The Bark.Volume 2. Issue 3. December 2019

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Volume 2. Issue 3. December 2019

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4 NEWS BRIEFS 8 A Substitute for School

Our potential E-Learning Day Plans


The Religious Epiphany of Kanye West

8 Color Coding Our Emotions

Have you ever wondered why blue makes you feel sad, and red makes you feel angry?

12 Purple and the Power it Invokes How purple stirs different feel-

ARTS 20 Why Art?

Why do students choose art as a creative outlet?

28 Going Straight for the Gold

While some freshman are just glad to make the team, others go straight to varsity

30 The Spirit within us All

Breaking down the trait that connects students and athletes.


13 Hobbies Create the Pathway to Opportunities Hobbies can create opportunities to better yourself mentally and physically.

14 The Red, White, and Social Media?

America is voting blindly! Start seeing how strongly social media affects who you elect!

17 Unheard Voices: The Power of Pronouns gchs_newspaper @GCHS_newspaper


LGBTQ-plus and Generation Z merge to create a new culture

New! Literary Magazine 29 The Bark Unleashed

Letter From The Editor On the first day of school, after previously conducting numerous meetings regarding the curriculum work for the school year for the newspaper class this past summer, I finally got to meet the class. As the new leader of The Bark, I knew I would be working with many personalities. I imagined my team, their dreams, their passions and I placed them into a box. As I began to meet my team I realized that placing them into a box not only limited my team, it also limited my point of view. As soon as I realized that I can’t put my perspective on others, I was able to reflect on the group of individuals that I have had the pleasure of being surrounded with for this whole semester, I am proud. The Bark consists of a unique variety of people who bring different values and ideas to the table. Before this class had even started, I had already decided what type and color crayons I would have in my box for this class. I envisioned twelve perfect, dedicated golden crayons that were ingrained with sparkles of success. At the time, I failed to comprehend that even if I did obtain a class filled with golden crayons, The Bark would fail to be as diverse and impactful as it is. The success behind this magazine lies in the group of individuals choosing to enhance their community through their product. When I reflect on our progress, I compare it to a colored image of sunshine. It’s a beautiful and detailed work of art which reflects the immense amount of time, energy, and patience that goes into creating this magazine. Nonetheless, you can’t create an image reflecting the outdoor scenery and a huge, bright sun without using multiple different colors. I urge you to logically consider this idea. If you’re going to

attempt to accurately shade and create grass, you need green. Also, I don’t know about you, but I have never, ever seen a sun that was blue. The colors matter when representing a specific type of image and the same concept applies within any social environment. When I think about the different types of colors within my peers as they surround me everyday, I notice that each of them provide the opportunity for me to observe and appreciate the uniqueness of a variety of personalities. Often times people can be classified as a certain color or personality type which creates labels and essentially barriers between our society. As humans, we’re always searching for ways to define who we are and classify our main characteristics. This creates groups and groups create separation from those who differ from you. One might argue that although these groups would provide opportunities for new relationships and a passageway for ideas, these barriers are the main reason for misinterpretations and unfortunately they can serve as an excuse for close minded tendencies. Instead of trying to surround yourself with a bunch of blue crayon people, perhaps you should instead consider conversing with an exuberant yellow who will bring out a new positive side to you that you never knew before. Or, the next time you’re stuck when working on an essay, ponder about what another person with a different color radiating about them has to say. It’s important to consider those outside perspectives. After all, you can’t just use one color to create the perfect picture.

The Bark Editor, Elizabeth Newcomb

Editors Ethan Dicken Seager Johnson Elizabeth Newcomb Mariah Ona

News Mariah Ona (Editor) Alyssa Aleman Kyra Jagodinski Sarah Viramontes

Features Seager Johnson (Editor) Anthony Haberstroh Kyra Jagodinski Ryan Lewis Elizabeth Newcomb Amariah Vivians

Sports Ethan Dicken (Editor) Adil Siraj Melanie Viscioni

Cover Photos

Photographer: Seager Johnson Models: Helena Scoggin Allison Opletal Laura Bishop Karla Islas Thomas Granat Leonard Grodoski


News Briefs The Blood Drive Written by: Kyra Jagodzinski

For more than a decade, Grant Community High School has sponsored a blood drive for the students. This year, the Junior Class, Mrs. Highley, and Mrs. Crambes helped to organize the blood drive with a partnership with Vitalant 131 kids successfully donated blood, and 157 students signed up to participate. This means that this year, Grant Community Highschool donated 131 pints of blood, which is enough to fill a standard bathtub! For every person who donated a pint of blood, doctors can save up to 3 lives. Meaning, Grant also helped to potentially save 393 peoples lives. “Some students couldn’t participate for various reasons, for example, the students… could not have left the country in the past 6 months to a year, depending on where the student went,” says Mrs. Highley, who is one of the several important orchestrators of the blood drive. To participate, the student needs to be at least 16 years old and weigh more than 110 pounds. The student can also not have a fresh piercing or tattoo within 90 days of donating. At 16, the student needs a parental consent form, but any student older can donate willingly. Once the students get ready to give blood, the nurses test their iron count. If it is too low, the student can not donate. In the second semester, there is another blood drive occurring, and if you would like to participate then you should write your name down on the sheet when advertising comes out later this school year. “I [believe] the blood drive itself is an amazing thing that we do, says Mrs. Crambes, the second organizer of the blood drive.


The blood drive at Grant does not only raise awareness and collect blood for those in need, but it is also a fundraising campaign. The money acquired from the blood drive is used to support prom, homecoming, among others. The blood from the drive stays local and is highly unlikely to leave the country. It is a great way for students to help out their community and school by simply doing a good deed.

Students waiting in line at the Blood Drive.



GCHS Foundation Grant Gala Written by: Alyssa Aleman

Superintendent Dr. Christy Sefcik Shaking hands with student who earned scholarship from raised money from the Grant Gala. On November 2, 2019, the GCHS foundation hosted the 25th Grant Gala at Maravela’s Banquet Hall in Fox Lake, IL. Which is located next to Grant Community High School. The Grant Gala is an event that raises money to provide scholarships and help students in need of financial help. The GCHS foundation has raised $35,342 dollars at the event this year, which is $7,000 more

than last year’s event. The two years before, the GCHS foundation had spent $34,900 for the class of 2018 and $21,000 for the class of 2019 into scholarships. They had also spent a total of $8,281 for students who needed financial help. Superintendent Christy Sefcik, who is also the president of the foundation, has a positive outlook towards the event and the foundation. “Each year has been a tremendous success in raising funds for the Foundation, so with the support of students, staff, families and the community, I anticipate it will continue well into the future,”says Doctor Sefcik. At the event, there were silent auctions for certain objects such as jewelry and different activities that helped raise money. 246 guests attended this year’s event which is the greatest amount of attendees this event has ever received. About 40 people on the committee, as well as some students from GCHS, helped put the event, together and helped during the event such as Freshmen Julia Fornero and Maddy Riske. “I was one of the appetizer servers and I served chicken teriyaki,” says Julia. “I thought it was really cool, there was a bunch of peo-

ple, and it was just a positive environment in general,” she says about the Gala. “ I saw a bunch of parents, teachers, and administration interacting with each other, and just parents and teachers having a good old time,” says Maddy describing what she had seen at the Grant Gala. Both students’ point of view had a positive outlook. “They’re raising money for students who don’t have the money to do sports or activities and it could be affecting people on your team and you wouldn’t even know it, so I believe it is a good thing that students should know.” says Julia. Maddy says, “I think it’s a great event, not just for the school but also for the community to show what Grant is all about and how helpful they’re willing to be for students.” Doctor Sefcik and the two students hope that the event will continue, as well as being a success, and give our students more opportunities. A special thank you to the committee of school staff, parents, and students who helped with the event. “The event couldn’t happen without them!” says Doctor Sefcik.



