GCDD Making a Difference Magazine - Summer 2022

Page 22

Real World Work Experiences Enable Inclusive College Students at Columbus State University to Emerge as Workforce Leaders By Kimberly Hudson

Students enrolled in the GOALS

at a local work site. The Posh

work-based practicum sites for

program at Columbus State

Peach, a woman-owned small

[GOALS] students so they can

University (CSU) are getting

business, was created by Erin

see what it’s like to have several

critical opportunities for real work

Widick, a CSU alumnus, in

different work experiences. These

experiences at the start of their

May of 2014. A former business

experiences provide opportunities

inclusive college careers.

marketing major, Widick “threw

for our students to explore a

everything [she] had into opening

variety of work options as well

Guidance and Opportunities

the boutique.” The Posh Peach

as pursue their interests and

for Academic and Leadership

offers a hand-picked collection

demonstrate their many gifts and

Success (GOALS) at CSU is a

of clothing, shoes, accessories,

abilities.” Many GOALS students

two-year college certificate for

and gifts for everyday life and

start at CSU without any past

individuals with intellectual and

special occasions. Widick’s goal is

work experience. These work-

developmental disabilities.

to provide high-quality items at

based practicum opportunities

an affordable price for the free-

allow students to try a variety

Thanks to a partnership with

spirited woman. She is also an

of different tasks, develop and

The Posh Peach, a small business

enthusiastic advocate for people

refine skills, and inform or guide

located within walking distance

with developmental disabilities.

their career goals. Additionally,

from the GOALS building on

Stephanie Marshall, former

work experience provides

CSU’s campus, GOALS students

special education teacher and

mentorship opportunities, builds

are getting an opportunity to

GOALS Program Coordinator,

a professional network, helps

have real-world work experience

is “constantly looking to find

students secure references and




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