Annual Report 2020

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Annual Report 2020



2020 Board of Directors

2020 GCC Executive Team

Teresa Gavigan, Chair Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Theresa McMullan Chief Executive Officer

Mitchell Walker, Vice Chair San Antonio, Texas

Marie Buck Chief Operating Officer/Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer

Lizabeth Ardisana Orchard Lake, Michigan Ann Becker Fountain Hills, Arizona Randall Brown Dallas, Texas Kathryn Campana Scottsdale, Arizona


Awenate Cobbina Detroit, Michigan Jason Coochwytewa Phoenix, Arizona

Br ea t h t a k in g f ro m t h e m om ent you firs t ca s t eyes on i t , Gra nd Ca nyo n is ju s t th at – Grand . Th e n a tural and cu lt u ra l s ig n i f ica n ce of Grand Canyon m a kes it on e of the S even Na t ura l Wo n d e r s of th e World and a U N E SCO Wo r l d Her i t a g e s i te . I t i s a s acred pla ce of s erenity and ref l e c ti on t ha t i nv i te s exp l o ra t ion a nd a d ven ture, ins tilling bot h gra t i t u d e a n d h u m i l i ty. Th e Ca nyon is a cultural to u chs to n e fo r t h o s e wh o cam e before and th os e who have ye t to co m e .

Nigel Finney Rio Verde, Arizona

Grand Canyon Conservancy’s vision for Grand Canyon is:

Alejandra Lillo Los Angeles, California

• A precious natural and cultural resource that is forever safeguarded. • Indigenous people and connected communities who are thriving. • Memorable experiences that welcome, ground, invigorate, and inspire.


To insp ire generatio ns of pa r k c ha mpi o ns to c h eri sh and sup p or t t he na t u ra l a nd c u l t u ra l wonder of G rand Ca nyo n.

Darin Geiger Director of Operations Minyin Hart Director of Finance Laura Jones Chief of Staff/Corporate Secretary Mindy Riesenberg Director of Marketing & Communications Danielle Segura Chief Philanthropy Officer

Eric Fraint Moorestown, New Jersey Deborah M. Gage Dallas, Texas Teresa Kline Dunwoody, Georgia

Shantini Munthree Oakland, California Mark Schiavoni Paradise Valley, Arizona Stan Sutherland Flagstaff, Arizona Merl E. Waschler Scottsdale, Arizona Tyson Winarski Mountain View, California Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.



Thank You! L-R: Theresa McMullan, CEO, and Teresa Gavigan, Board Chair. Photo by Veronica Tierney.

Dear Friend, 2020 was extraordinary by any measure and was undoubtedly a year we will never forget. When we think back to March, it was a time of uncertainty and change— of creatively finding ways to fulfill our mission in a completely different environment. The park was closed for over a month. And, one year later, some of our retail stores are still closed and our full schedule of on-site education programs has yet to resume. While park visitor centers have remained closed, our retail team has served the public with information to provide for their safety and ensure a meaningful visit. Hand-in-hand with the park staff, we shifted to virtual programming for kids and adults to connect people throughout the world to the wonders of Grand Canyon. In 2020, we welcomed a new superintendent, Ed Keable. Thanks to you, Ed and his staff have continued their important work with wildlife, vegetation, trails, and building conservation, to name a few. They’ve also continued to work to strengthen relationships with members of the 11 tribes associated with Grand Canyon and to provide more opportunities for tribal members at places like Desert View. As the world changed around us, we also reviewed our mission and vision statements and updated them to better reflect the work GCC does now and the goals we have for the future. As we look to 2021, we are committed to the urgency of our new mission statement—to inspire generations of park champions to cherish and support the natural and cultural wonder of Grand Canyon. On behalf of the GCC Board of Directors and Staff, thanks for being part of something GRAND!

Teresa Gavigan, Board Chair

Theresa McMullan, CEO


Accomplishments Photo by Ross Joyner on Unsplash.



Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site

A New Era Celebrating Tribal Heritage Begins at Grand Canyon National Park The Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site will convey a new relationship and partnership between American Indian tribes and the National Park Service, elevating Grand Canyon through the voices and human stories of the park’s traditionally associated tribes. The Inter-tribal Working Group developing this project comprises representatives from the 11 traditionally associated Grand Canyon tribes, the National Park Service/ Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon Conservancy, the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA), and park concessioners. This group is working with a design team led by artist and designer Andy Dufford, who designed Mather Amphitheater and the Tribal Medallion near Mather Point. Photo by Lear Miller.

Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.

Planning and designs for Desert View were completed in 2020, with work beginning in early 2021, including the rearrangement of the site to include a new Tribal Welcome Center and an outdoor demonstration area, more accessible pathways, the renovation of the amphitheater, new shade structures and picnic areas, and upgrades to the parking lots. All of these new features have been designed to honor and respect the tribal relationships with the land. As part of the park’s commitment to highlighting the cultural heritage of Grand Canyon’s first people, the Cultural Demonstration Series hosted 18 tribal artists at the beginning of 2020. This series was suspended in mid-March 2020 due to COVID-19. The park and Grand Canyon Conservancy worked together to swiftly launch a digital format, developing a section of Grand Canyon Conservancy’s website that is dedicated to the Cultural Demonstration Series. Viewers can explore demonstrators by craft (carvers, jewelers, painters, potters, weavers, and other) and learn more about the people and the artworks they create. To learn more, visit Phase Two (construction) for Desert View is a $6.5 million project. Through 2020, $3.3 million has been raised. Phase Two Project Partners

and The Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation Concept rendering by Andy Dufford.



Educating the Next Generation of Canyon Stewards Cédric Dhaenens Photo by Cédric Dhaenens on Unsplash.



Canyon Field School @Home Provides Virtual Modules for Home-Based Learning As COVID-19 restrictions prohibited in-person classes at Grand Canyon, the Canyon Field School reinvented itself through an e-learning program called Canyon Field School @Home. This collaboration between Grand Canyon Conservancy and the National Park Service provides curated online content to parents, educators, clubs, and children through online videos and downloadable activity booklets. These fun and focused learning tools feature modules on geology, ecology, human history, and dark skies, keeping Grand Canyon alive in the minds of our youngest enthusiasts.

Ranger Andy Pearce conducting a distance learning class. Photo by Mindy Riesenberg.

Once in-park programming resumes for students and school groups, Canyon Field School @Home and other online educational tools will serve as pre-and post-visit resources.

“The Distance Learning programs allow ALL students access. Those who are still at home often feel isolated and like they are missing out. These programs help build a sense of community among our learners. It is really a wonderful program.”

Junior Rangers: Protecting Our Parks

– Debbie Voris, 5th Grade Teacher, Hopi Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ

Distance Learning Studio Brings Rangers to Classrooms and Homes Grand Canyon National Park’s Distance Learning program took center stage in 2020 due to the challenges of in-person learning during the pandemic. With many students learning from home, the park provided online educational programming to students across the country and around the world. In 2020, Grand Canyon Conservancy funding provided new, more versatile camera and computer equipment for the Distance Learning Studio, allowing the park to reach 3,768 students of all ages. The staff of trained educators also improved the curriculum, implementing new methodologies and best practices in education to create inclusive programs.

In 2020, 13,280 Grand Canyon National Park Junior Rangers were sworn in, pledging to help to preserve and protect our national parks. This program teaches children about the nature and history of Grand Canyon while they explore the park and have fun. Since the Park Visitor Center was closed through most of 2020, Junior Ranger activity books were available at Grand Canyon Conservancy stores. Once completed, kids received Junior Ranger badges and signed certificates.



Science, Wildlife, and Vegetation

Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.



Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.

Bison Relocated to Tribal Nations A live capture program relocated 57 bison to the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (Kansas), the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe (South Dakota), Santee Sioux Tribe (Nebraska), and the Modoc Nation (Oklahoma), helping to achieve herd reduction goals to mitigate the damage to cultural and natural resources that has occurred due to overpopulation of bison on the North Rim. Eleven additional bison were outfitted with tracking collars and released to allow scientists to study bison migratory patterns and population size.

