*Writer: Oupa Makhalemele
Harnessing tech to fight GBVF
nial problem of women’s subjugation in a maledominated society follow us into the cyberspace. Troubling behaviour has manifested online. Incidences such as revenge porn (where jilted
s the Fourth In-
boyfriends post nude
dustrial Revolution
pictures, addresses and
(4IR) continues
names of their exes) are not uncommon.
cementing its presence in
Women who use their
our everyday life, keeping abreast of the develop-
influential voice against
ments in information and
patriarchy and injustice
communication technolo-
are often trolled, with
gies (ICTs) is everyone’s
threats of rape made
against them. Also, it is
There is no better time
almost always the women
to start thinking of ways
who face public scorn
in which technology can
whenever there is a
be harnessed to improve
heterosexual sex tape. All
the lot of women and
this leads to the conclu-
girls, especially when it
sion that the internet has
comes to their safety in a
no firewall for patriarchy. Of course, this does not
predominantly misogynistic world.
The more things change…
Image: unsplashed.com
mean that government is impervious to these
ed South African Govern-
be followed with action.
abuses. The recently
ment stridently putting in
Whatever the policy
promulgated Films and
The abuse of women
place measures to foster
outcomes, this initiative
Publications Amendment
and children must haunt
a society where gender
must provide impetus to
Act of 2019 is a step in
those women who stood
equality is a reality. Politi-
this fight through effective
the right direction when it
defiantly against South
cal will is a key ingredient
comes to addressing the
Africa’s unjust apartheid
in fighting the scourge of
government at its citadel
violence against women.
in 1956.
The commitment to
Hostility follows women online
online abuse of women. The Act makes specific provisions to outlaw re-
draft the Bill on Gender-
Despite efforts to improve
venge pornography. But a
changed since then, with
Based Violence and
the status of women, we
lot more work still needs
the democratically elect-
Femicide (GBVF) should
have seen the peren-
to be done and the use
Granted, a lot has
Public Sector Manager • November 2021