CBC Volume 3, Issue 10

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Q &A with the Grand Marshal of the 30th annual community parade


Q &A with Mayor Stage Mayor “Ike” Stage reflects on the past 40 years.

Cover Story 6 Arts in the Alley turns 40 Grove City music and arts festival celbrates its ruby anniversary.


Girl Power A look at the Grove City Girls Club.


18 5 Reasons to get excited about the Voice


of GC. This year’s newest Arts in the Alley feature

Letter from the Director

Encouraging note from Director, Shawn Conrad.

Member Features



Diamond Service

Saxton Real Estate turns 60


Chamber News

10 Reasons to Join the South West Leadership Program.

Member Recognition

Welcome new and celebrate current members.



YOUR CHAMBER Chamber Business Connections is published monthly by the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce with revenue from member dues, advertising, and sponsorship. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the content in this publication, by any method or purpose whatsoever, without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Only chamber members can advertise in Chamber Business Connection. To plan advertising contact the chamber.

Your Board President Lisa Zeigler

President Elect Wayne Coakley

VP at Large

Kay Anderson

VP at Large

Chellee Hamilton

VP at Large Ed Fleming

Board Members Bob Clanin Greg Dawkins Shelley Davis Marc Fleming Dan Havener Allen Hocker Heather Miller Peggy Mosher Trent Soles

Letter from the Director September of 2019 marks some very specials milestones for the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce and for our community as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Arts in the Alley and the 30th anniversary of the Arts in the Alley Community Parade. The list of people, groups, organizations and others who have helped with or participated in the events, is so great that our emag could not even begin to hold the names! Just a few of though, the Grove City Area Chamber Board, Tiney, Helena and the entire McComb family, the Grove City Girls Club, the City of Grove City, Jackson Township, Grove City Arts Council, the amazing community of Grove City, Mayor Stage, Steve Stephenson, Bev Basler, Dee Shrum, Judy Hill, Sertoma, our generous sponsors, our artists, Dave and Sally Maple, our show committees and show judges, our concession vendors who are community churches and organizations.

VP of Finance

Charlene McFarland

Past President

Shirley Spellman

Staff Executive Director Shawn Conrad Events Manager Marilyn Reiner Administrative Assistant Heather Brokaw

I would like to give a special thanks to Marilyn Reiner, our Events Manager who has worked faithfully and dedicatedly for over 15 years to ensure that all of our events go off without a hitch, that they bring people and resources to our community, to our merchants and opportunity to our members. Thanks my friend. We at the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce count it a privilege and a blessing to be part of this amazing community and we look forward to another 40 years of Arts in the Alley and the Arts in the Alley Community Parade. Shawn Conrad, GCACC Director

Marketing and Communications KatBro Consulting Ltd.


Arts in the Alley turns 40 years old Grove City music and arts festival celebrates its Ruby anniversary


one of central Ohio’s longest running music and arts festival, the Arts in the Alley event has certainly grown from its once humble beginnings, literally in the alley behind the businesses along Broadway and Park Street. This now 40 year old festival has made its way out of the alley of yesterday and now stretches along the streets of Broadway and Park. Tents are set up from Grove City Road to Grant to accommodate over 120 juried Artists and Crafters along with those artists who are located East on Park Street to the Library and West on Park Street past City Hall. Annually the event welcomes 30,000-40,000 attendees for the weekend. In the area, the Arts in the Alley event is known as the festival that closes the summer and kicks off the fall season.

Planning and Organizing Organizing and hosting an event of this size does not come without its challenges. The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce is responsible for this annual event. Their biggest challenge is trying to balance the traditional event design while including modern elements to keep the festival “fresh”. “Over the years we’ve opened the festival to new genres of art including the addition of the Community Mural Tent, the Artists Demo Tent and this year ‘The Voice of Grove City’ our new and exciting vocal competition.” Said Shawn Conrad, GCACC Executive Director, “ We work throughout the year to engage new artists and vendors with the end goal of making the event a little better each and every year.” In coordinating a festival of this size finding the right artist can also be a challenge. Artist are encouraged to 6 | CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2019

submit an application of interest along with samples of their work. Artist are chosen by a panel of volunteer judges to ensure fair and impartial opportunity for all applicants. Judges can be changed out from year to year to keep it fair