Tracking Monarch Butterflies Another wildlife program initiated in 2020 focused on monarch butterfly research. The park hopes to increase the monarch butterfly population by installing pollinator gardens at the South Rim to monitor butterflies throughout the park. These gardens will be planted with milkweed, which is critical to monarch recovery. Monarch butterflies found in these gardens will be tagged to assist in conservation efforts. Photo by Unsplash.



Non-Native Fish Control A multi-year project to reduce the number of non-native brown and rainbow trout in Bright Angel Creek to benefit native fish populations in Grand Canyon National Park continued in 2020. Grand Canyon’s native fish are uniquely adapted to the characteristics of the Colorado River and its tributaries and have suffered severe declines due to human-caused changes to their habitat. Bright Angel Creek once supported large numbers of native fish, including the endangered humpback chub. Today, Bright Angel Creek is the main spawning site in Grand Canyon for non-native brown trout, which are voracious predators of native fish. Biologists are using two methods to capture and remove non-native trout in lower Bright Angel Creek during the winter months: a weir, or fish trap, and electro-fishing. The weir captures large trout that live in the Colorado River as they enter Bright Angel Creek to spawn. Electro-fishing allows fisheries biologists to monitor and assess the creek’s fish population and remove non-native trout. Some of the fish caught by these methods are donated to local tribes.

Elk Monitoring Six collared elk were actively tracked in 2020 by park scientists, monitoring their movements in and near Grand Canyon Village to better understand their seasonal movements and the resources that attract them. The study aims to allow wildlife managers to better understand habituated elk ecology in a wildland/ urban environment. The adult elk are tracked by GPS collars, which are programmed to collect a GPS location every four hours. Ultimately, the information collected will help inform an elk management plan to reduce direct and/or indirect human supplementation of food and water, decrease elk attraction to high-use visitor areas, and decrease the opportunity for negative interactions between elk and humans.

Photos by Grand Canyon NPS.



Polk Fellowship Interns Ongoing support was also provided to the Polk Fellowship program, providing two college students the opportunity to participate in a 10-week paid internship at Grand Canyon National Park with the Science and Resource Management Division. Damian Johns, a graduate research assistant in biology at Northern Arizona University, was this year’s wildlife intern, and Sophie Gronbeck, an environmental studies major at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, was this year’s vegetation intern. Highlights of Johns’ internship included capturing and collaring a bull elk, monitoring California condors, and deploying bioacoustic recorders in remote areas to monitor the diversity of bat species in Grand Canyon. “I will leave this internship with a new level of biological knowledge and a rejuvenated motivation to pursue my career goals,” he said. “The skills that I have acquired this summer will undoubtedly benefit me in my future research endeavors.” Gronbeck participated in the collection of seeds from native grasses and wildflowers to restore areas where these plants had been dug up to replace the canyon’s water pipeline, removed invasive plants, and monitored endangered plants around the North and South Rim lodging areas. “I have learned more than any textbook could teach me in a summer and experienced Grand Canyon National Park in a way I never would have expected,” she said.

E-bike at Tuweep. Photo by Mindy Riesenberg.

Demonstration Garden Signage In 2020, GCC funded the printing and installation of interpretive signage at the Demonstration Garden located between El Tovar’s dining room and the rim. The garden introduces visitors to the vast array of botanical diversity in Grand Canyon. With thousands of plant species, the canyon is more diverse than any other National Park, taking visitors on a botanical journey the equivalent of an expedition from Canada to Mexico.

Tuweep Provisions Tuweep is located in a remote section of Grand Canyon National Park, where visitors have a rustic and uncrowded experience. To patrol the vast area, Ranger Todd Seliga and volunteers ride e-bikes provided by GCC. In 2020, funding was provided for professional level routine e-bike maintenance, replacement of worn items, and the purchase of protective equipment for bike patrols. Funding was also provided for the “Tuweep Experience Project” with artist Amy Martin, including signage, website content, portraitures, and interviews nourishing area relationships and protecting the area’s values.

Sarah Ciarrachi, Damian Johns, and Brandon Holton waiting for the immobilization reversal drugs to take effect after collaring a bull elk on the South Rim. Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.