A Substitute For School Our Potential E-Learning Day Plan Written by: Mariah Ona

When a school is canceled for any reason, the day we missed will be added to the end of the year. However, Grant’s proposed E-Learning days may change the way we look at snow days. Dr. Christy Sefcik, Grant Community High School lend a brief overview the plan for cancelled school days, “E-learning day is really an extension of learning beyond the classrooms or beyond the school. Schools can use e- learning days on a severe weather day, so it doesn’t need to be made up because it’s the equivalent of a school day. It doesn’t change the end of the


school year.” The approval process for E-Learning Days requires schools to create a plan for students to prove attendance. What if students did not participate in an E-Learning day? Dr. Sefcik explains, “It’s not like you follow the regular bell schedule. So students have to log into Schoology, just to acknowledge that they’ve seen the teachers assignment and they know what the expectations are, but students have up to three days to display whatever learning was required for the E-learning day. “ Most schools have had

The doors are closed and the chromebooks are open. Technology is changing the way we look at school closings this winter. Photo Credit: Mariah Ona

difficulty with getting E-Learning days approved only because not all students have devices. “I know many students have devices, and we have mobile hotspots to sign out in the Chromebook agreement. All the community Wi-Fi spots are on there so that students know where they can go to get connectivity if they want it to work on it that day. We’ve also built in three days if students don’t or can’t work on it that day.” Up until June 7, 2019 the state has required schools to make up canceled snow days by adding days to the end of the year. GCHS Math teacher, Tim Viscioni, excitedly expresses his delight for these new advancements, “I think it’s fantastic. And I’ll tell


you one of the reasons is I teach summer school. And, you know, when we start adding days at the end of the year, it kind of backs right up to summer school right away and there’s really no break at the end. I don’t like adding days in the spring.” What if a student needed help on an assignment? Would they just have to wait until the next day? “Of course we’re available to students. If they’re working on their assignments, and they need Warning! help, that’s what we’re looking Do not try this at home! Photo Credit: Seager Johnson for. It’s not like I’m just giving either can use a vacation day if an assignment and staying home that day. they get vacation days, they can “Teachers just have to and watching TV. I need to mon- use what’s called a floating holiitor my students. There will be a anticipate a little bit… When day, or they can do professional the weather seems like it might window of time where teachers development that we have probe bad, teachers need to start are available to students, so that vided that they can do at home,” thinking about if students says Dr. Sefcik. what could they are working It is important to remembe doing that and they have ber this is all hypothetical since Of course we’re available day, and maybe questions they the plan has not been approved, to students. If they’re rearranging their can reach out meaning this article is all just a working on their assignweek a little bit.” to their teacher ments, and they need potential chance. However, we Dr. Sefcik exand then we’ll help, that’s can hope for this plan to take presses. get back to what we’re place soon. Some stuthem,“ said Mr looking for. Dr. Sefcik explains, “The dents may not be Viscioni. Board of Education received a sick on E-Learn Since draft of a proposed E-learning ing days, but the Law passed Plan on November 14th. The may have other allowing schools in Illinois to district continues to develop tasks that need to be completed conduct E-Learning days some the E-Learning Plan, with input due to the weather. schools have had success with from various stakeholders, and The E-Learning Days. The main will present a fibiggest strugreason other schools have not nal draft of a proattempted to conduct E-Learning gle with all posed E-Learning The district continues to days is that not all students have of this is how Plan to the Board develop the E-Learning to structure access to technology. on December plan, with input from various non-instruc Dr. Sefcik believes that stakeholders, and will pres19th. As we dis“We’re in a really good place be- tional staff time ent a final draft cussed previous cause everybody has the technol- on E-Learnof a proposed to meeting and at ing days. E-Learning Plan ogy.” our meeting, our to the Board on “Custodians, But how would someone e-learning ideas December 19th. kitchen staff, such as a science teacher make are all proposed up something such as a lab? Each bus drivers, at this secretaries and teacher will have time to move time and under considteacher aides; each one of them around their schedule prior to 7 eration by the Board of has a little different plan. They Education.”


Color Coding Our Emotional Health Have you ever wondered why blue makes you feel sad, and red makes you feel angry? Color Psychology has been studied for thousands of years. These studies show how color affects the way we all process different items. Written by: Kyra Jagodzinski

The shocking truth of color psychology. Inside Out features characters who represent color psychology Colors are often stereotypically associated with different feelings, which influences the way people purchase products, individuals testing performances, and how hungry a person is. A person’s testing performance can be influenced by the color of pen they studied their notes from, or what color they were wearing that day. Meanwhile, warm colors and dark lighting in the seating area of a restaurant make people want to


eat more. This is why restaurants such as Olive Garden or Outback Steakhouse are so dark. There are many stereotypical color associations: red to anger, orange causing excitement, yellow to happiness, green is serenity, blue to sadness, and purple signifies importance. However, these feelings vary from person to person. Even though these are common feelings, an individual’s age, gender and environment may cause these variations.

Your brain processes the different colors that you see in the ventral occipital lobe, a part of the visual system in the brain. From there, the limbic system and the amygdala, which both work to process emotions, will process the colors and the emotions you get from them. But, because everybody processes color differently, not much can be studied. The people who grew up and live in Lake County and the towns surrounding it have a closer connotation together. As a school, the majority feels that

Although, cool colors often reduce tension and promote creativity, while warmtoned colors gain attention and excitement. Multiple studies were done to prove this theory, including one in Japan from 2005. In Japan, prefectural police set up neighborhoods that were illuminated with blue light, which resulted in a 9% crime decrease within the year. Another study found that when blue light is placed at the end of a tunnel, suicide rates declined 74% due to the fact that blue light reduces blood pressure and creates a sense of peace. Currently, color is used heavily in marketing. But the earliest sign of color psychology use is when ancient cultures, such as the Chinese and the Egyptians, used color as a form of therapy/healing. Chromotherapy is an alternative healing process that uses colored lights to heal an individual. Red was thought to improve circulation, yellow was used to stimulate nerves and orange helped to improve lung health. Meanwhile, blue soothed pain and purple helped to alleviate skin issues. The color of a brand’s logo can increase or decrease their chances of being bought, and even though most consumers are unaware, they rely heavily on color.

For example, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Popeyes, Hardees and Pizza Hut are just a few of the wellknown restaurants that have logos with the colors red and yellow. This color combination is so popular within fast-food chains because both are warm colors. Warm colors increase heart rate, while red simultaneously makes a person hungry. The color combination makes a person hungrier, and more inclined to stop at that restaurant.



all the colors represent the same things, except for orange and yellow. The majority here feel that orange causes happiness and orange causes excitement, compared to the general populations majority.

Red naturally attracts attention, so when a person sees red their body flow begins to speed up. When blood flow is increased to the digestive system, their metabolism speeds up as well, making them hungry and more likely to eat more. Companies know this, which is why red and yellow logos and interior designs are becoming more and more common. Color Association Psychology affects a person’s daily life and influences almost every decision. Because of the stereotypical associations with colors, particular items can cause stress and relief within a person. Some colors cause a person’s heart rate to accelerate or delay, the color of light and the color an item can reflect can quite be the line of life and death.