Planning, Procedures and Partnerships... OH My Arts in the Alley has been organized by the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce for 40 years and the processes and organizational procedures for the event are well established. However, Arts in the Alley requires yearround attention and work. The Chamber works throughout the year planning and preparing for the festival. As the event draws closer the chamber joins with their area partners for support. Partners like the City of Grove City work with the chamber to revisit protocols and security needs for an event of this size. Jackson Township is also involved in that safety process. The Arts in the Alley Community Parade which is in its 30th year is done in partnership with the Grove City Girls Club and as one might imagine, requires a tremendous

amount of planning and oversight. The GCACC and the Grove City Girls Club have continued to host an amazing parade year after year to kick off the weekends’ events. “ I am a true believer in partnerships, collaboration and teamwork and Arts in the Alley and the Arts in the Alley Community Parade reflect collaboration in its truest sense.” said Shawn Conrad “While the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce is responsible for Arts in the Alley and the Parade, without our partners, The City of Grove City, Jackson Township, the Grove City Division of Police, the town Center merchants, our 600+ members, our generous sponsors, our amazing staff, the artists and vendors and the hundreds of donated hours given by volunteers – there would be no event. I am very proud and blessed to be part of this wonderful community and to be able to serve through my work at the GCACC.” The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce appreciates and values all of our sponsors and supporters, just a few include:  Heartland Bank, Presenting Sponsor  Mount Carmel, Entertainment Sponsor, Kids Fun Street Sponsor  Ohio Health, Parade Sponsor

For more information about the upcoming Arts in the Alley event visit: gcchamber.org/arts-in-the-alley




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Member Spotlight

MOUNT CARMEL Mount Carmel is dedicated to providing the best in patient-centered care. The Mount Carmel Health System is comprised of over 10,000 employees, 2,000 physicians and 900 volunteers. They serve more than a million patients in Central Ohio each year. Ohio each year. As one of the largest integrated health systems in the community, Mount Carmel provides people-centered care at four hospitals – Mount Carmel East, Mount Carmel Grove City, Mount Carmel St. Ann’s and Mount Carmel New Albany .



The Goddard School of Grove City uses the most current, academically endorsed methods to ensure that children have fun while learning the skills they need for long-term success in school and in life. Our talented teachers also collaborate with parents to nurture children into respectful, confident and joyful learners.

OhioHealth is a nationally recognized, notfor-profit, charitable, healthcare outreach of the United Methodist Church. OhioHealth has been recognized as one of the top five large health systems in America by IBM Watson Health™, an honor

The Goddard School is this year’s sponsor for the Youth Arts Show in the 40th Arts in the Alley Festival

Mount Carmel is this year’s sponsor for entergainment and the Kids Fun Street in the 40th Arts in the Alley festival.

they have received six times. Ohio Health is a family of 29,000 associates, physicians and volunteers, and a network of 12 hospitals, 200+ ambulatory sites, hospice, home health, medical equipment and other health services spanning 47 Ohio counties. Ohio Health is this year’s sponsor for the 30th Annual Community Parade.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Renew Paving & Sealing, LLC Way2Go Fitness Piada Catering Central Ohio Bag & Burlap, Inc. Grove City Buddy Ball, Inc Aleksandra Kaleta Ohio Harness Horsemens Association



DIAMOND SERVICE Saxton Real Estate turns 60

What started as a simple house hunting task, led to 60 years of “People serving People”’. Bill Saxton, a name that many in this area know very well, owns and operates Saxton Real Estate, a 60 year old real estate agency with an award winning track record for quality service. But not many know the story of how it all begain. It all started with a house hunting experience . “ I went out one day to look for a home for my family. said Bill Saxton, reflecting on the experience which led him to his career in real estate, “ I found a lot of bodies ready to show me a house but not a single true salesman.”

Bill Saxton and that legendary phone.

was working with Westgate Realtors. While employed with them he went back to school to obtain a realtor’s license . In 1959, Bill acquired his brokers license and opened up his first Saxton Real Estate office that summer at 18 N. Harris Ave in west Columbus. Saxton wanted to ensure that under his new agency every agent received proper training in the areas of sales and customer services. He started his own Saxton training school for all employees. It was and still is important to him that every customer is heard and provided with the best service.

