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Progress made in

transforming the South African economy



resident Cyril Ramapho-

sector,” said the President. In

noted that as the conference

mitment to promote emerging

sa says it is undeniable

addition to the progress made

recognises and celebrates the

enterprises to drive inclusive

that South Africa has

in management, shareholding

successes of the Black Indus-


made gains in transforming a

and ownership of businesses

trialists Programme, it needs to

skewed and racialised economy.

by black and female South

also set out what the respon-

that we secure greater repre-

He said this at the opening of the

Africans, there has also been

sibilities are – individually

sentation across the economy,

inaugural Black Industrialist and

substantial progress made in

and collectively – to advance

all the while generating greater

Exporters’ Conference held at

employment equity.

inclusive entrepreneurship.

prosperity and employment.

He said the country’s black

“Our strategy aims to ensure

Over the past six years, the

the Sandton International Con-

The President added that

vention Centre in Johannesburg

while the country reflects on

industrialists strategy is

Department of Trade, Industry

on 20 July 2022.

progress made so far, it is im-

underpinned by two core com-

and Competition, the Indus-

“Today, there are well over

portant to also critically exam-

mitments – securing greater

trial Development Corporation

300 000 black entrepreneurs

ine areas where transformation

diversity in ownership and con-

(IDC), the National Empower-

who own over half of all small

has been slow and imple-

trolling the economy and social

ment Fund and other agencies

businesses in the formal

mentation has been weak. He

solidarity as well as a com-

have supported approximately

Public Sector Manager • July 2022

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