailblazer Award. The Farmers’ Market won the community event category and, as one might hope from a farmers’ market, was described as “fresh”. The market, and Chamber, was recognized for always having fresh and new displays, features, and vendors. Many of these ‘fresh’ ideas include the composting station, the chef demonstrations and corners such as Fit Corner and Green Corner. These new additions with their rotating presenters have captured attention and will continue to grow. The award festivities took place in mid-October at the MidOhio Foodbank. Numerous businesses and community organizations came together to celebrate accomplishments of 2019. Other winners included: Southwest Franklin County Historical Society, Amanda DeCastro/ Busy In Grove City Instagram, and Alex Rogers/Alex is Social. We’re so thankful to be surrounded by countless outstanding groups and businesses in this community, and to be recognized for our accomplishments. A big “thank you” goes out to everyone who plays a part in making the Farmers’ Market a success: our vendors, our staff, our customers, our sponsors, and everyone who has ever had a hand in the market. We’re excited to continue our success in 2020! The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce is now a “back to back” Trailblazer as Arts in the Alley was recognized in 2018. If you’d like to see everyone who was recognized, check out Visit Grove City’s video from the event! Photo from the Trailblazer Awards courtesy of Jeffrey Tadlock CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION NOVEMBER 2019 | 9

CHAMBER NEWS Franklin University Spring Enrollment Announcement Registration has already begun for Spring 2020 enrollment with Franklin University. But, why should you, as a Chamber member, care? It’s a Chamber benefit! Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce members and employees of member businesses can enroll in and attend Franklin University with a 20 percent tuition discount and free textbooks! This applies to associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and certificate programs. Franklin’s degree offerings are continually expanding; the one “perfect for you” might now be offered! Classwork can be done online, which allows for schedule flexibility to begin, continue, and complete a degree. Franklin also allows for a generous amount of credits to transfer for all types of degrees. Spring 2020 semester may not begin until 2020, and it’s only November, but those interested should act now to have the best pick of course options, and to have everything taken care of before the holidays approach. For more information, visit the following links: Program page: or Program introductory video:

Grove City Gives Back Countless members and member organizations are giving back to our community and putting good out into the world. In this season of giving and thankfulness, we want to recognize and showcase member organizations whose mission is to give back in one way or another. They each have their unique missions and projects, but any and all would love your support, and love for you to learn more about them. Did You Know? Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce events frequently support an area non-profit. Our annual Taste of Grove City is in support of The Grove City Food Pantry, and WE: LEAD is proud to support The Refuge, Inc. Here is a list of non profit and charitable organizations in our community. If you are looking to volunteer or are in need of assistance these organizations can help. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Fraternal Order of Eagles, Grand Aerie: The Fraternal Order of Eagles: (614) 406-4022 Homes on the Hill CDC: (614) 275-4663 Volunteers of America of Greater Ohio: USO of Central & Southern Ohio, Inc.: Heinzerling Community: Grove City Noon Lions Club: (614) 875-7525 Kiwanis Club Grove City: The Refuge, Inc.: American Legion Post 164: MD-13 Ohio Lions, Inc.: Aladdin Shrine Center: Grove City Community Club: Grove City Buddy Ball Inc: The Hope Healing House Foundation: Full Story Foundation: Start Talking South Western City, Inc.: SW Franklin County Historical Society: MASH Pantry at Victorious Living Church: Grove City Food Pantry & Emergency Services Inc.: Grove City Lions Club: Columbus Grove City Elks Lodge #37: cfm?LodgeNumber=37 Mid-Ohio Food Bank: Neighborhood Bridges Grove City: community/grove-city 10 | CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION NOVEMBER 2019

Churches From meals to clothing to other needs, area churches live to serve others through a variety of programs. Simply browsing their websites can quickly give an overview of their service opportunities, ranging from collection drives or service project events. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Amazing Grace Christian Church: Bethel Lutheran Church: Bible Baptist Church: CrossLink Community Church: Faith Community Church of First Baptist Church of Grove City: First Presbyterian Church of Grove City: Gateway Church: Grove City Church of the Nazarene: Grove City United Methodist (aka, The Purple Door Church): Highland Baptist Church: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church:

Pay it forward to future entrepreneurs Last month in the Chamber Weekly Connection e-newsletter, we sent out a request from a Jackson Middle School teacher seeking entrepreneurs and small business owners who could come speak to the new entrepreneurship class for eighth graders. Recently we heard from Michele Robison from the Garden Bar and her experience with visiting the class. Here’s what Michele had to say: “I was called earlier this month to speak to the class, and wanted to share what an honor it was for me. Although I was there to encourage the 8th grade class, they by far encouraged me. Great class with great vision. The young man that contacted me (Alec) did an outstanding job and was very professional setting up the speaking engagement with me. I definitely encourage businesses to be a part of this great class that Jackson middle school has implemented.” Have you visited the entrepreneurship class? If so, we’d love to hear from you—share your experiences with us at marketing@ Want to give back by getting involved with the class? Chances are they’d still love to have you. Email eighth grade social studies teacher Darrin Bowers at:

