GCDD - Making A Difference Summer 2020

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Congratulations, Graduates!

It’s graduation season! Across the state, young people graduated from high school and college throughout Georgia earlier this spring and last fall. Making a Difference magazine wanted to celebrate this milestone of the graduates across the nine inclusive post-secondary education (IPSE) programs in Georgia. Meet our grads as they share their favorite class or experience and their one piece of advice for incoming students or those considering attending an inclusive post-secondary education program.

GEORGIA’S INCLUSIVE COLLEGE PROGRAMS offer students with intellectual and developmental disabilities a variety of opportunities for growth as they prepare for the next chapter of their lives. These students are able to realize their dream of continuing their studies in a university or college setting with their peers.

Abby Amatriain

University of Georgia

My favorite part about college was working out and staying fit. My favorite part of going to class was working with people. My advice: Work hard so you are prepared to find a good job.

• Albany Technical College LEAP • • • • • • • •

(Albany, GA) Columbus State University GOALS (Columbus, GA) East Georgia State College CHOICE (Swainsboro, GA) Georgia Institute of Technology EXCEL (Atlanta, GA) Georgia Southern EAGLE Academy (Statesboro, GA) Georgia State University IDEAL (Atlanta, GA) Kennesaw State University Academy for Inclusive Learning & Social Growth (Kennesaw, GA) University of Georgia Destination Dawgs (Athens, GA) University of West Georgia Project WOLVES (Carrollton, GA)

Read more about IPSE programs in Georgia.



Taylor Baker

Columbus State University

My favorite class was Narrative Illustration because it helped me to both improve my artistic skills and get back in touch with my inner child. My advice: Failure is just the first step.

Isaiah Branford

Georgia State University

My favorite part of college was making a lot of new friends. My favorite class was Hip Hop and Politics because we got to talk about a lot of interesting stuff and learned about certain political issues. My advice: You will really enjoy the IDEAL program and it could make your dreams come true!

This video icon shown by some of the graduates indicates you can access short videos about their college experiences on the GCDD website.

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