Trail Crews Provide Safe Pathways The corridor trails throughout Grand Canyon were well cared for by Grand Canyon National Park’s trail crew in 2020. This critical work kept Grand Canyon’s trails safe for the thousands of hikers who trek the canyon each year.


Cyclic maintenance, or reoccurring maintenance, is the “meat and potatoes” of trail operations, providing regular care for drains, rebar, and blown out walls; removing rock falls, rock debris, and fallen trees; and replacing trail tread with fresh dirt. Trail crews undertook this work on all 7.5 miles of Bright Angel Trail, 3 miles of the South Kaibab Trail from the Trailhead to Mormon Flats, 3 miles of the North Kaibab Trail from the Trailhead to the Redwall Bridge, and 2 miles of the Colorado River Trail from Phantom Ranch to Pipe Creek. Major trail rehabilitation, consisting of heavy stone work, was completed on 262 linear feet of the South Kaibab Trail and 640 linear feet of the Rim Trail, two creek crossings were completely rehabilitated along Bright Angel Trail, and a 419-foot stone retention wall was completely laid by hand on the North Kaibab Trail where the Trans Canyon Water Pipeline had blown out and taken a significant portion of the trail with it.

Trails Forever Endowment: Providing for the Future At the end of 2020, thanks to your support, the Trails Forever Endowment held over $3.6 million to provide for trail restoration in perpetuity. This permanent fund will produce ongoing funds for the repair and maintenance of trails throughout the park.

On the Trails: Preventive Search and Rescue Preventive Search and Rescue (PSAR) volunteers reduce the potential harm visitors could get into by providing “prevention through education.” From April through October, rangers and volunteers deploy to corridor trails and slowly patrol down into the canyon. They take positions at natural bottlenecks close to common rest areas to educate visitors descending farther into the canyon on topics such as personal preparedness and safe hiking practices. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, only local volunteers who lived within a five to seven-hour driving distance from the canyon could work in 2020. Because of this, 25 volunteers were active last year, as opposed to the usual 65.

Volunteers made 76,310 total contacts with hikers, taking 12,541 preventive actions and handling 332 hiker assists. Photos by Grand Canyon NPS.



Reaching Out Virtually in 2020 GCC pivoted swiftly to digital and virtual methods of reaching members, friends, students, and Grand Canyon enthusiasts at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Grand Canyon Moments” Video Series Thanks to a donation from the Arizona Lottery, GCC was able to develop “Grand Canyon Moments,” a 20-week series of short, two to three-minute educational videos that brought Grand Canyon National Park to viewers at home. These videos were viewed by approximately 65,000 times by people across the country and around the world.

The series topics were: 1 .

Dark Skies


Ribbon Falls

3 .


4 .

Home at Phantom Ranch


Wings Over Grand Canyon

6 .

Slowing Down


Seasons of the North Rim


Mary Colter


Natural Sound




The Greenhouse

12. Water 13.

Desert View Watchtower




Tribal Connections

16 .

On the River


How Phantom Ranch Got its Name


Preservation of Kolb Studio


Grand Canyon Sunset

20. Giving Back

Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash.

Facebook Live

Xplore Grand Canyon App The Xplore Grand Canyon app, launched on Apple and Android devices in June 2020, allows people to walk in Grand Canyon from their own home via virtual and augmented technology. Users can turn any room into Grand Canyon’s South Rim, walking along trails and activating educational content curated by GCC and Grand Canyon National Park. GCC was able to jump into the realm of virtual reality through the generosity of TimeLooper’s Foundations Program, which allows cultural institutions and public lands partners to develop interpretive virtual environments without financial commitment for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.

Cultural Demonstration Series Website Since 2014, the Cultural Demonstration Series at Grand Canyon National Park has given members from Grand Canyon’s 11 traditionally associated tribes a platform to share their traditional crafts with visitors. With in-person events on hold, the park and GCC dedicated a section of GCC’s website to the series. Viewers can explore demonstrators by craft (carvers, jewelers, painters, potters, weavers, and other) and learn more about the people and the artworks they create.

