PSM April 2022

Page 12


Source: SAnews

Freedom Month: Reflecting on SA's democratic gains

very core of the first development blueprint, i.e. the Reconstruction and Development Plan. “In giving meaning to


freedom, successive

inister of

theme is our conviction

Sport, Arts and

that besides the many

Provision of basic services

Culture Nathi

challenges that have

The Minister noted that

had to intensify efforts

Mthethwa has called on

threatened to stymie this

one of the enduring sins

in making sure that the

the nation to use Free-

important constitutional

of apartheid was the ne-

most basic of services

dom Month to reflect on

democratic project, there

glect of black communi-

are delivered to the peo-

the country’s democratic

are gains that we ought

ties, even in terms of the

ple,” he said.

gains as the dignity of

to safeguard,” Minister

provision of basic ser-

The 2019 Baseline Sur-

millions of South Africans

Mthethwa said.

vices, which impugned

vey of the Foundation for

democratic administrations since 1994 have

continues to be restored.

This year’s Freedom

on their human dignity.

Human Rights is one of

Addressing the launch

Month, marked every

“It therefore stands to

the most reliable pieces

of Freedom Month re-

year in the month of

reason that the provi-

of empirical data that

cently, the Minister said

April, will be celebrated

sion of basic services

offers a glimpse of South

this year’s commemora-

under the theme: “Con-

such as electricity, clean

Africa’s progress since

tion will be used to take

solidating Our Demo-

running water as well as

1994 into some of these

stock of the constitution-

cratic Gains”. This year

provision of other basic

most basic of human

al democratic project.

marks 28 years since the

infrastructure to previ-


dawn of democracy in

ously disadvantaged


communities was at the

“Inherent, therefore in Freedom Month 2022’s

According to the survey, in terms of housing, 82% of the adult population live in formal housing, although increased migration from the rural hinterlands into the major urban centres threaten to derail some of the gains in this regard. In addition, increased


Public Sector Manager • April 2022

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