From this initial experience Bill concluded that there was a great need in the community, when it came to housing, individuals needs weren’t being heard and many people were left unserved and unsatisfied.

As his company grew, Saxton expanded into rental properties, purchasing a complex and an office in Grove City, where he remains until this day.

Bill prides himself on the fact that he serves everyone he meets with respect, regardless of background, income or any other factor that could cause discrimiation. Bill believes everyone has the right to live in quality housing.

Recognized as an influential individual in the southwestern community, Bill Saxton’s office was once filled with awards and other accolades from the past 60 years. Despite his success and recognition, he remains humble, Bill is not one to boast about awards or achievements.

His first opportunity in the field of real estate, 10 | CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2019

A Community Man

SAXTON 60TH ANNIVERSARY In Fact his son, John W. Saxton, noted during our interview that one day, a few years ago, Bill just came in to his office and boxed up all of his awards then stored them away. “He, doesn’t need all of that,’’ Bill isn’t the type to brag about his accomplishments. Bill Saxton has certainly made an impact on the local community over his 88 years of life. Here is a quick list of a few of his community accomplishments: •

• •

Bill was instrumental in the fair housing initiatives that allowed for individuals to receive proper housing options regardless of race, color or creed. Bill served on the Southwest zoning commission. He served on Grove City, City Council, 2 years as the president in charge of zoning,in this role he was instrumental in the development of Stringtown Rd. He also served as Chairman of the Education Foundation , where he was very vocal in the passing of a levy in the early 2000’s that brought athletic programs back to the Grove City students.

But one of his greatest accomplishments

Working for Saxton

he noted was when he served as the church president of St. John’s Lutheran church in west Columbus. In each of these roles Saxton always carried with him the duty of service, a duty that he takes very seriously and holds dear.

A family man

Owning and operating your own business is a labor of love and can make it hard for someone to have time for their family , friends or any other type of personal life.


Honestly- always conduct business with integrity.

Bill Saxton has 6 children (4 biological and 2 adopted) and 23 grandchildren. As he watches his legacy grow, he reflects back on all it took to provide an opportunity for them all. His son, John will be his successor when Bill finally decided to retire… which from our conversation does not seem to be any time soon.


Hard work, expect to give it your all the first few years.


Communicate with your staff and your employees often.

Saxton’s New look

For those who have driven past the saxton sign on Broadway, you may have noticed a change in the signage.

“ Everyone should have a chance to grow”.

John Saxton was an advocate for the new look. “ Young buyers today don’t know what that thing is on the old sign” he said jokingly referencing the old rotary telephone that was once the company’s logo.

“ We have a door around here” he said “ but it never closes” Katie Antry, one of Saxton’s agents chimed in. “Working here doesn’t feel like corporate america. I can always rely on Bill to give me sound advice or yell at me when I need it. We can come to him with anything from professional to personal.” Many staff members have been employed with Saxton for years, In fact, one of their oldest employees worked there for 40 years, before retiring.

Want your business to last 60 years? Here are a few tips from Bill Saxton himself on how to stay strong in business.

Although, Bill spent countless hours building his business he never missed an important event in the life of his children. He did have to miss much of the day to day household operations but when it came to special events, sporting games and school functions. He was always there.

Saxton has employed many agents over the years. Some of them moving on to earn their brokers license, which Bill encourages.

In the Saxton office, team members are treated more like family than employees. Bill has an “open door policy” for all of his agents.


When deciding on a new look Bill did not hesitate, as a salesman he understands how important it is to be relevant in your market his only request was “ just bury me with the phone”, and he does in fact have an old rotary phone in his office, ( wonder if it still works?)

4. 5.

Relationship and Networking. Networking is the key to building your business and keeping it relevant. Customer Service, doing the right thing everytime.


Saxton’s may have a new look but the team and it’s mission remains the same for the past 60 years, “ People serving people” , a philosophy the ensures their customers always recieve, diamond service. CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2019 | 11





he grand marshal is a person honored as a dignitary to lead in a ceremonial parade. This position is generally reserved for a community leader or a local icon, and for this year’s 30th Arts in the Alley Community Parade, Marc Fleming has been granted this tremendous honor.

We were able to catch up with this year’s Grand Marshal for a little Q&A session. He shared a little about himself, his experiences as a member of the Grove City community and his insights on this year’s Arts in the Alley event.