In 2020, GCC presented 42 different Facebook Live videos, featuring topics such as: the canyon’s geology, ecology, and human history; events like Celebration of Art, Trailblazer, and Star Party; hiking safety tips; discussions with industry experts like astronomer Dean Regas and physician and author Dr. Tom Myers; the park’s historic buildings; information on Field Institute classes and tours; and rim walks and hikes down trails that showed viewers different areas and vistas of the canyon. Over 700,000 people viewed these live presentations on GCC’s Facebook platform, engaging and delighting them in real time with Grand Canyon.


Star Party The 30th annual Grand Canyon Star Party was held virtually June 13–20, 2020. Each evening that week, the park premiered videos on their Facebook page and hosted a speaker series via videoconferencing featuring special guest speakers, astronomers, and park rangers. Astronomers connected video cameras to their telescopes to share images of the skies with viewers, who could ask questions in chat rooms online. Star Party was hosted by the National Park Service, the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, Focus Astronomy, and GCC.

Blazing Trails for Grand Canyon

Virtual Events Reach a Wide Audience

The first Grand Canyon Conservancy Trailblazer event was held the week of August 23, 2020. Trailblazer invited people to complete a walk, jog, hike, or bike ride in their favorite National Park or in their neighborhood to raise funds to help protect and preserve Grand Canyon National Park. Since many people were unable to travel to Grand Canyon National Park, live social media videos took participants along the Rim Trail with GCC staff, sharing stories, viewpoints, and Grand Canyon history along the way. Participants were encouraged to get outdoors wherever they could and to share their journeys on social media. A week’s worth of crowdfunding raised over $30,000, ensuring that Trailblazer will become an annual GCC event.

Thank you to our Trailblazer partners

Photo by Logan Mayer on Unsplash.



Special Thanks to Our Celebration of Art Sponsors:


Presenting Sponsors

Lisa Spragens Kaibab Sponsors Jeanne & Nigel Finney

Michelle Condrat

Coconino Sponsors Terri Kline Picerne Fine Art Collection, Courtesy of Doreen, David, & Danielle Picerne Amy & Mark Schiavoni Steve Watson Tyson Winarski Sheri Young

Marcia Molnar

Celebration of Art

Vishnu Sponsors Anonymous in honor of Arline Tinus Mark & Donna Levison Loven Contracting Janet & Ed Sands

The 12th annual Celebration of Art (September 12, 2020–February 28, 2021) was a hybrid of in-person and online events. The exhibition and sale were presented through a gallery on GCC’s website, where collectors could view and purchase artworks. In-person activities included two Artist Paint Out sessions, one at Mather Point and one along the South Rim between Verkamp’s Visitor Center and Thunderbird Lodge. Visitors had the opportunity to watch the artists interpret the ever-shifting light and shadow, amazing landforms, and vibrant colors of Grand Canyon. The events were free and open to the public, and the paintings were available to purchase on-site.

Media Sponsors Sedona Monthly American Art Collector Cowboys & Indians Magazine Southwest Art Magazine Western Art Collector Fine Art Connoisseur

2020 Participating Artists Joshua Been Elizabeth Black Amery Bohling John Cogan Michelle Condrat Bill Cramer Cody DeLong Kadin Goldberg

Robert Goldman Bruce Gomez Linda Glover Gooch Susie Hyer Peggy Immel Bonnie McGee Mick McGinty James McGrew

Celebration of Art raised $156,000 for a future art venue and arts programming at the South Rim.

Betsy Menand Marcia Molnar Jose Nunez Kari Ganoung Ruiz Matt Sterbenz Dawn Sutherland Paula Swain Special guest artist: Serena Supplee This year’s award winners were: People’s Choice Award: Matt Sterbenz Artists’ Choice Award: Bill Cramer Best of Show: Elizabeth Black Cody DeLong

Kadin Goldberg



Publications In 2020, GCC published How Not to Die at Grand Canyon, by Dr. Tom Myers. This waterproof pocket guide educates Grand Canyon visitors about the 12 most common hazards that visitors experience, how to avoid them, and how to perform first aid on the spot. Other publications included a new edition of The Official Guide to Grand Canyon’s North Rim, by Stewart Aitchison, and the publication of the 2019 Grand Canyon History Symposium, Celebrating 100 Years of Grand Canyon National Park. The topselling books of 2020 were I Am the Grand Canyon, Whose Tail on the Trail at Grand Canyon, and Grand Canyon Geology. Photo by Lear Miller.