Small business Saturday Tips from KatBro Marketing ① Get web ready

Don’t forget the easy stuff. Make sure your address and contact info is correct on your website and all your social media profiles. And while you’re at it, review your site as if you were a customer. Make sure it’s user friendly and that there isn’t old or outdated messaging.

② Extend your hours

If you usually close at 5 p.m. on Saturdays consider staying open til 8 or 9 p.m. Remember shoppers may be running to several places that day and you don’t want them to miss out on your specials.

③ Prioritize customer service

Re-train your staff to make a good impression. Your ability to connect with customers and create more personalized experiences can help you stand out from your competitors.

④ Utilize social media–and hashtags Tell your story on social media. Document your preparation for the big day. Take photos of your displays, the set up process and announce any products or services special. Remember to add specific event hashtags to accompany your posts: #SmallBizSat, #ShopSmall and #SmallBusinessSaturday.






ictorious Living Church here in Grove City is on the move, which means the MASH Pantry moved, too! We caught up with coordinator and US Army veteran Penny Kilcourse to tell us about the new space, and refresh us on MASH’s mission and how the community can help. Q: First, if you could recap MASH Pantry’s mission and explain the pantry for those who might not be as familiar or are new to the area. Tell us who you serve, how many in a typical month, where they are from, how do they utilize your service. A: We live by our Motto: “No veteran, military family, or Survivor will go without… at least not on our watch.” We have four pantries: Grove City and Delaware Pantries-which services all veterans/active duty military& families/ surviving spouses; Rickenbacker ANGB-73rd Troop Support-caters to the personnel associated with the base through Troop & Family Support; (DSCC) Defense Supply Center Columbus – concentrates on serving the Ohio National Guard Recruits training from all across the nation with an Honor System approach. We offer food, clothing, toiletries, and camaraderie to our Veterans/ Families. We make everyone feel welcome and we serve them with a smile!


Our Grove City Pantry serves: 50-80 Families (120-200 Individuals) per month depending on their needs. Our Veterans come to us throughout central Ohio: Columbus, Lancaster, Delaware, Commercial Point, Circleville, Darbydale, Hilliard, Marysville, and Mt. Sterling (just to name a few). Veterans must provide a copy of their DD214, NGB22, or Veteran ID. And their State ID. We are honored to serve each Veteran with honor with our dedicated Volunteers willing to go beyond what is required. Furthermore, we network with additional agencies to meet their needs. No income requirements - it is all about them. Q: Victorious Living Church moved, so MASH Pantry moved as well. Tell us about the moving process and even the new space in general. A: When we found out that Victorious Living Church was going to be moving, we geared up to let our Veterans know ahead of time and provided them with other resources to help get them through our “shut down” time. We did a mass mailing to ensure that every Veteran knew where we were going and when we would be reopening. After the new space was renovated and MASH was designated space, then the moving process began. Cars and Trucks were used to move all of MASH’s items and we had crews working to move in and put the shelving together in its place and rearranging the work area. They did a great job!

Victorious Living Church (Pastor Akers) has been very gracious to allow MASH to continue our mission with space allowed for MASH and easy access for our Veterans in order to get to us. Q: How will this new space be able to aid MASH Pantry’s mission? A: The new space gives us closer access for the Veterans to enter (wheelchair accessible at our door), closeness to the restrooms, water fountain, and exit door. We have designated space for our Veterans to fill out their paperwork, have some coffee and a pastry while waiting. It’s more efficient space for MASH Volunteers to work and take care of the needs of the Veterans. Q: How will this new space help MASH Pantry grow and expand upon its mission? A: Our mission is to continue meeting the needs of our Veterans. No matter how near or far they are we are here to help. Having designated space allows our Volunteers to work more efficiently-we won’t have to setup/tear down tables and chairs. And as we had in the old location- everyone that frequents the church can see our MASH signage in our window. They help spread with word. Q: No gift is too small, but what are your top three ways that someone could give to or support the MASH Pantry as we enter the holiday season and winter weather? • • •

Collecting monetary donations for gift cards (food/gas), or provide gift cards in any amount. Collection of Toys for our Secret Santa program Seasonal Clothing (new gloves, new hats, new socks)

We are hosting special food drives to build a box for Thanksgiving & Christmas meals. Thank you to Penny Kilcourse (U.S Army Veteran, MASH Pantry Grove City Coordinator), Amber Hudson (U.S Navy Veteran, MASH Pantry Founder and President), Elaine Fowler Co-Founder & Vice President for contributing to this Q&A!