Q. Can you share a little bit about yourself and your involvement in the Grove City community? A. I was born and raised in Grove City and continue to work and live in this city that I love with my wife Mary

(Molchan) and son Jacob. I am currently employed with Wal-Mart Supply Chain for the past 27 years. I am involved in the community either personally giving time or through work (Wal-Mart) in giving donations. • • •

I am a Board Member for Keep Grove City Beautiful - volunteered for Operation Medicine Drop, Community Environmental Day, and Grove City EcoFest. A board member of Grove City Chamber of Commerce – Event Director for Chamber Golf Outing, Marilyn’s assistant and chauffeur for Arts in The Alley, and 2018 Spirit of the Chamber award winner. Co-Director of the Wal-Mart / Children’s Miracle Network Annual Golf Outing where I just completed my 25th year in this role and have raised over $250,000 in that time.

“It is so personally

I have also been involved either through volunteering or donating to many other community organizations including: • •

LifeCare Alliance (2019 LifeCare Alliance Spirit of Community Involvement Award Winner) MidOhio Foodbank


rewarding to be involved in your community and taking care of what and who you believe in and care about.”

• • • • • • • • • • •

Grove City Food Pantry Grove City High School Basketball program Grove City High School Baseball program OLPH Church Festival Grove City Community Club Faith Mission YMCA Headstart Program, YMCA/StoryPoint Breakfast with Santa and Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Habitat for Humanity USO Central/Southern Ohio Mt Olivet Baptist Church NBC4 Stuff the Backpack for local schools

• • • • • • • •

St. Cecilia Community Festival Pelotonia Grove City Kids Association Pink Diva’s Warrior Annual Domestic Violence Run Washington Court House VFW Buddy Ball Grove City Elks Annual Golf Outing, Grove City Little League, and a few more.

Q. Do you have any recommendations for first-timers attending the “Arts in the Alley” event. What are a few of your favorite event features?

A. Visit every show Fine Art, Crafts, Quilts, Kids Art, Photo Arts and the entertainment. It’s worth hanging

around for both days. My favorite event features are the Parade, Grove City High School Band Performance and the Fine Art Show.

Q. Please tell us what “Arts in the Alley” means to you. A. Arts in the Alley means to me, a great fall weekend to spend with the community and enjoy the arts. It is

the perfect weekend to spend with Family and Friends, and this year we have added the “Voice of Grove City” which will be and exciting addition.

Q. It’s the 40th Anniversary for “Arts in the Alley”, and 30 years for the Parade- what does that mean to you?

A. I’m getting old Q. Just for fun, if you could perform any talent act what would you do? A. Juggle flaming swords (we would love to see that!!!) Q. How would you like to see others in the Grove City Area become more involved in the community and other local events?

A. It is so personally rewarding to be involved in your community and taking care of what and who you

believe in and care about. I was once told by Helen Walton, wife of Wal-Mart Founder Sam Walton, “It’s not what you gather in life but what you scatter that tells the story of life you lived”.

Q. How does one become Grand Marshal? and what responsibilities are included in the role? A. I believe there is a nomination process for the position of Grand Marshal. I believe you are nominated by peers in the community. I’m still not sure exactly of what I have to do in this role. The role of Grand Marshal generally entails leading the parade and introducing the event. It is an honor to be the Grand Marshal!



Q &A WITH MAYOR STAGE Mayor Stage reflects on the 40th annual Arts in the Alley event A lifelong resident of Grove City, Mayor Richard L. “Ike” Stage has served the community for over 40 years in multiple capacities, supporting the City’s development and enriching community involvement. As Past President of the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, Stage was heavily involved in the first Arts in the Alley Music and Arts Festival in 1979 and has continued his involvement and personal support of the event since that time. We were honored to be able to catch up with him this year to get his take on Arts in the alley and on the 40th anniversary of the event.

Helena McComb and others were very aware of the performing arts and art shows throughout central Ohio. She stepped up to convince me and other Chamber officers that we could put Grove City on the map with this event. When did you first become involved in the event?

Reflecting on the past Arts in the Alley events, what were some of your greatest accomplishments?

1979-1980, as Chamber Vice President, and then as the Grove City Area Chamber President.