Thank you

for your generous contributions.

Grand Canyon Conservancy is grateful for the many people, companies, and organizations that supported Grand Canyon National Park through donations between January 1 and December 31, 2020. Every effort has been made to ensure that this list is accurate. Due to space constraints, we are only able to include those who contributed $1,000 or more. Regardless of the amount, your contribution helps us inspire present and future generations to protect and preserve Grand Canyon. Multi-year gifts are recognized the year the pledge was made.

$100,000 +

Arizona Lottery Arizona State Parks & Trails Robert and Mary Bricker Grand Canyon River Heritage Coalition The Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation National Park Foundation The Orr Family Foundation The Raintree Foundation

$50,000 +

Susan and William Ahearn American Express Arizona Community Foundation Delaware North Parks and Resorts Robert L. Sanders Estate Lisa Spragens

$25,000 +

Arizona Public Service Gregory Dixon Jeanne and Nigel Finney Sheila Lewis Henry and Allen Henry Robert and Dee Leggett Foundation Steven Luff Margaret T. Morris Foundation

$10,000 +

Anonymous Anonymous Lizabeth Ardisana and Greg Rouke Arch and Laura Brown In memory of Joshua Colover (Aperture Films) Dorothy Engel Teresa Gavigan and Larry Besnoff In memory of Susan Tinney Geiger Keri Hensley

Elly and Bob Hostetler Teresa L. Kline Theresa McMullan Nina and Jim Meyer Zina Mirsky Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Ann and Bruce Peek Janet and Ed Sands Mark and Amy Schiavoni Marsha and Ted Sitterley Philip M. Smith Estate Stephen and Elizabeth Watson Daniel and Donna Winarski Xanterra South Rim, LLC Sheri Young

$5,000 +

Darlene and David Barnes William and Barb Berkley Don and Ginger Brandt Brianna and Randall Brown Kathryn Campana Sally and Craig Clayton Corban Fund CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA Insurer Joann and Paul Delaney Sydney and Michael Dye Dye Family Foundation Mary and Robert Elliott Eric and Kathryn Fraint Charitable Fund Jean and John Grove Kathleen and Michael Hayes Joanne and John Kirby Donna and Marc Levison Melissa Murphy and Todd Zondlo Mary Ellen and Ken Mylrea Picerne Fine Art Collection

Jean Quinsey Frances Rockwell Carol and Randy Schilling Susan Schroeder and Gary McNaughton David Schulz Mark Siegel The Skillman Foundation Michele and Robert Steger Dawn and Stan Sutherland Liz and Bill Sweeney Cheryl Thomsen & Tom Heideman Susan and Richard Turner DJ Williams Tyson Winarski Your Part-Time Controller, LLC

$2,500 +

Anonymous Anne and John Barton Jennalee and Jim Britton Marie and Dale Buck Tania Calhoun Awenate Cobbina Dorrance Family Foundation Bernard Ederer Nancy and Jerry Fogleman Rich and Patrice Foudy Four Peaks Brewing Co. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation Deborah Gage Sarah Harris Johnson & Johnson Julie and Doug Klapstein Marilyn Meade and Barbara Whitney Paula and James Miller Diane and Gary Morris Erica Nelson and Steven Schueppert Parks Project Linda Parr The Peck-Bernet Fund Cynthia and Steven Rizzo The RORD Foundation Danielle Segura Elizabeth and Richard Seney Malcolm Swift Stacy and Mitchell Walker Frank J. Weber Jr. Barbara Whitney and Marilyn Meade Woods Construction Riki Zappone