SPREADING KINDNESS How Humans Can Assist in Reversing the Effects of Pollution and Global Warming

Mount Rainier, Washington State Mount Rainier is a historical landmark suffering from new environmental problems like air pollution and global warming. Story and Photography by: Seager Johnson The birds are falling, the fish are drowning, and the earth is dying; can we reverse the effects of our actions? Pollution has become more prominent than ever before. People are using up all of Earth’s resources. Scientists predict that if we stopped using all fossil fuels today, it would take 100 years for the effects of global warming to stop progressively getting worse and finally begin to reverse. These generations will not live to see a time where global warming comes to an end, but they can still carve the path to lead future generations. The image above captures the beautiful Mount Rainier of Washington State. Mount Rainier stands as the tallest mountain in Washington, with a beautiful snow-covered top. Below the mountain lay beautiful streams and flourishing landscapes, all of which could gradually disappear if conditions continue to worsen. The


U.S. National Park Service worries about these dramatic effects on the environment due to global warming, not only at Mount Rainier but all across the world. As global warming continues to increase, the glaciers continue to melt at an astonishing pace, flooding and killing much of the surrounding forests. Air pollutants absorb into lakes and streams, poisoning the water for the animals that live in it or drink it. Many questions continue to be raised about how we can still salvage the environment from destruction. These questions lead others to become more environmentally conscious in their daily lives and finding ways to preserve this planet. All living things will go extinct if people don’t begin changing their lifestyles and environmental decisions. As Mrs. McCarthy puts it, “We all have to take care of the planet because if the planet is gone, then so are we”. Mrs. McCarthy, the Environmental Club Sponsor, tries to take every chance she can to be environ-

mentally friendly in response to the problems we face today. “ I think that climate change is probably one of the biggest issues that we are facing...the climate is not what it used to be”. The effects of climate change surround us and cause problems that destroy our environment. Consider this past Halloween. In the Chicago area, the average day of the first snowfall happens on November 17th, usually a light fluff, but this Halloween landed over three inches

Snow on Halloween? 2019 had one of the earliest recorded snowfalls in Illinois history.

There are three primary causes: the fuel we use for travel, the smog released from factories, and the number of resources sent to landfills. Whether we drive, fly, or boat, carbon monoxide releases into the air. The toxins in the smog from factories stay in the air. As raw materials decompose in landfills, they become cut off from oxygen and release methane as they decompose. These and other sources of pollutants collect in the air, trapping heat that would normally escape Earth’s atmosphere. As the collections of pollutants continue to trap air, the overall temperature of the Earth gradually increases, causing global warming and wacky climate changes. Though our generations will never see the end of global warming, it doesn’t mean we can’t make what we currently see better. There range many little things we can do to better our environment. You would be surprised how many effortless things you can do throughout the day to better the environment. Mrs. Richards teaches AP Environmental and makes sure to educate her students about the current problems in our environment. “My biggest concern is the number of resources we have on Earth and people not using them properly”. Reusable and recyclable products have taken off in recent years. People reuse items in order to save money and save resources. Unreusable items become recycled if possible. This allows resources to be saved and reused in another way than their original purpose.

eco-friendly life. Environmental Club President Avril Enciso speaks for many students when she discusses the need to efficiently use our resources. “We should find more renewable sources of energy”. People often use fossil fuels in their daily lives, but these fossil fuels will eventually run out. Renewable sources must be found. Additionally, these renewable sources will not be harsh on the environment. Many fossil fuels are burned and omit the previously mentioned gases that lead to global warming. If we can cut down the number of fossil fuels we use by resorting to renewable energy, we can eliminate much of the pollution in our environments. We cannot survive without finding new ways to help the environment. A largely discussed topic in our current society focuses on treating each other better, but we must treat our environment better if we want to keep society. All life thrives on a healthy planet, and unfortunately, human impact is responsible for our dying planet. Just because something doesn’t exist yet doesn’t mean that you can’t be the one to create it. Start the community compost, invite others to carpool with you once a week to grocery shop, create a website based around educating others on a specific problem in the environment. Be the one to make the change, don’t wait for someone else to do it first. Habits have to start somewhere. In order for things to change, we must try to make the change.

Be the one to make the change, don’t wait for someone else.

In the age of educating the younger generations to change the world, many GCHS students take the initiative to step towards an

For more information about how you can spread kindness to the environment, go to: view/waystosaveplanetearth

GCHS Survey

80.3% of GCHS students believe that the planet can still be salvaged from destruction



of snow. Our crazy weather is due to climate change and global warming, but why do they even exist?

of GCHS students claimed they do try to live eco-friendly


of GCHS students who choose not to live eco-friendly are aware of some ways they can do it, but still choose not to When asked what they beleived was the biggest environmental problem: 17.6% - Water Pollution/Usage 32.8% - Land Pollution/Deforestation 49.6% - Air Pollution/Fossil Fuel Usage

I See You Bulldog

Elena Clim Energizes a Conversation As Vice President of Environmental Club, Elena makes efforts to preserve the environment, educating and leading other students to assist her in her journey. She takes the necessary steps required to preserve the planet and aid its recovery. 11 11 *Way to go Bulldog!*


Purple and the Power it Invokes Different shades of the color purple promotes different emotions within people. Written by: Amariah Vivians Royalty, ambition, and pride are some of the interpretations of the color purple. It promotes pride, royalty, and creativity within people and different shades symbolize different people and age groups. A darker shade of purple is seen as immature for an adolescent, while lilac is more mature and for adults. Three Grant Community High School students (Aly Negovetich; member of Student Council, Analise Cayet; Debate Captain, and Molly Boyd; homecoming queen) talk about their ambition, creative ideas, and symbols of purple they can relate to that led them to their titles today. Ambition drives and motivates us to carry out tasks we deem important. It’s


Analise Cayet Deabte Co-Captain Posing in her purple Molly Boyd powersuit that gives her Wearing her confidence to win. crown with pride..

what helps us persevere through the challenges that we face, and find creative ways to reach our goals. Without that ambition, we wouldn’t be motivated to do anything and we’d miss opportunities that could change you and others for the better. Analise Cayet is a multiaward winning debate member and captain who is very ambitious and determined to excel in all of her tournaments. When asking her about what motivates her to win she replied, “Seeing the look on Coach Boton’s face when the announcer says my name for an award. Knowing that everything is individual and that I earned it myself makes me want to go for it more”. This helps her feel victorious and powerful. As determined and motivated as Analise is, it’s not surprising that she would be exceptional in her role and in the team itself. Although she is not the only motivated student within Grant, Molly Boyd, Homecoming Queen, gives insight on what motivated her to run for court and the feeling she felt when she won. Molly Boyd’s ambition for running was surrounded by accomplishing a task her sisters never did. It motivated her to go and try, even without high hopes of actually winning, and being fine with being in the court she was surprised to find

out she had actually won. “Both my sisters considered running but never had the courage to do it. So I wanted to see what could happen if I ran and chose to do it. It was definitely surprising and overwhelming my stomach dropped, but I was proud of myself for achieving that goal”. When people first think of purple the automatic response they think of is royalty. While others think of it in a different way and associate the color to the success and power in their life. When asking Aly Negevetich about the meaning of purple and how she can associate it with purple she said, “I think of pride and royalty and student council embodies this because we take pride in our community, and in the school all we want is to help improve both and the lives of the students while they’re here”. Aly takes pride in her school and the work student council accomplishes within their community. People don’t realize how colors truly affect us and our moods. They only see the color and not the meaning behind them, and certainly not how they can use it to their advantage to excel in life. Yes, purple can mean many different things and not all bad, but based on your perspective it can change the beauty in the rainbow.

