Source: SAnews
Empowerment a weapon in the war against GBVF
overnment has
Task Team has been set
opportunities arising from
initiatives to fast track the
reiterated its com-
up to drive this process.
the African Continental
empowerment of women-
mitment to focus
It is already rolling out
Free Trade Area when
owned businesses will
on women’s economic
capacity-building pro-
it comes into operation
be implemented from
empowerment initiatives
grammes to prospective
early next year”.
December 2020 onwards.
in an effort to ensure they
beneficiaries to ensure
fully assume their rightful
He said women would
“Women will be capaci-
women business owners
also benefit from govern-
tated in business registra-
place in the economy
are equipped to par-
ment’s land reform pro-
tion and compliance,
and society.
ticipate in public procure-
gramme and have more
procurement and regula-
ment,” said the President.
access to land that they
tory provisions, financial
can use to produce food
literacy, marketing tools,
and goods.
access to markets and
Speaking at a virtual dialogue to mark the 16
and Children campaign,
Supporting women-owned businesses
President Cyril Ramapho-
As part of the Economic
improved through the
sa said advancing wom-
Reconstruction and Re-
Presidential Employment
being developed in this
en’s economic empower-
covery Plan, government
Stimulus programmes.
ment is fundamentally
is increasing its support
tied to the Constitutional
to women-owned small,
economic empower-
Safe workplaces
right to dignity.
medium and micro enter-
ment is part of efforts to
South Africa is in the pro-
prises to enable them to
eradicate gender-based
cess of ratifying the Inter-
ering women financially
benefit from, among other
violence and femicide
national Labour Organi-
gives them greater control
things, the infrastructure
(GBVF) and build a non-
sation (ILO) Convention
over their lives.
development programme
sexist South Africa,” said
C190, which establishes
and opportunities in
Minister in The Presidency
a global standard for the
fort, earlier this year we
manufacturing, agricul-
for Women, Youth and Per-
protection of women in
announced that South
ture and tourism.
sons with Disabilities Maite
the world of work.
Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women
He added that empow-
“As part of this ef-
Women’s economic participation will also be
The focus on women’s
opportunities.” A training manual is
Africa will be setting aside
The President stressed
40% of all public procure-
that supporting women-
ment for women-owned
owned businesses is
briefing by the Inter-
free of violence against
crucial, if “we are to take
Ministerial Committee on
women. This work also
full advantage of the
GBVF, the Minister said
aims to galvanise nation-
“A National Procurement
access to finance and
Addressing a media
“The aim is to ensure safe workplaces that are
Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021