$1,000 +

Kara and Robert Adams Benito Almanza Georgia and Luis Alpizar Maria and Gary Anderson Deena Barlev and Robert King Jeannette and Robert Barnes John Barto Joan Baxter Ann Becker and Brett Lincoln Janice Dunn Bellucci Karen Larson and Gary Bicker Sheila and Bill Bishop Kay and Hu Blake Ann and Brian Blue Dr. Leonard S. Bodell and Ms. Irene Renstram Michael and Mary Pat Bolner Penelope and Martin Bowin Leigh and Jim Bradburn Sana and Andy Brooks Jane and Rick Brothers Patsy and Bill Brunner Kathy Burrows The Bydale Foundation Patricia and Lucien Capone Barbara and Roger Carter Patricia Cherney Carrie Clark and Nathan Moore Jan and Fritz Clark Austin Clary Janet Cohn Genevieve and John Conley Steven Conrad Sue and Rich Cottine Debra and Jim Davis Lynn and Patrick de Freitas Ellen Deibert and Michael Quinn Carol Delaney Anne and Michael Descour Susanne Durling Fred Edson and Margie Puerta Edson Lucinda and Kevin Egler Robert and Prudence Eppers Dr. Raymond Erny and Dr. Judy McCarthy W.H. Faulkner Greg Ferguson Christine Spivey and Fran Flores Patricia and Robert Foster Kathryn and Eric Fraint Alan Freiden



contributions continued Brett Gage Joan Garnett and Ray Abercrombie Vivianne and Bruce Gold Dawn and Don Goldman Michal Rebecca Goodling Craig Gordon and Barbara Smith Laura Penny and Steve Gottlieb Jan Gruner Ruth Guarino Ann Guggenbuehler Martha Hahn Darroy Hanson Katherine and Mark Hanson Donna Hawxhurst Annie and Tim Heath Emily and Wade Hogg Ann and Joseph Hotung Kimberly and William Hsia Diane Huey Denise and James Hunsaker Merry and Justin Ireland Joel Ireland Patricia Ivey and Donald Schroeder Adriane Jetton Judie and Erik Kanten Susan and Laurence Karper Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kavanagh Deborah Smith and Ronald Keefe Harold Kiel Jacqueline and Tim Kjellberg Kay and Bill Klavon Cheryl and Klaus Koch Candice and Robert Koch Franklyn Kraus Ken and Dorothy Lamm Deborah Stavro Lapides and Murray Lapides Karen Lerohl Wilson Rod Limke Mike Loven Pat Lucas and Max Quinney Judith and Matthew Manning Kate and Bunky Markert Lauren and Ben Marshall Mary Marx Suzanne Miles and Robert Mason Kristan Hutchison and Joseph Mastroianni Sharon Mattern Warren McNaughton Norm Meier Victoria Mello Mellon Family Foundation

Deirdre Mercurio Susan and Mitch Meyer Betty and James Craig Miller David Monet Jean Moriki Donna and Roger Muhlenkamp Christine Duff Muldoon Thomas M. Murray Will Murray John Nau Bruce Nelson Judy and Chuck Nesbit Linda and Scott O’Brien Richard and Debra Onsager William Otten Molly Debysingh Outwater and Richard Outwater Andrew Overhiser Linda and Tom Pallas Angela Parker and Bret Raper Geni Miller and B. Stephen Parker Susan and William Pay Donna Lenherr and Arthur Pearce Anthony Petullo Laura and Thomas Pew Phillips Family Randy Poulsen William Powers Sandra and William Puchlevic Brenda Rabalais Boots and Merrill Raber Michael Raleigh Margaret Rambikur Nick Reed Rebecca Reed Allen Roberts Beverly and Jay Roberts Jeffrey Robinson Dr. Mark W. Roosa and Mrs. Lynn P. Roosa John Rowland Eric Runberg Dee and A John Rush Michael Rusing Lulu Santamaria and Patrice Horstman Joy and David Schaller Elise and Paul Schmidt Donald P. Schroeder Christine and Michael Schroeder Ann and Mike Scott Mrs. Janet Seeds and Dr. Michael Seeds Martha Sewell Sandra Shaw