M.A.S.H. Pantry is making a difference in the community. For this reason we stress our need for Community Support and Volunteers. ANNUAL EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT M.A.S.H PANTRY • • • • • •

We offer Seasonal Produce markets throughout Central Ohio (generally from April – September/October). We have a Year round Produce market, warm meal, and free door prizes at Commons at Livingston (Veteran Community). We need sponsors to assist with our Book Club at the Commons at Livingston to help purchase our books for the entire group. We have Annual Holiday Veteran Dinners. We offer Peer support for Veterans and Companies. We collect school supplies for our Military kids and Veteran children. We recently started “Operation Deployed” - Providing a piece of home to our Deployed heroes (our first deployment is a Marine unit of 800) ( We need food drives and personal product drives year round.

We survive on community support without government funding. We are an Independent Charitable 501©3 Non Profit Organization, Volunteer based. Have questions? Ready to learn more or volunteer? Contact M.A.S.H. at 614-522-1555 between 8am -4pm Monday-Friday. You can visit our website at:

Top 16 Foods Needed for Pantry / Peanut Butter & Jelly / Beans, Canned / Soups & Chili / Canned Veggies & Fruits/Applesauce / DESSERTS! / Breakfast Foods: Cereal, Oatmeal, Pancakes, Syrup, Granola Bars... / Rice & Pasta / ENSURE Protein Shakes / Full Meal Boxes & Cans

/ Canned Meats & Fish / Condiments, Baking needs & oils / Feminine Care Products / Incontinence Care Products / Toilet Paper Paper Products / Gift Cards: Gas/Food/Store / Hygeine Products / Household Cleaners / Pet Food & Toys



GCACC members supporting the community all year round OHHA supports the local community through out the year.


earn how new member Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association stays involved in the community and their industry community year-round!

The Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association participated as a sponsor in the 2019 Mayor’s Cup Golf Outing supporting Life Care Alliance. The OHHA was also a sponsor of the 2019 Arts in the Alley. In addition to giving back to the Grove City community, the OHHA is also very active with several other events and organizations in Ohio. The Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association sponsors Charity Night at the Races, held at Eldorado Gaming at Scioto Downs. In 2019, over $60,000 was donated to 20 charities including the Mid-Ohio Foodbank located in Grove City. The charities were coupled with horses in specific races and where the horse finished in the race determined the amount each charity would take home. The OHHA supports the Harness Horse Youth Foundation, assisting the HHYF with youth camps across the state of Ohio. The Harness Horse Youth Foundation is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to provide educational experiences to young people about harness horses and Standardbreds. The OHHA also offers scholarship to graduating high school seniors or students enrolled in degree or certificate programs who are members or the applicant’s family is a member of the OHHA. The Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association also assists other organizations with donations including, but not limited to the Ohio Farm Bureau, 4-H clubs and other equine organizations.


Local business does their part in the fight against cancer.


ichelle Fulks and her Dad, Ray Stark started Stark & Associates in 1992. It was a wonderful, successful partnership that lasted almost two and a half decades. Sadly, in 2016, Ray passed away. Michelle lost her father and her business partner. He was diagnosed in September 2015 with eye melanoma, a really rare cancer. The surgery at The James was very successful. Michelle and her sister Renae were really impressed with the surgeon, Dr. Colleen Cebulla, and her research on this rare cancer. Unfortunately, the cancer had already metastasized to his liver and he lost his short battle on January 6, 2016. His passion had always been golf. Michelle started the Ray Stark Memorial Golf Tournament in September 2016 at Ray’s golf club, Hickory Hills. He was an original stockholder and he loved the course. Stark & Associates’ vendors, customers and friendly competitors signed up to golf and sponsor the event. Family, including Canadian relatives, and friends also signed up. In the inaugural year, 28 foursomes played and the event raised over $8000 for Dr. Cebulla’s research. It was a beautiful, sunny day filled with great memories, laughs and tears. This year marked the Fourth Annual event and brought in over $15,000 in donations. In total almost $50,000 has been raised for this great cause, all in Ray Stark’s memory. He was a great father, business partner and friend. He was truly loved and will always be missed.






Zassy’s Tap Room and Home Décor (on Broadway, GC)

Receive a $5.00 credit toward the 2020 WE:LEAD 5TH ANNUAL WOMEN’S BUSINESS FORUM For more details go to


Free Admission Free Appetizers 1/2 off drink orders

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