A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa
SA part of global efforts to tackle climate change
elegates from
The extreme weather
diseases are more easily
el, we need to integrate
across the world
events that we are ex-
spread when there is fre-
climate change con-
have gathered
periencing as a result of
quent flooding.
siderations into service
in Glasgow, Scotland, for
climate change affect the
the COP 26 UN Climate
health, lives and liveli-
committed to making our
Change Conference.
hoods of people in every
fair contribution to the
areas such as the design
country, including our
global climate change ef-
of human settlements,
fort, and have recently set
in energy management
new and more ambitious
though solar water
The summit takes place at a crucial time. Nations of the world urgently
Adverse weather such
As a country, we are
delivery planning. This needs to be in
need to slow down the
as droughts affect our
greenhouse gas emis-
heating for low-income
rate of global warming
already scarce water
sions targets.
households, and in the
and tackle the effects of
supplies, making ac-
climate change.
cess to water harder and
ing national efforts to
in municipal water and
While we are undertak-
use of renewable energy
The agreements
causing widespread crop
achieve these targets, it is
wastewater infrastructure.
reached at the global
failure that threatens our
equally important that we
A number of municipali-
climate summit affect
food security. Polluted
combat climate change
ties, notably in KwaZulu-
the daily lives of all our
air negatively affects hu-
through local actions.
Natal, are already piloting
man health. Waterborne
At local government lev-
the use of different re-
Public Sector Manager • November 2021