Everyone has hobbies, but not everyone’s the same and people like different activities. Written by: Anthony S. Haberstroh

Hobbies are something that almost everyone has, from listening to your favorite artists to going to the gym to working. The possibilities for adapting new hobbies are practically limitless. Hobbies are activities that are usually done in leisure time and can give a sense of productivity and accomplishment. Many include several different ways that can affect a person, and change them, but they are all in common for being something that is done in free time. We all have different interests, causing us to go in different directions when it comes to hobbies. Someone might want to try an art class, whilst another person might want to try out for a sport. It’s all dependent upon what type of person you are, and what you enjoy doing. Hobbies are also used as stress relievers. When it comes to listening to calming music, and meditation, making you feel more mellow, or relaxed.

Hobbies can influence your well-being. It makes you feel more meaningful, and happy for the things that you do, they can bring the best out of a person. Hobbies can bring you out of your shell, showing a more expressive, engaging, and creative side to yourself. They can show who you are, possibly having others understand you more, like an artist, writer, and programmer. They can also get you

All artwork done by Anthony S. Haberstroh


Hobbies Create the Pathway For Opportunities

involved more with others, joining a hobby class as such, you can find people who have the same interests as you in hobby classes. There is a range of websites, classes, and groups devoted to certain hobbies, there are so many opportunities and options to get involved, finding people to share each other’s interest can benefit you into a better, and more mentally-flexible person by creating healthy bonds between people. Trying different hobbies can expand your spectrum, and allow you to learn different things that you never knew you liked. Trying new things can always be a benefit for anyone because it allows you to understand more, than maybe others who do not have hobbies, making you into a brighter, and bolder person. Overall, hobbies are a way for people to connect, a little thing which can bring a lot of joy, and something that can just make life brighter. Or even pass time while you’re waiting for something or someone as fulfilling, without sitting there doing nothing you’ll have something enjoyable to do to pass the time.

Take a quiz! Scan the QR code to take a quiz on a possible 13 hobby that could suit you!


The Red, White, and Social Media? Written And Collected By: Elizabeth Newcomb

America is voting blindly! Start seeing how strongly social media is affecting who you elect! Pictured above is an anonymous model. Photo was taken by Elizabeth Newcomb.

Social media provides a medium for close human interaction no matter the distance between subjects. For example, I can lounge around on my couch and watch Morgan Freeman narrate a bunch of antelopes prancing around in a random African Savannah and still manage to feel as if I am apart of the action all thanks to the convenience of my cell phone. The connectedness that arrives from these platforms is immense. The power behind these tools shows just how strong our capability as humans truly is. A majority of us choose to prioritize our time by sharing memes and funny clips to friends, on the other hand, social media can be considered used incorrectly in certain aspects. Most specifically, within the political arena. According to News Use Across Social Media, an article written


by Jeffrey Gottfried and Elisa Shearer, published onto, about six in ten Americans get news from social media. That equates to sixty percent of the population within the United States of America. This statistic raises the question of how reliable our political opinions really are and if the sources we use can be considered credible. It’s no secret that a majority of the statements made can be perceived as facts when in actuality, they’re opinions laced with fancy words and mixed connotations. Six year consecutive Mayor of Fox Lake, Donny Schmidt, states, “I think it [social media] has some influence that is positive and negative. It’s positive when giving out information during times of crisis. It’s negative when false information is being spread.” Schmidt opened up about the harsh realities that arrive along with the usage of social networking. As he previously stated, he understands the

backlash that comes when an outside source decides to share opinions or facts that are not true. He mentioned how rumors had spread that he had planned to be the owner of a hotel, casino, and even a marijuana shop. All of those statements are clearly false, yet the lies had spread on social media and they were distributed quickly. On the other hand, social media has been an extremely useful tool for officials such as Scmidt. He states, “During the 2017 flood, I wrote a letter and it had 60,000 views and was shared over 500 times about providing services and whether people could get help from the state and autonomy in the village.” Not only was this a clear example of how the internet provided security for its users, but Schmidt also firmly believes that it changes the way we as people elect our officials. Recently voting by mail and early voting have both provided a more convenient way to hit the polls, and social


media spreads information so that a citizen would understand how and when to do that. Schmidt believes that not voting is an injustice and that it is not only a privilege, but it is also one’s civic duty. Similarly to that belief, Senator Melinda Bush’s Outreach Director, Quinne Welter, indicated that voting is necessary for change, but should be carefully thought through and not swayed by social media. “In order for the news to sell and attract viewers, there needs to be a story every minute. Conflict and partisanship sell. Part of it is our tolerance for partisan news that provides biased information masquerading as fact. But there are also a lot of people who aren’t looking for factual information anymore, they just seek out what they want to hear – and social media has made it extremely easy for people to only consume the news that’s slanted towards their political beliefs.” It can be difficult for the majority of people to separate the difference between solid, credible news, and a very compelling opinion. In order to best formulate your own opinion without the internet forcing you to believe one side, as opposed to the other, true research and comprehension, needs to occur. “Educate yourself before you vote, by researching a candidate and an issue via multiple sources. Make sure those sources are at least evenly balanced between Democratic sources and Republican sources. Understanding each side’s viewpoint makes a big difference.” Quinne stated when addressing this challenging concept. Furthermore, if your determination to make a change doesn’t stop within the polling booths, Welter urges you to run for office or volunteer for a campaign. “If you care deeply about changing our system, get out there and try.” Nonetheless, it is evident that America consists of uneducated, blind votes and unless society is willing to grow and make a change, political growth will be limited. Social media is one of the most powerful sources that has been created yet and along with that comes great responsibility especially within this specific arena.

Consider how credible your sources are! This infographic was generated through Canva by Elizabeth Newcomb.



We Are Here For You

No matter what you need, GCHS staff is here for it all. Written by: Alex Sullivan As a teenager, you are constantly battling societal and personal pressures, doing your best to succeed academically, and making time for the hobbies/activities that you enjoy. It can be hard to balance it all, especially if you feel like you are doing it alone. With the entire Grant staff by your side, you don’t have to go through any of it alone. Last month, you had the chance to view our We Are Here For You video during your TEAM time. In this video, various staff members, including teachers, counselors, and administrators, stated the ways in which they are here to help you through whatever you may be experiencing. Keep in mind that this video promotes more than a message of community, it promotes a promise that we all plan to keep. If you are ever feeling lost or unsure, talk to your teacher or stop down in the Student Services office for help. At Grant, we are more than a community, we are a family.

Science of Substances As part of our partnership with the Lake County Health Deparment and dedication to the Alcohol Prevention Campaign, students participated in a quiz on the Science of Substances this month. Out of the entire school, Bradley Berg received the HIGHEST score. For completing the quiz with such excellence, Bradley was awarded a gift card to a local restaurant and earned Bulldog Cup points for the sophomore class! To keep spirits high and to recognize other students who participated in this activity, four lucky students were selected at random to receive gift cards as well.