One of the greatest accomplishments to come from the event is the increased community engagement; working together and making the event successful. Since the first event in 1979, so many facets of the event have been handled by committees and other volunteers. The first festival took over a year of planning. Witnessing the cooperation; and participating in a few of the committees as President of the Chamber (at that time) made me appreciate the energy needed to pull off a successful inaugural event.

What are some Arts in the Alley fun facts?

What were some of the biggest challenges? The main challenge of the first event was convincing the community that Grove City was capable of executing an event featuring the artistic and musical talents in the community. What is the story behind why Arts in the Alley was born? The Birth of Arts in the Alley, was an effort to raise the level and volume of artistic expression and sophistication in our city. Other than Little Theater Off Broadway (LTOB) and the music department at Grove City High School, the City had little to no art focus.


The event quickly became so successful that it had to be moved from First Street and Jackson Alley to Broadway. The first event featured bands from all of the Southwestern City School District. The President of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association (Don W. Fedde) loved Arts in the Alley and was our first Parade Marshall in 1989. The dedication of the Safety Building was combined with the kickoff of the Arts in the Alley in 1989. What does this event mean to you personally? This event epitomizes what Grove City is all about. We like getting together as families and neighbors. It replaces our former Grove City fair and infuses a larger appreciation of the world of art. ❖

Arts in the Alley and Heartland Bank make perfect pair Peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti and meatballs, milk and cookies… some things are meant to be together. Arts in the Alley and Heartland Bank are another successful pair. For over a decade, Heartland Bank has been the presenting sponsor of the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce Arts in the Alley event. The pairing of these two organizations isn’t just by chance, this partnership has deeper meaning. The McComb family, the family behind Heartland Bank, was instrumental in the development of the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce and was involved with the Arts in the Alley event from its inception. The intention was to come together as a community and show the rest of Central Ohio the amazing talent that makes up our community. Tiney McComb, father of current Heartland Bank president Scott McComb, was the Chamber’s first president. This year Tiney’s legacy was honored with the Grove City Service Above Self Award. But it’s the McComb family, so it wasn’t just Tiney leading the way. Helena McComb, Tiney’s wife and Scott’s mother, is credited as a co-founder of Arts in the Alley. Today Arts in the Alley includes the Helena McComb Award which recognizes a top artwork featuring flowers in homage to Helena’s love of flowers. Heartland Bank and the McComb family are proud to continue the Arts in the Alley tradition established decades ago. Together, they might just go down in history. ❖

Grove City Easel Award brings art to City collection The Grove City Easel Award competition gives artists a chance to become part of Grove City history. Ultimately, winning pieces will enter Grove City’s growing permanent art collection. But, to first be considered for the Grove City Easel Award, an art piece must fit the theme of ‘Grove City, reflecting its past, present, and future’. Any subject matter is “fair game”, ranging from people, animals, and even the events of Grove City. With a goal of adding to the city’s permanent art collection, artists will want to take a unique and original approach. Pieces previously entered in other Arts in the Alley shows are not permitted. Artwork of any media and surface is eligible in an effort to add variety to the city collection. However, 3D art is no longer eligible. Entries are judged on four criteria: theme, variety, artistic ability, and presentation. Presentation is not only the overall look and how the piece is presented, but safety factors are considered. Pieces must be able to hang securely and rough edges, such as bare glass, are not eligible. Entries are judged on Friday September 20, which allows for the winning piece to be selected, and ready with its award winner ribbon, for the opening of the show. A second contest, the people’s choice vote, is conducted through Sunday at 2pm. The Grove City Easel Award and Grove City Easel People’s Choice Award winners will be recognized Sunday afternoon on stage. The People’s Choice Award winner will receive a non-purchase cash award of $500, while the Grove City Easel Award winner will receive a purchase award of $2000 as the artwork becomes part of the city collection —which is an additional prize itself.

Fun Fact: You can stroll through some of the history of Arts in the Alley and enjoy previous 'City Easel Award' winning pieces which adorn the walls of City Hall.


Girl Power A look at Community Parade organizing partner The Grove City Girls Club. For 30 years the Arts in the Alley Community Parade signals the beginning of the Arts in the Alley Festival. It has been one of the many highlights of the festival with thousands gathering in the anticipation of witnessing antique cars, handmade floats, local bands, community leaders and of course…candy.