Tracy and Michael Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shore Dr. Barbara L. Smith and Mr. Craig Gordon Karen and Iver Sondrol Kelley and Brent Southwell Linda and Terry Sparks Dianne and Steve Sperry Elizabeth and Jerry Starkey Joan and Edward Steiner Tammy and Curtis Stewart Martha and Don Stoneberger Cynthia and Bradley Strecker Stuart Strife Anne Stupp Spencer Sun Sally and David Swenson Betty Tatro and Frank Romaglia Dr. Dean G. Taylor Helen and Ray Taylor Janice Taylor Tony Taylor Dean Jeffery Telego Phil Telfeyan Susan and Howard Thiele Suzanne and John Thomas Martin and Wendy Tomerlin Barbara and David Uberuaga David Van Denburgh Willem and Johanna Van Kempen Carol Vaughn and Ken Brewer Ledella and James von Dorn Yi Ja and Bruce Wang Wei Li and Derek Wang Susan and Merl Waschler Susan Watkins and Scott Beeman Ann and David Watson Tina and Peter Watterberg Tamara Potter and Joachim Weickmann Daryl and Chip Weil Hilarie and Peter Weinstock Effy and Richard Weisfield Wells Fargo Wild Tribute The Wildland Trekking Company Joan Winstein Mrs. Mary Wolk Marjorie Woodruff and Brad Houston Elizabeth and Robert Wych Sangho Yoo Marjorie and Robert Zamorski Ms. Carol Zazubek and Mr. Douglas R. Thomas

Bright Angel Circle

The Bright Angel Circle honors forward-thinking individuals who have made an estate gift or bequest to Grand Canyon Conservancy. Thank you for helping us protect and preserve the Grand Canyon for future generations. Our heartfelt gratitude for your commitment to our national parks.

New Bright Angel Circle members in 2020 include: Eric B. Bowman Carol Coy Lynn Donahue Kurt Grow Teresa Kline

This list includes donations made between January 1 and December 31, 2020. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is accurate and complete. We apologize if your name has been omitted or otherwise inaccurately reported. Please contact us at (800) 858-2808 so we may correct our records.

TO MAKE A GIFT Call: (800) 858-2808 Email:

Photo by Lear Miller.



Financials Statement of Financial Position | December 31, 2020 (with comparative totals for December 31, 2019) Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.

2020 Assets


Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents



Investments 10,414,913 10,147,428 Accounts receivable



Pledges receivable, current










Prepaid expenses Other current assets

Total current assets



Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities:

Accounts payable $272,023 263,967


Customer deposits



Other current liabilities





Total current liabilities Loan payable 1,104,631

Fixed assets:

Total liabilities

Property, plant and equipment Accumulated depreciation Total fixed assets



1,512,399 ( 1,005,978)

Net assets:

Without donor restrictions 362,617


Board designated:

Other assets:







Direct Aid to NPS carryover






Total net assets without donor restrictions







Total other assets


Strategic operating reserve

Pledges receivable, noncurrent, net



Investments held for endowment purposes


Accrued payroll and related liabilities

2020 2019



With donor restrictions

Total assets $21,480,021 $22,205,033

Total net assets

Total liabilities and net assets





Statement of Activities Statement of Financial Position | December 31, 2020 (with comparative totals for December 31, 2019)

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions 2020 Total Revenue, gains and other support: Sales


Field Institute services





Investment gain/(loss)






















Net assets released from restrictions


Other income

2019 Total


Total revenues, gains and other support 9,428,724










Expenses and losses: Program A - Sales



Program B - Aid to National Park Service




Program C - Aid to USDA Forest Service Management and general

Fundraising Total expenses

2,085 1,722,625 936,699


















Change in net assets


Net assets, beginning of year



Net assets, end of year





The amounts presented here are derived from Grand Canyon Conservancy’s audited financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2020. A copy of the audited financial statement is available on the GCC website. Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.



Support to the National Park Service Total $5,112,560

2020 GCC Interpretive Services Arts & Culture Publication Development Trails Restoration Conservation: Habitat & Wildlife Education & Interpretation Building & Historic Structures Visitor Services Photo by Grand Canyon NPS.

% of Total 3,212,284 1,025,587 261,134 105,576 263,089 237,237 4,390 3,263

62.8% 20.1% 5.1% 2.1% 5.1% 4.6% 0.1% 0.1%

Grand Canyon Conservancy inspires generations of park champions to cherish and support the natural and cultural wonder of Grand Canyon

P.O. Box 399, Grand Canyon, AZ 86023 (800) 858-2808 | Front and back cover image by Grand Canyon NPS.

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