Writer: Silusapho Nyanda
HIV and AIDS targets in sight S
90-90-90 targets.
outh Africa is not
as chairperson of the
March 2020, more than
new to battling
South African National
18 million people were
pandemics. While
AIDS Council (SANAC),
tested for HIV, exceeding
2020, 90% of people living
the Coronavirus (COV-
noted the success of
government’s annual
with HIV will know their
ID-19) pandemic arrived
government’s Cheka
target of 14 million.
status, 90% of all people
on our shores less than a
Impilo National Wellness
year ago, the country has
been contending with the
The targets are that by
Currently 92% of people
with diagnosed HIV infec-
living with HIV know their
tion will receive sustained
antiretroviral therapy and
HIV and AIDS pandemic
Cheka Impilo
for almost four decades.
“It is a campaign that
73% of people diag-
ing antiretroviral therapy
More than 7.7 million
aims to initiate people
nosed with HIV receive
will have viral suppression
people in South Africa
on HIV treatment, find
sustained antiretroviral
– where the viral load
are living with HIV and
the missing TB cases and
treatment. Therefore, the
or the amount of virus
screen people for non-
country has a treat-
in a person’s blood is
communicable diseases.
ment gap of 17%. We are
reduced to an undetect-
encouraged that our
able level.
But thanks to government interventions
“Cheka Impilo or testing
“We have ensured that
90% of all people receiv-
and programmes, the
is emphasised because if
country’s performance
progress in the battle
a person does not know
to reach a 90% viral sup-
by the recently released
against HIV and AIDS is
their health status, it is
pression level, stands at
Thembisa, which is a
difficult to treat them for
88%,” he said.
leading mathematical
Addressing a World AIDS
a disease or virus like HIV,
“We are encouraged
model of HIV in South
Day commemoration
TB, non-communicable
90-90-90 targets
event in Gauteng recent-
diseases as well as
Government has been
model, most provinces
ly, Deputy President David
COVID-19,” he explained.
working towards the Unit-
are making progress in
ed Nations AIDS (UNAIDS)
the attainment of the
Mabuza, in his capacity
From April 2019 to
Africa. According to this
Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021