From left to right: Mrs. Lukemeyer, Bradley Berg, Grace Watkin, Christian Suaste, Crystal Martindell, & Lillian Johnson. Photo: Alex Sullivan

Check out some of our December Bulldog Buck raffle winners! From left to right: Cameron Barnes, Dean Kennedy, Matt Burke, Elizabeth Nehmzow, Shelby Swiecz, Dyanna Castro, Dean Anderson, & Julien Tennyson. Photo: Alex Sullivan

Freshmen 1,158

Sophomores 532

Juniors 635

Seniors 456

Remember, you can earn Bulldog Cup points based off of how many Bucks your class turns in!


Bulldog Buck







Unheard Voices:






“Do you have a boyfriend?”

A typical question asked at many family gatherings took on the form of an inquisition in my middle school mind. The walls would close in my heart would pound. I never had an answer for them, I didn’t even have an answer for myself. In middle school no one tells you about what attraction means, you are just supposed to feel it. Society shows you heterosexual relationships and homosexual relationships, but navigating those feelings for me turned into murky water. I knew I was different, but I couldn’t put a name on it. Many people would think that our society is so much more accepting now and in some cases it is. However, middle school is a very different beast. This is a time when we are creating our own identity and determining our niche in our social circles. This was also a time I found myself already very far away from those circles. As an outcast, I longingly looked over at my peers who were in popular groups who had the ability to feel comfortable with coming out and being embraced for who they are. I never felt like I had a safety net of

social status to allow me to take the leap of proclaiming my true identity. I struggled with understanding myself and I had no idea how to help others understand me. I had major personality issues and I found myself struggling in school. I cut all of my hair off and moved schools to hit the reset button. Since then I have become more confident, I truly feel like I know who I am. I still smile when I think of the time when my 90 year old grandmother came up to me after I cut my hair and she began to talk about “this nice gay couple who lived down the street.” Small moments like that where someone showed that they accepted me, helped ease me into a place where I began to feel comfortable in my own skin. Although I feel embraced by friends and family, my struggle to find my identity still lurks beneath the surface. In a sea of students where casual conversations about what someone would do if their child was gay may seem innocuous, for me it makes me feel like I’m back in middle school drowning in my identity struggle. In these moments I do my best to hold it together and no one knows how hard I have fought and continue to fight to keep my head above water.

Told by: Nic Kubricek Written by: Kristina Maestranzi

FEATURES Generation Z has spoken, “Don’t call us anything.” Mattel releases a Creatable World doll for the 2019 holiday season. Photo Credit: Mattel

We can’t ignore that this is a challenging topic.

LGBTQ-plus and Generation Z merge to create a new culture Written by: Kristina Maestranzi

As a society, we conventionally categorize our world so that it makes sense to us. So what happens when something fails to fall into a category? Many think that not choosing a category is “the cool thing to do”. After speaking with the adviser of our Gay-Straight Alliance club and GCHS School Counselor, Jill Schroeder, this simply is not true, “So many times people say things like ‘not choosing a gender is the new hot trend right now’. What they don’t understand is that this is not a fad. Gender identities have always existed. It’s just more socially acceptable to talk


about it now.” Social acceptance is not a trend or a political hot topic. The LGBTQ-plus community is not newly emerging. This new social acceptability is a conventional “new meets old” scenario: the emergence of the Gen Z voice (ages 10-24) meets the LGBTQ-plus civil rights movement. The LGBTQ-plus community dates back to 1624, according to PBS Online’s Out of the Past: 400 Years Lesbian and Gay History in America. Since then, we have made small strides for gay rights such as the establishment of the Society of Human Rights in 1924, Illinois decriminalizing

homosexuality in 1961, and the first televised documentary of homosexuality aired in 1961. However, it wasn’t until The Stonewall Inn police raid in 1969 that the gay civil rights movement truly accelerated and began to use their voice. In reality, the new social acceptability of the LGBTQ-plus community is 50 years in the making. Although we may see mainstream milestones such as Taylor Swift’s VMA performance, Rupaul’s Drag Race airing on VH1, and Mattel’s new gender-neutral doll as political moves, we also need to understand that these

Jordan Beauchamp - Junior at GCHS GSA member, Jordan, presents a clear perspective of the validation of chosen pronouns. exist because they stand on the shoulders of a 50-year legacy. Then this 50-year LGBTQplus legacy meets Generation Z. Gen Zers grew up with the world literally at their fingertips. As such, Gen Zers value entrepreneurship, autonomy, and authenticity. Business Insider points out that Generation Z is the largest generation, making up 27% of the population; a fact not lost on marketing campaigns. Generation Z’s power in numbers inspired mainstream media to place Gen Z’s interests and values at center stage. For a generation who told The New York Times in a recent poll “don’t call us anything” in response to naming the generation, it follows that Gen Z is creating a safe space to embrace pronoun fluidity. In fact, according to J. Walter Thompson Intelligence, a marketing consulting firm that conducts research on trends, “81% of Gen Z-ers believe that a person shouldn’t be defined by gender.” Although it may sound enlightening that the majority of a generation embraces and encourages gender fluidity, we cannot ignore that this is a challenging topic. Schools serve as a concentrated example or microcosm of the community we live in. Even though a school is a community within a community, it differs from other social

settings. Typically, people gravitate toward others with common values. The school setting requires us to intermingle with people with a wide spectrum of values, which creates awkward or contentious social situations. These awkward interactions never go away; as we grow, we learn how to deal with them better. Schools provide a supportive setting where we can develop social skills such as refining our filters, growing our empathy, and choosing our reactions. Sophomore Nic Kubricek describes struggling with peers’ lack of empathy in middle school, “My grades were dropping and I could never focus in school. My head was a mess because I was so confused and self-conscious about what I was. The comments from my peers whether toward me or in casual conversation really affected my ability to do well in school.” Nic’s experience is not unique. We need to give our attention to stories like Nic’s because, in a microcosm, students have a powerful influence on others with potentially long-lasting effects, academically and emotionally. Fifty-six percent of Gen-Zers report knowing someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns, according to J. Walter Thompson Intelligence. It is likely that nearly all students sit in one classroom with peers who struggle with conflicts similar to Nic’s. Something as small as identifying people by their chosen pronouns can have a profound impact on their high school experiences. Jordan Beauchamp, a GHCS junior who identifies as nonbinary explains their point of view in feeling accepted. To empathize with and validate peers, Jordan suggests using the student’s chosen pronouns. “I feel like pronouns help to ‘bring your identity together.’ So, when someone uses the right pronouns, it helps me feel like my mind matches how people perceive me, and that helps me to feel validated.”

The Stats

81% Generation Z-ers believe people should not be defined by their gender

50 years Since the Stonewall Police Raid becomes the catalyst for Gay Civil Rights

27% Generation Z-ers become the largest population in America, making them the focal point of marketing and polital campaigns. Nic offers further suggestions for teachers, “I think teachers struggle with how to approach the gender topic in classrooms. It’s not their fault, they didn’t learn about this in college.” She further explains, “It’s important for teachers to understand that even though the topic of gender may seem sensitive, ignoring it or awkwardly fumbling around for the right pronoun does not go unnoticed by students. If teachers used pronouns as part of their icebreakers at the beginning of the year, they can take away the awkward moments where students have to find a good time to explain to their peers the pronoun they identify with.” As a school, it’s important to address this challenging topic. Ignoring our complex spectrum of values will not create a perfect world where we dance on the lunch tables singing “We’re all in this together.” We have to acknowledge that everyone has an unheard story and our simple interactions with each other shape everyone’s high school experience.

Nic Kubricek

GCHS Sophomore provides advice for teachers to create an inclusive environment.


Why Art?

