Source: SAnews
BRICS: Standing together in tough times
resident Cyril Ramaphosa has
damaged economies.”
tive to establish an inte-
interests of developing
grated early warning sys-
countries into account,
tem for preventing mass
particularly with respect
infectious diseases, and
to development through
believe this is a project
industrialisation, he
that could be supported
by the NDB. “Investing in science,
In this regard, the President said reform of the
technology and innova-
World Trade Organisation
Bank (NDB), in particular,
tion will not only prepare
is key to rebalancing the
Brazil, Russia, India, China
has a significant role to
us for future health emer-
global trading system
and South Africa (BRICS)
gencies, but it will also
and ensuring that its
called on the
The New Development
enable us to confront
benefits are shared more
trade and investment ties,
approved US$4 billion
other global challenges.”
particularly in Africa.
of Coronavirus-related
President Ramaphosa
grouping to strengthen
“To date, the bank has
He said BRICS was a
emergency assistance
said COVID-19 has
testament to the power of
partners to ramp up in-
projects, including US$1
highlighted the need to
vestment in not just South
billion to South Africa
strengthen multilateralism
Africa but across the con-
to support our health
as the preferred means
the midst of economic
tinent, particularly in the
response and social relief
to advance mutual
and social turmoil – is
manufacturing sector,” he
evidence that our part-
“We call on our BRICS
said, in a recent address
President Ramaphosa
“We reiterate our call for
to the virtual 12th BRICS
welcomed indications
reform of the United Na-
Leaders’ Summit.
from the NDB that it aims
tions Security Council to
“Our meeting today – in
nership is strong and enduring. “Working together, let
Investors will realise
to provide up to US$10
ensure that it is more rep-
us continue our onward
considerable benefits by
billion in crisis-related
resentative and inclusive,
march towards shared
investing in Africa, par-
assistance and to sup-
in line with the principle
peace, security and
ticularly with the imple-
port economic recovery
of the sovereign equality
prosperity, not only for our
mentation of the African
of all states.
respective countries, but
Continental Free Trade
He added that the bat-
Area from January 2021,
tle against the Coronavi-
he said.
rus Disease (COVID-19)
President Ramaphosa
vaccine demonstrated
tional community and
the need to accelerate
BRICS partners to support
the establishment of the
a comprehensive stimu-
BRICS Vaccine Research
lus package for African
and Development Centre
in South Africa, as agreed
countries to contain the disease and rebuild our
that trade rules take the
for all of humanity,” said President Ramaphosa.
and the search for a
called on the interna-
“This will enable African
“We need to ensure
in the 2018 Johannesburg Declaration. “We support the initia-
Public Sector Manager • December 2020/January 2021