The ladies of this organization bring great peace to the families that they assist by allowing them to provide and experience special things that are outside of just the normal necessities (although they do help with some of those too), they offer those they serve with the ability to gain the help they need to improve their quality of life. The Arts in the Alley parade is a great joint effort for both GCACC and the Girls Club promoting both organizations’ greater goal to make the Grove City community the best community to live and work in central Ohio.

In partnership with the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce, the Grove City Girls club oversees all operations of the parade to ensure that this event feature runs smoothly. The Grove City Girls Club organizers work diligently to manage over 125 unique parade entries and countless volunteers. Over the years the Community Parade has become one of the most attended events of the entire year. The parade is one of the largest fund-raisers for the Girls Club, which funds their mission of assisting families in need. Their focus is unique in the fact that they only assist families and children who don’t qualify for government assistance, these workingclass families often need help with the “special” things in life, things like senior pictures, prom dresses, class trips and other occasions that are meaningful to a child.


This Year’s Parade Details: The parade starts at 9:30 am on Saturday at the corner of Southwest Boulevard and Broadway.

Top Ten Reasons to Join the Southwest Community Leadership Program 1. You want to learn more about the

community where you work, live, and/ or play. You will learn something new at every class – even if you think you already know everything about Grove City.

2. Great ROI! For just 2.5 hours per

month, you will gain skills, knowledge, and relationships that you will value for a long time to come. And it’s lots of fun too!

3. Grow your network! It is a great opportunity to meet community leaders and learn from their experience.

4. It is an even better opportunity to meet like-minded

individuals and build relationships that you will value for years to come.

5. Secrets! You get to visit multiple community

organizations, take behind-the-scenes tours to learn all about them, and ask questions to learn even more.

6. Community Involvement! Class members work

together to plan and implement a community service project of their choosing.

7. The price is right! Only $300 for Grove City Chamber members or $375 for non-members – not bad for a 9-month program that will enhance your leadership capabilities!

8. Skill building opportunities galore! From team

building to project planning to collaboration, you’ll develop skills to benefit your career.

9. Dinner! We’ll provide the food for every meeting so

there’s no hassle trying to get dinner between work and class.

10. Enhance Your Resume! Completing the SWCL

Program is an accomplishment that you will want to share in print. It sets you apart and is recognized by businesses and organizations throughout Central Ohio.



5 Reasons to Get Excited about The Voice of Grove City The Voice of Grove City is an exciting new feature to the Arts in the Alley event. Local talented singers will have an opportunity to express their abilities and win some cash! Not excited yet about this new feature, here are 5 reasons to get excited about the Voice of Grove City. A vocal aspect to Arts in the Alley Arts in the Alley is a celebration of all forms of art, and music is certainly not excluded! There are already several shows in place for creative arts ranging from quilting to photography, but now there is a competition for the musical and vocal arts.

1 2 3 4 5

You can preview the contestants online How many local singing competitions let you preview the contestants before the first round of performances? At least one-- Voice of Grove City! Head to the video gallery of the website and view all of the contestant-submitted videos. Who knows—maybe you know one of them, and maybe you’ve already found your favorite! Prizes Bragging rights are great, but that’s not all the winner of the first-ever Voice of Grove City competition will leave the stage with! Cash prizes are $2500 for first place, $500 for second place, and $150 for third place. The winner will also be in consideration for other local gigs throughout the year. On stage or in the audience Enjoy this new contest experience from where you’re most comfortable—on stage or in the stands! We want plenty of contestants, but we also want full audiences to support our contestants and enjoy their musical talents. Semi-finals and final rounds will be held on the Heartland Bank Stage at Arts in the Alley and are free to enjoy, but the first live round of competition will be held Friday September 20 at the First Baptist Church of Grove City and will have a $5 entry fee. It’s brand-new! If you like being in on the first of something, don’t miss out! The first-ever Voice of Grove City is going to be an amazing way to mark 40 years of Arts in the Alley and launch the event into another exciting 40 years! Links: Homepage: https://thevoiceofgrovecity.us.launchpad6.com/ Video Gallery: https://thevoiceofgrovecity.us.launchpad6.com/entries Enter the contest—note Sept 8 deadline: https://thevoiceofgrovecity.us.launchpad6.com/upload-entry




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