Writer: Allison Cooper
COVID-19 vaccines: Your questions answered
declare the ingredients to the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority before the vaccine is approved for use. Q: I have heard that vac-
cines have the mark of the ith South
Q: Can the vaccine
cause COVID-19 or make
COVID-19 vac-
me test positive?
the vaccine.
Beast – 666. Is this true? A: Vaccines have no
Q: Is it true that there’s a
cination programme now
A: None of the vac-
microchip in the vaccines,
connection with any religious organisations and
in full swing, PSM has put
cines used in South Af-
that tracks people’s move-
cannot be infused with
together information from
rica contain the live virus
spirits, demons or other
the Department of Health
that causes COVID-19. It
to help answer some com-
does not cause the virus
or tracking device in the
mon questions about the
and you will not test
vaccines. Vaccine manu-
positive after receiving
facturers are required to
A: There is no microchip
abstract ingredients. Q: Should I get vaccinated if I am pregnant?
Public Sector Manager • October 2021