Why students displayed in weekly art choose art as a creative outlet

Information gathered by: Mariah Ona Adil Siraj All photos gathered by: Mariah Ona

“I think it’s really creative and it’s unique to everyone.” - Nevina Murray

“Art is a stress reliever. When I’m too stressed about homework I just go to art.” - Hannah Tan


“I just found it was a really good way to express myself and kind of try out new things.” - Rachel Manlubatan


“In a way art kinda gives me confidence. It makes me feel proud of myself and it challenges me to get better.” - Zoe Tesch

“I would say, it gave me a greater look on things. how I do things in my life, I think it just opens up a whole nother path. “ - Ryan Nettles

“I love Just seeing different styles and personality that you could see through the art.”

- Nathaniel Soco



Jesus Is King!

The Religious Epiphany of Kanye West Written by: Ryan lewis

“Finally hearing good news from a distant land is like a drink of cold water when you are dry and thirsty”-Proverbs 25:25. The highly anticipated Jesus is King finally hit the shelves this October, after a 13-month delay. A year’s worth of delays, leaks, and a proclamation of religious reacquaintance from West all culminated into an ultra hyped and long-awaited project. We now have this 9th studio release from West and listening to it for the past month, I can confidently say this is Kanye’s weakest project to date. The most damaging aspect of the album isn’t the music itself, it was the delays that pushed back the release date. Hearing about Yanhdi only 3 months after Ye dropped was mind-boggling. It is almost unheard of for a recording artist to need so little time to write, record, and release a full album in under a year, let alone a quarter of one. This excitement mixed with leaked tracks stirred up an incredible amount of hype for Yanhdi. The first release date that came and passed was to be expected. Kanye always has some sort of trouble with his first final cut. Even the second was excusable, but to go radio silent and then hear that a finished Yanhdi was going to be thrown out feels like a slap in the face to all fans. When news of Jesus is King broke, again I was excited for a new Kanye LP but so much less than I was for Yanhdi. After the first release date that came and went for JIK, I stopped paying attention to any further announcements. I really didn’t care much to hear about the project, and by mere coincidence, I found the album 2 days after it had already been

Did you enjoy the Album? “Yes.”

Favorite Song? “Use This Gospel”

Least Favorite? “Water”

Do you think this will be regarded as a classic of Kanye’s? “No.” Mr. Hutcheson

released on Spotify. Still very much a fan of Kanye’s work, just less excited, I immediately downloaded it and set it to repeat. Conservatively estimating, I listened to the album from the start to finish around 10-15 times. Testing the waters, so to speak, with the first 2 or 3 playthroughs, I felt unimpressed. I was certainly interested and didn’t hate anything in particular, just unenthusiastic about it. Something I rarely feel for a Kanye project of any kind. The subsequent listens though grew on me. With each new experience with the piece, I started appreciating more of the album. At the same time what I truly found unenjoyable I even more so started to dislike. Like a photo being oversaturated, darker moments became darker and vice versa. The only song I will skip entirely is “Closed on Sunday”. While, it is mixed very well, and the guitar and choir sounded excellent, I just can’t get past the chorus. Had this been made in the same vein as “Lift Yourself” and “I Love It” , embracing and acknowledging their jovial and profane lyrics, I may have appreciated it more. To open with a dramatic and subtly suspenseful backing track, only to add a cringy chorus, weak rhymes

22 Photos by

What would you rate the album?

“I’ll give it a 7 out of ten” Favorite Song? “Follow God”/”On God”

Do you think this will be regarded as a classic of Kanye’s? “Maybe in the of right now, no”

Joel A.

weakest project to date, even with the sometimes lazy writing and underdeveloped creative choices, I still enjoyed Jesus is King immensely. While there is no stand out single, there are very well produced well-written tracks that can certainly find a place in any Kanye playlist. Overall I enjoyed it. I rate it a 6.5/10. For Kanye standards, meaning what we know he is capable of, it gets a 3/10. That being said, even the weakest Kanye release is still fully listenable and enjoyable.


and an unconvincing message is much more annoying than enjoyable. Only then after a perfectly enjoyable intro is wasted does Kanye passionately sing great lyrics overtop a more glitchy and compelling beat. Just before this sudden improvement completely makes up for the corny beginning, A$AP Bari screams at the top of his lungs “ CHIKFILA” before an abrupt ending. Thank you Kanye, very cool. Another plight of this album is its strange and jarring transitions. Artistically speaking, these types of abrupt endings and beginnings have worked much more favorably in past releases. Jagged transitions were usually followed by a song that still fit the whole aesthetic of the album. This project sonically felt as if Kanye was trying to recreate the feelings of previous albums with gospel lyrics. Even a fade-out would have been less irking than just starting another song. While I may have a problem with the transitions and “Closed on Sunday” that is not to say that I did not enjoy this project. After the 5th or 6th listen I was replaying the album completely by choice. Much of what I disliked came down to the amount of effort seemingly put into each track. For Kanye to have so many near-perfect albums under his belt Jesus is King comes up short. As a listener, I was left yearning for more, whether it be more songs or more substance within those already on the album. That being said, even if this is Kanye’s

Did you enjoy the album?

“I enjoyed a few tracks... not the whole thing”

Least favorite track? “Water”

Was this album a good attempt at experimenting with religous music? “I would say it was”

Jeff V.

Scan to check out Jesus is King

23 Ryan Lewis


Going Straight For Gold While some freshman are just glad to make the team, some go straight to the top by playing on varsity teams. Written by: Melanie Viscioni

Maddy Riske holding a trophy earned bt the dance team.

For some young athletes, junior varsity was never an option. Being a freshman on varsity is both a compliment and a challenge. The complicated elements of being on a varsity sport are higher when you are a freshman. Some freshman compare it to “being thrown to the wolves.” Through many years of athletics here at Grant, there have only been a small percentage of freshmen on varsity and the question remains, should freshman have to make JV


before being promoted to varsity? In an opinion poll conducted on social media, 65% of students at Grant believe that freshman should not have to be on JV before being on varsity if they are good enough for the job. However, 35% of students believe that freshman should have to be on JV for at least one year prior to varsity. So what do the athletes themselves think? Josh Hawkins, a freshman on varsity expressed how happy and fulfilled he was to be on

the varsity bowling team. Not only does he get to experience a higher level of competition, but he is also making new friends. The more experienced guys on the team, “Help me improve each and every day,” he said. He uses his other teammates as a shoulder to lean on and a guide during the tough times. Shortly after this interview, on Saturday, November 9th, Josh Hawkins bowled 4th overall best in the Spartan Eliminator Tournament against 150 other varsity bowlers and 29 other teams. He landed an astounding 267 in his game blowing away the competition. Josh continues to excel on his team as one of the best bowlers on varsity. No doubt about it, this freshman deserves to be on varsity. Another such case is Maddy Riske from the dance team. Maddy is excelling in her first year at Grant. She credits her 11 years dancing at a private studio with her success acclimating to the long, hard dance season. Maddy compares her private dance lessons to personal training. She is dancing with girls she’s known for many years through outside dance, but also making new friends and enjoys dancing during the football season and the upcoming competition season. One of her favorite things about being on varsity is all the traditions. “I love all the traditions that I have participated in during my short time as a varsity dancer.” Some of those things include Friday night team dinners, locker signs, sisters (partners on the team who help you out), and end-of-practice


handshakes. From a coach’s point of view, things look a little different. Coaches in all sports are often met with diverse opinions from players, parents and even other coaches when putting a fresh“Any underman on varsity classman over a sophomore, junior on varsity or especially faces a senior. It’s challenges” not always an -Mr. Geist easy decision to make, but when it is in the best interest of the team, most coaches agree it has to be done. Varsity girls basketball coach, Mr. Geist, had a lot to say on the subject. “Any underclassman on varsity faces challenges. They not only have to have an advanced skill set, but they also need to have a certain maturity level and ability to deal with older players. We always hope the older players will act as role models and take the younger players under their wing. When teams come together in that way, it is reflected on the court.” The opinions of some students vary. A variety students believe that the best players should play on varsity while the others, no matter what the age, remain on the lower level teams and develop their skills in hopes to one day be on varsity--that being on varsity is a privilege, not a promise. Perseverance, grit and hard work from a young age seems to be a common factor in the equation that equals up to the youngest varsity players at Grant.

