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Minister urges South Africans to stand united against corruption

ration of the International Anti-corruption Day, Public Service and Administration Acting Minister Thulas Nxesi emphasized the importance of partnerships between all sectors of the economy in the fight against the scourge.

“To achieve this, we must continue to foster anti-corruption partnerships with all sectors of society such as the private sector, civil society and academia to ensure that everyone is united in the resolve to eradicate corruption,” he said.

The Minister noted that corrosive consequences of corruption have caused great suffering and harm to the country and Africa.

South Africans must stand united against corruption and embrace account- ability, transparency and good governance to realise the National Development Plan (NDP) goal of eradicating poverty and increasing economic growth.

Speaking at the commemo -

“Corruption proliferates under conditions where the integrity infrastructure is weak and ineffective the successful application and implementation of laws is predicated on strong leadership and the ability of leaders to set a vision, based on the rights, values and principles enshrined in the Constitution,” added the Minister.

“I don’t think that I would be alarmist to suggest that South Africa finds itself on the precipice of deep societal divisions caused by corruption and general malfeasance. Without a moral compass to place it on a path in which the aspirations of the Constitution and the creation of a truly capable, ethical and developmental state are realised,” he said.

Despite government efforts, the Minister said it must be acknowledged that the challenges regarding corruption have stubbornly prevailed and seem to continue unabated.

“We have seen an increase in the number of complaints reported through the National Anti-Corruption Hotline. During the 2021/22 financial year, a total of 1 563 complaints were reported through the hotline.

“Out of the 1 563 complaints reported, 479 relates to national departments, 324 relates to provincial departments and 760 relates to public entities,” he said.

The Minister revealed that as at 31 October 2022, 930 complaints had been reported through the hotline and re - ferred to national and provincial departments as well as public entities for investigation.

Reaffirming commitment

The Minister pointed out that commemorating International Anti-Corruption Day presents the nation with the opportunity to reaffirm the commitment to eradicate corruption in the country.

“When we signed the United Nations Convention against Corruption on 9 December 2003, later ratified it, our government made a commitment and took a conscious decision that we shall not allow our country to be insidiously devoured by the scourge that is continuing to bedevil societies.” he said.

National AntiCorruption Strategy

In 2018, Cabinet approved the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, which provides a framework and action plan for South Africa. The strategy is based on the principle that there should be prevention and combating of corruption through good governance, transparency, integrity management and accountability in society, and early detection of potential corrupt practices to supplement the reactive measures executed by law-enforcement agencies and other anti-corruption bodies.

The collective effort of society and an integrated approach will help mitigate the risk of costly commissions of inquiry, forensic investigations and other legal processes.

National AntiCorruption Advisory Council

In August 2022, President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed the National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council (NACAC), a multi-sectoral advisory body established to implement and monitor the anti-corruption strategy and render advice on the reports related to the Judicial Inquiry into State Capture.

Chaired by Professor Firoz Cachalia, the

NACAC has a three-year term and will ultimately pave way for the establishment of a permanent overarching entrenched national anti-corruption architecture (single agency) constituting government, civil society and business. The agency will be responsible for the implementation of the National AntiCorruption Strategy.

“Corruption is an evil that must be uprooted. Despite its obstinacy, we have made headway and we must remain optimistic, as even simple steps can move a country in the right direction,” added the Minister.

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