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Source: SAnews


New border agency set to secure SA Government departments involved in the country’s border management environment are Home Affairs (DHA); Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment; Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development; Health, as well as the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), South African Police Service and the South African Revenue Service (SARS). In March, Treasury disbursed R67 million to capacitate the


entity, which is currently incuork to establish the

secure travel and legitimate

ensuring that it functions

bated at the DHA. The author-

Border Manage-

trade in accordance with the

effectively. Masiapato was

ity has completed the recruit-

ment Authority’s

Constitution, and international

appointed in November 2021,

ment of 200 border guards:

(BMA) footprint at the country’s

and domestic law. South

while Deputy Commissioner

five chief border guards, 13

many ports of entry continues to

Africa has 72 ports of entry, of

Major-General David Chilem-

senior border guards and 182

take shape.

which 53 are land borders, 10

be and Deputy Commissioner

ground forces.

airports and nine sea ports.

for Corporate Services Jane

“When we advertised we

Ramaphosa signed the Border

The country’s borderline is 4

Thupana joined the team in

wanted people who were al-

Management Authority Bill

773km long, sometimes mak-


ready trained in terms of either

into law, with the new legisla-

ing it difficult to safeguard.

In 2020, President Cyril

Masiapato’s two main pri-

military or police protocols,

Dr Nakampe Masiapato is

orities are to capacitate the

people trained in the use of

the authority’s first Commis-

authority by bringing in new

firearms,” says Masiapato.

sioner and has his work cut

staff as well as the integration

a need for an integrated

out for him. He and his team

of staff from other govern-


and well-coordinated bor-

are tasked with getting the

ment departments involved in

The guards, some of whom

der management service to

authority off the ground and

border management.

hail from various metro police

tion coming into effect in July of the same year. The legislation addresses


Public Sector Manager • July 2022

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