Freshman Josh Hawkins at his bowling practice getting ready for his match.

25 25

3 Most Valuable Players Jazzlyn Linbo

Junior - Basketball

For Jazzlyn pushing the limit is the only option for her this year. Jazzlyn has come into this season ready to work hard and is ready to push herself and her team to the max.“I am most looking forward to regionals, and seeing how far we can push each other.” Working hard on the court is a huge component but Jazzlyn has learned how important the mental side is too. “The coaches have helped me understand that the game isn’t based on your toughness physically but also mentally.” With knowing how the mental side works, Jazzlyn has focused on being a leader, “Last year I learned to be a leader on and off the court. Not always leading by words, but by example.” Her work is not done yet and it doesn’t look like she will be slowing down anytime soon. “At the end of this year, I see myself giving my all in every game to see where the season takes us.”

Justin Warmowski Senior-Soccer Sophomore - Wrestling

Justin has learned that wrestling has as much to do off the mat as well as in the mat and there is a lot you need to do to set yourself upright for your match. “Through wrestling last year as a freshman on a varsity team I learned that wrestling it’s a physical but more mental sport, I say this because wrestling involves cutting weight and cutting weight takes some sacrifices out of your life that you may like a lot but you have got to get rid of, yes I’m talking about the twinkies and the processed foods and the bad energy drinks and just cutting your diet to smaller portions of food in general…” Justin has been working outside the gym as much as inside. Justin has continued to excel in the gym with a little bit of help. “My coaches such as Mr. Grodoski, Mr. Barczak, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Alvarenga, and Mr. K have helped me within the wrestling room by drilling (practicing) with me to push me to be better than what I am right now.” Justin has a clear and ready mindset for this season and he expects big things from himself.

Marisa Garcia

Sophomore - Cross Country Senior - Bowling

Marisa is a true fighter on the alley and off. Her will to fight is unmatched with her competition. “I learned a lot from last year. My frustration was heightened, as I felt I was at an athlete’s block. I have always been a little underconfident, so to grow as a player and teammate and believe in myself has been a huge step and transition into this season, as well as to push past what I thought I couldn’t do.” Marisa has been working hard in the offseason to fight these roadblocks in her way. “I worked hard over the summer to push myself. I attended the boys’ bowling summer camp because there was not a girls one. I worked hard, got myself into a better mindset, and learned to work through and cope with struggling.” Marisa hasn’t faced these obstacles alone and she has had help along the way. “Mrs. Miller has helped me a lot as far as my mental game. She often helps me through my frustration and is always willing to reach out and help through anything going on with me inside and outside of bowling.” With all Marisa has been through she has her eyes set on some big goals.

Written by: Ethan Dicken

Photo Cedits: Ethan Dicken and Adil Siraj

3 Players on the Rise Mikal Ashley

Senior - Basketball

Mikal Ashley’s role has completely changed from what it was last year. New teammates and new ways Mikal will have to contribute to his team, with being a key part in helping the transition for the new guys. “Goals for myself are to be a team leader and show these guys how to work hard and play as a team…” Mikal has been working on the court and off to set up, hopefully, a successful season. “I’ve been lifting, working on my endurance, eating right, building chemistry with the guys, etc.” Mikal has been helping the new guys but also getting help from others. “The coaches have helped me most with the role I’m playing this year, it’s completely opposite from last year and they’ve shown me how to fill that role and really embrace it.” All eyes will be on Mikal and the up and coming dawgs.

Sabrina Smith Freshman -Cheer

For Sabrina she is hoping this year resembles last year. Sabrina has been working to get back to state and back to the podium. “I’ve been taking tumbling and stunting classes.” The mentality Sabrina has, is part of the reason why the Bulldogs are always taking the trip down to state. The other reason is the dedicated coaches here at Grant. “They helped me understand things about cheering in high school because it was very new to me.” Being on varsity early has helped and excelled Sabrina. “For the past few years, I have been on teams where I was one of the youngest. That helped me because it matured me and got me used to being on a team with mostly older people.” With exposure and coaching, there is no mountain too high for Sabrina.

Ian Kupinski

Junior - Bowling

Ian is ready to smoke his opponents on the alleys this season and

has been working on his game to ensure he will do this, along with the help from Coach Brugioni. “I’ve done lessons with Coach Brugioni I’ve been working on my ball roll at home.” Ian has also been traveling to different tournaments to excel his game. Brugioni has also helped Ian with the actual ball itself.“He’s helped me with my hand position and taught me how different balls use different oil patterns, has let me borrow a few balls for those specific reasons, and how each ball rolls in different patterns.” Certainly, these new insights will help Ian this season. He has some big expectations for himself and the team. “Main priorities, first get to state and regionals, and to basically bowl better.” We will absolutely be tuned in to see how the dawgs and Ian battle it out,and hopefully see them achieve greatness this year.

Written by: Ethan Dicken

Photo Credits: Ethan Dicken Adil Siraj

The Spirit Within Us All Breaking down the trait that connects students and athletes. By Adil Siraj

School spirit is a necessary factor in a student and athlete’s life around the field, court, classroom, and more. School spirit is becoming extremely key inside both a student’s life in the classroom and an athlete’s performance on the field and court. School spirit helping students and players affix with each other; letting them connect into a community, making new bonds and friendships. Dean Kennedy is an individual who helps run the school and spread the spirit among students

and his coworkers. Using events such as pep rallies, competitions that involve rewards, and athletic events. All are ways to increase student involvement in school activities and raise spirit inside an individual’s being. He believes that school spirit is a relevant trait among the community, and most represented in athletic and school events with students and parents wearing Grant apparel, knowing that the “staff and students have great school spirit.” With Student-Athletes representing Grant at meets and events of

such, Ethan Geist is a 4-year athlete for wrestling, having won multiple competitions such as the North Lake Zurich Sectionals. He believes that school spirit helps motivate a player, hyping them before the game, and affecting his academics and sports for the better “make[ing] everything better.” Ethan sees school spirit quite often, among his fellow peers and teammates, letting school spirit bring them together to form a community. Showing that spirit among your peers does help physically

Super-fans representing Grant at a Football Game Groups of Students wear the theme of red-out to support Grant and it’s athletes. Photo Credit to VIP and mentally, though it requires an individual to begin the process and awaken the spirit that we all hold deep down, Daniel Laughery is one of the Superfan leaders of the school year and his main job of the position is to raise everybody’s excitement levels through the roof, propelling support towards the players on the field or court. Daniel and others use

innovative ways to get everyone up and about, such as themes for people to dress up in, including individuals from completely different groups to support their school and sport players. He believes that school spirit helps him and others get through the school day, saying “it gives you something to look

forward to.” School spirit is a significant attribute that students and athletes alike must develop throughout their high school career, making it mandatory for them to learn change, but important to know is that “you are not just representing your family, you are representing the Grant Community.”

