Source: SAnews
President commits to fast-track change in Mangaung
President C yril Ramaphosa addresses citizens during a Presidential Imbizo Mangaung Metro, Free State.
ack of service delivery,
dress (SONA) Presidential
corruption, inad-
Imbizo where engagement
President Ramaphosa as-
equate housing and
with citizens is themed on
sured residents of the Free
3 000 WhatsApp messages
crime – these are some of the
the President’s SONA call
State and Mangaung Metro
to the Presidency. President
challenges President Cyril
to action, Leave No One
that the national interven-
Ramaphosa committed that
Ramaphosa said government
tion is directed at relieving
Minister in the Presidency
the dire financial position
Mondli Gungubele and his
concerns and as govern-
of the municipality and
staff will look at the con-
ment, we are going to
addressing issues affecting
cerns raised and respond
dential Imbizo to engage
address them,” President
to them.
Mangaung residents on
Ramaphosa said during the
the challenges they face
community engagement at
ment is dealing with corrupt
daily. The imbizo was part
the Dr Molemela Stadium in
officials and that services
Residents speak out
of the District Development
will be delivered to the
During the mass interaction
people of Mangaung.
at the stadium, residents
will address in Mangaung Metro, Free State.
He recently led a Presi-
Model, which is being rolled
“We have heard your
Cabinet recently ap-
Keen to make their voices
139(7) of the Constitution.
He added that govern-
heard, residents sent over
out to improve the quality of
proved an intervention by
life for citizens.
the national executive in the
change is going to continue
were given the opportunity
governance of Mangaung
being present here,” Presi-
to comment openly and to
Metro, in terms of Section
dent Ramaphosa said.
put questions and com-
It was the second postState of the Nation Ad-
from all parts of the metro
“Change is here ... and
Public Sector Manager • April 2022