The Bark

UNLEASHED Volume 1. Issue 1. Grant Community High School Literary Magazine

Nineteen Reasons You’re Written by: Isabella Hegland Wrong The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all. I know this first hand, as I’ve never had the best people in my life and never made the greatest friends. For me, though, I have no problem with this. I seem to somehow survive better in chaos and darkness; I’ve never faired well when everything was peaceful. Maybe it hasn’t influenced me in the best way, maybe something in me is wired to surround myself with horrible people but I can’t help it. Countless important people in my life have been arrested for various heinous acts, but this time, today, I cannot and will not let the most important person in my life be put away for life. He’s like a brother to me, my rock that’s stood by my side for all thirty years of my life. He never ran away, had a mostly clean record until now. Now, things are different. Completely different, simply incomprehensible, and now I must defend him like he’s done for me. I can’t let him be put away for life for something he didn’t do. For the past two years there’s been a string of murders, nineteen to be exact yet he is only being charged for ten, all connected like an intricate web. Yet, they’ve connected the web to the wrong spider and I know this for a fact. All of the facts are wrong, the motive is all wrong, this is absolute insanity! He didn’t do it, not my brother, not my best friend, he would never. He could never muster up the courage to kill a fly, much less a person. I was always the brave one for him, I always had to kill the insects in the corners of rooms, and now I must brave this court trial for him. God, I’m seething. How idiotic does the jury have to be to convict him based on all of the wrong evidence! I’ll show them, I’ll show them my proof, my evidence against their conclusions, how I’m― “Ma’am, please answer the question.” “What?” I said. I hadn’t even been paying attention. I clutch my golden locket, the cold metal carrying me back to reality. The prosecutor burned hot daggers into my face, searing into my brain, splitting my streams of consciousness into small droplets of thought. The jury stares at me, stares curiously, stares

with concern, concern of my mental health? Of my capability to testify? How dare they question my capabilities? “Could-could you uh, please repeat the question?” My voice is shaking, why is it shaking, why am I like this? My body feels like an empty shell of itself, am I sure I even want to do this? Can I do this? “Has the defendant ever shown patterns of, say, a fascination with chemicals?” “Excuse me?” What is this ridiculousness? I look over to the defendant, his eyes wide, tears accumulating along the corners of them. God, I can’t let him go away for this. I need to step up, step up for him. I let go of my locket, the cold slipping from the fingers and down my neck. I stare at the prosecutor square in the face. I can do this, I’m ready for this. “Ma’am, I said has the defendant ever had a fascination with poisonous chemicals or a history of violence?” “No. Never.” The prosecutor looks shocked, confused, thrown off her pedestal of surety that I’d agree with her. “Ma’am, please remember that you are under oath,” said she, her voice tight with frustration. Oh, mad that you spent a whole week prosecuting this case only for me to ruin it? How about I ruin it further. “I am completely aware of the oath that I took and I say he wasn’t the one with the violent history.” The sound of bottoms shifting in seats, of the clock ticking, of everyone’s heartbeats, echoed against the walls of the courtroom. “You see, you have this all wrong, Ma’am. “For every single murder there is a reason you, you’re entire investigation is wrong. Nineteen whole reasons.” “There were only ten-” “Ten discovered murders, ten bodies found, nine bodies lost, nine bodies you have no idea even exist or where they even are! Can’t you see, you’re entire investigation is wrong! It’s only based on some nervous wreck of a man!” “Ma’am, if you don’t calm down you will be held in contempt,” said the judge, raising his gavel, ready to slam the hardwood of his desk. He doesn’t scare me. No one does. Nothing does. “Sorry your honor,” I say, smiling, grinning so wide my cheeks feel like they’re ripping apart. The way his hand is shaking the gavel, his nerves dancing with anxiety. I can feel it and I’m loving the fear, the confusion, the anxiety. It’s exhilarating. “The jury will disregard that statement,” said the judge, his voice a touch shakier than normal. “No, they will not.” Silence. Silence for stretches of time, a silence that could induce heart attacks with the amount of anxiety it holds. “For all of the nineteen reasons you are wrong, there are nineteen reasons you are right. All of the killer’s trophies reside in my friend’s apartment, yet you all forgot―” The gavel pounds repeatedly against the judge’s desk. No, I will not stop. I will not let my friend, my weak, nervous, terrified friend, take my glory. I stand up, energy and adrenaline coursing through every vein in my body, the chair I’m sitting in falling backward, crashing against the wooden floors. “YOU ALL FORGOT THAT I LIVE WITH HIM!” Two officers run to my side, grabbing my arms and yanking me away from the stand. It’s funny how I’m the only one able to close the case, solve all of the murders, everything, yet they silence me and carry me away. How selfish of them, how prideful of them to not accept my testimony. I can’t help but laugh, laugh at how stupid they are. The doors burst open and I’m carried out of the courtroom, the voices of lawyers bickering and the judge attempting to restore order fading away behind me. My golden locket slaps my neck, the cold metal reminding of my first. They had indeed found my first, found her body, yet they hadn’t found her necklace.



“The Greatest Battle”

asking for help doesn’t show weak-

i talk to stars and dragonflies

lying in the depths of despair


as if they’re you

is where you’ll truly find

it shows that your heart is finally

and i hope that someday

your will to fight

ready to accept

you’ll talk back

your strength to rise

the love it deserves -don’t wait until the last minute

and the ability to make it through -three years is three too many

the darkest of days

Written by: Molly Scalf

Her smile was brighter than ever before. Written By Victoria Love.

Her smile was brighter than ever before. It was a long day. It was one of those days that you come home and plop down on your large brown leather sofa and knock out. Yet, instead of napping, she stands in the middle of her living room, dignified, calculating, and smiling. Her smile had never been so big. She watched him yell at her with all of the air that his lungs could muster. She watched him lift his hairy, wooly, demon-like arm and slap her across her gentle, fragile skin. She was taken aback, but not for too long, this wasn’t anything new. In fact, she loved this. The firey, numb, itchy feeling that he branded onto her face invigorated her. It made her succumb to the nagging and pestering that her heart and mind have been doing to her for so long. She wanted this. Yes, this was her moment. She reaches into her midnight black, heavy trench coat and pulls out her savior. This was the only thing she could do. This is all that could save her. This was her moment of freedom! She wraps her pale, boney, sharp fingers around the cold metal that quickly warmed in her tight

grip. She lifts up the heavy redeemer and pulls against its mercy. One judgment rips him apart. She watches his sin, his blood fly everywhere. She feels it gently kiss her face. She pulls the trigger again, this time it feeling much more freeing. She is finally living! She is finally free! She realizes she has nothing to worry about as she watches his cold, black, lifeless eyes as they train their vision on her while they plummet with him to the floor. She no longer has any worries, she couldn’t care less about the dead man laying on her white and fluffy carpet as a pool of his red, hellish sin covers his corpse. She couldn’t care less that in the eyes of the law, she had committed one of the greatest infractions. She couldn’t care less about the red and blue lights engulfing her house walls in the new dangers she would soon have to worry about. Instead, she was smiling. She finally had reached her peak of happiness. She was so infatuated with the sight before her. She was mesmerized by the thing she had accomplished. Her smile was brighter than ever before.

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